#javier starks
januaryembrs · 2 months
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hello! very unexpectedly, it seems I’m about to hit another milestone so soon after doing the last one. I can’t tell you how grateful I am for all of your support so instead let’s get into the good stuff and kick it off with another shebang!
MAY I TAKE YOUR ORDER? send one of the corresponding phrases below + a character for your request! (character list )
coffee! : an excerpt from a WIP of any of the characters I write for
tea! : a Drabble about an existing fic I have produced; eg Bugsy and Spencer going to the beach, Dove and Steven going book shopping etc.
hot chocolate! : a drabble about any of the characters I have on my list
espresso! : ask me anything about me as an author, I will answer within reason! let’s have a catch up
there are three other requests in my inbox that I’m ready to write for (as proof that I had no idea I was going to grow followers this quickly, I haven’t forgotten about you guys!), but other than that feel free to start sending your orders, I will start writing them next week as I’m still on holiday at the moment. Thankyou so much to everyone who has ever interacted with my work <3!
requesting closes 31.05.24
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mybworlds · 5 months
My Main Masterlist
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The princess in the North and the Hound
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The Last of Us: Stay with me
Sex with a stranger, part 1 - part 2
The Ones We Love
Needs and wants
Everything's gonna be okay - one shot
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Our dirty little secret
Forever - one shot
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The Blossom of Arkanon
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The Mermaid of the Narrow Sea
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His pupil
Your wish is my command
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You are an obsesión, one-shot
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First time
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The Outlaws (TBA)
Safe and warm (TBA)
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The Gladiator
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avengerscompound · 8 months
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Carol Danvers & Tony Stark
Captain Marvel (2019) #50
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lmao-liz · 10 months
if anyone on here wants/needs banners for fics (or master lists), moodboards, fic inspired collages, etc. i’d be happy to make them. i love making them for myself but kinda run out of inspiration. feel free to message me or send me an ask, you can send me the fic link of your own or if there’s a series/fic you really want to be able to visualize. pretty open ended. send the fic (obvi), the general idea, vibes you’re looking for, with or without text and the format you want it in (banner, moodboard, collage, etc.) I love doing them for series since it gives me more to work with but I also love one shots.
it would be completely free and I don’t put a watermark on my stuff <3
if anyone’s interested let me know!!
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yourftmfriend · 1 year
hes so beautiful
i need to wrap him up in a blanket like a burrito and turn on his favorite movies n get his favorite snacks and cuddle him while we watch it and stroke his hair
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Requests are OPEN🎉
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Dear All,
Requests are now OPEN! Please feel free to send in your requests. I have listed the characters that I write for below the ‘keep reading’ line. A few things to remember:
I do NOT write ships like Buddie etc. I only write Reader-Inserts.
I only write for characters mentioned in the list as well as any that have been added under the Additional Characters sections on my Masterlist.
I have not yet written SMUT fics, but I am not opposed to doing so.
I do not currently have an uploading schedule, but I will try to get any requests done ASAP.
That’s all there is to say, so feel free to request!
Emily xoxo
Complete Character Masterlist
Eddie Diaz
Evan Buckley
Carlos Reyes
Judd Ryder
TK Strand
Bucky Barnes
Loki Laufeyson
Peter Parker
Steve Rogers
Thor Odinson
Tony Stark
Vinnie O'Neil
Javier Esposito
Kevin Ryan
Richard Castle
Kelly Severide
Matt Casey
Antonio Dawson
Jay Halstead
Edmund Pevensie
Peter Pevensie
Prince Caspian
Aaron Hotchner
Derek Morgan
Spencer Reid
Joey Tribbiani
Draco Malfoy
Fred Weasley
George Weasley
Harry Potter
Ron Weasley
James Potter
Remus Lupin
Sirius Black
Troy Bolton
Martin Riggs
JJ Maybank
John B. Routledge
Rafe Cameron
Topper Thornton
Archie Andrews
FP Jones
Jughead Jones
Reggie Mantle
Sweet Pea
Frankie Rizzoli
Carl Gallagher
Kevin Ball
Lip Gallagher
Mycroft Holmes
Sherlock Holmes
Chibs Telford
Happy Lowman
Jax Teller
Juice Ortiz
Opie Winston
Tig Trager
Dean Winchester
Sam Winchester
Derek Hale
Stiles Stilinski
Elijah Mikaelson
Klaus Mikaelson
Kol Mikaelson
Damon Salvatore
Jeremy Gilbert
Matt Donovan
Stefan Salvatore
Tyler Lockwood
Carlisle Cullen
Edward Cullen
Emmett Cullen
Jacob Black
Jasper Hale
Paul Lahote
Seth Clearwater
Colby Brock
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ironmandeficiency · 1 year
requests are open! ask away
requests have been opened again! i’m gonna do things a little different this time around just to see how it goes. below are lists of soulmate au’s, dialogue prompts, & physical affection prompts. you can send me a max of TWO of them for a request (ie “soulmate goose + giggly cuddles with character” or however you want). it’s open for any character i’ve written for thus far, so go ham y’all 🥰✨✌🏻
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soulmate au’s!
soulmate goose of enforcement — a goose will herd you around until finding your soulmate. your soulmate also has a goose doing the same thing. there is no telling whether your goose will be tame or a menace
you and your soulmate have the same hair color — if one dyes their hair, their soulmate’s hair color will change with it
when you or your soulmate lose something, it reappears with the other one (can’t lose things on purpose)
you can choose to take away your soulmate’s pain when they’re injured — if they get a paper cut or smth considerably worse, you can choose whether to take that pain for yourself or not
everyone has a sun and moon tattoo that glow, depending on whether it’s day or night where your soulmate is
when your soulmate is sick, so are you (and vice versa)
soulmates share talents — if either of you are good at something, the other one doesn’t even have to learn it to be good at it
soulmates can’t share talents — oh, your soulmate can draw really well? congrats, you’re now the worst person ever to have on a pictionary team
soulmates are forced to literally finish each other’s sentences when around each other
the voice in your head (your subconscious) is your soulmate’s — can simply be their voice OR their personality too
one runs cold while the other runs hot, and find the in-between when they’re touching
soulmates can fluently speak each other’s native languages without trying to learn it
you can only see shades of your soulmate’s favorite color until you meet (favorite colors are subject to change)
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dialogue prompts!
“do you want me to kill that guy for you? because he seems like a real dick and i would totally kill that guy for you.”
“so apparently i had a problem”
“that could gone a lot worse” “it could have gone better too, dumbass”
“well fuck me running”
“your table manners leave much to be desired” “…there are no tables in the middle of the woods?”
“give me back my ___ or so help me i will throw every single one of those scones into the fire!” “you wouldn’t dare!” “try me”
“should i be scared of how many songs you like that involve women murdering their spouses?” “do you have a reason to be?”
🎶do doo do do🎶 “FUCK!”
*after something huge happens* “well, at least no one got hurt” *person saying this immediately gets hurt, probably in a stupid way*
“bless your heart”
“any crystal is a protection crystal if you throw it hard enough”
“i picked a whole bouquet of whoopsie daisies”
“do not speak of this to anyone” *promptly tells absolutely everyone who will listen*
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physical affection prompts!
forehead kisses
tickle fights
tight hugs with gentle swaying
excited running start hugs that involve spinning someone around in circles
a protective hand to the chest to keep someone out of danger
an affectionate but annoyed slap to the back of the head
play wrestling
resting their chin on someone’s head or shoulder
gentle (or not so gentle) headbutt
running their fingers through someone’s hair
lacing fingers together after a high five as a joke but it’s been twenty minutes and they won’t let go of each other
curling up together to share a blanket
protecting each other during a food fight
tagging a few friends to spread the word! @evergreennwilloww @fromthedeskoftheraven @absurdthirst @ohnopoe @micheleamidalajedi @getdookuedon @a-dorin @engineeredfiction @max--phillips @oonajaeadira @pettyprocrastination @keldabe-kriff @clonewarslover55 @flightlessangelwings @fizzyxcustard @lordoftherazzles
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dee-writes-smut · 2 years
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Below the cut are the linked characters, those who do not have links have yet to be written.
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A Court Of Thorns And Roses
Fourth Wing
Grey's Anatomy
Stranger Things
The Last Of Us
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Eddie Munson
Eris Vanserra
Javier Pena
Joel Miller
Lucien Vanserra
Steve Harrington
Xaden Riorson
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Eris Vanserra
Lucien Vanserra - nothing yet
Rhysand - nothing yet
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Liam Mairi
Xaden Riorson - nothing yet
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Mark Sloan
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Javier Pena - nothing yet
Joel Miller
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Eddie Munson
Steve Harrington
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cregan-starks · 2 years
Narcos & Narcos: Mexico
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House of the Dragon
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agentxthirteen · 2 years
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Sharon-A-Day, Day 327 (11/26/22)
History of the Marvel Universe. On sale 11/13/19.
Writers: Mike O'Sullivan, Mark Waid   
Penciller/Inker: Javier Rodriguez
Sharon rescuing Steve from the Red Skull's machinations appears in a history of the Marvel Universe.
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yesterdaylovedme · 2 months
F4M Discord RPs
Looking for the following:
Joel Miller x My OC or aged up Ellie
Javier Peña x My OC
Jack Daniels x My OC or Roxy
Din Djarin x My OC
Oberyn x My OC or Sansa
Gale or Astarion x My OC or Alfria
Please be able and eager to write at least 4 to 5 paragraphs. I use Nitrio and usually exceed that limit. A post every day or every other day is ideal but I'm happy to wait should delays arise and are communicated. Romance will be slow burn!
My discord: genkaichan
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januaryembrs · 3 months
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just a reminder that requests are still open for my follower celebration! I’ll be closing them again 12th April but until then feel free to send any and all requests in my inbox. Requests can be:
A 1k ish word fic with prompt OR
A song based request with a song and character in mind
characters must be any that are in my masterlists or have been tagged down below, and smut is welcome (however I will warn I am rusty and inexperienced writing it!)
thankyou so much for all the love and support you’ve shown me over the years! It means so much to me since I’m really just a silly girl making coffees all day and coming home to write her silly little fantasies down. you make it all worth it <3
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sash-au · 10 months
[In the future] Amora: You know, Javier gives Teagan flowers all the time... It would be kind of nice if you did that too... Anastasia: Okay [Later] Anastasia, handing Teagan flowers: These are for you Teagan: U-um? Thank you? But why? Anastasia: I have no idea. I am just as confused as you are
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avengerscompound · 7 months
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Tony Stark
Uncanny Avengers (2023) #1
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jennavieve9 · 2 years
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atticrissfinch · 10 months
You're a Mansion with a View (joel miller x fem!reader) (18+) | oneshot
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pairing: daddydom!joel miller x fem!reader summary: After a rough day, Joel gives you exactly what you need. warnings/tags:  [18+ MINORS DNI] established relationship, light ddlg dynamic, dom/sub, daddy!kink, softdom!joel (who even am I), oral (m & f receiving), unprotected piv, referring to reader’s pussy as her “kitten” ig if that squicks you, this is like really soft and fluffy d/s idk what happened word count: ~2.2K | ao3 a/n: coming out of a little writing rut and wanted to try and get something out! Shout out to @javier-penas-wifexx420 for a request they sent to my inbox featuring a completely submissive reader in a ddlg dynamic (i'm hoarding the real ask in case i want to write something a little more ~spicy for it since this is so light 😌). But I hope y'all enjoy a little softer dom!joel 😊 Masterlist | Kofi
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You’re already on your knees in the foyer, stark naked, by the time Joel’s key is rattling in the door. 
You don’t always do this. You like to surprise him every now and then, and he likes the surprise. 
When he successfully unlocks the door and opens it to see you, supplicant and willing on the floor for him, and you see the anxiety and stress melt off his face into an expression of warmth and affection—that’s what you do this for. That alone makes it worth it. 
And he doesn’t disappoint; he never does. He stares at you with that awe and wonder, like it’s the first time. He kicks off his boots and presses the door shut. 
And then he’s in front of you, tilting your chin up with reverent tenderness. “Hi, babygirl.”
A smile breaks across your face and your eyes flutter closed as he strokes your cheek. “Hi, daddy.”
“You’re such a good girl for me, aren’t you, baby?”
“I try, daddy.”
“Well, you succeed.” 
Your heart surges at the praise, and you feel a prickling start in your eyes. 
His thumb fusses with your bottom lip, smoothing across it and pulling it down just to let it pop back. “Why this today, baby? You need me?”
You ease your eyes open and nod up at him and his creased brow. “Yes, please.”
You can go over the details later. About how shitty your day was, how out of control your own life is feeling around you. You just want to focus on this. What you can control. Or, more suitably, what Joel can take off your plate for you. The way you trust him implicitly, give yourself over to him so he can care for you in a way no one else ever has, ever could. 
He nods his head back in understanding, the backs of his fingers tracing up the side of your face until he’s petting down your hair with a steady hand. “It’s okay, babygirl. Daddy’s here for you. I’m gonna make it all better, alright?”
You rapidly blink out the tears forming in your eyes as you nod again, leaning into his touch. “Thank you, daddy.”
“Let’s go to the bedroom,” He guides, helping you to your feet and pulling you in close to him with a solid, sturdy hug. “It’ll be okay,” He reassures again into your hair. 
“I know.”
Once you’re in the bedroom, he prompts you to your knees again, this time on the much more forgiving carpet with a pillow underneath them. 
“Are you gonna make daddy feel good?” He asks, sliding his belt from his jeans and unfastening them. 
“Yes, daddy,” You reply, second nature this far into your relationship. Almost everything is yes daddy or no daddy when you’re like this. No pressure from him to articulate cohesive, flowery responses. Just affirmatives and negatives. Easy. 
He allows you to turn off your brain and just be. Just do as he says with one unified goal: make him feel good. 
You couldn’t care less about yourself, your own pleasure—although Joel does. He never leaves you out to dry. But you never ask for it. He just knows, he’s always known. Like his sixth sense is knowing what you require that you never verbalize, or maybe that you don’t even know yourself. 
He’s hard and thick as he strokes himself tantalizingly in front of you. “Come get your treat,” He encourages, his voice already going deep and raspy with his own arousal, “Get your reward for being daddy’s good girl.”
He never has to tell you twice. He says it, you do it. You know some submissives like to argue, like the back and forth of the power struggle. That’s never been you. You derive the most pleasure from the thought of his unwavering hand above you, driving you to do exactly as he desires. You think you won the jackpot with Joel, with a man who never takes advantage of your submission and always shows appreciation and humility at your choice to submit to him. 
He does get rough, and he does like to use you, but never in a manner that is unwelcome. You’re two sides of the same coin. He’s the head. The brains for both of you. And you? Well, you’re the tail. And you both like it that way. 
You take him in your mouth with an eagerness that has him laughing breathlessly above you. “Oh, you needed this, huh, princess? That’s all you need, isn’t it? Just daddy’s cock.”
You moan around him as you sink further down on him, working the base with your hand. You love how he fills you, love the gentle, yet unyielding hand at the back of your head as you move on him. He coaxes you deeper until he’s tickling the back of your throat, far enough that you have to remove your hand for him to feed you more of him. 
“That’s it, pretty girl,” He moans as your throat relaxes around him in well-practiced precision. “Always take me so fuckin’ good. Little throat was made for daddy’s cock, wasn’t it?”
You choke briefly on it as your lungs claw for air, but you force them into their own kind of submission in your efforts to please Joel. You can feel your throat pulsing around him in desperation until you at last detach yourself, your saliva clinging in slippery strings to his shaft and your breath rushing back in harried and refreshing. 
“Good fucking girl, baby. Now back in. You know.”
And you do. You’re already halfway down his cock again when he says it. His hand tugs at the hair shy of your scalp as he feels your throat wrapping around him again, gripping him like you never want him to leave. Never want to allow you to come back up for air. 
His hips buck into you, smashing your nose into his hip bone as he claims you like he has hundreds of times before. You know precisely when he’s getting close, because his thighs beneath your hands begin to shake. 
He yanks you off to save himself from shooting down your throat, his fingers forming a vice at the base of his cock and behind his balls to stem his release. “Fuck, babygirl. Throat is so goddamn tight. So fuckin’ wet. Every fuckin’ time. Never get used to it.”
You beam with pride, shining and messy with your own spit and tears, pressing a wet, sloppy kiss to his hip as you gaze up at him like he hung the moon just for you. 
You’re scrambling onto the bed as soon as he directs you, your pussy drenched and begging for him between your legs. His broad shoulders spread your thighs, hooking them over his shoulders as his face greets your glistening heat. 
“All this for me, babygirl?” He teases, running a knuckle over your throbbing clit and through your slick folds. And as much as you want to watch him work, the flood of pleasure you derive from that single motion has your head flopping back against the pillows. 
“Yes, daddy,” You whimper as you feel his tongue slipping between your lips, “All for you. Always.”
“That’s my girl,” He mumbles before closing his lips around your clit and preemptively strapping an arm across your waist, already anticipating the way your hips always strain to get closer. 
“Fuck,” You whine breathily, your hips twitching into his mouth as his tongue flicks at your bundle of nerves, already spiraling you close to the edge. And as he reads your body, he tapers off, diving his tongue back down into your folds in broad strokes. You shiver as your climax evades you, but you don’t complain. Joel knows what he’s doing; he always does. 
The tip of his tongue penetrates your hole, and a heavy sigh breaks free from your chest. He fucks you leisurely, and even through your tightly shut eyes you can feel his own burning holes through you as he winds you up. 
His thumb rubs tight circles over your clit as he fucks you open around his tongue, and you’re teetering on the edge again. You feel your core tightening, and he’s not letting up. Even though you know what his answer will be, you know to ask anyway. 
“Fuck, daddy, can I…can I please…please come?”
His breath is hot on your cunt as he green lights with a “Yes, babygirl,” and plunges his tongue back inside you, his thumb on your clit shoving you headfirst into your orgasm. You feel your pussy pulse around his tongue as you throb under the ministrations of his hand, your fingers diving into his hair for purchase on something to ground you. 
Your hips thrust into him in aftershocks, hindered by the arm still thrown around your waist. “Daddy, please,” You whine as the sensitivity takes hold and Joel’s mouth sucks kisses up and down your cunt. You can feel his smile in his actions, finally relenting when he deems you’ve had enough. 
“Just such a tasty little kitten you’ve got, babygirl. You know I can’t help myself,” He says, his chin perched on your hip with a smug grin. “You need daddy to fuck this little kitten too?”
“Yes, please, daddy,” You whimper, tugging lightly on his hair. 
Joel only leaves the bed long enough to strip himself down before rejoining you, guiding you onto your side and molding himself into you from behind. His hand parts your thigh upwards and he positions it into the crook of his arm, spreading you open for him. 
His mouth sucks kisses into your neck as his hips grind against your ass, the slick head of his cock gliding between your bodies. His nose outlines your jaw up to the shell of your ear. “Put daddy inside it, babygirl.”
A pitiful whine escapes at his words. Your hand slithers between your legs, reaching back to grip his cock behind you. You free him from between you and notch him at your opening. Joel grunts in your ear as the tip breaches your hole, rocking his hips forward teasingly. 
You sigh at the stretch—and it’s always a stretch, as big as he is—and give yourself over to him. 
As if you were ever your own since you’d met him. 
“That’s so good, baby. So tight around daddy.” He pushes himself all the way in with one continuous thrust, burying himself into you with a devastating intensity. The gasp that leaves you has Joel exhaling a light, groaning laugh. “Does daddy feel good, babygirl? Does he fill up your kitten nice and full?”
“Yes, daddy,” You moan, your hips already seeking him out, trying to suck him in deeper. “Need you, please.”
“I know, baby. Daddy needs you, too,” He moans as he begins to fuck into you with hunger and heft. “Need to be so. Fucking. Deep inside you, babygirl,” He grunts, punctuating his words with his hips. 
Your head tips back to rest on his shoulder in a silent cry as he spreads you open wider, snapping his hips into you as he pants into your ear. 
“Kitten takes me so fuckin’ good. Gives daddy exactly what he wants, huh? Opens right up for me.”
“Yes, daddy,” You keen, your hand flying to grip his hair and pull his face into your neck. 
“Oh, fuck, daddy’s gonna come right inside your kitten, babygirl. Gonna flood that little pussy with my load, fill you so full.”
“Fuck, yes, daddy,” You whine, desperately grinding your hips back onto him, meeting his thrusts. “Please come inside me,” You beg, your breath hitching as his teeth scrape at your skin. 
“God, you beg so pretty for daddy. Get ready for it, baby. Gonna—oh fuck,” He chokes out as his hips slam into you again and again, groaning out his release and flooding you just as he promised. Just as you crave constantly. 
Even after his climax has long receded, he keeps you plugged, full of his cock and his come. Giving you time to soak him in, feel him inside you physically the way he is emotionally at every other second of the day. Your leg slips from its temporary home in the crook of his elbow and hooks around his leg behind you, urging him forward as if he could get any closer to you than he already has been. His arms clutch you to him around your waist, your feet tangled together, your heads craned to satisfy the lazy drag of your lips against each other’s. And you just exist for a few blissful moments, unable to extract one of you from the other. 
“Daddy loves you so fuckin’ much, you know that, baby?”
Every ounce of tension, every trace of stress, evaporated in the presence of those words. 
“I know, daddy. I love you too.”
“You wanna talk about it?”
“Not right now.” Not in this perfect moment with him. Not with him inextricably attached at every square inch of your body. Maybe later. Much, much later. When he’s fucked another load inside you. When the sweat has dried on the sheets from whatever number of orgasms he sees fit to pry from your overstimulated pussy and vibrating thighs. 
And he kisses you again because he doesn’t need you to say any of that. He just knows. 
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Taglist Update: I have decided to decommission my taglist in favor of an updates blog! Please follow@atticrissfinchupdates and opt in for notifications to get notified when I post a new fic!
Visit here for instructions on how to get a tab just for the blogs you’ve subscribed to at the top of your tumblr page!
taglist: @bbyanarchist @within-the-depths @livingdeadmaria @cool-iguana @a-roving-woman @koshkaj-blog @asideblogformyficreading @totallynotastanacc @adaslittleblog @walkintotheriveranddisappear @pr0ximamidnight @sinfulrock @not-a-unique-snowflake-blog @kyloispunk @pinkiec6-rubi @vickywallace @pattwtf @chiyo13
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