#jason todd x actress reader
hunterwritesstuff · 9 months
Can I get a yandere Jason Todd, x actress reader who comes home to him panicking because she left so she had to comfort him, so that like heightens his obsession or something (headcanons plz <3)
Oh I'm gonna enjoy this.
Tw for: Yandere behavior, also, because reading comprehension seems to be dead nowadays, I DO NOT CONDONE NOR ENCOURAGE THIS BEHAVIOR. IF YOU THINK I DO, YOU ARE WRONG.
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💔 You came home a little later than usual due to having to reshoot due to technical issues and when you came back, the place was...an absolute mess.
💔 The couch was flipped over, all the closet doors were flung open, cabinets were practically torn open with their doors hanging off of their hinges-
💔 JASON!!!
💔 You looked around worriedly, worried that one of Jason's enemies somehow tracked him down and fought with him and took him away.
💔 You dropped your bag off GOD KNOWS where and began looking around the house for him.
💔 After what felt like hours of searching, you found him in your room, covered in your blanket, rocking himself back and forth in an attempt to self-sooth.
💔 You called his name, and his head immediately perked up and he tackled you to the ground, desperate for affection, mumbling and muttering under his breath.
💔 He goes from begging you to never leave him again, to demanding you to never leave again, to telling you you'll never leave again.
💔 You comfort him to try to get him to calm down, but he constantly repeats "You're never leaving again." over and over.
💔 You tell him "I have work, I can't do that, babe." to which his grip on you TIGHTENS.
💔 You try to escape, but his grip only tightens more.
💔 You try again, but to no avail.
💔 "Let me go!!"
💔 "No. Never again. I refuse to ever lose you again. I will never let you go again."
Hope you enjoy! :D
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deliciousbasementtrash · 11 months
Playing Nurse for the Batfam
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Artist: Donna Floyd
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Summary: you are a nurse working for Gotham General Hospital. Batman has offered you a job. You are now a nurse for the entire Batfamily. There has been an emergency and you have been called into the line of fire. How will the Fam react?
Pairing: Slowburn Jason Todd x Female!reader
Warning: Adult language, creepy perv man, gunshots, violence, killing
Word Count: 1.4k
Note: These characters are not my own they belong to DC. The only character that is 'mine' is the reader. I am going to be as nondescript as possible for the reader as well for physical attributes. This is a continuation series; I’m not sure how long it will be. Also for some reason, my replies to comments are not showing up. I’m not ignoring your comments Tumblr won’t let me respond :( But please, please comment I live for it
Part 8: Pizza Joe's
Once again, days passed without seeing Jason. Embarrassment flared inside me at the thought of our last interaction. I wasn’t one that enjoyed crying in front of people. And I hadn’t just cried, I had wailed, and choked, with spit and most likely snot leaking from my face. It wasn’t a cute poetic actress single tear sniffle. It was ugly and loud. Whatever. It’s not like I want a relationship. I’ve worked hard to obtain my peace. I don’t want a man to come in and disrupt the life I’ve worked hard to build. 
I grabbed gauze packets and shoved them into my chart, trying to distract my thoughts. I had completely run through them when Duke came in with several lacerations and broken ribs from the Black Mask. I shivered when Duke told me the details. The mob boss was sadistic and cruel, Duke had barely gotten away. I couldn’t meet Duke’s eyes after that. I’ve healed the Black Mask countless times. Guilt gnawed at my bones. Duke was injured because I kept that monster alive. And how many others? That line of delightful thinking always leads me straight into a downward spiral. Quickly, I grabbed more 16 gages and refilled those as well. 
This past week has been relentlessly busy. It felt like it was a full moon every night with the amount of insanity that happened. Even for Gotham. It felt like every one of Gotham’s plentiful villains had some sort of scheme, disastrous plan, or some way to ‘conquer the world.’ It made both my jobs a living hell. 
I was a walking zombie. I would sleep at my workstation and be woken up by the Batmobile screeching in with more injuries that needed to be healed. Bruce was almost always back and forth anywhere from 4-10 times a night. It sometimes felt like he was more reckless with me around. Throwing himself into danger more than he did in the beginning. Or maybe I was just overthinking it. 
A chime on my phone interrupted my thoughts. 
[Bruce has seven gunshot wounds. He isn’t stable enough to travel. We are on 717 Street behind Pizza Joe's. Be careful the shoot-out is still happening.]
The bright screen burned my tired eyes. The second the words sank in I grabbed the emergency kit and my keys and ran. I never treated them outside of the Batcave. They had always come to me. It must be bad. 
I drove like a maniac and got there in record time. 8 minutes. 8 minutes of Bruce bleeding out. 8 minutes of more shooting and how many more injuries. A fucking lot can happen in just 8 minutes. Panic rose in my chest, but I swallowed it down. Countless gunshots popped around me, lucky enough for me, none were aiming for my car. 
I got out quickly, grabbed my gear, and ran toward the back of the shittiest pizza in Gotham. The blue on Dick’s suit stood out like a beacon as he motioned me over. My black scrubs and dark zip-up hoody instantly got soaked through with rain. I didn’t care. I didn’t care about the rain or gunshots that rang out around me like popcorn kernels on the stove. I cared about the physical state of Bruce Wayne. 
It was bad. With the rain puddle around him, it was hard to determine the amount of blood loss. I got to work instantly. I threw my bag to Dick and put my hands on Bruce. 
“I need you to stuff his wounds with gauze. I’m going to replenish his blood and then I need you to take the gauze out one by one, so when I heal him they aren’t inside him. Understand?” I asked as I let my powers take over. 
“I understand,” Dick said and got to work just as quickly as I did. That was before more shots rang out. Hitting the brick wall just above my head. 
“Fuck!” Dick yelled, grabbing his batoons. “They are closer now!”
I felt my body start to shake as I forced it to heal Bruce faster, “Who the fuck is ‘they?’’
“Black Mask’s men. They are shooting to kill,” Dick said, standing up and blocking me and Bruce from the new onset of bullets.
“Get down or I’ll have to heal you both!” I hissed at him. 
“I need to get them away from you guys,” and without a second word, Dick ran toward the bullets. 
“Dick! Don’t–” I knew he couldn’t hear my begging screams. My best bet was to heal Bruce as fast as possible, we both help Dick, and escape via my shitty car. 
I was close too. Bruce’s blood was replenished, and five out of his seven gunshot wounds were closed Albiet the work was sloppy, but he would live. 
That was before I felt the unmistakable coolness against the back of my head. My blood ran cold, and I pushed harder to heal Bruce faster. 
“Stop whatever it is you’re doing or I’m going to blow your brains out,” a man said. His voice was oddly distorted. 
I didn’t listen. I kept healing Bruce. Any minute now. Please. Please. He pressed the gun parallel to my cheek and fired. It burned hot against my face. I tasted metal and gunpowder. My ear was ringing louder than church bells. Hesitantly, I raised my hands. 
“That’s it. Be a good bitch and stand up,” He said, digging the barrel harder into the back of my skull. Fear spiked inside me. I knew he would recognize me, but what choice did I have? 
Slowly, I stood. 
“Turn around,” the brute ordered. 
Slowly, I turned. 
A low, mocking laugh escaped from his skull mask. “My, my. Little Miss Y/f/n? Everyone was wondering where you had run off to! Turns out your the Bats personal whore!” I saw his eyes trail me up and down. Disgusting oily unease filled inside me. “You have a woman’s body now.”
Anger surged, making my blood feel like it was boiling. I slowly unzipped my hoody. The fool's eyes were transfixed on the sight. So much so that he didn’t realize that I was grabbing my medical scissors from my back pocket. 
In one fluid motion, I grabbed the scissors, and the next I had them stabbed into Black Mask’s throat. Before he could react I withdrew the scissors, resulting in blood being sprayed across my body and face. 
The Black Mask didn’t seem to care about his spurting neck. He reached out and gripped my throat, hard. He ruthlessly squeezed until it felt like my lungs would pop and my eyes would pop out of their sockets. Weakly, I tried to kick and scratch him. He merely laughed in my face, spraying more blood all over me. 
From his pocket, he grabbed a knife. “You know how long I’ve wanted to play with you? Your father would never let me. But Daddy isn’t here, is he?” With a practiced grace, he sliced my forearm open. Earning a weak hissing breath of pain. 
He trailed the knife over my chest, slowly adding more and more pressure. 
I tried screaming for Dick, but he was too far away fighting with everything he had. Bruce was still unconscious. 
I reached for this throat, trying to scratch him. I dug my index finger into his stab wound making him cry out in pain and anger and release the pressure he held against my neck. Air was a sweet joy in my lungs. 
Pain flashed across my head as the Black Mask whipped me with the back of his gun. He pushed the gun into my mouth, and for the second time that night, I tasted gunpowder. 
A loud shot rang out. Two shots. Three. Four. Five. 
And the pressure was off me. The Black Mask fell backward. Taking his gun with him. Panicked I looked around for the source. 
There, standing above Bruce, was the Red Hood. The rain was tinking against the metal. His chest heaved harshly up and down. And in his hands, he held two smoking guns. His expression was carved in a permanent scowl, but everything about him radiated vengeance. 
The Black Mask groaned in pain. Without taking his eyes off me Jason shot until both magazines ran out. 
I was frozen in place. Jason walked over Bruce’s unconscious body toward me. 
“Why the fuck are you here?” He growled, taking me into his arms.
Taglist: @soundsfunbutno@killxz@morpheus-girl@redhood414@bungunz@conicoroahre@greenyofthegreens@taytaylala12 @theroyalmanatee @nym-0-s @sarahskywalker-amadala @bonesbonesetc @dreaming-of-the-reality @gone-batty-fics @thescarletcryptid @bakugosgf2005 @irregular-child @vythika96 @greenyofthegreens @mythicalmo @eccentricarabella-blog @princessbl0ss0m @ghostindeath @whirlwind2005 @the-lights-are-loud @00hellohello00 @tfygcdy @theblindhag @murkyponds @midnightecko @crookedmakerfury @cosmicqueenieb @deans-spinster-witch
If I missed anyone please let me know <3
Author's note: sorry for the late update guys, I wasn't feeling very confident in myself or my writing. I will try to update more frequently! thank you all for your support it means so much.
Hashbrown Cam!
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believesthings · 5 months
Not Just A Girl - Chapter 4 // Jason Sudeikis x Reader
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Summary: You're a new up and coming actress. At your first awards show, you run into your celebrity crush, Jason Sudeikis. Trying to navigate the bond you form with him while both juggling your respective careers proves to be quite the task with some unexpected twists along the way.
Tag List: @my-soupy-brain @tegan8314 @tortilla-maria1
Once again you wake up entirely too early of your own accord. To work out some of your nervous energy you wander down to the weight room to move for a bit. Your realize once you've made it down there that you've left your phone in your room but you don't need your phone for the a half hour, right? That's the new thing these days, Isn't it? Technology detox? Sure, why not give it go.
Your callback isn't scheduled until 10:00 which gives you plenty of time to obsess over every little detail you can imagine into being before having to slip into the persona of Mia and hopefully finally get conformation regarding the part.
Comfortably tired from your workout, you head to the elevator to go back up to your room and happen to spot your new friend - the security guard from last night - leaving as he gets off his shift. He looks even younger outside of his uniform. Quite the shift, you marvel, for someone so young - but then you often held off jobs while you were working in theater, just son you could afford the rent.
You give him a friendly wave which he returns with an exhausted by happy smile. On the elevator, you remind yourself to relay your promise to Jason when you call him later in the day. You've decided on calling him around lunchtime so as to hopefully not interrupt his day. He made you promise that you would call after your callback, but he never specified when.
A glance at your phone tells you that 30 minutes with it, while freeing, is actually quite impractical. You've not got numerous messages to shift through.
Knock them dead, Honey.
From your mother.
The award looks great. Go get us another to match!
From your Father, with an attached photo of him, making a goofy face next to your award in a newly built cabinet.
Todd had sent a series of messages - first regarding the fan mail that he wanted to pass on to you at your earliest convenience, a.k.a. come clear some of this clutter from my workplace - followed by directions to the building where you needed to go today, a brief pep talk... remember your training, so on, so forth - and then an oddly phrased text requesting that you call him after lunch because by that time he thought he would know something you would like to hear.
You had sent him the list of places that you had been interested in renting while you stayed in town, perhaps he would have news regarding that? You can't live in the hotel forever, despite how tempting it would be to do so.
Will also opted for a series of texts:
If they don't choose you for Mia, they're mad. - x
Followed by:
Can't wait to see you and discuss your new boyfriend.
Then another one:
Jo said the pair of you went house hunting without me. You owe me drinks!
You try to remember where he is and what he could be doing at the moment, judging if you can call and chat. Is he doing interviews? Maybe a photo shoot?
The next text doesn't help clear up where he could be.
The makeup trailer seems empty without you. When will we be able to coerce someone into making All Your Monsters 2?
You save the texts from Jason for last.
Good Morning, Darling. Don't forget your promise to call.
You can't help but grin. "Or what?" You think to yourself.
Before protesting again, my phone is on silent and I'll be checking my messages at every available moment until I hear from you.
You shake your head and laugh, imaging Jason sneaking glances at his phone every time the director calls cut. Though it makes you smile you'd feel incredibly guilty if you got him into trouble on set.
Also, we had food provided during our breaks from a wonderful little breakfast spot downtown. I'd love the chance to take you.
This makes you blush. Breakfast with Jason. Breakfast following...
Before your mind can stray too far down that distracting line of thought another text arrives from Todd:
Did you get the directions I sent?
Really, he worries far too much about your sense of direction.
Yes, I'll let you know when I get there.
You pack up a few things into a satchel in the hopes that you can window shop at some point during the day. To pass the time and distract yourself from the butterflies in your stomach you use your phone to scroll through the media links that Todd has sent you. There are so many articles speculating on your connection with Jason - curiosity makes you scan through the titles.
The new woman in Jason's life, Battle of the Co-stars over before it began? Goldstein out on day one as Sudeikis cuddles up with new woman.
After reading through a few of the articles you get distracted by the copious photos linked to the sites: publicity photos of each of you at the awards show with candid shots from the night sprinkled in, more from the after party, walking along the street, even a few from your date the previous night. Scrolling through the pictures you are reminded of the long days during filming All Your Monsters when you would pas the time by searching our various funny pictures and sending them to Will. You spent an entire week sending him the same photo of a squirrel with his cheeks overstuffed - it had driven him crazy.
Rather than sit around in your hotel you decide to go ahead over to the location for your callback and maybe find a quiet spot to sit and center yourself before having to disappear into the character of Mia.
You arrive far earlier than just a few minutes, which all works out according to plan -- finding a place to sit and collect yourself proves a bit challenging. As far as options go, sitting in the lobby isn't much help because of all the foot traffic... there is a row of chairs near the door that you were directed to go to, but that puts you in the awkward position of having to see who walking of the room just before you have to go in. Everything has been kept incredibly quiet regarding the project.
You can hear voices coming from within the room through the door, which was left slightly ajar. You know better than to try to knock on the door to announce your arrival, for all you know they could still be with the previous pairing and interrupting that would be awkward beyond even your standards. You realize the voices have grown a bit more insistent and you can actually make out the words of the person who is currently speaking and it is n=certainly not dialogue from the pages you've been given.
"I just don't see the wisdom in it..."
Part of the response is lower than you can make out... "-thought we had agreed it would be best for production."
"Well things changed, maybe we don't want that anymore."
"Do we scrap all the other choices we've made so far then too?" Someone was very unhappy about something regarding this James & Mia movie. "You said - you said that casting unknowns was the most beneficial!"
Oh - your stomach flips. Oh, you really shouldn't be listening to this, any of this. You should get up and walk back out to the lobby and wait there until it is closer to your appointment time. What if they open the door to find you sitting here? You want to flee but now that your ears have picked up on the conversation your body seems to refuse to let you escape.
"Look - you can be on board with this or not but that doesn't change the fact that we are going to be telling all of them today and.."
The irate voice was even louder, loud enough to make you wince and unglue from your position. "You still want us to see all of them? You don't consider that - I don't know - a waste of everyone's time? Now that you've unilaterally made the biggest decision we..."
You don't stay to hear the rest of the tirade. You're already walking down the hall as quietly as you can. You don't pause in the lobby but burst out the door onto the sidewalk, the sun shining ahead help as you as your best to take steady breaths.
Pull it together. Breathe in, out.
In. Out.
Ok. So they're going a different way, at least they're going to tell you rather than leave you waiting for a phone call.
Breathe in. Out.
Why wait around to hear they don't want you? You're feeling petulant but quickly find a reply to the question: you never know what other projects these individuals might have lined up that they might recommend for you.
Everything is an opportunity.
You've been turned down for parts you've gotten attached to before. You close your eyes and concentrate on breathing until the urge to dry heave subsides. Opening your eyes, you sigh up at the building. There's one voice you want to hear before you go back inside to face their decision..
Your finger are still slightly shaking as you dial Jason's number. It goes to voicemail, thankfully he did as he said he would and turned his phone to silent.
"Hey-" You scowl when you hear your voice waver and force a smile, trying to change the pitch of your voice. "So, I'm currently standing outside enjoying the beautiful sunshine and thinking of you. Havn;t gone in yet but I overheard something I probably shouldn't have... and well, I think they're going with someone else. Whoever it is, I'm sure it'll do the project wonders. I just... well,,,"
You look down at your watch. "Damn." It took you longer to gather yourself than you thought. You've got to run back inside or you'll be late. To top it off, you notice that in your frazzled state to check your watch, your thumb ended the call. You heave a sigh before turning the phone ring tone down and stuffing it into your bag.
Back in the building you walk with as much confidence as you can muster back towards the proper room. The door is open now, the silence reminding you of the quiet just before all hell breaks loose.
Ok. you are going to go in there and wow them, even if they've already made up their minds. You'll explain everything to Jason later - hopefully over many drinks.
Upon entering the room you are warmly greeted by the casting director, a man who reminds you of your theater teacher from college. He introduces you in turn to the individuals sitting alongside him - almost in order of the chain of command, working from himself all the way up to the man you recognize moments before the casting director says his name - the director of the project. After introductions you drop your bag to the floor beside the chair they've set out in front of them. Was your phone buzzing? It was hard to place to source of the sound over the shifting of all the people in front of you and the added movement of the script and other odd things in you bag. You didn't really need to bring the script with you, but you would thought you have a moment to go over your notes to yourself... of course, that was before you eavesdropped on the conversation that was taking up your brain space. You start to lean over to adjust the way your bag is sitting and maybe pull the pages out but you stop your actions when the casting director addresses you:
"Well, before we get started, Welcome back! You were absolutely lovely in your audition and I wanted you to know that. We loved the interpretation of Mia that you brought to the table."
Were absolutely lovely. Loved. Past tense. As in we don't love your interpretation anymore because someone did something better, but thanks for playing anyway. You keep your breathing calm and level by dropping yourself out of the moment as much as you can.
"We think we've found--" he glances askance before correcting his words. "We have cast our James and are hoping that we might have the right fit for you playing against him."
That - was not what you were expecting him to say. You blink to let the words sink in for a moment before smiling. "I- thank you! I'd love to give it a go."
"Excellent" He beams down the line at the other members of the team, most of whom are smiling - but you notice the production manager, (or were they introduced as the production coordinator?) doesn't seem to be very interested in the conversation. "We're actually going to have to wait a few minutes for his arrival so let's just run through a few lines and then we'll see where we're at." You nod before squaring yourself in your chair and letting your careful construct of Mia take control.
Half an hour later you're up and pacing, you've just finished a particularly tense bit of dialogue with all.. but again, just the one... seeming to enjoy themselves as they are again liking what you are showing them. You've amended small bits of your reactions as a result of your discussions with Jason regarding certain moments. Thankfully a break is called so you can scoop up one of the bottles of water they've kindly provided. You chose not to reseat yourself right away. The energy you've called upon for the scene making you a bit restless now that you don't have a way to expel it. Pacing doesn't seem to be doing to the trick so you let the character of Mia slip back into the corner where you've nestled her away in your mind.
With a glance down at the far end of the table, the casting director then checks his watch, "We;ll just call down to the lobby and see if he's made it yet... we did agree to the 10:30 - 10:45 time frame."
While he makes his phone call, you perch on the edge of your chair to scoop up the script from your bag and flip through the pages to review some of your notes. Remember how tenuous the relationship is by this time. Or Would she allow James to see how horribly he's injured her here or would she strive for impassiveness? In searching our a particular phrase you wanted to highlight you notice writing on pages you don't remember commenting on. A closer look brings you a smile. Jason has written you notes as to his feelings on the scenes. Most seeming to be in agreement with your assessment. Bless him. Your trace your fingertip over is handwriting, figuring he had written it while waiting for you to finish getting ready for your night out.
"Oh - excellent! And you already sent him up? Good!" The casting director clasps his hands together with such explosive force it jolts you out of your thoughts. "Alright, we are delighted to tell you that -"
Well. That makes twice is less than an hour that you've been surprised ( and then delighted) by the turn of events - Brett nods his acknowledgement to you.
You realize the casting director is still talking, "...And Brett's schedule being as busy as it is we weren't sure if we would be able to land him for the role, but by the time we get production underway things shouldn't be problematic. We'll try to get through this quickly..."
Your casting director is talking more to the people alongside him than you right now but you still nod in reply. You take note of the expression of those in charge - the director looks particularly pleased with himself, but again the production manager/coordinator - really, you were going to have to clarify that eventually - doesn't appear all that interested in the events unfolding. Actually, as you analyze her expression, you realize that is she seemed merely disinterested in you before, she seems to be seething now that Brett Is in the room. Wow, not doing a very good job of hiding her opinions at the moment... Obviously, it was her protestations that you overheard earlier.
Brett has finished shaking hands with those in charge and scoops you now into a gentle hug. "Surprise..." He murmurs into your ear just before releasing you.
How long had Brett been interested in the role? You think back through the odd few texts the pair of you have exchanged since meeting the night of the award show and you realize that you never mentioned this particular project while talking with him. Apparently, this is just one of those wild coincidences.
How long will your luck hold our concerning your career? You are reminded of your audition for All Your Monsters when you walked into the room and saw Will Poulter sitting there waiting for you. How did you overcome your nerves then? Right, push your own feelings aside and concentrate on the the character... Your drop the script back into the chair and take a quick sip of water while listening as the casting director gives brief directions as to what he'd like to see from the pair of you.
By 11:00 all involved seem to be on the same page regarding the casting of Brett as James and you in the role of Mia - even, to your pleasure, the production manager. You don't envy them the task of seeing the remaining people today... that exchange must be a tough one. Brett nods great fully when they acknowledge that he need to get back to filming for the current project he's working on. He waits for you to grab your bag and walks with you back towards the outside world.
"I'd be happy to drop you somewhere on my way back to the studio."
You shake your head while thanking him. "That's ok. I think I need to walk around a bit." You feel your phone vibrating into your side through the fabric of your bag. " Ah - and I have a few phone calls to make. Long story..."
The pair of your pause in the lobby to say goodbye. Brett gives your arm a brief squeeze. "Which there will be plenty of time to hear now that we're working together. I'll see you again soon."
In the hour that you've been in the callback your phone has gone nuts. You send off a quick text to Todd letting him know of the developments, omitting your little panic attack before the audition though he's surely likely to hear about it somehow. There are both texts and voicemails from Jason You read through the messages first:
Your message cut off, is everything ok?"
Everything is now.
The next:
Todd said he wasn't even aware you'd gotten there. You did go in didn't you?
Oh Damn, you forgot to tell Todd you had arrived since you were so distracted. Well, he knows now.
Forget whatever you heard. You show them how passionate you are about this character and they will have no choice but to be swayed.
Oh God, you've apparently really distracted him from his work.
Darling, answer your phone. Please. You're killing me here. Smoke Signal, carrier pigeon. I'll take anything to know you're okay.
You stop scrolling through the messages. You imagine his voicemails will be more of the same. You quickly dial his number and to your surprise, he answers on the first ring. Before he can say a word you rush out as much information as you can.
"Jason, I'm fine. Everything is fine. I did go - I'm so sorry to have worried you. I got the part, Jason!" You can hear him breathe out in reaction to your news. "I can't believe you called Todd, I'm in trouble aren't I?"
This results in a chuckle. "No you're not in trouble though I wouldn't mind putting eyes on you right now, just for good measure."
You close your eyes to fight back the emotions rising to surface. You want nothing more than to be standing with him having this conversation in person. "Hmm I probably owe everyone on your set apology cakes or something for how much I seem to have stressed you out." Another laugh comes over the line. How you love making him do that. "I very much doubt they would just let me waltz in there with a plate of cookies though... Who all did you call anyway?"
Jason considers for a moment and you can hear him being summonsed in the background which is apparently ignoring because they repeat themselves louder. He responds to them with a bit of hesitation. "Yeah, I'm on my way!"
"Jason, I know this is going to be a long day for you but... could you -" You plan on asking him to call you or at least express your desire to see him.
You laugh. "You don't even know what I'm going to say."
"Doesn't matter. Yes. You had me at could you."
You try to think of something outrageous to demand of him surely because he agreed but you settle for the delight you feel knowing that you'll be able to wrap your arms around him in a matter of hours. "Okay, then." You can hear him being called more insistently and smile. "I'm really going to have to send over dozens of apology baskets. I'll call Todd to get right on that. You said tentatively you thought you'd be done by 8 tonight, right?" Jason confirms the timeframe and you add, "Ok - I'll be there when you're done. Call me if that changes. Now go before they irrevocably hate me for taking you away from work."
You take a taxi over to Todd's office after calling to both apologize for any undue stress - ok, all the undue stress. - and the request that he send over a massive basket of delicious treats to the studio where Jason is working. He laughs, "You want the note to say what?"
"Trust me, it is justified. Please Todd?" You note the taxi driver is doing his best not to laugh.
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klbwriting · 7 months
Not Romeo, Not Juliet
Chapter 12: Merely Players
Fandom: Red Hood
Pairing: Jason Todd x f!reader
Warnings: none
Summary: the aftermath of the kidnapping and the start of competition day
Notes: one more chapter after this! Then there will be a sequel! I'm trying to think of a musical theater related title for it so if anyone has ideas let me know, I am stumped
Taglist: @deans-spinster-witch @amberpanda99
All the world's a stage, / And all the men and women merely players
Jason knew he couldn’t prove that one of the other seniors sent out the video of him and YN’s conversation, how did he know this? Because for the two weeks between YN’s kidnapping and the Shakespeare competition he tried. Dick had Barbara do a deep dive, but the video was posted to a social media site using a burner phone, a fake email address, and the phone was already destroyed. Even the IP address it came from was some random café where they conveniently didn’t have any security footage from the time that the video was posted. It was infuriating, but it didn’t mean that he wouldn’t still confront them over what happened.
After rehearsal the Thursday before the competition Jason walked over to them before they could run out like they had been. They looked at him, then at each other, then at him again. He didn’t say anything, letting the awkward silence string along, hoping one of them would break. Jackson folded first.
“How is YN?” he asked softly, an almost guilty look on his face. Jason folded his arms.
“She’s healing,” he answered. The silence drew out again and he let it, eyes moving from one of them to the next, trying to bare their souls with his currently green gaze.
“Are you sure she was actually even kidnapped? She was gone for like a night, what if she was just being dramatic? Or out with another guy?” Chelsea said. Jason’s glare shut her up, the other guys taking a step back. He took a deep breath and forced his fists to unclench.
“I got the phone call from her, I saw her face after the cops brought her home, she was not being dramatic,” he said, voice calm but they seemed to sense the danger in it.
“Well, whoever posted that video was right to do it, we should be aware of the kinds of people who are trying to win the competition,” Jackson said. “And the kinds of people who are trying to break into our society.”
“And what kind of people are you referring to?” Jason asked, gritting his teeth a little now. Jackson clearly wanted to be the tough guy right now. He glanced to where Sydney was watching the interaction, and he puffed his chest out some.
“Those from certain places, who don’t know how to act, those who don’t know how to belong,” he said. Jason nodded.
“So, someone like me?” Jason asked. Jackson shook his head.
“No, you were a Wayne, you are a part of our world, YN is not, she’s trying but she was never meant to be going to a place like Gotham Academy,” he said.
“You know I was born in Crime Alley, right? My dad was a degenerate gambler, my mother a drug addict. The only reason Bruce Wayne adopted me was because I tried to steal his tires and he took pity on me when I told him my sob story,” Jason said. This part of his history was always hidden from the public. Bruce had fed out that he was the son of some European friends of Bruce’s who had died in a private plane crash.
“Well, either way, you aren’t an embarrassment like she is,” Chelsea said. Now that they knew who his adoptive father really was they were trying to stay in his good graces like the lap dogs they were. It was disgusting. “Not only that she gossips about others and gets their opportunities taken from them because she’s jealous.”
“Are you talking about that stupid competition last year? Where the actress from here was sleeping with a judge to win and she just, told the truth?” Jason asked. Chelsea glared.
“She should keep her mouth shut,” she retorted.
“I have to pretend to be in love with you in two days and you are making that very difficult right now with your fucked up world view,” he said. Sydney walked over then, standing with Jason.
“YN is really nice you know, and she at least doesn’t seem the type who’s going to peak in high school like some people, don’t you think Jason?” she asked, turning to him. He chuckled a little as the three others wrinkled their noses in annoyance. Of all people to gang up on them the children of Wayne Enterprises and Arkham fame were not the ones you wanted. Even if Jason was pretty much disowned, not like Bruce didn’t know about him by now, he was still powerful in the eyes of the city.
“Maybe people should be nicer to her, if they want others to be nice to them,” he said, still staring at the three of them. They gathered their things, heading out together, heads close as they talked.
“They are seriously such a pain in the ass,” Sydney said. Jason nodded and turned to her. “Do you have any holiday break plans?”
“No, probably just staying home and recovering from this Shakespeare thing,” he said. She nodded.
“Maybe we could hang out,” she offered. “My family is going to Europe, and I’m really not interested this year.” Jason nodded slowly before shrugging.
“Maybe, but I’ll probably hang out a lot with YN, so we’ll see,” he answered. Sydney nodded and waved bye before heading out. Jason grabbed his things, heading home, glad he at least seemed to make a friend while he was at this school. Even if she was part of the Arkham family. Maybe she could get him in to see Joker sometime. His therapist would love that, reopening the traumatic wound of his death and all, but he couldn’t lie, taking a crowbar to the clown sounded really fun.
Saturday morning Jason woke up to a text from YN that just said, ‘you die today Hamlet’ to which he replied ‘so do you’ and he received ‘date night in hell?’ he answered ‘see you there’. He was still smiling as he sat at the table for what Dick promised to be a good breakfast. He plopped donuts from the shop down the street in front of Jason.
“Well, this is better than your cooking,” Jason said. Dick sighed.
“At least you’re in a good mood today,” he said. It had taken Jason over a week to even smile again after the incident with Falcone. Dick was pretty sure he knew what happened in that warehouse but neither Jason nor his doctor were telling him about it, so he just had to guess. He was conflicted about confronting Jason about the deaths, wanting him to feel comfortable talking to his brother, but maybe him reacting the way he did to YN had ruined his trust.
“Ya, I’m good today, gotta be good for the competition, you excited? Today you get to witness my death, although it is significantly less bloody than the first time,” Jason joked, and Dick couldn’t help but laugh. Jason fell quiet after a minute, picking up a chocolate donut that had the Batman symbol on it.
“Sorry about that one, it’s a special they’re running, goes in every box,” Dick said, hoping this didn’t sour Jason’s mood. Jason bit into it, chewing and swallowing.
“Did he ask about me?” he asked. Bruce had to know about him being back, probably also figured out Dick was lying about not knowing who Red Hood was. Did he care? Did he want to see Jason again? “No, he hasn’t asked,” Dick said softly. “I think he’s waiting for you to talk to him.”
“Of course, because I’m the parent, I’m the one who should be mending the relationship,” Jason muttered, tearing the donut in half.
“Why don’t you go get dressed? Maybe call YN, she seems to make everything better,” Dick suggested, standing to go get himself ready for the competition. Jason headed up to the loft, calling YN like Dick suggested.
“Hey Jay, can I talk to you after the competition?” she said as soon as she answered. Jason furrowed his brow.
“Ya, sure, is everything ok?” he asked, noticing she seemed out of breath.
“Yes, we just got word about something for my mom, its not bad, but we’re talking it through while I’m getting ready. I promise I’ll tell you about it after the competition,” she said.
“Ya, sure, I love you,” he said.
“I love you too, go actually break a leg, ok? I really want to win,” she said, making him laugh before hanging up. He sighed, getting into the bare bones of his costume. He would finish getting ready there. His mind wandered to what had happened for YN and her mother, he hoped that something good was happening, they all needed something good right now.
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redhood414 · 7 months
Taglist: @lookingforsyd
Requests: open!
Current series:
The chapters of The Games:
Intro of The Games
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Narrator POV
Brotherly love
Batboys naming their Spotify playlist
Jason adopting a kid
Dick Grayson
Actor Dick Grayson X actor/actress reader
One shots:
Damian Wayne
Meeting the pets
Meeting the pets p.2 (end)
Tim Drake
Non yet
Jason Todd
Non yet
Dick Grayson
Non yet.
Character ai:
Instagram (non personal):
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aangelinakii · 4 months
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imagines . . .
FLOORPLAN — he's a librarian, he'll understand... right? (librarian!jason todd x student!vigilante!gn!reader)
GLUE SONG — you've always been messy... but he loves it (jason todd x gn!reader)
TALK — swimming... fountains? (dick grayson x gn!reader)
BREADWINNER — (try not to) kiss the cook (dick grayson x gn!reader)
ESPRESSO — you're working late, cuz you're a singer (roy harper x performer!afab!reader)
SEA SALT AND SCALES — you wanted to be where the people are, now you're there (pirate!dick grayson x mermaid!afab!reader)
DREADFUL WINGS — why won't he just drop you? (mob leader!jason todd x undercover!afab!reader)
IN HIS HANDS — are your days of evading the law over? (sheriff!bruce wayne x outlaw!gn!reader)
PERSONAL CHEF — who knew he could cook? (jason todd x gn!reader)
EMPTY BOTTLES — not enough water (tim drake x gn!reader)
TWO FRENEMIES WITH FRIES ON THE SIDE — you're alright. him, however... (jason todd x vigilante!gn!reader) requested
THE STEALER — he wanted the crown; you wanted a midnight snack (thief!jason todd x princess!afab!reader)
DOCTOR'S ORDERS — an apple a day keeps the doctor away (soccer player!dick grayson x doctor!gn!reader)
I DON'T SMOKE — if you need to be mean, be mean to me (jason todd x gn!reader)
NEVER GOING TO HURT YOU — it's a promise (jason todd x gn!reader) TRIGGERWARNING
EVER SEEN — you have the prettiest eyes i've ever seen (older!damian wayne x gn!reader)
A NIGHT TO REMEMBER — i swore i'd seen you before (cassandra cain x assassin!gn!reader) requested
NATURALLY — at times like this, it comes so naturally (jason todd x gn!reader) requested
LIAR, LIAR — would i lie to you, baby? (bruce wayne x cat burglar!gn!reader)
LUCKY DAY — it must be your lucky day! (clark kent x gn!reader)
ONCE MORE TO SEE YOU — lights, camera, action! (actor!bruce wayne x actress!afab!reader)
DICK'S CORNER — 1-800-cute-barista (barista!dick grayson x gn!reader)
INNOCENT MEN DON'T ACT LIKE THIS — is it as bad as it seems? (bruce wayne x gn!reader) requested
DRUNK WORDS, SOBER THOUGHTS — unexpected late night call (jason todd x harper sibling!gn!reader)
SMOKE ALARMS — it's the thought that counts (wally west x gn!reader)
AFTER BALLET — accidentally hanging out (cassandra cain x ballerina!afab!reader)
headcanons . . .
LOVE LANGUAGES ( young justice )
LOVE LANGUAGES ( justice league )
AS YOUR OLDER SIBLING — cass cain requested
RELATIONSHIP TROPES ( justice league ) requested
AS THE INBETWEENERS ( dick grayson, jason todd, roy harper, wally west )
JEALOUSY HEADCANONS — bruce wayne requested
JEALOUSY HEADCANONS — jason todd requested
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wwrenwrites · 3 years
TAGS: Semi- ANGST warning/Unrequited/Friends-to-lovers-warning-potential
Jason Todd x witch!fem!reader
a/n: sorta prequel to a series AU
“Should we get two buckets then? Maybe 4 large fries are enough?.” You and Kori were ordering bulk food for the team in one of the fast food places near Jason’s safe house apartment.
Jason wanting to join the both of you but also the most injured was forced to stay at base. While Roy and Artemis are the bickering entertainment. Since they will most likely continue their “debate” in public loudly if they dine out. And having a stubborn injured Jason to catch attention does not help any form of peace. Hence you and Kori being the food representatives.
“Yes that would be alright. Um. Listen”
“Roy said he wanted… uh i think we should get the same thing for Jason too. But then double the patty for that. What do you think?”
“You like Jason.”
You’re smile drop and looked at the taller woman for a few seconds. You chuckled softly. But Kori has sadder eyes looking at you. As if she could easily see through that you’re trying to make it slide.
It’s been a week since one of your big missions which has a big commision for all of you. And this rare relaxation is a great way to recover for the Outlaws.
“I mean sure? He can be annoying but I am comfortable talking to him no doubt with th-“ “You know that’s not what I meant. You’re in love with him.” “Aren’t you?”
You finished tapping in the orders in the self-ordering kiosk. Being careful on how to say your next words. Both of you headed to the drinks fridge and got the canned softdrinks and juice.
“Love is a big word Kori.” You passed her a can and got one for yourself.
“It’s said too easily compared to an apology. What made you assume I have those kind of feelings for him?”
“When Jason and Artemis… You…”
“They had a moment.” you tilt your head a bit. “That kind of thing is normal.”
Kori smiled, a gentle sad type. She could see through you, not falling for your defense.
It feels out of character but when u were about to scold him more.
The beautiful redhead gave the softest expression that an amazonian doesn’t just give to anyone. All of you were huddled around the beat up Jason.
Seeing them in such intimate action.
You would usually joke sarcastically and you were a damn good actress when needed.
Her colleagues were sharp.
But emotional intelligence? That was your strongest suite. It’s what allowed you to be the Eclipse witch.
But how did . . .
Possibly the cause of the continuous repression and denial of your ‘crush’ allowed a bit of frost creep up your neck.
Hence, the one and only witness, Starfire, connecting the dots.
You had nothing against Artemis of course. 
She was beautiful, an amazonian and you consider each other good friends.
You know Jason well despite only getting closer this year. 
And it’s obvious he is very much comfortable with you too.
Even when you don’t work together often. You both got used to hanging out even for just food or video games once or twice a month.
You guys talk frequently.
And you both trust each other especially in urgent cases that you don’t even charge him money like you usually do to anyone in the hero/vigilante community.
Cause you’re his friend.
He’s your best friend.
They had chemistry
Why do you know this?
Jason told you everything of course. Even with the recent reconnected amazon.
But you don’t know if their feelings still spark.
You met Rose, Isabelle, and his past romances.
But they never last.
And you knew him.
You knew why
But you didn’t bother bringing it up.
You know his patterns, his vulnerable moments.
He knows your quirks, the people dear to you.
You both know how different you two are.
But those times you never really had deep feelings for him.
Yeah you do think he is attractive, and you will never tell him.
He is definitely your type.
And he would tease you to admit it.
Just like normal friends. 
And Artemis told you about how both of them didn’t want to admit their attraction to one another at first. 
Then here was the second opportunity.
And witnessing it in front of you was a different kind of experience. 
A bitter kind. 
Others usually want to cry after seeing the guy they like kiss with another girl.
A way more amazing girl. 
Yes, you were jealous.
You were affected.
Your heart went brick solid. 
As if tears were too cold to even bother falling. 
You hated it 
You hate it when they kissed. 
You hate it when they bicker and people think they’re a couple. 
You hate how she can easily be confident that they’re feelings reciprocate
Cause you wanted that. 
And you hated it.
You hated yourself.
Cause you were too nice to be the villain.
You were too confident to give up.
You looked at the can in your hand that had thin ice around it clustered.
“Oh.” You reversed the spell by unclasping the can with less force; having a small cold mist evaporate from your hand. Cold water drops drip on your fingertips while you placed the can back in the fridge.
“Who else knows Kori.”
“Only me.” You looked at her. “I won’t tell anyone. I promise.”
“Thank you.” You gave a small smile.
“Do you plan to tell him?” 
Of course not. 
“Maybe.” You shrugged. 
You should
You see how he looks at you
Stop assuming. 
“One day. One day I will. Besides the timing is not good at all.” You lied. Smiling again with reassurance even if its just a layer of mask.
“What if they end up officially dating?” 
You didn’t want to manifest that. 
But that is possible. 
And it scares you. 
Artemis is beautiful and strong. 
Someone who matches Jason. 
Similar temperment, way of thinking. 
Being in this path. 
Compared to you. 
Opposite morals, your faith and without the eclipse stone you’re a killable human. 
They were trained to do what they do. 
You’re just a host body.
“I think you should tell him y/n.”
“I…” You sighed. You knew it would go in two ways. And every reason you thought of not to tell him and also wanting too. Felt more like an excuse then seeing it in a realistic point of view.
Because you still stand by your rule to ‘not date vigilantes’
He knew that.
“I really don’t think there’s a point.”
“You might regret it.”
“I’m not in love with him.” You said firmly. Quite stubborn you are indeed then you said —
“It’s just a mere crush. It’ll go away eventually.”
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redskull199987 · 3 years
Requestlist and Masterlist (Requests closed)
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Hello there. If you made it this far, congratulations:)
This is my Masterlist and also every listed Fandom is open for Requests(X-Reader Oneshots, Headcannons).
You may request whatever you want, but here are some Rules, you should respect or I Will refuse your request:
-No homophobia
-no racism
-no body shaming
-pls don't bring politics into this
-incels and misogynists can fuck off
-No incest
-I don't write AUs
-I will not write smut for underage characters
->I will not age up characters to write smut for them
-I will not write Somnophilia or anything where a character  is not giving consent first
-I will not write anything with daddy/mommy kink, piss kink, foot fetish(no kink shaming but I just don't want to write it)
Just comment here or dm me personally.
You can request male!reader, female!reader, gn!reader
Here you can find my Wallpapers
I also have a Wattpad, if any of you are interested :)
Current requests
Here is the request list/Masterlist :
Marvel :
-Bucky Barnes x male!reader[[TFATWS/MCU]]
-Steve Rogers x male!reader[[MCU]]
-Druig x fem!reader Part 1[[Eternals/MCU]]
-Druig x fem!reader Part 2[[Eternals/MCU]]
-Namor x fem!reader[[Black Panther 2/MCU]]
-Matt Murdock x fem!reader[[Daredevil]]
-Matt Murdock x fem!reader[[Daredevil]]
-Frank Castle x gn!reader [[The Punisher]]
-Hobie Brown x fem!reader [[Spider-Man:ATSV]]
-Miles Morales x fem!reader[[Spider-Man:ATSV]]
Star Wars :
-Poe Dameron x fem!reader
-Ezra Bridger x fem!reder Part I
-Ezra Bridger x fem!reader Part II
-Din Djarin x fem!reader
-Din Djarin x fem!reader
DC :
-Red Hood/Jason Todd x fem!reader[[Titans]]
-Red Hood/Jason Todd x gn!reader [[Titans]]
-Titans x gn!reader [[Titans]]
-Larry Trainor x platonic gn!reader [[Doom Patrol]]
-Bruce Wayne x fem!reader [[The Batman]]
-Bruce Wayne x gn!reader [[The Batman]]
-Batboys x fem!reader[[Comics]]
God of War 4/5:
-nothing yet
Detroit become Human :
-Connor x gn!reader
-Connor x fem!reader
-Elijah Kamski x male!reader
Resident Evil 4/8:
-nothing yet
Baldurs Gate 3
-nothing yet
Riordanverse (Percy Jackson, Heroes of Olypus , Magnus Chase, The Trials of Apollo):
-nothing yet
Also Actors/Actresses, Sportsmen and women, singers or YouTubers (if I know them):
-Daniel Ricciardo x gn!reader
-Max Verstappen x fem!reader
-Max Verstappen x male!reader
-Max Verstappen x male!reader
-Charles Leclerc x gn!reader
-Charles Leclerc x male!reader [[F1]]
-Charles Leclerc x male!reader [[F1]]
-Lando Norris x male!reader[[F1]]
-Damien the Mayor x gn!reader[[Markiplier]]
-Actor!Mark x male!reader [[Markiplier]]
-The Colonel x male!reader [[Markiplier]]
-Sodo x fem!Ghoul!reader [[Ghost]]
-Sodo x fem!Ghoul!reader Part II [[Ghost]]
-Sodo x fem!Ghoul!reader Part III [[Ghost]]
Shows Masterlist
Anime Masterlist
Movie Masterlist
-Please don't copy or publish on other sides without asking me first or giving credit
237 notes · View notes
her-world-on-fire · 4 years
Public Eye {Jason Todd x Reader}
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Word Count: 2,933    
A/N: Sorry I meant to have this out weeks ago, but I ended up rewriting it entirely. <3
Request:  Hi!!!!! I just started reading all your fics and i love them so much. if  it’s not too much to ask can you write one where jason and like a  rockstar or actress meet and have a thing, but hes not sure whether it  will work out because of how much attention she gets from the media?  Thank you so much and i hope you are doing well and staying safe❤️✨
JASON ADJUSTED the buttons of his shirt once more. His hands trailed to his collar bone, he undid another button. He hated wearing dress shirts. He knew Bruce would throw a fit if he didn’t. He had to try to blend in. He always hated going to these benefits. There was always a chance he could be recognized. That was the last thing he needed. Every time someone made eye contact with him, he tensed up. His face was scarred, there was no hiding it. His hands were calloused and full of cuts and bruises. He kept his hands crossed over his chest or inside the pockets of his slacks.
Bruce had asked him to come to his office, there was nothing good about that. He knocked on the door before entering. Bruce, Tim, Dick an Damien were already there. Each of them dressed for the occasion. Tim had finally ran a comb through his hair. Dick had shaved. Even Damian looked presentable. Bruce gave Jason a short nod. “I have assignments for each of you. We have several high profile targets all in one room.” Bruce was hosting his annual gala. He was raising money for charities by auctioning off several intricate gadgets produced by Lucius Fox. Some of the richest people in Gotham were to be in attendance.
“I’m giving you each a sector. I assigned tables with consideration. Make sure your guests stay where they are supposed to. Keep an eye on any suspicious guests.” The boys all nodded and Bruce showed a map on the screen. He had the room divided into 5 quadrants. He assigned the quadrants, “Tim sent the file to your phones. Do not loose your guests. They start arriving in 5 minutes. I suggest you get down there.”
The boys exited the room. All of them looking at their phones to see their guests. All but Jason. The last thing he wanted to do was babysit rich brats for the night. He knew most of them didn’t care about the charity. They were there to show off their money. They wanted the tech. Most of them were corrupt species of shit. They were born into old money and never worked a day in their life. A silver spoon in their mouth. They made him just as sick as the criminals he fought every night.
“Holy shit, look at Jason’s table.”
“Y/N and--” Jason didn’t hear the second name. He stopped in his tracks. He pulled out his phone, he had to be sure. He looked over the table. Y/N L/N. Dick looked back at Jason. The two boys went ahead. “Do you need me to talk to Bruce-” Jason shook his head. “It’s fine.”
“Well you don’t look fine.”
Y/N was a family friend. They grew up together and were very close. That was until Jason took on the role of Robin. He became obsessed. He spent all of his time training, and he neglected his friend. Y/N had moved away to pursue a career in music. He read about his childhood friend in the papers. 
Y/N donates 5 million for displaced youth.
The lists went on and on. Y/N wanted to help and make a difference. They spoke now and again when Y/N came back home. But they had been touring for the past 2 years.
He had never gotten a chance to formally apologize. He sighed. It was going to be a long night.
I opened the door, and the flashes of cameras bombarded me. It was difficult to navigate. The flashes were extremely bright, trying to capture any imperfection. I kept my head forward and walked quickly inside the building. I tried to get out of the benefit. I left a generous donation and planned on staying in for the night.
Bruce insisted I attend. I caved. I still had jet lag from the trip back. I had just left Spain after wrapping up a tour. I didn’t anticipate I would be flying back home. The door man helped me in. Reporters were hollering over each other like vultures. I thanked the man and he handed me a card. Table B3. I walked down the corridor, my eyes still adjusting to the light.
The walls were covered in intricate art. Bruce always had an appreciation for the arts. I decided to admire it as I braced myself for a long night. Most just walked right by, not even giving a glance at the art before them. I took a closer look and admired the seamless blend. I noticed at the top of the stairs there was a group of men. I recognized all three. Dick Grayson, the eldest of Bruce’s adopted children. Tim Drake, the 19 year CEO and second youngest son. And Jason Todd. His eyes had been fixed somewhere else. Dick nudged him, and his eyes met mine. He stood up straight.
I looked back at the art work. We hadn’t had a formal conversation on years. We had just made passing conversations. Nothing intricate.
“Hey.” Jason called, and I looked at the bottom of the stairs where he was standing. I approached him. “Hey.” I replied.
“I didn’t know you were going to be here.” I shrugged laughing a little, “I didn’t either. I was going to stay in but Bruce insisted I come. I couldn’t say no.” He chuckled. It was definitely something he would do. Jason was sure he had his reasons. But more importantly, he knew that Jason needed to resolve a few things.
“You look great.” He pointed out. I smiled, as I felt the blood rush to my face. “You’re not so bad yourself.” Jason paused. He looked like he was in deep thought. Just as he was about to say something, Bruce’s voice came over the intercom. He requested that everyone be seated. Jason extended his elbow, and escorted me to my table.
“You’re not going to sit here?”
“I would love to, but Bruce has us working.”
We were 3 hours in and I was just on my last legs. My chin rested on my hand. The man at my side had been trying to talk to me. I wasn’t trying to be rude, but the jet lag was really effecting me. I didn’t have a chance to acclimate to the new time zone. The alcohol didn’t help much either.
I smiley politely, “Excuse me.” I got up from the table and walked back to the entrance. I had stayed 3 hours, that had to be enough for Bruce. I moved into the bathroom. I sighed as I leaned against the sink. The lack of sleep was starting to show. I had a hectic schedule back in Spain. Early morning shoots that lasted until late hours of the night. Publicity events and meetings with managers. I wanted nothing more than to just be in my bed for the rest of the night.
I decided I was leaving. I didn’t call my personal driver. I didn’t want to bother him. He deserved a night off. I exited the bathroom and pulled out my phone. I looked up, and saw Jason. The door opening turned his head in my direction.
“Everything alright?” He asked. I nodded, “I just needed a break from that table.” I joked, he nodded a small chuckle coming from his lips.
“These just aren’t really for me. I was just about to head out. It was nice to see you again.” I moved to the stairs. The few drinks I had were starting to take effect. Or perhaps it was the lack of sleep, but the stairs looked wobbly. “Do you have a car coming for you?” He asked, and I turned back slowly. I looked at him and nodded slowly. Judging by the look in his eyes, not very convincingly. Somehow, he knew I was lying. “I could take you.”
I shook my head, “I couldn’t ask you to do that.”
He walked over and raised an eyebrow, “I don’t think you should go out by yourself tonight.”
“I’m completely fine.” I turned to walk back down the stairs, and I hovered over the next step. I could feel myself loose balance. I left a strong arm pull me back. “What was that?”
I lost track of time. When I came to I was inside a car. I inhaled deeply and looked to my left. Jason looked over. “Look who’s awake.” I ran my hands through my hair. I could feel the headache in the back of my head starting to form. “I guess this isn’t how you imagined spending your night.” I looked over and he shook his head. “Those aren’t my thing either. You gave me an out.”
It brought a smile to my lips. I looked outside of the window. I had missed it. “Every time I come back, I forget how beautiful it is.” Jason turned to me, curiosity glimmered in his eyes. “What brought you back?”
“I have a project I need to oversee.” I tried to stay away. I had lived in a few different places, but none of them ever felt like home. I always found myself longing for Gotham’s skyline. Something just kept bringing me back.
We arrived not long after. I moved to get out by myself but Jason rushed to my side of the door. He helped me out. I leaned against him and held me up. I stumbled inside. “Do you think you can make it okay?” I nodded, and once again he saw right through it. He helped me up the stairs. “I’m so tired of all these goddamn stairs.” Jason laughed, he was handling this very well. He didn’t struggle supporting me against him. His breath didn’t falter as he walked up all the steps to my bedroom.
He opened the door and helped me sit on the bed. “I swear I’m not always like this. Jet lag and alcohol, but never again.” His blue eyes glimmered with fascination. “Get some sleep.”
I woke up to my head pounding. I began to regret those drinks.  When I looked at my phone I saw I had a missed call from Jason. I called back and he informed me I had left a few things in his car.
I arrived at Jason’s apartment. I tried my best to be as inconspicuous as possible. I came alone, and wore dark sunglasses and a baseball cap. Jason greeted me at his doorstep. I walked in and he closed the door behind me. I hadn’t seen any press. It seemed we were in the clear.
He invited me to sit down. “How’s that headache?” I laughed, “I’m hanging in. I’m not sure if I thanked you in my drunken haze. But thank you for getting me home last night, I really appreciate it.”
“It was nothing, really.”
A silence washed over us. All the unresolved feelings that had been festering for years, rose to the surface. Jason sat up. “Listen, I want to apologize-”
“Jason, it was ages ago. You have nothing to apologize for.” He shook his head. “But I do. I just disappeared, without any explanation. I’m sorry.”
In truth it broke my heart. My best friend was gone. I didn’t know if he was okay, or even where he was. But he didn’t know any better. He had the chance to live a better life, and he took that opportunity. It would be selfish to expect him not to. “I understand, really I do.”
He was the reason why I did so much outreach work. I saw firsthand how much he struggled after loosing his parents. “Actually, would you want to help me with this project?” He knitted his eyebrows together. “Tell me about it.”
I explained my ideas to him, and he was in.
We spent the next few months trying to get through all the red tape. With Bruce’s influence, it went a lot faster. As expected, we spent a lot of time together. I thought I was being careful. Until I woke up to frantic calls from my manager.
"Jason. I am so sorry.” The voice cried out, he immediately sat up recognizing this wasn’t Bruce. He leaned his back against his bed frame and rubbed his face. “Woah, what are you talking about?” He asked, completely in the dark about whatever was going on. He heard a sigh on the other end of the line. His heart rate sped up as he waited for the news in anticipation. “The papers, they took photos of us and they’re spinning some kind of narrative.”
The blood in his face drained. His eyes opened wide and he held the bridge of his nose in frustration. He was quiet as he tried to think. He got up from his bed and took his computer. He opened up his browser and started typing.
Y/N spotted with unidentified man, sources suggest they may be together
He clicked on the article. He could see the pictures of them. One from the night they met. He held onto Y/N as they walked up inside together. He continued to scroll down. A source had claimed they were “all over each other” since the benefit. He scowled, did they have nothing better to do then micromanage every aspect of someones life?
“I can arrange an interview and clear it up-”
“You don’t have to do that, it’s not your fault.” He sighed and slammed the computer shut. “We can talk about it later.” He briefly said goodbye and then hung up.
He tried to calm the unease he felt deep down. His worst fears beginning to come true. He was always cautious. He never took photographs like the rest of the family. He tried his best not to give his name out. But he threw every bit of common sense out of the way the moment he met Y/N. He used his real name. He had gotten his picture taken. All of his own rules he had adhered to for 2 years were broken in one night. He never looked back.
He was thirteen when he died. He spent 5 years training and operating in Gotham before Bruce found him. He had changed a lot since then. His adoption wasn’t as publicized as Dick’s was. Jason’s name had hardly even been mentioned in the papers. It was going to take a lot of detective work to try and piece everything together.
Who was going to believe that he came back from the dead?
As soon as I opened my door I was met by Jason. I planned on sneaking away and meeting him. It would be easier to get away then to hide in my own home. The press frequented the streets, everyone hoping to make the next headline. “Please, come in. I’m so sorry-”
“Do you want this?” He asked quickly. I blinked in shock as I tried to get an answer out. I knew exactly what he was asking. He wanted to know if I had feelings for him.
Growing up I always thought we were going to be inseparable. I took it hard after he left. For the longest time, I couldn’t figure out why. People will come and go, that’s just the way it is. I just never expected him to go because I loved him. And I thought he loved me too.
I tried hard to push away my feelings until they finally went away. But some nights, I laid awake thinking about what could’ve been. What if I told him how I felt, would he have stayed? My biggest regret was never telling him how I felt. Now he was standing in front of me asking if I had feelings for him.
But now, I couldn’t bring myself to do it. He hated being in the spotlight. but that was my entire life. Every move I made was put on public display. I traveled a lot, and my schedule was spastic. I would be in different times zones for months at a time.
Jason looked at me pleading. His blue eyes never broke contact with mine. “You don’t want to come in?” I offered, as I looked past him to assure there were no reporters. He stayed in place. I realized he wanted to answer here and now. I sighed, and closed my eyes.
“Of course I do, Jason.” I whispered. My eyes were still closed. I was too afraid to open them. What if I had just ruined everything? Jason placed his hands on either side of my face. I slowly opened my eyes.
“I do too.” He continued, “And I’m going to stop letting other people dictate how I live my life.” He leaned in and pressed his lips against mine.
“We’re going to figure this out. I promise.” He whispered against my lips.
“Come on, we’re giving the neighbors a show.” I said, making Jason chuckle. I took his hand and we walked inside, ready to handle whatever came next.
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hunterwritesstuff · 9 months
Can you do tan Jason Todd x actress reader?
I can see what I can do! :D
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💔 Fun fact about Jason, before he got fucked over by the universe, he was a big old nerd!
💔 So chances are, he'd probably fall in love almost immediately, but not act on it until he was sure you wouldn't hurt him because. Yk.
💔 Once he finally accepts his feelings, heaven help you.
💔 I'm sorry, he's not gonna be normal.
💔 He's gonna be obsessed with you.
💔 He's gonna watch all your movies over and over just to see you.
💔 You, you, you. You intrude most his every thought.
💔 He's willing to do almost anything for you.
💔 He's going to make you his, no matter what.
💔 Sorry to say, he'd probably stalk you, with one thought coursing through his mind.
Why did you lock the window, darling?
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Fanfic recs - Week 17 (september 18)
‘Sup guys? how have you been?
Well, i’m going to leave a couple of these weekly recs done in advance and schedule them because I’ll be going back to college next week and still don’t know how it’ll go and if I have time for much outside school work. But anyways, as per usual, i hope you enjoy these!
(if you want to check previous recommendations, here my (sort of) masterpost )
Damian Gone Dambie?! - Jason Todd x Reader by @double-trouble-dc
Summary: With Jason having a mission out of the country, his s/o babysits, what could go wrong?
Fisticuffs and the Friendzone - Roy Harper x Reader (x Jason Todd x Dick Grayson) by @ask-a-robin
Summary*: Both Jason and Dick have a crush on Reader and because of that, they decide to compete with each to see who can get the girl, though, they got a surprise coming their way.
Always You - Taron Egerton x Reader by @fried-eggsy
Summary*: Taron and Reader are friends, but because she has feelings for him she can’t bear the thought of him being with other actresses and models, therefore she puts a little distance between the two of them.
The Window - Gwaine x Reader by @imagines-for-the-fangirls-soul
Summary*: A princess and a knight having a friendly snowball fight in the courtyard of the castle.
Works Every Time - Gil x Reader by @dem-obscure-imagines
Summary: A curse sweeps over Auradon High, affecting the reader. Could the son of Gaston be the only one to break the spell?
Hope you all enjoy and please, please, please, please, if you end up reading any of these recommendations and like it as much as I do, give the writer some love, even if is just a like or a reblog.
Sending lots of love to all of you ♥
*(this piece does not have an official summary)
P.s.: I never know how to close these posts, so if you have checked my previous weeks, that’s why I always end with the same statment.
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believesthings · 1 year
Not Just A Girl - Chapter 2 // Jason Sudeikis x Reader
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Summary: You’re a new up and coming actress. At your first awards show, you run into your celebrity crush, Jason Sudeikis. Trying to navigate the bond you form with him while both juggling your respective careers proves to be quite the task with some unexpected twists along the way.
Tag list: @my-soupy-brain @tegan8314 @tortilla-maria1
Warning: description of car crash due to drunk driving
After an exhausting but also enjoyable day with Will promoting All Your Monsters, you decide it’s time to follow your agent’s advice to buckle down and work through some of the scripts you’ve been sent for upcoming projects. You haven’t put nearly the amount of effort into it that you should. You always give up halfway through the stack because you find you aren’t connecting with them as much as you did with your debut project.
You know at this point Todd just wants a general direction. If you could at least give him an idea of what genre of film you’re interested in, he would be pleased. He promised to bring you by dinner as well as a new stack of scripts for you to consider. He gently lays it all down (along with a stack of your mail, bless him) and he leaves soon after. He wanted to leave you be in case there was a chance that his presence would be distracting for you.
You glance over them momentarily but decide to put your focus into dinner first, sorting through your mail while you eat. Once you’re no longer sitting on an empty stomach, you’ll feel more prepared to take on the task at hand.
You decide to start at the top of the stack and just work your way through one by one. No need to overcomplicate things. Scanning through the pages of the script beneath you, you heart goes out to Todd. He’s a damn good agent. He’s already done an initial screening process of sorts, taking notes and placing them inside the cover page on the manuscripts so really all that’s left you for you to do is to just pick one.
His first note says “semblant romance” although you’re not quite sure what that means. Right below he’s written: don’t abandon it too soon. It takes a little time to develop.
And sure enough, he was right. It takes some time to warm up to the story but you can’t deny after flipping through several scenes that you’ve become enamored with the characters, Mia and James. You decide to scribble your own notes right below Todd’s handwriting.
You decide to take a minute to stand up and stretch, admiring the view from your room. You have a pretty nice view of the cityscape which you’ve come to appreciate over time living here.
Moving on the next script on the pile, you tilt your head to take in Todd’s scribbling on the bright pink post it. You’ll love the setting of this one - very futuristic. Killer cast too. I’m not telling you who, so don’t bother to ask.
You roll your eyes at this. You could just look it up and he would never know. As if he could read your thoughts, you see his next sentence. Don’t look it up. Just read the script and decide for yourself.
Chuckling at how well he seems to know you, you comply, reading on and finding out that he called it exactly right - you did love the setting of this one.
You make it about 75% of the way through before coming across another post-it. Okay, I’m sure you’re dying to call. Feel free. It doesn’t matter the time of day.
You shoot him a text. Despite the fact that you have it in writing that it doesn’t matter what time of the day is - you must admit that it’s rather late. True to his word, Todd responds right away. You go back and forth about plot and characters, with each message you find yourself getting more excited for this project.
Todd gives you a call and you answer on the first ring. You can hear him chuckling on the other end. “So, you found some stuff you like, I assume?”
“Yes. Obviously, I really like the science fiction piece.”
“Well, I told you that you wouldn’t fall in love with the first script you read. It seems like you might got discouraged but I’m glad you’ve gotten into them. What others did you like? I’ll reach out regarding your favorite pieces tomorrow and let you know what I hear.”
Todd seemed pleased that you were finally giving him feedback on other projects and you were comforted by just how good of an agent he really was.
You settle into bed to finish the script, thrilled with the possibilities of new and exciting projects ahead.
When you wake up, the sun hasn’t even risen. Just in the edge of sleep, you can just barely reach the fringes of the pleasant dream you were having, and eventually admitting that you probably weren’t going to make it back to sleep, you decide to pull yourself out of bed.
You wander over to your desk, almost tempted to dive back into reading scripts but you know you run a risk of getting sucked in and neglecting other tasks, or worse over analyze and end up back of place of disinterest.
You decide to make use of the hotel’s middle-sized gym, popping on a playlist to occupy your mind.
During filming, you had to learn quite a bit of self defense and kick boxing, and you miss the physical exertion involved in the training. Maybe, if you were to accept a role in the area, you could start looking at the possibility of building a life here. Maybe you could look at renting or even buying a home.
When the next person arrives, they pause only slightly, probably expecting the gym to be empty. You see that the sun has finally come up and decide to call it quits to give the occupant their privacy. You cool down your pace and wipe down the machine before leaving.
You grab some quick items from the breakfast buffet, not wanting to sit down and enjoy a huge meal since you were now covered in sweat.
Once you make it back to your room, you give your father an early morning call - purely to check in and let him know you’re thinking of him. He talks a bit about an expansion that his crew is working on that keeps growing in complexity due to the owner’s requests. You listen to him for a bit knowing he’ll probably have to hang up soon to organize his teams for projects for the day. He barely even says goodbye before reminding you to send your award to him and telling you about the beautiful case he is going to have built to hold it.
You shower and decide to get ready for your outing with Jason today. He told you to dress for comfort, so casual clothes is what he’s getting.
You stop to look at yourself in the mirror. You are going to hang out with Jason Sudeikis today. You are an award winning actor. In your brief time here, you’ve already met so many of your idols… you could quit tomorrow be still be contented with your career. Well, maybe that wasn’t entirely true. But it was still hard for you to grasp sometimes that this was your reality.
Checking the time does nothing but make you antsy. It’s still entirely too early in the morning. You decide to finish the supposed “semblant romance” script that you had started the night before. The science fiction scrolls had gripped you more but you couldn’t deny that you were curious in wanting to know the ending. You were still torn about whether you were rooting for the main couple or not. Mia and James have faults and they sometimes seem to feed into each other’s bad habits.
You decide to move to the window and read by the ledge, a quick check of the time assures you that you still have time to read, taking a peek to see how many pages are remaining, you can’t help but frown. There are only a handful of pages remaining. The story doesn’t seem like it will be concluded in the limited space remaining. The instability of the relationship is starting to amass into a full on break between them, the spiteful word growing more frequent.
You’re reading quickly - verging on speed reading, trying to figure out what happens. Todd always scolds you when you do this. You can hear him in your head telling you to slow down and take in the nuances of the piece.
The characters are fighting in the car on the way home. A split is definitely upcoming, you feel. Mia in a moment of anger, has removed her engagement ring. It was a symbol of hope that you were holding out for them. She throws it directly at James. Flipping the page, you take in the script.
James reacts to Mia throwing the ring at him.
Cut To:
Collision of James and Mia’s car with another vehicle, a drunk driver who missed an overpass. Vehicles are spun into a mangled mess. James and Mia’s car is upside down when the vehicles finally come to a stop.
Cut to:
Coughing, wipes his face to find blood. A dripping above him causes his attention to be drawn to the roof of the car near his head. He reaches up his bloodied hand to pluck the engagement ring off the cloth surface, bringing it to his face the glint of it. Moments pass with a vacant expression on James’ face before recognition dawns. His breathing picks up, recollecting the impact of the vehicles. He begins to struggle due to the prolonged time he has been hanging upside down.
Out of focus while the camera still shows James’ progress.
JAMES: Mia? (A silent beat) Honey?
James pauses in his struggle against his seatbelt, trying to quiet his own breathing to listen for a reaction from his fiancée. He hears nothing. The ring drops, forgotten, back onto the roof of the car while James struggles against with seatbelt with more ferocity than before.
JAMES: Mia. Mia!
His voice is hoarse and in the midst of his thrashing around the car, the seatbelt releases him. He drops into a heap onto the roof of the car. Groaning in pain at the feeling of his injured, bloodied body slamming against the beaten vehicle. Sirens are beginning to announce their arrival gradually in the distance. James flails his hands around the crunched up metal in a desperate attempt for the feeling of Mia’s hand. When he collides with her wrist, he is gripping it furiously, desperately searching for a pulse.
He feels the frantic thump beneath his fingertips. He lets out a shaky sigh.
Sir? Sir, can you hear me?
Blood is beginning to puddle around his mouth, coughing, he lets out a strangled reply.
Yes. Please I need you to help my fiancée.
He feels like he can barely get the words out. The blood is rushing around him.
Sir? Sir - I’m sorry…
He hears something in the distance the loud screech of a police radio. Female. Dead at the scene. He can’t comprehend the words. Everything feels too loud. The sirens, the talking, the damn blood is everywhere. He sees a drop of blood fall from his face to manacled car roof below him, splattering on the ring he had placed on the very hand he was now holding in a death grip. The blood is rushing in his ears and does his best to turn out the noises around him. Closing his eyes, his body goes stiff as his realizes, beneath the blood, the wrist in his hand is cold and the frantic thumping for he has mistaken for his sweet Mia had actually just been his own, thumping through his own skin, reverberating off the lifeless limb of her hand.
"What the fuck?" you mumble to yourself. You simply drop the screenplay on the seating area in front of you. You suck in a breath, trying to control the pressure in your chest and reign yourself back in.
When your phone rings, you barely even acknowledge the caller ID before answering, stuffy 'I've been a crying mess' voice and all. "Y-Yes?"
"Are you okay?" You can hear the concern in Jason's voice and it jolts you. You're still not used to the fact that you can just talk to this man on the phone at any given moment, let alone that he would express concern for you.
You give yourself a little shake, hoping not to embarrass yourself to much with him. You let out a sniffle and try to brush it off with a laugh, "I'm reading a script... I'm alright, I promise." You look at the clock and realize it's nearly time for the two of you to meet. The noise of the wind rustling through the phone indicated to you that he was on his way.
Jason doesn't immediately reply but you can hear his breathing and the ambiance of the city. "I'm almost there. Do you need a key card to use the elevators?" He pauses waiting for your affirmation. "Ok, call down and let them know I'll need access. Take a breath. One block left and I'll be at your lobby doors."
You juggle the hotel phone to notify the reception area of Jason's arrival. Returning to the phone to the hook, you lean back on your bed with a sigh, "Okay. Your set."
The background noise lessens and you can hear Jason's footsteps on your lobby floor through the phone. Someone from reception must have met him at the front door, you can hear someone through the phone explaining how to use the key card in the elevators. "They told me your floor and room number." He teases into the phone. "You seem a little steadier now."
Suddenly realizing that he is in the elevator about to walk into your room, glancing around you see scripts littered all over the desk, the bed in disarray, you reach back up and throw the covers back up onto the bed.
Jason laughs through the phone as you hear what sounds like an elevator ding and echoing down your hall. "I hear rustling. What are you doing?"
"I'm trying to not make you think I'm a complete slob." You stop when you hear Jason's knuckles rap on your door, echoing through the phone into your ear.
You cross the room, still clutching the phone to your ear and open the door to see him end the call and pocket his phone. His smile washes away any lingering sadness, replacing it with a rush of adrenaline that sends waves of heat down your body. He steps to you and leans close, his eyes searching yours for a hint of sadness as his hands lightly touch over your cheeks and down your neck. "Alright now?"
Aside from the overwhelming urge to throw yourself at him, you're good.
You inhale slowly, his scent mixing with the still lingering hint of toothpaste on his breath. You reach up to grasp one of his wandering hands in your own. "I feel a little silly now, to tell you the truth. It just caught me off guard." You release his hand as much as you don't want to and step back to allow him to fully step into your room. With the two of you in it, you can't help but notice the room now seems quite small.
Jason's eyes fall on the script that you failed to pick up. He strides over and scoops it up, holding it out in front of him. "Is this the culprit? Mind if I take a look?"
You step forward, flipping to the offending scene and allow him a moment alone while you step into the bathroom to freshen yourself up. You don't seem to have suffered too much damage, thank god.
You stand in the doorway to find Jason, eyebrows furrowed, biting his lip. When he glances up and sees you, he says, "They're marketing this as a romance? This is a tragedy."
"I know. But.. at any rate, I'm hooked enough to want to audition for the part." You look down taking in your bare feet. "Oh, I'm so sorry! I'm going to make us late." You scurry towards the dresser to finish getting your look together. You turn back just in time to notice the flit of Jason's eyes run back up your body to your face.
He clears his throat, maybe a little embarrassed at being caught. He fiddles with the sunglasses tucked into his hoodie, allowing the fabric to pull down and you can't help but wonder about the skin beneath that hoodie and the chest hair you've seen in many pictures from the internet. He replies, "We won't be late. There's no real time crunch. Hopefully just a pleasant day."
You take in a moment to take in his appearance. The Arthur Bryant Hat, the Kansas City Chiefs hoodie. You need to speak. You need to stop staring at him like a starved animal.
"Um, I hope all the articles aren't causing any issues between you and Brett."
You glance up to find that Jason doesn't appear upset. "I really don't mind at all. Brett and I are fine, I promise."
Giving you one final look over, he asks, "Ready to go?"
You nod and make your way out towards the elevators. You decide to try to pester him for more info. "Any hints on where we're going?"
The only thing he offers up isn't much help at all. "Just something that gives us a little bit of a different pace than our lives tend to offer."
Someone from reception waves you down before you can make it to far from the elevator doors. "Just a heads up - going out the front entrance might be a little complicated." Jason gives an appreciative smile to the front clerk, who motions toward the other side of the building, "Someone will be there to meet you at the opposite door. Hope it helps..." You thank them and make your way towards the side door. Jason holds the door open for you and pauses to thank the employee waiting to guide out to the side street. He falls into step beside you and you steal the occasional glance at his face while the pair of your make your way down the sidewalk.
"Brett says you're planning on staying for a week, I assume from stack of scripts up there, you're deciding what project to take on next." He flashes a quick smile at you before turning his head back to mind the foot traffic.
“I’ve been avoiding making any decisions. Todd isn’t happy that I’ve taken this long. I was tempted to just run right back to theater, to something safe, something familiar..” you look up to see Jason’s face. He is nodding along. “I’m used to be known in my little community but it’s nothing like my experience out here.”
You both pause to cross the street at the crosswalk and Jason takes advantage to sway his body towards yours, briefly connecting his side to yours, burrowing next to you. “I keep hopping back to comedy clubs from time to time myself. I’m sure you’ll be wonderful no matter what path you choose.”
You soak up the contact between the two of you, particularly pleased that he seems to be the one initiating it. “Thank you for the vote of confidence.”
“There’s plenty more where that came from.” He fires back.
It doesn’t take long to cover the distance of a few blocks before Jason catches your arm as you walk past the entrance to one of the numerous public parks in the area. You give him a questioning look, “What?”
Intertwining his arm with yours, Jason leads you into the park. “I just figured it might be nice to walk around, enjoy the area, while the weather is inviting.”
You nod, silently agreeing. It’s been a while since you’ve spent an extended period of time outdoors since finishing filming.
Jason’s attention seems to be drawn towards a building a little in the distance. “What is it?” You ask.
He whips his head back to you, almost seeming a little caught off guard. “Oh - I just.. I did an interview once where they let us rent a row boat and go out into the water and I was just wondering…” he trails off. He squeezes your arm and steers you toward the building.
“It might not be the right time of year. Sometimes there’s only a limited few week period where places rent out canoes.” You reply.
“You wanna check it out?”
How could you say no to him? “Sure.”
You watch the attendant’s reaction to your approach. She does a double take at the sight of Jason. Relatable.
Jason smiles at her, “Hi. Do you rent out row boats here?”
She nods slowly, like she can’t quite believe it. Right there with you, sister.
“Yes. It’s um- ten dollars per hour… I’ll radio down.” She squeaks out a reply, eyes still wide with wonder. He thanks her and pulls some money from his pocket. As you walk down to the waterfront, the attendant seems to find her confidence and yells, “I love you!”
He laughs, flashing a bright smile back at her. “Thank you! I love you back.”
Once you arrive at the water, you tell him, “you just made her day, you know.”
“I’ll have to remember to get a picture with her if she’s still working when we’re finished. That is if you don’t mind?” He looks at your curiously.
“Of course not! I’d be offended if you didn’t. There’s so many people that adore you, it’s nice to know you aren’t a dick.”
Once you’re in the boat, Jason takes control of the oars. You take a moment to drink in his presence, grabbing your phone to snap a few photos of him, operating the boat and deciding which direction to take it.
He gives you a quizzical look, “I’ve got to document this showing off. Imagine, Jason Sudeikis trying to impress a girl with his rowing.”
He laughs and when he speaks his voice is a few octaves lower, “Yes. Determinedly so.”
God, the way this man flusters you.
He stops rowing, resting his arms against the oars and looking directly at you. “There you are. Flustered again. You have to know that only encourages me more.”
You halfheartedly glare at him. “I seem to get flustered whenever I’m near you, Jason. No matter the activity. All you have to do is… that.” You say gesturing towards his body.
He smiles at you joyfully and your breath hitches in your throat.
With a little more rowing from Jason, the boat reaches a small shade provided by a small batch of trees that sit near a tiny island in the center of the body of water. After securing the oars, he stretches his legs out.
You lose all track of time, floating around the water, tearing your way through any topic you can think of. You love his laugh and being able to be the one to elicit it brings you a lovely sense of pride.
The growling of your stomach makes you both realize that you've been out on the water for about 2 hours and some food could do you good.
"Alright, let's feed you." Jason quips, swinging the boat back around to head toward the docks.
Jason helps you out of the boat and you can hear the clicking of cameras. The photographers outside of your hotel seemed to have finally tracked you down. You just hope you don't fall and make a fool of yourself, the thought makes you grip Jason's hand harder. Walking back through the park towards the building where you rented to boats, you see the attendant that helped the two of you is still on her shift and you watch Jason pop over, taking a selfie with her and chatting a bit. There's a few in the growing crowd that recognize you and ask for some pictures, which you're all too happy to oblige. It's still something you're getting used to.
Jason makes his way back over to you, dipping his head towards your ear. "We will get food after this - though we might need to call for some help."
You decide to take matters into your own hands to try to help the situation. Addressing the smaller group of people in front of you, you decide to ask, "Hey - does anybody have any suggestions for where to grab something to eat?"
Jason smiles at you before leaning over to better hear one woman's suggestion.
"That sounds amazing. And you said they have Gelato?" Jason glances towards you and you both silently seem to agree you know where you're headed. A few moments later, park security comes in to clear out the crowd, making sure there's a path for your two of you to make it out safely. Jason's hand finds its way to your back as he guides you along the street to your destination.
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avengerdragoness · 7 years
My Sister’s on Broadway [Batfam x Batsis!Reader]
Requested by anon: “Ok so I looooooved your insta edit for eldest batsis being in a Broadway show and I was wondering if you do a fic? With the same idea? Like maybe the boys going to a show? Or her patrolling after a show with them and saving a fan? I don't know I love your work 😘 “
A/n: Sorry this took so long! I’m really trying to get back to my requests and get over this writers block. I’m not sure about this one but I hope you love it! I used Newsies as the musical because it’s the one I know the best. Hope you loves like this! (I’d love to know what you think!)
Based off of: Batfam & Older!Batsis Broadway Actress Insta Edit ______
It wasn’t often that the boys, or anyone in the manor got time off of superheroing. But a trip? It was unheard of. They never thought they’d get off, well, ever. Especially for a trip that wasn’t mission related. Though they were, the boys, Bruce, and Alfred were on the Wayne Enterprises jet and on their way to New York.
“So what is the name of this musical?” Damian asked looking away from the window. “Newsies” Dick answered from across him. Tim added, “It’s based off the newsboy strike of 1988. [F/n] is playing Katherine. A female journalist who publishes about the strike.” Damian nodded in understanding. “Who is the lead?” He asked. “The lead character’s name is Jack Kelly, he’s played by Jeremy Jordan.” Tim answered.
Jason was behind the minibar on the jet. “[F/n] have any solos?” Alfred came over and plucked the bottle of whisky from his hands. “She has one solo, a duet, and then songs with the chorus.” Alfred said as he set the bottle back on the bar. “That’s enough Master Jason.” Jason groaned before going to sit down. Making everyone but Damian chuckle.
The rest of the flight everyone went about their own business. However you had no idea of your family’s plan on coming. You assumed they would be too busy with their patrols and missions.
“Ready for opening night?” Jeremy asked as he came behind you while you were getting your hair styled for the musical. “Yeah, you?” He nodded and leaned against the vanity. “Your wife coming?” You asked and he nodded smiling. “Yeah, her and my parents along with the rest of the family.”
You had met his wife and a few of his family members at rehearsals. They were all nice and his wife was the sweetest. “What about you?” He asked, nudging your leg, “Any family?”
Chuckling and shaking your head, you adjusted your head the way the stylist said. “Probably not, too busy.” He laughed, “Really? Too busy to see you opening night on Broadway?” He emphasized. Shrugging, you nodded “It happens when your father is in charge of a large company and your brothers are always busy.”
“Well, I hope they make it. I have to go warm up.” He stood back up and you nodded. “See you on stage.”
After finishing your hair and make-up, you headed to warm-up with your castmates. Unaware of your family members taking their seats. Everyone was backstage, rushing around and getting in positions. Talking could heard in the theater, but when the lights dimmed it quieted and the overture started. You heard lines beginning to be said and waited until it was your queue to come in during ‘Carrying the Banner.’
They were all enjoying the beginning but everyone’s eyes lit up a little when you came on stage. You were stopped by ‘Romeo’ before ‘Jack’ came up to you. After his line you stepped forward. “I got a headline for you! Cheeky boy gets nothing for his troubles!” You gestured your hand like it was reading a headline and looked out toward the crowd.
Once the line was over, you and your castmate walked off stage for the song to finish. “That was it?” Damian whispered and Dick shushed him. “Just wait, she’ll be back.”
It wasn’t your time to come back on stage until Miss Medda Larkson’s part. You climbed up the scaffolding and sat down in the chair. Waiting as it moved and hearing the two girls begin to sing.
“There’s [F/n]” Tim whispered and pointed. His siblings nodded as they all watched you.
“Hello again” ‘Jack’ greeted. You looked over from your chair. “This is a private box.”
You both went back and forth with your lines. When he asked what you were doing you answered. “Reviewing the show for the New York Sun” He leaned on the railing “Hey, I work for da world.”
Turning you let your hands fall in your lap. “Oh out there someone cares.” You gasped before turning to the crowd “Go tell them” gesturing out. The crowd laughed at the sarcasm and disinterest in your tone.
“The view is betta here” He eyed you.
Damian scoffed in his seat. “I don’t like this character. I don’t like the way he looks at her.” Jason rolled his eyes, “It’s acting demon brat. He’s not actually like that.” Damian crossed his arms. “I still don’t like it.”
The family enjoyed the scenes but their favorites were the ones you were in. Nobody took their eyes off the stage the entire time. Though there was one scene that didn’t sit well with the boys. Well a couple scenes.
“Did they have to kiss so many times?” Damian grimaced as they exited their seats. Dick shuttered, “Don’t remind me.”
Bruce and Alfred chuckled, “It was just acting. It didn’t mean anything” Bruce told them.
“Well my favorite part was probably [F/n]’s solo” Tim smiled and looked down at his program. Jason shook his head “No way, ‘Kings of New York’ was way better. The tap was awesome.” He crossed his arms as Dick agreed. “What about you Master Damian?” Alfred questioned.
Damian shrugged “I liked the parts where she sassed and put them in their place.” Jason shoved him, “Why am I not surprised?” Damian whipped around “I will break your arm Todd.” Jason chuckled “I’d like to see you try.”
Just as Damian was about to lunge at him a hand was placed on his shoulder. He turned and saw you standing there. “[F/n]!”
You chuckled and looked at them all. “Gosh I could hear you guys fighting from backstage. That’s one way to pinpoint your family came.” A smile was ever prevalent on your lips. Bruce was the first to give you a hug. “You were so amazing, I’m so proud of you.”
Then followed by Dick, “I’ve got to meet your castmates and see what kind of acro they do.” Then it was Jason, Tim, Damian, and finally Alfred to hug you. “I’d love for you guys to see backstage if you want.”
“Can we?!” Tim’s eyes lit up. He always was the one to know most about theatre. Smiling you nodded before moving to give them the grand tour. Running into a few castmates and introducing your family.
“You lied to me!” Jeremy yelled jogging over. “You said your family isn't coming.” He put a hand on your shoulder. Rolling your eyes you shoved him. “It was a surprise for me.”
Bruce offered a hand “A fine performance young man.” Jeremy smiled and shook it, “Thank you Mr. Wayne. It’s an honor to meet you.” Rolling your eyes you chuckled, “Don’t feed their egos.”
Jeremy chuckled before patting your shoulder,  “I should get back to the misses, great show tonight. See you tomorrow, it was nice meeting you” he called before running off. “You too, later!” Shouting back and waving at his wife when he reached her. Smiling she returned it.
After finishing the tour, you all went out for dinner. It made your night to hear them talking about how much they loved the show and what their favorite parts were. Laughing at how all of your little brothers hated the kissing scenes. Even the older two.
Pride swelled in you chest when Alfred and Bruce expressed how proud they were and how worth all the dance and singing and acting lessons were.
You couldn’t have asked for a better opening night.
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freakingholland · 7 years
freakingholland - masterlist
Tom Holland / Peter Parker
“Little asshole” - Tom Holland x actress!reader
“Don’t be so hard on yourself” - Peter Parker x reader
“Little things” - Peter Parker x reader
Best friends with Tom and Harrison HC - Tom Holland, Harrison Osterfield x actress!reader
“Spider-child” - Tom Holland x fem!reader
DC comics
“The way to a gal’s heart is through her stomach.” - Jason Todd x fem!reader
"Cold cloths, warm hugs" - Jason Todd x gn!reader
"Lovebirds times two" - YJ!DickGrayson x fem!reader
“Yes. I’m aster” - DickGrayson!Robin x superhero!reader
“Netflix and chill. Actually chill.” - Bart Allen x superhero!reader
"Raspberry cheeks" - Bart Allen x superheroFem!reader
How To Get Away With Murder
"Law of attraction" - Asher Millstone x gn!reader
“Tattoos” - Park Chanyeol x reader
drabble #1 - Na Jaemin x reader
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ofstarsandvibranium · 7 years
Stars Align
Fandom: Star Wars (Modern AU)
Pairing: Actor!Poe Dameron x Actress!Reader
Summary: Poe got cast in your favorite franchise. But because of of his contract, he can’t tell you what the role is. You end up getting cast in Poe’s favorite franchise. Oh revenge is sweet.
Poe: DC - Jason Todd - Batman
Reader: Marvel - Amora the Enchantress Thor
When Poe got the call from his manager, he was absolutely ecstatic! He got the role of Jason Todd to be in the live action adaption of Batman: Under the Red Hood! Oooohhh he knew you’d freak out since DC was one of your favorite franchises. However, his manager notified him that in his contract, he can’t say anything about his role or the upcoming movie just yet. So that meant he couldn’t tell you exactly. But still, he was gonna brag anyway.
“Baaaabe! Y/N! Love of my liiiiife!” You heard Poe sing out as he made his way to the living room.
You groaned and sat up from the couch, “Oh God. What is it?”
“I got a roooole!”
“That’s great babe! What is it and what movie?”
Poe smirked mischievously, “That’s the thing, I can’t tell you.”
“What? Are you kidding me?”
Poe laughed evilly, “Nope. AND it’s for a DC movie.”
Your eyes widened, “Are you frickin kidding me?! You’re going to be in a DC movie and you can’t even tell me?!”
Poe shrugged still donning a smirk, “It’s in the contract, babe.”
“Ugh, curse those contracts!”
A month later, you were done trying to convince Poe to tell you who he was playing. Therefore, as revenge, you decided to audition for an upcoming Marvel movie. Weeks later, you received a call from your manager saying that you got the role! You’ll be playing Enchantress in the upcoming Thor movie! Oooohh Poe was gonna go wild! But, like DC, in your contract with Marvel it says that you can’t tell anyone about your role or the movie until it is publicly announced by the studios. Now it was time for you to know something that Poe couldn’t know.
You skipped into the bedroom and catapulted yourself onto the bed landing next to Poe, “What’s got you so giddy?”
“I got a part!”
Poe sat up, “Really? That’s great! What movie?”
“Oh yeah know…a Marvel movie…”
Poe’s jaw dropped, “You’re kidding.”
You slowly shook your head and made a smirk that matched Poe’s a month a go, “Nope. I got a role in your favorite fandom and you can’t know anything!” You stuck your tongue out at him.
“Is this payback?”
“You know it.” 
As fate would have it, both of your roles were publicly announced online….at the same time.
“You’re going to be Red Hood?!”
“You’re going to be Enchantress?!”
The both of you hugged each other.
“That’s so cool! Jason Todd is amazing! And hot. But now that you’re playing him, he’s soooo much more hotter.”
“Enchantress is so seductive and clever and manipulative. Fuck! You’re gonna look sexy as hell!”
Both of you just stood there smiling at each other. Then you gave him the look. Poe’s genuine smile turned into a seductive one, “Celebratory sex?”
You nodded, “Yup,” making the ‘p’ pop.
“God, I love you.” Poe grabbed you by the hips and brought you closer.
Your arms lazily hung off his shoulders, “Hmmm. I know.”
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maryenette-writes · 8 years
Request List
I made this list so people could see what requests I have in my inbox. If you requested but don’t see your request down here, please tell me so I could add it. Also, please tell me if I made any mistakes!
Last Updated: 27/03/2017 Masterlist
Requester: Anonymous Pairing: Tim Drake x Reader Request: “could you do a song request with Ruin by Shawn Mendes and with Tim Drake??” 
Requester: Anonymous Pairing: Dick Grayson x Reader Request: “Could you do a Dick Grayson x Reader where they're dating but Bruce doesn't like the reader (he thinks that she's a gold digger) and he's sorta rude to her but then one day he goes to Dick's apartment to talk to him about a mission and he sees the reader and Dick being super cute (maybe cooking or something) and realizes that they really love each other and later apologizes to the reader”
Requester: Anonymous Pairing: Terry McGinnis x Reader Request: “Can í please request one where terry and the reader meet for the first time at the manor and bruce disapproves because that's his grandbaby
Requester: @dc-comics-imagines Pairing: Dick Grayson x Reader Request: “Okay. So since I've seen some stories with reader with small boobs going around and since I'm in the itty bitty tiny committee myself I was wondered if you could write something with Dick about it. I don't know if you want to make it nsfw or not.”
Requester: @dc-comics-imagines Pairing: Jason Todd x Reader Request: “So reader is an artist and she has an assignment to draw someone so she asks Jason”
Requester: Anonymous Pairing: Dick Grayson x Reader Request: “Okay, so I'm a little nervous to request this. I don't know how you'll feel about this. Please, please, PLEASE don't feel that you have to write it if you feel uncomfortable. I totally understand, really I do. The last thing I want to do is make you uncomfortable. But could you write a Dick Grayson x Reader story where the reader and Dick are on patrol and the reader gets shrunk by a chemical explosion, and they're freaking out, so Dick has to calm them down and there's fluff? Thank you!”
Requester: @justmandothings Pairing: Dick Grayson x Reader Request: “Hello again! I didn't know if requests are still open, but I utterly love your writing and had a cute idea. Could you write a Dick Grayson x Reader where either Dick and the reader are making food and there's cute little shenanigans that go on between the two while they're cooking? Such as Dick dancing to music playing in the background and trying to get the reader to dance, while she's trying to crack an egg and giggling over how adorable he is. The typical 'putting food on each other's face' thing, etc. Any cute fluffy food related thing you can think of. Thank you so much if you can! I love your writing so much.”
Requester: Anonymous Pairing: Jason Todd x Reader Request: “Can I request Jason and it's his wife's first time while they're on their honeymoon? Like fluffy with a tiny bit of NSFW”
Requester: Anonymous Pairing: None Request: “Would you be able to write a batsis imagine where the boys go to see her perform for the first time as the prima for her ballet company?”
Requester: Anonymous Pairing: Dick Grayson x Reader Request: “Could you write an imagine about one of the boys s/o (you can choose whos), where they are a figure skater and try to teach the boys how to figure skate at the request of Bruce to help them get along after they all had a falling out?”
Requester: Anonymous Pairing: Tim Drake x Reader Request: “Okay, so I know you want a head cannons for requests, but i was wondering if you could write some sort of thing between the reader and tim where his s/o challenges him to a chess match and it just gets more and more intense as the game goes on?”
Requester: @hellomgann1296 Pairing: Terry McGinnis x Reader Request: “If it wouldn't trouble you, could I request Terry McGinnis and reader? Reader is a new crime fighter going by the name Sparrow. People assume she's the new batgirl though because she's always around batman but her excuse for that is always the same, "I fight WAY better than him". But in reality, they're completely smitten w/ each other. But when they met they agreed to keep it platonic for safety/scheduling reason. Friends may have taken a turn to friends with benefits... ...but they don't reveal their identities (domino masks). But one day after a particularly rough mission where reader or Terry is really cut up, the other takes the wounded one back to his or her apartment and while they are being stitched up, they take of his or her cowl/mask. The other person is shocked but the wounded person is like "I think the person I'm madly in love w/ should know that I'm more than just a pair of lips." The other does the same, they share names, and a sweet kiss.”
Requester: @alicerozenju Pairing: Jason Todd x Reader Request: “Hi! I'm still on Disney mood, and I was thinking on a prompt where Roy (or the Bat Boys) just saw the Beauty and the Beast (The original animated version of course :D) and thought on Jason as the Beast and the S/O as Belle, and when they saw them cuddling or being all lovey dovey the guys start singing or humming the Beauty and the Beast theme...”
Requester: @dc-comics-imagines Pairing: Jason Todd x Reader Request: “So Jason and reader broke up, because as he said he didn't feel anything anymore not even by kissing her and abandons her. Reader calls him a little time later to tell him she's pregnant and he is really mean to her, saying the kid is not his or that maybe there's no kid at all and that is her way of forcing him to come back. +  I just had this idea where she died during childbirth because she wanted Jason by her side and the stress of being alone made her weaker. And during the entire thing she was calling for Jason but he wasn't there. +  I feel like she has to be seem by Jason. Could that be a dream of his? That makes him feel more guilty? +  this dream makes him realize that he should be there for the kid.”
Requester: Anonymous Pairing: Dick Grayson x Reader Request: “Could you write about one of the boys s/o having a bad day and they try to make them feel better and it ends up with their s/o painting their nails and doing their make up with glasses of wine and shitty chick flicks playing in the background? You can choose which boy.”
Requester: Anonymous Pairing: Damian Wayne x Reader Request: “I don't know if you do song fics, but if you do, could you do one based on 'Say You Won't Go' by James Arthur for Damien?”
Requester: Anonymous Pairing: Jason Todd x Reader x Cassandra Cain (Platonic) Request: “Can I pls request a prompt with Jason ft Cassie? Reader is also a hero and likes to train a lot w/Cassie so she's around the mansion a lot. Jason develops a crush on her but doesn't know how to approach her so he starts involving himself in training.”
Requester: Anonymous Pairing: Damian Wayne x Sister!Reader Request: “Maybe something about Bruce's older daughter going mom mode when Damian has a problem in school, like, fear her, she can hurt you worst than the other Waynes. Even Alfred is scared, Barbara is her best friend and brings popcorn for the other girls.”
Requester: Anonymous Pairing: Jason Todd x Reader Request: “Can you do one with Jason where you end up protecting him. You gained powers from the particle accelerator (tying in the flash here) that surfaced when jay was in danger? Maybe the reader has elemental manipulation. Thanks!!!”
Requester: Anonymous Pairing: Barbara Gordon x Fem!Reader Request: “Okay is there anyway I can get some fluffy Barbra Gordon?? It can be when she was batgirl or oracle. Maybe she teaches her s/o some of her skills??”
Requester: Anonymous Character: Dick Grayson & Jason Todd Request: “Hi love, could you do a NSFW head cannon (about anything in general about their sex life) for Jaybird or DICKBUTT pls? ❤️” 
Requester: @dc-comics-imagines Character: Batboys Request: “GOING CAMPING WITH THE BATBOYS”
Requester: @dc-comics-imagines Character: Batboys Request: “Headcanons on batboys with stubborn kids”
Requester: @dc-comics-imagines Character: Batboys Request: “HEADCANONS ON BATBOYS TRYING TO RAP AND FAILING MISERABLY?”
Requester: @minchen0897 Character: Batboys + Bruce Request: “Congrats on the 500! You deserve it - and many more :D Now, i saw you asked for Headcanons? I love Headcanons. So...how about the s/o of the Batboys being a soldier, and after being mia for...a year, maybe? They come home. Reactions, please? (Also, older Damian of course, otherwise it wouldn't make sense. And i would absolutely adore it if you would include the War Veteran Alfred too, because he IS a Grandpa to all of them, i am ready to fight everyone on this.) Thank you so much!”
Requester: @minchen0897 Character: Batboys + Bruce + Alfred Request: “Congrats on the 500! You deserve it - and many more :D Now, i saw you asked for Headcanons? I love Headcanons. So...how about the s/o of the Batboys Batsis being a soldier, and after being mia for...a year, maybe? They come home. Reactions, please? (Also, older Damian of course, otherwise it wouldn't make sense. And i would absolutely adore it if you would include the War Veteran Alfred too, because he IS a Grandpa to all of them, i am ready to fight everyone on this.) Thank you so much!”
Requester: @justmandothings Character: Batboys + Bruce Request: “Okay, here's a headcanon ask! Since it's snowing where I'm at, how about how Bruce and the BatBoys act around their s/o's when it's snowing outside and what snow fun things they might do out there. :D”
Requester: Anonymous Character: Dick Grayson & Jason Todd Request: “HCs for Jason/Dick dating a famous actress/singer? 😁”
Requester: Anonymous Character: Batboys Request: “Can you do HCs when the Batboy's s/o gets kidnapped by the Joker or any DC Villain? Tysm ☺😘”
Requester: Anonymous Character: Dick Grayson & Jason Todd Request: “Hc on how dick and Jason would handle their gf feeling really jealous/self conscious/low self esteemed about their previous relationships with Kori?”
Requester: Anonymous Character: Batfamily Request: “Headcannon for the batfam with their smol s/o or a road trip with the batfam and you're with one of them ? :) xx”
Requester: Anonymous Character: Batfamily Request: “Any headcanons when the bat family goes into a haunted house? >u<”
Requester: Anonymous Character: Batboys Request: “Same anon from a bit back where batsis comes home with a girl instead of a boy, could you write headcannons around that? Like how the family would react to batsis coming home with a girlfriend, and how they would react if it was another heroine, like Kara Danvers or Cassie Sandsmark?”
Requester: Anonymous Character: Jason Todd, Roy Harper & Kori Request: “Head cannon or a imagine of being part of the outlaws and what life is like living with them (Jay, Kori and Roy)?”
Requester: Anonymous Character: Batboys Request: “Head cannon for going on vacation with the boys (Dick, Jason, Tim, Duke,and Damian) ? Thanks Mary! :D”
Requester: @royslittleharper Request: “Can I please have a ship? i'm 5'8 ginger w dyed black hair & brown eyes. i love video game & fantasy/comedy genre. I'm trash for reality tv & sitcoms too. i'm cheeky & dorky at times but can have days where i just want to crawl into bed and use escapism to cope. i'm very protective and sarcastic and ready to go mumma bear at will. I struggle with some cues with people so i tend to be careful and hold onto grudges which I'm trying be better with. i'm addicted to coffee and i'm a sinner. Thank yo”
Requester: Anonymous Request: “Hey there, if you're still accepting ships, could I have one as well? I'm Val (short for Valerie). I'm 5'4, half white/Asian, with greyish blue hair, brown eyes and tan skin. I love travelling, reading, playing video games, and going online. I do not like having attention on me, can be a loner, but love being around people I care about. I'm always willing to put others first before myself, am sarcastic as hell and have a witty sense of humour. Thanks love if you do this!”
Requester: Anonymous Request: “Can I have a ship please? I'm a bi Latina. 5'3" with wavy, brown hair and eyes. I have an average/curvy build. I love cooking, movies and hiking. I struggle with anxiety. Right now I'm working towards becoming a psychiatrist bc I want to help others.”
O . C .   S H I P S
Requester: Anonymous Request: “Here's my OC: her name is Jennifer R. Morgan! She is from Vancouver, BC (so she's Canadian), is half white and Asian (Filipino), is the middle child (one older sister and one younger sister). Her father is a very powerful mob boss around the west coast and her mother is a bio chemist. Parents are divorced due to her father's line of work becoming too dangerous for the family. Kind of the black sheep of the family since she's very shy and isolated due to certain events in her childhood. Jennifer lives with her father and has recently began to partake in his line of work, much to her mother's and siblings knowledge; but then decides to leave that life. She later becomes a vigilante in her area, basically doing what the batfam does. Has light brown eyes, light olive skin, is 5'6 and shoulder-length raven black hair. Has a rose tattoo on her right shoulder, a Gemini zodiac symbol on her left hand (on her middle finger) and many little ones all over her body.  Her family is pretty well-off, but never has she ever taken advantage of that. She's rather 18-20 (I couldn't make up my mind lol), but appears younger for her age. Very close with both her siblings and close to both parents, but since their divorce, has distanced herself from them bc of their continuous custody battle over her younger sister (older sister is 4 years older; younger sis is 8 years). Jennifer's personally is much like Jason's and Tim's. She's also in uni.”
Requester: @batlog Request: “Maia is a 5’6 Brunette and is the daughter of the Asguardian's Skadi and Odin, but believes she is human, with no memories of her past after a prank gone wrong by Loki. She is outgoing and flirtatious and usually in prank wars, but can also ice people out when she gets hurt by them badly and cools off by shooting her bow. She's also very caring and gentle but can be extremely protective stubborn and gullible. Her favourite things to do are eat, tinker with gadgets and exercise. Thank you”
Requester: @pinkiepie125 Request: “Hey! Would it be okay if I sent in an OC ship? My OC's name is Stella and she's what many would call broken. She hates the feeling of helplessness but yet, it's the one feeling that she finds herself suffocating in. She wants to see the happiness in the world but it's too far for her, she can't achieve it and honestly, she doesn't see the way out. She doesn't even think that she could ever be happy. Hope this is enough information for the OC ships, this is my first time doing this! Thank you! <3″
Requester: Anonymous Request: “My oc is Hanna she's Russian and a magician, is mute, parents abandoned her at an orphanage, is a hard worker, not really good at expressing herself, loves reading, adores flowers, is ready to help and protect her friends.”
Requester: @i-n-v-e-r-n-i-s-m-o Request: “Intelligent girl that looks angelic but is sassy and ironic when you get to know her. Kinda mysterious because she doesn't say much with words but her eyes says everything. Fearless and her curly hair is as wild as she is in her heart. Sounds confident. Has so much love inside her that she doesn't know what to do with it, so she just pretend that all this love is dead. Loves deeply or doesn't care at all. Likes to be alone and is independent. Doesn't let people tell her what to do and is a bit dramatic sometimes but won't admit it. Loves horror movies and laughs while watching them. She tries so hard to be happy by herself but sometimes she needs someone. Too proud and cunning. Never felt real love before and act like she doesn't believe it but she's waiting for her love to show up. Doesn't want to be sweet princess because she's already a freaking queen. She can't forgive and forget. Has a golden heart that is damaged, but that's okay because aren't we all a bit broken?
Her name is Mel. Her father was French and her mother Brazilian. She was born in Brazil but moved to USA when she was a child. She always loved to read and learned things really fast. Her father was part of a small "gang" of thieves and was murdered after stealing from the wrong people. Her mother died trying to protect her husband and child. The same people who murdered her family "adopted" her as a symbol of victory to scare people who tried to steal from them. They were really agressive towards her but would never miss a chance of showing her off to look powerful. She spent years secretly training to scape and studying with the help of one of her father's partners that managed to survive but got locked up by the same family, he was her only friend. Years later her friend died and she escaped. She trained for months with no pauses while living in the streets and became a warrior so she tracked down her "family" and killed them, that day she became shadow, a antihero. She took over her "family's"  business and is the leader of their "mafia" but she always make sure that they're not hurting the wrong people.”
Requester: @ifthisislove-loveiseasy Request: “now about my OC: her name is Alma Markovich. she has 20 years old, has long black hair, she is 5'7 and she has brown light eyes, she never had a boyfriend, that's why she's a flustered mess around boys and she is a little clumsy and stubborn but its a good sweet girl. she moves to Gotham to finish her studies of nursing, she doesn't know about her parents since they died when she was little, so she lived all her life with a middle old lady until Alma decided to move to another city. Alma not only know about nursing, she also know speak English, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian and French, also know about close combat, about astronomy and she can cook very well. Her style is very casual but if she want she can be a total femme fatale. Her hobbies are watch the stars, read, play with any dog or cat, play the piano and help to anyone who need it.”
Requester: @nabilaqmr Request: “Hii maruthor! Can I please get an oc ship? My oc's name is Natalie, she's a very stubborn girl who tries to get things done her way and she doesn't take a no for an answer but when it came to the person she loves the most she'll *shyly* give in and agree to let things done their way. She has a habbit of seeing the good in others and always ended up getting hurt but thats one of the things that made her strong and she believes everyone deserve a second chance, she can be a savage if she wants to be and can be a little bit agressive when she's angry. She always put other's needs before hers and she would gladly sacrifice herself for her s/o she's loves to joke around and have fun but also knows when to be serious. That's basically it I hope it's not too long 😅 
So Natalie is 5'1, she has dirty blonde hair with bright green eyes, her favorite color is any shades of blue and green. She's a summer lover but she's also down to winter only for the hot cocoas and cuddles so she would probably wear a lot of tanktops or jackets. I wanna add a few more things about her that I forgot to mention, she's also Oliver Queen's daughter (forgot that detail _ _') she loves her father but she hates how much of a playboy and a flirt he, and probably any other guys she meets, she doesn't go for guys who are already taken by other women/men because she hates being the cause of a broken relationship. She also sees Dinah Lance as a role model and a mother figure so she learned a thing or two about how to defend herself in rough situations. And also she has this love hate brother sister kind of relationship with Roy but she loves anyways.” 
Requester: @schninner Request: “Hi there! I just wanted to start by saying that Red was amazing and yet it killed me a the same time, so kudos to you! I also saw that you were doing OC ships and was wondering if you could do my OC? Her name is Makayla Fray and her alias is Red Comet. She has wavey dirty blonde hair that is always in her face and Red eyes. Powers- she can fly, and when she does there is a red haze around her ( i always picture the tail of a Comet or the light that radiates from it) her body tempurature is normally 115-120. She has something sort of like a plasma blast and has super strength.  Although her powers mainly relate to heat/fire, she can't really use them to their full potential; because,  like a comet (which is basically like a dirty snowball), whenever she gets to hot or uses her powers to much she starts to deteriorate. So she has to drink a crap ton of water. Personality- she is fiercly loyal to her friends, she is clumsy as hell and in no way near graceful or sneaky. She blushes quite easily and gets flustered/embarrassed  whenever someone compliments her. She not really one for people and tends not to make friends easily, but the friends she does make, she loves them wholly. She is sassy and sarcastic when first met, but can be a real sweet heart when she needs to be. She is not really one for authority and can occasionally be a loose cannon out on the field I think I covered everything... But if you need to know anything else I'll be here! I hope you can work with my OC, but if not I understand. Thank you!💜”
Requester: @dc-comics-imagines Request: “I want you to ship him with a female...Okay so his name is Beau and he is 6'6. With long platinum blonde hair (almost like bleached) that he likes to keep in a half ponytail. He also has sandy colored eyes and a scar across his left eye and lower lip. He's warm witty and funny and very loyal. He always chases down the good chances whether it is for love or anything else. He is too devoted to his emotions but knows pretty well when they should be locked deep down in his heart. He rarely gets angry but when he does people fear him. He's too tall and he's either too clumsy or too smooth. He works as a cop and does well with all his colleagues. He likes to workout so he doesn't look like a huge walking straw. Also he avoids dating blondes because almost everyone in his family is blonde and he's kind of bored of that. He'd like it of his s/o appreciated his family, because he has two other sisters; His twin and the youngest members of the family who he protects with all his might and a total respect for his parents.” 
Requester: @dc-comics-imagines Request: “Okay so Lyla is Beau's little sister. She's brunette with natural blonde highlights here and there, since almost everyone in her family is blonde, except her dad. She's loyal, like her brother but sometimes she too damn dump. She has severe depression and she hates to admit so. She's constantly on her own little world, she's an artist and she actually studies art. Her dad forces her to become a cop just like her brother so they can have an eye on her. She decided that she should join the police academy after she had an affair with her professor at the college. (She was forced in this affair by him though, with blackmailing and stuff). Her old relationships hunt her, nobody has ever been too good to her and they seem to always take advantage of her insecurities. She loves her family too, but maybe not as much as her brother. She wants to get away from everyone and everything and be her own self. She doesn't want anyone to control her, she wants to be free and not to have to dye her hair blonde or black to fit the standards of others. she somehow needs someone to order her around. Sometimes she's feisty but she instantly regrets it.”
Requester: @dc-comics-imagines Request: “Taylor is my main oc. She's got dark brunette hair with forest green eyes. She's got mental abilities that she used to struggle to control. Her mother gave her to the Amazons because she couldn't take care of her. There at the age of four she killed an Amazons with her powers. The other Amazons expected Hippolyta to kill her or give her back to her mother but Hippolyta choose to help her gain discipline and with the right amount of practice she became a manhunter, working especially for the Amazons. Later on she came to men's world to go after Diana. But things were difficult because she didn't know the language. Being in the men's world though made her want to know about her biological parents.  After long fights with Diana she decided to stay in the streets. I won't brag about it much, but it was Dick who helped her learn English and helped her settle, and overtime she fell for him. Once she was rejected she was reminded that she was a monster, who only killed people and maybe that's why she wasn't able to be loved. But overall, she never does anything without being ordered too. She might appear as extremely pretty or fierce, as a woman so badass you have to fear, but she's so weak inside. But being an Amazon means she has no single insecurity. She always tells forward for those who indeed have and tried her best to protect the weak and clear her killer name”
Requester: @womenofjustice Request: “Thank you so much Rebecca Baxter Age: 25 Owner and founder of Baxter Technologies. Daughter of Trigon older sister of Raven. Lived in London but moved to Bludhaven build her business. Goes by source when she is fighting crime. Is a nerd. 6'8 dark skinned and plus sized. Sassy and a hard working woman but behind closed doors a weird nerd and geek who loves making Cosplay(s) and weapons. Has a weapons named monster metal that is a metal that she can change into any weapon she wants using her powers to charge it. Hopefully this is enough”
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