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Un jardí deliciós.
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Parc del Laberint d'Horta, Barcelona, Principat de Catalunya.

Image by Nicolas Gras
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L'Albarda Garden (Jardí de l'Albarda) in Pedreguer, Central Valencian Country.
Photos by Nastassia Tarusava on Instagram.
#pedreguer#país valencià#fotografia#garden#gardens#flora#plants#europe#valencian country#beautiful places#earth#natura#greenery#curators on tumblr#botanic garden#mediterranean#renaissance#aesthetic#jardí de l'albarda#travel
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Josep Benlliure i Gil (Spanish, 1855-1937)
El jardí de l’autor
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I hope you like it 😅😅
“Bebita… hem de parlar” Ona said one afternoon you being hunched over the kitchen island lose papers scattered around you
“no puc de moment… cal acabar-ho” you mumbled trying to find a way through the Swedish back line
“Take a walk with me” the spaniard said and you heard it wasn’t a question – it was a fact
“Ona leave her… you can take Narla” Lucy said laying spread our on the couch the small dog at her feet
“We can take Narla with us, sí… But I think Bebita would benefit from a break… she’s working on that sheet for hours now” Ona said strictly and even your sister didn’t dare to talk back
“She can hear you…” you mumbled “Stupid Eriksson and stupid Björn making me headache”
“Bebita… up… walkies” Ona said overly sweet and Narla lifted her head before jumping off the couch coming running over happily “Sí Narla… you too”
“But I have to…” you started as you felt Ona pull you off the high bar chair
“…. We go walkies now… go get your shoes… and sunscreen” the spaniard basically sneered and you realized you better get going
So you scattered over the floor to your room to get a different shirt and your flip flops – the good one Mapí gifted you
“BEBITA!” you heard Ona yell and you physically flinched never been on the receiving end of Onas yelling so you quickly made your way down the hallway where the spaniard already waited for you
“You put sunscreen on?” the blonde asked lifting an eyebrow
“Don’t need…” you started and before you know it Ona already was covering your face and neck in cream like you were three years old
“Onaaaaa…” you whined trying to get away from her hands
“Atura-ho” the spaniard mumbled as she once again smearing more sunscreen on your face “I won’t let you get sunburned”
“I’m not three” you continue to whine
“Could’ve fooled me” Ona mumbled “Arm”
“come oooon” you stomped your foot a little which made Narla bark happily thinking you’re going to kick her favorite toy for her
“Narla” the spaniard hushed the westie gently and the high pitched barking stopped immediately “You sure behave like a three year old”
20 minutes later you got out of the car after Ona drove through the Barcelona traffic up to the Olympic Stadium from Barcelona. You loved it up here since Lucy took you to the place first time you visited. It was quite simply build but you felt the majestic Olympic spirit once you entered the building. It was as if the whole air change by the importance of the place running through your body as you walked through the little corridor that connected the outside world with the inside.
You were already a few steps away from the car when you heard Ona whistle
“This way Bebita” the spaniard said pointing the other way towards the Jardí Botànic de Barcelona – the botanical garden.
“Ugh… green stuff” you rolled your eyes but trotted after the blonde
“Go on Narls” Ona smiled as she clipped the leash off the collar and let the westie run lose
“How are you Bebita?” the spaniard looked at you while you kept your eyes trained forward
“Muy Bien… por qué?” you said a little confused
“You know there’s a thing that just doesn’t leave me alone…” Ona started and it was right this second you knew this wasn’t going to be a nice chat
“I like you… please don’t ruin it by talking about your sex life with me sister” you whined hoping you could distract her from whatever topic she was about to disclose
“Nice try… no…” the spaniard chuckled but got serious immediately again “… you remember the afternoon we talked about my tattoo? How it was spelled wrong?”
“Must have slipped me mind” you mumbled and Ona knew you knew exactly what she was talking about
“Yeah well… you asked me if I tried to commit too… at first I didn’t realize what you were asking… I didn’t understood it properly so I ask a friend what it means to “commit”… I had a suspicion that night when I laid in bed but I didn’t knew if I was right” Ona said seriously “… so I asked a friend and she confirmed my suspicion”
“Hm… no idea what you’re talking about” you hummed stopping at a big red blossom
“Then let me help you out with your own language… “to commit” can stand for “committing suicide”… as well as other things but since we were talking about that topic that afternoon I think I was right about that suspicion” the spaniard said seriously trying to read you
“Hmm…” you hummed again looking at the blossom intensely
“Talk to me Bebita” the spaniard said softly keeping a small distance between the two of you
“I rather not…” you mumbled enchanted by the flower
“Bebita…” Ona sighed sadly “… don’t you trust me? I swear I won’t tell a soul”
“It’s not that I don’t trust you… you are family at this point” you said as you decided to walk on
“Then talk to me” the spaniard begged
“It would bring you into a situation that would be unfair to you…” you stated seriously “… it would mean you knew something about me me sister has no idea of… and if it EVER comes out she would be so SO hurt… so.. I don’t have a clue what you are talking about”
“You did try and kill yourself didn’t you?” Ona asked walking a step behind you
“I’m still here… so no” you chuckled humorless
“Bebita… please” the spaniard grabbed your wrist stopping you successfully
“I can’t talk about it with you Ona…” you said quietly
“But you CAN…. I won’t tell Lucy” Ona said – no begging you
“I CAN’T… if Lucy ever finds out she’ll freak… if she THEN finds out you KNEW about it… it would destroy her Ona…” you felt the tears in your eyes “… IF she ever finds out she’ll need you… you need to catch her from falling”
“Mi pequeña Bebita” the spaniard whispered pulling you against her and the second your bodies connect you cling to her like she was the life jacket keeping you from drowning sobbing into her shirt “it’s going to be okay… I promise”
Ona held you until your tears substituted and your breathing became slower again
“I won’t push you…” the blonde whispered against your hair “… but are you save now or do I need to keep an extra eye on you?”
“No I’m good now… I wasn’t for a long time… but being here helped… a lot” you said and Ona saw it was genuine
“Good…” the spaniard pressed a soft kiss to your temple “… because I won’t hesitate to throw a knife at you”
“You don’t even hit a yard door from five meters away with a bowling ball…” you chuckled through your tears “… but I’d love to see you try”
“Disculpe??” Ona faked being outraged
“I saw you on the state fair… you had five balls and didn’t hit one tin Ona… FIVE balls!!” you rolled your eyes relieved that the spaniard didn’t squeeze an answer out of you
“This game was… regged” the spaniard grumbled
“Rigged…” you corrected “… and it wasn’t… you took out the guy who worked there… it looked painful when that ball hit his nose”
“It wasn’t my fault he had no reflexes” the spaniard defended herself
“He was leaning to the OUTSIDE of the booth… you basically threw backwards” you laughed and to Ona that sound was made by heaven
“He still could’ve paid attention and blocked it” Ona huffed before whistling again “Come on Narla… I think someone would like cuttlefish for dinner”
“Don’t you dare poison the dog… she did nothing to you” you exclaimed
“I wasn’t talking about her…” Ona laughed when she turned around letting you rooted to the ground letting you process the information
“No Ona please….” You sprinted after her
“You said you love me” you whined as you jumped on her back making the spaniard burst out laughing as she carried you while Narla jumped up and around you two barking happily
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Joaquim Sunyer - Jardí francès amb el grup escultòric de Ganimedes i l'àliga
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"El Jardí de le Delícies"
(7". Centre d’Art Santa Monica. 1990) [DE/ES]
#synthetische mischgewebe#1990#germany#joan fontcuberta#spain#art#performance#noise#industrial#electronic#7“s#records
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Jardí de Monfort , Valencia - Santiago Rusiňol i Prats , 1912.
Catalan , 1861 - 1931
Oil on canvas , 108 x 93 cm.
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This is a delightfully ironic song about those people who come into your life as friends and then end up throwing you under the bus after you do everything you can for them. I've put the live version because it's a lot of fun (although the studio version is also great).
Mira, ja feia temps Look, it had been a while que la teva nàpia augusta Since your venerable nose no em parava pel carrer Hadn't stopped me on the street i jo, amic, tocava fusta. And I, my friend, I knocked on wood Vas venir discret primer, You came discreetly at first confonent-te a l'hora punta, Mixing yourself up at rush hour amb tota la marabunta With all the swarms of people que adormida surt del tren. Sleepily getting off the train
I quins temps, amic, quins temps. And what times, my friend, what times we had A la caseta de fusta. In the little wooden shed Sempre sonava un CD There was always a CD playing quan voltaves per la cuina. When you were in the kitchen
Jo devia fer cara de demanar ajuda. My expression must have been asking for help Gràcies per venir Thanks for coming a temptar-me un altre cop, For tempting me once again a posar-ho tot a lloc, Judes. For putting everything its place, Judas
Fixa’t amb quina il·lusió Look at how excitedly et vaig donar la benvinguda. I welcomed you Vas ser el sol del meu balcó You were the sunshine on my balcony i pel meu jardí la pluja. And the rain for my garden Ja em coneixes, saps com sóc You know me, you know how I am i no vull posar-te excuses, And I don’t want to make excuses però el temps passa per tothom. But time passes for everyone Massa lent, cagunlaputa. Too slowly, goddammit
I aquelles nits sense son And through those sleepless nights em va anar invaïnt un dubte I was invaded by a doubt que avançava entre els racons Which advanced from between corners i els pilots de roba bruta. And the piles of dirty laundry
Has vingut a quedar-te, o tens alguna excusa? Have you come to stay, or do you have some excuse? Vinga Quim, controla el pols. Come on, Quim, control your pulse Vols la guerra? O què cony vols? Do you want war? Or what the hell do you want? Que bé et tires els farols, Judes. How good you are at putting up appearances, Judas
I m'han dit que vas dient And they’ve told me that you’ve been saying pels cafès i les tertúlies At the cafes and the local groups que em comporto com un nen, That I behave like a child que no aguanto quan em jutgen. That I can’t handle people judging me
Ens anàvem a menjar el món. We were going to take on the world D'això, amic, no en tinc cap dubte. About that, my friend, I have no doubts De tant em pregunto on són Sometimes I ask myself where they are les nostres grans aventures. All our grand adventures
I és mentida si us dic que me la suda. And it’s a lie if I tell you that I don’t care Gràcies per venir Thanks for coming a temptar-me un últim cop, To tempt me one last time a posar-me en el meu lloc, Judes. To put me in my place, Judas
#do not have any situation this refers to i just think this song is hilarious and also a banger#but if you *have* had a judas. well then enjoy#la ludwig band is so fun they have such a great sense of humor#the way this album was called 'gràcies per venir' and you get to this song and you're like oh that's who we're thanking lol#also god the 'el temps passa per tothom / massa lent cagunlaputa' gets me every time#i don't think this translation does the lyrics justice but we tried#catalan:general#catalan:music#catalan:translation#general:music#general:translation#Youtube
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here are some barcelona recs from someone who lives there, other than things barça related:
- the beach, especially in the mornings or during sunset
- for a pretty view of the whole city: tibidabo/temple expiatori del sagrat cor, túro de la rovira, mirador del nen de la rutlla, mirador de l'alcalde, MNAC
- shopping: passeig de gràcia, portal de l'angel/ciutat vella - try to avoid la rambla if you can
- if you like gardens: teatre grec/jardins de laribal, jardí botànic de barcelona, parc del laberint d'horta, parc de la ciutadella (+ hivernacle del parc de la ciutadella, a greenhouse in the park)
- for architecture/pretty things: parc güell, casa batlló, la perdrera, casa vincens gaudí, sagrada família (most people take their pictures in plaça de gaudí), recinte modernista de sant pau, arc de triomf, catedral de barcelona, el pont del bisbe, el mural del petó, palau de la música catalana, plaça reial
- food is very personal so just some general things: if you want to go to mercat de la boqueria, mercat de santa caterina is a better option with less tourists, try not to go to restaurants in the very busy and touristy streets, trust me the quality is bad, if you want to eat paella, eat it for lunch (it's not supposed to be a dinner food) at a specialized rice restaurant, and be prepared to eat dinner after 8/9PM haha
i didn't expect this to get this long, but here you go 😂
Don't mind me, gonna go ahead and jolt all of this down 😅
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Kadrioru loss

El Palau Kadrioru (Kadrioru loss, en estonià), situat a la capital d'Estònia, Tallinn, va ser construït per ordre del tsar Pere el Gran de Rússia el 1718 com a residència d’estiu per a la seva esposa, Catalina I, després de la conquesta d’Estònia durant la Gran Guerra del Nord.
L’arquitecte italià Niccolò Michetti, conegut per altres projectes de construcció de palaus a Europa, va ser el responsable del disseny de Kadrioru loss. El palau segueix un estil barroc italià, amb un gran jardí davant, inspirat en els dissenys de les residències aristocràtiques d’Europa occidental, que buscaven impressionar amb la seva grandesa i elegància.
Durant el segle XVIII, el palau va ser utilitzat esporàdicament pels governants russos i va perdre part de la seva importància com a residència reial. Tot i això, va continuar sent un símbol del poder rus a la regió del Bàltic, especialment perquè Estònia va estar sota domini rus durant segles.
Amb el pas dels anys, el Palau Kadrioru va passar a mans de diverses figures de la noblesa russa i administradors regionals. L’ús principal del palau es va centrar més en cerimònies i ocasions especials que no pas en la vida quotidiana dels delegats dels tsars russos.
A principis del segle XX, amb la caiguda de l’Imperi Rus i la proclamació de la independència d’Estònia el 1918, el palau va quedar sota control de les autoritats estonianes. Kadrioru loss va ser convertit en un museu d’art i es va obrir al públic, reflectint la identitat cultural del país.
Durant l’ocupació soviètica, després de la Segona Guerra Mundial, el Palau Kadrioru va ser nacionalitzat per les noves autoritats. Tot i els danys causats pel conflicte, es va utilitzar com a seu d’institucions culturals, i els seus jardins van ser renovats per convertir-se en un parc públic.
Després de la independència d’Estònia el 1991, el palau va ser restaurat per recuperar el seu esplendor barroc original. Actualment, Kadrioru loss acull el Museu d’Art Estranger de Kadrioru, que inclou col·leccions d’art europeu i rus, i és una de les atraccions culturals més importants de Tallinn.
El Palau Kadrioru també és conegut pel seu extens jardí, que segueix sent un dels espais verds més visitats de la ciutat. La seva història reflecteix les diverses èpoques que ha viscut Estònia, des del primer domini rus fins a la independència moderna, tot mantenint-se com un símbol de la connexió del país amb la seva herència europea.
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35mm Era un bon lloc, llevat dels mosquits, per passar els matins d’estiu de Xàtiva.

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View of the beach from the Marimurtra botanical garden (Jardí Botànic Marimurtra) in Blanes, Comarques Gironines, Catalonia.
Photo by flymhesias on Instagram.
#blanes#catalunya#fotografia#sea#mediterranean#catalonia#costa brava#europe#summer#coast#coastal#travel#wanderlust#southern europe#travel photography#traveler#earth#beautiful places
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Santiago Rusiñol i Prats (Spanish, 1861-1931)
Jardí d’Aranjuez
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