#jd Seung
multifandomsillies · 9 months
so prior to my last post:
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jdshipoftheday · 4 months
Luke Cypher (Disco Inferno) x Seung (Say My Name P2)
JD Ship of the Day: Luke Cypher x Seung
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Requested by Anonymous
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olivialivielou · 11 months
(credits to @nepticmancer)
our sons being our sons part 2
(tbh it feels canon that Chul could style hair, AND WHY DO THE VOICES SOUND ACCURATE)
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glindaupland · 9 months
The Phantom of the Opera | Seoul, South Korea | 잶팬텀 x 송크리 Review 6/6
October 14, 2023 - Evening
The Phantom of the Opera | 최재림 Choi Jae-rim
Christine Daaé | 송은혜 Song Eun-hye
Raoul, Vicomte de Chagny | 송원근 Song Won-geun
Carlotta Giudicelli | 한보라 Han Bo-ra
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Ah, the perfect Phantom to finish my journey and relieve me from my tears after the painful two show Kim Ju-taek/Jo Seung-woo slam the day before! Yes, please erase the poor meow meow thoughts from my mind!
My 6th and final round of POTO and 1st round of 'Choi Jae-rim is a Traumatized French Man Double Marathon'. His only scheduled POTO show during my stay was the day before Les Mis opening night in Busan. So I did not have a spare day like I thought would and I had to hop cities the next morning to see him as Valjean. I originally had a seat up high, but I just had to move myself close on the floor again for my grand finale. Seeing a seat open up during cancellations near my favorite side of the stage, the side with the most action, pretty much sealed the deal. I've always wanted to see a ~scary~ Phantom so let's go out with a bang!
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If you're looking for some Erik x Christine, wrong Phantom for you! There wasn't much sugar-coating here. CJR Phantom is the opposite of JSW and JDS Phantoms to me; he's the most like a dark fallen angel. He's dangerous, unnerving, and has a lot more confidence with his actions than the others.
Hannibal Rehearsal / Think of Me
The audience seemed especially hyped today lol. Park Hoe-rim always holds Piangi’s note in Hannibal for a very long time and people applaud him for it. The cheers were loud today though even though audiences usually didn’t make much noise to avoid being disruptive! At the end of Song Eun-hye’s ‘Think of Me’ there was also a very excited reaction from the audience. Love this cast showing off where they can heh
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First Lair | MOTN/STYDI
He's the only Phantom to sing "넌 이곳에 오직 나만을 위하여 / You are here for me alone" as "넌 이곳에 오직 한가지 이유로 / You are here for only one reason" at the organ because he's just different and not like other girls okay During MOTN, he was was confidently luring and hypnotizing her with no hesitation or uncertainty. The way he moved his entire body, especially his arms and hands (huge hands goddamn dude), was very flashy and dramatic. He's "overdoing it", but in a way that's very fitting for his Phantom's eccentric personality. I think you can already tell something is off about his Phantom as a person here. You can hear it in his voice a bit too. It had a sort of unearthly mesmerizing quality to it. This is the closest to a mysterious dark angel out of the Phantoms. He's especially possessive, but it's more in the way you might expect and different from KJT Phantom. The way he draws her to him with his hands, the way he touches his lips when he comes around the organ towards her 👀 He even tugged her along a bit when he led her to the bride in the mirror and urged her to look at the gift. With SEH Christine it was interesting to see her slowly unwind throughout the song since she's the more hesitant of the two. A Christine like SJS is definitely easier "prey" for him
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Here's a little taste of his Music of the Night. Some of his more dramatic movements are actually a little bit similar to how he moved as the Phantom in this song, but he has a specific strange aura when actually in character.
I Remember / Stranger Than You Dream It
...SEH Christine is a little too curious and innocent maybe. Because wow if I saw a big weird masked man looking like that while working I simply? Would not want to mess with him at all, not getting anywhere near him. While the music box played, he was breathing (almost grunting) very audibly and heavily in frustration. He was very tense and focused. She was very playful and even mischievous-looking as she tried to swipe at his mask. It was like a game to her. Right at the moment he seemed to find his flow, playing the music in the air with his eyes closed, she succeeded. He's the scariest one during the outburst! His voice sounded venomous at the start and his eyes were wild as he covered the side of his face with both hands. The way he tilted his head watching her was very off-putting. Actually rather than becoming sadder, he almost seemed even creepier as he got closer. My seat was very close on that end of the stage and as I saw him approaching I wanted to back away myself! But at the end, I did start to feel sorry for him. It was really pitiful seeing this magnificent and seemingly magical genius be reduced to...this. The other Phantoms appear more human here, but he truly did look like some dark being trying desperately to be like a regular human, trying to be a part of this world. The angel of music is not, in fact, an angel, but....well who knows what he is. When she returned the mask, he looked like he couldn't make sense of what was happening. I could see his eyes glistening a little like tears were threatening to fall. I think he felt especially uncomfortable looking so weak in front of her. His Phantom felt like he had everything completely under control, but he managed to be disarmed so suddenly. His face was now revealed as well as the hidden dark part of himself
AIAOY Reprise
Kinda upset that my angle made it difficult to see him because the angel wing was obstructing him the times he wasn't leaning forward enough. But also how does he even fit on there. And also how did he manage to be the one who moved the least? He must be folded like an origami piece up there. Anyway oh boy. When saying Christine's name the first time, he sounded broken and small while looking down. But the second time he slowly lifted his head giving a cold dark stare ahead and spoke in a low and threatening voice that faded off. He had this rage building up and spreading through him and began his final lines in a harsh growling voice. He's extra intimidating because he kind of just fully gets up making himself as big as possible. I was laughing during intermission when I was heading to the lobby and two girls ran by me in the aisle going "EEEEE 무서워요!! / I'm scared!" So true, girlies, so true
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Why So Silent?
JDS/KJT Phantoms lift up Christine's chin when they finally address her, but he pulled her a little roughly towards him. Not a big thing but definitely got a yikes from me when I saw it!
Wandering Child
Oh he is so weird and freaky somebody's gotta push him off that mausoleum I don't like it (no I love it as an acting choice though I just mean it's uncomfortable) 😭 The way he moves his entire body so much is so creepy? How do I even describe those movements. He would crouch or lean forward in a lunging position, but also made these big gestures with his arms again and looked like he was trying to use some power to pull Christine towards him He used an odd sarcastic tone mocking Raoul like he barely even viewed him as a threat.
The Point of No Return
The trap is set and waits for its prey! ...But also, Christine, Piangi just grew like 10 feet taller turning into a brick wall of a man and you don't find this.... suspicious maybe? No? Okay... He opens that curtain and it's like:
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ANYWAY He had such an eerie way of singing to me. There was this hypnotic energy again like in MOTN. Once again the hands...when he tips her head side to side with his fingers under her chin in his last lines of his verse it's like he's putting her in a trance. She actually looked a bit disoriented for a moment, but her expression was slowly changing like she was suspecting something was wrong even before she turned to him. He was scarily calm looking throughout the song. You mostly just saw his shoulders moving from his slow steady breathing. Occasionally he would slowly take a look at her to see what she was doing, but it was more like he was preparing himself than getting stressed. She touched him and he only flinched very slightly before reaching up to her completely ready to join their hands. He was practically pulling her down actually to touch her more. I think he was sure that he was succeeding. When she had discovered him, he closed in like a beast about to pounce with his hands in position to grab her in case she tried to flee. But when she threw the hood off he was taken off guard During the AIAOY Reprise "언제나, 어디든, 영원히 / Always, anywhere, forever" -> "Anywhere you go let me go too" was a painful cry as well as the word "어둠에 / (into) darkness" in "또 다시 지옥 같은 어둠에 / Once again into darkness like hell" later for Down Once More and he delivered his next lines in a terrifying voice. It was similar to the AIAOY Reprise on the angel. I have to admit it partially concerned me (just because here and Les Mis he had a few slight rough moments, he cracked a tiny bit at the very end of 'Who Am I' after an otherwise very solid note). Overall though I think he has amazing ability and it's just wear from the rough schedule he has unfortunately. The choices did work either way!
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Final Lair
He is so unhinged and unstable. Now he had this rough vicious villainous tone and sometimes he used that mocking voice again like he did in 'Bravo Monsieur'. He practically hissed out the line about the world never accepting him. His gestures with his arms were so theatrical and huge and the way he moved about was so heavy, jerky, and unsettling. When he threw the noose on Raoul he had the most terrifying laugh and jumped a little spitting out his taunts loudly He stood up fast and leaned in close to her face to whisper “날 시험하지말고 / Don't test me” so very quietly before he screamed for her to choose. He said it with spite in his voice, but he was actually holding back tears when he turned around. He had been so dangerous before, but Christine managed to disarm him once again with her words. Christine dropped lower from her position on her knees with a sob. It wasn't out of fear, seeing him like this just seemed to hurt her. This kiss was an interesting one to analyze. Some people thought this part tends to make him seem unmoved? But I disagree with the conclusion some people had made around that time that his Phantom didn't change or develop. He wasn't very openly reactive to the first one, he was completely frozen. The second time he clenched and unclenched his fists until he pulled her hand away quickly and rushed off staggering and holding his head. I saw reviews saying he would simply repeat his actions over again based on his reactions. I personally just think his change is different. I think CJR Phantom thinks he knows everything and that he can control everything that will happen so it scares him when he faces something unexpected. I think this is why he started to finally unravel at the very end. He cannot predict anything Christine will do, she always does the opposite of what he would think. Love and compassion were the last things he would ever expect. I don't even think he knew what kindness looks like. But he finally understood in that moment and he also understood that he couldn't force her to be there with him now. Something I noted during this performance in particular: HGH Raoul tried to urge Christine that they need to leave, but SWG would seem a bit confused in the moment and look at the Phantom like he was trying to understand what just happened. It just especially stood out to me across from CJR Phantom because of how much of a threat he had been. He was trying to process this because of the way the Phantom was just moments before and almost looked like he maybe even pitied him in a weird way. Christine came back pretty early this time to return the ring and watched the Phantom while covering her mouth in disbelief. It was as if this was the one moment he finally showed his real human side to her. She could really see him as a regular man now. When he realized she was there, he was really startled and practically jumped away like he was bracing himself for something (perhaps thinking the mob had arrived for him?). He went over to her wondering why she had returned, but once he realized he softly sang that he loved her. She nodded knowingly trying to hold back her tears. He looked so small suddenly when she left him alone there
Please when I tell you Jae-rim got the loudest screams out of every curtain call I experienced lol. He was goofing off, but at one point the shrieking was so loud he looked a little embarrassed about it heh. Even louder than that though was his Les Mis curtain call where everyone just about lost their goddamn minds seeing him pick up and spin little Cosette (I was one of those people, I'm weak)
Anyway it's promo time! Here's some bonus videos for you to enjoy
POTO Medley in English from 2013 (Wandering Child -> MOTN -> Think of Me -> All I Ask of You -> - he could easily be in English POTO honestly since he speaks English very well. He sings the actual show pretty differently and his vocals have improved, but it's still very nice and interesting to listen to after all this time.
Ah next one is cursed I know I know...but he almost convinced me this show can be good like a very talented scammer. Please stick to only covers of this though... He's sung the English version before a few times, but here's the Korean one:
And some non-POTO promo to show off his range because he's kind of crazy
And that's it for all my Phantom reviews! 6 out of 6 shows yay! If you made it to this point thank you for reading and enduring. I hope my insanity brought you some kind of joy and entertainment. I just wanted to share everything I could so other people could have a taste in some way and so I could relive and document my memories. It was truly a dream experience for a longtime POTO fan to be able to see the show done in so many ways over just a few days.
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roadtophantom · 1 year
Let your S(e)oul take you where you long to be (iv) - Jeon Dong-seok
I didn't mean to write a whole section about CSW but now I'm gonna feel terrible if I say less about the other Phantom 'coz he was also phenomenal.
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Jeon Dong-seok's show was the first one I got, I managed to modify my seat for three times to get a better view. It was so much easier to book for him that I got wary (did no one want him? why does he still have tickets available every night?) WHICH is an unfair assessment in the face of Phantoms with massive fanbases like Cho Seung-woo. It's still amazing that the tickets eventually sell out (or just leave very few left).
But I learned of JDS from his popularity here on Tumblr and I can definitely see how accomplished he is despite his apparent youth (I think he's the youngest of the 4 Phantoms?) That said, I haven't really listened to him, I wanted to be surprised.
So needless to say his voice blew me away. It took me 4 seconds in the Mirror scene to realize, this, exactly This is what Tumblr fandom was talking about. Because what the heck was that voice?? Like wow.
And he had Such a domineering presence too! His tall and slender physicality (186 cm tall) gave him the presence of a spook that was advantageous for a "larger than life" presence in the theatre.
He had Such an incredible vocal control and mastery too, this is a man who knows how to use his voice as an instrument, knows which part to stretch, which words to relish, which words to accentuate and expound with his vocal power. Practically effortless with the big notes. I can really believe he has the voice of a dark angel. He has been a real treat seeing in person AND watching (when he smoothed his hair *__*).
The impression I got of his Phantom is one who is definitely a young, musical genius, whose tragedy unfortunately is one that's long coming. JDS struck me as a very Byronic Phantom? I guess most Phantoms are Byronic, but I felt it more strongly for this tall, dark gent. He embodied the gloomy and broody persona but with such a passionate inner life. By inner life I mean his music and Christine who are his sole reasons for survival.
(One thing I can say for both Korean Phantoms that I love is how they created their character around Christine worship, like she is this unreachable goddess in their eyes. They are such fools for her).
What's sad about watching JDS's Phantom is how he doesn't seem to have a high regard of himself and even by the time the start of PONR was playing, he knew he was already bound to lose the girl. Jeon Dong-seok is great at playing an anguished Phantom. In the Final Lair, you make out his panic very plainly because he knows it was HIM who went past the point of no return and Christine will never forgive him and he doesn't know what to do with that information. He is so good in playing the character as a melancholic man who was bound to give everything up for Christine's freedom.
He gave me such massive emo tortured soul boys-who-cry feels. Not surprised that his roles tend to gravitate to this type 'coz he mastered it. (He has the most mournful 'Christine, 사랑해~') I feel like he could still figure out more nuances if he could play the character more. But he made such an excellent Phantom and I'm just so happy to have seen him before his Seoul exit.
Also it's so cute how he seems to be this awkward dork backstage who doesn't know what to do with his height or those poses kids do nowadays. I feel like that energy is also present in his onstage performances (I say this as someone who guiltily thinks it gives him crush-worthy material).
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thetoxicgamer · 1 year
Korean LoL superstar reportedly banned from pro play
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Kim "Clid" Tae-min, who gained notoriety by representing legendary League of Legends squads such as T1, JD Gaming, Gen.G, and Hanwha Life, has apparently been suspended from competitive play for a year. On September 4, LCK journalist kenzi reported that Clid had been suspended from Hanwha Life and was prohibited from competing in any other region for a whole year owing to charges of sexual harassment. https://twitter.com/kenzi131/status/1698565632797859943 Clid reportedly underwent a “disciplinary review through internal investigation and discussion” by the LCK Secretariat on Sept. 4 after facing sexual harassment allegations from two fans in June. The allegations include two separate cases where Clid supposedly reached out and made sexual remarks toward minors known as seoyeon67206575 and erica_ahri on X (formerly known as Twitter). After a comprehensive investigation, it was concluded that Clid did make “high-level sexual remarks” toward underage women. According to Korean news outlet Naver, the Secretariat said measures are needed for this type of behavior, especially since Clid is a well-recognized professional player. Since the incident in June, Jo “Grizzly” Seung-hoon has replaced Clid as jungler in Hanwha Life. Although the team ended the split in third place, they failed to qualify for Worlds 2023. Hanwha Life has yet to make a statement on Clid. It still remains to be seen what this means for the player’s future in the team. Read the full article
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dear-indies · 2 years
hi! how re u? wanted to ask you for suggestions. I wanted a fc for a crime mob family, female and male that can be played into those roles. I’m asking cause all the fcs that I know are from Disney or so and don’t fit with that type of plot? Thank u for all the work that you do.
Harvey Keitel (1939) Ashkenazi Jewish - The Irishman.
Robert De Niro (1943) - The Irishman.
Joe Pesci (1943) -The Irishman.
Emilio Rivera (1961) Mexican - Mayans MC.
Michelle Yeoh (1962) Chinese Malaysian - Gunpowder Milkshake, Crazy Rich Asians.
Ming-Na Wen (1963) Macanese - Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
Keanu Reeves (1964) Kānaka Maoli, Portuguese, English, Scottish, at least 1/16th Chinese, remote Dutch / English - John Wick.
Michelle Gomez (1966) - Chilling Adventures of Sabrina.
Lucy Liu (1968) Han Chinese - Elementary.
Jeri Ryan (1968) - MacGyver.
Melissa McCarthy (1970) - The Kitchen.
Mädchen Amick (1970) - Riverdale. 
Park Hee Soon (1970) Korean - My Name.
Idris Elba (1972) Sierra Leonean / Ghanaian  Lucifer. 
Michael Irby (1972) African-American / Mexican - Mayans MC. 
Chris Messina (1974) - Birds of Prey.
Danny Pino (1974) Cuban - Mayans MC.
Dominique Jackson (1975) Afro-Tobagonian - is a trans woman - Pose. 
Pedro Pascal (1975) Chilean [Spanish, Basque, possibly other] - Narcos. 
Lucian Msamati (1976) Tanzanian - Gangs of London. 
Sterling K. Brown (1976) African-American - Hotel Artemis. 
Lauren German (1978) - Lucifer.
Omar Sy (1978) Senegalese / Mauritanian - Lupin. 
Tom Ellis (1978) - Lucifer. 
Ben McKenzie (1978) - Gotham.
Gong Yoo (1979) Korean - The Age of Shadows, Squid Game, Goblin. 
Maggie Q (1979) Vietnamese / Irish, Polish, French - The Protege.
Rosamund Pike (1979) - Gone Girl, I Care a Lot.
John Krasinski (1979) - Jack Ryan.
Narges Rashidi (1980) Iranian - Gangs of London.
Cho Seung Woo (1980) Korean - Stranger.
JD Pardo (1980) Argentinean / Salvadorian - Mayans MC.
Lesley-Ann Brandt (1981) English, East Indian, German, Spanish, Dutch, Khoisan, Ashkenazi Jewish - Lucifer. 
Krysten Ritter (1981) - Jessica Jones.
Elodie Yung (1981) Cambodian / French - The Cleaning Lady, The Defenders, Daredevil. 
Ricky Whittle (1981) Afro-Jamaican / English - American Gods. 
Joseph Morgan (1981) - The Originals. 
Kaneko Nobuaki (1981) Japanese - Alice in Borderland.
Tom Payne (1982) - Prodigal Son.
Constance Wu (1982) Taiwanese - Crazy Rich Asians.
Miguel Ángel Silvestre (1982) - Velvet. 
Natalie Dormer (1982) - Elementary.
Aaron Tveit (1983) - The Good Fight.
Marwan Kenzari (1983)  Tunisian - The Old Guard.
Ed Skrein (1983) Ashkenazi Jewish / possibly English - Naked Singularity, Deadpool.
Li Jun Li (1983) Chinese - Fistful of Vengeance, Wu Assassins.
Iko Uwais (1983) Betawi Indonesian  - Fistful of Vengeance, Wu Assassins.
Dichen Lachman (1982) Tibetan / German - Severance, Supergirl.
Alberto Guerra (1982) Cuban - Ingobernable.
Katie McGrath (1983) - Supergirl.
Alba Flores (1983) Romani and Spanish - Money Heist. 
Asia Kate Dillon (1984) Ashkenazi Jewish / Unknown - non-binary and pansexual - they/them - John Wick. 
Mary Elizabeth Winstead (1984) - Kate. 
Richard Cabral (1983) Mexican - Mayans MC.
John David Washington (1984) African-American -  Tenet.
Jaimie Alexander (1984) - Blindspot.
Max Riemelt (1984) - Sense8.
Lawrence Kao (1985) Taiwanese -  Fistful of Vengeance, Wu Assassins.
Song Joong Ki (1985) Korean - Vincenzo.
Deborah Ann Woll (1985) - The Punisher. 
Clayton Cardenas (1985) Mexican, Filipino - Mayans MC.
Miguel Gomez (1985) Colombian - Southpaw, FBI: Most Wanted.
Nathalie Kelley (1985) Argentinian, Peruvian [Quechua, possibly other] - The Baker and The Beauty.
Luke Mitchell (1985) - Blindspot. 
Jessica McNamee (1986) - Mortal Kombat. 
Betty Gilpin (1986) - The Hunt.
Monica Raymund (1986) Afro-Domincan / English, Ashkenazi Jewish - bisexual - Hightown. 
Natasha O'Keeffe (1986) - Peaky Blinders. 
Alessandro Borghi (1986) - Suburra: Blood on Rome.
Ludi Lin (1987) Chinese - Kung Fu.
Mackenzie Davis (1987) - Terminator: Dark Fate.
Casey Deidrick (1987) - In the Dark, Eye Candy.
Aneurin Barnard (1987) - The Goldfinch.
İlhan Şen (1987) Turkish - Seni Çok Bekledim.
Uraz Kaygılaroğlu (1987) Turkish - Üç Kuruş.
Lewis Tan (1987) Chinese Singaporean / Irish - Fistful of Vengeance, Wu Assassins. 
Joe Cole (1988) - Gangs of London.
Aytaç Şaşmaz (1988) Turkish - Baht Oyunu.
Claire Holt (1988) - The Originals.
Vanessa Kirby (1988) - Mission Impossible: Fallout, Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw.
Nico Tortorella (1988) - non-binary, polyamorous, queer and pansexual - they/them - The Walking Dead: World Beyond, Fluidity.
Mishel Prada (1989) Dominican and Puerto Rican, and French - Vida.
Jeon Yeo Been (1989) Korean - Vincenzo.
Chang Ryul / Yull Jang (1989) Korean - My Name.
Hannah John-Kamen (1989) Nigerian / Norwegian - The Stranger, Killjoys.
Kim Hieora (1989) Korean - Bad and Crazy.
Paapa Essiedu (1990) Ghanaian - Gangs of London. 
Elizabeth Debicki (1990) - The Night Manager, Tenet. 
Zeeko Zaki (1990) Egyptian - FBI. 
Aiysha Hart (1990) Saudi Arabian / English - A Discovery of Witches. 
Aras Bulut İynemli (1990) Turkish - Çukur.
Damaris Lewis (1990) Afro-Kittian - Titans. 
Çağatay Ulusoy (1990) Turkish - İçerde.
Q'orianka Kilcher (1990) Peruvian [Quechua, Huachipaeri] / Swiss-German, Swiss-French - Yellowstone.
Mena Massoud (1991) Egyptian - Reprisal.
Sarah Bolger (1991) - Mayans MC.
Conor Leslie (1991) - Titans. 
Jessica Henwick (1992) Chinese Singaporean / English - Matrix.
Jeremy Pope (1992) African-American - is sexually fluid - Hollywood.
Barry Keoghan (1992) - Calm with Horses.
Jessica Barden (1992) - The End of the F***ing World.
Hari Nef (1992) Ashkenazi Jewish - is a trans woman - Assassination Nation.
Jodie Comer (1993) - Killing Eve. 
Elizabeth Gillies (1993) - Dynasty.
Jacob Scipio (1993) Indo-Guyanese and English - Boys for Life. 
Han So Hee (1994) Korean - My Name.
Anya Taylor-Joy (1996) - Peaky Blinders.
Tati Gabrielle (1996) Korean / African-American - Uncharted. 
Jacob Elordi (1997) - Deep Water. 
Here ya go - some aren’t mobster roles but could work! 
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sleepingdragonhq · 5 years
Costume Contest
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Hey guys !! Below the read more is the whole list of costumes and another list for the couples costume (platonic pairs specified for their own category). If we’re missing any or have made a mistake, please let us know. You can find the voting form here. You must put five choices for each for the point system to work. The winners will be announced next week !!
Adabella Skeeter - Rose (Titanic)
Adeline Mulciber - Velma (Scooby Doo)
Aiden Wolffe - Cowboy
Alastair Watson - Steve Rogers / Captain America (Marvel)
Albus Potter - James Bond (James Bond)
Alexander Hawthorne - Sailor (V-J Day in Times Square)
Alice Longbottom II - Princess Bubblegum (Adventure Time)
Amara Bones - Peter Pan (Peter Pan)
Anthony Rosier - Flynn Rider (Tangled)
Archer Selwyn - Spider-Man (Spider-Man)
Ariadne McLaggen - Lola (Looney Tunes)
Ariella Belefleur - Anna (Frozen)
Aryana Robins - Shego (Kim Possible)
Ash Rookwood - Gardener
August Fawley - Werewolf
Aurora Claremont - Bunny
Avalon Mulciber - Megara (Hercules)
Benjamin Ollivander - Flynn Rider (Tangled)
Bentley Lockhart - Sherlock Holmes (Sherlock Holmes)
Brianna Avery - Mary Sanderson (Hocus Pocus)
Caleb Cresswell - Ash Ketchum (Pokemon)
Callista McGonagall - Harley Quinn (Suicide Squad)
Camille McGonagall - Mrs. Smith (Mr & Mrs Smith)
Candice Cresswell - Morticia Addams (Addams Family)
Casey Abrams - Sally (Nightmare Before Christmas)
Caspian Berrycloth - Poseidon (Mythology)
Cassius Cresswell - George Washington
Cecily Prewett - Holly Golightly (Breakfast at Tiffany’s)
Celestina Shacklebolt - Playboy Bunny
Charles Villiers - Gomez Addams (Addams Family)
Charlotte Watson - Mia (La La Land)
Chase Sayre - Burt Macklin (Parks & Rec)
Clara Arquette - Captain America (Marvel)
Colm McCarthy - Flash (Zootopia)
Darcy Mulciber - Loki (Marvel)
Declan Rowland - Stanley Ipkiss (The Mask)
Delilah Flume - Buffy Summers (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
Dev MacMillan - Devil
Diana Rosier - Rapunzel (Tangled)
Dominic Whitehorn - Golden Snitch
Elaine Greengrass - Belle (Beauty & the Beast)
Electra Carrow - Daisy Buchanan (Great Gatsby)
Elena Flores - Baby (Dirty Dancing)
Elide Weasley - Cactus
Elijah Nolan - JD (Heathers) 
Elisaveta Hagen - Queen
Elizabeth Greenwood - Veronica (Heathers) 
Elsa Lestrange - Snow Queen
Ember Fortescue - Ice Cream
Emma Pickering - Elphaba (Wicked)
Evan Parkinson - Cowboy
Everett Pickering - Dr. John Watson (Sherlock Holmes) 
Ezra Bishop - Fiyero (Wicked)
Finley Murray - Marty McFly (Back to the Future)
Fletcher Duke - Nightwing (DC Comics)
Frank Longbottom - Jack Skellington (Nightmare Before Christmas)
Freya Avery - Winnie Sanderson (Hocus Pocus)
Gabriel Larkin - Jack (Titanic)
Grace Turner - Spider-Gwen (Spider-Man)
Gwendolyn Hawkes - Jack Skellington (Nightmare Before Christmas)
Harley Burke - Mabel (Gravity Falls)
Hazel MacDougal - Rachel Green (Friends)
Hudson Burke - Dipper (Gravity Falls)
Hugo Granger-Weasley - Wally (Where’s Wally?)
Isabelle Crawford - Scorpion (Mortal Kombat)
James Ashcroft - Steve Harrington (Stranger Things)
James Potter - Firefighter
Jasper Locklear - Romeo (Romeo + Juliet)
Jaxon DuQuan - The Invisible Man
Jonah Finch - Cosmo (Fairly Odd Parents)
Josephine Goldstein - Squirrel Girl (Marvel)
Joshua Selwyn - Baseball Player / Pitcher
Julia Kominek - Bonnie Parker
June Finch - Wanda (Fairly Odd Parents)
Katherine Robertson - A Phoenix
Kristoff Flynn - Johnny (Dirty Dancing)
Laurel Ollivander - Pink Power Ranger (Power Rangers)
Lena Macmillan - Wednesday Addams (Addams Family)
Liam Kominek - Joker (Suicide Squad)
Lily Potter - Princess Merida (Brave)
Long Huojin - PT Barnum (The Greatest Showman)
Lorcan Scamander - Clyde Barrow
Lucia Rodriguez - America Chavez / Miss America (Marvel)
Lucienne Wolffe - The Mad Hatter (Alice in Wonderland)
Lucy Weasley - Cruella DeVil (101 Dalmatians)
Lyra Malfoy - Juliet (Romeo + Juliet)
Lysander Scamander - 1/2 of Beer Pong
Lysandra Rowle - Flower
Mackenzie Finnigan-Thomas - Dalmatian
Maeve O’Hare - Elastigirl (The Incredibles)
Manon Flamel - Sarah Sanderson (Hocus Pocus)
Marcus Carson - Inspector Gadget (Inspector Gadget)
Margot Fontaine - Alice Kingsleigh (Alice in Wonderland)
Matthias Vallois - Kristoff (Frozen)
Meredith Wayfelle - Violet Beauregarde (Charlie and the Chocolate Factory)
Michael Thorne - Jon Snow (Game of Thrones)
Milo Fox - Peter’s Shadow (Peter Pan)
Molly Weasley - Nurse (V-J Day in Times Square)
Mortimer Claremont - Milo Thatch (Atlantis)
Natalie Davies - Red Riding Hood (Red Riding Hood)
Natalya Dolohova - Quidditch Player 
Nesta Greenwood - Anastasia (Anastasia)
Nile Harb - Burt (Mary Poppins)
Octavia Coleman - Cher Horowitz (Clueless)
Odette Flume - Janet Snakehole (Parks & Rec)
Orion Yaxley - Danny Zuko (Grease)
Peggy Carson - Peggy Carter (Marvel)
Pepper Rosewood - White Angel
Pippa Rosewood - Black Angel
Penelope Hawthorne - Ariel (The Little Mermaid)
Perseus Mulciber - Prince Eric (The Little Mermaid)
Poppy Zabini - 1/2 of Beer Pong
Reid Anderson - Sailor Moon (Sailor Moon)
Rhiannon Prewett - Persephone (Mythology)
Rosalie Fleur - Samara (The Ring)
Rose Granger-Weasley -  Beyoncé
Scorpius Malfoy - Skeleton
Sebastian Nott - Bugs Bunny (Looney Tunes)
Seraphina - Sandy (Grease)
Seung Krum - Baseball Player / Catcher
Skye MacDougal-Ollivander - Rapunzel (Tangled)
Sofia Clarke - Mary Poppins (Mary Poppins)
Tallulah Abbott - Patrick Star (Spongebob Squarepants)
Teddy Lupin - James Ashcroft
Theodore Dubanowski - Hunter (Red Riding Hood)
Theodore Oliver - Green Soldier (Toy Story)
Theseus McLaggen - Mr. Smith (Mr & Mrs Smith)
Tiberius Flume - Error 404 Costume Not Found
Tobias Atwell - Hugh Hefner 
Toby Anderson - Sebastian (La La Land)
Verity Nott - Nancy Wheeler (Stranger Things)
Victoire Weasley - Cinderella (Cinderella)
Vivian Chang - Spongebob Squarepants (Spongebob Squarepants)
Wesley Martin - Shaggy (Scooby Doo)
William Ashcroft - Hades (Mythology)
pair costumes
Adabella Skeeter & Gabriel Larkin - Rose & Jack (Titanic)
Adeline Mulciber & Wesley Martin - Velma & Shaggy (Scooby Doo)
Aiden Wolffe & Evan Parkinson - Cowboys 
Alastair Watson & Peggy Carson - Steve Rogers & Peggy Carter (Marvel) - platonic
Alexander Hawthorne & Molly Weasley - Sailor & Nurse ( V-J Day in Times Square)
Anthony & Diana Rosier - Flynn Rider & Rapunzel (Tangled)
Ariella Belefleur & Matthias Vallois - Anna & Kristoff (Frozen)
Ash Rookwood & Lysandra Rowle - Gardener & Flower - platonic
Benjamin Ollivander & Skye MacDougal-Ollivander - Rapunzel & Flynn RIder (Tangled)
Bentley Lockhart & Everett Pickering - Sherlock Holmes & Dr. John Watson (Sherlock Holmes) - platonic
Callista McGonagall-Kominek & Liam Kominek - Harley Quinn & Joker (Suicide Squad)
Casey Abrams & Frank Longbottom - Sally & Jack Skellington (Nightmare Before Christmas)
Charles Villiers & Candice Cresswell - Gomez & Morticia Addams (Addams Family) 
Chase Sayre & Odette Flume - Burt Macklin & Janet Snakehole (Parks & Rec) - platonic
Dominic Whitehorn & Natalya Dolohova - Snitch & Quidditch Player - platonic
Elizabeth Greenwood & Elijah Nolan - Veronica & JD (Heathers)
Emma Pickering & Ezra Bishop - Elphaba & Fiyero (Wicked)
Grace Turner & Archer Selwyn - Spider-Gwen & Spider-Man (Spider-Man)
Harley Burke & Hudson Burke - Mabel & Dipper (Gravity Falls) - platonic
James Ashcroft & Verity Nott - Steve Harrington & Nancy Wheeler (Stranger Things)
James Potter & Mackenzie Finnigan-Thomas - Firefighter & Dalmatian
Jasper Locklear & Lyra Malfoy - Romeo & Juliet (Romeo + Juliet) - platonic 
Jonah & June Finch - Cosmo & Wanda (Fairly Odd Parents) - platonic
Joshua Selwyn & Seung Krum - Pitcher & Catcher / Baseball Players
Kristoff Flynn & Elena Flores - Johnny & Baby (Dirty Dancing) - platonic
Lorcan Scamander & Julia Kominek - Bonnie & Clyde 
Lysander Scamander & Poppy Zabini - Beer Pong - platonic
Milo Fox & Amara Bones - Peter Pan & His Shadow (Peter Pan) - platonic
Nile Harb & Sofia Clarke - Burt & Mary Poppins (Mary Poppins) - platonic
Orion Yaxley & Seraphina MacAuley - Danny & Sandy (Grease)
Perseus Mulciber & Penelope Hawthorne - Prince Eric and Ariel (The Little Mermaid)
Pippa Rosewood & Pepper Rosewood - Black & White Angels - platonic
Sebastian Nott & Ariadne McLaggen - Bugs Bunny & Lola (Looney Tunes)
Tallulah Abbott & Vivian Chang - Spongebob & Patrick (Spongebob Squarepants) - platonic
Theodore Dubanowski & Natalie Davies (ft. Apolline) - Hunter & Red Riding Hood (ft. Wolf)
Theseus McLaggen & Camille McGonagall - Mr & Mrs Smith (Mr & Mrs Smith) - platonic
Tobias Atwell & Celestina Shacklebolt - Hugh Hefner & Playboy Bunny
Toby Anderson & Charlotte Watson - Sebastian & Mia (La La Land)
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storytell · 5 years
a guide to my muses!
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i’ll basically be summarizing my muses’ general personality and then adding important info like age, sexuality, gender identity, etc. this is so people who don’t know a lot of my muses can get a general idea for each muse as well as learn whether or not a certain muse is compatible for platonic or romantic ships! i highly encourage people to reach out to me if there’s any specific muse that catches your interest!
twain: dumbass sniper with a heart of gold, loves adventure and all things fun. 22, very bi, male (he/him).
tetcho: stoic swordsman with no social skills and a thing for justice. 29, demiromantic asexual (preference for men), male (he/him).
margaret: kickass woman who will criticize your fashion sense with no holds barred. 20, bi, female (she/her).
gogol: violent idiot clown with constant mood swings and neverending bloodlust who likes guessing games. 28, gay, male (he/him but will accept they/them)
natsume: cat who is actually a man. 65, demiromantic ace (with no desire for romance, he just wants to be a cat), male (he/him).
ranpo: genius detective, very childish and will call you stupid. 26, gay, male (he/him).
mushitaro: very dramatic and demanding but honestly is not a bad guy. 26, bi, male (he/him).
ayatsuji: another genius detective but less childish and more of a doll collecting asshole. 28, demi, male (he/him).
kajii: mad scientist/bomber who really really likes lemons. 28, demi, male (he/him).
lovecraft: ocean man take me by the hand lead me to the land. 29(????), ????, ???? (????)
katai: recluse hacker who basically lives in his futon. 23, bi, male (he/him).
shibusawa: awful. 34, bi, agender (he/she/they).
topaz: traumatized child who needs to be saved from the port mafia. 15, aroace, male (he/him).
agatha: sophisticated woman who will offer you everything you want so she can use you easier. 30, bi (but good fucking luck), female (she/her).
gide: trash man with PTSD who is apparently not afraid to kill children, i hate him. 32, gay (but why would you want that), male (he/him).
lucy: tsundere to the maximum with a tragic backstory, basically tsun annie. 19, biromantic demisexual, female (she/her).
ochi: commander of the hunting dogs and just as excitable as an actual dog. 45, bi, male (he/him).
dogra magra: if you’re not q you might as well just die. 13-15, aroace, female (she/her)
akutagawa: very homicidal, once compared someone’s face to a broad bean, only eats to satisfy hunger. edgy. 20, demiromantic ace, male (he/him)
yuzu: a small girl in a gang. probably has a knife. 13, bi (i cannot stress enough that i will not ship her with anyone older than 15), female (she/her).
steinbeck: communist grape man who desires to kill the wealthy. 21, gay (closeted), male (he/him).
poe: goth author with a pet raccoon and a flair for the dramatic. 28, gay, male (he/him).
genji: cyborg ninja who was a playboy, then he was edgy, and now he is not as edgy. 35, bi, male (he/him).
tracer: mate it’s hard to explain mate it’s just like one day you’ll just be wif your mates having a look in jd and you might fancy curry club at the ‘Spoons but your lad Calum who’s an absolute ledge and the archbishop of banterbury will be like ‘brevs lets have a cheeky nandos instead.” and you’ll think “Top. Let’s smash it.”. 26, lesbian, female (she/her).
widowmaker: minimal feelings, will snipe you with no remorse. 33, aroace (was bi pre-conditioning), female (she/her).
ashe: rebel cowgirl who is very rich and full of spite. 39, lesbian, female (she/her).
momiji: WINE AUNT. 23, bi, female (she/her).
gentle: youtube criminal who just wants attention and to be remembered, has a heart of gold. 32, bi, male (he/him).
pixie bob: cats cats cats cats cats cats cats cats!!! 31, bi, female (she/her).
manga: comic boy, a good boy, a good hearted good boy. 15, bi/ace, male (he/him).
roland: church man who wants to share the lord’s love with every vampire. is definitely a vampire fucker. 24, gay, male (he/him).
all of love: perfect and good servamp who loves everyone and adopts abused or abandoned children so he can give them a good life, so very good and deserving of love. appears 27, bi, genderfluid (he/she/they).
the mother: has resting bitch face but loves jokes and is generally very confused. appears 23, bi, female (she/her). 
tsurugi: will do anything for money, can talk to crows, very sad but very memey. 26, gay (but will go on dates with girls for money), male (he/him).
belkia: STABBY. appears 25, gay, male (he/him).
ray: very very extremely in love with gil. appears 24, gay (but will ONLY be shipped with gil), male (he/him).
tetsu: stupid but well meaning. 14, gay, male (he/him).
gear: a sad man who lives in a sick church basement with his bitter thoughts. appears 19, bi, male (he/him).
niccolo: very frightened mafia boss. easily startled. 31, bi/ace, male (he/him).
iori: to quote himself he is single and living with 2 hamsters. 36, bi, male (he/him).
minami: fanboy who just wants to have a fun time skating. 17, bi, male (he/him).
seung-gil: he seems like he’s being rude but he is actually just kind of socially stupid. 20, gay, male (he/him).
shiroe: epic gamer moment! 23, gay, male (he/him).
maryelle: she’s like mom but disaster mom. 28, bi, female (she/her).
tatara: reclusive swordsmith who likes being cool and making swords. 25, lesbian, female (she/her).
dinkuron: a SWEET BOY who loves to travel and is picky about his friends. 21, bi, male (he/him).
rieze: tries her best to be prim and proper but secretly likes to mess with people. 26, bi, female (she/her). 
KR: filthy rich idiot boy fluent in 4 languages and also a massive kamen rider fan. 29, bi, male (he/him).
souji: sword BOOOOOOOY! he’s very spicy when he gets angry. 29, bi/ace, male (he/him).
kinjo: not very good with expressions and is the epitome of neutral good. ignore that i have him as true neutral in his bio. ???, demi/ace, male (he/him).
alibaba: chaotic good boy who just wants the world to be a nice place. 19-22, bi, male (he/him).
koumei: very tired let him sleep. 27-30, demi/ace, male (he/him).
lan wangji: mm. estimated around 34 or older, gay (but will only ever be attracted to wwx), male (he/him).
jin zixuan: kind of entitled rich boy, well-meaning asshole who is only mean because he is very socially inept. 22 (at death), bi (but there is a LOT of internalized homophobia due to the time period, he has a hard time accepting it), male (he/him).
a-qing: pretends to be blind so she can steal money, likes to curse and fight. 12, i won’t be shipping her, female (she/her).
mo xuanyu: too gay to function, actually deserves better. 25-ish, GAY, male (he/him).
nie mingjue: he died because he got too angry and that’s all you need to know. 31-ish, bi (but with a lot of internalized homophobia, would have a hard time acknowledging it), male (he/him).
fukase: snarky android kid who will not stop sticking his tongue out. made to look 16, bi/ace, male (he/him).
jack: winter spirit who likes to have fun and have more fun. appears 14, questioning, male (he/him).
monika: she has 3 verses and it varies wildly from verse to verse so ask me about it personally or don’t. 18, bi, female (she/her).
yuri: delinquent teenager who believes that he can do nothing to make life less shit until suddenly he doesn’t. 17, bi, male (he/him).
KT: small experimented-on girl who wants to see the world and make friends! 13, lesbian (will NOT be shipped with muses over 15), female (she/her).
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solplparty · 2 years
[Official Audio] 오소정 (Oh So Jeong) - gift https://youtu.be/fm0alt0fNqE 매일 새로운 음악을 만나고 싶다면 다날엔터 구독( ღ'ᴗ'ღ ) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpmctTnUfbeoycGhieZQAmw/ 🎤 Artist : 오소정(Oh So Jeong) 🎵 Song : gift 👉 Album : gift - #오소정 #gift Thank you [Credit] Composed by 오소정, Sync Project Arranged by 오소정 Piano 오소정 Recorded by Pabaki at JDV Studio Mixed & Mastered by Mr.Sync at JD Studio Executive Produced by J DOUBLE ENTERTAINMENT ART DIRECTOR MIN SEUNG TAE - Vietnam Promotion J DOUBLE ENTERTAINMENT VIETNAM General Manager Nhi Phuong ⓒ Danal Entertainment Inc. All rights reserved. - For More Information'◡'✿ http://music.danalenter.co.kr/ https://www.instagram.com/danalent_music/ http://www.facebook.com/DanalentMusic #다날엔터테인먼트 #DanalEntertainment #다날엔터뮤직 DanalEntertainment
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multifandomsillies · 10 months
so say my name easy version came out today
and i just want to point out that in the description calls the coach "nomad cowboys"
the definition of nomad means to not have a fixed residence according to merriam webster.
so this means that all three of them are HOMELESS. (or at least seung is)
W H A T.
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jdshipoftheday · 5 months
Kwang, Seung, and Chul are all dating!
JD Ship of the Day: Kwang x Seung x Chul
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Requested by Anonymous
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roadtophantom · 1 year
Let your S(e)oul take you where you long to be - pt 1
a.k.a. finally writing my phantom korea travelogue
Watching Phantom in Korea has been this big goal of mine since December 2012.
When I saw the vast spread of Phantom merchandise at the Blue Square theatre and how they decked the theatre with a Phantom tree and had all sorts of Phantom-themed food, it became crystal clear that Korea goes hard for Phantom like no other, and I wanted to be part of that action.
I planned to visit Seoul when the World Tour revival was slated to visit in 2020, but that one got axed and squashed as a pandemic would do to hopes and dreams.
Cut to October 2021, news of a new Korean production got out around, but I was pessimistic. The borders were still closed and who knew for how much longer. Even as they started reopening toward 2022, there was a quarantine / covid-19 test requirement upon arrival. Then our local Korean embassy started taking a hardhanded stance on applications that made it difficult for visas to be issued. Add to that, the fact that the embassy have limited slots every month.
The odds were wildly stacked against me, but travel restrictions eased up and nothing serves as a better motivator than watching people you know actually go to the place.
Months of mental prep, doing things for the first time, and many expenditures later, I was deemed worthy of a visa. The next step was a ticket to the show…which was an entirely different main quest on its own.
Buying show tickets in Korea is like a national sport
I witnessed this during the first waves of Phantom Seoul tickets sale. The moment the dates open, you would find most of the tickets are already gone. So you are left to buy what's left but even when you manage to click on one, another person is likely completing their purchase ahead of you.
I did manage to snag a Jeon Dong-seok ticket. But the Cho Seung-woo one, I didn't manage to get until a month later.
I have to pause and thank @fadinglandtragedy for actually answering my questions, providing valuable tips, and encouraging me when I myself have given up lol.
The beauty of tickets in Korea is you can actually cancel and if you are early, you can get your money back with minimal processing fee. That means cancellations peek now and then when the ticket vendors refresh their systems everyday. I was able to move to a better row for my JDS show, and I eventually managed to buy my CSW ticket (that no one fought me for 😭😭😭😭😭).
But it took extreme patience, nightly refreshes, and trying not to nod asleep. It was worth it in the end.
So I only had to find a decent airfare, accommodations, and wake up insanely early to catch the flight, and print out all the things to prove to the immigration officer that I'm not pulling a Valjean on his Javert. 🥲🥲🥲
Tip: Overseas fans can buy through Yes24 and Global Interpark, but I highly recommend Yes24 for the exclusive ticket sleeves and the fact that they have a mobile app that you can use to book, stalk last-minute tickets, and eventually claim them.
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Tip 2: For faster purchase using Yes24, look into loading your cc info in Paypal so you'd just be one click away to everything. For some reason I found the native cc method a bit harder to deal with (and it charged me more for some reason).
Korea things and hopefully an actual review to follow!
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1night2days · 7 years
Member’s Profile
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Name: Kim Jun Ho (김준호) Birth Date: December 25, 1975 Height: 170cm Weight: 70kg Birth Place: Daejeon, South Korea Agency: JD Bros  Profession: Comedian, Actor Debut: 1996 (SBS Gagman)
Kim Jun Ho’s subtitle color is Orange.
Kim Jun Ho’s sister is Education Show Host, Kim Mi Jin.
Kim Jun Ho married Musical Actress, Kim Eun Young.
Kim Jun  Ho is the founder of CoKo Entertainment.
In 2009, Kim Joon Ho was involved in a gambling accident, his appearance in TV were all stopped, and his corner ‘A Bitter Life’ was replaced by Kim Dae Hee.
Kim Jun Ho is a member of a comedic trio, 같기도 (Gatgido), which released an album with the same name in 2007.
Kim Joon Ho’s company shut down from bankruptcy in January 2015, when co-CEO, Kim Woo Jung, had embezzled money from the company and had run away to the United States, causing company debts to reach over millions of dollars.
Kim Jun Ho and former comedians under CoKo company transferred to JD Bros, a company that is run by his friend, Kim Dae Hui.
2005  KBS Entertainment Awards: Top Excellence Award (Comedian)
2009  36th Korea Broadcasting Grand Comedian Award
2010  11th Republic of Korea Entertainment Visual Arts Division: Photogenic Award
2011  18th Republic of Korea Entertainment Arts: Comedian Award
2011  KBS Entertainment Awards: Top Excellence Award (Comedian)
2013  25th Korea PD Awards: Comedian Grand Award
2013  Ministry Appreciation Award
2013  Cable TV Broadcasting: TV Star Award
2013  KBS Entertainment Awards: Daesang Grand Prize Award
2016  3rd Korean Comedy Hot Festival: Shining Comedians in 2016 (Individual Category)
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Name: Cha Tae Hyun Birth Date: March 25, 1976 Height: 175cm Weight: 65kg Birth Place: Seoul, South Korea Agency: Blossom Entertainment Profession: Actor, Singer Debut: 1995 (KBS Super-Talent Contest) 
Cha Tae Hyun’s subtitle color is Brown.
He was married to his high school girlfriend (Choi Suk Eun, Pop lyricist) of 13 years on June 1, 2006 at the Walker Hill Hotel in Seoul.
He has a son (Soo Chan) and 2 daughters (Tae Eun and Soo Jin).
In 2011 Cha confessed on the SBS talk show Healing Camp that he suffers from a panic disorder.
He is close friends with singers Kim Jong-kook and Hong Kyung-min, and actor Jang Hyuk.
His father Cha Jae-wan was an assistant director for special effects at KBS, and his mother Choi Su-min, now retired, once did voice-overs.
1995  KBS Super Talent Contest: Silver Medal
1999  Baeksang Arts Awards: Best New TV Actor (Sunflower)
1999  SBS Drama Awards: Best New Actor (Happy Together)
1999  MBC Drama Awards: Best New Actor
2000  SBS Drama Awards: SBSi Award
2000  SBS Drama Awards: Popularity Award
2000  SBS Drama Awards: Big Star Award (Juliet’s Man)
2001  Blue Dragon Film Awards: Best New Actor (My Sassy Girl)
2002  Grand Bell Awards: Popularity Award
2002  Golden Cinematography Awards: Best New Actor (My Sassy Girl)
2002  Blue Dragon Film Awards: Popularity Award
2003  Blue Dragon Film Awards: Popularity Award
2005  Savings Day Presidential Citation: Recipient
2007  KBS Entertainment Awards: Radio DJ Award
2009  Max Movie Awards: Best Actor (Speedy Scandal)
2012  KBS Entertainment Awards: Top Entertainer Award (1N2D)
2012  KBS Drama Awards: Excellence Award, Actor in a Mid-length Drama (Jeon Woo-chi)
2013  KBS Entertainment Awards: Top Excellence Award (1N2D)
2015  KBS Drama Awards: Excellence Award, Actor in a Mid-length Drama (Producer)
2015  KBS Drama Awards: Best Couple Award with Kim Soo Hyun (Producer)
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Name: Defconn (데프콘) Birth Name: Yoo Dae Joon Birth Date: January 6, 1977 Height: 175cm Birth Place: South Korea Agency: DI Entertainment Profession: Singer, Composer, Host, MC Debut: 1998 (First Album “Kapital G”)
Defconn’s subtitle color is Yellow.
Defconn is known for his comedic lyrics and afro-like hair style.
Defconn is one of the better known underground rappers in South Korea
Defconn mentioned in Weekly Idol that his ideal type is Song Hye Kyo.
Since June 2012, he has been singing Hip Hop and Rap with comedian and entertainer Jung Hyungdon, as Hyungdon and Daejun.
Defconn was appointed 15th Ambassador of Puchon International Student Animation Festival
2004  Best Accent for a Dance/Hip Hop Song
2014  KBS Entertainment Awards: Excellence Award in a Variety Show (Male Section) (1N2D)
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Name: Kim Jong Min (김종민) Birth Date: September 24, 1979 Height: 176cm Birth Place: South Korea Agency: KYT Entertainment Profession: Singer, Dancer Debut: 2000 (Koyote’s 3rd Album “Passion”)
Kim Jong Min’s subtitle color in 1N2D is ocean blue.
Kim Jong Min have been a member of 1N2D since the beginning of the show (stopped for 2 years due to entering mandatory military service).
Kim Jong Min replaced Cha Seung Min (Former male vocalist of Koyote), and officially made his debut in Koyote’s third album, Passion.
It was known that Kim Jong Min got into Koyote because of his looks and popularity at the time.
Kim Jong Min was a backup dancer for Uhm Jung Hwa, Lee Jung Hyun, Kim Wan Sun, R.E.F and many other artists.
The first Korean celebrity who went into the army then returned to the same program he was on before.
2006  KBS Entertainment Awards: Best Entertainers Award
2013  SBS Entertainment Awards: Best Entertainers Award
2015  KBS Entertainment Awards: Top Excellence Award - Variety Category (1N2D)
2016  KBS Entertainment Awards: Grand Prize (Daesang)
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Name: Yoon Shi Yoon (윤시윤) Birth Name: Yoon Dong-gu Birth Date: September 26, 1986 Birth Place: Suncheon, South Jeolla Province, South Korea Height: 178cm Agency: MOA Entertainment Profession: Actor, Singer Debut: 2009 (MBC’s “ High Kick Through the Roof”)
Yoon Shi Yoon’s subtitle color in 1N2D is light sea green.
Yoon Shi Yoon founded MOA Entertainment with his manager on April 2016.
Yoon Shi Yoon was born as Yoon Dong Goo, a name he used until his agency recommended an official change of name upon his entry into college.
Yoon Shi Yoon went to seodang, a traditional school that taught Confucianism and learned Chinese Characters.
Yoon Shi Yoon joined Majoring Art at Kyonggi University.
Yoon Shi Yoon is known to be addicted to books. He reads books during breaks when filming, and has over 2000 books at home.
On April 28, 2014, Yoon Shi Yoon secretly enlisted into the Republic of Korea Marine Corps. Yoon had previously expressed his desire that he wanted to enlist secretly to avoid harming the other soldiers.
Yoon Shi Yoon completed his military service on January 27, 2016.
In the drama, Mirror of the Witch, Yoon Shi Yoon got the role of Heo Jun, which was once played by Kim Joo Hyu in 2013 SBS Daily TV Series, Gu-am Heo Jun.
2009  MBC Entertainment Awards: Best Couple Award with Shin Se Kyung (High Kick)
2010  3rd Korea Drama Awards: Best New Actor (King of Baking, Kim Takgu)
2010  18th Korean Culture and Entertainment Awards: Popularity Award, Actor (King of Baking, Kim Takgu)
2010  11th Korean Entertainment Culture Awards: Male Grand Prize (Daesang) for Drama ( King of Baking, Kim Takgu)
2010  KBS Drama Awards: Best Couple Award with Lee Young-ah ( King of Baking, Kim Takgu)
2010  KBS Drama Awards: Excellence Award, Actor in a Special Production Drama ( King of Baking, Kim Takgu)
2012  CETV Acting Awards: Top Ten Asian Stars
2016  KBS Entertainment Awards: Rookie Award in Variety (2 Days & 1 Night)
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Name: Jung Joon Young (정준영) Birthdate: February 21, 1989 Birth Place: Jakarta, Indonesia Agency: REALIVE (C9 Entertainment) Profession: Singer-songwriter, actor, radio DJ, MC
Jung Joon Young speaks English, Chinese, Filipino, Korean, and some Japanese.
Jung Joon Young took part in Mnet’s musical program “Superstar K4” and finished in third place.
Jung Joon Young was born in Indonesia, but raised in China, Japan, Europe (England and France) and the Philippines
He went to South Korea without his family’s knowledge at the age of 19 and assembled his own band “Flowermist” (later “Switch-on”).
He took private lessons for regular subjects such as math, English, violin, and piano and he got his fourth degree black belt in Taekwondo.
Jung Joon Young went to the Philippines to do missionary work. While teaching music to the local children, he started his dream to be a rock star.
He was a member of the choir which performed in front of the (former) president of the Philippines, Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo.
Jung Joon Young was inspired by Freddie Mercury (Queen), Kurt Cobain (Nirvana), Hyde, and K.A.Z (Vamps), and by the “grunge” genre such as Nirvana.
In 2015, Jung Joon Young debuted a rock band, ‘Jung Joon Young Band’ (JJY Band).
Mnet 20’s Choice: 20’s HOT Cover Music Award for “Becoming Dust”
2013  Mnet Asian Music Awards: Nominated Best New Male Artist and Artist of the Year
2014  16th Mnet Asian Music Awards: Style in Music
2015  Korea Wave Fashion Festival: Best Airport Fashion (Singer Category)
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Name: Kim Joo Hyuk (김주혁) Birthdate: February 21, 1989  Died: 30 October 2017 (aged 45) Agency: Namoo Actors Years active: 1998–2017
Kim Joo Hyuk’s father was veteran actor Kim Mu Saeng. They both played real-life court physician, Heo Jun.
Kim Joo Hyuk began dating actress Kim Ji Soo in 2003, after dating for 6 six years they ended their relationship in 2009. 
Kim also dated God of War costar Kim Gyu-ri from 2012 to 2013.
2005  Best Dressed of the Year
2005  SBS Drama Awards: Top 10 Stars
2005  SBS Drama Awards: Top Excellence Award, Actor
2006  Baeksang Arts Awards: Best Actor for TV
2008  Blue Dragon Film Awards: (Nominated) Best Actor
2008  Blue Dragon Film Awards: Best Couple Award with Son Ye Jin
2009  Baeksang Arts Awards: (Nominated) Best Actor
2012  MBC Drama Awards: (Nominated) Top Excellence Award, Actor in a Serial Drama
2014  KBS Entertainment Awards: Best Newcomer in a Variety Show (2 Days & 1 Night)
2015  KBS Entertainment Awards: Best Entertainer Award (Etertainment Category / 2 Days & 1 Night)
2017  1st The Seoul Awards: Best Supporting Actor (Film / Confidential Assignment)
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Yoo Hae Jin’s subtitle color in 1N2D is red.
Yoo Hae Jin was rumored to be dating Kim Hye-soo back in 2008 but both continuously denied any romantic involvement until early 2010. Yoo and Kim broke up in 2011.
After applying twice for a Theater and Film course in college and getting rejected because of his looks, Yoo majored in Fashion Design instead.
As acting remained his passion, Yoo Hae Jin concentrated on his theater work rather than his fashion subjects that he barely graduated
Yoo Hae Jin was finally accepted to the theater department of the Seoul Institute of the Arts due to a special selection process for college graduates based solely on their grades.
Yoo Hae Jin enjoys hiking.
Yoo Hae Jin joined the cast of 1 Night 2 Days on March 2013.
Nominated for Asian Film Award: Best Supporting Actor
2010 8th Korean Film Awards: Best Supporting Actor (Moss)
2010 31st Blue Dragon Film Awards: Best Supporting Actor (Moss)
2006 43rd Grand Bell Awards: Best Supporting Actor (King and the Clown)
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Uhm dated actress-model Lee Young-jin from 2007 to 2009.
Uhm Tae-woong initially joined the theater department because his crush was there.
His memorable lead performances in the noir dramas Resurrection and Devil, in which he expressed a soul conflicted between the good and bad, between sin and punishment, increased his popularity and he gained the nickname “the Uhm force” among fans.
Skills: Swimming and horseback riding
Hobbies: Traveling and driving
Uhm Tae Woong ’s subtitle color in 1N2D is yellow.
2004 KBS Drama Awards: Special/One-Act Drama Award (Blue Skies of Jeju Island)
2005 KBS Drama Awards: Excellence Award (Delightful Girl Choon-Hyang)
2005 KBS Drama Awards: Excellence Award (Resurrection)
2005 KBS Drama Awards: Best Couple Award with Han Ji-min (Resurrection)
2006 14th Chunsa Film Art Awards: Best New Actor (Family Ties)
2009 MBC Drama Awards: Top Excellence Award (Queen Seondeok)
2011 KBS Entertainment Awards: Best Entertainer Award (1 Night 2 Days)
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Lee Su Geun’s subtitle color in 1N2D is gray.
Lee Su Geun have 2 sons.
2007 6th KBS Entertainment Awards: Best Entertainer’s Award (Men Division)
2008 7th KBS Entertainment Awards: New Male MC Award (Variety Show Division)
2008 15th South Korea Entertainment Awards: Comedian Award
2009 8th KBS Entertainment Awards: Male MC Award (Variety Show Division)
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Sung Shi Kyung’s subtitle color in 1N2D is Sea Green.
Sung Si Kyung is dubbed as the “Prince of Ballads”.
His hobbies are playing basketball & piano and listening to music.
Sung Si Kyung was educated at Sehwa High School and Korea University (sociology major). 
He also attended the Graduate School of Journalism and Mass Communication at Korea University.
2001 Seoul Music Awards:Newcomer Award 
2001 Mnet Asian Music Awards: Best Male Solo
2001 Mnet Asian Music Awards: Best New Male Solo
2002 Seoul Music Awards: Bonsang 
2002 Golden Disk Awards : Bonsang 
2005 Soompi Gayo Awards: Top 10 KPOP Songs Of 2005 - 잘 지내나요 (Take Care)
2006 Cyworld Digital Music Awards: Song Of The Month (November) - 거리에서 (On The Street)
2006 Soompi Gayo Awards: Top 10 KPOP Songs Of 2006 - 거리에서 (On The Street)
2011 Soompi Gayo Awards: Top 50 Songs Of 2011 - 난 좋아 (I Like It)
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Children:  Kim Chan-hee (son) and Kim Ra-hee (daughter)
He married Lee Mi Yeon on 1995 but they divorced on 2000.
Kim Seung Woo’s subtitle color is Red.
1998 MBC Drama Awards: Top Excellence Award, Actor 
2003 KBS Drama Awards: Best Couple Award with Yoo Ho-jung (Rosemary)
2003 KBS Drama Awards: Popularity Award (Rosemary)
2006 Chunsa Film Art Awards: Popularity Award
2009 KBS Drama Awards: Excellence Award, Actor, Drama Series (IRIS)
2010 KBS Entertainment Awards: Best Male Newcomer, Variety (Win Win)
2011 KBS Entertainment Awards: Best Male Variety Show MC (Win Win)
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Joo Won’s subtitle color is Hot Pink.
Education: School of Art (Theatre), Sungkyunkwan University (Film and Television)
He initially debuted as a musical actor.
More Here (Questionaire answered by Joo Won)
Joo Won started his mandatory military service on May 16, 2017.
Joo Won dated singer and actress BoA from 2016 ~ November 2017.
2011 Asia Model Awards 2011: Model Special Rookie Award Won
2011 KBS Drama Awards: Best New Actor (Ojakgyo Family)
2012 48th Baeksang Arts Awards: Best New Drama Actor (Ojakgyo Family)
2012 KBS Entertainment Awards: Best Newcomer in a Variety Show (2 Days & 1 Night)
2012 KBS Drama Awards: Excellence Award, Actor in a Serial Drama (Bridal Mask)
2012 KBS Drama Awards: Popularity Award (Bridal Mask)
2012 KBS Drama Awards: Popularity Award (Bridal Mask) 
2013 KBS Drama Awards: Top Excellence Award, Actor (Good Doctor)
2013 KBS Drama Awards:  PD Award (chosen by PDs from KBS, SBS & MBC)
2013 KBS Drama Awards:  Netizens' Award (Good Doctor)
2013 KBS Drama Awards: Best Couple Award with Moon Chae-won (Good Doctor)
2013  MBC Drama Awards Excellence Award, Actor in a Miniseries (7th Grade Civil Servant)
2014  26th Korea Producers & Directors (PD) Awards: Best Performer
2014  KBS Drama Awards:  Popularity Award, Actor ( Naeil's Cantabile)
2015  2nd Asian Influence Awards Oriental Ceremony: Most Influential Asian Award
2015  SBS Drama Awards: Grand Prize (Daesang / Yong-pal)
If there's some mistakes or if you have anything to add, please message me (Here/[email protected]. Thank You.
Sources: Naver, Wikipedia
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nbvhauab · 4 years
(오늘의 역사) 04월25일 C 클라인-레빈증후군⑬
클라인-레빈증후군 개요 클라인-레빈 증후군(Kleine-Levin syndrome, KLS)은 매우 드물게 보고되는 질환으로 과다한 수면, 과도한 음식 섭취 및 행동이상 등을 보이는 질환이다. 수면 도중에는 식사 및 용변을 위해서만 스스로 잠에서 깨어나는 것 이외에는 하루에 18-20시간 정도의 수면을 취한다. 증상은 수일에서 수주까지 지속되며, 이런 삽화는 1년에 1회에서 10회까지 반복적으로 재발할 수 있다. 보통 10대의 남성에서 호발하고, 남녀의 유병률은 3:1 정도이다. 현재까지 전세계적으로 약 500 예 정도의 사례가 보고되어 있다. 증상 ●일차성 클라인-레빈 증후군은 남성에서 약 68%정도로 호발하며, 평균 발병 연령은 약 15세로 보고되고 있다. 한 번의 삽화는 평균 10일정도 지속되며, 보통 약 8년 동안 삽화가 반복적으로 나타난다. 이차성 클라인-레빈증후군은 일차성보다 고령에서 발생하며, 더 잦은 빈도와 긴 기간의 삽화가 발생한다. 국제수면질환분류(International Classification of Sleep Disorders, 2nd edition)에 의하면 클라인-레빈 증후군은 반복성 과다수면증의 일종이다. 반복성 과다수면증의 진단기준은다음과 같다.●반복성 과다수면증(recurrent hypersomnia)1. 환자는 2일에서 4주 동안 지속되는 수면 과다증의 반복적 삽화들을 경험 2. 삽화들은 1년에 최소 한번 재발 3. 삽화들 사이에는 정상적인 의식, 인지기�� 및 행동을 보임 4. 수면과다증을 더 합당하게 설명할 수 있는 다른 수면장애, 내과적 및 신경과적 질환, 의식 장애, 약물 복용 등이 없음이외에도 과다수면증과 동반되는 증상으로는 인지장애(96%), 섭식장애(80%), 우울감(48%), 과다성욕증(43%), 환시 등의 환각, 공격적 행동, 초조증 등이 있다. 원인 병의 원인 및 병태 생리에 대해서는 명확히 확립되지는 않았지만, 부검 결과 시상하부, 측두엽 및 시상, 중뇌, 간뇌 등에서 혈관 주위 림프구의 침윤이 관찰되었다는 보고가 있으며, 최근 뇌척수액검사에서 Hypocretin-1의 수치감소와의 연관성에 대한 많은 연구결과들이 보고되고 있다. 또한 HLA-DQB1*02의 발현빈도가 증가된다는 결과들이 있어 자가 면역질환과의 연관성도 가능성이 보고되고 있다. 임상 증상들이 시상하부의 기능 손상 시 보이는 증상들과 많은 유사성을 보이고 있으며, 단일광자방출 컴퓨터 단층촬영술(single photon emission computed tomography, SPECT)에서 시상하부의 관류 감소가 관찰된다는 보고가 그 가능성을 뒷받침 해주고 있다. 진단 반복성 과다수면증 환자 중 환시 등의 환각, 공격적 행동, 초조증, 과식증 또는 과다 성욕증이 함께 나타나는 경우 진단할 수 있다.선행인자로는 대부분 상기도 감염과 같은 사소한 감염이 대부분을 차지하고, 과음이나 마리화나 남용, 두부 손상 및 마취 등이 있으며, 여성의 경우 수유나 생리가 선행인자로 작용할 수 있다. 임상 경과는 삽화가 반복될수록삽화의 기간(duration)과 강도(severity) 및 빈도(frequency)가 감소되어대체로 예후는 양호하다.산정특례 진단기준 : 이 질환은 산정특례 대상질환이 아닙니다. 치료 현재까지 표준적인 치료방침은 없으며 치료 경험에 대한산발적인 보고만 있을 뿐이다. 또한 과수면 삽화 자체는 나이가 들수록 그 빈도와정도가 대부분 저절로 호전되는 경향을 보이는 것으로 알려져 있다. 하지만 일상생활에 장애를 보이므로 환자에게 Amphetamine, Methylphenidate 등의 중추신경자극제나 Lithium, 선택적 세로토닌 재흡수차단제(Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor, SSRI) 등이 치료제로 고려될 수 있다. Amphetamine이 과수면을 줄이는 데 가장 효과적인 것으로 보이지만 행동장애와 같은 다른 증상에는 효과가 없다. 양극성 장애와 비슷한 증상을 보이므로 lithium, carbamazepine 등이 시도된 보고도 있다. 참고문헌 및 사이트 1. American Academy of Sleep Medicine. The international classification of sleep disorders, 2nd ed.: Diagnostic and coding manual.Westchester, IL: American Academy of Sleep Medicine. 2005;79-115. 2. Arnulf I, Zeitzer JM, File J, Farber N, Mginot E. Kleine-Levin syndrome: a systematic review of 186 cases in the literature. Brain 2005;128:2763-2776. 3. Black JE, Brooks SN, Nishino S. Conditions of Primary Excessive daytime sleepiness. Neurol Clin 2005;23:1025-1044. 4. Huang YS, Guilleminault C, Kao PF, Liu FY. SPECT findings in the Kleine-Levin Syndrome. Sleep 2005;28:955-960. 5. Baumann CR, Bassetti CL. Hypocretins(orexins) and sleep-wake disorders. Lancet neurol 2005;4:673-682. 6. Katz JD, RopperAH. Familial Kleine-Levin syndrome: two sibling with unusually long hypersomnic spells. Arch Neurol 2002;59:1959-1961. 7. Dauvilliers Y, Mayer G, Lecendreux M, et al. Kleine-Levin syndrome: an autoimmune hypothesis based on clinical and genetic analyses. Neurology 2002;59:1739-1745. 8. Rosenow F, Kotagal P, Cohen BH, Green C, Wyllie E. Multiple sleep latency test and polysomnography in diagnosing Kleine- Levin syndrome and periodic hypersomnia. J Clin Neurolophysiol2000;17:519-522. 9. Littener M, Kushida C, Wise M, et al. Standards of Practice Committee of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine. Practice parameters for clinical use of the multiple sleep latency test and the maintenance of wakefulness test. Sleep 2005;28:113-121. 10. Jeong Lee, Ki-Hwan Ji, So-Hyun Kim, Chang-Ho Yun, Choong-Kun Ha, Typical Kleine-Levin syndromeJ Kor Sleep Soc 2006;1 Volume 64-67. 11. Sung kyu Hong, Seung chul Cho, Kyung mi Oh, Sung bum Goh, Min Kyu Park, Kun Woo Park et al. A case of Isolated Recurrent Hypersomnia With Excessive Long Duration of Sleepiness. J Korean sleep Soc 2004;1:134-5.http://www.rarediseases.orghttp://www.orpha.nethttp://www.omim.org/ 감수 성균관의대 정신건강의학과 정유숙 교수, 20 11. 8.서울대학교병원정신건강의학과 홍순범 교수 Update : 201 4. 9. (오늘의 역사) 04월25일 1945년 한국 기독교 선각자 김교신 사망 한국의 종교인이자 교육가. 양정고보(養正高普)·개성 송도고보(松都高普)·경기중학 등에서 민족주의 교육과 국적있는 역사교육을 통해 학생들에게 독립정신을 고취하였다. 《성서조선(聖書朝鮮)》을 창간하여 교리전파에 심혈을 기울였으며 제자들에게 많은 영향을 끼쳤다. 1901년 4월 1일 함경남도 함흥에서 출생하였다. 일본에서 도쿄....
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linda-wardani · 4 years
Udah lama gue ga nulis di blog ini, kangen juga, hehe. Sebenernya alesan gue nulis ini cuman satu chingu, biar ada jejaknya aja. Biar apa yang uda gue tonton ada bekasnya gitu, wkwk. Seo Kang Joon ini jujur aktor Korea paling ganteng versi gue. Kalo cewek, Park Sodam. Sebenernya gue dari jaman kapan (jauh sebelum Parasite), uda ngikutin video2nya Park Sodam. Gue tau dia dari jaman dia main di “Cinderella and 4 knights”. Cuman karena laptop gue yang dulu rusak, data2 ttg dia belom gue backup di harddisk, jd ya belum bs nulis itu. Kalo Seo Kang Joon, gue pertama kali liat dia di drama “Are You Human Too” (2017). Karena gue pecinta Lotj (Law of the Jungle) banget, gue pernah juga liat dia di acara itu, tambah terpukau gue. Kim Byungman (leadernya di lotj) pernah ditanya siapa laki2 terganteng yg pernah ada di acara itu dan dia bilang Seo Kang Joon. Padahal yg ikut acara itu uda buanyakk bgt, mayoritas cowok. Katanya matanya dia coklat kayak orang Barat. Nah daripada gue kelamaan, yuk dah mulai aja.
Dalam wawancara dengan Entertainment Weekly tanggal 12/12/2016, Seo Kang Joon ketika ditanya pas punya waktu istirahat dia ngapain, dia bilang sering ke Sungai Han dan jalan2 aja di sana, katanya bukan di daerah Jamwon dan Banpo yang banyak orangnya. Dia suka ke suatu tempat di sana, cuman yang sepi, ga banyak orang. Jadi bakalan sulit nemuin dia di sana.
Pas dites kejujuran pake alat yang ditaruh di tangan itu, yg kalo bohong jadi kayak kesetrum orangnya, pas ditanya apa di kehidupan mendatang dia pengen jadi aktor lagi, dia bilang iya (tentu saja). Dia bilang dia rajin mempelajari karakter yang di perankan dan menerima kritik dari publik. Dari kritik itu dia belajar dan lebih keras lagi dalam perannya yang akan datang. Nah dia menemukan bahwa proses itu menghibur dan mempesona. Akting bagi dia juga sesuatu yang menyenangkan, makanya dia masih pengen tetep jadi aktor bahkan di kehidupannya yang akan datang.
Oya, gue nemu video biografinya Seo Kang Joon. Sekalian aja gue tulis. Dia lahir dengan nama Lee Seung Hwan, pada 12 Oktober 1993. Dia asli Gyeonggido. Dia passion banget di bidang musik terutama piano sejak kecil. Dia sendiri kuliah jurusan Performance Arts di Dong Seoul Collage. Dia juga member semacam boygroup gitu bareng aktor2 lain di Fantagio, termasuk ama kakaknya Doyoung NCT (GongMyung), nama grupnya ad 5urprise. Karir pertamanya adalah di drama “Good Doctor” (gue nonton drama ini, bagus bgt!).
Seo Kang Joon pernah ditanya di satu acara MBC kenapa warna matanya coklat. Dia bilang sekeluarganya memang gitu semua, karena melanin-nya kurang. Karena warna ini, dia bahkan sering pas masih sekolah ditanya temennya “hey apa kamu orang Rusia?”. Dia juga cerita kalo dia ini orangnya pemalu. Dia kalo ditunjuk2 gitu suka kayak ga nyaman/deg2an. Dia jg ga bisa aegyo2 gitu, pemalu chingu pokoknya. Dia ditanya pernah ga ngerasa dirimu ganteng gitu, dia bilang dia ga ngerasa ganteng krn lbh banyak org yg lbh ganteng dari dia, cuman dia jg ngerasa ga jelek. Dia rasa aktor yang ganteng itu Park Bogum.
Nah pas di LOTJ dia gentleman banget chingu. Jadi dia ini satu tim dengan peserta yang gemuk, cewek. Dia aktris, pernah main di Playfull Kiss. Nah pas diturunin di tengah2 laut & harus maju ke tujuan (kapal karam), mereka kudu jalan bawa tas di kepala biar ga basah. Kang Joon ini diem2 langsung ambil tas kakaknya yg gemuk ini buat dia bawa karena berat. Nah tas dia yang ringan dibawa sama kakaknya ini. Jadi dia nuker gitu biar kakaknya ini bisa jalan dng lebih baik.
Seo Kang Joon suka banget sunset. Pas sunset dia duduk di kapalnya dan bilang dia bersyukur bisa ada di situ, tempat yg dia impikan dalam tidurnya. Indah bgt chingu. Lokasi LOTJ saat itu adalah di Tonga. Yg lebih bikin ambyar lagi adalah ketika melihat sunset, dia ngerasa mellow. Ternyata dia itu memang pecinta senja. Jadi pas dia lagi ngeliat sunset ini produsernya tiba2 bilang “di interview sebelumnya kamu bilang suka nonton sunset ya”, terus Kang Joon bilang “iya, nama panggilanku “seok yang jun”. Seokyan (sunset). Orang2 banyak yg manggil dia begitu karena dia suka bgt liat sunset. Nah ini nyambung sama interview di atas, dia kan bilang suka ke Sungai Han pas kalo ada waktu. Dia ke sana karena pengen liat sunset sendirian. Dia bilang suka sunset itu karena sunset kayak flower of youth. Dia juga ga ngerasa capek lagi setelah liat sunset. *bener2 dah ini dia kayak karakter dari manga apa gimana gitu ya, so sweet bgt. Mgkin ini kali dia dicasting di drama yg “i’ll go to you when the weather is nice”, karena melankolis, romantic bgt dia. Dia juga bilang ngeliat sunset bikin pikiran clear.
Seo Kang Joon juga suka liat bintang dan hujan. Pecinta alam apa gimana ini? wkwk. Sentimental ya, ada cowok kayak gini, kayak di anime/gimana gitu..hehe. Dia juga bilang suka nonton LOTJ sama ibunya. Nontonlah lotj chingu, dijamin bagus, bermanfaat, amazing. Di sini kalian bs liat seorang Seo Kang Joon gatel krn makan tales, kepedesan makan cabe rawit, pose menawan pas minum air kelapa, nyelam nyari kerang dsb. Pada tau Sandeul B1A4? Nah dia ini juga ikut. Dia trnyata makannya banyak & apa2 oke2 aja dimakan. Bahkan yg lain gatel karena makan tales, dia enggak. Ga heran dia deket ama Jin Bts, punya kesamaan, sma2 bisa dan jago makan ternyata.
Seo Kang Joon ini juga pinter bhs.Inggris. Dia pernah setahun 7 bulan belajar di Malaysia yg semua pelajaran pake bhs.inggris, jadi dia bisa lah conversation2 gitu. Dia di sini jadi semacam penerjemah buat anak2 lain juga. Cuman dia ga bilang dia jago bhs.inggrisnya, cuman yg sederhana2 aja *ah suka merendah, pdahal keren chingu, ga sia2 kalian yg ngefans dia. Dia pinter. Bisa dicontoh. Rolenya di LOTJ semacam “brain”nya dia ini. Di lotj itu member2nya biasanya punya role sendiri2, misal ada yg jago manjat pohon, nyelam, mancing, masak dsb, nah Kang Joon ini otaknya, dia pinter soalnya. Krn kemampuan bahasanya bagus, maka dia bisa tau makanan2 apa yg ga boleh dimakan (tanya pake bhs Inggris ke nativenya), jd bs selamet member lain dr keracunan dsb. Tapi jangan sedih, dia bisa lho manjat pohon kelapa yg bermeter2, keren bgt *perfect bgt ga sih dia ini? Wajar ga sih kalo gue/kita ngefans gitu? Wkwk. Padahal dia mana mungkin ya manjat2 kelapa gt sebelum2nya, tp dia bisa, meski sulit bgt katanya. Speechless gue.
Di salah satu interviewnya dengan Entertainment Weekly tahun 2015, dia bilang pengen akting bareng Nam Jihyeon chingu, lawan main Hyunshik yg dia main di situ juga, soalnya kayak semacam cinta yg belum tercapai, hehe. Dia juga share rahasia tubuhnya, yakni ada satu bulu matanya yg warnanya putih chingu.
Di satu interviewnya di The Star dia pernah bilang suka wajah yang tersenyum. Jadi dia suka ngeliat orang yg punya wajah seperti lagi senyum.
Itu dulu chingu catatan gue tentang Seo Kang Joon. Lain waktu jika ada kesempatan gue sambung lagi. Semangat untuk hari ini! #Staygold #Peace #Love #Happiness
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Catatan tentang Seo Kang Joon #1 Udah lama gue ga nulis di blog ini, kangen juga, hehe. Sebenernya alesan gue nulis ini cuman satu chingu, biar ada jejaknya aja.
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