mod2amaryllis · 6 years
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this session’s been a lotta rough torture porn and miirik lost an eye and one of our long standing npcs is in heaven now but damn if we’re not having fun with it.
Crawler is mine
Miirik is @commba‘s
Relentless is @strudeloo‘s
Kitrick is @treborile‘s
Tally is @telanana‘s
Jasttor is @zorayda-art‘s
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zorayda-art · 7 years
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I'm in need of a savior, but I'm not asking for favors My whole life, I've felt like a burden I think too much, and I hate it I'm so used to being in the wrong, I'm tired of caring
Tally is @telanana, Jasttor is mine
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zoraydas-domain · 7 years
For Jasttor: ~ Your muse now has the ability to bring a deceased loved one back to life perfectly (no decay or anything, just as they last saw them). The catch is, their loved one would have no memory of your muse at all. Would they do it anyway? >:3
Wish was an unfathomably powerful spell. It could mend rifts in time, bend the very fabric of reality. It could fell kings and make the lowliest pauper royalty. It had been known to kill gods.
It always came with a price. 
Jasttor held the unassuming hand mirror, peering down at his own reflection dubiously. This tiny artifact held one use of the Wish spell; though as all who used magic knew, Wish always came with a price. This one--as the lettering spelled out in the reflection when he asked--could bring his sister back from the dead. Four years had passed since she’d been murdered. Four years of a terrible loneliness Jasttor was never fully able to reverse.
And still, he never would. The terrible price for bringing Lily back was a complete removal of her brother from her memory. Lily wouldn’t remember Jasttor at all--they would be complete strangers. Everything they’d ever done together, every late night they stayed up talking until morning light, every time she comforted him through his tears and every time he soothed her anger--she would forget.
A selfish part of himself cried out, ‘Then why have her back at all!’ It was quickly squashed, but Jasttor felt a little sick and uncomfortable with the fact that that ugly thought had ever come out at all. Another part of himself hated that he’d have already mourned her, his life started to pull together at the edges like an ugly, wide wound that was healing, only to have her come back and force him to suffer losing her again.
Even ignoring all that, what if bringing her back pulled her soul from a place of happiness and peace? What if Lily had resigned herself to her fate, becoming a protective spirit? Or if she had found whatever version of the afterlife existed that was the equivalent of nirvana?
But she could come back to their parents, live happily with them again. Or become the powerful warrior she’d always promised to be. She deserved a full life, didn’t she?
The frustration of it all nearly drove him to smash the cursed object in his hands to save him the heart-wrenching decision. But he already knew he couldn’t, because he already knew his decision. He was so, so selfish.
Taking a deep breath, he spoke to the mirror in his hands.
“Bring her back. Please.”
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Jasttor Bloodmaw, bronze dragonborn paladin of Bahamut (in my avatar!), young, wants to believe in people, and makes a lot of mistakes along the way he tries to atone for. An all around Good Boy, with a homebrew "Oath of the Shield", and in love with a half-elf rogue. Do you have any good dice recs? Thank you in advance!
Sure thing! For him, I’m feeling Chessex gemini copper/teal? For his heritage (copper’s as close to bronze as it gets), plus a nice paladin-y blue. (Bonus rec for his crush: Chessex lustrous shadow)
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telanana · 6 years
6, 11, 29 for Tally?
6. Does your character have recurring themes in their dreams?
Half the time, she just doesn’t remember her dreams, but a lot of the good ones revolve around being able to just relax with the rest of the team. Like, being in a place where they don’t have to worry about the Tiamat cults or anything else and just get to relax. Her nightmares tend to have similar themes, too, namely feeling confused and helpless, usually facing down something much bigger than her and having no one there to help her.
11. In what situation was your character the most afraid they’ve ever been?
Definitely the Autumn Harvest Festival when Jasttor died. Like, she’d always been aware that he could die because obviously that can happen to any living person, but she never really thought about it actually happening. That space between when Faelan told her he was gone and Teg showing up was probably the single most terrifying thing for her.
29. What did your character dream of being or doing as a child? Did that dream come true?
Tally, when she was really, really little used to read a lot of fairy tales about heroes who traveled the world and saved people out of the goodness of their hearts. It was never really like a big ambition of hers , but she always admired the characters as role models. It’s part of why her whole concept of good and evil is so simplistic; you’re either really, really good and virtuous and righteous or you’re not.
She kind of resigned herself to being the latter after her dad got sick and she joined up with Jack and Stash. It’s not something she’d ever really say out loud, but being part of the Metalhearts is probably the closest she’s been to being like the characters she’d read about.
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mod2amaryllis · 6 years
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crawler and jasttor had a friendly(?) skirmish that jasttor SUPER won. they hadn’t told miirik cuz u know he’d go on a warpath for his girl. turns out crawler was just waiting for the perfect moment. little shit.
Crawler is mine
Tally is @telanana‘s
Relentless is @strudeloo‘s
Miirik is @commba‘s
Wulfghar is @treborile‘s
Jasttor and Ilweth are @zorayda-art‘s
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mod2amaryllis · 6 years
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jasttor has massive internalized problems w/ green dragonborns but these two are work. ing. through. it.  crawler has now watched him die to a dragon TWO TIMES.  that is TWO TIMES TOO MANY.  she don’t care if he’s scared of her he is FREND
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zorayda-art · 6 years
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I got watercolors for my birthday
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zorayda-art · 6 years
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Some moments from tonight’s session. So um Medericus had his kid, Apzen, Crawler holds him for a bit too, but then found out the guy after his blood is real fucking close by and he freaks out and leaves to go find him before that guy finds his kid. Integrity tries to stop him from whatever decision he makes. Also Jasttor is pissed about it. Also Ilweth is keeping secrets from Relentless that would absolutely destroy everything if he found out…
Medericus is @commba
Relentless is @strudeloo
Crawler is @mod2amaryllis
Jasttor, Integrity, and Ilweth are mine
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zorayda-art · 6 years
ooooooo jastty A3???? :D
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zorayda-art · 7 years
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my dragonboy Jasttor if he was human! <3
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zorayda-art · 7 years
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breaking in my new photoshop CC with a jastty doodle <3
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zorayda-art · 7 years
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i call this piece
“bitch i will fuckin fry u”
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zorayda-art · 7 years
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Little short story to go along with the REALLY RAD ART I got commissioned from @niklisson! Thanks so much, dude, look how gorgeous this turned out!! This one’s for Jasttor--a little insight into his characters.
A warning to my players: this is a backstory spoiler! It could possibly change the way you look at certain characters, or give hints towards what may happen in the future (though not outright). If you’re all right with that, and can’t wait for the story to come out naturally, go ahead and read~ If not, wait ‘til I say!
The Oath of the Shield
Valour. Always be prepared to stand before evil or injustice to save a life, even in the face of impossible odds.
He can feel the hard metal of Lily’s amulet pressing hard into his chest as he lays flat on the ground, not daring to move, or even to breathe too loudly. Jasttor waits, more patient than he’s ever been in his entire 15 years of life. He can feel his muscles twitch and burn with the urge to move. His scales itch. He’s thirsty.
He does not waver.
The sun sinks down until the sky runs bloody red. Then, the sweet sound he’s been waiting for: silence, and the soft breathing of a sleeping dragonborn. Stealth is not Jasttor’s forte, but with no armor and nothing else to lose, he is quieter than the flap of an owl’s wings.
Discernment. Your ability to defend the weak is wasted on those who feign helplessness. Always know the truth of your charges need.
It takes what feels like eons to get close enough to see the other dragonborn’s face. She is asleep, curled around her cursed knife. She looks peaceful.
Jasttor knows better.
He flips his dagger, grip tightening on the hilt as he looks down at his quarry. His mind is racing, nerves on fire. Moments pass as he stares, frozen.
He’s scared. He doesn’t know what he’s doing, and suddenly her size is so intimidating. The thought of taking a life, no matter how vile, is sickening.
He sucks in a shaky breath.
Her eyes snap open, and he has no time to think. Jasttor lunges for her, but now she is alert and ready for him.
Resolve. Always continue on in the face of adversity, persevere when others fall short, and be prepared to end a threat permanently to ensure lasting protection of those in your charge.
She uses her claws like some uncivilized brute, slashing at his face. He feels something burning, his frill stings, but he rushes in despite this with a wild cry.
Jasttor’s attack is blocked by a strong hand, much larger than his, wrapping tightly around his wrist. The smell of chlorine is sickening as the green dragonborn chuckles cruelly in his face, her other hand going to the hilt of the knife that had taken Lily.
“It is not every day my prey comes to me willingly,” she taunts, and his lip curls in a snarl. His breathing is erratic and panicked as he realizes that this was a fatal mistake--he can see the detail of each of her scales, the curve of her vicious teeth, the jagged edges of her horns. There is malice and murder in her eyes. Jasttor tugs at his arm, but she has it in a vice grip. Static crackles between them, and she laughs. “Scared, drot?”
“I will not be frightened by you or your kin any longer!” he hisses, though the thin slits of his pupils and his bared teeth give him away. 
She brings the edge of her tainted knife to his throat, smirking. “Stupid whelp. You should be.”
Jasttor doesn’t even think about what comes next. There is a roar of lightning, a yelp, and she’s knocked away from him--he snatches up the weapon that’s dropped out of her hand and throws it far out of her reach before pouncing on her.
He’s still young with a slighter build, but even she is incapacitated with a knee between her shoulders to force her face-down. She turns her head, rolling a yellow eye to look up at him.
“Going to kill me, Varshoth?”
Character. Your words and your deeds should engender trust, dependability and hope to all those you encounter. You do not know who will be the next to need your protection and your name should be beyond reproach, so as to be the first called upon when destruction is foreshadowed.
Jasttor blinks in surprise, and she bares her teeth in a grin. “Surprised I know your precious family name name? Goes to show what you know.”
“Do not say that name. You will get it all filthy with that forked tongue,” Jasttor growls, digging his knee into her back. “How do you know our name? Who told you?”
She just laughs, the sound sending chills down Jasttor’s spine. Something tells him she isn’t the only one who knows, and he has no idea how they found out or why they did. Her laughter sends him first into a panic, and then a blind rage as he remembers the anguish his sister endured for days at the hands of this monster.
Her laugh turns into a gasp when he yanks her head back, and then a horrible, gargling sound after a decisive slice across her throat. She hacks and coughs, but to no avail--she bleeds out in seconds and dies.
Jasttor drops her and his dagger, feeling bile rise up in his throat. He’d felt her hot blood spill all over his hands, and he looks at them with blurring vision. The strong smell of copper and the sight of her dark red blood sends him reeling.
Jasttor drops to his knees first, then curls up and howls like a wounded animal.
“Do you, Jasttor Bloodmaw, swear to take these oaths and carry them out?”
He is in the Metalhearts temple, standing before a stern tiefling woman. 
“This I swear.”
“Do you swear to use the power given to you by your deity only in a manner following your oaths?”
“This I swear.”
“And do you, Jasttor Bloodmaw, solemnly swear to become a champion of Bahamut, and cleanse yourself of the person you once were to be his humble servant?”
He looks up at the carving of the platinum dragon, feeling something like relief. He will make up for what he’s done. He will atone, and forget, and throw away who he used to be.
“This I swear.”
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zoraydas-domain · 7 years
3, 7, and 17 for Jasttor?
3) If they played dnd what race and class would they pick?
Oh man. He’s really not creative. I love my boy, but he’s really only good at maps. He’d be a dragonborn and some kind of fighter xD
7) If they didn’t have to adventure, would they stop?
He would still want to explore, see the world. Not necessarily fight, but just learn and do and SEE and experience that travel/nomadic life where he’s not running--just enjoying the world around him.
17) Where would they like to be in ten years time?
In ten years? Hopefully things will be taken care of and his job as a paladin in the Metalhearts is done to give him time to see his family again, explore the world a bit. But in ten years, he’d be 30--midlife (ish) for a dragonborn and he’d want to have settled and had his own family by then. Right now, this is wishful thinking, but he does occasionally think about it.
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zoraydas-domain · 7 years
oooooo Jasttor in Castle In The Sky???? *polite grabby hands*
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