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editsgot7 · 2 months ago
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thegot7network · 4 years ago
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Congratulations! You’re now a member of TheGOT7Network.
@sunmiyah, @editsgot7, @dingyuxi, @imwhatiiam, @occeye, @ljaebeom
Now that you’ve been added, please reblog this post confirming that you’ve acknowledged your acceptance.
Please follow the following rules.
Have a visible link of the network on your blog.
You’ll be added as soon as you add the link on your blog.
Tag #TheGot7Network in your posts. It should be in the first 5 tags so that we can see your post and reblog it.
Let us know in case of any URL change.
We will not be rebloging uncredited fancams, fansite images. Please stick to the fansite rules.
Whitewashed content will not be reblogged.
We have the right not to reblog every text post you tag us in BUT we will reblog every gif/edit/fanart you’ll tag us in.
Please feel free to reach out to the admin in case you have a question. ( @limsjaebeom ).
Once again, welcome to the blog. Hope you enjoy.
Thank you
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seulgistuffs · 6 years ago
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𝒔𝒆𝒖𝒍𝒈𝒊 + 𝒈𝒐𝒕𝟕 𝒍𝒂𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒕𝒔
𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 © editsgot7; capopstuff; jswpsd
₍🐻🍯₎ ↷ like or reblog
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alltwiceicons · 8 years ago
meu deus, o que houve?????
Feliz dia da mentira!!! 💕
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blinkagasaestayarmynctzen · 6 years ago
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Hi everyone!! So I (@blinkagasaestayarmynctzen and @bltproblems)was tagged by @itsallabigmess for the handwriting challenge to show off my handwriting and share some of my favorite kpop. I kinda panicked in writing this bc there was just too much I wanted to write down but that’s ^^what I ended with!! I’d like to tag @taekookedit @yoongis-chubby-cheeks and @editsgot7
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imdifferentshadesofpurple · 7 years ago
home & heart.
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“The kids?”
“In bed. But your son refuses to turn the lights out until mommy has read him a story.”
“A story, got it. The dog?”
“Curled up right by the crib. Our daughter apparently has a new protector.”
“Melts my heart, really. Oh. The cat.”
He points to the windowsill by the closet and sure enough, there she was. You sigh, wanting to throw your tired body onto the plush duvet that smells of lavender and your husband. 
But there’s a little boy in need of a bedtime story.
Jinyoung’s arms come to wrap around your waist, cheek pressing against the softness of your hair. “The house is fine. Read our son a story and then let’s sleep. I missed you today.”
Smiling and shutting your eyes, you wind your fingers with his, reveling in the silence until a small cry of ‘mommy’ sounds from the down the hall.
Laughing, he lets go and you quickly give him a kiss before you exit your bedroom.
Life is never not moving but oh do you love coming home to this house and those you love so very much.
for @parkhabits -- #housewivesg7 jinyoung style lol
*credit to @editsgot7 for the jinyoung icons - all other pictures used were found on pintrest so credit to original owners
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got7doubleb · 7 years ago
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kaysie’s second follow forever / mutual appreciation
i hit two big milestones recently and the growth of this blog is still mind boggling to me. It’s been a year and a half? now since this blog has came to be and it’s come a long way. The friends ive gotten thru this blog still make me emo bc omg who wouldve thought ppl would wanna be my fren sldfjdlskfjsldkfj
but anyway; i’ve sorted out my fav blogs and lovely mutuals into two sections, which is got7 and nongot7. bare in mind i’m putting a loose label for the blog but everyone posts a lot of things. also please tell me if we are mutuals and i didn’t include you. tumblr is confusing
key - favs |  ily | ilysfdm | 💝 scroll down for your letter 
(almost) only got7 content
@jinandtuanic | @strxctlygotseven | @wildcat-jinyoung | @cutepimook | @floaty-glasses | @the-princejinyoung | @danhoe-mark |  💝  @lemon-amethyst | @ranqueenie | @magiccastles | @junievre-gotchu | @amerithotkongs |  @yugyinplaid |  💝  @m-yien | @j1ny0ung | @jbmygoodboy | @loveisyugyeom | @twojproject | @jinyoungs-hipsdontlie | @jaedaddy | @cyjsgirl | @flawless-7 | @paradisejaebum |@jinyoung-ssi | @gyeomd | @whaaaalep ! @tuanever​ |  @7uv​​
@tuangel | @sarahgase | @pjy  | @gyeom7 | @akasalty | @ehgase | @husbandsjjp | @mark-i-pooh | @okjb  | @park-markjin | @cocoyah | @silent-fangirl | @sugarplumjae | @imjaebeomtrash | @parkjinyoungsbooty | @sky-way | @peachandmark | @yugbamprompt | @wangraps | @doublebam1a | @biasjacksonwang | @wangamama | @ungiis |  💝  @cuddletuan
@cchoiyoungjae | @leaderbum | @ahgamark | @bamslegs | @kimyugy | @signjaes | @angeljaebum | @kissmyars | @underratedbambam | @noirahgase | @wangjsn | @pastelbam |  💝  @got7-markjinson | @ramenjae | @melaninbam | @mooncyj | @jajajaebum | @mochimork | @bambamedaf | @iheartyugyeom | @blndjcksn | @jacksonwangblog | @mart-art | @nyeongwi
@jinyoungslover | @teenagermp3 @teenymark | @bamsonnie | @tuanisanangel | @saltygot7 | @wanderingingot7wonderland | @artuan | @cyjarsvita | @lomlmark | @jeh-beom |  @markeu-poo | @97youngnrich | 💝  @katbeom | @jj-prxject | @stellarcollision-arsvita | @shelovesjinyoung | @honeybambam | @aomgot7 |  💝  @peachypinkjackson | @icarusjjp | @youngjaesloudlaugh | @makeu-ssi | @youre-my-uranus | @markiepoohismysunshine | @darlingjbum | @defbald | @cuddly2jae | @hoodiejaebum | @real-got7mark​ | @babyboychoi​
AHGABLOGS THAT MAKE ME AHGAHAPPY (blogs that arent necessarily mutuals but imma mention you anyway)
fanart blogs - @m-melted | @ask7dorks | @yinglalada | @koyangii-art | @ask-got7-yugbamjae | @sabyarts | @askpepi-jy |  💝  @sevencolourseason | @white-alien-with-a-rose​ | @chibicookie | 
misc blogs -@got7fakesubs | @incorrectgot7quotes​ | @got7ficrec | @got7rarepair | @ahgahappy | @ahgapositive | @secretahgase | @gotstyle | @markjinficfest | @lowqgot7 | @got7-memes | @marktuanjournal | @got7fakequotes | @lq-got7 |
member/ship centric blogs -  💝  @bamspeach |  💝  @redgyeomie | 💝 @demongyeom | @onlymarkjin | @markjinology | @kissbbom | @imarkson |  @yugyeompire | @yourmajestyqueenchelseachels | @choiyoungjae | @jinyoungied | @2jaekisses | @pepilovesgyeom
content creators (gifs/gfx) - @umma-jy | @jinyoungot7 | @tuanpumpkins | @jack777 | @editsgot7 | @holyfuckmark | @got7europe | @gotchicken​ | @got7ish | @got7gifs | @got7official | @defwang | @defsouldanik | @jwxngs | @got7-out | @markticseas | @jackseunie | @ahgasedits | @little-jyp | @astrayjinyoung | @jingogi | @shiningmark | @jbssi |  💝  @nyeongificent | @pinkhoodiemark​ |  💝  @marksseunie | @gsvnrewind |  💝 @morkjin​ | 💝 @mochabam | @1kayee |  💝  @bamethyst​
fy blogs/networks - @fybam | @got7-updates | @fynyeong | @19970502 | @19940106 | @fyars | @fuckyeahchoiyoungjae |
networks - @bambamnetwork | @got7creators | @7ornevernet | @ahgasenet | @got7maknaelinenetwork | @nyeongnet | @got7jinyoungnet 
@imeightout​ | @yubgam​ | @kwon-yulra​ | @wlwobama​ | @yoonwang​ | @yeoseong​ | @amerikaikong​ |@jyum​ | @god10tion​ | @elizabethgracew​ | @leedongshae​ |   @artificialskyway​ | @seungriholic​ | @hobsbf​ | @honeyjoonn​ |  💝  @ljhsgf​ | @knockknocksoosthere​ | @lovebtob​ | @jaehxlic​ | @clairtea​ | @hypetae​ | @softtaemins​ | @flowrcafe​ | @guksuu​ | @whaaattheflower​ |  💝  @imjadebeom​
@sunbeamjinhappybirthday​ |  💝  @sparklybammie​ | @kpopfanfictrash​ | @bangtanhoseok​ | @adoresoo​ | @dimpledjaehyun​ | @blndrgn​ | @kkangdaniel​ | @jongbeer​ | @evkabibi​ | @chanisblackgf​ | 💝 @straybams​ | @babybyuny​ | @flymansae​ | @kvths​ | @withnosuchgrace​ | @gotday6​ | @confessed-nafsiya​ 
girl group favs - @withfx​ | @periwin5les​ | @wheeinyoo​ |   @bubblejoy​ |
💝 letters for my precious
@sevencolourseason​ - The angel in the holy trinity. The original momTM and the bambam to the ultimate trio jinbamgyeom. Thank you for being amazing and nothing but nice to me (and laura since yknow, same person). i don’t know what ive done in my past life to be blessed with crossing paths with you but i’ll do it all over again <3
@redgyeomie​ - THE YUGYEOM TO MY 97 YOUNG AND RICH LINE. KATY i cant even start to form words without slfjsdlfkjdskjfh. thank you for being there when I need someone to talk to and knowing the exact words to bury me in my grave. your love for yugyeom always makes tumblr a better place to be in. thank you for sticking around with me even tho im undeserving 💝
@demongyeom​ - we don’t talk as much as i would like but just seeing you on my dash always always brightens my day! i hope we talk more in the future!  💝
@nyeongificent​ - hello gabby! i love your blog and you’ve been nothing but a star ! i hope we become better friends in the future! thank you for that time you were my secret ahgase!  💝
@marksseunie​ - C A M ! we’ve become mutuals on tumblr (and i guess twitter too) for quite a bit now! thank you for sticking around despite my horrible excuse of a blog and creating that A+ got7 content! you’re a star  💝
@morkjin​ - omg ron.... it took me so long to look for you. i was half panicking. but i love this markjin trash url. it suits you and im lowkey jealous. lol. thank you for being a good friend (yes i think we’re friends, we are arent we, we also are the same age so like chingu? lmao) and for blessing us with your blog  💝
@mochabam​ - omg where do i even start with this JEM !!!! bambam’s softest (softy-est soft) gf. I stand by my word im still jealous about how cute your urls are and also of how cute you are esp when it comes to bambam. bambam doesnt even deserve you (you are too good for him!). thank you for your soft edits it’s soft bambam hours whenever u post them  💝  
@lemon-amethyst​ - hello  💝 we haven’t talked for quite a long time but you’re still precious to me! thank you for sticking around and blessing us with your presence <3
@m-yien​ - Rey! i feel like you are one of the first mutuals i have when i first started this blog. it’s been a long time since then but you’re still here and i’m still here! thank you for sticking around and being so sweet! it means a lot to me  💝
@cuddletuan​ - where do i even begin this jeng? thank you for supporting me in the things i do and being a literal angel. i don’t know what i’ve done in this life that was so good that i deserved to cross paths with you. thank you thank you! i love you i hope your healthy and happy  💝
@got7-markjinson​ - Nelyn  💝 !  we don’t speak to each other nearly as enough as we should but im so glad our paths crossed. I love seeing you on my dash and in the network chats (even tho im like come and go like a ghost lol). Thank you for being so nice to me! i hope you have a good day everyday <3 
@katbeom​ - KAT  💝 hello! i cant even remember when we became mutuals but i know we shared a lot of funny interactions which are still very precious to me. thank you for sticking around my trash blog. You are a star ! take care of yourself <3 
@sparklybammie - Jinju! the literal angel. thank you for always messaging me it always brightens my day. you are literally the nicest person and im so glad we have become friends. i hope your healthy and always take care of your health <3
@peachypinkjackson​ - so before making this i realized that you were number 3 in my tumblr crush list and we have never? actually talked to each other and i was like omg this is a sign that we should be friends. that must be it. (im delirious i know). but anyway, thank you for your quality blog which i cant resist to reblog from! i hope you get to talk more in the future <3
@ljhsgf​ - FEL hello ! ever since the start of got7maknaelinetwork i feel like we have been close.  thank you for sticking around with the mess that is my blog! i treasure all our interactions and hope we become closer in the future! take care of yourself <3
@imjadebeom​ - syd! the got7 tumblr community owes you so much for all you manage! thank you for lending your support on the projects i do and just being a real nice friend. you’re a treasure yknow that! take care of yourself <3
@bamethyst​ - noora, you sweet muchkin !!!!! your creativity in creating content never ceases to amaze me. thank you for the support you lent in creating bamloween. it means so much to me. You are a star <3
@straybams​ -  hui !!!!!! how do i begin to express the adoration i have for the support you have for bambamnetwork. i dont even know where to start. just like thank you i love you. please take care of yourslef i hope your happy wherever you are and want to be! 
@bamspeach​ - ugh this is going to take forever for me to write this letter. ive been agonizing how to put into words how much you mean to me and i cant even because its all just like soieyrfsijdfhksjdf in my head. thank you for putting up with my rants, no matter how ludicrous or frantic or dramatic they all are. im sorry i laugh at almost anything and probably frustrate you to no end with my ways of teasing (i am after all yugyeom in this jingyeom dynamic) but i guess you know by now that it’s all just how i express my fondness. im shit i know. did i start this blog thinking i would find a precious friend like you? no. but i did anyway and im eternally grateful for our inside jokes and sudden bouts of deep conversations. i must have save the world in my past life to able to share not only my ahgafeels but every other stupid part of my horrid life with you. i mean really how do i even function without the jinyoung to my yugyeom. u really deserve everything in this world and more. ugh now its soft lausie hours. i might as well write a 1k word essay at this point. i love you. thank you. stop crying.
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kpoppertwt · 7 years ago
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icons © kpoparchiv  editsgot7
headers © editshinee  exologystuff  exotwt  diskpop  myluvisonfire
      *ೃ● like if you save / use ✿
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exactpacks · 7 years ago
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like or reblog if you save | icons (c) @sinbstuff headers (c) @editsgot7
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editsgot7 · 2 months ago
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jackson x instagram
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blackpinkedits · 7 years ago
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please like | headers (c) @editsgot7
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lmjheaders · 7 years ago
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créditos nas headers.
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saseumedits · 7 years ago
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( ♡‧₊˚ Like or reblog if you save, the ask is open for requests!  🐝 。)
Headers:  editsgot7,  kboysnopsd.
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imdifferentshadesofpurple · 7 years ago
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“For in dreams we enter a world that is entirely our own.” - Album Dumbledore 
for @scngminho - movie date + jaebum
© to @editsgot7 for the jaebum icons © to original owners - all other pictures found on pintrest
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rookietwt · 7 years ago
quais seus tumblrs favoritos??
aaa socorro a lista é grande: winxfobia, monbebestuff (da minha amiga mari um bolinho de pessoa), cyphrdits, kpoppertwt, asiacollage, whalienstuff, stuffairy, bangtarchive, exactpacks, stuffjennie, armychive, editsgot7, blackpinkedits, squareonestuff, stuffday6, jihyoedits, beyondthestuff, exodusnopsd, withsf9, asiandits… tem muitos outros você ser multifandom é seguir trocentas contas mas essas foram as que eu lembrei. sigam essas contas maravilhosas e dêem muito amor e carinho!  ♡ ~ (‘▽ ^ 人)
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kpoppertwt · 7 years ago
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icons © jenniekstuff 
headers © editsgot7   ahgasedits   beomstuff
      *ೃ● like if you save / use ✿ 
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