#japanese english dictionary
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leaveharmony · 7 months ago
@ariaste hopefully this tag will work, pls advise. I ordered A Taste of Gold and Iron and Tadek and the Princess, after I enjoyed Running Close to the Wind so much. Started AToG&I first, and it was all going swimmingly until I got to chapter 13…
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Can you see that? The previous numbered page at the end of chapter 12 is page 407, and then we skip straight to page 441 apparently mid-sentence. There’s just one page of chapter 13, then it lands in the middle of 14, which goes til page 446 and proceeds as normal into chapter 15.
Obviously this is a printer whoopsie-daisy but is it a known one? Ought I bring it back to the shop and ask them to order a second for exchange / maybe tell the publisher about the error in case there are more misprinted copies?
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ctrl-lupin · 1 year ago
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wtf is Zeni's badge
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obsessive-dumpling · 1 year ago
Sometimes I find myself sitting somewhere, just staring off into the distance, wondering:
What is Caleb Cook doing right now?
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lonelynpc · 2 months ago
i heard somewhere that if you go to japan and dnt know a lot of japanese you should say english words in a japsnese accent
is this true or is it like........ yk super super racist?
this is a very good question and i actually was talking to a friend about this recently!
so, it will feel ridiculous and really bad but it can be very helpful! sometimes you will hear it called like "katakana accent" which is just when you say foreign words in japanese sounds, if that makes sense! it is easier for us to understand, remember that most japanese people do not speak english so hearing familiar sounds and vague familiar words can really help us!
people would approach sometimes to ask for directions, some would do it in "katakana accent" and it honestly helped a lot, if you say the place you are going to in japanese then it will help even more! example: if you are going to a place to eat or specific train station, try to pronounce the japanese name if you can and then context hopefully will do the rest!
remember, we will more than likely reply in the same accent with the minimal english we know so you may not understand the answer. we might get you to repeat what you said as well, usually by saying, "one more, please?" or similar.
side note but i also used to love when tourists would say, "wow! you have such good english!" and i'd be there giggling and blushing like thank you so much, i don't, it took me 15 minutes to give you understandable directions to my local train station but thank you so much for pretending. i used to ride that high all day, "oh, someone told me my english is good!" and my parents act like i was a diplomat or something
anyway big thank you to all of the english-speaking tourists who told me that my outrageously bad english was good! i will never forget you! 🥰
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lord-shitbox · 3 months ago
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oh shit i got a bisexual certificate in the mail
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xbuster · 2 years ago
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shiawasekai · 1 year ago
Having warm memories of playing Okami in Japanese and realizing that:
1) The Brush Gods talk in the single most archaic Japanese I've ever found (and I've played/read enough historical or pseudo historical stories to be mostly unfazed by your average archaisms)
2) Maybe because of said archaisms, but the English translations bears almost no resemblance in meaning.
I legit shuddered every time I unlocked a new brush god. It meant it was time to Google ancient grammar and cry.
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deadsince1973 · 2 years ago
I've just finished episode 5 of Vivant, and I have to say, I really love and appreciate the mix of languages on this show. You just KNOW that if this show were American, all the "Balkan"/Mongolian characters would be speaking English with a foreign accent for the convenience of the audience. So I absolutely love this show's choice to have huge chunks of the show's dialogue delivered in Mongolian, including lines by the Japanese main characters, and to simply subtitle it in Japanese. No handwaving about how the main characters' foreign contacts just happen to speak Japanese with no expectation that the main characters might also speak Mongolian. No, instead, all the main characters speak Mongolian and English (and Arabic maybe, in Nogi's case?) in addition to Japanese, none of the Americans speak Japanese, only the Balkan/Mongolian characters for whom it makes sense that they would speak Japanese speak Japanese, and the language of the scene is chosen based on what language would most likely be used in that situation in real life. Convenience for the audience is simply not a consideration. And I love it!
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zondel · 20 days ago
Man I really need to get a Duden and spend a day browsing through the words. Altho it would give me latin vocab exam flashbacks ough ough noaur ough
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aria0fgold · 4 months ago
Why am I studying Japanese at 3 in the morning???
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g00melo5-art-blog · 9 months ago
Fallout 誤訳
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buggo-buggo · 9 months ago
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The dictionary is great
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cerealandchoccymilk · 1 year ago
the good vocaloid songs are the ones that have you opening the dictionary for every other line
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sunaiver2525 · 1 year ago
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I found an English-Japanese dictionary for junior high school students that I don't remember when or where I bought it, so I studied it.
I thought the preface was accurate, but I don't think I would have understood it even if I had read it when I was in junior high school.
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firestorm09890 · 1 year ago
someday im gonna make a comprehensive post on darkness sensing in chain of memories
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dicipher · 5 months ago
after replaying a thousand times to confirm every word, cross referencing and asking my japanese friend specifications (because some words in japanese that are in the dictionary just. dont exist in english in some cases) THIS is i think the closest i could get to a near perfect dictionary, if you wanna try it and you find anything odd feel free to tell me since i'm using it along with the jpn dictionary as a base for the mod i'm making. i tried to explain any that were confusing but tbh playing this game on english is truly hard mode lol! And yes! Some words are redundant, it's a japanese translation issue, i tried to give them nuance?? Both honestly some words are so simmilar it may as well be the same in english..
'resident' is their specie, it's the fan given name so i used it
'Somebody' refers to a living being, a presence, it can be of any specie, it's broad
'Weak' is moreso untalented (to be bad at something)
'Frail(weak)' is more like vulnerable, physically weak/brittle, subject to damage
'Affliction' is because it can be disease or a curse, something that eats away at the health/body/mind, that needs to be 'cured'
'Incapacitate' is something like 'weaken', to make someone unable to hurt or move for example, or to lower their autonomy
'Like' can also be 'love', japanese doesn't really differenciate
'Different' is also 'wrong', they're the same word, it's confusing ik but essentially think of it as 'it's a different answer', sort of a more gentle version of 'you're wrong' . Again this is a jpn/english issue thing..
'I understand' and 'i will do it' are also rlly a japanese thing. Both sort of mean in a way 'i understand and am acknowledging what you said' ... but this is the closest me and my jpn friend could settle on.
'Hit' and 'knock' are the same. In japanese you say 'hit a door' more than 'knock a door'. That's why they're used interchangeably
'Distressed' is sort of like 'in trouble' , in need of help
'Feel' may also be 'think', i'm not quite sure on this one
'Room' and 'home' are also weirdly interchangeable
All the verbs are placed in neutral forms (ex: to search, to find, to go, to lead, to want, etc)
THERE IS A CANON DICTIONARY. It's in the game code and it's in jpn. This is just my personal approximation.
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