#jaune arc bashing
lunatriense · 6 months
People complain that Ruby cheated or projected Jaunes's shortcomings onto her. The difference is Ruby actually put in the work she was recognized and offered the chance to move up. Blake was also accused, but unlike Jaune, Blake had prior combat experience that qualified her for Beacon.
100% this. She got preferential treatment, sure, but it wasn't something that she caused to happen. She was qualified to be there, and so was Blake. Jaune wasn't even qualified for McDonald's
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rena-yume · 1 year
I just realized something, Pyrrha's excuse for falling for Jaune is because he didn't know who she is and treated her normally and all
It's not like Ruby and literally everyone else also gave her that treatment, the only person who ever treated her special and put her on a pedestal from the cast was Weiss :))))))
Wow it's almost like we had every opportunity to ship her with someone else and show her supposed friendship with Ruby on screen (that didn't really exist on screen other than like 2 scenes maybe)
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Bro really went from "yes sir, I'll have her back by eight" to "your daughter also calls me daddy."
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howlingday · 5 months
It's kind of depressing when you realize out of Team RWBY, Weiss is the only one who get's constant development. Ruby doesn't get any character development until maybe Vol 4, and it was still sporadic at best. Yang and Blake got some good development up until Vol 7 where it feels like if it didn't involve Bumblee, then they didn't get anything (And in some cases you could argue going backwards...). So, this might be my bias talking (Weiss is best girl), but Weiss is the only one on that team to me that got anything in a constant enough rate. Only time I think she didn't develop was in Vol 9, but that was Ruby's time to shine so I'm not really upset with that one.
Yeah, when you think about it, there really wasn't much character development for any of the supposed "main characters" of the series, especially since they're also the titular characters.
Ruby's character development was like a David Cage game of Beyond: Two Souls, showing us Ruby's highs, lows, lows, lows, and LOWS of her character development, all before circling back to a HIGH just in time for her series to get canned. It's a sad sight.
Blake's character was centralized on the White Fang. She was in the White Fang until she left, then she finds out the White Fang are up to something in Vale to the point that it exhausts her, then she helps stop the White Fang in Vale and Mountain Glenn, then Yang was framed, and Blake thinks she's becoming Adam again, then the White Fang attack Beacon and Adam cripples Yang so she runs away to Menagerie to protect Yang and everyone she knows and learns the White Fang are up to something in Menagerie until she breaks everything up in Haven. Things go right for Blake overall until Adam shows back up and she and Yang murder him with no consequences. It is from this point that Blake's character arc with the White Fang ends and her entire character now becomes Yang's girlfriend. I've said it before and I'll say it again; Blake is the worst girl of Team RWBY.
Yang's character trait is that she has no character trait. None that's ever properly established. She's Ruby's sister and/or mother figure, but hardly interacts with her. She likes to party and get into fights, but we don't see her do either. Her mom is a bandit, but we don't know if Raven really loves Yang or not. She lost her arm to Adam, but she didn't really learn anything from that whole experience; again, nothing that we can see. And now Yang's character is Blake's girlfriend. I put Yang higher than Blake only because what story COULD be told isn't just the same story over and over.
So, now that I've gone over some issues of the others, let's talk about Weiss' character arc. Weiss is physically scarred by a trial set by her father in order to get into Beacon, and once she arrives, she's an uptight spoiled brat who expects to be handed the position of Team Leader. After she's humbled by Professor Port, she steps up as Ruby's second-in-command. She's pursued romantically by Jaune, whom she rejects outright multiple times until Neptune shows up, whom she romantically pursues until he starts flirting with other girls in front of her, though Jaune helps Neptune ask her to dance, and from there she and Jaune are on better terms as friends (which can be seen in V3 when he calls Weiss after getting out of the locker Pyrrha shoved him in). During V3, she's approached by her sister and financially cut off by her father. After the Fall of Beacon, she's forced to return home and is basically put in a sort of Brittney Spears house arrest, where she's only allowed out by her father to do whatever he wants her to do (I think that's what happened, I'm not really aware of what exactly happened during the whole "conservative house-arrest" thing from a few years back), until she escapes and is then captured by Raven until she's rescued by Yang. They then go to Haven and reunite with Ruby and Team JNR, and once Blake comes back, Team RWBY is back in full swing!
Okay, I think that's enough to make the point, but I do want to bring up something that is going to piss people off, because of course it will. It's about Weiss' likely endgame ship, White Knight. I said before that RWBY doesn't know how to do romance, but... Looking at the character developments of both Jaune and Weiss and they just somehow start leaning closer and closer, contrary to how they started out. Like, I know I'm not the only one seeing two characters with full-developed characters starting to get closer, so how is it that BMBLB sucks so hard with their story if it's the canon flagship?
Don't believe me? Think about what I was talking about with these characters. Do you know what the biggest difference is between the stories of Weiss and Blake and Yang? The answer is that Weiss actually has a story. Blake and Yang just are just... two halves of one whole. Weiss is completely independent of Jaune, and yet they both managed to grow without each other. I'm no relationship expert, but if you're relying on another person to have a character arc, that's not a healthy relationship- That's codependency.
Oh, but what do I know? I'm just an idiot on the internet who makes incorrect quote posts. My opinion is invalid and should be tossed out and disregarded. Tata~!
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superiorsturgeon · 8 days
Pyrrha Likes to Roughhouse
Mama Arc: So tell me about your time at combat school? Have you been doing well?
Pyrrha: *proudly* Oh, Jaune has been doing VERY well in his training! With his unique style and aura levels, he can handle much more than other sparring partners! 😊
Jaune: *puts an arm around Pyrrha’s shoulders* Well, I’ve got a great training partner to help me! 😅
Pyrrha: *counting on her fingers* I’ve pushed him over, kicked him in the middle, shot him with fire dust, suplexed him, swept his legs, shield-bashed him in the face, and no matter what he’s always ready for more the next day! 😁
Mama Arc:
Youngest Arc Sister: Jaune, blink twice if you’re being held against your will!
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rwby-encrusted-blog · 3 months
The Wildfire Mage: *Throwing fire* HELP ME FIGHT ARC!
The Rusted Knight: *Blocking and bashing* I Would, But my sword's kinda Broken! Isn't THAT interesting CINDER!
Cinder: Oh For the love of-
Cinder Grabs a cast iron pot and Crocea Mors, melting the pot into the blade
Jaune: *Dumbfounded* Could you have done that the WHOLE TIME!
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razorblade180-heated · 9 months
Early Christmas Gift
[Warning, smut. Like the whole thing]
It had been a looooog day for Jaune Arc. The end of a crazy mission that had far too many explosions, the loss of his wallet for half the day which forced him to miss his boat, and finally, bad turbulence on a flight all the way back to Vale. Now it was the dead of night and he was wheeling his luggage down the sidewalks. At least he didn’t vomit on the ride, this time.
“Note to self, Vacou kids are amazing pickpockets.” He mumbled aloud. Thank goodness Ren was quick on his feet and that Nora could be as scary as she could be sweet. If not, things could’ve been worse. Now that he was back in the city, his Scroll was practically blowing up with messages. Notably, his girlfriend, Yang, called a little more than Ruby. Before he could finally return a call, his scroll rang with Yang’s name.
He laughed nervously and smiled, preparing himself as he answered. “H-”
“SO YOU ARE ALIVE!? WHAT THE HECK MAN!?” The blonde yelled, relieved and annoyed.
Honestly, less aggressive than he expected. “Hi baby. I’m sorry.” Jaune deflated as he spoke. “Today has been a day.”
“That’s putting it mildly. Weren’t you supposed to be home seven hours ago? Did the mission go south? You didn’t get hurt did you?”
“No, the mission was pretty Nora core. All and all we made good time but then someone stole my stuff, missed my boat; lots of other very, very exhausting stuff. I’m walking home as we speak.”
“Wow. That’s…definitely a lot. Wait, you’re walking? It’s nearly midnight. You could’ve called me or someone to pick you up from the port.”
“I figured everyone was asleep.”
“Get real. Do you really think I’d be sound asleep before I knew you were okay?”
Those words warmed his heart greatly. “Thanks Yang. I’m fine though. Vale isn’t some ghost town at night. I am sorry though. We had plans to meet today. You must’ve been waiting a while.”
“You…could say that.” Yang laughed sheepishly. “Here I was, ready to see my boyfriend after we finished our missions and his annoying personal challenge was achieved.”
“A month without sex is a test of will and power.” He defended.
“November is the time for good food and being thankful. Anything else is wild. Besides, we’ve both gone years without fun stuff. Why add a month?”
“Heh, I don’t think being a single or a virgin counts. You’re just opted in at that point. How did your mission go by the way?”
“Got home on time.”
“Ouch… where’d the warmth go?” He teases.
“I know you’re fine now. If you want warmth then…maybe I should see you?”
“You’re an island away. Even if you caught the final flight I’d feel guilty. Though if it makes you feel better…I’ve been missing you all day.”
“…Always the charmer. I’ve definitely been missing you too.” She said, a little more bashful than usual.
“There’s always tomorrow. I’m definitely not going anywhere. Aside from grocery shopping.”
“Have you eaten?”
“My apartment should still have something edible. I’ll probably grab a snack, bathe, and crash.” He finally reached his building’s street. “Anyways, I’ve officially made it home safely. Just several feet away. Now you can have pretty dreams knowing I’m safe.”
“Nope. Not until you go through your front door. I’m not hanging up until you do.”
“Okay, okay. Heh, honestly with my luck something crazy would happen if I hung up early.” He laughed.
“Please don’t jinx yourself.”
Jaune made his way down the hall, up some annoying stairs, and to the front of his door.
“Kay, now you are free to sleep.”
“Have a wonderful night, handsome.” Yang made a kiss noise over the phone and hung up.
Just like that, Jaune felt the warmth again. She was so good to him. He’d definitely have to treat her to a dinner or some kind of club date. The man found his keys and went inside his home at last. Instantly his nose was greeted with wonder and bliss. That was…odd. He put down his belongings and walked over to the kitchen; a flick of the light revealed a hot box of pizza. Jaune had to do a double take to make sure this was his place. He then noticed Yang’s emblem drawn in orange on the box.
“Ah, that’s why she asked if I ate.” He smiled before quickly going back to being confused. How was the pizza hot? Yang had a key to his place but when was she over here? Did she leave briefly before he called? Unless…
Jaune looked towards the absolute darkness that was his living room and squinted. Not that it helped with the balcony blinds shut. “Yang?”
His call was answered with snickering. “Hehehe, I do love watching your brain at work. Although…” She pulled the metal lamp string next to her to light up the room. “You’re also cute when it’s derailed.
And derailed it was. There his cute girlfriend was, sitting on his black leather recliner his family had bought him. Her smile was cheeky as well as ear to ear. She sure caught him by surprise, but the real shock was her outfit. A silly little Santa hat on top of her head jingled while the only thing on her body was a red tube top with white frills that was fighting for his life, a matching miniskirt that barely went halfway down her thighs, and very, very long red stockings that compensated for the skirt’s lack of…well, skirt.
Jaune’s mouth went dry and his eyes embarrassingly wide. It was as if Yang had knocked the exhaustion out of them. He wasn’t quite sure where he should’ve been looking at first, but then noticed despite how confidently the lady sat there with her legs crossed, her cheeks were branded pink and her gaze, while excited, was also avoiding complete eye contact.
“For the record, I’ve been in this for quite awhile.” She said, breaking the silence. “It took guts to commit to this surprise.”
“Now I’m curious what you would’ve done if I had called you to pick me up!”
“Then Remnant would’ve gotten a hot Mrs. Claus on a motorcycle.” She smirked. “Although I’m actually very relieved that was not the case. It’s cold out there!”
Not the issue Jaune thought she was going to say but he rolled with it. Not that he had much choice. Yang finally stood up and slowly walked towards him, draping her arms over his shoulders and giving a more endearing grin despite her obvious flustered face. “Welcome home. As you can see, I missed you.”
He nodded, “Yeah, I can feel the yearning. Hehe, you look…wow. Talk about an early present.” His hands automatically went to hold her waist.”
Yang got on her toes and gained a very sweet and joyful kiss. She’s glad her efforts paid off, but she could tell Jaune really had a long day. “Go grab a slice and unwind yourself. I’m not going anywhere so- mmph!?”
Her offer was outright denied, thrown to the side as Jaune pulled her body closer and back into a more passionate kiss that fluttered her heart and stole her breath. The longer kept her in his arms, the more she found herself melting into the embrace to the point her knees buckled before he allowed her to breathe again.
Frazzled, Yang found herself stammering and chewing on her bottom lip. “I um- I uhh can wait a while longer for you to rest.”
“I’ve made you wait long enough.” He said with yearning and restrained lust as he pulled her back into a kiss that took custody of her tongue.
Yang felt herself rise up onto her toes as Jaune’s hands found residence on her shapely rear. He didn’t think twice about squeezing it as he picked her up and allowed her legs to wrap around his waist. It didn’t take long before her man went a step further in sliding his hands under the provocative skirt. Jaune quickly ended their kiss to gaze at her as her face grew red from his curious expression.
“No underwear huh?” He said, sinking his digits into warm flesh. “What am I going to do with you?”
“Funny. I was wondering the same thing.” Her hands rubbed his broad chest. “Come sit on the couch for you me will ya?”
He followed her quest and sat right in the middle of the couch. Yang was about to get off him for the next step, but was clearly taken by surprise when his teeth tugged her tube top down, freeing her massive chest before ravishing them. A jolt ram through her spine as his warm tongue lapped around her nipples. His hands kept her waist pressed down on her lap to the point she had no choice but to feel his pulsing cock through tight jeans. Nevertheless, Yang couldn’t stop her hips from grinning along it, dampening the fabric severely.
“H-Hey…wait! I-mmm” Her voice shook, feeling him sink his teeth into her. Jaune leaned forward, putting Yang on her back as he continued devouring her body. “Jaune! Hold on~ I…had a whole routine~” Yangs mewls only served to make him more daring. His tongue trailed up her neck, causing her entire body to arch as he met her lips again for another kiss. Yang was overwhelmed with the scent of the boy and his rough day, which she increasingly found more and more dulling to her senses. She didn’t even notice Jaune had unzipped his pants until she felt his buring hot tip rubbing along her folds. “Mmmph”
Jaune could already feel her lips quivering as they coated his cock. To get this excited so quickly; he wasn’t one to talk though. He began pushing his hips continuously into the molten warmth.
“Aaaaah!” Yang felt the wind leave her body as Jaune’s thick cock spread her body apart and filled her inch by inch until she felt the weight of his balls against her ass. He slowly began dragging himself out halfway before plummeting back in as he grunted. “Ah fuck!” Yang gripped his forearms as her body tripped to adjust.
“Gods, I missed you. You’re so wet.”
“Who’s fault is that!?” Yang’s breathing became sharper as Jaune started moving. “Nng, too big. Rock solid too~”
“It has been a long month. I’m dying for a release.”
“How do you think I feel!? It hasn’t been easy for me either.” She pouted. Suddenly she felt his movements slow. “Jaune?” He raised himself up and looked down at her with a shocked look from between her legs. “What?”
“Are you telling me you didn’t touch yourself the entire time?”
Yang felt heat rush to her face. Looking at him became a lot harder so she turned her head to the side. “What would be the point? Even if I used a toy, I just wouldn’t feel as good as you.”
A brief silence fell on them. Yang awaited his response when she suddenly felt him twitch inside her. Jaune’s hands held her waist tightly and raised her lower body off the couch with ease, causing her to look his way. “What are you-” was all she could manage before seeing Jaune thrust his hips forward, causing another series of jolts as he began to go all out.
Yang’s mouth fell open and stayed that way as voiceless, broken cries left her throat until a scream finally broke out. “AAAAGHN~” her brain became a mess, her eyes fluttering at the sight of jaune mercilessly fucking her pussy until their sex became loud and wet. Her stomach felt like fire as her hips became numb with the pleasure of being turned inside out. Each deep rub made her gasp for air she couldn’t gain while her chest bounced to the rough rhythm. “B-baby. Baby! Aaah!” Yang reached for him and he gladly returned to her embrace. She knew despite her pleas, his pace would not falter; nor did she want it to. Their pleasure had built too quickly to turn back now. With a final raise of his hips, Yang felt the man bury himself deep inside and release a rush of heat that made her body squeeze him for more as her vision blurred momentarily. When she recovered, Jaune was already pulling out slowly and giving both of their bodies a break. Still, if you were to go by appearances, Jaune’s body hadn’t calmed down in the slightest.
“Looks like all of you missed me.” Yang huffed, sitting up as her legs gained some feeling. “If I didn’t know any better, I would think you were trying to have a kid.”
Jaune watched the woman run her middle finger along her slit to pick up some of the lust he left dripping in her. Yang looked him dead in the eyes as she lapped up the naughty taste, making him blush.
“I had an entire routine planned out and you threw it to the side. Not that I mind.”
“You can’t say the things you said a
and wear this without expecting me to get riled up.”
“Heh, touché.” Her gaze fell on his erection, the near seven inches of solid flesh was still ready. Might as well start her plans now, Yang thought. She leaned forward, crawling on hands and knees until she was in the perfect spot to lower her head.
Jaune shuddered as he felt her hot lips wrap around his length to lick him lavishly. Now he knew Yang was horny for sure. Giving head was never her favorite activity in this fun process, but now her face was happily burying itself in his lap repeatedly. His left hand brushed the blonde bombshell’s hair aside for an unobstructed view of her work.
Yang ran her tongue up and down the girth base, polishing it while making faint moans and wet smacks to turn him on more. She must’ve been losing her mind because the way his taste and smell overwhelmed her senses in the best way possible. Her grip on reality only came back when Jaune's hand struck her rear suddenly, his middle and ring finger slipping inside her body to stir her desires harder.
Jaune couldn’t stop his smirk. “Oh you like that?”
“Mmhmm~” Yang readied herself and pressed down in one motion to feel this man in her throat before coming up for air. Yang could feel his digits grow relentless as they sped up. Unable to focus, she freed Jaune from her mouth in a fit of panting and mewls. Her hips couldn’t stop shaking, pushing against his hand to feel each knuckle rub deeper. “Gods, why is this so good?”
“Cum if you need to. Let me see that pretty face.”
“No~ I…I wanted to use my tits on you. But now I…I’m…” Yang let out a long, heartfelt sigh. How did things get this messy so fast? “Put it back in me. I want it.”
Jaune retracted his fingers and did his best to regain his own composure; a difficult task when the love of his life not only pleaded, but brazenly kissed along his shaft in a stupor of want and desire. “Ngh, Yang, get on my lap if you want it.”
Yang got on her knees then swung her right leg to the other side of Jaune’s waist. The boy wasted no time massaging and kneading her chest, riddling it with bits as Yang cooed. Her body dropped slowly, piercing herself onto Jaune’s flesh.
“Aaaaghn~” her hands ran up his chest and gripped his shoulders as Yang started bouncing on his lap, putting all her weight down each time to feel her womb get knocked on. Jaune’s mouth stayed busy where it was but his hands returned to her rear, molding it like clay as he helped push her down to the base. Her hips buckled. “Fuck!”
Heavy, wet smacks echoed every time her ass slammed onto Jaune’s lap. The man couldn’t believe the tightness that surrounded him; the way it clung it his length and coated it with ecstasy that reached his thighs. Engulfed by Yang’s heat, Jaune finally took a second to separate his lips from his body and removed his shirt. Yang’s arms all but sprang out towards him right after, pulling him into a feverish kiss while her hips moved on their own before his hands returned.
“You’re so in love with my ass tonight.” Yang hummed.
“I’m in love with it every night.” He continued kneading it, his fingers rubbing all of it. “Hey, so how much did you prepare for today?”
Yang didn’t get the question at first, until she felt a single finger tracing her asshole. Yang couldn’t hide the state of blushing red he put her into with his pesky intention. To make it worse, her body already gave him the answer to the question. Yang buried her face into the crook of Jaune’s neck and quivered as the naughty middle finger pressed into her slowly. A moan came from her throat and her hips worked over time on his cock as Jaune began to play his little game.
He could already feel her walls frantically twitching but he knew he could make Yang go crazy. He wanted to make the month of emptiness mean everything. He nipped at her ear as he continued fingering her. “You’re such a good girl, you that? Doing all this for me; allowing me to cut loose~” he thrusted up suddenly.
“AAAHH!” His nipping turned into feverish licks as well. Yang tried staying strong but now he was meeting her thrusts and pumped his finger into her more quickly. Her body became repeated jolts of pleasure to the point Yang could only bite her lover’s shoulder as a way to soften her growls.
Jaune’s only panting became like a drunken breath as he approached his end. “Good girl~” he cooed, leaning right into her ear and whispering it one more time. “Gooood girl.” He pressed her hips down against his waist, going as deep as possible. “Here’s your reward!” He grunted, cumming for the second time.
Every muscle in Yang’s body tensed all at once. She was certain she’d scream, yet the immense rush of pleasure stole voice, leaving nothing but a silent yell as she clung to him like a girl on a wild roller coaster. Pulse after pulse, she felt her insides get marked by Jaune. The dork was brazen enough to call it a “reward” and she had half a mind to thank him for it. They were going crazy. Not that she hated it for a second.
Yang felt Jaune relax under her body while she found the strength to set up after his hands finished toying with her. “Wow, that was- hmm” Yang stopped short as she witnessed Jaune struggling to keep his eyes open. Poor guy was spent! It was almost hard not to laugh. “Pfft, gee, looks like someone should’ve eaten.”
“I was hungry for other things.” He groaned, wrapping his arms around her torso and resting his face in her chest. “But now that pizza sounds like a wonderful idea.”
“Oh what to do with you?” Yang giggled, her hands combing through his hands. Truthfully, she wanted him to stay inside like this a little longer, but the last thing she wanted was her boyfriend withering away. Yang kissed the top of his head. “I’ll go fix you a plate.”
“You’re wonderful.”
“And you’re outstanding. My hips are still floating.” She said, embarrassed by her own honesty.
“Let’s wash up together after we eat.”
“Only washing?” She teased, only to feel him twitch inside of her. Yang gasped a little. Jaune raised his head to look into her eyes with a gaze that made her chew on her bottom lip again. Tonight was going to be a long night. “Welcome home.”
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rocknroll7575 · 7 months
No More...
Jaune fell to the ground but before he could get back up, Atlas stabbed him in the side and pinned him to the ground and Jaune cried out in Pain.
"Do you feel that, Mortal?" Atlas asked with a smirk. "Such anguish, such terror, I can't imagine how the pain and fear must be, We immortals feel pain, but death... Death is nothing for us, we may fade, but we will return, but you humans, you only live once, how frightening that must be," Atlas said with a chuckle.
Jaune glared at the Titan as blood seeped from his mouth and the wound. "What good is immortality if you can't even use it for the greater good!? Why is it that you Titans and the Gods use humans as nothing but pawns!? Why us!? WHY CAN'T YOU JUST LET US LIVE NORMALLY!? WHY CAN'T YOU JUST LET US LIVE WITHOUT CAUSING SUFFERING!?" Jaune asked angrily.
Atlas Dug the blade deeper into Jaune's side with a smile as Jaune cried out in pain and more blood flooded from the human's mouth. "To me, the real question is why are you all so weak?" He asked. "Why do such you foolish mortals cling so fiercely to life? How can a creature that falls apart at just a touch, say that it always wants to be happy? You mortals' suffering is natural, you fragile little things are meant to be chewed up, spit out, and tossed aside,"
As Jaune felt the pain in his side, he saw an illusion of Cinder appear next to the Titan. "He's right you know?" Cinder taunted. "The weak are simply meant to be chewed up, the weak can do nothing but suffer, which is why you suffer, Arc, you are weak, and therefore, you must suffer, because what can someone as weak as you do?" She began.
Jaune grits his teeth as the faux voices of his enemies and friends try to weaken his spirit, trying to finally break him...
'No... No more...!' Jaune thought as he glared up at the titan.
Jaune grabbed Atlas's Arm, which shocked the Titan, but Jaune pulled himself closer to the immortal being, which caused him to impale himself on the blade more, but get close enough to the holder of the sky that he pulled his head back and delivered a headbutt to Atlas.
The Titan was hit so hard that he let go of his blade and backed up in a daze.
Jaune stood on his feet, with the blade fully piercing his side, but that didn't matter. Jaune grabbed the sword and pulled it out, and the moment he pulled it out, he quickly boosted his Aura healing the wound just as he flung the blade away.
Atlas regained himself and he noticed that Ichor was dripping from his head he was shocked.
A mortal had never made him bleed.
Jaune stood there with a furious expression on his face, and he made no attempt to grab his own blade or even a shield.
Jaune didn't need them.
Jaune walked to the Titan with his aura flared up to the point that both monsters and Demigods alike believed they were standing in the very presence of someone like Zeus, it was even shaking the Mountain.
"Then let's see you chew up me and my suffering," Jaune told the Titan.
In the boy's mind, every terrible event he had lived through and seen, flashed before his eyes, and he channeled that into his entire being, every ounce of anger and hatred was finally unleashed.
Jaune pulled his fist back and then delivered a mean right hook to Atlas's left side. the punch was so hard that not only had it busted out a few of the Titan's teeth, but Atlas felt his very soul shake, right down to the core.
'What in Chaos' name is this!?' Atlas thought in his confused state. 'How can this mortal... THIS HUMAN...! DO THIS TO ME!?'
Jaune didn't let up as he swung once again, hitting Atlas in the right rib, and as the Titan was dazed again, Jaune grabbed him by his suit and once again, bashed his head against the immortal's face, breaking their nose. Jaune then delivered an uppercut and sent the Titan flying upward, but even if he was a few feet in the air, it didn't stop Jaune's wrath, as the young knight jumped up and delivered a kick to his Gut, sending him flying and then crashing to the ground.
'No more letting people like her and Atlas get away with what they've done! No more being played like a pawn! No more letting people die! NO MORE! NO MORE!' Jaune thought to himself as his eyes went blank with rage.
A Fury of wild punches and kicks was given to the holder of the sky, Jaune didn't care about how uncoordinated or sloppy his hand-to-hand was, all he wanted was to make Atlas suffer, to make him feel what he felt.
From the sidelines, both the demigods, Zoe, and Artemis, couldn't believe the amount of power radiating off the blonde and were shocked by the sheer savagery that he displayed.
Atlas growled as he had had enough of the beating, and quickly wrapped his arms around Jaune, making him unable to move his arms. "NOW WHAT JAUNE ARC!? WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO NOW YOU PUNY-"
However, Atlas was unable to finish his sentence as Jaune sunk his teeth into the Titan's Neck, tore out a piece of flesh, and then spit it out.
Atlas felt the immense pain and let go of Jaune as he stumbled back and fell to his knees. He looked up to Jaune, only to see his face obscured by the darkness, and for the first time in his immortal life, Atlas feared another being, a being who was not his brother.
He feared a mere human.
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madmanwonder · 7 months
Neon along with Reese and May usually deny their crush on Jaune and give different reasons why they each don't like him. But when they witness him and Cinder getting close with the later even recuperating his pick up line... hey interrupt and act like jealous girlfriends. He belongs to them! Not that bitch!
(Jealousy) (Flirting)
Neon along with Reese and May denied that they have a crush on Jaune Arc, mutual friend.
Neon sees him as a dorky goofball and not her preference.
Reese saw him as a bro and not boyfriend material.
May took a oath of celibacy and chasity due to lack of interest and her bashful nature and she don't Jaune isn't her kind of guy.
"Well the name's Jaune Arc. Short, sweet, rolls off the tongue, ladies love it."
...That until they witness Jaune Fucking Arc and Cinder Bitch Fall getting close and Jaune using his dumb cheesy pick-up line on the ashen-haired bimbo bitch who look at him with amusement on her face.
"It certainly is~" Flirted Cinder in a sweet-sounding tenor as she rested a sole hand on his chest in a seductive manner.
Which cause Neon, Reese and even May to snapped in jealous-rage as they rushed up at surprised Jaune and clinged strongly onto him and glared heatedly at the ashen-haired, gold-eyed bitch who look at them in amusement at their petty jealousy.
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rwac96 · 2 months
Has Jaune ever done the upside down kiss with anyone in Spider-Arc? Maybe Pyrrha since red heads usually get that, then again Yang seems very likely. Maybe even Tifa if she is a part of this universe.
"Seriously, Yang?" The masked hero inquires with a bashful chuckle as she rolls up his mask, revealing his lips
"Hey," the Blonde Brawler chuckled, as she leaned towards her upside-down lover. "we did it upside down, a upside down kiss wouldn't hurt~."
Closing her eyes, Yang presses her lips against Spidey, who happily accepts the kiss.
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howi99 · 7 months
Grimm arc
What is jaune fighting style. Does he still use a sword and shield or is he a grappler?
He still uses his weapon, though he has become more of a brawler. Using shield bash, kick, and if someone is too proficient with their weapons, he does go for the grapple... Which surprised the other students when he first did it against Weiss. She also did not expect it.
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lunatriense · 10 months
You know people keep telling me that rwby are the main characters and should stop focusing and hating on jaune.
Yet here is the justice league x rwby dvd cover that has jaune on the front cover: no Weiss or Yang (the main characters) but Jaune is up there??
Why exactly he was on the front cover again?
Yuuuuuup. They couldn't leave their Most Super Specialest Boy off the cover, then people might think he's not the centre of the universe!
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didyoutrydynamite · 1 year
Militia Announcer: Will you suffer the shame of allowing your wives and your daughters to fall prey to this Intruder's machinations!? Or will you act? Act for your women folk! Act for your Prophet! Act!!
Jaune: *Grumbles* Seem's like even in another dimension I can't escape the MILF jokes...
Elizabeth: Mr. Arc, I- uh mean Jaune, I'm not familiar with the term "MILF". Would you kindly enlighten me?
Jaune: *Blush* It's a uh- nothing.
Elizabeth: *Smugly smiles* Seems like it's something enough to make you bashful. What is it? Oh! Is it an acronym?
Jaune: Yeah, it describes, uhm. A certain type of woman.
Elizabeth: *Cups her chin inquisitively* A riddle, hm? An acronym, M-I-L-F, describing a certain type of woman. Is it... ah! "Mistress Involved in Loose Formality?"
Jaune: Yep! Got it first try!
Elizabeth: Ha! That's clever! These new slang terms certainly add a colorful dimension to our vocabulary, do they not?
Jaune: *Chuckles* In a way. Just, don't go around using that one too much.
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howlingday · 5 months
Irish jaune au
Jaune is the same, except he's Irish, so he's barely eligible. And when a usra bites him, it dies of alcohol possession. Beacon discover his tolerance for alcohol when he chalinges the school to a drinking game for 10$ each. Back to back, he wins. Even beating qrow.
On the one hand, this could be seen as offensive. On the other hand, I know just the Irish character to use...
"I'm sure one day you'll learn to love it..."
Jaune: But he was wrong. I dinnae like it. Winchester, yer drunk. Piss-faced drunk. On power, authority, and influence. OZMA is supposed tae be an arm of violence, an ah'm just a man-killing meat cleaver. It's ma only power by which tae serve the people.
Jaune: Winchester, noo, ye've quit serving people. A' ye're serving is HER power. Eh? Isnae that right?
Jaune: Now what can I do for ya, Father Qrow O'm'ly'O'C'nel'O'C'rol'O'Rily'O'Bri'n'O'Sul'van.. Ah-who is also Italian.
Qrow: Tell-a me, Arc, what is your favorite thing to do?
Jaune: Spreading the word and eternal love of The Brothers at the many people of the world. Teaching peace and love for all.
Qrow: And-a killing-a Grimm?
Jaune: Oh, just try tae fuckin' stop me~!
Qrow: And what about... Oumists?
Jaune: Second verse, same as the first! Now put me on ae plane so Ah can put 'em in ae hearse~!
Jaune: (In Glynda's face) HAHAHAHAHAHA! DID YE HEAR, NORA?! DID YE HEAR, REN?! With ae bleeding nose and ae veritable freak force 'afore her?!
Jaune: "Come and get me"? "Ah will fight ye"?
Jaune: GYEHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Nae mistaking it. She, this woman and a' with her...
Goodwitch: (Via scroll) JUMP UP YOUR OWN ASS AND DIE!. (Hangs up)
Ruby: (Sighs, Slumps) Beacon... We have no~ problems!
Jaune: (Kicks in the door) RRGH!
Ruby: Okay, dude, I need, like, a minute or so before I'm-
Jaune: (Punches Ruby to the floor)
Weiss: I've got him-!
Jaune: (Shield bashes her over the counter)
Weiss: (Dazed, Shaking)
Ruby: Ugh! Great! You triggered her! Gonna be all day with this...
Jaune: The Brothers have handed down ae blessing to ye filthy heathens as ae sign of good will... A small private Ozian jet. Now, if ye would be so very divinely-like tae ship yer sawry pale ass oot! (Points) And take yer dainty, white hoor with ye! And the cat-boy!
Blake: Donc quai?
Ruby: Man, I don't know what I find funnier: The Church of the Brothers strong-arming you into helping us, or the fact that you obviously haven't seen what I did to the statue of Big Bois~!
Jaune: ...
Jaune: (Screams at the Brother statues now graffiti'd with "INCEST IS WINCEST" and "BROTHERLY LOVE IS REAL LOVE")
Ruby: And so, you've broken through the siege and now stand face to face with me. Good... Good... Exactly what I'd expect from Ozma. From Jaune Arc.
Jaune: (Standing with a broken arm)
Ruby: Oh? It seems you didn't make it through unscathed.
Jaune: SO WHAT ABOOT IT, VAMPIRE?! (Biting sleeve, Pulls up) Ma arm's just torn up is a'. Quit yer blasted boastin' and come. COME AT ME. Hurry, HURRY!
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jboy44 · 1 year
The Axe men and the rusted knight.
Yang sees Ruby pick a fruit and vanish " NOOO"
Cat " relax she just went back in time, thats what the clock work orange does"
Older ruby. In all red version of her mother's outfit using the toy soldiers halberd as weapon to.slash the cat " alyx brother went home but the cat killed her"
Cat avoids " I couldn't go throught ruby so of course I was going to try and uses her as a neat suit. Wait if you the reaper then that means"
Rusted knight sheild bashes cat " that her husband is here"
Cat pops up on knights should " oh hi jaune arc knight looking good , you shock off alyx poision so well, hows the kids?"
Jaune's helmet comes off " leave our daughters out of these you body jacking parasite"
Cat split in two and runs " you will ever take me alive ugly lady and her hot husband' *vanishes*
Yang jaw dropped.
Blake looks at ruby who has a better figure then her now little sister yang ' got dam yang your bug sis is hot so is your brother in kaw"
Weiss " i have made horrible mistakes turning him diw..becuase sweet mommy daddy i mean scared as cat evil but milf and dilf"
Ruby "..... I forgot how horny teens were. Come on yang my little sister and my teammates we will explain while checking on your neices
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dragonslayer-week · 1 year
Dragonslayer Week 2023!
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Greetings and salutations! Welcome to the official announcement of the prompts and rules for DragonSlayer Week 2023. This ship week is dedicated to the pairing between Jaune Arc and Yang Xiao Long. This event will run from July 25th to August 1st. Please read through and familiarize yourself with the rules before proceeding.
1. Posts must be Dragonslayer centric. You can have secondary and background ships, but Dragonslayer is the focus.
2. No bashing of characters or other ships. We mean it. If you hate or think less of a character or a certain ship, leave it out of the submissions.
3. All posts welcome for this. You can post art, shitposts, fanfics, mood boards, edits, gifsets, etc. The sky is the limit.
4. Please have the tag #dragonslayerweek within the first 5 tags of your post. Also tag this blog so we can reblog your posts.
5. All posts on tumblr must be SFW, any NSFW posts will be on the discord server.
6. Please give any warnings for extreme content.
7. Have fun.
Banner image by The Killer Bunny
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