#jb got7
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kpopimaginings · 1 year ago
Goodnight Kisses - JayB
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You knew JayB would berate you for still being awake when he got home, but it wasn't for lack of trying. Recently, you'd got into such a routine of going to be together that it just felt wrong trying to sleep when he wasn't there. You'd done everything you normally would before sliding under the covers, but without your  good night kiss and the warmth of your man beside you, you just couldn't drift off.
JayB always promised you you'd still get your good night kiss if you were asleep when he got home but it wasn't the same. When you heard the front door open, you had a brief debate with yourself as to whether or not to feign sleep. As his gentle footsteps approached your room you decided against it, opting to greet JayB instead. You could tell he was trying to be quiet as he entered but you spoke up.
"Ah, jagiya, why are you awake?" he whispered. There was a slight smile on his face as he spoke, negating any air of annoyance in his words.
"Can't sleep," you complained. "Not without my goodnight kisses."
"Just let me wash up and get changed and you can have all the kisses you want," he replied.
You groaned and stretched your arms out in his direction, hoping to summon him closer.
He chuckled as he approached you, shaking his head. "You're always so clingy when you're tired," he said running a hand through your hair.
You closed your eyes, focusing on the feeling of his fingers in your hair. All too soon he was pulling away again. Your eyes snapped open as you reached out to grab his hand and put it back. Unfortunately, in your sleepy state, JayB was quicker.
"I'm just getting ready for bed, jagi, then I'm all yours."
You still whined a little as he left you to head to the bathroom but you were for too tired to launch any sort of actual protest.
After far too long, he was climbing into bed behind you, enveloping you in his arms as a kiss was pressed to your shoulder.
"I love you, my needy jagi," he whispered.
You grunted at his teasing and snuggled further into his embrace.
There was a moments silence before you felt his finger tips digging into your waist and tickling you slightly. You squirmed but JayB didn't relent.
"Say it," he demanded.
"Who's needy now?" you retorted.
He tickled you again.
"I love you, too." You told him what he wanted to hear to stop the attack.
"That's better," he replied. "Sleep well."
With one last kiss placed gently on your neck, he held you tightly again, allowing you both to drift off to sleep, comforted by each others presence.
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ravenbloodshot · 10 months ago
I assume got7 Jay b is a hoe/player.
He used to be. He's definitely cooled down now.
The type to have a girl in every county, city and timezone. But now, he just take em down one at a time. (That could still be considered a player but compared to how he used to be, he's chilled out a lot). I'm getting pervert vibes , very visual man. Doesn't matter if he's in a relationship, if he sees someone good-looking walk by him, he'll be watching them like a hawk. Giving them that scorpio staredown (lol).
But fr, this man used to be WILD. The drama of living such a life most likely caught up with him and caused him to cool down on that lifestyle, but he will always have player tendencies. (He's a "the grass is greener on the other side" type of person).
Overall, your right.
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portifoliooppaxwang · 7 months ago
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🦋 do acaso ×××
Capa para uso pessoal * leia aqui *
Em caso de inspiração, de os devidos créditos!!
+×Oppaxwang 2024
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army-in-the-stars · 2 years ago
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superalienstar · 1 year ago
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90s heartthrob Im Jaebeom ♡
Via @/jayblooks on tw!
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jadededge · 1 year ago
Tear You Apart | Ch.3
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Pairing:  GOT7 x OC
Genre: Demon/Mafia AU, Romance, Smut
Rating: M
Summary: Jaebeom and Yugyeom are "running an errand" when the most delectable scent that he ever smelled hit Yugyeom like a ton of bricks. Yugyeom stops JayB and soon he smells it. They look across the street and see the her. They stalk her for awhile and finally get the chance to manufacture a meet with her.
Wattpad | AO3    (will likely always update these 2 places first)  
Navigation: Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3
Despite their busy and immortal lives, the boys try to have dinner together as often as possible. Gathering around the large oak table in their dining room, they share laughs and stories of the day. Relaxing and unwinding as a family.
"So, maknaes," Jaebeom starts. "I hear you had to provide some backup on Canal. How did that go?"
"We went to see Selah. I'm so sorry," Youngjae immediately folds and bows his head, hoping to be spared.
Bam sucks his teeth. "Youngjae, what the fuck man?"
"You did what?" Jaebeom asks calmly. Too calm.
The sound of silverware hitting plates echoed in the now quiet room.
"Aw shit, boys, why did you do that?" Mark asks.
"We only wanted to see her." Yugyeom adds with a pout. "We didn't even talk to her." He says leaning towards Youngjae.
Jinyoung must've caught that because he immediately followed up. "Bam. What about you?"
"Whatever. I talked to her. And I got her number."
All the older brothers sigh. Jaebeom continues to look. His chin starts to protrude.
"Son, why did you do that when we have her number?" Mark asked.
"I'm sorry, were we going to start texting her and tell her we looked up everything about her beforehand?" He laid it out. "I'm playing the boyfriend game." He leans back, looking proud of himself.
Jaebeom was pissed, but he was trying not to show it. He had a plan, and this... He stands, pushing his chair back to leave. "I'm going out."
"Either you've messed up so badly that he needs to go prepare to send you back or..." Jackson pauses. "Actually, I don't know what else he could be doing. Nice knowing you, Bam. I'll see you in 50 years."
Jinyoung chimes in with a disapproving tone, "You do know Jackson went to meet her as well? What will she think? We're meant to be playing this smart, and you've gone and added another complication to the situation. Yeah, Jaebeom should send you back."
"I fucked up, huh?" Bam says, hanging his head.
Mark, though known for his temper, is actually quite gentle with his brothers. Particularly the younger ones, and tries to comfort them. "Did you fuck up? Yes. But it will be okay. JB won't send you back."
"He might strangle you, though." Jackson says he is taking a bite of his food.
Mark gives him a 'stop that' look.
"What? Bammie, I invited Selah to the club. How do we explain to her that out of pure coincidence, she met both of us on the same day and that we know each other? You might have to miss the opening."
Bam lets out a puff of air ready to protest.
"That's actually not a bad idea." Jinyoung says. "You three will not be at the opening."
The younger ones begin to protest. Jinyoung holds his hand up and says, "Save it. This is perfect. Perhaps Jaebeom won't murder you if we can salvage this."
The weekend arrives, and everybody is a bundle of nerves. After adjusting plans, the boys feel like they're actually in a better place. Feeling that perhaps it would be easier to introduce her to four of them versus all seven.
The maknaes are on warehouse duty for the night, and they couldn't have been more sour about it.
"I can't believe I let you talk me into going with you. Now look at me." Youngjae pouts, looking into the distance.
Bam rolls his eyes and says, "Well, you hardly put up a fight at a gentle suggestion."
Yugyeom chuckles a bit. "You did come along pretty easily. We should just be happy we didn't get banished."
"Valid point. But I want to meet her now." Youngjae says.
Yugy juts his lip out, "Me too."
"Yeah she's great. Glad I talked to her when I did." Bam says proudly.
The other two side eye him.
Selah arrives at the club accompanied by her friend Brianca. She's feeling good about how she looks. The little black dress she has on is her favorite among the many in her closet. The tiny straps sit upon her glittering shoulders. The bodice fits tight on her chest with a side split that causes the material to lay nicely over her ass. Matched with a flattering pair of heels that elongate her legs and strap around her ankles is giving her a confidence boost. Not to mention, she smelled amazing.
She's hoping to see Jackson. Bam hasn't texted her. Which made her a bit sad, as she was hoping he would. But she figured she would at least have a good time, get her mind off the week, and look good if for nobody but herself
"Girl, this club is nice!" Brianca says to Selah. "And you said he's the owner?"
"That's what he said. So I'm not sure I'll easily bump into him." Selah responds by surveying the area.
"Let's get a drink!" Brianca suggests.
At the bar, Brianca has already been approached by a couple of guys and is chatting one up. She has a very inviting aura, so it's no surprise she's already deep in conversations.
At one point she leans over to Selah, "omg girl. This is that guy I told you about. That I went out with a couple of weeks ago." "The one with the.." Selah wiggles her brows. 
"Yes him." Brianca exclaims trying not to let him hear.
Selah chuckles, "well it looks like you're in for a wild night."
"Here's hoping." Brianca cheers with her friend and turns back to her presumed date for the evening.
As Selah is enjoying her cocktail, she feels a gentle touch on her shoulder that sends shivers throughout her body. Looking to her left, she sees Jackson. Managing her reaction, she doesn't smile too hard. "Jackson, hi."
"Selah, you made it." He's grinning from ear to ear. He takes a second to look her up and down. Without realizing it, he's licking his lips. "You look amazing."
This causes her to blush hard and look away briefly. "Thank you. You look great yourself, and your club is amazing."
"Thank you. I spotted you and wanted to be sure I had a chance to speak while things were going smoothly."
He needed to get her away from her friend and up to the private room. He can tell she cares about her and won't want to leave her alone or unsafe. But it appears luck was on his side.
"Brianca." Selah is turning to get her friend's attention to introduce her to Jackson. "This is Ja-."
But she's being lead to the dance floor by the guy she was chatting with. She looks back and smiles big at her friend. Quickly surveying the guy next to Selah she gives her a 'go get em' look.
"Well I was going to introduce you but nevermind I guess." She laughs.
Jackson sighs internally with relief, "No worries, we can meet later. She looks like a good time."
"Oh she's a blast in a glass. She'll be entertained for hours."
"In that case, would you like me to show you around?" Jackson asks as he holds his hand out for her.
"Sure. I'd like that, we sort of b-lined to the music, so I haven't seen the rest."
He leads her through the crowd and back toward the foyer. The place is actually quite large with a few different areas. One being the bigger bar and dance floor area they just left. Jackson shows her around the bottom floor. Even showing her a few behind the scene places before leading her into a lounge area. It's decorated in gold, with soft lighting and slow music, this makes for a nice area to chat.
"One of my brothers designed this room. He thought it would be a good idea to add an area that was much less chaotic than the traditional club atmosphere." Jackson explained.
"Oh you have a brother?" Selah asks.
"Yes, six actually." He leads her to the bar to order himself a drink. "Would you like anything?"
"Whatever you're having. Unless it's vodka." She makes a disgusting face.
Jackson chuckles and signals to the bartender, "please send over two glasses of Hennessy and ice. Thanks T."
"You got it boss." The bartender responds.
Jackson turns his attention to Selah, "Come, let's have a seat."
Settling in, Jackson takes this time to get a really good look at her. She's perfect. They begin a back and forth conversation that flows with ease. He asks her questions about herself that he already knows the answers to, but he loves hearing her talk, so this isn't a problem.
She asks about his business endeavors and he explains to her how he owns this a few other nightclubs. He mentions the corporation that his family runs, not the illegal things, obviously.
"So you have 6 brothers. That had to be hectic growing up." Selah comments.
"You could say that again. We're not exactly blood brothers, more very close friends, but we're brothers in just about every other way. We sort of came together at different times but we've been together ever since." She's listening intently. Jackson hasn't even used his gifts to any degree and she's already hooked on his every word. "Three of them are here now. I was hoping to introduce you actually. They've been dying to meet you."
"Oh, you've told them about me?" She's shocked, they only met briefly. "And you want me to meet them?"
He smiles and grabs her hand, gently caressing it. "Of course, we tell each other everything. So when I met a gorgeous woman, I told them immediately."
She was a bit hesitant but the moment Jackson touches her, she gets those same shivers. Being near Jackson, she finds herself alot more willing to go along with just about anything he says. Especially when he touches her.
She blushes, "Okay, sure."
He beams at her, "You're going to love them."
"I should text my friend and let her know."
This irritates Jackson. But he hides his displeasure. "Sure, no problem. "
He needs her alone and he didn't want to manipulate her to do it but this is becoming tedious. How do normal people live like this.
"Oh, she actually messaged to say she left with that guy. I must've missed it. I guess i'm all yours." Selah explains.
"Perfect." Jackson stands and extends his hand to help her up.
Leading her out of the lounge and through the club to the stairs, Selah feels lightheaded. She feels as if she's walking to another world. The decor is also darker upstairs. The walls are a blood red velvet with black damask patterning. The lighting is low and the music from downstairs is faded and becomes more faint the deeper they walk.
"Continuing the tour," Jackson starts. "This top floor has a few private rooms that special guests can use, as well as the offices."
He stops at a door at the end of the hall and on the other side, Selah knows deep down, everything will change once she steps in. Jackson opens the door and gestures for her to enter.
The room is spacious, continuing the same dark motif, but the colors are a darker green and black with gold accents. There's a full-sized bar and and lounge area with a large window across the way for a view of the entire dance floor from above. 
And scattered about the room are three of the finest men Selah has ever seen, apart from Jackson. It nearly takes her breath away. They are dressed in finely tailored suits, like Jackson, and they have this something about them she can't quite put her finger on. Maybe this was a mistake. She thinks.
Jackson places his hand on the small of her back and moves her further into the room, "Selah, these are three of my brothers." He points to one at the bar with a short haircut and a dazzling smile that warms her heart. "This is Mark, the oldest."
"Hello gorgeous, lovely to meet you." He finishes making his drink and comes to settle in a chair next to the couch.
"And this absolute cutie..." pointing to other one with a short haircut. His lips grab her attention and she can't help but stare at them. He chuckles slightly and bites his bottom lip. She had to stop her knees from giving out. Did he do that on purpose. "...is Jinyoung."
He rolls his eyes, "Could you not introduce me that way." He gives her a smile staring directly in her eyes making her melt.
"Why? Is he not adorable Selah?" Jackson turns to ask her. She blushes from being put on the spot. Jackson laughs. "And lastly but certainly not least, this is Jaebeom. He is our leader."
Calling this man gorgeous would be an understatement. With longer hair styled perfectly sitting across his neck. Selah couldn't help but imagine what it would be like to run her fingers through it. She's cursing herself for how hard she is crushing on her crush's brothers.
He nods her direction. "Nice to meet you Selah, you can call me Jay B."
Her head swims. "Nice to meet you all"
"Come let's sit." Jackson moves them to a loveseat next to Jaebeom and across from Mark. Jinyoung has his eyes trained on her.
All four of them are drawing her in, with their confidence and captivating aura. But just beyond that is something tugging at her, whispering danger. She's watching herself wade further into the waters. What is happening...
Tags: @openup-yourmind
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bgarchivee · 9 months ago
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jay b (got7/soloist)
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soultheotak · 11 days ago
Lim jaebeom
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bydarkfenix · 1 year ago
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gojo4life · 2 years ago
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iamyoursinblog · 1 month ago
Finally our kings back! Let's f... love them fully!
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Pairing: Lim Jaebeom x Reader
Genre: smut
Word Count:  3.3 k
Summary: A sweet and innocent girl like you never inspires fear in strong and rich men. But this lasted until the moment when they crossed your path. Jaebeom was the one who crossed your path. And you were going to show him exactly who he’s hooked up with. But why does the fear in his eyes make your cold-blooded heart beat faster.
Keep reading
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editsgot7 · 1 month ago
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5view · 2 months ago
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donghyuckkies · 3 months ago
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jay b - crash mv
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jadededge · 2 years ago
Tear You Apart | Ch.2
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Pairing:  GOT7 x OC
Genre: Demon/Mafia AU, Romance, Smut
Rating: M
Summary: Jaebeom and Yugyeom are "running an errand" when the most delectable scent that he ever smelled hit Yugyeom like a ton of bricks. Yugyeom stops JayB and soon he smells it. They look across the street and see the her. They stalk her for awhile and finally get the chance to manufacture a meet with her.
Wattpad | AO3    (will likely always update these 2 places first)  
Navigation: Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3
The next week, one of their men reported back to provide all information collected on her. It really was a test for them to not take matters into their own hands following the discovery of their girl. Luckily for them,  work was quite busy so they had other things to occupy their minds. But now they could focus on her. 
Profile Summary
Name: Selah Stone Age: 28 Occupation: Graphic artist Address: Midtown Lofts, Apt 32 Bank information: Aura Credit Union, Acct #78934 Medical records: Section D Family history: Section E Relationship history: Section F
And so on and so forth.
Got7's reach was far and wide. They were able to learn everything about her. Where she ate, where she got groceries, what bars she frequented. It appears she has no family in this city but quite a few friends, including an ex-boyfriend.
Jaebeom growls handing off the only copy of the file to Jinyoung. "What is it?" Jinyoung questions, opening the file.
"You'll see."
The maknaes gather around Jinyoung to see what has their leader perturbed.
"Ex-boyfriend? No problem, we'll just kill him." BamBam brushes it off.
Youngjae rolls his eyes, "no. Remember what happened before? And hyung just said-"
BamBam cuts him off "I know, I know. We play nice this time." He huffs and walks to sit down "but that's so boring and it takes too long."
He's right, it does take too long but we have to be better. Jaebeom thought. "I need to think before we do anything. And we still have problems to work out with the nightclub acquisition. Is Otto still giving us trouble? We've already started the transition and we have the grand reopening on Friday." He looks to his right hand, Jinyoung.
"He's still being a prick, stalling unnecessarily. Mark and Jackson are at a meeting there now, they should be back soon."
"Send them to my office when they return." He walks away.
"Can I see the file now hyung?" Yugyeom pouts.
"No. I need to dig into this. I'll be in my office." Jinyoung leaves the maknes alone.
Mischief plays in BamBam's eyes. "Want to see her ourselves? I saw where she goes for lunch during work."
"Lets go!" Yugyeom. 
Youngjae looks a bit apprehensive. Disobeying Jaebeom was not something he made a habit of but he wanted to see their new mate. "Okay let's go but we only look from a distance."
A knock on the door brings Jaebeom out of his thoughts. "Come in"
Jackson and Mark walk in. "You wanted to see us?" Mark questions taking a seat at one of the chairs in front of Jaebeom's desk.
"Yes. How did the meeting go?"
Jackson scoffs, "it went." Smirking towards Mark. "Things should go smoothly from now on."
Jaebeom chuckles. "I take it he pissed Mark off."
"And did. He's lucky he's in a partnership with our brother legion." Mark's eyes darken.
"So he beat the shit out of him instead of killing him." Jackson laughs.
Mark was always level headed in discussions but he had a nasty temper when pushed too far. They had recently started the process of acquiring a series of nightclubs. They owned just a few already but they needed new spots to do business among other things. Otto, the owner of the nightclubs and member of another legion, didn't want to sell. His constant meddling and procrastination had reached a boiling point at today's meeting.
"I'm sure I'll hear about that from the other leaders. But otherwise good work."
"So about our girl..." Mark trails off.
Jaebeom hands him the file and begins to rattle off his plan.
"I was hoping the acquisition would go smoothly because one of the places she frequents will now be under our empire. Jackson..."
Jackson perks up at the mention of her name.
"I want you to lure her in." Jaebeom orders.
Jackson smirks, "with pleasure."
Across town Selah was stepping into the café near her job that she frequented on her breaks. It wasn't huge but still had plenty of space for people to enjoy their food, or work.
Settling at a table in the corner, she feels like she's being watched again but a quick casual glance around doesn't provide any answers. Maybe i'm being paranoid.
"Dude stop." Yugyeom nudges Youngjae with a whisper yell. "You're going to scare her."
Youngjae shoves him off, "shut up, she can't tell its us."
BamBam chuckles, "and you didn't even want to come. God she's beautiful." The other two hum in agreeance. "I'm going to talk to her." He gets up.
The others hum again then they realize what he's doing, trying to stop him in hushed whispers. "Bammie wait-"
"Hi." Bam appears in front of Selah flashing his most charming smile.
Selah looks up and her heart stops. "Oh, um, hi!"
"I'm sorry to disturb your lunch but I saw you when I walked in and I'd regret it the rest of my days if I didn't at least introduce myself." He holds his hand out. "I'm BamBam."
"I'm Selah." She smiles mesmerized. "You're not disturbing me. Please have a seat"
After chatting for awhile, asking the basic 'get to know you' questions, Bam says, "I hate that to cut this short but I should get going. Can I get your number?" ____________________________
Back at the table. "You know, Jaebeomie-hyung is going to throttle him." Yugyeom says to Youngjae.
"Absolutely. But... we came with him." He sighs.
Yugyeom looks at his watch. "Yeah... we're in for it. We should head back."
"But we cant just yank him up from the table."
After what felt like forever, BamBam comes striding back over with a huge smile. The boys exit the café and get in the car to head back home.
"So what happened??" Yugyeom questions from the backseat.
"What's she like??" Youngjae adds in enthusiastically looking to Bam in the passenger seat.. All thoughts of what awaits when their older brothers find out are gone.
"She's perfect. I got her number." He giggles.
Yugy slaps his arm. "Bammie. You are in deep shit. You know that right?" He laughs.
"How are they going to know?"
"I'm not saying anything." Youngjae immediately responds. "Jaebeomie-hyung is already going to strangle me for coming along."
BamBam rolls his eyes, "no he won't. You're his precious baby." Bam pinches YJ's cheek. "You'll be okay. I, on the other hand may be banished."
Pulling up to the house they see Jackson coming out as they walk up.
"Where have you 3 been?" He questions.
Yugy quickly answers, "he had to collect from one of the groups on Canal. They gave one of our guys some problems, so we showed up together."
Jackson eyes them suspiciously as the maknaes try to keep their expressions neutral. "Hm. Okay. Well I'm off to get our girl. Jay B gave me the okay." He beams and walks away before they could say anything.
"Okay yeah. We might all die." Bam says with a 'yikes-my bad' expression. ____________________________________
Later that afternoon, Selah is shopping for dinner at her usual grocery store. She gets the feeling she's being watched again. "Ugh. Seriously whats wrong with me?" She says quietly to herself.
She continues her shopping thinking of her meeting with BamBam earlier. He was really nice, and very handsome. If he does text her, she was resolved to be open to getting to know him. He was intriguing and it had been sometime since she had met someone new that was interesting to her. Just as she rounds the corner she bumps into someone.
"Oop. I'm sorry!" She gains her balance dropping a couple of items out of her basket.
The stranger is already bending down to gather the lost items. "Oh no, its my fault. I'm sorry." He stands and places the items in her basket.
She finally gets a good look at him and Selah is stunned. How was she able to meet two hot guys in one day. "I'm Jackson."
She caught herself staring. "Oh- uh- I'm Selah." She extends her hand.
"Wow. If I knew I would bump into such gorgeous people, I would've tried this store out sooner."
She blushes. Hard. Trying to deflect the attention from herself she asks, "oh are you new to the area?"
"A bit. I don't live here but I just bought a business in the neighborhood, so I've been around. Figured I try it since its close." Placing the items back in her basket. "Making pasta for dinner?"
She chuckles nervously. "Yeah. It's quick and easy. Long day today."
"I'm sorry, I'm keeping you from finishing your shopping." He chuckles nervously and goes to move.
"Oh it's okay!" I wish we weren't awkwardly in a grocery aisle. She smiles.
"My business is actually a club. We're opening this weekend. It's called Se7en. You should come."
Note: it took me forever to write this and it kinda sucks and went all over the place lol to be honest I've been in a slump especially with this story. I just needed to get over this hump in the plot. I'll do better. Hope you enjoyed :)
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nexttimeisnotthesame · 1 month ago
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⋆。‧˚ʚ♡ɞ˚‧。⋆ // 250124 Music Bank | 250125 Music Core
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