#jason ranti
afrianajeng · 4 months
Juni tak lengkap tanpa mendengarkan song anthem "Lagunya Begini, Nadanya Begitu". Juni ini, selain tanpa emyu (sebab tak ada pertandingan) juga masih tanpa kamyu (*tsahhh).
Maaf telat untuk yang sudah lewat, yang belum kuucapkan duluan saja biar jadi yang pertama. Bagi gemini dan cancer, selamat bertambah umur dan berkurangnya usia. Serta mulia, aman, sentosa, dan kaya raya. Semoga lambungmu tak nyeri karena hantaman kopi. Walaupun banyak hal sedang terjadi, tolong dikurangi. Jika tak kuat, minum saja jus alpukat. Aku suka soalnya hahaha.
Kata Pak Sapardi, hidup adalah doa yang panjang. Maka bertahan juga adalah doa. Sedih adalah doa. Senang adalah doa. Semua adalah doa. Doa sendiri, justru sejatinya bukan doa. Sebab kebanyakan adalah pemaksaan. Biarlah doa muncul dengan sendirinya. Dari kita-kita yang tak pernah kenal lelah berusaha.
Itu sebabnya, konon Sayyidina Ali r.a. selalu bersyukur atas segala doa yang Allah “tolak”. Para sahabat yang merasa heran bertanya, “Wahai Ali, kenapa engkau justru bersyukur atas apa yang tidak Allah kabulkan?”
Dengan tersenyum Sayyidina Ali r.a menjawab, “Bagaimana mungkin saya tidak bersyukur sementara dengan tidak dikabulkannya doa, itu pertanda bahwa Allah tengah menyelamatkanku dari musibah yang jauh lebih besar?”
Semoga Juni ini lebih banyak alhamdulillah dibanding walahdalah.
Aku ingin menutup tulisan ini dengan lagu Jason Ranti yang lain:
Wahai pemerintah Kalau bisa jangan sombong Ingat di atas langit Masih ada bisnisman Dan di atas bisnis tiada apa apa :( (Sabda Tiang Listrik)
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jangantakut · 20 days
Karena tak dapat kuungkapkan kata yang paling cinta
Kupasrahkan saja di dalam dia
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rantceratops · 3 months
So here’s my thing: I personally don’t care if those that think Wally dying was a great decision that had so much meaning and sacrifice think he should stay dead.
I personally will never be okay with the decision, and frankly if that’s just because I’m an irrational Wally West fan and Spitfire shipper, then so be it, I won’t claim otherwise and I’ll hang onto my irrationality. Wally West shouldn’t have been killed permanently. The show feels weird to me without him, and to be honest it just makes me think of the Justice League episode where the League basically turned evil because Wally was killed. I don’t have any real good argument against him dying from a narrative standpoint right now other than we know for a fact he was chosen just because it would hurt the most, but as I said, I’ll fully admit I’m simply forever pissed such a beloved character was offed. If someone has actual good insight on his death being bs, feel free to share. (Even if it’s not narrative bs, I still think it’s bs.)
All this being said: I don’t think I actually want Wally to come back anymore at this point in the series if it were to continue with a s5. I think they wasted too much time and now it would just be far too much misery. Wally would be so far out of everyone’s lives it would be almost impossible to reconnect and re-insert himself back into life(which would likely cause him severe mental health issues, yay), and I don’t think he and Artemis would be able to get back together(not that they have to, but as a shipper I’d have ideally wanted this outcome eventually). I just feel like they wasted their chance. S4 should have done it, it felt like the final opportunity, but they didn’t, and so I’m sadly off the train for him coming back, unless someone has a convincing argument that any of this could still work out.
I feel at this point that nothing short of time travel, dimension hopping, or a full ass reset could fix it, tbh.
Like, is it even worth it for him to come back at this point? Would he be able to be happy again?
Don’t get me wrong, I’m a Wally truther and a Spitfire shipper through and through, but I just finally got tired of it when s4 ended and nothing happened.
At least we have our brains, fanart, fanfic, aus, etc.
(And for the record, as much as I love YJ I promise any grievances with the show post-season 1 go beyond feeling cheated out of Wally existing.)
(Edit: Wanted to add that the angst, drama, and eventual fluff that could have happened if they’d brought Wally back sooner/at all could have been delicious. Him working through his trauma, he and Artemis being so unsure of where they stand, so much time has passed, but eventually slowly coming back together and realizing they still have feelings, even if they’ve changed, they still love each other and they want to try and let things happen how they happen, etc. RIP)
(Edit 2: Am I talking about this in 2024? Yes, yes I am.)
(Edit 3: It kind of pissed me off that s4 has such a huge issue of pretending to kill characters off, but then they wind up being fine (Conner, Dick, Rocket, everyone on the ship when it crashed) but somehow Wally MUST stay dead. Why, exactly? No one else fucking does. (Not that I want anyone to stay dead tbh.) It just kind of felt like a slap in the face. Wally died and Artemis was heartbroken? Haha but Conner gets to be okay and he and Megan get married, because fuck you.)
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sleepyjim · 10 months
washed my hair just now yippy yahoo!
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creepereyes · 2 years
As someone who’s new to the Stranger Things fandom, I’ve got to ask: have there always been this many Billy Hargrove haters or is it a recent trend?
This will probably get ranty and long winded, but I don’t get all the hate.
Yes, Billy did some douchy things in season 2. I like him a lot, but I can’t sit here and say that it was okay for him to yell at Max or threaten Lucas. Antis love to spout the tired old “he was a racist piece of shit” line, but there’s no proof of it. He never used racist language, and unlike the bullies from season 1, he never called Lucas racist slurs.
The Duffer Bros, who are shitty writers, wanted Billy to be a racist, but then Dacre Montgomery read the script and said, “No, I don’t want to say that and I don’t want Billy to be racist.”
When he tells Max “There are certain types of people you need to stay away from.” it could possibly be read as racism, but that’s a stretch and personally, I don’t see it. It’s never addressed again after that episode.
He’s an abused teenager with poor coping mechanisms living in an unsafe home. Of course he’s going to be an ass at times.
The worst thing he does in canon—literally the WORST thing—is beat up Steve. His actions in that scene were uncalled for, but Steve wasn’t innocent either. They were both out of line there. And you can’t fault him for his actions in season 3 because he was a puppet for the Mind Flayer. It was controlling his actions just like it did to Will in season 2.
Meanwhile Jason Carver held Lucas at gunpoint, beat the shit out of him and actually tried to strangle him to death. Plus, Jason lead a lynch mob in his hunt for Eddie, who had simply been in the wrong place at the wrong time. He said he was doing it to ‘avenge Chrissy’ but I don’t buy it. Given his actions towards Lucas, who he once viewed as a friend, Jason definitely would’ve killed Eddie if he found him.
Martin Brenner essentially ran a prison for children. He never actually cared about any of the kids, and his treatment of El was abhorrent. It didn’t matter how scared she was or if she didn’t want to do something. Dr. Brenner used her, and all the other children, for his own personal gain. Even his dying words are him trying to convince El that he wasn’t a bad guy.
Henry Creel was a straight up sociopath. I partly blame Brenner for his actions, but come on; Henry was killing small animals before Brenner started experimenting on him. He was abused at the lab, but he chose his path. Once El removed his tracking chip, he could’ve used his powers for good and helped the kids at Hawkins lab. Instead, he violently killed them all, some of whom were as young as 5 or 6. Then he tried to kill El, got banished to the upside down, became a literal monster, then started killing vulnerable and abused teenagers.
Yet Billy Hargrove, an abused teenager who Henry 100% would’ve preyed on if he’d still been alive, is somehow the most vile character on the show? Where’s the hate for Jason, Brenner and Henry?
I don’t get it. I really don’t.
I’m curious on your opinions, even if you strongly disagree with mine.
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asha-mage · 8 months
tagged by: @anyboli
last song I listened to: I just was listening to Don't Tell the Boys by Petey. I have a special fondness for Petey's nostalgia nerd rock. If you grew up a weird socially awkward mess in the early 2000s, his album Lean Into Life might speak to you the way it does me.
currently reading: Dark Rise by CS Pacat and The Spells We Cast by Jason June. Struggling a bit with both to be honest, not because of the books themselves, it's just been a tough two months in my corner of the world.
currently watching: Last thing I watched was the Barbie Movie, which I enjoyed a great deal. I don't watch a whole lot of things most of the time.
currently obsessed with: DnD. Working on a custom re-build of The Wilds Beyond the Witchlight that I'm hoping to run for a new group of players. I'm keeping the general structure/idea, but I'm reworking the background lore, and trying to make the Hourglass Coven (the main villains) more complicated/nuanced characters. I've never loved the 'pure evil hag witch' villain trope to begin with, and I'm hoping to tap into the module's themes of nostalgia, growing up, innocence lost, etc to make the Hourglass Coven more interesting antagonists.
I'm also Deep Deep Deep into Fire Emblem hell since I picked up Three Hopes again and re-acquainted myself with just how good that game is.
Tagging: @ace-and-ranty @aceofthegreenajah @talysalankil @highladyluck @kevin-sedai @becquerelian
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theforgottenmcrmy · 2 years
initial thoughts & reactions to episode 9
SPOILERS for Episode 9 of House of the Dragon below the cut.
Nobody asked for this, but I wanted to jot down my own thoughts for future reference. Thought I might as well post it here in case anyone could relate. WARNING: kinda ranty and very lengthy.
If anyone wants to discuss any of this with me, pleaseeeee do not be a stranger. Shoot me a message. Send me an ask. I am actually dying to talk about this stuff. I beg of you.
Birds chirping- immediate chills.
“He told me he wished for Aegon to be king.” “He mumbled gibberish, coincidentally mentioned AN Aegon, and I perceived it as I wanted to.” There. Fixed it for you, Queen.💁🏼‍♀️
Viserys has obviously been sick for YEARS. Why is no one questioning the context of his last words when he could’ve passed on at any time for literally for a while now? It’s not as though he was in some accident and had the forethought to understand that he was about to pass.
Lord Beesbury is a real one.
Criston Cole had to have always had a darkness in him. A rejection from a woman in his youth is not enough justification to explain the man he has become.
Lord Jason really is spineless, isn’t he?😂
I NEEEED Ser Harold to flock to Rhaenyra’s cause.
Ser Criston: “Every woman is an image of their mother, to be spoken of with reverence.” ALSO Ser Criston: calls Rhaenyra a c*nt.
GODDDDSSS I detest Otto and Larys.
It is kind funny how light-hearted the search for Aegon feels, despite everything going on.
Maybe Aemond and Larys should commiserate about being second sons.
GODDDSSSSSSSSSSS somehow I detest Otto and Larys even MORE.
Say what you want about Alicent, but I do think she loved the King. Might not have been in love with him, but loved him as the father of her children.
Just as I feel kinda bad for Alicent, she really tries to put on the charm with Rhaenys. Rhaenys’ eyes when she started talking were EVERYTHING.
Things are definitely not over between Otto and the White Worm.
I love how the conflict between the twins is essentially reflective of how the rest of Westeros is likely to be very shortly.
I’m just counting down the days til Otto bites the dust at this point.
Larys has no loyalties. Larys has no side. Larys: a true agent of chaos.
Can we talk about how Alicent knows damn well what she’s doing when speaking with him though?👀 pleasantly surprised.
Oh gods🤮
Aegon knows what’s up. It’ll be interesting to see his character development between now and the end with this in mind.
NOOOOO, not the song of ice and fire blade!!!😭
Okay, this version of The Green Dress/Hightower/We Light the Way theme playing as Aegon enters is SO. DAMN. BRILLIANT.
Interesting that it looks like both Helaena AND Aegon have been crying.
The fact that it’s Ser Crispin crowning Aegon and making the announcement irks me. It couldn’t have been anyone else? I can already think of several more appropriate people off the top of my head.
The cheers of this poorly informed crowd are just inflating this boy’s undeserving ego like a damn balloon.
Rhaenysssssssssssssssss❤️❤️❤️ And Meleys🙌🏻 Nevermind the Greens and the Blacks. I’m team Red.❤️🐉
The only complaint I have is she could have ended it all before it even began right then and there…
Okay, so if Aegon gets Aegon the Conqueror’s crown, I’m curious if the crown Rhaenyra gets has any history/lore as well… and if so, what that is.
I’m not ready for this next episode y’all😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 (if you know, you know)
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batbirdies · 1 year
✨ 💝 💌 💫
Hiiiii so first apologies for taking so long to answer this. I'm primarily a mobile user but writing this much on my phone when I want it to actually be readable (and not the garbage tags I put on things) is a TaskTM, so I waited until I could go on my laptop to do the rest of these :)
✨What's a fic you've posted you wish you could breathe life into again and have people talking about it? (or simply a fic you wish got more credit)
Probably my most recent one shot honestly lol, My Heart Has Joined The Thousand. I probably am a bit spoiled from writing ongoing chapter fics more than anything else, so those tend to gain readership as you go and you get more comments per chapter etc. But I expected this fic to get more attention than it did? lol. No harm done of course.
💝what is a fic that got a different response than you were expecting?
Hmmmm 🤔this is tough because I want to say all of them to some degree 😅 usually in the way that I'll occasionally get comments that confuse me so much as to how someone could misinterpret my writing SO BADLY lmao.
But on a more positive note, my one shot Asymmetric Replies has gotten a lot more attention and kudos than I ever expected for a short fic with little drama and just some minor sibling bonding.
💌share something with us about an up-and-coming work (WIP) that has you excited!
oooh for once I actually have something in the works thats more than outline.
If he let her, Stephanie would spiral back into guilt. It would slither its slimy fingers back into her chest and leave her agonizing over what if she was telling the truth? And what if Stephanie just ruined everything by jumping to conclusions? And then she would get defensive against her own self judgement and defend her reaction, citing all the reasons to believe her mom was lying. And she’d work herself right back up into a ranting fury--that would abruply lose steam and give way, like it just had. 
And then the cycle would repeat. 
Jason had reasoned himself and his volatile emotions in circles enough times to recognize the signs. Right then he could see Stephanie’s hands shaking, and the way her shoulders curled in high and tight. He could still feel the chill of her fingers in his. 
She didn’t say when this conversation with her mom had happened but he was willing to bet that Stephanie had been arguing with herself in this same repeated cycle for more than just a little while before she decided to show up at his place and skip patrol. She’d come all the way over here in the rain, probably on her motorcycle, judging by the degree of dampness on her clothes.
What he knew was that she was cold, probably running on nothing but adrenaline, and stuck in the guilt-fury loop that Jason knew from experience wouldn’t end until she dropped from exhaustion or someone intervened. 
“Steph,” He said, voice a little stronger this time. He stepped after her into the living room and she turned to face him, expression wary, like she thought he was about to start lecturing her.
“This isn’t your fault, ok?” She blinked at him, face going through a miriad of expressions but never settling on one before she opened her mouth.
💫what is your favorite kind of comment/feedback?
Ah I think I answered this perviously but I just love long ranty comments analyzing the characters and their deeper motivations and feelings. <3
ask game
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gajahafnium · 10 days
Jangan ke Jatinangor, JAUH GUYS!
Kampusnya keren sih, luas banget pula. GKU nya aja ada 3. Saking luasnya sampe capek jalan kakinya. Ditambah lagi masih ga ngerti arah karena baru pertama kali juga.
Yang bikin makin capek adalah rebutan naik shuttle buat balik ke Ganesha atau kudu keluar kampus naik Arnes. Ngemodal 20.000, udah gitu turunnya di Baltos, masih harus jalan lagi ke kampus. Kalau gue balik ke kosan sih enak udah deket, kalau kyk tadi butuh ke kantor dulu, dahlah. Mayan nih pegel pinggang + bahu.
Oh apa kabar Kamisku, setelah Rabu yang melelahkan jiwa raga.
Kuat-kuat semuanya.
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afrianajeng · 1 year
Hidup adalah doa yang panjang
Semua hal yang ada di dunia ini memiliki relevansi terhadap waktu, “kita abadi yang fana itu waktu”. Lagunya begini nadanya begitu, pengennya kaya gini tapi ya gitu. Barangkali hidup adalah doa yang panjang karena jawabannya memang ga ada yang tau.
Walaupun tidak ngopi dan tidak banyak turun hujan di bulan Juni, ternyata setengah tahun telah terlewati. Sedikit menangis menerka gerimis, tapi semoga selanjutnya terukir manis. Beberapa kali coba memikirkan maksud takdir, apa daya takdir begitu keras kepala. Kupasrahkan saja, sebab Tuhan akan merawat dan menunjukkan jalannya.
Kadang hati juga seperti selembar daun, terombang-ambing terserah angin akan membawanya ke mana. Belum lagi semesta suka bercanda. Kenyataan tak sesuai rencana, sudah biasa. Hanya mampu melangitkan doa-doa panjang dengan segala upaya yang bisa dicoba. Waktu hanyalah irama dan kita akan terus berjalan di atasnya.
Semoga selalu sehat, dibahagiakan, diberi umur yang berkah nan panjang serta senantiasa dilindungi dalam penjagaan terbaik-Nya.
22:27 | Bertepatan malam Idul Adha, semoga pengorbanan yang kita berikan di tahun ini menjadi amalan ibadah yang ikhlas serta membawa damai dan bahagia
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Tw: ranty rant abt body dysphoria and mental health
you know…body dysphoria is so weird…like- in all reality I don’t wanna look like a skinny twink gay boy (I am very much a twink gay boy lmao) BUT I wanna look big and strong, like- not dad bod but muscular dad bod if that makes sense…I want to look like I could win a wrestling match with no problem (but not like extremely buldging muscular like some of them) think uhhh…jason mamoa? kinda like that.
So, the fact that I am already a bigger guy, well- that just makes me feel like i’m not too far off from that, just got to build muscle…however i’m short…5’4….and I desperately do not want to look like a bulldog lmao
idk…like- I feel if I had a good workout routine and diet (not necessarily a specific diet, just like- good eating habits and eating things that I can healthy eat for the rest of my life and still get all my nutrients while also supporting my working out and all) that i’d probably have that body by now
I just wanna look big and strong and like I could beat up anyone who dare talk down to me…only to be pinned down and fucked hard…degraded and praised at the same time….
I wanna be big strong scary in the streets and pathetic obedient puppy boy in the sheets…
and that my friends is why I am not comfy showing myself yet 😅 and also why I both hate and love when people call me “cute” lmao
of course being on T would probably help significantly with that…but also unfortunately I can’t seem to hold down a job without getting extremely overwhelmed in like 2 weeks- 3months and ending up quitting bc I didn’t come in because I was in my car sobbing and yelling at myself to go in that I need the money :) (only job I have been able to stay the whole time was spirit halloween and doordash 🫡)
fuckin sucks, but at least I’m able to make a little bit of money, and save up
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bornlover · 7 months
Coretan 4.34
Kalau ditanya hal apa yang paling membahagiakan seumur hidup yang masih singkat ini, adalah saat gue bisa sebentar merasakan bangku kuliah, setahun kurang lebih menjadi mahasiswa yang sibuk, pagi kuliah sorenya jualan roti bakar, kadang jokiin tugas orang demi uang jajan tambahan. Terdengar sulit, tapi sungguh, gue sangat menikmatinya. Tiap sudut kota jogja kala itu terasa hangat sekali, sederhana, murah meriah dan gembira. Selalu ada obrolan obrolan yang mengisi dari pagi hingga pagi lagi di kafe kecil dekat kosan alfin waktu itu, belum lagi selingan menjadi pemeran dalam pertunjukan theater impian gue saat itu, dilihat banyak pasang mata dan jam latihan yang menurut gue ajaib, sebab kantuk dan lelahnya sama sekali tidak gue rasakan. Mencoba menjadi manusia indie dengan mendengarkan playlist dari musisi-musisi unseen yang lagunya enak enak seperti nostress, tito yusuf, iksan skuter,jason ranti, barasuara yang kala itu masih belum terlalu dikenal seperti sekarang. Saat itu gue berasa hidup, berasa punya kekuatan untuk menaklukan dunia yang kotor ini, meski harus berjalan tertatih hampir pincang, tapi setiap hari terasa menyenangkan. Banyak buku yang gue baca, berasa punya kesetaraan sama temen temen gue yang lain, berusaha yakin kalau bakal lulus sama sama. Tapi…. Sampai sini narasinya berubah, secara paksa harus meninggalkan jogja dengan cara yang paling sedih, meninggalkan kekasih hati, meninggalkan mimpi mimpi gue disana, kedinginan, beku.sampai akhirnya pada saat itu gue cuma bisa bersumpah,entah dengan cara apa suatu hari gue akan kembali kesini menghidupkan mimpi gue yang padam itu. 3 tahun lamanya, gue hanya berdiam diri dibalik tembok perpustakaan daerah, baca bacain buku psikologi setiap pulang kerja, isi sosial media cuma tetang ilmu kemanusiaan yang sangat sangat gue suka, mencoba mencari partner berpikir hanya untuk merawat ilmu ilmu yang gue punya, hanya sisa sisanya, selebihnya gue hanya seorang pekerja mediocre yang pendendam atas mimpi mimpi gue yang dengan paksa gue kubur itu. Impian pake toga dan wisuda foto depan gedung universitas itu ternyata hanya bisa diwujudkan dengan ngelove story temen temen gue yang masih berjalan sesuai alur(dan konsistensi dana). Sampai akhirnya dengan cara paling gak gue duga, bener aja, gue balik ke jogja, tapi hanya sekedar singgah, singgah untuk belajar dan menetap di tempat yang lebih jauh, nyatanya doa gue kurang spesifik, sumpah gue gak menyebutkan gue kembali ke jogja untuk menjadi sarjana, gue hanya menyebutkan kembali ke jogja untuk menghidupkan mimpi gue. Tuhan kabulin,di titik ini banyak hal yang harus disyukuri. Apakah ini membuat gue membenci ilmu psikologi?tidak sama sekali, gue makin cinta,makin suka, sebab gue sadar, seumur hidup gue, gue adalah pasien,dan psikiaternya adalah diri gue sendiri juga.selamanya gue belajar tentang diri gue, hancurnya,sedihnya,putus asanya,emosionalnya,sampai penerimaan dirinya, gue yang punya kontrol semuanya. Hidup itu penuh kejutan,suatu hari, entah di umur keberapa kalau ada rejeki lebih,mari tuntaskan dendam belajar ini setuntas tuntasnya ya egg. Hari ini sabar dulu, kita rangkai satu satu. Langkah mungil itu bukan dirancang untuk menaiki semua anak tangga, tapi satu demi satu, sampai ada di puncak yang gue tuju
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alachemist · 9 months
Memoar Melodi
Playlistku Kini memutar kidung milik Jason Ranti “lagunya begini, nadanya begitu” Dalam gaung melodi Merengkuh kembali Histori kita yang tersembunyi Yang ternyata mengundang sepotong kenangan juga ya, Aku Kamu Dan ruangan itu Surakarta, 2023
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21aliyyah · 1 year
"Gamaau tidurr" Kataku
"masi kangenn banget" Tambah saya di dalem hati
Bener ya, rindu nya ternyata berbuah lara.
Kadang aku iri sekali sama temen²nya dia. Aku juga pengen bisa sedeket itu sama dia. Waa aku juga pengen dong nebeng dianterin sama diaa. Aku juga pengen sekali waktu itu tu ngajak main dia terus dia nya mau
Dulu aku selalu ngerasa dia tu deket sama aku, tapi somehow jauh sekali rasanya
Makanya aku seneng banget kalau di beberapa kesempatan dia jalan di sebelah aku atau sekedar bediri di sebelah aku. Tapi aku yang tolol ini gabisa ngapa-ngapain, entah karena takut entah karena salting.
Takut, takut ganggu.
Takut jadi sedih. soalnya aku ngerasa dia jauhhh sekalii dari aku. Makanya aku dulu selalu iri sama temennya itu wkwkw, ko bisaaaa. Aku juga kan mauu gituu sama diaa :((
Pernah aku nangis pulang-pulang wkwkw, gatau. Frustasi aja rasanya sedih banget. Soalnya waktu itu jarang-jarang banget ketemu dia. Sekalinya ketemu ya itu, main sama temen² sama dia. Trus tiap main ya ituu, aku ngerasa jauhan sekali sama dia. Aku helpless banget, gabisa ngapa-ngapain cuma bisa liat di ketawa² sama temennya. Sambil berandai-andai dalam hati, kalau aja aku bisa kaya gitu juga
Yaa cuma bisa berandai-andai aja sekarang
Berandai-andai tanpa ada ujungnya.
Sekarang juga aku jarang banget ketemu dia, bahkan aku udah lupa suaranya dia gimana bahkan kadang aku lupa muka dia sama senyummya dia gimana. Mungkin setelah libur tiga bulan ini juga aku bakalan lupa total.
Bagus kah itu? Gatauu
Iya, cuma bisa liat dia dari belakang lagii. Walau gitu-gitu juga tentunya saya selalu ngedoain dia dong hehehe
Waktu aku denger dia did so well on his test, katanya he got a highest score in his class. Waktu aku denger itu, gatau kenapa aku senyum tiba-tiba. Seneng aja dengernyaa
Tapi aku masi inget ko, aku bilang aku nanti teraktir mixue kalau keterima utbk taun ini. Wkwkwk semoga keterima ya, jadi aku ada alesan lagi buat nyuri² interaksi lagi. Walau tentunya pasti saya bakalan ngasih nya secara ga langsung melalui temennya itu
Waktu dulu mah aku seneng banget tiap mimpiin dia, pasti selalu senyum-senyum sendiri tiap bangun tidur. Tapi sekarang aku paling benci kalau mimpiin dia.
Pernah aku nangis karena aku pernah mimpiin dia chat panjang ke aku, dia ngomong aku sayang kamu. tapi bangun² mana ada wkwkw, chat nya mati di aku. Chat terakhir nya chat waktu aku ngucapin selamat ulang tahun ke dia. Eh kalau dia tau ya, aku ngetik ucapan ulang tahun itu sambil nangis. Soalnya penuh doa sekalii, malem itu aku sadar aku sayanggg sekali sama dia
I've tried everything supaya dia mau liat aku trus mam eskrim itu, atau sekedar keep him laughing at me. Kado dari aku, disimpen kah? Atau dibuang yaa..
Tapi yaudayaudayauda
I finally got a massage from him. He doesn't love me, he doesn't even likes me that much.
That's okay tho!
Tapi I'm glad juga he didn't choose me. Ngga lah gapapa, i don't have anything. He deserve much much better.
I love him so much, sayanggg skaliii
Huaaa maaf yaa
Tapi sayang, doanya harus seragam. Kata jason ranti mah
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bubaranpabrik · 1 year
Doa dan harapan. Kurang lebih begitu
Tulisan ini dibuat saat mendengarkan lagu ini
Di awal tahun ada beberapa doa yang dipanjatkan.
Pertama, aku merasa kesepian. Aku ingin punya jejaring pertemanan kembali. Aku ingin mendapatkan kebahagiaanku lagi.
Kedua, aku ingin dipertemukan jodoh. Mungkin yang ini belum terjawab
Di pertengahan tahun ini ternyata doa pertama diijabah. Kesibukanku membuat aku dipertemukan dengan pertemanan baru.
Capek? Wah capek banget sebenernya, tapi aku senang. Mungkin teman-teman di kantor sadar betul aku datang ke kantor sesekali dalam kondisi sedang lelah hahaha
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bayyyyyoeoe · 1 year
Jason Ranti: "nakal boleh jahat jangan."
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