#jason and deadpool would get along me thinks
erinwantstowrite · 2 days
is Deadpool gonna be in Lof?
(me and my brother are probably going as Deadpool and red hood for Halloween (anti-hero’s) and I got reminded, haven’t seen anyone ask)
and if he is in Lof is he Peter’s age or like 30 something? (Id honestly find it really funny if he was either a) mentored by red hood or b) they two of them just pissed each other of)
I reaaaaaaally want to include him at some point, even if he's just briefly talked about. Since Peter is mostly based on Andrew Garfield's spidey (though a lot mistake LoF as being MCU compliant, when really it's just inspired by some aspects), I think I want Deadpool to be Peter's age or slightly older? They'd meet as adults, in any case.
Right now the dynamic that alighterwood and I joke about has been Deadpool NOT getting along with the Bats. Mostly because he will grab Peter for help with something and they'll disappear for days and Deadpool will send selfies of them randomly to Peter's family of Peter either mid battle with some crazy ass villain while Deadpool as a bunny filter on him or them eating at a restaurant fully suited up looking like they just got done fighting a forest fire they're that covered in ash and burns and cuts and their waitress looks alarmed and confused. Dick hates it. Ned has some of the photos framed and has invited Wade to dinner at their house multiple times
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gangrenados · 4 years
this is extremely important: stark reader x jason todd featuring reader’s best friend! wade just being wierd around them
This is more about Jason and Wade meeting than anything, so yup
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•It was less to say that your dad didn't really approve Wade as your friend.
•Although Tony knew this weird guy had the best intentions with you, he couldn't help but not ignore all the massive criminal records he hold
•...well, Wade always defended himself saying that it's not a crime if it means that the world can become a better place without all the scum and yeah, he also needed the money.
•Not that Stark needed to know about that, right?
"You know I will support you no matter what because we're family and all that stuff, but why?" Tony says, pinching the bridge of his nose when he hears Wade talking so excitedly about some old pictures of the avengers, he was talking about his own team.
"Wade is a great guy, dad. You both could get along if you didn't treat him in such mean way!" You pointed out calmly and Tony gasped shortly after that.
"I don't know where you got an especial interest on dangerous guys, but you should check that out." Tony said sternly.
"C'mon dad! You're being really unfair right now." You took a bite from your chocolate bar as you pointed a finger to Tony." Besides, I wasn't the one looking for a new bike for Jason's birthday, huh?"
Tony left out a a sight, pinching the bridge of his nose once again, an habit that unfortunately has stuck with him thanks to all of those times having to hear Peter nerdy ramblings." You know what? Go before Wade ends up blowing up something. Just go, goodbye."
•But what about Wade's relationship with Jason? Well.
•If we're talking about the superhero field then Deadpool finds quite interesting this Red Hood guy.
"Fuck man, we're like twins!!" Wade shouted excitedly as he chocked a criminal with his granade belt.
•How they got in this situation? Well, teaming up was always something exciting, even for those who tend to work alone.
• Although Jason wasn't so happy to have to work with this dude who can't keep his mouth shut, Wade was having a blast.
"We can have a team name!" Jason rolled his eyes at comment, he didn't answer, but Wade didn't needed it. So he kept going." What about DeadHood or Red Pool?"
"Ah fuck..." Jason shoot a guy on the head before turning to face Wade." Dude, can you stop? Those are some interesting names, but the thing is that I'm not interested. Shut the fuck up."
" I see, you're not that friendly." Wade shook his head" Well, that's a shame cuz I really like how DeadHood sounds! It's kinda mysterious ya know?"
"Anyway, we'll probably see again and we could talk about the name when that happens! It's usually that way with these kind of stories...see ya!"
•That Was the last thing this guy said before jumping into his motorcycle and leaving a really confused and annoyed Red Hood behind.
•Jason didn't paid much attention to his words, after all if didn't made sense and he had to attend more important business, like going to your place to meet this friend of yours.
•He wasn't too excited about it, but it was important to you so fuck it.
"Someone told me you meet Deadpool" you made your way to the living room where a patched up Jason was waiting patiently in the couch.
•You sat beside him, making sure to not move too much to not cause him any pain." So what do you think about him?"
Jason let out an annoyed sigh, he ran his fingers through his hair before speaking." He's insufferable. I would have shot him, but it would have been a waste since apparently he can regenerate himself...ugh."
•You chuckled nervously at Jason's confession, you knew he always have a hard time working with others, but you stupidly hoped their first encounter would have turned a little bit better.
"Oh..." was the only thing you could say as you did your best to not ruin the big surprise." Uh, Jay? About the friend I wanted you to meet, he's-"
•The sound of the microwave going off caught both of your attention, alongside the happily squealing that was coming from the kitchen.
"Oh my God, why pizza is so fucking tasty!" Jason frowned is eyebrows at the sight of a man dressed in an all red suit, with bullet holes and dried blood coming from the kitchen. "It's like a mini orgasm every time I took a bite! Is it too exaggerated if I said I would sell my soul for a slice of pizza? Probably yes..."
•Deadpool was in your house? This better be a dream cuz Jason wasn't happy with this. He took a sharp breath between his teeth and clenched his jaw. You knew Jason wasn't having it.
"I told you to take off that damn suit!" You glared at Wade with wide eyes, he didn't understood your sing at first but he clearly got after you 'subtlety' pointed out Jason.
"Oh shit" Wade said under his breath.
•The tension in the room could be easily cut with a knife, it was so dense and suffocating or maybe it was Jason's glare at Wade.
"So, this is my best friend...Deadpool?" You turned to him, unsure of how to address this situation." Can I say your name or we go by Deadpool?"
•Maybe you couldn't see it, but Wade's eyebrows were knitted into a frown. He couldn't take his eyes of off his pizza as his thoughts rushed into a million of ideas of how to get out of this situation.
"I don't know, this is weird." He said as he clicked his tongue. "Maybe we can do this another time, I just remember I hot a job to do and I need money, so we can meet later (y/n)'s boyfriend!"
•Wade handed you his plate before he rushed to the front door, leaving you without a clue about what to do next.
"Damn," he cursed before stepping out, poking his head back again into your apartment." Look man, I like to be a pacifist, but if you dare to hurt (y/n) I won't hesitate to fill your pretty lil head with lead. Capisci?"
•And that's how your best friend and boyfriend met. You can bet your ass that it was headache explaining to Jason why were you friend with this guy.
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Is it just me? Or am I the only one who wants Red X to be in mainstream DC Comic because why the hell not?
For those who don't know, Red X is a villain-sometimes-anti-hero in the 00s Teen Titans Show. He's basically a thief with a code of honor. Likes to screw with the Titans, especially Robin. And generally a sarcastic little shit. The most compelling thing about his character is the fact his identity was never clued in, much less revealed.
I love him.
And I want a story about him sooo bad.
Heck, Harley Quinn is an animated-origin character who gets her own comic so why not Red X???
His background is basically non-existent so writers can do practically anything. Just... the potential we can have with him.
Think about the dynamic he and Robin would have. Any robin honestly.
With Dick, there's a potential to be the next Spidey-Deadpool dynamic. With Red X being less flirty but more sass.
With Jason, they'll either be best friends or mortal enemies. No in-between.
With Tim, I can see them being the bromance version of Batman-Catwoman dynamic. With Red X, subtly coaxing Tim to the dark side for the hell of it.
With Steph... they'll just be busy sassing each other out the whole time they're fighting.
With Damian, oh, Red X would have fun with taunting him. Red X will purposely seek him out to push his button. If he gets stab? It'd be worth it.
Additionally, I have headcanon that Red X actively avoids Bruce like the plague. Because he knows, deep down in his heart, that if he ever clues the Batman who he is behind the mask or get caught... he might get adopted.
He is aware of the batfam, and gets along with them, but in no way does he want to be part of their family insanity. And it can be an inside joke, if Red X ever has a comic, that the anti-hero is the batkid who got away. By way that fans want him to be in a batfam or expect him to, but the character actively avoids becoming a part of them despite their close yet love-hate interactions.
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ellana-ravenwood · 5 years
NEW PART : “I don’t think we’re in Kansas anymore” 2/3 - Batfam x Fem!Reader (Marvel crossover)
Well, almost two months of not writing as I really lacked the motivation to do...anything, here I am. Back, with the part two of my little Batfam/Marvel crossover ! This is a transition chapter just to settle a few things before the big final chapter where the all action will take place ;). I hope you will still like it :
If you wanna catch up, here’s PART 1 And here’s my masterlist : @ella-ravenwood-archives
“Wow, this looks a LOT like Wayne Manor !”
Damian exclaimed as he looked down from the jet and spotted a gigantic house in the middle of the trees. Even the grounds looked like his home, with the forrest surrounding it, and it’s remote location a bit out of a big town. 
The basketball court opened, and the “X-jet” slowly lowered down into it. 
The guy called Wolverine absolutely refused to take one of the Avengers’ planes, saying that the S.H.I.E.L.D tracked those down, had all kind of surveillance on them, and didn’t want one of them inside the school. Too many valuable informations could be stolen and used against them. 
When “Iron Man” assured him he checked those planes daily to make sure they weren’t rigged, Wolverine just raised his eyebrows, smiled and said : “Sure bub, sure. Nick Fury would totally let that happen, and your technology is definitely superior to the S.H.I.E.L.D. They most definitely do not steal and copy everything you do, and know how it works”...And they ended up taking the X-Jet.
According to your youngest sons, it looked and was much cooler anyway. Kinda reminded them of the Batplane...It made Bruce smile, that they liked the X-Men’s plane better just because it kinda looked like his. 
You were landing inside a bunker like place, when Wolverine said :
“Welcome to Xavier school for gifted youngsters.”
A few hours before :
Shortly after Wolverine announced you needed to go see a certain “Charles Xavier”, and after a quick introduction, most of you got ready to leave. 
It was decided that not all of the Avengers would go to the school because searches and investigations were always more effective when multiple groups would work in multiple places. And there were a LOT of those dudes, so they could most definitely cover more grounds by scattering all around, and asking questions. 
You absolutely refused to be separated from your family again, and even if Bruce thought it would’ve been better to split up and each go with a search team, he didn’t push it too much. 
Obviously, none of the kids wanted to be separated either, and when you had an idea in your head, it was very difficult to change your mind. You’ve always been a very stubborn woman. 
So Bruce relented and it was decided you’d all go to the Xavier school, as you were the one that knew Klarion the most, and could help Charles to narrow his search down a bit. 
With you came Wolverine, Nightcrawler and Storm of course, the Xavier school was their home after all. Along also came that Captain America guy, Iron Man, Spider-Man and Thor. 
Hawkeye, Black Widow, the big green guy and a few other Avengers you could not remember the name of for the life of you (there were so many new people ! Even with your “charity” practice, where you often faked remembering people’s name, you just couldn’t keep up...it didn’t help that they obviously all had code names rather than simple easy to remember ones like... “Kevin”, for example. Or John. John was good, short and easy to remember) left for other places where the trail was still warm.  
And so multiple “teams” were formed to cover multiple grounds. 
Your family and a few others were going to the school in the hope that Charles Xavier could find Klarion thanks to his mental powers, while other teams would go investigate the Brooklyn Bridge where Klarion was last seen, and yet another team was going to find a certain “Dr Strange” since he was apparently able to travel through dimensions or something ? 
You weren’t too sure, honestly, after hearing so many new infos and names you kinda zoned out and expected Bruce to remember everything for you (as often, really, more than once he was the one to help you remember the name of a politician or actress, whispering it in your ear as they walked towards you).
As you were in an elevator that would lead you all to the roof’s airport so you could go and try to find Klarion, Dick bended to whisper in your ear :
“Do you remember any of their names ?”
You turned to him and, as discreetly as you could, answered :
“Absolutely not. Except for that Spider kid, because he’s adorable and Damian seems to like him. And the one that got Jason and I here, Deadpool. Though he’s not even here anymore. I can’t recall any of them...I think one is like, Odin or something ? The one who brought Tim, I forgot which one but I know he’s a viking god or something.”
Your son let out a little snort, trying to suppress his chuckle so none of the people can hear you, but...
“I wouldn’t blame ya if you can’t remember many of us. After all, travelin’ in another dimension and seeing all those new things is a lot to take in, I know what I’m talkin’ about. So rememberin’ our names ? Tough.”
The short man who made you blush earlier said. He had a sort of gentle smile on his face that you’re pretty sure was rarely there, but it seemed yours and your son’s inability to remember much of anyone’s name made him genuinely smile. He adds, his voice lowering a few octave in an intimate way :
“I can help you rememberin’ in the plane if you want to.”
“I’ll help her, thank you very much.”
Your husband says, interposing himself between you and that...Badger guy ? Was that his name ?
He answers the question you didn’t ask, and you’re genuinely surprised. With a charming smirk that you thought only Bruce could have, “Logan” adds :
“It was written all over your face you didn’t remember my name. And hey, I’d like for you to call me Logan more than Wolverine y’know.”
Bruce gives an outraged look to “Logan”, as you try your best not to blush (that guy had a strange kind of aura...he was essentially a hairy midget who was totally not your style and yet he seemed to have a strange effect on you).
Wolverine answered your husband’s glare with an infuriating knowing smile, and you could almost feel Bruce’s blood boiling. 
It’s only Tim and Damian laughing quietly that eased the atmosphere. But their laughter most definitely finish to vex your Broosh, who threw an arm around your shoulder and looked proudly high in front of him. 
Jealous Bruce always made you smile, and here, doing some PDA while on a mission ? Yup, definitely jelly. 
The elevator quickly brought you to the top floor, where you discovered a rather big “airport” for such a building. Quite the fancy place. Even Bruce never even though about putting an airport on his roof. A heliport was amply sufficient. 
The man called Tony Stark, who had a rather advanced armor around his body, casually walked towards one of the plane stamped with a big “A” on. 
“Seriously, those people don’t know the meaning of the word “discreet””. 
Your husband said as he saw the planes. You roll your eyes, but don’t say anything. You don’t think any less though, because those words were coming from a guy who had a “bat” aesthetic in everything he did, including flying vehicles so...Not particularly discreet either. 
But Logan grabbed Iron Man’s shoulder before he could reach one of the “A” plane, and said : 
“Ah where are you going Stark ? We’re not taking one of yours.”
Tony rolled his eyes the hardest he could, as he shooed away Logan’s hand and said, beyond exasperated : 
“I’m telling you for the thousands time Logan, our Avengers planes aren’t tracked !”
“Says you. We’re still taking the X-Jet.”
“But there’s more space on our planes.”
“We’re still taking the X-Jet.”
“They’re faster !”
“We’re still taking the X-Jet.”
“I promise you they’re safe, they won’t spy on your precious little school, the S.H.I.E.L.D has no hold over our planes !”
Short silence. 
“We’re still taking the X-Jet.” 
“Be reasonable Wolverine please, this is getting ridiculous.”
“Bub, do I look like someone who’s reasonable ? We’re taking the X-Jet.”
But the short hairy man known as “Wolverine” was already leaving, clearly not about to listen to more of that Stark guy’s plea. 
Well apparently...you were taking the X-Jet.
It must’ve been less than ten minutes since your family, a few of the X-Men and a few of the Avengers climbed into the jet flying in the direction of the Xavier School for Gifted Youngsters, when Logan jumped on his feet, put the plane on auto-pilot and rushed at the back of the vehicle.
“The hell is wrong with that guy ?”
Jason asks as you all turn to look at him run across the plane. Your husband looks insistently at you as if to say : “see, I’m better” (like you needed a proof of that). Clearly not quite over the fact the clawed mutant managed to make you blush. Twice. 
For the past fifteen years, he was the only one that ever managed to do that !
Dick says :
“Maybe the toilets are over there ? I mean, when you gotta go, you gotta go.”
But then Logan comes back with Deadpool, dragging him by the collar.
“What are you doing here Wade, I thought we told you to leave and never come back !”
“Wow alright Scar, tell your hyenas to lower their guard please I’m not here to cause trouble; honest !”
Deadpool says, his hands up as he faces the Avengers taking a fighting stance in front of him. 
The man who brought you to the Avengers’ Tower was immediately kicked off of the building as soon as you all started to make plans to run after Klarion and Loki.  Somehow though, and oddly enough it didn’t really surprise you, he managed to get onto the X-Jet. 
“Wade, whenever you’re around trouble just comes by itself. We told you not to tag along already. Three times at the watch tower until we forcefully throw you out. So now, time to leave.”
Wolverine was opening the jet’s hatch, but before he could get a hold of “Wade”, Deadpool jumped on his feet and went to hide behind your husband.
“He’s clearly a mad man, he’s trying to kill me ! Hey, you’re very against killing right ? I read it somewhere in a comic once...”
“What ?”
Deadpool was yelling dramatically, latching his arms around your husband’s leg.
And you had to admit, there was something comical about seeing a grown ass man holding the big scary Bat like that. Bonus point for the face Bruce was making, clearly unsure as to how to react to all of this. It was rare to see an unsure Batman.
Ah, but in the short time you’ve known that Wade Wilson, you already realized that he was probably the only person that could destabilized anyone with his behavior. You kinda liked that. 
Logan was rolling his eyes now, and with a sigh walked resolutely towards Deadpool and Bruce. 
But your husband stopped him by putting a hand on his chest. And though Logan was at least an entire foot smaller than Bruce, he still looked impressive as his eyes narrowed at your husband and his muscles tightened, fists slowly closing. You had a bad feeling about all this...
“Listen, bub. You have no idea what this guy is capable of. And believe me, if I throw him out of the plain  he won’t-”
“I can’t let you do that. He might be clinically insane, but we can’t just kill him like that !”
“But he can’t die and-”
“YES ! YES I CAN, I’ll die a horrible death if he throws me out.”
“Wade you-”
“Please mister Batman, don’t let him throw me out ! Show that you have a heart and ignore all the bad writing you’ve been a victim of lately !”
Once again, there’s a small silence following Wade’s apparent words of madness...But you have to say, you’re not a big fan of throwing people out of planes either. So before everything turns sour, as you can see both Wolverine and Bruce getting wayyyy too tense, you interpose yourself in-between all of them. 
You know that Bruce already having prejudice against Logan because he flirted a little with you is not any good news, and Wolverine himself ? Well it seemed like he also could suddenly snap if pushed too much. 
“Wow wow wow wow. Let’s be reasonable about it. Yeah yeah I know, you’re not a reasonable guy. Well you’re going to be right now.” 
Your words surprise the Wolverine so much, that his fists unlock and his eyebrows raise. Your husband gives him a sneaky look that most definitely means : “haha, she got you didn’t she ?”. But he’s immediately put back in his place as you glare at him too, and he relaxes as well. Forcibly.
“Ok. I must admit I don’t know Deadpool since very long, but he’s the one that lead us to the Avengers. You guys are the one that instantly attacked him without giving him any chance ! Now maybe you gave him lots of chances before -at those words, all the Avengers and X-Men nods- but just give him one last one ok ? I have a good feeling about him.” 
You were sitting next to Deadpool...Who was literally taped to the wall. You guessed in this world, the black electric tape was very strong. According to Logan, this was the only way to make sure he wouldn’t do anything stupid. Dangerous for everyone, or for himself. 
“I’m sorry I couldn’t convince them to let you join and all.” 
“Ah well no worries, at least they didn’t throw me off the plane ! I hate when that happened. Regenerating from being as flat as a pizza is very painful.”
“You can..regenerate ?” 
“Yup ! Haven’t you noticed, the tear your kid made with that knife looking like a bat in my awesome costume I definitely clean often...is still there. But the wound isn’t.” 
“Oh right. Neat.” 
“Not really. Healing powers mean I can’t die, and I really want to die...” 
“...That’s awful. Are you ok ?” 
“Does someone that tell you they want to die sound ok ?” 
“Well if they say out loud they want to die it’s like a cry for help, so a sort of step to recovery you know ?”
“I-Wh-...What ? I never saw it like that. I mostly just talk about it out loud because I hope someone will hear me and finish me off somehow.” 
After that, it seemed like Wade did not want to talk anymore as he turned away from you, and somehow managed to put on a pair of knock-off air pods in his ears, and blasted the main theme from the movie “The Godfather” so loud that you could hear it as you were sitting next to him. 
There was a long silence that installed itself in the plane, as no one talked and thought of the task ahead, completely focused on...
“So, I have no idea what you guys’ names are. I zoned out half-way through the little man’s explanation, as I already listened to it when I found him and my friend Hulk was holding him upside down.” 
Thor said casually, shattering this all impression of seriousness. It makes you chuckle, even more so when Dick exclaimed : 
“OH THANKS GOD (literally) ! I was so afraid to ask ! I’m so glad you started. Because except for Logan, Ororo and Kurt who literally saved my life, I cannot remember who any of you are !”
You full on laughed, as the idea that none of you really knew how the others were called and yet still managed to trust each others was very funny to you. Quickly, your communicative laughter reached the rest of the team (well, almost, Bruce and Logan only exhaled a little bit of air, like a millisecond chuckle). 
It takes you all a little while to calm down, but as you all stop to laugh at the ridiculousness of the situation, Thor continues : 
“So, should we introduce ourselves again ? This time there’s much less of us, it should be fine. Guests must start, it is the norm. Go ahead now, little Red Robin’s sidekicks. Introduce yourselves.”
“...Red Robin’s sidekicks ?” 
Your entire family turns to Tim, who turns very pale all of a sudden. He smiles awkwardly at you all and says : 
“Um. To my defense, I was hung upside down by a green goliath who was threatening to “smash” me and the subject of family seemed a little iffy with Thor here. I said the first thing that came to my mind.” 
This makes you and your husband smile, and your two oldest son to roll their eyes. Your youngest however, jumps on his feet and says : 
“I’m Robin ! And most definitely not his sidekick ! I’m...”
There’s a pause where Damian looks at his brother almost sadly, and oh you know exactly what he’s about to do. 
“I’m his brother. His equal. Or so I thought...” 
Oh. Smart little Damian. Guilt tripping your Tim, so that in a near future he will do something for him. Tim reddens even more in embarrassment and adds : 
“It really was just to save myself ! I don’t think of any of you as my sidekicks ! Of course you’re my equal Dam-Robin ! And um, I’m Red Robin by the way. Like the restaurants. Um.”
Thor shakes his head, lost in thoughts, and then says : 
“Robin and Red Robin. Very smart. I see how much research you put in your aliases.” 
You weren’t sure if the man was serious or being sarcastic...But the way he was nodding thoughtfully made you think he was actually more serious than anything else. The blond bearded man continued : 
“Well my turn now ! I am...Thor ! GOD OF THUNDER ! Son of Odin, God of all. We’re going after my brother, Loki. Who befriended that Klarion of yours. Your turn again now.”
Thor points at your oldest son, who doesn’t hesitate to jump in and say : 
“Nightwing ! Son of Batman, the Black Knight of Gotham ! I’m the oldest of our ass beating organization. Criminals. I mean, we’re not criminals...Well, depends of your definition I guess. But what I was saying is, we beat the asses of criminals. Um. Yes. Have I said I’m the oldest of the family ? Well technically my dad is the oldest, but I mean-”
“I’m Jason. Perpetually helping my older brother here to avoid embarrassment by cutting him off rudely and fulfilling my little brother’s duty at the same time. Two birds with one stone. I like guns. Unlike my dad...”
Bruce just gives an exasperated look to Jason, and your son rolls his eyes : 
“I just gave you the perfect opportunity to introduce yourself ! Amazing transition ! But I guess you weren’t ready, so um...Discout Bruce Wayne, go.”
You slap the back of your son’s head at his disrespect towards your new friend, and give an apologetic look to the one you think is called “Iron Man”. But clearly, your son’s jab doesn’t bother the man (probably because he has no idea who Bruce Wayne is) and with a hint (a big big hint) of arrogance and pride, he says : 
“Tony Stark. Genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist. Also Iron man, I saved this planet multiple times.” 
“...And very modest. Not over the top at all. Mm. Reminds me of someone, before I met him, and with less charisma.”
You say, giving a look at your husband. He smiles and winks at you, while Tony Stark frowns, pretty sure you just insulted him. But you don’t leave him the time to say anything as you continue : 
“(Y/N). I don’t have a superhero name because technically I’m not one. It was kind of...unlucky for me to be there. At the same time lucky, I would be dying of being worried sick right now if I wasn’t there and knowing where my family was. And...That’s all.”  
“Wolverine. But y’all can call me Logan.” 
Ah. Short (like him). To the point. You liked it. 
Even shorter (unlike him), you liked it even more. 
Turning to your husband you smile and forgetting for a second you were surrounded by a bunch of strangers, you cuddled a little closer to him. 
“I’m Storm. Or Ororo. As you wish. I control the weather, and I teach at the Xavier school, I help young mutants to understand their power more. As I wish I had that kind of help as a child.”
Wow. Majestic. You were quite impressed, and clearly, so were your sons. You had to close Jason’s mouth. And Dick’s. Tim and Damian got the message. 
“Spider-Man ! I um...Can do whatever a spider does. According to that song at least. Sorry. I’m not good at introductions, my teachers always said so. ”
You smile encouragingly at him. He was one of the only one you remembered the name of, only because he brought your youngest son and seeing how Damian talked about him, he seemed quite fond of him already. And it was rare, that your kiddo was fond of someone that fast, so that Spider kid must be quite something. You got it though, he did have a relaxed, nice vibe about him, if not a bit awkward. 
“I am Captain America, please to meet you all, I am very glad we’re on this mission together. Let’s hope for a peaceful coalition until this is all over. Now that the introductions are done, I think we should-”
“Oh, typical American to forget the German guy ! I’m Kurt, an X-Men since many years. But a lot of people in the circus called me Nightcrawler and it stuck. You can call me whatever you want.”
“In the circus ! No way I used to be in a circus ! I was an acrobat !”
“Oh me too !”
Dick excitedly jumped on his feet, so did Kurt, while the one called “Captain America” was clearly feeling very uneasy. 
“I um, am sorry, Nightcrawler. I did not pay attention. I would never-”
“Relax Kapitän, I was only teasing. I know you would never forget me on purpose ! It was my fault. I was standing in the shadow. I disappear, in the shadow.” 
Damian’s eyes widen as he witnessed Kurt slowly becoming invisible as he retrieved to the shadows. 
“WOW ! So cool !”
Nightcrawler came into the light again, and smiled brightly at your son : 
“Thank you very much young man, it is rare people think of my ability as rare. Usually, they’re frightened.” 
Damian looked curiously at Kurt, and asked : 
“...Why ?” 
You could clearly see the shock on the mutant’s face, at the candid and innocent question Damian asked. It was probably the first time in a very long time he met someone that did not judge his appearance at all...You were very proud of your son, in that moment. 
“Wow is that really what you’re all going for ? What a joke ! And you say I’m the dishonest one ? Well let me re-introduce all of you.” 
The cute and sweet moment is shattered by Deadpool sly laughter, the shift in the mood is brutal and you wonder how it happened. He continues : 
“I can’t say anything about you all...Batfamily, I don’t know you, only through a few terribly written comics. I’m sure you’re much more than the cliches in there...Proof is that little Tim here hasn’t had a drop of coffee in hours ! And Jason didn’t shoot anyone, also that Damian kid totally accepted Nightcrawler seconds ago and wasn’t a brat !” 
Silence. What ? Comics ? What was he even on about...
“You’re such hypocrites though, all of you -he points at the Avengers and X-Men- Stark for example, he’s an ex-arms dealer. He likes to think of himself as a philantropist but he really never did something for someone else that didn’t benefit him in some ways, so he really isn’t like your husband. I don’t know why people in the real world always compare the two...”
“What ?”
“Nevermind. Wolverine. He killed more people in his life than me, and my job for a long time was literally to kill people. Granted his life is long, but the man can get crazily out of control and kill anything that moves ! It happens a scary amount of time. Storm, thought she was a goddess back home but really was just a pickpocket that gullible villagers put on a pedestal ! Kurt ? Act all nice and religious, but did some pretty terrible thing in moments he had to survive ? Isn’t that right Kurt ? Oh and Cap ? A literal war criminal. Well, I mean in some stories, but like he fought during World War II and was most definitely not always nice and did questionable things...As for Spidey here ! ...Well he never did anything wrong. I refuse to hear about all those times he supposedly was an asshole. Spider-Man is amazing. That’s all.” 
There’s a big silence, as your family looks at the Avengers and X-men suspiciously. But then Deadpool adds : 
“Oh, and by the way, I’m Wade. Completely crazy, and highly unreliable. I hear voices. A lot of them. Well not a lot of them. Just two. But it’s two more than most people do.” 
And then he laughs like a mad man, and the sudden tension falls just as fast as it rose. Wether Deadpool was telling the truth or not, you couldn’t know. But there was something sure about this all thing : he was most definitely not all there in the head. 
Plus, you had a gut feeling that you could trust those guys, after all, they did look like a lot of people you knew back in your own world. Like if they were their counterpart in this universe. Plus it seemed you all had the same goal...Stopping Klarion, and whoever that Loki was. 
It was vital, to avoid chaos across the multiverses. 
The introductions made, you started to all talk about your respective world. How it was where you were from, and how it was here. 
“Registering mutants ? It sounds very...Germany nineteen forties.” 
“Ah yes, some of our mutant compatriots think the same. But us, X-Men, still hope for a peaceful and nice way to resolve everything.” 
“But what are you really avenging ?” 
“I’m telling you it’s just a name !” 
“...It makes no sense. Like, the X-men are called like that because of the X genes, if I understood. Back home, our League of Justice is called like that because...Well, pretty self-explanatory, but you, why “Avengers” ?” 
“It just sounded cool ok ?!”
“And so we did that trick in the circus, where I would jump and teleport to the other side and in the dim light people would just think I did an impossible jump !” 
“That is wayyy cool !” 
“Are you a mutant too ?”
Damian asked Spider-man, and Peter answered : 
“No, I was bit by a radioactive spider.”
“Oh ! Were can I acquire such a spider ?!”
“Damian ! Stop trying to get superpowers , you’re perfect as you are !”
You scold your son, and Damian continues, looking dad : 
"I used to have superpowers...When my father resurected me with a crystal from Apokolips.”
“You died ?”
“Yeah. We all died once. Or faked our death.”
After those words your youngest son glares at your oldest, who yells : 
Conversations were happening a bit everywhere, as you were steadily flying towards The Xavier school for gifted youngsters, slowly discovering each others, and the worlds you were coming from.
“Wow this looks a lot like Wayne Manor !”
“Wayne Manor ?”
“Our house, back in our World.”
Damian exclaimed, and his father cleared his throat in a scolding way (a talent, really).
“What ? Do you seriously expect them to come to our dimension and tell everyone who we really are ? The chances are thin father. They’re the good guys of this world as well. Plus look at them, none of them really hide their identity. Except for Spidey.”
“Well they’re wrong. I already told you keeping your true identity secret is crucial. This is why we keep our aliases, even here.”
“AH ! Couldn’t agree more dude !”
Spider-man says, turning to your husband. Bruce continues :
“Very poor choice of them. If any of their enemies truly know who they are, their home will be targeted.”
“RIGHT ?! They all parade around with everyone knowing their real names like what’s their problems right ?”
“I have to agree young man.”
“You know the X-Men ? Their school was blown up like, thirty times because everyone knows where they live, and because they dox themselves all the time !” 
“RIGHT ?! I’m so glad you agree !” 
Ignoring the current conversation about secret identities, Wolverine, or rather “Logan” as he himself told you to call him (most definitely have a problem with the concept of code names and secret identities, in this universe) lands and says : 
“Welcome to the Xavier school for gifted youngsters.” 
“So, how dangerous exactly is this Klarion boy ?”
Charles Xavier asked, sitting in one of the salon in the school. 
“He’s already extremely dangerous, but if paired with someone like Loki, he’d be even worst. At least according to what Thor told us about his brother.” 
Your husband answers, all stoic and serious, and then Thor awkwardly says, as if ashamed : 
“He’s adopted.” 
“Adopted brothers are still brothers !”
Damian fiercely said, narrowing his eyes at the god of Thunder. It made your heart warm, to think how such a long way he came. A few years ago, when he first entered your life, he would’ve never defended adopted sibling with such convictions. 
Tim ruffles Damian’s hair, and winks at him before saying : 
“Look at him Dam-Robin, he clearly didn’t think before he spoke ! And I think it was a joke, right Thor ?”
Thor nods, even though he wasn’t sure he was really joking. He most definitely loved his brother, but it was true he was adopted ? The God of Thunder was a bit confused as to why the little man took it so personally. Ah, but they were raised in very much different ways...
In any case, the focus of the conversation went back to Professor Xavier.
“So, do you think you can find Klarion ?” 
Your husband asks, his seriousness back (he might have been a little on the softer side when he witnessed Damian defending his “adopted” brothers as being really his brothers, but now he was all back to business). 
“Well, we won’t know if I do not try, right ?” 
You, Bruce, Tim, Jason, Dick, Damian, Storm and Charles Xavier went to the school’s underground, while Wolverine, Nightcrawler and the Avengers stayed in the upper levels. 
Logan didn’t seem to trust them much, especially not Tony Stark. And if he stopped Tony Stark from going down to Cerebro, then in all fairness he had to stop all the other Avengers too. 
You and your family ? It was different. He had a good feeling about you, and his guts never lied. Plus Charles needed you to guide him to find Klarion, the infos you had on the boy being crucial in his search.
And so Spider-Man, Captain America, Iron Man, Thor and Nightcrawler stayed up there, discussing any plan of action possible once they’ll find Klarion. If, they find Klarion. 
Deadpool was there too, now taped to the wall in the salon, as no one was quite ready to give him his freedom yet. He was softly whistling an unknown song, all the while carefully listening to his “friends”. 
Cerebro was an impressive room with a single helmet in the middle. Was this huge size really necessary ?
“The size of the room is indeed necessary. It permits for a lot of components to be added, and for it all to function. All the walls are made of very complicated circuits without which the all machine wouldn’t work. 
Wow ! It was as if he-
“Read your thoughts ? I am sorry, I tend to indeed do so with people I just meet. It’s a...defense mechanism if you will, to make sure they’re not ill intentioned. But in your thoughts, I perceived no malice, which is why I’m allowing all of you here, in my Cerebro. Plus, your common knowledge of that Klarion boy is crucial to finding him.” 
Ah. So this is why the X-men left you alone with their leaders so easily. He was a telepath, not just able to find people with his mind. He could read them, and know if someone was thinking something bad or not...Well, at least, it was easy to build trust. 
At least on his side, because thinking about someone always reading whatever you thought were made you uncomfortable. What if you suddenly thought about a wild night you spend with Bruce ? Oh my God, here you were, thinking exactly about that !
“Ah, do not worry, I read into the minds of those I do not know up until I trust them. And I trust you know, so you can...Think of whatever you want. I’ll just add that you most definitely find each others well.” 
What Professor X implied as he smiled at you and Bruce made you both blush, and you quickly looked away, trying to think only about Klarion. Thankfully your son had been completely oblivious to it all, or...Well, those poor souls.
“Stay perfectly still, please.”
Before you could ask why, the machine started and WOW, it was overwhelming ! Millions and millions of voices all talked at the same time, and silhouettes of people started to appear everywhere. 
How the hell did that Xavier did...whatever he was doing ? 
Slowly but surely, less and less people floated into the air, until eventually, only one person remained...
“It’s Klarion !” 
Tim exclaimed, and sure enough, in front of you, was Klarion. He was sitting on something, and saying unintelligible things. 
“Where is he ?” 
Bruce asked avidly. But Professor Xavier’s forehead had more and more creases, and sweat slowly pearled at the corner of his temples. 
“Hey, hey what are you doing you sneaky little rat ?!” 
Klarion. That was most definitely Klarion. Looking straight at you all. Did he just sense Charles ?
“I’ll have you know I’ve been train about mind invasion, it’s witch school 101 ! Now, get...OUT !!” 
And suddenly, the entire machine shut down and with a groan of pain, Xavier took his helmet off. You rushed to him, worried, but in his calming voice he said : 
“I am alright my dear, but this Klarion boy is much stronger than I thought. I wasn’t quite able to get his exact location, but I think we can work with what I have...”
Charles managed to have an area where Klarion could possibly be, but it was very vague. However he projected the 3D image he found of him as he searched with Cerebro, and showed it to everyone in one of the X-Men’s many briefing room. 
“This is what he looks like. I can actually manage to print a decent quality picture of him, based on the mental image I have in my mind. If we go to the area I spotted  him, we could...”
“Heyyyyyy ! I know that little Wolverine haired guy !” 
Cutting the professor off, Deadpool, who, from his spot handcuffed to a heater (it was still an improvement from being taped to the wall) said. He had managed to catch a glimpse of Klarion, and clearly...recognized him ?
“You’ve seen him before ?” 
Bruce asks, suspicious. After all, Deadpool had proven so far to not be the most reliable guy indeed. Yet he still somehow tried to help nonetheless. 
“Yeah I did ! You should’ve told me what he looked like, would’ve saved us a lot of work ! I kinda thought he was just yet another one of Logan’s kid, I mean, the dude NEVER uses protection ! Anyway I saw him on my way to get you two from the subway station, and I saw him go in a very special place, from which I was coming out. He’s at my ex-wife’s Shikla’s place...And I mean “ex” as in we’re no longer married, not like, she’s part of the X-men; They’d never accept her, she’s a total psycho ! She kinda rules over the world of monsters and often plans for the end of the Human race. Should we go visit her ?”
And that’s how you embarked for a new adventure down under...Literally. 
To be continued...
Well after months of not writing...I tried :/. I hope you still like this little transition chapter. You probably noticed a lot of characters had almost no “screen time” even though they were present (and how Deadpool has a lot of said screen time...i needed him to find the witch boy), I’ll do better in the next chapter ! It’s just I needed a little sort of transition to go from searching Klarion to finding him, if that makes sense ? I hope you’re not disappointed and think things are moving too fast, or things aren’t making sense/are a mess, with this more lighthearted chapter, real action coming next chapter, and thanks for reading ! 
If you did like it, as always : feedbacks and reblogs are more than welcomed <3. Thanks in advance !
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Avenging Riverdale: Riverdale x Avengers/ Sweet Pea x OC!Tony Stark’s Daughter. My Reaction After Completing it and A Year Of Working On It.
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This will include spoilers to my fanfic her is the link if you want to read it:
Avenging Riverdale
One paragraph is one chapter.
(not a chapter) Im going to be honest, in my mind their are two sections of Avenging Riverdale. Before my Brain Surgery and after because if you have read my fanfic all the way though, Author Notes and all, you know that I had to stop writing Avenging Riverdale for awhile so that I could focus on healing from that.
A trigger warning, good. Two part cast. Prologue. Tally is in deep shit. Steve picked her up and took her hungover ass to the living room. To Riverdale she goes. The horrible fake screenshots. I stopped doing that though because I couldn't find one for a group chat. Her and Tony's fights are rough. She snuck out to a soup kitchen. I feel bad for abandoning that. Cap found out. Tony put a tracker on her. Wtf but they are getting along. Now the Avengers are worried tho. They are shook they are getting along. After her dad became Iron Man things went downhill in her life.
Welcome to Riverdale. 'Murcia is Cap's group chat name. Short Stark is Tally's and Deadpool just got in it. His is World's Biggest Cry Baby. Peter's explanation of how he knows Deadpool is the most Gen Z thing ever. MJ is Tally's Slut. Tally is MJ's Bitch. Hello Cheryl Blossom.
Bucky has been eating Tally's cereal. She's acting betrayed. Veronica is surprised she didn't kill him. She heard someone mispronounce her name. She corrected them. Betty Copper. Kevin Keller. Kevin is fan-girling. She has blueberries. Jade Keller. Jade is trying to hate on her and her family. Cat Andrews. Jade is dragging her by the wrist while Cat is acting like this is a completely normal thing. Andre Clayton. Jade and Tally would've made a great couple. God damn my crush on Malachi and Sweet Pea. Andre is questioning why Jade just kidnapped Thalia Stark amd why she's at Riverdale High. Tally is questioning why there are so many redheads.
Betty warning Tally about Jade. Song writing with her new friends, Jade, Cat and Andre. She's allergic to roses. She doesn't want to talk about her family problems. The Welcome Back Dance. Archie Andrews. Jade and Tally are dancing together. I swear to god my gay-dar is broken. She rejected Reggie Mantle.
MJ being possessive on insta. Thalia punched Reggie Mantle. It's so weird looking back and seeing Tally not know what's going on her mom. Bucky trying to be a supportive boo. The first mention of Nick St. Clair. Her telling Jade what happened. Jason Blossom's body being found.
Omg, I published chapter 5 for 100 reads. That seems so long ago now that the book is almost at 45k reads. Tony and Pepper are getting married.... I didn't get them married until Endgame. Tony and Tally are going to Pop's. She is not at liberty to answer the question of whether or not she jacker War Machine's suit just so he would do the macarena without a lawyer. Bucky, it's her job to make you feel old.
Hydra nightmare. She's talking to her dad about the nightmare. Then she was like now that we had a hard time going down to the basement to tinker. Whether she wants to admit her or not I wrote her a lot like her dad. Malachi. Malachi obviously cares about Tally. Malachi knows that Nick St Clair hurt Tally. They had sex. I'll be honest with you, I wasn't sure if in the end she was going to end up with Malachi or sweet pea at this point I was still debating it. Malachi kept her hair brush.
Tony just apologized to her for pushing. Jade just stole her for a minute. Malachi left hickeys. I love Tally and Bucky's relationship. Tally is Pepper's maid of Honor. Tony's cooking?
Jade now knows about Malachi. Veronica brought roses in his school and Tally starred sneezing. Tally telling Reggie I don't need the Avengers to kick your ass.
Kevin knows about Malachi now. Nat as chasing Bucky. I love how tally is a moderator for these little fights. Tony is going to spar with Tally, he's going to get his ass kicked so hard. Bucky that $50 on tally. Cap betted $50 on Tony saying that her emotions would get the best of her. Tally won. But Tony is blowing it off like oh I let you win. Thalia Stark got a pep rally who would ever see the day. Tally thinks her dad's hiding something from her. Jughead expected her to have a stick at her ass. I love tally I really miss writing her. It's because of lines like Tony Stark is my dad, iron Man's just suit that just really make me miss her.
That was really sweet and it almost made me cry I forgot I wrote that part. Cheryl just got arrested for lying. Tally proving her genius. Reggie asked her on a date.
The Avengers just found out she's going on a date, they're not exactly happy well, the male Avengers aren't especially since she punched the guy in the face. Pepper is getting emotional. Cap answered the door. Mantle is shook. After the date, he dropped her at home and closed the door before he had a chance to kiss her.
Reggie mantle trying to slut shame tally. She is pissed, she ran into that boy's locker room. She's threatening to expose his dick pics. Which he thinks that it matters that she's not in New York anymore when she's the one with all the security clearance and she's Thalia fucking Stark. The extra points she got just because Reggie met The Avengers. Everyone keeps reminding her murder is illegal. Tally wants to destroy his car, Nat is like go for it and everyone's like Nat, no do not influence her to do this. Rhodey it doesn't think Tony should be supporting her in this. She got her revenge. Mantle is pissed, just actually wanted it. Her dad had a screaming match with the principal.
Malachi is starting to miss her. Toni Topaz. Sweet Pea. Fangs Forgarty. FP Jones. Beck Oliver. And Sweet Pea's nickname is born, Sunflower. Toni loves her. Mantle tried to apologize, but it was a shit apology so she blew him off.
The drive-in is being bought. Malachi wants me to come over after school. Malachi asked her out. He's giving her time to think about it. Family dinner.
Really bad nightmare. Then she had a panic attack because of the nightmare. Tony got pops burgers for breakfast.
Malachi and tally are officially in a relationship. The meeting of the New York friends and the Riverdale friends. Her dad's wearing an iron Man onesie. Steve is wearing Captain America pajamas. Clint is wearing a big bird onesie. Her dad is leaving from New York tomorrow to present an invention and wants her to go.
She is staying in Riverdale. Her dad asked her to stay away from The lodges. Tally you telling off Cheryl. Steve you fucking snitch. Talking about Tally's pranks. Peter is worried about her.
The accords. Tony wants her opinion on it. She thinks it's the most stupid idea ever. The governor wants her to sign it but she's refusing to. He doesn't want her to sign it either. She knows more about her mother than he's talking about. Honestly it is so weird looking back at this and having her mom not being revealed like this.
The accords meeting. Tally just walked out of school to be there. Tony knows he fucked up.
Rest in peace Peggy Carter my queen. Yes Nick, help her stop the fight in a Target parking lot. Tally is such a mom. When tally even bosses the King around, threatening to reveal his internet browser history. She just compared them all the toddlers. She just met Ant-man. Ruby Lodge is her mother.
Ruby Lodge also happens to be Hiram Lodge's little sister. Tally was born in Riverdale. I really abandoned the UN plot line.
Her and Jade are going to sing at the variety show. Take A Hint for the audition tho with Mantle in the crowd. Josie wants to talk to her alone. Veronica is pissed she didn't her they were cousins. Dinner party at the Pembroke.
Deadpool. After the variety show her and Deadpool are on the roof eating chimichangas. She's helping Betty look for her sister. She's going to go clubbing with Veronica, Kevin, Jade, and mantle. Cap is really easy lie to. Malachi is there and he's cheating on her.
She called Malachi a dirty mouthed whore. She just got a package from the Ten Rings. PROJECT INTERMISSION. right now she's thinking Hydra in the 10 rings are working together. She can't go to Polly's baby shower because she's doing some investigating of her own.
Soup kitchen talking to the serpents. Tony just asked what's the tea. Tony has so much faith in his daughter taking over Stark industries it's so sweet. Her and Cheryl are starting over because tally gave her some really good advice about being a female daughter getting ready to become a CEO.
Another letter from the 10 rings. Chuck is back. Jugheads surprise party. I forgot I put Cat's bibble addiction in here. The ones that watched Victorious will know what I'm talking about. I think Tally's birthday present is the best one he is received for a while. Cheryl wanted to know about the scars on her back during the game of secrets and she even it was like exposed herself basically she really didn't care though. To the Southside with Sweet Pea.
They really want to challenge Tally at call of duty. They're playing never have I ever. Toni knows about what happened.
Her mom was a serpent, and she went to the serpent's for help. Everyone is surprised that tally is a serpent by blood.
Her father told the truth. Jade scares Joaquin. That's cute, Sweet Pea thinks he can be tally in a game of pool.
She won. And sweet pea is confused why she is open about almost everything but her ex. They had sex. Tally is saying that they can't date because of everything that's going on and she doesn't want to put him in danger. Tally is in deep shit.
Tony and Tally had a big fight. Tony's kind of suspicious of tally right now because she's been acting off. Steve heard something about project intermission. Tally is terrified that Hydra is going to kidnap her.
They're still asking about project intermission. FP was just arrested for the murder of Jason blossom. They're holding an intervention for tally because they're worried about her. Malachi what are you doing there I don't remember this.
He regrets cheating on her. Malachi can read her like an open book. The blackmailed him into cheating. Tally just save Fred's life I forgot that's how she gets kidnapped. Alice Cooper is Thalia's godmother. She's dead. I wrote this and I'm about to cry. Someone stole the body. Project intermission.
Tony freaked out at the mention of the 10 rings. She's alive. The Avengers are finding out what happened with Nick St Clair.
Jade really just spilled everything to them I mean I would too if meant getting my best friend back but still. Tony went to go see Malachi. Malachi said he was more afraid of tally than he is of Tony. But he's still told him a lot.
Tally has powers. Thalia is so sarcastic I love her. Tally was able to send a message to them. By the time they got there the Hydra base was in flames and she was walking out of it. They forced her to go to the hospital where everyone was waiting. Tony tried to keep her in her in the hospital room but she was like no❤️.
The sexual tension between her and Sweet Pea tho. Interview by Sheriff Keller. Welcome home party. The Whyte Wyrm. Sweet Pea wants a slurpee. Toni accidentally ate a weed brownie.
Fangs has skittles in his jacket? FRIDAY you sassy AI. Movie night code red. Tangled vs The Conjuring. Nat has Thor in a choke hold. I always forget that Rapunzel's name translates to Lettuce. They all suggest movies and fight it out. First one is Sweet Pea vs Tally. I FORGOT I BROKE THE FOURTH WALL. Tally won. Tony is having a talk with Sweet Pea. Tally doesn't think Hydra is done. Imma be honest I don't remember most of this because the close it get to when I had my surgery the more fucked my memory became.
Reggie is calling her the walking dead. Swalia date. This is going to be adorable.
The memes tho. They ended up watching Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Things got heated then Tony texted tally. Her and her dad ended up working on the Impala when she got home. Tally told Reggie to fuck off. Her adoption papers came in so that she will legally be Pepper's kid. Archie's an idiot.
I love Pepper. Sweet Pea and Tally are officially dating. Jade and Kevin are freaking out. Her dad is freaking out not like Jade and Kevin. Cat is pissed at her brother. Bulldogs and Serpents showed up. Jade, Cat, Veronica and Tally stopped the fight. She headed to Sweet Pea's.
My fake insta posts were the best. Beck, Fangs and Sweet Pea just got arrested. Nick St Clair is coming to town. Mantle vandalized her locker. Apparently the same thing happened to her mom. She's not going to talk about Nick St Clair.
Tally telling Archie to keep an eye out for Nick St. Clair. Date night with Sweet Pea. He took he took her their hideout. She's contemplating filing a police report on Nick St Clair. They had sex in a treehouse.
Nick St. Clair is back. Veronica doesn't know shit. She finally told her dad. She going to report him. She told Veronica. Veronica confronted him at the party and now everyone at the party knows. She went to SVU. Then she went to MJ's.
They are going to arrest him at the open house. He has been arrested.
No more secrets? Holy shit. She now knows Alice Cooper is her God Mother. Really Tony? Why did you call her out in front of everyone? You could've just talked to her. He wants her to see a therapist. St Clair had a bail hearing. No bail. Southside High was raided. When he only like Sweet Pea because he's taller than Cap. Tally didn't realize it. Drag Race. Malachi vs Tally. Bucky is so chill about it.
(So Chapter 47. Is the where you guys find out that I am having surgery) Sweet Pea finds out about Malachi. Sweet Pea feels betrayed, angered. They're having a fight. Sweet Pea is afraid that because she kept this one secret EX from him the next thing you know she'll be cheating on him. Tally just told him I don't want anyone else. They said I love you. The drag race. Tally won fair and square but Malachi still thinks she cheated. Tony scheduled the appointment.
Apparently you can't teach Thor how to cook. Tally isn't allowed in Asgard. Tally just called Vision a toaster. And in response Tony said don't call your little brother a toaster.
Family dinner. Everyone is there. Sweet Pea just got there. Thalia is the moderator. Nick Fury scares him. They are grilling him. Mario Kart tournament. Cap won.
Sweet Pea sending her bad pick up lines. MJ approves. Jughead asked for a favor. FP is getting out of prison.  Sweet Pea and Tally are talking about their future. (This is the last chapter I published before my surgery)
FP's retirement party. Tally inviting Sweet Pea to the Avenger's Christmas party and New Years Eve party and everyone else.
Her first appointment. Afterwards she went to the Wyrm. FP wants to talk to her. Tally has a spare key.
Social media special.
Trial of Nick St Clair. He lost.  Southside High has been shut down. Jade's period is late. Jade is pregnant. Welcome to Riverdale High Southside Serpents. Mantle being a dick.
The uniforms. Message from Hydra, her mom is alive.
She's known. (Srry, this is when my short term memory was hell so I don't remember it.) Her mother is a hydra agent and was using Tony. She even talked to her when she was kidnapped. FP isn't happy that Ruby lied to them all.
Sweet pea trying to stand up for tally when Jughead was trying to use her Fame for peaceful protest now that's awesome but Tally's okay with this because it's a peaceful protest and something she agrees with and told him it's okay. They bugged his trailer. They have the tesseract from Odin's Vault testing against Tally's blood panel. It keeps calling her name.
Even though they told her not to tell sweet pea she did. Peaceful protest. The statue had no head the next day and tally woke up with a fever, despite the super soldier serum. And she has a fever. Bruce thinks it's because of the tesseract because they have similar energy they're fighting dominance. Next day she's feeling better, and is being questioned by the sheriff.
Foreshadowing much. She's realizing that she was born to her mother just become hydras soldier. Tally's idea is that well her mom's playing chess they have to play poker. Sunnyside is getting evicted.
Her mother is at the Wyrm. Hello Ruby Lodge. That was intense. Tally just thanked Pepper for being her mom. FP trust her.
Veronica's confirmation. Jughead and Betty found the head. Back at the Wyrm. Tall boy was the one who did it. Going to Lodge Lodge.
I think that's an accurate description of Cheryl. Jughead had to reassure them that everything was fine. The Jughead Veronica kiss. They get to stay in Sunnyside trailer park.
Hiram Lodge bought the Riverdale register. The break-in. They decide to go after tally instead of Veronica because you know she's a Stark. That was a mistake because they isolated her and her room and she was able to overpower one of them and take their shotgun away. She also paged her dad. Hiram Lodge owns pops. Ethel dumped a whole strawberry milkshake on Veronica. Reggie being a dick. Ruby Lodge broke into sweet peas trailer talk to him.
Ruby wants to make a deal. Basically what happened with Malachi where he cheated to protect his sister. Ruby said she wants to make sure her daughter is dead inside. Cheryl's missing. Sweet pea has been distant. Sweet Pea is drinking away sorrows. And he cheated to protect his little sister and his mom.
Jade slapped him. Tony is there. Fangs sent her a photo of Sweet Pea cheating. She's questioning everything. The Avengers want to kick his ass. She went to his trailer. Swalia is over until they get their shit together. Carrie The Musical.
She went to Malachi. She went there for help but they ended up sleeping together. They agreed to be one time thing. The plan started, Malachi would pick her up from the musical the opening night. Ruby stopped them, saying she would kill Malachi if she didn't go with her. into which Malachi admits that he still loves her. But she loves sweet pea. The tranqed her and she woke up in a chair. 5 months later she was in Sweden by herself safe and sound. What you saw an article about Archie Andrews being questioned for a murder. And she thought she might have evidence for it or could get it so she's going back to Riverdale. Then flashback 5 months ago Tony's point of view, Malachi showed up to the school after Midge was murdered. Tally is prime suspect right now. She killed a hydra agent. Then 5 months later. Tony is a pops when he sees his daughter walk in with blonde hair.
She got lectured from Steve about running off for 5 months. She wants to tent city. Her and Sweet Pea had a good to talk. Ruby Lodge.
She just wants to talk. Ancient Norse prophecy. Tony asked Thor and he gulped. There is a prophecy and Thor and Loki believe it to be about Tally. Odin agrees. In the final battle she dies. Thornhill.
Ghoulies. Malachi questioning Penny Peabody's motives and then putting the fear of Tally. Jughead wondering what that was about. The iCarly reference though. "If you ever do that again you're grounded for... Till college." "For till college?" "For till college!"
(So the reason I kind of stopped doing the Instagram post was because after my surgery I kind of just lost all creative initiative to do it.) The video tally turned in was ruled of questionable origin. Thalia Stark is under arrest. I don't remember this plot line. They don't have a very solid case. Matt Murdock, Tally's lawyer, wants to push the case to New York. Charges were dropped thanks to Nicholas fury. Archie pleaded guilty, Malachi is leaving. He wants to see her before he leaves. Tally told him he would hold a special place in her heart. Riverdale high, next day.  They want to get Hiram Lodge arrested.
Sweet Pea and Tally are talking about what happened and Tally finally said what's been running through her head. Thalia is Jade's child's godmother. She told Jade about the prophecy.
Tony is acting weird at The mention of a game that hit Riverdale. Ghoulie hideout with Penny and Ruby. She scared the shit out of Penny Peabody. Veronica's grand opening. Tally is willing to let Sweet Pea try to earn her trust back. They kissed... No, they had sex. The manual.
Flashback episode. Secrets and sins. tally roasting her father. Ruby and Hiram arguing. The Ascension party. Tony basically explained everything to his daughter.
Sweet peas playing the game that Tony told her not to and she asked him not to. She said if you can please playing the game the deal is off so he said well done the deal is off and walked out. She's heartbroken. Archie prison fight club. Since tally is the closest thing they have to a trained doctor she is the one that's going to be at the bunker ready to patch Archie up. sweet peas apologizing. Starting Hiram lodges case.
Swedish Mafia. Sheriff Minetta grilling Tally. Casino night. Sweet pea and her hooked up again. Sweet Pea asked her on a date. After good advice my father she accepted it. When he came to pick her up Tony threatened him saying you already cheat on my daughter again I'm going to kill you which I think is Fair. After a good date he asked tally to be his girlfriend again. She said yes.
Cap wanting her to join RROTC. Not tally paying for Fangs mom's hospital bills. According to Pepper Starks are caffeine dependent insomniacs. Tally had cancer. Thor smashing a toaster. Cheryl the bitch.
Tally helping Sweet Pea study for SATs. Hiram got shot. Fangs is back in the Serpents. FP is Sheriff. Ruby Lodge. Half-sister Alicia von Strucker.
Sweet Pea is worried. Alicia meeting Sweet Pea. Jade's water broke. Thalia regrets not being there for Jade. She gabe her sister a nickname. Captain America Fitness Challenge. To the hospital to see her god child. Violet Thalia Oliver.
Alicia is 100 percent Ruby's daughter. Josie tried to ask sweet pea to go to her mom's wedding with her, Sweet Pea denied. Thalia defending her sister to the Avengers. The Pretty Poisons beat up Sweet Pea and Fangs. Tally rushed over to the Jones trailer where she had a run kn with Jughead's mom. She doesn't like Starks. Jughead now knows about her prophecy. Tally meet Jellybean and calls her an adorable human being. Jellybean fangirling. Jughead trusting Thalia with his life.
Jughead's mom being skeptical af. Tally didn't trust her. Chemistry Lab break in. Jughead asked her to help deal with it, as a favor. Kurtz just called her Malachi's ex-bitch. Sweet Pea is pissed but Tally's got it. After a little violence. She's going to go call Malachi. He gave some food advice. She made Jughead promise something. She caught Kurtz trying to kill Fangs. Jughead made her let him go. Sister bonding time.
Alicia's life story. The Gargoyle King sent her a message. Tally is keeping it a secret from Sweet Pea. FPs 50th.
HEATHERS PART 1. Call from Detective Benson, telling her Nick St. Clair is getting released because of 'overcrowding'. The Avengers are pissed, so is Sweet Pea. Tally is playing Veronica Sawyer. Alicia came to see her sister at rehearsal and brought her a red bull. Party. Okay, I'll admit that was a bad pun. Big Fun. She was tipsy for a second because of Asgardian beer. She steps outside, Ruby is there. She threw up on her biological mother's shoes. Tbh I tried to put more references to the musical in here. Dead girl walking. Practice next day. Everyone finding Nick St. Clair got released and them being pissed. Cheryl wants to castrate him, Reggie agrees. Que Nick St. Douchebag's entrance.
HEATHERS PART 2. When I published part 2, Chadwick Boseman passed away. Rest in Power. Sweet Pea and Archie holding her back but everyone who know exactly what happened was ready to beat his face in. Nick called Tally a ticking time bomb. He mentioned the prophecy. Tally threatening him. Tally has some explaining to do. Her going to Sheriff Jones to get a restraining order. Tally shading Steve. Seventeen. Dr Stephen Strange saved her life. Alicia texted her to meet her. She gonna blow up the school. Alicia cuffed her in vibranium cuffs, she called Shuri. Dead Girl Walking Reprise (What a bop tho) Kevin met her at the door she told him to evacuate the building as silently as possible. Boiler room. The fight for the gun. Alicia was dead. She was able to deactivate the bomb. She went outside where everyone was waiting and trying to calm Sweet Pea and Tony down. Then she saw Ruby and saw red. FRIDAY record the convo. Tally just said it's over amd told her mom to fuck off. Ruby is pissed because it's not her ending. Tally just walked away and kept walking. I'mma be honest these are my favorite chapters.
Since the funeral, tally isolated herself in a depression. Now she has a text from an unknown person to meet her at Sweetwater River. Chic. Malachi came to see her. They had a good talk, he made her realize some things.
Cheryl preaching the farm agenda to tally who's just trying to grieve her sister. So she gives Cheryl a verbal SmackDown. Toni being pissed about it. Tally doesn't want to go to prom, so instead she wants to take sweet pea on a date in New York. Betty's dad's prison bus exploding. Veronica being confused on why they would miss prom. I'm telling explains it she's like well I know when that used to be your preferred choice of setting. He's asking him to move on after the prophecy is complete and she's dead.
Veronica's Pop deed is fake. Veronica wants Tally to fight her father. Tally is unsure about it, she could kill her dad with a single punch. Toby agrees the best bet us Tally. Archie taking the ring with Hiram, could possibly get Archie killed. Fight night. He broke her nose. Tally did more damage to him of course. Hiram Lodge has been arrested. When her family and sweet pea find out that she was the reason Hiram Lodge got arrested in the first place. They were starting to get ready to go into business together and tell you didn't want Lodge industries to fuck over Stark industries. When she figured out moves from Avatar to last Airbender and legend of Korra. Her mom escaped from prison.
Avengers discussing protection for tally. Package for tally. Thalia Stank. It was from the gargoyle King but she played it off in front of the Avengers and just left. To go to the hunting cabin of the blossoms. Her mom is there. Time for the final quest. The first one is for Archie the grizzled beast. I love tally. Because when Archie says oh crap, she says I think you're allowed to say fuck in this situation. Archie wins though. Tally had to play Russian roulette to get her in with the swedish Mafia. The next task is for Veronica. All the chalices were poisoned so Betty and Veronica are both poisoned.
Tally's turn. The assassin card. Battle of Blood. Biological mother vs daughter. Thalia killed her biological mother. Jughead's turn. He had won. And finally Betty's turn. She shut off her dad's fingers. After Penelope give the order to kill them all Thalia made a giant barrier with her powers. The farm ascended, leaving Kevin behind. The Avengers were shocked about what happened.
Filler chapter. Therapist appointment. Pop's with her dad. Tally remembering. Sweet Pea checking on her. Sweet Pea wants to run away with her, maybe run away from all of it but tally knows she can't. Then the next week tally knew the prophecy would be complete.
The beginning of infinity war. Dr strange. Wong knows about the prophecy while doctor strange doesn't. Tony just trying to protect his daughter. Tally got knocked unconscious. Bruce woke her up, Tony and Peter Parker are in space trying to save Doctor strange and keep the time Stone out of thanos's hands. At the compound talking about what to do. Tally knows someone.
Tally dreaming of the infinity Stones and seeing Thanos. Shuri. Things have entered the atmosphere. Tally's iron daughter suit. The fight has begun. Cap saying fuck. Thanos is coming for vision. Telling us what's happening to the stones right now. She bloodbended Thanos but the Avengers couldn't get to Thanos quick enough to get the glove off so he snapped. They lost. Tally is gone and so is half of the universe.
Nat is regretting not getting to Thanos quick enough to get to the glove off of him while tally bloodbended him. Tony found out that she's able to bloodbend. Tony passing out. Going to go kill Thanos. Nat and Thor explaining Thalia to Rocket. Thor went for the head.
5 YEARS LATER. Natasha's point of view. Meeting, Barton murdering people, Steve stopping by. She's remembering tally, reminiscing with Steve. Scott Lang. Quantum realm. Tony's point of view. Morgan Stark. Them telling the plan to Tony. Him thinking it's risky. Tony is salty about the fact that if they were close enough when tally bloodbended than Thanos they could have been done they could have won but they lost. Scott's trying to play with his heartstrings, mentioning tally, his first born daughter.
Bruce banner/hulk talking about the time travel thing . Tony's POV. While washing dishes he looks at a photo thinking of his daughter, tally. He decided he has to do it to see her again. He figured out time travel. Pepper finding out you figured out time travel. He's going to do it. Natasha's POV next morning. Scott time traveling going wrong. Steve POV. Walking outside seeing car pull up. Cap getting his shield back. But there's something Tony has to do before he gets to work.
He went to go see Malachi. He want to let Malachi know that there was hope. Malachi gave him a flash drive of Tally's research guy she entrusted him with five years ago. Clint testing the time travel machine worked. When Tony opened the flash drive he realized that a lot of it was mapped out for him already. Tally made a video titled if we lost. Time travel time. New York 2012. Time Stone.
Tony's POV, then Steve's POV. Not Steve saying hail Hydra. Tony's POV. Scott giving 2012 Tony a heart attack. Tesseract sliding to Loki. Steve POV. "That is America's ass" I think that's all I have to say for that part. Bruce's POV. Him telling her that Strange gave it away. She gave him the time stone. Tony POV. Deciding to go to New Jersey.
1970. Tony's point of view. Tony seeing his dad and getting the tesseract. Steve's point of view. Getting Hank Pym to run down the hallway. Tony's POV. Talking to his dad. Avengers compound. Natasha was gone. Grieving Natasha. Making the gauntlet, Thor going to stop his fingers then stop him Bruce snapping his fingers. It worked. Then disaster struck a missiles blew away the Avengers compound. Thanos sat waiting for the Avengers. Thanos vs Steve, Thor and Tony. Tony getting knocked out. Steve POV. Picks up Thor's hammer. Everyone is back. Tally is back.
Tally POV. Tally and Tony reuniting. Female team up without Nat. Tally took the stones before he could snap."You are so fucked." She turned to dust. Tony's POV. She started glowing. He grieved. Sweet Pea is at Stark Tower. He found out she sacrificed herself. The funeral. Tally is alive.
The scene with death. When Tally woke up she didn't remember anything. Everyone is shocked. Wanda jogged her memory. She explained everything. She met Morgan.
Graduation. Tally's POV. She was the valedictorian. She's going to MIT. Sweet Pea proposed. When she graduated, taking on Stark industries, she made sure it was clear the weapons will never be apart of Stark Industries again. When Sweet Pea and Tally got married she found out she was pregnant. Sweet Pea's name is this is Nathan Mantle. In the end they had 3 kids. Nick St. Clair got killed by the Swedish Mafia. She is the Iron Daughter.
Overall, I'm going to admit I don't remember writing half of this story because of my brain surgery and I was working on it during this. I love this story, it is my first time reading it all at once but I am partial to it because I worked on it for almost a full year and is the first Riverdale x Avengers crossover fic on wattpad. There is somethings I was contemplating, like who she was going to end up with, if she was going to die in the first snap or not. I was also going to do a part where she goes into hiding with Harley from Iron Man 3 and works as a waitress in a little diner as a cover, saying she's Harley's cousin, wearing a wig and contacts but I felt that'd make the story too long. But there are a few things I'm iffy about so 9/10.
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Were I to have an insane and unrealistic amount of power over at Marvel I’d re-organize the Spider-Man relevant trades. I share the belief that the hurdle to new readers isn’t so much that there is a long history so much as a history spread all over the place. Wanting to read Spider-Man isn’t simple even if you do have the time and patience to read 50 years worth of comics. You need to know WHICH comics and WHAT ORDER to read them in. And the latter has a multiple choice answer!
This is part of why USM was so strong in it’s early days. 1 title, no satellites, no spin-offs. All you needed to do was pick up issue #1 or trade volume 1 and read sequentially from there. Not just easy to follow but easy to catch up and thus allow readership to grow.
Thus I propose that we simply organize the Spider-Man brand into a series of sequential trades. Functionally these will be like the Deadpool Classic trades, but with multiple trades following the various characters of the Spider-Verse. Want to read just about Peter Parker, you pick up his trades. But want to read just about Miles or Venom? The trades will have you covered going across their respective histories in the in-universe reading order.
In other words you need not worry about whether story arc A in ASM happens before story arc B in Spec and where Guest appearance C fits in. The trades would sort it all out for you. You’d just pick up any volume and read cover to cover, with tiny subplot pages and text inserted where relevant to clarify things. E.g. if there were 2 three part stories happening at the same time, you don’t want to interrupt that, so you’d just print one then have some text saying ‘the following three issues take place during the events of the ASM #X-Z’.
Additionally, in order to not make things unnecessarily confusing I’d omit retroactive stories like Untold Tales of Spider-Man, Symbiote Spider-Man, etc from these trades. My rationale is that not only would these spoil certain things but more significantly as time goes by people will inevitably write more retroactive stories meaning the trades would need to be constantly amended.
Instead I’d simply make a ‘Companion’ trade series reprinting such stories in publication order with a few notes explaining where they take place relative to the original issues. E.g. you’d pick up ‘Peter Parker: Spider-Man Classic Companion Volume 1’ and before you read Untold Tales of Spider-Man #1 a note would inform you it happens after ASM #3 or whatever.
So what would these trade series be exactly?
Something like this:
1.       Peter Parker: Spider-Man Classic: Simply every Peter Parker appearance or relevant comic book. ASM, Spec, New Avengers, Secret Wars, guest appearances, everything!
2.       Mary Jane Classic: Same thing for Mary Jane, albeit to save some time we could simply reprint the MJ relevant pages from various comics as there would be little need to reprint a whole Spidey adventure she just cameos in. The info text could simply give you context for each appearance before we got to meatier stories. I’d employ this method for all of the following whenever relevant.
3.       Black Cat Classic: Obviously this would include her solo minis but also and team appearances like in Heroes for Hire.
4.       Daily Bugle Classic: It occurred to me there were several stories focussing upon a lot of the supporting cast that didn’t feature Spider-Man himself. That aside people love the supporting cast so I figured some trades chronicling their exploits would make sense. For this trade series it’d focus upon J. Jonah Jameson first and foremost but also Betty Brant, Joe Robertson, Ben Urich, etc
5.       The Many Loves of Spider-Man Classic: Same idea but with the Spidey girlfriends who don’t have that many appearances to their name. The main focus would be Gwen Stacy because for good or ill she’s a character who people are interested in. But you could also throw in appearances from Deb Whitman, Carlie, etc.
6.       Spider-Man’s Tangled Web: TBH I couldn’t figure out a good name for this one, but essentially this would be about Peter’s friends who aren’t superheroes, Bugle employees or girlfriends of his. This would include Flash Thompson (pre-Venom), Liz Allan, Randy Robertson, possibly Glory Grant although she’d also fit in with the Bugle trades I guess. Throw in the Tangled web issues and your good to go!
7.       Clone Classic: As you might expect this would chronicles Ben Reilly and Kaine’s exploits, but also for good measure ALL the clearly clone related stories. So we’re talking appearances involving Miles Warren and Gwen’s clone too. Although I guess the latter could fit in ‘the Many Loves of Spider-Man’ trades.
8.       Spider-Man’s Amazing Friends Classic: All of the superhero friends Spider-Man has who are closely associated with him and have had off and on titles over the years. Prowler, Silver Sable, Rocket Racer, Sandman (when he reformed), Jackpot, Alpha, Will O’ Wisp, etc
9.       Goblins Classic: I thought of doing a trade purely about the Osborns but this seemed more logical. It’d cover every appearance of the Goblin related characters. We’re talking Norman Osborn, Harry Osborn, Bart Hamilton, Roderick Kingsley, Ned Leeds, Jason Macendale, Phil Urich, Green Goblin V, Hobgoblin from Bendis’ Secret War, Gabriel+Sarah Stacy, Lily Hollister and whoever else will become a Goblin
10.   Doctor Octopus Classic: Speaks for itself, and yeah it’d include his clones from Superior onwards too.
11.   Symbiotes Classic: I thought of having this be about all the symbiotes OTHER than Venom and Carnage but having 3 sets of trades for symbiotes seemed ridiculous. This would cover every symbiote (Venom, Carnage, Hybrid, Scream, Toxin, Mania, Sleeper, etc) along with major hosts of theirs. Eddie Brock, Cletus Kasady, Mac Gargan, Flash Thompson, Andi Benton, etc
12.   Sinister Six Classic. Maybe you couldn’t call these guys A-listers strictly speaking but these would be the real famous Spider-Man villains who haen’t already been mentioned. We’re talking the Vultures, Electros, Kravens, Mysterios, Chameleon, all the really classic costumed Spidey bad guys you could think of with the exception of some of the folks I’m gonna name below
13.   The Many Foes of Spider-Man Classic: This would chiefly chronicle the stories about the characters from Deadly/Lethal/Superior Foes of Spider-Man, most importantly Boomerang, Beetle and Shocker
14.   Spider Women Classic: All the 616 centric Spider Ladies. Jessica Drew, Julia Carpenter, Mattie Franklin, Cindy Moon, Anya Corazon, maybe even throw Madame Web in there for good measure. I think it makes sense to consolidate them together into a trade series as their publication histories meant they were usually passing the baton onto one another.
15.   Miles Morales: Spider-Man Classic: Guess who this is about. Obviously this would include his appearances in Champions, Avengers, etc
16.   Gwen Stacy: Ghost Spider Classic: Every Spider-Gwen/Ghost Spider/Earh-65 Gwen appearanceD
17.   Spider-Ham Classic: You get the picture. Although I’d also add in versions of Spider-Ham that are from different Earths as well
18.   Spider-Man 2099 Classic: We’re actually already doing these in real life, but I’d want them to include every version of Miguel too and brief appearances across other titles
19.   Ultimate Spider-Man Classic: Obviously the same deal for Ultimate Peter Parker, but I’d also include Ultimate Jessica Drew as well
20.   Web of Spider-Verse: A trade series that reprints in publication order every other AU Spider-People out there. All the What Ifs, the Earth X stuff, House of M, X-Men: Forever, 1602, Noir, India, Peni Parker, Fairy Tales and of course Web Warriors
21.   Spider-Girl Classic: We’re already doing this one too. Just wish it’d come out faster!
22.   Spider-Man: Japan Classic: ALL the Japanese Spider-Man stories. Every appearance of Supaidaman from Spider-Verse and beyond. Every appearance of Spider-Man J, Mangaverse Spider-Man, Spidey Fake Red and most controversially Spider-Man: The Manga (deffo gonna have to put a mature readers disclaimer on those ones.
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jaytheredbird · 4 years
🌞 and 💫 for the ask meme! :D
🌞 Do you have one canon character you love that not many have heard of? What do you like most about them?
Hmm I don't know if he's a lesser known character or if I 'love' him, but from a purely character design perspective: I liked Dane of Elysium (Earth-11) because DC chose to put him in a skirt instead of pants :B. I did not like his personality/characterization that much but I appreciated that DC designed a male version of Wonder Woman & stayed true to the actual WW costume, unlike Wonderous Man (Earth-11).
I do! He's from a kind of forgotten Elseworlds comic, Thomas 'Tom' Wayne aka Robin 3000. But actually, I also like Moon and Aki from those same comics. I think what drives me to them is the potential they all have as characters, plus the good stories that could come from Tom being the last of the Waynes and the last of the Robins. Moon is a very sweet and innocent character, and Aki is very loyal but also very human.
I really want to have an answer for this but I cannot for the life of me think of a decent or relevant one Dx
Henry Adams from the Arkham Knight game. He manages to convince Bruce and Tim that he’s immune to Joker’s infection which leads to them losing control of Panessa Studios for a time. Plus he manages to get Harley to work with him before he’s even captured by Batman showing just how calculating he can be.
At first I was struggling to think how to answer this because pretty much all of my favourite DC characters are pretty well known already, but then I remembered the Sandman Universe stories I've been reading, House of Whispers and The Dreaming. HoW focuses heavily on an Hoodoo goddess called Erzulie, who is triple natured, big and beautiful, and has three husbands who adore her! She's also a certified badass who cares deeply for her charges and husbands and goes through some real challenges over the course of the story to keep them safe.
Meanwhile in The Dreaming, you have Dora, a monstess woman searching for her true identity, who is brash and brazen and unapologetic, and I really love her design and personality. Both need some more love from fans
💫 If you could make the crossover teamup of your dreams happen, which characters would you have working together?
I don't have enough comic knowledge to answer this. But, I have occasionally entertained thoughts about a team-up between Deadpool & Red Hood because I think the banter between the two would be interesting.
I'd actually really like a crossover between Spiderman (Peter Parker) and Nightwing (Dick), but! with adult Peter and not his teen self. Their dynamic could be very interesting and I think they have quite a few things in common when it comes to how they approach crime fighting. And Peter already has a crossover with Bruce, so I don't see why this can't happen.
Oh Wade Wilson and Jason Todd for sure! They are two of my favorite fictional characters and I feel like they have the potential to bring out both the worst and the best in each other depending on the situation. Both are two dudes that have been through lots of hardship(including torture and death) but both of them have kept their hearts throughout it all. I think the want to be the ideal hero and the need to ruthlessly kill all evil is at war in both of their minds and they could definitely bond over those conflicting feelings and their previous experiences. 10/10 for two wonderful men with bloody pasts not afraid to Get Shit Done.
If I could make any crossover happen it’d be with Blue Team (Halo), Tom and Lucy (also Halo) and the five Outlaws. It’d be interesting to see how much of a headache they’d give Fred-104 as he is the unofficial dad of Blue Team. Master Chief John-117 would be excellent with Jason as his planning seems to be ‘save as many people as possible no matter the risk to myself’ and he understands the difference between spending lives and wasting lives. Kelly-087 is like Halo’s version of a speedster and id love to see how quick she’d be with access to the speed force. Jason deserves to have his own speedster and she’d be excellent at it. Especially as she’s known for flipping off the enemy and just generally winding them up/snarking at them. The Outlaws would be excellent parents to Tom and Lucy. They’ve been through so much trauma that Jason et al would be best suited to helping them heal and find ways to cope. They need that family atmosphere to flourish. Plus every member is badass. Linda-058 would take both Roy and Jason in a shooting competition and Floyd/Slade would pale in comparison to her.
A lot of crossovers come to mind, but my favourite that involves DC would have to be the Teen Titans with the Young Avengers. My main reasoning might be a little controversial and biased, but my boyfriend and I both love TimKon and Wickling and often talk about them meeting and it very quickly became a fave of mine with the four of them together. But I think that all members of both teams would find little factors about each other that they'd get along with.
(I also think that Roy Harper and Clint Barton would have a blast together, obvious reasons why that pairing would be a good idea aside. They're both just messes that I adore wholeheartedly.)
(And wouldn't object to Wade Wilson (Deadpool) meeting up with a vast majority of DC characters either.)
Bucky Barnes and Jason Todd. Both have similar elements in their stories. Both are former sidekicks who died and struggled to find their way in the world after, out of the shadow of their mentors. I think they'd be really interesting together!
I'd also adore a series where Deathstroke and Deadshot are forced to work together long term. There'd be so much snide commenting and bullying, and also I'd love comparisons of Floyd as a villainous parent to Slade's... uh... practices. It'd be great fun.
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natsubeatsrock · 4 years
Should our heroes kill?
So remember how I said that I'm glad that a problem detractors of Fairy Tail have is people being too forgiving? This is part of the reason why.
I can't think of a time I've seen people seriously complain that anyone didn't kill another character in Fairy Tail. Gray had to rush to catch Juvia in Phantom Lord, Erza could have killed Jellal back in Tower of Heaven, and fans are glad as their potential ships are still not unconfirmed by death. The closest thing I can think of is fans being mad that someone like Lisanna didn't die. However, not too many people are going out to say that any character should have killed any other.
That feels kind of weird.
Don't get me wrong. I like that Fairy Tail fans don't have the desire to see XYZ character get killed off for ABC reasons. That should be expected from the guy that says forgiveness is generally good. I'm glad that Natsu isn't expected to kill too many of his enemies or that people aren’t sad when he doesn't finish off someone like Jellal or Gajeel or whoever.
At the same time, this doesn't feel normal.
Like, I know of only one person who has encountered My Hero Academia that actually seems to like Mineta Minoru. Pretty much everyone else seems to either not like him or outright hate him. It's common to see him excluded from fan depictions of Class 1-A and be glad when bad things happen to him. I think it can get to be a bit much at times, but I see where it comes from.
And then people wish for his death. And I have to stop. Ignoring in-universe issues his death would cause for the school, I find it troubling that fans can talk so casually about killing a character in a universe who isn't a villain. I get that the dude's a huge pervert, but Himiko Toga kills people unapologetically and has an actual fanbase. Something feels off about fandom priorities.
And of course, there is the big one: Batman. For the uninitiated, Batman has one famous rule: he does not kill his enemies. While there have been characters he has killed in the past, these are exceptions to this rule. Generally speaking, Batman is not one to kill even the worst of enemies. Part of this is why Zack Snyder's depiction of the character in Batman vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice is so contentious with fans, along with his insistence that Batman killing is within character. (among other stupid comments by him)
This all comes to a head in the famous story Under the Red Hood.  Before the actual story starts, one of Batman's sidekicks, Jason Todd, was kidnapped, beaten, and presumably killed by the Joker. (Thanks to an IRL fan vote, of all things.) It is later revealed that he's back as the titular Red Hood and is mad that Batman didn't kill the Joker because of what happened to him. A lot of fans sympathize with Jason and believe it was wrong for Batman not to break his rule to avenge Jason Todd. 
Though, I think that Batman's response to Jason's plea provides an important answer to this question. He admits that all he's wanted to kill the Joker, however, he refuses to allow himself to. Many interpret this to mean that he thinks he's strong for not killing the Joker. However, I interpret this to mean that he feels he's too weak to kill just the Joker.
And that is an important difference. Anyone who's even remotely aware of Batman knows that he should have no trouble killing the Joker if he actually wanted to. Some even argue he does exactly that at the end of the Killing Joke. The issue is whether or not he can draw the line at only killing the Joker. He could start by killing the Joker and end up becoming the very thing he's worked to destroy. 
Thankfully, the troubles of this aren't lost on Batman. In The Dark Night Returns, he even comments on how doing that means that he’s murdered people. To put it in another way, Batman’s one rule doesn't exist because he thinks of himself as a hero. It's there to prevent himself from becoming a villain.
That is an important question to ask. Is it within a character's nature to kill another human being? When Deadpool pulls the trigger on the person responsible for his mutation, we know it to be within his nature. When Spiderman doesn't kill Uncle Ben's killer, we know that to be within his nature.
I don't know that people fully understand what they ask for when they say "someone should just kill a character". You're asking them to take the life of another person. From our perspective, these characters aren't real and have no technical agency. At the same time, the people in-series are real within their own universe.
Does it make sense for this character to take the life of any character? Would they be willing to make exceptions and kill a specific character for a specific reason? Is this the start of a change in their character or does it not affect them much?
Of course, there's a reason this comes after the talk about forgiveness. A lot of the same kinds of questions you'd ask regarding one character forgiving another are similar to if a character would kill another. Part of the reason is that the choice a character is often faced with is if they should kill a character for something they did or forgive them. Considering I've talked about the forgiveness angle, let's talk about the killing option. 
I think that if you're going to set a character up to kill another character, go through with it. Don't set a character killing another and then fake us out by having them give the kind of weak version of forgiveness I talked about earlier. Have them die and get it over with.
If you want to have them change, set that up well in advance. Give them a reason not to want to kill them or to see them dead. (Note: there is a difference between the two.) Don't give them a cheap conversation about how "this isn't like you" or "you should do the right thing". Give the audience good reasons for why we should believe this specific hero shouldn't kill their specific target.
Rising of the Shield Hero somehow managed to do both in its anime adaptation (I've heard things are different in the original version). I don't love that Raphtalia was faced with a situation to kill and decided to not to go through with it. On the other hand, I appreciate that, when Naofumi had to make a similar decision, it was made under different situations. He decided to save the lives of his tormentors to help someone he actually cared about while coming up with a creative punishment for them instead.
That brings up a fun topic to end on. A lot of people argue that crimes against oppressors, whether they're abusers, ruling classes, or something similar, are justified if done by their those they're oppressing. This is something that I'd normally keep for the topic to come but it's worth talking about in the most extreme case possible - when it comes to killing them.
One of the most hotly debated points about Avatar: the Last Airbender has been its ending. It’s established early on that Aang has to defeat the Fire Lord to keep the world in balance. However, as the end draws near, it becomes clear that Aang has issues with how that may mean killing him. In the end, he is able to find a way to defeat the Fire Lord without having to shed blood. However, many fans think that he should have killed him and keeping him alive was a mistake. (In fairness, I was of this opinion until I saw the actual resolution of this conflict.)
At the same time, I’ve talked about Scar from Fullmetal Alchemist and his revenge quest. To be clear, I get why he went after State Alchemists but think his overall quest wasn’t good. I stand opposed to a lot of people who are very much willing to justify his entire quest, despite any and all drawbacks and in-series issues that his quest has. Mind you, this is one of the big reasons he starts the series out as an antagonist. In their mind, Scar killing the alchemists is a valid form of judgment and justice for their actions.
I bring these examples up to make an important point. Comeuppance comes in many different forms. Sometimes, it can mean getting one over the people who wouldn't think twice to help you. Other times, it can be making people hurt the same way they've made you hurt. I think that we do well to recognize that in our handling these types of dynamics, not everyone will agree with the conclusion your character makes in how they deal with abusers. Recognize that as you write these situations.
Or just don’t write abusers in fiction and let fans argue over ships, I don’t know.
To be continued...
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thepartyresponsible · 5 years
here’s the first fic for inbox cleaning week! i’ve received a few separate prompts for deadpool and dc crossover fics, but i’ve never actually had any luck writing them. i think the problem is that i was trying to throw wade wilson at jason todd, and that’s a molotov cocktail, not a love story.
so here’s deadpool falling absolutely in love with dick grayson. it’s ridiculous and fluffy and shockingly low on violence.
Word comes through the various superhero backchannels that Batman’s got himself murdered again. Or kidnapped. Stolen, dimension-hopped, married. Whatever. The point is, the Dark Knight is brooding in a better place. Or a worse place. A different place, definitely. That much, Wade knows, is true.
A power vacuum in Gotham is never a good thing. The local villains go wild in Bat’s absence, and it’s not the fun kind of wild with foam parties and naked dancing and drunken mistakes. It’s the kind of wild with blood in the streets and monsters rising from the sewers and terrible deaths played out to the soundtrack of mad laughter.
That kind of thing spreads, is the problem. It’s infectious. What starts in Gotham will spread to New York, and Wade doesn’t wanna deal with Gotham bullshit in New York. He doesn’t want New York to feel like it has to one-up Gotham’s weirdness. New York is weird enough.
So Wade, a concerned good-hearted citizen, a real man of the people, swings by Gotham to check up on things.
He expects to see Robin, if he’s lucky. Or maybe Batgirl. Red Hood, if things get especially spicy.
The last he heard, Nightwing was over in Bludhaven, so he doesn’t expect to see him at all.
It’s hard to tell, honestly, if Wade would’ve been prepared to see him if he’d had some kind of warning. It is not at all hard to tell if he’s prepared to see him unexpectedly. The only hard thing is him. Specifically, it’s his dick. Immediately.
It’s not his fault. Nighwing comes back-flipping into a street brawl like he’s qualifying for the Russian women’s gymnastics team. He’s lean and muscular and beautiful, wearing something blessedly skintight, and Wade thinks the entire world stops on its axis, stretches out time, just so he can stare, open-mouthed, at the shape of Nightwing’s ass as it spins under the murky glow of Gotham’s streetlights.
“Holy shit,” Wade says, when Nightwing kicks off a wall, knocks a man unconscious with his thighs, and then does a full twist in the air before hitting the sidewalk in a perfect three-point superhero landing.
“Oh my God,” Wade says, barely breathing. “Do that again. I missed my chance to shove a twenty in your utility belt.”
“Deadpool?” Nightwing stands up, rising from the busted concrete like Aphrodite from the sea. There’s a chorus of angels singing in Wade’s head; he doesn’t know Latin, but he thinks it’s a cherubic cover of Baby Got Back. “What are you doing here?”
“Fighting the good fight,” Wade says, staring helplessly at the bulge of muscle under all that sinful spandex.
Nightwing’s head tilts to the side. “The good fight?”
“Trying not to jizz in my pants,” he clarifies.  
It’s not his best first impression. But at least it’s an honest one.
Nightwing makes him promise not to kill anyone within Gotham city limits, and Wade feels like that’s a perfectly reasonable ask, because he was prepared to offer up three kidneys, half his teeth, and all his childbearing years.
He has a bit of trouble early on. Deathless crime fighting falls outside his general oeuvre, and there’s a whole caper two days in where a guy drops dead of a heart attack, and Wade spends twelve hours desperately hauling the body from one dumpsite to another, trying to find one the Bats don’t know about. But all in all, he does alright, and Nightwing takes him on a romantic picnic a week into his stay to celebrate.
“Is this a date?” Wade asks, as he kicks his heels over the side of the building, biting happily into the cheeseburger Nightwing handed him out of a takeout bag. “Because I’m not really that kinda girl, but we can totally do butt stuff on the first date if you want to. It’s just that you’re so gentlemanly and svelte. You’re completely overwhelming my natural modesty.”
“Svelte,” Nightwing says, laughing. He takes all of Wade’s flirting in stride, and Wade honestly can’t tell if it’s because he’s not interested or because he gets hit on so much and so often that he thinks it’s just how people talk to each other.
Last night, Wade slapped him on the ass in a last-ditch effort to clarify his intentions, and Nightwing just ass-slapped him back and then yelled “Good game!” over his shoulder as he executed a perfect double tuck off a fire escape.
“Bluebird,” Wade says, with a heavy, wistful sigh. “You’re breaking my heart.”
Nightwing looks over at him. He’s got a smear of ketchup right before his bottom lip, and his jawline makes Wade want to lick him from his chin to his ear.
Well, and everywhere else, too.
“You’re a funny guy, Deadpool,” Nightwing tells him. “When Batman comes back and runs you out of Gotham, you’re welcome to take sanctuary in Bludhaven.”
And isn’t that the perfect metaphor for the pair of them? Nightwing, human embodiment of grace and goodwill, ushering Wade, sack of sin in human skin, into a place of sacred safety?
“Okay,” Wade says. “But only if I get to show up in a nun costume and confess my sins on my knees.”
Nightwing nearly chokes on his food. When he looks up at Wade again, he’s smiling, wide and cheerful, a little crooked. He reaches over, pats Wade on the knee, and his fingers must slip on the way back, because they run halfway up Wade’s thigh before he pulls them away.
“Whatever makes you comfortable,” he says.
Wade finds Red Hood in a shoot-out, and the pair of them go through some genuine gymnastics to get the whole thing calmed down without murdering anyone. Wade gets shot five times toward the end, when he gets bored of all the tireless back-and-forth and hops out from behind cover to go chase down the last guy. One of the bullets nicks his spine, so he ends up lying on the floor, face mashed into a growing puddle of blood, waiting for that to heal, but Red Hood’s a real sweetheart and comes along to drag him bodily to a dry patch.
“Hey, Red,” Wade says, when he can finally roll over under his own steam. “First of all, great color scheme.”
“Thanks.” He doesn’t sound like he means it. He’s doing some Florence Nightingale cosplay routine on the criminals, patching them up while they lie there unconscious or bat at him weakly, cursing the whole time.
“Second of all, about Nightwing.” Wade pushes himself up on his elbows, tries to move his feet. They don’t respond, so he leans back, settles in to wait a little longer. “What’s he like? What’s he into? Flowers? Wine? Fellatio?”
Red Hood’s head swivels his direction. There’s a long pause. His hands move suddenly, and the trafficker on the ground underneath him screams.
“Yikes,” Wade says.
Red Hood ignores him and goes back to work. Wade watches as he takes a marker out of some unseen pocket in his suit and writes TOURNIQUET 1:21 AM on the criminal’s forehead. When he stands up, his pants stretch over his prodigious thighs, and Wade hears angels signing again, but they’re a little half-hearted about it.
A minute or so later, Wade climbs shakily to his feet and stretches while his nerves get their shit together. “I mean it,” he says, walking across the warehouse. “Nightwing. I’m trying to woo him. Got any tips?”
“You could fuck off,” Red Hood says, off-hand.
“Novel approach,” Wade says. “Don’t see how it’s gonna help.”
“It’s gonna help me.” Red Hood surveys the bloody scene, hands on his hips. He points directly at a pale man in the corner, whose leg is so badly broken than his toes are somehow pointing directly behind him. “You’d better not fucking go into shock. EMS is five minutes out. You’re alive when they get here, or I’ll kick your ass.”
“Yeah,” Wade says. “Me too.”
Red Hood shakes his head and stalks out of the building. Wade follows at his heels. All these Bats have really amazing asses. He wonders what their workout routines look like.
“How many squats do you do?” Wade asks. “I mean, hourly. What’re we talking? Two hundred?”
“What the hell is wrong with you?” Red Hood ducks into an alley, and Wade ducks right along beside him.
“Nothing. I’m just curious about those thighs.”
Red Hood lets Wade follow him all the way up the fire escape, but then he turns around, blocks his path, and stares at him through the eyes of the helmet. “Stop following me. I promised not to kill anyone in Gotham, but you can’t die.”
Wade blinks at him. “What’s that mean?”
“It means,” Red Hood says, leaning in, “that I can do anything I want to you. Won’t kill you, right? And I’m in a real bitch of a dry spell.”
“Jesus, Red,” Wade says, clutching at nonexistent pearls, “did you mean that to sound as sexual as it did?”
Red Hood makes a low, disgusted noise. “Aren’t you panting after Nightwing?”
“Sure,” Wade says. He swallows, shakes his head a little. If Red Hood is the scintillating demon in skimpy red lingerie, Nightwing is the beautiful angel in white lace, and he’s trying to be good here. He’s trying to orient himself, dick-first, toward the side of light and beauty. “But, hey, I’m a flexible guy. Listen. If you put on a domino mask, maybe spray paint that red bat blue, we could have something.”
Red Hood visibly recoils. “I’m gonna throw up,” he announces.
“Yeah,” Wade says, nodding. “A lot of my romances start that way.”
Red Robin won’t give him any advice, either. He won’t even talk to him. He scampers away into darkness every time Wade so much as gets close.
He corners him, finally, when Red Robin’s in the middle of doing something complicated with what appears to be an actual, no-shit time bomb. There’s a digital timer counting down and everything. It looks like something out of a 90’s movie.
“Hey,” he says. “Sorry. I can see you’re busy. But if you had to seduce Nightwing in five minutes or less, how would you do it?”
“Are you serious?” Red Robin points empathetically at the bomb. “I’m working.”
“Yeah,” Wade says. “I see that.” He glances at the timer. “Looks like you’ve got at least thirty seconds to answer the question.”
Red Robin make a series of persecuted noises. “I can’t believe he was serious,” he says, when he’s done.
Wade feels a flutter in his chest. It could be the chalupas he fished out of the dumpster four blocks back, but he thinks maybe it’s love instead. “Who? Nightwing? Was he talking about me?”
“No, Red Hood. He mentioned your weird crush in the group text.”
Wade gasps. “I made the Bats’ group text? Batman’s gonna see my name?”
Red Robin peers up at him. It’s hard to tell, given how much of his face is covered, but he looks pained. “Nightwing likes redheads,” he says. “Busty redheads.”
Wade thinks it over. “I can get surgery,” he decides. “And a wig.”
“Oh my God,” Red Robin says, and severs a wire.
They don’t blow up. That’s probably more important for Red Robin than it is for Wade.
Wade gives him a companionable slap on the back. “Hey, look at you, kid. You’re doing great.”
The look Red Robin directs his way is bleak. “Honestly, I was kind of hoping for a quick death.”
The smallest Bat doesn’t speak to him at all. He just comes at Wade with a sword. It’s maybe the single most adorable thing Wade’s ever seen.
“Look at you!” Wade coos, as they dodge and spin, blades clashing against each other. “You’re so cute and angry, oh my God!”
Robin shrieks something shrill and then tries to take his head off.
Nightwing and Red Hood arrive to break things up before the fight can get out of control. Wade loses a couple fingers in the brawl, but he manages to keep Robin from getting nicked even the littlest bit. He gives the kid a jaunty wave as Red Hood hauls him away in a fireman’s carry.
“You’re doing great, sweetie!” he yells. “I’m so proud of you!”
Robin flips him off with both hands, and Wade honestly tears up a little.
“Kids, huh?” he says, knocking his shoulder into Nightwing’s. “They’re the future.”
Nightwing runs a hand down his face. He seems embarrassed. “I’m so sorry,” he says. “Red Hood made a joke about protecting my virtue, and Robin didn’t get the humor.”
Wade nods sympathetically. “They’re very literal at that age.”
“Yeah,” Nightwing says, sighing heavily. “God, that’s embarrassing.”
Wade checks on his hand. The last three fingers of his left hand are just tiny little spurs of skin and bone, re-growing as he waits.
Nightwing breathes in sharp across his teeth. “He cut off your fingers?”
“Yeah.” Wade shrugs. “He’s a scrappy little thing, huh? But they’ll grow back.”
“I’ll have a talk with him,” Nightwing says. His hands land on his hips. He sounds deeply aggrieved on Wade’s behalf. Those butterflies come back, and Wade hasn’t eaten since he stole a box of Fruit Loops this morning, so he knows it’s not indigestion this time.
He nudges Nightwing with his shoulder again. “You could kiss it better,” he offers, with blind, desperate optimism.
Nightwing turns to stare at him. His eyes are an unreadable white behind his domino mask, but his mouth is twisting up into a dubious smile. “You want me to kiss your bloody stumps?”
Wade swallows. “Can I, uh.” He stops, swallows again. “Can I pick another stump for you to put in your mouth?”
Nightwing snorts and then shakes his head. His smile is breathtaking. Or would be, if Wade hadn’t snuck a quick glance down at his ass while Nightwing had his eyes closed. As it stands, Wade doesn’t have any breath left to take.
“Let me buy you dinner,” Nightwing says. “To make up for Robin.”
“Oh,” Wade says, perking up. “A second date, huh? Can we do it without the gargoyle chaperones this time? No offense, but they’re a real buzzkill.”
Nightwing shifts beside him. He makes a low, thoughtful noise in the back of his throat. “We can do it at my place,” he offers.
“Jesus, baby blue,” Wade says, “I can’t deal with the innuendo anymore. You gotta cut it out. I’m gonna ruin my pants.”
Nightwing grins, smug and crooked, and reaches up to scratch at the back of his neck. He’d seem almost shy, except Wade can’t believe for a second that a man who’d willingly leave the house in that outfit has a single spare ounce of modesty left in him.
“Who says it’s innuendo?” Nightwing asks. He glances up at him, sidelong through the domino mask, and Wade’s heart swoops, spins, and settles into the pit of his stomach. “Maybe it was just an offer.”
Wade wonders if he’s hallucinating. Maybe that tiny little Robin drugged him somehow.
“What?” he asks, turning to face him straight on. “What was that, Bluebird? Sorry, I hallucinated.”
Nightwing laughs. He’s still smiling, bright and friendly. “Come on, Deadpool. Let me buy you dinner. We can take it back to my place.”
“Maybe you’re hallucinating.” Wade steps closer, checks Nightwing over from the top of his artfully messy hair to the tread of his boots. “Did that little demon get you? Hit you on the head? Stab you with a needle, dose you up?”
“Hm, maybe.” Nightwing doesn’t seem the least bit bothered by how close Wade is. His voice is a little lower, though, dropping into bedroom range. “Maybe you’d better check.”
Wade stares, open-mouthed.
Nightwing shakes his head a little, still smiling, and then he reaches down and takes Wade’s hand, knots their fingers together, and tugs him toward the door. “You coming?” he asks.
“God,” Wade says, stumbling after him, ready to follow him to hell and back, right through the worst parts of Gotham. “God, not yet. But I’m really close.”
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crazyfreckledginger · 6 years
The Outlaws x Reader x Deadpool - “Team Red” [Part 8]
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A/N: This took forever again sorry!
Warning: Implied sex, language, potential language, mention of sex and a lil bit of nudity for y’all nasties! Also, very thick and complex plot (to explain) so, sorry if it doesn’t make sense lol!
"What the fuck is going on in here?" Roy howled. (Y/N) was in Jason's bed, curled up on his chest. Both of them naked. The pair shuffled, from the light protruding from behind the ginger and merc, and the obnoxious sounds that escaped the former's mouth. (Y/N) groaned, frowning at the figure by the door before slowly looking up, wondering who she was laying on. She squeaked as she made eye contact with Jason, pulling away abruptly. Her chest was exposed to the cold room and the shocked eyes of everyone. A huge blush plastered on her face as she pulled the cover over her breasts. 
"What the hell Jason?" She scowled.
"What the hell Jason? What the hell... you! You're in my bed," He spluttered. 
"What happened yesterday?" The girl grumbled, holding her suddenly pounding head, she pulled the covers with her, stumbling off the bed, wincing.
"Ahh fuck," She held her lower abdomen.
".... I think I know what happened yesterday," Jason's eyes widened.
"We didn't have sex" (Y/N) shook her head in denial.
"Well," Roy started, only being interrupted by a nudge by Wade. 
"No no," The (H/C) haired girl pointed, "I want to know what happened," she sat on the bed, next to Jason, throwing half of the sheets over his legs and stomach.
"You guys were all over each other yesterday. You wouldn't stop making out." 
"There was also a lot of groping," Wade agreed, nodding his head matter-of-factly.
"Oh god," She blushed, burying her face in the pillow.
"Oh no," Jason gulped,"I remember... things" 
"What?" (Y/N) asked, "you two, leave!" 
"Noooo! We want to know as well!" Wade groaned. 
"Then closed the door," 
"We're the only ones in the apartment," Roy raised an eyebrow. 
"Just...tell us dammit!" she instructed, slapping the raven-haired.
"I remember we couldn't keep our hands to ourselves -- oh, I do remember making out and the beginning and end of... sex when those two left for food," He nodded, a small smile appearing on his face.
"Oh don't remember the details!" She snapped. 
"Shame I can't remember the actual sex," He grumbled, crossing his arms over his chest.
"I learned a lot about you babe, wanna confess a few things?" He smirked, laying on his side, facing her. A deeper blush burnt her cheeks as she glared at him.
"I have nothing to say, I was drunk," She denied. 
"Actually, you say what you think when you're drunk-"
"Shut up Roy!" The girl ordered, pulling the sheets over her and sliding to her room, wincing at the pain between her hips.
"Wow, I'm rough even when I'm drunk!" Jason grinned proudly. Wade sighed.
"Don't worry buddy. We'll find a girl," Roy patted the merc's back as he nodded slowly, like a little child that had just dropped his favourite candy on the floor. 
"So what do we have?" Roy asked, crossing his arms over his chest and leaning against the desk and the girl tapped away at the keyboard.
"When I entered that guy's mind, I found out a few things," She started, searching an address on Google Maps, "it's a complicated process but I understood it this morning-."
"You mean after you slept with Jason?" Wade grumbled.
"Not now Wilson," She slapped the back of his head.
"Ow!" He whined, rubbing the sore spot and pulling away from her shoulder.
"So, basically, the person we hunted down yesterday knew this other guy that would supply guns to him as long as he gave him a hard drive."
"What kind of hard drive?" Roy asked. 
"I don't know, I'm guessing it's some files for missiles or something along those lines because his native country is going to shit and he wants to have the insurance of protecting it." 
"How did you get all that from a drunk guy?" Jason raised an eyebrow.
"When people are drunk, it's harder, I can only see images and have to piece it together. I might be completely wrong, but it seems very dangerous," She nodded to the group. 
"So we intercept that as well," Jason concluded. 
"As I was saying, Francis has a hard drive that he is willing to exchange for the chemicals that the guy we 'met' yesterday. But since he won't do an exchange that won't benefit him, he has a contact that will give him guns for the hard drive."
"What?" The men asked confused in unison. She groaned exasperatedly, pulling a bloc note out from the drawer and drawing a diagram. 
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They hummed, immediately understanding what was happening. 
"Makes sense now?" 
"Still a little blurred but yes clarifies a lot!" Jason nodded.
"Good," She cheered, turning back to the computer and pulling up a tab, "now, we just need to figure out what Francis wants to do with these chemicals." 
"Wait," The ginger's eyebrows furrowed as he kneeled down to be closer to the computer, inspecting the chemical formula.
"Hold up, he wants to modify that chemical!" He pointed to the substance on the screen.
"Roy?" The girl asked, turning to him. His eyes peeled away from the screen, staring at her with a raised eyebrow. "what do you know about this chemical?" she muttered. His lips twitched lightly before he turned back to the screen.
"From memory, the chemical Francis wants contains a compound that restores skin tissue -- but that other chemical was taken off the market because it had a degenerative cell, a lot worse than cancer." The ginger nodded. 
"Mmh," Jason inquired as he locked eyes with (Y/N).
"I think I know what he plans to do!" The girl gulped. 
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thorofasgard007 · 5 years
Casting my WIP:  “Blade of Penance Volume I:  Bore of Great Sacrifice”
Haven’t posted anything in a while thought I would put up a fun game for us aspiring authors out there.  My first draft nears completion.  Just a the final fight, “mop-up” and a couple appendices to write.  Hoping to be done this week while I am on vacation. *fingers crossed*
Anyway, I saw a YouTube video posted by an authortuber I follow named Kim Chance where she went through the dream casting of her newest book Seeker (soon to be released here is the video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q5Rmhm8HhE8).  I was thinking while I was running some errands earlier today I should do something similar.  If my novel(s) ever get made into a movie whom would I cast as each character?  So I decided to post that here and see what other authors/aspiring authors would cast as their characters.  Name the character, a brief description of them, then the actor/actress and why you would cast them.  
Here are the rules:  #1)  You have to use the actors/actresses as they are TODAY.  No using “Early 80′s Arnold” or Clint Eastwood like he was when he played Dirty Harry.  It also goes without saying you can’t use actors that have retired from acting or passed away.  #2)  If there is a seminal movie/tv show in your genre you cannot use actors from that franchise.  Since this rule can really make things difficult you can use up to TWO exceptions to rule #2.  Since my WIP is epic fantasy both actors from Peter Jackson’s Lord of the Rings movies and Game of Thrones are disqualified.
Okay here we go.
The father of my hero Kaaldor.  A former general and hero of the Battle of Gos.  The last scion of the House of Dranus who’s progenitor alongside Ka’Reyus The Elven Warrior King lead the Great Liberation against the Dragon Rule of Rab Yangin 500 years ago.  Few either human or elf could match his skill with the blade save maybe one.
At first I thought of The Most Electrifying Man in Sports Entertainment:  Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson.  I even used his physique as a bit of a template when I was doing up his character model.  However in the end I thought he should be cast a bit younger (Don’t hit me with the People’s Elbow Rock.)
Therefore I will use one of my exceptions early and go with Aquaman, aka Kahl Drogo, Mr. Jason Mamoa.
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The Elven Warrior King and Grandfather to my hero.  Unquestionably the greatest warrior alive.  Has gone unmatched in swordsmanship for over 500 years.  Single headedly fought and slew three dragons at once.  Him and Dranus (Dorath’s ancestor) tag-teamed to slay the corrupted dragon lord Rab Yangin to free the continent of Kalis from drake rule.  Is Dorath his equal as a warrior??? SPOILERS :)
For him I batted around a few choices including Liam Neeson and Russel Crowe of course cgi would have to be used to size them down because as an elf Ka’Reyus was only 5 feet tall.
I finally decided on Wolverine himself (aka Jean ValJean, aka PT Barnum) Hugh Jackman.
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(Yes this is an older pic... but I wanted one of him as Wolverine :) )
Princess Almelphia:
Mother of Kaaldor.  Only child of Ka’Reyus.  The unchallenged beauty of Elvendom.  All the nobility compete for her attention not only for her beauty but that whomever she chose as her husband would be the likely successor to the elven throne.  She is also is the only member of the royal house with any magical ability, even though it is just limited to reading the memories left behind on things/people that she touches.  While my hero was growing up she always called him her “little champion” and he did everything he could to live up to that title.
She was a tough choice.  If I wanted to use my second exception I would have chosen The Khalessi herself Emilia Clarke but considering Jason Mamoa is Dorath… that may be a little much.  I also considered Miranda Otto (aka Eowyn) but again didn’t want to use my second exception.  Therefore I decided to go with Jenna Coleman aka Clara Oswald from Dr. Who, and Queen Victoria on Victoria.
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Here she is from the “Robin Hood Episode” of Dr. Who so you could see how she would look in a fantasy setting.
Lifelong friend of Ka’Reyus and Elvul Ka’s(the elven nation’s) foremost smith.  Him and Ka’Reyus both learned their weaponry by working his father’s forge.  Growing up Kaaldor learned from Ka’Vatch at the same forge.  To be a great warrior you must both know your weapons and then know yourself.  The weapons part started with Ka’Vatch after an 8 year old Kaaldor hid in his smith from bullies that didn’t like that he was half human.
For him I thought about Michael Ironside.  Granted you usually see him as a bad guy (and he plays a great villain, especially with his voice work... if they ever do a live action version of Darkseid they should have him reprise the role from his voice work on Superman: TAS etc).  However age is a factor.  Therefor I chose Josh Brolin aka Thanos… aka Cable.
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Ka’Draoi: (pronounced Ka’ DREE, gotta love Gaelic)
Grand Thaumaturge of Elvul Ka’ and one of the world’s most powerful wizards.  He draws his power from the Blue Flame like all elves and fought along side Ka’Reyus and Dranus in The Great Liberation.  Being such a long time friend of the king he can often get away with breaches of proper decorum and has been known to have a bit of a ...shall we say “unique” sense of humour.
My original choice for this role was of course Sean Connery... but he has been retired from acting for some time.  I thought about Terrance Stamp (aka General Zod from Superman II, my all time favourite movie villain) but decided against it.  I didn’t want to use another exception or to be seen as him being a Gandalf clone so no Sir Ian McKellan.
In the end I chose another James Bond Pierce Brosnan, he can command the regal presence and wisdom Ka’Draoi needs, plus have the comic timing to pull off the sense of humour needed.
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Ok.  That covers Kaaldor’s family and the elves.  Now lets move on to some more human characters.
Admiral Jagaran:
He is the Admiral of the Palan fleet (the main villain nation of the story) and in command of its new flagship The Jorgmundr (a ship completely made of dragonbone).  He is a very skilled warrior, especially at see and a cunning strategist.  He always takes the most straightforward path to victory whether it is an honourable choice or not.  However he has been known to let his ego get the better of him.
My first choice was Peter Wingfield.  Highlander fans will recognise him as Methos from the 90′s Highlander TV series.  (As a point of trivia I watched some of Methos’ sword fights on the series to map out some of this character’s move sets).  However he has apparently retired from acting and at last report was pursuing a career in medicine.
So instead I went with Rome’s Ray Stevenson, he has been in many other things but I mostly know him as Titus Pullo on Rome, Volstagg from the MCU and as Frank Castle in Punisher: War Zone (I should dust that one off I haven’t watched it in a while)
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The Mage assigned to the Jorgmundr.  Although he technically outranks Jagaran as he is a mage his role on the ship is similar to that of a “political officer” on the old Soviet ships.  He is your classic sadist that makes King Joffrey and Reese Bolton look like boy scouts.  He prefers to invoke fear in his adversaries of what he may do than to actually inflict the pain.
For him I went back to the MCU and chose Tom Hiddleston, aka Loki.  I just love him as a villain.
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(Point of trivia... he originally auditioned for the part of Thor... go fig because he was so good as Loki.)
The chief slave-driver on The Jorgmundr, and a sadist son of a... gun (trying to keep this PG) in his own right.  He takes perverse pleasure in publicly and brutally executing slaves that can no longer work in the bowels of the ship... or just make an example of.  As he is more a hand to hand brute than a swordsman I went with a wrestler/actor for him.  Dave Bautista from Guardians of the Galaxy (gee I am pulling a lot from the MCU) and Spectre, also a former WWE Champion.
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Ok... let’s get away from the villains for a bit.
The classic dashing rogue.  Thinks he is “the pyres” gift to women and even names his lockpicks after his conquests.  Never met a maiden he didn’t want to hit on.  Or a full coin-purse he didn’t want to cut.  Always ready with a witty retort but also willing to help when he sees something unjust.  Kaaldor sometimes sees him as his best friend... and other times wants to punch him.  But they somehow make it work as they defend the village of Belieret from the warlord Tyv.
This character needs the comic timing that only Ryan Reynolds can provide.  I have been a fan of his since he was in Blade: Trinity (not as bad as everybody says) and he was dead on casting as Deadpool.
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A Baegian merchant that is one of the few in Belieret willing to learn how to fight to protect his new home.  His own brother betrayed him when the Baegian King became a vassal for Q’Rab The Sorcerer King of Palis and Klok began to speak ill of the new regime.  He couldn’t let hit happen again with Tyv.
I have chosen a bit of an odd choice.  A TV actor named Alimi Ballard.  He has been on many TV shows but I mostly remember him as David Sinclair on Numb3rs.
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Ok lets do some more villains then we will go for the Hero and Heroine.
The warlord that is pulling the old extortion racket on the village of Belieret.  He blames Ka’Reyus for ***SPOILERS***.  Little do the villagers know he is just a cog in the machinery of one of Q’Rab’s plans.  In the meantime he plans to take his revenge on Ka’Reyus by sending him Kaaldor’s head.
For this I am going cast Clancy Brown, mostly because he played my #2 all time favourite movie villain The Kurgan in Highlander.  You would also recognise him from The Shawshank Redemption and Starship Troopers.  He as also done a lot of voice work, including Lex Luthor for Superman: TAS, Savage Oppress on Star Wars: The Clone Wars and Mr. Krabs on SpongeBob SquarePants (lol).
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Apprentice to the Sorcerer Q’Rab and Master/Mistress to Anonyus.  She suffers no failure and many of her apprentices have felt her wrath.  None have lived to tell the tale.  Her vanity is her weakness and although devoted to Q’Rab for centuries she has been known to have her own machinations to undermine his plans.  You only briefly see her in the first book... but I plan to have her take a much larger role in book 2.
For her... if she is willing to be a redhead my first choice is Wonder Woman herself Gal Gadot.  She can be both regal, the flirt to ensnare men but then switch gears to be something menacing all at once.
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(come on I had to choose a Wonder Woman pic... all the world is waiting for you... and the powers you possess :) )
Sorcerer King of Palis and has ruled for over 200 years.  He draws his power from the Black Flame and rarely gets his hands dirty himself but is always a Master of Puppets pulling strings from afar.  All under his rule are fanatically devoted to him.  Whenever he is mentioned they finish the sentence with “May his reign be eternal”.   It has yet to be determined who is the more powerful wizard if him and Ka’Draoi were to meet in a duel, and the true goal of his plans while he is at war with the nation of Corlot are ****SPOILERS****.  His origins are ***SPOILERS***.
For him I went with a bit of an odd choice, I needed a classical type of actor but one that wasn’t your standard English baddie.  I went with Alexander Siddig.  While best known as Dr. Bashir on Star Trek:  Deep Space Nine, he also has a long movie and TV career including 24, Gotham on the small screen and Kingdom of Heaven and The Nativity Story on the big screen.  If he can pull off both The Angel Gabriel and Ra’s Al Ghul he can pull of Q’Rab.  (Note:  As he was also Doran Tyrell on Game of Thrones... he is my second exception)
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Ok... you are saying enough with the villains.  Fine lets get to the main event.  My hero and heroine.  First the Heroine:
Daughter of the captain of The Divine Lady, the ship that Kaaldor is a passenger on when The Jorgmundr strikes.  While able to fight for herself knows when she is out of her depth and instead fits into the facilitator role to get Kaaldor what he needs to win.  She can also act as the diplomat to Kaaldor’s brute force as she knows not every problem can best be solved by the right amount of smashing.  She is not the damsel in distress like Lois Lane that always needs a Superman to rescue her, but she also knows she doesn’t have to be Xena to be strong either.
This one was a hard choice... The aforementioned Jenna Coleman was a strong contender at one point.  I also considered Rosa Salazar (loved her in Alita Battle Angel) however in the end (maybe because I just did a binge watch of Cobra Kai over the Labour Day Weekend) I chose Mary Mouser (Samantha LaRusso on Cobra Kai).  Her look is the right combo of innocence, beauty and strength which is what you need to play Renna.
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The hero of the story.  Half-elf and half human.  Trained by his grandfather since he was eight years old to be a warrior without equal.  He was even able to fight Ka’Reyus to a draw.  Though of the elvish royal family very few fully accept him as part of elvish society.  He can never let an injustice stand and sometimes gets himself deep in a bad situation by acting without thinking.  But still is the one willing to act when others are too scared to.  In the end he must complete his quest to ***SPOILERS***
For him I originally thought of Daniel Cudmore, I best remember him as Colossus in X-Men 2 and X-Men 3 (boy did three SUCK).  However in the end thought a Hemsworth was a better fit.  Not Chris (Thor)… but Liam (Expendables 2, The Hunger Games).  (Note:  He will probably have to bulk up a bit as when I wrote the character I was thinking “Early 80′s Arnold”)
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Well There you go... It was a lot of fun going through this.  For all you authors/aspiring authors out there... lets see your own lists.  Use the Tag below. :)
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Pairing: Jason Todd & Wade Wilson (friendship)
Fandom: DC, Marvel
Warning: Language
For: @boosyboo9206    @asanotheronebitesthedust
(This was one of the first ones I wrote with the pair. Their dynamic gets better over time)(But I still hope you enjoy it!)
Jason covered his face with his hands. He was done. So completely done with his partner. He wasn’t sure how much more of his he could take. Dropping his hand, Jason turned his cold glaze up at his partner.
“This is getting ridiculous,” Jason hissed.
“What? What do you mean?” Wade asked.
Jason was about to lose his cool. He sucked in a deep breath trying to suppress his anger. Wade shoved the last bite of his chimichanga into his mouth and as Jason had to listen to him chomp on his food every bite just irked him more and more.
“Just take off that stupid hat!” Jason suddenly roared.
Wade stopped mid-chew.
“What’s wrong wif my hat?” Wade asked around the mouthful of food.
“If it isn’t the smell of your disgusting food that doesn’t give us away it’s that godforsaken sombrero!” Jason growled.  
Wade gasped and clutched his chest in shock.
“We’re trailing the cartel this is the perfect disguise!” Wade exclaimed with a mock cry.
“God damn it, Wade! You wear a fucking bodysuit!” Jason shouted.
Wade wiggled his eyebrows at Jason before slipping his mask back on.
“I love it when you call me, Wade.” Wade grinned.
“You’re the absolute worse, I hope you know this,” Jason sighed.
“I like it even better when you call me, daddy,” Wade teased.
Jason reacted quickly, he grabbed Wade by the back of the head and slammed his face into the dashboard. Wade groaned, Jason released his head and sat back.
“Harder, daddy,” Wade said.
“I knew I should have asked one of my brothers to come along,” Jason said.
“Now that was hurtful, the words, not the face slam, I didn’t feel that all,” Wade said as he sat back up.
Jason only scowled as he sat back in the chair. Once again, Wade removed his mask so he could wipe the blood away from his nose.
“You know I like it rough,” Wade began.
“Wade,” Jason hissed.
“So now I’m going to have sit here with a raging boner,” Wade finished.
Jason rolled his eyes.
“You know you caused this so you could help me out,” Wade suggested.
Jason whipped his head around.
“Do you want me to put you in time out?” Jason asked him.
“Are you going to chain me up, daddy?” Wade asked.
“Fuck you,” Jason snarled.
“Yes, please,” Wade giggled.
Jason had never been so happy in his life when he saw people finally leave the warehouse. He swatted Wade on his arm to draw his friend’s attention towards the warehouse.
“Well, well, well, I finally get to get my hands dirty,” Wade said as he slipped on his mask.
“Please remember we need to leave at least a few survivors so they can go back to tell the head boss that we mean business,” Jason said.
Wade said nothing before slipping out of the window.
“Jesus, Wade, the fucking door works,” Jason hissed as he climbed out of his car.
Wade ignored his friend and was already halfway across the street. Jason tucked his gun in the back of his pants before running after Wade. Catching up to his friend, the pair quickly moved around to the back of the warehouse to find the men loading the van.
Jason glanced over at Wade. Jason nodded to him. Wade quickly stretched causing Jason to roll his eyes just before Wade went skipping around the corner.
“Hiya boys!” Wade greeted.
“It’s Deadpool!” Somebody shouted.
“Yep! That’s me!” Wade exclaimed.
“Kill him!” Another person shouted.
“Now that’s not nice, it’s a good thing I brought back up,” Wade said.
Jason came around the corner already firing shots. The men dove out of the way as Jason unloaded his gun. Wade went skipping through swinging his prized ninja swords around. The men began firing back at Jason, but he easily took care of several of them.
“And a slice for you and a slice for you,” Wade was mumbling to himself as he cut hands off people.
“Leave a survivor or two, Wade, I won’t remind you again,” Jason snarled.
Wade scoffed. “The old ball and chain never lets me have any fun,”
“Please, sir,” The man began to beg.
“Ooh, I like that watch!” Wade gasped and then cut the man’s hand off just above the wrist.
Wade bent down to pick up the severed hand and ripped the watch off.
“I think my Petey will love this,” Wade gushed.
Jason shot off one more round before coming to join Wade.
“Did you leave anybody alive?” Jason asked.
Wade pointed to the two men who were lying in front of him in agony both missing a hand.
“Jesus, Wade,” Jason hissed
“What? You didn’t say I couldn’t maim them!” Wade exclaimed.
“Whatever, let’s go, we need to check in with the others,” Jason said.
“But look at his watch! I bet there are more treasures around here,” Wade said.
“Car now!” Jason growled.
“You never let me have any fun!” Wade stomped his foot.
“If you get in the car we can stop at your favorite taco truck on the way back to our place,” Jason suggested.
“Can we bring some back for our boys?” Wade asked.
“Yeah, sure, whatever, as long as you get your ass in the car,” Jason hissed.
“On it, Jaybird!” Wade shouted as he began to skip away.
Turning back towards the two men that Wade left alive, Jason bent down. He grabbed the first man by the front of his shirt and dragged him forward. The man hissed in pain, but Jason didn’t care.
“Make sure, Diablo knows that the Rogue’s will come back and finish the job if he doesn’t stop crossing the border,” Jason snarled before dropping the man back down.
Jason walked past the dead bodies and back to the car where Wade was patiently waiting. He could see Wade admiring the watch in the sunlight. Jason climbed in behind the steering wheel.
“I called the boys and told them we’re bringing tacos,” Wade said.
“Of course you did,” Jason sighed.
Wade shoved the watch into Jason’s face. “Do you think my Petey will like this?”
Jason pushed Wade’s hand out of his face.
“Peter’s going to love it, Wade,” Jason sighed as he started the engine.
“Roy wanted me to tell you that Eddie didn't have any issues with V today,” Wade yawned as he leaned his head against the window.
Jason knew the second he started driving Wade would fall fast asleep.
“Sounds like he’s finally getting more control,” Jason said.
“Yeah, Roy marked it down on the calendar,” Wade yawned once again.
Jason pulled away and turned the corner. Wade was already fast asleep clutching the watch he had stolen to his chest. Jason rolled his eyes at his partner before speeding towards the taco truck. All in all, Wade earned those tacos and it would put a dent in his bank account Jason knew it was well worth it in the end.
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kman1902 · 6 years
Bits and things about movies and TV shows in 2018
It is a rather similar post to what I have done back in 2016, and I thought it would be a great way how to re-start /for at least a fifth time/ to write and share some stories of life, movies and some other things as well.  Movies and TV series have always been something that I enjoy watching. I love it for many reasons, starting with the fact that you can see a form of art displayed on the screen. Imagine how many people it took to put the whole thing together. Actors, directors, designers (costume and set), producers, editors, sound engineers and way more. Movies and TV shows in a way also provide a great escape for those who need it. You can let your imagination flow with the movie and explore something above your own life. Movies and TV shows can also change our perception of life. I am not saying it alters your life completely, but I do believe that a great idea caught in a movie can be taken home with you and it shifts your understanding at least a little bit.
This is not a list of the TOP 10 movies, created by the academy or a scientifically proven list, this is just me as a friend and a lover of the arts sharing my own favourite movies and TV shows of 2018. A fair warning ahead, these are not just movies and TV shows released in 2018, but I have included older ones, which I have seen and enjoyed in the past year. I have been nice and I linked all the titles with the IMDb pages as well. /Enough blah, blah and lets start!/
The Voices (2014) - /Told you that I ain't sharing just 2018 love affairs/ This one definitely has flown under the radar by many. Ryan Reynolds is in it, so do you need any other reason, why not to watch it? It is a very psychedelic thriller comedy. It definitely made me a bit sad the next day /and slightly relieved/ that I can not understand what my animals are trying to say. 
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Black Panther (2018) - Of course this is on my list, not just because I am a huge fan of the Marvel cinematic universe, but also because this raised a new bar for superhero story telling. I know that a lot of people did not like the movie, it was not their taste. That is totally fine, cause we are so different, with so many opinions. But for me the movie felt great because it was engaging both on the action, I loved the story how Black Panther came to be and it was filled with color. Also in my opinion the African style was very nicely added within the clothes and each tribes specific culture. Additional reason why it is one of my 2018 favourites is also due to what it did on a social level. If you have no idea, what I am talking about, check this article. Wakanda forever!
The Office (2005–2013) - As I had no job for a month and a half, between writing job applications and sleeping /officially we stick with this story/, this was what I devoted my whole attention to. For sure this is not everyones cup of tea, but as a person who quit working in a big corporation I could relate to a lot of things within the show. Also I started daydreaming of having a similar love story as Jim Halpert and Pam, but more in reality I was driving towards being Stanley or even Creed. Not sure what I am talking about, again? Just check out the show. The jokes are still very relevant and the corporate environment is still the same. 
Avengers: Infinity War (2018) - /Give them all the Oscars/ A second of many entries from the Marvel universe. Not everyone likes superhero movies, but for those who do, I think this one is one of the top ones. The sheer pressure throughout the movie and the rather dark ending of it brought many people to shed a tear. /Me included/ What in general I love about superhero movies lately is the fact, that it is not all fun and games, and being the best. It is portrayed as a challenge that actually in the end destroys you. Speaking in philosophical terms, it is the same as being nice and open to everyone in these days. Sooner or later you will burn out for the sake of others. Back to the movie, it is also amazing that they managed to connect so many characters together and bring a good story with them all. Marvel has definitely worked this out, and the result of Captain America: Civil War already showed it. 
Lady Bird (2017) - Yes, standing next to superheroes there is also this film. The simple question - do you remember how you felt when you were seventeen? When I look back at things now, sometimes I would give everything to be seventeen again. Take away the responsibilities and everything, but then I also remember that even back then the world felt a bit too big to handle. Most of us have managed to step away from the idea that we need to please everyone, but still we do like the idea that people like us. Remember how it was back then?
The End of the F***ing World - There are many opinions about this TV show, from people saying that it is awesome, to people saying that they don't get why others waste time on it. I loved it. It is best if you check out the trailer and give it a try. Maybe it connects to people on a personal level and it drives them to watch it, maybe that is also the reason for such divided opinions. 
The Magicians - I have not seen Harry Potter /for shame... I know... how can I even exist/ but I think this would be something a HP fan would love as well as anyone else. The premise is simple - what would you do if you would find out that magic is real? I watched the first season with a buddy in 2017 and then I binged watched the second and third once I moved back home. It is a crazy story that can also drive the question in your mind - what would do if you would find out magic exists? Watch the first trailer here and do the goddamn magic! P.S. Hurry up season 4 is just around the corner. 
The Orville - I owe a lot to my buddy Marian for sharing this with me. This show definitely receives a gold medal from my side. It is funny, engaging and it talks about so many social questions and issues all at once. In our society I would expect we would be more advance and wiser, but there are still so many instances of racism and homophobia around us. This show tackles these serious notions and others perfectly. Of course in reality most probably if we would meet alien species at first it would be bombarding them and asking questions later, but just think how our belief and general acceptance would change if we would live and work side by side with aliens from many different planets. There is more to life than just black and white, and it is my belief that we should be advancing to a more open, understanding and diverse society. Second season is out now and so far it is as amazing as the first one. 
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Papillon (2017) - The story plot I think is not heard for the first time. A wrongly accused man gets imprisoned and forms a friendship with someone. But the story develops and takes you along with it. The sad reality is that quite a lot of people have faced it back in the day and in some countries they face it still. 
A Prayer Before Dawn (2017) - The plot of the movie is based on a real life story of an English fighter who is imprisoned in Thailand. It is not an easy afternoon movie to watch, it is actually rather hard to digest, because of the simple notion that it is true. I can only be surprised how in reality the main character has survived it all and how he now works with prisoners and tries to help them. 
Origin - This was such a damn surprise. Started it at the end of the year and binged watched it until the end, after coming back home from a New Years party on the 1st of January. It is a thriller horror mashup. The idea of moving away from direct jump scare and gory horror is something that I love, and this show delivered on it. Being a suspense play between hunting an alien on a spaceship, surviving and dealing with their own pasts, the survivors on the ship portray brilliantly how people in stressful situations change. The horror genre is not for everyone, but seeing that this is not the standard horror flick with gore added, I can only recommend it. 
A Quiet Place (2018) - I started 2019 by really jumping into scary (or I would much rather call them thriller) movies. In a way, I blame Origin for that, because it filled me with adrenaline and I needed more suspense, and boy o boy, did A Quiet Place deliver on it. John Krasinski has directed a great movie, playing in it with sounds and sign language, adding suspense as the movie develops. It is called one of the best movies of 2018 and there is a good reason for that. I did not like the ending of the movie, but that is something you can check out and share your opinion about.
Aquaman (2018) - Yes, I am ending the list with a superhero movie. I just will come out and say it - I loved Aquaman! I am still so hyped about it, that I am even going to take my sisters kids to see it. The DC universe has been in the shadows ever since Batman v Superman (I am on of the few people who loved it), better let's stay away from Suicide Squad because it was a pure disappointment. Justice League was ok, but in all honesty I forgot I have seen it. But Aquaman... oh Jason Momoa, hats off for bringing the character that has been a bit of a joke between the comic fans on the first spot. The visual effects, the action, the story. It was all really well combined. I do hope that Warner Brothers and DC take this into account and they maybe find their vibe in creating good movies. I still don't get it, why did they get so afraid when people said that Batman v Superman was so dark.  
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Honorable mentions:
Ant-Man and the Wasp (2018) - Perfectly stands next to Avengers: Infinity War and tries not to compete with it. 
Venom (2018) - Not sure why people did not like this one. 
Deadpool 2 (2018) - It is Deadpool... how can you not love Deadpool? 
The Terror (2018) - Literally a chilling TV show thriller. 
Bird Box (2018) - The hype is very real and deserved. 
Outlaw King (2018) - Netflix definitely has the power to create great movies (most of the time)
Darkest Hour (2018) - As it turns out Mr. Churchill in real life was not such a nice guy, but Gary Oldmans performance of the character was amazing. 
Altered Carbon (2018) - I like Sci-Fi and in particular I liked Blade Runner 2049, and this gave me a similar feeling to it. 
Brawl in Cell Block 99 (2017) - I did not know Vince Vaughn could play such a strong and steady character. This movie reminded me Shot Caller which in a similar way undeservedly flew by people. 
I did not get it:
The Predator (2018) - They had such an amazing material (first two movies in particular) to work with, but they created such a dud. 
Bright (2017) - I miss the days when Will Smith was in good movies. 
Skyscraper (2018) - I know that The Rock can do way better movies. Just look at The Rundown (2003). 
Daddys Home 2 (2017), Tag (2018) and Night School (2018) - Comedy movies in general are facing a hard time, it could be because most of the jokes have already been said and also because it is hard to connect with a slightly older audience. /Yes, yes 27 is not that old, but it is not that young as well either/ I think comedy movies should stop dumbing it down and maybe trying to find more intelligent and maybe sarcastic approach to jokes. Not saying that the movies are bad per say, but they are not impressive enough in a genre that deserves and needs impressive, good comedy movies. 
Murder on the Orient Express (2017) - Tried to watch it at least three times and could not finish it.
This is for sure a view point of my own and I am not expecting that everyone would have the same opinion about the movies selected. Movies and TV shows are something to enjoy and entertain ourselves with. It is not just the story plot, the acting, it is also camera work and playing with words and in some cases even sounds. Spending their free time in front of the screen is not for everyone, but for me, I love a good movie and TV show, the same as I love reading a good book in the morning whilst going to work. 2019 will be an interesting year for movies and TV shows, as Marvel is releasing Captain Marvel, Avengers: End Game, there will be also many great shows returning like The Magicians, The Punisher, Vikings is now running as well, and of course Game of Thrones comes to an end. 
Have I missed something watch worthy? 
Let us hope for a headbanging and awesome 2019 inside and outside of the big screen!
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pnnzzlr · 7 years
Unity Days 2018 (masterpost)
A collection of UD related stuff I found interesting. Sources are linked.
Day 1: 20th January 2018
*******Disclaimer: [[[asdfghjkl]]] : my comments, not part of the tweet********
*** Panel with Bob, Eliza, Lindsey, Nadia ***
via (Afictionados @ Unity Days @theafictionados)
One adjective tease on what the reunions are like: Bob: Emotional / Eliza: Awesome / Lindsey: Hmmm. Okay. (She is a troll omg) #UNITYDAYS2018 (x)
Q: One thing you’ve learned from your character and one thing you’d teach them? Eliza: I’ve learned some pretty badass moves! I would teach my character to like, take a break. Bob: Learning how to use guns [Eliza hi-YEAHS while he talks] and I’d probably teach him how to drink. (x)
Q: If you were to do the musical episode, what song would you do? Nadia: Eliza and Lindsey can sing like professional singers and aren’t, which drives her NUTS (x) there’s footage of Bob participating in an old singing show and Lindsey is LOSING IT trying to get him to reveal what it was. DO YOUR THING, INTERNET. (x)
Q: Hardest or worst thing to film? Eliza: “They threw a gigantic studded panther at me and I had to tackle it. I felt so stupid!” / Bob: “There’s one from last week that I couldn’t stand. [...] Also when I was wearing the adult diaper and hanging upside down?”  (x) / Lindsey: “All the torture. It gets exhausting, and your body hurts.” / Nadia: Being wet all day. I was wet for 14 hours. Eliza: We did become best friends on that day! Nadia: Did we?! Wait it wasn’t that day. It was not that day, babe. (x)
If they were in the hunger games, who would be their ally and who would die first? Nadia: Eliza, Bob, Lindsey, Me. And I’d bring a hug bear. Lindsey: “I want someone really, really intense. Pikachu? No. I WOULD BRING ONE OF THE AMAZONS.” (x)
Your 1st impression of the person on your left: Bob on Eliza: It was at a Kid’s Choice Award in Australia. Eliza: When we first met, I was 16! // Eliza on Lindsey: I was like “you’re SEXY.” //  Lindsey on Nadia: “I thought you were badass! But also HOT.”  (x)
Bob on Bellamy: “This season is the most honest version of my character. This is the best version of him.” (x)
This season was a real chance to reinvent their characters. Eliza: “Who is the new Bellamy, the new Raven, the new Clarke? [...] This season is amazing, I really hope you guys fuckin’ enjoy it.” She immediately felt bad about swearing (x)
via (UNITY DAYS *:・゚✧‏ @jasperskaikru)
Question: “One thing you’ve learned from your character and one thing you would teach them.” Bob: “I’ve liked learning how to use guns… And I’d probably teach him how to drink alcohol, because I know how to do that.” (x)
bob’s been kinda quiet during the panel so far bc he’s been distracted by playing with bowie. SO CUTE (x)
as far as bellamy’s hobbies in space, bob jokingly said bellamy’s gonna go back to being a janitor. “cleanliness is godliness.” LMAO (x)
eliza says it’s “official” that clarke gets her hair color from berries! (x) [[[fya - the writers also confirmed this during season 3]]]
bob and eliza are on one couch. lindsey and nadia are on the other couch— and nadia sat on her lap RIGHT AWAY (x)
jo asked a question about how filming was like in the bunker and in space for s5, and eliza was like: “i wouldn’t know. they left me behind.” (x)
Question: “One thing you’ve learned from your character and one thing you would teach them.” Eliza: “I’ve learned some pretty badass moves... And I’d teach my character to take a break every now and then.” (x) / Lindsey: “I learned how to slice a wire!” (x)
eliza says she’d love to play poison ivy! / bob says he’d like to play dr. manhattan! (x) / lindsey says she’d love to play batgirl!
bob’s talking about how it’s funny that bodies just kinda disappear throughout the show like pike and the guy who created ALIE  (x)
nadia says that bob and eliza have amazing “walt disney singing voices” and she’s so bitter about it LOL (x)
Question: “What was the hardest or worst scene to film?” Eliza: “When I had to be tackled by the panther, they threw a stuffed toy at me.” // Bob: “When I was wearing the adult diaper and hanging upside down.” (x) // Lindsey: “All the torture stuff was tough... I was just exhausted.” // Nadia: just GRIMACES LOL
Question: “Who would die first in the hunger games?” Answer from everyone: “Eliza.” (x)
Question: “What character would you bring with you to the hunger games?” Nadia: “A care bear.” / Lindsey: “Black widow... or one of the Amazons from Wonder Woman.” / Eliza: “Pikachu... or Neil Patrick Harris.” / Bob: “Deadpool- to lighten the mood.” (x)
bob and eliza said they met at a kid’s choice award show in australia! eliza was 16 at the time! (x)
Bob: “Season 5 is the best version of Bellamy.” Lindsey: “I feel like this is the most honest version of Bellamy.” (x)
Eliza says that season 1 will always be nostalgic, but season 5 will be cool because the writers conferred with the actors on what they thought their character would be like after the time jump! (x)
Lindsey says that Raven is always evolving. And that she really enjoyed playing the aftermath of Finn because losing him was the end of innocence for Raven. (x)
Eliza, on advice for people struggling with body image issues: “I think about me at 21 and how I feel like I was perfect then, but at the time hated my body. And in 10 years, I might feel that way about how I look right now. So why not love the body you’re in?” (x)
Jo: “How was the conclave?” Nadia: “It was bullshit. I’m a nightblood. Nobody stabs me from the back. That was just bad writing.” Bob: “So you heard Jason’s not coming today, right?” (x)
via other twitter users:
Eliza says it bizarre to her that the show can end the world and restart it every year. (via ConfettiClarke) (x)
Bob said it was hard to get used to what they are this season since it's been 6 yrs, but he thinks this season has the best version of bellamy (x) 
Eliza: it's bizarre to me that we can end the world and restart it. every. single. fucking. year (x)
Bob: I was first against who Bellamy was at the beginning of this season but on reflection it’s the best version of Bellamy (x)
A lot of interesting bits from the first cast panel at #UNITYDAYS! Best might be Bob and Eliza taking about how much their characters have changed & in Bob’s case being resistant to the change but realizing it was the most “honest” version of Bellamy. (x)
Bob said that there was a really tough scene to shoot last week. (via heda_skaikru) (x)
Relationships have “regressed and developed” over 6 years in space- expect some changes (SelinaW) (x)
*** Panel with Sachin and Richard and Tati ***
Jason gets so amped about the show like a kid x
The bunker is really claustrophobic according to Sachin x
Richard said he hadn't seen Sachin in 2 months. Sachin says it was like they really were separated- earth and space x
Richard: we are getting short haired sexy Murphy this year x
Richard characterizing murphy in 5 words:  relentless. passionate.  sadistic. caring. sweet-eyes x
Richard says Murphy and Raven’s chemistry is “undeniable” x And Murphy considers Bellamy his “best friend” x
The bunker is “the most confining, frightening thing” -Sachin x
Tati wants Gaia to make Indra proud and wants “full reconciliation” for them x
Bob and Richard are neighbours now. Sachin is so spicy that Richard moved away from him. x
What’s your favourite relationship? Richard: “Honestly, my favourite relationship is Raven. [...] I think Murphy has so much respect for her. Also, Bellamy. I think Murphy would consider Bellamy his best friend.” x
What would Tati like to see for Gaia this season? (Past tense to make herself past Tati btw!) Tati: “I guess I would have wanted to make her mom proud, not with the conceptual things Indra would have wanted for her, but to show proof of faith.” Reconciliation. x
How do Gaia and Octavia get along as almost-sisters? Tati: “At some point we’ve had to kind of learn to put our differences aside.” x
Richard thinks Murphy’s dad died when he was 10, and his mom 1-2 years after that. Six months later he set the fire, around 13. So he was in jail for years. Sachin: “That’s not fanfiction, that’s Murph-fiction.” x
Richard says that he thinks murphy was 10 when his dad died, and that he was 1.5-2 years older when his mom died. and murphy set the fire at age 13. and that’s why murphy is the way he is— there wasn’t a lot of love at a young age. x
Richard (about working with Bob): they love pushing each other. He also said they are next-door neighbors now in rl (x)
Who are their favourite new characters? Richard: “I have a clear favourite for many reasons.” William Miller! “He’s a bad mother fucker. He’s an incredible actor. You’re gonna love and hate him at the same time.” x
Themes for season 5? Tati: “What truly is unity?” x
Q: Favourite scenes to film? Tati: Opening the bunker with Adina, Henry, Isaiah, and Chris. And then a deleted scene where she rides a horse! Sachin: The truck scene with Jarod. They slid their “too sweet” signal into their hug so that it couldn’t be cut. x Richard: The first Murphy and Raven scene from season 2, hanging Bob, and him in the bunker alone. From Season 4, it’s the Raven and Murphy goodbye. x
On finding out about #Mackson: Richard: “I laughed my ass off. It made so much sense. I can’t believe it took 4 seasons for it to get there.” x
Richard and Sachin are imitating Bob’s voice while stating that one of the themes of the season is “you need to make decisions with your head and your heart”. (Via heda_skaikru) x
Tati, Sachin, and Richard said that a major theme for the season is: what truly is unity? x
Theme of S5: you need to make decisions with both your head and your heart, lol also this has devolved into them imitating Bob’s Bellamy voice (x)
*** Panel with Luisa, Chelsey, Jarod, Jessica ***
Emori finally gets a new costume this year after having the same outfit forEVER x
“Miller’s outfit is BADASS” - Chelsey x
Chelsey and Luisa had to discuss their character dynamic because they hadn’t had many scenes together previously x
Luisa wants to play bellamy and i would 100 percent want to see it x
which character would you rather play? Jess: I love Murphy and I could do a way better job / Miller: Murphy but their characters are already similar so Bellamy / Luisa: Bellamy - seems like a lot of fun / Chelsey: always Octavia because she loves stunts x
There’s a scene this year Jessica and Jarod were both part of, and half of the cast involved in the scene were on the verge of vomiting x
Emori is in this spacekru with a “full heart” x Emori thinks space is “the best thing in the whole world” x
Jess would have a hard time if Niytavia was canon because they wouldn’t be able to stop giggling - Luisa ships it irl and Jarod has seen it! x
Jarod had an emotional scene this season but didn’t feel he did as well as he would’ve liked to x
Emori was so excited to go to space SHE DIDN’T EVEN KNOW THE EARTH WAS ROUND x
favorite set to work on? Jarod: Mount Weather was warm and comfortable / Jess: Trading Post / Luisa: The Sand Dunes / Chelsey: a S5 set x
“God I love rubbing that thing.” - Sachin has an affection for @hicusick’s beard. x
Sachin called Paige: Paige’s favourite Kabby moment is their first kiss “because he stopped Abby from talking!” x
Tasya gets overwhelmed by how many weapons she uses at one time and has broken a few weapons.  (x) 
Tasya had a really hard time holding her position with her bow drawn during the Bellamy and Riley scene! “JUST MAKE A DECISION!!!!” (x)
do the Harmons want scenes together? Richard: “I don’t want to relive the first 18 years of my life.” x
*** Reviewer’s panel ***
The reviewer’s panel is speaking thoughtfully about how they’ve grown as writers through covering
*** Crew panel ***
During a crew panel at Unity Days, the lovely members of the props department talked about some of their favorite details that weren’t shown in the final cut of the show. One member, Anthony Vani, discussed the sword Octavia received when she became commander at the end of season 4. The sword is a relic of old commanders. In order to make it her own Octavia hand-made a special engraving. The enscription reads “Ge Smak Daun Gyon Op Nodotaim” (via linctavias) x
Clarke’s list or here [[[CLARKE GRIFFIN.]]]
I have lots of pics of iconic props! [The Prop people] were so nice and explained so many fascinating details. ALSO, the super nice prop guy said they’re already planning on being back for season 6 and was totally and completely confident nodding that there will be one. x
Infos at signing/photo ops/M&G:
BOB IS SO SWEET. He thanked me for getting this shirt and I told him I care a lot about it.  I asked him to sign my photo "best unity day ever" and told him i liked it because Bellamy smiles. He then hinted to me that Bellamy would be smiling a lot this season x
Bob is having convos with everyone he's literally so personable. I was like, "Please tell me bell smiles at least once this season, can you hint that??" the way he talked about it was so cute jordan [[[twitter user’s friend is jordan]]] said "probably becuz murphy's his best friend now" he laughed x
bob did mention today that bellamy smiles more this season than ever before [[[hopefully because he finally got to kiss Clarke]]] and that that felt very weird for him! x
bob was at a promotional photoshoot the other day and the photographer asked him to smile and bob said, “my character doesn’t really do that.” so the photographer asked if bob could literally give him any other expression and bob was like “not really (x)
I asked Bob whether Bellamy had any hope Clarke had survived, since in their conversation before he insisted that he still had hope in the nightblood solution (Bob: “He was right!”). Bellamy thinks that Clarke was destroyed in the radiation wave. as far as he knew, Clarke was still fiddling around with the satellite dish when the others made it to space (since the lights weren’t already on). In Bob’s words, ‘He still has hope but he’s not hopeful, if you know what I mean. x
Bob said that he made Bellamy giggle in one episode of S5 but he thinks they kept it mostly because they were running out of time to refilm it x
I had Bob and Eliza sign the Day Trip script. They both read the whole thing before they signed. Bob said, “Oooohh this is the scene that got cut. They just cut another good one this season.” And I asked if he meant a #Bellarke scene and he said yes. x [[[the signed Day Trip script here]]]
Bob said that he’s gotten a few movie roles that he ultimately had to turn down due to conflicts with the 100 x
Bob has mixed feelings about driving the rover because he’s one of the only ones who can do it, but it’s also kind of dangerous because there aren’t seat belts and it’s in the forest with no road. x
Bob said that he liked the filming location where the beach scene in 3x13 with Eliza took place x
Bob dropped out of the movie with Zach because he had a significant disagreement with the producer x
At his meet and greet, Bob said that if Bellamy doesn’t use his [head] and his heart he’ll feel like he let Clarke down x
They were supposed to be back down on the ground for like a year and they haven't come down. So there's other stuff that happens up in space and there's a reason why they haven't been able to come down. So there's that kind of dilemma first off x
Bob on Bellamy being happy during his meet and greet on Saturday: "No, [...] Happiness. It's secondary on this show it seems like." x
bob was like “listen, i need to hold you and you need to sit on my knee” and i straight up was like “the internet will hate me though” x
Photos/ fanarts:
PHOTO: Bob, Eliza, Lindsey, Nadia via UnityEventsCa’s Instagram Story on January 20th, 2018
PHOTO: Eliza with an organizer
PHOTO: The 100 props, rifle + knives/swords, 
PHOTO: smiling Bob with fan x
PHOTO: Richard Harmon during his autograph session at Unity Days on January 20th, 2018 [UnityEventsCa] x
PHOTO: Bob with fan (nice one) or here
PHOTO: Sachin and Jessica via Chelsey Reist’s Instagram Story on January 20th, 2018
PHOTO: Group photo (Bob, Eliza, Lindsey, Nadia) - The breakfast club.
PHOTO: Bob with pikachu hat
PHOTO: BrightCuPenny Successful photo op with Bob and Eliza! We were waiting for our turn and from around the corner we heard Eliza say, “Laraaaaa…” Baby was super sleepy but such a trouper! So here are season 5 Clarke, Bellamy, and Madi! #UnityDays2018 ( = beliza photo with bellarke baby)
PHOTO: elizajaneface All of my favorites. @richardsharmon @mr_sacho @linzzmorgan @officialbowietaylor #bob ❤️ (insta)
PHOTO: blake family photo re-created in real life @WildpipM, @MisElizaJane #UnityDays2018 
PHOTO: cute beliza photos with fans here (head and heart pose) and here.
PHOTO: Eliza posing for a fan today (holding the face caress photo)
PHOTO: Bob has Vegemite in his teeth
PHOTO: Bob and Eliza holding a Bellarke edit that they had just signed for a fan
PHOTO: Bob and Eliza holding hands
PHOTO: Bob and Eliza signed an edit thanking Bellarke fans for voting the face caress scene from 4x13 as @eonlineTV’s sexiest moment of 2017 x
PHOTO: Bob with Bowie at #UnityDays2018 (x)
FANART: HEAD AND HEART FANART signed by Bob and Eliza
FANART: another bellarke fanart signed by Eliza [[[one of my faves]]]
Bob Morley, Eliza Taylor, Lindsey Morgan, Nadia Hilker and Jarod Joseph during their panel at Unity Days via Chelsey Reist’s Instagram Story on January 20th, 2018
video of @Mr_Sacho and @harmon_jess dancing dramatically around the autograph room at @UnityEventsCA? (x)
@JRothenbergTV: Once upon a time, they lived happily ever after. A fairy tale foursome @RichardSHarmon @ivanamilicevic @WilliamMiller #KatieMcgrath #the100 #Supergirl (x)
Props props props! #UNITYDAYS2018 (x)
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darhwolf · 7 years
All the asks
Lotta personal stuff. Enjoy
1. Who was the last person you held hands with?Never held hands
2. Are you outgoing or shy?Shy
3. Who are you looking forward to seeing?nobody at the moment
4. Are you easy to get along with?yeah if you aren’t a dick :P
5. If you were drunk would the person you like take care of you?I don’t really “Like” anybody at the moment
6. What kind of people are you attracted to?Really nice people. Simple as that
7. Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now?Nope.probably never will :/
8. Who from the opposite gender is on your mind?on my mind as just randomly thinking about them? @annoyinglyoptimisticbread​ On my mind as in liking somebody, absolutely nobody
9. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable?Nah
10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with?like- really deep? Probably my friend Kayla
11. What does the most recent text that you sent say?“Don’t you die either”
12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now?I don’t fuckin know :P
13. Do you like it when people play with your hair?Nah
14. Do you believe in luck and miracles?Luck? yeah sure. Miracles? nah
15. What good thing happened this summer?Not killing myself
16. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?Never kissed, probably never will
17. Do you think there is life on other planets?Yeah, with the universe infinitely expanding
18. Do you still talk to your first crush?nah.
19. Do you like bubble baths?yus, but I haven’t taken one in a LONG time
20. Do you like your neighbors?yeah, but I don’t really talk to them
21. What are you bad habits?Self harm, but I’m on a clean streakeating
22. Where would you like to travel?Dunno :/
23. Do you have trust issues?Hell yes
24. Favorite part of your daily routine?with school? getting home
25. What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with?My stomach. I’m fucking fat as shit and I hate myself
26. What do you do when you wake up?Eat
27. Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker?darker
28. Who are you most comfortable around?Probably my friend Kayla
29. Have any of your ex’s told you they regret breaking up?Don’t have any lol
30. Do you ever want to get married?Maybe
31. If your hair long enough for a pony tail?nope
32. Which celebrities would you have a threesome with?Maisie Williams and Sophie Turner lol
33. Spell your name with your chin.Qpledxc d
34. Do you play sports? What sports?Nope
35. Would you rather live without TV or music?as much as I like music, I love Game of Thrones and Stranger Things moreMusic
36. Have you ever liked someone and never told them?Yes
37. What do you say during awkward silences?nothing because I, too, am awkward
38. Describe your dream girl/guy?I don’t fucking know. Somebody who would REALLY LEGITIMATELY love me
39. What are your favorite stores to shop in?None, I prefer online shops :D
40. What do you want to do after high school?Youth Therapy. In other words, help people like me so they aren’t so fucked up, like me
41. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance?MOST people. not everyone
42. If your being extremely quiet what does it mean?I’m tired, I’m feeling like nobody cares about me, I’m lonely, I’m depressed, any combination of those, or all of the above
43. Do you smile at strangers?Yeah, why not?
44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean?Bottom of the ocean, assuming it’s safe
45. What makes you get out of bed in the morning?I have no clue
46. What are you paranoid about?I don’t know any in particular
47. Have you ever been high?I will be tomorrow because I’m getting my WISDOM TEETH REMOVED I’M NOT READY TO BE HIGH
48. Have you ever been drunk?nope
49. Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about?nope
50. What was the colour of the last hoodie you wore?Blue
51. Ever wished you were someone else?Yes. Hundreds of times
52. One thing you wish you could change about yourself?that I wasn’t so fucking hideous
53. Favourite makeup brand?None
54. Favourite store?Teespring, probably. Or Redbubble
55. Favourite blog?@queereindeer6667​ or @annoyinglyoptimisticbread​
56. Favourite colour?Imagine a blueish color. Imagine Rain. imagine a dark blueish color associated with rain. That one
57. Favourite food? Chocolate or Pizza
58. Last thing you ate?Chocolate muffin
59. First thing you ate this morning?Chocolate muffin
60. Ever won a competition? For what?nope
61. Been suspended/expelled? For what?nope
62. Been arrested? For what?nope
63. Ever been in love? Maybe
64. Tell us the story of your first kiss?never been kissed, never will
65. Are you hungry right now?not really
66. Do you like your tumblr friends more than your real friends?Yes because they fucking care about me more. They actually see my depressed posts and ask “Hey, I saw your post earlier, everything alright?” I post depressed shit to my snapchat and nobody bats an eye
67. Facebook or Twitter?Twitter
68. Twitter or Tumblr?Tumblr
69. Are you watching tv right now?Nope
70. Names of your bestfriends? Miriam, Z, Kayla
71. Craving something? What?Nope
72. What colour are your towels?There’s light blue and dark brown, also tan but I don’t use those
72. How many pillows do you sleep with?2
73. Do you sleep with stuffed animals?One stuffed animal, a raven
74. How many stuffed animals do you think you have?8-9? I keep them in my room because memories :D
75. Favourite animal?Dog
76. What colour is your underwear?Black, Blue
77. Chocolate or Vanilla?Chocolate
78. Favourite ice cream flavour?Golden Ribbon
79. What colour shirt are you wearing?Not wearing a shirt rn
80. What colour pants?Gray, mostly
81. Favourite tv show?Game of Thrones or Stranger Things
82. Favourite movie?Deadpool or Finding Nemo
83. Mean Girls or Mean Girls 2?Haven’t seen either
84. Mean Girls or 21 Jump Street?Haven’t seen either
85. Favourite character from Mean Girls?dunno
86. Favourite character from Finding Nemo?holy shit obviously Dory hell yes
87. First person you talked to today?my dad
88. Last person you talked to today?my dad
89. Name a person you hate?Jason Hill
90. Name a person you love?My dad
91. Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now?Not in particular
92. In a fight with someone?Nope
93. How many sweatpants do you have?None
94. How many sweaters/hoodies do you have?1
95. Last movie you watched?Kingsman: The Golden Circle
96. Favourite actress?Maisie Williams
97. Favourite actor?Kit Harington
98. Do you tan a lot?nope
99. Have any pets?nope
100. How are you feeling?Right now? “Eh”
101. Do you type fast?kinda?
102. Do you regret anything from your past?Too many things
103. Can you spell well?Yes? I think?
104. Do you miss anyone from your past?Hell yes
105. Ever been to a bonfire party?nah
106. Ever broken someone’s heart?No. Had it broken? yeah
107. Have you ever been on a horse?Yes
108. What should you be doing?Nothing atm
109. Is something irritating you right now?No
110. Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt?not that much
111. Do you have trust issues?hell yeah
112. Who was the last person you cried in front of?my dad
113. What was your childhood nickname?Never had one
114. Have you ever been out of your province/state?Yup
115. Do you play the Wii?Used to
116. Are you listening to music right now?Nope
117. Do you like chicken noodle soup?yes
118. Do you like Chinese food?yes
119. Favourite book?Call of The Wild
120. Are you afraid of the dark?nah
121. Are you mean?I hope not
122. Is cheating ever okay?No. Never. 
123. Can you keep white shoes clean?No
124. Do you believe in love at first sight?No
125. Do you believe in true love?Maybe?
126. Are you currently bored?Nah
128. Would you change your name?Nah
129. What your zodiac sign?Aquarius
130. Do you like subway?God yes I love subway
131. Your bestfriend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do?Check: are they in a relationshipCheck 2: Am I in a relationshipCheck 3: Would we be compatible?If check one and 2 are false, but check 3 is true, then I would wait for them to ask me out, but I would give them small hints
132. Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with?My friend Kayla
133. Favourite lyrics right now?Favorite? none. Ones that apply the MOST to me are “Same shit, different day”
134. Can you count to one million?Yeah
135. Dumbest lie you ever told?I dunno
136. Do you sleep with your doors open or closed?closed
137. How tall are you?6′1
138. Curly or Straight hair?Either are fine
139. Brunette or Blonde?I like both :D
140. Summer or Winter?Winter
141. Night or Day?Night
142. Favourite month?I don’t know. October, December, or March?
143. Are you a vegetarian?Nope
144. Dark, milk or white chocolate?Dark or milk. White is OK
145. Tea or Coffee?Neither
146. Was today a good day?So far it has been
147. Mars or Snickers?Snickers
148. What’s your favourite quote?I don’t feel like posting it. I’m lazy today
149. Do you believe in ghosts?yes
150. Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line on that page?“whether they had been dreaming or not. So, in order to test this idea, he ex-”
1 note · View note
eddycurrents · 7 years
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For the week of 28 August 2017
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Just one comic stood out as a favourite for me this week; Generations: The Archers - Hawkeye & Hawkeye by Kelly Thompson & Stefano Raffaele. Published by Marvel.
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Like the previous Generations one-shots, this follows the formula of a modern day hero sent back in time (or wherever) to interact with their predecessor. Also like the previous one-shots, there’s no explanation as to why or how that’s happening, which is a detriment to the overall plot, but here it’s easy to look past.
The main plot of the issue hinges on a straight-forward enough contest of champions to see the “best marksman alive”, with other characters being drawn to a mysterious island...mysteriously. It’s simple, but it allows Kelly Thompson to do what’s best about this issue and that’s character development. It also helps that there’s a good amount of humour throughout the issue that keeps the dialogue zipping along. 
One of the editorial points of the Generations exercise is for modern heroes to learn or be influenced by something from the past (or whenever) heroes and Thompson delivers that in spades with the conversations between Kate and Clint. The mentor/student dynamic is mirrored in the revelation of who’s behind the contest and there’s a nice moment of revelation for Kate.
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It’s also really nice to see Stefano Raffaele around again. Especially on a Hawkeye story, since I have fond memories of his art on an earlier Hawkeye series he did with Fabian Nicieza. His work is brighter and cleaner here than then, but it’s no less impressive. There are some very nice panoramas and establishing shots amid strong character work throughout the book, aided by a brighter colour palette from Digikore.
Thompson and Leonardo Romero’s Hawkeye series starring Kate is easily one of my favourite books from Marvel right now, deftly mixing humour, character development, intriguing plotlines, and drop-dead gorgeous artwork and page layouts that remind me of some of the highlights from Matt Fraction and David Aja’s Hawkeye, while still having its own distinct voice and purpose. This Generations one-shot is a natural extension of that, essentially being Hawkeye #9.1, or maybe #12.1 since this story is supposed to continue (kind of) in #13. This one really feels essential if you’re reading the ongoing Hawkeye series.  
Quick Bits:
Black Magick #7 largely keeps the numerous plates spinning, advancing the various bits in smaller degrees. All of it brought together by some truly gorgeous art by Nicola Scott & Chiara Arena.
| Published by Image
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Faith & The Future Force #2 ups the stakes a few times as Timewalker, Ank, Faith, and friends continue to travel through time to try to stop an “evil robot”. It’s still not clear exactly when the present of the series takes place (I’m guessing before Harbinger Renegade #5, but definitely after the end of the Faith ongoing series), especially since other characters are plucked out of different time frames, and we’re still not given any exposition on exactly who this evil robot is and what he’s doing other than messing with time (erasing Adolf Hitler was apparently one of the first things, eliminating the Civil War another), but it’s still entertaining to see them continually throw larger and larger groups at it with reckless abandon. It’s a fun way to “kill the Valiant universe” without actually killing the Valiant universe.
| Published by Valiant
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Jean Grey #6 is the first of two X-dips into magic and the supernatural this week, with young Jean turning to Doctor Strange for help in her trip of self-discovery and preparation for the oncoming Phoenix. We also get to see which “spirit” has been dogging Jean since the first issue. Maybe. I say “maybe” because since the first issue Dennis Hopeless has largely been setting up the possibility that things might not be 100% real. And maybe Jean is just crazy. That’s unlikely, but it’s still possible. 
This issue also features some excellent guest art from Paul Davidson. His depictions of the astral plane and trips through the life and times of adult Jean Grey are worth the price of the book alone. It would be nice to see him get some regular work again.
| Published by Marvel
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Lady Killer 2 #5 is wow. That’s all I can really say. This is one hell of an explosive end to the series. Joëlle Jones delivers another stunning issue. Do yourself a favour and buy both this series and the first volume. You won’t be disappointed.
| Published by Dark Horse
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Optimus Prime #10 gets another of IDW’s Hasbroverse titles up to speed for the First Strike “crossover” that is already underway. That several of the other titles are also still out of sync is a similar problem that Revolution had. The stories are usually very good, but shipping late and out of order ruins momentum and important story beats. Read in a vacuum, though, the individual titles are still excellent and this issue of Optimus Prime is no different.
| Published by IDW
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Saban’s Go Go Power Rangers #2, like the first issue, is fun. I was never a fan of the TV shows, but have been greatly enjoying what BOOM! has been doing with the license in comics. Ryan Parrott delivers on a mix of humour, character development, and action, all while Dan Mora continues to show that he should really be one of comics’ breakout talents.
| Published by BOOM! Studios
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Spawn #277 continues what is shaping up to be one of the most inventive and compelling runs on the title. The team of Darragh Savage and Jason Shawn Alexander have brought an atmosphere of dread and horror to Spawn that I don’t think I’ve seen since the Hellspawn series. I’m really liking this.
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Spider-Gwen #23 is kind of an odd place for a Mary Janes interlude just as the Predators story-arc was hitting a critical point. It’s a decent story by guest creator, Hannah Blumenreich, but it makes me kind of hate MJ. The art is great, though. 
| Published by Marvel
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Star Wars: Jedi of the Republic - Mace Windu #1 reminds you that you need more Denys Cowan in your life. His art here is a little more restrained than I’m used to, but it still shines throughout this first issue. There’s also some nice humour peppered throughout the script by Matt Owens that lightens the mood for this otherwise action-packed debut.
| Published by Marvel
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Uncanny Avengers #26, excluding the Generations one-shots, is one of the first post-Secret Empire stories without said branding to deal with the fallout. It also gives a first step to an idea as to where Jim Zub may be going with the book as he makes it his own, bringing Scarlet Witch back into the fold for the first time since I think Rick Remender’s run, a kind of redemptive arc, but I had thought that a lot of the animosity between her and Rogue had been stitched up. Apparently not. Like the ruins of Avengers Mansion their still camping out in, it gives a sense of rebuilding for the team.
It’s also nice to see Zub reunited with one of his Thunderbolts compatriots, Sean Izaakse. I liked his art there and thought it was a shame he only did a couple of issues.
| Published by Marvel
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Vampirella #6 extends Paul Cornell’s run on the series by the first of a two-issue arc. It also sees Andy Belanger of Southern Cross take over art chores, which in itself should make the comic an instant purchase. It’s an interesting trip through Vampi’s psyche personified through dream with some really, really nice artwork.
| Published by Dynamite
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X-Men Blue #10 is the second of the X-dips into magic and the supernatural this week, as Beast hooks up with the Goblin Queen again. It also brings yet another alternate X-Men team to the title, since the original five and dimension-displaced, mind-wiped mutants from the Ultimate universe aren’t enough. To his credit, though, Cullen Bunn is really making this work. I’m not as keen on another rehash of the Jean/Scott romance plot, with an added Wolverine stand-in for a love triangle, for what seems like the millionth time. Bunn is very good with the characterizations, but seriously I think this plot has been done to death.
| Published by Marvel
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Other Highlights: Animosity #9, Bankshot #3, Black Panther #17, Black Panther & The Crew #6, BPRD: Devil You Know #2, Crosswind #3, Deadly Class #30, Deadpool #35, Doctor Strange & The Sorcerers Supreme #11, Dungeons & Dragons: Frost Giant’s Fury #5, Ghostbusters 101 #6, GI Joe #8, The Normals #4, Paklis #4, Planetoid: Praxis #6, Rapture #4, Ringside #11, Saga #46, Star Wars #35, Thanos #10, There’s Nothing There #4, TMNT: Dimension X #5, Victor LaValle’s Destroyer #4
Recommend Collections:  Archie - Vol. 4, Bullseye: Colombian Connection, Copperhead - Vol.3, Jupiter’s Legacy - Vol. 2, Magdalena: Reformation, Old Guard - Vol. 1: Opening Fire, The Other Side - Special Edition, Providence - Act 3
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d. emerson eddy is unsure what he made anyone do and might like to apologize for it, maybe, but he doesn’t know what it was. Was it the slightly charred red peppers?
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