#jasmine had a decent one he was just so dumb
Yo being mad about disney race swapping characters is dumb what im annoyed about is the weird idea that its anti feminist to want romance from a company that made a bunch of profit off of romances.. And the constant dissing that disney princesses get is rather grating .. if they were treated respectfully that would be great but no they keep being shat on by what i view as fake femisist that keep hating on fictional children. thats the issue with disney remakes they steal talking points from people hating on fictional kids its so lame
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oonajaeadira · 1 year
Hi darling! What's on your agenda for the week? Any fourth of July plans?
Hey kitten.
Actually, not too much just yet. It's super rare that I should be this open in June/July of any year. But my show for the summer is a remount so we'll start rehearsals later than usual. I'll tell you what I should be doing. I should be taking my car in to replace brake pads and shocks. Y'know. Fun grown up shit.
And I hope to get to some writing this week, but I'm still dealing with this dumb tendon bullshit. It's definitely on the mend, but now's not the time to break the RICE routine.
Speaking of rice--but a different kind--and speaking of a different kind of rice.... I'm a master at white rice. Give me a good basmati or jasmine grain and a stovetop and I will give you perfectly cooked rice in 20 minutes every time. But I am struggling with brown rice. My goal is to get at least a decent pot by Thursday. One of my friends just had his second heart attack (he's only 37) and I'm doing a meal train for him and his wife on Thursday. I'm not a great cook and normally wouldn't cook for others, but these two are good friends of mine and totally non-judgy and will very openly just eat something else if it's really not their thing and I'm 100% okay with that. So I picked the healthiest meal I love to make. The baked salmon and the homemade pickled cucumbers are easy for me. But I generally make seasoned white rice with the meal and he's on a whole grains/brown rice only diet. So I've got a few nights to figure it out.
I really hate America Day. Our neighborhood kinda gets nuts with the fireworks and it'll go on for at least two weeks. Freaks out the dog. Keeps us awake. Not really a fan of loud noises, mosquitoes, alcohol, or heat, and that's pretty much the holiday in a nutshell so we tend to avoid it. There's an ordinance in our city that every home should be within walking distance to a park, so we have a lot of public green spaces. Which, most of the year, is awesome. But this time of year it tends to get overrun by whizzing frizbees and screaming kids.
But the holiday weekend's a long one--boss gave us Monday off too. I'd like to get started working on my fall show (I'm reworking and performing all the music), but I can't currently play with my wrist jacked up. Maybe I can get caught up with my fic reading? Or at least make a dent in my list???
We do have a sweet old one-screen cinema in my neighborhood--like one of those that has a velvet curtain and a working organ and an actual organist comes in and plays before the show. It's got a Dairy Queen on property and the cutest old gay couple own it so they get all the films we want to see and play a lot of great cult stuff. They're currently playing Asteroid City and I wouldn't be surprised if they do a last-minute Anderson retrospective, so we might walk over to that.
Especially if it gets hot. Because we don't have AC in the house. We do have an AC unit in our rehearsal studio, so maybe we'll set up an air mattress and a projector and do movies in there!
What are your plans for the fourth?
Blow up my inbox
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tsuki-chibi · 4 years
Marinette March Day 9: Tea
Start from day one on AO3: Calm Before the Storm 
“Adrien had some modelling thing all day today,” Alya informed her at lunch time. “Nino said he got a text from him this morning.”
“Let me guess. Monsieur Agreste is being a total asshole and this modelling thing is taking longer than it was supposed to,” Marinette said.
“Bingo. Adrien said he won’t be in at all today and might not even make it in tomorrow. He asked Nino to take extra good notes for him.” Alya looked at her intently.
“What?” Marinette said, confused.
“Girl! This is your chance. Nino’s notes suck, but yours are good… or they can be, when you’re awake to take them. Now is your time to make the best notes there ever were and grab Adrien’s attention for your own!” Alya exclaimed dramatically, waving her arms. Several people turned to look at them, and Marinette could feel herself blushing furiously.
“Shh, Alya! The whole café doesn’t need to know about me and Arien!” Marinette hissed, mortified. She desperately hoped that no one else from Collège Françoise Dupont had decided that they wanted lunch from this particular café.
Alya just grinned. “You better order extra caffeine to keep yourself awake,” was all she said as she shoved Marinette up to the counter.
Just to get even with her, Marinette ordered an extra-large herbal tea and a sandwich. Alya rolled her eyes but didn’t protest Marinette’s order, instead moving up to place an order for her own. Marinette walked over to the other side and accepted her drink and food, hoping she wouldn’t regret the lack of caffeine when the early afternoon crash inevitably set in. Perhaps she’d order a coffee to go.
“So, my mom is talking about a trip to China this summer,” Marinette said as they sat down.
“Seriously? That’s awesome!” Alya said. Then she took another look at Marinette. “Wait. Not awesome?”
Marinette sighed. “I’m torn. It’s a cool trip and all, but… you know my Chinese is crap.”
“Well yeah, but this is like your ideal chance to learn,” Alya pointed out.
“But I don’t even know most of my mom’s family. What if they think I’m dumb?” Marinette slumped against the table. “Besides, don’t you think it’ll be super awkward? I won’t be able to talk to anyone unless my mom is there.”
Alya frowned. “Okay, that does sound rough. Too bad you couldn’t bundle up a certain blond model and take him with you. I’m sure he’d happily translate.”
“You know what, I honestly wish I could. And not even for my own benefit, but just to get Adrien away from his father for a while,” Marinette said quietly, picking at her sandwich. “I have the feeling that he could really use a break. Especially once school is done, and he has no decent excuse for not being able to work 24/7.”
“Damn, you’re right,” Alya said, fiddling with hair as she took a sip of her coffee. “Poor Adrien.”
“I wish I could do something to help him,” Marinette said, abandoning her sandwich in favor of her tea. It smelled wonderful, fragrant with jasmine and chamomile in a way that just made her want to curl up in bed with Tikki, and she thought about the two blond boys in her life who could both do with some relaxation. It was too bad she couldn’t just say screw Hawkmoth and take both Chat and Adrien to China.
Now there was a thought. She wondered if Chat and Adrien would get along. To her knowledge, they’d never met – and maybe that was a good thing. Chat didn’t seem to think very highly of the Agrestes in general. He didn’t exactly talk badly about them, but he always got this weird look on his face whenever they were mentioned…
“Maybe you could ask him,” Alya said.
“Huh?” Marinette said.
“Adrien. Maybe you could ask if there’s something you can do for him,” Alya explained.
Marinette thought about the billion ways in which she could make a total fool of herself during that conversation, and then she made puppy eyes. “Or you could do it for me while I stand beside you and smile encouragingly.”
“Marinette, how are you ever going to date Adrien if you can’t say more than two words to him?” Alya asked, but she was smiling.
“Hey now. We’re all Adrien’s friends and we all want to support him. Two people is a better show of support,” Marinette defended herself, sipping her tea.
“Okay, you got me there.” Alya conceded. “Okay, next time we see Adrien, I’ll ask.”
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Date for the Opener - Coffee’s for Royals Pt. 2
*Zuko (ATLA) x Reader
*Summary: Zuko and his favorite barista go on a date.
*Warnings: Awkward first date stuff. Let me know if I missed anything.
*A/N: I really like writing for Zuko
Part One || My Ko-fi
By the time you and Suki were getting ready to clock out, you realized you had no real idea for how this whole date thing was going to work. You had no way to actually contact Zuko, and you had the feeling he wasn’t going to just walk into a packed coffee shop because, well, obvious reasons. “I don’t even look nice,” you whined to Suki as she grabbed her backpack. “Why did I agree to a date right after work?”
“Because you guys are dumb and you’ve been putting it off for long enough,” Suki said, not even looking up from her phone. “You look fine, it’s not like you have the coffee shop logo on you. You’re literally just wearing a black shirt.”
“Okay, but like, I could’ve dressed up, put on some makeup-“
“(Y/n), you look fine. Alright, so Zuko’s gonna pick you up around the back entrance.”
“How did you-“
“I’ve been texting him. Why didn’t you give him your number before he left?”
“I got excited that he asked me out!” You told her as she opened the door to the back alley. As soon as the door was fully open, you saw Zuko and Sokka standing there, obviously waiting for the two of you. Zuko was blushing, looking down at the ground, while Sokka had a wide smile on his face.
“You see, Zuko? She’s excited too!” Sokka said, wrapping his arm around Zuko’s shoulders. Zuko refused to look up, and you immediately worried you made it weird. “Do you know how many pictures he sent me trying to look nice for you?”
“H-hey!” Zuko finally looked up. You took the opportunity to look at him, and he was definitely in something different than the hoodies he wore when he came to get his morning coffee. He wore a deep red shirt, collar peeking out from under a black sweater, and then he had a black leather jacket over that. You couldn’t help but think about how nice he looked.
“Aw, how cute. She was freaking out about just being in uniform even though our uniform isn’t bad,” Suki decided to jump in on the teasing.
“I hate you and I’m going back to closing,” you deadpanned.
“But then how would Zuko come visit you? He’s kinda a persona non grata on closing shift,” Sokka said, pushing his friend towards you. Zuko stumbled before catching himself an inch away from you.
“Uh, hey,” Zuko mumbled, his previously dying blush coming back.
“Hey. You look nice,” you told him with a shy smile.
“They’re so cute. Anyways, we’re gonna go, leave you two lovebirds alone,” Sokka said, taking Suki’s hand and leading her away from you and Zuko.
“You know how Sokka is, but I’m still sorry about him,” Zuko said once they were far enough away. He took a step back, and you kind of missed his proximity. You were quickly distracted from that as he gave you a bright smile. “Have you eaten yet?”
“Do you count three coffees and a danish as eating?” You asked, half joking. Zuko just looked at you in concern.
“Not really. C’mon, let’s get some lunch or something. I know I said coffee earlier, but it sounds like you’ve had enough.” You nodded.
“Alright, Prince. Lead the way,” you teased.
“Don’t call me that.” He rolled his eyes even as he took your hand. “C’mon, I know a place not too far away.”
Zuko led you in the same direction Suki and Sokka went just minutes earlier, but when you looked around for them, they were already gone. You were silently thankful for that, not knowing how much more of their teasing you’d be able to handle. This was the first time you were actually alone with Zuko, unless you counted the one time he came in while Suki was on a quick break. You didn’t have the chance to start overthinking as Zuko lightly tugged on your hand, guiding you through the crowded sidewalk.
“You know, aren’t you supposed to have like a security detail or something like that?” You finally decided to ask, breaking the small silence that had fallen over the two of you.
“No, gross,” you could hear the eye roll in his statement even if you couldn’t see his face. “I’m not important enough for that.”
“Well, you kinda are th-”
“We’re here,” Zuko cut you off, stopping in front of a small tea shop. You recognized the shop - it was one you and your friends had gone to a few times. The owner was a kind old man, and the tea was really unmatched. Even though you were definitely more of a coffee person, you could see the appeal in tea if it was from The Jasmine Dragon. Zuko opened the door for you, letting you walk in first.
There was no one in the shop, which was a rare occurrence based on the few times you’d been there. No one was at the counter, and you kind of just stood there for a second, unsure if you should call out. Zuko quickly remedied your internal conflict. “Uncle! Are you here?”
“Patience, nephew! Is your lunch really that-” the owner (Zuko’s uncle, apparently) cut himself off as he walked out from the back. “Zuko! Why didn’t you tell me you brought a date?”
Zuko looked down, a little sheepish at being told off by his uncle in front of you. “It was kind of a spur of the moment thing-” Zuko then turned to you- “(Y/n), this is my Uncle Iroh, the owner of the shop.”
“It’s nice to meet you. My friends and I love this place,” you told Uncle Iroh with a bright smile. Any annoyance he had with Zuko immediately melted away as he smiled back.
“I thought you looked familiar. Now, how did Zuko manage to woo a young lady as pretty as yourself?”
“Hush, Zuko.” The moment was definitely a little awkward for you, but you could tell this was just normal for the two of them with how easily their conversation flowed. You laughed a little, bringing the attention back to yourself.
“Zuko comes into the coffee shop I work at fairly regularly,” you explained. Immediately Iroh made a wounded face and looked at Zuko in betrayal.
“My own nephew getting coffee? Where did I go wrong?”
“Uncle, do you think we could get something to eat? (Y/n) just got done with work and she hasn’t had lunch yet,” Zuko explained.
“Why didn’t you start with that?” Iroh asked before turning his attention back to you. “What would you like?”
“Could I get a cup of jasmine tea and udon?” you asked. Zuko told Uncle Iroh what he wanted and he quickly went to put your order in the system. You pulled out your wallet, but he put a hand up to stop you.
“I’m not charging my nephew and his date. I am a little disappointed Zuko didn’t immediately offer to pay, though. Apparently I went wrong somewhere,” he said, shaking his head.
“I- I was going to pay, she just took her wallet out before I did,” Zuko tried to defend himself, cheeks aflame. He avoided eye contact with either of you, electing to look down at the counter instead.
“I hope you were. Now go, I’ll bring your food in a bit,” Iroh instructed the two of you. You nodded, letting Zuko lead you over to a table that was slightly hidden in an alcove. Zuko peeked out, making sure that Iroh had went to the kitchen, before visibly relaxing.
“I’m sorry about all that. I know he can be a bit… yeah,” Zuko said, looking down at his hands. “He still acts like I’m a teenager.”
“Don’t worry about it, I know how families can be,” you joked, placing one of your hands on his. That was enough to make him look back up at you, a light blush dusting his cheeks. It was cute. You wanted to see it more often, and it seemed like it didn’t take a lot to fluster him. It kind of made you wonder if he was used to any sort of open affection at all. “The two of you seem really close.”
“Yeah, he took me in for a while and basically raised me,” Zuko explained.
“Yeah, my dad kinda sucks. Anyways, that’s enough childhood trauma for the first date,” he joked. If you didn’t have the same kind of humor you’d be worried. In all honesty, you were still a little worried, but you gave a small laugh anyways. “So, how’d you start working at the coffee shop?”
“Oh, well, I started a few years ago when I started college. The pay’s pretty decent and it’s close enough that I can just run to class if it’s right after a shift,” you explained. “Well, run from class if it was before a shift since I was a closer.”
“Wait, you’re in school still?”
“Yup, it’s my last year,” you told him. “I mainly have afternoon classes so opening and closing normally works out for me.”
“So what do you study?” At his slight prompting, you started talking about school, something you didn’t ordinarily like doing. He let you talk as you ranted about your classes and unreasonable professors, only interjecting to ask questions or react to whatever you just said. You didn’t notice the way he looked at you, or that little smile he had as he watched you. The two of you were in a little bubble, only interrupted when Iroh brought your tea and food out. You thanked him for the hospitality, which he quickly brushed off.
“I like this one,” he told Zuko before he left, just loud enough for you to wonder if you were supposed to hear it or not.
Iroh left the two of you alone once again, and you looked at Zuko. “Sorry, I’ve been talking a lot.”
“Don’t worry, I like listening to you talk,” Zuko reassured you.
“But I wanna know more about you! Are you in school, do you have any passion projects, stuff like that,” you insisted.
“Uh, well, I graduated a couple years ago, I kind of just help out here when I want to do something. I help out Sokka and his sister at their book store every once in a while. It’s not really like I can hold down a regular job or something.” Zuko shrugged, like that was all there was to him. You understood the trouble of being put on the spot - after all, your mind went blank every time someone asked you to talk about yourself - but there had to be something more than Zuko was letting on.
“What did you study? Were you in any clubs?” You decided to push a little further, actually wanting to know something more about the man you saw every day you worked. Zuko looked slightly taken aback, and it took you a second to realize why. You laughed nervously. “Sorry, I just realized it sounds like an interrogation now.”
“No- ah, I mean, it’s fair. I did ask you a bit of questions earlier,” Zuko said, giving you a shy smile. “I just don’t know how to talk about myself. Normally people kinda figure they know what they need to.”
And there was the little bit of self-deprecating, deflecting humor you normally liked from him.
“So, do I get an answer?” You decided to ask, keeping your tone light and joking. If he answered, great. If he didn’t, you figured he’d talk about it eventually.
“Yeah, right. So, uh, I was actually a business major-”
“Gross. Continue,” you just had to interject. Zuko seemed to brighten a little at your jab, his smile making your heart do the little jumpy thing you thought you had under control.
“I know, right? Well, I was a business major, which - as you can obviously see - I’m putting to good use,” Zuko joked. “I was president of the swordsmanship club for my last year, but other than that I didn’t really do much. Kinda boring, I know.”
“Wait, hold up, you don’t get to just gloss over that! You know how to swordfight?” you asked, leaning forward slightly. Zuko nodded. “That’s so cool!”
“Really?” Zuko asked before clearing his throat. “I mean, yeah! Yeah, I started when I was pretty young and I still practice every now and then.”
“That’s like actually insanely cool. Why am I barely hearing about this?”
“You do know Suki knows how to swordfight too, right?”
“She does?! I know she does judo but I didn’t know she knows how to swordfight too,” you huffed. “She never tells me the cool things.”
“Also Sokka. We actually had the same master, but we didn’t know that until a lot later,” Zuko explained. “I started my training with Uncle’s friend when I was young and I’ve just been sticking with it since then.”
“This is gonna sound so nerdy, but could I watch you train sometimes? I just kinda really love swords,” you rushed out before you had the chance to feel embarrassed. “Completely feel free to say no, I know it’s kinda weird considering we don’t know each other all that we-”
“(Y/n),” Zuko interrupted you with a small smile, trying to remain cool even as the blush dusted his cheeks. “You can watch me train, it’s not weird. It’d be nice to have the company.”
“Nice,” you breathed, not really sure what else you could say. Before you could interrogate him further, though, Iroh walked up to your secluded table.
“I don’t want to bother you two, but it’s almost time for the rush. I wouldn’t want Zuko to get stolen away from you, (y/n),” Iroh said, winking at you.
“Thank you, Uncle.” Zuko moved to stand, so you followed his lead. You wanted to spend more time with him, but you could already feel your body starting to shut down, preparing for your afternoon nap. You tried to stifle a yawn as Zuko and Iroh continued talking, Iroh taking a quick look at you before whispering something. You didn’t catch much, just walk and safe before Zuko turned away with a nod. He looked over at you. “Can I walk you home? I just figure you’d want to rest a bit since you just got off work.”
“Oh, uh, yeah, sure!” You stuttered, taken off guard. You didn’t go on many dates, so you didn’t really know if that was still a normal thing or not. You did have the sneaking suspicion Iroh had something to do with this, though. As you and Zuko walked to the door, you called out to Iroh. “Thank you for lunch!”
“It was no problem! I hope I’ll see you again,” he told you. Zuko took your hand and led you out of the shop. When the two of you were on the sidewalk, he didn’t drop it like you thought he would. He took a few steps before he stopped dead in his tracks and looked over at you with a sheepish smile.
“I- uh, I don’t know where your place is. Maybe you should lead.” You laughed slightly, tugging him in the opposite direction. As the two of you walked, Zuko told you stories from when he was travelling before he went to college. For someone who claimed he didn’t do much, the stories he had really said otherwise. He told you stories about Sokka from when they first met, and even though you weren’t particularly close with Sokka, you could clearly picture him doing whatever Zuko told you about. You really liked listening to him talk, especially when he had that bright smile as he recalled something that happened when he was younger. You also liked that shy little smile he had when you questioned something with a laugh, and don’t even get me started on his laugh.
You were almost sad as you approached your apartment building, not wanting the date to end quite yet. You wanted to hear more of his stories, just spend more time with him. You could already tell he was getting more comfortable with you, and you just didn’t want to have to leave him. As you got closer to your building, you could feel the exhaustion hitting you once again. There was no way you’d actually be able to keep going on this date, but you really didn’t want it to end. “Uh, this is me.”
“Oh, it is?” Zuko asked, letting you pull him to a stop. He looked up at your building like he was finally paying attention to where you were. He pulled you off to the side so you wouldn’t block the sidewalk. “I… you know, I really like you. And, like, I had fun during lunch. Would you want to go out again sometime?”
“Yeah, I’d really like that,” you told him. “I don’t wanna sound weird but like I kinda wish I wasn’t so tired. I want to spend more time with you.”
You looked down to rifle through your bag, not sure if you could handle seeing how he was looking at you. It could either be very good or very bad, and you were hesitant to see which it was. After a while of pretending to still be looking even though your keys were already in your hand, Zuko called your name. You looked up at him, cheeks still aflame from your slight embarrassment. “I wanna spend more time with you too, but you need to get some sleep. I’ll see you tomorrow morning.”
“How do you know if I’m working?” you decided to tease to ease your embarrassment. 
“Right. I should probably ask you for your schedule,” Zuko agreed with a small smile. “And probably your number too, since we had to arrange this through Suki.”
“Yeah, that’d probably be a good idea.” You handed him your phone, letting him send himself a text message. Once you had your phone back, you and Zuko stood there in quiet for a little longer. You knew you were avoiding it, but you really didn’t want to head in just yet. Once again, Zuko had to be the one to initiate anything. He pulled you into a hug, surprising you but you quickly melted into it. When he pulled back, he surprised you further, pressing a kiss to your forehead.
He smiled when he saw how flustered you got at the soft gesture. “Alright, now go get some sleep. Even Uncle could tell you were tired back at the tea shop.”
“So that’s what you guys were whispering about.”
“Yeah, now go,” he tilted his head toward the door, still smiling at you. You rolled your eyes, but started up the steps to your building anyways. You took one look back after unlocking the front door, seeing Zuko still standing there, waiting for you to go inside. You gave him one more smile before going in. As soon as the door closed, you had to contain your little squeal since you were still in the lobby. You could freak out properly once you were actually in your apartment. Then take your nap.
Tag List: @strangeinternetwasteland
Permanent Tag List: @treatallwithkindness, @laic2299
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Authors Note: Levi Solo (Sorry x Reader lovers!) This was going somewhere and then it wasn’t. It’s been stuck in my head so I wanted to get this out of the way before I get to my requests. This was actually such a challenge to write TT^TT Words: 1,905 Summary: If Levi had a chance to speak to his Mom again.
‘…What the hell?’ Steel grey orbs cast their gaze over a set of shelves that had a nice display of different matching sets of teacups and teapots, as his eyes continued to sweep across the room, on the wall opposite was a set of shelves that housed a decent array of tea leaves. ‘What is this?’ He seemed to be in an empty teashop. Not a bad place to be if you asked him. But how did he get here? What the hell was he doing here? Had he died? Is this what the after-life looked like? Tch. He couldn’t decide whether it was a decent replacement of ‘heaven’ or not. A quaint teashop didn’t sound all that bad… but it still begged the question of what the hell was going on? Is this a dream? It feels different than a dream. His dreams…well… he didn’t dream. He had nightmares. He glanced down and found his was still in his uniform, minus the green cape that proudly wore the emblem they stood for, and the heavy weight of the ODM gear. Still, he wore the brown jacket with the Wings of Freedom patches proudly on display on the upper arms of the jacket. Even without the ODM gear, he still wore the straps and boots that came with the uniform, signature cravat too. Luckily for him, he was in pristine condition; not even a speck of dust on his uniform. Impeccably clean.
 “Hi Baby.” 
His head snapped up from inspecting his uniform, grey eyes widening at the sound of a voice behind him, lips parted as a shaky gasp fell past. It can’t be. He knew that voice. He spent quiet moments in the late hours of the night (or early hours of the morning) fearing he was beginning to forget what that voice sounded like. But he could never forget. It was full of what this world was robbed of; purity, sweetness, beauty, comfort. Head still face forwards, his orbs travelled sideways, managing to catch a glimpse of a long flow of raven locks. While it couldn’t exactly confirm anything, there was no denying that it only added to the list of key factors. He was too scared to turn around. Heh. Could you believe it? A boy who lost someone he loved so much, had the opportunity to talk to them, and now he couldn’t find it in himself to turn around. Could you blame him though? The shit that he’s seen, that he’s gone through… this almost feels like it’s a cruel joke. That he’s going to turn around and find someone else, or something else. The rapid beating of his heart worked in overdrive as his lungs stopped working, unable to breathe, he swore he could hear the blood rushing through his veins in his ears as he finally turned around and his steel grey eyes rested upon one of the most beautiful women who ever graced his life. “Mom?” a man in his thirties asked the question like a scared a little child. The woman, his mom, let out the softest, sweetest sound of laughter he’d ever heard. Genuinely having forgotten what her laughter had sounded. He watched as her eyes closed when her smile reached those twinkling orbs, lips that produced one of the most beautiful smiles were pulled back to show a set of gleaming white teeth, long locks of raven hair swayed slightly with the sound of laughter from her. “You’ve grown into quite the handsome young man.”   Part of him wanted to run to her, touch her, hug her, make sure she’s real and not just a figment of his imagination, or some cruel trick. But he stayed where he was, and she made no attempts to move closer to him, sensing the hesitancy within him. A mother’s intuition never dies.
He glanced around the tea-shop, taking it in before his eyes cast back on the woman before him. “…Am I dead?” Her smile of laughter dropped to a more gentle smile, “No, baby. It’s not your time. You’re only dreaming.” He’s dreaming of his mother in a tea-shop of all places? The hell? Why here? Why not in a field of flowers where there’s blue sky and a warm sun? The thing he longed to be able to give his mom and yet they were still stuck in a room full of walls? He took a few steps to glance outside the window of the teashop, surprised to see a blue sky up above them with the odd bird flying by. So, they weren’t in the underground then? Good. It’d be a really shitty dream if that were the case – to have his mom here still stuck underground. His gaze dropped from looking at the sky to resting on the street before them, though not really focusing his gaze on something in particular. She was quietly watching him, always having all the patience in the world with him. He really has grown into quite the handsome man. Not exactly the hairstyle she would have chosen for him but it suited him well.
“You look sad Levi.” Her soft voice pulled him out of his thoughts and his eyes cast back over to her. He stared at her for a good few moments. The waves of emotion crashing in those grey orbs of his; trying to remain suspicious of his ‘mother’, thinking it’s nothing more than a cruel joke – almost expecting a titan to appear, but quickly losing the fight because he just wants his mom. Then there’s so much he wants to say to her but he can’t find the right words, and so much has happened – the majority of it comes from a copious amount of lives lost beneath his command and - “Don’t, sweetheart. Don’t do that to yourself.” She suddenly interrupted his train of thought, reading him like a book. “Do what?” It was probably stupid to play dumb but he did so anyway. He didn’t want to worry her, or fill her with all the negative shit he deals with on a daily basis. This is his mom. He didn’t want to drag her down. Steel eyes hardened as he tried to cover up the wave of emotions washing over him, but failed to do so under his mother’s gaze. “Blame yourself. None of it was your fault.”
 His lips parted to argue against her but words failed upon him. Especially when his gaze met his mother’s and she knowingly stared back at him. He couldn’t help but buckle beneath it. So he chose to remain silent, knowing if he didn’t, his voice would give away just how much he was truly struggling. “I’ve watched you make some of the toughest decisions, Levi. I’ve watched you force yourself to do things you didn’t want to do for the sake of achieving a greater success. No regrets, remember? Isn’t that what you said? I’ve watched you lose people and carry the weight of that burden upon your shoulders. You feel their loss and you carry it heavily in your heart while putting on a strong face. No one else has that kind of strength. I watch how you still manage to carry your comrades through it all, despite all of what has been lost. ‘Humanity’s Strongest’ – I believe it.” This earned Levi’s typical ‘Tch’ scoff, which made his Mom smile slightly in amusement before it softened to a genuine smile, “I’m proud of you Levi. I’m so, so proud.” His eyes had long since trailed off his Mom as he stared at one of the chairs, listening to her words, but they snapped up when she said she was proud of him. What the hell was there anything to be proud of? And out came one of the deepest fears he carries with him on a daily basis. “I couldn’t protect them. I couldn’t protect you!” “Oh sweetheart…” Narrowed grey eyes watched as his Mom moved from where she was standing, now that Levi didn’t seem overly suspicious or hostile, and walked over to him, cupping his face in her hands. His eyes widened at how gentle and soft her touch was. Not realizing, until now, just how much he had truly missed everything about her.
“I wanted to get you out of that wretched place. I wanted you see the sunlight, feel it on your skin.” She smiled softly at him, her gaze adoringly held his. What did she do to deserve such a kind-hearted son? Her thumb softly caressed his cheek, “I do, Levi. Every time you ride out and look up at the sky, I see it through your eyes. Don’t ever stop cherishing those small moments. You suffer so much pain, I don’t want you to lose sight of the little moments that matter.” She pulled him into the warmest embrace he’s ever felt - then again, he’s not exactly the hugging, physical-affection type of guy, but in this moment he melted beneath her embrace. His arms wrapping around her and burying his face in her neck, where she also tucked him in, her cheek resting upon his raven locks. His eyes fluttered shut at the warmth and peace that enveloped him. The smell of jasmine overcoming his senses, was this his Mom’s preferred smell? She never had such luxuries like perfume. If she smelt like Jasmine… he must start remembering to keep an eye out for some. He felt his Mom’s arms tighten ever so slightly around him. Suddenly everything felt alright. Safe. He’s never had that feeling before. “…I miss you Mom. I wish you were here.” He whispered, fingers gripping her a little bit tighter, too scared to let her go. He felt her move ever so slightly as she pressed her lips to his head in a tender kiss, whispering back, “I’m always here baby.”
 A lone tear slid down his cheek. He missed her. He missed her so much. He often wondered whether his Mom would have been proud of him, or disappointed in him. But she was nothing but supportive, loving, encouraging, empathetic. Just how he remembered her to be. She may not have had the most glamourous job underground, but that never stopped Levi in believing her to be one of the most graceful souls he’s ever known.
 Light faded to dark as he stirred awake, feeling the tear slip down his cheek. It wasn’t often he fell asleep for a long period of time to the point where the candle was almost dying out. Still, it made a nice change to dream about his Mom rather than be riddled with nightmares. Rubbing his sleeve against his cheek to the wipe the tear away, he stood up from the desk and stretched his limbs out from being slumped over the desk too long. Suppose he was lucky that the dream didn’t last too long otherwise his Mom would’ve reprimanded him for his bad habits. Probably even worse when it came to the shit that comes out of his mouth sometimes. And also how he could be a little more lenient on the kids.
He walked over to the window and leaned against the wall, arms crossed, as he glanced up at the night sky where the stars shimmered like diamonds and the moon shone brightly. ‘…Every time you look up at the sky, I see it through your eyes….’ 
Okay Mom.
End Note: Might do one for Petra. Have Levi tell her he loves her or whatever. Depends on how well-received this fic is and whether or not readers consider it slightly too out of character (which I won’t take offence. I tried to keep him in character but he’s also quite complex).
Also my lil HC is that Jasmine reminds him of his Mom. I imagine that she wouldn’t have a lot of access to any nice smelling perfume underground, or if at all, but IF she did, I feel like Jasmine would have been her scent.
Reviews/thoughts would definitely be appreciated ^^”
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dudeandduchess · 5 years
Hi, I hope you’re having a good day 🥺🥺 can I request prompt 3 for the soulmate AU with sanemi
Oooh, hey, bby! Hope you like it. Also, apologies if it took this long to write this down. Lmao. 😂
Sanemi x F!Reader: You crave whatever your soulmate is eating (Slight NSFW Scenario):
Warnings: Mild Sexual Situations, Making Out, Kabedon
Never in (Y/n)’s life had she liked the taste of Ohagi, which was why she was always in a sour mood when her body’s cravings for it hit her like a tidal wave almost everyday.
If she were to ever meet her soulmate, she would immediately deck him in the face for eating so much ohagi— at exactly two in the afternoon. On the dot. Always.
Except for those rare few days when she was provided the brief reprieve of not wanting to eat something she didn’t like. However, she had to admit that those days made her worry— because it meant that something had come up for her soulmate; big enough to keep them from eating their tea-time ohagi.
Just like how it was making her worry at that point— because it was nearing three in the afternoon, and she still hadn’t been hit with her usual cravings for the sweet treat.
It was for the better though, because she didn’t think she could maintain her politeness during the entirety of her first Hashira meeting— if she were craving for something she disliked.
She knew that she had to put on a good front for a good first impression on all the other Hashira, so she’d even out on her best haori for the occasion. And it had paid off well, since she had been invited to have tea with all of them after the meeting.
So, while everyone was sitting down at the low table, they all made idle chatter. Namely, they asked (Y/n) where she was from, and how she’d gotten into the Demon Slayer business.
But, during the entire time, her eyes always seemed to gravitate towards the Wind Hashira— whom sat at the farthest end of the table from her.
“Oh, our tea’s here,” Kanroji piped up excitedly from beside her, before thanking the kakushi who had set the tea pots and tea cups down on the table. The Love Hashira then set out to pour their half of the table some of the jasmine tea from the pot— making the flowery smell of it waft around them and ensnare all of their senses.
“Oh, that smells so good, Kanroji!” Rengoku, the Flame Hashira, exclaimed happily— right before he got his cup and took a sip of the tea.
(Y/n), in turn, got her own recently-filled cup and drank the smallest amount to whet her palate.
And instantly, she felt a pair of intense, pale purple eyes zero in on her the moment the tea hit her tongue. She made a point to ignore it though because, if she were to be honest, Shinazugawa unnerved her.
He wasn’t scary to her— that wasn’t the case at all. But there was just something about him that made her heart race so hard in her chest, especially when she caught him looking at her; and that had happened a good number of times during their meeting earlier.
She would always look up and glance at him from the corner of her eyes, only to see him turn his gaze away from her. It had made her blush so hard— and it still did.
As evidenced by the way Kanroji said, “Oh, your cheeks are so red, (L/n). Are you feeling alright?”
“I’m fine, Kanroji,” She answered with a small grin, hoping to convince the other woman that there was nothing to be worried about; and that she wasn’t blushing because of the intense stare that Shinazugawa was pinning her under.
It was as if he was going to eat her alive. And she wanted it... to be eaten by him, that was. Eaten out, to be specific.
The thought of her laying spread out before him, waiting for him to do to her what he would, had her ducking her head in sheer embarrassment. Because that wasn’t what a decent woman should have been thinking at a time like that.
She then took another sip of her tea, before reaching out to get one of the senbei laid out on one of the plates before her. All the while, she still felt Shinazugawa’s eyes steadily trained on her— which confused the hell out of her, because everyone seemed to be too absorbed in their own conversations to notice their awkward exchange.
Slowly, she took a bite out of the rice cracker and chewed, letting the salty and sweet taste of the treat coat her palate.
Meanwhile, it took almost everything in Sanemi not to flip the table over so he could grab (Y/n) by the collar of her uniform and... what exactly came after that, he wasn’t sure of.
He was torn between wanting to kiss her so thoroughly that her knees give way, and asking her where she’d been hiding all this time— because he absolutely hated the mizu-yokan that she almost always ate.
There was never a week when she didn’t eat the dastardly snack, and it had been getting on his last nerve.
To test his theory out, however, he took one of the manju that Uzui had asked for, and popped it into his mouth.
(Y/n) instantly froze up, then cast a frantic glance right at him. If he wasn’t sure before, then he was sure then... she really was his soulmate.
And just as Sanemi had been about to call her name, she promptly excused herself from the group and hightailed it out to the hallway. He didn’t waste time, however; his legs instantly scrambled up to follow her— without even giving anyone at the table an explanation as to why he was leaving as well.
She’d even left her half-eaten senbei, as well as her nearly-full cup of tea behind; which made all of the remaining Hashira inside the tea room exchange knowing looks.
“Oi! You, (L/n),” Sanemi called to the young woman who was standing out in the middle of the hallway. She involuntarily jumped at his voice, and was about to walk off when he grabbed her arm and pressed her up against the wall to their left.
(Y/n)’s eyes were wide with surprise, as her breath hitched in her throat with how close the other Hashira was to her. Hell, their chests were practically pressed up together. And she also knew that if she tilted her head slightly to the right, she would be touching the arm that propped him up against the wall.
“So, it’s you, huh?”
(Y/n)’s heart began to beat even harder than before; to the point where she felt her pulse pounding in her ears. Her body felt so hot and needy at his voice, but she tamped down her lust in favor of answering him. “I’m what?”
“Don’t play dumb. We both know that you know it as well,” The young man teased in a gruff tone, before gripping her jaw with his free hand. He then turned her face towards his, as she kept trying to look away from him, and smirked. “I’m not going to hurt you, kitten. Far from it, really.”
And with that, Sanemi crashed his lips against (Y/n)’s; tilting his head to the side to deepen their kiss, and coaxing her to open her mouth for him. She was resistant at first, until he trailed his left hand down to her chest and squeezed her left breast.
A gasp instantly rewarded him at that action, which he took advantage of by slipping his tongue inside her mouth.
It wasn’t like him to be so forward with a woman, but she brought out something within him that was predatory; extremely needy, even. He wanted her, and he wanted her bad— preferably in his bed.
Or anywhere that he could have his fill of her, really. After all, they had a lot of lost time to make up for; what with them being soulmates and all.
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tjlikesprettythings · 5 years
Random Brightwell Scene I wrote while listening to “Sleeping Alone” by Lykke Li under quarantine
For some reason the text didn’t save the first time, so another attempt! Also sorry for not putting read more break, apparently that doesn’t exist on the mobile app, and you can’t edit app post on desktop. 🤦🏽‍♀️
I recommend listening to the song during the dancing bit, it’s linked below. k, thanks! :D
 The Brooklyn rooftop bar where the summer get-together was being held was all industrial-chic, large metal lamps hanging from chains and exposed pipes, spruced up by rooftop trees or potted plants, decked out with lights and greenery, wood accents and wicker lounge settes and chairs scattered prettily with cozy neutral cushions. The lower New York skyline surrounded by the East River and the Brooklyn Bridge was the view as the sun sat lower in the horizon, true hipster haven. Not what he pictured when he was invited by Gil. Apparently, an annual thing major crimes did together. He scanned the area and found familiar faces.
Edrisa looked happy chatting away with some techs from her team. His eyes drifted to JT and Tally whispering to each other making each other smile, then there she was rolling her eyes with a smile at their affections. 
She wore a delicate cap-sleeved red summer dress peppered with small white daisy detail that ended around her knees, it fit her form perfectly, the arches of her breasts encased subtly. A pair of sandy-colored boots that ended at her ankles. Her curls seemed even fuller tonight, those dainty gold necklaces and rings completed the look as her sunkissed skin seem to glow. She looked different from her usual office attire, she looked relaxed, almost carefree.  
She was enchanting. He felt that similar thump to his chest, his mouth felt dry, and suddenly he didn’t know if coming tonight was a good idea. It was the warm hand on his shoulder that jolted him from his thoughts and he tore his eyes away from her to turn to see Gil standing next to him with two beers in his hand and a smile on his face. 
He knew how everyone around him led fairly normal lives, but seeing everyone here just being calm and normal enjoying each other’s company, the warm summer air, the music, and harmonious chatter made him feel almost out of place. It all felt unattainable and surreal. 
“Here Kid, you look like you need a drink,” Gil said patting his shoulder. Malcolm realized that while he was a gifted profiler, Gil had experience and age on him. He chuckled softly and took the offered beer bottle and took a swig.
“Thanks,” he scanned the crowd again, “this a good turn out, everyone seems to be having a good time.”
Gil nodded looking around proud of the setup. “It’s not often that we get to take a break and have a moment to just enjoy life and be grateful that we have it. These moments, they’re what keeps us from losing it when you see continuous horror.”
“I get that,” he said taking another sip of his beer, he did get it, but it was so different from what he was used to. Was there ever going to be enough moments where the horrors that he lived with daily dissipate? 
“You just have to allow yourself to let some light and good in,” Gil said as if reading his thoughts. “For a start, I’m glad you came, whatever the reason maybe.” With that, he walked away and engage a group of officers, Malcolm smiled quietly to himself, of course, Gil would pick on it. He wasn’t exactly hiding the fact that he drifted to her in any given situation.
He walked over to where Dani, JT, and Tally stood, one hand tucked into his casual linen trousers, the other holding the beer, letting the coolness ground him to reality. He decided to leave his Bond villain white stripe ensemble at home this time, opting for the white trousers and a light blue chambray shirt. He could hear Tally sharing something about marrying strangers.
“It’s crazy, these girls are just marrying dudes that they spoke to through walls? Asked JT.
“Well yeah, the whole point is that love is blind. It’s not what you see but feel.” Tally said. “Malcolm, what do you think?” Tally reminded him of Jackie sometimes, wholesome and inclusive. 
Before he could start JT intervened with a “that seems dumb, reality tv is such a scam,”
Tally playfully smacked JT’s arm, “I asked Malcolm!”
Dani snickered softly at the couples exchange, her eyes drifting to Malcolm often. He looked so casual, summery even. She supposed this is what he wore to go to the Hamptons to lounge around his family’s summer house. It was both easy and hard to forget that Malcolm came from money. She didn’t expect him to come, but couldn’t help but be happy he did. 
“Ow, woman!” JT laughed. “Alright Bright! Enlighten us!”
“Malcolm!” Edrisa bounced over and smiled her full-on Colgate smile at him. 
“Edrisa, Malcolm is about to tell us what’s important physical attraction or personality” Tally filled her in. 
“Well, we like to think of romantic feelings as spontaneous and indescribable things that come from the heart. But it's actually your brain running a complex series of calculations within a matter of seconds that's responsible for determining attraction,” he started and right away the group responded. JT groaned, Edrisa bounced in agreement, Tally nodded her head in fascination and Dani rolled her eyes.  
He continued “in fact, all five senses play a role, each able to vote for or veto, a budding attraction,” 
“That why when someone smells amazing, you feel that jolt?” asked Tally excitedly,
“Exactly, all of these things determine whether a person will be a suitable fertile partner, we’re quite primitive. So I suppose that if you were to take away the biological needs and put them in a situation where it was a matter of intellectual and emotional compatibility a person could grow fonder, but I think the physical attraction is also important.”
“Says every guy ever,” mumbled Dani.
“What do you think Dani? Would you date a guy for looks or personality?” Tally asked grinning.
Dani curved her lips to the side and rolled her eyes, “I think personality is important, I mean he can look like Idris Elba but that won’t save him if we can’t have a decent conversation.”
“But would you be able to be with him if he were disfigured?” Malcolm challenged.
“I like to think I’m not superficial, if I connected with him emotionally, don’t know that it would bother me.” she threw back. “Besides, good looking guys can be damaged too, doesn’t mean they are throwaways or keepers.”
The tension fizzled in the air as Dani defiantly stared Malcolm down. It was the clearing of throats that broke them from their wordless conversation. 
“Think I’ll go grab us more drinks,” Edrisa grinned avoiding the tension on the raise, she liked Malcolm but Dani was scary. 
Dani’s lopsided grin and Malcolm’s full-on smile told the group they were gearing up to have another productive banter session, something that seemed to be happening a lot lately as JT told Tally in passing while talking about his day, to which she pressed her lips together and nodded knowingly and commented that it was probably sexual tension. JT watched his colleagues with squinted eyes, maybe Tally was right?
“Ok, before this gets out of control, let me take this beautiful woman dancing,” JT took his wife’s hands and dragged her to the dancefloor in the center of the bar. It was getting to be that time of the night when everyone was slowly getting intoxicated, the twilight was setting in the bustling lights from the city was becoming more prominent making for an even more spectacular ambiance. While the summer breeze brought liveliness.
“It’s a good thing, Diaz’s brother is the manager here, couldn’t have gotten a better venue,” Dani stated suddenly, stirring her drink, bobbing her head to the music.
“Yea, it’s nice,” he said in agreement, trying not to let her scent distract him. What was it jasmine and yalang yalang?
“I’m sure you’ve seen better parties” she smiled, “debutante balls, galas, and whatnot.”
He chuckled, “oh yea, that’s the norm, everyone was clamoring to invite the serial killer family to parties.”
She looked at him then, every so often she was reminded of the full implications of what Martin Whitley’s actions did to his family. That even with the prominence, there were social isolations that were stricter for his class of people. She hated the pain behind his self deprecating humor. 
“You should give Edrisa a dance, you’ll make her night and it is a party.”
He smiled softly, “Yea, I guess so.” rubbing the back of his neck, she knew how to level off. Knew how to defuse him.
Dani laughed softly and honestly, he wished he could hear it more. “Live a little Bright, if you’re gonna lose sleep, might as well have a bit of fun doing it.”
“How can I get used to How can I forget you Will I get used to Sleeping alone”
Live a little, why not? He should, he should let himself have moments. Moments that will shield him from the loneliness, from the dark. Moments where he can have a fighting chance. As his brain worked through this for a few seconds, his eyes caught Jackson walking towards them with a purpose, a smile on his face for Dani. Officer Adam Jackson who shamelessly flirted with Dani, who smiled at her constantly and lingered around her desk or at the break room. The occasions when she paid Jackson a bit of attention, brought an unpleasant taste to his mouth. Malcolm didn’t know what happened next but it became a blur of movements. He saw Jackson stop and stare in their direction.
“Tomorrow is a long time Forgetting so long I loved you a lifetime I loved you long”
He took her hand slowly pulling her closer, eyes on her, the music wafted through them, around them. His name almost spilled from her lips in protest but caught at the back of her throat, instead, her hands fell around his shoulders. She let him lead her, her mind drifted to that night when he was so high he ran towards her and swept her up in his arms. Lips curving to a smile, that was the night they decided to be friends, the night she decided to try to trust him. She swayed with him, the words of the song pulling at something within her. 
“Someday, somehow Somewhere down the line If you save your heart for mine We'll meet again, we'll meet again-”
She wasn’t emotional, she felt things deeply but kept it close to her heart, she felt like she needed to do that to keep herself together. Then one day Malcolm Bright came charging in erratically just bouncing against those walls until they started to fracture until the cracks started to show and she couldn’t hide from him. Even when she wished he wouldn’t see her, or find her, there he was. “You had some more coke explode in your face that I don’t know about?” she asked with a smile.
He breathed in her scent, felt her solid and warm against him. He could feel his own heart racing. She did things to him, honestly, he could be high at this moment but just from her. He smiled, “I think we both know that wouldn’t end well, but I figured friends can dance with each other right?”
Friends, the word floated between them for a moment. Lately, the line seemed to be blurring, gray setting in as to what they each wanted from the other.  
“At least you didn’t threaten to kick me in the business, I’d say that’s progress.” He joked almost nervously.
She pursed her lips then smiled, “shut up Bright,” Stepping just a bit closer and wrapping her arms just a bit tighter around him. Feeling his fingers grip her waist more firmly. She closed her eyes for a moment and everything disappeared except for his woodsy scent and the warmth of his body. Maybe, just maybe for a second, they could just be two people dancing.
“Love was my shoreline I stare myself blind Now was not our time No, I let you down”
The world just kind of stopped all he heard was the sound of her breathing against his ears and felt the light brush of her breast against his chest. The warmth of it all driving him a bit mad. Thoughts of kissing her entered his head, as it had been doing more and more lately.  The haunting song left him with such want, he wanted her, need her. He didn’t notice that Gil smiled at them from the bar or that Tally mouthed ‘I told you’ to JT to which he shook his head. 
“Some last, some die Some love wait till its time If you save your heart for mine We'll meet again, we'll meet again, We'll meet again, we'll meet again“
“Hmm,” he hummed softly against her ear, his breath warm, making her skin tingle. 
“You seem different tonight,” she pulled away from him a bit to look at him. “You good?”
“Well, I definitely have been in worse situations that’s for sure.” He joked, his eyes searching her face as it turned into a signature ‘had it with your shit’ smile. 
“Oh yea, I bet dancing with me falls under the top 10 worst experiences of your adult life.” She said rolling her eyes and chuckling. 
“I’d say somewhere between getting kidnapped and holding a live bomb,” 
She laughed at that and stepped out of his embrace “thanks jerk!”
He missed her instantly, maybe that’s why he grabbed her elbows as he joined her laughter and said “dancing with you Dani Powell makes the top 10 best experiences of my life.”
“Oh, yeah? Before or after all the sex you’ve had?” she couldn’t stop herself, even as her mind yelled ‘what are you doing?! This is flirting, this is not friend stuff.’ but the words tumbled out of her mouth. 
He looked at her, watched as her face turn almost the exact shade of red as her dress, he opened his mouth then chuckled out, “it could easily take number one.” He saw her intake of breath, the way her eyes locked on him and her cheeks burned, he saw the flash of what he thought he felt. Could she possibly feel the same?
They were definitely moving away from the friend zone, and thank fuck for that she thought because it was getting exhausting to pretend that she didn’t want to grab his stupid face and kiss him every time he said something that made her heart go thump like now or when he looked like he would break from the pressure within. But then she realized where they were and reality kicked in and she got scared, so she backed off with a small smile saying “It’s a good thing you’re a smooth talker, we’re too high up for anything to break your fall.” 
Just like that, the moment changed and they were friends again...
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razorblade180 · 5 years
Shackles pt6:Progress
Sun:Sigh.... still nothing. *grabs scroll* Ilia are you having better luck than me? Our mystery man seems to have disappeared.
Ilia: “No. I’ve probably looked from every building I could by now. Twice.”
Sun:He wouldn’t leave his team would he? Their captured and odds are they were looking for something right?
Ilia: “You mean besides me?”
Sun:Maybe? I mean I don’t know why they would think to look for you here. Are you sure you don’t know those guys?
Ilia: “I never forget a face. These people are new, but that hate in their eyes I’m more than used to seeing. They called me White Fang trash.”
Sun:You would think after a few years people wouldn’t be so quick to drudge up the past. Especially when people like you have been making up for it in spades.
Ilia: “Think about it, that’s why they call it a grudge. I don’t mind people hating me. Honestly I still hate most people, but these guys....they put me on edge.”
Sun:You thinking this thing is bigger than we expect?
Ilia:Five men walking around cloaked and armed? Of course this is something big. The question is wha-
Sun:*Yawns* aaaaaahhhhh!
Ilia: “Seriously? You’re tired after a little search? I need you alert if we’re gonna find him.”
Sun:Ilia, look at the horizon.
She turned her head and looked into the distance. A beam of light blinded her for a moment until her eyes adjusted. “Hey where is that coming fr-” a quick look back down at her scroll answered the question for her. It was 4am
Ilia: Daybreak already?
Sun: “We’ve been looking for hours. I doubt Trigger is doing much in broad daylight. Let’s regroup with the others and take a break.”
Ilia:Fine. You’re right for once.
Sun: “Gee....thanks. You think we should call Blake? We’ll probably be late going back to Menagerie. Also I’m sure she’ll want to know about this.”
Ilia:Yeah, once we get our facts in order. I don’t want to worry her without having at least some answers.
Sun: “See you back at the hideout. I’ll make sure the guys clean up first.”
The call ended and Ilia put away her scroll. Something definitely was off about the entire situation. The words of the man still clear in her head while she watched the sunrise. ‘Another sick beast? What the hell does that mean?”
Sun and Ilia weren’t the only one experience daybreak. Despite her own orders, Blake ended up staying awake for most of the night. The news of her party of three was secretly four, had hit her like a bombshell. ‘Adam, a dad?’ it still did not sound right in her head. Then again, Adam being alive in general was still a bit shocking. Yet she had learned that a few years ago. Time really had a way back soaring by. It still felt like yesterday when her team was saving the world; who would’ve thought those were simpler days? Now politics were her greatest enemy. This current adventure hasn’t exactly been great, but Blake would be lying if she said that she hadn’t missed adventures in the first place. Indeed, time really has changed things; it changed her. Maybe, just maybe, time changed Adam like Jacquelyn said. Her organization was changing other, just as stubborn people. The idea might not be so insane after all.
Blake stood up and looked over the edge again and exhaled a sigh of relief. Finally, the grimm were gone. “Perfect.” She turned back around to go wake up the others. Yang was laying on her side away from everyone like she always does when she’s moody. Blake approached slowly reached for Yang’s shoulder. Hopefully everyone was in better spirits than last night.
Blake:*shakes her* Yang? Hey, time to wake. We can finally keep going.
Yang:Mrgrgr.....having the word sunny in my name does not mean I enjoy waking up at the buttcrack of dawn.
Blake:Sooner we wake up, sooner we can finish this. Also I’m positive you’re getting bugs in your hair.
Yang:*raises up* I’ve been suppressing that thought for hours but you really had to say it out loud.
Blake:*smiles* It works every time. Hmm? Hey are you okay? Your face, it’s pale like before.
Yang:I’m fine, just a little out of it.
Blake:.....Spill it. What aren’t you telling me?
Yang:I’m telling you, I am fine. *stands up* let’s get a move on okay?
Blake:Hey....listen, I really appreciate you-
Yang:I heard some of what you said last night; about what I mean to you and afraid of losing questions? Blake you never lost me. I....just can’t keep up with you sometimes; that’s all.
Blake:Oh. I’m sorry. *frowns*
Yang:Hey, it happens. All I ask for is for you to be more apart of your decision. Believe me, I love being a thrill seeker and taking leaps of faith, but I’m not a shamed to admit some of the ones that you take make me hesitate. Especially the ones that involve you know who.
Blake:I understand. My parents have told me before I may have a habit of charging towards whatever gets me emotional.
Yang:I mean it’s gotten you every single relationship you’ve been in.
Blake:Yang! That’s......*rubs her head* a fair point...
Yang:Hehehe. I really should be the last person to call out anyone for getting emotional. I’m married to one of the most loyal men on Remnant and I still get feisty whenever a woman looks at him for too long.
Blake:Jaune knew what he was getting into. So, we’re okay?
Yang:*smiles* We’re always going to be okay. That’s what makes us, us.
Blake:Okay then. Now if you and Jacquelyn can hold a decent conversation then we might make it to the oasis.
Yang:*folds arms* Hey that’s up to her. She’s the one that caught an attitude.
Jacquelyn:You bring that out in me....
Blake and Yang jump slightly at the voice and turn their heads to find Jacquelyn standing in the middle and ready to go. Blake might not see the girl often, but she can her face was a little pale as well. ‘Her too? Well I guess that makes sense. Probably has morning sickness from being-’
Suddenly a possibility became very clear that Blake hadn’t thought of until now. Her attention shifted back to Yang again who was too busy having an angry staring contest with Jacquelyn. ‘Pregnant....? No way. Well...no she would’ve said something; right’ the thought bounced back and forth for a minute until a touch from Yang snapped her out of the trance. The ground was moving downward slowly.
Yang:What? Nothing. Jacquelyn said to hold on because she’s lowering the platform.
Blake:Oh, okay. Sorry I spaced out.
Yang:Well you better look alive. I’m still not completely sold on their place being trap free.
Jacquelyn:I haven’t put any traps in my house. The desert is one giant trap and Adam does not have the type of mind to create or rig complex traps. The entire layout was mine design with his occasional input.
Yang:No offense Jacquelyn, but I’ll keep my skepticism and it’s not because I don’t trust you, but because it’s help keep me alive.
Blake:You sound like your mom.
Yang:Ugh, please don’t say that. Though, I guess that’s a good thing in this case. That woman cheats death like it’s her job. As much as I would love to have half the confidence either of you have, I don’t. My history with the hothead is simple and violent. Even if he has changed I still wouldn’t like him. *detaches right arm*
Jacquelyn:I can’t argue with that. To be honest he’d probably be badgering me for roping both of you into this; I’m a bit frustrated myself. Relying on others isn’t something I’m used to. Being a full fledged maiden is the equivalent of being a skeleton key. Nothing really stops your progress. However.....health issues are making me feel like more of a flimsy lock pick. So thanks, I really needed support.
Yang:Hmm....Jacquelyn I only have one question for you. Well, technically two.
Yang:Are you in love with this guy?
Jacquelyn:I....well...*red* despite all odds and reason, I am. For better or for worse.
Yang:Now for the more important question. Does Adam love you?
That...was a good question. One that caught Jacquelyn off gaurd. Her body started to slouch a little and her flushed demeanor quickly turned sour as the platform finally reached the ground.
Blake:Yang that was little low don’t you think? I mean-
Jacquelyn:It’s okay Blake. It’s a fair question to ask. I’m.....not sure. He’s never said before. Then again, I haven’t told him my exact feelings either. There’s a lot I still haven’t told him.
Yang:Well, I guess we’ll know soon enough *grabs bag* Let’s make tracks.
“Alright, back to work people! This Dust won’t mine itself!” Multiple gaurds shouted. Rajah slowly stood up, now filled with a little food and water. Jasmine on the other hand was allowed relief until further notice. Every inch of her body still ached immensely and all of her senses still more acute than what they should be. Especially her hears. It wasn’t as bad as before but the constant sound of pickaxes chipping away at arid rock was headache inducing. Not to mention her fever. Jasmine simply laid on the ground exhausted and looking up at her brother.
Rajah:I have to go.
Jasmine:I heard from the grownups that’s there isn’t actually Dust here anymore.
Rajah:Yeah...I know.
Jasmine:They should really stop,...being such big liars. Lying only makes problem.
Rajah:I think all these people want is problems.
Jasmine:That’s dumb. They’re really dumb. Especially Sob-
Rajah:*covers her mouth* You know you can’t say things like that freely. I don’t want you to go back for more “correction” Jasmine. So please, rest up and keep your head down low. I gotta get back to work now. *leaving*
Jasmine:Mom and dad wouldn’t have kept their head down.
Rajah:*stops*Yeah....look how far that got them. Slaughtered, all because of the words of a crazy person.
He said nothing else to her, then walked away. Jasmine could not respond to that even if she wanted to. Her big brother was right, at least he should be. Yet, there was something weird about. Most people do blame Adam, Sobek calls him plenty of terrible names; some of them go over her head though. Some feared him while others think him weak and useless. As far as she’s concerned, no way that could be true. Just earlier he managed to get Sobek to give everyone food; that’s not useless. Not to whatever else he said allowed her to get more water and help for her fever. Useless? Not to her.
Her head turned to the elevated platform where he was trained up for all to beaten. Currently he was free from that punishment. By now the giant, tattered cloth that draped over it had to stained badly. Right now they had him on his knees; wrists and ankles still restraint but at least to Jasmine, it looked comfier than the other way they had him. She couldn’t think of the name of it but she had definitely seen the pose before on old books and her mom’s old jewelry. The man was drenched in sweat to the point his hair was weighed down. The gaurds were ordered to bandage some of his injuries but whatever material they used already needed to be changed. What was once white was soaked completely red.
None of his bruises looked any better. Just looking at his black and blue splotches on him made Jasmine’s body ache as well. She couldn’t imagine what his wrist and ankles look like. A few hours strapped to a chair with leather straps was enough to make hers red and tender. Metal chains had to be worse. Despite all that, the man looked......okay? It was interesting to wittiness. His body had much older scars and though he looked exhausted, he wasn’t broken. Not like all the others that had been put on display before him. They screamed and rambled for hours; broke down and cried relentlessly. Especially the guy with the bat wings. Then eventually....they broke. Removed of what made them special and then never seen again. Surly it would happen again. Right?
‘What makes you so different?’ Jasmine wanted to know badly. If he’s the reason her life is like this then shouldn’t she have a right to know? Seems fair to her, but how to get what she want? Everyone was busy so now would be perfect. There’s no way the gaurds would just let her talk to him though. With her luck, they’ll turn on her shock collar again; that was something to avoid at all cost. Also getting Rajah caught up in it as well. Her problems might become his. That means she can’t get caught. ‘Maybe I should just stay put?’ It was about to be the only option. Then something caught her eye. Support beams were slightly visible through one of the holes of the cloth. If they connected all the way up then......
Jasmine:It....might work?
Adam:You’re going to get in trouble if they find you. Ya know that right?
He puts his head like he’s in defeat and peeks through one of crevasses between the platform’s planks of wood. Staring up at him in utter shock is jasmine holding two pieces of bread. She carefully whispers so no one but him can hear her.
Jasmine:How’d you know I was here?
Adam:You’re quiet but not super quiet. Your foot slipped on your way up here.
Jasmine:Oh, well I’m out of practice.
Adam:You’re one of the girls that came out of from behind that metal door.
Jasmine:My name is Jasmine.
Adam:Last name?
Jasmine:It’s......hmmmm I’m not sure.
Adam:You don’t know your last name?
Jasmine:My parents told so many people different ones whenever we moved. We moved a lot actually.
Adam:I see.....so Jasmine, why are you under my platform?
Jasmine:People keep saying a lot of things about you that don’t make sense. Like how scary and strong you are. I don’t see it.
Adam:*raises eyebrows* Is that so?
Jasmine:I mean the black eye and your voice sounds tough but you’re banged up.
Adam:Being strong comes in a lot shapes and sizes.
Jasmine:This shape looks like it hurts a lot.
Adam:Hehe, you are right about that. Not many can do it. Not many should have to though.
Jasmine:Well I’m tough. Sobek tried to “cure” me, but I’m still the same.
Adam:Is that what happened when you got taken away?
Adam:And exactly did he tried to “cure” you?
Jasmine:He gave me a shot that made everything hurt more. The room got really bright, then things kept getting really loud before going quiet. I got really hot in the room, then everything was super cold and hurt my skin. Sometimes I heard his voice telling me to do things over and over again.
Adam:What kind of things?
Jasmine:Give up, stop fighting, behave....
Adam watched the girl in silence as she grabbed her head in physical pain.
Jasmine:It was.....so much......
Adam:I’m...so sorry.
Jasmine:The doctor hates it when I get upset. My eyes get all angry and my nails get longer and I just want to claw at something. He says it’s ugly.
Adam:You’re part feline and a child. That’s what happens when you get extremely emotional. Even adults sometimes go little feral. Not to mention you’re not just any feline faunus, you’re part big cat. Intensity is in your blood.
Adam:Yeah. Believe me, I’ve seen it others like you.
Jasmine:It doesn’t seem to happen to my big brother though. He always does what everyone says.
Adam:Well that doesn’t mean he’s not upset about it. I’m sure he’s just thinking of you first.
Jasmine:*pouts* I can take care of myself. He’s the one always scared. He says we should wait this out but I don’t like it. Everything hurts here and that is not okay. Everyone should fight but people are scared.
Adam:You’re not scared?
Jasmine:I am scared, but not of the grownups. I don’t....I don’t wanna break down here or die. Not like my parents. I promised them I wouldn’t.
Adam:...You’re a strong little girl, you know that?
Jasmine:I’m not little. I’m six years old.
Adam:Tell me, do you blame me for being down here. Someone must have told you all the terrible things I’ve done.
Jasmine:Are they true?
Jasmine:Oh....I guess that means my mom and dad weren’t nice people for trying to be like you.
Adam:Like me?
Jasmine:They made things. I don’t know what they were though, but they told me to never touch them or things would get loud.
Adam:I hate to break it to you but your parents saw me do bad things and thought it was okay.
Jasmine:It wasn’t?
Adam:It was really bad. I knew it was but I didn’t care because I wanted to believe it was right. People hurt me and I got very upset. I hurt them back, but then I kept hurting more people. People who weren’t really hurting anybody or did not deserve what I did to them.
Jasmine:Did you kill people.
Adam:Yeah, I did.
Jasmine:Sobek said my parents hurt a bunch of people too. But those people....they hurt us.
Adam:A woman I know has been telling me for awhile now that hurting others who hurt you, does not make you feel better. It just makes you angrier.
Jasmine:What should my parents have done instead then.
Adam:Focus on loving you and your brother. It doesn’t make the hate go away completely but, you’re so busy loving that you forget to hate. It’s more important to you. I didn’t realize that for a very long time.
Jasmine:Do you love anyone?
Adam:Heh, that’s a good question. I can think of one person. I hated their guts at first. They are really snooty and think they’re always right. It’s even worse because they usually are. She makes me want to try to be different though. In a way I never thought possible. So I do my best for her and if I screw up, she sticks around and makes me try again. For the life of me, I can’t understand why she thinks I can be a better person.
Jasmine:Can you?
Adam:I hope so. Or she’s gonna end up hurt because of me. Frankly, that might be happening now I don’t even know. I hope she’s okay.
Jasmine:So because you love someone, you do your best not to start trouble anymore?
Adam:That’s right. Which means you should probably scram. You love your brother right? That means even if it’s frustrating to listen to the grownups, you should try. Wait patiently and don’t let them see how unhappy you are. Never let them break you; fake a smile if you have to. Because one day, you won’t have to anymore. You’ll be on top.
Jasmine:You sound so sure.
Adam:I’ve seen it work before.
Jasmine:Well, I guess I’ll believe you. But that won’t work if they hurt Rajah.
Adam:Why’s that?
Jasmine:Because they hurt what I love. That means I have to hurt them back. If you hit someone, then it shouldn’t be a surprise if they hit back. Right? They asked for violence. That goes with them hurting a loved one too.
Those words were shocking to listen to. Jasmine had a point and it wasn’t that he didn’t disapprove of the logic. It was simply surprising to hear it from such a young girl. Not to mention so well thought out.
Adam:How long have you been in here?
Jasmine:I don’t know. I haven’t seen my parents in awhile. They used to keep track by putting marks in the wall then slashing them.
Adam:Those are called tally marks. Each one with a slash through it is five days.
Jasmine:Really? There were at least five of those I think.
Adam:Y...you’ve been here for almost a month?
Jasmine:I guess so. That means Rajah must be nine already. I should give him one of my sick rations as a present. Nah, I’ll just get him something when we’re free.
Adam:A month here and you still have hope. You’re still fighting.
Jasmine:You said it is in my blood right? I guess I have a lot of it.
Adam:*smiling* You remind me of someone I knew. She was pretty feisty and willing to get violent as well. No one was going to cage her spirit. She was a tiger faunus too, just not a white tiger like you.
Jasmine:Really? What’s her name?
Jasmine:Hmm, sounds a little familiar. She sounds pretty amazing.
Adam:Yeah, she really was. It’s time for you to head back now though. Don’t want you getting caught now do we?
Jasmine:Okay. It was nice meeting you. I still don’t get what’s the big deal is about you though. You just seem like a person.
She put a piece of bread in her mouth and hopped off the beam. Her hand caught another one right before she hit the ground and she landed without a single noise. Adam would be impresses if she didn’t tell him about her parents. ‘Good skill, I wonder what they had her doing?’ He watched the girl sneak from hiding spot to hiding spot until she managed her way back to where the other prisoners rested. It was nice to have an actual conversation. He’d almost forgotten what it felt like and he hasn’t even been here a fourth of her time. With Sobek’s intentions for him, Adam knew he wouldn’t get the chance most likely. Still he wasn’t worried; not in the slightest. Jacquelyn taught him more than just dealing with his demons. She taught him how to trust and have hope. All he had to do was endure. He knew she’d do the rest.
Adam:(Since when did I become so reliant on others? What has Jackie done to me? I’ll remember to complain about it later. Right after I thank her.)
Part 5
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Written for @azulaweek​. Prompt - Training. (Image Source)
Summary: Azula doesn't understand why Zuko won't just focus on his firebending. Lu Ten doesn't understand why she doesn't understand.
“I don’t understand why Zuzu likes swords so much.”
Lu Ten looked up from the knife he was turning over in his hands. “...Why?”
“It’s swords. He’s a Firebender.”
“I’m still confused, kid.”
Azula crossed her arms and huffed. She glared at the teakettle and tried to explain. “He’s got fire. He shouldn’t need anything else.”
Lu Ten laughed. “Our family is full of people who have more weapons than just their fire. Your mom has swords. My mom threw knives. Grandmother was a Yu Yan archer!”
“That doesn’t mean Zuko needs something else. Father doesn’t use weapons, neither does Uncle.”
“Eh,” Lu Ten shrugged. “True. Must be a Sozin’s line thing. I’m the only one of us who bothered learning anything else.” He tapped the knife and grinned. “Until now.”
Lu Ten liked the fact that Zuko was using swords? “But Zuko doesn’t need swords!” Unless it really did turn out that Zuko was as disappointing a Firebender as Father thought.
“No, but they could still come in handy. I don’t need knives, but I’m pretty good at throwing them.” Lu Ten twirled the one he held around his finger a few times.
“But you’re good at throwing knives,” Azula said. “Zuko isn’t good with swords.”
“Well of course he’s not good with swords, Zuli, he only just started learning. It’ll be a while before he’s good at them.”
That sounded stupid. Why waste time working on something that you weren’t good at when there was something else that needed your attention? “He should just stick with his firebending,” she muttered. “He isn’t good at that either.”
“Whoa - hey. None of that now. Zuko’s firebending is just fine.”
“Mine’s better.”
“That’s because you’re gifted. Zuko is...average. His firebending skills are good enough for his age.”
But good enough wasn’t good enough. “He should spend more time practicing his firebending and less time playing with swords,” she said. “Maybe then he’d learn more.”
Lu Ten frowned. For a long moment it was silent in the garden while he fiddled with his knife. Then the teakettle started making noise - not whistling, Lu Ten never let it get to whistling when he was making green tea. He said you should never boil green tea. But the water inside was starting to bubble. He took the kettle off the fire, took the lid off the waiting teapot, and poured the hot water in. He plunked the lid back on when the pot was filled to the point of overflowing, and some of the displaced water splashed out. Then Lu Ten poured more hot water over the top of the teapot, letting it run over the clay surface to warm it up.
“Does your father say stuff like that?” Lu Ten asked gently.
“No,” Azula huffed. Father didn’t need to say anything. She could just tell. “But Zuko needs to get better at firebending.”
Lu Ten poured the hot water out of the teapot and into a little pitcher sitting to the side. When the teapot was empty, he took the pitcher and poured the water into two tiny teacups, filling them to the brim. “He will get better. As he grows older and gets more experienced. That’s how it works.”
“He needs to get better now. I’m better than him!”
“And that’s not his fault,” Lu Ten said firmly. “Zuko works very hard, and he’s doing perfectly fine for his age. You’re the exception here, and it isn’t fair to compare him to you.”
Well that certainly wasn’t how Father seemed to think.
Lu Ten removed the lid from the warmed-up teapot. “Tea leaves, please.”
Azula handed him the little bowl containing the leaves he’d selected. He took it from her hand and held it up to her nose. “What do you think?”
She sniffed. “Jasmine.”
“I like jasmine,” she said. “It’s kind of sweet.”
“Floral,” he agreed. He placed the leaves in the pot and retrieved the kettle again. For the second time, the teapot was filled with hot water, more poured over the sides for good measure. “So tell me,” he said, “if you think Zuko shouldn’t bother with swords because he’s not good with them yet, does that mean that you shouldn’t ever learn...hm. Lightning? Because you definitely won’t be good at it right away.”
“That’s different,” she insisted.
“How so?”
“Because I’m a Firebender. I’ll be able to figure lightning out!” Lu Ten looked amused at that declaration, so she clarified, “Zuko’s not a sword master.”
“No one’s ever a master, when they start,” Lu Ten said. “I’m not even an expert knife thrower.” He turned around and frowned at the apple tree behind them. There was a knot a few feet up the trunk, where a branch had been pruned away recently, leaving a little circle of trimmed wood behind. Lu Ten picked his knife up again and peered at the tree trunk carefully as his arm went through some practice motions. Then the knife was flying, and with a thunk it hit the wood two inches to the right of the knot. Lu Ten grinned at Azula. “See? I’m not bad, but I’m nowhere near as good as some of my cousins. My aim’s better with fire.” He lifted his hand again, and a little fire dart sparked to life above his fingers. It flew through the air and hit the knot dead-on, leaving a scorched spot behind when it fizzled out. “See?”
“You should stick to fire darts, then,” Azula said. “If you’re better at that.”
Lu Ten looked at her. “Zuli, if we only ever stuck with what we’re good at, we’d never accomplish anything.” He turned his attention to the teapot, which had apparently been steeping the leaves long enough because he poured the tea into the little pitcher. Then he dumped the water that was still sitting in the cups. Now that the cups were warm and empty, he poured the tea into them. There was still some left in the pitcher. “Here,” he said, handing it to her. “Want to do the honors?”
Azula grinned, took the pitcher, and dumped the dregs over the turtleduck tea pet sitting on the side of the tray.
“Good job,” Lu Ten said, and he presented her with one of the tiny teacups. “Enjoy.”
She took it and had a careful sip. The jasmine was delicious. “How do you make such good tea, Lu?”
He gave her an amused look before sipping from his own cup. “Practice.”
Author’s Notes
Thank you for reading! Kudos and comments are always appreciated.
Uh, let's see, notes...
*shrugs* This one came out kinda funny? There's no actual training in it, lol, but they discuss it I guess. Once again, we are taking a look at Azula's giftedness - coupled with her father's demanding personality - and how it affects her mentality when it comes to how people spend their time. The line in Zuko Alone, where she tells Zuko "You waste all your time playing with knives. You're not even good." was an inspiration.
Title comes from the old idiom "A jack of all trades is a master of none, but oftentimes better than a master of one."
My Lu Ten is semi-competent at knife-throwing because even though he never knew his mom, his maternal grandparents were like "THIS IS A FUN FAMILY BONDING ACTIVITY." He does prefer fire, but knives can come in handy.
Lu Ten is also starting to....pick up on some things regarding Uncle Ozai at this point. He still thinks the man is just a hopelessly awkward or disinterested father. He's also going to ship out to Ba Sing Se in the not-too-distant future, so he won't have the opportunity to see that Ozai is worse than that. I think that Ozai didn't ramp up his abuse until after Lu Ten - the family member most involved with the kids besides Ursa - was out of the way. For now it's just words and statements he makes to his children that could be taken many ways, and he's reaping so much benefit from that doubt.
Regarding Azula, she just...does not understand why Zuko won't stick to what he's good (or at least semi-decent) at. In her opinion, the point isn't to learn different things - the point is to be good at what she knows. Zuko keeps trying to learn other stuff and looking dumb as a result. That's not how you keep Ozai happy. Lu Ten is kind of seeing her thought process but doesn't quite comprehend it, and he's trying to explain how her current worldview is a little skewed, but it's not really working. Have you ever had a conversation with a young child where you try to explain something, and they come away with the completely wrong understanding of it and there's nothing you can do and you just stand there staring at them as they accept this new fact and refuse to listen to your clarifications? Yeah that's what's going on here, basically.
And I based Lu Ten's tea brewing motions on this tea ceremony video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j3tA3fFCP34&feature=emb_title
Confession time: Tomorrow's prompt has been fighting me A LOT, so it probably will not be posted in the morning. I'm hoping to have it up in the evening, but failing that I'll shoot for sometime on Sunday or next week. *shrugs*
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stusbunker · 5 years
Dr. Emery Simmons-Winchester
Hey guys! An ask post got me thinking about my girl Emery from my Sam series For Better or Worst.
So I decided to fill out the questions about her, in case you’re interested since a lot of her background has been kept as only small glimpses due to the plot so far. Here are those questions from the ASK POST. (Since I know no one would actually send me asks, especially about OCs.)
1. What is their gender?
2. What is their sexuality?
3. What is the meaning behind their name? Do they have any nicknames?
Meaning: Derived from Emmerich, which can mean brave and powerful. Also a hard, dark substance (i.e. emery boards)
Sam calls her ‘Em’ and ‘Baby’
Georgie used to call her Mama E
4. Do they have any siblings? How many? Are they older or younger?  Which sibling are they the closest with?
She has an older half brother that she isn’t close with, but that’s just because he lived across the country from her and her son.
5. What’s their relationship with their parents like? What about other relatives?
Emery loved her parents to the ends of the earth. Though her dad wasn’t always around, his parents helped raise her. She was by her mother’s side when she died from cancer.
6. What would they give their life for?
Georgie. And redemption. Though there are others that she cares for and her dedication to them will be tested deeply soon.
7. Are they in a romantic relationship? With who? How did they meet?
Is an arranged marriage romantic? I guess it depends on who you ask. She is currently married to Sam Winchester. They met via some shady dealings from one Naomi, Angel of the Lord.
8. What do they believe will happen to them after they die? Does this belief scare them?
Can I laugh at how deep we are getting in the “Basics” section of this?! Like, damn and then the next question is like a Teen Bop quiz.
Emery believes in Heaven, Hell, and Purgatory. She grew as a psychic, knowing the world as it exists on the show. She still believes the angels are on humanity’s side and are her path to forgiveness, if not salvation.
9. What is their favorite color? Favorite animal?
Emery likes rich earth tones with some gold in for accents. She looks good in just about anything though.
10. What are some of their talents/skills?
She is a medieval history professor, and an outstanding lecturer. She reads people really well, even after losing her psychic powers. She has a decent singing voice. Is an amazing mom. And when she makes up her mind to do something, she follows through. Very hard to change her mind or challenge her moral compass.
11. If they could make a mark on history, what would they like it to be?
Just that the world was better, in any small way, from her influence.
12. How old are they? When is their birthday?
She is 39, born January 16, 1981.
13. What do they do for fun?
Read. Play with her dog Bandit. Go for walks. Listen to music. She used to mess with people who didn’t know she was psychic, but nothing malicious just little things that would stump strangers. She also used to play video games with Georgie.
14. What is their favorite food? How often do they get to eat it?
Potatoes in all of their glorious forms. She also love Cajun cuisine. She isn’t much of a cook, because she never had time to go all out. But french fries are easy enough to come by!
15. What was something their parents taught them?
That no matter who you are, you have a place in this world and a job to do.
Family always comes first.
16. Are they religious?
Yes, but most of the strict devotion rose from the death of her son.
17. Where were they born?
Gary, Indiana
18. What languages can they speak? Where did they learn these languages?
Different dialects of American English. She can read Old English and Middle English from her years of study.
Latin, from high school and some college.
19. What is their occupation?
Currently a professor, formerly a part-time psychic.
20. Do they have any titles? How did they earn them?
She has a PHD in History and a Masters in Education. Dr. Simmons-Winchester if you’d like. ;)
21. What is their favorite thing about their personality?
She appreciates her own snark, when it comes out.
22. What is their least favorite thing about their personality?
Her psychic upbringing game her a lot of empathy for others. She hates how weak that makes her seem.
23. Do they get lonely easily?
No, she keeps too busy to feel lonely. Her son was always enough for her... until she found Sam.
24. Do you know their MBTI type?
No because those tests are way too fucking long.
25. What is their biggest flaw?
Self-assigned guilt.
26. Are they aware of their flaws?
Not all of them, who is?
27. What is their biggest strength?
Her dedication.
28. Are they aware of their strengths?
Yes, she isn’t one to sell herself short.
29. How would they describe their own personality?
She would say she is smart, kind and generally tough.
30. When frightened, will they resort to “fight” or “flight”?
She isn’t one for physical violence, but she will stand up vocally. She has had to defend herself physically in the past and that cost her her son.
31. Does this character ever put somebody else’s needs before their own? Who do they do this for? How often do they do this?
Constantly, in the past it was mostly her son, but now also her husband.
32. What is their self esteem like?
Good. She owns her strengths and is aware of her shortcomings. Though she is slightly shaken from a recent rejection, but she knows better than to get too attached when there are other factors in play.
33. What is their biggest fear? How would they react to having to face it?
Failure to protect her son. She would go to the ends of possibility to save him.
34. How easily do they trust others with their secrets? With their lives?
It took almost five months of an arranged marriage for her to tell Sam about her son, his death and her side of their deal with Heaven. Though she trusts Sam, she didn’t reveal much about her past.
We’re going to have to wait and see if she can trust Sam or Cas with her life.
35. What is the easiest way to annoy them?
Talk cruelly about other people on end. Chew with your mouth open.
36. What is their sense of humor like? Give an example of a joke they would find humorous.
She has a pretty decent sense of humor. Not too dark, but definitely has a sarcastic streak. I think she would love memes, especially living with a preteen gamer, she would have seen her share. But she’s still a dorky mom, so she only shares the obvious ones with her TAs.
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37. How easy is it for them to say “I love you”? Do they say it without meaning it?
Fairly easy, especially with family. Never.
38. What do others admire most about their personality?
Her strength of character and her determination to DO GOOD.
39. What does their happily ever after look like?
She hasn’t really thought about it beyond the task at hand. Keeping up her charade with Sam in order to save Georgie’s soul and Dean. They have quiet the dream life from the outside: great jobs, nice house in a good neighborhood. But none of that can last, not for them. Right?
40. Who do they trust most? Is that trust mutual?
Her mother, but she passed about two years ago. Yes.
Physical Profile:
41. What does their laugh sound like? Do they snort when they laugh? How often do they laugh?
Her voice is smoky, much like her faceclaim Rashida Jones. Her laugh can get breathy or silent if it is a really deep one. She laughs in little spells, but nothing like she used to.
42. What is their favorite thing about their physical appearance?
Her sparkling hazel eyes.
43. What is their least favorite thing about their physical appearance?
She thinks she has a big nose. But her complex is so good, she doesn’t dwell.
44. Do they have any scars? If so, what are the stories behind those scars?
Yes, she had a total hysterectomy after her mother died so she has laparoscopic scaring. She also has stretch marks from pregnancy. The biggest scars are on her left upper arm, where her son scratched her when he first shifted into a werewolf.
45. How would they describe their own appearance?
Just a 30-someting mixed girl rocking what she’s got.
46. How easily can they express emotions? How easily can they hide emotions?
She is tempered first and foremost. Being vulnerable is not something she does regularly, but she doesn’t hide the big things. They’re too much for a reason.
47.    What’s their pain tolerance like? 
She is a women of color and a single mother, her pain tolerance is insanely high because people don’t listen anyway. (yes, that’s shade)
48. Do they have any tattoos? What are the stories behind those tattoos?
She doesn’t. (Desperately trying to remember if she does now... oops?)
49. Do they have any piercings?
Just a single on both ears.
51. What is their height? Weight?
5′4″ 130lbs ish
52. What is their body type? Are they muscular, chubby, skinny, etc?
She thin, not overly fit.
53. What is their hair color? Eye color? Skin tone?
Dark brown/ Hazel/ Dark Beige
55. What is their alcohol tolerance like? What kind of drunk are they? How bad are their hangovers?
She has a fairly low tolerance for alcohol, but that’s generally because she doesn’t drink often. When she gets wine drunk she gets affectionate. The few times she has been hungover have been exhausting because she doesn’t give her self time to recover.
56. What do they smell like? Why do they smell like this? (Is it the things they’re around or a perfume they wear?)
Her natural scent is warm spices, with almost a vanilla finish. She has a jasmine perfume that makes her slightly more feminine and floral.
57. How do they feel about sex? Are they a virgin?
She hasn’t had an active sex life until she married Sam. Before that it had been a few years. No, she isn’t a virgin and this is a dumb question because it is an outdated misogynistic construct.
58. What is their most noticeable physical attribute?
Her big, bright, multicolored eyes. Then her smile.
59. What does their resting face look like? Do they have RBF?
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Not exactly resting, but you get the point. Yes.
60. Describe the way they sleep.
She sleeps curled on her side, in the middle of the bed. If Sam’s already up, she is stealing his pillow to cuddle. If Sam is sleeping elsewhere, she stays to her side.
61. Which season is their favorite season?
Summer, though she was born in the winter, she prefers it if she can function outside or at least read by the lake.
62. Have they ever been betrayed? How did it affect their ability to trust others?
Okay, yes, everyone has been betrayed. She is currently dealing with the ramifications of an unjust deal with Heaven. It’s not easy for her.
63. What is always guaranteed to make them smile?
Her dog Bandit.
64. Do they get cold easily? Do they get overheated easily?
Yes, she is a slight woman, she gets cold easily.
65. What’s their immune system like? Do they get sick often? How do they react to getting sick?
She has a solid immune system, even when she gets sick she powers through. Bad mental health days knock her down a few pegs though.
66. Where do they live? Do they like it there?
Currently living in Denver, CO with Sam and Bandit. She lived in Chicago with her son and dog previously.
67. Is their bedroom messy? What about their bathroom? Kitchen? Living room?
No, she keeps her bedroom clean because she shares it (for the most part) now. The bathroom and kitchen are always spotless. The living room is a little cluttered, but that’s generally Bandit’s toys and research she leaves out when she’s not grading in the dining room.
68. How did their environment growing up affect their personality?
She was surrounded by love. Her mom was a waitress at a diner and her paternal granddad and big mama helped raised her. She knew she had to work hard for anything to come to her and she also was psychic so she was able to sense how her family was “odd” or “wrong” depending on whose thoughts she heard. She grew up learning to respect people and kill them with kindness, or wit if she had to.
69. How did the people in their environment growing up affect their personality?
See above.
70. How do they feel about animals? Do they have any pets?
She loves animals, but is very much a dog person. Yes, Bandit, the best boy ever.
71. How are they with children? Do they have any? Do they want any?
She is amazing with kids, especially one on one. She has a son George, who would have been 13 last spring. She is unable to have more.
72.   Would they rather have stability or comfort? 
Stability. Knowing what to expect is its own level of comfort.
73. Do they prefer the indoors or outdoors?
She is generally indoors, but generally all of her active free time is spent outside.
74. What weather is their favorite? Do they like storms?
To be in, sunny and clear. She likes storms from the safety of inside and thunder more than the lightning.
75. If given a blank piece of paper, a pencil, and nothing to do, what would happen?
She would probably doodle old geometric patterns found on ancient manuscripts as a border. Possibly make a list of things that need doing or write the same word over and over again in different fonts.
76. How organized are they?
Fairly, not obsessively so.
77. What is their most prized possession?
Her PhD.
78. Who do they consider to be their best friend?
She was close with a few colleagues at her last job, a small college just outside of Chicago. But her mother was her best friend so it is hard to put that title on someone else since she lost her.
79. What is their economic situation? 
Currently upper-middle class. Previously working class struggling with medical bills.
80. Are they a morning person or a night owl?
She is not a morning person, but doesn’t stay up too late unless she has too.
81. Are they bothered by the sight of blood?
No. Unless someone is severely hurt.
82. What is their handwriting like?
Not too neat, but generally a combination of print and cursive.
83. Can they swim? How well? Do they like to swim?
Yes, well enough to not die, she doesn’t know all the strokes or anything. Sure, but not as much as she likes sunbathing.
84. Which deadly sin do they represent best?
Oh, this is a tough one! I am going to say Envy, because though she had a great family growing up, she was still very much aware of what other people had. And their problems always seemed so frivolous.
85. Do they believe in ghosts?
Yes, she was a psychic, she spoken to spirits before.
86. How do they celebrate holidays? How do they celebrate birthdays?
She has her great-grandmother’s china that she keeps for the big holidays, Christmas, Easter, etc. She would host the cousins and aunties with her grandma and once her mom got too sick, it was harder to get everyone together. She and George would go to her Aunt Janice’s house when they could for Sunday dinner, but traffic in and out of the city was a pain during the school year.
87. What is something they regret?
Killing her son in self-defense.
88. Do they have an accent?
Not usually, she was in an academic setting for so long she doesn’t let it slip out often.
89. What is their D&D alignment?
Neutral Good, laws and those who enforce them should evolve quicker than they do.
90. Are they right or left handed?
92. Describe them as a John Mulaney gif.
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93. What’s the most iconic line of dialogue they’ve ever said?
She groaned, grabbing his face in both her hands. “Fine! Asshole. But you better make it worth it.”
She was pointing a finger at his agreeing puppy dog face now.
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mariolucario493 · 5 years
A Frozen 2 review no one asked for! (POSSIBLE SPOILERS AHEAD)
Okay, hear me out. I’m probably in the minority when I say this, but...
I think it’s better than the first one.
I liked the original Frozen just fine. I liked how it depicted anxiety and how it subverted a lot of Disney tropes, but I probably wouldn’t put it in my top ten.
(Which, in case you’re interested, is:)
10. Tarzan
9. Aladdin
8. Beauty and the Beast
7. Frozen 2 (this one!)
6. Lilo & Stitch
5. Wreck-it Ralph
4. Moana
3. The Lion King
2. The Hunchback of Notre Dame
1. Zootopia
(And that’s not even including the Pixar ones.)
But it seems that the general consensus of Frozen 2 is the same as a lot of sequels (especially Disney sequels): that it’s not as good as the first one. Or, dare I say it, that it’s just the first one all over again. But here’s my argument against that. I think being similar to the first one actually works in its favor.
What do I mean by that? Well, after the prologue, the movie opens with a song called “Some Things Never Change,” in which all the characters sing about how happy they are in their current life. Although Olaf worries that change might be inevitable (I love how woke he’s become, btw), no one is really seeking anything new. Now that sounds like the setup for a lot of recent Disney movies, I know. But it's an idea that’s really explored throughout the entirety of the movie.
Every character reacts to change differently. Elsa is nervous, but tries to embrace it anyway; Olaf dismisses it as something he will understand when he’s older; Kristoff feels like he and his friends are drifting apart; and Anna struggles to accept it overall. And we see how each of them goes through it. Even the inclusion of darker themes allows the audience to react similarly to the characters onscreen. Kids probably won’t always understand what’s going on; but they’ll have a good time anyway. And just like Olaf, they’ll understand it when they’re older. That does seem to be one of the major criticisms I’ve seen for Frozen 2, that it’s too dark and too complicated for kids. But Disney’s never been afraid to tackle heavy subjects before, because they know that challenging the audience helps them grow. And hey, at least it’s not Crimes of Grindelwald, right?
I think the reason they made Frozen 2 similar to Frozen 1 was the same reason they used similar themes in Frozen 1 that we were already familiar with - princesses, magical kingdoms, curses, goofy sidekicks. And that’s to deconstruct and subvert them. In fact, I might even go so far as to say that this was an attempt to remind Disney to always try new things, which they have had trouble with recently. Just look at all those live-action remakes that no one asked for. The exact same thing all over again disguised as something new, but without all the stuff that made the originals so good in the first place.
Frozen 2 also continues the tradition of having interesting female protagonists. Well, interesting ANIMATED female protagonists, anyway. It’s not like the Aladdin remake, where Jasmine has a whole new song about girl power, but then she becomes the damsel in distress anyway and does nothing to fight back. It’s not like Captain Marvel, who makes a big deal about being a female superhero even though the Avengers already have several much more interesting female members. It’s not like the new Star Wars movies, in which they’re so focused with making Rey a strong female role model that they forget to give her a personality. And it’s not going to be like the Mulan remake, which I’m just going to assume is going to be another soapbox feminist’s wet dream. Oh, wait, I forgot this is Tumblr, and they love that shit.
But really. Starting with Tiana, Disney’s animated leading ladies have become such well-written characters. From Rapunzel to Vanellope to Judy Hopps to Moana to Elastigirl, they are fully fleshed-out characters first and agenda pushers second. Anna and Elsa are no exception. Elsa battles magical spirits and tames a water horse, and Anna has a crisis of ethics that feels really genuine. All without saying something dumb like “Look how capable I, a female, am in this situation, in comparison to my less competent male companions.”
Oh, by the way, for those of you who wanted Elsa to be revealed as a lesbian, I think we have a few more hints that she may be. She does not end up with a love interest, but I noticed she does seem to get along really well with Honeymaren. So maybe? Definitely better than the live-action Beauty and the Beast, am I right?
Oh, and the songs are great. We get not one, but TWO big numbers from Idina Menzel. Olaf and Kristoff both get new songs that are pointless, but still really funny. Anna has a new song that is one of the emotional highlights. The lyrics are just as clever, and they help further each character’s story arc. Even the lame pop versions of the songs over the end credits, which I usually DESPISE; hearing Imagine Dragons’ cover of “Into the Unknown” was actually pretty decent.
So, those darker themes. The reveal that one of Anna and Elsa’s ancestors was a genocidal tyrant who built the dam as a way to restrict the Northuldra tribe’s resources, and then declared war on them. Pretty ballsy, I have to say. And pretty creative that the villain of this movie is a character who is already dead before the movie even begins. Kind of like Coco, but they don’t even interact with him as a spirit or anything. What I like about this is that it kind of explains why the father in the first movie didn’t always do the right thing when it came to raising his kids. Locking up one of your daughters because she has supernatural abilities seems like a terrible move. But when you consider that Agnarr’s father was also distant from his son and had the goal of suppressing magic, you realize that it may have been a subconscious choice on his behalf. And hey, it’s also revealed that the reason Agnarr left on the ship that would eventually be his grave was to find answers about Elsa. So he probably felt remorse about it.
And now it’s time to compare this movie to today’s political climate. And before you start typing about how I’m wrong like Tumblr users are prone to do, maybe take a hint from the first movie and let it go. This is just my personal analysis.
The Northuldra tribe is clearly inspired by the Sami, the indigenous people of Norway, who have been persecuted for generations. But I don’t know much about Norwegian history, so let’s just compare it to America. Now let’s see...does America have a history of persecuting its indigenous population and disguising acts of war as offerings of peace? Hey, didn’t this movie come out just a week before Thanksgiving?
That’s right, I’m going there. Come to think of it, this whole movie radiates Thanksgiving vibes. It’s set in autumn, and it opens with everyone having a big feast with pumpkins and stuff.
King Runeard is a historical figure within Arendelle, and he is considered a hero. The dam that Runeard built is a monument that is ultimately destroyed by Anna in the film’s climax. And Anna initially refuses to do so because she believes the dam represents all that her kingdom stands for. I might be crazy, but this reminds me of how people are starting to take down statues of Confederate soldiers or how many cities have stopped recognizing Columbus Day as a national holiday, despite others saying that they are important parts of our heritage. One of the lines in “Some Things Never Change” is “Arendelle’s flag will always fly.” Sounds kind of like those conservative nuts who think the American flag is an infallible symbol and anyone who disrespects it (say, by taking a knee during the national anthem) is not a true patriot. Might be grasping at straws with that one.
And what Anna decides to do ultimately makes Arendelle a better place, even though she worries that it will be an unpopular decision. So we have a person in a position of political power who puts aside her own hubris for the good of her people. She asks for nothing in return, and knows that the right choice is not the easy one. She destroys a physical bridge, but builds a metaphorical one. Anna really is the type of leader we need. And if you think that it’s ethnocentric that a white person saves the day for a minority, remember that Anna and Elsa are actually half Northuldran on their mother’s side.
Yes, I believe Frozen 2 is up there with Zootopia as one of the great Disney flexes on right-wing extremists. But it’s subtle enough that we can enjoy the characters, the music, and the story first; and the message second. It reminds us to step outside our comfort zones and to always think about what it means to do the right thing.
If you didn’t like the first Frozen, you probably won’t enjoy this one either. I can understand what people mean when they say the movie throws a lot at you and doesn’t always feel focused on a coherent story. But regardless, I think it is an important movie.
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flickityfics · 4 years
Chatting It Up
So this was tough to write but the incidents I mentioned involves the new girl parts I have developed. It's weird cause I don't know what to do or what the cause is. I wouldn't even be doing anything but at random times I feel myself getting slick? Also a strange throb, please explain this. Also you'll be happy to know I went and got proper clothes just as you said, a nice lady really helped me out with all sorts. Hope you're doing alright.
Hey gaang! How is everyone? The construction has been going smoothly just alot of work, it's tiring and boring so send me letters to keep me from dying of boredom please. I'm missing our adventures, I've been doing nothing but reading and taking notes for blueprints, it isn't all bad though, I've been watching the kyoshi warriors train and thinking about training with them again. I've gotta get back to work so hope I hear from you guys soon.
Sokka had just dropped off his letters when he decided it was a good time to harass Zuko at work. He came into the Jasmine Dragon with a bounce to his step spotting Zuko immediately serving some customers. He grabbed the same small table near the kitchen and sat himself down. Rummaging through his bag did he find one on 'Dangers of Enchantments' Sokka was starting to think he should rule out enchantments since most had apparent side effects which he couldn't seem to find or sense, enchantments also needed to be kept up and if not he would have reverted back by now. He decided it was best to cross that one off.
"You like magic?" Zuko asked when he came up to her table finally. He noticed Miyuki with another book in her hands, her books seem to be all about magic so far.
Sokka smiled up to Zuko, "Actually I hate magic. I think it's illogical, impractical, it's dangerous and quite frankly I don't understand people's obsession with it." He stared up at the fire bender completely exasperated.
Zuko couldn't help but let out a small chuckle, it's funny seeing Miyuki looking so irked by the subject of magic.
"I don't understand it myself but my uncle loves talking about it and bringing it up often. He loves saying magic is in everything." Zuko couldn't help revealing, it was nice opening up to someone even if he still had to lie about who he really was. He never got to open up to anyone not even his uncle when he tried to and he didn't have his mother anymore, and it was never an option to tell his father or Azula, any sign of weakness would be exploited by them he thought depressingly.
"I think me and your uncle would have interesting debates on the matter." Sokka supplied, he didn't know much about Zuko's uncle except that Toph likes him but he'll still keep his suspicions just like with his nephew. "Anyways will you be taking a break soon?" He spoke hoping to get more time with the fire prince.
"Oh, uh my breaks in twenty minutes. " Zuko was surprised that Miyuki wanted to talk with him more. He didn't know what to expect from this girl but he knows he's enjoying it.
"Perfect, enough time for me to order and wait for you." Sokka said sweetly to Zuko.
Zuko shyly smiled back, "What would you like to order?" He waited, Zuko was curious about what Miyuki and he could talk about. He wasn't known for being quite versed at talking to ladies. So far conversations with Miyuki have been awkward but nice.
"I'll try the three berry flavored tea you guys got." He doesn't really like tea but this fruity one looks promising he figured.
"Alright, it'll just take a moment." With that saud Zuko walked back to the kitchens while Sokka went back to his reading.
"Here you go." Zuko had finally come back and settled himself across from Miyuki passing over the tea as he did so. He told his uncle that'd he take his break early and the old man just smirked and couldn't rush him out the kitchens fast enough something about, 'young love is in the air' ugh his uncle was going senile.
"Ah thanks." Sokka slipped his material's into his satchel making room for the fire prince as he sat down. Zuko seemed to have his own drink when he took the chance to look at him properly, he noticed the other boy seemed nervous and quiet so looks like he'll have to start the conversation.
" So what books do you read when you have the time?" Sokka asked.
"Boring stuff." Zuko didn't want to admit how he only read books on war strategies, weaponry materials and maps mostly. He didn't really know how to talk well with other teens his age but he knew talking about war strategies and the stuff alike weren't fun topics to discuss.
" Boring stuff as in..?" Sokka wasn't gonna let this go, he needed information from this guy. It seems like he has to pull teeth just to get this jerk bender to open up.
Zuko could only sigh seeing no way to avoid it if he wanted to talk to the water tribe girl. 'just hope she doesn't find me dull and annoying like my sister and her friends do. It's not my fault I never got to make any friends'
"I read up on some weaponry guides mainly on dual broadswords..uh lots of maps and very rarely on occasion a bedtime book that I kept from my mother."
Sokka didn't know how to take Zuko's somber expression mentioning his mother. He knew exactly how hard it was losing a parent but was it okay to comfort the person he despises? Sokka thought it was best to offer some bit of comforting. He leaned forward and reached out his hand to grab Zuko's elbow and gave a squeeze.
"I'll have you know maps are my favorite things to read even though I'm not too good at reading them but maybe some time you can show me." Sokka hated to admit that he couldn't read maps too well, 'the stuff is honestly hard to understand' but he knew Zuko would be the best considering how fast he always managed to track down the gaang so fast.
Zuko couldn't help chuckling at the girl and finding comfort in her presence. Something about Miyuki made things so simple plus she didn't pressure him or get awkward about mentioning his mother or make fun of him for his lack of social skills.
"Sure. I don't mind telling you more about maps, I've got tons of them." Zuko quirked his lips into a smile, he couldn't help finding it amusing that Miyuki found maps enjoyable, she was probably just faking it so he didn't feel so embarrassed about himself. He knew his life wasn't ideal for friendships or socializing of any kind but he was getting better since deciding to let go of his obsession with getting his honor back and working the tea shop with his uncle.
"I have a few myself but alot of them aren't updated which is annoying. Since my travels to Ba Sing Se, alot of new paths weren't mentioned or even the dangers that came with choosing a path, I've gotten lost and into trouble so many times because the maps we're wrong and dumb. I swear someone needs to re-write these maps with a lot more detail oh oh and even small detours you can take that are nice relaxing spots or even good food locations and duh of course the dangers to look out for, ugh there's so much you can say and people will appreciate it, I know I would!" Sokka had to take a drink from his tea to shut himself up realizing he went on a whole unnecessary tangent.
"Why don't you write that book? You've got some really valid points there." Zuko was honestly impressed with the girl, she went from exasperated to excited with so many ideas real fast and all very good ideas actually. He never got to enjoy his travels or any detours searching for the avatar but maybe if he traveled for himself he'd get to enjoy it for once with new opportunities to discover.
"You think I should write a book? And you have no problem with that?" Sokka genuinely found himself surprised with Zuko the fire prince Zuko telling a girl, a civilian water tribe girl nonetheless to write a book with no problem, 'geez this guys got more layers than an onion' Sokka was really finding it hard to keep hating this guy.
"Yes and no?" Zuko was now confused, what was he suppose to say? He couldn't tell if she was upset or if that was a trick question."Uh..I think your ideas are great for a book...I see no problem with it?" He suggested questioningly.
"Lee, do you know how many books I found written by women from the library and bookstore I visited here? Ten total and all about cooking, fashion, crafts, mannerisms for young ladies, gardening, how to be a proper wife, events planning, dancing, proper childcare and cleaning steps. Sadly I myself never noticed the lack of books by women. And I've met tons of women with great ideas and adventures of their own throughout my travels who could write the most amazing things."
"Oh, I never noticed that either. Maybe you should you try your hand at it and who knows it might just inspire other women to do the same." Zuko suggested. When he really thought about it, it really was unfair that women still didn't get many opportunities as men do solely based on their gender. He's met women who were quite tough and challenging yet they still had no voice or real power when it came to a man usurping them, all it would take was a man's words to completely debase a woman.
"I-huh..well thanks for the support." Good to know Zuko was somewhat of a decent guy but it still doesn't excuse his behavior towards the gaang. Zuko seemed to be to putting on a good act here in Ba Sing Se but how far did that really go? Sokka knew he needed to find out Zuko's motives and fast.
"Tell me more about yourself, I've been talking here the most." Sokka encouraged the other boy.
"Well I meditate, train and work." Ugh, how pathetic did he sound? He now felt even more hopeless in front of Miyuki. He just sat there hanging his head low gripping onto his drink praying to Agni that his embarrassment passed over soon.
"Well sounds like you need to get out more. How about we go to a poetry session that I know of? We can laugh at all the bad ones they come up with and cry over the good ones, I'm emotional I'll have you know but really I find it quite fun and enjoyable." This was the perfect opportunity for him to keep Zuko by his side and maybe keep him distracted from bumbing into his sister and friends.
Zuko couldn't help keep the surprise from his face, he's never been invited to hangout before and Azula forcing him out with her friends didn't count. Someone wanting to spend time in his company for a long period of time no matter how boring and embarrassing he was was a nice feeling.
"Yeah, I'd like that."
"Great, I'll hear out for the next poetry session and come visit you with the plan."
"Alright and my breaks up, I'll have to get back to work. See you tomorrow?" Zuko hoped he didn't sound to desperate to see her again, it was nice having a friend? It was probably too soon to say that but maybe they could be.
"I can come by tomorrow after my errands. Thanks for the drink." Sokka had gotten his pouch out and handed Zuko change. Sokka couldn't help noticing Zuko's crazy warm hands, 'huh, must be a fire bender thing' he thought.
Zuko felt as Miyuki put the cold change in his hand and couldn't help look at the beautiful contrast their skins made, his a pale white to her beautiful dark brown. He had to shake his thoughts from imagining their hands entwined and smiled at Miyuki before heading to his uncle in the kitchens to help with the next orders.
Sokka left as soon as he saw Zuko go back into the kitchens. He had a big day tomorrow so it left him a nice chance to prepare early and plan things for tomorrow.
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echoes-of-realities · 6 years
be my fire in the cold (and I'll be waiting by the mistletoe) - 6/25
* * *
[From the Start] // [Fanfiction] // [ao3]
[Previous Chapter] // [Next Chapter]
Chapter Summary: Brittany’s never believed theatre rumours; Brittany really doesn’t like bullies.
Notes: Warning for minor homophobia
Chapter 6: sure we'll be laughed at, but we all know
Brittany wakes up to the faint smell of bacon and hash-browns. She’s disorientated for a second, wondering how in the world her window managed to change walls in the middle of the night and when her pale yellow sheets turned grey, before she realizes that she’s curled up in Mercedes’ bed, the afghan that’s usually draped over the foot of the bed tangled around her shoulders under the comforter. The skin of her face feels raw and tight, the kind of tightness that comes from not wiping away her tears before falling asleep, and she’s somehow still exhausted despite her deep, dreamless sleep. She can hear Mercedes in the kitchen, frying pans knocking together and the kettle screaming, and Brittany sighs and buries her face in one of the pillows thrown around the head of the bed; it smells like Mercedes’ lavender shampoo, and a hint of Sam’s cologne and her own honeysuckle and jasmine body wash from when they all have movie nights and curl up in Mercedes’ room because she has the comfiest mattress. Brittany breathes in deeply, hoping the scents she’s always associated with her best friends will soothe her.
It doesn’t really manage to take her mind off Lord Tubbington though.
The door eases open and Brittany can tell Mercedes is hovering in the doorway, debating whether to wake Brittany or let her sleep.
“Morning,” Brittany croaks, making the decision for her.
Mercedes sighs, so softly that Brittany barely hears it, and crosses the room, settling on the bed somewhere by Brittany’s hip. She hesitates for a moment, but before Brittany can say anything, her warm body is pressing to Brittany in a fierce hug; she smells of breakfast food and coffee and clean from her morning shower. Brittany sighs and sinks back into the embrace. “How are you feeling?” Mercedes whispers.
Brittany manages a little shrug. “I dunno. Sad and, like, empty, I guess. Like when you’re really, really hungry in the middle of the night and you can feel how empty your stomach is empty, except everywhere.”
Mercedes nuzzles closer, and Brittany can picture her face, her brows drawn a little together and the skin around her mouth tight. “I’m so sorry, Britt-Britt,” she whispers.
“Thanks,” Brittany mumbles.
Mercedes is quiet for a moment while Brittany stares blankly out the window. It’s surprisingly clear out, sunbeams streaming through the thin curtains and making swirling patterns on the carpet. “You could take the day off,” Mercedes suggests finally.
Brittany shrugs. “I dunno,” she mumbles, “I just want the day to be normal, you know?” Mercedes hums against her shoulder in acknowledgement. “Besides, dancing always helps me forget about everything, and I kinda need that right now, you know?”
Mercedes hums again, and Brittany sighs. She doesn’t really feel teary anymore, just tired and empty and lonely, even with Mercedes pressing comfortingly all along her back, breathing in sync with her. Eventually Mercedes crawls off the bed and tugs Brittany up after her, and they both follow their noses back to the kitchen where Mercedes has breakfast set up all along the counter, a mug of steaming hot chocolate sitting in front of Brittany’s stool at the kitchen island, whipped cream piled so high it hasn’t even melted all the way in yet. Brittany smiles at Mercedes’ back, feeling warmth curl in her chest, grateful that she has a best friend who knows her so well. They dish up breakfast quietly before settling into their usual spots breakfast spots and eat in comfortable silence.
“I forgot to ask last night, because of— Everything,” Mercedes finally says, “But how did you get home? I didn’t realize my phone was on silent until this morning and I’m so sorry if you tried to call me for a ride.”
“Oh, no it’s fine,” Brittany shrugs a little and pokes at her eggs, “Santana and I shared an Uber home.” She points to the southeast, where their front door is, with a forkful of eggs. “She lives like ten-ish minutes that way.”
“That’s nice of her,” Mercedes says, smiling just a little bit at Brittany.
Brittany feels the corner of her lip turn up in return, just a little bit, and the ache in her chest eases at the warm smile on Mercedes face. “Yeah,” she says simply.
Mercedes hums and, despite the slight smirk tugging on her lips, she remains silent. Brittany insists on cleaning up since Mercedes did all the cooking, before she heads to her room and calls her mom. Her mom puts her on speakerphone with her dad and her sister, and they spend most of the morning reminiscing on Lord Tubbington’s antics. By the end of it Brittany finds herself feeling a little bit better; talking about how much they all loved Tubbs and laughing about how many times food would suddenly go missing and Tubbs would suddenly get fatter makes her feel lighter, until the ache behind her eyes is almost gone. And when Mercedes knocks quietly on her door so they can head to the theatre, Brittany doesn’t feel quite so alone anymore.
Mercedes has to go talk to Kurt about something as soon as they get there, so Brittany ends up wandering the theatre by herself after they check in at the call board. She stops in at her favourite rehearsal room in the hopes that she can blast some music and forget about everything for a little while before she has to start warm ups with the company, but instead finds Jake and Jane practicing the Pas de Deux from the second act. They call out greetings to her and she waves at them before heading back the way she came.
“Hey, Brittany!”
Brittany glances over her shoulder and finds Puck coming up behind her, his arms full of props. “Hey,” she greets quietly.
“Do you mind giving me a hand?” he asks, and Brittany quickly relieves him of the box blocking his view. “Thanks,” he pants, “I thought I could do it all in one trip, but I don’t want Lopez seeing me and going all crazy spicy Latina on me again for dropping something like she did last time.”
Brittany’s nose wrinkles up. “That’s racist,” she says idly.
Puck doesn’t seem to have heard her; he never does when she calls him out on something. “Speaking of Lopez, did you hear?” he asks, obnoxiously waggling his eyebrows at her. Brittany frowns at him; he looks a little bit like a cartoon character, struggling to see past the props still in his arms, his dumb mohawk stuck to his sweaty forehead, a smirk tugging at his lips that Brittany recognizes as the lecherous leer he gets whenever a new dancer—especially those without any knowledge of his reputation—joins the company. “There’s a rumour going around that she plays for the other team, if you know what I mean,” he says in a stage whisper.
“I’m pretty sure she only works here,” Brittany says tiredly, “it’s part of her contract.”
“Not like her job, Brittany,” Puck explains slowly, and because Brittany is trailing behind him to fit through the entryway that leads to one of the back hallways of the theatre, he doesn’t see her roll her eyes. “Like who she takes to bed type of team.”
Brittany’s not quite sure what to say to that, not because she thinks of Santana any differently now, but because she’s pretty sure this is not something Santana wants floating around the theatre; despite working in the arts, Brittany’s encountered a surprising amount of homophobia, and something about Puck’s leer makes Brittany’s skin crawl.
“Did you hear me?” Puck asks, looking around a candy cane prop blocking his view so he can catch Brittany’s eye, it kind of makes Brittany want to take said candy cane and start beating him with it.
“Yeah, I’m just trying to process how gross you are.”
Puck smirks. “What can I say? Lopez is hot, I’m sure she has hot taste in women, and I like hot things.”
The urge to beat him with the candy cane is growing almost too strong to ignore now; Brittany’s never been particularly prone to violence, and she’s not sure if it’s her grief over Lord Tubbington messing with her emotions, the fact that she likes Santana and hates that there’s already rumours going around about her, the fact that she hates bullies, or some combination of all three, but she’s pretty sure if they don’t reach the prop room soon she’s going to snap.
“Wow,” Brittany says slowly, “You might just be the dumbest person on Earth.”
Puck just shrugs. “Maybe,” he agrees easily, smirking, “But I heard it from Finn who heard it from Santana herself.”
“Why was Santana talking to Finn?” Brittany wonders aloud. Finn’s half-way decent about thirteen percent of the time, and Brittany’s pretty sure his partial decency only exists because he sleeps about thirteen percent of the time.
“She wasn’t, he was down in the principal hallway bringing some extra Christmas ornaments up from storage and he overheard Lopez and Tina talking. Tina was asking if Lopez had been on any dates lately,” Puck pauses until Brittany glances at him before he finishes, delighted like a kid waiting up for Santa on Christmas Eve, “With a girl.”
Brittany shrugs. “Your point?”
“With a girl,” he emphasizes, a far off look in his eyes that makes Brittany feel like she needs a shower, “Like a lesbian.”
“Puck that’s gross,” Brittany says.
“No, it’s hot,” he leers.
Brittany scowls at him. “No, I mean you’re gross for being a creep.”
Puck shrugs. “What can I say? I’m a guy.” Brittany dumps the box she’s carrying on top of the pile in Puck’s hands, making him stagger under the unexpected weight. “Hey! I thought you were helping!”
Brittany just shrugs as she spins on her heel and walks back the way they came. “I don’t really think I can provide the help you need,” she deadpans over her shoulder.
She doesn’t see Santana at all before the show, not even for notes, but she hears the whispers of gossip that Puck mentioned as she heads for the stage during intermission. It makes her blood boil, especially after last night because her emotions are still a little all over the place. She can feel the angry creeping along her fingers and sticking to her stomach, and she can’t quite control the scowl she gives some of the snow corps as she walks past them; they’re the group who is almost always at the root of any rumour.
But before she can do more than glare at them for their whispers, she’s running into something warm and solid and groaning. Her hands automatically reach out to steady the source of the groaning, and then deep, dark eyes are locking on her own.
“Brittany,” Santana says breathlessly, “Sorry, I didn’t see you there.” Brittany easily shrugs, searching Santana’s face for any sign she’s heard the rumours about herself, but Santana’s face is only open and warm and concerned. Brittany suddenly realizes that her hands are still on Santana’s shoulders and she hurriedly pulls them back to her, playing with the hem of her tutu. Santana quickly pushes her headset off of her ears until it’s hanging around her neck, giving Brittany her full attention; it makes Brittany feel vulnerable and important, because she can hear the tinny sound of voices through the headset, but Santana barely seems to notice them. “How are you?” Santana asks, her voice quiet and more tender than Brittany’s ever heard someone’s voice go.
That sharp ache of pain arcs through Brittany’s chest, but she manages a small smile. “I’m good,” she says.
Santana’s face changes a little bit, like she doesn’t quite believe Brittany but doesn’t want to say anything. She leans closer, her voice even quieter. “It’s okay if you’re not,” she whispers, “I get it. I would have understood if you hadn’t come in today.”
Brittany’s breath catches a little bit, like someone reached into her chest and squeezed, and she’s suddenly blinking back tears. “I wanted something normal today,” she finally admits, “You know, to keep my mind off it.”
Santana’s hand suddenly brushes over hers, and the ache in Brittany’s chest eases just a little bit at the gentle squeeze of Santana’s fingers around hers. “I get that,” she murmurs. Brittany’s eyes catch in the deepest groove of Santana’s for a moment and Brittany can see exactly how true Santana’s words are; Brittany’s a little glad when Santana’s eyes dart away because those dark eyes make her feel like a little bit like she’s free falling from an airplane without a parachute, a little bit dangerous and a little bit scary and a whole lot exhilarating. “But if you need anything,” Santana continues, shrugging a little, “Time off or a hug or a friend, I’m good for any of it.”
“Thank you,” Brittany whispers, desperately ignoring the prickle she can still feel behind her eyes. Mercedes already had to help her reapply her makeup once today, and Brittany’s due on stage too soon for her to reapply it again.
Santana seems to realize this and her fingers slide across Brittany’s wrist as she pulls back a little bit; Brittany suddenly realizes she can breathe properly again without ever realizing her breath was caught in her chest in the first place. “Are you up for notes after the show?” Santana asks.
“Oh yeah, you didn’t come for notes earlier,” Brittany says, her question implied rather than outright asked.
Santana rolls her eyes so hard she tosses her head back a little, and Brittany bites her lip at how cute the gesture is. “Yeah, Puck tried to take all the props down in one trip, like a dumbass, and dropped them, of course, and broke a bunch of them. I swear to god this is the only prop department I’ve ever worked with that isn’t completely anal about taking care of the props, but nope, he just cost the company a couple hundred dollars.” Brittany smirks at the image that rises to her mind; she’s not sure if she necessarily believes in karma, but she can definitely admire its handiwork. “Anyways, I went down there for check-ins before half hour and found him trying to clean it all up. He was being,” Santana pauses for long enough that Brittany wants to hug her, and then go and beat Puck with that candy cane prop, “weird, I guess. But after I chewed him out for being a dumbass and not making more than one trip, he shut up pretty quick.”
Brittany laughs a little bit, and her chest feels light for the first time all day. “Emma’s really, really anal about the props, but whenever she’s out sick Finn and Puck completely fall apart.”
“Yeah,” Santana mutters, “So do the props.”
Brittany giggles, and is about to respond when she catches sight of one of the snow corps out of the corner of her eye sneering at Santana. Brittany’s pretty sure her name is Brynn or Bree or something, though she doesn’t pay much attention to the more malicious members of the snow corps; but even if she doesn’t recognize her, there’s this glint in her eyes that Brittany knows all too well, and the sneer on her face carries in her voice as she calls across the stage.
“Watch out there, Sugar Plum,” she snarls, “You wouldn’t wanna get to close. I’m pretty sure lesbianism is contagious.”
Brittany can see the exact moment that Santana processes what was just said, her dark eyes go wide for a second and her spine straightens with a jolt as if someone just yanked on a string at the top of her head. There’s burning anger in Santana’s dark eyes, but Brittany’s pretty sure she could scrape it away with her fingernail and reveal the bright, aching pain underneath.
Brittany feels that bubbling anger she’s felt all day start to give way and she scowls at Brynn or Bree or whatever. Her own anger is bright and flaring, all of the frustration and grief of the last couple weeks surging like liquid fire through her veins. “I’d rather catch lesbianism than whatever it is that’s made your face look like that,” she says, her voice so quiet and dangerous that it shocks Brynn or Bree or whatever into taking a startled half-step backwards. “Is it the snow that makes your face freeze like that or is that just how you’ve always looked?” Brittany continues, slipping into the practiced confusion that’s served her so well over the years, “Either way, don’t get too close to a fireplace. You might melt.”
Brynn or Bree or whatever gets lost in the sea of dancers gathering for the start of act two and Brittany takes a deep breath to calm the blood rushing in her ears before she turns back to Santana. She’s still frozen, her wide eyes on Brittany’s and the set of her shoulders stiff. “Hey,” Brittany whispers, carefully moving closer to Santana, as if she’s an overly cautious bird that might fly away at a sudden movement, “Are you okay?”
Santana blinks, her gaze darting between Brittany’s eyes. Brittany lets Santana stare at her, hoping she finds what she’s looking for. “I— Uh— Yeah,” she stutters. “That was— I mean,” her brown eyes finally still and settle on Brittany’s, and Brittany feels warm all over. “Thank you,” Santana says earnestly, the glow her dark eyes making something in Brittany’s chest shiver.
Heat crawls under her skin and she already knows the pink splotching her cheeks is obvious, even under the dim stage lights. “I’ve been looking for a reason to call her out,” Brittany admits, “She’s always been awful.”
“I—” a particularly loud voice comes through the headset still around Santana’s neck, and Santana jumps a little, only now seeming to realize that one of the other stage managers has been trying to get her attention for a while. She gives Brittany an apologetic, slightly helpless look, but Brittany easily waves her off. Santana quickly pulls her headset back over her ears and mutters something into the mic. She listens intently right as one of the stage hands starts wandering through the dancers, calling five minutes to the end of intermission, and Brittany starts a little, not realizing how much time has already passed.
Santana sighs deeply and draws Brittany’s attention back to her; she’s worrying the notebook in her hands and scowling into space. Brittany smiles a little at the furrow in her brow; she’s not sure what it is about this woman, but pretty much everything about her is adorable. Brittany touches her elbow to draw her attention, and the way her face instantly clears into a small smile when she looks at Brittany makes Brittany feel a little bit like she might be floating. Brittany points towards the curtains and Santana nods quickly. She covers the mic with her hand and her eyes go liquid soft for a moment. “Thank you,” she whispers.
Brittany can feel her heartbeat pound everywhere. “Any time,” she promises.
Santana shows up at Brittany’s dressing room just as she’s heading out, and there’s something easy and light in her expression that wasn’t there earlier. Brittany smiles at her until Santana’s dimples crease her cheeks and she looks away breathlessly. “No notes?” Brittany teases.
Santana shrugs and looks shy for a moment, before she takes a deep breath and gestures towards the hallway, waiting until Brittany’s locked the door and they’ve started heading down the hallway to answer. “Not tonight, I just wanted to check in and see how you’re doing,” she says easily, bumping her shoulder against Brittany’s, “You did amazing like usual, by the way. Especially, you know, considering everything.”
Brittany smiles a little, and despite the ache in her chest she feels less empty than she did this morning. Between talking to her family this morning, Mercedes being an amazing best friend, and Santana’s understanding, she’s realizing that she has pretty great people in her life. Sure, she misses Tubbs just as much as she did this morning, and she doesn’t think that will every go away completely, but having so many people around who care about her makes her realize that she’s never going to be as lonely as she was when it felt like Tubbs was the only one who understood her.
“What was he like?” Santana asks softly.
Brittany feels her lips curl up a little. “His name was Lord Tubbington,” she says, watching Santana out of the corner of her eye to gauge her reaction.
She does admirably; after letting out an involuntary giggle, she bites down on her bottom lip to stifle her amusement. “Lord Tubbington?” she manages in a mostly calm voice.
Brittany nods seriously. “We called him Tubbs for short.”
Santana turns sparkling eyes on her, and despite the teeth sunk into her lip to contain her smile, her cheeks still dimple. “That’s cute,” she says, her voice bright with amusement.
Brittany grins, and Santana relaxes a little. Brittany glances around the hallway, even though she already knows it’s going to be empty, before leaning close to Santana. She smells of citrus and vanilla and pinewood underneath the clinging scent of the theatre, and it makes something in Brittany’s chest fall into place. “He was really fat,” she whispers.
Santana’s teeth release her lip as she throws her head back with a delighted laugh. “Please tell me you have pictures,” she gasps.
Brittany grins and quickly struggles to tug her phone out of her pocket. She opens it and quickly finds her photos app, pulling up the album of Lord Tubbington’s best pictures. They end up hovering near the end of the principal hallway, huddled over Brittany’s phone as they scroll through pictures of, what Santana deems, the fattest and most adorable cat in the world. Brittany narrates some of Tubbs’ best moments, including the time he somehow got onto the table one New Year’s Day supper and shoved his head into the cheese fondue, and the time he got out of the house only to be picked up and cared for by a biker gang until they saw his lost posters and brought him back home. Santana’s completely enamoured by the stories Brittany tells, and it’s fun and therapeutic to reminisce on all of her adventures with, in Brittany’s humble opinion, the best cat in the world.
Mercedes had already left to pick up some snacks for them because, despite it being almost ten o’clock at night, she always knows how hungry Brittany is after a show, and since Santana’s ride had to go met up with her mom and dad, Santana offers to share another Uber back to their apartments, much to Brittany’s delight. Brittany quickly texts Mercedes that she doesn’t need a ride and she’ll meet her back at the apartment instead.
They reach the back exit and spill onto the street in a fit of giggles as Brittany narrates how the first and only time she tried smoking when she was fourteen, she heard her mom coming in the front door early and promptly framed Tubbs for the smell of smoke lingering on her clothes so her mom wouldn’t get mad at her (it didn’t work, of course, but her mom found it so amusing that she let Brittany off with only a stern warning that, if Tubbs ever did it again, he’d end up grounded for the rest of his life).
They direct the Uber driver to Brittany’s apartment first, and Santana keeps asking questions about Lord Tubbington, much to Brittany’s surprised delight. Santana hangs onto her every word, as if she’s the most interesting thing Santana’s ever seen, and it makes something lifting and bright curl in Brittany’s chest. They reach her and Mercedes’ apartment far too soon in Brittany’s opinion, and she quickly gives Santana money for her half of the fare, insisting on it when Santana tries to refuse because Santana didn’t let her pay her half last night. Santana eventually accepts, though with much whining reluctance, and Brittany grins, triumphant, and turns to get out of the car. Her fingers have barely wrapped around the handle of the door when Santana’s hand on hers freezes her. “Hey,” she whispers.
Brittany feels something deep in her chest leap to attention. “Hey,” she whispers back.
“I’m really glad you told me about Lord Tubbington,” Santana says quietly, “And I’m really glad to see you smiling again, even though I know you must still be hurting.”
Brittany’s breath leaves her all at once and all she can manage is a small shake of her head and a soft smile. “Thanks for listening,” Brittany whispers.
Santana’s nose scrunches up a little and those dimples crease her cheeks. “Anytime, Britt. Goodnight.”
“Goodnight, Santana,” she whispers, finally crawling out of the car and carefully shutting the door behind her. She watches as its taillights head east towards the first set of lights before turning south towards Santana’s apartment.
Brittany takes a moment to breathe in the crisp night air before turning and heading into her apartment building; she still keenly misses Tubbs but, unlike she had that morning, she’s doesn’t feel so lonely anymore.
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mi4014bethmackay · 4 years
Senses that bring joy
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Fresh Pancakes
The only time that I ever got pancakes or things like nutella, whipped cream, etc was on pancake day. This day turned a normally stressful morning of my mother trying to get me and my younger brother ready for and to school into all of us waking up extra early so that we could make pancakes together. Due to my mum actually hating making pancakes as she is unable to flip them without twisting them up, the job of shrove tuesday pancakes have become my responsibility. For me this smell is exclusively for eating pancakes as a family.
Dog After the Groomers
My dog Cooper is very important to me and constantly fills me with joy no matter what, even if he gets my bed muddy he can still look at me and I'll just see it as a sign that it's time for my lazy butt to change the sheets. When he comes back from the groomers he comes home with his fleecy coat as soft as a lamb and smelling distinctly of baby powder. I don't know why they put baby powder on him but they do and it smells heavenly.
(Edit: I looked up why groomers use baby powder. It helps detangle fur that is curlier or coarser which is the type of fur my dog has)
Familiar Perfume of a Friend
My friend Jasmin is easily one of the closest people in my life, who I spend my days out walking with and my nights bingeing netflixs with. Due to any body mists or perfumes she uses and has used consistently over the years mixed with the smell of the cooking from her house, she has become a very comforting and familiar smell. That might come from bias of me assuming its always the same smell though as every part of her is comforting and familiar to me.
Waterfall in Iceland
Iceland is such a beautiful country. Growing up in a small town in Scotland, you get used to having to drive through countryside to get to places. In Iceland this was on a whole other level, with a 1-2 hour car journey between cities. There is something comforting i find being able to just sit and watch the beautiful countryside go by and the waterfalls were some of the most incredible things I have ever seen.
Northern Lights in Iceland
I saw the lights on the same trip as I saw he waterfall when visiting with my family. While I was growing up, my dad would always tell about his life long dream of seeing the northern lights. He would tell where they would appear, show me videos and covered his study with photos of them. Over the years I grew to be fascinated by the lights and wanted to see them just as badly, so finally being able to see them in person, albeit in the snow at night in my pajamas, was a truly amazing event that I will never forget. Just the memory alone is enough to brighten any day.
Thurso Beach
My mum was raised at the top of the highlands in a town called Thurso. The town has a lovely beach with large waves filled with surfers. Visiting the beach while growing up has made it special to me and no matter how many times I visit I never get tired of the sound of the waves crashing, collecting shells and the beautiful view.
My creatively named bear was easily my favourite toy growing up. The one i would have tea parties with, take on outings and sleep with every night (while I am now 18 theres essentially a plague happening so i figure he’s a basic comfort). Nevertheless, he holds serious sentimental value to me and if i had little time to grab things in a worst case scenario of my room burning, he would easily be the first.
I see a sketchbook as a place you can vent your frustrations in a difficult time as it allows you to spew all of your feelings, good or bad, onto the page with little to no restrictions. I feel this is something i would definitely be doing if my room had burned down the all my stuff, which would be quite the bummer. It would also serve as entertainment to distract me from everything being on fire by making me focus on the thing I enjoy.
There would be a lot of reason I would grab my phone. To call 999 for starters since my house is on fire and also because I’m a teenager who never goes anywhere without my phone in my hands. The device is filled all the dumb photos and chat logs of the wonderful dumbasses I’m proud to call my friends and i would be very upset if i lost them. Also as Newcastle is a decent distance away from home and I don't really know anyone here, I consider communication with those close to me vital.
0 notes
nxkordei-moved · 7 years
@bugguhl: as the one and only Sidney Prescott
@nomination-wheel: as Ethan Nestor-Darling, a Junior. He’s that geeky, needy, gamer kid who is PROBABLY bisexual but doesn’t want to admit it. He knows how to handle murders in video games but might faint at the sight of blood in front of him. Kids got murdered? gtg. He always have my phone with him, ALWAYS.
@hoh-robe as Nate: coming from a crazy loud family that everyone knows, he is the life of the party. he is very fun and when you talk to him once you would think he was your best friend. he is a cancer so he has very strong emotions and is very empathic. Everyone knows him and some people hate him and think he’s obnoxious but some people love him.
@usernamegameon1000 as Kevin Gnapoor: Westporo Highs resident junior mathlete
@kaitlinbarnaby as Teagan Tilling: Raised to be a free-spirited wild child who obtains a rebellious reputation and always looking forward to living up to her name!
@tahny-lew as Layton Lee: He’s on the soccer team and he’s super nice but he lowkey hates soccer and really just wants to be an artist. He wants to go to art school but his dad thinks that’s dumb as hell. He’s really sweet to everyone but doesn’t have any very close friends
@sexologii as our resident deputy sheriff Dewey Riley
@pantaires as Salem: 11th grade. kind of anti social. wears a lot of black. raised in a house full of women. probably a witch, definitely a lesbian. has a dark hidden past of being a child pageant queen.
@dumbeatrees as Kylie: grade 11, background: that straight a, obnoxious bitch everyone hates yet still wants to be. so basically regina george teas except much worse.
@bigbrothermusical as Ivy Summers: She’s only been living in Woodsboro for a few months, and so far she hasn’t had an issue with the small town. She’s the youngest of 2 children, and she’s currently being raised by her father. She’s decent in school, maybe has a few friends, and she’s a total horror movie nut- though she tries not to show it.
@vanessacries who will be playing from @incongealable as Kayla McGregor: Kayla is extremely quiet and she is your typical book worm. Kayla spends most of her time in her library avoiding people just as they avoid her. In town, people have suspicions about Kayla and her single mother due to rumors that they murdered her little brother and dad a year earlier.
@mrjenkins-4-allstars as Mila: Basically she’s that one kid super obsessed with the occult that accidentally turned people off if talking to her, so nows pretty much a loner, which works fine since she’s not exactly a people person anyway. But as a result she’s pretty suspicious and paranoid whenever anyone comes to talk to her, making her come off as overly blunt
@bbk3rr4 as Carlos: So gay. Athletic but also pretty smart. Just transferred from a boarding school somewhere far. Is trying to get a scholarship but ends up getting dragged into this murder mystery. Lives here (woodsbury) with his grandfather.
@brimlies as Easter
@daniellelickey as Rachealage: popular cheerleader who just wants the best for everyone!! a pure soul who doesn’t like being mean to people. all she cares about is making sure everyone is happy. it’s pretty hard to get on her bad side but if you manage to she can be the most petty unforgiving bitch ever
@missdominiquecooper as Tatum Adams: 18, Senior. She’s bi, a mess, and typically on something, but well…she likes to have fun. Ex-cheerleader.
@messypotatoqueen as Margarita Hempstead: Margarita is the popular wannabe. She follows after the most popular girls and basically acts as a henchman with no personality of her own. She then plans to overtake them eventually. In reality she’s a really smart girl who’s just desperate for attention. She has no idea who’s responsible for the murders, but she’s ready to go after her next big chance at popularity. She’s basically the definition of an attention hoe.
@accioevans as Sutton: utton’s lived in Woodsboro her entire life, just like her parents and her grandparents before her. She’s been a straight-A student since elementary school and is one of the next prospects to become captain of the cheer team her senior year. She’s friendly with everyone and in practically every club on campus, including yearbook.
@tims-reality-blog as Timmy: Straight A student who plays games all day. Never leaves home without his nintendo.
@sindysnguyen as Sindy: the girl who never talks, sits in the back, no one ever knows what she’s up to and no one wants to know
@xissakingx as Brandy Rumi: 12th grade, is bisexual, chill af, is nice to everyone, gets straight As and is athletic. Very popular.
@queensbb19 as Jasmine Kane: Came from a middle class family, quiet but is always in everyone’s business and carries around a journal always.
@flopkingbb as Herb Avore: Major Slut
@thebeautifulevanpetersass as Candy Tits: She moved to this new school after gwtting pregnant with the principals baby at 14 years old.
I am now sending people who are doctor and our mafia(s)
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melaninkpopimagines · 7 years
Love spelled 7 ways
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admin: Jazzi
word count: 3.7k
warning: language
Damn, all seven of them could remember the moment they fell for Jasmine
Chapter 1: Namjoon:
Jasmine had come to Korea with her three best friends
Lily, Maxine and Jackie.
Lily was accepted into Seoul university, Jackie had become a teacher, Max was an exchange student, and well Jaz just wanted to take pictures.
That’s all she could think about as a kid.
Yes her major was English. And she was almost finished getting said bachelors degree; but she wanted to be a photographer. She double majored but her grandmother would kill her for doing something as “silly” as simply majoring in photography.
So it became just her hobby. That was until her school decided to sponsor her a trip tthe beauty of a foreign country for a year.
The four friends’ plans fit right into one another. They decided to share an apartment and take care of each other.
They were flying in from different states. It was their first time even meeting each other. Butterflies found refuge in Jasmine’s stomach. She had only been away from home a few time for school trips back in high school. On top of everything meeting the three people she had long to meet for years, and it being her first time flying  had her nerves bunched on the long flight. From Louisiana to Seoul she couldn’t close her eyes one bit. Her hands shook the entire way. Even the grandmother beside her did her best to calm her. Slipping a hard candy into the girl’s shaking hand.
She thought about how different she would be in the other country.
Jaz was a heavy set girl, Her skin was a warm earthy chestnut tone with a rose blush to her cheeks, her hair was curly short, and brown with red undertones. Her cheekbones built high and thick lips. Her teeth had a slight overbite, that she tried everything on earth to correct but always moved back. She thick hips and thighs, a tummy she loathed. She was tall five foot nine inches and a half to be exact.
She didn’t think she was very pretty at all, in fact she said it all the time and you could swear her friends would leap through their phones to smack her if they could.
Her friends were beautiful. She smiled at the thought of them.
Maxine, the youngest, was their baby.
Their adorable gender fluid child, who was beautiful whether masculine or feminine. They took care of her, and each other, like sisters would.
They respected her greatly and worried about her happiness so much that it was crazy.
Maxine was mixed race, white and black. From Georgia and the sprinkles  to their little group.
Max had light golden skin, short brown hair, dark brown eyes, cute bunny like teeth, and the flushed cheeks, and glasses . She was built thick and Jaz always made sure to complain that she wished she had Maxine’s body.
“What does a 15 year old have to do with a body like that, lend it to me for a couple years.” She’d complain to her younger friend.
Maxine would just laugh at the older girl commenting that her chest was a hassle.
Next was Lily, a couple years younger than Jasmine. She was Dominican and Black.
She had a round face, high cheek bones, she had thick lips, and intensely perfect eyebrows, and glasses because she was blind as a bat. Her brown eyes were captivating but they couldn’t compete with her bright smile.
She was thick, thighs ass and boobs for days. Her skin was the color of a full bloomed hibiscus.
Her hair was long and frizzy; but still very cute. It was brown and faded to blonde at the tips, she wanted to dye it; but was always too busy. Standing at five foot one she was a little ball of fire.
Last but not least was the oldest girl Jackie, who the younger three called Jae. She had such a mature look for such a small girl.
She was five foot five, a few inches shorter than Jaz. She had skin as beautiful as a western coneflower. She had long Marley twists. She was thick as well. (Wow there’s a lot booty in the group of friends), a slender face, and she wore glasses as well. It seemed Jaz was the only one with decent eyesight.
Jae was he serious type. She was funny in her own way but very serious and motherly. She was a chemistry major. Probably the prettiest scientist you could ever meet.
Jasmine was ready to meet her girlies.
She hopped of the plain and nearly ran through the airport to find a cab, which turned out to be hard task. No one stopped for her. She heard Cab drivers often didn’t stop for foreigners but this was ridiculous. After her patience wore thin, or twenty minutes to be exact. She found a man and used her Korean to ask him to catch her a cab. She hid behind the tall fellow, with Caramel skin, dressed in all black, including a mask that covered his face. She could only see his dark eyes but he seemed older than her, in fact he kind of looked like…..Nah it couldn’t be. No way it would be that easy to meet a member of BTS, yet along be lucky enough for it to be her bias, Namjoon. She pushed such a dumb thought out of her head.
He didn’t say much, intact he seemed surprised she spoke to him at first. But he hailed her cab, even opening the door and scolding the driver for rolling his eyes at her.
His voice was deep just like….she shook her head again. Men all over the world have deep voices Jaz stop being dumb. She told herself as she buckled up.
It was an hour ride. The driver was driving god awfully slow, or at least it felt that way. Maybe she was just excited to see her friends, and the apartment they’d be sharing. He couldn’t stop the car quickly enough.she nearly jumped out of the car when she saw Max standing out in front of the building with their suitcase.
They were wearing a grey t-shirt, black hoodie, and black jeans. Jaz knew that meant her younger friend was feeling masculine. she hopped out the car, not really waiting for her bags, and running to her friend
“MAXXX” she screamed as loud as she could, grabbing the younger person and hugging him as tightly as she could.
“Jasmine???” Max said sort of surprised by the sudden attack.
The two friends rejoiced.
“Oh my god! Max have you seen the inside yet?” She asked.
Max shook his head, slowly. “I only got here a few moments before you did.” He gave a small smile. Max would tend to be a little shy, even with the friend’s had for a few years now. It’s just the way he was, especially when feeling masculine.
Even though they were all close Jaz had a special relationship with each of her friends. A certain way she interacted with each of them.
With Lilly she was like an older sister. They always picked with each other and pretended to argue about dumb things. But they loved each other and in the middle of any argument they would both admit to it. Jaz couldn’t live without Lilly. She wasn’t close to her actual siblings so she valued her relationship with Lily .
With Max she was motherly. She didn’t know what it was about the younger person but she wanted to protect him and comfort him more than anything else. She was just protective over max, and the younger person never failed to make Jasmine smile.
Jae was like her older sister or mom. She was very mature and level headed so Jaz went to her for advice and comfort. Jae always gave her the realistic sound advice she needed.
That’s why she loved her friends so dearly. They made her life better.
Jasmine ran up the stairs leading to the building’s entrance, they pressed in the code to get in. It was so exciting, they ran into the building, their luggage rolling quickly behind them. Jaz almost fell  as she got to the elevator.
the door couldn’t open quickly enough.
as it opened three men walked out, wearing all black, mouth masks, and black glasses. they walked right past them, actually knocking max’s phone out of his hand. max looked down. jaz knew he wasn’t the type to confront someone so she did.
“Hey! you can’t pay attention to where you’re walking?” she asked, walking after the guys. One of them stopped and looked back. A tall one with lanky limbs. He took of his glasses and stared at her. she noticed he was wearing the same outfit as the boy who hailed her cab.
he bowed quickly, before he quickly turned around and followed the other men.
she looked back at Max, who was leaned against the door, looking at his broken phone.
jaz came over to comfort him. “Don’t worry. When Lily and Jae get here, we’ll go get a new one.”
the younger person’s face lit up.
the next day came by quicker than expected. The four friends sat up all night and ate a bunch of take out, even though Max had school the next morning, that Jae wouldn’t allow her to miss. The first day is the most important after all.
They all passed out around dawn and ofc they would have been late if jae didn’t wake their asses up.
She had to drag Jaz outta bed.
Jaz got up and through on whatever jeans she had unpacked, a white t shirt, and a bomber jacket because she was too lazy to find anything else.
she shuffled into the kitchen, where Lily and Max were sitting at the counter sleepily eating cereal.
“Drop them off at school i’m running late.” Jae came into the kitchen as she buttoned the sleeve of her shirt.
“how am i supposed to do that?” jaz said biting down of some pizza she got out of the fridge.
“Take the car i rented from the airport. Don’t them be late yo.” she walked towards the door.
“Yes ma’am” Jaz answered, making Max giggle.
“Have a good day at work Mom.” lily added and the three of them cracked up.
they could hear jae grumbling about not having time for their mess, which made them laugh even harder.
“come on if yall are late jae will beat me in my sleep.” jaz said.
“jaz look at my uniform do i look cute?” Max asked as she twirled around, showing of her uniform.
“You look the cutest!” both Jaz and lily gawked over their younger friend’s cute attire.
Driving was always nerve racking. she called herself a bad driver because she was always such a scary driver. which is why she wasn’t surprised when she  got into an accident.
rear ended, probably cuz she got scared in the middle of a turn and stopped too quickly.
she hopped out of the car, the other girls following.
“Yo Jae is gonna fling your ass all the way back to America.” Lily laughed.
jaz rolled her eyes, “shut up hoe and get my camera.”
By the time she got her camera and started taking pictures of the damage a tall man approached her and she recognized him instantly.
“hi…I…am…very sorry….but….” jaz stopped him, telling him she spoke korean. he seemed relieved.
she recognized this man because she had seen so many pictures of him, of course he was in the background; but she knew him.
he was BTS’ manager sejin.
which meant in the car was…..she held her breath as she looked at the black mini van. she couldn’t see clearly from the tent of the front window but she knew people were in there.
“I’m sorry to do this but we are very late…here’s my insurance information. if you could please let us go i pro-”she stopped him again.
Max and lucy easily caught on and they were both speechless.
“You can go, i have the pictures needed for the claim. i just need your license plate. i can get it as you drive off.”she said holding up her camera.
Sejin bowed quickly shouting out thank you’s as he ran to the van.
Jasmine snapped as many pictures as she could of the damage and a few of the back of the car, so she could get the plate.
Weeks later, after filing the claim, there was a knock on the door. it was pretty late in the afternoon, so Jasmine was taking care of her skin routine, when their was a knock on the door.
the girls didn’t really know anyone. She couldn’t imagine who it could be.
To her surprise when she opened the door sejin was standing at the door.
He seemed very serious, bowing immediately.
“hello,Miss. were you the driver in the accident a few days ago.” he asked.
Jaz nodded, kind of scared by his tone.
“Can you come with me to my office? Our CEO would like to talk to you.” He said.
“I-Um….why?” She asked.
“It’s about the accident. Please just come with me.” He said.
She stared blankly for a second. “Uh yeah…let me get dressed.” She allowed him and she went to the room she shared with Jae.
“Jae! BTS’ manager is here. He wants me to go to bighit with him…” she managed to tell her friend.
Jae sat up quickly.
“Did they say what they wanted?” she asked Jaz
Jasmine shook her head as she moved around the space, washing her face while trying to find clothes to wear.
She sat on a green plaid skirt, a high neck black top, black tights, a splatter print bomber jacket, and cross strap platform sandals (that were her favorite). she even took a little time to apply a bit of makeup, and black lipstick.  If she was gonna be dragged into bighit she was gonna make it look sexy.
By the time she was finished dressing it seemed that jae had gathered the other girls, who had all gotten dressed.
Jae was wearing a beautiful,white, off the shoulder that was embroidered with red roses, thigh high pink boots, and metallic velvet lip. she looked like a meal.
Lily was wearing a cropped satin top (jaz remembered picking out for her the last time they went shopping), distressed jeans that hugged her curves, grunge high heels, and a light pink lip.
Max  wore a blue velvet bralet, that was set with a choker, high waist knee ripped jeans, a denim jacket that said something about peaches. white platform sandals, and a dark red matte lip.
jasmine was shocked to say the least. the group was never dressed up and looking delicious at the same time; but great minds must think alike.
“it was my car in the accident, and these two were in it, don’t you think we should come as a whole?” Jae said.
Max looked at her with puppy dog eyes, and lily was smiling and saying please. both of them knew Jasmine couldn’t resist it. she gave in as soon as she saw their faces.
There nerves didn’t settle as they arrived to the bighit building. their eyes all met when they saw the pictures of bangtan outside the building.
It was amazing enough to be in the same building they worked in.
The girls exited the car, and were escorted into the building.
Jaz held onto Lily’s hand for dear life, as they followed sejin to a meeting room.
they  waited for at least an hour in the huge room. they settled their nerves with games of 8ball with each other.
After losing 3 games in a row to Lily, Jaz slid her phone across the table.
“fuck that.” she pouted.
She heard someone clearing their throat behind her. the other girls stood up and as she looked behind her she quickly did the same.
Bang pdnim walked in casually with a big smile across his face, followed by three serious men in suits.
Jaz adored the CEO, her heart lit up at the site.
He treated bangtan well and was a dork, he was like a dad.
he stood in the front of the room.
“You must be jasmine.” he said as the three men laid out some papers.
she nodded slowly, “Yes sir.” she said.
“That means you took this picture,” one of the men started, holding up a picture, showing the back of the van she had an accident with. it was enlarged, showing an incredible shot of someone changing in the  back.
“is that Tae??” Max blurted out,
one of the men glared at her, causing her to coward back, prompting both Lily and Jae to snap threatening looks at the man., he backed off instantly.
“Do you know we can sue you for taking this type of picture and sending it to the company. What if it gets leaked. You’re in bi-” the last man started, but pdnim cut him off.
“calm down. It doesn’t have to go that far,” he started, “did you mean to take a picture like this?”
Jaz shook her head as quickly as possible.
“I’m a Bangtan fan, sir i’d never invade his privacy like that.” she said, sort of quickly, but sincerely. “I was only trying to get pictures of the back of the car as it drove away.” she added on.
Pdnim looked at her in shock, “You got such a clear shot while the car was moving??”
she nodded slowly.
Pdnim whispered into the ears of the men and they all left the room.
“jasmine, you said you were fans of my boys right?” he asked.
Jaz nodded as quickly as possible.
“We all are.” she said.
“Would you like to meet the boys?” Pdnim asked, looking at them.
their eyes met in excitement.
“That would be amazing!” Lily said.
“Then, I’d like to offer you a job as their photographer.” he said.
The girls stared at each other. unsure what to say. they all were speechless.
Even more to their shock the men came back and laid contracts in front of each of the girls.
“Jasmine. Your contract is a sub contract. meaning you will be your own company. we will pay you for your work and you may pay the other girls what you please for assisting you,” one of the men spoke, “the other girls have confidentiality contracts. if you meet the boys you must not talk about them to other people.”
Each girl read over what was in front of them and without hesitation signed.
“Would you like to meet the boys now?” pdnim asked with a huge smile.
They were lead to a studio room, they witnessed the boys practicing to a song they’d never heard before.
Jazmine felt tears swelling up.
The room smelled like sweaty boys but the girls breathed in the scent anyways. (nasties)
“boys take a break i want you to meet these girls.” pdnim said. the boys quickly  stopped their movements happy for the much needed break.
Namjoon glanced over at the girls and that’s when he saw her.
it wasn’t the first time they had met, not even the second. But each time he saw her he was more struck by her beauty.
He felt his heart, they made eye contact for just a moment when she looked away, surprised by the boys who surrounded them.
Joon couldn’t concentrate fully on what his ceo was explaining; but he caught something about photos and being welcoming.
He just kept his eyes on the girl.
The only thing that broke his gaze was the punch he got from yoongi, telling him to stop staring so hard.
Just that quickly she was walking out and they were told to get back to practicing.
Honestly he had been distracted for the remainder of their practice. But he caught the chatter of the younger three boys as they talked about how excited they were to have new photographers.
They tiredly walked into their building, tiredly trying to make their way to the dorm. the seven sweaty boys piled into the large elevator. as the doors closed, namjoon could hear a sweet voice yelling to hold the door.
Yoongi held the door, looking from his phone and in that instance he was struck again. his heart jumped as he saw her again, walking as quickly as she could with her hand filled with bags.
“Hey you’re the photographer noona, isn’t your name Jasmine!” jungkook said, trying to pronounce her name correctly.
jasmine nodded and  looked at him “Noona? we’re the same age.” she laughed. Jungkook blushed.
she quickly smiled to them but she felt nervous. then it stuck her. why were they in this building? she was too nervous to ask.
But when the elevator hit the sixth floor and everyone got off she wondered if they were here to see her or something.
“Um excuse me.” she asked namjoon in english.
Namjoon’s heart was beating out of his chest as jasmine  grabbed his arm gently.
Honestly Jaz felt the same way. she couldn’t believe she was touching him.
“Why are y'all here? did you come to see me? did you need something?” she looked up at him curiously.
Namjoon couldn’t help but chuckle at her cute expression. “No we live here. on this floor.”
he said.
Jasmine starred as she watched seokjin, yoongi, and jungkook walk into the apartment directly across from theres.
suddenly Hoseok, Jimin, and taehyung surrounded the two.
“You live here?” Tae asked.
jaz gave a gentle nod pointing over to her door.
“Yo you and your friends should come over! tonight!” hoseok starred.
Both namjoon and jaz made eye contact.
jaz was struck speechless unsure what to say. Namjoon awaited her answer. The both stared into each other’s eyes.
“what should i do?” jaz thought as the 4 boys awaited her answer, their eyes fixed on her.
she froze. Was she gonna go into bangtan’s dorm?
A/N: this is based off a wild dream i had. i hope yall enjoyed it. im surprised it got to 3k tbh i didnt feel like i wrote that much. anyways plz enjoy
-admin Jazzi🥔Y
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