#jason rubin
geekcavepodcast · 6 months
DC Comics Announces "Joker: The World"
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The Joker is on a world tour in a new anthology from DC Comics. Joker: The World will see the Clown Prince of Crime visiting 13 countries. Creatives for the 184 page hardcover include Geoff Johns, Satoshi Miyagawa, David Rubin, German Peralta, Alvaro Fong Varela, Jason Fabok, and more.
Joker: The World goes on sale on September 17, 2024 (available for preorder at comic shops on April 19).
(Image via DC Comics - Cover of Joker: The World)
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gremlincorner · 1 year
so was anybody going to tell me that the art director and concept artist for the jak and daxter series went on to found big red button* and directed sonic boom: rise of lyric or was i just supposed to find that out while scouring the internet for a specific piece of jak x concept art
*with 2 other people
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dustedmagazine · 8 months
Rick Rubin (with Neil Strauss) — The Creative Act: A Way of Being (Canongate)
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Mega-producer and record label magnate Rick Rubin brings us his first book (co-written with Neil Strauss), The Creative Act: A Way of Being. At 404 pages, the book is a surprisingly breezy read, giving some insight into how Rubin approaches the art of being creative. Which for him boils down to a way of being. Those looking for juicy anecdotes about recording sessions with Johnny Cash, LL Cool J, Slayer, The Red Hot Chili Peppers or any of the other innumerable artists Rubin has worked with will be disappointed. But for those curious about the modus operandi behind one of the most influential record producers of the last 50 years, and how this might relate to one's own life, The Creative Act: A Way of Being could prove useful.
Admittedly, I was at first skeptical when the book caught my eye in a bookstore window. I was like, That Rick Rubin, the producer?  Well, why shouldn't an immensely successful record producer know something about creativity? It was more the framing of this knowledge as a way of being that caused a brief spate of disbelief on my part. Growing up in Los Angeles (The Land of Fruits and Nuts, as my hard-scrabble relatives in South Boston referred to California in general) I was used to seeing books from dime-store gurus. Edgar Cayce, Ram Dass and Timothy Leary paperbacks lined my mother's bookshelves. I had girlfriends who went to Golden Dawn temples, friends who dragged me along to channeling sessions for some deity from Venus. It was hard for me to take any of this very seriously.
Maybe it was the extreme disconnect between Rubin's commercial background and his espoused role as a seer that pushed me over the edge and caused me to buy the book. The opening quote from American artist Robert Henri sets the tone for what follows: The object isn't to make art, it's to be in that wonderful state which makes art inevitable. The book therefore provides less a toolbox for working on one's life than a series of vignettes where Rubin extrapolates on various contingencies related to achieving a state of mind and spirit where creativity is possible. Some of these topics include, Listening, Self-Doubt, Non-Competition, Freedom, Inspiration and Awareness. Basically anything which Rubin feels has pertained to his creative process is included in this book.
Ironically, what came more to mind while reading this was not Rick Rubin's background but the German artist Joseph Beuys' famous dictum, Everyone is an artist (Jeder Mensch ist ein Künstler). Unlike Rubin, Beuys did not frame his belief as much in the context of a spiritual journey, but like Rubin he did see himself as a kind of shaman or teacher who could lead society onward to a new — and more positive — direction by unleashing the creative possibilities each person innately possessed but perhaps did not know they had. For Beuys, this would later morph into a concept of social sculpture, where the creative state in each person would further society as a productive, forward-thinking organism.
This would also be the gist of Rubin's book. He's not trying to tell us how to make a better record, write a more catchy song, more successfully promote an artist's career (although all these things are mentioned tangentially throughout the book) but to help people realize their own unique creative strengths in the hopes of steering society in a less self-destructive direction. Though the main text and sprinkling of aphorisms scattered liberally throughout the book often verged for me on a kind of treacly sweetness, in the end I came away feeling that Rubin had really made a sincere attempt to show people the way to something they might not have realized they'd had all along.
The most inspiring take-away from the book would be this sense that even in a person's everyday life there is this great wellspring of energy to approach the most mundane tasks from a creative standpoint. That being creative doesn't necessarily mean creating something, making some beautiful object. It's about a state of mind where creativity equates with a way of existence, of approaching life with an awareness that will put one in a place where they can reconnect to a life energy which, at the very least, will lead one to experiencing a more personally fulfilling existence.
All this being said, the book also includes many concrete examples of how to circumvent creative dilemmas and meltdowns, whether this be in the recording studio or just trying to make it through a workday. Though Rubin seldom mentions people he's collaborated with by name in the book, he gives numerous examples of how he works in the studio — not necessarily microphone placement or which effects he used, but more how he guided various recording artists on an inspirational or spiritual level to realize their full creative potential. And in this context the book moves beyond its often sentimental, esoteric trappings to provide some real-world advice for people, whatever their vocation in life, to find a new way of being.
Jason Kahn
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vinkumakkara · 2 years
thought abt the way saints row over the course of the entire series handled its relationship with like... idk, how they’re video games. like the old games and sr2 especially were always self-aware to a certain point but the way they approached the concept was organic and playful, a spectrum that includes things like the increasingly outlandish activities Boss treats as perfectly normal to the tiny “blink and you miss it” details like the activity completion screens giving you “coupons” for the perks you get. the blurring between diegetic and extradiegetic elements is constant and everywhere and it very effectively conditions the player into accepting Stilwater's internal logic, that something like Red Asphalt and Septic Avenger can happen within the same world. obviously it’s a subjective thing where not everyone quite “gets it” but when the fans talk about how much they like how the game handled tone and word their experiences as a balance of “serious” and “silly”, this was a huge part of it
i have a hard time finding words to sum it but it’s like the devs saying “it’s a video game. and that really means something” in contrast to the later games just saying “it’s a video game” or even “it’s a video game. and that means nothing you did or do actually matters!” in sriv you have characters talking about the events of the old games like they played through them rather than actually experiencing them, you have Boss referring to their past self as “the second player”, it’s just a constant deluge of characters pointing at themselves and going “i’m a video game character and this is a video game it’s not real! did you get it yet?” it’s no longer an organic part of the world where it adds meaning to the experience but rather it tries and succeeds in doing the exact opposite. it sucks out all meaning leaving nothing but an empty husk if you’re looking for anything else but the most surface level casual “mindless fun”. it’s like that by design
i don’t really have a clear opinion on this when it comes to the reboot yet but i definitely think this is a major aspect of why that game feels so wrong. like the stated goal of srr “re-grounding” the series was not only commendable but also absolutely crucial to actually keep the thing going, but it feels like the the srr team basically only learned the “don’ts” of srtt and sriv in this context without understanding the “do’s” of sr2. or they understood them perfectly well but were told not to do it that way because someone with a lot of control over the project was also someone who “didn’t get it”. i don’t think it’s only the latter option though because these problems feel like they run so damn deep, it extends from everything like the player character feeling like they come from a whole different universe than the rest of the crew to things like how the GUI conveys information to the player. it’s like srr is still lacking in that self-aware nuance, just like srtt and sriv, but in like a completely new nightmare extreme i didn’t even consider was possible
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mrjoeiconis-blog · 2 years
Assorted Vintage Iconis & Fam Posters Part I
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gbhbl · 1 year
Horror Movie Review: Screamers (1995)
A military commander stationed off planet during an interplanetary war travels through the devastated landscape to negotiate a peace treaty, but discovers that the primitive robots they built to kill enemy combatants have gained sentience.
Screamers is a 1995 science fiction horror film, directed by Christian Duguay. Based on Philip K. Dick’s 1953 short story “Second Variety”. In the year 2078, the planet Sirius 6B, once a thriving mining hub, has been reduced to a toxic wasteland by a war between the mining company (N.E.B.), and “The Alliance”, a group of former mining and science personnel. After miners discovered that their…
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Murdoch's Wall Street Journal spouts more lies about the Federal debt, on behalf of the rich, to the detriment of the rest
The Wall Street Journal is owned by Rupert Murdoch, who supports 32 times convicted felon Donald Trump. Murdoch also owns extreme right-wing Fox News, which paid an $800 million fine for lying. Need I say more? Here are excerpts from an article that appeared in the WSJ. Comments are noted. Federal Debt Is Soaring. Here’s Why Trump and Harris Aren’t Talking About It. Story by Richard Rubin,…
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thenerdsofcolor · 20 days
A Los Angeles Theatre Review: 'God Will Do The Rest'
This may be very inside theatre knowledge but there hasn’t really been an Asian American family play that fully utilizes multiple family members throughout different generations quite like Nicholas Pilapil‘s God Will Do The Rest, now having its world premiere directed by Fran De Leon in a co-joint Artists at Play and Latino Theater Company production. While the play goes through arguably…
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graphicpolicy · 5 months
The Clown Prince of Crime heads around the World in Joker: The World including the first African Joker
The Clown Prince of Crime heads around the World in Joker: The World including the first African Joker #comics #comicbooks #graphicnovel
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blindmanspuff · 6 months
Alec Bradley Magic Toast 5th Anniversary - Blind Cigar Review
Alec Bradley Magic Toast 5th Anniversary - Blind #Cigar Review @alecbradley #cigars #blindmanspuff #SmokeBlind
Cigar Info Last September Forged Cigar Co. released the latest addition to its portfolio, the Alec Bradley Magic Toast Fifth Anniversary, a special release commemorating five years of the Magic Toast line. First introduced in 2018 and making an early appearance in 2016 (because of impending FDA regulartion), this line has consistently caught the attention of cigar smokers, especially with its…
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krispyweiss · 2 years
Song Review(s): Phil Lesh & Friends - “Dancing in the Street,” “Cassidy” - > “Rubin and Cherise” (Live, Oct. 31, 2022)
Score one for the “->.”
And otherwise-not-all-together Phil Lesh & Friends nailed a tricky transition from the outro jam of Grateful Dead’s “Cassidy” into the intro of the Jerry Garcia Band’s “Rubin and Cherise,” making for the highlight of the giveaway portion of the band’s Halloween-night livestream from New York State.
It began with “Dancing in the Street,” a version that split the difference between the Dead’s disco arrangement and Duane Betts’ Allman Brothers pedigree. Grahame Lesh played Bob Weir to Nicki Bluhm’s Donna Jean Godchaux on a song that was musically electrifying and a tough sell vocally.
“Cassidy” had the same cast of singers with botched lyrics to boot. But it led to the seamless, taking-their-sweet-time “->,” which in turn found Grahame Lesh on the mic for a “Rubin” that was truly lackluster.
Grade card: Phil Lesh & Friends - “Dancing in the Street,” “Cassidy” - > “Rubin and Cherise” (Live - 10/31/22) - B/C+/C-
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klbwriting · 7 months
Finally Home - Jason Todd Blurbs
Jason Reads A Bedtime Story
Fandom: Red Hood
Warnings: none
Summary: Jason has been doing a lot of patrolling and you demand he stays home one night to read his daughter a bedtime story
Notes: after how Broken Prism has been I wanted something light and cute, and several people have asked for some more about Jason being a girl dad so here is something I hope you like, also go ahead and read Dragons Love Tacos by Adam Rubin even if you don't have kids, it's a cute book
               Gotham was known for a lot of criminal activity that kept Jason busy but for the past few weeks it had been like the criminals had been on a bender and never slept.  Jason was out every night pretty much, coming home only to sleep and eat, and then back out again.  It was really starting to take a toll on his 7-year-old daughter who just wanted her daddy to read her a bedtime story.  You knew why he was doing this, he was the city’s protector, but he was also a father and despite all the good he did in the city he was starting to do some damage to his baby. 
               “I’ll read to you tonight honey,” you said as you curled up with your daughter in her little bed, opening one of her favorite books.  She shook her head, tears already starting to fall like they had been every night the last couple of days.
               “I don’t want you, I want daddy, he does the voices,” she said, wiping her eyes to try and stop the tears.  She knew her dad worked at night, knew he was out stopping bad guys, but we kept that secret and only talked about it with the others in the Wayne family.  It was tough to understand but she was a trooper and was usually able to handle Jason being gone for a few nights.  This was far too long, and you hated seeing how much it hurt her not to spend time with him, especially when he was normally the best dad any kid could ask for.  You hugged her close, kissing her head and deciding right then and there that you were going to do something about this. 
               Once you finally got your girl to sleep you called your best friend who was always willing to watch her favorite ‘niece’ and headed to the Batcave.  Bruce was going to get an earful from you because you knew he was the one asking Jason to take on extra patrols because Nightwing was busy in Bludhaven, Tim was doing college courses, and Damian still had high school, but someone was going to step up right now and let Red Hood take a night off. 
               The cave was only manned by Alfred when you arrived and after a quick greeting you settled in to wait until Bruce and Jason got back.  Alfred was eyeing you the entire time, seeing you getting more annoyed as you stewed in your thoughts. 
               “Seems like Master Bruce is going to be in for a fight here tonight,” he said, a twinkle in his eye.  The man may have pretended to be stoic and calm, but he lived for drama, why else would he stay in the employment of the biggest drama queen this world had ever known? 
               “He’s not the only one,” you muttered, finally hearing the familiar sound of the Batmobile and Jason’s bike coming down the ramp.  Bruce was barely out of the car, and Jason off his bike, when you were marching up to them.  Jason smiled, ready for a hug, not expecting to see the angry expression on your face.
               “Hey sweetthing, come to visit?” he asked.  You threw him and glare before looking at Bruce. 
               “He’s getting tomorrow night off,” you said.  Bruce opened his mouth, ready to argue.  “No, no, you shut up.  He has been patrolling from dusk until dawn for three weeks now without a break and there is a little girl at home who has cried herself to sleep for the last four nights because her dad hasn’t been around for bedtime, and I’m done with that.  You let him have a night off or so help me I will be the next supervillain you have to deal with.”  Bruce looked shocked; you had never lost it like this before on him.  Jason swallowed.
               “She’s been crying?” he asked, voice small and heartbroken.  He could neve imagine him being the source of his daughter’s tears, she was everything to him.  “Ya, I’m not coming in tomorrow.”
               “Jason, I need the extra help right now,” Bruce tried to argue.  He shook his head.
               “Tim can skip a night class or Damian can miss a day of school, I’m staying home and reading to my baby girl,” he said.  He turned to you, who was finally smiling.  He saw how tired you looked and realized that you must be struggling without him every night too.  He forgot that sometimes he wasn’t just Red Hood anymore, he was a husband, and a father now.  “Is her favorite book still Dragons Love Tacos?”
               “Ya, she wants you to read it in your old man dragon voice,” you said, smiling at him.  He pulled you close, giving you a kiss before he went to change.  Bruce approached you slowly, cowl now off and looking guilty.
               “I am sorry about this, he is just so good, so protective of the city now, ever since his girl was born, I forget that he has a reason to go home,” he said.  “I’ll get others to cover patrols for the next week, why don’t you guys spend that time together?”
               “Thank you, Bruce, I appreciate that,” you said. 
               The next evening when Jason would normally be saying goodbye, he was playing Legos, building a castle with his little girl on her bedroom floor.  She looked at the window, seeing the sun had set and looked at her dad.
               “Don’t you need to go to work daddy?” she asked, putting another piece in place.  He shook his head.
               “No, they gave me a week off just to hang out with you,” he said.  Her face lit up and she jumped, hugging him. 
               “I’m going to get ready for bed now!” she said, running to grab her pajamas and get in the bath.  He chuckled, cleaning up the pieces they hadn’t used and finding a stack of books to read to her.  He wanted to read to her until he couldn’t speak.  You came into the room after helping her into the tub and kissed him softly. 
               “We love you hero,” you said.  He smiled back at you and went to finish helping his daughter with her bedtime routine.  He settled her into bed, got her favorite stuffed animal, a red bat of course, and settled next to her, looking comically large on her little twin bed.  You stood in the doorway as he got her settled and opened the book, clearing his throat.
               “Is this the voice?” he asked, making it sound deep and somehow like an old dragon with a smoking problem.  She giggled and nodded, then snuggled into his chest, her arms wrapping around him as she looked at the pictures.  “Hey kid, did you know that dragons love tacos?”
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inevitablemoment · 11 days
Jason: If you and Dad weren't in love, why did he even propose to you?
Trina: Um...
(Flashback-- Trina and Marvin, around the age of twenty-three, are sitting in a doctor's office)
Doctor: Well, uh, Miss Rubin, I think we've found the reason why you've been throwing up in the morning.
(The doctor holds out his hand to Marvin)
Doctor: Congratulations.
Marvin: (incoherent cry of shock, surprise, and anger)
(Marvin's sound echoes down the hallway)
Man in a Body Cast: Poor guy.
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flickys-courage-club · 6 months
If my CTCD OCs have headcanon voices(or what would they sound like)
Olive - Mammon (Helluva Boss) [VA - Michael Cusack]
Felix - Lisa Loud (Loud House) [VA - Lara Jill Miller]
Justin - Mater (Cars) [VA - Larry the Cable Guy]
Clive - Joe Swanson (Family Guy) [VA - Patrick Warburton]
Nathan - Moxxie (Helluva Boss) [VA - Richard Horvitz]
Teresa - Pearl (Steven Universe) [VA - Deedee Magno]
Barry - Edd/Double D (Ed, Edd n Eddy) [VA - Samuel Khouth] or Lani-Loli (Crash Bandicoot) [VA - Richard Horvitz]
Grinz - Toko Fukawa/Genocide Jack (Danganronpa games) [VA - Amanda Celine Miller]
Frownz - Byakuya Togami (Danganronpa games) [VA - Jason Wishnov]
Sirius - Dr Facilier (Princess and The Frog) [VA - Keith David]
Petal - Onion Cookie (CRK) [VA - LilyPichu]
Alan - Warp Darkmatter (Buzz Lightyear Of Star Command) [VA - Diedrich Brader]
Jacob - NOS-4-A2 (Buzz Lightyear Of Star Command) [VA - Craig Ferguson]
Lauren - Eda Clawthorne (Owl House) [VA - Wendie Malick] or Carmilla Carmine (Hazbin Hotel) [VA - Daphne Rubin-Vega]
Oliver - Andrealphus (Helluva Boss) [VA - Jason LeShea]
Matt - Jafar (Aladdin) [VA - Jonathan Freeman]
Lucifer/Puppeteer of Terrors - Joker (DC) [VA - Mark Hamill]
Fear King - Zestial (Hazbin Hotel) [VA - James Monroe Iglehart] or Asmodeus (Helluva Boss) [VA - James Monroe Iglehart]
Sin Clowns(Pride and Lust) - Blitzø (Helluva Boss) [VA - Brandon Rogers]
Sin Clown(Wrath) - Captain Gantu (Lilo and Stitch) [VA - Kevin Michael Richardson] or Shan Yu (Mulan) [VA - Miguel Ferrer]
Sin Clown(Greed) - Coachman (Pinocchio(1940s) [VA - Charles Judel]
Sin Clown(Envy) - Chris McLean (Total Drama) [VA - Christian Potenza]
Sin Clown(Glutton) - Verosika Mayday (Helluva Boss) [VA - Cristina Vee]
Sin Clown(Sloth) - Glitz and Glam (Helluva Boss) [VAs - Faye Mata]
Wendell - Lil Lightning (101 Dalmatians: Patch's London Adventure) [VA - Jason Alexander]
Toxin - Scarface (BTAS) [VA - George Costanza] or Crimson (Helluva Boss) [VA - Richard Horvitz]
Bon - Rosie (Hazbin Hotel) [VA - Leslie Kritzer]
Damien - Grigori Olyat (Henry Stickmin) [VA - PuffballsUnited]
Smiler - Harley Quinn (DC) [VA - Arleen Sorkin]
Snowflake - Adorabat (Mao Mao: HOPH) [VA - Lika Leong]
Malcolm - Demoman (TF2) [VA - Gary Schwartz] or Groundskeeper Willie (Simpsons) [VA - Dan Castellaneta]
Damon - Vulture (Spectacular Spider Man) [VA - Robert Englund]
Chief Azrael - King Andrias (Amphibia) [VA - Keith David]
Geo - Collin (Helluva Boss) [VA - Jayden Libran]
Alicia - Harley Quinn (DC) [VA - Hynden Walch]
Bunitty - Nifty (Hazbin Hotel) [VA - Kimiko Glenn]
Claude - Honest John (Pinocchio - 2022) [VA - Keegan Michael Key]
Krimson - Emperor Belos (Owl House) [VA - Matthew Rhys]
Radley - Morty (Rick and Morty) [VA - Justin Rolland/Harry Balden]
Maria - Nasira (Disney's Aladdin in Nasira's Revenge)
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mrjoeiconis-blog · 2 years
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Jane Lee and Jason Campbell at MMFA:
Right-wing media figures are responding to news that several prominent MAGA influencers were unwittingly working on behalf of Russia by spouting absurd conspiracy theories and attacking law enforcement officials who uncovered the apparent scheme. The Department of Justice announced Wednesday a multidepartment effort to target Russian-backed attempts to interfere with the 2024 U.S. presidential election, including criminal charges against two Russian nationals, sanctions against 10 other individuals and entities, and the seizure of 32 internet domains. A released indictment details how two RT employees allegedly financed a U.S.-based media company, which reports have subsequently identified as Tenet Media, a right-wing media operation that has employed prominent MAGA influencers including Benny Johnson, Tim Pool, Dave Rubin, and Lauren Southern. MAGA personality Lauren Chen and her husband have been identified as the founders of the company. Only the two RT employees were charged in the indictment.
MAGA world reacting to news that several right-wing media figures, including Benny Johnson and Tim Pool, were named in DOJ’s indictment on Russian interference into the elections.
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