#jazz caliente
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clouseplayssims · 6 days ago
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Jazz brought home tall boy Timothy - maybe a future couple?
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lilleputtu · 21 days ago
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Everyone, meet Jazz Caliente. He's Darren Dreamer's kid!
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lonvely · 8 months ago
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dominic muñoz for jackson roth's bachelor challenge ➴♡
⤷ @rainymoodlet !
⟢ about him.
adult (35) | he/him | cringe, perfectionist, loyal
dom & his 2 sisters were born in del sol valley, their immigrant parents are from selvadorada have instilled in them to have pride in their roots (mexican-american/chicano). dom's dream was to be a lawyer, but with his dad's arthritis rapidly getting worse during his high school years, & his mom's low-paying teaching job, dom decided to take care of his family & began working odd handyman jobs, until eventually landing a full-time gig at happy car mechanics, owned by eric lewis (they have a shrek-donkey kind of relationship). growing up, his peers always found him a bit cringe, but dom's enthusiasm for life have made him completely unaffected of how others perceive him. now 35, maybe he doesn't always know how to be completely serious, so he can come across immature. after his parents' struggles & him having to sacrifice his dreams, it really just is a front he puts to protect himself from difficult conversations. he takes his loved ones' problems very seriously, he just needs a little patience at first while developing a friendship/romance. now, at 35, he would like to have a family of his own. that is a dream he has not given up on.
⟢ fun facts.
⋆ he has been in 2 relationships, one with dina caliente during 7th - 12th grade but they agreed to break up & remain friends in order to explore their sexuality & individuality. the second was long-distance, his ex-boyfriend lived in tomarang, unfortunately their different schedules made them drift apart.
⋆ his family is very catholic, but when teenage dominic came out to them as bisexual, both of his parents started decorating the house with rainbows & his sisters took him to his first pride.
⋆ dominic loves oldies, jazz, blues, & latin music! top 3 songs:
jason joshua - la vida es fría
gary b.b. coleman - the sky is crying
nina simone - i put a spell on you
⋆ he got his first tattoo in his high school's bathroom (it's on his upper thigh). that friend became a really good tattoo artist & did the rest of dominic's tattoos for free for believing in him!
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the-silver-chronicles · 1 month ago
2025 Year Of The OTP January Prompts: "Our Love" [Boa Lurking In The Bliss]
Tagging @voidika @raresvtm @josephseedismyfather @noodlecupcakes @imogenkol @socially-awkward-skeleton @inafieldofdaisies @aceghosts @cloudofbutterflies92 @cassietrn @direwombat @adelaidedrubman @derelictheretic @davrinsgriffons @shallow-gravy @strangefable @statichvm @carlosoliveiraa @g0dspeeed @wrathfulrook @starsandskies @ladyoriza @la-grosse-patate @thewanderer-000 @omen-speaker @alypink @shellibisshe @josephslittledeputy @skoll-sun-eater @afarcryfrommymain @strafethesesinners @turbo-virgins @florbelles @minilev @justasmolbard @yokobai and @seedsplease
January Prompts based on this Year of the OTP fandom event. I've tackled the following prompts: First Kiss, "May I have this dance with you?" & Sharing Clothes.
Showing off my first completed January oneshot for this event, called Our Love, which can also be found on AO3 here.
This is one of the few lighter and fluffier oneshots for this event, so already starting off good. I am quite excited to do the rest, especially when it comes to the August Prompts.
Anyway, you can read the oneshot below the cut or on my AO3 above. Enjoy!:
Title: Our Love.
Series: The Silver Chronicles (Far Cry 5)
Pairing: Boa Lurking In The Bliss (Silva Omar/Faith Seed)
Prompts: January - First Kiss, “May I have this dance with you?” & Sharing Clothes.
Genre: Romantic Fluff. Light Angst (Silva tends to overthink).
Words: 3,095.
The snowstorm hadn’t let up. The flurry of white flakes relentlessly rained down on the roof of the lodge by the roaring winds, covering it in a deep powder.
Silva would have to shovel some of the snow that built up near the porch and balconies, but that would be a tomorrow problem.
At the moment she was busy pouring two mugs of chocolate caliente that she made from scratch, while Faith was getting changed into something cleaner. Silva managed to avoid most of the mess, thanks in part to the apron she wore.
The dark beige was accompanied by a steam that carried the sweet scent of the chocolate. Taking the apron off, she left it on the kitchen bench, opting to clean it up later as she carried the mugs over to the living space, placing the one on the small table in the middle while taking a seat on one side of the couch while awaiting the return of her housemate.
She could hear the jukebox inserting the next record, playing some jazz song she never cared to learn the name of. She remembered gifting it to Elsa when her younger hermana uncharacteristically complained about having to change each record personally once the song ended. Silva suspected Elsa only complained to get her to build something again, a little time for herself rather than all spent on her hermana and hija.
Not that Silva ever mentioned it. She rather enjoyed putting together that record player. She missed tinkering, especially now.
Silva blew on the steam leaving her mug, carefully bringing the chocolate caliente to her lips as she sipped on the burning, yet deliciously rich liquid.
They were near the end of the first month of being stuck in her late-hermana’s lodge, and the blizzard storming outside hadn’t let up. There were moments of calmness, sure, but that would never be enough time for either her or Faith to escape down the mountain without getting caught right back in the snowstorm once more. Again, she reminded herself.
She only hoped that the storm put a pause on the Reaping. Not that she didn’t trust her friends weren’t doing fine without her. Although, a small part of her wished she was there with them… just to make sure they were safe.
But another and more vocal part of herself was relieved by the sudden separation from the mass violence. There was guilt that gnawed at her for such a thought, but she pushed it away.
Especially when she heard the approaching steps of the only other occupant in the lodge.
When turning back to see Faith, she was immediately met with the sudden change in style from the other woman.
Instead of one of Elsa’s old dresses that better fitted the style she was used to seeing on the Seed sister, Faith instead wore a loose flannel shirt and culotte that belonged that previously belonged to Silva.
Not entirely an issue that she had in itself. It was just Faith looked good in her clothes.
Silva could not keep her gaze off of Faith, and she blamed the warmth in her cheeks on the caliente.
“Something on your mind, Silva?” Faith asked in her approach, rounding the red sofa to take her seat next to the deputy. Her green eyes lightened at the steaming chocolate caliente waiting for her on the small table.
Silva didn’t answer immediately, too busy gawking at Faith in her attire, before swallowing down her surprise and replying, “No, no, nothing much… you look good, by the way.”
Faith seemed to appreciate the compliment, her smile growing bigger as she replied, “Thanks. Just thought I’d try something else on while the dress gets washed.”
It didn’t explain why Faith went into her room for clothes, but she wasn’t complaining.
Faith turned her focus to the caliente awaiting her, and in curious anticipation, Silva observed as the light brunette lifted the mug to her lips, lightly blowing the steam like she herself had done, and sipped the scalding caliente with a pleased hum.
“This is delicious,” Faith replied with a smile, the woman’s words settling a feeling of relief on Silva’s mind, “We did a great job, wouldn’t you agree, Silva?”
Faith’s words evoked an eyebrow raise from Silva; sure, they had produced the caliente together, however Silva distinctly remembered Faith mucking about, at one point playfully attacking her with chocolate covered pastry brush.
Despite this in mind, Silva decided on agreeing with Faith, giving kudos where kudos were due, “For a first timer, you certainly did exceptionally well.”
Faith beamed at the praise, and Silva drank more of her caliente, before throwing Faith a mischievous glance in her grey eyes as she added, “Although, I don’t remember the process being so messy. Nor the part where the pastry brush would try covering my face in chocolate powder.”
Faith snickered at the memory, softly bumping against Silva’s shoulder as she pointed out, “You didn’t seem to mind. In fact, I’d go as far to say you enjoyed the trouble.”
Silva’s lips tugged into a bashful smile, feeling warmer. She remembered the surprise of the powdered pastry brush tapping her nose when she glanced over to check Faith’s progress, and the bubbling fun that resounded in her beating heart when dodging and batting away more attempts to dust her face in the delectable cocoa.
“I did,” she replied softly.
A comfortable silence filled the air, a contrast to the raging winds outside. No tension, no suspicion. Nothing but a calm trust between the two women.
Silva wanted to shift closer, close enough that her shoulder could barely brush against Faith’s, perhaps her knee leaning against the other woman’s own, too.
Though Silva held back such impulses. She couldn’t do that, not when things were… comfortable. She knew she shouldn’t overstep now. Yet, the urge remained. There was a small voice inside of her that told her that reasonably, it couldn’t hurt to try. Neither action would be anything big, and if Faith showed any sign of discomfort, then Silva would simply cease the action altogether.
However, if Faith did allow it… then how could that be interpreted? That Faith simply doesn’t mind her closeness? That she’d use it as a way to gain a better hold over her for Eden’s Gate goals?
Or… or perhaps most frightening of all, it could mean that Faith may reciprocate the same desire she does? The want to be closer, to be held, the awkward and yet not uncomfortable hot sensation that is always accompanied by the slight pace of speed in her heart. Was it implausible? Silva couldn’t be sure. While she certainly desired such an outcome under any other circumstances, it would be devastating here; the knowledge she found another who once more held a mutual feeling for a companionship no other could grant them, only for that person to be someone who’s her enemy; whom she is expected to bring down, in whatever means necessary.
Silva wanted to close the distance, to just see if there was a chance, but at the same time knew she shouldn’t, as not only would it hurt more if the time she was forced to confront Faith came, but it’d perhaps be better if she didn’t try, make it easier to do what would need to be done and avoid risking any further complications.
However, Silva doubted it could be that easy.
Silva was brought out of her storming thoughts when she and Faith heard a resounding click from across the room.
Both glanced over to the jukebox, Faith watching in interest as through the visible glass, the finished record was lifted from the spinner by the “arm clamp” and gently placed to the back of the stack. It travelled down to the next record, tenderly pulling it up and placing it flat onto the spinner, prompting the stylus to touch down on the spinning record.
Through the speakers of the jukebox, the next song began to play, starting with a sudden beat before a gentle string begins to play and the synchronized harmony of a woman vocalizing an “ooh”.
From there the lyrics began.
“There’s a girl in town/And word’s gone around she’s just fine.”
Faith tilted her head with intrigue, yet confusion. Silva couldn’t blame her lack of understanding, as the other woman wasn’t well attuned to the Spanish tongue. Silva herself was still unsure where Elsa got this particular song.
Regardless, she liked it. It brought a sense of… normalcy.
Although, she couldn’t deny that the song playing at this moment set a certain mood she wasn’t sure was appropriate… for herself and Faith that is. The timing couldn’t be any less impeccable to her earlier spiral of thoughts.
“So I don’t worry my head/’Cause I know her heart is tied to mine.”
Silva swallowed down the rest of her caliente, placing the mug on the table. Unexpectedly, Faith placed her unfinished mug down too.
Silva observed as Faith glanced to her and just as swiftly looked away, wringing her hands as she intensely narrowed her eyes down.
It was always fascinating to Silva to see the constant flux of change in the woman’s expression, especially when she was out of the Bliss.
Though Silva could tell Faith was somewhat nervous about something, thinking it over repeatedly. The deputy was ready to shift off the couch and had an excuse prepared on the tip of her tongue to give her housemate some space when Faith caught her off-guard by grasping her wrist.
“Would you like to dance?” Faith blurted out, the sudden volume making the dark-haired woman pause in her ascent from the couch.
Silva tilted her head, blinking at Faith, a little confused and a bit shocked. It was the furthest thing she’d expect of the other woman, and certainly not something Silva expected Faith to want to do with the likes of her.
There was beat of silence, and Faith looked down to her hand gripping on Silva’s wrist. She cringed, lightly letting go.
Silva flexed her hand, planting herself back onto the couch as she turned her full attention onto Faith, “Why would you want to? With me, I mean?”
Faith brushed a strand of light brown hair back behind her ear, her lips a thin line as she thought of something, anything.
“Well, it’s… it’s because it sounds like the kind of song you’d dance with a partner- or I mean someone else with, you know?” Faith played it off, rubbing at her arm, “You don’t have to, but I’d rather not dance alone…”
Silva chewed at the inside of her cheek. Faith’s excuse seemed too sloppy to be a total fabrication, so she was telling a bit more of the truth. Though Silva was hesitant to accept Faith’s request.
While a dance didn’t inherently hold a romantic inclination, it was still rather intimate. Silva knew she was growing more attached to Faith the longer they remained snowed in, a complication that would only prolong the inevitable pain or hinder the necessity of her mission entirely. She knew neither of them were willing to abandon their respective factions nor join the other’s; Silva was loyal to her friends and detested Joseph Seed and his cult’s methods, and Faith was happy within her family and thought she was doing what was necessary. Not to mention, the Resistance despised her and held no trust for the woman.
Silva sometimes wondered whether or not she should have even agreed to their temporary truce in the lodge. Faith had been vulnerable, without her Bliss and Angels to protect her, so easy to kill. And yet, Silva’s own moral compass held her back from ridding the county of Faith Seed, either because the other woman was in no position to fight back or because Silva desired to hear the other woman out now that she had come for her without any tricks open for use.
Whatever the case was, it led to them reaching a truce given their… snowy circumstances. Silva would have nothing to blame but her ironclad convictions to follow her part of her obligations to the letter when she eventually allowed Faith to return back to the Project’s awaiting arms.
She had all the reasons to say no. To decline and say goodnight and hope the storm ended tomorrow so she wouldn’t have to wake up to make breakfast for the both of them. To cut the bud in the nip so nothing could progress further than it should have.
And yet…
“The life that we live, and the love the I give to her.”
Silva stood up from the sofa, her grey eyes glancing to Faith’s enquiring green. Faith was a very beautiful woman; inside and outside the Bliss, but Silva preferred this… someone who looked and acted real, not some fantastical visage putting on a performance.
She was wary that this was another front, some elaborate attempt to futilely get her into Eden’s Gate. Her allies didn’t call the woman a “siren” without reason. However, Silva rationalized that Faith was clever enough to understand honey trapping held unlikely success. And besides…
For the first time in nearly a decade, a gorgeous woman has expressed a desire to dance with her.
And fuck it, Silva was foolishly going to indulge in this chance.
“Each day it grows more and more, I’m sure it shows.”
Silva held out her gloved hand to Faith, the latter’s brows shot up in surprise by the action, and Silva swallowed all her nerves to softly ask one simple question against the quickened beat of her heart.
“May I have this dance with you?”
For a short minute, Faith did nothing but gape in response to Silva’s question, faltering the deputy’s confidence, worry hidden underneath her soft gaze as she wondered if she missed her chance.
All worry was dashed away when Faith’s lips widened in a delighted grin and took Silva’s hand.
“Well/Our love/Is a bubbling fountain.”
Hands held on to each other, both manoeuvred their way to the spacious area near the jukebox, light smiles reflecting off each other.
“Our love/That flows into a sea.”
Awkwardly, they try to find where exactly they want to place their hands; Silva resolves to just steady her arms below Faith’s shoulders while the other woman wraps her arms at the back of Silva’s neck, pushing them a little bit closer.
“Our love/Deeper than any ocean.”
The movements were nothing complex or special. The beats of the song didn’t intend for that, as it held more of a relaxing tempo. Not that she minded; and from the looks of it, Faith seemed content with slowly swaying.
Being so close… Silva could feel heat of Faith’s breath on her lips, their noses separated by the smallest of gaps between them. Her grey eyes could gaze into Faith’s green, see all the specks in her lively irises that no one would ever get a chance to witness.
“Our love/For eternity.”
Neither woman stopped swaying as the song played on, entranced in the other’s gaze, eyes recording each other’s feature to memory.
Be it impulsive instinct or plain brave desire, Silva gradually inched closer to Faith’s lips.
“Like Sunday/I pray our love will always stay pure/While the world turns around/He holds me down for sure.”
Though Silva didn’t reach her destination, snapping out of whatever urge she was acting on. Pause midway, her intentions clear yet uncertain of Faith’s own feelings on the matter.
With doubt on her mind, Silva was about to inch back, when she felt Faith’s hands creep from the back of her neck to hold her face.
Giving her a smile, Faith went to close the gap.
“Our love/Is a bubbling fountain/Our love/That flows into a sea.”
Upon recognizing Faith’s intentions, Silva met her approaching lips in the middle, lightly pressing against the other woman’s more eager lips. This time Silva’s hands shifted from their position, crossing behind Faith’s neck.
“Our love/Deeper than any ocean/Our love/For eternity.”
Both separated briefly, Faith giggling from their different approaches with the kiss. Silva softly chuckled too, Faith’s eagerness unexpected though not unappreciated. Tasting her own lips, Silva returned a bashful smile to Faith.
It had been certainly a while since she last kissed someone; someone she felt a connection with. It may not have been her first kiss, but it most definitely the first passionate kiss she’s had in almost a decade… since Irene.
Looking back to Faith, she wondered if this had been her first kiss… or at least a kiss she’s had in a long time.
She didn’t think it was her place to ask; perhaps later, or not at all. It wasn’t her business, and ultimately it didn’t really matter. It was Silva’s first kiss with Faith, and this would be Faith’s first kiss with her. That’s what really made it special.
Parting her lips once more, Silva went in for a second, more even kiss, matching Faith’s eagerness from before, much to the delight of the other woman. Faith wasted no time in returning the same energy.
“And after all/The rain will fall on us too.”
A deep part of Silva knew this wasn’t right. Not wrong, but not the most sensible thing to be doing. She and Faith were supposed to be enemies. And yet here, they weren’t. Faith had innocent blood on her hands, like how Silva’s own was stained with the cult’s. Something Silva would need to confront later; she knew that, but not now.
Now she wanted to feel something- something good for once, other than the guilt and shame and just shittiness in general.
Perhaps though… Silva’s trail of thought paused as she separated from their second kiss, Faith gazing at her with an adoration she’d never seen before on the woman, not out during the Reaping, and not in the Bliss either.
Her hands went from Silva’s face to her back, gripping hard like she was afraid this was some dream. And honestly, Silva shared the same sentiment, even if she should wish this was just some self-indulgent fantasy.
She felt Faith’s nose brush against the crook of her neck, burrowing her head into the space. Silva didn’t mind.
“But I’ll keep moving on/Proud and strong with you.”
Silva found herself willing to continue the scandalous thought that she’d find herself pondering on for the rest of the month they’d be stuck in the lodge for.
…perhaps there’s a way for this war to end without more piles of bodies.
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alessandrae-s4 · 1 month ago
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Welcome to Willow Creek!
After years of touring the country, aspiring talk show host Katrina and jazz musician Flamenco Caliente have decided to settle in Willow Creek for a while. Their daughters, Nina and Dina, need stability, and the constant ups and downs of their parents’ relationship—and their life on the road—haven’t been helping. Though different as night and day—Nina is neat and sports-obsessed; Dina is a messy chocoholic who loves cartoons—the twins are inseparable; and despite everything, they know one thing for sure: no matter what, they will always have each other.
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alojamientos-cuba · 28 days ago
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rudyroth79 · 1 month ago
Știri: The Magic of… Latin Jazz (30 ianuarie 2025, Sala Radio, București)
Joi, 30 ianuarie 2025, ora 19.00, vă invităm la Sala Radio la început de an, în ritmuri ce combină jazz-ul și sonoritățile latino. Sub bagheta Simonei Strungaru, Big Band-ul Radio va prezenta concertul intitulat The Magic of… Latin Jazz. Vă veți bucura de o seară cu atmosferă „caliente”, prin sonoritățile exotice ale unora dintre lucrările reprezentative pentru Big Band, din stiluri și zone…
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julio-viernes · 5 months ago
Otro caído a finales del mes pasado, Ricky Morales, miembro de los estupendos Shakers, de Los Brincos en su segunda época, y del grupo español súper internacional Barrabás. Una excelente, extraordinaria, carrera la de Enrique.
De Barrabás me gusta sobre todo el brío de su LP inicial, el de la portada de Luis Eduardo Aute, con cosas como "Wild Safari", y "Woman". Posteriormente sus discos tienen cosas interesantes, pero suenan un poco lineales, a "producto Arbex", a pesar de que Enrique estampó su firma en varios de sus temas, en ocasiones un agradable contraste pop al sonido funk- latin- jazz media por el que la banda era conocido ("Cheer Up" podría ser casi de los últimos Brincos), en otras ("Mellow Blow", "Fire Girl") decididamente en la onda de la "música caliente", anunciada por la banda ya desde la contraportada de su primer álbum "Barrabás" (RCA, 1972).
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radioeuroextasis · 5 months ago
Loquita - GUAYANDO
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Loquita es una artista que ama y vive la vida con fuego y pasión. Nacida en Suiza (Zurich) y con raíces españolas (Asturias), encanta a sus fans con su talento y vibraciones positivas como cantante, rapera y bailarina. A los 14 años empezó a escribir sus propias letras y completa sus canciones con sus bellas melodías. En los años 90, el Hiphop, el R&B y Soul, el Reggae, el Funk, la música latina, la clásica y el Techno influyeron mucho en ella. Cuando nació el Reggaeton, se enamoró inmediatamente de los ritmos de estos nuevos sonidos latinoamericanos, que también refleja en su música. Su nueva canción GUAYANDO es una explosión de energía donde el dancehall y el reggaeton se unen para crear una atmósfera inolvidable. 2 personas se encuentran y se rozan mientras bailan juntas con muchas ganas. Armando sus cuerpos y sudando para meterse de toda la noche guayando. La canción te seduce para encender tu motor de la pasión. Se grabó en colaboración con el artista Larry Only de Venzuela/Colombia. El vídeo se produjo en Suiza y Colombia. ¡Prepárate para un viaje musical cautivador y únete al movimiento GUAYANDO! Loquita ha grabado varios discos con diversos artistas y ha realizado giras por Europa con el grupo Solo Dos. Ha actuado en los escenarios de grandes festivales como Latino Americando (Milán), Jazz Festival (Montreux), Antilliaanse Feesten (Bélgica), Caliente Festival (Zúrich), etc. Como madre soltera de una hija, sus medios económicos eran limitados para financiar ella misma su música, por lo que Loquita había decidido concentrarse en su hija y en el mundo laboral. Sin embargo, su amor por la música, el canto y la interpretación es su destino y ahora ha hecho realidad su sueño y está de vuelta con su propia música. "Mi música está pensada para dar alegría. Nunca es demasiado tarde para realizar sus sueños y visiones". https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xpftoUVRjNI&autoplay=1 Read the full article
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clouseplayssims · 5 months ago
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Jazz is casually sliding into part 2 - we'll have to see you then!
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lilleputtu · 19 days ago
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Nina isn't too sure about this potty training business
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diarioelpepazo · 1 year ago
No se sienta hasta que hace historia: seis triples-dobles seguidos por encima de 30 puntos. El base de los Mavericks es el único jugador que lo ha conseguido en la NBA NACHO DUQUE El idilio de Luka Doncic con triples-dobles le ha convertido en historia de la NBA: se ha convertido en el primer jugador que consigue cinco consecutivos con al menos 35 puntos, ampliando su propio récord. También es el primero que enlaza seis con 30 puntos, superando ahí a Russell Westbrook. El base de los Mavericks acabó con 39 puntos, 10 rebotes y 10 asistencias en el triunfo sobre los Pistons por 124-142, lo que le hizo entrar en los libros de récords de la NBA. Resultados de la jornada Clippers 112-102 Bulls Pistons 124-142 Mavericks Hornets 110-99 Nets Warriors 112-126 Spurs Suns 107-117- Celtics Nuggets 142-121- Jazz Blazers 128-118 Raptors El dominio del juego que está exhibiendo Doncic en esta racha es descomunal y sus estadísticas son su mejor campaña en la cerrada lucha por el MVP de la temporada regular. En esos seis encuentros promedia 36,3 puntos, 11,0 rebotes y 11,5 asistencias. Noche tras noche, no falla a su cita con el triple-doble. Un sensacional ejercicio de efectividad del que ya era máximo anotador de la NBA. El conseguido ante los Pistons fue el decimosexto triple-doble del jugador esloveno en lo que va de temporada. Sólo le superan otros dos grandes talentos europeos: Domantas Sabonis con 22 y Nikola Jokic con 20. A lo largo de su carrera, Doncic acumula ya 72. Es noveno en la estadística histórica, a sólo cuatro de alcanzar a James Harden y a seis del legendario Wilt Chamberlain. El base de los Mavericks construyó su última gesta anotando 21 puntos en el segundo cuarto, aunque a su equipo no le bastaba para despegarse del colista de la NBA (65-69 al descanso). Tuvo que ser con los triples del cuestionado Tim Hardaway Jr. y con un 0-7 inicial en el último acto cuando se abrió una brecha de 23 puntos que dejó resuelto el duelo (88-111). A 3:14 para el final, Doncic atrapó su décimo rebote, Dallas pidió tiempo muerto y el base se sentó con la estadística completada y el resultado en 108-128. Jason Kidd reconoció que miraba el marcador para ver las cifras de su estrella, que parecían importar más que un posible descanso. "Su récord demuestra a qué nivel está jugando ahora", dijo el entrenador. Kyrie Irving fue el segundo máximo anotador de los Mavericks con 21 mientras que Hardaway Jr. y Daniel Gafford hicieron 17. Por los Pistons, que increíblemente aún no están fuera de playoffs pese a su horrible temporada, Cade Cunningham acabó con 33+9+10 y el exbaskonista Simone Fontecchio sumó 27 puntos, su tope personal en la NBA. Trifulca entre Duren y Washington Pese a que el partido quedó resuelto en el último cuarto, se puso caliente. Jalen Duren cometió una fuerte falta sobre Daniel Gafford cuando iba a anotar bajo el aro. El jugador de los Mavericks se fue al suelo cerca del soporte de la canasta. Allí acudió PJ Washington para ayudar a levantarle previo empujón al infractor de la acción, que le embistió aún más fuerte. El Pistons-Mavericks acabó caliente: trifulca entre Duren y Washington Ambos se enzarzaron en una trifulca a la que acudieron el resto de jugadores. Al final, Duren fue expulsado después de recibir una falta personal y dos técnicas mientras que Washington también recibió una técnica. "Es una falta difícil, pero así es el baloncesto. No se lo reprocho a nadie", dijo Gafford sin rencor. Murray propulsa a unos Nuggets lanzados desde el All Star Jamal Murray lideró con 37 puntos y 6/9 en triples el cómodo triunfo de los Nuggets frente a los Jazz (142-121). Por un día, Nikola Jokic se quedó algo lejos del triple-doble (26+6+8), pero estuvo tan eficiente como siempre al anotar 12 de sus 14 lanzamientos a canasta y dejar una sensacional asistencia desde su propio aro. Michael Porter Jr. añadió 19 puntos para unos Nuggets que están lanzados desde la reanudación de la temporada regular tras el All Star.
Su balance desde entonces es de 7-1 y la única derrota fue ante los Suns en la prórroga. La baja de Curry pesa más que la de Wembanyama Los Warriors echaron más de menos a Stephen Curry que los Spurs a Victor Wembanyama. Faltaron las estrellas de ambos equipos y San Antonio ganó por 113-126 en la primera victoria que consigue en ausencia del prodigio francés. Fue un partido terrible por parte de los de San Francisco, que tuvieron a Klay Thompson como máximo anotador (27 puntos saliendo desde el banquillo) y a Jonathan Kuminga como segunda espada (26). Por los visitantes destacaron Keldon Johnson,con 22 puntos y 11 rebotes, y Jeremy Sochan y Kalaki Branham, con 20 por cabeza. Harden hace un triple-doble sin lanzar de dos puntos James Harden era hace unos años una máquina de fabricar triples-dobles. Esa producción ha bajado mucho, pero en el triunfo sobre los Bulls (112-102) firmó uno delo más extraño. Lo hizo sin lanzar ningún tiro de dos puntos. El jugador de los Clippers acabó con 14 puntos, 11 rebotes y 10 asistencias con 4/10 en triples. Esos fueron todos los lanzamientos en juego que hizo. Paul George tuvo una completa estadística de 22 puntos, cinco rebotes, nueve asistencias, dos robos y tres tapones mientras que Kawhi Leonard terminó con 19+9. Los Clippers sumaron un importante triunfo para no descolgarse aún de la cabeza del Oeste. Para recibir en tu celular esta y otras informaciones, únete a nuestras redes sociales, síguenos en Instagram, Twitter y Facebook como @DiarioElPepazo El Pepazo/Marca
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lotlvision · 1 year ago
Benidorm Fest First Listen!
1. Almácor - "Brillos Platino" This is really fun! Is it a Eurovision song? Not really. It's a fun, summery, party number - it'll go down a treat with audiences but doesn't have anything really standing out to me. The ending feels a bit abrupt, as well. 7/10
2. Angy Fernández - "Sé quién soy" OH THIS IS A BOP! It's good in the opening, but then the chorus HITS YOU! This is going to be so fun to see translated onto stage, I would be very happy with this showing up to Malmo! 8.5/10
3. Dellacruz - "Beso en la mañana" This one feels like another pop song, but not as fun as Almácor's. It just feels like it falls a little bit flat compared to the first two. It picks up a bit in the last 10 seconds, but it just feels out of place. 5/10
4. Jorge González - "Caliente" I'm not gonna lie, the photo of him is VERY distracting. They looked at me first. The like, three lines of English in the song are a little off-putting. They don't add anything to the song. It's a different style though, and I like that! Also the beat does feel like, if it wins, we're getting our first male edition of Fuego. Eleni Foureira, the impact you made on this competition will never be forgotten! 7/10
5. Lérica - "Astronauta" With a title like that, this song has some incredible staging potential. The way the song is, I'm worried it won't live up to it. I'm getting Avicii, Bastille, summer 2013 vibes from this song. I like it, but probably not for Eurovision. 6/10
6. Mantra - "Me vas a ver" This is a feel good song, through and through. A fun beat, great voices, nothing standing out to me really - it's not going to win, but it'll be a fun song to get people dancing! This is going on a guilty pleasure playlist, for sure 7/10
7. Marlena - "Amor de verano" I WAS VIBING UNTIL I HEARD THE ENGLISH UGH. It's not my usual type of song, but it's easy enough to nod along to it. The two lines of English in every chorus don't do anything for it. 6/10
8. María Peláe - "Remitente" Okay so this version is 4:33, so obviously the entry will be shortened. Not for me. Unsurprising since I didn't like Eaea last year. I am just not a fan of this style (and given Blanca's placing, I can't see a vocally similar act going in 2024). 5/10 9. Miss Caffeina - "Bla bla bla" Another song that just feels like it falls a bit flat. It's not *bad*, it's just not got anything special about it that endears you to it. Feels more Ibiza than Benidorm. 5/10
10. Nebulossa - "Zorra" Their outfits alone have me intrigued. This SCREAMS 80s guilty pleasure, I hope the staging is going to be as cheesy and crazy as it is in my mind. Is it the best song? No. Could it be the best performance? Absolutely. 8/10
11. Noan - "Te echo de -" Oh I don't like his voice. Please, sir, just clear your throat. I could enjoy the song in a world where it wasn't so damn raspy, but the way it is just really bothers me. I understand it's a stylistic choice, it's not for me. 5/10
12. Quique Niza - "Prisionero" This is the first song that feels ballad-y so far, so it does stand out a bit. I'm not hugely excited by it, but it will probably have some very good staging. I think live vocals will improve this one a lot, but right now it's a bit plain. 6.5/10
13. Roger Padrós - "El temps" I see they saved the ballads for last! Ballads are usually too plain for me - special ballads will grow on me with time. This is not one of those. 5/10
14. Sofia Coll - "Here to stay" IMMEDIATE CHILLS. This is immediately special. I'm willing to forgive the English. There's Catalan so it evens out. It's the first song that really feels EUROVISION. I hope the staging lives up to it and the whole package is winning material. 9/10
15. St. Pedro - "Dos Extraños (Cuarteto de Cuerda)" This is coffee shop jazz. This is not a compliment. This gives me Salvador Sobral vibes, and I STILL hold a grudge against Portugal because of that man. 3/10
16. Yoly Saa - "No se me olvida" The beginning is a bit boring, but I LOVE the chorus. It scratches my brain right, and it makes the build worth it. 8/10
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bamboomusiclist · 1 year ago
9/10 おはようございます。Carmen McRae / Just A Little Lovin' sd1568 等更新完了しました。
Chris Connor / Love Being Here with You st332Carmen McRae / Just A Little Lovin’ sd1568Chris Connor / Free Spirits 8061John Young Trio / A Touch Of Pepper lp713John Coltrane / Coltrane As21Paul Serrano / Blues Holiday Rlp359Don Goldie / Trumpet Caliente djlp708Junior Mance / at the Village Vanguard Jlp941sMike Wofford / Strawberry Wine ln24225Joe Harriott John Mayer Double Quintet / Indo Jazz…
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teambuilding-team-mpa · 2 years ago
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Début des séminaires de rentrée hier soir en mode « garden party » dans le cadre verdoyant du « mercure golf de seilh ». DJ party, sun (très caliente !) & drink pour une reprise en douceur.
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mikijamcf · 2 years ago
Bill Summers
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HAPPY 74th BIRTHDAY Bill Summers (June 27, 1948), a New Orleans based Afro-Cuban jazz/Latin jazz percussionist, a multi-instrumentalist who plays primarily on conga drums. Summers is probably best known for to his work with Los Hombres Calientes along with his friend and co-leader of the group, trumpeter Irvin Mayfield. However, despite this musical relationship, Summers has a much longer musical career than that, often working behind the scenes on film scores for various movies such as The Color Purple and the television miniseries Roots with Quincy Jones. He also played with Herbie Hancock during The Headhunters years, and is mentioned in passing by the liner notes of The Headhunters' 2003 release Evolution Revolution as contributing to that recording. His former wife is Yvette Bostic-Summers, who often sings on Los Hombres' albums.
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