#jean jamin
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werkboileddown · 2 years ago
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Founded in 1986 by Michel Leiris and Jean Jamin, Gradhiva is published by the musée du quai Branly for its new series. The journal aims to be a place for debates on the history and current developments of anthropology based on original studies and the publication of archives or testimonies. Gradhiva also favors the study and analysis of real or symbolic objects as well as museological and anthropological issues. Above all, it is open to multiple disciplines: ethnology, aesthetics, history, sociology, literature and even music. Finally, she strives to develop an interaction between text and image through an often original and singular iconography.
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taysmultiverse · 17 days ago
⋆.˚𖦹⋆✮⋆.˚ 90’s Fame DR INTRODUCTION
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The year is 1992
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⋆˙⟡ Who Am I? — Brief Introduction
Hey everyone, I'm Taylor, a 21 year old actress. I was born and raised in Los Angeles, California. My acting career began at age 12 and I've been doing it ever since.
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⋆˙⟡ My Career So Far — The Journey
I got my first break in an indie movie in 1985, playing a small role in "Wildflower Summer". It wasn't much, but it got me noticed, and I met my two best friends (Rain and River) in the entire world on that set. After that I continued to work on various projects, mostly tween and teen dramas, comedy, and horror. I became very known in that space (especially for the movie "Sunflower Fields"). While I did well in the teen space, I feel like I really got my big break in the 1991 show "The Hollows". It was my first big role in my newly emerging adult career.
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⋆˙⟡ My Style — Fashion & Aesthetics
I love oversized flannel shirts, combat boots, and ripped jeans—that’s my go-to. I’m not much for dresses unless it’s an award show, but even then, I keep it real.
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⋆˙⟡ Behind the Scenes — Life Beyond Acting
When I’m not acting I like to spend as much time with my family and friends as possible. You can usually catch me hanging with my friends Rain and River at their family home, Jamin’ to music. Reading is also my favorite pastime so I do that a lot too. My twin sister, Blair, has a band (“The Wild Types”) so I attend their shows (along with River and Rain’s band “Aleka’s Attic”)
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⋆˙⟡ Current Projects — What's On My Plate Right Now?
Right now I’m on a little break but I’ll be filming “The Hollows” season 2 soon.
Thanks for reading! Feel free to ask me any questions about this!
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davidfakrikian · 2 years ago
DVDvision - La Collection Épisode 3
L'histoire de DVDvision vol.1 continue ! Et voici l'épisode 3 de la série, quand le magazine commence enfin à prendre forme !
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La couverture A de DVDvision 3 initialement prévue.
Numéro 3 - Février 2000 - 
100 pages
Editeur : Seven Sept
Directrice de publication : Véronique Poirier 
Rédacteur en chef : David Fakrikian
Rédacteurs principaux : Yannick Dahan, Christophe Lemaire, Stéphane Lacombe, Jean Sébastien Decamp, Fathi Beddiar, Benjamin Rozovas, Rafik Djoumi, Patrick Nadjar, Nicolas Rioult, François Jamin.
Sommaire : La trilogie Die Hard, le premier Matrix sous influences, Charlie Chaplin, Fantomas, Clair de Lune.
DVD : Collector Matrix / Die Hard, conception par Christelle Gibout.
Notes : Le numéro qui nous a fait faire un grand pas vers la formule idéale du magazine. On y retrouve, sous une forme ou une autre, les bases et graphismes de toutes les rubriques qui feront l'identité de DVDvision tout au long de son existence, même si rédactionellement, le contenu est loin d'être abouti. 
Fort du succès des ventes, l'éditeur Seven Sept décide de poursuivre l'aventure. Eh oui, DVDvision se serait arrêté au n°2 (le 3ème en comptant le hors-série James Bond 007), si les ventes n'avaient pas été au rendez-vous ! Suite au non renouvellement de contrat "terminated" de l'équipe graphiste précédente, nous avons droit à un véritable défilé de candidats à la direction artistique au cours du mois de janvier 2000, mais sans parvenir à trouver la personne adéquate.
Seven Sept m'allège d'une grande partie du travail, en embauchant Christelle Gibout pour s'occuper du DVD offert dans chaque numéro. Christelle est historiquement après moi la deuxième salariée du magazine. Tout à coup, il n'y a plus un seul bureau dans le couloir devant les toilettes de Seven Sept, mais deux. Et je dois dire que ça fait du bien. Tout d'abord parce-que c'est plus agréable d'avoir une belle blonde en face de soi plutôt qu'un mur toute la journée, mais aussi, parce-que c'est la première d'une longue série de collaboratrices intelligentes, efficaces et compétentes dans l'histoire de DVDvision, qui va rapidement devenir un magazine avec un fort pourcentage de femmes à des postes-clefs, chose que certains lecteurs me reprocheront souvent par courrier interposé. 
La valse des candidats continue, sans qu'on trouve chaussure à notre pied, et nous finissons par dire oui à un directeur artistique par défaut, alors que le temps pour maquetter le magazine arrive a terme (il reste à peine 10 jours avant de boucler), et qu'il n'y a plus le choix.
Suite à l'entretien final avec ce D.A., un dernier candidat se présente dans nos bureaux sans prévenir, à 17h30. Il a entendu dire qu'on cherchait un D.A., mais là, c'est trop tard. On lui dit, mais il insiste. Tout d'abord, avec Véronique, on a envie de le reconduire, mais je me dis que peut-être... qui sait ? Au pire, on perd 20 minutes. On accepte donc de le recevoir. Son nom est Philippe Lambert, et son pitch nous séduit tellement, que nous déchirons sur le champ le contrat du directeur artistique précédent (qui n'aura donc jamais travaillé sur le magazine !), et commençons de suite le lendemain avec Philippe Lambert la course contre la montre, à peine une semaine avant la date limite !
Bien que son passage ait été court sur DVDvision, le rôle qu'a joué Philippe Lambert dans le lancement du magazine a été déterminant : c'est le premier graphiste qui comprend où je veux en venir, et matérialise ce que j'ai en tête, professionnellement et sans fioritures. Tout en faisant d'excellentes suggestions, fort de son expérience... De plus, il amène une autre collaboratrice, Paola Boileau (fidèle de Christophe Gans depuis l'époque Starfix, et directrice artistique du magazine HK), pour l'assister dans son travail. L'ADN de Starfix et HK, par ricochet, s'injecte dans le magazine, qui prend aussitôt une tout autre tenue, plus proche de ce que j'avais en tête au départ.
Cette combinaison de talents va payer, même si nous allons être pris par le temps. Ce numéro est en effet conçu et maquetté du lundi, au mardi de la semaine suivante, week-end inclus ! Et puisque je suis atteint de James Cameronite aiguë, j'ai en plus décidé d'augmenter la pagination à 100 pages, et de passer au dos carré, pour simplifier les choses ! On décide aussi avec l'éditeur d'insérer le DVD à l'intérieur du magazine, et de ne pas le cellophaner, ce qui permet de le feuilleter avant de l'acheter, une décision qui va faire monter encore plus les ventes (et éviter les problèmes comme avec le numéro précédent, où des gens ont cru acheter le film La fin des temps pour 5,95 €).
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La couverture B finale, intervertie avec la A en dernière minute.
In extremis, Véronique suggère de changer la couverture, peinte par Joel Casano (HK), et de remplacer Carrie-Anne Moss, initialement prévue, par une photo de Keanu Reeves qui était à l'origine située en page 73, pour le sommaire du cahier multi-media. On a un gros débat sur le sujet, puisque clairement, Carrie-Anne Moss est le mec dans le film, et Véronique tout comme moi, aurait préféré la garder elle en couverture. Mais Véronique a le feeling que le public va plus répondre présent si Keanu est en couve, (c'est après tout, le héros principal du film). La couverture originale se trouve du coup déplacée page 73, où était la couve finale avant !
La suite va lui donner raison. A sa sortie, ce numéro, (qui comprend dans son DVD un making-of de Die Hard 3 truffé de scènes coupées, et toujours inédit à ce jour, mais dont vous pouvez revoir un condensé sur notre chaîne YouTube), explose tous les records de vente précédents, montant à 32 000 exemplaires vendus sur les 50 000 du tirage ! C'est 64% de ventes, là ou les journaux se vendent au mieux à 35%, et montent au maximum à 60%, uniquement quand par exemple Grace Kelly meurt et fait la couverture de Paris Match. Je ne sais pas si vous imaginez, mais c'est le genre de truc qui est absolument impossible sur un nouveau magazine. Et toute la profession, qui nous prenait jusque là pour des fous, (parce-que à ce moment-là, le DVD est encore regardé par tout le monde comme un marché de niche pour les geeks comme le Laserdisc, et qu'ils pensent tous que "jamais ça ne remplacera la VHS parce-que ça n'enregistre pas"), commence tout à coup à nous prendre TRÈS au sérieux...
La citation de ce numéro : "Ça commence a ressembler à un magazine !"  (David Martinez - Février 2000)
copyright © David Fakrikian 2006-2008 / DVDvision.fr
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rotterdamvanalles · 10 months ago
De oprijlaan naar Buitenplaats Schoonoord met Huize Schoonoord, 1913-1917
Tot de 17e eeuw werd het gebied waar de tuin Schoonoord nu ligt als weiland gebruikt. Het lag nog buiten de stadsgrenzen. Door de regelmatige overstromingen van de Maas was het onveilig terrein. Na indijking rond 1700 ontstond een veilige polder: de Muizenpolder.
De schone lucht en het groen trokken welgestelde families aan om buitenplaatsen aan te leggen. Al deze tuinen hadden hun entree aan de Parklaan. Schoonoord gaat in de historie terug tot een van de eerste buitenplaatsen in de Muizenpolder: het in 1706 aangelegde ‘Rust en Lust’. In 1729 werd er een herenhuis op gebouwd. Het lag aan de Nieuwewerksdijk, nu Parklaan 15. In 1816 kreeg het de naam ‘Schoonoord’ en omvatte een herenhuis, koetshuis, stalling, kassen, theehuis met koepel en de tuinmanswoning.
In 1823 werd het Schoonoord van toen, gekocht door Cornelis van Vollenhoven. Na zijn dood nam het echtpaar Jean Joseph Marie van Heel, scheepsreder en assuradeur, en Hendrika van Hoboken de buitenplaats over. In 1860 werd, in opdracht van Hendrika, het huidige ontwerp voor de tuin gemaakt en grotendeels aangelegd in Engelse landschapsstijl. De keuzes die zij toen maakte voor de onder andere Libanonceders, vijver en beuken zien we vandaag nog steeds terug in de tuin.
Het aangrenzende terrein van buitenplaats Stroomzigt werd in 1872 bij Schoonoord gevoegd. Het echtpaar Van Heel-Hoboken bleef kinderloos en na het overlijden van de weduwe in 1916 werd het huis na een periode van leegstand gesloopt. De snoepwarenfabrikant Henri Jamin kocht een deel van de grond en liet op de plaats waar huize Schoonoord had gestaan in 1926 een villa bouwen.
Het grootste deel van de tuin werd echter gekocht door Dhr. Jacob Mees, firmant van het bankiershuis Mees&Zn. Het oude toegangshek, met de woorden ‘schoon’ en ‘oord’ verplaatste hij naar de Kievitslaan.
De fotograaf is Cornelis Vreedenburgh en de foto komt uit het Stadsarchief Rotterdam. De informatie komt van tuinschoonoord.nl
Bericht van 2021
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docrotten · 10 months ago
DAUGHTERS OF DARKNESS (1971) – Episode 213 – Decades Of Horror 1970s
“Love is stronger than death… even than life.” Hmmm. That sounds like something a vampire might say. Join your faithful Grue Crew – Doc Rotten, Bill Mulligan, Chad Hunt, and Jeff Mohr along with guest host Gregory Crosby – as they take a trip to Belgium for Daughters of Darkness(1971), yet another vampiric take on Countess Báthory.
Decades of Horror 1970s Episode 213 – Daughters of Darkness (1971)
Join the Crew on the Gruesome Magazine YouTube channel! Subscribe today! And click the alert to get notified of new content! https://youtube.com/gruesomemagazine
Decades of Horror 1970s is partnering with the WICKED HORROR TV CHANNEL (https://wickedhorrortv.com/) which now includes video episodes of the podcast and is available on Roku, AppleTV, Amazon FireTV, AndroidTV, and its online website across all OTT platforms, as well as mobile, tablet, and desktop.
While passing through a vacation resort, a newlywed couple encounters a mysterious, strikingly beautiful countess and her aide.
  Directed by: Harry Kümel
Writing Credits: Pierre Drouot, Jean Ferry (dialogue), Harry Kümel; Manfred R. Köhler (uncredited), Joseph Amiel (screenplay associate) (as J.J. Amiel)
Selected Cast:
Delphine Seyrig as Countess Elizabeth Báthory
John Karlen as Stefan
Danielle Ouimet as Valerie
Andrea Rau as Ilona Harczy
Paul Esser as Hotel Clerk
Georges Jamin as Retired Policeman
Joris Collet as Butler
Fons Rademakers as Mother
The Grue Crew is joined by returning guest host, Gregory Crosby, who brings his knowledge of tonight’s feature and its captivating star, Delphine Seyrig. Daughters of Darkness (1971) from director Harry Kumel, ushers in a different take on the legend of Countess Báthory from the gorgeous countryside of Belgium. The erotic thriller also stars John Karlen, Danielle Ouimet, Andre Rau, Paul Esser and more. If NEON and A24 were making films in 1971, Daughters of Darkness could easily be one of their films. Check out what the Grue Crew thinks of this early 70s classic.
At the time of this writing, Daughters of Darkness is available to stream from Wicked Horror TV, Shudder, AMC+, Tubi, and Vudu as well as various PPV sources. Daughters of Darkness is also available on physical media from Blue Underground as a Standard Special Edition – 4K Ultra HD and a 3-Disc Limited Edition – 4K Ultra HD.
Gruesome Magazine’s Decades of Horror 1970s is part of the Decades of Horror two-week rotation with The Classic Era and the 1980s. In two weeks, the next episode, chosen by guest host Doc, will be To the Devil a Daughter (1976), the last horror film from the original incarnation of Hammer Films and starring Christopher Lee, Richard Widmark, and Nastassja Kinski in a story loosely based on Dennis Wheatley’s 1953 novel of the same name. What could go wrong?
We want to hear from you – the coolest, grooviest fans: comment on the site or email the Decades of Horror 1970s podcast hosts at [email protected]
Check out this episode!
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joinimmo01 · 1 year ago
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“Jean Jamin, devant les éditions Jean-Michel Place, 10, rue Pierre-et-Marie-Curie, à Paris, au moment de la préparation du numéro 5 de « Gradhiva », en juillet 1988.” via Le Monde. Jamin was a complex figure but I know him best as a historian of anthropology.
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texturesvero · 4 years ago
La bibliothèque Holden et les bureaux de l'octroi, avenue Jean-Jaurès
La bibliothèque Holden et les bureaux de l’octroi, avenue Jean-Jaurès
La bibliothèque populaire municipale Holden fut créée en 1888 selon les plans de l’architecte Brunette et pour que tous les citoyens aient à leur disposition des éléments de travail, d’étude ainsi que des moments de loisir. Devant la bibliothèque on peut voir le bureau de l’octroi. L’octroi est une contribution indirecte perçue par les municipalités à l’importation de marchandises sur leur…
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coochiequeens · 3 years ago
From academic works giving women a supporting role to hunter-gather men, to Raquel Welch’s portrayal of a bikini-clad cavewoman in the 1966 film One Million Years BC, the gender division of the stone age is firmly entrenched in public consciousness.
While men strode out to spear woolly mammoths, women, as mothers or exploited objects of male desire, sheltered in caves from the violent world, according to an understanding said to be increasingly removed from the latest research.
The historians and film-makers behind Lady Sapiens: the Woman in Prehistory, a French book and documentary to be published in the UK in September, say they are now seeking to debunk the simplistic division of roles by highlighting advances in the study of bones, graves, art and ethnography often ignored in the public sphere.
“For a long time, prehistory was written from the male point of view, and when women were mentioned, they were portrayed as helpless, frightened creatures, protected by overly powerful male hunters,” Sophie de Beaune, a professor in pre-history at the Université Jean-Moulin-Lyon III, writes in the book’s preface. “Since women have begun to enter the ranks of prehistorians, a different picture has gradually emerged.
“The reader will perhaps be astonished to find that men’s and women’s roles were not so clearcut, and that it was cooperation between all members of the group, regardless of their gender or age, which ensured their survival,” she writes.
Today’s cliches, the book suggests, have largely been formed by a lack of interest in the role of women among the 19th-century pioneers of research. It is the imposition of the cultural understandings of that period on the scholarship, and a welter of art ranging from Paul Jamin’s 1888 artwork Dangerous Encounter and A Rape in the Stone Age to Don Chaffey’s One Million Years BC, that “pushes this eroticization to its limit – embodied by sex symbol Raquel Welch”.
Thomas Cirotteau, one of documentary makers behind the book with Jennifer Kerner and Éric Pincas, said the purpose was not to portray the pre-historic woman – black-skinned and largely blue-eyed – as a “superwoman” but to “widen the possibilities as to her role”.
“She could hunt. She had a very important economic role. She could do art, and the link between men and women could be very respectful and full of tenderness,” he said.
Focusing on the Upper Paleolithic period of 10,000 to 40,000 years ago, the book highlights the etchings found on stone plaquette at the Paleolithic site of Gönnersdorf in Germany, of a woman with a baby carrier on her back, allowing her hands to be free for hunting and foraging.
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The documentarians note studies of skeletons that reveal the strength of the upper arm muscles of women, and a recent finding at Peru’s Wilamaya Patjxa site of evidence of humans hunting big game.
Five burial sites were excavated and six individuals were exhumed. Two of them were found with hunting tools: a man in his 30s, and a young woman under the age of 20. Twenty-four stone 
artefacts had been placed in the young woman’s tomb, comprising a toolkit of everything needed to hunt and butcher big game: six projectile points, four scrapers, a knife and several chipped flakes of stone.
Ten sites in the US from the Late Pleistocene or Early Holocene (between 12,000 and 8,000 BCE) yielded 11 burial sites where women have been interred alongside weapons, suggesting that the discovery in Peru has wider significance.
De Beaune notes in the book that the importance of small-game hunting has also been underplayed by researchers, along with fishing, gathering shellfish or hunting small marine animals, all activities women were likely to have been involved in.
Being a mother was just one facet of the lives of women of that period. They were not continually pregnant, the latest understanding of the diet and lifestyle of the age suggests. Studies of the carbon, strontium and calcium in bones suggest that children remained breastfed until the age of four, a practice that reduces fertility.
Vincent Balter, director of France’s Centre for National Research, writes in the book: “As Paleolithic women were able to bear children until they were about 30, if we say breastfeeding went on for two or three years, and they gave birth to their first child at around fourteen, that gives us a maximum of five or six births per woman.”
The book also posits that women achieved high status within their communities. The site of the Lady of Cavillon, the remains of a woman buried wearing a skullcap of seashells in the Balzi Rossi caves complex in Italy, is said to be able a valuable clue “that reveals the respect that the tribe had for this woman”.
The documentary accompanying the book in France had an audience of 1.5 million people when it was broadcast on France-5, but it was not without controversy.
In an open letter published in Le Monde last October, nine pre-history specialists wrote that the works “systematically eliminate all the elements which could suggest the probability (or even, the mere possibility) of male domination, either by mentioning them in a more or less disguised way, or by resolutely ignoring them”.
Cirotteau said the documentary and book were not “militant” about the life and experience of pre-historic women as so little could be certain.
“Our role is not to be emphatic about the role of men and women, but just to show the possibilities in their activities and status in pre-history.”
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suckitsurveys · 3 years ago
The J Survey by joybucket
What’s your favorite jungle animal? Do Pandas count? Which name do you like better: Jessica or Jennifer? Jennifer. Do you know how to juggle? Nope. Do you prefer to wear jeans or jeggings? Jeans. Do you love Jesus? No.
Do you know anyone named…. Jessica? Jennifer? Jamie? Justin? Jeremiah? Justus? Jedidiah? Jasper? Jade? Jayden? Julie? Julia? Juliet? Jared? Jason? Jaxon? Jackson? Jacob? Jeremy? Jillian? Jayce? Jacinda? Jericho? Jane? Jameson? Jordan? Jenna? Jaycee? Jana? Janet? Janice? Jimena? Juniper? Have you ever been to… Jamaica? Johannesburg? any town named Jackson? Jordan? Japan? jail? Jade Garden? a jewelry store? Trader Joe’s? Jack in the Box? a job fair? Have you ever… pet a jellyfish? met someone named Jewel? played a song on a jukebox? wondered what a jasper stone looked like? heard Jasper as a boy’s name and thought it would make a good girl’s name, too? wondered how many people in the world are named Jade Green? owned the Brats doll Jade? known someone named Jamin? thought Jericho was a cool name? done jumping jacks? played jump rope with a bunch of other kids at recess? eaten jelly beans? made homemade jam? laughed at a joke no one else found funny? slept in leggings? owned a juicer? watched JJ the Jet Plane? written in a journal? danced to Jailhouse Rock? listened to Jpop? More Q’s What’s your opinion on Japanese food? I love sushi. What was your first job? Barista. Do you like fruit juice? Some. How many of these words do you know the meaning of: jubilee, jovial, juxtapose, jacaranda, jade? All of them. Also: A HURRICANE OF JACARANDAS! STRANGLING FIGS! HANGING VINES! PALMA DE CERA FILLS THE AIR AS I CLIMB AND I PUSH THROUGH! WHAT ELSE CAN I DO?????????? What is your favorite flavor Jolly Rancher? Watermelon. Name three things you like about the month of June. I like that it is in the summer. Name someone you know who was born in July. My sister. Name someone you know whose middle name is Joy. Omg I know there is someone but I cannot freaking remember...
Have you ever met anyone named Joy? Yes. Do you own a varsity jacket? Yes, but it’s covered in sequins. List ten words that rhyme with “June.” Dune, prune, rune, tune, cocoon, maroon, moon, balloon, spoon, cartoon. Do you know a female named Jo? Yes. What color are you favorite pair of jeggings? Denim. Would you say you are… joyful? a jerk? jolly? a joker? able to juggle many things at once? jovial? a jewelry lover? Jewish? a Jesus lover? Final Q’s What was your favorite flavor of juice as a kid? Apple. Have you ever had jury duty? I’ve had to go twice but wasn’t picked for the actual jury either time. What colors of jeans/jeggings do you own? I have black jeans and darker colored jeans. Do you like finger jello? Finger jello? I have no idea what that is. That’s all for now. Have a jolly, joyous, jovial day! :)
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lovemesomesurveys · 3 years ago
The J Survey by joybucket 
What's your favorite jungle animal? Giraffes. Which name do you like better: Jessica or Jennifer? Jessica. Do you know how to juggle? Nope. Do you prefer to wear jeans or jeggings? Jeggings. Do you love Jesus? Yes.
Do you know anyone named.... Jessica? Jennifer? Jamie? Justin? Jeremiah? Justus? Jedidiah? Jasper? Jade? Jayden? Julie? Julia? Juliet? Jared? Jason? Jaxon? Jackson? Jacob? Jeremy? Jillian? Jayce? Jacinda? Jericho? Jane? Jameson? Jordan? Jenna? Jaycee? Jana? Janet? Janice? Jimena? Juniper? Have you ever been to... Jamaica? Johannesburg? any town named Jackson? Jordan? Japan? jail? Jade Garden? a jewelry store? Trader Joe's? Jack in the Box? a job fair? Have you ever... pet a jellyfish? met someone named Jewel? played a song on a jukebox? wondered what a jasper stone looked like? heard Jasper as a boy's name and thought it would make a good girl's name, too? wondered how many people in the world are named Jade Green? owned the Brats doll Jade? known someone named Jamin? thought Jericho was a cool name? done jumping jacks? played jump rope with a bunch of other kids at recess? eaten jelly beans? made homemade jam? laughed at a joke no one else found funny? slept in leggings? owned a juicer? watched JJ the Jet Plane? written in a journal? danced to Jailhouse Rock? listened to Jpop? More Q's What's your opinion on Japanese food? I like some of it. What was your first job? I haven’t had one. Do you like fruit juice? No. How many of these words do you know the meaning of: jubilee, jovial, juxtapose, jacaranda, jade? All but jacaranda. What is your favorite flavor Jolly Rancher? I liked the watermelon one. Name three things you like about the month of June. June is in the summer and I am not a fan of summertime. Name someone you know who was born in July. Me. And a couple of my uncles. Name someone you know whose middle name is Joy. I don’t know.  
Have you ever met anyone named Joy? Yes. Do you own a varsity jacket? No. List ten words that rhyme with "June." Dune, prune, rune, tune, cocoon, maroon, moon, balloon, spoon, cartoon. Do you know a female named Jo? I know a Joanna.  What color are you favorite pair of jeggings? All of my leggings are my favorite. I live in leggings. Would you say you are... joyful? a jerk? jolly? a joker? able to juggle many things at once? jovial? a jewelry lover? Jewish? a Jesus lover? Final Q's What was your favorite flavor of juice as a kid? I’ve never been a juice fan. The only “juice” I liked was like, Sunny D, Kool-Aid, Capri-Suns, and Squeez-Its lol. Have you ever had jury duty? I’ve received the jury duty thing in the mail a few times, but I haven’t actually had to ever do it. What colors of jeans/jeggings do you own? I like dark wash jeans and my leggings are mainly just black and gray. I only have a few colored pairs. Do you like finger jello? Finger jello? I have no idea what that is. That's all for now. Have a jolly, joyous, jovial day! :)
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artificialqueens · 5 years ago
Tree House Kisses, Chapter 17 (Adorney) - Scorpio and Veronica
A/N: Click here for previous chapters. Xoxo!
Chapter Summary: Courtney and Adore try out for the Spring Musical.
Chapter 17: Look at Me, I’m Sandra Dee
ADORE: Meet me in the tree house?
ADORE: Are you busy?
Adore sat on the old tattered bean bag, picking at its already worn fabric. It had been two days since Pearl’s New Year’s party and all Adore was able to think about was her encounter with Violet that night. Well, not too much the encounter, but what triggered it.
Pearl popped into the tree house, surprising Adore out of her thoughts. She watched the blonde pull the yellow bean bag up next to her red one before plopping down.
“So… what’s up?” Pearl asked, settling in.
“Uh, I need to tell you something,” Adore started, not actually sure where or how to start.
“Cool, what it is?”
Pearl’s nonchalant attitude was usually a welcoming one for Adore. That was one of Adore’s favorite things about Pearl; nothing bothered her, but then again she never involved herself in anything to be bothered. This time, Pearl’s laidback demeanor only sent Adore’s anxiety soaring through the roof.
“Did you want to smoke?” Pearl asked. “Because I don’t have anything on me. I mean, I can, like call up Willam’s guy, but there’s-”
“No, I don’t want to smoke right now. I just need to get this off my chest,” Adore interrupted the blonde as she tried to figure out which words she needed to use to convey the message she wanted to say.
“Oh, shit. Do I need popcorn?” Pearl joked, and Adore shot her a look that made her realize that this was not the moment. “I’m sorry. What did you want to tell me?” Pearl asked, hoping Adore wasn’t going to regret asking her to come over.
“I hooked up with Violet. At your party. In the bathroom. Right when the Darienne, Jamin, Gia drama started. While one of my friends was having her heart broken I was--”
“Woah, woah! Wait…” Pearl held her hand up, finding herself overwhelmed by information being hurled at her.
Adore’s eyes started to water as the girls sat in silence for a second.
Pearl ran a hand through her long blonde hair, before looking up at Adore.
“I’m sorry,” Adore blurted out, afraid that maybe she had just ruined a friendship, all because she couldn’t keep her emotions intact.
Pearl shook her head in disbelief, “Why are you sorry?”
“Because… I know you like Violet.” Adore pulled her legs up to herself, resting her chin on her knee as she fingered at a tear in her jeans.
“I don’t-”
“Pearl, it’s obvious.” Adore looked up at the blonde, her face twisted up in a mix of emotions, “and that’s what makes it more fucked up. The whole thing is fucked up, man,” Adore said, more to herself than to Pearl.
Pearl leaned against the wall of the tree house, closing her eyes to gather her thoughts. Pearl did not like drama; she didn’t have the energy to deal with it.
“Don’t worry bout it,” Pearl finally spoke, reaching over to Adore to nudge her, making her look up from the tear in her jeans. “I mean, yeah, Violet’s hot, but you and her have history. And I’m just glad she doesn’t hate me anymore, honestly. So, there’s nothing to apologize about. I mean if you had… um… a good… uh, if that’s what you like, wanted or whatever. Then you don’t need to worry, dude.” Pearl fumbled to find the words to assure Adore.
“I regret it.”
Hazel eyes met blue eyes and a silence took over them again.
“You wanna know why?” Adore asked, voice breaking.
Pearl was tempted to say no, but she knew that Adore needed someone to talk to.
“They’re always so lovey-dovey and cute and in my fucking face!”
Pearl didn’t need to ask to know who Adore was talking about.
“It’s times like that when I remember that... and Violet was always a distraction. A pretty face to help me think about other things, and at your party it was just too much.”
Pearl stayed quiet, just listening. She never really asked Adore about her relationship with Courtney, but she knew that it was the type where someone could end up with a broken heart. So, it made sense that Adore and Violet would hook up. Pearl didn’t know much about Fame and Violet’s relationship, but she had her guesses that it wasn’t much different.
“Maybe... You should talk to Violet about all this,” Pearl suggested, not really sure what to do.
Adore wiped her eyes, smearing eyeliner and mascara across her face. “I don’t want to. Just wanna act like nothing happened,” she shook her head.
First day back from winter break and Adore was already ready for spring break. She was dreading a lot of things that she would have no choice but to face now that she was back at school. Violet had texted her a few times since she had last seen her at Pearl’s party, but Adore ignored them, not ready to face the brunette.
She tried to ignore Courtney too, but that prove to be much harder and the two ended up hanging out. The entire time Courtney cuddled up to her on the couch, Adore tried to list the reasons she should forget about her feelings and just be happy for her best friend.
As Adore made her way to her locker, she hesitated when she saw Trinity and Violet. Somehow the invitation to let Pearl use her locker had extended to the rest of the group. Not that Adore minded, because Fame’s locker had also turned into the groups’ shared locker so Adore didn’t have to make trips halfway across the school between classes anymore.
“Hey, Adore. Oh shit, you look tired. Didn’t get much sleep last night?” Trinity asked as Adore approached them.
Violet didn’t speak, her doe eyes burning into Adore’s head. Adore could only imagine all the things going through Violet’s head. If there was one thing Adore knew Violet hated more than most things--it was being ignored.
“Yeah, my sleep schedule got fucked over the break,” Adore nodded.
“Girl, you telling me. I was sleeping in till like one. I’m surprised I got up this morning,” Trinity flipped her hair over her shoulder. Adore nodded, shifting awkwardly in place.
When Trinity noticed Violet’s sudden silence and Adore’s awkwardness, her brows frowned in confusion.
“Are y’all okay? You guys aren’t fighting are you?” Trinity asked, looking back and forth between the two.
“No, of course not.” Adore quickly tried to put Trinity’s assumptions to rest, but Violet’s shrugging of her shoulders made Trinity raise an eyebrow.
“Oh, shit. Something did happen,” Trinity smirked.
“No! Nothing happened.” Adore grew defensive and Trinity sidestepped to stand next to Violet.
“Really, nothing happened?” Violet finally spoke up, her tone condescending.
“Well, Trinity. Adore has spoken, nothing happened,” Violet said.  
Adore rolled her eyes, not sure what other reaction she expected from Violet.
“Uhm, I think we should go get our new schedules.” Violet grabbed Trinity’s wrist and dragged her off.
Adore leaned against the locker, sighing to herself. She knew that she needed to get her emotions together before things got out of control.
“Dory! Dory!” Courtney raced through the hall, nearly knocking over several bewildered freshman before breathlessly catching up with Adore in front of their English class.
“You alright, there?” Adore asked, seeing her friend’s flushed cheeks.
“Yeah, I’m just, I just wanted to tell you about…” Courtney panted, holding her side, clearly suffering from a cramp. She gulped for air, smiling widely. “Mrs. Maguire just announced the Spring musical and it’s GREASE and auditions are Tuesday!” Courtney clapped her hands, jumping up and down.
Adore laughed. “Cool. Was it worth collapsing your lung, though?”
“Adore! Grease! Don’t you remember how we used to watch Grease like, at least twice a week?! We’re gonna kill it!”
Adore slung an arm around Courtney’s shoulders and lead her inside the classroom.
“I love how you think we’re the only kids who danced around our living rooms to that movie, Court. You’re like, the perfect amount of delusional to be a musical theatre star.”
Courtney beamed at her. “Why, thank you, Ms. Delano.”
The truth was, Adore was really looking forward to the musical. For one thing, she desperately needed a break from all the Violet drama. And for another, despite knowing she was gonna have to put up with Courtney and Roy’s irritating PDA, it was an excuse to hang out with her bestie without all the cheerleaders (only Alyssa and Shangie did the plays, and they didn’t bother her nearly as much as the other bitches). But most of all, it was a creative outlet that she didn’t ordinarily have. Pearl had her art, Violet had ballet and orchestra, Fame had fashion design, but music and acting was Adore’s chance to be free. She loved to be onstage, and more than anything, she loved to sing.
Even last year in West Side Story, when she was just a part of the ensemble, had been one of the best experiences of her life. Especially since Courtney had charmed her way into being one of the Shark girls, despite being cast as a Jet. (Something about how she was a quarter Brazilian and so it was really important to her cultural heritage to be on the Puerto Rican side. Which of course Mrs. Maguire knew was bullshit, but she gave in anyway as long as she agreed to wear a black wig and “not do an offensive accent.”)
“So,” Adore said. “I assume you’re going for Sandy. Think I have a chance at Rizzo?”
“Duh!” Courtney said. “You only have the best voice in the whole school, Adore. You should sing ‘There Are Worse Things I Could Do’ for your audition. Everyone will lose their minds.” She hugged Adore around the neck, giggling happily.
“You know,” Alyssa said, as Courtney skipped down the aisle back to her seat, exceedingly pleased with her audition, “That song isn’t even in the play. It was just in the movie.”
Courtney’s face fell. “It’s not?” She turned to Darienne. How could ‘Hopelessly Devoted to You’ not be in the musical? “Is that true?”
“Um, maybe, I’m not sure. But it doesn’t matter, Court, you were really good! Don’t worry about it!” Darienne gave her a sunny smile and a reassuring squeeze on the shoulder.
“Thanks.” Courtney sat back down in her seat. She knew it was a long shot, but she had been praying that she had a chance at Sandy. She was confident that she could pull off the innocent sweet act, as well as the bad girl at the end. And Adore was totally killing it onstage. How awesome would it be if they ended up as Sandy and Rizzo?
Roy, who was currently waiting in the wings, waved at her. He was going to get Danny, no question about it. She blew him a kiss and he caught it, winking.
She sighed happily. What would be better than starring in a musical with her boyfriend and her best friend? She started to get butterflies in her stomach thinking about the three of them getting to spend all that time together. Adore finished her performance and Courtney clapped her hands enthusiastically, excited for the amazing semester they were about to have.
“We’re only sophomores, Court. We’re probably not getting lead roles.”
“I know, I know,” the blonde said, bouncing on the balls of her feet.
Adore smiled, unable to stop herself from catching some of Courtney’s infectious enthusiasm. They had a lot of very talented kids in their school, and Adore knew that Mrs. Maguire liked to reward the upperclassmen. She’d seen Darienne’s amazing audition, and figured that the odds of her getting Rizzo were pretty high. Adore also knew that Courtney had her heart set on Sandy, but she herself was really just hoping to be one of the Pink Ladies. She thought Frenchie was a fun part, and that way she’d get to wear fun colored wigs. And the other ones, she couldn’t remember their names, but they both had bigger singing parts, so that was cool.
“There it is!” Courtney’s eyes were round as she spotted the wall outside the theatre where Mrs. Maguire had posted the cast list. She turned to Adore. “Omigod, I’m so nervous.”
Adore took her hand and lead her decisively across the courtyard. “Time to rip off the band-aid!”
Courtney squealed a little under her breath as they stepped up to the bulletin board. She closed her eyes and then opened them. She caught Roy’s name immediately. Danny Zuko. No shock there. She looked to see who was playing Sandy, praying hard. Alyssa Edwards. Her chest deflated a little. Well...okay. She was only a sophomore, as Adore said. They had two more years for lead roles, and this show had tons of other good parts. Darienne was playing Rizzo. (Courtney could hear Darienne behind her, currently bitching about the fact that she finally had a lead and of course her douchebag ex-boyfriend was playing Kenickie, someone shoot her in the face.) She saw Adore’s name high up on the list too, as Marty, one of the Pink Ladies.
She kept looking on the list, her heart sinking a little the more she looked. Where was her name? Was she in the show at all? She finally found her name, at the bottom, under “Ensemble.” So not even one line? Tears stung her eyes, and she felt so stupid for thinking that she had a chance at a starring role. Adore was no longer holding her hand, having been pulled into the group of kids celebrating and chattering excitedly. Courtney took a deep breath.
Alyssa shrieked happily beside her. “Omigod, Dari, I got the part! Can you believe it!?”
No, Courtney thought to herself. Alyssa was not the best singer, and a barely passable actress. Frankly, Courtney didn’t understand this casting at all. Sure, she was an amazing dancer, and yeah, she had pretty good stage presence, but...Courtney told herself not to be bitter.
“Hey, gorgeous…” Roy slipped his arms around her from behind.
Courtney turned around, kissing him and then plastering a sunny smile across her face. “Hi. Congratulations.”
Alyssa sauntered up to them. “Hey Roy, looks like we’re playing romantic leads again. You better not try anything naughty this time.”
Roy rolled his eyes. “I’ll do my best, Edwards.”
Courtney raised an eyebrow. “‘Again’?”
Roy shook his head, pulling her closer. “I think she’s talking about the seventh grade talent show? We did a lip sync to ‘Leader of the Pack.’”
Courtney giggled. “Sounds like an epic romance. Sure you’re gonna be able to resist her charms?”
He groaned. “Why couldn’t you have been Sandy?”
“Rub it in, please.”
Courtney kissed him on the cheek. “It’s not your fault.”
They went inside the theatre to get their scripts and CDs with the music, and Courtney’s day got a little brighter. Mrs. Maguire pulled her into the office and asked her if she’d be willing to understudy for Alyssa. “I know it’s not glamorous, but I think you’re very talented, and I need people I can trust to step in if anything happens. Darienne was an understudy last year for Anita and that’s half the reason I know she can handle a lead this year.”
Courtney agreed enthusiastically, anxious to prove herself to Mrs. Maguire.
“And also, there’s a solo part that I didn’t post, because I expected to give it out once we get into rehearsals and hear how everyone’s voices blend, but I think you’d be really great for the Radio Singer in ‘It’s Raining On Prom Night.’ I’d like you to try it at the read-though, and assuming you can sing it without completely overpowering Alyssa, it’ll be yours.”
“Okay, sure!” Courtney felt some relief. Maybe there was hope for her musical theatre career yet.
“Just remember, it’s the 50s, so none of that Mariah stuff.” She winked.
Courtney giggled nervously. “I’ll do my best.”
“Ugh, assigned seats?” Roy grumbled, looking at the set-up for the cast read-through. He gripped her hand. “Don’t go.”
Courtney kissed him and deposited him in the seat next to the other lead cast members, feeling a bit unsympathetic to his plight.
“You’ll survive.” She started to walk towards the section where the other ensemble cast was supposed to sit, but paused to say hi to Adore, leaning over the table to give her bestie a hug. “Hey! I was listening to the songs and I really like yours.”
“I know, right?! It’s pretty funny that I’m playing the boy-crazy one, though,” Adore laughed.
Courtney winked. “Truly type casting.”
“What’s type casting?” asked a husky voice.
Adore turned to see Raja Gemini, the sexy, badass senior who was playing Frenchie, slipping into the seat beside her. A small thrill ran through her, when Raja’s dark, mysterious eyes locked with hers.
They had never exchanged words, like ever, but since freshmen year, Adore has always had a low-key crush on the older girl. “Oh, um...me...playing a character who’s obsessed with boys.”
Raja chuckled. “Oh, yeah, I’ve heard that about you.”
Adore could feel a blush creeping into her cheeks, which was only exacerbated by Raja’s hand suddenly reaching out and caressing her sleeve.
“This jacket is amazing. Is it real leather?” Raja leaned in to get a better look at the jacket, before looking up to meet Adore’s eyes.
“I think so? I got it from that thrift store on 6th Street.”
“Fuck, I love that place. I wanna do something really cool like this for the T-Bird and Pink Lady jackets. I already told Mrs. Maguire that we have to get something fucking rad,” Raja smiled at Adore and Adore swore her heart went into overtime.
Adore gazed into her eyes. “Yeah, sounds...sounds great.”
Courtney cleared her throat. “I’m gonna go find my seat. Do you still wanna hang out later?”
“Hmmm?” Adore tore her eyes from Raja’s and turned to Courtney. “Oh, yeah, sure.”
Courtney smiled tensely and skipped away.
“Bummer,” Raja said. “I was hoping you’d come to Carrows with me, Darienne and Jinkx. Do like a Pink Ladies dinner bonding thing. But I don’t want to fuck up your plans,” Raja tilted her head as stirred her Starbucks with her straw.
Adore gulped. “Oh, well, we were just gonna hang out, so...maybe we can reschedule.”
“Alright, well, let me know. And here’s to our new gang.” She held out her Starbucks cup, toasting Adore’s Red Bull.
Pearl was so excited to be picked to work on the set of Grease. She sat backstage as the cast did their reading, waiting for Thorgy--who was running around somewhere--to tell her what she was going to need to do. She sat on top of last semester's set, swinging her legs, and texted Trinity who was complaining about all the homework they already had.
A sudden noise had Pearl’s head snapping up from her phone, sure that Thorgy was finally ready to tell her what she was working on.
But, she was surprised to spot a dark-skinned girl with full lips in bright multi-colored leggings there instead of Thorgy.
“Hey, sorry. Didn’t mean to interrupt you. I was looking for Sasha,” she gave a small smile.
“Oh, uh well, I don’t know her. Is she in the cast, because they’re reading,” Pearl hopped down, stuffing her phone in her pocket. Pearl had never seen the girl in front of her, but she was pretty and Pearl found herself wanting to get know her better.
“No, Sasha’s working on the backdrops and stuff,” she said, looking around the back stage. “I’ve always wanted to see what it looked like behind the curtains.”
“I’m working on the backdrop too! But I’m sorry I can’t help you find her. I’m Pearl.” she introduced herself as she watched the girl make her way around.
“I’m Shea.”
Courtney didn’t have much to do during the read-through, and so she found her eyes wandering around the room, settling quite often on Adore, who was simpering up at Raja with a dopey, lovestruck expression on her face. Every time Raja leaned over to whisper something to her, she would giggle and blush and bat her eyelashes. Watching them made Courtney’s skin itch.
Across the table, Alyssa was doing the absolute most with Roy, flirting shamelessly with him during every scene they had together, shoving her tits in his face. Wasn’t Sandy supposed to be sweet and innocent? Roy kept sending Courtney looks of distress, rolling his eyes and at one point, when Alyssa had grabbed him by the collar, actually mouthing ‘help me!’ at her. Courtney chuckled to herself. Poor baby.
Adore’s solo was great, and Mrs. Maguire didn’t seem to mind that she directed most of it to her fellow Pink Lady, rather than the boys, as the script instructed. Raja, for her part, seemed to encourage it, cheering and even stuffing a dollar bill into Adore’s back pocket at one point, until Mrs. Maguire told her to stop.
When it was time for Courtney to get up and go to the mic for ‘It’s Raining On Prom Night,’ Roy blew her a kiss for good luck, but of course Adore wasn’t even watching. She was too busy gazing at Raja with that same dumb expression she had all afternoon. The good news was, Courtney didn’t seem to have any trouble channeling the distressed misery necessary for the song, and afterwards, Mrs. Maguire told her that the solo was all hers.
She raced over to Adore, thrilled, to tell her, and found her friend still hanging on Raja’s every word with those big soft eyes.
Raja slung her messenger bag over her shoulder. “I’m gonna run to the bathroom. Meet me in the parking lot in 5?”
“‘Kay,” Adore nodded, biting her lip.
Courtney narrowed her eyes, watching Raja walk away. “Why are you meeting her in the parking lot?”
“Hmmm?” Adore turned towards Courtney with a dreamy expression.
Snapping her fingers in Adore’s face, Courtney leaned over the table and, irritated, exclaimed, “Adore!”
“Care to fill me in on what the fuck is going on?!” She crossed her arms.
“Oh...well...yeah, Raja wants to do like a Pink Ladies dinner thing with me and Darienne and Jinkx, and I--”
“But you said you were gonna hang out with me.”
Adore took in the wounded look in Courtney’s green eyes, and sighed. “No, I know, I told her that. I...”
Courtney swallowed.
“...I don’t have to go. I told her we had plans.”
After a beat, Courtney shook her head and said, “No, no, it’s fine. You should go. We can hang out some other night this week. If you want.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah, of course. I’m not going anywhere.” Courtney shifted her backpack on her shoulders.
Adore grinned and kissed her on the cheek. “You’re the best, Court. I’ll text you tonight, okay?”
“Sure.” Courtney said, watching her leave.
“You could break her leg,” Willam offered.
“That’s what I said!” Roy chuckled.
Courtney rolled her eyes. “You guys, can you please stop? It’s like, not even funny to joke about that! What if something really happens to her?!” They were gathered behind the theatre, watching Pearl paint one of the backdrops
“Well, then perfect, ‘cause I’ll get to kiss you instead of her,” Roy said, shaking his head. “God, she really is the worst.”
“She’s not that bad,” Pearl said.
“Would you fuck Alyssa Edwards, new girl?”
“Maybe,” Pearl mused, giving a sassy tongue pop. “If we’re being really honest, she does give me vibes occasionally.”
Roy laughed, barking, “Great, she’s all yours!” He wrapped his arms tighter around Courtney’s waist.
Adore rounded the corner, a giddy smile on her face, breathing, “Hey guys…”
“Oh, look who remembered her friends all of a sudden,” Willam laughed. “And how’s Raaaajaaaa? Has she eaten your pussy yet?”
“Please,” Adore giggled. “I can’t even believe she’s talking to me.”
Courtney bristled slightly. “She’s only human, Adore.”
“I’m not sure that’s true,” Adore said, giggling again. She peeked through the door. “Omigod, look at her. She is so fucking hot, I can’t breathe.”
“If you say so,” Courtney replied, rolling her eyes and leaning against Roy’s shoulder.
“She’s pretty fierce, but frankly, I’m kind of surprised she likes you. Usually she goes for girls with a much better sense of fashion,” Willam deadpanned.
“Fuck off, Willam!”
“I’m just saying...you should go for it, though, maybe you’ll learn something,” he laughed, tossing some imaginary hair over his shoulder.
Adore smirked. “Maybe I will.”
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tearsandbutterflies · 5 years ago
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Queen of Peace by Florence and the Machine. by variousaint
The Fall of the Rebel Angels by Luca Giordano
Ivan the Terrible and His Son Ivan on 16 November 1581 by Ilya Repin
Salome by Jean Benner
Anne Boleyn in the Tower by Edouard Cibot
Reaching For the Stars by Luis Ricardo Falero
Jeanne d'Arc by Albert Lynch
Spoils of The Battle by Paul Jamin
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rotterdamvanalles · 11 months ago
De oprijlaan naar Buitenplaats Schoonoord met Huize Schoonoord, 1913-1917
Tot de 17e eeuw werd het gebied waar de tuin Schoonoord nu ligt als weiland gebruikt. Het lag nog buiten de stadsgrenzen. Door de regelmatige overstromingen van de Maas was het onveilig terrein. Na indijking rond 1700 ontstond een veilige polder: de Muizenpolder.
De schone lucht en het groen trokken welgestelde families aan om buitenplaatsen aan te leggen. Al deze tuinen hadden hun entree aan de Parklaan. Schoonoord gaat in de historie terug tot een van de eerste buitenplaatsen in de Muizenpolder: het in 1706 aangelegde ‘Rust en Lust’. In 1729 werd er een herenhuis op gebouwd. Het lag aan de Nieuwewerksdijk, nu Parklaan 15. In 1816 kreeg het de naam ‘Schoonoord’ en omvatte een herenhuis, koetshuis, stalling, kassen, theehuis met koepel en de tuinmanswoning.
In 1823 werd het Schoonoord van toen, gekocht door Cornelis van Vollenhoven. Na zijn dood nam het echtpaar Jean Joseph Marie van Heel, scheepsreder en assuradeur, en Hendrika van Hoboken de buitenplaats over. In 1860 werd, in opdracht van Hendrika, het huidige ontwerp voor de tuin gemaakt en grotendeels aangelegd in Engelse landschapsstijl. De keuzes die zij toen maakte voor de onder andere Libanonceders, vijver en beuken zien we vandaag nog steeds terug in de tuin.
Het aangrenzende terrein van buitenplaats Stroomzigt werd in 1872 bij Schoonoord gevoegd. Het echtpaar Van Heel-Hoboken bleef kinderloos en na het overlijden van de weduwe in 1916 werd het huis na een periode van leegstand gesloopt. De snoepwarenfabrikant Henri Jamin kocht een deel van de grond en liet op de plaats waar huize Schoonoord had gestaan in 1926 een villa bouwen.
Het grootste deel van de tuin werd echter gekocht door Dhr. Jacob Mees, firmant van het bankiershuis Mees&Zn. Het oude toegangshek, met de woorden ‘schoon’ en ‘oord’ verplaatste hij naar de Kievitslaan.
De fotograaf is Cornelis Vreedenburgh en de foto komt uit het Stadsarchief Rotterdam. De informatie komt van tuinschoonoord.nl
Bericht van 2021
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harteofbenji · 5 years ago
( ross lynch, male, he/him ) Oh hello, you must be BENJAMIN HARTE it’s so nice to meet you. Is it true that you’re a 17 year old SCHOLARSHIP student and in your SIXTH YEAR? I should warn you, rumour has it you’re pretty NAIVE & VERBOSE but I think you’re really CREATIVE & PASSIONATE - people like to gossip around here, but you’ll find out for yourself. Let me show you to SALISBURY. ( paige, 22, est, she/her )
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meet benjamin harte, the most JAMIN seventeen year old you’ll ever meet!! he was raised by his two dads who he admires more than anything in this planet. his dad danny works at a law firm as divorce lawyer while his other dad michael is a writer for an advice column in a newspaper and freelance artist. benji had a pretty normal childhood as long as you don’t look at the bullying during his younger years for how his family isn’t “traditional”.
benjamin worked his ass off to get accepted and be apart of this boarding school and it wasn’t only him who wanted this for him and his future, his parents did too. which only further drived him to work hard. despite his clear difference on the other’s he, he’s determined to find some place to fit in. benji isn’t too worried on fitting in, he just wants to focus on his academics and try his best to enjoy what’s to come -- even if he’s considered a nerd all his life.
benji has many hobbies but he has two big ones that he loves with all his heart. he loves, loves to paint and to read. they are things that soothe anxiety for him and keep him grounded. benjamin loves getting lost in a fictional world or one that he’s created with paint brushes and hands. there is something so entrancing and enamoring about reading and painting to him that he couldn’t imagine living day - to - day without doing either of these things.
some aesthethic - y things:  clothing and hands have remnants of dried paint, book bag overflowing with paperwork, books - academic ones and not, jeans and sweaters that are too big, sweater paws, laughing too hard at puns and bad jokes, star wars graphic tees, dirty knock-off converse and vans, his side of the dorm covered in potted plants and flowers, lanky body, dopey smiles and loud laughter, harry potter marathons and a torn hufflepuff scarf.
my ramblings abt his persona:  he a soft boy trying to become more confident in who he is!! he was raised by his dad's tbh & they worked rly hard with him & benji like?? he studied so hard & was thankfully blessed w a scholarship but he's such a good kid with a heart of gold. he's a rly good painter tbh, n kind of good at sketching but mostly all for Painting(TM). he also loves literature & flowers. benjamin is a total Dork and I Love Him?? he was v shy and is now like opening up & growing up. he loves bad puns, good puns, okay puns. any puns will do if i'm honest. star wars enthusiast? star wars enthusiast. tries to dance but lacks rhythm but still gives it a go. silly and loves to have a good laugh.
wanted connections:  ex girlfriend/boyfriend who helped him become more confident in who he is, best friends (of any genders), bad influence, someone he can be a good influence on, study group, nerd squad maybe?, unrequited love, crush (someone who he likes & someone who likes him - doesn’t have to be mutual).
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sirajagame · 5 years ago
Pokémon Go updates
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Pokemon Go: aplikasi augmented reality pertama di dunia 
sebagai nama rumah tangga. Permainan AR mobile Niantic masih berjalan kuat dua tahun sesudah dikeluarkan pertama-tama, dengan tetesan momen serta pembaharuan terus-terusan membuat beberapa pelatih pemula terpaku pada hp mereka serta mendobrak jalanan.
Serta selain itu belum sukses sampai pucuk popularitasnya pada tahun 2016, itu masih kuat serta temukan banyak langkah baru untuk tingkatkan pengalaman pemainnya.
Jadi, apa kabarnya paling baru untuk Pokémon Go? Seperti yang Anda harap, feature baru ditambah lagi setiap waktu serta acara komune masih berjalan kuat. Ditambahkan, kami mempunyai beberapa Zone Safari serta Gen 5 Pokémon baru untuk diamankan!
Tapi tanpa ada basa-basi , berikut tips kami untuk semua berita serta pembaharuan Pokemon Go paling baru.
Niantic mengenalkan beberapa pergantian pada pertempuran Pokemon Go untuk tingkatkan pertarungan pelatih. Ini akan mulai berlaku sepanjang beberapa minggu ke depan.
Sejauh tersangkut skema pertempuran, pemain harus temukan beberapa hal "lebih intuitif serta responsive". Pergantian itu terhitung bilah kesehatan yang berdenyut waktu berlangsung kehancuran untuk membuat lebih gampang untuk tahu kapan Pokemon Anda terserang pukulan serta pergantian pada sekian waktu untuk mengatasi kehancuran serta serangan yang ditanggung.
Akan ada pergantian pada beberapa serangan yang ada pada game terhitung Bubble Beam, Power-Up Punch, Psychic serta Snarl, sesaat dua serangan baru, Thunder Fang serta Ice Fang akan dikenalkan.
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Semua pergantian bisa disaksikan  di website  Pokémon Go.
Flower Crown Eevee
Ada pula hadiah terobosan Riset baru untuk di nikmati. Dari 1 September sampai 1 November, Eevee kenakan mahkota bunga akan ada dalam pertemuan untuk Anda tangkap. Yang lebih menarik, ada peluang beberapa yang Anda jumpai akan Shiny. Terobosan Riset bisa menjadi hanya satu langkah Anda hadapi Pokémon ini, maka bila Anda ingin meningkatkan tiap Eeveelution yang kenakan mahkota bunga, Anda harus mengawalinya saat ini!
Acara Stardust baru hadir yang akan lihat pemain mempunyai peluang memperoleh bonus menarik. Dari Kamis 3 Oktober sampai Kamis 10 Oktober, penetasan serta penangkapan Pokemon akan memberi 2x lipat jumlahnya Stardust, seperti pertarungan Tim Rocket Lebih jauh dari itu, pertarungan Raid akan jamin 2000 Stardust.
Zone Safari
Pokémon Go Fest telah selesai tapi Zone Safari selekasnya ada di Taipei serta Montreal. Mereka yang tidak bisa hadiri acara dengan cara langsung, tentunya, bisa nikmati beberapa faedah yang akan ada dengan global.
Zone Safari pertama akan berjalan di Montreal dari 20 sampai 22 September di Parc Jean-Drapeau. Untuk periode ini, Pokemon yang diketahui sebab kecepatannya akan ada seringkali di zone safari serta di semua Kanada. Untuk pemain lebih jauh di penjuru dunia, Yanma akan ada seringkali.
Dari 3 sampai 6 Oktober, acara Zone Safari yang lain akan diselenggarakan di Taman Metropolitan New Taipei. Sepanjang periode ini, Pokémon type air, serangga, serta rumput akan ada seringkali serta acara tidak ditilang.
Saat ini, sesudah Turtwig rayakan hari itu, Hari Komune Go Pokemon selanjutnya sudah diyakinkan akan berjalan pada 12 Oktober, di antara jam 11 ​​pagi serta 14:00 waktu ditempat. Pokémon favorit untuk acara ini ialah Pokémon Trapinch type basic.
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Karakter Baru
Selama seharian, Trapinch semakin lebih seringkali bertelur serta akan ada peluang Anda dapat menemukannya berbentuk mengkilap. Langkah detil acara untuk Trapinch belum di konfirmasi tapi ini akan diutarakan lebih dekat ke waktu.
Sepanjang acara, akan ada triple XP yang diberi untuk tiap Pokémon yang tertangkap serta Modul Lure akan bertahan sepanjang tiga jam dibanding tiga puluh menit.
Pembaharuan Pokémon Go: apa seterusnya? Niantic belum mengutarakan gagasan apapun untuk apa yang akan berlangsung seterusnya di Pokémon Go dalam soal deskripsi besarnya, tapi tetap ada makhluk baru serta momen baru yang berlangsung dalam permainan. Pengungkapan besar bisa berlangsung setiap saat, serta kami akan menyampaikannya di sini bila serta saat ada pengumuman.
Sesudah meluncurkan beberapa game paling baik dalam riwayat waralaba di Nintendo 3DS, Nintendo serta Game Freak pada akhirnya siap untuk bawa game Pokémon penting ke Nintendo Switch - yang pertama disebutkan Pokémon Sword and Shield.
Gim-gim ini akan dikeluarkan dengan global di Nintendo Switch pada bulan November ini serta akan membawa juga mereka daerah baru, feature, serta Pokémon buat pelatih untuk ditiduri. Aliran YouTube sah Pokémon sudah menetes hingga memberikan kami potongan gameplay serta design Pokemon - walau tidak kebanyakan orang suka dengan apa yang dipertunjukkan selama ini (selanjutnya mengenai ini dibawah).
Permainan Sword and Shield akan diputuskan di Daerah Galar (pada intinya, versus Pokemon-ified dari Inggris) serta akan mengikutkan beberapa makhluk terhitung tiga Pokémon awal baru, Scorbunny, Sobble, serta Grookey. Kita akan lihat mekanik baru bernama Dynamaxing yang akan gantikan Z-Moves serta Mega-Evolutions - serta Poké Jobs yang menolong Pokémon Anda memperoleh pengalaman.
Jadi bagaimanakah cara Sword and Shield menumpuk pada Pokemon Let's Go: Pikachu serta Eevee on Switch?
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