#jedi knight story is still the best
echo-of-starlight · 1 year
I've been running through all 8 class stories in relative "chronological story order". Jumping between characters is allowing me to see the full combined story play out as if it's all actually happening at the same time/progressing through the overarching timeline. It has been really cool to watch how one class's story affects another, and how that impacts the full story going on within the galaxy. It's also been really fun to play through some of the class stories that I haven't been through in a very long time (maybe because *cough* I keep playing through *cough* the jedi knight storyline *cough* *cough*). Anyone else tried this method of game play? Found a guide online that I've been following in order to accomplish this.
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wizard-finix · 5 months
LU Star Wars AU: Part 3
Got a theme of noncanon characters for this one, this time we have Spirit and Warriors! (It doesn't feel right having a Star Wars AU without including Spirit)
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Spirit isn't actually related to Wind, but the two of them are so alike in appearance that many mistake them for twins. While Wind loves to pilot, Spirit's interest lies more in tinkering directly with the spacecraft itself. He personally works on Tetra's, Linebeck's, and Wind's ships, and ended up also working as a mechanic for the Alliance for a brief time before moving on.
Spirit has had his own adventures with Spectre (AKA his Zelda); he is one of the rare few people alive to venture into the chaotic Unknown Regions of the galaxy without a wayfinder or star compass and return to tell the tale. That adventure involved an encounter with a ghostlike being named Malladus.
Spirit is also especially in tune with the Force and spirits, just like Wind. He also has some skill with a blaster, and is extremely handy in space combat, but he has no interest in combat and would rather work on his personal projects and ship designs. His personal favorite is a prototype set of powered armor he designed for Spectre, but unfortunately it got wrecked in the encounter with Malladus.
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Warriors is an active military captain in the Alliance. He is also a close friend of Artemis, who is a high ranking general and a current member of the Imperial Senate. Their home planet has widespread anti-Imperial sentiments and secretly hosts a base for the Alliance, and Artemis does her best to keep it hidden from Imperial eyes.
Warriors actually inherited his saber from his mother, a former Jedi Knight from the days of the Jedi Order, and was taught how to wield it by her before she passed. He grew up on stories of the old Order and is determined to uphold the legacy of being a Jedi Knight. Part of that is looking out for his men and protecting those who can't protect themselves, and protecting Artemis in her efforts with the Alliance.
He has a certain amount of pride in that legacy and the skills and stories he was taught. He quickly rose to the rank of Artemis's personal knight, and his achievements make him stand out among Alliance forces. It took a few particularly close calls with Imperial Forces to temper his pride.
One of those encounters involved a Sith Lord named Cia, whose attention he unwittingly caught. The only reason he escaped alive was due to someone named Lana, who he later learned was Cia's twin sister. Cia still has a one-sided obsession with Warriors in particular and is determined to hunt him down.
Warriors has also met plenty of people across the galaxy during his time with the Alliance; among these people were Wind and Spirit. Wind had a brief stint with Warriors as a pilot and Spirit ended up tagging along for the ride.
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(Linked Universe AU belongs to Jojo)
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saphronethaleph · 23 days
Niman, the Way of the Rancor
Jango muttered a curse, closing his commlink.
You just couldn’t get the informants these days. Jango had bribed people in the Kaminoan facility to be informed if anyone showed up asking after him, but he hadn’t managed to get them to realize that the arrival of a starship not long after he’d returned from Coruscant might be important.
And now he’d only found out that a Jedi was present when they’d actually asked to see the template for the clones.
“Boba,” he said. “We might have an unexpected guest. And we might need to leave – soon.”
“Got it, dad,” his son replied. “Now?”
“No, the Jedi’s coming this way,” Jango replied. “I’ll try and trick them, then we leave as soon as they’re not here. Is all my armour hidden?”
The attendance chime went, and Jango rolled his head back and forth slightly as Boba went to answer it.
“Boba?” he heard Taun We ask. “Is your father here?”
“Don’t worry about little old me,” a calm voice added. “Just here to visit.”
“May we see him?” Taun We added.
“...sure,” Boba said, after several seconds of silence. “Uh. Dad! Taun We’s here!”
Jango moved around the corner of the apartment, to look at the visiting Jedi, and nearly swallowed his tongue.
There was a kriffing Rancor standing behind Taun We. A Rancor wearing a utility belt, attached to which were two lightsabers – one about the size of a small claw, the other big enough that Taun We could have used it as a neck splint.
“Welcome back, Jango,” Taun We said. “Was your trip productive?”
Jango blinked several times.
“...why is there a Rancor behind you?” he asked.
“Hello,” the Rancor said, in that same calm voice. “My name is Knight Tosh. Can I come in?”
Jango was still staring.
“Isn’t it ‘may’?” Boba asked, in the tones of a child who was trying to notice something he could process.
“I’m not sure how big the hallway is,” Tosh explained. “If there’s a problem with my fitting in, that’s fine, I can sit out here and we can talk.”
Putting actions to words, she sat down.
Jango wasn’t sure exactly how he’d decided that the Rancor was a ‘she’, but he supposed they probably did have genders.
“...you’re a Rancor?” he said, still trying to get past that essential point.
“Yes,” Tosh agreed. “A proud daughter of Dathomir. I’m told I’m named for my grandmother, who was the first of us to learn to read and write.”
She steepled the fingers on her enormous clawed hands.
“Aide We,” she said, a little more formally. “I must inform you that I’m here for a number of reasons, not just one. You see, I’ve been looking into a recent assassination attempt on that nice Senator Amidala.”
“Oh, goodness!” Taun We said. “That is most worrying.”
“It is,” Tosh agreed, with a surprisingly kindly smile given that it was a Rancor smiling, something that Jango’s brain kept circling around to. “The assassin is dead, which is fortunate, and I believe that Jango here did us the favour of eliminating her. So I wanted to thank him personally, and also ask if he had any idea why that might have happened… why he might have been hired to kill that particular shapeshifter, that is.”
Then she frowned. “Oh – but where are my manners? We should really start with how it is that you came to be the template for the clone army! It must be a fascinating story. I assume your young son there is involved, somehow?”
“Thank you,” Obi-Wan said, taking the mug from Cliegg Lars. “I think that’ll be enough for us for now.”
“Not a problem,” Cliegg replied. “You and the other Jedi are the one who rescued Anakin from his old life, that’d be enough to make you kin here, even before all you’ve done for us so far.”
“We do our best,” Obi-Wan smiled, taking a sip of the drink. “Very nice. Thank you again, Cliegg.”
“I don’t know what I expected,” Anakin admitted. “I never really imagined what it would be like to have my mom actually marry someone, but… I think he’s nice.”
“It’s not something the Jedi have much experience with,” Obi-Wan said. “I’m just as lost as you are, Anakin.”
“Are you sure this is a good place to hide out, Obi-Wan? Ani?” Padme asked.
She frowned, and waved her hand. “I don’t mean… that it’s a bad idea to be here. We’ve only been here two days and we’ve already rescued your mother, Ani. But if someone comes looking for us… we’re hiding with the only relatives Anakin has in the entire galaxy.”
“I’m quite sure that nobody will find us,” Obi-Wan replied.
“Yeah, I agree with Master Kenobi,” Anakin nodded. “If I was looking for where a Jedi was hiding, I’d never even think of looking for their family. Jedi just don’t think about family. It’s not something we do.”
“But the people who are trying to hunt me down… they do think about family, don’t they?” Padme said. “Or they might, anyway…”
“In which case, fortunately, we are in a very large desert,” Obi-Wan said. “Mos Espa would have been a suitable enough place to hide out, but now we’re off in the desert. A planet is a very big place to hide someone, Senator – and if there’s anyone in the galaxy who wouldn’t try to betray us, it’s Anakin’s close family. Even before we rescued his mother.”
Padme looked conflicted.
“I suppose you’re right,” she said. “I just worry that we’re too easy to find here. I don’t know how rational that is, but the extent of the resources available to our enemies…”
“Where would you have preferred?” Obi-Wan asked. “If this isn’t where you’d have thought to hide, where would you have hidden?”
“I’d have gone to Naboo,” Padme replied. “Relatives of my family have a house up in the lakes, in the mountains. It’s wonderful and calm and nobody ever goes there.”
“Actually, I like the sound of that, Master,” Anakin said. “Are you sure we can’t change plans and go there, now? There’s a lake there.”
“We brought a lake with us, Anakin,” Obi-Wan replied, tossing his head to indicate the beaten-up old freighter they’d used to get to Tatooine. “Or a large swimming pool, at least.”
Beru Lars chuckled.
“You three are terrible at this,” she said, from over in the corner. “We’re grateful for your arrival, but… none of you know the first thing about hiding.”
“We don’t?” Anakin asked. “What do you mean?”
“ Tatooine is a planet with slavery, which means a planet with crime,” Beru told them. “If you’re going into hiding, you want to get a good balance between the support network and being impossible to trace back to your owners.”
“Of course,” Padme murmured. “It’s a shame the Republic hasn’t been able to do anything about the slavery out here.”
“That’s your department, isn’t it” Beru asked. “With your being a senator, that is.”
“Padme’s brought it up in the Senate a few times,” Anakin said, defending her. “It’s never gone far, though.”
“Part of the problem is that the Republic doesn’t have the ability to do much about it,” Padme admitted. “We have a navy, but no real army – and bombarding Tatooine to help end slavery seems like a bad idea.”
Beru inclined her head.
“That’s fair,” she conceded. “It’s easy enough to forget that, out here. And I’d bet it seems hard to remember there are people in chains, when you’re on glittering Coruscant.”
“We could be doing more than we are,” Padme allowed. “Once this is over, I’ll see what I can do.”
Darth Tyrannus looked at Jango, his gaze calm. Calm, in the way that the ground was calm, under a descending meteor.
He was extremely unimpressed.
“You told her everything?” he asked, his fingers drumming on his belt next to the handle of his lightsaber.
“Not everything, but… more than I think I should have,” Jango replied, somewhat embarrassed. “You weren’t there. It was… I’d like to see you concentrate on what your story is when there’s a Rancor staring at you. Complimenting you. Offering you tips on how to make tea.”
He shook his head. “Saying that she could smell Coruscant on your clothes. And that’s before the fact that she’s a Jedi.”
Dooku sniffed.
“I think that if I were confronted with a Rancor, and it pulled out a lightsaber, I would be relieved,” he said.
There was a sort of soft thump behind him, and Jango glanced up before going pale and holding up his hands.
“Good afternoon,” a pleasant voice said. “Dooku, it’s nice to meet you at last. Should I call you Count? Or do you prefer the name Darth Tyrannus?”
Dooku knew what he was going to see behind him.
He knew it.
But he had to turn around and look anyway, and so he did.
“Tosh,” he said, and this time he did take his lightsaber off his belt – though he didn’t light it. “How did you get here?”
“A tracking beacon, of course,” Tosh replied. “Well, actually two, one of them was in the fidget spinner I gave young Boba, but I didn’t want him to feel embarrassed so I stuck one to Mr. Fett’s ship as well. I must say, I do like the climate here. Pleasantly dry.”
She smiled, in a way that was somehow disarming until you refocused and remembered what the smile was attached to. “You know, we’re actually somewhat related! In the Jedi sense, at least. I’m not sure how you’ve kept up with master-student relationships in the Temple since you left, but that nice dear Yoda trained me for a few years.”
Dooku did his very best to contain a nervous swallow.
“I have surpassed my old Master,” he said. “I doubt even he could defeat me now.”
“Oh, that’s quite possible,” Tosh agreed, nodding. “Yoda’s always been sentimental, you know. He finds it so hard to fight seriously. It’s not something I’d call a character flaw, but it is what it is.”
She shrugged. “I’d very much appreciate it if we didn’t have to fight today, you know. Since I know you’re a Sith, what about if you give me information on your Master? I know that betrayal is the kind of thing the Sith like to do, and that way we don’t have to fight.”
Dooku evaluated his options.
All it would take for his plans to hold together would be for him to be confident in his ability to defeat this Jedi Knight. This mere… Jedi Knight.
This mere… Rancor… Jedi Knight…
The other option was looking appealing. It was difficult to deny that.
“It’s hard to believe,” Mace Windu admitted, leaning back in his chair.
It was a common posture in the Jedi Council whenever this particular Knight was reporting to them, and Mace felt a most un-Jedi-like pang of jealousy for Yarael Poof. Long-necked and calm, the Quermian Master was the only one able to look Tosh in the eye without either leaning back or standing up.
“Hmm,” Yoda mused. “Mistaken you are not, I assume?”
“Being mistaken is always a possibility, Master,” Tosh answered. “But the plan that Dooku told me does seem to make a good deal of sense… it’s one of those plans where the Sith would win no matter which side of the war was triumphant.”
She spread her massive hands. “It could all be a lie… but it does explain a few things, which leads me to think it might be true. I’d recommend at least testing it.”
“A good approach,” Ki-Adi-Mundi said, to nods from Plo Koon and Sasee Tiin.
“It ties into what Master Gallia has been discovering recently as well,” the latter said. “The Trade Federation’s involvement in this is unsurprising, but the Techno Union, Intergalactic Bank Clan… again, investigation is needed.”
A ripple of agreement ran around the Council.
“And what of the clone army?” Yoda asked. “Commissioned by us, the Kaminoans were told.”
“Oh, I thought the best thing to do was to send them to make sure that nice Senator Amidala was safe,” Tosh replied, with a pleasant smile.
Windu frowned, then looked over at Yoda.
“When was the last time we got an update from Kenobi and Skywalker?” he asked.
“It’s been… a while,” Yarael Poof said, doing his neck exercises. “Last contact was shortly after they reached Tatooine. They were going to avoid broadcasting to make sure they weren’t tracked down.”
Mace Windu activated a holocommunicator.
“Old Folks Home to Guiding Light,” he said. “Knight Kenobi. What is your situation?”
“Guiding Light copies,” a hazy image of Obi-Wan Kenobi replied. “Master Windu, I think we just liberated Tatooine by accident.”
“By accident?” Ki-Adi-Mundi replied. “How exactly did you-”
He stopped, remembering the missions that Kenobi and his Padawan had been on.
“Never mind, carry on,” he requested. “What happened?”
“Someone sent us an army,” Obi-Wan said. “We didn’t actually order them to do anything, but Senator Amidala gave some speeches and I think things sort of escalated from there…”
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kybercvnt · 2 years
You Look Cold.
Pairing – Anakin Skywalker x GN!Reader
Summary – You and Anakin are on a Jedi mission to snoop out the Separatists, but what you don't expect is to find the warmth you needed on one of your coldest missions.
Word Count – 1354
Warnings – Angst?, near-death, hypothermia, swearing
A/N – I've been saving this one for a rainy day but now I think is the best time to let it free from my drafts after not posting a story for a whole week.
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Perhaps this idea of a stakeout on a dry, frozen planet wasn’t the best. You had been expecting the arrival of a fearsome Dooku and one of his many new Separatist apprentices in the darkness of the night, but what you hadn’t expected was the planet’s drastic change in the temperature. The sun was the one star keeping you warm, and now the bitterness of the cold nipped at your fingertips, and it was only late evening.
You and Anakin had been sent to spy on the Sith Lord atop the ridges of their supposed “secret” base but had not been forewarned at the gradual descent in temperature. No extra layers, no questions, and no preparation for your impromptu visit. Obi-Wan had the fortune of not being able to join you both on your scout and instead had requested to stay back and wait for Anakin’s signal to fly down with their army of clones and attack when they least expected it.
Anakin was diligently keeping a watchful eye at the edge of the cliff face, whilst you were trying to forcefully stretch your robes around your shivering body. You earlier asked Anakin if there was any slim chance you would be able to light a fire to keep yourself from earning yourself purple phalanges, but Anakin persisted it would “expose our location.” Anything for the Jedi Order, you suppose.
Anakin had never shown much affection to you as he considered that you were just another Jedi doing your job in the war. It didn’t bother you that much, he had his priorities, and you had yours. Every Jedi had vowed to put their duties and efforts for the war in front of personal desires. It would have been easy, if you hadn’t had the fattest crush on him.
You wanted to twirl his brown hair around your fingers, rest your body on his firm chest, and simply hold him for a while. You knew Anakin had quirks, he was sensitive and had outbursts at his temperaments. You couldn’t think about your adornment for the knight right now, you could only wish that the rage that boiled inside of was hot enough to keep you warm.
Anakin was fairly larger than you and much better trained. His endurance and size allowed him to feel the cold, but not quiver at the sensation as majorly as you. You knew though, that he couldn’t keep up this facade of being a strong and resistant fighter for much longer. He would soon be in your position and consider putting the mission in jeopardy for a fire.
While he kept a lookout, waiting for the dark leaders to leave the safety of their base, you continued to shudder and rock, wiggling your toes and trying your hardest not to succumb to the cold. Your hood was raised over your head, but the skin on your face had the greatest exposure, and you felt your nose start to leak.
“Still no sign of them.” He told you, but once he turned to face you, he was met with a near-corpse body. You had stopped your jittering, instead, your teeth chattered rapidly. Your cheeks and nose had a colouration that was vastly different from the rest of your skin. You didn’t look him in the eyes because you were too zoned out, staring at the pebbles and rocks of dust.
“You look cold.” He called out to you, but you omitted no movements. He ran up to you in panic, immediately draping your cold form under his robe and forcing you into his body. If it weren’t for the fact your consciousness was slowly leaving you, you might’ve been a little flustered, but now the rosiness on your cheeks was enough to blame on the cold. He pressed your face into his neck, he was surprisingly warm (it must’ve been the rage all along). He didn’t grimace when your wet nose made contact with his dry skin, but he did grimace at the freezing feeling of your skin. The slight warmth he provided gave you enough energy to rasp out a few words.
“No… sh-shit…” He cradled you, and you revelled in his touch. It didn’t stop the tingling in your legs when you tried to move them, and your fingers felt so brittle they might snap off. He quietly shushed you and pulled you onto the earth, you both lying on the ground with him hugging you tightly. This was a feeling you had always wanted, but not in such dire circumstances might they be a little bit romantic.
With your nose still squished against his neck, you could only make out the sound of the rustling of fabric. You weren’t sure what you were hearing, but once warm hands found your own icy ones, you couldn’t help but smile into his neck.
“Fuck, you should’ve said something sooner.” He scolded you. You wanted to laugh, but your body was too void of energy to do anything unless it was minor.
“I didn’t… want to worry… you… The missi…” You were quiet, conserving your energy as best you could.
“Fuck the mission. You’re worth more than some Sith scum.” He barked, and there was that bitter Anakin you knew and loved.
“If I die…” You started.
“You’re not going to die! I won’t let that happen.” He was truly sensitive. He was still a young boy who had lost too many people in his life, thrust into a war and is claimed to be the “chosen one.” You heard that he had too much to handle at such a young age that you didn’t want to press him into telling you more, not wanting to ignite the everlasting spark that might end in a catastrophic cataclysm.
“If I die… I’ve always liked you, Ani… I just wanted you to know.” He didn’t retaliate or say anything in return, he just kept you pressed against him. Until he thought it was long enough and he tilted your head upwards at him slowly. Your half-lidded eyes stared up at him, you didn’t want him to see you this weak. He wouldn’t have thought to see you as weak, and your awaited response was reciprocated in a warm kiss.
Your lips were chapped from the constant heavy and jagged mouth-breathing your lifeless body had defaulted to. When he pulled his lips back from yours, shocked at your icy skin, you gave him no response, at all. Your eyes closed and your breathing softened, you finally succumbed to the cold and blacked out.
You couldn’t tell, but at the same time, Anakin heard faint voices coming from below the cliff. He didn’t dare leave your side, and instead reached for his comms and spoke into it.
“Obi-Wan, they’re out, and please send medical help. Immediately.” It only took half a minute before a dozen ships flew down to meet the Sith Lord. You were quickly brisked away for support, and Anakin was anxious throughout the attack.
You woke up in a Coruscanti medical bay, far warmer than you last remembered. You looked to your side to see a very relieved Anakin standing over you. His eyes were red like he had been crying, he was always such a sensitive boy.
“Thank the stars you’re okay. You scared me back there!” He scolded you once again, unknowing where to direct his frustrations. His clamour made you want to laugh, but you had enough energy that you could actually let out a small chuckle, so you did.
“I’d do it more often… If it meant I got that much attention.” He made a small laugh in return, and you swore you could see a tear glisten down the side of his cheek. He leaned in over you, connecting your lips together.
“You don’t have to risk your life for it.” He breathed over your now warm lips, “just ask.” he whispered and reconnected your lips again once more. You smiled against his lips, your heart flipping in your chest at the realisation that the man you admired for a long time, finally loved you back.
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blackkatmagic · 10 days
Do you have summaries for the unpublished stories (in the last patreon poll)? I would love to hear more about them!
Absolutely! I realized belatedly and while not massively sleep deprived that I should have put the summaries in the heading part, whoops. :'D
Feral/Plo - identity porn/sugar daddy/biology made them do it AU:
Canon goes AU in that Talzin handed all three of her children over to Sidious instead of just Maul. Fast forward to the middle of the Clone Wars and Feral has grabbed his brothers, both of whom are in a bad way, and skipped out on Talzin/Sidious to hide on a planet that's mostly under Republic control, where he makes a living collecting information/carrying out assassinations for the local crime lord. Enter Plo, who's in the middle of like. the Kel Dor version of a horny season. Not quite fuck or die, but fuck or be distracted and miserable and horny for months. Feral, thinking this will be a good opportunity to gather info on the Jedi, volunteers to help him out by being a sex partner whose sturdiness can stand up to Kel Dor physiology. Except that Plo is nice and Feral is maybe not prepared for that.
Jaster/Granta - Sith empire vs. Mandalorian empire AU with lots of daddy issues:
Xanatos is the Sith Lord ruling over Telos, and Granta plays assassin/weapon for his father, right up until he makes a mistake, a Jedi gets away, and Sith Emperor Sidious demands that Granta be punished for failing. Xanatos promptly sends Granta to murder Mand'alor Jaster, who manages not to die but does clock the daddy issues at 20 paces. When Xanatos completely disavows Granta and leaves him for the Mandos to execute, Jaster offers a deal - he'll let Granta live, but in return Granta will be his consort as a fuck you to the Sith Empire, and use his skill at killing Sith for the Mandalorians. Granta accepts, and they have a lot of messy sex and even messier feelings about it.
Padme/Rex - Time travel/time slips/identity porn/fake Jedi!Padme:
Canon divergence in that Obi-Wan's remarkably stupid escape from Vader's base in Kenobi doesn't work, and Reva ends up kidnapping Luke and Leia both at the same time to bring them to Vader. Padme, vaguely a Force ghost by sheer force of will, realizes that her kids are in danger and gets so angry that she quite literally tears time itself apart, throwing herself, her kids, and Vader back to the start of the Clone Wars. They all end up scattered, though, and Padme, with a brand-new Force sensitivity and Obi-Wan's lightsaber, makes a plan with her past self and goes to find her kids, pretending to be a Jedi to let her move through the front more easily. Which goes great, right up until she falls in with Torrent by accident as they're looking for a vanished Anakin. Rex, for his part, has no idea what to make of this angry, driven Jedi lady who tears her way through the CIS like she's aiming to bring them down all by herself, but is also devastatingly sad and kind when there's no enemy to fight. He does know that he very much needs to keep her alive, though, and given Padme's recklessness and Vader making plans in the shadows, that's the furthest thing from easy.
Tae/Fox - CIS!clones AU/spy shenanigans/fake relationship:
AU with CIS!clone troopers under the command of whatever Sith Dooku can vaguely train/pull out of the mud, wherein Fox is the Marshal Commander of a newly-captured Coruscant under Dooku's control. Tae is a new Knight, following in Nico's footsteps as a Shadow, and when Nico goes missing on Coruscant, he decides to go undercover to look for him. Of course, the best way to do this is to volunteer to help the infamously difficult Marshal Commander, who chews through aides like it's a sport and defies even the Sith. When Dooku starts getting a little too suspicious of both of them for comfort, though, Tae comes up with a plan - fake a relationship and pretend to hide it, and then no one will look any deeper. Fox agrees, still unaware that Tae is a Jedi and an enemy.
Cody/Maul - identity porn/Force-sensitive!Cody/canon divergence
Cody touches the wrong artefact during the destruction of the Jedi Temple and the building of Palpatine's palace, and wakes up back at the start of the Clone Wars, still fighting the influence of the chip. Not willing to trust himself enough to go to the Jedi, he instead picks the next best thing: Maul. Except that as soon as he touches Maul, lost in the depths of Lotho Minor, it's not spider!Maul who crashes down on top of him, but Sith apprentice!Maul, pulled right out of his fight with Eldra but with all the doubts about his path that it raised. He immediately assumes that Cody is a Sith Lord challenging Palpatine, and Cody goes along with it, hoping that Maul will be able to teach him to control all of his unsettling new abilities. He very much doesn't expect the mad sort of devotion Maul brings with him, or the fact that he's suddenly the whole Jedi Order's number one target, thanks to Palpatine also assuming he's a rival.
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im-a-wonderling · 2 months
Rescue Me, Part 4 ~ Obi-Wan Kenobi
If I didn't have @writing-on-the-wahl's help, this part would've taken so much longer and would've been so much worse. As always, my friend, you are an angel, and I adore you.
Summary: Now a Jedi Knight with her own padawan, Y/N gets an individual mission unlike anything she's done before.
Warnings: Yeah, this one's dark, so bodily harm and mortal peril and possibly more?
Word count: 9.8k
Rescue Me masterlist
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“Why does the council want to see us?” Ghon asked, keeping up with my brisk pace as best he could in spite of his tiny stature. It likely looked comical, but none of the Jedi we passed gave us a second glance. 
We’d landed on Coruscant not ten minutes before, and the waiting attendant had immediately informed us the Jedi Council was waiting.
The guilt of dulling my feelings for Ghon’s benefit weighed on my mind, but my padawan didn’t deserve to feel my anxiety as well as his own. Perhaps a day was coming where I would be able to stand in front of the council with confidence, but it wasn’t coming any time soon. “Likely to debrief us on our mission and brief us for the next one,” I replied, answering his question as calmly as I could. 
Ghon frowned. “But we just got back!”
I didn’t bother admonishing him for the complaint, not when I was also weighed down with a fatigue that seeped through to my bones. There was very little time for rest since I’d become a Jedi Knight, and it was almost too much for me to handle at twenty-two years old. Ghon was only eleven. 
“Such is the way of war,” I sighed as we stopped in front of the sliding doors. As we waited to be called in, I resisted the urge to smooth down my robes. My appearance did not matter. In fact, the more ruffled I appeared, the more humble I appeared. 
The Force buzzed to my left, and I glanced at Ghon to see him chewing on his lip.
He’d barely qualified as a padawan, evident by his deep-seated need to please. He needed lots of encouragement, but he made it easy to give. Everything he needed to be doing, he was. If only he could believe it.
I reached out and tugged lightly on his braid, making him smile. I barely had time to drop my hand at my side again before the doors slid open.
Each face expectantly watching us featured grim expressions with worry lines. The tension in the room was palpable, and I knew it had everything to do with the war tearing the galaxy apart. Every Jedi felt it, the pain and death radiating off each planet, and there was no solace from it. 
But the most depressing sight was the empty seat.
The seat which had been empty the day I cut off my own padawan braid with my lightsaber, and empty every time after. I knew better than to ask. Once in a while, a story drifted my way of some daring escapade, and I would know that my old master was still alive. 
I couldn’t lament it, for it was as he said: this is what we were made for. 
I bowed once I reached the center of the room. “Masters.”
“Congratulations on your success on Rodia,” Master Mundi said, mustering a smile. “Senator Farr thanked us on behalf of his people.” 
Senator Farr, leader of the swampy, waterlogged planet of Rodia, reached out to the Republic to ask for aid after he defied the Trade Confederacy. The Republic obliged, sending relief aid in the form of supplies and a Jedi healer. 
I inclined my head. “I was gratified to be of help.”
The Force rippled as the attention in the room shifted to the young man beside me. “And your padawan seems to be learning quickly,” Master Mundi added.
I opened my mouth to agree, but the words died.
The humming of a light. 
Instantly, my insides were all aflutter. I hadn’t felt that light in months, and yet I could never mistake it. On every planet I’d been dispatched to, I searched for it and never found it. The sparse amount of times I’d been on Coruscant even, the light was nowhere to be found.
But now there was no mistaking it: the light was here. The sensation grew steadily, the source far too close to be anywhere farther than Coruscant's atmosphere.
I looked around at the council members to see if they’d felt it too, but none of their signatures seemed any different than they had before. 
“Yes,” I cleared my throat, “he is eager and very intelligent. He was of great assistance on Rodia.” 
“You picked your padawan well,” Master Fisto said, smiling at Ghon. 
“That I’ve never doubted,” I managed to say in spite of the humming. Maybe they would think me arrogant for saying it, but I never wanted Ghon to feel he stood alone in front of the council. 
Master Windu leaned forward, dousing me in the full weight of his skepticism that momentarily drowned out the humming, bracing his elbows on his knees. “How is Padawan Ghon’s learning going?” The light drew nearer, its humming filling my ears like the buzzing wings of a Grutchin. Ghon shifted beside me, reminding me of the question. 
“All things considered, I couldn’t ask for more. I look forward to the day when he doesn’t have to learn during a war.”
“As do we all,” Master Mundi murmured. 
The light grew louder still, loud enough for me to hear the exhaustion and anxiety within it, echoing the stress already present in the room.
“And what does your padawan think?” Master Windu asked.
Overwhelmed by the light as I was through the Force, I could still feel the flash of uncertainty fill the room and knew the council could feel Ghon’s reaction as strongly as I did.
“It’s been an honor to learn under Y/F/N Y/L/N.” He lifted his chin even as his hands shook slightly. “I’ve learned much.”
The light was shouting now, making it impossible to perceive anything else. “Well, it seems you’re a good teacher,” Master Ti's lips formed, his voice lost within the volume of the Force.
And then the humming cut off, beautiful silence caressing me. And into the silence came the words: “I should hope so.”
My breath caught in my throat. That voice. I could be dead and buried six feet under the ground and still recognize it. Still want to run towards it. 
Slowly, with my heart hammering in my chest, I turned to look.
In the open doorway of the councilroom stood none other than Obi-Wan Kenobi. 
His hair, neatly sheared, was far shorter. Instead of being combed back with the tips resting on his shoulders like normal, it laid on his head, making his forehead appear smaller. His beard, however, was fuller than before, giving his face a longer look. He too wore the worry lines every other master sported, far deeper than I'd last seen.
And yet with all the differences, his smile was the same as always. 
I almost started to greet him with an “old man” and a smile, but stopped myself. This was no longer my master with whom I could joke around with. This was a master, a member of the Jedi council who was only to be treated with respect and formality. “Master Kenobi,” I said. The honorific felt strange coming off my tongue.
His face pinched, as if the formality of his title filled him with as much strangeness as it did me.
“Ahhh, Kenobi,” Master Windu sounded about as pleased as he ever did, which wasn’t saying much. “Join us.”
Master Kenobi glanced over my shoulder at Master Windu and gave a quick nod, before brushing past me to sit in the empty seat. Remembering myself, I bowed respectfully, and Ghon followed suit as Master Kenobi settled into his seat.
“As it happens,” Mace Windu said, drawing my attention, “we have your next mission.”
Ghon straightened. “Are we going back to Rodia?”
“Appreciate the enthusiasm, we do, Padawan Ghon,” Yoda said, chuckling. “But a mission for your master alone, this is.” 
A mission of my own? If it was too dangerous for my padawan, was I capable of it myself? Ghon looked at me, the uncertainty lining his features reflecting what I felt in my gut. “There’ll be stuff for you to do,” I assured him in spite of my misgivings.
“I think Master Yoda could use some help with the younglings,” Master Fisto said kindly. “Until then, you can get food and perhaps some sleep.”
Ghon didn’t move. 
I nudged him, and he reluctantly bowed to the masters and left the council room. 
As soon as the doors shut, I turned back to Master Yoda. “What’s the mission?”
“To go undercover, you are.”
Surprise bloomed in my chest, but I remained silent, trusting the council to elaborate and alleviate my confusion. 
Master Koon leaned forward in his chair. “We’ve received intel of a Separatist trader that spends his evenings in one of the clubs here. We want you to meet him there for some business.” 
“I don’t have any experience with undercover work,” I said slowly, taking great care to sound confused and not defiant. 
“Experience you have not,” Master Yoda agreed. “Skills you do.”
“We would not have chosen you unless you were the best fit for the job.” Master Windu’s tone left no room for argument. “The Republic is running low on PLX-1 and PLX-4 missile launchers. We want you to make a deal with this trader.”
Paying for weapons? From a Separatist? 
This was not the kind of mission I’d expected. Master Windu continued, talking of the money I was to offer and how many launchers I was to ask for. I kept my eyes on him, but I shifted my focus to the no-longer-empty seat.
The turbulent light of Master Kenobi’s Force signature only made me more wary. 
“Conflicted you are,” Master Yoda said, drawing my attention. “Unsure of the mission’s integrity, hmmm?”
“It feels odd,” I said slowly, “to be a peacekeeper and be dealing weapons. Wouldn’t it be better if one of the senators met with this buyer?”
The light shifted slightly, a little more desperate than before. 
“We believe this buyer would prefer a transaction off the record,” Master Windu said. “We’ve also received intel that he prefers human women of a certain…physique.”
Discomfort roiled in my gut like acid. The council was giving me this mission because of my physique? “How dangerous is this man?” I asked carefully, and the light flickered. 
Master Windu’s impassive face did not inspire any confidence. “We have no reason to believe there’s any additional danger in this mission than any other.” Considering a significant amount of my missions involved outright combat, that wasn’t as reassuring as he likely meant it. Or perhaps he did not intend to comfort me at all. 
But Jedi were called to obey, regardless of and even in spite of comfort. 
“Wherever I’m needed,” I said slowly, meeting Master Yoda’s gaze, “I will go.”
The light flickered again, but I kept my attention on Master Yoda, who did not react. Master Windu sat back in his seat. “Then you are dismissed.”
I bowed and left the council room, mind buzzing. 
Ghon leaned against a wall outside the council room, eyes half-closed with exhaustion. He needed to sleep, and yet he was waiting for me. This would be our first time since becoming Padawan and Master that we would be separated. There was bound to be some strain. 
He stood straight when he saw me. 
I reached out to rest my hands on his shoulders. “It’ll be okay,” I said softly. “My mission won’t take very long, and then we’ll likely be off to the Outer Rim again.”
Ghon did not look comforted. “What will I do if it takes longer?” 
“There’s plenty to be learned right here,” I told him. “You can meditate, and there’s plenty of people for you to practice your swordplay with.” 
“But what if…it takes longer than that?”
I watched him, feeling the waves of anxiety pouring off of him and realizing it wasn’t just anxiety at being separated. “I will be alright, Ghon. You don’t have to fear for my safety.” I smiled comfortingly at him. 
“Don’t worry about your master, young one.” The comfort infused into the familiar voice made my eyes flutter shut. Opening them quickly, I turned to see the council all filing out of the councilroom. And strolling towards us was Master Kenobi, smiling kindly at my padawan as he said: “She can take care of herself.” 
Ghon bowed in respect, but did not say anything. 
There was a silence where I felt Master Kenobi’s eyes on me, where I watched Ghon…who was gazing at Master Kenobi. My padawan heard his fair share of stories about Master Kenobi, and not just from me either. The awe radiating from him was justified.
“Master Kenobi,” I stood behind Ghon, my hands on his shoulders, “this is my padawan, Ghon Laster.”
A strangely fond smile on his face, Master Kenobi held out his hand. “Pleased to meet you.” 
I couldn’t see Ghon’s face, but I could feel his shyness as he shook Master Kenobi’s hand. “Pleased to meet you,” he echoed, likely not knowing what else to say. 
“I can sense your worry.” Master Kenobi’s eyes flicked up to mine before returning to the young man. “It’s natural to feel such things, but trust in the Force. It will look out for your master the same as it does for me or you.” 
It wasn’t just my own apprehension that eased. Even if I couldn’t feel Ghon’s feelings through the Force, the slump of his shoulders made his relief clear.
“Ghon, why don’t you go rest before joining Master Yoda with the younglings?” I said. “We didn’t get much sleep last night, and this is your chance to get some.”
“Yes, Master,” Ghon said, bowing his head towards Master Kenobi before walking off in the direction of his quarters.
My eyes lingered down the corridor even after he was gone from it. Look at him, I told myself sternly. Acknowledge him. I managed to turn my head, but somehow, my gaze lowered. Why? It wasn’t as if the floor was particularly interesting.
“Knight Y/L/N.” 
I could tell from Master Kenobi’s tone that it wasn’t a goodbye. He was waiting to talk to me. Steeling myself, I finally looked up at my old master.
He tilted his head. “I haven’t seen you in months.”
“Yes, well, the council keeps me busy.” I flashed him a tentative smile. 
“We have a knack for doing that,” he replied loftily, but the jovial look in his eye told me his pretention was teasing. 
I fished around for a snippy reply, but it didn’t leap into my mind as it used to, the rules of our engagement covered in dust. I realized that the awkward silence had returned, and yet it was too late for me to reply to his snark.
What could I say? What was I allowed to ask? 
“I was about to go to the gardens to meditate,” Master Kenobi said before I could figure out whether to extend or end the conversation. “Would you…care to join me?”
The light flickered. Was he…uncertain? What could he be uncertain of? “I would appreciate a chance to meditate with my old master.” I smiled at him, and the light steadied. Master Kenobi gestured down the hallway. We started walking together, taking every stride together with such ease, neither one having to adjust their pace for the other. 
The Jedi Temple gardens were one of the only green places on the planet of Coruscant, and it took a lot of work to keep up. But having a space where a Jedi could reconnect to the Force through plants, the most innocent of living things, was worth it. 
“I must say,” Master Kenobi finally said as we reached the courtyard, “I’m curious.”
“About what?”
Master Kenobi clasped his hands behind his back. “I…hear stories.”
“What kind of stories?” I replied, reaching out to brush my fingers against a leaf. 
“Stories about my wayward padawan.”
I pursed my lips to keep from smiling. To some, it’d be insulting to be called padawan once they’d ascended to being a knight, but being Master Kenobi’s padawan was always a good thing to me. “Oh?” I asked vaguely, even though I could probably guess some of what he’d heard. “What do they say?”
“Well,” Master Kenobi ran a hand over his beard, “they say you fought a whole pack of Nexu on Cholganna.”
“Grossly exaggerated,” I said lightly. “I only fought three.”
Master Kenobi snorted, and I felt suddenly too warm for my cloak as I grinned back at him. “And your run-in with Aurra Sing? I suppose the two of you didn’t actually resort to fisticuffs?”
“Well,” I lifted my chin, “that’s true, but she was asking for it."
“No doubt you were also.”
“Just the opposite,” I replied. “I was trying to heal one of her coworkers, but some people just won’t be told.”
Master Kenobi’s merry laughter filled the hall, and I couldn’t help smiling at him. Was it possible that our old normal could return so quickly? Just as I thought the thought, his smile faded. “I also heard you lost part of your hearing in one ear.”
Had he truly been keeping such close tabs on me to know about my hearing? I nodded, solemn. “An explosion on Bora Vio.” I swallowed, looking down at the leaf as I remembered the pain of the blast. “I’m lucky a bit of my hearing is all I lost. Not even the best of us can make it through a war unscathed.” I glanced up to see Master Kenobi smiling down at me in a way that reminded me of our past. “Unless, perhaps, you’re Obi-Wan Kenobi.”
Master Kenobi’s face fell. “I’m far from unscathed.”
Panic flared in my stomach. “Is everything alright? Are you injured?”
“I’m quite well,” Master Kenobi assured me. I instinctively reached out with the Force, searching for any sign of pain or damage. Master Kenobi raised his eyebrows. “I see the healer training has paid off?”
My cheeks warmed as I quickly withdrew the Force. “Yes…it has. Vokara Che has been a wonderful instructor.” 
“Well?” Master Kenobi turned, holding out his hands. “What’s the verdict?”
I gave him a sideways look. His light seemed brighter than it’d been when first I sensed it before he joined the council meeting. The exhaustion was still there, as was the fear, but somehow the light gave off more warmth than before. “You’re not injured,” I replied, the only thing I was sure of.
“As I assured you.”
We reached the center of the courtyard, which was a plain yet polished marble circle. Master Kenobi sat down, and I sat across from him. I closed my eyes and breathed deeply.
The awareness started with myself.
Then it crept along the floor around me, the radius spreading until I was aware of the dozens of lives around me. Plants. Creatures. Jedi. I could sense the movement of the transits and speeders, carting people around this planet bursting with life.
But none of it compared to the light that sat directly in front of me.
Truly, I’d never felt anything more vibrant or mighty through the Force than Master Kenobi’s signature. If he ever happened to step foot on one of the dark planets like Dagobah or Mustafar, I was certain the planets would have a historic appearance of sunshine. 
Somewhere deep within me, there was a pull towards that light. Was it in my stomach? Or in my chest? Or perhaps even my head?
I couldn’t tell, but the Force seemed to sort of gather in between myself and the light, growing more and more dense.
Then a sharp tug came from nowhere, and because I was so in tune, I couldn’t stop it. 
My head jerked forward, only to collide with something so hard, I saw stars. “Ouch!” I blurted, opening my eyes and rubbing my smarting forehead. 
Master Kenobi mirrored me. “What in the blazes?” he muttered. 
“I don’t know,” I replied. I hadn’t leaned close enough to invade Master Kenobi’s space, unless…he leaned too?
With my eyes open, I couldn’t see the strange collection of the Force anymore, but I could’ve sworn I felt the Force laughing, and if I could feel it, Master Kenobi could feel it too. From the looks of him, he didn’t understand it any more than I did. 
The comm at my wrist dinged, and Master Windu’s voice filtered through.
“Knight Y/L/N, the attendant has arrived to dress you for your mission tonight.”
Head still aching, I pressed the button on the comm. “I’m on my way.” I gave Master Kenobi a quick, apologetic smile as I started to get to my feet. “Duty calls.”
“I’ll see you tonight then.”
I froze, paused in a sort of awkward crouch. “Tonight?” I echoed.
Master Kenobi’s mysterious smile filled me with the feeling I stood at the edge of a cliff. “I volunteered to be your backup for the mission.”
“The council agreed to this?” I asked for the millionth time as I looked at my reflection. 
“Yes, ma’am.” The attendant didn’t falter in her…attending.
Truthfully, I couldn’t explain what she was doing. She whirled around with brushes and bottles and sparkly adornments. Every movement she made directly correlated to my reflection morphing from a humble Jedi Knight to a midnight woman of decadence. 
The deep blue velvet dress clung so tightly to my body, I felt like it was strangling me. Draped over me were strands of precious stones of white, blue, and silver that caught the light every time I breathed. A matching hairpiece rested in my elaborate hairdo. The white, translucent gloves the attendant helped me put on helped me cope with how bare I felt, but the feeling of air against my collarbones and my back made me periodically shiver.
I’d never had this much of my skin exposed, nor the outlines of my body so easily made out. As the attendant had told me, the council approved, but I didn’t know if they’d seen the dress and approved it. Somehow, the idea of them all discussing the garment I was now wearing made me more uncomfortable in it than before and even more uncomfortable than when Master Windu commented on my Separatist-buyer-pleasing physique. 
And yet, strangely, as my appearance distanced me from the Jedi Code, the Force remained steady. It was comforting to know the Force could recognize me in spite of the sudden splendor.
I might've looked like someone else entirely, but I was still me inside.
The brush strokes on my lips ceased, and the attendant stepped back to study my reflection in the mirror. “You look perfect,” she said with great satisfaction, closing her trunk of paints and jewelry. 
I wanted to argue, but what did I know about such things? I rose from the chair and nearly toppled over, reaching out to steady myself. “How do I walk in this?” I grumbled, shuffling forward.
“Gracefully,” the attendant replied. “Here are your shoes.”
My eyes widened as she held up the platforms.
I stood nervously at the top of the stairs, looking down at the distance I somehow had to cover. I had a sinking feeling that these platforms made stairs dangerous, but there was no other way down. 
Lifting the skirts up enough to be able to see my feet, I stepped down, not looking away from the floor. I knew the moment I lifted my gaze, I would trip and ruin the attendant’s hard work as well as breaking my neck. 
Only halfway down the stairs, the Force shifted around me, as if it were parting for someone’s gaze. I stopped where I was and looked up.
Master Kenobi stood at the bottom of the stairs now, gazing up at me with an odd expression on his face. His expression resembled Ghon’s whenever I tried to explain that a visible lightsaber could be perceived as a threat to non-Jedi. 
“I know, it’s strange,” I said, redirecting my gaze downward to resume my treacherous descent. “I don’t even look like myself.”
“No,” Master Kenobi slowly said as I finally reached the bottom of the stairs, free to look up again. “No, you don’t.”
I nodded, pleased that he agreed. But when I opened my mouth to say something along those lines, I noticed how Master Kenobi’s eyes seemed to linger on the necklace around my throat. I lifted a hand to make sure it was still in place. “Blinding, isn’t it?”
“It certainly…demands…attention.” Master Kenobi cleared his throat, meeting my eyes. “The buyer will be pleased.”
I cast about for something to say in response, suddenly feeling my cheeks warm. “Hopefully Master Windu was correct about the type of company this buyer prefers.”
Master Kenobi’s face didn’t change, but the light took on a slight yet sickening green tint. He stepped to my side, turning to gesture down the street. “Shall we?”
“We’re walking?” I glanced towards the path and the great yawning distance before us.
“Is that a problem?” Master Kenobi asked.
I looked down at my shoes. I’d never walked long distances with them before. Surely it wouldn’t be an issue, even if I had to take smaller steps than I was used to. 
Quickly, I was proven wrong. 
I was moving slower than a Hutt, and it only took maybe twenty steps in the ridiculous shoes before my feet started to hurt. 
Night was falling in Coruscant, and the bustling nightlife didn’t seem to take much notice of a beautiful woman walking beside a Jedi Master. I envied Master Kenobi for being able to remain in his normal attire, but I supposed he wasn’t the one executing the mission. 
I opened my mouth, ready to ask Master Kenobi where he would be while I was in the club, but just then, my ankle wobbled. I flung my arms out to catch my balance. 
Unfortunately, the jerky movement sent my elbow flying into Master Kenobi’s gut.
“Oof!” he grunted, his hands coming up to grab my arm, helping me stay on my feet even through his pain.
“Sorry!” I said quickly. 
Instead of falling away, his calloused hands gently moved up my arm, offering me aid in my balance and offering something else entirely. “Here,” he said lightly. “Lean on me.”
We walked the rest of the way with my arm tucked into the crook of his elbow. 
With his aid, it was much easier to stay on my own feet, and I wished we could’ve walked the whole way arm in arm. Strange how being with him made me feel like a padawan again, as if with him, I had the option to not be strong. It felt almost like a luxury.
Master Kenobi stopped me when we were two blocks away from the club. “Here.” He dropped a comm into my hand. “I’ll stay here, out of sight.”
The sudden reminder of the situation made my chest tighten. I swore off all luxuries when I became a Jedi. It was time to be the Knight I’d been trained to be, the Knight Master Kenobi trained me to be. I squared my shoulders, gave a short nod, and then made the rest of the trip on my own. 
The novelty of my midnight dress had worn off. The cocoon of soft fabric against my skin felt wrong, and I missed the telltale scrape of my roughspun tunic against my skin. This self-serving grandeur wasn’t in line with the vows I’d taken. As I glanced around at the expensively clad bodies and breathed the air rank with alcohol, all I wanted was to be back in the temple.
Back in the garden. 
Master Kenobi wasn’t my only back-up. Alateen, a Rodian male I'd first met on his home planet, stood behind the counter. He also had a comm linked to Master Kenobi, and it was him that supplied me with the blue-tinted, tasteless and non-alcoholic drinks that matched with liquid sloshing around in the glasses of everyone around me. While drinking wasn’t expressly against the Jedi Code, I needed all my wits about me tonight.
“When was the senator supposed to get here?” I asked, lifting my glass to my lips to hide their movements.
“Fifteen minutes ago.”
I could tell from the edge to Master Kenobi’s serious voice that he was approaching no insignificant levels of stress.
I set the glass down, lifting my hand to delicately brush at invisible drops on my lips. “How long are we going to wait for their appearance?”
“At least a little longer.”
“You’re lucky,” I grumbled. “You can’t hear all the clammer and clatter.” The dull roar of music, conversation, and laughter was overwhelming. Master Kenobi couldn’t hear any of it and as a result wouldn’t have a raging headache later.
I missed the calm of the temple garden, meditating in silence, feeling the Force all around me. This place was so crowded, I barely felt like I had room to exist.
A Vurk male stumbled against my table, hitting it with such force, my drink toppled over, dumping half the contents onto my lap. “Ugh!” I grunted.
“What’s wrong?” The immediacy with which Master Kenobi’s voice came through the comm made me smile softly. 
“It’s okay.” I grabbed the cloth napkin and started wiping up the liquid. “Someone just knocked over my drink.”
“Do you want me to tell Alateen that you need another one?”
The Rodian male was leaning over the counter, talking very animatedly with a grinning Twi’lek female. “I think he’s otherwise engaged.”
“I’ll tell him,” Master Kenobi said gruffly.
“No, don’t.” I sighed, tossing the wet napkin onto the table. “There’s no point in having back-up if–”
“Well hello.”
That voice...the voice from many a nightmare I’d had in the past few months.
I jumped to my feet, whipping around to face the speaker. My heart kicked up into a ratchet pace, making me breathless. I stared into the soulless eyes I’d dreaded seeing since the first time I looked into them.
“Dooku,” I whispered in horror. 
“WHAT?!” Master Kenobi shouted into my comm.
Dooku’s hand shot forward, clenching my wrist before my fingers could graze the knife I had concealed. “Don’t say a word, or my agent will kill yours.” I glanced over at Alateen and noticed, for the first time, the way the Twi’lek’s hand lingered over the blaster strapped to her thigh.
“Y/N?” Master Kenobi’s voice asked. “Y/N, what’s going on?” I remained silent, staring at Dooku.“Talk to me! Where do you see Dooku?”
Dooku let go of my hand and pulled out my chair, a gentlemanly action to all those watching, but I wasn’t fooled. Alateen’s life depended on my cooperation. 
“Can you hear me?!”
I did my best to ignore his voice as I sat. Dooku took a seat across from me, looking as stiff and yet put together as he did while standing.
“I’m on my way, Y/N, just tell me if you’re alright!”
Dooku slid my drink across the table towards me. “Pull out your comm. Drop it in.”
My head urged me to obey Dooku, but my heart shouted back, begging me to say something to Master Kenobi. Dooku lifted his hand to his own ear. “Stoma, Y/N needs convincing.”
My eyes darted over to the Twi’lek, who gripped her blaster with her hand out of Alateen’s sight.
“No!” I burst out before clapping a hand over my mouth.
“Y/N, are you hurt?! Tell me–”
I yanked the comm out of my ear and dropped it into my drink. “I’m sorry, okay? Call off your agent.”
Dooku rested his hand on the table, palm down. A miniature countdown projected above his hand where a small black gadget rested. “In a moment, you’re going to stand up and follow me into the backroom.”
“Where are we going?”
Dooku fixed me with a look and said nothing. 
“What do you want with me?”
No reply.
“What about Alateen?” I asked. “If you hurt him–”
“Obey me and he won’t come to any unnecessary harm.”
“Unnecessary?” I asked, eyeing the numbers above his wrist. I had less than ten seconds left.
“One has to make sure your agent isn’t in a state to follow us.”
He’d thought this through. Everything had been accounted for. 
My heart sank. This was a trap, and I was already caught in it because all I could do was watch as the time counted down.
With a loud boom, smoke filled the club. Screams reached my ears as the smoke made my eyes burn enough to make tears well up. Before I could reach up to rub at them, Count Dooku had firmly grasped my upper arm, leading me towards the bar. He didn’t drag me. He didn’t need to.
I reached out with the Force and immediately felt Alateen’s beating heart. With a bit of exertion, I could feel his unharmed body. He was unconscious, but so far, Dooku was telling the truth. 
My platformed foot ran into the doorway Dooku pulled me through, making me trip, but his death grip on my arm kept me upright. Once we were through, I turned to ask Dooku what was next. 
Before I could, I felt his hand on my shoulder and a sharp prick in my neck.
The last thing I remembered before my vision went black was the floor rushing to meet me as my knees buckled.
My head pounded. 
I squeezed my eyes shut tighter against the pain, but it didn’t lessen. 
As more awareness returned to me, I noticed the strange, aching position of my shoulders. I tried to shift, but I couldn’t move more than an inch. What was happening? 
“You’re awake.”
I jolted, my eyes flying open as I tried to step back. 
And didn’t get very far.
My heart sank as I looked up at the reflective surface of the metal chains which trailed from the ceiling and bound my wrists, keeping them aloft above my head. I looked down to see the dress, the jewelry, the gloves, and the sparkling strands of stones were gone, leaving me only in undershorts and a thin undertunic that I definitely hadn’t been wearing under the dress. My bare feet were freezing against the floor. I studied the wall in front of me, which seemed made of stone, but not smooth stone. It felt like the room was a cave, reinforced by the only source of light in the room being the open doorway behind me.
And when I twisted my neck, straining against the chains to give myself room to look, a figure stood in the doorway. Based on the silhouette, which was all I could make out, it could’ve been anybody.
But I could feel that same signature I’d felt before and knew exactly who it was.
Where were we? How long had it been since he’d knocked me unconscious in the club? Why had he taken me?
“What do you want with me?” I asked. He wasn’t the Jedi council; it didn’t matter if he judged me for asking questions. Dooku didn’t answer, and I felt nothing shift in his emotions. Either my questions didn’t matter to him or he was shielding himself completely.
He seemed to be in no rush. He just stood behind me, watching me. I could feel the weight of his gaze on my face. The weight turned into a distinct probing through the Force.
I let him probe away.
I wasn’t going to resort to Sith techniques.
Dooku walked slowly around, his face now illuminated in the light. “Apologies for the crude bonds. This planet doesn’t like technology, so we had to be a bit primitive.”
We were on a planet with high moisture then. Or perhaps a heavy gravitational pull?
“It’s high moisture,” said Dooku, making me pause. He was tapping into my thoughts. I stiffened, turning away from him, as if it were my face he gleaned the information from, not the Force. Why couldn’t he just hurry up and tell me what was going on?
The probing increased.
“Do you think I can’t feel you?” I asked.
“Why aren’t you stopping me?” Dooku asked. He stepped closer. “Push me out.”
I settled my gaze on him. So this was his game. He wanted to bully me into using a Sith technique. “No.”
A sharp searing pain shot through my head, and I sucked in a breath. As quickly as it came, it left. I’d only felt something like it once before.
“You felt me,” I blurted out. “On Taris. When I meditated, you found my signature and you cut me off.”
Dooku’s face remained impassive. “I assumed you were Kenobi.” 
How was that possible? Dooku said himself that I had darkness in my signature, and Master Kenobi’s signature was like pure light.
The pain lanced through my head again, cutting off my train of thought. “Push me out.”
The pain was worse this time, enough to make a strangled groan leave my lips.
“Ahhh,” Dooku said. “I had a feeling Kenobi wouldn’t let you do such a mission on your own.”
I jerked my head up at him, feeling suddenly as though I were going to throw up. “What are you doing?”
"Imagine what he must've felt, storming into that establishment, only to find you were already gone." Dooku clasped his hands behind his back. “A worthy opponent is no good if there's no one to fight."
“If you wanted to fight Master Kenobi, you should’ve stayed on Coruscant.”
“And fight on his home turf?”
“I never took you for a coward,” I replied.
“Only a fool would fight a battle he does not need to.” The probing resumed, and Dooku tilted his head. “You have a padawan waiting for you on Coruscant, do you?”
My shields were half up before I even realized it. I forced them down. 
“He’s quite attached, is he not? The council doesn’t like that.”
I kept my shields open, silently apologizing to my padawan for putting him in danger. I could only hope that I returned to him in time to keep him safe.
“He’s young. Impressionable.”
An image formed in my mind, an image I hadn’t created, of an older Ghon dressed in black, wielding a red lightsaber.
“Stop that!” I blurted. 
“Do it yourself,” he replied. “Push me out.” I shook my head.
This time, the strike of pain spread down through my neck and into my chest and lingered longer. I let out a pained hiss as my heart contracted painfully under the strain. “What do you want from me?” I cried out in desperation.
“I want you to be the Jedi your master raised you to be!” Dooku thundered back.
I blinked at him, not understanding. Why would he want me to be more like Master Kenobi? Why would he want me to be more of a worthy opponent when he already had me where he wanted me?
Then it clicked. 
Pong Krell.
Of course.
Because everything always came back to him.
Master Kenobi was right on Taris; the attention Count Dooku was giving me stemmed from both of my masters. I looked at Dooku with new eyes. “You set a trap for me.” The ripple of darkness told me I was right. “You planted the information about the buyer and the type of women the buyer liked. You knew the council would send me.” They’d unknowingly delivered me right to him, gift-wrapped in a midnight blue dress.
Not even a hint of a victorious smile lingered on Dooku’s face. He didn’t revel. He only fixed me with a determined look. “Show me you’re Pong Krell’s padawan.”
I released a long breath. “No. Because I am the Jedi my true master raised me to be. And I will remain that Jedi until the bitter end.”
The pain reached all the way down to my hips this time. 
Again and again, Dooku repeated his command. 
Again and again, I refused.
Each time, the pain increased. When my body started to shake, rattling the chains above my head, I stopped keeping count.
There seemed to be no pattern to Dooku’s appearances. 
Now, whenever I refused him, I felt the pain from my head to my toes, and I was sure that every visit, the pain increased. Dooku didn’t seem amused by the pain nor did he seem to enjoy inflicting it. He was dogged in his pursuit of getting me to push him out.
Every time I almost broke, I thought of Master Kenobi, who’d hidden himself from the Force on Taris to protect me and wondered if I was endangering Ghon by not shielding. 
But I’d worked so hard to undo what Krell had done. How could I revert right back to it?
“No one’s coming to rescue you,” Dooku said during one of his visits. “You can feel the council’s doubt, don’t you? They see Krell in you just like I do, only they see it as a weakness.”
“That is their responsibility,” I’d replied. “Mine is to be the best Jedi I can be.”
The pain was horrid…but being left alone in the darkness was worse, because with the darkness came the scratching sounds.
There must’ve been some kind of rodent in my cell that came out in the dark because I never heard the scratching sounds when Dooku was there. That or I was starting to hallucinate. It wouldn’t be too far-fetched a conclusion; my hands were starting to shake from lack of food, and there was an unswallowable pain in my throat from lack of water. Three times since I’d woken up the first time in this cell, a human male brought me enough water to sate my thirst. Once he even brought some rations. When I tried to ask questions, he just stared at me and did not answer.
I had no way of knowing if Dooku sent him or if he was defying Dooku to help me. Either way, the food was only enough to remind me just how close I was to starving.
Unfortunately, even if my hands were free and a Jedi healer could heal themselves, hunger couldn’t be healed. I’d treated enough starving citizens throughout the Clone Wars to know that. 
As I listened to the horrible scratching sounds, I wondered if I would ever get the chance to heal someone again.
My head lolled back, and I stared up into the darkness where the ceiling was supposed to be.
Dooku had been more forceful this time. Perhaps he hadn’t expected me to hold on so long, however long I’d been here.
I had no way of knowing how much time had passed. There was no window for me to see day or night passing. If Dooku came into the cell once a day, it’d been a least a week since I was taken, but I had no way of knowing for sure. Perhaps he came twice a day. Or even every hour. Every period alone in the dark felt like ages. 
The longer I spent in this cell, the more my hopes of being rescued dwindled. If I was simply a hostage, I would’ve been returned or killed by now. If the council were organizing a rescue, would it have taken this long?
I was certain that the remainder of my days would be spent in this cell. I wished I felt the peace of the Force, but I could only feel the trickles of desperation Dooku clearly wanted me to feel. When would this end? Would it end with Dooku’s lightsaber buried in my gut? Or would it end with my body surrendering my spirit? 
My head lulled forward, breaking me out of my light sleep. I groaned as I lifted it to stretch it out. Now my neck ached as much as the rest of my upper body, but I still didn’t have the effort to hold it up. I could only rest it on one of my shoulders. It was freezing, but my body was too tired to shiver.
Today was surely it.
I could feel the Force in me going out like the ocean tides of Pabu, as if it were preparing me to leave myself and unite with it once more. 
As Jedi, we strived for the peace that came with the acceptance of death, and yet facing the prospect of my own was only wearying.
Had the council told Ghon of my capture? Probably, considering my mission was only supposed to last for an evening. Stars, I hoped that whoever told Ghon did so gently, for it was a heavy burden for any padawan to bear, and he was so young.
Well, my second master had far exceeded my first one. Maybe Ghon would get lucky in that way too. 
The sound of the door behind me scraping open reached my ears, and even with my eyes closed, the light of the open doorway was blinding.
The sound was far away, yet I shrank from it, expecting the pain that swiftly followed any sound. 
I knew that voice. My eyes fluttered, but it hurt too badly to keep them open. Something tugged on the chain holding my left arm up, and I let out a whimper as it pulled on my desperately sore muscles. 
“Y/N, it’s Obi-Wan.”
Not Master Kenobi.
“Obi…” My scratchy voice sounded like nothing I’d heard before.
“Shhhhh, save your strength, it’s alright, I’m here.”
I peeled my eyes open again, fighting the drag long enough to catch sight of the deeply concerned features of my favorite face in the galaxy.
My eyes fell shut again.
My body and mind had officially given up if they were conjuring such a welcome sight as Obi-Wan. Yet the impossible granted me an inkling of peace. Thank you, I said to the Force. For letting me say goodbye before taking me. I tilted my chin down to the ground, ready to give up.
The door scraped shut, throwing me back into darkness. Fingers tilted my chin up once more. “Open your eyes,” said my master’s voice. Instead of his voice getting further and further away, it was getting louder.
Confusion swirled, giving me enough strength to obey. I blinked but there was only darkness again. “I’m getting you out of here.”
Was this…could it be…?
My hopes rose.
“Darling, you have to hide your feelings,” Obi-Wan’s voice hissed. 
The hopes fell dead, dashed against the rocks of reality.
I’d never once known Obi-Wan to call someone by a pet name.
This was another trick, a new strategy of Dooku’s to get me to comply. How cruel, to take advantage of my failing mind to summon the image of my master, the very man I would never be able to resist. 
But resist I did.
If I’d made this far, I couldn’t cave now, not when the peace of death was so near.
“Y/N,” said the equally blessed and cursed voice. “Please, you have to hide yourself or he’ll find us.”
No. I am a Jedi.
“I know, but if we’re going to get out of here, you have to.” The sound of his pleading voice was far worse than any other pain Dooku had inflicted on me. I felt a mouth hovering by my ear. “Y/N, if I ever earned your trust, listen to me now. You have to raise your shields.” Even the graze of his beard against my cheek felt real, dwarfed only by the wave of despair crashing over me. “C’mon, honey, do it for me.” 
I let out a whimper, knowing there was only one way to make this vision stop.
I’m sorry, I thought miserably, I can’t take anymore. I squeezed my already shut eyes tighter, shrinking away from the Force and waiting for the cruel vision to fade.
It was like losing one of my arms. Or cutting off a friend. Or falling with no hope of ever hitting ground.
It’d been only seconds of separation, but my body was colder, weaker, and hurting more and more every second. How had I survived cutting myself off from the Force under Krell?
I didn’t like it.
I didn’t like it at all.
But the fingers kept stroking my cheek. “That’s it, that’s it.”
Why was the vision still here? Dooku could only project it through the Force, and I’d pulled away from it. The vision should’ve faded, which meant…
My eyes flew open, and I wished more than ever that there was light so I could see my master. I tried to say his name, but my voice failed. 
The finger underneath my chin disappeared, and once again, there was a tug at my bindings. A strained whimper broke through my lips. “I know, I know it hurts, but I have to get you out–” He froze and then whispered under his breath: “Hells, he’s coming.”
Before I could muster up any thoughts or movements, all of Obi-Wan’s touch disappeared. I struggled against my restraints, the despair returning. There was a tiny, invisible caress on my cheek. “I’m here,” he whispered. “I’m here, but you have to shut yourself off.”
I hadn’t realized, in my panic, I’d reconnected with the Force.
I had barely enough time to lift my mental shields before the door scraped open again.
“Oh,” Dooku said from his place in the doorway. “Today is the day, then?” I heard the silent scraping of Dooku’s boot against the floor, drawing nearer and nearer. “Today,” he murmured, his voice far too close for comfort, “today, you give in.”
I managed to lift my head to see his keen eyes watching me.
I wanted to hurl a statement at him or even spit on the dungeon floor. I wanted to show him defiance, to tell him that he didn’t get to revel in my pain. But there was none left in me. I didn’t even have the energy to speak. I simply lowered my head again, shutting my eyes, hoping his visit would be quick today.
“You know you can’t live much longer.” His boots walked slowly around me. “Are you trying to die privately?” he asked. “Or are you trying to protect Kenobi from feeling the moment your life ends?”
I didn’t answer, even as my heart twinged in my chest.
There was a pause as the sound of his boots finished his rotation. He didn’t speak the words, but I felt the hidden message: join me.
My lips parted as I mustered all my strength. “I'm...” The word sounded no louder than a gentle breeze. “I'm a Jedi."
Dooku pushed his face close. “Jedi don’t shield themselves from the Force,” he said. “You’ve already given in. And for your submission, I think it’s time you got some food.” 
Guilt stabbed at my gut, and I was not comforted by the fact that Dooku couldn’t feel it. 
Dooku walked out of the room, the door sliding shut. 
Obi-Wan, wherever he was hiding, let out a long breath of relief. 
My body couldn’t even flinch at the blinding blue light that suddenly flashed through the chamber, nor at the screech of the chains as Obi-Wan’s lightsaber cut clean through them. 
For the first time in I didn’t know how long, my arms lowered past my shoulders. Unable to do anything, I collapsed, closing my eyes in preparation for hitting the floor. 
Instead of cool stone, however, my shoulder collided with a warm body, my head falling to rest on a broad chest. 
“I’ve got you.”
Obi-Wan lowered me to the ground. I had many questions, many expressions of relief ready to leave my tongue, but all I could manage was a high-pitched: “ouch.” It ripped through my dry throat, and I swallowed hard, trying to gather myself to say more. 
Obi-Wan wrapped his arms around me, offering me a modicum of warmth. “Where’s your dress?” he whispered.
I managed to shake my head. I don’t know.
Obi-Wan rubbed my arms up and down. He was probably trying to generate warmth, but the feeling of his hands on my skin was strangely painful. Then, his hands disappeared for a moment before wrapping a cloak around me, perhaps the one he’d been wearing himself. 
How long? I strained to ask as he wrapped the cloak around my neck, the clasp laying cold and heavy on my bare skin. I croaked twice, the croaks somewhat resembling the words. 
“Too long,” Obi-Wan whispered. “Eleven days.”
Eleven days.
My head felt too full and too empty to process the weight that came with the timeline. 
“Come on, up you get,” he said lowly. His arms hooked under my arms, pulling me upright. Another grunt burst through my lips as my muscles lit up like fire. “I know it hurts.” Obi-Wan pulled my arm around his neck, his steady body keeping me straight. “But we must leave before Dooku returns.”
He pulled me to my feet, and I nearly buckled.
“I know, I know, but I can’t hold my lightsaber if I carry you. You have to walk, Y/N, I need you to walk.”
And then we were walking.
Even as my feet and legs moved, my eyes fell shut, too tired to stay open. If it had been anyone else, I would’ve just laid on the floor, but it was Obi-Wan, so I would keep going.
I heard an electronic ding, and I opened my eyes just in time to see a door sliding away to reveal a barren, frozen wasteland I recognized.
Not this infernal planet again.
The cold Neftali wind blew past my body, and my shivering began anew, but no complaint of any kind could pass through my lips before Obi-Wan dragged me into the snow.
Oh, it was so much worse than my memory made it out to be.
My bare feet were numb in almost an instant.
Obi-Wan couldn’t move carefully, not if he was going to get through the snow, but every movement of his body pulled at a part of mine that ached even as my body was quickly going numb. “Just a little further,” Obi-Wan kept saying as he half-led, half-dragged me. “Just a bit further.”
I pulled the cloak as tight around me as it would go. Even though it was thin, it was better than the brutal winds on my bare skin. I didn’t know where Obi-Wan was leading me, and without the Force, I couldn’t sense anything about my surroundings. 
“Just a little more.”
“Stop,” I panted. I felt horrible for saying it, considering Obi-Wan was practically carrying me, but I couldn’t walk anymore.
Obi-Wan came to a stop, gently lowering me to sit on the snow. I clutched onto his arms with my weak grip, which wouldn’t have kept me upright at all, had he not held me up. I desperately tried to catch my breath.
While my master’s appearance revived my spirit, my body was still shutting down.
“I’m…okay,” I managed to say. “Need…breath.”
Oh, every word was a colossal effort, and judging by the speed with which Obi-Wan’s eyebrows drew together, they weren’t as comforting as I’d intended.
“We need to–” He broke off as the distant sounds of voices reached us.
I wanted to cry. I couldn’t go any farther yet, not one single step, but our enemies drew ever nearer. The longer we stayed here, the more likely we were going to get caught. Between the snow and the dungeon, I would rather perish in the snow than be dragged back to that place. 
I couldn’t let Obi-Wan get caught, not when he came to rescue me. I looked up into his worried face, trying to summon the strength to move. It didn’t matter if I died on this planet, but if Dooku captured Obi-Wan, he’d subject him to the same pain he’d subjected me to. 
Clutching at Obi-Wan’s arms, I tried to sit up. 
Obi-Wan’s hand shot out, pressing down on my shoulder. His expression was pinched and cloudy with thought. “Okay,” he said to himself, seeming to come to some decision. “Okay, Y/N, you need to stay here, I’ll draw them away.”
“No!” My arms were weaker than my voice, but I still managed to grab ahold of him before he could slip away. Don’t be an idiot!
“I’m sorry, Y/N, I thought we’d have more time, but I have to lead them away.”
“Wait here for me.” Obi-Wan easily peeled my hand off his arm, squeezing it tightly. “I’ll come back, I promise.”
Obi-Wan lurched forward, resting one hand on each side of my head as he pressed a kiss to my hairline, his beard scratching against my skin. And with that, he took off running. Blue light appeared as he activated his lightsaber, but soon, he disappeared altogether.
Even as my terror about Obi-Wan’s safety ricocheted through my brain, my eyes fell closed.
I’d seen many bodies suffer too much to hold on, but I’d never experienced it. Is this what it’d felt like for every patient I’d ever lost? Was this how much energy it took simply to hold on?
A grim certainty settled over me. If I stayed here in the cold much longer, my body would officially give up.
The sound of more voices became discernible over the roaring that could’ve been from the storm or could’ve just been in my own head. The voices grew closer. 
Did it matter much if they found me? 
But would Obi-Wan endanger himself again to rescue me and get captured himself?
I couldn’t risk it. 
The desperation got me moving. Slowly, I managed to get to my hands and knees and started to crawl. 
I didn’t look up, not wanting to know how far I still had to go. I just kept crawling and crawling and crawling. 
The bunker, I remembered. But where was it? And how could I find it without the Force leading me?
Without the Force, I had no idea if I was even headed in the correct direction. If I’d been thinking clearly, I would’ve waited for Obi-Wan, but I didn’t, and now I was lost. He wouldn’t be able to find me when he was cut off from the Force, but reconnecting to it would bring Dooku right to him. 
Too tired to do anything, I half rolled, half collapsed onto my side, my arms falling limply to the ground as my head came to rest. The biting cold snow against my face hurt, but I couldn’t muster up energy to lift it.
Soon enough, I didn’t feel the cold anymore, nor the wet snow against my body, not even the thumping of my headache.
Everything was silent.
Everything was hazy.
And then everything was nothing at all.
Overall tag list:
@thelastpyle @valiantlytransparentwhispers
Rescue Me tag list:
@penfullofwordsaheadfullofstories @starlazergazer @blackqueengold @ajwild220 @exploringalaxiesfarfaraway @mortallycrispyglitter @nerdory10 @shinybananapastanickel @sassysaxxy @sunshine-girl013 @fablesrose @marrily @friskynotebook @burnthecheshirewitch @pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy @thriving-n-jiving
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garagesesh · 7 months
intertwining your soul with somebody else
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pairings: anakin skywalker & (f!)reader, anakin skywalker & padme amidala
summary: what has started as comfort has now spiraled out of control.
warning(s): sexual content, depression, pregnancy, affair
a/n: i wrote this two years ago and never published it
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✦ looking for more star wars stories? check out my planetarium series! ✦
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It started years ago.
You were both still young, both on the precipice of the line, teetering between Padawan and Jedi Knights. Naïve and immature and both agreeing that it wasn’t hurting anyone.
It had began as a comfort, a coping mechanism after the loss of your master. Delving deep into the forbidden feelings of sadness, anger, hurt, desire. Finding only release within each other.
A mission on Daiyuu had gone wrong. It was supposed to be easy. In and out, collect the hostage and get out of there, but the force had other plans for you that day. Count Dooku had arrived and everything went to shit.
Devastation had enveloped your entire being, encapsulating you into being unable to move or eat for days. Cooped up inside your dark, messy room after given some time off by the Council. The Jedi weren’t being sympathetic, they were more afraid of you doing something stupid out in the field than actually giving you time to grieve.
So instead you watched.
You watched as life flourished and continued in the metropolis of Coruscant. Peering through the slats of your window from the confines of your mattress wrapped up in the standard issue duvet.
It was cruel, you thought watching as a family laughed in their speeder heading off to home, or a party, or anywhere. It was cruel that the galaxy could keep living, that you could keep living after someone is no longer breathing.
It wasn’t fair.
It had been two weeks before you remembered you were alive.
When he came to you first.
Making sure you were okay and had eaten something. It was what best friends did, right? Come to you in a time of need when you need them the most.
For hours there was silence between the two of you. A blank sheet of nothingness as he held you, as you both now watched the outside. Laying in bed for hours, the tears rolled onto his shoulder as he patiently sat and said nothing.
You weren't sure if you had made the first move.
Was it you laying your hand on his thigh or was it he making you laugh through tears for the first time in weeks?
He was good at that. Making you feel good.
Anakin looked down at you, surprised but not entirely by the gesture. The warm flesh of your hand against the thin fabric seeped through to his skin. You both knew then what was going to happen.
And you let it.
It was slow. Warm. Sweet, sincere, and innocent.
He stormed out of the room after.
You didn’t talk for two standard months before both agreeing that it was a mistake, hormones and sadness playing a part in the clash. Rendering you both not able to think straight.
He wanted to comfort you and it had worked.
A one time thing that would never happen again.
Until it did.
Again and again, until became a nightly occurrence. He would always come to you, never to his room. It’d always be the dead of night when you heard the door slide open, letting in the dim light of the hallway before it closed as fast and quiet as it had opened. He didn’t lead up to it anymore as he had in the early beginnings of the affair. His hand would no longer caress you. No hesitation when he took off your clothes.
It became primal.
And most of all, it wasn’t love.
He’d constantly remind you of it. The impossible idea of love with him was something he screwed into your brain for the last three years.
Love was a bad word.
You knew of him and Padmé. It wasn’t so secret as he thought, as those close enough to him all knew about their own affair, but he was always worried you would say something to her. Tell her about your affair. Tell her about the way he would kiss you. Tell her the ways he would make you come undone. The way he had been inside you more times than he had been inside her.
And now the datapad in front of you held the weight of the galaxy in front of you. Eight small words crushed your entire being. Eight small words changed everything.
You were fucked.
“Not tonight.” You shrugged him off in doorway of your cabin on the Republic Cruiser you both were on, heading to Kamino for the oversight of extra troops to both of your legions.
“Why?” Anakin knew something was off, pushing himself into the small room.
“I’m not feeling up to it.” You sat down on the bunk, undoing your shoes, ready to put your swollen feet to rest.
“Are you okay?”
“Yeah, I’m just tired.” You waved him off.
“What’s wrong?”
“Nothing’s wrong, Anakin.” He could never just take no for an answer.
“There’s something wrong. I can feel it."
“I’m fine.”
“You can tell me."
“I said I was fine.”
“Well you’re obviously not fine.”
“I really don’t feel like talking about it.”
“Why not? I’m your best friend.” You laughed at that.
“Best friend?! Anakin, you haven’t been my friend for years!”
“I don’t understand what you’re talking about!"
“You never do!” Standing up from the bunk, you went to confront him in his face. Giving him no leeway.
“I care about you!”
“You have never cared about me!”
“I’ve always cared!”
“No.” Your voice now barely above a whisper.
“No? You’re denying my feelings? Invalidating them?”
“That’s thick! You have invalidated me as a person for years!”
“You have used me, my body, for three and a half years! Coming to me almost every night! Telling me it isn’t love, that I am just a device for your pleasure!”
“You enjoyed it too!”
“For a while, yes! But then you came back to me married, Anakin! You continued to go behind your wife’s back. Telling me that it was okay, that she’d never know! It kills me to even look at her because of what I've done to her!”
“What we have is good.” He quieted, his voice choking in his throat.
“What we have is you clinging on to a constant release and me clinging on to you because I’m scared that I’ll lose you completely if I stop letting you fuck me every night!” You headed for the door, trying to escape him before the tears you felt rising could fall.
“And congratulations you’re a father.” You thrusted the datapad into his chest, storming out of the small cabin.
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✦ looking for more star wars stories? check out my planetarium series! ✦
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Late Night Talking
Pairings: Obi-Wan Kenobi x gn!jedi!reader (romantic)
Imagine: you and Obi-Wan confess your feelings for each other
Warnings: nearly kissing, talk about the Jedi code, fluff?, not proofread, none else I think
A/N so I don’t really like this one but decided to post it anyway… this is actually part of a story I’m working on with one of my ocs but thought why not remake this part into a x reader fic… so enjoy! <3 (at least I hope you will)
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Obi-Wan looked out at the view before him, staring at the life that seemed to fill Coruscant even late into the night. His beige robes, and large dark brown coat moved slightly from the light breeze. He fingered his lightsaber as a habit from the warzones he usually found himself in. Obi-Wan sighed as he felt your calming force signature fill the room.
As you approached Obi-Wan, you couldn’t help but to let a smile grace your features. Obi-Wan remained staring at the life in front of him as he spoke in a sorrowful voice.
“You okay my dear friend?” You asked just moments later as you felt the sadness through the force and watched the solemn look that graced Obi-Wan’s face.
He turned to face you, expression remaining the same as he let out a slight sigh. You walked to stand beside Obi-Wan and looked out at the landscape as you leaned against the railing. “What's bothering you?”
Obi-Wan exhaled with a slight frown as he spoke. "Just thinking about.... the past."
You didn’t speak for a moment as you focused on your hands as they started to fiddle with the hem of the cloak you’d stolen from Obi-Wan not that long ago. “Obi-Wan you know as well as me that we can’t linger on the past”
A slight nod came from the older man, his voice still holding the same sorrow "I know, I know. It's just... hard to forget."
“Obi-Wan I’m not asking you to forget, I simply just ask you to remember our code, don’t let the past control your emotions”
The man nodded once more as he glanced at you, he still wondered how someone so young could hold so much understanding of people. "I know, I know the Jedi Code, I know its rules, I will be mindful of it. I'm sorry, it's just hard not to get emotional when thinking about one’s past..."
“I get it” You placed a comforting hand on Obi-Wan. You couldn’t help but to think back to your early days before becoming a jedi knight, the emotions that always followed with each memory, the sorrow. You understood Obi-Wan and it might have been hypocritical of you to tell him to not let the emotions control him when it was exactly what happened to you sometimes. However you only wanted what was best for your friend.
Obi-Wan couldn’t help but to smile as he took a quick glance at the hand placed on his shoulder, he could feel one of your many rings press down onto the material covering his shoulder. He dared a quick glance at you and saw your eyes twinkle back at him in understanding. He couldn’t do anything other than nod and let out a small sigh once more.
"Thank you”
“You don’t have to thank me” there was a comfortable silence for just a few moments before Obi-Wan spoke once more as he looked out towards the beautiful city again.
"This view... “ he glanced at you before he quickly looked back “ it just helps calm me down ?" his tone was filled with a sense of peace this time around, a nice change from the sadness before.
“It does” a smile graced your face once more as you let go of Obi-Wan’s shoulder and leaned against the railing once more, shivering slightly from the cold. Obi-Wan couldn’t help but to miss the feeling of your hand on his shoulder, and he desperately just wanted to tell you to keep close to him so that he could feel your warmth.
"And having you here... it helps as well." His voice took a slightly shyer tone as he spoke, and you tried not to react to the uncommon shyness of Obi-Wan. Instead you turned towards your friend with a warm smile. However, not knowing entirely how to answer, you turned back to watching the speeders pass by and the flickering lights of the many billboards in Coruscant.
The two of you stayed like that for several more minutes before Obi-Wan finally got over his shyness and spoke again "Do you ever wonder what it would be like… not to be a Jedi?" His voice carried a feeling of curiosity as he turned to face you once more
You couldn’t help but to let out a breathy laugh and yet another smile. “I think we all do” you knew for certain that you would most likely end up as a farmer somewhere, that or you’d probably have followed your older brother in joining death watch as a way to make your family proud of you for once.
Obi-Wan smiled slightly in return, and nodded for probably the tenth time that day. "Yes, indeed…” he paused, unsure if he wanted to ask his next question or not. “Do you ever wonder why we can't have attachments?"
“I think it’s not so much attachment itself but the fact that if you focus on one single emotion or person to the point where it gets unhealthy-“ you paused not knowing entirely how to explain it but hoped Obi-Wan would understand what you meant anyways like usual “Yes I do wonder why we can’t have attachments”
As always Obi-Wan understood what you meant. He had always loved how your force and minds worked in such a simple harmony together. They’d probably always understand what the other meant and neither of them would ever be seen complaining. "I have thought about it too” Obi-Wan paused as if afraid to admit it “the fact that we cannot have attachments, or fall in love..."
You shook your head slightly in acknowledgement “it isn’t against the code to fall in love, but if that love becomes your obsession if you get attached to the love you have for another being… if you get attached to the person to the point where you can’t let them go then you have strayed from the code”
"Yes, I suppose that is true, but have you ever wondered how easy it would be for one to attach themselves to the love they have for” Obi-Wan looked down slightly at you “someone?" his eyebrows raised slightly in thoughts, his eyes and focus remained on you curious for a reply.
“Obi-Wan I-“ you stopped yourself before you would say something you might regret. Obi-Wan looked down at you intently with anticipation, a slight smirk and playful expression formed itself onto his face
You sighed “do you”
His eyes remained locked on you as he spoke "Do I have attachment to someone, is that what you’re asking?”
You looked up at Obi-Wan as you heard his teasing voice “yes”
"Yes... I believe I may have attachment to someone." Obi-Wan's voice once again got filled with that shyness which was so unlike him.
You looked curiously at Obi-Wan as you turned your entire body to face him “may I ask who?”
Obi-Wan tensed up and turned his head away, thankful that his beard covered his face as embarrassment seeped through him. His voice was nervous, slightly quivering. “you know who”
You couldn't help but to chuckle as you came closer to the slightly older man. “I want to hear you say it”
"You.... you are the one I have attachment to... I know you might not feel the same but-” he got cut of by you who carefully placed your hands on both his cheeks and turned his head to face you again as you looked deep into his eyes “I do”
Obi-Wan's eyes remained locked on the person he’d wished he’d called his since you first met, and the small blush on his cheeks deepened. His focus remained completely on you, as he lifted both his hands toward your face. Moving you head to look up at him in a better angle he moved forward closer to your face. He stopped right before your lips touched and his beautiful blue eyes shined in the light from the city as he asked you for permission.
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jewishcissiekj · 3 months
Since Asajj Ventress appeared in recent media and is set to appear in future shows and Star Wars content, I've seen a lot of people starting to read Dark Disciple. but besides that book, there are so many stories featuring Asajj over her 22 years of existence. So if you are looking for some recommendations and entry points to Asajj outside of the TV shows, here are some recommendations to get to know her a bit better, in both the Canon and Legends timelines:
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(for anyone looking for a definitive list of everything she's ever been in, I also have that)
for anyone looking for just the list of recommendations without all my babbling, scroll down to the bottom, it'll be there.
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Dooku: Jedi Lost Audiodrama - Script by Cavan Scott, preformed by full cast (also available in Script format) Starting off, this masterpiece. Telling the dual story of Asajj and Dooku, Jedi Lost is genuinely some of the best Star Wars content out there, in my opinion. Taking place early in The Clone Wars, it tells Asajj's journey battling her ghosts and uncovering her Master's history. It requires only the context of the prequels and The Clone Wars, and I wholeheartedly recommend it to anyone who likes the Prequels, Dooku, or Asajj.
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Brotherhood - by Mike Chen Continuing with the book that serves as an introduction to Asajj in canon (chronologically), Brotherhood presents an interesting take on her first meetings with Anakin and Obi-Wan. She's far from the main character here, only supporting the book's plot as the villain and the initiator behind some of the troubles Obi-Wan faces on Cato Neimodia. This Asajj is more calculated, working behind the scenes while still facing off face to face against Obi-Wan and Anakin, and it uniquely handles her character. The book is a Clone Wars adventure taking place before and it requires only the movies' and TCW's context, once again. *While technically taking place after Hyperspace Stories #5, it contradicts that issue's events and makes more sense if it takes place before, so I listed it first (for more info on the contradictions you can go here)*
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Star Wars: Hyperspace Stories #5 - Written by Amanda Deibert, with art by Riccardo Faccini (Variant cover by Cary Nord) Taking place shortly after Anakin's knighting, before The Clone Wars show, this is a short and interesting comic story for Asajj. While tying into an over-arching plot of the series, this issue stands alone well. Simply put, Asajj is sent to retrieve a mysterious item by Count Dooku and encounters Anakin and Obi-Wan in the process. It has fun art, fun dynamics, and it's really good.
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Worthless - a short story from Stories of Jedi and Sith - written by Delilah S. Dawson with an illustration by Jake Bartok This one is not as set on the timeline, but we do know it takes place while Asajj is still working for Dooku. In short, without too many spoilers, Asajj falls into a pit and has to trust on a Clone Trooper's help to get out. The story is a part of an anthology, but it completely stand-alone on its own. If you can read it on its own, I recommend it, but the rest of the book is also very much worth it if you want to buy it for the story. Dawson captures a version of Asajj that rarely gets attention, before the Nightsisters, and manages to show her identity and tell a wonderful story without that tool that's often overly used (in my opinion).
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Star Wars Adventures: Return to Vader's Castle #3 - Written by Cavan Scott with art by Francesco Francavilla & Nick Brokenshire Jumping forward in the Timeline, we have another Asajj story by Cavan Scott! It has Bounty Hunting, A baby Sarlacc, pretty art, fun coloring, and Asajj. So what's not to love? Like Hyperspace Stories, Return to Vader's Castle also has an over-arching plot, but that's 4 framing pages of Vaneé being a bitch and has no effect on the rest of it. Solid stuff. (it is also the source of the first picture in this post)
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Sisters - a short comic story from the Age of Republic Special - written by Jody Houser with art by Carlos Gómez Next, we have a wonderful short story taking place just before The Clone Wars episode "To Catch a Jedi". In just a few pages, Jody Houser brings conflict and personality to Asajj's time on Coruscant. And there's gorgeous art.
While Legends, and especially the comics, have some of my favorite stories with Asajj, it's hard to recommend individual issues. They can be stand-alone but still connected and ingrained in the ongoing story of the comics. But I tried to hand-pick the best for introduction and knowledge of who Asajj is a character there. So I won't recommend the 12 issues she's in, I set myself the limit of sticking with the same number of recommendations I had for canon.
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Star Wars: Republic: The New Face of War - 2-issue Comic arc - written by W. Haden Blackman with art by Tomás Giorello Although I'm assuming you all have at least a passing familiarity with Asajj's character, introductions are still important. And, yes, Asajj first appeared in a different comic and after a month or so in Clone Wars (2003), but chronologically, in-universe, this is her first appearance. The Face of War is comprised of issues #51 and #52 of the Star Wars: Republic comic series, and although Asajj is only in the last page of #51, it's necessary context. This one isn't a must for me, but it sets the ground for her. And it's good. Giorello's art brings a unique perspective to Asajj's character, and by that I mean it may not be to some people's taste. So take your pick with this one.
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Star Wars: Republic #53 - written by W. Haden Blackman, with art by Brian Ching If the last one isn't a must, this one is. It is a stand-alone adventure, almost feeling like a (better) TCW episode. Obi-Wan is off to infiltrate a Techno Union base with a team of all-star legendary Jedi that are introduced, and everything goes wrong when they run into the Confederacy's best, Durge and Asajj Ventress. I say it's a must because it establishes the nature of the rivalry between Obi-Wan and Asajj, and gives us such a sense of who those people are. It also lays the foundations to my next comic recommendation.
Dark Heart - short story by August and Cynthia Hahn This one, a 1784-word story, originally published on Wizards.com as a part of The Living Force roleplaying campaign, is definitely not a must, but it's barely 2k words, just read it. In all seriousness though, it captures Asajj's essence and I just. love it. You can read it right now, that's the link in the name, it's up online for free legally. While it is a part of the RPG campaign, I read it individually and had no trouble at all.
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The Cestus Deception - by Steven Barnes (The Japanese cover is prettier and has Asajj, ok?) Obi-Wan Kenobi and Kit Fisto head to the planet Ord Cestus to try and convince Ord Cestus's government to ally with The Republic. But under the surface, a mysterious scheme had developed and it gets messy. Never ask me to write a publisher's summary. Asajj is the villain of this one, and I don't have much to say about it, but it is good. Fair warning: it hasn't aged the best in my opinion, and not even in a politically correct sense, some of the descriptions and relationships were questionable at best. If you like Kit Fisto and political adventuring and Clone Wars fights and a mascarade ball, if I remember correctly, this one's for you. It's not much of a story for Asajj but it is a fun read.
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Star Wars: Republic #60 - written by W. Haden Blackman with art by Tomás Giorello I have never ever not once said it but this right here is my favorite Asajj story of all time ever. It does require context, though, so here's it: after the battle of Jabiim, Alpha-17 (Legends Arc Trooper, you may have heard of him) and Obi-Wan (a staple in Asajj's stories, he needs to gtfo women's business) are blown up and declared dead. Turns out Asajj Ventress has been holding them in her castle on the planet Rattatak and this is the daring story of their escape. In this issue, Asajj's origin story is revealed, before the Nightsisters had anything to do with her. More than any other Legends issue, it differentiates greatly from anything you know about Asajj in TCW/Canon. She's a warlord, with armies at her beck and call, a military commander, And it's fun. Her origin story is told in this issue, and it's such a great story that shifted my understanding of her a lot. The art, once again, is by Giorello, keep it in mind.
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Yoda: Dark Rendezvous - by Sean Stewart (Japanese cover, once again) Last but certainly not least, the Legends Clone Wars book I've heard the most positive reviews of, and was not disappointed in the slightest. It is as good as they say. The story doesn't focus on Asajj, and she isn't even the main antagonist, but she gets a meaningful role in it and has her place and her arc in the story. It's also my favorite approach to how Asajj would act when she has to deal with children. Worth the hype and an excellent book to read unrelated to Asajj.
Alright, that's all! I hope you check out at least one of these, they're all great. As said before, I also have a complete list of everything Asajj in chronological order. Feel free to ask me anything about the list and the things in it. I can also give a complete comic reading list for her, since it's a bit more than just the issues she appeared in. For anyone struggling with the accessibility of these recommendations, I have a hopefully comprehensive guide in the complete appearances post. And now just this list because I promised that:
Canon 1) Dooku: Jedi Lost Audiodrama - Script by Cavan Scott, preformed by full cast (also available in Script format) 2) Brotherhood - by Mike Chen 3) Star Wars: Hyperspace Stories #5 - Written by Amanda Deibert, with art by Riccardo Faccini (Variant cover by Cary Nord) 4) Worthless - a short story from Stories of Jedi and Sith - written by Delilah S. Dawson with an illustration by Jake Bartok 5) Star Wars Adventures: Return to Vader's Castle #3 - Written by Cavan Scott with art by Francesco Francavilla & Nick Brokenshire 6) Sisters - a short comic story from the Age of Republic Special - written by Jody Houser with art by Carlos Gómez
Legends 1) Star Wars: Republic: The New Face of War - 2-issue Comic arc (Star Wars: Republic #51-52) - written by W. Haden Blackman with art by Tomás Giorello 2) Star Wars: Republic #53 - written by W. Haden Blackman, with art by Brian Ching 3) Dark Heart - short story by August and Cynthia Hahn 4) The Cestus Deception - by Steven Barnes 5) Star Wars: Republic #60 - written by W. Haden Blackman with art by Tomás Giorello 6) Yoda: Dark Rendezvous - by Sean Stewart
tag list: @thechaoticfanartist @charmwasjess @metalatl @redsandspirit @slutshartsstuff @housepartyfortwo @karma-malfoy @thelivingforce
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intermundia · 5 months
I think Jude Watson’s (almost wrote jude law ansdjkgmgm lol) novels have informed fanon for obi-wan’s youth so that he’s very angsty, has a thirst to prove himself / to prove he’s worthy of his place in the jedi order etc etc.
What do you think his canon youth was like? Because in canon he was chosen very young as a padawan right?
What youth do you think fits him best? How would write his youth if you could?
yeah a lot of the jedi apprentice books can really be explained within the context of the genre and target audience, and reflects more how YA stories with child heroes need negligent guardians in order to go on wildly dangerous adventures of their own. it also distorts the personality of obi-wan to fit inside that context and increase his relatable and vulnerable traits for insecure kids. i think even the novel padawan by white maintains this distortion, though it is more subtle.
how would i write it? i'd extrapolate from the phantom menace where obi-wan is said explicitly to focus on his anxieties (still learning to balance living in the present with planning the future) and shown to be eager for approval from the council. i would write him as very bright and earnest in his desire to do good and become a good jedi knight. he is not alienated from the order or at risk of being cast aside, he has the security of knowing his place among his family is not in danger of rejection. he wants to live up to the order.
basically, i think his sense of duty comes not out of fear, but out of love. that's the heart of him. he loves the order and loves the force, and he always has. he felts at home in the temple, had friends and went on adventures, confident enough in being safe that he felt comfortable to break rules. he trusted his guardians and his guardians took care of him. they were his family as much as they were his role models for a good life.
extrapolating back from his elder personality means drawing back a curtain of maturity and equanimity to a more raw and emotional child, less wise and more dramatic. i can see him being mischievous and always looking for adventure, bright, dramatic, and creative. i think there's a reason yoda was quite fond of him. i suspect he rebelled against qui-gon's rule breaking by becoming overly rule following for a period in his teens, but it was not in his nature since birth to be like that.
i'd drain off some of the YA melodrama and make him more a part of the order that raised him, connected and secure enough to be a bit rebellious and impetuous. he wanted to be a great knight, and trained hard and practiced hard to be the best he could be, but not out of insecurity that he's not good enough, as much as out of conviction he could do good and well. his friction with qui-gon arose from him trying to figure out how to think for himself, and know when rules are to be followed and when they are to be broken, not from qui-gon's negligence. there'd just be less angst in general, i think haha.
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sweetrevxnge · 9 months
Like Phantoms, Forever
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Chapter Twenty | Across the Stars
Pairing: Ben Solo x Reader
Summary: Your destiny had never been clear to you, only becoming so when it led you to leaving behind the life you knew to train with the galaxy's sole Jedi Master, Luke Skywalker. His Jedi Academy became your new home, bringing with it the promise of someday becoming a Jedi Knight. While navigating the ways of the Force, an inexplicable connection forms between you and a fellow student—the heir to the legendary Skywalker bloodline, Ben Solo. Together, the two of you must face your destinies and forge the path to your true selves.
What to expect: fluff, violence, sexual content, general angst, mentions/descriptions of injury and death
Additional info: this story is set in 28 ABY, six years prior to the events of TFA
*concurrently being published on AO3 and Wattpad as well!
Spotify Playlist
Word count: 6.4k
Chapter-specific CW: NSFW, descriptions of drowning
A/N: yes, I took 6 months to update this. no, I don't have any good excuses. but if you're still here reading along, know that I appreciate you so, so much and am trying my best to write more often :') ALSO... since starting this story, Lucasfilm has officially stated that Luke's academy is located on Ossus, so I'm going to edit the story to match that!
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“Geegee, set course for Ilum.”
Ben’s voice echoed through the steel ship as you watched the Academy fade into the distance, lost in the green expanse of Ossus. You stood at the back of the ship’s hull, choosing to watch your departure from a narrow viewport rather than the cockpit.
“Right away, Master Solo,” said the droid, joints squeaking as it tottered to the cockpit.
As the roar of the ship’s engines lowered to a hum, unease crept in. While the thought of venturing into the galaxy to find a kyber crystal once filled you with excitement, it now made your stomach churn. It’s going to be okay, you told yourself, trying to make it true.
Leaving the safety of the New Republic’s surveillance was hard enough on its own, let alone voyaging to a foreign ice planet in the Unknown Regions. It wasn’t all bad, though. Knowing that Geegee automatically transmitted a signal back to the Academy provided you some comfort.
Behind you, you could hear the clicks and whirs of the control panel as Ben prepared the hyperdrive. You turned around, finding him hunched over the panel, muttering something about the motivator. Despite his frustration, he carried an air of confidence as he worked. Shoulders relaxed, hair pushed back from his eyes. It was a stark contrast to the first time you had flown with him in the Grimtaash.
The memory flashed in your mind when your eyes landed on the co-pilot’s seat—the same seat that cradled your bruised, bleeding body the night you escaped Zeffo. Just the thought of it was enough to make you doubt this entire journey.
Ben sat down in his chair, letting out an accomplished sigh as he rested his hands on his knees. With the coordinates entered and the drone of the engines steadily growing louder, you knew what was coming next.
“Everything alright over there?”
Ben’s voice snapped you from your trance. You let out a sharp breath, unaware that you had been holding it for the duration of your reverie.
“Princess?” he said louder this time, craning his neck to meet your gaze.
Whether it was your unconvincing nod or your failure to meet his gaze after his question that gave your apprehension away, you weren’t sure. Regardless, in a matter of seconds, he had jumped out of his chair and come to stand in front of you, hands clasped over yours in a firm—yet comforting—grip.
“Talk to me, princess.”
It came in pieces. The pounding in your temples, followed by the pungent taste of blood coating your tongue. But the memories weren’t strictly physical. Defeat and desperation replaced your climbing anxiety, polluting your senses with the stench of utter fear. All from just looking at a piece of furniture.
Just before you could unravel, Ben’s grip on you tightened, pulling you from your thoughts. It wasn’t until your name spilled over his lips, drenched with concern, that you pulled your gaze away from the co-pilot’s seat. 
“I’m sorry, I can’t–”
“Stop it.”
You stiffened. “Stop what?”
“Saying sorry all the time,” he said with a tsk. “I’m going to start charging you five credits every time you do it.”
“Well, the joke’s on you then. I don’t have any credits,” you said dryly.
Ben cocked an eyebrow at you and, without him saying a single word, you gave in. Exhaling a long breath, your nerves settled.
“It’s just hard being in here again, even under the best circumstances.” Without realizing it, you found yourself squeezing his hands in return, holding onto him like a lifeline. “Not to mention what would happen if I were unable to find a kyber crystal. Master Skywalker would send me into exile and I would be forced to live a life veiled in shame and failure–”
“Okay, I get it,” he said, fighting back a laugh. “But that’s not going to happen. It’s going to be okay, I promise,” he said, releasing your hands as he sat down again. “Now, we need to make the jump to hyperspace, which is unfortunately something you need to be sitting for. It’ll just be a moment, okay?”
You nodded in understanding, moving to sit in the co-pilot’s chair. But before you could lower yourself into the seat, Ben’s hands locked onto your waist, spinning you around and pulling you to sit on his lap.
A gasp escaped your mouth, earning a deep, amused laugh from the pilot. You whipped your head around, shooting him a disapproving look.
“What? I didn’t specify where you had to sit,” he said, squeezing your hips lightly. His gentle touch eased your nerves, calming you in a matter of seconds.
“You’re an infuriating man, you know that?” you said with mock ridicule.
“So I’m told.” Dimples framed his smile, melting away any remaining concern. If you didn’t know any better, you’d almost believe that his charm was more effective than any sedative a medical droid could offer. Almost.
Ben leaned forward, toggling a few more switches on the control panel. The feeling of his lips grazing the shell of your ear pulled you from your thoughts.
“Will you do me the honor?” he asked, weaving his fingers with yours as he guided your hand to the slender chrome lever in the center of the dashboard. The hyperdrive.
“Are you sure I’m qualified?” you asked.
With a peck on the cheek, he replied, “Absolutely.”
Your heart slammed into your ribs, causing your hands to tremble as you grabbed the rod. It was natural to be nervous about flying—especially when you were in the pilot’s seat. But the big arms wrapped around your torso assured you that you were safe.
As you pulled back on the lever, the engines roared in crescendo, launching the ship into hyperspace. The momentum pinned you against Ben, forcing you to grab onto the armrests for support. In the blink of an eye, the stars surrounding you transformed into blinding streaks of light before morphing into the swirling blue blur of deep space. To say it was exhilarating would be an understatement.
“Look at you,” Ben cooed, planting another kiss on your shoulder. “Before you know it, you’ll be piloting this thing all by yourself.”
You scoffed. “I seriously doubt that. I can barely operate a landspeeder without endangering myself and others.”
“Well, there’s only one way to get better, and I assure you, I’m a much better teacher than my uncle is.” Ben lowered his seat to a more comfortable position, pulling you back with him until you were resting against his chest.
“Is that so?” You couldn’t control your wandering hands as they crawled up the pleats of his robes, peeling back the fabric along his chest and neck.
He clasped your hands in his, holding them in place. “I mean it. After everything that happened, I want you to be comfortable piloting if you need to.”
There it was again, that horrible cloud that hung over your head at the mere mention of Zeffo. As if sensing this, Ben sighed and brought your fingers to his lips.
His warm breath spreading over your skin and his big, brown eyes peering up at you softened your resolve, leaving you no choice but to agree. “Fine. I’ll think about it.”
“I think you’ll find that I can be quite persuasive,” he said as he kissed the tender pads of your fingers, slowly working his way from pinky to thumb. He lingered on the last digit, dragging it over his plush lips. “Want me to show you?”
You nodded, mind turning hazy as you watched his lips, keenly aware of his other hand creeping under your tunic.
“Ben, we really shouldn’t,” you said halfheartedly, trying and failing to pull your hands free.
“Why not?”
“Because…” You drew the word out, motioning with your eyes to the empty hull of the ship. “This ship isn’t exactly private.”
He followed your gaze. “I see. Here, allow me to fix that.”
Without taking his attention off you, Ben flicked a switch on the control panel, causing the sliding door of the cockpit to close, hissing as it sealed you in.
“Better?” he asked, slipping his other hand under your robes, leaving a trail of gooseflesh behind as he inched towards your bra.
You breathed a sigh of relief as you rolled your hips forward, pressing down on his growing desire. “Much.”
He sucked in a sharp breath through his teeth. “Now, we need to address a different issue. You’re wearing too many clothes.” His wandering hands stopped at the clasp of your bra, undoing it in one swift motion. “Let’s fix that.”
Raising your arms over your head, you let him peel away the heavy cloth, kicking off your boots as he did the same with his robes. Arousal burned through you as you undressed in the small space, cursing the confines of the cockpit. Still in his uniform pants, Ben pulled you onto his lap again, eyes raking over your newly exposed skin like it was the first time he’d seen it.
All that remained now was your underwear, the only barrier between you and the rough cloth of his pants as you straddled his hips. “Why do I always end up more naked than you?”
“Shh…” A smirk ghosted his lips as strong hands moved to grab fistfuls of your ass, squeezing with a bruising force. “We wouldn’t want anyone overhearing us, would we?”
The heat simmering low in your belly quickly transformed into a wild flame, demanding attention. Lacing your fingers through his hair, you kissed down the curve of his neck, running along the taut muscles until you reached his collarbone.
“I can’t make any promises,” you said, teeth grazing his skin.
A low moan rumbled in his chest, vibrating on your lips. “Fuck,” he said under his breath, snaking a hand up your spine and doing the same to your hair. Tugging your head back, he leaned in close to your ear and whispered, “Then I’ll have to find another way to keep you quiet.”
With that, his grip loosened, fingers moving to trace over your jaw until his thumb slid over your bottom lip. “Open,” he ordered, trailing kisses down your chest, coming dangerously close to your breasts.
You obeyed, squirming in his lap from the anticipation, seeking any relief for the ache growing between your legs. As you parted your lips, he pushed his thumb into your mouth.
“Good. Now, suck.”
Head spinning with arousal, you swirled your tongue over his digit, earning a groan of approval from him. You stifled a gasp as he took a nipple into his mouth, alternating between sucking and rolling his tongue over it. Beneath you, you could feel his cock stiffening, causing your arousal to burn hotter.
Wanting to encourage this, you sucked harder, allowing your moans to rumble around his thumb. When his cock twitched against you, you beamed with pride.
A moment later, he released your nipple with a pop, free hand fumbling with the waistband of his pants. “I need to fuck you,” he said, practically begging as he worked his pants down.
Every nerve in your body was alight, needy for attention. He pulled his thumb away, watching in awe as a string of saliva fell from your lips before running it over the head of his cock. Pupils blown with lust, he wasted no time, dragging your underwear to the side and spreading your desire around your entrance.
With a grunt, he paused, searching your eyes. “Is this okay?”
“Yes,” you said breathlessly, aligning yourself with him. “Please.”
You both let out a sigh as he pushed into you, lips clashing together. Before long, you relaxed around him, sinking your hips lower, relishing how he stretched you. He moved slowly at first, giving you control as he closed his eyes and tipped his head back against the headrest. Dark locks of hair fanned over his face, clinging to the beads of sweat forming on his skin.
True to his word, he kept quiet, concealing his groans of pleasure as heavy breaths. The same couldn’t be said for you, who was letting out wanton moans with every thrust. It wasn’t for a lack of trying, though. The desire coursing through you had addled your mind, leaving you unable to control yourself.
A particularly loud gasp caught Ben’s attention, causing him to slow his movements. “Careful, princess.”
Nails digging into the armrests, you held back another moan. “Sorry—I just can’t—help it.”
“I know you can’t.” The corners of his lips twitched and before you knew it, his thumb was seeking entrance to your mouth again. “Now, be a good girl for me and stay quiet.”
Running your tongue over his thumb, you welcomed him in again, heat rushing to your core as you sucked. Ben’s breaths grew erratic as he continued to fuck into you, eyes trained on your lips. He effectively silenced you, but the few moans that managed to escape were now muffled by his thumb instead.
“That’s my girl,” he said, sliding his finger free and dropping it to your aching clit. “I think you deserve a reward.”
“Don’t tease, Ben,” you whimpered, eyes fluttering shut as he slowly applied pressure.
“Didn’t plan on it,” he said, drawing tight circles around your bud. 
The sensation was enough to drive you insane, hips rolling involuntarily against his hand, demanding more. Insatiable as ever, you pleaded for him to go faster, earning his cooperation.
“Fuck—baby—you look so good riding me.” His words were broken by quick breaths, evidence of his mounting pleasure. Your thighs burned from straddling his, trembling as your own pleasure threatened to wash over you. Every second you spent teetering on the edge felt torturous, stretching for eternity.
Desperate for release, you rolled your hips harder, forcing more pressure from Ben’s hand. A string of expletives fell from your lips as your resolve shattered, allowing the ecstasy bubbling beneath the surface to flood in. You bit down on the back of your hand, lost in the waves of euphoria that rippled through your body, your cunt pulsing around his cock.
With one last thrust, Ben gripped you tight, pulling you against his chest and burying his face into your neck. He littered your skin with sloppy kisses as he regained his composure, slowly leaning back into the seat.
“I wish we could stay like this forever,” you whispered, resting your forehead against his as your fingers traced over his rattling chest.
He let out a long sigh through his nose before agreeing. “Me too.”
Time passed like the stars swirling around you, and before long, the Grimtaash snapped out of hyperspace, revealing the ice planet of Ilum before you.
With a striking, silvery atmosphere, and patches of white storms riddling its surface, Ilum was truly a sight to behold. Unlike Dantooine and Ossus, there was no distinction between the terrains, only a vast, pale landscape.
“You weren’t lying about the snow,” you said, standing from your seat to get a better look.
“That’s what the coats are for,” Ben replied with a wink before calling back to the hull of the ship. “Geegee, prepare the landing sequence.”
The two of you had traded your robes for thermals and jackets in anticipation of landing, but despite the layers, a chill traveled down your spine. If you didn’t know any better, you would’ve thought it was from the planet’s atmosphere radiating through the ship, but you knew what caused it. The prospect of adventure, traversing the unknown with the person you love by your side.
The realization felt like a blow to your chest, upsetting your balance as you reclaimed your seat. A string of beeps behind you pulled you from your thoughts. Master Skywalker’s astromech had come out of rest mode, now serving as a well-timed distraction.
Ben laughed under his breath. “No, Artoo. Your wheels will freeze to the ground if you go with us.”
The droid fired back, warbling as he rocked side to side on his wheels in defiance.
“You know I’m right! We can’t just sit around all day waiting for you to defrost.”
Another rebuttal from the droid, one that made Ben’s mouth fall open. “Just… stay on the ship, okay?”
R2-D2 concluded his argument with another string of beeps before spinning his head and body around and leaving the cockpit.
The low hum of machinery permeated the silence as you sat back in your seat, arms crossed over your chest. You would’ve given anything to know what R2-D2 had said to get under Ben’s skin the way he did.
Ahead, the Grimtaash entered the planet’s atmosphere, causing the ship to lurch as it sliced through the storm clouds. The floor beneath you no longer felt solid as the turbulence rattled the ship like a leaf in the wind, dread stirring in your stomach.
“Hold on tight—it’s going to be a rough landing,” Ben said, hunched over the control panel as he completed the landing sequence.
“Yeah, I gathered that!”
With knuckles blanched around the armrests, you squeezed your eyes shut and waited for the chaos to settle. When the ship finally touched the ground, you relaxed, letting out a breath you didn’t know you were holding.
Running a hand through his glossy black hair, Ben smiled at you. “Welcome to Ilum.”
All the furs and thermals in the galaxy couldn’t have prepared you for the cold of Ilum. It was visceral, threatening to turn every drop of blood in your body into crimson ice. White flurries engulfed you, blinding you to your surroundings. If it weren’t for his hand clutching yours, you’d hardly be able to make out where Ben stood.
“Lovely weather this time of year, isn’t it?” he joked, voice raised over the howling wind.
You opened your mouth to respond but stopped when the chill spread through your teeth, prompting you to pull one of your many layers over your nose for coverage. “I didn’t think it was possible to be this cold.”
Shielding the snow from his eyes, he leaned in closer. “Once we get inside the caves, it won’t be so bad.”
From the depths of his coat pockets, he retrieved a small cylindrical device, struggling to activate it from the confines of his leather gloves. Finally, a blue digital map appeared in the center, displaying a system of caves and tunnels northeast of where you’d landed.
“There,” he said, his breaths strained from the weather. “The closest entrance is less than a kilometer away. Follow me.”
Wordlessly, you did as you were told, careful to step in Ben’s footprints to avoid sinking through the snow. The two of you were uncharacteristically quiet as you trekked through the tundra. You daydreamed about beams of sunlight, steaming cups of caf, and hot showers—just to name a few. More than just a coping mechanism for the intense cold, it also served as a distraction from the task awaiting you.
A natural opening in the crag served as your respite from the elements, inviting you to explore the labyrinth within. Despite being encased in frost and ice, the alcove felt warm, if only from the vapor of your breaths.
“So, where do we go from here?” you asked, voice hoarse from the wind.
“That’s kind of the problem,” Ben said, peeling off his wind-beaten jacket. “The Empire gutted this place, making it unstable in some areas. For now, we’ll follow the charted tunnels.”
“Why am I not surprised to hear that?” you grumbled, doing the same with your coat. It came as no surprise to learn that the Empire plundered the Jedi’s sacred planet, destroying the ancient temple housed in its caves as they did. Twisting the knife in the Jedi Order’s back.
“It’s what they did best. But that’s why we’re here,” he said, a smile tugging at his rosy lips. “To rebuild.”
To defend, you thought. Your heart sank at the idea of your efforts being in vain. What good would a fledgling Jedi Order be against a rising empire? If the old Order crumbled at the height of its power, Master Skywalker’s Order didn’t stand a chance.
You cleared your throat, pushing your thoughts aside and refocusing on the task at hand. “Right. Well, then. Where should we start?” you asked, glancing at the glowing holomap in his palm.
“That’s not my decision to make.” His eyes twinkled from the blue light of the map as he placed it in your hand.
As much as you wanted to reject it, you didn’t. He was right, after all. This was your journey; he was just here as support.
“Fine,” you said with a sigh. “But I don’t want to hear any complaints if we get lost.”
He smiled down at you. “Sure thing, princess.”
You nodded, holding his gaze for a moment longer. It was impossible to ignore his frostbitten beauty. Tendrils of hair clung to his forehead, the result of melted frost and sweat. The cold highlighted his sharp features more than ever, coloring his cheeks and nose in a peachy hue. Under different circumstances, you’d be happy to help him warm up.
Heat rushed to your face as you refocused on the holomap. Now was not the time—and most certainly not the place.
You examined the details of the holomap, trying to make sense of the labyrinth of grainy blue pathways. The crack you’d slipped through was just one of many that led to the caverns within, like veins tracing back to a heart. From what you could tell, the path you were on eventually let out into a central chamber, which then branched out into a handful of different tunnels. It was as good a starting point as any, and with a deep breath, you set out.
Ben followed behind you as you navigated the tunnel, with only the occasional drop of water breaking the comfortable silence. Stalactites adorned the ceiling, each bearing a unique state of damage. Every inch of the slate walls shimmered with ice crystals, reflecting in all directions as the blue glow of the holomap passed by. Slivers of clouded sunlight squeezed through cracks in the cavern’s walls, illuminating your footpath.
“What was your first time here like?” you asked over your shoulder, studying the mining scars etched into the walls for any sign of kyber.
“Loud,” he said, sighing. “I mean, just imagine a dozen teenagers running around a place like this. It’s a miracle we didn’t drive Master Skywalker insane.”
You couldn’t help but smile at the image he painted. He, Tai, Hennix, and to your surprise, Voe came to mind, a decade younger than they were now, squealing as their feet slid across the patches of ice. And Master Skywalker, futilely trying to reign them in.
“Maybe that’s why he wasn’t keen on coming back,” you said with a scoff.
He chuckled. “Maybe.”
A beat passed before you asked, “How long did it take you to find your crystal?”
Another sigh. “I’ll tell you once you find yours.”
Where you had hoped his answer would provide you with some comfort, you were only left with doubt. What if you couldn’t find one today? Or tomorrow? Or at all?
“Of course you will,” you muttered, watching your position on the holomap as it gently pulsed, showing that you were approaching the end of the tunnel.
The cave ahead was larger than you’d expected. With a ceiling that blended with the hanging darkness, you would’ve thought you’d stumbled upon a rune crafted by ancient men. But the crags and formations embedded in the walls proved otherwise. Water trickled freely down the jagged mineral, echoing throughout the room and filling the space with a fresh fragrance—rather than that of stale air.
Veins of opaque, white crystal ran through the stone walls, and for a moment, you wondered if this was it. There was only one way to find out.
Carefully, you approached a thread, setting the holomap down on a patch of ice. With trembling hands, you peeled a glove off and brushed the surface. The cavern immediately siphoned the warmth from your fingers, turning them numb before you could determine if the ore was made of kyber.
Finally, you conceded. “I don’t feel anything,” you grumbled, working your hand back into the glove.
Ben came to stand behind you, chest pressed flush against your back as his hands slid down your hips. “That’s okay. It’s just quartzite ore.” His breath fanned over your ear. “You’re not the first person to mistake it for kyber, and you won’t be the last, either.”
You spun around, still locked in his embrace. “Is that supposed to make me feel better?”
He smiled. “We’ve been looking for all of twenty minutes. Don’t give up yet, princess.”
Despite everything—the weight of the unknown, the frost forming within your lungs, the lingering doubts you held about leaving the protection of the Academy—you found yourself savoring this moment. Deep in the heart of Ilum’s caves, wrapped in Ben Solo’s arms, you were content.
The vision of Coruscant appeared in your mind. Of you and him on the balcony overlooking the crowded hyperlanes of the planet home to so much life that it had become life itself. A place where anyone could blend in. Or disappear.
You blinked, wiping away the dream. “What if I never find one?”
Ben raised an eyebrow. “I’d say that’s pretty unlikely. The Empire took what they could, but that doesn’t mean that they were thorough.”
“No. I mean…” You dropped your gaze, holding his hands on your waist. “What if we left now? Before I find a crystal, and before you undergo the Jedi Trials.”
At that, his face fell. “This is your fear talking. You’re not thinking rationally.”
“No, just… listen to me.” You guided yours and his hands over your heart, acutely aware of its relentless pace. “Is this our destiny? To steal moments under the cover of darkness? Away from the eyes of the galaxy?”
Ben was silent for a long moment, his honey eyes searching yours, full of conflict. “What if it is?”
Your breaths mingled, dancing to the tune of your heartbeats. His words told a different story than his heart—the heart you shared.
“I know you don’t believe that,” you said, running a thumb over his rosy cheeks. “So, what’s stopping you?”
He untangled himself from your grasp, raking his fingers through his hair as he paced the room. “I can’t just leave. The galaxy is on the brink of another war—the same war my family dedicated their lives to ending. I’ve spent the last thirteen years working to become a Jedi Knight, to protect the people of the galaxy from conflicts like this.” He pinched the bridge of his aquiline nose, shaking his head lightly. “I’ve come too close to throw it all away now.”
He was right. The galaxy was in jeopardy, its future dependent on the New Republic’s ability to snuff out a fire before it became an inferno. War was likely, and when it came, you both needed to be there to serve the light. To serve justice.
You realized then just how polarized the two of you were. Ben, the son of a Skywalker, burdened with the weight of a legacy imposed upon him from birth. Hailing from a family that ensured he would follow the Jedi path, just as his uncle and grandfather had.
And you, the daughter of a traitor. With no one left to turn to. Whose family legacy was that of deceit and treason.
It was unfair to ask this of him; you knew that. But in the same breath, you couldn’t imagine continuing to live like this.
Before you could apologize, Ben’s hands seized your face, his lips crashing against yours. His kiss felt like a flame breathing oxygen, burning hot and powerful, rendering you senseless.
“But I can’t lose you, either,” he said, resting his forehead on yours. “You are the stars in my sky. Without you, I’d be lost in the dark.”
Your heart skipped at his confession, and yet, words eluded you. The three you’d long wanted to give voice to felt too constrictive. What you shared with him went beyond anything under the definition of love alone. It was so much more than that—a connection that tied you to one another. The Force itself granted you this insight when it bridged your minds, creating the bond you shared. To call it love would be a disservice.
“Then come with me,” you whispered, pulling away to look at him. “It doesn’t have to be today. Just someday. Tomorrow holds endless possibilities for us.”
He pursed his lips as he let out a long breath, leaving you in agonizing suspense as he prepared his answer. “Okay.”
Elated, you reached to cup his face, eager to return the kiss he’d given you moments ago. Except his hands stopped you before you could.
“But only after you’ve finished your training,” he added, hands gliding down your arms. “And when the galaxy doesn’t need our help.”
It was a fair compromise to make—no different from you asking him to leave his life behind. Most of all, it was a compromise you could live with. 
“Promise?” you asked, looking up at him through your lashes.
“I promise.” He breathed the words rather than whispered them, stoking the fire in your chest. Before you could, he closed the distance and kissed you again, more gently this time—perhaps than ever before. It was the manifestation of his word, and yours in return.
When he eventually pulled away, the ghost of his touch lingered, burning through your very soul. A vortex threatened to consume you, chipping away at your rationality, seeking to swallow you whole. But now was not the time. In this moment, you knew what you needed to do, and even if it required the strength of all the stars in the galaxy, you would do it.
You cleared your throat as you reached for the holomap, forcing yourself to be interested in anything other than tearing Ben’s clothes off. “It looks like this path here branches out into three smaller ones.” Using the dial on the base of the map, you magnified the projected image, looking to Ben for reassurance. “We’ll follow it through.”
He nodded. “Lead the way, captain.”
The two of you continued down the cavern’s narrow and winding passages for hours, only stopping when an unexpected gleam of light caught your eye. Out of the twelve times you’d hoped to find kyber, eight were quartzite, with the other four being shards of scrap metal left behind from the Empire’s demolitions. Each disappointment chipped away at your morale, feeding into your belief that you were unworthy of being a Jedi.
Ben must have recognized this as he suggested stopping for a break, digging through his pack for an energy ration. You came to stand beside him, dragging your feet across the ground as if they had turned into blocks of ice.
“Here,” he said, offering you the ration he’d fished out. “You need to eat. This will tie you over until we can get back to the ship.”
“At this rate, that could be days from now.” Your fingers had lost all dexterity as you tried to unwrap the ration, mouth beginning to water at the thought of food. “I just want to go home.”
As you took the first bite, your vision turned white, but only for a fraction of a second. It startled you, causing you to drop the chocolate-coated ration onto the icy floor.
“Hey! Careful with the Endorian cocoa. That stuff’s hard to come by nowadays,” Ben said as a deafening shriek pierced the silence of the caverns. 
You twisted your neck, trying to identify where it originated, heart hammering against your ribs as you lifted a trembling finger to your lips.
Ben grabbed the crook of your arm, turning you to face him. “What are you doing?” His tone was stern, seemingly unfazed by the cry that still echoed through the caves.
You wrested your arm free, lowering your voice to below than a whisper. “Are you deaf? That noise—the scream. We’re not alone.”
“I didn’t hear anything.” His dark eyes were wide, suspicious. “And we are alone. If we weren’t, the holomap would pick up their heat signatures, too.”
You lowered your eyes to the map, finding only yours and Ben’s forms in shades of red and yellow. But before you could consider any logical explanations for the sound, another cry rang through the tunnel, this time coming from the unexplored end of the path. Shrouded in darkness, the path beckoned you, drawing you closer like a magnet. The voice was deep and distorted, yet familiar. You closed off your other senses, focusing only on the voice as it came to clarity. Someone—or something—was calling for you.
“Come to me…” it said, nearly clear enough to be mistaken for another person in the room. “My love.”
Your breath hitched and tears welled in your eyes, rolling down your cold cheeks and onto the exposed fur of your jacket. It was a voice you wouldn’t soon forget.
“M-mom?” you asked, like a child searching for comfort in the night.
Ben stiffened at the word. “Princess, there’s no one else here.” From the volume of his voice, you could tell he was wary. He must have thought you were in a hallucinatory state, and truthfully, you couldn’t blame him.
“I know, but I can hear her calling for me,” you said, voice cracking as you stepped towards her voice. “I have to follow it.”
“No, you don’t.” He reached for you again, pressing the back of his hand to your forehead. “Are you sure you’re feeling okay? Maybe you caught something in the infirmary or–”
“I’m fine,” you snapped, pulling away. “I just… feel like this is something I need to do.”
“Well, you’re not going alone,” Ben insisted, trailing behind you. “I promised Master Skywalker that I would keep you safe, and I can’t do that if we’re separated.”
You ignored him, turning on your heels and reaching into the Force to guide you in the right direction.
Beyond the shadows was another frost-lined chamber, and as you entered, the world around you fell silent. No voices, no footsteps, no ambient drops of water. Only the sound of your breath.
Your boots squeaked on the icy ground as you shifted your weight, glancing back to find Ben. To your surprise—and horror—you found yourself entirely alone. Not only that, but the chamber itself had become something unrecognizable, with no exits and cramped walls.
Panic swelled in your chest and as it did, the ice beneath you gave way, plunging you into dark, freezing water.
You were numb in an instant. Struggling against the weight of your clothes and the fear consuming you, you tried to swim, limbs heavy as bricks as you willed them to move. Unable to process what had happened, your thoughts were overtaken by instinct.
Slowly, you pushed forward, following the only source of light spilling through the black water. With no end in sight, you wondered if you would even make it, lungs growing tight, burning more with each passing second.
The light was pure, preternaturally so, blinding you as you swam into its glow. You resisted the urge to draw a breath, knowing that doing so would only seal your fate. You couldn’t die like this, not now. Not after the promises you’d made in these caves.
As the light engulfed you, you thought of Ben. Where was he? Could he sense that you were on the verge of sinking into oblivion? Would he mourn you when he realized?
With that last question, you used what was left of your energy to call to the Force, pleading for its aid. It wasn’t long before its familiar warmth came to you, an invisible hand grabbing yours and guiding you to the surface. 
As you approached the rippling plane of water, you could hear your name being called, dampened by the roar of blood rushing in your ears. It came again, louder this time, synchronous with your hand breaking through the water.
Cool air kissed your skin, welcoming you back to life. You thrashed at the surface, coughing up the water you’d taken in when you fell, nearly heaving from the force of it. As you opened your burning eyes, you found that the hand holding yours wasn’t invisible at all, but tangible, as real as your own.
“It’s okay, sweetheart,” your mother said, lips unmoving as her words permeated the air. “You’re safe now.”
She looked ethereal, a backdrop of white light painting her like a vision of an angel. For a moment, you were sure that you’d arrived in the afterlife, reunited with your mother at long last. It wasn’t until her hand slipped away and yours hit the hard stone floor you realized you weren’t.
The brilliant light vanished along with her presence, leaving you blanketed in darkness. Desperate to escape the freezing water, you clawed at the jagged stone of the opening, mustering the strength to prop yourself up on your elbows. Your nails dug into your palms as you pushed yourself out of the water, crawling only a few inches before falling onto your back, muscles screaming. The layers of wet clothing clung to your skin, sending a violent chill through your bones, but you didn’t care. All you could focus on was your breathing, the sweet sting of air filling your lungs.
The Force lingered around you as you lay there, fists slowly unfurling as the adrenaline waned. As your fingers relaxed, something rolled out of your palm, hitting the wet stone with a soft clink.
Your eyes shot open at the sound. Scrambling to sit up, you searched for the object in the dim light, but it didn’t take you long.
Beside you was a glowing crystal, pulsing with a heartbeat of its own and humming a soft melody attuned to your ears. You blinked in disbelief as you reached for it, tears blurring your vision.
A blue heart of kyber, calling to you.
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edgeofn1ght · 2 months
all you conceal, let out: ch. 2
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story summary: After the death of Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, in his grief, takes off on a mission half-cocked to find a lost holocron on Jedha. The next thing he knows, he's waking up injured on a planet he's never seen before, surrounded by calm and an unsettling quiet. Then, after passing out again, he wakes up in a strange home, patched, clean, and safe. And his savior is someone he loved who he didn't think he'd ever see again. Will he be able to get back to his own universe, and does he even want to?
ch. 2: While Anakin is forced to wait until he can return home, or anywhere, he decides that he wants (needs) to know more about Ben.
↳ ch. 1
alternate universe travel • obikin • read on ao3 instead
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Anakin turned over and it was day once more. He wiped his eyes, wondering if he'd ever stop sleeping. That was all he'd done since landing in this strange place. Without looking, he hesitantly stretched his arm out to the right – the other side was empty, the blanket cold, just as it was the night before. 
Well, at least he was still on Stewjon, inside the farmer’s small home.
He sighed and got up again for the second? Third… time? He was completely losing track of the hours and minutes in this place. He could have been asleep for days for all he knew. Pulling back the curtain just as he'd done the day before, he looked out over Ben’s land. 
He spotted Ben immediately, but was surprised to find he wasn't alone.
Wandering the garden and the field beyond were also seven or eight children of varying ages and races. Ben was kneeling with a Zabrak child next to him, and they were looking very intently at something in his hand. Ben pointed at his palm with a gentle smile, and the child's face lit up as she looked up at him. 
It seemed he had that effect on people in every universe. 
Anakin continued to watch as Ben and the children moved around the yard, digging, planting, picking, and harvesting late summer vegetables and fruits. Judging by the talking, he seemed to be teaching all the while and the children were surprisingly very attentive.  Memories of when Anakin first became Obi-Wan’s padawan burst to the surface, occupying his thoughts. How in awe he was of the Jedi Knight, how he ate up every little thing Obi-Wan said, but also how frustrating it was to never know what his master was thinking. Obi-Wan was trying his best, Anakin could see it, but it was obvious that Master Qui-Gon’s loss weighed heavily on him, and he kept Anakin at something of an arm's length for a time. 
But as his apprenticeship continued, Obi-Wan opened up slowly and carefully. Then Anakin… well. Anakin became difficult, as most teenagers were wont to do, and began to close himself off. He shuddered now to think about his behavior, about some of the things he'd shouted at his master, of how he'd run off to the lower levels of Coruscant to race illegally, of the fights he'd get into with other padawans, then later… his time with Padmé. He cleared his throat, willing the rise of the negative memories and feelings to dissipate. 
He hoped these children appreciated the gift Ben was giving them. And if they didn't… maybe Anakin could make them see. 
Anakin turned from the window and found all his own clothes cleaned, dried, and folded neatly on the top of the dresser. His cloak hung from a hook on the back of the door, and his boots (also scrubbed clean) stood below his cloak. He washed up and dressed in his pants, under tunic, and boots, trying to make himself more presentable. Just being in his own clean clothes again helped him feel more like himself, which would help him think more clearly.  Anakin grabbed a sun apple from the counter in the kitchen then headed outside. Ben looked up as Anakin came closer to where he and a few of the children stood. 
"Ah, Anakin, nice of you to join us," he smiled. When the corners of his eyes softened and crinkled, something fluttered in Anakin's chest. 
He took a bite of the apple. "I didn't know I was missing something."
"We're learning about the rainbow qaana!" the little Zabrak girl said.
“I'm sure you didn't expect children outside this morning, but this is my class,” Ben chuckled as he waved his arm around. “Being that Stewjon is a largely agricultural society, I teach younglings how to use their gifts to grow and care for plants, recognize fauna and insects, and how to live off the land."
Of course, that made sense – Ben was still a teacher, a master with many apprentices, in addition to being a farmer. What a quiet life he must lead. Anakin was almost jealous. 
"I wasn't sure you'd ever wake up today," Ben added, only for Anakin's ears. 
"I was tired," he shrugged and took another bite of his apple. That Ben was seemingly waiting for him at all was interesting. 
"I'm sure you are. And your body needs to heal from whatever trauma you've endured in your journey."
Anakin looked down to find the little girl staring. She smiled. He didn't know what she was thinking but it was almost surely something she shouldn't be. 
"Just know you can sleep as long as you like. I don't have a problem with it," Ben said as he walked closer. He gently touched Anakin's arm – a silent request to follow. "But I do know you want to get home. I commed an acquaintance in town who is heading to the Core Worlds soon and he can take you. Then from there…” Ben hesitated then looked down. “Then from there you can head back to Coruscant. The only downside is the transport won't be here for another week."
"A week?" Anakin asked. It was too much time and not nearly enough. 
Ben wouldn't understand that just going to Coruscant wasn't enough. And after his behavior last night, of course Ben would use the first chance he could to get rid of him. He frowned, which Ben noticed.  
"I'm sorry, it's the best I could do," he continued as they strolled around the garden. The sound of children's laughter felt out of place as Anakin warred with his emotions. "As you may have guessed, Stewjon isn't exactly the center of commerce and travel, things move a bit slower here." 
"But you are more than welcome to stay in my home until then, I won't kick you out," Ben added with a gentle smile. "You just have to put up with my cooking and students sometimes." That was hardly difficult. He'd put up with a lot just to be near Obi-Wan. "I'm sure your people are looking for you though. Have you been able to contact them?"
Anakin cleared his throat. "I haven't tried." It was the truth, but he couldn’t have explained why not. 
They were probably worried sick by now.  Ahsoka was most likely already out searching with the 501st after not being able to reach him. Maybe she had alerted the Council. Maybe they had pulled their measly political strings to get a search going for him. Maybe Padmé had gotten involved, despite…
No, he hadn't tried to contact a single one of them. 
"Does your communicator work? You're welcome to try–"
"Why are you doing all of this?" Anakin quickly interrupted him, trying to keep the irritation out of his voice. It wasn't this Ben's fault.
"I figured you'd want to get home to your own family and not waste any more time with some strange hermit you don't even know." Well, that was where he was wrong. Obi-Wan was his family. He would have spent the rest of his life here with him if he'd let him. 
Then Anakin suddenly wondered… was his mother alive in this universe? Was she still on Tatooine? A slave? Married to Cliegg? Or a free woman and off on her own adventure somewhere else? He wouldn't even begin to know how to find her if she wasn't exactly where he had left her nearly 13 years ago. But then again, somehow he'd found Obi-Wan, as if cosmic forces brought them together for some reason. It didn't make any sense otherwise. Of all the planets, and all the people he could have landed beside… it wasn't even his mother or his almost-wife, but the man who was the other half of his soul. 
Like he was always meant to find him. 
"Okay, a week," he finally said as he chucked the core of his apple out into the tall grasses. "I'll try contacting them today." 
"Very good," Ben smiled as he patted Anakin's arm then returned to his students. 
A week would be a lifetime.  
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Just as Anakin suspected, he couldn't get in touch with anyone. He couldn’t even pick up any kind of line anywhere. He was ready to throw his communicator against the wall in a fit of rage, but that probably wouldn't help anyone – especially him.  At some point while Anakin was in the bedroom, Ben released his class and came back in. The sounds of another person puttering around the house was a comfort. If Anakin closed his eyes, he could imagine he was back in the Temple, in his suite, Obi-Wan visiting and in the kitchen making caf, just like he used to whenever they had an afternoon together away from the war.
It was so calm again, he even contemplated meditation. That’s how he knew he was truly desperate. But then again, maybe if he went deep enough, he could connect to another Jedi or else access memories he needed to help him remember details about the holocron. It wasn't ideal, he hadn't even tried to meditate since Obi-Wan… well, it had been a little over three months since he had meditated at all. His connection felt broken. 
He sighed and settled onto the bed, facing the window and looking out towards Ben’s land and beyond. Then he closed his eyes. 
All was quiet once more. The planet, its life, even the Force was calm and gentle. The silence wove its way under his skin and into Anakin's bones. 
He couldn't get quite used to the notion that Obi-Wan lived some hermit-y life here, alone, farming. Obi-Wan needed to be out there , helping others, putting his talents and skills to good use, not blending into the landscape, virtually unknown. Then another thought sprang to mind. What if Obi-Wan wasn't alone? What if in this universe he actually had a significant other, a husband? A wife? Perhaps even a few children? Though he hadn't mentioned a family, and Anakin couldn't imagine where they could be if not here, but that didn't mean they didn't exist. 
He and Obi-Wan couldn’t even be together in a completely different universe, he thought bitterly. And it was worse because, here, Anakin was not part of his life in any way. 
His eyes flew open. It was impossible to meditate. 
A soft knock came on the door, startling Anakin and he cleared his throat. "Come in."
The door opened slowly and Ben stood there, once again just as real and as whole as he had ever been. "I was going into town for some things, maybe to eat, I thought maybe you'd want to go with me?"
Anakin was actually surprised that he even asked. Unless… "You don't want to let me out of your sight," he accused. 
Ben closed his eyes for a moment and sighed. Anakin recognized the look – it was the exact same look Obi-Wan made whenever Anakin did or said something to test his patience. "Not for the reasons you think. And not only that," he admitted. "Mostly I just didn't think you'd want to be lonely."
Maybe Ben is lonely, did you think of that? A voice in Anakin’s head asked.
He pursed his lips and finally nodded, "Well, it's not like there's anything for me to do here anyway."
"Okay then,” Ben smiled. “Meet me outside in ten," and he closed the door.
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"You know, you probably should check the axial compressor on this thing!" Anakin shouted over the rumbling of the old speeder. "It's not supposed to knock like that!"
Ben looked over at him, hair whipping across his forehead. "Pardon??" He shouted back. 
"The knocking!!" Anakin yelled louder and made a knocking gesture. "Is! Not! Normal!"
"Oh! Yes, I know!" Ben yelled back, grinning. 
"Why don't you fix it??" It was utterly ridiculous and useless to have a conversation like this, he didn’t know why he tried in the first place, but Ben just kept smiling. Anakin was sure he didn't actually hear him and now was simply ending the conversation for both their sakes. 
When they arrived, Ben parked his speeder on the edge of the small town alongside other fancier speeders, swoops, and a pen where an eopie and a nekko wandered around, snuffling at the grass. Ben pulled his goggles off his face and hung them around his neck. Anakin wanted to laugh at the imprint they had made around Ben's eyes and on his cheeks, but it was endearing, so he didn't. 
Ben hoisted a few large bags out of the back, then hefted one over his shoulder. "Would you mind terribly grabbing the other?"
Anakin scoffed, "Oh, I see now why you wanted me to come with you. It was a ploy for me to work ." Ben grinned and turned towards the main street. 
Life in town was far and away more than Anakin had seen since his arrival. As it turned out, there really was more to Stewjon than just Ben and his students. Now he knew for sure he wasn't dreaming because there was no way his mind could conjure all these people and places – it was too detailed, too intricate.
"I haven't fixed my speeder because I don't have all the technical know-how to repair speeder engines, or the parts and tools,” Ben said after a few moments of silence. “And I don't have the time or money to leave it at a mechanic to be fixed.” 
"Oh," Anakin replied. "Well, I can be quite handy with mechanics and repairs, I could take a look before I leave?"
Ben looked at him briefly then away again. "Well that would be very helpful."
"It's nothing," Anakin said as he repositioned the bag on his shoulder. "It's the least I can do."
"You don't owe me anything, you know that right?" Anakin didn't answer. Maybe that was true. Maybe he believed it. But he wanted to help him. It was still Obi-Wan, and he would have done anything for him. 
They eventually arrived at an outdoor market where Ben sold much of the week's harvest. The market was a cacophony of noise from the merchants, vendors, shoppers, livestock, and children running to and fro. Its liveliness reminded Anakin of Tatooine – poor but (mostly) friendly merchants just trying to make their way in an unfriendly economy and hostile galaxy. And even though Stewjon was part of the Republic, and Tatooine belonged to the Hutts, it wasn’t a rich society, just as Ben had said. Maybe other cities on the planet had more wealth, but here where Ben was settled… not so much. 
As they approached one of the stalls, a Devaronian vendor eyed Anakin suspiciously. "Who's this then?" He asked in a gruff voice as Ben handed him one of his sacks. 
"Oh, this is my, ehm, cousin Markl," Ben replied, carefully avoiding Anakin's gaze. Good thing, too, because Anakin knew he looked confused. It wouldn’t do to give himself away so quickly. "He's come in from Coruscant for a week or so."
The Devaronian harrumphed. "Oh, Coruscant, eh? So y'think you're fancy, eh?" Anakin wanted to laugh. If he only knew. 
"Now, now, Juhk Holloq, is that really any way to treat our visitor? Where's that famous Stewjonian hospitality?"
Juhk scoffed, "You forget I'm not from here."
“My apologies then for my oversight,” Ben chuckled. The Devaronian handed over a rather small amount of credits to Ben, who pocketed it right away. “Well, thank you again for your business, we'll be getting along now. See you again in a couple weeks."  Anakin wanted to protest the measly sum – it wasn't nearly enough – but he thought better of making a scene his first time in town. 
"Why didn't you get more?" He asked as they left and headed further into town. "Also, Markl??" 
Ben smiled, "I don't really know. The name just came to me. It didn't seem like I should be giving out your real name, considering you're a general in the Grand Army of the Republic." 
"Well, perhaps…"
"And also, that price is fair here," Ben continued. "I wish I could ask for more, but in case you haven't figured it out yet, we're not a very affluent society like you might be used to in Coruscant. Juhk's been fair with me, and if it's low, it’s probably because he doesn’t have much himself to offer. Sometimes it's like we're all but forgotten by the Republic. We're doing what we can to get by."
Anakin frowned. He'd heard that exact line numerous times, particularly as a reason to join the Separatist movement. Citizens on dozens of worlds had become convinced that the Republic no longer cared for them, and Dooku and his ilk stepped in, persuading them that the Confederacy of Independent Systems would, making promises they would never keep. Anakin wondered what the citizens of Stewjon felt in his own universe. 
He continued to follow in silence as they visited a few other stores and picked up things Ben needed. He only wished his Obi-Wan could see him now – following after him dutifully without complaint or wandering off, or even starting a fight. Obi-Wan wouldn't have believed it.  They stepped out of a gardening shop where Ben bought more seed, then he stopped in the street. 
"Would you care for a drink?" Ben asked. He wasn't looking at Anakin though. He actually seemed to be looking everywhere BUT Anakin. “Call it a payment for your efforts.”
If Anakin wasn't careful, his debts to the man would rack up. "Yes, okay," he answered.
"Very good, right this way,” Ben smiled and handed him another small bag to carry. It was a fair trade-off.
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At the other end of the street from where they parked sat a cantina called The Last Stop. Its name, combined with the general ancient look and feel of it, felt a bit ominous. The building had definitely seen better days. An equally-as-ancient swoop bike was parked outside next to an eopie and a few orbaks, which were all tied to a post, sleeping while standing.  Despite the outward appearance, Anakin had most likely been in seedier places in the lower levels of Coruscant. And his Obi-Wan most likely had, too, but he never talked about it.  What Anakin had heard came in small snatches of tales from Luminara Unduli and Quinlan Vos, the latter of which Obi-Wan had used the Force on to shut his mouth as soon as he began to talk about one particular night shortly after Obi-Wan was knighted. To this day Anakin still had never heard that story.
They walked inside the cantina, and it really wasn't much better. 
First, Anakin followed Ben down a long, barely-lit corridor. Short benches lined the path, presumably for patrons who couldn't quite make it outside and needed a rest. All were empty save one where a human male sat slumped against the wall, hat pulled down low over his face. He looked like a hat with a giant ginger beard. As they walked closer, he let out a loud snort of a snore that made Anakin jump. 
Ben laughed, "That'll be Baran, right in his favorite spot, as usual."
At the end of the hall, they came to a large wooden door where a gatekeeper droid shot out of the wall and examined them both. A few long, agonizing moments went by as the eye stalk examined Anakin closely, then finally the inner door to the cantina opened.  A long, dark wooden bar took up one side of the cantina, while tables and booths sat along the wall opposite under the windows. Two patrons sat at the bar top where a bartender droid poured something bright purple into a short glass. Four other patrons were scattered amongst the tables on the other side, and at the end of the room was a small empty stage which looked like it hadn't seen action in years. 
"Why don't you grab us a seat there?" Ben said, gesturing to the small round booth closest to the stage. "And I'll get some drinks. Any requests?"
Anakin shook his head, "Surprise me."
"That's dangerous," Ben grinned. For a brief moment, Anakin wasn't sure if they were still only talking about drinks. 
Anakin flopped down onto the dark green velvety cushion which was surprisingly more comfortable than he expected. He settled in and spread his arms out along the back of the round seat then watched Ben at the bar. From this vantage point, he couldn't hear what was being said, but he could tell he was friendly with the bartender. They shared some kind of joke, and Ben threw his head back and laughed, baring all his white teeth. The sound made something inside Anakin's gut twist painfully. It had been such a long time since he’d heard Obi-Wan laugh like that. So ‘Obi-Wan’ had good looks and charm in every universe, it seemed. Though Ben had been much quieter at his home, he was outgoing and friendly now, right when he needed to be. None of that was any different from the Obi-Wan Anakin knew. In fact, the more he got to know Ben, the less different they seemed. They were dangerously close to merging into one being. 
Was it possible that they really were just exactly the same person but only in different circumstances? It made him wonder again what he himself was like here? Did he even make it off Tatooine? Or worse, did he even exist at all?
Before Anakin could spiral too far into that particular line of thought, Ben came over, carrying two small glasses of a purple and red drink. He set one down in front of Anakin then slid into the booth next to him. Anakin nearly flinched when he felt the toe of Ben’s boot collide with his own boots under the table, but he didn't move. 
"One Stewjonian Sunset." 
Before picking up his glass, Anakin watched as Ben downed half of his own in one gulp, completely unfazed. Just like his old master. He picked up his drink and examined it. The top part of the liquid was a bright red which faded into a deep purple at the bottom of the glass. When he sniffed it, it smelled sweet but strong, with the faintest hint of something floral. The thought that it could have been poisoned by anyone, least of all Ben, didn't even cross his mind. 
"It's Scrappie's specialty," Ben said as he watched Anakin examine the glass. "It's Stewjonian whisky from our highlands, meiloorun juice, and the elderflower. Nothing to be afraid of." There was an honest-to-goodness twinkle in his eyes, and for the first time since he'd arrived in this strange place, Anakin wanted to kiss him. And he wasn't even drunk.
He shifted in his seat, "Scrappie?" 
Ben chuckled, "We saved him from the scrap yard then gave him the job here. We thought the name fit." If Anakin wasn't careful, he was in great danger of falling in love with him within the week. He took a sip of his drink.  
The purple liquid tasted nice and sweet (which was also dangerous), but as it moved down his throat, it began to warm. Then the alcohol hit. Anakin sputtered and coughed, spraying purple rain all over the table and a bit on Ben’s sleeve, and the man had the gall to laugh. But then he did something Anakin didn't expect – he slapped him on the back a few times then rubbed his large hand soothingly across Anakin's shoulder blades. 
"Sorry," he said between coughs. “Sorry…” Ben wiped the purple drink off the table then his sleeve as Anakin wiped his mouth with the back of his own tunic sleeve. 
"I guess you're not used to drinking then?" Ben asked as he raised an eyebrow. 
Anakin coughed a few more times. "No, I drink! I drink!" He didn't know why he felt defensive over it. Obi-Wan had told him long ago it was fine if he never did. Really, he just hated to embarrass himself in front of this Obi-Wan, even though he'd basically done nothing but that since his arrival. He took another small sip just to prove his point. Ben watched him with a small smirk as he finished his own drink in one large gulp. 
"I take it you're a regular," Anakin said and immediately regretted it – it sounded biting and accusatory. 
"Someone has to keep them in business," he looked down into his empty glass then turned to Scrappie. "Keep! Another round!" He turned back to Anakin and settled his gaze on him. Anakin was sure the man could see through to his soul. He'd always felt like that around Obi-Wan. "So then… do you mind explaining where you're really from?” 
Anakin swallowed hard under Ben’s very direct gaze. "I told you, Coruscant, but I was born on Tatooine."
"And you just happened to appear on my land without a speeder or ship or any other transport in sight, raving like a lunatic and calling out my name even though I don't know you,” Ben leaned back and crossed his arms over his chest. “Not to mention talking about Jedi and Sith and the 501st, whatever that is, and a galactic war which doesn't exist."  Anakin felt like whatever he said, Ben wouldn't believe so why even try? But try again he did. 
"I don't know how, okay?" Anakin said, leaning forward into the table and bringing his voice down into a harsh whisper. "One second I'm off world, looking for a holocron, then next thing I know, I'm waking up on your couch. I'm a Jedi! And a general! And there is a war on! "  Ben watched him, inscrutable as ever. Not a single muscle in his face twitched at Anakin’s outburst.
Scrappie brought over four more glasses of the purple stuff. "You look like you could use at least two more," he said in his tinny voice.
"Ah, yes," Ben said as he wrapped his fingers around another glass. "You always know just what I need, Keep." As he drank from the new glass, he continued to watch Anakin. He knew Ben didn't believe him and honestly, he was probably right to. Of course he sounded like a lunatic, of course none of it made sense. 
"I've never been to Tatooine," Ben said instead. 
"It's a shithole, consider yourself lucky," Anakin said, slamming back the rest of his drink, this time without any issues. To think of Obi-Wan never stepping foot on the planet where they met… it defied comprehension. 
Ben’s eyebrows shot up in surprise then he huffed a laugh. "Noted. I didn't have travel plans for it in my future anyway."
"I was born a slave, all right? I was born a slave then the Jedi saved me but they weren't there for the first nine years of my life. Then I had no choice but to leave my mother behind. She just wanted a better life for me."
Ben’s face fell. "Oh, I'm sorry, Anakin." He reached across the small table and wrapped his fingers around Anakin’s. His hand was surprisingly warm, and the fingers were calloused and rough, like laborer's hands. 
He wanted to snatch his hand away from this stranger's grip, but then calmed considerably when Ben began to move his thumb back and forth, stroking his skin softly. He couldn't remember the last time he had been touched so gently, and certainly never by Obi-Wan. Sure, he had given him hugs, reassuring pats on the shoulder and the like, but nothing like this. Nothing that made Anakin wonder whether he might actually want him, too . 
He finally pulled his hand away and looked down at the table, "It is what it is. I can't change it."
Ben lifted his drink with a soft smile. "Too right. Then one must always make the best of their situation if they're unable to change it."
Anakin huffed, "You should still be a Jedi." Ben’s eyes crinkled at the corners then he finished his drink.
He wanted to know more about Ben but the man wasn't very forthcoming with information… but surely he would answer if Anakin asked directly. 
"Where is your family?"
Ben's eyebrows shot up in surprise, then he answered after a beat. "They are dead. They died many years ago."
"Oh," Anakin replied. It wasn't at all the answer he expected, and it made his heart ache even more. "So, then, you live here alone? And you take care of the farm yourself?" 
"Yes, I live alone on my farm," he sighed. "Most of my help comes from my students, and other townsfolk from time to time, as favors to me."
"Oh, I see." It made sense that somehow Ben would rack up favors in this way. Maybe unintentionally, and certainly not something he'd keep track of, but if he really was anything like his Obi-Wan, then it would just happen . Everyone would like him.
"How long have you had it?”
Ben chuckled then leaned back, getting comfortable. "Well, I migrated over here after attending university on the other side of the planet. There's a large, wonderful school in one of our metropolitan cities–”
"I have to say I'm surprised,” Anakin interrupted.
"You assumed the entire planet was as you see here," Ben finished for him. 
"Well, yes," Anakin took another sip of his drink. The alcohol was sweet and warm now – he could easily become addicted. "You said it was an agricultural society, so I assumed it all was."
"Maybe more like 80 or 90 percent." Just then a couple more patrons entered the cantina and made their way to the bar. A human male amongst the quartet looked over to where Ben and Anakin sat, made eye contact, and tipped his hat. 
"Kenobi!” He called in a smooth, deep voice. 
Ben just smiled as he returned to his drinks. Anakin looked between the two of them as the small group took seats at the bar. An uneasy jealousy took a sudden hold of him, but it was nothing to the name which the man called him. 
“So… Kenobi?”  He pursed his lips as his mystery deepened. 
"My family name.” 
"You didn't tell me."
"You didn't ask," he replied, almost in challenge. 
Anakin huffed, "I see." He ground his teeth, flexing his jaw muscles. "How old are you?"
"Do you have any children?"
Ben chuckled, "No."
"Have you ever been married?"
"Also no."
"Well then have you ever been in love?" He didn't know why he asked that. He wanted to know, but he also desperately wanted to take it back immediately. 
Ben's eyes narrowed ever-so-slightly. "Yes.”
"Are you now?"
Ben took a long sip of his drink, finishing it off as he stared at Anakin. "Why do you want to know all of these things? Am I in trouble? Is this an inquisition, or perhaps you're actually some kind of spy sent here for nefarious purposes?"
Anakin cleared his throat, "Just trying to get to know you."
"So, you can leave in a week,” Ben stated. He had him there. He was leaving, and asking such personal questions wasn't going to get him off this planet any faster, his prying only served to satisfy his own curiosity – and fuel a surprising jealousy. As if he had any right to be jealous of Ben.  Anakin didn't know how to respond, so he didn't. 
"And what about you then?" Ben asked, leaning forward on the table and coming closer to Anakin. "Are you in love now?"
His gaze flicked between Ben’s stormy blue-grey eyes and his mouth as he spoke. His lips were bright red from the meiloorun fruit in the drink, and Anakin wanted to find out if they were as sweet and warm as the alcohol. He hoped the man didn't notice. 
"No, er… no," Anakin lied. "Or… yes. Yes."
Ben arched an eyebrow, "So, is it no or yes?"
"I don't know," Anakin slumped down into the booth. 
Ben’s features softened into something kind and knowing. "Maybe I should get us something to eat," Ben said as he slid out of the booth. "Perhaps we've had too much alcohol and not enough food."
Anakin sank further down into his seat. His head was starting to feel a bit fuzzy. Actually, more than just a bit fuzzy, more muddled and hazy. His inhibitions had already lowered quite a bit, and he was well on his way to doing something he'd probably regret. But… why should he regret it? He was alive and more content than he'd felt in a very long time. He felt more 'in the moment' despite being somewhere he shouldn't be at all, someplace he still didn't know or understand but he still wasn't alarmed. He felt safe.  Ben made him feel safe. 
Was he in love now?
Most certainly yes. But he didn't know if it was with this unknown man and his charm and what he could be for Anakin, or how he could fill the large gaping hole in Anakin's heart.  
Ben returned a few minutes later with some small plates to share, and they ate them more or less in silence. And as the time dragged on, he became tired again. The alcohol, combined with whatever he had been through, was wreaking more havoc in his body.  So, after they finished, Ben offered to get the speeder by himself and come pick him up, but Anakin insisted on walking, so he stumbled back down the street, sometimes with a little assistance (which may or may not have been intentional). 
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Back home and exhausted, Anakin fell back onto the couch, pawing at his side.
"Anakin, are you alright there?" Somehow in the time it had taken to pull off his boots and peel off his outer layer, Ben had made some caf for them both. He set the cups down on the table in front of the couch. 
"Yeah I'm just…ugh," he said as he tried to re-situate himself where he sat. 
"Is your side bothering you? Maybe I need to check the bandage, would you mind?" 
The truth was, Anakin would mind very much. The thought of Ben touching him at all right now was too much to bear. But– 
"No, I don't… okay," he said instead. 
"Remove your shirt then and I'll go get my medkit," Ben waved his hand in Anakin's direction, completely unconcerned with his inner turmoil.  Logically , he knew Ben had cleaned him up when he had arrived here, but he had been passed out and unaware. Not awake and already craving the touch.  Ben returned with a small medkit and sat on the sofa next to him as he finished removing his under tunic. He looked down at the bandage and saw a spot of bright red. 
"Ah, it looks like the wound might have reopened," he said, immediately reaching for the bandage. His fingers barely touched Anakin's skin but Anakin couldn't help but flinch anyway. "I've barely done anything yet!" Ben huffed a laugh and he felt the warm air on his neck. Anakin looked up to find the older man close now. So very close. And giving him that gentle lopsided grin that he always loved so well. He could even see the barest hint of a dimple above the edge of his beard. 
"I know, I–" Anakin stuttered. "Just the expectation of pulling it off… I guess."
Ben dragged calloused fingers gently along the edge of the bandage, setting Anakin's skin ablaze. "I'll be gentle, I promise." He nodded shakily and inhaled deeply through his nose. 
Obi-Wan had never been anything but gentle. A gentle smile, a gentle, reassuring touch on his shoulder or back as if to say, 'I'm here at your side' or 'I've got your back.' Even when Anakin felt embarrassed or chastised, or like he'd greatly disappointed his master. Even in their harshest, most difficult moments, Anakin knew the instruction was given in love, even if it didn't feel like it.
He was so lost in thought, in the feel of Ben’s hands on his ribs, that he didn't even realize he had already gotten the bandage completely off.
"Just as I thought," Ben said as he began to dig through the kit. Anakin looked down to see a single line of bright red blood roll slowly down towards the waistline of his pants. Ben pressed a bit of gauze to the leaking wound. "Here, hold this there for a moment."  Anakin placed his hand over top of Ben's fingers and pressed, holding the gauze and Ben’s hand there, not wanting to let go. After a moment, Ben carefully slipped his fingers out from under Anakin's.  
He felt like his world was spinning. Was it the alcohol? The fact that he was losing blood? That Ben was so close? Perhaps a combination of all three. He gently pulled back the bit of gauze to look at the cut. He had no memory of getting that wound at all. 
"What did I do?" He asked dumbly. 
Ben huffed a laugh, "You really don't remember?"
Anakin shook his head. "I remember everything hurting. And mud. Then the sound of your landspeeder."
He smiled, "Of course you would remember that."
"It was the sound of help!" Anakin looked up and met soft blue-grey eyes. 
Ben uncapped a small tube of something and moved his focus back to the wound. "Since I know nothing about how you got to my field, I can only assume that you ran into something before you got there, or perhaps fell onto something and cut open your side." Anakin flinched again when he felt a bit of cool gel touch his skin. 
"Why did it not cut a hole in my tunics?" 
Ben chuckled softly, “Well I'm pleased to hear you didn't notice the mending. That means I did a good job repairing them."
Oh. Ben mended his clothes? Could his Obi-Wan do that? He had never even asked. 
He hissed when he felt Ben’s fingers push into his side. "And what are you doing now?" The question came out in a rush, as if all one word.
"This is a glue which will bind the skin together, rather than having to stitch the skin." Ben carefully covered over the bit of the wound that had reopened. "I'm sorry to say though that I'm rather low on bacta, so you will have a bit of a scar."  Anakin looked up just in time to see Ben’s eyes roaming, slowly taking in Anakin's naked torso. "Though you don't seem to be a stranger to them." 
Anakin didn't know how he did it, but he managed to remain perfectly still as Ben’s fingers danced over his skin, gently touching all his scars. He called upon years of Jedi training and meditation to steady his breath as fingers skated over a small sunburst that sat just under his left pectoral muscle – a bit of blaster fire taken at a medium range. The 501st medic, Bones, had told him he'd been supremely lucky the clanker had been a terrible shot.  Ben didn't ask about any of them but just touched them with such tenderness Anakin could feel tears welling in his eyes. 
"Oh, apologies," Ben said suddenly and stopped. He grabbed another large bandage and tore it open with his teeth. Anakin let out the longest exhale of his life as Ben fit the bandage over the wound, covering it carefully and completely. 
"There we are," he said, packing back up the medkit. "You're good to go. I hope." Then Ben stood quickly and left, leaving Anakin wondering what the hell just happened. 
'Good to go'? Not bloody likely. If Anakin spent any more time with this man, he would never leave. 
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Anakin needed time to be alone, to think.  Being around Obi-Wan again was getting his head turned so upside down, he didn't know which way was up. Worst of all, because Obi-Wan was here, he really didn't even want to try and find out how to leave. So that afternoon, and well into the early evening, Anakin went on a long walk. Life moved so slowly here he didn't feel right just doing nothing . Especially when Ben was always buzzing around doing everything, constantly working. But he needed to distance himself from the Ben… and his feelings for the man. 
It was past dinner when Anakin finally returned. The sun had mostly gone down, casting another gorgeous sunset on the land as he walked through fields back to the house. He felt as if the drink in the cantina was very aptly named. Perhaps all the Stewjonian sunsets were this beautiful.  He came upon the back side of the house this time and found Ben alone out in his garden again. He couldn't tell exactly what he was doing, but Anakin laughed to himself as he watched Ben bend down and stand up, disappearing and reappearing behind the tall plants again and again. As Anakin came closer, Ben stopped.
"You returned.” He smiled, but sounded surprised. 
The loose shirt he was wearing was once again opened to mid-breastbone and askew displaying a tan, hairy chest. A lock of his sun-kissed hair fell across his forehead, and Anakin's head emptied of every rational thought. 
"Why wouldn't I?"
"Why would you?" Ben returned. 
Why would he indeed when he should be finding his way off this planet and back home. "My things?" The lie tasted bitter on his tongue. 
"Ah, yes, of course," Ben said. He bent down and gathered a few more of his tomatoes and put them in the sack he had slung across his body. It looked rather full. "Well, I saved you some dinner, if you're hungry."
As Anakin’s eyes adjusted to the twilight, he began to notice tiny intermittent flashes of light around them in the garden. There was no rhyme or reason to the light, it appeared for a second then it was gone again. A few of the lights seemed to be hovering around Ben and he couldn’t help but stare. 
“What is it?” Ben finally asked. 
“The lights,” Anakin said, pointing into the empty space between them. He never knew where the lights would be next, but surely the other man saw them, too. 
“Oh,” Ben said, then suddenly reached out and grabbed one of the lights as it flashed. He cupped his hands together then nodded his head towards Anakin. “Come here.”  Anakin came closer until he was shoulder to shoulder with him. Ben slowly opened his hands just a crack then held them out towards Anakin. He wasn’t sure what to do. 
“Look inside,” he said, holding his hands out. Anakin finally leaned in close enough to peer inside. Within the dark cavern of Ben’s hands, the gentle yellow-orange light flashed again, then again and again. Anakin stood back up smiling widely. 
“Lantern bugs,” Ben said. “The bioluminescence comes from an organ on the underside of their bellies. They flash in the hopes of attracting a mate. We see them during twilight in our warmer months, near the end of the season.”  Whichever universe Ben was in, he was the consummate teacher. And forever interested in studying bugs.  
Anakin stood still, dumbstruck as Ben opened his hands and released the lantern bug back into the air. He watched it flash several more times as it flew up and away from the two of them. When he turned back to the older man, he was watching him, another inscrutable expression on his face. 
"For what it's worth, I am glad you didn't leave yet." He smiled then headed back inside. Anakin followed – eventually. He was too stunned by the admission to move. 
In the kitchen, Ben washed his harvest of tomatoes while Anakin got his dinner. They were silent but it wasn't at all awkward – it felt natural and oddly domestic. That feeling like he belonged here returned. It was strange how easily he could imagine himself here by this Obi-Wan’s side. 
Anakin sat down to eat while Ben continued his work. 
“Did you find what you needed out there?” Ben asked after a while. 
“Not really, no,” he answered. But that was THE question, wasn't it?
"Can I help you then?" Ben turned around and leaned against the sink. 
Ha! Not when you don't really believe me. "As much as I appreciate it, I don't think you can."
"Well," he turned away from Anakin again. "If I can before you're set to leave in four days, let me know."
Four days. 
Help would be there on Coruscant. Someone in the Jedi Temple could help him even if they didn't know him. His 'ravings' about a holocron would make sense to someone. 
But he wasn't sure he'd be able to leave Obi-Wan behind again. 
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livsateez · 4 months
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what is love, if not light? (jedi!seonghwa x jedi!reader)
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seonghwa had never known a life that hadn’t revolved around the jedi order. he had also never known a life that didn’t include you. from younglings, to padawans, and now jedi knights — you and seonghwa had always been by each other’s sides.
knowing the jedi code prevents jedi from falling in love, seonghwa tries to suppress his feelings for you because he knows what it could lead to. except daily you are there to remind him — what is love, if not light? what is light, if not love?
warnings; small mention of death
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seonghwa knew three things, protect the peace, trust in the force, and keep you safe. the clone wars were dangerous and the last thing he wanted was to lose you to them like he had lost so many other people. countless times he had seen many friends and comrades lose their lives to a war that seemed to have no end. he couldn’t let that happen to you, his best friend.
best friends — that’s all you ever could be. the jedi code prevented him from feeling anything else or looking at you in any other light. then why was it when he looked at you, his heart swelled? why was it when you laughed, he felt like he was hearing an angel sing? he didn’t know what he was feeling, but he knew it could get him in trouble.
day by day seonghwa felt a fondness growing for you. he felt as if his day was ruined if he didn’t see you. you had been assigned an apprentice recently, which meant training had taken up most of your time. whatever free time you did have, you spent planning missions to find the closest separatist base. needless to say, his days were ruined more often than not.
however today, you had a rare free day. no training, no missions, no planning, nothing. and you intended to make up for lost time with seonghwa. you woke up early, got ready and headed straight to seonghwa’s quarters — the walk almost made you feel nostalgic of your youth. remembering the nights as padawans where you and seonghwa would sneak around the temple just to see each other before bed or the days where seonghwa would help you train for your trials. you smiled to yourself as you remember how he would teasingly remind you that he outranked you, seeing as he was knighted first.
you turn the corner and see seonghwa already waiting for you outside of his door, his head perked up at the sound of your footsteps. he felt that familiar warm feeling in his chest when he saw you, still not understanding what it was. he pushed his confusion aside as you approached.
“it’s been too long!” you exclaimed, smiling up at the taller man. he smiled back down at you, agreeing.
“that it has. how are you? how’s training?” he asked, you both begin to walk so you could start your day.
seonghwa wishes he actually paid attention to your answers to his questions. instead all he focused on was how perfectly your hair framed your face, or how you scrunched your nose while trying to remember part of the story you were telling. he focused on how you used your hands to emphasize certain words, and how your eyes would light up when you mentioned how quickly your padawan was learning. he thinks about how special you are, not just to the jedi order or your padawan — but to him. he thinks about the war, and how he fears how he’d lose sight of himself if anything were to happen to you.
he realizes that this is what love must feel like. the forbidden feeling that he had been warned about since he was a child. he realizes that everything he had felt up until this point was love, and it scared him. he didn’t know what to do. what he did know was, you didn’t feel the same way. even if you did, there was nothing you two could do about it. so he decided to let it go.
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seonghwa couldn’t let his realization go as easy as he’d thought. it had been exactly one week and three days since he realized he was in love with you, and as the days went on the more helpless he felt. he wanted to tell you, he wanted to know how you felt, even if it wasn’t the same.
he could never read you. when it came to everyone else around him, the force helped him read people’s feelings and true emotions. but with you, it was like the force blocked him off. he never understood why that happened, but it drew him closer to you. it made him curious about how well you actually hid your thoughts and emotions, especially the ones that pertained to him, if any.
on this particular night, the hours slowly starting to turn into the early morning, seonghwa had decided he had enough. his realization of love made him realize other things about the jedi order. their idea of love wasn’t true. love was not a path to the dark. how could it be when you existed? how was he expected to help keep the peace and stay on a certain path, when it felt like the order was taking the light away? in this moment, he came to another realization — he needed to leave, and it had to be with you.
with that, seonghwa immediately got out of bed, got dressed, and threw whatever he could fit into a small bag. he didn’t know where he was going to go, or what he was going to say to you. all he knew was that he couldn’t be in the order anymore, and he wanted needed you to go with him. he finished packing and hurriedly walked toward his door and opened it. what he didn’t expect was to see you standing there, with your own bag packed and a nervous look that he was sure that matched his own.
“leave with me.”
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anakinspraisekink · 2 years
An Obikin Fic Rec List!
This has been a long time coming, but I've curated a list of some of my favorite obikin fics. I tried to pick ones that are relatively less "well known" than ones usually recommended, but are no less amazing, so have fun finding some new gems or rediscovering some old ones :)
I also chose only one fic from each author, otherwise this would be impossibly long, so check out everything else from each author too because they're all amazing!
I've organized them into sections based on setting, but they're otherwise in no particular order.
GFFA post-prequels/everything is good:
🌺 dreams of summer by @elysian-prince
→ “On the night of the lunar eclipse, if you place seven different flowers under your pillow, you’ll dream of the other half of your soul—the person you’re meant to spend your life with.”
The thought of finding out his true soulmate through a Force vision of some sort sent a thrill through his heart. Anakin was enamored by the very concept of lovers as two halves of the same soul, fitting together perfectly in almost every way imaginable as if they were made for one another. And while Anakin wanted almost more than anything else to know who that person was, he couldn’t fathom it being anyone but Obi-Wan.
→ rated E, soulmate au, after the war, sexual content, ≈34.2k
→ I might be a bit partial to this because it was gifted to me, but this is one you absolutely must read!! It's got all the sweet moments I adore, all the mushy pining and yearning, and the loveliest way of getting together. It's a fic that makes you want to curl up all cozy and slowly enjoy it, and it makes me so unbelievably happy. Caitlynn is always amazing at writing obikin in a way that feels so sweet and adoring and authentic.
🌟 The strongest stars… by @tomicaleto
→ ...have hearts of kyber
Anakin and Obi-Wan successfully rescued the Chancellor from Grievous and Dooku. Anakin fought against the Sith Lord and won, taking his life at the Chancellor's order.
Now, weeks after being assigned at the Council and asked to spy on the Chancellor, he struggles with his duties as a Jedi while Obi-Wan is gone pursuing Grievous.
The war's end seems to be close, with everyone looking forward to it. And when Anakin is doubting himself the most, an unexpected visit arrives at the Temple.
→ rated E, canon divergence, fix-it, sexual content, ≈7.4k
→ this is the most wonderful RotS fix-it!! It's so creative with the divergence and the added characters (including the QUEEN, Beru), and I absolutely love to see such a good happy AU where obikin work out and Palpatine's plans don't. Tomi is always so great at writing the sweetest and most tender smut that's still so hot as well, and this fic is no exception!!
🌷 Amaranthine by @silverxsakura
→ “I missed you,” Anakin tells the side of his cheek. “Force, I missed you so much.”
Obi-Wan chuckles and coaxes him far enough over to give a proper hello kiss. “I’ve missed you too.”
→ rated G, fluff, Palpatine is dead and everything is good, soft and tender, ≈6.2k
→ this is absolutely the sweetest thing imaginable. The writing is stunning and the story is so comforting and heart-wrenching in the best of ways. Perfect for when you need a healthy dose of pure fluff!!
⛰️ Your One, Your Two by @kyberkenobi
→ Ever since the war ended, the seemingly insurmountable space between Anakin and his Master had been growing smaller.
But not in the way Anakin really wants it to.
→ rated E, Anakin doesn't turn to the dark side, not actually unrequited love, getting together, sexual content, ≈6.9k
→ this is so sweet and lovely and yet so hot too, just like most of this author's fics!! Madison's smut is always revolutionary and top-tier, but the emotions and feels are so so good as well. This is one I love to reread and makes me very happy 💖
GFFA during the prequels:
🥀 ambrosia by @inferior-fairy
→ Obi-Wan didn't realize that he was in love with Anakin Skywalker for several months. It was a slow fall- perhaps it had started after Anakin was knighted and Obi-Wan realized he wasn't the young boy he had first met anymore. Perhaps it was when Anakin and him fought side by side on the battlefield, trusting each other completely. Perhaps it was one morning when, in the soft light of dawn, Obi-Wan realized that everything he was was irrevocably tied to Anakin. However it started, Obi-Wan knew that he was in deep.
Anakin Skywalker hadn't ever known a time when he didn't love Obi-Wan Kenobi in some way, shape, or form. It had developed from adoration for the man who trained him to be a Jedi into infatuation when he realized how talented and beautiful his master was, and then into a quiet sort of devotion. He couldn't picture a life without Obi-Wan by his side, and he would have to content himself with whatever love Obi-Wan was willing to give him.
Ambrosia: associated with immortality and used to symbolize reciprocated love between two people; devotion, love returned, will you return my love?
→ rated E, getting together, sexual content, ≈23.7k
→ this is perfect to read if you need some fluff and lovely domestic moments between the boys! It has everything you need: yearning, flower crowns, massages, bathing together, playing with younglings, sparring, and feelings realizations. And some smut too, which Rynae is always fantastic at writing.
💆🏼‍♂️ Intertwined by @obikinn
→ Soon enough, Obi-Wan's hand migrated upwards to Anakin’s head, resting on top as a calming weight, but almost absent-mindedly beginning to pet Anakin’s hair. Anakin melted into the touch, barely noticing when the Nautolan scoffed and walked away, giving up on tearing Anakin away from Obi-Wan.
“I had the situation under control, you know,” Anakin muttered while trying to savor and memorize the feeling of Obi-Wan’s hands in his hair. He breathed in Obi-Wan and tried to block the rest of the club out, shrinking the world down to only that divine physical contact and the shine of Obi-Wan’s eyes.
Or, 5 times Obi-Wan played with Anakin's hair, and 1 time he realized just how much Anakin enjoyed it.
→ rated E, 5+1, sexual content, hair-pulling, ≈6k
→ my obikin secret santa gift fic from 2020, which is gorgeous and so adorable!! It's everything I could want and I adore Anakin loving when Obi-Wan touches his hair. Each scene always makes me smile so much whenever I reread, and the smut is absolutely delicious too. Poke is great at writing obikin at their best (and sometimes at their most cursed as well).
🌱 climb like peas and beans by @theseptemberist
→ Anakin Skywalker is different in a way that he can't quite name, until he can. Obi-Wan Kenobi never fails to see his apprentice for who he is. And everything changes.
"I may not always be able to remain at your wing, but I won't be far off, and I'll always have your back."
"Obi-Wan, you don't know how many times you've already rescued me."
- Labyrinth of Evil, by James Luceno
→ rated T, pre-relationship, trans Anakin Skywalker, gender dysphoria, incomplete, ≈4.9k
→ okay so technically this isn't obikin (at least as of the first chapter), but this is still such a great look into Obi-Wan and Anakin's relationship, in whatever shape or form. This is one of those fics where I always have to keep physically clutching my chest while reading because it makes me feel SO much. Cal is always incredible at showing exactly how Anakin is feeling in a way that is relatable and so very real, with his jumbled mess of confusing emotions and the way Obi-Wan can help him through them.
🍑 Snap, Crackle, Pop by @intermundia
→ Several months into the Clones Wars, Anakin disobeys Obi-Wan's orders during the Battle of Muunilinst and puts himself in grave danger. Returning to his Master, he finds him at his wits end. Obi-Wan asks if Anakin can think of any consequences that would actually work in teaching him a lesson, and is surprised by the answer.
→ rated E, light Dom/sub, spanking, Padawan Anakin, ≈5.2k
→ smut with Padawan Anakin is always some of my favorite to read, and when he's a brat and it involves spanking, it is ✨perfection.✨ This fic has all of that and more, and it's a perfect glimpse into their relationship, the good and the bad and how they're trying to navigate it!! Will is always amazing at creating a dynamic between them that feels very much like a push and pull, until sometimes Obi-Wan gets all dominant and perhaps loses some control in the best way hehe
🥂 Master Kenobi Goes To the Cantina by AuroraExecution, w3djyt
→ Or: 5 Times Anakin Tries to Help His Master Out, and 1 Time It Works
"Obi-Wan does, in fact, go to a cantina periodically, and that time period might average out to every few months, or it did when he actually had the time. However, Obi-Wan would very much prefer not to be reminded of these things by his former Padawan."
→ rated E, 5+1, past anidala, first time, sexual content, ≈5.2k
→ this is so funny while also being so hot!! This is definitely one that I've read over and over again and has influenced the way I write obikin too. A classic!
💫 turn softness to rage, then tears to rain by starwarsyndrome (I_write_fanfiction_sometimes)
→ Anakin Skywalker is the force made flesh, and sometimes that tears him apart at the seams. Obi-Wan has always been able to hold him together. How he does it changes as the years do
→ rated E, the Force as eldritch horror, light Dom/sub, sexual content, ≈5k
→ this is 'fuck the noise of Anakin Skywalker's head' at its finest. So hot but so tender too, and the writing is beautiful ❤️
✂️ when we cut our hair by @shatouto
→ Anakin has never seen her Master cut her hair.
→ rated T, female obikin, character study, post Rako Hardeen, ≈3.7k
→ this is absolutely the most gorgeous, heart-wrenching thing and I love it so so so much. I adore wlw obikin and this is a perfect glimpse into obikin as a whole, and it's so achingly tender and powerful. Shatou's writing is always the most loveliest thing and being able to read it is a treat.
🫂 Stimulation Needed by @gay-cheerios
→ Anakin feels physically deflated. The only noises he can hear is a voice speaking, and the buzzing of some sort of lighting. There’s nothing for him to truly focus on. He feels a lack of something. Something is missing, and it’s absolutely killing him.
→ rated G, neurodivergent Anakin, hurt/comfort, ≈1.5k
→ as you may know, I love ND Anakin and have written him myself, so I absolutely love this fic and it made me so happy. This is the sweetest thing and great to read if you need some comfort yourself, and is exactly what Anakin needs!! ❤️ Blake has other really good ND Anakin fics too!
🎊 Fierce Desire, Desperate Relief by @sopherfly
→ Obi-Wan had been so careful to maintain boundaries between them, for Anakin’s sake as well as his own. He’d guarded his heart so tightly. He’d kept his love, his affection, his attachment so well concealed that sometimes he’d convinced himself that they didn’t exist.
But last night, Anakin had kissed him, and Obi-Wan had kissed him back. Enthusiastically. Maybe even desperately.
All because of the karking mistletoe.
→ rated E, drunken shenanigans, getting together, sexual content with lots of feelings, ≈8.3k
→ this makes my heart ache in the best way!! Soph does an amazing job of blending both the sexy and the vulnerable, of their sweet possession and their tenderness, along with a little bit of awkwardness to add to the realism. It just feels so true to them!
📖 terror of the dune sea by @maragny
→ Absently, Anakin reaches out and steals Ahsoka’s lightsabre, sliding open the casing and beginning to check its components for the cause of the slight wobble he’d noticed earlier. “Where did we leave off?”
“The sarlacc wants to see more of the galaxy and get away from Tatooine, so she leaves her den and makes her way to the palace in Bestine. She’s young and she wants to explore before settling down to den in a desert. On the way, she runs into travellers and overhears them talking about attending a party in the city for some visiting Core-worlders. Then, she eats them and steals their invitation.”
After their mission to Tatooine, Anakin tells Ahsoka a story from his home. Obi-Wan is thoroughly unimpressed.
→ rated T, established relationship, domesticity and fluff, ≈2.3k
→ the pure JOY this fic brings me is insurmountable. I want to print out copies and hand them to people in the street, I love it so much. Mara shows Ahsoka and Anakin's relationship in such a lovely, feel-good way, and the obikin moments are absolutely perfect and make me feel all the feels!!
💘 like the earth, i'm steady (i won't lose it) by oceaniads
→ Anakin doesn't like the scars he has gained in battle. Obi-Wan disagrees.
[for kinktober 2021, day 3: body worship]
→ rated E, porn with feelings, body worship, sexual content, ≈2.1k
→ Maya's writing is always so beautiful and showcases Obi-Wan and Anakin's relationship perfectly. This fic in particular is so lovely and tender and I absolutely adore it!!
GFFA but things are different:
🐉 Here There Be Dragons by @twilightofthe
→ Anakin's not afraid of the unknown. He's not. There are two things in his life that he cannot do, and he knows exactly why he can't do them.
Anakin knows why he can't shift into his animal form like every other Jedi. It's because he doesn't want to, it's because he's had a vision of what he would become, and he doesn't want it.
Anakin knows why he can't tell Obi Wan how he feels. It's because he doesn't need a vision to know how that would turn out— even if he may want to do it more than anything…
→ rated T, shapeshifting, injuries, getting together, ≈10.1k
→ Clary's fics always make me smile so, so much. This one is super clever and entertaining and just absolutely delightful, and the shapeshifting works really well here!! There's always so much wonderful humor intertwined through Clary's writing, but so much realistic emotion and heart as well.
📜 devoted by @jasontoddiefor
→ In a world where the Force splits into aspects of itself, deities for all sentients of the galaxy to worship, people cling to their silent gods, wishing they could be just as powerful.
And here is Anakin, who just wants to be human a little longer.
→ rated M, gods & goddesses, angst with a happy ending, canon divergence, ≈34.3k
→ the world building in this fic is superb and the writing is just absolutely gorgeous. This idea is incredible and was executed perfectly, just like every unique idea Eli has. Eli is always amazing at portraying the Jedi in whatever AU they're in, with a deep understanding of the GFFA and the stories within it. This fic is truly special!!
♟️Tristitia by @jswander
→ An alternate timeline where Palpatine focuses his attentions on Obi-Wan Kenobi instead of Anakin Skywalker after the attack on Naboo.
→ rated E, Sith Obi-Wan, Jedi Anakin, sexual content, ≈5k
→ this is a perfect Sith Obi-Wan AU, where Obi-Wan's fall to the dark side feels so natural and inevitable because of the intense possession he feels for Anakin, and that doesn't stop when he and Anakin are apart. Obi-Wan is willing to let the galaxy burn to be with Anakin and it's always so interesting to see that side of him, to see the potential of what he could have been. And Jo's smut is always so decadent and hot as hell, and the passion between them is so vivid.
Modern AU:
🌆 A Place Where We Are Both Named Love by @binaryeclipse
→ After a long, trying week, Anakin asks for what he needs.
→ rated E, modern au, BDSM, caning, subspace, ≈7.8k
→ this is absolutely therapeutic to read. It's such a gorgeous look into Obi-Wan and Anakin's dynamic and seeing how their canon Master/Padawan dynamic translates to a D/s one. This is intense, but also so full of love and domesticity and is exactly what I love to see. Izzy's writing is always so lush and delicious and the description of subspace here is perfection!!
🎙️Talk to me by @obi-wkenobi
→ Recording an audiobook can be horribly dull, but Anakin finds that he doesn't mind when he gets to ogle Obi-Wan Kenobi.
→ rated E, modern setting, audio engineer Anakin + voice actor Obi-Wan, sexual content, ≈4.2k
→ the premise of this is so clever, and it has such a cute and hot ending! It's such a fun read and I love it so much. This author is incredible at writing smut scenes that are so delicious and vivid but also have so much emotion as well, and I can never get enough!!
👨‍👨‍👧‍👦 I'm the Satellite and You're the Sky by @rexismycopilot, @aegir-emblem
→ Ahsoka finds she is not quite as well-suited for an elective college course as she thought and hires a tutor to help her through it. Anakin quickly falls head over heels for him.
→ rated E, modern setting, past anidala, Luke and Leia are toddlers, sexual content, ≈39.3k
→ this is the absolute sweetest thing and is such a treasure to read. I love the exploration of their relationship combined with the twins and the domesticity of it, and the continuations are also well worth the read!! Rex is always so good at showing their relationship in a healthy, loving way, no matter the situation or dynamic!
🍷 True Facts of Truth by @secretsolarsystem
→ Anakin’s upset, at first, when Padmé wakes him up with a call at three in the morning. But when it’s to pick up his drunk husband, well, he doesn’t mind so much.
But then said drunk husband says nothing but utter nonsense during the whole ordeal, and Anakin can’t tell if he loves it or if he’s losing his mind.
(He loves it.) (And he’s losing his mind.)
→ rated T, modern AU, drunken shenanigans, married obikin, fluff and crack, ≈5.1k
→ this is cute domestic married obikin at its finest!! 🥺 Obi-Wan is hilarious in this and all the interactions are just such a joy to read. This feels like obikin that's been "lived in" so to speak, and I absolutely adore it.
🎮 Art Imitates Life by @ragnarlothcat
→ Anakin loves video games but his roommate, Obi-Wan, is hopeless at them. So when Anakin goes out of town he sets Obi-Wan up with the easiest game he knows. How much damage could Obi-Wan even do with a life simulator?
→ rated E, modern AU, getting together, sexual content, ≈11.2k
→ this was the first fic I read of this author's, and I've been hooked on her writing ever since!! This is such a fun premise and it's done so, so well, and it makes me absolutely giddy. I love rereading this because it's guaranteed to make me grin, and she is always amazing at writing Anakin and Obi-Wan's banter and showing their dynamic in an interesting and unique way that's still true to the characters. The smut is always so very good as well!!
🍦snow shack snack attack: what to do when 6 feet of hot man comes by your work every day, a guide by obi-wan kenobi by @gignikinszz
→ "Obi-Wan worked in a tiny shack that sold, in his opinion, far too many shitty, sugary foods and that had no air conditioning. Which was annoying. He was constantly rushing around, he was constantly sweaty, he was constantly in a state of eternal suffering; and it was all at the hands of the Snow Shack! of horror.
Enter: the hottest man he’d ever seen."
Obi-Wan works at a horrible little snow cone shack, and Anakin is a very regular customer who has a lot to say about the horrors of the beach. Romance ensues.
→ rated T, modern AU, summer vacation, ≈5.3k
→ the first time I read this I was surrounded by people and it was SO hard to not burst out laughing every other minute. This author always has the most creative and hilarious AUs, and this particular one is such a joy to read and makes me smile so much!!
🖥️ yesterday's jam by @rhymenoceros
→ “IT, Anakin speaking -”
“It’s Obi-Wan, I’m terribly sorry but the printer seems to have disconnected, I tried doing what you told me -”
Ahsoka picks up the small whiteboard on her desk and writes 0 days since last Kenobi visit as Anakin smiles and says, “Be there in five!”
→ rated T, modern AU, fluff and humor, ≈6.6k
→ this is such a fun and clever AU (like many of this author's fics!!), and this one brings me such joy! I absolutely love how all the characters are portrayed and the premise is the best.
🔧 fixer-upper by @tennessoui
→ Obi-Wan has a broken stove. Anakin is the handyman.
Alright. That's a lie.
Obi-Wan is determined to break his stove, no matter what stands in his way.
Anakin is still the handyman.
→ rated E, modern AU, antagonistic kitchen appliance, sexual content, ≈8.4k
→ Kit's fics are always SUCH a delight to read, and the himbo energy of both Obi-Wan and Anakin is at its peak in her writing. This is so adorable and funny and it works so well!!
📚 put your hands on my cashmere sweater by @artemisthehuntress, @disast3rtransp0rt
→ The librarian hears a quiet smack and the shelf to his left shakes a bit; then Anakin comes around the corner with one hand rubbing at his forehead. He tries to play it cool by answering, “Just looking for something to read in my free time. I don’t really do much after work and video games can’t be all that enriching after you’ve played them eighteen times.”
“Hmm, this is true. And you thought you would find something enriching enough for a mechanical engineering prodigy in the children’s section, did you?”
Obi-Wan is a librarian, Ahsoka is in charge here, Anakin has too much money for his own good, and Qui-Gon is tired of watching his best friend be lonely. Chaos ensues at the annual Coruscant Public Library Staff Halloween Party.
→ rated E, modern AU, librarian Obi-Wan, Halloween, getting together, sexual content, ≈8.5k
→ this is so, SO fun to read. It has everything I adore and I absolutely love the premise, and this Anakin and Obi-Wan are just perfect. Plus, reciting poetry during sex?? Yes please!!
❄️ Didn't Know I Was Lost by @nixie-deangel
→ No, no, he thinks and shakes his head before pinching himself harshly on his cheek. “Ouch,” he muttered to himself, opening his eyes as he ignored the sting. Swallowing, around the lump once again forming in his throat, he simply stares.
Because Obi-wan was still there. Still wrapped up in a perfectly tailored suit and his long beige coat, sitting with no bag in front of his front door.
Or both Obi-wan and Anakin both try to make a grand gesture, but only one of them succeeds at it. Also feelings are discussed.
→ rated T, modern AU, post-break up, getting back together, ≈6k
→ post-break up fics aren't usually ones I gravitate towards, but this one is so so good. Nixie includes so much raw emotion and heart into this, and it feels quite cathartic to read. Their relationship isn't perfect, but they're still willing to try again because they believe in their love, and it's beautiful <3
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knightprincess · 1 year
We Couldn’t Even Save Her (Bad Batch X Jedi Reader)
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Words: 1.4K
Warning: None (bit sad though) 
Things had been quiet since Tipoca City had been destroyed. Since the Empire had declared all members of Clone Force 99 with the exception of Crosshair as dead. Hunter, Tech, Echo and Wrecker were still running jobs for Cid, ensuring to keep a low profile. Omega was still as curious as ever, although she was now adjusting to life in the world of a bounty hunter, just scraping by and the inevitable danger that come with such a life. Her recent lesson with Tech, she had discovered an old file on her holopad, a republic file of a Jedi Knight, a picture of her attached, along with a short clip of her in a training video, clearly meant for a future Padawan. 
At first Tech hadn't noticed her reading through the file of (Y/F/N) (Y/L/N), he'd been fiddling with something on the dashboard, trying to make some repairs and fix what was sparking. He'd quickly turned around upon hearing the audio of the video clip, it was as if her voice had triggered something in the intelligent clone. His body language changed, as his expression turned to resemble sadness, yet at the same time a hint of happiness to be able to see the Jedi Knight again. Even if it wasn't in person as he so often wished. As Hunter, Echo and Wrecker also wished and likely Crosshair did as well. Even if the sniper and now Empire loyalist wouldn't admit it. 
"Who was she?" questioned Omega, knowing well the members of the Batch hadn't hidden anything from her before. Although this time was different, for the first time Tech was hurting, more so then he normally showed. The Jedi Knight had meant something, been someone important to all of them. For a few seconds Tech debated on what to do, whether to tell Omega about the Jedi General they had served during the war, the woman to become their friend and encouraged them to be who they were. She always did what best for them even in the face of danger. 
"General (Y/F/N) (Y/L/N), she was a Jedi Knight of the republic, a capable warrior and a good friend" responded Tech, recalling all the memories he had of her. The memories he had buried following her untimely death at the end of the war. "She was a hero of the republic, often time she had chosen to put herself in harms way to save others. Even ignored direct orders if she seen a better way to do something" continued the goggled clone, a fond grin coming to his lips, the jokes she'd played on each of them during the quiet moments of traveling through hyperspace, even how she'd taken the time to help them better their skills in certain areas. "You remind me of her" finally admitted Tech. Admitting a truth he'd all but hidden since first meeting Omega in the hall back on Tipoca City, those many moons ago. 
If he hadn't known any better, he'd have said Omega was a slightly altered clone of (Y/N). Both had the same large eyes, curious mind and often spoke with that same undeniable truth. She had that unexplained bound with each of them too. Omega even had (Y/N)'s compassion and talent of ignoring orders. 
"What happened to her?" asked Omega, finding herself curious about the Jedi Knight turned General. She had heard of (Y/N), the clones often spoke of her when they returned to Kamino, as they did with Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Mace Windu and Yoda, even a few Padawan's had been the center of such conversations. Omega had always been excited to hear the stories they told, to hear of the adventures across the galaxy, she even imagined going with them one day, to see the vast galaxy for herself, to go on the adventures and tell stories, just like they did. 
"She was killed alongside Master Depa Billaba on Kaller" spoke Echo, recalling when Order 66 had been repeated over and over again on the com systems. How his seemingly ordinary brothers, had taken aim and fired at the two Jedi. Depa Billaba calling for her Padawan to run, in the hopes he would survive. (Y/N) had been his first and only defense in the chaos, putting herself, between the troops and the young Padawan, armed with her duel bladed blue lightsaber, and a single bladed one of the same color. 
"We tried to help, by the time we got to her it was already too late. We saw her go down" admitted Hunter, watching the video clip of (Y/N), how confident she was. Still he struggled with a cruel truth, despite his denial, he knew the day they lost (Y/N) to that order, they'd lost Crosshair too. The inhibitor chip had only gained control following her death. Hunter had picked up her lightsabers that day, while Wrecker had taken (Y/N)'s body. The five of them promising to bury her somewhere peaceful, at least giving her a proper burial and farewell rather than allowing the imperials do whatever they wanted with her. 
"She was our friend, and we couldn't even save her" quietly spoke Wrecker, retrieving one of her lightsabers from its hiding place. Tech had the duel bladed one, the saber had been busted during chaos on Kaller. So Tech had been determined to fix it, if only so they had something left of the Jedi Knight they'd all come to love in their own way. "We buried her on Naboo, in the river country. The Queen and a few senators as the only ones outside of us who know her location" revealed the human wrecking ball, sadness glimmering in his eyes. He'd always thought it would be all five of them burying (Y/N) together, saying one last goodbye to her. Instead it had only been four. Crosshair hadn't been with them, but had become apart of the regime that had killed her and so many others across the galaxy. 
"Isn't she still recognized as a hero?" spoke Omega, recalling almost all Jedi had been branded as traitors, despite the protest of the senators and civilians. Anakin Skywalker and (Y/F/N) (Y/L/N) appeared to be the only two the Emperor himself, willingly recognized as heroes of the fallen republic, the only Jedi not to be branded as traitors. "I think I heard a theory, people believe she's alive and hiding somewhere" added the young clone, feeling sadness to learn she wasn't out there somewhere living freely after the war had come to an end. But had found peace in a different way. 
"She always said she would live forever. But now she only live on with us" quietly replied Echo, recalling (Y/N) had mastered something, although it was anyone's guess on what that was. Only it was something few Jedi ever could, and something the Sith Warriors would never know. Although they had something similar. "Wherever we'll go, she always be with us, just like she promised" added Echo, suspecting that now applied to Omega too. Many times had he be so sure he felt (Y/N)'s presence with them, stood with them during their hardest moments. But when he looked to where he was sure she was, nothing was there.  
"Always and Forever" repeat Tech, recalling the small promise (Y/N) had made to them before they entered their first battle together. A promise she had kept to, until being forced to break it, that day on Kaller. 
"That promise applies to you too Omega. (Y/N) would be proud of you. She'll be by your side when you need her most. Just like she is with us" spoke Hunter, recalling feeling (Y/N) there at Tipoca City, as if she was guiding them. Pushing Crosshair back towards them, although he appeared to be resisting. Almost as if he knew she was there, but resisted out of fear of losing her again. Or he some how felt her there with him more, when apart of the Empire. 
"We'll see her again one day" spoke Tech, choosing to belief when the finally fell to the inevitable end, they would be reunited with their Jedi General again, with their friend and the one whom had shown them what love was in its many forms. They'd be able to watch as Omega carried on and went on to live a full life. Whether that be fighting against the Empire as they did or making a life for herself as a skilled and renounced bounty hunter. 
*~* End *~*
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antianakin · 1 month
What are your thoughts on the 2003 clone wars and its portrayal of the Jedi? I do think it’s a fun cartoon and does work as an episode 2.5. Anakin’s portrayal is closer to the movies than TCW which is either a positive or negative depending on whether you like him or not. We do get some badass moments from Mace Windu and Fordo but the clones are portrayed as flesh droids with only Cody and Fordo having a bit more personality. One thing I don’t like is how it’s propped up by the anti Jedi, dudebro side of the fandom and is used to claim the Jedi don’t care about the clones. It does have a great moment with Barriss and Luminara, though.
So I've only seen like 30-50% of this show because I started watching it back when it was on YouTube a few years ago and then something was weird with one of the videos and it felt like it skipped a large number of episodes or they didn't work or something and I wasn't invested enough to keep trying to find it or to go back now that I have access to D+. All of which means my opinion of this show isn't the MOST informed it could be. Please take my opinions on this show with a grain of salt if that bothers you.
I think that the 2003 Clone Wars is relatively flat as a show, it's not intended to be that deep of an exploration of any of the characters and certainly not of the Jedi or the clones, so trying to see it that way feels like an exercise in futility to begin with. TCW on the other hand, despite its terrible episodic structure, IS sometimes trying to go for deeper explorations of the characters, the Jedi, the clones, and the situation they are currently in. 2003 Clone Wars often represented the battles as fun adventures and nowhere is this easier to see than in the Mon Cala episode with Kit Fisto which was directly adapted into TCW as a full four episode arc. The 2003 version is silly, full of little explosions and Kit Fisto just throwing off his cape very dramatically. The 2008 version starts with an assassination, it introduces a more nuanced political situation between the Mon Cala and the Quarrens, it has a whole coming-of-age story with Lee Char, it gets a little darker with its shark villain and what he's willing to do, and it brings in the Gungans as a legitimate army again. And I feel like that's just a fairly good representation of how 2003 Clone Wars treated its characters and its stories in comparison to how other media has treated the same characters and stories of this time period.
I wasn't that big of a fan of how this show represented Obi-Wan and Anakin either, especially Anakin. I think they leaned REALLY hard into Anakin as the whiny teenager, to an even greater degree than AOTC did in many ways, which just continues to make it unbelievable that he gets Knighted. The entire Knighting ceremony moment was ridiculous because Obi-Wan comes up to talk to him about how he's being promoted to Knight because of his maturity and Anakin immediately refuses to let him finish because he assumes Obi-Wan is coming to criticize him for something and he just starts getting really childish and unkind about it, to the point that he literally is insulting Obi-Wan and throwing Qui-Gon in his face as a comparison. And somehow Obi-Wan STILL thinks he's ready to be a Knight after that interaction, and it's... so so bad. I genuinely really hate the way 2003 Clone Wars handled Anakin's Knighting.
I don't love the way it portrayed Obi-Wan and Anakin in the earlier episodes I saw where Anakin's still a Padawan, there's nothing positive about their relationship. Obi-Wan is just an overbearing nag and Anakin is a childish asshole and there's zero nuance to them beyond that. Even Lucas realized they needed to have some positive moments added in to ensure viewers realized that these two characters were friends who enjoyed each other's company. Just because they struggle sometimes doesn't mean they don't care about each other and the best way to make sure that gets across is to make sure they HAVE positive moments together. The episodes of 2003 Clone Wars that I saw absolutely failed at that.
And when Anakin isn't being a childish asshole, he was being portrayed as basically no better than an animal, which I assume is supposed to represent his darkness starting to grow or something. But it's not some sort of animal instinct turning him into a slobbering beast who can't really control himself, these are active choices Anakin makes out of fear that he allows to become anger. TCW focused a lot more on the anger than the fear, but what I saw of 2003 Clone Wars didn't really handle this well, either. It's a theme that a lot of people who write for Star Wars seem to miss, that Anakin is actively making these choices WHILE KNOWING THAT THEY'RE BAD CHOICES. That's honestly the whole point and trying to pretend that he isn't, that it's out of his control, or that it's some sort of destiny, misses the entire message being sent with his story.
Also whoever designed Anakin seems to have had a pretty major bias against Hayden Christensen because boy is the model for Anakin absolutely fuck ugly for no good reason.
I don't know that there was anything actively anti-Jedi in anything I saw in the 2003 Clone Wars show, but it was also just kind-of intended to be a pretty simple adventure show that didn't allow for a lot of time to explore anything with any real depth.
I don't hate it, but I don't love it, either. I know a ton of people really have a lot of nostalgia for it and I don't mind the episodes in a vacuum, they CAN be fun mindless little visual stories, but I also never think about it much and I have a lot of negative feelings about the way it handled Anakin. But again, I only saw SOME of this show and never finished it, so my opinion is based on what I DID see and doesn't take into account some of the later episodes I never got to.
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