atikurrashid · 10 months
Unara Jannadi #motivation #banglahadis #bangla
#পবিত্র #কালামুল্লাহ্ #শরীফ ও পবিত্র হাদিস শরীফ উভয়ই মহান আল্লাহ্‌ পাক উনার পক্ষ থেকে। একটি ওহিয়ে মাতলু অন্যটি ওহিয়ে গাইরে মাতলূ। অর্থ্যাৎ একটি মহান আল্লাহ্ পাক উনার পক্ষ হতে অন্যটি মহান আল্লাহ্ পাক উনার হাবীব হুযূর পাক ছল্লাল্লাহু আলাইহি ওয়া সাল্লাম উনার মাধ্যমে বলিয়েছেন এবং করিয়েছেন। এ অবস্থায় কেও বলে থাকে কুরআন শরীফ উনার মধ্যে এ কথা বলা হয়েছে। তাহলে আমি হাদিস শরীফে কেন যাবো। মানে তাদের ভাষায় কুরআন সুন্নাহ উনার মধ্যে মতপার্থক্য বিদ্যমান। নাউজুবিল্লাহা। সুন্নাহ্ এবং কুরআন শরীফ উনার নির্দেশে কোন মত পার্থক্য নেই। কম জ্ঞান, কম বুঝের কারণে অল্প বিদ্যা মহা পন্ডিত বা কুয়ার ব্যাঙ কুয়া ছাড়া আর কিছু দেখে না তাই তারা এই কথা ভাবে বা মনে করে। এথানেই শেষ নয়।
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lathrine · 7 years
Fake dating
It had been years since they had gone on a real date-- or at the very least, one that didn’t end with Fendae feeling paraded around like a trophy or prized possession. At times, it seemed like they weren’t even a couple anymore. Jannadis must’ve picked up on his discontent because on the day of their anniversary she surprised him with a kiss and a gift in bed.
“What is it?” Fendae asked, carefully picking up one of the folded masses of smooth black muslin, streaked with what had to be real silver. 
Jannadis practically purred, snaking an arm around his waist. “It’s to replace your old leathers, and its more presentable for you to wear when we’re at court or entertaining.”
The cloth in his hand slipped and suddenly took the form of a shirt-- with stitching he recognized as Jannadis’ own hand. “I like my leathers. I can’t work in these--”
“Love, you don’t need to.” She made it sound so casual, but his blood ran cold.
His body was so much bigger than hers, than his should even naturally be. Fendae had always been short for a blood elf, edging on more human proportions than elven-- but what he had lacked in height he made up for in mass. The wings that draped from his back were so huge Jannadis couldn’t even figure out what to do with them, and with the dainty little hooves where feet should be-- she couldn’t even get her feet under her. The most she could accomplish was to sit sulkily with her shoulders drawn up, leaning forward on her hands while those god-awful wings splayed out awkwardly in the dirt It was humiliating, and Jannadis felt her slender, fur-tipped tail lash in response to that humiliation.
Behind her, she almost-- almost-- heard her own voice laugh. 
Something was trying to press out of the scars on Fendae’s back; his muscles were attempting to turn inside out in protest of-- of whatever this was. He twisted in on himself and writhed, sending blankets and cushions sliding off the bed, sd if he could escape the sensation of a building pressure in his gut, his back, his mind, by physically escaping his own body.
Vaguely, at the edge of his periphery and the edge of his sanity, Jannadis knelt at his side and he saw seven dripping tentacles flow seemingly from her own back-- before his mind rejected the notion and he violently turned away, hands curling around his head.
A piercing cold hand touched his back and Fendae shuddered as the shadows rolling off her in waves edged on the inescapable pressure. “It’s okay, love,” she said, softer and kinder than he’d ever heard her before, the words seeming to echo in his mind. “It hurts now. But it won’t soon. Once you let It in, you won’t hurt ever again.”
Secret kinks
“That’s hardly polite to ask of a lady.”
Their first kiss
Breaking the kiss felt like surfacing for air, and almost immediately Jannadis wanted to dive down again. Even as she pulled back to breathe, she couldn’t help smiling as Fendae-- the cute, chubby, House-less elf before her-- automatically tipped towards her before blinking dazedly and stopping.
Meeting the parents
Fendae never spoke of his mother of father, and Jannadis wouldn’t even admit she’d had a childhood. As far as the other was concerned, they had both sprung into existence as fully formed adult elves-- and, sometimes, Fendae wondered if that wasn’t actually true of Jannadis.
Moving in together
He set his bags down gently, just inside the front door. “Are you sure about this?”
“Of course.” Jannadis replied without looking at him. “Silvermoon is far more secure than Orgrimmar. You’ll be safer here in the coming turmoil.”
It didn’t feel safer, with every guard watching their own citizens like vultures and every arcane construct crowing the good name of Lord Kael’thas Sunstrider at each archway, street corner, and public area. As they arrived, Fendae had seen a common citizen pulled aside and held at arrest just inside the gate-- the guards told them to step aside, while the man begged for help.
“Besides,” she continued, either oblivious to his discomfort or blatantly ignoring it, “there are far more opportunities for leatherworking apprenticeship here-- the least of them will be twice the quality of what you could get from orcs.”
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warganenews · 6 years
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#Deg_Deg: Jannadi #Hargeysa Ayuu Diiday Ee Ma Cadaabta #Muqdisho Ay Hayan Siyaasi #Cali_Guray Oo Kabaha La Dul-Maray Guddoomiyaha Cusub Deg Deg: Jannadi Hargeysa Ayuu Diiday Ee Ma Cadaabta Muqdisho Ay Hayan Siyaasi Cali Guray Oo Kabaha La Dul-Maray Guddoomiyaha Cusub…
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artyuletide · 8 years
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To: @jannadis From: @blanketholes Fandom: Bastion Notes:Smile anyway.  (The first handshake in a long time.)
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atikurrashid · 10 months
Jannadi #bangla #banglahadis
প্রত্যেক ব্যাক্তিকে কবরে শায়িত করার পর তাকে সর্বপ্রথম জিজ্ঞাসা করা হবে أولاً عن ربه، (তোমার প্রতিপালক কে?) ثانياً عن دينه، (তোমার ধর্ম কী ছিল) ثالثاً عن نبيه. হুযূর পাক ছল্লাল্লাহু আলাইহি ওয়া সাল্লাম উনাকে দেখিয়ে বলা হবে ‘মান হাযার রাজুল? (উনি কে?) এতিনটির উত্তর যে পাড়বে, সবগুলোই বলতে পাড়বে, আর যে পাড়বেনা সে একটিও বলতে পারবেনা। আর যে বলতে পাড়বে না তার স্থান হবে জাহান্নাম।
তাহলে বলুন জিনি সয়ং #জান্নাত উনার #সার্টিফিকেট। উনাকে না চিনলে কেউ জান্নাতে যেতে পাড়বে না তিনি কি জানতেন না তিনি জান্নাতি? খামস থাকবেন না উত্তর বলেজান কমেন্টের মাধ্যমে।
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lathrine · 7 years
3, 5, 11, 12, 13, 16, 17, 18, 30
OC most likely to:
fall asleep literally anywhere
natia!! sometimes its almost a problem lmao because she’ll fall asleep anywhere she wants regardless of the safety of it “because its comfortable.” alistair has a heartattack at least once, while zev thinks its fucking hilarious and if it was the modern day he’d take selfies w/ natia whenever she was sleeping somewhere strange b/c she felt just slightly tired and wanted a nap
get a really crappy tattoo and immediately regret it
Mythandragos absoLUTELY. especially in the early days of Pyrolorn, when he gets tattoos to cope w/ shit. usually he could just get Lumi to do them so it’d be easy to get talked out of a bad one, but whenever it’d be too revealing during the process and Myth had to go to someone else?? he definitely has a couple shitty tattoos he really regrets.
steal free samples
definitely absolutely Portia lemme tell you WHAT. if people didn’t want their food taken, why are they leaving it out for anyone and-- this is the best part-- INVITING, even ASKING people to take it?? lmao check and mate u fucks its his food now
take selfies at inappropriate times
Sprik 300%, and i have nothing else
get into an argument with an animal
Lathrine in every single universe she has ever existed in.   
use any and all excuses to take off articles of clothing
Trig, surprisingly, but not her own because she doesnt take clothes off. thats not smthn she does. she will, however, use any excuse she can to take Ha’iel’s clothing off so? theres that!
prank call people
ALSO Sprik, but also Ozula? if phones existed during the golden age of piracy lmao so i guess she’d like, leave bags of burning poop in people’s doorways. very becoming of kobold nobility and demigodess. (sprik goes out of her way to prank call people over projections or mind-speak, so they can’t ignore her.)
have had an embarrassing middle-school emo phase
hoooooonestly, probably Fendae.his childhood is still sort of developing rn so i dont have a clear idea i want to put down yet, BUT if anyone was gonna have the middle-school emo phase it’d be him (and maybe Jannadis)
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lathrine · 6 years
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and now, we wait.
nothing else we can do.
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jannadis · 7 years
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at the crossroads and the barrow we have come to court the shadow. [X]
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jannadis · 7 years
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i stuck a worm in my ear, groped a nightmare tumor, and snorted evil wizard ashes, and all i got was this eldritch demon horse.
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jannadis · 7 years
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lathrine · 7 years
so jess (who is the light of my life and a blessing upon my world) bought me a usb keyboard Sunday night and I just want you all to know I'm up to 10k words of my world of Warcraft fanfiction abt the expansion I wanted and didn't get :')
rn it's actually less about n'zoth and the shadows and more about establishing jannadis' character and laying the seeds for some Big Shit down the line and it's not very refined but!!!! I'm having a lot of fun writing it!!!! its very satisfying to get scenes and ideas I've had floating around my brain for years down on paper.
if anyone is interested in reading it, even periodically, let me know and I'll go ahead and post the chapters as I finish them!
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lathrine · 6 years
things i wanna record in the morning:
this is me
would Love to do the other side but the beats on that are So Precise if u want it to sound even remotely good 
maybe more greatest showman just in general?? listen it wasnt a Good Movie but god if im not a sucker for feel-good songs and From Now On makes me cry
annual rerecord of ive got what it takes
king of anything
some moana for Sure, definitely at least How Far Ill Go
but also my favorite song in the entire movie aka More / More (Reprise) and iTS NOT EVEN IN THE MOVIE
really just every feel good motivating song i can get my hands on tbh
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lathrine · 7 years
okay so I'm at work right now, but!! when I get home!!! who wants to see some N'zoth Expansion Storyboards I've been working on?
i have maybe a minute and a half left to board, but im really excited and really pleased with it!! pls ask questions and be enablers abt this xpack im so in love with it I will explain world of Warcraft lore from the ground up if u need me to
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lathrine · 8 years
For the meme! Lathrine, Jannadis, and your lady nelf demon hunter
1: sexuality headcanonpansexual + polyromantic!2: otplathrine/feormor primarily, since they are a mated pair, followed immediately with lathrine/lazaratria. also lathrine/that one alliance boyd guard in draenor-- the cute dranai one (lowkey lathrine/braig BUT she super doesnt push it and is generally just There For Him. also MASSIVELY one-sided lathrine/tyrande and lathrine/alexstraza lmao)3: brotplathrine/braig!! big time!!4: notplathrine/jannadis lmao but i mean thats to be expected. 5: first headcanon that pops into my headshe mourns literally every single friendly npc death in the world. lathrine’s the BIGGEST bleeding heart hands down full stop. for the first decade of adventuring she spent a lot of time crying; now she’s got no more tears to shed and just dies a little more inside every time6: favorite line from this character7: one way in which I relate to this characterlmao in every way tbh. like as a character ive been playing since i was eleven/twelve, she’s served in a really big way of being this sort of channel for me?? like a safe place to test bits abt myself, and her character has DEFINITELY changed over time to reflect the changes in myself. lathrine the character is never too far removed from lathrine the person, honestly (i dont have a drinking problem yet tho so LETS KEEP THAT ONE THAT WAY)8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this characternothing, tbh!!9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave?lathrine is kind of a sinnamon roll and i love her just that way
1: sexuality headcanonher sexuality is “im too busy for this shit”2: otpno one lmao tho once upon a time, fendae was supposed to be an equally morally ambiguous companion for her3: brotplowkey jannadis/tyrnael, highkey jannadis/n’zoth4: notpjannadis/anyone tbh, so long as she’s in her current state. “possessed by an unholy god from the bottom of the sea” doesn’t?? lead to healthy relationships??5: first headcanon that pops into my headif she miraculously survives whatever it is n’zoth has planned, jannadis is released from n’zoth’s hold and regains control of herself. while briefly amnesiac due to trauma, she ultimately remembers all the shit “she” did and is so!!! horrified and disgusted!! b/c she still is in her heart of hearts a priestess of the moon and she just kind of disappears off the map. no one sees her again for a real fuckin’ long time b/c she Needs Time to a) re teach herself how to be a normal decent person b) doesnt trust herself around people (she probably catches herself reacting on the muscle memory n’zoth built) and c) jannadis feels really strongly she needs to atone for the wrongs she did and the fucked up way she acted, even if it was just n’zoth acting through her. b/c mind control only sort of works. it cant make you do anything unwillingly. and even if it COULD, the fact that it was n’zoth and not her doesn’t change how people who were hurt by her (ESPECIALLY fendae) will perceive her. it doesnt make those memories go away. 6: favorite line from this character“praise be he of the seven eyes.”7: one way in which I relate to this characteri like to think ive never been as bad as jannadis?? but in her initial conception she was definitely an outlet for my frustrations and less kind thoughts, and tbh lowkey i totally relate to her bitterness at the world for sort of, just letting her get trapped in that situation? like. if the night elves weren’t so AGGRESSIVELY anti-arcane and exiled all casters on threat of death, she never would’ve been put in the position to get so fucked up and possessed by n’zoth. literally everything couldve been avoided!! and tbh i felt that super a lot when i was younger and when i created her 8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this characteroh god evERYTHING. ALL OF HER ACTIONS EVER.9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave?problematic fave aaaaaall the way!!
1: sexuality headcanonSUPER ace with a sprinkling of demiaro2: otpnone!3: brotplowkey lathrine/adilinn4: notp5: first headcanon that pops into my headshortly after the destruction of hyjal (she was too young/inexperienced to take part in the war) she was kidnapped by a cult of demon worshippers who summoned and bound a dreadlord/Nathrezim to her body. it was an experiment in like, going one step further than the warlocks but not as far as demon hunters (as far as they knew hehe) and things just did not work out.
(less headcanon and more background, but: she was found by the sentinals but there wasn’t a hell of a lot they could do. she spent some time recovering before becoming a hunter-- in part so she could just get away from civilization and get the dreadlord to shut the fuck up abt destroying everyone. ultimately she just kinda. disappeared from Ashenvale and no one was quite sure what happened to her.)6: favorite line from this character7: one way in which I relate to this characterlmao i mean in her initial iteration (nelf hunter) she was my 14yo sulky emo CRAWWWLIIIING IN MY SKIIIN representation so8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this characterevery now and then i think abt art i drew of her or initial drabbles and i just DIE9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave?neither?? more like a slightly moldy danish.
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jannadis · 8 years
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all these fuckin naked sketches man
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jannadis · 8 years
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cause nothing's worth losing especially the chance to make it right
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