#jaune arc bashing
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lunatriense · 1 month ago
You know what’s funny: I am commissioning a story about ruby joining a different team and removing the bully arc (team crdl will be a game changer)
And I just realized something about Jaune: without Cardin or Ruby shaping him up to be a better leader, does he truly grow?
I say this because honestly Jaune would have stay stagnant.
Remember this guy was too busy chasing Weiss or refusing help especially from Pyrrha.
Not trying to bash on him, but honestly, what can you do without anyone guiding him?
I mean, what did he really do in volume one or two? Nothing without someone taking pity on him or pushing him to the brink. 
Honestly, there's only two things I can think of for him without that, since he outright refused Pyrrha's help otherwise.
He dies. No, seriously, he just dies. He remains completely incompetent, not even gaining the bare minimum of ability Pyrrha managed to teach him, and on one field mission or another he gets separated from the team, or they're busy with their own enemies and can't protect him, or he falls in a fucking river and drowns, or whatever, but he's woefully unprepared and that catches up to him.
He gets expelled. That could be for several reasons: maybe Weiss reports him for harassment enough times that someone finally exposes him and Ozpin can't cover for him anymore, maybe his gross incompetence just sees him fail out the first time qualifying exams hit, maybe one of his teammates finds out about his cheating and reports him to get him expelled for his own safety before he gets himself (and/or them) killed.
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rena-yume · 1 year ago
I just realized something, Pyrrha's excuse for falling for Jaune is because he didn't know who she is and treated her normally and all
It's not like Ruby and literally everyone else also gave her that treatment, the only person who ever treated her special and put her on a pedestal from the cast was Weiss :))))))
Wow it's almost like we had every opportunity to ship her with someone else and show her supposed friendship with Ruby on screen (that didn't really exist on screen other than like 2 scenes maybe)
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lunatriense · 1 year ago
Can't beat allegations when they're so obviously true.
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They're really not beating the Jaune wank allegations when they put him on the cover of the compilation over Yang or Weiss, especially when Jaune's not even in the second half of the movie.
God forbid we go ten minutes without acknowleding the stupid cunt.
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lunatriense · 1 month ago
Honestly a good example of Jaune done right is Po from Kung Fu Panda. Both are goofy doofuses that end up in positions that they are not qualified for, surrounded by people much more experienced and skilled then they are. But Po got in by dumb luck instead of lying or cheating, is knowledgeable of the field he's going in, and doesn't throw a tantrum when others try to help him.
I never thought of that, but yeah, that's fair. Po also doesn't go around harassing girls that make it extremely clear they aren't interested in him, make his almost-maybe-could've-been-gf's death all about his manpain, intentionally destroy a city's only defences and draw monsters to said city immediately thereafter, murder a companion instead of healing her…I could keep going, but yyyyyeah
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littlestfallenangel · 2 years ago
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Bro really went from "yes sir, I'll have her back by eight" to "your daughter also calls me daddy."
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lunatriense · 25 days ago
Why do you find Jaune's v1-2 behavior more reprehensible than Weiss' unapologetic racism?
A few reasons. Firstly, she comes from a society where unapologetic racism is rampant, meanwhile Jaune's particular brand of Nice Guy™ sexism doesn't really seem to have anyone else to have given him that attitude, from what I recall.
Secondly, Weiss goes through a whole arc (poorly executed though it may be) about learning how she was wrong. Jaune gets coddled on all but like one point, that being that it's okay for him to get help from the literal world champion, as long as she's gentle with him. And later that extends to the rest of their friend group, all of which are clearly leagues beyond anything he could dream of. As long as they pretend he belongs there and deserves to be a team leader. But for everything else, he gets treated like he's right and rewarded for it.
Thirdly, and related to that last bit: he doesn't just get rewarded, the narrative literally twists and warps to somehow make him right and reward him, even when it's directly contradicting things that it had previously established or themes it had previously held. It doesn't do that around Weiss' racism; yes, it gets more or less ignored except when she needs to occasionally bring it up to make a milquetoast apology before immediately dropping it once more, but it doesn't turn it into a somehow-positive focal point. And yes, I'm aware that I'm straying beyond v2, but considering that these traits do get brought up later, I think it bears note.
Finally, faunus aren't real. Yes, I know they're an allegory, but they're a very bad allegory. There's one civil rights group in the world, and they're terrorists (revolutionaries, but I digress). Most of them willingly went into exile on Australia-or-maybe-Hawai'i after winning (???) a war like 50ish years ago. About half of them can pass as humans with nothing more than an everyday accessory. They're super discriminated against, but in the places they're discriminated against most, one of them is a co-executive and also leader of the de facto military, they're openly admitted to prestigious institutions of learning and society events, hold high ranking government positions, etc. That's not at all how racism looks. Meanwhile, Jaune's rampant sexism and petulant self-entitlement with utter disregard for the lives, much less the physical or emotional well-being, is exactly what I and millions of other women see literally every day all around us. I won't speak for the rest of them, but in my case, that's much, much more aggravating than the unrealistic caricature of racism RWBY depicts with Weiss as its initial and primary mouthpiece.
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lunatriense · 2 years ago
This would've been so much better.
Ok but how cathartic would it have been if instead of Jaune being the famous Rusted Knight all along, V9 was written so that Ruby fell into the Ever After and became this aged warrior in a tattered cape called the Hooded Huntress or whatever, spending the last few decades stewing over her friends' death and her perceived uselessness, pushing herself to protect the Ever After as its sole guardian all this time.
Her teammates try to find and console her, but reuniting with them after so long just brings back all the bitter memories and she does everything she can to avoid them, even Yang. Inwardly Ruby is torn because the chance of meeting her team again was why she's even alive and fighting after all these years, but now... she can't even bear to face them.
Slowly but surely her team reaches through to her. And then it all slowly clicks: Ruby and her friends figure out she's the Hooded Huntress. She's the hero in the books Ruby always looked up to. She's the fairy tale ideal Blake wished the world could be. She's the hero Weiss would think about to push herself through her training. She's the hero Yang would read to her about during bedtime. Her tale may have even been old enough to inspire Maria and Qrow to become Hunters. Summer herself.
All of this hits Ruby like a truck, knowing that she was always meant to be a hero and has still done so much good, more than she'll ever know. And Ruby learns to accept her mantle once again and returns to Remnant wiser and better than ever. She may not have been enough to save the kingdom of Atlas or Penny, but she poured her everything into the Ever After to make up for it and in doing so, became the hero the world would soon need; that it always had.
Fuck your ascension and fuck your suicide tea; Ruby chose to keep going for one more day instead of giving up, if only for the sake of others, but found not only the light at the end of the tunnel; she was the light guiding others through it, even when she was too caught up in the darkness around her to see it herself.
But I guess we needed Jaune to be the big hero again. He's canonically now a bigger and more influential hero than Ruby, Summer or almost any other Hunter in existence can hope to be - immortalised forever as an enduring tale thousands of children and aspiring Hunters would emulate, even after Team RWBY themselves are gone.
Like. Let Ruby have fucking something. Is she still the protagonist or is she fucking not.
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howlingday · 11 months ago
It's kind of depressing when you realize out of Team RWBY, Weiss is the only one who get's constant development. Ruby doesn't get any character development until maybe Vol 4, and it was still sporadic at best. Yang and Blake got some good development up until Vol 7 where it feels like if it didn't involve Bumblee, then they didn't get anything (And in some cases you could argue going backwards...). So, this might be my bias talking (Weiss is best girl), but Weiss is the only one on that team to me that got anything in a constant enough rate. Only time I think she didn't develop was in Vol 9, but that was Ruby's time to shine so I'm not really upset with that one.
Yeah, when you think about it, there really wasn't much character development for any of the supposed "main characters" of the series, especially since they're also the titular characters.
Ruby's character development was like a David Cage game of Beyond: Two Souls, showing us Ruby's highs, lows, lows, lows, and LOWS of her character development, all before circling back to a HIGH just in time for her series to get canned. It's a sad sight.
Blake's character was centralized on the White Fang. She was in the White Fang until she left, then she finds out the White Fang are up to something in Vale to the point that it exhausts her, then she helps stop the White Fang in Vale and Mountain Glenn, then Yang was framed, and Blake thinks she's becoming Adam again, then the White Fang attack Beacon and Adam cripples Yang so she runs away to Menagerie to protect Yang and everyone she knows and learns the White Fang are up to something in Menagerie until she breaks everything up in Haven. Things go right for Blake overall until Adam shows back up and she and Yang murder him with no consequences. It is from this point that Blake's character arc with the White Fang ends and her entire character now becomes Yang's girlfriend. I've said it before and I'll say it again; Blake is the worst girl of Team RWBY.
Yang's character trait is that she has no character trait. None that's ever properly established. She's Ruby's sister and/or mother figure, but hardly interacts with her. She likes to party and get into fights, but we don't see her do either. Her mom is a bandit, but we don't know if Raven really loves Yang or not. She lost her arm to Adam, but she didn't really learn anything from that whole experience; again, nothing that we can see. And now Yang's character is Blake's girlfriend. I put Yang higher than Blake only because what story COULD be told isn't just the same story over and over.
So, now that I've gone over some issues of the others, let's talk about Weiss' character arc. Weiss is physically scarred by a trial set by her father in order to get into Beacon, and once she arrives, she's an uptight spoiled brat who expects to be handed the position of Team Leader. After she's humbled by Professor Port, she steps up as Ruby's second-in-command. She's pursued romantically by Jaune, whom she rejects outright multiple times until Neptune shows up, whom she romantically pursues until he starts flirting with other girls in front of her, though Jaune helps Neptune ask her to dance, and from there she and Jaune are on better terms as friends (which can be seen in V3 when he calls Weiss after getting out of the locker Pyrrha shoved him in). During V3, she's approached by her sister and financially cut off by her father. After the Fall of Beacon, she's forced to return home and is basically put in a sort of Brittney Spears house arrest, where she's only allowed out by her father to do whatever he wants her to do (I think that's what happened, I'm not really aware of what exactly happened during the whole "conservative house-arrest" thing from a few years back), until she escapes and is then captured by Raven until she's rescued by Yang. They then go to Haven and reunite with Ruby and Team JNR, and once Blake comes back, Team RWBY is back in full swing!
Okay, I think that's enough to make the point, but I do want to bring up something that is going to piss people off, because of course it will. It's about Weiss' likely endgame ship, White Knight. I said before that RWBY doesn't know how to do romance, but... Looking at the character developments of both Jaune and Weiss and they just somehow start leaning closer and closer, contrary to how they started out. Like, I know I'm not the only one seeing two characters with full-developed characters starting to get closer, so how is it that BMBLB sucks so hard with their story if it's the canon flagship?
Don't believe me? Think about what I was talking about with these characters. Do you know what the biggest difference is between the stories of Weiss and Blake and Yang? The answer is that Weiss actually has a story. Blake and Yang just are just... two halves of one whole. Weiss is completely independent of Jaune, and yet they both managed to grow without each other. I'm no relationship expert, but if you're relying on another person to have a character arc, that's not a healthy relationship- That's codependency.
Oh, but what do I know? I'm just an idiot on the internet who makes incorrect quote posts. My opinion is invalid and should be tossed out and disregarded. Tata~!
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lunatriense · 25 days ago
Jaune's v1-2 behavior is disturbing on many levels.
1st point - never taking the hint especially after a lot of no’s
Seriously, it makes Jaune into a creepy guy. Some would argue that someone’s playing hard to get or they’re not really stalking because they’re down the hall, etc. but that is no excuse.
I still remember the story where my friend was stalked by someone like this: the guy couldn’t take a hint and even followed her on a vacation trip. (No surprised that she hates Jaune in show)
2nd point - being rewarded despite being a asshole.
Pyrrha wanted to help Jaune because of how under-qualified in this field. Instead of taking the offer Jaune shoves it in her face… his pride was willing to push people away because of help.
The bully arc only existed to sympathize with this prideful fool.
Honestly, without the bully arc I would have gladly be ok with him being expelled because of his stupidity.
3rd point (to me it was the biggest wtf) he’s a hypocrite.
I still remember that nonsense during the dance where he was trying to lecture into respecting women… this is the same guy who only take no for answer and was treating Pyrrha like crap.
I remember this one the most because I still remember the fans reactions how they painted Neptune like the devil but not the Jaune.
That’s why I will never understand how could anyone think he’s a nice guy after actions like this…
Yep yep, all this. He's truly awful.
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superiorsturgeon · 6 months ago
Pyrrha Likes to Roughhouse
Mama Arc: So tell me about your time at combat school? Have you been doing well?
Pyrrha: *proudly* Oh, Jaune has been doing VERY well in his training! With his unique style and aura levels, he can handle much more than other sparring partners! 😊
Jaune: *puts an arm around Pyrrha’s shoulders* Well, I’ve got a great training partner to help me! 😅
Pyrrha: *counting on her fingers* I’ve pushed him over, kicked him in the middle, shot him with fire dust, suplexed him, swept his legs, shield-bashed him in the face, and no matter what he’s always ready for more the next day! 😁
Mama Arc:
Youngest Arc Sister: Jaune, blink twice if you’re being held against your will!
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lunatriense · 2 years ago
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blogging this message a lot lately
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lunatriense · 4 months ago
Hunter (toh) or Jaune? And why?
Hunter all day. He doesn't have good female characters fridged for his manpain, he's much more complex, he has an actual storyline about redemption where he shows real growth and struggle rather than "I cheated my way in but everyone loves me except the designated bully", he doesn't randomly become the centre of the show when he joins the main cast but does provide a new perspective, he's not a NiceGuy™ but rather a genuinely nice guy (despite his initial brainwashing that he had to shake off).
That's just off the top of my head, if I think about it for awhile I'm sure a lot more will come to me. There's just no comparison, it's like asking what's the better drink, Coke or dog piss.
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rwby-encrusted-blog · 8 months ago
The Wildfire Mage: *Throwing fire* HELP ME FIGHT ARC!
The Rusted Knight: *Blocking and bashing* I Would, But my sword's kinda Broken! Isn't THAT interesting CINDER!
Cinder: Oh For the love of-
Cinder Grabs a cast iron pot and Crocea Mors, melting the pot into the blade
Jaune: *Dumbfounded* Could you have done that the WHOLE TIME!
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rwac96 · 7 months ago
Has Jaune ever done the upside down kiss with anyone in Spider-Arc? Maybe Pyrrha since red heads usually get that, then again Yang seems very likely. Maybe even Tifa if she is a part of this universe.
"Seriously, Yang?" The masked hero inquires with a bashful chuckle as she rolls up his mask, revealing his lips
"Hey," the Blonde Brawler chuckled, as she leaned towards her upside-down lover. "we did it upside down, a upside down kiss wouldn't hurt~."
Closing her eyes, Yang presses her lips against Spidey, who happily accepts the kiss.
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lunatriense · 2 years ago
Jaune is such an ass, we should've been rid of him years ago. Tbh we really should've been rid of him at initiation, his best role would've been to show why non-hunters don't belong in this world even if they want to be — why people need years of training to even get to this point — by being ripped apart by the Grimm he was fumbling around trying to fight.
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i like jaune but his v9 arc has pissed me off beyond belief
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howlingday · 10 months ago
Irish jaune au
Jaune is the same, except he's Irish, so he's barely eligible. And when a usra bites him, it dies of alcohol possession. Beacon discover his tolerance for alcohol when he chalinges the school to a drinking game for 10$ each. Back to back, he wins. Even beating qrow.
On the one hand, this could be seen as offensive. On the other hand, I know just the Irish character to use...
"I'm sure one day you'll learn to love it..."
Jaune: But he was wrong. I dinnae like it. Winchester, yer drunk. Piss-faced drunk. On power, authority, and influence. OZMA is supposed tae be an arm of violence, an ah'm just a man-killing meat cleaver. It's ma only power by which tae serve the people.
Jaune: Winchester, noo, ye've quit serving people. A' ye're serving is HER power. Eh? Isnae that right?
Jaune: Now what can I do for ya, Father Qrow O'm'ly'O'C'nel'O'C'rol'O'Rily'O'Bri'n'O'Sul'van.. Ah-who is also Italian.
Qrow: Tell-a me, Arc, what is your favorite thing to do?
Jaune: Spreading the word and eternal love of The Brothers at the many people of the world. Teaching peace and love for all.
Qrow: And-a killing-a Grimm?
Jaune: Oh, just try tae fuckin' stop me~!
Qrow: And what about... Oumists?
Jaune: Second verse, same as the first! Now put me on ae plane so Ah can put 'em in ae hearse~!
Jaune: (In Glynda's face) HAHAHAHAHAHA! DID YE HEAR, NORA?! DID YE HEAR, REN?! With ae bleeding nose and ae veritable freak force 'afore her?!
Jaune: "Come and get me"? "Ah will fight ye"?
Jaune: GYEHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Nae mistaking it. She, this woman and a' with her...
Goodwitch: (Via scroll) JUMP UP YOUR OWN ASS AND DIE!. (Hangs up)
Ruby: (Sighs, Slumps) Beacon... We have no~ problems!
Jaune: (Kicks in the door) RRGH!
Ruby: Okay, dude, I need, like, a minute or so before I'm-
Jaune: (Punches Ruby to the floor)
Weiss: I've got him-!
Jaune: (Shield bashes her over the counter)
Weiss: (Dazed, Shaking)
Ruby: Ugh! Great! You triggered her! Gonna be all day with this...
Jaune: The Brothers have handed down ae blessing to ye filthy heathens as ae sign of good will... A small private Ozian jet. Now, if ye would be so very divinely-like tae ship yer sawry pale ass oot! (Points) And take yer dainty, white hoor with ye! And the cat-boy!
Blake: Donc quai?
Ruby: Man, I don't know what I find funnier: The Church of the Brothers strong-arming you into helping us, or the fact that you obviously haven't seen what I did to the statue of Big Bois~!
Jaune: ...
Jaune: (Screams at the Brother statues now graffiti'd with "INCEST IS WINCEST" and "BROTHERLY LOVE IS REAL LOVE")
Ruby: And so, you've broken through the siege and now stand face to face with me. Good... Good... Exactly what I'd expect from Ozma. From Jaune Arc.
Jaune: (Standing with a broken arm)
Ruby: Oh? It seems you didn't make it through unscathed.
Jaune: SO WHAT ABOOT IT, VAMPIRE?! (Biting sleeve, Pulls up) Ma arm's just torn up is a'. Quit yer blasted boastin' and come. COME AT ME. Hurry, HURRY!
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