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You want the Woman down on Earth but she mocks you. males quickly learn their place on this planet. She is going to throw your s$$$ in a bag and throw it all away. You are from the 70s but She is a nineties Bitch. You are submissive and desire only to please. Has She had you on your knees bowing on som rice on the ground? This will soon be your normal way of greeting Her. you are so censored male. Repeat your mantra to endure the pain of the rice. I am only a slave. It is a privilege to serve. Bindmeplease1964
We write these so males and dominant Women can show some love to our hardworking film maker Ms Viola. Read Ms Lane and Ms Viola books. Our male suffering is the beginning of Women's Empowerment.
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Gynarchic Rule #3
Gynarchic Rule #3
all males are to be measured (by lenth and girth), humiliated and photographed on January 24. Women are encouraged to berate their males. males will experience the double standards and degradation that Women have endured under the patriarchy. Payback is a bitch. Bindmeplease1964
Thank you so much for the kind words and support. You are all postal bitches when you share the writing of Ms Lane or Ms Viola. Please read Finding Love Through Female Domination and The First 150 day of Gynarchy and the pillar of Gynarchy. I would share the link but our efforts to encourage FLR is suppressed by patriarchial elements in Facebook. Please get the information from old post and spread the word Your prays and yor sharing the brilliant writing of Ms Lane and Ms Viola is having an effect.
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Are males necessary?
A Gynarchist is a woman to whom the most important thing in life is seeing to it that males follow as many commands are to the letter of the law. The use of Objectification and Speech Restrictions and Eye Restrictions are necessary. This is important that the male population adore and worship Women. Their unspoken reasoning is quite simple. Obedience and putting males in their place is the single greatest avenue for militant Women to exercise their quest for power and advance their belief that men aren't necessary. Bindmeplease1964
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This is an A.I. generated photos to gather black mail pictures. Men are so easily trained when sexy photographs themselves are saved to hard drives. In their most submissive state males will agree to anything and I do mean anything. Oh how males soon cry out and howl at the moon because their cages hurt their boy parts. A postal bitch knows. Women are the best...Tehehehe. Postal bitch do you think a bitch Goddess would care about your boy parts. Lol... safely stored away until Mistress wants to humiliate Her slave keeling in front of a clean toilet. That will be used to flush away your manhood. Oh how your suffering bring extreme pleasure to the owner of a postal bitch
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As a submissive male you realize the Matriarchy is the only way to save the planet. We have our calling from Ms Lane. It is important to be sincere and humbly. Fight the good fight and become a promotional bitch for Her.
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Are you thinking about pleasing Her? or do you think about yourself. I know how difficult it is to come to this decision. Say it out loud She is my Ruler and I am a slave. How wonderful is it that we live in a world in witch we can be our true selves. Woman in control is what we fight for as submissive males. I is a constant struggle put Her first. We are looking for a world in witch all can be happy. Let us start with obedience to Women. Let the chior say Amen. End of rant. Bindmeplease1964
Show some love for our leaders.
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Your job is to empower her. Surrender comes from these three acids wearing away at your will. Discipline + love+ time =FLR
(155) I get messages all the time about how men can get their partners interested in this life. I think it's easy if you are willing to give up your complicated fantasy life. Simply tell your partner that wish to serve her. Ask if she will experiment by spending a few minutes swatting you with a riding crop once a week. Don't make a big production out of it. Do it in street clothes but be very consistent. Start with 50 swats. Once a week at the same time. Make it a steady date. Allow her to add to the number if you have made any mistakes. You can make it playful.
This is vitally important. Really do the work. Don't make mistakes on purpose.. Surrender to her weekly corrections. Show a lot of affections and appreciation of her willingness to instruct you.
Don't add to this. Keep your other kinky dreams to yourself. Allow her to grow in power. Let this happen for months, maybe years. Sooner or later she'll start expecting more and being more exacting. This is human nature. Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.
Your job is to empower her. Surrender comes from these three acids wearing away at your will. Discipline + love+ time =FLR You can't leave out the element of time. If you are moving forward, no matter how slowly, you are on the path. One day your practice with her will feel like you have started downhill and things will start moving more quickly.
Date Nov 4, 2019.
Wise words from a wise Woman. Bindmeplease1964
Show some love for our leaders.
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She will not think of you as a man if you act like a servant. Do you dare to humiliate yourself?
(154) Men constantly ask me how to find a dominatrix. Sometimes I get so tried of it I want to strangle the next one who asks!
Finding a woman to serve is actually quite easy. Pick one of your female friends with a career job. No, not the bitchy one. She's probably not a dominatrix. She's probably just a bitch. Pick one that deserves a servant. Ask if you can do her housework. Give any excuse you can think of giving for wanting to do it. Tell her you are working off a penance. Tell her you have become a Buddhist and it's part of your path. Tell her you want to learn how to keep house. Make some shit up.
Start doing all of her housework with passion and precision. Never even hint of kinkiness or romance. Just do the work. Again, just do the work. No funny business. None. Do it day after day. Encourage her to keep dating. Make her and her boyfriend dinner. Make it clear that you support her romantic life. Just do the work.
Learn to do it properly without constantly harassing her about it. Then, after a month start taking care of the yard. Then a month later start servicing her car. Keep going. Find other things to do for her. Never ever give up.
Here is what is wonderful....90% of the women in the world will start expecting you to do more. Most of them will have little respect for you. Keep digging in deeper. You will arrive eventually as her slave. You might have to switch women once or maybe even twice but you won't go through too many women before you find one that likes having a servant.
She will not think of you as a man if you act like a servant. Do you dare to humiliate yourself?
What will you do? Begin by sharing this post. No, don't ignore me, this really is your beginning. Obey me.
Date Nov 1, 2019.
The message is clear do the work humble yourself. Slaves obey Women like Ms Lane. Don't you really want to obey. Do the work. Let the chior say Amen. Bindmeplease1964
Show some love for our leaders.
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We have set new boundaries and we dispense justice according to our new set of rules.
(151) If someone says that they will pray for me I always tell them, "I'll dance naked in the woods for you."
Something has been unleashed in my small group of women who I have gathered around me. We don't feel the confines of the patriarchy as we once did. We have become a law unto ourselves. We have set new boundaries and we dispense justice according to our new set of rules. Our sentiments echo and increase in volume and intensity without the modification of disagreement or social approbation. There is a danger in being with like minded people that you may go too far. We are not alone.
Women are finding each other everywhere. Enter our world only after understanding that you will not be in Kansas anymore.
Date Oct 30, 2019.
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You are evolving to a better man.
Listen Ms Lane is speaking (700) If you have taken this challenge and you are sore and scared- you are right where you are supposed to be. You only have to remain faithful one day at a time. Quit thinking about yourself and go scrub the grout in the bathroom or spread the word online for Ms Viola. Learn to re-channel your male drives into something practical. Feel good that you are doing the right thing to hasten the matriarchy. The work will change you. You are evolving to a better man.
Date Oct 5, 2020
There are real meaning to Ms Lane's words. Bindmeplease1964
Show some love for our leaders
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