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fallenclan · 11 days ago
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god damn it
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jaystrip · 1 year ago
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the last bookstore
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frongle444 · 1 year ago
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squirrelcrow hypokits
i don't like this ship personally but it kind of just happened
inspired by the three (sort of?)
left to right: Inkspot (Hollyleaf), Blazesplash (Lionblaze), Applepelt, Jaystripe (Jayfeather)
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technope · 2 years ago
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in no particular order, all the arts i fought this year. characters belong to: ☆ blippity ☆ brightopticeyes ☆ cogo ☆ doofazoid ☆ jaystripes ☆ ocene ☆ quimiri ☆ tiktaaliker ☆ okoswiata ☆ sour_rainn ☆ tigergalxxypunk ☆ yaisobog ☆ it was a good time. i hope to do even more next year! :)
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sea-angel-blu · 2 years ago
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Here's an attack on Jaystripe's character Lava! They have a lot of interesting characters, I may have to attack them next year. >:3
Jaystripe's links! Art Fight Twitter Toyhouse Lava's Character Page
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jaedeite · 5 years ago
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Jaystripe is based off my friend’s tiger fursona.
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shieldcats · 6 years ago
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one day i’ll post something to this blog that isn’t captioned style experiment but that day is not today
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fallenclan · 4 days ago
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THANK GOD CRANECLAW IS BACK... we need the medicine cats. and also i love her
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flaxenfreckle · 4 years ago
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Violethaze, Deputy of Thunderclan -Born yo Jaystripe and Sootpounce with her sister Peachscar -Got muddy as a kit and Vowed to Never Be That Dirty Again -Was apprenticed to the previous deputy, Owlstone and was her last apprentice before her death -Got her warrior name before Peachscar, by way of assessment -Had Sparrowpaw as an apprentice  -As a warrior, calm and collected, with good integrity -Can be short-sighted at times - only wants best for Thunderclan -Chosen as deputy after Owlstone’s death as a senior warrior, during Copperstar’s last few months of living -Became Violetstar and got her leader mark of having a blue muzzle -Appointed Peachscar as her deputy -As leader of Thunderclan, worked with Acornstar to agree on a truce between Thunderclan and Skyclan 
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poeticancer · 7 years ago
When you get this you have to answer with 5 things you like about yourself, publicly. Then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers (Non-negotiable, positivity is cool)
1. I love my dry, somewhat sardonic sense of humor. 2. I love my passion for helping others and my desire to give. 3. I love my curiosity and my urge to explore and think outside the box. 4. I love my ability to twist words and phrases into poetic lines to describe the things that bring me joy. 5. I love my strength and the fact that my everyday struggles have molded me into an intellectually and emotionally robust person.
I’m tagging: ( @silence-speaksvolumes )( @faulty-mind )( @darkredroom )( @warningless )( @nymphiaaaa ) ( @gentlesuburbia )( @deathtown ) ( @mainedyke ) ( @peevyx ) ( @jaystrip )
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gay-panics · 2 years ago
(via jaystrip, antithetic)
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flaxenfreckle · 5 years ago
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Violethaze Thunderclan Deputy, She/Her Sister of Peachscar Daughter of Sootpounce and Jaystripe
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iforgottothinkofaname · 7 years ago
Jaystripe, tortoiseshell furred medicine cat apprentice of Riverclan.
Warrior Cat Life Meme
What’s your secret Warrior life?
Aries - Thunderclan Leo - ThunderClan Sagittarius - ThunderClan
Cancer - RiverClan Scorpio - RiverClan Pisces - RiverClan
Taurus - ShadowClan Virgo - ShadowClan Capricorn -  ShadowClan
Gemini - WindClan Libra - WindClan Aquarius - WindClan
January - White fur February - Dark brown tabby fur March - Mottled brown fur April - Tabby fur May - Tortoiseshell fur June - Gray fur July - Ginger fur August - Calico fur September - Cream fur October - Black fur November - Brown tabby fur December - Blue-gray fur
FIRST LETTER OF FIRST NAME The first portion of your Warrior name.
A - Amber B - Birch C - Crow D - Dawn E - Ember F - Feather G - Gorse H - Hail I - Ivy J - Jay K - Kestrel L - Leaf M - Morning N - Night O - Owl P - Pebble Q - Quick R - Rain S - Storm T - Thistle U - Umber V - Vine W - White X - Xylem Y - Yellow Z - Zap
FAVORITE COLOR The second part of your warrior name
RED - Stripe ORANGE - Wing YELLOW - Song GREEN - Whisker BLUE - Sky PURPLE - Heart WHITE - Pelt BLACK - Claw BROWN - Fur GRAY - Tail PINK - Shade
CLAN POSITION First letter of your last name
A, B, C - Medicine cat apprentice D, E, F - Medicine cat G, H, I - Warrior J, K, L - Clan leader (change name to -star) M, N, O - Warrior P, Q, R - Deputy S, T, U - Elder V, W, X - Warrior Y, Z - Warrior
Drake is Dawnwing, gray-blue tom, warrior of ShadowClan
Helmy is Hailpelt, dark brown tabby tom, warrior of RiverClan
Bailey is Birchstripe, gray tom, warrior of RiverClan
Glitch is Gorsewhisker, tabby tom, medicine cat of ThunderClan
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fallenclan · 29 days ago
👑 Your leader and deputy disappear into thin air, who takes over?
Hmm... maybe Mistlefrost? It would have to be an older, experienced cat that's well-liked and knows what they're doing. It helps that he's also friends with Wolfstar. If the clan wanted to go with someone a little younger, though (since Mistlefrost is elder aged) I could see them picking Hazelthorn.
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🌲Favorite location on the territory? The river split! It's a nice sandy area not too far from the Gathering area that gets a lot of sun. Probably nice and peaceful. If not there, then camp.
🍀Secret they’re hiding? Wolfstar is a pretty honest cat, I don't think she has many secrets. If anything, I think she just doesn't tell other cats just how much she enjoyed killing Ravenstar.
🎭 Does your clan have any specific traditions, rituals, or holidays? They give each other bugs as a way to ask another cat to be mates! It's a little old-fashioned, though, so not every couple will do it. Like bringing someone flowers on your first date. They also probably celebrate the first rain after Greenleaf, the first snow of Leafbare, that sort of thing, but nothing really big or organized, just eating a lot of food and relaxing type stuff.
⚰️ What are your clan’s death rituals? Pretty similar to the books. The body (if there is one) is dressed in nice-smelling herbs, all the loved ones are given as much time as they need to grieve, and the body will be taken away and buried. There's a cave a bit further up the mountain from the camp, which is where they bury their dead. Graves are marked with stones to avoid accidentally digging up another body when trying to bury someone.
😻Which cat would you steal to be your kittypet irl? Any and all of them. Somebody needs to TNR these animals immediately holy shit. (if i had to pick One i'd maybe pick Ripplefade. he looks so much like my irl cat it'd be funny)
❤️ Which character does the audience seem to love that you weren’t expecting? I feel like I'm always surprised by the random cats that everyone fixates on, but most recently maybe Sylvana? I understand it though. He's silly and I love him
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🪲What do they value the most? Silverbelly probably valued her family most, Stormsight his career as a medicine cat, and Sunwish... maybe her friendships. I'd say her dream to be a warrior, but I think she didn't have much, if any, hope for that.
👯 Wild circle of friends, or a few close ones? Who’s their best friend? I can't look at their relationships anymore (considering they are Dead) but from what I remember, Stormsight and Sunwish both had just a few close friends, and Silverbelly was very social. Silverbelly's best friend (besides Applebranch) was probably Maplestar. Sunwish's bestie was Goldenstar. For Stormsight I have unfortunately no idea, but I know he was close to his siblings.
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Family and fun, in that order.
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🍀 I mean. Jaystripe sees the ghost of her dead murderer father. Do you have to ask? She hasn't told a fucking Soul
🌙 Craneclaw's a pretty heavy sleeper. Her dreams are usually nonsensical, and she forgets most of them when she wakes up--nothing from Starclan yet
🪲 Fishstick probably values being a warrior over most things. It's been her dream since she was a tiny kit, and she's living it. She values her friendship with Sleepydawn as a close second, though.
✏️ Maybe Pebblefreeze? She's just so poofy
™️ Proabably Sleepydawn. He sucks and I like that in a character
🌠 After the Ravenstar incident, I have to imagine no lmao
���️ BLOSSOMFUR 100%. She loves to run her mouth and gossip and start rumors etc. Despite this, she's also an excellent secret-keeper if the situation calls for it, like when she found out about Pondshine.
💭 My favorites are always when people ship some random ass cats that I hadn't considered before together. I'd say it has a decent influence on me
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🌙 Heavy or light sleeper, what are their dreams like? Patchback is a pretty light sleeper, and doesn't dream much at all. She's gotta be ready to go at a moment's notice.
✨ What is their relationship with StarClan like? Not much of one, I guess? She believes in them and all (especially since witnessing Ravenstar's lives getting taken) but doesn't feel particularly connected.
🪲What do they value the most? Protecting the clan, whatever that may entail--Shrew is always very thorough on her border patrols, she does her best to catch as much prey as she can, and she'll always accept if someone asks her to babysit the kits. She wasn't born in Fallenclan, and is extremely grateful that they not only healed her wounds, but allowed her to stay and accepted her as one of their own.
🌷Quirks or other mannerisms? She's a people-pleaser. She'll almost always agree to something another cat proposes, and if she really really wants to say no, it's always very awkward and stuttering. She isn't great in social situations, especially not with cats she isn't close to.
🎨 Favorite Hobbies? Climbing, probably. Frozenfog acts like a very down-to-business no-nonsense cat, but her one 'frivolous' hobby is climbing trees and rocks just for the hell of it. She hopes to climb the split-stones some day.
🙀What do they fear the most? Sickness. It took her brother and she was there to witness every second of it.
🎯 What do their life goals look like? Deputy, Leader, Medcat, a family? Greenberry is a fairly ambitious cat, I think she'd like a bit of everything. She'd love to be deputy or leader some day, and she dreams of falling in love and raising a family. She'd probably prioritize the former over the latter, but she's a realist, too, and she recognizes it's not super likely. Doesn't stop her from trying to show off to Wolfstar and Flamefall though.
🐾 What do they think of nearby clans/groups? No strong thoughts. She was against the Fallenclan/Shallowclan war, and she's glad it's over, but she does hold a bit of resentment towards them considering how many Fallenclan cats died during it.
🍀Secret they’re hiding? Sometimes, Spottedshade considers leaving Shallowclan and going to be a Fallenclan cat instead, to be with Pondshine again. She's afraid it would break her mother's heart, though, so she stays, and makes do with seeing her brother at the gatherings.
🌧️ Favorite weather? She likes when it's cloudy and a little windy. Leaf-fall weather.
🌀Out of context spoilers/WIP?
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🦌 Won't eat, probably not, but can't eat, yes. Fallenclan has plenty of deer on their territory, and though they may kill fawns, adult deer are much too big to be hunted. Eagles are hunted sometimes, but they're a very dangerous prey, and usually avoided.
🌟 Strongest Starclan connection is probably Feathersight. Strongest Dark Forest connection is Jaystripe.
💔 I wouldn't say complicated necessarily, but Wolfstar and Kestrelfeather's queerplatonic relationship makes me go feral fr. It could be read as complicated to an outsider ig
💘 Honestly I always kind of wanted Tangletail and Honeysong to get together
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⚔️ Who is the best and worst fighter in the clan? Best? Either Hazelthorn or Buzzardcry. Worst? Feathersight. He's built like a green bean.
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🎯 What do their life goals look like? Deputy, Leader, Medcat, a family? I could definitely see Rookfeather wanting to be leader some day. Starting a family is 50/50, though.
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🐀 Favorite Prey? Salmon. Nice strong flavor to wash away the taste of all the herbs he works with.
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fallenclan · 29 days ago
🌷 for frecklefox
🌷Quirks or other mannerisms?
They're very expressive! When they talk, they use their ears, tail, and paws to gesture a lot. This was made a bit more difficult when they had part of their tail amputated, but they're glad to still have some of it left.
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🤝 If you could collab with any other clangen creator (or just want to shout out your favorites), who would it be?
I've collabed with Gooseclan and Cricketclan before, and I hope to do so more in the future! As for my favorite blogs, I know I've said before but I love Loudclan-Clangen, Splinterclan, Castaway-clan, and Sporeclan! of course those are only a few, i'd never be able to name all the clangen blogs i love
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Just a tiny thing--Iceflower's sisters, Gentledawn and Rookfeather, both got their full names immediately before Ravenstar was killed in front of the entire clan. It was understandably traumatizing for them, so when Finchbeak had her kittens, Iceflower was one of the cats who immediately disliked them just because of who their father was. Craneclaw decided to be a medicine cat, and he was immediately upset. He was expected to help teach her, but more often was snippy and rude towards her. It was a slow thing, but he started to come around after seeing what a genuinely kind cat she was, and eventually apologized for his behavior. Now they're good friends :)
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🎯 For now, Jaystripe and Pigeontooth are plenty happy to just be warriors! I don't know if Jaystripe sees herself with a family at any point, but I do think that Pigeontooth wants that, eventually. He cares a lot about his family.
⏳ I try to draw something every day, even if it's just a little bit :) I don't always keep this goal, and sometimes the only thing I end up drawing is half a sketch, but I find it's important to keep the momentum going, even if it slows. It helps that I really love to draw, so some days I'll get 3 or 4 pages out in one sitting lol
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✍️ I started Fallenclan as any other clangen blog, and a few moons in I decided I wanted to draw them. About halfway through the drawing I started thinking about those Clangen blogs I'd seen going around, which I hadn't really looked into much, but thought were cool. Then I made a blog real quick and posted the drawing. It was all on a whim and I don't know how I got here
📝I feel like my notes are pretty basic. I write what moon I'm recording, and then the points of interest that I want to draw
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🎲 Moderately close. I am a frequent meddler though, so some events are fabricated by me--though I'll usually code them into the game as well.
❔My biggest suggestion would honestly just be to do what's fun for you. If you want your blog to keep going for a while, and you don't want it to become a chore, that's what you have to do--draw/write the way you want to draw/write, record the events you want to show and don't record the ones you don't, skip stuff if you feel like it, take breaks when you're tired. It should be first and foremost about you, not the readers
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fallenclan · 1 month ago
Okay so I had the day off today because of snow in my town so I decided to re-read the entire comic and make a (somewhat) arbitrary list of the different Fallenclan "Generations" (+ my favs in bold (.5 means they joined the Clan with their final name vs. having any sort of naming ceremony and/or being born into the Clan))
1st Gen: Scorchstar, Nettlestem, Oaktuft, Morningbloom, Goldenstar, Sunwish
1.5: Ivyleaf, Toro, Nick
2nd Gen: Maplestar, Honeygleam, Applebranch, Dawnshine, Silverbelly, Otterslip
2.5: Curly, Holly, Moxie
3rd Gen: Wormshade, Goosewing, Mudsplash, Moonstep, Flyspots, Stormsight, Robinblaze, Hailcrash
3.5: Celia, Lichenstripe, Neo, Jaggedstripe
4th Gen: Pinefrost, Molesong, Crowflame, Bluefern, Rabbitpounce, Blizzardfang, Newtscar
4.5: Henryclaw, Sillymoon, Evie
5th Gen: Icekit, Smokekit, Sandykit, Ravenkit, Daisypetal, Sorrelstem, Hawkwish, Spiderclaw, Beefreckle, Mothspots, Eaglestripe, Rowanleaf, Willowsplash, Mistyfish, Sleepycloud
6th Gen: Yewberry, Ivybounce, Grassroot, Poppyfeather, Brambletuft
6.5: Troutspeckle, Lightningtail, Teddyfluff, Ponyboy, Skyfrost
7th Gen: Cherrystar, Ripplefade, Pebblefreeze, Hopethistle, Fernslug, Yellowjay, Sweetclover, Shrewkit
7.5: Fruitbeam, Bub, Lee
8th Gen: Moosefall, Owlscreech, Waspflight, Mossfrog, Antbite, Salmonskip, Lionsong, Boulderstep, Thistleskip
8.5: Jaycall, Pocket, Gyoza, Queenie
9th Gen: Ospreyswipe, Russetflare, Cinderstone, Ramstep, Juniperfoot, Sandsnap, Myrtleclaw, Feathersight, Quailcall, Mistlefrost, Nightgleam
9.5: Rustbee, Bristleheart, Moo
10th Gen: Foxdust, Shiverspots, Brackenwing, Shrewscratch, Petalslip, Sunnytuft, Spiderfoot, Snailpetal, Frogpounce
10.5: Cedarberry, Sagespeckle, Broccoli, Eris
11th Gen: Ravenstar, Littleleaf, Cloudtuft, Finchbeak, Blossomfur, Moorthistle, Ficklefern, Jumbletooth, Hazelthorn, Frecklefox, Sleepydawn, Pepperswipe, Flamefall
11.5: Patchback, Ember
12th Gen: Wolfstar, Kestrelfeather, Sootstep, Coalblaze, Ashblink, Bearspring, Marshjump, Honeysong
12.5: Toadbelly, Levi, Human
13th Gen: Tangletail, Buzzardcry, Cliffberry, Inkynose, Paledawn
13.5: Gizmo, Vox
14th Gen: Frozenfog, Canarywish, Tinybird, Tempestflare, Darkstone, Shrikethorn
15th Gen: Bluestorm, Ryewhistle, Tallfoot, Timbersnap, Hareswipe, Snowbelly, Gentledawn, Rookfeather
15.5: Cottonleaf, Safari, Honeysuckle, Shrew, Mason, Wiggity Wacks, Pondshine
16th Gen: Thornwish, Pearbranch, Greenberry, Iceflower, Graycloud, Minnowfin, Webwhisper, Flowershade, Pigeontooth, Fawnlight, Jaystripe
16.5: Sylvana, Fishstick
oh fuck yeah i love lists,,,
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