#jean and neil are the kings of insults and you can’t tell me I’m wrong
rekikiri · 2 months
forget the minyard-josten rivalry. that’s fun, sure, but we are forgetting the best rivalry
moreau-josten rivalry. they make snide remarks to the press, the insults are LEGENDARY, the foxes and trojans egg them on so much that everyone truly believes it. if JEREMY KNOX is agreeing with the rivalry, then it HAS to be real!
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nickireadstfc · 6 years
The King’s Men, Chapter 16 – A Team Of Particularly Good Finders
In which I find a new favourite team, Kevin’s angrier half makes an entrance, I find a new favourite team, keys are distributed, faceclaims are suggested, and I find a new favourite team.
Sounds good? Then it’s time for Nicki to read The King’s Men.
             Saturday morning Wymack stopped by Fox Tower with a guest. (…)
             “Thea,” Kevin finally said, and scrambled to his feet. “What are you doing here?”
I’ve been waiting for this gal ever since she was first mentioned, and my dudes my pals my homies, let me tell you – her presence does not disappoint.
Thea Muldani is big and buff and bench-presses male egos for breakfast, but also wears pastel makeup, braids and dresses like Beyoncé herself gave her fashion advice.
A certified Boss Ass Bitch, you say? Absolutely.
A definite, definite Venus Williams faceclaim, you say?
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Alternatively also Serena Williams?
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Like Kevin, Thea also left the Ravens, but she seems to have quite a different relationship to them than he does.
             Even though Thea graduated from Edgar Allan almost three years ago she still wore her Raven jersey number on a pendant around her throat.
Neil then wonders how ex-Ravens fare out there in the Real World, and he voices my thoughts precisely: Do they recover? Do they hang on? And if they do, is it because they’re broken, or out of choice?
This is Interesting Shit that I am very, very much intrigued to know more about. Since I’m not sure we’ll have quite enough time to get into this in what’s left of this book, if anyone has any fic recs dealing with this (= post-Raven recovery), hit me the hell up.
However sadly, Thea is not here to answer my deep psychological musings, and is instead very much here to tear Kevin a new one.
Or five.
             “I always wanted to talk, but it was complicated.”
             “’Complicated’,” Thea echoed. The air quotes she threw him were angry and mocking. “’Complicated’ is having to find out from a press conference that you broke your hand and left the line-up. ‘Complicated’ is finding out the hard way you disconnected your old number and having to hear from Jean that you didn’t want anything to do with any of us effective immediately. Don’t you dare use ‘complicated’ against me. I deserve better than that.”
Exy Venus Williams is mad, y’all – and completely in the right, because Kevin, you done fucked up.
Anyone who figuratively leaves his girlfriend on ‘read’ for two years deserves to have the shit bitched out of them publicly.
However, Kevin has a magic trick to at least somewhat calm his angrier half down:
Fellow ex-Raven and resident human ground beef Jean Valjean Moreau.
They go see him, but like puppies left out in the rain we don’t get to go with, which is a damn shame because I’m getting increasingly interested in how our favourite baguette is going to continue his trauma-filled existence.
             “You assume [Nicky] will survive until summer [because he’s annoying the hell out of Andrew with his Andreil shipping],” Andrew said.
             “You break him, you owe me a new defenseman,” Wymack said.
Found this chapter’s #dicksoutforwymack, that line was gold, small as it was.
             “You have one at Abby’s house.”
DAMN RIGHT. Anyone up for some Fox!Jean? Yes? Yes?
Apparently, not Kevin and Jean, who have irreparably damages their athletic compatibility at the Batcave of Extra, so Fox!Jean is a thing we may have to keep to fanfic.
Again – a damn shame.
What is decidedly not a damn shame is that Wymack has a lil something for Andrew, and when I found out what it was I may or may not have shed a lil tear of pride.
             Keys jangled as they hit the carpet, and Neil stared in disbelief. He couldn’t be right, except last summer Wymack had given Neil three new keys, too: a set for all the important doors at the Foxhole Court. (…) “Kevin said to give you those.”
This has got to be the fourth or fifth time this series has made me emotional about fucking keys, what in the absolute fuck.
             [Neil’s] heart was pounding. (…) He thought about fighting for a spot on the US Court and facing the best the world had to offer, Kevin at his side and Andrew at his back.
When will the Kandreil feels end, my money is on fucking never.
With this preliminary banter done, we move on to what’s really important in this chapter:
The first NCAA Exy championship semi-final; University of Southern California Trojans vs Palmetto State University Foxes.
Or, as I like to call it – USC Hufflepuffs vs Kevin Day’s Boner.
So much has been promised about this team, their human sunshine of a captain and their infamous Too Good For This World cinnamon roll-ness, I was buzzing in my seat waiting to get to know them.
             “[Think] about what you’re going to say in pre-game.” (…)
             “How about ‘We’re gonna own these lowers’?” Nicky suggested.
             “And that’s why you’re not allowed to talk to the press,” Matt said dryly.
Nicky, my boy, never change. <3
However, I immediately opposed any ‘loser’ insults as I finally, finally met –
The one, the only, captain of Trojans, idol of Kevin Days everywhere, the OG Cinnamon Roll™ – Jeremy Fucking Knox.
             “Kevin, you crazy fool,” he said, less formally, and clapped Kevin’s shoulder in a cheery greeting. “You never cease to amaze. You’ve got a thing for controversial teams, I think, but I like this one much better than the last one.”
Hi, marry me.
Again with the characterizations through first lines in this book, aye? Pretty sure this guy is the only one in the entire world who could bro-hug Kevin, call him a crazy fool to his face, and come away with his nose unbroken.
(He says a little bit towards Wymack before that, but we’re gonna ignore that for the meme.)
But apparently, Jeremy is not the only one who gets to say unexpected things right now.
             [Kevin] only said, “I have a backliner for you. Do you have room on next year’s line-up?”
… Does this mean what I think it means.
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My dudes, let me tell you, my ass is HERE for Trojan!Jean. Trojean. TROJEAN.
Seriously, if you want someone with a trauma caused by abusive competitive toxic teammates to recover, a team that’s known for being the friendliest, kindest and fairest motherfuckers on the planet is pretty much the absolute Way To Go.
Operation Trojean is the best rehab anyone has ever thought of, ever, and I will hear no other opinions on this.
I was already enjoying this tremendously, good things all around, how much better could it be – when Sunshine Boy decided to pull something so spectacularly Hufflepuff that I swear to fuck I heard badgers singing.
Y’all are not ready.
I was not ready.
             “Our line-up,” Jeremy explained. “It’s late to be getting it to you, I know, but we were trying to avoid as much of the backlash as possible.”
Why, what’s happ–
             “Two goalies, three backliners, two dealers, two strikers,” Jeremy said. “You’ve made it this far with those numbers. It’s time to see how we’d fare in that situation.”
You have got to be kidding me, Sunshine Boy.
You are giving up your gigantic team, your sure-as-life win, your One Big Strength – just because it’s fair? And because you want to learn from your opponents more than you want to win?
I’m out. This is too much. This team is TOO FUCKING MUCH.
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             “You’ll lose tonight if you play like this.”
             “Maybe,” Jeremy agreed, unconcerned. “Maybe not. Should be fun either way, right? I don’t remember the last time I was this psyched for a game.”
There is no way in hell I’m not faceclaiming this guy as known Puff Champion Cedric Diggory now.
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No. Way. In. Hell.
             Neil finally understood how the USC Trojans had won the Day Spirit Award eight consecutive years.
Bitch, me too, the fuck.
             “I take back what I said about earthquakes,” Nicky said weakly. “I have a new favourite team.”
And with that, the game is on, and I can’t remember the last time I was so pumped for a good ol’ match of Orange Murder Sportsball.
Despite their Line-Up of Dreams, the Trojans pretty much wipe the floor with the Foxes in the first half, as was to be expected.
But in second half – well, let’s just say I ain’t never seen a badger run a marathon.*
             USC could have taken control of the game in a heartbeat if only they’d rethink their strategy. If they pulled their three subs from the sidelined players the Foxes’ night was over. But the Trojans had made up their mind and they weren’t backing down.
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(*For the record: Foxes don’t exactly run marathons either – according to the mighty Internet, foxes can run up to 55 km/h and badgers up to 30 km/h, but both only over short distances. A human Trojan would definitely outrun a fox (or a badger) over a long distance. So much for brand accuracy.)
But then! Oh, who would have thought! This is so completely surprising! The Foxes catch their wind on the second half! Amazing, they start to dominate the game! And – and – and it’s a win! Win for the Foxes! WIN FOR THE FOXES!
Don’t get me wrong, I’m happy and excited for them and all, but as if we didn’t absolutely see this coming.
             “Is this what dying feels like?” [Alvarez] asked, and called over her shoulder, “Babe, I think I’m dying. Do I still have legs?”
Things like these make my sports-ignorant ass realize just how hardcore the Foxes playing full halves actually is.
No subs, we die like men.
Also, Alvarez’ “babe” turns out to be Laila Dermott, which makes me love the Trojans even more – and I truly did not think this was possible – because Exy Lesbians.
             “That was fantastic. (…) I want to do it again. Next year, maybe, when my legs grow back.”
             “Stop being such a baby,” Laila said.
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This banter is giving me life.
If anyone has any fanart of these two buff buttercups, please send it my way pronto.
             Neil didn’t care how many hearts they broke that night. They’d beaten USC. (…) The Foxes were going to finals, and that was the only thing that mattered.
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Before we move on to post-semi-final celebrations, allow me to gush about the Trojans one last time, and then I promise I’m done melting into a puddle every time one of them so much as speaks.
             “[Jean] will be back in the fall. He just won’t be back in black.” Jeremy flashed his toothy grin. (…) “He’s transferring to USC for his senior year.”
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This is one of the best ideas anyone has had in this entire book. Four for you, Trojean, you go, Trojean.
(And none for Riko Moriyama, bye.)
             “We’ll have to get him some sun this summer, though! He’s a little pale to pull of red and gold right now,” Jean laughed.
[To the tune of California Girls] California puffs they’re unforgettable…
Also, in which Jean is #me in summer, all day err’day.
Tanning is for weak people, we sunburn like true Germans.
             Nicky (…) cut the TV off. “I’ve got a theory that Renee and Jeremy are long-lost siblings. What do you think would happen if they ever joined force?”
             “They’d get murdered,” Aaron said. (…) “War’s profitable; no one wants their world-peace nonsense.”
Gee, thanks, you absolute walnut.
For the record, I agree with Nicky, and I’m also counting this as the reason I immediately fell in love with Jeremy.
What can I say – in a world full of Angst, Drama, Angst, Infighting and More Angst, ya girl loves herself some good sunshiney optimists.
As for post-semi-final celebrations, the gang makes good on an old tradition and goes into town for another Fun Night of Debauchery for what I’m assuming is the last time in this series.
To think that a year ago the prospect of this would have made me break out in protective Neil feels, and now I’m actually looking forward to it.
Man, we’ve come far.
Speaking of – Andrew now apparently has no need for cracker dust anymore(!!!), has nothing against being touched in public (!!!!) and doesn’t seem to mind his Bartender Pal Roland calling him out on his Very Much Gay, Very Much Official Relationship (!!!!!).
Man, we’ve come fucking far.
             “How’d you know [about Andrew being gay]?”, [Nicky said.] “Is your gaydar more advanced than mine is or – “ Nicky’s jaw dropped as he clued in. “Wait. No way. No way! Did you two –?”
Andrew hooked up with Big Intimidating Bartender Pal, this is glorious.
             Neil’s clock was still ticking down, but his numbered days followed a different schedule now. Neil had all the time in the world, and that left a heat in his gut stronger than any whiskey could.
Fuck yes.
Fuck YES.
A very good ending to a very good second to last chapter.
...Oh shit.
Second. To. Last. Chapter.
Next chapter will almost conclude this series (I’m told there is a short epilogue, so we’re not quite done). Next chapter will almost conclude this blog, holy shit.
We’ve been following the Orange Hellride that is this series for over a year now (thanks to my giant hiatuses in between, oops). This is insane.
I’ll get all emotional and grateful and weepy in the last chapter and final book recap, so dry eyes over here for now, but y’all – get ready.
This ride is about to end, and knowing this series, we’re about to go out with a fucking bang.
Oh dear.
Before I go - a quick note on the update situation for the last few uploads (meaning chapter 17, epilogue, book recap). This feels almost redundant to say after my schedule has been very loose (soz) these past few chapters anyways, but I will be taking some liberties for the finish line.
This blog has been one of my greatest pride and joys over the last year, and I really wanna stick the landing. This means I'd rather spend an extra day refining than update by hook and by crook. As a loose time estimate – expect the last chapter by the end of the week, possibly earlier.
Let me make this good for you guys. I'm way excited (and scared), and I hope you are too.
Peace and love, y'all.
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