#jared love club
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jaredwalkersam · 5 months ago
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Jared Padalecki | looking gorgeous at #ACLFestival
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neveratease · 4 days ago
I knew all 10 facts about Jared Padalecki, do you? 😏😁😊
Watch it! And, tell me! 🩵
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swiftlymoniquesblog · 11 months ago
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Can we just take a moment to appreciate Jared's birthday message to Sam? This makes my heart so happy. Sam isn't a fictional character; he's real just in another universe 🥹
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neveratease · 6 months ago
I seriously don't care about the people who hate Jared. It's not an opinion that he's a good and talented person. It's a fact. And it shows. In real life. Not where people can vomit their opinions behind a screen...
Anyway, I guess jealousy manifests itself in many forms...
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I can't believe we all missed this! Thanks to Lea for finding it!
Also, welcome to the Jared Padalecki fan club, Jen! We've known for a while, but it's always nice to see other people appreciate him! Can't wait to see his episodes!
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winchester-co · 6 months ago
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Big fan of when he tucks his hair behind his ears. One of the underrated Sam Looks.
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youthanasia1994 · 1 year ago
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SAM WINCHESTER in “Wendigo”, S01E02 Supernatural (2005-2020)
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tapeworm-loser · 2 months ago
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No one else gonna care but here’s trans Angel Face + Narrator and Tyler
(Click for better quality)
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trippercrazy · 6 months ago
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Jared Leto from Thirty Seconds to Mars
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sunflowerchester · 7 months ago
Important work being done by our hosts this week.
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marsmad · 1 year ago
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Ten years ago today this insanely talented man won a well deserved Oscar 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖
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n1nthrule · 1 year ago
He stares at me from across the living room. On the TV there's the news broadcast of the night before: a sickly grin carved out with green paint, eyes blazing apartment blocks.
Chinese demon. 
Dragon of avarice.
Before we got over the sides of the building, I saw him shaking. He’d never been so close to the edge. He looked so small, like roadkill. 
Tyler slapped him in the back of the head and told him, he’s not allowed to be a wimp. Fucking girl. All that training, going to nothing. And then he pushed him over the ledge. 
The rest of us just watched.
The first rule of Project Mayhem is you do not ask questions.
There’s green paint sticking in all our fingernails. Blondie over there, the guy who was touched by Tyler himself, is picking his down to stumps. 
Last week, when we all gathered under the one light and Tyler started with his usual speech, Blondie came out of the circle of guys all with shaved heads and asked, what’s next?
What’s the plan?
What are we looking towards?
Tyler tagged him for a fight immediately.
The second rule of Project Mayhem is you do not ask questions.
I watched him go down from just three hits, his weak little roadkill face left all smashed up with blood. The guys around him gestured weakly, too scared to call an ambulance, too angry to call the cops. Some guy in the corner said he knew first aid, and covered Blondie’s whole head with bandages. His weak little angel face, all bruised over, with just a few small slits for his eyes and mouth. If you get close, you can hear his breathing, laced with dyspnea. 
The woman in the news report gestures at the burning apartment blocks, and says the council has already started searching for the culprits.
When we go to sleep, in our military surplus bunk beds tucked into the Paper Street basement, Blondie comes over to mine as softly as he can. He asks me, what’s next?
What are we looking towards?
Has Tyler said?
His big roadkill angel eyes look up at me through their bandaged slits.
To calm him down, to make him smile, I tell him what Tyler told me the day I joined.
“Picture yourself planting radishes and seed potatoes on the fifteenth green of a forgotten golf course.
“You’ll hunt elk through the damp canyon forests around the ruins of the Rockefeller Centre, and dig clams next to the skeleton of the Space Needle leaning at a forty-five degree angle.
“We’ll paint the skyscrapers with huge totem faces and goblin tikis, and every evening what’s left of mankind will retreat to empty zoos and lock itself in cages as protection against bears and big cats and wolves that pace and watch us from outside the cage bars at night.”
“And Tyler?” He asks. His voice trembles with the weight of it. “Where’s he?”
I tell him Tyler’s gone. Lost in the fight for better things. He dies assassinating the President or blowing up the grave of the Queen of England and we give him a big Viking funeral. We send his coffin out to sea and leave it to the piranhas.
Blondie sighs into my lap. His face is concentrated on the bunk above as if he’s counting the planks slowly.
“That’s a good dream.” he tells me. So I say I'm gonna make it real. All of it. For him. He stalks off back to his bunk with a faint smile hanging on his bloody lips.
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jaredwalkersam · 1 year ago
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Jared Padalecki | lockscreens
pls reblog or like if you take
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twinvictim · 1 year ago
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@dancehallcrasher tagged me for 9 movies I first watched this year! I actually watched more movies than usual and loved all of these ones specifically I hope I get to watch more <3
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swiftlymoniquesblog · 2 years ago
Autograph With Jared Padalecki 2/4/23
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Hi friends! So I thought I’d share with everyone what my autograph session with Jared was like this year. As some of you know, this year was my second Supernatural convention. My first one didn’t quite go as planned and I didn’t have as good of a story as I do this year. So for context, my first convention was in 2019 after I graduated from college, then I was supposed to go again in July 2020 for my birthday weekend but we all know what happened there…STUPID COVID. The convention was postponed to March 2021 but once again, COVID canceled it so instead of waiting for the next postponed date and I didn't know what 2022 would hold, I asked for my money back. Since then, I was diagnosed with anxiety in May of 2020 and as a token for me to continue my fight, I wanted a Supernatural related tattoo. I decided to go with Always Keep Fighting because it reminds me to never give up anytime I feel low and since Jared was a giant part of Supernatural (obviously), I can say I have a Supernatural tattoo.
Fast forward to this year and I got tickets to go to the Dallas Convention! Of course, I was thrilled but I was also anxious because I wanted to make sure I showed Jared my tattoo. Let me tell y’all a bit about meeting Jared. He is literally THE NICEST person on the face of the Earth. He has a way of making you feel totally comfortable with him, he makes you feel special and important when you talk to him and even though photos and autographs happen in a short time frame, he still manages to show just how much he cares about you. He is just as happy and excited to be meeting you as you are to be meeting him.
On the second day of the convention, my best friend and I woke up WAY too early but we got to the convention and this was the day where the majority of the photos and autographs were going to happen. To say we were excited was an understatement. After we picked out our outfits and put our makeup on, we went to the venue and found our seats. Looking at the schedule, we were figuring out when everything was going to be and where we would have to be for each event. Most everything went by very quickly and that's typical for these conventions. In the past, if you wanted to have more time with Jensen and Jared, you would have to buy either of the two most expensive admission passes for an autograph. Luckily for everyone this year, they offered an a la carte ticket (meaning you can get an autograph for cheaper) and still have the same experience. Although you would be called one of the last groups, it’s still a cheaper way to go. I’d done the second most expensive ticket before and would’ve done it again, but the seating changed and we would’ve sat further from the stage.
Jumping to the autograph sessions, I was called to stand in Jensen’s line first, then Jared’s. Of course, I was nervous but I reminded myself I had done this before and it was super fun. One thing I love about conventions is all the people you meet. Ever feel out of place for something you love? Go to a comic convention or a specialty convention and you’ll be surrounded by others who all love the same thing you do; boom, instant friends. After Jensen, it was time for me to head over to Jared’s line. This was going to be a critical time for me because I have an Always Keep Fighting tattoo and the entire reason I got an autograph was to show Jared. I mean, I kept telling my best friend to remind me to tell him because I was afraid I was going to forget!
When the big moment came and it was my turn to talk to him, it went something like this: (M for me, J for Jared)
M: Hi Jared! J: Hi doll!
I watch him as he takes my 15th-season jacket and starts signing it.
M: So I have an AKF tattoo.
This prompts Jared to stop and look up at me, showing him the colorful tattoo that is on the left side of my chest, exactly where the Winchesters have their anti-possession symbols.
J: Oh wow, that’s so cool! M: Thanks! It hurt like hell. J: I was going to say but I was afraid to ask. M: No it’s okay. It was worth it though because you’re worth it to me. I have anxiety and I will do anything I can to keep you close to me at all times.
He gives me the most caring and concerned look I’ve ever seen him do as he hears me talk about my own struggles with mental health.
J: Well you’re worth it, too. *insert adorable smile with dimples here* M: Thank you.
And with that, I walked away and no more than five minutes went by and I’m in tears. The thing about mental health is that you can’t control it. It’s a struggle, a never-ending battle within yourself; you are your worst enemy. For me, it's something I most likely have had for years, and up until my diagnosis, did any of it make sense. But I got answers and I got help, so sharing that with Jared, even just a little bit, made the struggle seem worth it. Of course, I was embarrassed but I had friends who came by and hugged me, offered me tissues and even a snack. All of which just made it a little easier. When I see my tattoo now, I smile and remember this interaction with Jared. It was so quick but it meant everything to me. I will always have this to look back on and feel joy and pride, knowing I went through the pain and was able to show the man who inspired it, the very thing I got. I am so thankful to have Jared in my life, even just having met him twice, he has become such an important part of me. He has helped remind me that yes, I am important, I am loved, and I am not alone. He is a stranger but he makes you feel like he has known you for years. Not sure how he does it but he cares and it means the world. @sam-winchester-admiration-league @fandom-princess-forevermore @forever-trapped-in-my-dreams @thewinchesterdaily @thinkinghardhardlythinking
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aretheyemo · 1 year ago
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Brothers Jared and Shannon Leto formed American rock band 30 Seconds to Mars in 1998, a mere three years after Jared wrapped up production on the best project he'll ever work on, the teen drama "My So-Called Life". You may also recognize him from Their breakthrough single, "The Kill" helped propel the band to notoriety in 2005. In 2019, it was alleged after the band's annual Camp Mars/Mars Island retreat that they had founded a cult with their fanbase, The Echelon, most likely due to J. Leto's penchant for long robes and flowing hair.
But are they emo?
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winchester-co · 2 months ago
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We were robbed of more soft sweater looks
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