#jean luc and bev
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bevcrushes · 9 days ago
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spockvarietyhour · 3 months ago
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Star Trek The Next Generation "The Last Outpost"
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miametropolis · 9 months ago
you’re beverly crusher. you wake up. you pop the hood of your stolen medical ship. you triage five people in the alien icu. you pass your son a Heineken. he commits three crimes. have 235 missed calls from captain jean-luc picard. you turn your phone off.
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homewrecking-lore · 2 years ago
I'm sorry but this spoiler pic is so fucking funny
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The Gang is back together! Also our dead friend's mass-murdering brother is hanging out with us too, as a treat :)
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pixiereblogs · 2 years ago
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Pixie Recaps Picard | The Bounty
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aceofwands · 7 months ago
idk man I just think of all the franchises you could try to make the Next Big Thing by creating a bunch of new shows and movies, maybe don't pick the one with the notoriously nitpicky obsessed with canon fandom ?? if you don't plan on applying any sort of consistency to the world, characters, alien cultures, entire ethical and moral framework of the universe, etc etc ????
#I'm reluctant to tag this as star trek and get a bunch of angry folks coming at me#though also lbr SW isn't looking too crash hot these days either for the same reasons#but yes this is about that snw trailer#and the section 31 trailer#and all of the new Kurtzman Trek era lbr#like if you like the new stuff then you do you bestie#I've been enjoying Prodigy myself!!!#but I've bounced off every other show pretty hard after each first season#because the simultaneous disregard of FUNDAMENTAL aspects of the universe / established characters and lore#while also religiously adhering to SOME of the established canon (mostly the newly established stuff)#has been driving me up the wall#hell even Prodigy has been hard now they've set it up to lead into Picard#like no thanks I don't accept any version of events where Bev never tells Jean Luc about their son and goes to raise him alone#like they make all the stupidest shit canon and adhere to it#while also making say being a Vulcan a matter of DNA rather than cultural upbringing#nevermind literally half a dozen other shows which show that's NOT how that works#I am genuinely curious how many folks like me have bounced off the new stuff never to return lol#(though okay I do keep up with trailers and sometimes reviews to see if it sounds worth coming back for which it never does)#or only watched bits and pieces#and are meanwhile enjoying their eighth or ninth or twenty second rewatch of TOS/TNG/DS9/VOY/ENT#like do they really have the numbers showing up to even watch this new stuff???#lower decks was the most popular it seemed and that's ending#but I can't help but think that if they'd stuck to the quality storytelling and a more or less coherent established universe#that were ... you know ... the defining aspects of the franchise ....#that they might have actually succeeded at finding a new audience looking for prestige science fiction television
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warp8 · 2 years ago
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Star Trek: Picard, S03E08
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bevthespecial · 2 years ago
I haven't watched episode 3 yet, can't bring myself to, the gifs and snippets I've seen have almost been too much.
The fact that it seems Beverly has, at no point, thought enough of herself to see that Jean-Luc might love her more than anything else is just- 💀I can't.
Has she ever believed she's deserved a great love? One that lasts? One where she is enough for someone?
To Beverly, it was as plain as day that Picard was never going to leave Starfleet, not for her and not for their son, because she seemingly didn't believe that anyone (not least the illustrious, married-to-the-fleet Captain) would choose her as their future.
"Don't tell me you would have walked away?" You can see it right there in her face, how incredulous she is even after all these years, she's never considered that he would.
Them getting together and breaking up so many times? I bet every time they would find themselves falling deeper in love, Beverly would panic and find a way to break it off. We've seen as much in Attached. Just a straight-up fear or constant awareness of there being no way for them to create a future together, no matter how much they loved each other. Then time would pass, and they'd fall back together again because they can't help themselves, and the cycle would begin over.
"There was always a clock." urgh.
Then with Jack, she chose to just disappear, regardless of her own personal cost, because she knew Jean-Luc would get over it eventually and it was preferable than being the one to force him into that decision. That would be asking too much, and who was she to demand that from him?
Urgh. Only the one person in the whole galaxy he would have said yes to.
"I've lost all ambition for worldly acclaim, I just want to be the one you love." 😫
It was right there in the mixtape, Bev. RIGHT THERE IN THE MIXTAPE.
I'm just heartbroken for them both. For the life they've lost together. For the fact that you can clearly see they still love each other but that the damage might already be done.
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remholder · 2 years ago
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and hugh is missing because hes dead lol
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lady-starkiller · 2 years ago
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bevcrushes · 5 months ago
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andyoullhearitagain · 1 year ago
Top Ten Least Bad Outfits in TNG
I'm gonna be honest and say that the non-uniform outfits in TNG are not my favorite costume design in the world, but there are some looks that stick with me:
10. That Girl Who Kissed Data That One Time's Outfit:
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I can never decide if I like this look or I think it's ugly, but I love the pants and tall boots combo. Her blouse is bad and the bouclé jacket is both too heavy and too fussy for this outfit, but I love the belt and suspenders combo, and the chevron embossing on the suspenders. This costume and all the others except #9 is a Robert Blackman design.
9. This Jumpsuit On That Girl From "The Dauphin":
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This is the only William Ware Theiss design on this list. I love his TOS stuff but most of his TNG designs leave me cold 🤷‍♀️. But I love this is extremely 80s jumpsuit. Love the pretty drape, love the ruching on the sleeves, love the harem pants silhouette. Only note is that the whole bodice should be a structured corset bodice instead of the kind of odd structured panel it has now.
8. Picard's Shorty Pyjama Set:
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TNG is absolutely full of the strangest pyjama choices you can imagine and Picard is no exception but I love this bold look. Would kill for this pyjama set. He also takes a work zoom wearing this one time which is insane.
7. Data's 1890's Looks But Specifically This One With The Shirtsleeves And The Blue Shirt:
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The best part of "Time's Arrow" is that Data isn't a fish out of water in the 1890s, he's absolutely killing it, and I love that the only real Casual Data look we get is this one. I prefer the blue shirt to the pink because Data should really wear more blue, it's a nice contrast with yellow. Please also note his emerald watch fob, which was 0% necessary to blend in, he's just having fun with it.
6. 12 Year Old Keiko's Linen Overalls:
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The paperbag waist! The bow! The little bows at the shirt cuffs! I can understand why she replicated a miniature copy of this outfit.
5. Beverly and Guinan's Dixon Hill Holodeck Costumes:
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I'm counting these as one because they're essentially the same design in different color pallets but what color paletts! Bev is pulling off the very difficult pink+red+red hair and the mint green on Guinan is 🤌. I particularly love how Guinan's hat is so 1940s yet also echos the silhouette of her usual costume.
4. Deanna's Teal Dress:
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Like all of you I prefer Deanna in the uniform, but this dress slays, ok? The space age asymmetrical neckline. The drop waist. The structured bodice. The slit almost all the way to the hip. And of course the matching tights and shoes CANNOT BE BEATEN. Also one time I saw a dude on a Star Trek forum call this a "ballgown" which baffles me to this day, this is clearly a slightly fancy day dress.
3. Picard's 1890s Look:
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You'd think Picard would go full posh in the 1890s but instead he gives us this working-class Shakespearean director look and he 👏 looks 👏 incredible 👏. Way to mix textures, Jean-Luc.
2. Lore's Turtleneck and Giant Vest:
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You and I know that Lore stole these clothes from the Pakleds because we pay a lot of attention to Star Trek costumes, but to a normal viewer Lore shows up and this is just his outfit!! It's giving, like, space-age goblincore and it's incredible. I want wear this oufit every day. I want to make a little doll Lore wearing this outfit to express my love for it. It's only not #1 because the pants are too orange and a strange weave.
Deanna's Ancient West Holodeck Outfit:
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Deanna!!! The pants! The hat! The calico! She looks 10/10 hot in this outfit. For sure the superior version of this is before she gives her neckerchief to Worf (it really benefits from that cool highlight) but either way this is the best anyone's ever looked on that holodeck.
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pixiereblogs · 2 years ago
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Pixie Recaps Picard | The Bounty
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tothemaxi · 1 year ago
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Star Trek: The Next Generation /// S01 E04
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the-heartstring-chronicles · 7 months ago
As someone who has shipped P/C since 1994 and JC since 2006. I just want to say:
Continuing justice for Jean Luc and Kathryn!
( No, no! Not as a ship, you can stop screaming in horror now, I have not abandoned my soulmate pairs)
But as characters:
They both get a very bad wrap for being addicted or married to duty. And in some ways they are, it’s true!
But as confirmed by Picard season 3, Jean Luc says he would have wanted a shot at being a husband to Beverly, from his own lips! And he says that he would have wanted to be a father. She may not have known either of those things, but it doesn’t make them any less fact.
He was also openly affectionate to her, sometimes in public during TNG. Riker knew about them, he says as much to Jack. No one on the crew bats an eye about Jack in fact.
JL and Bev were about as subtle as an air horn set on low volume. Trying to be circumspect, but actually being a billboard for lifetime love. Heck even Shaw knew and we had never met him before. People don’t know that much about a relationship if one person in it is solely married to duty.
And Kathryn! Miss Ma’am let Chakotay build her a bathtub while still trying to get off the planet. She cried at his speech, even though it was so mushy, it could have been day old oatmeal. Why? Because she knew he meant it. ( and I as a mushy viewer, appreciated him being that honest about his feelings too)
She let him give her a rose in Coda and she struggled mightily with his disappointment in her several times in later seasons. Her counterpart in Shattered was also very openly interested in how far they went in seven seasons. (Shoot your future shot lady! Go you!) and no one thinks S7 Kathryn was totally cool with C/7 right? Her face said otherwise. Admiral Janeway, was also heartbroken in about six ways, only two of which were Seven dying and Tuvok getting sick.
She also seemingly, from what I’ve read, made it part of her goal to find him in Prodigy too. Like Jean-Luc with Beverly, when Chalotay is lost, she will seek.
So while yes, duty sometimes sidetracks each of them. they are loving people who adore their other halves as well. They are complex.
And that’s part of why I love each pair, for the devotion that both of the partners in each relationship feel and how they navigate it together.
True love must flow from each heart to make a sustainable ship
And so I hope that as much as we discuss the duty bound Admirals and those who love them, that we also keep discussing and writing about their softer sides and the ways they show that love in return.
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warp8 · 2 years ago
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new Beverly Crusher Promo Images, Star Trek: Picard, S03E04
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