jaywrites101 · 5 years
The City In FreeFall: Part one, Chapter One.
StreetTeam members: @ciestess @leave-her-a-tome If you want your name here, join my StreetTeam by signing up for my newsletter and be notified of all The City In FreeFall updates, giveaways and more! Also tagging: @bexminx @ednaraged @ahotpeaceofshit @nemothesurvivor @siarven  and @jaclynwashere If you want on this list you should try messaging or interacting with my stuff more ;P
The happiest day of my life was when I discovered my wings. But you should know upfront that's such a low bar limbo players use it as a standard. Most children dream of flying over the trees and touching the soft clouds. I never did… No, I've always been scared of heights. My name is Sam Farsight, and I need your help. Normally, if I need something done I'd just do it myself. That's the kind of man I am. It burns my gut to ask anyone for anything, but… well, I've got other things burning me at the moment--bigger things. You see, today is the day I'm going to die. Strangely enough, this isn't the first time I thought I was going to die. This time, I think it's gonna stick… You'll see what I mean. You don't know me from Adam, but if you'll hear me out I'll explain everything in its place. I can't promise you anything as compensation--I don't have anything of value to bequeath to anyone. All I have left is my story. My legacy. It'll have to be enough. You're my only hope of getting the truth to the world. You see, I have a confession. And a promise…. I won't say whose, but there are hundreds of thousands of lives that depend on the truth getting out. Maybe even yours. Because my life as Sam Farsight means nothing to nobody. I died at twenty-one, and there's nothing more to say. But I have a secret. A secret I'm leaving to you, whoever you are. And the soul of a massive megalopolis hangs in the balance. My name is Sam Farsight. And for the last twenty-three years, I have been living as the vigilante superhero known as the Wingman. ### You've probably heard of him. I have a… reputation in these parts. But you can't believe everything the papers have said about me! Not all of it was my fault. I didn't mean for those people to die--and I certainly wasn't involved with the Nuclear swap! No sir! I stayed the hell away from that fiasco. I've done a lot of things--some of them I'm more proud of than others. But I've always tried to save lives. I've always tried to be better than the villains I put away… It's just… sometimes things don't always work out. I've made terrible mistakes. But what I have to tell you today should make up for all of them! No doubt, by the time you read this, the rumors of my death will have spread like wildfire... They're probably true. But there's something else you should know. I've saved the city. And this time, it's saved for good. What I'm about to tell you is the truth of my time as the city's savior. Please--Please! My final request is that you help me set the record straight. Things cannot ever be allowed to get as bad as they did. It took me dying to fix them. You'll have to finish plugging the holes yourself. I just hope… but that's getting ahead of myself. As they say Everything in its place. It's better I start at the beginning. Before I got my wings… If I sound reluctant, it's because this wasn't one of my proudest moments. ### The year was 2114. Old America. Jakob McCorbin was just elected President. Spring had only just faded and Summer was at our doorstep. The cars were still powered by the old steam & solar hybrid tec. Eternal Plasma Drives hadn't been invented yet. Railways had just made a big comeback for cross-country travel. I remember sitting under an advertisement for the Atlas Air&Ground commercial cross-country liner. Jerry and I would look up at that billboard and promise each other that when we got rich with our law firm, we'd book a car all the way out of Briar City, past HollyTown, past DoggWood, and all the way out of this continent! Those were the days… Let's see… 2114… International crime was dropping all across the globe. We'd just come out of a big war against Grephsnia. Jobs were at an all-time high. The politicians called it a utopia. But those of us who lived in the ghetto just thought it was another day in the history books. From our perspective, things didn't look so cheery. Jobs down there were still hard when you had them, and impossible to find when you didn't. Drug dealers still sold their product to school children. Gangs still put kids in caskets… They put a lot of kids in caskets. That's why I, Sam Farsight, thought it would be a good idea to start a gang war. The plan was simple. Goad the two gangs in Briar city, the SmashStones and the BloodBlades, into attacking each other and force the cops to actually do something to end them both once and for all. Nothing is ever simple. I was about to find that out the hard way. To find the SmashStone gang and learn their plans, I had to join them. A tricky feat since I live in BloodBlade territory. If the BloodBlades ever found out I was with SmashStone, they'd kill me. Of course, if either of them found out what my real plan was, they'd both kill me anyway. I thought I was so damn smart back then. That was the year I turned twenty-one. It was the year I got a casket for a birthday present. Jerry, my best friend since grade school, found himself on the wrong end of a shooting. That's where the Wingman found his start. Newly adulted. Chip on my shoulder. And the weight of the world in my back pocket. I wanted to do something with my life. But I decided then and there being a lawyer wasn't good enough for me. I wanted to do something "important." God, I was so stupid. I even thought the city would erect a statue in my honor. I can't believe I was ever that dumb. The only thought on my mind was no more kids in caskets. I was going to end the gang wars forever. That's why I was sitting on a brick wall in the rain just outside the 14th precinct. That's why when the cold wind blew across my face, I didn't back down. I was shivering and hungry and… and… …    Lonely….    Yeah. That's the truth of it. I was so very lonely. I had a hole in my heart that was colder than the rain, and more painful than my stomach. That emptiness kept me moving. If I stopped… It would consume me. I wasn't ever going to back down. Not until I did what I came here to do. I checked my watch. 7:48 pm. He wasn't going to show tonight. I had to be back home before 9 O'clock or somebody would get suspicious. If not my family, then the gang. At the same time, sitting around in the rain waiting for a cop who might not even show wasn't the brightest idea I'd ever had. But the SmashStone goon I'd met with needed me to steal a cop car. And I had the perfect cop for the job. Officer Filbert Warren. A cop so dirty garbage washes him off. The man's a walking personification of the seven deadly sins. But… If you looked past all that. If you ignored the stink, the stains, the empty burger wrappers he leaves instead of footprints. If you looked into his soul. You'd find a second, even meaner cop living in his gullet that just wants the world to burn. Seriously! None of the other cops trusted him either. He earned himself the nickname "the Rat" back when he first joined the force, and he's done nothing but live up to his nickname since then. Rumor has it he's on both gang's payrolls. Witnesses against the gangs have a bad habit of going missing after this guy gets a look at their file. Nothing's ever proven, of course. Rumors go on to say that IA has a file on him the size of Texas, but it's all full of dead ends, missing evidence, and hearsay. Which would be surprising because Officer Warren isn't smart enough to pull any of that off. For example. Just as I was giving up hope that the fat rat masquerading as a cop would show up, he did. The cop car slinked up to the front of the precinct like a pissed-off cat. The headlights glaring angrily ahead. "Alright Berny, take this one in," I heard him say from across the road as he rolled down his window to throw out a sandwich wrapper. Littering is against the law, but Officer Warren didn't seem to mind as he dug into his burger with gusto. Berny glared at his partner in disgust but said nothing. He went around and marched some kid into the building. The girl spat at him, but the weary patrolman didn’t so much as flinch as he did his job. Apparently, he’d faced worse today. Warren chuckled after they'd gone. He gulped down the rest of his burger in one bite and waddled out after them in leisure. I swear, the car rose two feet when he got out of it. The fat lard even left the engine running. It was like he was begging for someone to steal it, but I hesitated. Not because I was having second thoughts. No, I hesitated because I knew I'd have to take a bath in acid after I'd sat anywhere Officer Warren had been. I could only hope the rain would offer me some protection. I didn't waste time driving around once I was in the car. Sure, I stamped the pedal as far down as it would go, flashed the lights and turned on the siren. I may have held my middle finger out the window like a good little delinquent, but I had a plan. The initiation required me to make some noise so people would know what I'd done, but I had to get away without getting caught. I drove the car as fast as I could to the graveyard just past the hill on the edge of the city. I expected there to at least be some kind of chase, but apparently, Warren's fellow cops didn't put too much priority on his misfortunes. I parked the car with the headlights flooding a row of gravestones. People who'd been killed by the gangs. I hoped it might remind someone they had a duty to fulfill. I opened the door and took off, being careful not to go around the front or the back where the cameras were. Step one was completed. Easy. I should've known it was too easy.
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pens-swords-stuff · 5 years
Hey Undine, I'm still just floored how fast you've climbed the ranks! When I started following you (I think it was your Writeblr side blog?) I was just starting and we were both smol fish. Now, you're one of the pillars of the Writeblr community. Congratulations my friend, you've worked hard, and done well! You've got such a vibrant personality, and you've got one excellent theme. I like how easy it is to navigate your blog and still interact with posts (I'll bet that's helped some ;)
Oh my gosh I know right? Frankly it’s unbelievable how quickly this blog has grown and I swear I’ve got whiplash from it. You definitely knew me before I had like... 300 followers even, I think!
Thank you so much 😭😭😭 this is super sweet, and I don’t even know what to say — it means a lot to me!
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siarven · 5 years
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who reblogged something from you. Spread the positivity!
Thank you!
1. discovering a really good film/series I haven’t watched before
2. learning something new and awesome about an animal species
3. painting from a direct photo reference again (just to relax, with no need to figure out poses or lighting or anything because I have a direct reference)
4. discussing plot problems with my Designated Writer Friend and figuring out how to fix everything in both her plot and mine
5. finding a really amazing mashup of my favourite songs :P 
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kawuli · 6 years
@jaywrites101 reblogged your photoset and added:
*Scribbling like mad* I see… so the typs of foods my fantasy world will eat depends on climate, land access, and water. Good to know. OH, I just thought of ways people can abuse the hell out of that! See, learning stuff can be fun! ^.^ *continues to jot down notes on my master plan to take over our world my fictional world… lol <.< yeah.*
this is why i have a fantasy setting where I know exactly what everyone eats...but have like 12% of a plot.
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avenger-nerd-mom · 5 years
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who reblogged something from you. Spread the positivity!
Thanks @jaywrites101!
1. My tumblr friends
2. My cat curled by my side while I write
3. Having time for my personal Marvel marathon before Endgame
4. Watching the marathon with my family
5. Knowing I have a few vacation days next week!
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trashkuun · 2 years
OP of that book ad dedicated the book to everyone in the BLM movement who died from police brutality, dated up to April 2021. That's why it was tagged like that.
He openly admits that he's white and could've made/probably did make mistakes (scroll a bit on his blog and you'd have seen that).
Also, the book was published under copyleft. So, if you think you can make it better... you can legally do that.
What does any of this have to do with them being a petulant child, spending who knows how much amount of money, harassing people about criticism of their original cover? They have also been deleting any replies related to critisms of their actions and writing.
They literally spent money to spread their open harassment of people criticizing something that is important for a book. They then went on to harass me for a random comment in a sea of comments saying they probably shouldn't act like that if they want their book to succeed.
Also you can dedicate a book to literally anything/anyone and it means nothing at the end of the day. Dedication pages are posturing. It'd matter more if partial proceeds were donated to BLM organizations. If that's happening, cool, I honestly don't give a shit about their work after how they've acted.
Lastly I'm not scrolling the blog of someone who takes time out of their day to harass strangers over valid criticism.
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| URL Tag Game |
@haniawritesfiction thanks for the tag!
spell out your URL with song titles, and then tag as many people as there are letters in your URL\
i-its you
i-if the world was ending
n-night changes
g-girls like you
h-hold on
n-new rules
o-one that got away
g-good 4 u
e-everything has changed
n-not yours
d-driver's license
e-everything i wanted
tagging @rodentwrites @haniawritesthings @make-the-heteros-upseteros-2021 @whumpkinpie @jaywrites101 @astridmayewrites @greentea13 @emberravenwrites @writer-who-sometimes-writes @morganwriteblr @leah-yasmin-writes @theres-bees-in-my-head @writing-with-l@alexwritesfiction @rachywritessomething
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authorofstories55 · 2 years
OCs "Ten, But..." Tag Game
Thanks for the tag, @bardic-tales!
Rules: list your OCs as “tens, but...” to give us a not at all comprehensive scope of their characters
Jack: He's a ten, but he's into revenge-killing
Dereck: He's a ten, but he keeps on getting seriously injured and incapacitated
Shay: She's a ten, but she loves food more than she loves you
Opal: She's a ten, but her girlfriend is a zombie
Ethan: He's a ten, but half of his vocabulary is curse words
Nina: She's a ten, but she's blind without her glasses and won't realize you're there
Quinn: She's a ten, but she's easily brainwashed into betrayal
Yuki: He's a ten, but even if you're also a ten he's still better than you
Dr. Stacy: She's a ten, but she commits genocide
Tagging: @aohendo, @annarts05, @lunarmoment, @jaywrites101
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so this is actually @make-the-heteros-upseteros-2022 but I feel like writblr people are getting sick of my bullshit, soooooo
I'm going to reblog all the still relevant writing posts from my main account and I'm tagging a few writblrs that follow the main account that might want to switch over to this one :D so yeah feel free to unfollow my main
aha this way my sister won't see my writing stuff haha
(also sorry for possibly tagging some of you twice if you have more than one blog, I tagged from the blog that follows me) oh lord that's certainly a list
@jezifster @bees-writing-hive @lend-your-lungs-to-me @blind-the-winds @emelkae @neutralthursdays @olimpias @goldentangerines @ellierenae @author-a-holmes @the-finch-address @euphoniouspandemonium @poore-choice-of-words @ashen-crest @mary-is-writing @cometkov @ryns-ramblings @alexwritesfiction @kirsten-is-writing @jaywrites101 @friendlyneighborhoodwizard @worldbuildingdemon @lexiklecksi @beezlebubss @decodamalion @c-h-a-n-d-ra @writing-is-a-martial-art @super-writer-gal @rosesonneptune @pagesofcursive @copper-dragon-in-disguise @ahufflepuffnannywriter @drippingmoon @lady-of-himring @writing-has-no-gender @aritany @ellatholmes @i-love-books-and-so-do-you @theres-bees-in-my-head
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letterfromajax · 2 years
block users @/jaywrites101 & @/ciestess
@/jaywrites101 for tagging his advertisement for his book and his advertised “pwnage of le trolls” w/ variations BLM and even going as far as to tag his advertised retaliation w/ “black community” all while being white
Tumblr media
@/ciestess as well for trying to excuse and defend this behavior while also being white
Tumblr media
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letswritestories101 · 3 years
Tumblr media
Heeeeey, writeblr! So I kind of wanted to make my official intro! I guess I never did, so here it is! You’ll find my ideas and some tips for writing in general, but is essentially memes about being a writer. And chaos. (~ ̄▽ ̄)~
— ◇ A little about me ◇
Call me Ely, pen name Ellie Hazel Rose or Ellie Rose for shorts. I love ships, good analysis, and character study too much for my own good. The fandom is my doom. I am not complaining tho.
I can and will speak every meme and reference I remember.
Chaotic writer + “write? We don’t do this here” + Too many stories in the head, none on paper. *sobs*
Daydream about my stories and listen songs are my vibe.
I love sci-fi and some fantasy. And I write those with some romance, friendship, found family. Y'know, the tropes.
I love make random fact about my wips, and I love talk about them.
— ◇ My Writing ◇
Primary genres // Romance, Sci-fi, Fantasy, Adventure, basically everthing I wanna put in a serie that I wish I could make. But I don’t know drawn and know write. Keep an eye in the topic what’s going on to knoe more about what I’m writing.
— ◇ my active wips ◇
— ◇  What’s going on? ◇ 
I’m working in something now, and because of that, I’m note in any ag game about Wips. I don’t have anything writing down. Thanks for your patience.
Same Sky is going to hiatus. I’m not satisfaid with the story and brain is bad. I’ll back to this story when I feel than I can work in the plot again.
— ◇ Tag List ( Ask to be +/-)
@stupid-elf @hyba @jwoodwrites
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jaywrites101 · 5 years
Hey everyone, =)
For the last two weeks, my internet has been down. I just got it back this morning. In that time I finished the first act of The City In FreeFall, my superhero story, and I’m now almost finished with act two. As promised I’ll be releasing the first act here and on AO3 as part of my open Beta. Lol, I’ve got a lot of work to catch up on now that I’m back in business. You should expect the first Chapter of CIFF to post on 9-14-2019 at around 12:00pm Central American time. And the next chapters will be individually released each week following that. Be sure to tell me what you think of it. All likes, comments, and reblogs will be appreciated. I’m still such a tiny fish... =( All StreetTeam members will automatically be tagged. (As will a few of my friends, whether you want to be or not =P) If you want to be tagged please leave a comment on this post. Thank You.
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frayedcobweb · 2 years
Last Line Tag Game
Alright, so I’m easing back into the tag game game lol. This is the second Last Line Game I’ve been tagged in by the wonderful @druidx, hopefully for the next game I have a little more time to do one of the Name Meaning or Theme tags :)
I am currently on Chapter 8 of my redraft of Stillcity and this is my last line... Alright, last couple of lines lol.
Five seconds of keen observation was enough to banish the last of Ciaran’s doubt, and he couldn’t contain his elation any longer. Spinning around, he grabbed Torin’s shoulders and shouted, ‘They’re gone, they’re gone, they’re gone! The Mother-shaken misbegotten Míshásta are actually gone! Torin… We can go home!’
Tagging  @knightsofeclipse @writingwordsanddrawingpictures @cawolters @jaywrites101 @raevenlywrites @dramaticvoiceover @druidx @pens-swords-stuff @innocentreticent
Again, just let me know if you’d rather not be tagged <3
Oh yeah, and also if you’d like to be tagged in writeblr tag games give me a shout too.
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afoolandathief · 3 years
What to expect tag game
Tagged by @drippingmoon and @thegreatobsesso, like a while ago. This has been sitting in my drafts as I kept adding to it and wondering if I was doing it right. Anyway, here's what to expect from Something Wicked:
Vampire antics in a similar vein (get it?) to WWDITS
Schlocky, gross antics of murder and cannibalism akin to Santa Clarita Diet
A lot of bisexual nonsense
Queer characters, characters of color, neurodivergent characters
A magician's assistant with the build and grace of Mae West
A story whose soundtrack would be a mix of Postmodern Jukebox and whatever the scene kid at your high school was listening to
A 6'4" man in a plaid suit and a grown-up goth chick with purple lipstick thinking they're doing well blending in
Rabbits turning into magicians and back
Houndstooth suits, silver suits with matching ties, just wonderful fabulous suits all around
Cottage core vegetarian lesbians befriending vampires
A viewing of Casablanca being a very obvious metaphor
Some werewolves, elves, and a piano-playing banshee thrown into the mix
Highly intense spellwork and potion-making dates
The Hoover Dam
Lichs disguised as lolita goth chicks
Murder mysteries
Fun philosophical dilemmas about redemption and justice
A living analogy to purity culture
A run-down truck
Pirate ex-gfs
I ... think that might be enough for now. Tagging, if you'd like, @author-a-holmes, @jaywrites101, @emelkae & @jaxwolffwrites
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Manuscript Search Tag
Thanks for tagging me, @talesfromaurea! :D
Words: stone, sea, sister and scoff. These are from Totentanz:
Stone (warning for violence):
Karandren remembered how it felt to use this spell before. He remembered the blood, the screams, the furrow in the floor where the spell had cut through someone's flesh and also scraped the stone below. He remembered putting too much power behind it once and cutting a man in two. When he opened his eyes they were red.
As Karandren drew nearer to the village he noticed strange markings in the fields. They looked like something very large and heavy had dug its claws into the ground. But they weren't close together. Instead they were scattered at a considerable distance from each other. They went in roughly a straight line from the village to the sea. Or perhaps from the sea to the village.
"Mother worries you aren't eating enough," Jahanvard said in a disgustingly cheerful voice. Diarnlan weighed up the pros and cons of turning her sister into a frog. "It's carrot cake. Don't worry. She didn't mix up the sugar and salt this time."
Yesterday -- was it really yesterday when she didn't know what day this was, or if time existed any more? -- Diarnlan would have scoffed at the mere idea of someone dying more than once. Now, sitting in her old kitchen, holding a cup that had been broken but was now intact again, the only thing she was sure of was that none of this made sense.
Tagging @bloodywriter, @kazenokaori, @kjscottwrites, @kb-white-writes-mg-fiction, @jaywrites101, and anyone else who wants to do this! :D New words: bullet, barrier, boat and breakfast.
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winterandwords · 3 years
Last line tag
@author-a-holmes tagged me for a last line. I've posted the last lines of both my WIPs recently (monstrous migraines have stopped me from doing Big Writing for a while and I'm only just getting back to it now FEEL MY IMPATIENCE) so here, have today's Twitter microfiction...
Furrow your brow and say the right thing. Confusion. Worry. You are taken by surprise. "No, I haven't seen him in weeks." It's not technically untrue. The last time you saw him was weeks ago. He hasn't seen anyone else since though. He hasn't breathed since.
Tagging @jaywrites101, @ryns-ramblings, @sleepy-night-child and @writingonesdreams
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