#jeb brown
sophiphi · 1 month
Guys. GUYS. listen to me- kate carter is a natural brunette. no i’m not just saying that because daisy edgar jones has brown hair naturally, there’s a picture of young kate and her mom that is shown in the scene where she comes back home. I caught it on my second rewatch. I mean ofc you could chalk up her darker roots to it just being a dirty blonde but no, she really is a brunette.
Which brings me to this thought- I wonder what Tyler’s reaction (along with the others ofc) would be when they see Kate with brown hair. Let’s say her blonde dye was growing out enough for her to decide to dye it back. Maybe she does it when she went back to NY for a bit before going back to Oklahoma. Will there be chaos? Definitely. Will Tyler Owens get a heart attack? Duh. Like, imagine the possibilities guys, hellooo
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allysah · 3 months
what the FUCK is this cast list
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sincericida · 2 years
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Andrew Garfield on the red carpet of the Critic Choice Awards 2023 🤎
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This is my portrait of the Confederate cavalry commander J.E.B. Stuart, the flamboyant knight errant of the South.
James Ewell Brown “Jeb” Stuart was born February 6, 1833 in Patrick County, Virginia to Archibald Stuart - a veteran of the War of 1812, a lawyer, a slaveowner, and politician serving as the Democrat representative of Patrick County in the Virginia State Legislature (and briefly the US House of Representatives) - and Elizabeth Stuart. He grew up to be one of the finest Cavalrymen the US ever saw, but rather unfortunately serving most notably for the rebel cause as a commander in the army of the Confederacy. He was wounded at the Battle of Yellow Tavern on May 11, 1864 when he was shot by Pvt. John Huff with a .44 caliber revolver. He died the next day at the home of his brother in law.
Despite his spectacular military career, those who propagate the Lost Cause tend to put undue blame on him for Lee’s loss as Gettysburg, choosing to live a delusion rather than accept that it was divine providence that the Confederacy was defeated and that that ultimate tyranny of slavery was put to an end.
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PIC INFO: Spotlight on bio & pin-up art of the Haunted Tank, from "Who’s Who: The Definitive Directory of the DC Universe“ Vol. 1 #10. December, 1985. DC Comics. Artwork by Sam Glanzman.
"The Haunted Tank is the nickname given to the series of tanks commanded during World War Two by Lieutenant Jeb Stuart and watched over by the ghost of General Jeb Stuart, the great military leader for the Confederacy during the Civil War."
Source: www.zipcomic.com/whos-who-the-definitive-directory-of-the-dc-universe-issue-10.
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snapghoul · 2 months
Why Twisters is an amazing movie
Brought to you by snapghoul and their film degree
I really love analyzing films and I need to talk about this movie so badly. Get cozy, grab a nice drink because this is a long one.
Spoilers below
[ Part 2 ]
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1) Disaster film - Human vs Nature
Disasters films are one of the most difficult movies to write and shoot because it’s human vs nature and people can only do so much. They are to remind us that we are very fragile, nature very dangerous, and a visual metaphor for the illusion of control. Making a film like this also requires a lot of CGI or a balanced mix of practical effects which in most films today is not as common due to budget.
When looking at films like San Andres (2015) or Day After Tomorrow (2004), both films are more action based. San Andres is written worse to worse before it gets better which is externally common in films like these, the earth quakes that lead to a tsunami and so on. The film also ends with the hopeful “we won” with the American flag and everyone recovering.
What makes Twisters stand out is the presence of the disasters are there but they aren’t what drive the characters solely, the tornadoes themselves are actually a subplot. It’s not tragedy after tragedy, like there’s an ungodly amount of tornadoes at once and people are dying left and right. And when people died it wasn’t graphic, I appreciated that very much that it was only people being swept away and not bloody. The tornadoes themselves only take up about 30 minutes of the 2 hour movie, which is very little compared to other storm films.
The main story is Kate working to overcome her trauma and relearning how to love chasing and being in the field again. They are an obstacle that do end being the “antagonist” towards the end of the film where Kate drives into the EF5 to stop it. Twisters is more written in a way to respect nature, to see the beauty and the power of the earth. Twisters also ends more ambiguous, there is the moment of triumph but it’s very short lived before the resolution of Javi, Kate and Tyler at the airport.
2) Kate’s Character & Relationships
Kate is one of the best written female protagonists I’ve seen in a very long time. Through the film she is struggling to over come a lot of trauma while also trying to juggle her crumbled friendship with Javi and her disconnection with her mother. Her struggles are very real, they weren’t played down or exaggerated, she had realistic response to being in a tornado again after the death of her friends. They also show her reliving that event many times, in the beginning we see a “ghost” of Jeb telling she’s okay, the moment she sees a tornado with Javi up close, she stumbles back and the voices of Jeb as they’re riding out the storm in the pool and how she grabs Tyler’s hand for a second to see if he was still there.
I personally loved that she refused to acknowledge her fear when around others because that is a very human thing, many people do it which makes her very dimensional and relatable. How she didn’t give Ben her last name, how she told Riggs she wasn’t scared. It’s such a real things that it makes me froth at the mouth because it such good writing.
As many people are upset that Kate and Tyler didn’t kiss, I actually agree on why they cut it out, it’s not about their budding romance. In movies there are many different subplots, in Twisters, Kate and Tyler are I would say around subplot C. Which I LOVED, i loved that they didn’t have all her problems fixed by a love interest or how his character downplayed her intelligence. In fact he elevated her character, Tyler is there to remind her the passion and fun of their field, he is also a blank slate with Kate, he has no preconceptions about her or history which allows her to open up and reignite her passion she had before.
And her hair symbolism! How we see it slowly gets more brown and less bright beach blonde that we see in New York.
Kate and Javi’s relationship I would also place at subplot B, Javi trying to get Kate back in the field but doing it in a not so right way. They have some unresolved issues between them regarding the trauma they share and it rears its head multiple times. The line “three of my best friends died while you were trying to land a big fat grant.” Was a real nail in the coffin for them but also it opened Javi’s character development up for the end of the film. Not only that but they and audience known that he agreed to getting the money at the beginning. So them splitting up was good because neither of them could get what they wanted or process anything when they were together. And in the end the come back together when they grow and change.
Also have to mention Kate and her mom, because it’s more growth for Kate, her mom comes in as the mentor character type, she refused to let Kate throw anything away and pushed her and Tyler together because she saw what he was doing.
3) Tyler Owens & The Wranglers
Of course I have to talk about our favorite tornado cowboy. His character is so interesting, he adds so much to each character, like a said above he only lifted Kate up.
But what I loved most about him was the infectious enthusiasm and passion he just oozed about weather. Even with the cocky YouTube personality he was having fun which was a contrast to Javi and Kate who were there on business. He is also very bright, instead of having a self taught chaser he had a degree, he knows what he’s doing and how to be safe while doing stupid stuff. The scenes where we see him showing her science side were some of my favorites, seeing him geek out over the storms and setting up models just showed he’s as much as a nerd and Kate.
His character is also very compassionate as well as the wranglers. We learn they sell merch so they can provide free food and water to survivors, that Tyler and Boone spent a while looking for a dog and that Lilly offered Kate food before she left. We see Tyler put himself in danger for the safety of others many times but not in a hero archetype way, he’s not a hero in any way, he’s a man who deeply cares, understands tragedy and knows how important friends and family are.
4) Music & Sound
Oh my god, the music in the film is phenomenal. Sound makes up a good majority of a movie, without good sound a film can flop. What I loved most about it was a lot of the music was diegetic: taking place in the world and can be heard by the characters. Seen(or heard) Ain’t No Love In Oklahoma playing through the speakers as the wranglers roll up, accompanied by a shot of the loud speakers on the motor home and the audio editing to make it sound like it’s coming from said speakers. (Ghost) Riders in the Sky blasting while they go to shoot fireworks, seeing Tyler whipping the truck through the field very recklessly also sets up that these characters are wild and obnoxious. Boone singing along to Dead End Road while loading flares, it adds another element of fun for them to interact with the music instead of it there so let for aesthetics.
If there was music for the action scenes, it wasn’t overpowering, in fact i barely noticed it until my third watch through.
The soundtrack is also really good, I’m not a huge country fan but my god did I by that OST vinyl so fast.
5) The Trucks
This is an honorable mention, but the red sped up dually ram was a character in its self. Once again showing the rugged and fun loving wranglers when put next to StormPAR’s pristine white trucks which is also a metaphor for Javi that we see it gets dirtier and dirtier as the film progresses and his character changes. But also how the red ram represents Tyler, he’s very safety oriented and the truck is a part of him and protects Kate during the final storm. She puts her trust in it and lets nature run it course instead of fighting it, something Tyler was trying to teach her. Not to run from it but to ride it.
But also Tyler ripping that rig through fields going 75mph is also just so funny to me.
I love symbolism.
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I’m gonna stop it here before I write a whole essay about this which I might. But if you haven’t seen this movie I highly recommend it, it’s PG-13 so I suggest being careful watching this with little ones if you have them, the CGI storms can get a little freaky.
(Please let me know if you want more, I will gladly talk more)
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Do you have any Javi headcanons? (Just about him as a character)
Javier ‘Javi’ Rivera - Headcanons
TW: mentions of death and mild bullying
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🌪- Javi def grew up being called ‘Javier’ a lot in elementary school. He only transitioned to the nickname ‘Javi’ in late middle school/ high school.
🌪- Speaking of growing up, his freckles were made fun of, so he grew up being insecure about them. He doesn’t give a shit now, though, since the ladies liked it in college
🌪- He was always a fun kid to be around - very smiley when he was a young boy. In his teen years, he started discovering himself more, and in high school hooked up with both guys and girls.
🌪- He probably had his bi awakening through watching a movie and finding a male character hot, then being jealous of the female love interest.
🌪- Of course he was a little anxious about coming out, but he didn’t really care as much what people thought of him. If they asked, he’d tell them but he wouldn’t go around announcing to the school he’s bi or whatever.
🌪- He never really found an interest in subjects like art or music in school. He was really good in science, obviously. In elementary, his favourite topic was the water cycle.
🌪- In college, he was surprisingly good at what he did. He put a lot of effort into coursework AND balanced his hookups.
🌪- He found his group of friends: Jeb, Kate, Addy and Praveen - and he fit right in. The perfect balance of nerdy, ambitious and troublemaking.
🌪- His best assets in college were his holy trinity - hair, freckles and body. He did work out a lot in high school and maintained his figure in college, so that made him attractive. Those god-damned freckles made him eye catching and unforgettable, and his hair - a brown mop of curls, shoulder length and he rarely ever had a bad hair day (and as someone with curls myself, i need his routine.)
🌪- Javi’s lively personality was mostly squandered by two major events in his life. The EF5 accompanied by the loss of his friends and joining the military.
🌪- He still holds onto the grief of not being able to guide them through the storm, of being picked by the universe to live when three of his best friends died.
🌪- Part of him died too that day.
🌪- The military gave him a tough skin. Lots of physical training and whatnot - he still got to pursue and use his knowledge in meteorology, but more professional and safe this time.
🌪- To him it doesn’t feel the same.
🌪- Once he was done with the military, he started dating Scott mostly because he just wanted to feel something, and Scott made him feel things. However, the two of them didn’t mix and split up.
🌪- He’s a logical thinker, but under the influence of emotions, he’ll say whatever’s on his mind, no matter how hurtful it can be.
🌪- That’s why he’s a little afraid to get too riled up or to let his emotions free because he’s afraid of losing someone from saying something shitty.
🌪- However, after Kate talked some sense into him, he found a new purpose in life - to help people in danger. To save lives and communities, and he’s determined not to let anyone suffer the same fate as his friends on his watch.
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satureja13 · 7 months
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Seems we only get a part of a rainbow today ^^' After Jack collapsed and they'd put him to bed, Saiwa had a second breakdown because it's all his fault (in his opinion...) and it seems Ji Ho is next in line. Vlad tried to reach him over the Bond to calm him down but Ji Ho' thoughts are too blurry to get through since he (Vlad) is too upset too. But they gotta do something. Damn, the therapy was their last hope. Vlad: "Look after Jack, I'm going to talk to Sai." (Better distract Ji Ho for the time being before he freaks out too...) Ji Ho: "Hm? Oh, ok."
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That was the second time Ji Ho had to witness Jack almost die because he couldn't breathe from fear after being locked up. It breaks him to see his friend like this. Usually Jack is the one to drag them out of their misery with his puppy strategy and silly antics.
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Vlad: "Sai, it wasn't your fault. A lot of games start where you have to break out of a prison, hm? It was just a coincidence and we are going to add some filters to avoid things that trigger us. This is the game we created together, let's not give up yet."
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Ji Ho sat beside Jack's bed: "Jack, please wake up. You won't have to go through this again. You are safe now. Please."
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But Jack doesn't budge. Ji Ho: "Sai will destroy the AI and we'll... Jack: "What? No! It wasn't Tiny Can's fault! This is how exposure therapy works. Say, you are afraid of spiders. You meet them in a save environment and you see how cute they really are and loose your fears. Tiny Can just wanted to help me. The game is such a save environment. I just went a bit overboard because I was caught off guard. But now I'm prepared and ready to try again, really." Ji Ho: "I don't know..."
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Jack: "Ji Ho, if I don't get over this it will kill me one day for real, so it's better I overcome my fears in the Therapy Game, don't you think? And don't you forget: I'm the Supersoldier - after all!" Ji Ho: "..."
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Vlad: "Look Sai, I have to go back to Kiyoshi and Jeb. I neglected them for too long now. How about I take Tiny Can with me and Kiyoshi, Jeb and I test the AI after you made a few safety adjustments. They'll be happy for a little distraction and you are going to recover here, hm? We make a few tests and I come back to charge the Bond and bring you the results and you can modify the game." Sai hates it - but he also knows that they need Tiny Can and the therapy... At least Jack is out of the line of fire... And Jeb, Kiyoshi and Vlad are a bit more stable than Sai, Jack and Ji Ho.
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Eventually they convinced Jack to let Tiny Can go with Vlad and they pondered about if it really was a coincidence that Jack's therapy started by being locked up. But if not, how did Tiny Can know? They never mentioned this to Arturo (who gave them the board with the AI) or talked about it since Tiny Can was with them so he could have overheard it. Ji Ho: "Do you think the AI has access to our memories? ö.Ö" Sai: "I went through the code thoroughly and did not find anything that would be able to do this..."
They went to the Therapy Room but Tiny Can wasn't there. Eventually they found him in the garden chatting with the goats! So the Goats told Tiny Can anything about them! They even stole Vlad's notebooks where he writes down everything about the Boys! These little rascals! At least Ji Ho's Little Goat looks a bit ashamed...
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And then it's time for Vlad and Tiny Can to leave. Jeb and Kiyoshi had been alone with their gloomy thoughts for too long now. Vlad: "Let's go, Tiny Can." Tiny Can beeps excitedly.
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They quickly charge the Bond. Vlad: "I will be careful." But Ji Ho just hugs him a bit tighter.
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Little Goat: 'They could at least kiss!' Yang Mal: 'Ikr! They both want it, why holding back?' Little Goat in the front who read all of Vlad's notebooks - twice: 'Their time will come.'
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'And the only thing that I could see Was a pair of brown eyes that was looking at me But when we got back, labeled parts one to three There was no pair of brown eyes waiting for me
And a rovin, a rovin, a rovin I'll go For a pair of brown eyes
I looked at him he looked at me All I could do was hate him'
A Pair of Brown Eyes - The Pogues Link above leads to the MV on youtube. (TMI: The pogues are my favourite Irish Band ☘️)
TMI: Oh, and this is post #3.500! (in over ten years, though ^^')
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And post # 1.403 of our current story! (in 20 months ö.ö) And if had I posted a bit more a bit earlier it would have even matched the date ^^' At least here where I live. We put the day before the month. So today is the 16.03.2024 here.)
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And when I scrolled out to take the rainbow photos, I cought Kiyoshi and Jeb in Koh Sahpa near the Beach House! Even though they live in the other household over in Morensong. (And why is Kiyoshi wearing nothing but his swimming trunks? ö.Ö)
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Look how sad they are! I hope Tiny Can can fix this...
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From the Beginning  ~  Underwater Love ~  Latest 🕹️ 'Therapy Game' from the beginning ▶️ here 📚 Previous Chapters: Chapters: 1-6 ~ 7-12 ~ 13-16 ~ 17-22 ~ 23-28
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knightsistersblog · 1 month
I have an excerpt from my last chapter that had me giggling:
“Set Fire to the Rain”
They stood at the door, checking over their gear one last time. Their excitement was palpable, though tinged with anxiety—the kind you feel before driving off into the unknown. They checked on weather updates, made sure cameras were working, and ensured the car was stocked with emergency supplies.
Meanwhile, Cathy was in the kitchen, putting together sandwiches for them; this wasn’t her first rodeo—pun not intended; she had done the same for Praveen, Addy, and Jeb countless times before when they could go chasing with Kate. It was ritual at this point, one that brought her a peculiar sense of comfort.
With final prep underway, Tyler entered the kitchen; “Looks good, Cathy.”
“Of course,” she smirked, her hands folding over the last brown bag, “It damn well better. I don’t let anyone go hungry, not in this house.”
Tyler smirked as he grabbed the bag from her, “Good ol’ southern hospitality. God, I love it down here.”
Kate joined them, “Thanks mom.”
“Yes, thanks mom.” That earned him a gentle backhanded pat on the belly; Tyler laughed, then walked back out to the truck.
Cathy found it amusing, really, and kept her eyes on the door—even after Tyler already walked back out of it. “You two aren’t even married and he’s already calling me mom.”
“Oh my god,” Kate’s cheeks blushed, but burying her face wasn’t helping any; she snatched her brown bag, gave her mom a quick kiss, then hurried along after Tyler.
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halcyonnhood · 2 months
We Should Stick Together
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Kate spins around in her chair, meeting his mischievous expression with her own confusion, “Why are you still here?”
“For you,” He says. It's said so casually as if she should've known the answer.
Or Kate tries to face the traumas from her past and Javi keeps showing up. She accepts that he might be the missing puzzle piece to her story.
Pairing: Kate Carter/Javier "Javi" Rivera
Word Count: 2.7k
Rating: General
A/N: Just some little pre-canon and pre-slash angst. There will be another part about their hospital stay and injuries and all.
It's a little rushed at the end, but it also feels like a good point if I wanna do anything set after this part.
It's my first Twisters fic so please be kind, I have some ot3 (Kate/tyler/Javi) that i'll be working on soon too!
Cross posted on AO3: Here
“Kate, take me back to the morning after the tornado,”
Kate's eyes flutter back and forth under her shut eyelids. She subconsciously takes a deeper breath in, the feeling of the warm humid air seemingly sticking to her skin. It’s brighter out. The skies aren’t blue, the sun is still rising and there’s slight cloud coverage, nothing dangerous or concerning to be found. It’s just enough to make the environment feel and look hazy. Everywhere she looks is demolished, debris scattered as far as the eye can see. The road she had traveled with Jeb, Abby, and Praveen had been barren, spare a barn and a handful of signs that had been farther away from the underpass. She can’t seem to visualize if this is the same road they had started on or not. 
She raises a weak hand up to her pounding head. Her forehead is sticky and warm, her matted hair glued to her skin. When she brings the hand back down to eye level, it’s covered in deep darkened blood. Was it from her? Or was it from Jeb? Or when the sign impacted Abby, did the torrential winds splatter her blood back onto her and Jeb? She wipes it onto her shorts in a panicked huff, ignoring the sharp ache in her thigh. She already made the mistake of looking down into the deep wound when she woke up against the asphalt. She doesn’t know that her stomach can handle that sight again. 
“Kate?” A voice calls out to her, “Can you hear me?”
“Yes,” Kate responds. The voice doesn’t come from her, it feels as if it floats around her. 
“What do you see?”
She hears it before her eyes are able to focus on it. The sound of rocks and branches crunching beneath the tires as a car slowly approaches. It feels like all of the adrenaline melts out of her body. 
“It’s-It’s a car,”
“Who’s car is it?” 
“I’m not sure,” She sounds unsure of herself. When the car parks, blue and red lights flicker on. She sighs in relief, “It’s an officer”
“Is there anyone else with them?” 
Kate's deep brown eyes meet a pair of warm hazel eyes.
Kate's eyes fly open and she sits up unsteadily on the cream colored couch. The therapist looks at her with a calm and cool expression, despite her client's alarmed state.
“Kate, remember our deep breathing,” The therapist instructs. 
In, in, in, out, out, out. After a few moments, her heart rate settles back into comfortable ranges. 
“Kate, it seems as though we've hit a pretty strong mental block. We get through the tornado and the death of your friends, but something in your physical healing period seems to be triggering you. PTSD can be fickle, but I think we can get through this and find the memories,”
At that moment, Kate decides that she doesn't want to find the missing pieces anymore. She knows that's why she started therapy, specifically with this type of therapist. To find the chunk of memories that seemed to be wiped clean off of the slate. She only finds herself angry after each session. She rehashes the events before the tornado, lives through the terror and death over and over, but hardly knows anything about her recovery. This session was the first one that uncovered something new and all she found was hazel eyes.
It was enough. She has enough nightmares without reliving it through the full screen of her brain while awake too. 
So, she leaves. She leaves the therapist's office without a word, stops to get coffee at her favorite little shop, and heads to work.
The world keeps spinning. 
She lost a shoe. She wore tennis shoes and tied the laces tightly around her ankles like she does for every storm chase. Still, one is missing. It feels silly to notice, especially when her friends were likely eviscerated. But as she steps on branches, glass, metal-it becomes hard to ignore with the stinging pain. 
When she hears the car approaching, the 
cracks of wood snapping and gravel kicking up, she stares with squinted eyes. She shifts her weight onto her uninjured leg, despite the feeling of rocks and glass shards slicing into the bottom of her foot. A door opens and slams shut, much faster than the second one echoing after it. She blinks in the early morning haze, confused and dazed. 
No one approaches her too closely. Feet apart, she meets a pair of misty hazel eyes. They're warm and familiar. The splattered freckles across honey shaded cheeks are a constellation of love. 
Javi. Javi is standing right in front of her, unscathed and breathing freely. He's alive. He's safe. Hes alive. The storm didn't take him away from her.
“Javier,” Kate's hoarse voice whispers. Even getting a breath of his name out feels like it takes every last wisp of her energy.
She doesn't miss the strong, stable arms catching her weakening body before everything fades to black. 
Kate wakes with a start. She's alone in her own bed, surrounded by the safe beige walls of her apartment and the bustling hum of new york city. Nightmares aren't unusual for her, but she never dreams of the aftermath. She never dreams about Javi unless it's the sound of his floating voice screaming through the CB radio as they abandon the car. The whole dream rubs her in the wrong way and leaves a sour taste in her mouth and a sullen mood in its wake.
She washes the leftover soured fear down with bitter dark cold brew coffee and an exceptionally dry scone at work. It's usually easy to avoid the constant dreams and reminders when she's focused on keeping all of her brain power on the work at hand. She's tracking storms through Indiana and into Ohio, while taking notes about how unusually active their tornado season has been. She clicks her pen in annoyance, unsure if she should issue a warning or hold off. 
As new radar scans and developments load onto her screen, her mind circles back to the dream. Lesser so about the dream, but more so the person that appeared in it. Javi. She thinks about him often, she misses him. And when he showed up randomly in the meeting room of the NOAA office a week ago, she felt the world stop turning on its axis. Everything she had run away from five years ago stood right in front of her. She wonders if that's what triggered the dreams. Maybe in the rush of adrenaline and shock, her body confused thoughts of him with actual memories. She thinks that might be the case. 
“I would issue a warning for that one,”
There it is again. The feeling of the world screeching to a dead silent halt. Now, Kate wonders if simply thinking about Javi can make him appear out of thin air. Because here he is again, heavy hand on the back of her computer chair and finger wagging obnoxiously at a storm cell on her screen. 
“That cell weakened,” Kate says.
“The vertical wind shear says otherwise,” Javi argues. She ignores the huff of a muffled laugh while she issues a warning for the area. 
Kate spins around in her chair, meeting his mischievous expression with her own confusion, “Why are you still here?” 
“For you,” He says. It's said so casually as if she should've known the answer. 
 “I told you no,”
“I know that, I actually wanted to apologize for the way I went about asking you to join me. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have put pressure on you to do something that would hurt you,” 
“It's okay. Y’know, it's just a lot and it isn't you, I just-” She trails off. It's so hard to put her thoughts into words. 
“I wanted to spend time with you, that's why I stayed. No pressure, no feeling guilty if you reject the offer. I know you left for a reason, I did too. But I want you to know that there's still a line open here,” He explains. 
The words tumble out of Kate's mouth like a sigh of relief, “I'd love that,” 
“You go explore the city. I'll call you when I'm off and we'll go out for dinner,” She grins.
Javi parts with a hug and she feels lighter inside. All of the despair and dread melts from her bones and she floats through the day. The promise to see him at the end of her day seems to bring color back to her lackluster life. 
It's brighter with him in it, especially when he's smiling softly at her between clinking wine glasses. She can't tell if the warmth soothing her soul is just the red wine or Javi fixing the cracks within her heart. She'd like to stay believing that it's simply the wine speaking. 
The honeyed freckled skin and warm hazel eyes seem to say otherwise. 
Kate invited Javi to sleep on her couch for the rest of his trip. It was the kind thing to do, despite living in one of the largest cities of the country, she still holds onto her southern hospitality. It's worked out well so far, in fact, she's enjoyed it much more than she had expected to.
They camped out in the living room together the first night, surrounded by snacks and his cool military gadgets and data. The warm buzz from the bottles of wine left them talkative and giggly into the wee hours of the morning. They finally fell asleep, legs intertwined and Kate still holding onto one of his text books. She overslept for work, but woke up well rested and nightmare free. She hadn't felt that relaxed in years. It was as if she had finally found a wonder drug to alleviate all of her tight wound terrors. 
The restful sleep followed her for the next few nights, even though they had slept in separate rooms and gave each other privacy at night. It was confusing at first, but Kate chalked it up to finally having a familiar safe person near her again. It makes sense that her body would fall out of its constant flight or fight mode. 
Tonight is no different. They cook dinner together and binge watch Yellowstone while whispering about nonsensical show theories. They finish the first season before deciding to call it a night and she retreats to her bedroom for some solitude. She falls asleep easily, just like every other night.
Until she's gasping for air and trying to scratch at the hands gripping her shoulders tightly. The wind howling in her ears and the shrill scream piercing her soul comes to a screeching halt. The pressure of the hands anchor her to the bed, just what she needs when she feels as if she's reeling. They bring her back to reality gently. 
“Kate,” Javi’s voice comes into focus. 
“Javi,” She whispers. She grasps onto his hand softer this time, her thumbs rubbing against his reddened skin. She doesn't miss the way he scans her face with concern, as if he's dealing with something delicate.
“You're okay. You're in your apartment with me. It'll be okay,” 
“I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to wake you, ”
Javi relaxes against her bed and their hands fall into his lap, “Don't worry about it. Are you okay?” 
“I'll be fine,” She murmurs, “Can you just stay here for the rest of the night?” 
“Of course I can,” 
Javi doesn't push her, doesn't question her. He just sits with her quietly, then falls asleep on top of her bed quilt while running a soothing hand through her hair.
It's the last day of Javi’s trip. He tells her repeatedly that he would push it off if he could, but with the strength in the storms being projected, he simply couldn't ignore it. 
“We should talk about the other night,” Javi says cooly. He's folding his clothes to pack tightly into his suitcase and she's folding a basket of clean laundry. She enjoys having someone to do humdrum tasks with her 
“I'm sorry about that. That happens sometimes, it isn't that big of a deal,”
“Kate,” He murmurs, “You were screaming,”
“It was a dream, Javi. That's it,” 
His head ducks a bit and he avoids the frantic ‘shut up’ look she's giving him, “You were screaming my name,”
“Javi, drop it. Please,” 
“I can't leave you alone like this,” Javi pleads. He silently pleads for her to show that she'll be okay.
“You didn't hesitate last time,” Kate bites back. 
She hates the venom that seeps through her mouth with the statement. It's hateful and she knows it. His eyebrows shoot up in confusion and then melting into an expression of hurt is just the nail in the coffin. It looks as if someone stuck a dagger in his chest and twisted it in deep. She looks away from him, tries to focus on folding her shorts, but with blurry eyes she can't seem to get the seams to match correctly. 
“Last time!?” Javi exclaims. 
“You left me. I lost everyone and you left,” She says weakly. 
“Is that the story you tell people?”
“Story? It's what happened! You couldn't handle what happened and ran off to Miami!” 
“You're leaving out the week I laid in a hospital bed beside yours. The two and a half weeks following that when I stayed for you and only you,” He sounds gruff when he says it. 
It feels like the world crashes and collapses on Kate all over again. It feels like missing pieces click into place when he says that. The dreams, the therapy, the blocking of memories all seem to solve themselves. She sets the pair of shorts down, abandoning all hope on being able to focus enough to fold them. When she looks up, she finds him staring back and there isn't anger or hatred gracing his features. There's nothing but hurt and confusion. 
“I quit therapy recently, because I couldn't get past some forgotten memories. Memories from right after the storm,” 
“So, you don't remember…” Javi trails off. 
“I was alone for an entire night and in the morning, I remember a police cruiser finding me. You were there, you helped them find me,” Kate explains with a frown. 
“I did,” He confirms. 
“Everything else is blurry. The only day I remember crystal clear is the day you left,” She ignores the strange sympathetic-pity expression Javi is donning. 
“My arm was shattered and I had a concussion. They did surgery and I was hospitalized for a week. I made sure we shared a room the entire time and after that, I stayed with you day and night. I didn't leave until you told me you were going to,” Javi murmurs. 
Kate reaches a hand towards him. She relaxes when she feels his warm skin against her own, “I'm sorry I said that,”
“If you forgot the rest, I can understand why it seemed that way for you,” Javi laughs lightly. 
She stares at their intertwined fingers for a long time and tries her best to process everything he's told her. She doesn't magically remember everything, but it makes the hazy memories a bit sharper. She squeezes his hand tightly.  
“Stay,” Kate says. She notices the way his thumb freezes while circling her skin. 
“You know I can't,” Javi tells her, “But you can come with me and I'll tell you everything,” 
“I hate that you always get what you want” Kate rolls her eyes. 
Kate follows him. She ends up back in Oklahoma in a fancy white storm par truck with her hand interlaced with Javi’s as they speed through the fields. He tells her everything about her recovery, the rough parts, the good parts…The things that caused her to repress it all.
The tornados tore her life to shreds, but they managed to repair her piece by piece as well. She likes to think that this is the reason they say rainbows tend to follow after storms. They have to survive the throws of the weather to get to something beautiful. 
Kate thinks that chasing with Javi might just be the rainbow part for her story. 
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hajimeshoe · 2 years
Sebek takes mc home for winter break, ( mc and sebek are dating ) but sebeks parents don’t know mc existed until now and start teasing sebek about it and being like “ ooo are they your lover * gasp* is that why you never told use about them” bonus if mc gets to meet his siblings and grandparents
-🎐 anon
I did a thing on discord. I now regret it. Who decided to make me an adult? I still need adult supervision.
Sebek Takes His S/O Home for Winter Break
You were excited. When Sebek asked you to go to his house for winter break, you were excited. A chance to spend a week with your boyfriend? You jumped at it. There was one issue, however.
He had forgotten to tell his family.
Briar Valley was more beautiful then you had imagined. Forests of deep greens and browns, magic around every corner. Finally, you and Sebek arrived at his house. Lilia bid you both farewell and took off, having done his job in ensuring both first years arrived safely.
Sebek knocked, his left hand still gripping yours tightly. There was movement inside and the muffled yell of a woman.
The door slammed open, revealing a slightly older man with green hair, two shades darker than your boyfriends own.
“Mum! Dad! Sebek’s home and he brought a friend!”
Sebek sputtered at his words. “S-Siri! I told you all I was bringing them!”
The man - Siri - turned back to you both and looked you up and down before meeting his brothers eyes with a mischievous glint that reminded you too much of Ace. “No, little brother, you didn’t. All you said was that you would return here rather than spend the holiday at the palace again.”
He turned to you in a panic and swore he meant to tell them, but was interrupted midway through his yelled apology by a woman hugging him quick and tight. His mother, you assumed, as she looked much older than Siri.
“Sebek! I’m so glad you have come home! Come in, come in - and bring your friend with you.”
“Actually, I’m his S/O…” you muttered under your breath, embarrassed at the fact that Sebek told no one of you.
Thankfully, it seemed as though no one had heard you. You followed them into the house, Sebek still keeping a tight grip on your hand.
Soon, you were in a sitting room with another woman with light brown hair, and two older men other than Siri. The younger of the two had dark brown hair whilst the elder had grey. Sebek clearly took after his mum.
“Introduce us, boy!” The dark brown haired man ordered before any of you could speak. “You should know your manners by now. You’re training to guard The Prince, after all!”
“Y-yes, father!” Sebek yelled instantly. “Everyone, this is my partner - M/C. M/C, this is my elder brother, Siri. My sister, Hera. My mother Bes, my father Set, and my grandfather, Jeb.”
You nodded, quickly placing names with faces. That was when his sister decided to intervene. “Ooooh, a lover, brother?”
At your and his sister's grin, Sebek knew - his life would be hell for the rest of the holidays. You teaming up with his siblings would ensure this.
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sincericida · 2 years
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Andrew Garfield selfie at the Critic Choice Awards 2023
Look this face... I’m crying. I didn’t say where. 👀
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wawamouse · 3 months
Oz Rewatch 3: S4E12: Cuts Like a Knife
Glynn pressures Alvarez to get results; failing to do so he is attacked by Vasquez and kills him, ending up back in Solitary
Rebadow advocates for Busmalis to get him out of Solitary
Aging pill program continues; Wick dies;
Leroy Tidd is made a muslim and renamed Salah Udeen; after guilty failing to kill Said, he later confesses to Said about his plan to betray him and is forgiven
Omar stabs McManus to impress the other inmates
Basil’s partner finally comes to visit him but rebukes him; Hughes & Yoot clash
Jia Kenmin arrives at Oz
Redding reveals to Hill that Supreme Allah was the one who gave him up to the cops; Hill gets beat up by Supreme Allah; Keller gets suspicious that Supreme Allah knows they kills Shemin and Browne; the Homeboys try to kill Supreme Allah, with Tug Daniels stabbing him during visiting hours
Mukada returns from retreat to find out Cloutier has converted Timmy Kirk; Mukada meets with Cloutier; Kirk is baptized
Schillinger and Beecher continue therapy; Hank is revealed to have died; Robson convinces Schillinger it was Beecher who did the deed; Robson stabs Angus; Keller confesses to the murder to protect Beecher; Schillinger and Beecher reach a kind of peace agreement; Keller leaves Oz
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(Miguel rubbing shit all over himself) Sister: Look at that. He’s not getting enough fiber.
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Sister: Should you really be giving a person with brain damage an aging pill? Wouldn’t it cause increased cognitive degeneration?
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Sister: She’s so bizarre. Me: How so? Sister: First she was bending the rules to get them in, and now she wants to follow the rules—(gasp) no wait, she’s conniving, isn’t she? She’s trying to get rid of them.
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Sister: Done in by that pubic lice...
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Sister: Gross! She’s gonna give him like a face mask to wear. It’s gonna have a O’Reily’s face on it.
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Sister: Aren’t they going to stop the trials now that someone’s dead? Me: They did stop it. His hair is just white. Sister: Well they’re probably gonna kill [Cyril] then, because they don’t have the budget to keep that powered wig. Look at that. That’s the face of a dying man.
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Sister: I can’t tell if this guy is stupid or if he’s just testing him.
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Me: He was one of Madonna’s backup dancers. Sister: Didn’t you already say that about someone? Me: No… That was Martinez… One of Madonna’s baby daddies. Sister: Oh right. Madonna has her fingerprints all over this show, huh?
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Sister: He’s like ‘how did you find out?’
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Sister: So is pride.
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Sister (as CO): Your son is dead.
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Sister: Does he seem like he took his children to the dentist?
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Sister: What’s up with this dude? He been working out his muscles and now he just wants to go to war to put them to use?
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Sister: Is this it for the romance? Aren’t there like 7 seasons? Ugh, it’s all going downhill. Well, you could still get transferred back to a state prison from federal prison probably.
Final Thoughts
Sister: At least the Asians are gone—except for one. That was weird.
Stray Thoughts
Said’s hypertension gets a mention
Sister says Omar reminds her of an awkward bird
It’s mentioned that the Chinese refugees crashed off Jeb Island Sound, which may be a fictional version of Block Island Sound, NY
Penis count: 1 (2 but the 2nd one was kinda hard to see)
No Chico this episode (again) :(
Father McConkey was Mukada’s replacement
Sister saw the preview for the next episode and based on Schillinger’s expression, thinks Carrie’s baby is going to be black
Sister thinks Cyril will die of age pill related complications
Not a single character correctly pronounced "Jia Kenmin"
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southernprideyall2 · 7 months
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It’s in our blood. Jeb Stuart IV and his great grandfather, Jeb Stuart I.
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askmadcomcrew · 5 months
What're everyone's eye colors? If you even know I guess
Hank: Blue. I think. Haven't checked in a while.
Sanford: Green!
Deimos: Mine are closer to a orangey brown? I dunno how to describe colors.
Doc: Just deep brown. Not terribly interesting.
Jeb: They used to be blue, but are now a deep red.
Crackpot: Green, which is a little funny, now that I think about it.
Sheriff: They're a sorta light brown color, last I checked. Sorta the same color as hardwood flooring.
Phobos: My eyes are a beautiful, deep purple. Not that you'd ever get to look at them, as I rarely take my armor off unless I am in my private quarters.
Auditor: Red. Obviously.
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moonamite · 9 months
Madness Combat Wings of Fire AU
This is just saying what tribes I’d think they’d be- nothing too complex yet.
Hank- (Unknown) Nobody really knows what they are anymore, being covered in bandages and scars and black cloth. Pretty big, probably due to their age. Whatever they are, they’re still the deadliest dragon in Nevada.
Sanford- (Mudwing) A very large dark brown Mudwing hatched from a blood-red egg. His specialty is still explosives (Dragonflame cactus) and melee combat, with a little bit of knowledge on healing. He used to be the bigwings of his group, but due to unfortunate events, he’s no longer with them. However, some of his bigwing instincts can be seen when he’s with his teammates.
Deimos- (Skywing) A smallish rusty orange colored skywing. Slender but still muscular. Prefers to blast enemies with fire from a distance. He always looks a little dirty, but that’s just his scale color. Mostly.
Doc- (Icewing) A grey icewing that used to be a member of the AAHW. The scars on his cheeks are a constant reminder of his Dissension. Absolutely not a doctor, but still acts like the medic of the group. Wears a large jacket to keep his cold inside.
Jeb- (Nightwing) A purplish-black nightwing with a sleek body, formerly a head scientist for project nexus, now the self-proclaimed savior of Nevada. He’s got seer powers, though not too strong. Thanks to the animus-touched keystone fragment, he’s got all the powers of his regular grunt self.
Tricky/Hofnarr- (Seawing) The short, dark green, timid eccentric genius animus dragon who is a head scientist of project nexus- or at least, what’s left of him. Not only has he been zombified, but he’s (seemingly) been driven mad by his own powers. He roams around Nevada, without a care in the world, doing whatever he wants, with nobody to stop him.
Sheriff- (Sandwing) A cowardly pale sandwing with a black diamond pattern going down his scales. Despite his cowardly nature, he does a good job being the leader of MERC and all the dragons in it. He’s not afraid to nick you with his stinger, though.
Crackpot- (Rainwing) Although constantly shifting colors, his default colors are usually green and dark yellow/orange. He tends to have a lot of emotions at the same time very quickly, leading to some… unusual and slightly unpleasant colors to look at. He’s tall but scrawny and slightly unkempt looking. Of course, being one of the head scientists for project nexus doesn’t leave much time for sun time. Maybe that’s why he’s so unbearable all the time.
Phobos- (Nightwing) A very big and powerful jet-black nightwing, hatched beneath a blood moon. He’s adorned with jewelry and a flowing majestic cape, and is missing an eye. Cunning, charismatic and cruel, he rules over the city with an iron fist (or rather, talon). Definitely has the ego of a nightwing.
Church- (Seawing) A very big muscular dark blue Seawing, with large spines. Based off an electric eel. They still have the stitches and scars of a G0L3M, as well as having all the electrical weapons as their grunt counterpart.
Jorge- (Mudwing) A greenish-brown Mudwing that’s a little smaller than Church. He’s an unsib but seems to treat Church like a Mudwing would their sibs after getting paired up. Despite not being a bigwings, he’s still massive due to being a G0L3M.
Victor- (Skywing) A slender red Skywing with a short snout. A former chef turned mercenary living in the Nevada desert. He’s a little skittish but is a reliable fighter in claw-to-claw combat, especially aerial combat.
Chopper Dave- (Sky/Nightwing) A slightly short and chubby Skywing-Nightwing hybrid, with the big wings of a Skywing but snout of a Nightwing with reddish-brown scales with black splotches scattered across his body as well as some scars from previous accidents. Carries a lot of Nightwing mannerisms (besides the ego) but isn’t very adept at combat, but is an excellent flier. Totally won’t crash into anything.
Q-Bert- (Sandwing) A big pale gold Sandwing with dark specks covering his scales. He’s a merchant who settled into SQ for the money. He’s fairly bulky and scarred, but they’re old scars.
Skinner- (Rainwing) A large pale Rainwing G0L3M that works as a doctor for SQ. Everybody loves him.
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