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fallenclan · 1 day ago
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THANK GOD CRANECLAW IS BACK... we need the medicine cats. and also i love her
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smokewhispers-journey · 6 years ago
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Ollddd boy
Pigeontooth, along with his brother, Hollyfoot, are the oldest cats in the 3 clans. They were alive during the near destruction of the 3 clans. Pigeontooth is very kind, and despite his ragged appearance, he is happy to chat with any cat. He is nearly blind and deaf due to his age, but still manages to keep active.
Name: Pigeonkit - Pigeonpaw - Pigeontooth
Clan: ForestClan
Rank: Elder
Gender: Male
Age: 16 years
Mother: Honeypelt (deceased)
Father: Yarrowstar (deceased)
Brothers: Hollyfoot (deceased)
Mate: Larkthroat, Poppythorn (deceased)
Son: Eagleleap, Ospreyspiral
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warriorsbutnotreally · 3 years ago
what kind of prefixes or suffixes can you think of for "pigeon"
I can't think of any prefixes that roll well with -pigeon off the top of my head
but for suffixes
aside from the obvious -fur, -pelt, -heart, and -tail [which are the 4 most common suffixes iirc] or the bird-centric -wing, -feather, -flight
these are just the ones I think ring nicely together that aren't super commonly used
even if you don't choose one, I hope the general idea helps!
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fallenclan · 8 days ago
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god damn it
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fallenclan · 2 months ago
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HazelSylvana speedrun
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fallenclan · 2 months ago
Having thoughts about Pigeontooth. Your mother never talks about your father, but sometimes she watches your sister like she’s seeing someone else. When both your sisters are in the water, it’s like your mother is in a different place. You don’t know what that means yet. Your sisters both have strange connections to things you don’t pretend to understand. You cannot see what they do, but you love them anyways. You love them *because* they see things you can’t.
As you grow, you watch a broken clan try to find itself again. Cats don’t talk much about the old leader. You know he did horrible things, drowned himself in blood, and you can’t imagine choosing that. Instead, you choose to be kind. The world is beautiful. Your clan is beautiful. Cats who aren’t your clanmates are beautiful. There’s so much to love in the world, and you do. You love your clan enough to choose kindness over violence, understanding over arguments. You are still a warrior, but you never forget that you’re a cat first and a soldier second.
You’ve always been good at learning. You soak things up like a sponge, and you graduate young. A few cats whisper, and your mother watches you with the same strange expression she watches your sisters. It’s the first time her heavy gaze is turned on you. You don’t know how you feel about it. It doesn’t matter, in the end. She’s your family. You love her. You love her enough to always be kind, no matter what happens. You will always be kind.
- 🦦 (it sure has been a while!)
GODDD THIS GOT ME.... pigeontooth my sweet boy.....
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fallenclan · 2 months ago
pigeontooth!!!! I love himb. love this animale. the pigeontooth. love how he graduated at ten moons old just like his dad but he has the compassionate trait, the complete opposite of his dad's bloodthirsty trait... also his name is so cool!!! love the -tooth suffix :333
can we see his relationship stats if possible?
pigeontooth!!! some minor spoilers in his relationships, but nothing i couldn't censor <3
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fallenclan · 26 days ago
🌷 for frecklefox
🌷Quirks or other mannerisms?
They're very expressive! When they talk, they use their ears, tail, and paws to gesture a lot. This was made a bit more difficult when they had part of their tail amputated, but they're glad to still have some of it left.
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🤝 If you could collab with any other clangen creator (or just want to shout out your favorites), who would it be?
I've collabed with Gooseclan and Cricketclan before, and I hope to do so more in the future! As for my favorite blogs, I know I've said before but I love Loudclan-Clangen, Splinterclan, Castaway-clan, and Sporeclan! of course those are only a few, i'd never be able to name all the clangen blogs i love
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Just a tiny thing--Iceflower's sisters, Gentledawn and Rookfeather, both got their full names immediately before Ravenstar was killed in front of the entire clan. It was understandably traumatizing for them, so when Finchbeak had her kittens, Iceflower was one of the cats who immediately disliked them just because of who their father was. Craneclaw decided to be a medicine cat, and he was immediately upset. He was expected to help teach her, but more often was snippy and rude towards her. It was a slow thing, but he started to come around after seeing what a genuinely kind cat she was, and eventually apologized for his behavior. Now they're good friends :)
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🎯 For now, Jaystripe and Pigeontooth are plenty happy to just be warriors! I don't know if Jaystripe sees herself with a family at any point, but I do think that Pigeontooth wants that, eventually. He cares a lot about his family.
⏳ I try to draw something every day, even if it's just a little bit :) I don't always keep this goal, and sometimes the only thing I end up drawing is half a sketch, but I find it's important to keep the momentum going, even if it slows. It helps that I really love to draw, so some days I'll get 3 or 4 pages out in one sitting lol
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✍️ I started Fallenclan as any other clangen blog, and a few moons in I decided I wanted to draw them. About halfway through the drawing I started thinking about those Clangen blogs I'd seen going around, which I hadn't really looked into much, but thought were cool. Then I made a blog real quick and posted the drawing. It was all on a whim and I don't know how I got here
📝I feel like my notes are pretty basic. I write what moon I'm recording, and then the points of interest that I want to draw
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🎲 Moderately close. I am a frequent meddler though, so some events are fabricated by me--though I'll usually code them into the game as well.
❔My biggest suggestion would honestly just be to do what's fun for you. If you want your blog to keep going for a while, and you don't want it to become a chore, that's what you have to do--draw/write the way you want to draw/write, record the events you want to show and don't record the ones you don't, skip stuff if you feel like it, take breaks when you're tired. It should be first and foremost about you, not the readers
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fallenclan · 1 month ago
Okay so I had the day off today because of snow in my town so I decided to re-read the entire comic and make a (somewhat) arbitrary list of the different Fallenclan "Generations" (+ my favs in bold (.5 means they joined the Clan with their final name vs. having any sort of naming ceremony and/or being born into the Clan))
1st Gen: Scorchstar, Nettlestem, Oaktuft, Morningbloom, Goldenstar, Sunwish
1.5: Ivyleaf, Toro, Nick
2nd Gen: Maplestar, Honeygleam, Applebranch, Dawnshine, Silverbelly, Otterslip
2.5: Curly, Holly, Moxie
3rd Gen: Wormshade, Goosewing, Mudsplash, Moonstep, Flyspots, Stormsight, Robinblaze, Hailcrash
3.5: Celia, Lichenstripe, Neo, Jaggedstripe
4th Gen: Pinefrost, Molesong, Crowflame, Bluefern, Rabbitpounce, Blizzardfang, Newtscar
4.5: Henryclaw, Sillymoon, Evie
5th Gen: Icekit, Smokekit, Sandykit, Ravenkit, Daisypetal, Sorrelstem, Hawkwish, Spiderclaw, Beefreckle, Mothspots, Eaglestripe, Rowanleaf, Willowsplash, Mistyfish, Sleepycloud
6th Gen: Yewberry, Ivybounce, Grassroot, Poppyfeather, Brambletuft
6.5: Troutspeckle, Lightningtail, Teddyfluff, Ponyboy, Skyfrost
7th Gen: Cherrystar, Ripplefade, Pebblefreeze, Hopethistle, Fernslug, Yellowjay, Sweetclover, Shrewkit
7.5: Fruitbeam, Bub, Lee
8th Gen: Moosefall, Owlscreech, Waspflight, Mossfrog, Antbite, Salmonskip, Lionsong, Boulderstep, Thistleskip
8.5: Jaycall, Pocket, Gyoza, Queenie
9th Gen: Ospreyswipe, Russetflare, Cinderstone, Ramstep, Juniperfoot, Sandsnap, Myrtleclaw, Feathersight, Quailcall, Mistlefrost, Nightgleam
9.5: Rustbee, Bristleheart, Moo
10th Gen: Foxdust, Shiverspots, Brackenwing, Shrewscratch, Petalslip, Sunnytuft, Spiderfoot, Snailpetal, Frogpounce
10.5: Cedarberry, Sagespeckle, Broccoli, Eris
11th Gen: Ravenstar, Littleleaf, Cloudtuft, Finchbeak, Blossomfur, Moorthistle, Ficklefern, Jumbletooth, Hazelthorn, Frecklefox, Sleepydawn, Pepperswipe, Flamefall
11.5: Patchback, Ember
12th Gen: Wolfstar, Kestrelfeather, Sootstep, Coalblaze, Ashblink, Bearspring, Marshjump, Honeysong
12.5: Toadbelly, Levi, Human
13th Gen: Tangletail, Buzzardcry, Cliffberry, Inkynose, Paledawn
13.5: Gizmo, Vox
14th Gen: Frozenfog, Canarywish, Tinybird, Tempestflare, Darkstone, Shrikethorn
15th Gen: Bluestorm, Ryewhistle, Tallfoot, Timbersnap, Hareswipe, Snowbelly, Gentledawn, Rookfeather
15.5: Cottonleaf, Safari, Honeysuckle, Shrew, Mason, Wiggity Wacks, Pondshine
16th Gen: Thornwish, Pearbranch, Greenberry, Iceflower, Graycloud, Minnowfin, Webwhisper, Flowershade, Pigeontooth, Fawnlight, Jaystripe
16.5: Sylvana, Fishstick
oh fuck yeah i love lists,,,
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smokewhispers-journey · 6 years ago
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cool grandma
Larkthroat is a spunky, sassy old cat. She loves playing with kits, and is a wise voice of reason. She always lets the younger cats break the rules a little, just so they can have more fun. She was in a loving poly relationship with Pigeontooth and Poppythorn, but after the latter passed away at a young age, she was heartbroken. Originally, she was named after her mother by force, but she despised this and changed her name. She always wishes she and her mates had more time together.
Name: Larkkit - Larkpaw - Larknight - Larkthroat
Clan: ForestClan
Rank: Elder
Gender: Female
Age: 13 years
Mother: Nightstar (deceased)
Brothers: Featherfoot, Longpelt (deceased)
Mate: Pigeontooth, Poppythorn (deceased)
Son: Eagleleap, Ospreyspiral
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smokewhispers-journey · 6 years ago
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big man big man
Ospreyspiral is a fierce warrior. He is much larger than most cats, and is known throughout the clans as a fearsome fighter. He has a very stoic personality, and is very honorable. He believes in fighting for justice, and is very lawful good. His intensity scares off many cats, and nobody knows who had his kit, Cloudyeye. There is rumors of an inter-clan romance, but he neither confirms nor denies this.
Name: Ospreykit- Ospreypaw - Ospreyspiral
Clan: ForestClan
Rank: Warrior
Gender: Male
Age: 8 years
Mother- Poppythorn (deceased)
Father- Pigeontooth
Mother- Larkthroat
Brother- Eagleleap
Mate- ?
Children- Cloudyeye
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