#jane the killer mentioned
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xiiideadroses · 1 year ago
HAUNTED | Eyeless Jack x Ghost!OC
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Her threat crawled back into his head as he returned from his outing, remembering her vain words. Entertain her?
[Chapter Two]
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Eyeless Jack was unsure where he stood with Carrie or what she really thought of him, but he hated to think that she expected him to dance with bells in order to accomplish her task. He wouldn't clown himself like that, but he didn't know what she wanted. She didn't give him any tells, so he figured he would try and interact with her again. He figured that the worst that could come of that is she mocks him for trying, but she'd find his attempt entertaining at the very least.
He held his breath as he entered his room, opening the door and peering within cautiously, searching for her. He slowly shut it behind him, turning to take off his mask and hang it over the doorknob, when he felt a pair of eyes watching him.
He whipped around, and there she was, sitting at the foot of his bed with her legs crossed and her hands folded over her knees. She was wearing something different than he'd last seen her in, but it was still a ghoulish, vintage garb. She wore a big, white bow in her hair that looked like ears tying her long locks half-up, and complimenting it were the satin ribbons tying her corset in the front, accented with pearls on the boning. The sleeves of her dress hung off her shoulders, hugging her elbow and draping around her wrists, and her floor-length gown poofed up slightly from how she was sat, likely the work of an underskirt.
"Welcome back," she greeted, smiling sweetly and tipping her head to the side. "Have you thought about my request?"
"You mean entertain you?" He asked, and she giggled before nodding her head.
"Yes, exactly! Very good, EJ," Carrie sang, clapping her hands together twice. "Well, go on, then. Give it your best shot!"
The demon straightened his posture, hands balling into fists at his sides. Oh, she really did expect him to dance. He had some self-respect, at least, so he wasn't planning on doing that. Instead, he took a deep breath, trying to refrain from sounding annoyed as he asked, "What- what exactly do you expect me to do?"
"A king does not tell his jesters how to jest," she answered, a sly smirk forming on her lips. She snickered when Jack huffed in frustration, gritting his teeth and groaning.
He bit his tongue so he wouldn't argue with her, which seemed to make her laugh harder, and he kicked his shoes off. He ignored her, following his post-mission routine and placing his scalpel on the edge of his nightstand before he changed his hoodie, stepping into his closet briefly due to her presence.
She was already looking at him as he returned to her view, waiting as expectantly as he'd left her with her piercing grey eyes drilling into him. He felt uneasy under her stare, but she liked playing games with him, didn't she? The realization gave him an idea.
"Let's play twenty questions," he suggested, watching her reaction. She hummed curiously, implying him to go on like she didn't know what that meant, and he added, "It's just a game with two players. All you do is ask each other questions."
She frowned, muttering, "Is there a winner?"
"We win knowledge about each other?" He quickly replied, though he didn't seem confident that it would convince her. Much to his disbelief, she hummed, intrigued by his offer, and she nodded her head.
"Okay. I'll start the game, then," Carrie decided, and she swiftly rose to her feet. Her puffy gown swished around her legs as she stepped towards him, grabbing his sleeve and pulling him to his bed, patting the space next to her. "Why wear that mask? I already know what you look like, EJ. It's pointless in hiding your identity."
Although he was reluctant to let her guide him, he followed her, but he was quick to withdraw his wrist and pull away when he sat down next to her. Of course she'd ask that.
"Yeah, it's pointless in hiding my identity, but I like to wear it. I'm not used to others seeing me when it's off," he answered. She hummed like she accepted it, regardless of her disappointed sigh.
"So you won't take it off while I'm around, then?" She asked, and he shook his head, denying her request. "A pity. I thought you were cute."
He cluelessly blinked at her, his brows furrowing. He wasn't cute. He was intimidating, and scary, and a monster. She was weird, but when she continued, he understood what she meant.
"You know, it's real funny watching you get frustrated when you can't figure something out, or when you're doing something tedious. Like the other day, when you were--"
He interrupted her, shaking his head and leaning back: "Alright, alright, it's my turn, now. How long have you been haunting me, Carrie?"
She winced, like it was weird that he was addressing her, and he made a note of that. She likely wasn't used to hearing her name spoken.
"Oh, um... I don't know, actually," she thoughtfully murmured, idly tapping her forefinger against her knuckles as she tried to recall the answer. "Since last Halloween, at the longest."
He looked incredulous at the answer, muttering an audible, disbelieving "what" under his breath. He couldn't believe it had taken him so long to do something about this, but when he thought back on it, that was around the time things started moving and going missing, so he supposed it made sense.
"Yeah, you aren't very intuitive. Observant, but not intuitive," she chided. "That'll come with time, though. The more used to me you get, the more you'll see of me. It's very draining presenting physically for you."
"And I rue the day that comes," Jack scoffed, and she laughed again.
"Oh, you're funny! I know why I keep you around, now." Carrie swiped a tear from her eye, simultaneously brushing her overgrown curtain bangs out of her face.
"That's... that's great, Carrie," he flatly stated, pursing his lips in a tight-lipped smile beneath his mask. "It's your turn, by the way."
"Yes, yes. Ah -- so, who really are your friends, hm? I try to follow you around, but you don't really treat anyone differently. I can't tell who you like or hate, y'know?" She commented, shifting how she sat and crossing her legs the other way.
"Oh. Um, I have plenty of associates. I'm not sure if I could call them friends, but they're the only social life I can really have, given my situation," Jack told her, shrugging his shoulders nonchalantly. It was partially the truth, but most of it was that he really couldn't stand the majority of the other proxies in alliance with Slenderman.
He liked Jane, but she worked for Zalgo, so he couldn't see her in his right mind. He missed drinking with her, though. It was a shame their friendship ended.
Carrie didn't seem to believe him, but she didn't want to press him on the subject. Instead, she sighed, and nodded her head. "Ah, so I won't be able to expect any gossip from you, then. A shame -- I do know an ear who'd love to listen..." She trailed off, bringing one of her hands to her hair so she could twirl one of the long curls around her finger.
"That sucks for you, I guess," Jack said, but she quickly tutted, shaking her head and wagging her finger.
"Not me," she corrected.
"Oh, really? So, you have friends, then? Like who?" He boredly asked, crossing his arms and leaning back.
"Oh, no-one... just Kage. And lovely Janey, too," Carrie honestly replied, smiling as she mentioned the two of them. She didn't wait for his reaction before she giggled, fully twisting towards him and pointing at him accusingly. "Oh, she'd love to have a chat with you! You could've told her it'd be the last time before ditching her like that, y'know. Low blow, EJ."
Jack nodded his head slowly, forcing himself to accept what he was hearing as soon as he heard it. Well, isn't that lovely? He just got over cutting Jane off, and now her friend was in his life.
"I'll make a note of that, then. Anyways, it's my turn, so--"
He couldn't finish the question before she rapidly shushed him and shook her head, pressing her finger to her lips. He cursed and raised his hands in defeat, halting and waiting for her.
"No, you just took your turn, silly. You asked the same question I did," she argued, crossing her arms defiantly and indignantly looking up at him. "So it's my turn."
"What? Those aren't-"
"The rules you gave me?" She cut in, innocently blinking as he groaned, annoyed.
"Do you have to be so frustrating?" He sharply hissed, and she jumped back, raising into the air and twirling.
"Yes! It's part of my fun, you know," she laughed, twisting and dancing towards his mirror as she spoke. "I like to warm-up for my nightly duties with a little instigating, after all! It's a shame you returned so late, I would've loved to chat with you more, EJ."
"You're leaving?" He watched her prance towards the mirror and touch its surface, barely grazing it before the fabric rippled and slowly pulled her in. He watched her slip into its silvery surface, her reflection cast over the glass just long enough for him to see her wave. Her lips moved, but her words came at a delay.
"So you'd have it; I am needed at the palace," her voice echoed around his room as she shook her fingers, and then, she disappeared, walking out of view and presumably through the wall, seeing as she had left opposite the door to his room.
He was left not knowing how to feel, other than confused. He knew the encounter had given him more questions than answers, however, which hurt his head to think about. He had a long day, though, and he decided he could take his next step after taking a nap. At least he got a few potential leads.
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killerlittlerejects · 5 months ago
I didn’t wanna be the one to say it, and please know that I mean no disrespect to anyone.
But I’m getting frustrated with how many people are like “oh we should respect the wishes of clockworks creator cause she’s his vent oc and shouldn’t do these certain things” which fine. If that’s what you wanna do, that’s what you wanna do.
But I personally don’t feel comfortable with having to step on glass for the comfort of an abuser. I’m not gonna respect the wishes of a hypocrite who demands people to do certain things when he turns around and fucking hurts/traumatizes someone else.
If ya’ll have no idea what I’m talking about, go see this post here. Be mindful of trigger warnings. It’s been out since march and the lack of attention is honestly concerning.
I will happily respect what everyone else wants to do, this isn’t a call for everyone to start hating clockwork and everyone who wants to respect the wishes of the creator. I just want it to be known why I don’t feel comfortable doing so.
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pinetrees-in-the-water · 1 year ago
Slender mansion headcanons?
Aight anon you didnt mention who to write for so I'm gonna write about all my favs, also this will be infuenced by my personal rewrite so I hope you dont mind!!
(Charcters included: Jeff, Ben, Nina, Toby, EJ, Clockwork, Jane, Masky/Tim, The Operator and a hint of Laughing Jack)
I'll make a part 2 as soon as I can because I have way too many thoughts about the Mansion to fit in one post.
Thank you for the ask!!!
◇Slender Mansion Headcanons◇
◇Part 1◇
• Actual fucking chaos
• Thank god the Mansion is so deep in the woods because they would have been reported for SEVERAL noise complaints.
• Ben and Jeff usually play videogames late into the night (usually old PS2 titles, horror or multiplayer games) and Jeff has almost 0 voice control.
• So Tim (or Jane) usually has to barge in and yell at them to keep it down, not that he sleeps much anyways but theyre annoying and Nina is a light sleeper.
• Ben, Clockwork and Tim are all insomniacs so they usually all play board games or go for long drives together, Ben has successfully gotten them into dnd.
• Ben is pretty bad at taking care of himself because he just kinda....forgets due to his ADHD so everyone in the mansion gives him their little reminders or help out.
• Whether its Nina brushing his hair, Jane bringing him dinner when he forgot to eat or Toby essentially throwing him in the shower (never the bathtub his phobia of deep water is too strong and everyone in the mansion is mindful of it)
• Nina, Jeff and Ben all have movie nights every Tuesday. Occasionally the other members of the mansion will join them if the're free but they all have different hunting schedules set by The Operator.
•Nina screams at every jumpscare in a horror movie, her screams are so loud that EJ can hear it from the basement.
• The Operator himself doesn't live in the Mansion although it is his. Hes rarely seen or heard from, only leaving notes around the house. The only one really fond of him is Nina.
• The Operator usually leaves breakfast on the table in the morning for all of them, Clockwork has a small feeling that he doesn't like Jeff because his eggs are never done the way he likes.
• Speaking of Clockwork, the only people she really relaxes around are Toby and EJ, otherwise shes the resident strong, scary, silent type. Ben was low-key scared of her at first but theyre cool now.
• She has major anger issues so his fears are validated, she mostly does a good job of hiding it and generally is very friendly although her bluntness comes of as being mean sometimes.
• EJ and Clockwork usually give each other book and audio drama podcast reccomendations. They're so comfortable around each other that everyone though they were dating at first (They're not).
• EJ was studying to be a surgeon before he got into this mess, his skills carried over and he acts like the in house doctor for the mansion, frequently gets annoying at Tim's smoking.
• EJ honestly spends more time in his lab in the basement than his actual room, he doesn't let many people down there for "sanitation" reasons but everyone else knows its just to keep the teenagers from being more traumatized than they already are.
• Nobody goes into the attic as The Clown (Laughing Jack) lives there, they're all a little afraid of him but he only leaves and enters the room through the attic so hes never seen in the rest of the house.
• Jane had to go into the attic to speak to The Clown once on instruction of The Operator and acted out of character for the rest of the week, keeping all the cupboards and wardrobes in her vicinity open at all times.
• Jane and Tim are often regarded as "The Parents" of the Mansion as they're the oldest, both being in their mid to late 30s, everyone MOSTLY respects them enough to listen.
• Nina treats Clockwork and Jane like big sisters and often finds every excuse to tag along and spend time with them, usually ends up rambling about random fanfiction or a new show she's watching while they listen.
• Clockwork and Toby are like Ben and Jeff just older. Two peas in a pod, they go everywhere together and Clockwork becomes a little more unhinged around him. They've been hiding a stolen stoplight in Toby's room for 3 months and nobody has noticed yet.
• Toby and Jeff either get along a little too well or are fist fighting there is no in between. They're both loose canons. Nobody can tell if they're friends or hate each other.
• Toby and Nina both get along well as they're able to understand and read each other better than the other mansion members due to their shared experience having bpd.
• Toby often accompanies Nina on missions and looks out for her, similar to an older brother, and Nina goes on frequent trips with him to help bring firewood for the Mansion.
• They have their moments but overall everyone gets along pretty well.
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mariocki · 8 months ago
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Hush...Hush, Sweet Charlotte (1964)
"Miriam? He really... isn't here, is he? Just now, I thought I heard... sometimes at night, when I wake up, it seems as if he really is here. Don't turn on the light. It's not real when it's light. It's only real when it's dark - dark and still."
#hush...hush sweet charlotte#hush...hush‚ sweet charlotte#robert aldrich#1964#american cinema#lukas heller#henry farrell#bette davis#olivia de havilland#joseph cotten#agnes moorehead#cecil kellaway#victor buono#mary astor#wesley addy#william campbell#bruce dern#george kennedy#frank ferguson#frank de vol#Aldrich's follow up to Baby Jane reunited him with star Davis (and initially Crawford‚ until she left the project under a cloud; she can#just about be glimpsed in one of the long shots of cousin Miriam arriving at the house by taxi) and even provides a cameo for Baby Jane co#star Buono. the rest of his cast is also notably starry: de Havilland‚ Cotten‚ Moorehead‚ even a genuine cinematic legend like Astor not to#mention a pre fame Dern and Kennedy. sadly all that increased star power doesn't translate to a film even better than its predecessor#this is solid‚ a strong and sweaty gothic grotesquerie‚ but it's a little flabby and nowhere near as sharp or as honed as Baby Jane was#Davis often goes very large and brushes caricature more than once with her faded Southern belle but to give her her dues there are other#moments of true heartbreaking beauty in her performance. de Havilland is also very strong altho maybe tips her hat a little soon in#revealing the true personality lingering beneath the surface of her mysterious outsider. Aldrich is as strong as ever helming a killer#fantasy sequence... tbh the more i think about it the kinder my memory of this becomes. it has just one main flaw and that's that it isn't#Baby Jane. but then what is? Aldrich never quite hit those heights again (tho he did some p great work) and this is a commendable try
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" ... I'll admit it now. I somewhat did remember Tammy. And I wish I could undo what I've done. "
" Her death was the most peaceful of my former 'targets,' as of now. A small, sorrowful dance — ending as quickly as it started. I made it quick for her. "
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angel-atelier · 9 months ago
I love Dina and Jane sooo much I gotta talk about them in my au
In my au after Dina burns down her house, she's kind of roaming around in a haze, obviously very traumatized from her lifelong abuse and the events of the whole night. She's so afraid of the police, even if realistically she wouldn't be worse off with them, she was taught to fear any authority that wasn't her family. Cops, cps, neighbors, you name it.
Jane's main priority is hunting jeff, but she does work for the government, so naturally she has to do other things or hunt down other killers.
Dina's murder of her father and stepmother is similar to some of jeffs murders, particularly when he first started and would almost always commit arson afterward. He still sometimes does, whenever it strikes his fancy.
Eventually, Jane tracks her down to a warehouse, thinking it's going to be the moment she feels she waited her whole life for, shes going to kill the man who took nearly everythingfrom her...and it's just a girl. A 15 year old cowering, dirty, bruised, and thin. Dina's dressed in soot covered clothing, she's almost catatonic. She doesn't speak to Jane. She only looks at her with horrified, suken eyes. She just can't do it. She can't kill this poor kid.
Jane can't just let her go though, she's still expected to kill her. Maybe she can work something out? She's not a danger to anyone besides herself, or atleast she hoped she wasn't.
To plead her case, she brings Dina, as is, with her back to her bosses. She begs them for mercy, she'll do anything for this kid to. They agreed on a few conditions. One, Jane must care for her and be her mentor, raising her to be her successor. Two, she has to undergo the same experiments Jane went through. Three, she will hunt down and kill her if anything goes arwy.
And so, Dina gets injected with liquid hate just like Jane did, giving her black eyes and enhanced strength. It was tough to watch, Dina didn't even get a choice. It wasn't exactly a painless process, either.
She drove home in complete silence with Dina in toe, eventually drifting asleep for the first time in days. Jane was bound to get an earful from Mary when she got home, but she hoped this was all worth it.
Working on a post similar to the ones linked in my pinned about Dina so look out for that
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ketamollykaine · 2 months ago
Midnight City: Hopper
(part 3/3 | part 1: The Ritual | part 2: Midnight City: Dove)
*disclaimer in tags*
Be careful what you wish for.
Dove gasped, opening her eyes to see a forest floor beneath her. She picked up her head and looked around. There was nobody, nothing but trees. A shiver went down her spine, she wasn't at the crossroads anymore even after failing the ritual. Surely, everything that happened was just because of the ritual trance, right? Dove picked herself up, looking around again. If what Seere said was right, her people would be surrounding her.
Dread hung in the cold air, dense with fog. Dove began to slowly walk straight in the forest while scanning the surrounding trees. Her body felt oddly empty and she began to feel her heart racing and as if it were in a hollow body. She stopped to put a hand to her chest but couldn’t find a heartbeat, so she checked her wrist for a pulse. Finding no pulse at either wrist, she checked her neck. Dove had no pulse or heart beat. 
Confused at the reality surrounding her, Dove called out to the void “What the fuck is going on?”. 
A twig snapped not too far from her, causing Dove to whip around to the direction of the sound. A white, masked face quickly ducked behind a tree. Dove's breath caught in her throat as she stared at the tree where the face had disappeared. The forest seemed to close in around her, the fog growing thicker, and an eerie silence settled over the surroundings. A sense of unease washed over her, and she hesitated before cautiously moving toward the tree.
As Dove approached, she saw a fleeting glimpse of the white face again, this time peeking from behind another tree. It had hollow eyes, devoid of any emotion, and its features seemed almost distorted. The figure remained elusive, staying just at the edge of her vision.
"Who's there?" Dove called out, her voice echoing through the desolate forest. No response came. The fog seemed to respond to her unease, swirling and thickening, creating an oppressive atmosphere. Dove's surroundings became increasingly disorienting, with the trees closing in on her like silent observers.
She quickened her pace, attempting to navigate through the dense woods. As she moved, the white-faced figure began to appear more frequently, always just out of reach. Its presence felt both haunting and familiar, and Dove couldn't shake the feeling that it was watching her every move.
Suddenly, the forest opened up into a small clearing. In the center stood a tall, slender figure, clad in a dark suit. The air grew colder, and Dove felt an unsettling energy emanating from the figure. It turned slowly to face her, revealing featureless, pale skin where a face should be.
Dove's heart, despite the lack of a physical pulse, pounded in her chest as she stared at the mysterious figure. She sensed a connection, a beckoning to something beyond her understanding. The figure extended an elongated arm, gesturing for her to come closer.
Compelled by the creature and Seere’s promise, Dove stepped into the clearing. The figure's presence enveloped her, and she felt a strange transformation begin to occur. Shadows danced around the trees surrounding the two beings, and her perception of reality began to blur.
In that moment, Dove's consciousness merged with a new entity. She felt a surge of ancient knowledge, memories not her own flooding into her mind. She became something else entirely— a servant of an otherworldly force. The forest embraced her transformation, the fog swirling and acknowledging the birth of a new entity.
Dove, or what remained of her, now stood in the clearing. The once familiar fog became her ally, responding to her newfound nature. She was a monster in the dark realm, forever tethered to Midnight City, and her existence intertwined with the mysterious forces that governed chaos. 
The trees whispered secrets only she and the tall man could comprehend. The fog cloaked her form as she became one with the shadows. Static rang through her ears and through the noise, she could hear a voice. 
“Dove, you have crossed dimensions, made friends with demons, and now you belong to me. You will be molded into this forest’s silent guardian, forever connected to my domain and the ritual land that has claimed your soul.”
As the newly-formed entity, Dove surveyed the clearing with a sense of detachment. The tall, faceless figure stood beside her, a silent companion in this realm of shadows. The oppressive atmosphere lifted, replaced by an eerie calm that echoed through the darkened woods.
A voice, not Dove's own, echoed within her mind—a symphony of whispers from the past, present, and future. It was the collective consciousness of those who had traversed Midnight City, a chorus of souls entwined in the chaos. The entity that Dove had become felt both ancient and reborn, a fusion of her former self and the force that governed this realm.
The white-faced figure, now a spectral presence, gestured towards the depths of the forest. Dove, guided by an instinctual knowledge, began to move. The fog parted as she walked the woods, each step resonating with the pulse of her owner.
As she moved deeper into the darkness, the boundaries between reality and the supernatural blurred. The forest itself became a tapestry of memories and whispers—a manifestation of the collective experiences of those who had embarked on the ritual and encountered the unknown.
In her trance, Dove walked until she found herself at a dirt road leading to a cabin. Her instinct told her that’s where the Tall Man wanted her to go, so she did. The porch light glowed a deep yellow, just like the one at home. As she walked up the steps, the door opened. A masked man stood in the door frame. He looked down at her and asked
“So you���re the dimension hopper, aren’t you?”
Dove looked up at him and shrugged her shoulders, “I guess I am.”
He took a breath and looked to the side, into the woods behind her. She knew that the tall man was somewhere behind them in the trees. The masked man stepped out of the door frame, grabbing Dove’s arm to bring her inside. 
“You don’t want to stay in the fog too long, it’ll do things to you…” He said plainly, letting her go after he closed the door behind them. Dove looked around the room, seeing three other people. They were all in a circle, sitting around the room, staring Dove down. She looked to the man who brought her in, who was taking his mask off. 
“We were only told so much about you in the little time you’ve somehow been here…” He paused.  “It’s crazy knowing other dimensions exist, but I digress. My name is Tim.” He introduced himself and looked at the others to introduce themselves.
“I’m Toby.” He was short in his tone.
“My name is Brian,” Brian smiled at Dove then looked at the last person. She didn’t seem to want to talk either. He continued for her, “That’s Kate.”
“Tell us about you, what’s your name? What’s your story?” Tim asked.
Dove divulged a short synopsis of herself and some struggles. The group chatted on how exactly she made it to this universe, each one slightly dumbfounded but not completely surprised as they all belonged to some eldritch entity; out of their own volition or not. After hearing of how Dove made it here and why, her new people seemed confused, but Toby seemed to understand the most. He knew what it meant it be alone. Three of them were in a way, captives of the Tall man, doing his bidding against their will.
The men of the group let Dove in on what exactly would be going down, giving her a disclaimer on what she’d now face as property of their Operator. Hearing of murder, stalking, entrapment, and making people go insane made Dove cringe, but with a huge spiritual failure on her shoulders, she had to be willing to accept wherever Seere put her and deemed her fit.
After that discussion, everyone sat together trying to find a new name for Dove. 
“Y’know, we all have such basic names. Kate is Kate the Chaser because she’ll chase ya until you’re too tired to keep going, Toby… is just Toby, I’m Hoodie because I wear a Hoodie, and I’ll give you a guess as to why we call Tim Masky.” Brian spoke.
“How about we call her Hopper, ‘cause she can hop through dimensions.” Toby stuttered. 
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anonymous-spooks · 3 months ago
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killerlittlerejects · 9 days ago
This is the last time I’m gonna speak on this, cause I’m done.
Since we’re pulling all the cards here, IM a grooming victim. I was groomed by someone I admired and trusted. And the minute I realized what was happening/people called them out for it, they dropped me like I never existed. Never apologized, was completely cold. And it fucking hurt.
There are no genuine bonds when it comes to grooming. I thought I had a bond with this person, but I never did. They used me as an outlet for their fucked up ideology and then dropped me when they realized they couldn’t use me anymore.
I didn’t fucking call Tyrant and Leech’s relationship out because I couldn’t “romanticize it,” I called it out because of my own fucking trauma. I’m not jumping to any conclusions, nor am I saying that everyone’s experiences are alike, but if your going to write stuff like this into your story— maybe consider talking to several people who experienced it.
I don’t think anyone on the BBTW crew are terrible people. Nor did I ever say they were. But if all you can do is backtrack, blame others and CONTINUOUSLY miss the point of why people are angry and put words in our mouths? Fuck off.
Work on your project and leave the rest of us the fuck alone.
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bittersweetprimadonna · 1 year ago
Every so often I'll doubt that I'm not straight and then my shut-in ass will play a video game and watch a show and then some random edgy/elegant/cold/sweet/striking female/feminine looking/andro/non-binary side character will do or say something cool/cute/rational and I just want to sit on my knees at her/his/their feet and look up at her like a puppy-dog or kitty-cat who's looking at their owner and I continue to doubt if I am actually straight and going through a phase or if I'm actually wlw
…I'm probably a simp :/
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whencartoonsruletheworld · 1 year ago
so like. fnaf movie. after night five, all outside observers know is "this 30yo guy with severe anger issues + his 10yo mentally ill sister just walked out of his collapsing workplace with an unconscious, stabbed police officer, saying that someone inside the building tried to kill them but we can't get into the building to check. we went to their house and the aunt who was fighting for custody of the child is dead on the floor. the guy's career counselor is missing, as is his babysitter and her family and apparently they're all dead in the building we can't get into." and like. that all looks suspicious as FUCK however we know that in the few-weeks timeskip both mike and abby seem happy and fine so it's not like mike was arrested or anything. he seems to be more adjusted and is happily talking with her teacher so i doubt he's under stress of interrogation or anything
there's a lot of implications there that mike mighta pulled something but it's all circumstantial evidence at best. i'm sure in jane's autopsy and crime scene evidence they couldn't find any evidence of mike being the one to attack her, esp since it was probably just golden freddy bopping her in the head so they dont even have the weapon, and if she was strangled they'd be able to tell it wasn't by bare hands and they couldnt get prints or anyth. especially if golden freddy is a FULL ghost and thus left no trail.
mike would be smart enough to only tell the cops what they need to know without mentioning ghosts to sound crazy. abby might be more honest with the cops just bc of #autism but they'd be more likely to consider her talking about ghosts and imaginary friends as a child's way of coping, and they cant get anything out of her that would incriminate mike. ADD TO THAT that mike has wounds that are clearly defensive and is SUPER banged up and his wounds would likely match his story way better than evidence of him attacking anyone, AND that there's likely footage and witnesses of him being in the pharmacy and then driving to work (and thus not in the area to attack jane), AND if/when nessie wakes up she'll probably vouch for mike as well, and the cops dont have anything on him
though i DO wonder if they would have records of vanessa patching him up in the police outpost. if they do, that would also back up mike's story as it's 1) far away from the aunt jane crime scene, 2) confirms that he and vanessa were working together, so either she's complicit in Crime™ or his story is accurate and she was helping him save his sister. him going to defend her instead of calling backup is also consistent with his personality of getting triggered and jumping into action around child abduction, esp w/ his sibling in danger
considering what abby would probably say, AND the history of freddy's, it's likely that they would come to the conclusion of is "someone [likely the og kidnapper from the 80s] found out that the guy working at freddy's had a sister, kidnapped abby from her house while her aunt was babysitting and tried to recreate the crimes, his story of him and vanessa defending her and escaping vaguely checks out." whether or not mike would incriminate vanessa by mentioning her dad was the killer is up in the air, and there's obviously some huge holes that are left from nobody believing that there are ghosts in the building but that would probably be the eventual conclusion
but throwing that all away, it would be really, REALLY funny if the rest of the town, being really fuckin nosy and getting into the juiciest gossip they've had in decades, took one look at michael "big teddy bear falling asleep on himself" schmidt and said "there's no way. there's no way this guy murdered his aunt, stabbed an officer and then destroyed his own workplace, especially when he really needed that job and was on sleeping medication," and then turned around to look at abby "neurodivergent in the early 2000s (ableist af time period)" "vocally hates her aunt" "doesn't talk to anyone and claims that she can see ghosts" "vaguely possessive of her brother" "claims that she found the guy who hurt her friends and got him jumped by a cupcake(?)" schmidt and said "oh my god. it was her."
and nobody's gonna directly say anything but they've got cautious eyes on the situation and someone quietly slips mike a copy of the bad seed to see if he has a realization but instead he's just like "hey this book kinda reminds of that golden freddy kid lmao. wonder how he's doin" and then we smashcut to golden freddy kid poking springtrap with a stick
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lordprettyflackotara · 11 months ago
Till Dawn || Eyeless Jack || part two
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SMUT 18+, tw: unrealistic demon sex (sorry not sorry, MASSIVE breeding kink, mentions of eating organs (duh, it’s ej), some blood but nothing too crazy, size kink, all the things you’d expect from a fic with ej tbh
part three is here
EJ avoided you like you had the black plague.
It’s not because he wanted to, not by any means.
In a perfect world he would be tangled in your bed sheets right now, not standing in his bedroom at the mansion.
One hand was keeping him steady from falling over, his hair sticking to his forehead from sweat. His breathing was jagged, from trying to ignore what he knew to be happening.
He tried to avoid the overwhelming feeling, the craving.
Because EJ knew without a shade of a doubt, he was in heat.
EJ’s heats came once a year, right around the beginning of summer. The first time it happened he thought he might explode, his urges almost landing him with a knife in his hand.
(Note to self: don’t try to fuck Jane).
The second summer he as more adjusted, the third even more so. He had grown accustomed of what was going to happen, to the extent where the members of mansion set up precautions for him.
Typically he would stock up on food, then lock himself into his medical lab as if he were a rabid dog.
The slightest movement or sound could make him go feral, the demon unable to control himself.
Every year this had worked, his heat dying down after about maybe a month.
But this year, was different. All because of you.
In previous years he had never had a mate, nor had he truly considered getting one. He thought humans to be too fragile. Not to mention the fact he didn’t know if it was scientifically possible to procreate with one. Which was exactly what his body was screaming at him to do.
You invaded every inch of his mind, his heat refusing to subside for even five minutes to allow him some peace.
EJ knew that if he were to allow himself to enter your town, it would be game over.
That he would be buried inside of you in mere minutes, not caring where you were. If everyone had to see him mate with you, so fucking be it. Logically, however, EJ knew these thoughts were absurd and insane. If he was going to ever see you again, he could not allow himself to see you during his heat.
Yet, he knew where you lived. He knew your schedule like the back of his hand. When you’d be at work, when you’d be at the gym, when you’d be home. In bed. Curled up into an adorable, fuckable ball. The thought sent a shiver down his spine.
A knock on the laboratory door snapped him out of his thoughts, the demon trudging towards the door. He unlocked it, staring down at his fellow resident, Jeff the killer. “Hey fuckface, Ben told me you were running low on food. Consider this a favor,” He said dryly. He held up a brown paper bag, oozing with blood and other unidentified bodily liquids. With one sniff EJ knew that inside of the bag was a heart. Not his favorite, but it’d do.
EJ lifted his arm slowly to grab it from him, muttering a thank you. He acted as if he were afraid to hurt Jeff, unsure of what he would do if the two interacted any way out of the ordinary. “Fuck dude, you don’t look good,” Jeff commented. Jacks hand flew to his face, realizing his mask had been discarded during one of his meltdowns. Out of instinct Jack bared his teeth, a low growl rumbling in his throat. His pale roommate raised his hands, signaling he didn’t mean harm.
“Not trying to get your panties in a wad, you just look worse for some reason this year,” Jeff explained. Truthfully his dark gray skin did look paler, his hair ruffled and sticking to his forehead from sweat. The last person on the face of this planet Jack wanted to admitted this to stood right in front of him. “There’s a girl,” Jack managed to huff out, his voice several octaves deeper then normal.
Jeff’s permanent smile curled even further upwards, producing a genuine one. “Well i’ll be damned, my Jacky boy has finally found a woman. Did you lose your v card yet?” Jeff asked. EJ would’ve rolled his eyes if he had them.
“Okay okay alright, well you’re in heat right? Why don’t you go see her?” The pale killer questioned. Millions of scenarios ran through EJ’s head, almost all of them ending with your organs in his hands. It wasn’t just breaking you that he was afraid of, but it was the unavoidable hunger that washed over him after fulfilling his filthy desires. “Human,” EJ managed to choke out, his mouth running dry. The word was something that his fellow residents cringed at, Jeff’s eyes going wide.
“Demon boy is entangled with a human? I must be in the twilight zone,” Jeff muttered. Out of all of the residents in the mansion, Jack was the most likely to break a humans bone by mistake. His strength was incomprehensible, EJ unaware of how harsh his touch could be. Jeff eyed his roommate carefully, evaluating his condition. He usually didn’t care to get involved in Jacks life, the demon preferring to live solo.
Yet, it was disheartening even for him to see EJ like this.
“Look there’s no point in wallowing in misery. There’s no guarantee you’d kill her,” Jeff said. His attempt to comfort EJ was poor, one that made Jack furrow his eyebrows. “Your heat is going to be fucking miserable if you don’t at least try dude, don’t be a pussy,” He stated bluntly. EJ furrowed his eyebrows, before nodding. He had to know. Could he control himself? Would you have him?
He could do it. He could find the will to focus on the lust and not the hunger. He could do it. For you.
EJ huffed in response, grabbing his shirt from a nearby dresser. Jeff put a hand up, stopping the demon in his tracks.
“Dude, take a shower.”
Jack couldn’t get to you fast enough. He took several shortcuts to your house, even venturing as far as to run across several popular roads. He had to see you, to feel you. His body was engulfed in open flames, yours being the only way tame the fire. By the time he got to your house he was out of breath, unsure of how to approach you.
Faintly he could hear your heartbeat, the noise alone making him swallow. He had eaten the gift Jeff had given him before he left, ensuring to scrub every last bit of his mouth with a toothbrush once he was done. But the hunger that haunted EJ needed more than just an organ to be satisfied. Questions circled his mind, unsure of how to approach you. Should he knock on the door? Break in?
His gaze landed on the tree he had previously climbed, the large branch still conveniently in front of your window. Jack decided on the old fashioned way, climbing up the old oak tree. He got an odd sense of deja vu, warmth spreading through out his body at the sight of you. You were in bed, reading a book beside your nightstand lamp. You looked so peaceful, your attention completely engulfed.
EJ considered leaving, letting you continue your peaceful human life. That was, until he realized you were wearing his hoodie. Your legs were curled to the side, your chest concealed by the familiar cotton EJ wore everyday. Maybe it was for comfort? No, you missed him. You needed him. Maybe as badly as he needed you. It was in that moment he decided to be selfish, knocking on the glass.
Your eyes darted up, brightening at the sight of the demon crouching in front of your window. You tossed your book aside, running over to let him in. Your legs were bare, your soft skin exposed to him. There you stood, completely exposed to a six foot demon. And you dared to smile.
EJ struggled to form any words, slipping into your room. He knew his presence alone was incredibly selfish. You were so small, his body towering over you without even trying. Your eyebrows furrowed, your head tilting to the side. “Jack? Are you okay?” You asked, your voice sounding so small. So soft. EJ couldn’t barely find it in himself to look at you, afraid of the urges that soared through his body.
“I’m in heat,” He managed to say, his voice sounding strained. You hesitantly grabbed his hand, guiding him to the bed. EJ sat down on the edge, purposefully holding his gaze to the floor. You sat down beside him, studying his intense posture. He was breathing deeply, veins poking out of his arms. “You’re… In heat? Like an animal?” You asked, seeking clarification. EJ nodded nervously, ashamed of the lewd confession.
It was as if he had never fucked you, with how embarrassed he felt.
“Okay so, what does that mean, um, exactly?”
Your words were so innocent.
He had to see your face.
He had to admire you.
From the moment he lifted his head, he was on you. In a swift motion he had pinned you to the bed, hovering over you. You smelled so fucking good, it was practically intoxicating. “I can’t control myself, I, I mean, I need-” EJ panted, struggling to find the words to explain his situation. He hadn’t needed to explain his heats to anyone in years, nevertheless a human girl. “You need to fuck something, right? And to cum?” You questioned.
Jack swallowed hard, your legs on either side of his waist. He could practically feel your core throbbing for him, his shaft growing harder in his pants. The sensation made him let out a low growl, before trying to swallow the sounds back down his throat. You had the gist of it, but he didn’t think you truly understood the danger you were in.
“I need to breed,” Jack stated, emphasizing the last word. Your small fingers curled under his mask, lifting it and tossing it aside. Your fingertips traced his jawline, the simple affection making his heart begin to race.
“So breed me then.”
Your words had sealed your fate.
His mouth was on your lips before you could process it, the tension growing hot and heavy within seconds. Jacks large hands trailed up your body, shoving your hoodie over your head. Your bare chest was exposed to him, your nipples hardening exposed to the cool night air. “No bra? You filthy bitch,” EJ grumbled. His lips strayed from yours, his body desperate for release. He tried to remember to be careful with you, to take the time to stretch you out.
He barely fit the first time, nevertheless if he didn’t take the time to do some foreplay. EJ didn’t want to hurt you, even if it meant putting himself through agony. His lips strayed to your neck, sucking harshly at the skin. He had to make a conscious effort to not bite, his teeth grazing your skin ever so slightly. He ensured to avoid any crucial arteries, just in case he cut skin. You whined under him, the smell of your arousal filling his nostrils. But as Jack inhaled, he smelled something else familiar.
“J-Jack?” You whispered, the warm feeling of blood trickling down your neck alerting you. Jack leaned back, taking in the damage. It was a thin line of blood, the crimson red paint staining your soft skin. He swallowed as he leaned back, panting. “No we can’t do this, i’m going to lose control,” He said, speaking a full sentence for the first time in weeks. Jack backed away from you, panting as his boner continued to rage on.
The smell of your arousal, fear, and blood, was enough to make EJ hump a pillow to get off. He put his hand over his face, covering his nose. “What? Jack i’m fine,” You argued. The demon shook his head no, trying to restrain himself. The blood dripped down your neck onto your collarbone, the sight alone mouthwatering. He pressed his back flat against the wall, shaking his head no. You didn’t have any idea how badly he wanted you. The fact that you didn’t only made the situation more dangerous. You placed your hand over your small cut, the wound evident that EJ wasn’t careful enough with you.
“I can handle it, just-” You began. You struggled to find the right words, to convince him to take you. To breed you right there and then. “Just clean it,” You say, unsure if you even said the right thing. EJ’s eyebrows raised curiously, his prey asking him to clean her wound. “Are you sure?” Jack said, his words almost entirely muffled by his hand. You yanked away his wrist, forcing him to fully inhale the overwhelming scent of your blood.
“What did you say?”
Jack licked his lips, tilting his head to the side.
“I said, are you sure?”
You removed your blood stained hand from your wound, nodding.
“I can take it, whatever you give me.”
In the blink of an eye EJ flipped positions, your back being shoved against the wall behind you. His three tongues emerging from his lips. They assaulted your neck, lapping at the wound. He refused to let any drop of your precious blood go to waste. Once he was done cleaning your neck his focus shifted to your hand, licking your palm clean.
“I forgot you had three tongues,” You admitted. Your words reminded EJ of what was happening. That you weren’t a meal, but his mate. Jack allowed himself to smile, chuckling. “Yeah? Do you remember what they feel like?” He asked curiously. Playing along, you shrugged. “I don’t think so, maybe you’ll just have to remind me,” You replied.
Jack had never sank to his knees quicker.
He ripped your panties in half, discarding the fabric across the room. He nudged your knees apart, forcing you to lean against the wall for support. You were practically dripping, the sight only fueling Jacks heat even more. “It’s taking everything in me to take my time with you, little human,” Jack panted. He brought himself to your cunt, his three tongues finally making a grand appearance. Two of them decided to enter you, your walls spasming under the odd sensation. The third stayed focused on your clit, flicking your sensitive bud as if his life depended on it.
EJ’s hand held your legs harshly. As your legs began to tremble, you slowly began to lose your balance. He took this opportunity to pick you up, holding your legs in his arms as his tongues abused your cunt. Your hands tugged at his hair as he held you in mid air, your thighs trembling in his hands. Each tug you pulled only made him fuck into you rougher, his tongues almost seemingly having a mind of their own. “Fuck- right there, please, right fucking there,” You pleaded, your sinful pleas bouncing throughout the hollow house.
With one final flick of your cunt you came on his tongues, each of them lapping up your juices with pride. Jack needed more, he needed something, anything, to prevent him from fucking you on the floor. “On your knees, now,” He growled as he set you down. With how wobbly your legs were you nearly fell anyways, landing on your knees on the hard wooden floor. EJ felt as hot as a heater, his skin radiating unnatural warmth. You stuck out your tongue, maintaining his gaze as he unbuckled his pants.
“You filthy filthy girl,” EJ muttered. He mockingly traced your jawline, shoving his pants and boxers down to his ankles. You had almost forgotten how large his cock was, his length alone enough to break you. “Awe, what’s wrong? Am I bigger than the human boys you play with?” Jack asked teasingly. He tapped the head of his cock against your tongue, shuddering at the warmth of your mouth.
You took his tip in stride, swirling your tongue around it as the demon before you groaned. EJ began shoving his cock into your mouth further, his tip scraping the back of your throat.
He wasn’t even in half way yet.
“You may want to loosen your jaw,” EJ recommended. How far could the human jaw physically extend? You forced your jaw to go slack, struggling to accommodate to Jacks girth as he pushed himself in further. Jack gritted his teeth out of frustration, fuck, this wasn’t fucking working.
Fuck it.
Fuck this.
His large hand snaked down to your hair, yanking you off of him. He dragged you onto your feet with ease, as if you were as light as a feather. “I changed my mind, I want you now,” Jack mumbled. He roughly brought his lips to yours, dragging you back over to the bed. The only thing he needed in the world right now were your ankles dangling over his shoulders. You were struggling to keep up, your heartbeat racing faster and faster.
The sound made Jack’s ears twitch, his desire to fuck you the only thing that kept him from tearing you apart.
You stared up at him curiously, EJ realizing he was staring at you blankly.
The demon swallowed, trying to hold himself back. His body was practically vibrating, every fiber in him screaming to breed your pretty little cunt, then to swallow your organs whole. Starting with your precious heart. You didn’t know what he ate, right? Or did you? EJ began to rack his brain, his mind spinning. Were you afraid? You didn’t smell afraid. But to be fair though, all Jack could smell was your arousal.
Your concern made him snap out of his haze, the realization that he was oddly panting above you hitting him like a brick. He licked his dry lips, trying to form coherent sentences. “You don’t want this, you don’t want to be my mate. You-” Jack began. He knew what it would be mean if he did what he wanted, what every fiber in his being was screaming at him to do. “Deserve a nice human life, with a human man,” He rambled.
Your next action caught him off guard, it being something he hadn’t even fantasized about. It was so shocking to Jack, that he hadn’t even theorized it to be possible. Your eyelids fluttered shut as you dragged him down to you, planting your lips onto his. As you kissed him, your small hand reached down to his throbbing cock, running the tip up and down your folds. EJ growled as he pushed you down against the mattress.
“You’ve done it now,” He snarled. EJ swatted your hand away, pumping his length. Teasingly he brushed the head of his cock against your clit, the overstimulation making you squirm. Jack tried his hardest to be slow once he entered you. Honest. But your walls sucked him in your body screaming that you were almost as desperate as he was. This. This was what he had imaged all of those sleepless nights as he pumped his cock, daydreaming of the disgusting things he’d do to you.
And here you were, withering under him as he shoved his cock inside of your cunt. “Such a good whore for me, such a good hole for me to use,” EJ grunted. He could feel his mind going numb, his ability to maintain composure fading away as he bottomed out. He could feel your walls squeezing him, begging him to let you adjust. His cock was visible through your stomach, the outline only fueling the fire further.
“So sorry, I can’t hold back any longer- Have to- Need to breed you,” Jack panted, moving his hips. You bit your bottom lip as he began to fuck you, the pain almost too much. You had taken him before, sure, but he wasn’t this rough with you. He let out low growls as he fucked you, the pain slowly subsiding into pleasure. Jack couldn’t help but nuzzle himself into the side of your neck, inhaling your scent.
Your hands had grabbed his hair, tugging at it as he mercilessly pounded into you. Your moans were mixtures of pleas and incoherent babbles, his name mixed in there somewhere. You couldn’t think straight, Jacks hips having a mind of their own. “Fuck, i’m gonna breed you, you’re going to be mine,” Jack huffed. He licked the side of your neck, the sweat coating your skin flooding his tastebuds.
He could hear your heartbeat speed up even faster, your body struggling to keep up with Jack as he fucked you. “You’re gonna be my mate, you understand? My personal cumdump,” He snarled. The degrading words were the most he had spoken in weeks, his mind screaming at him to cum inside of you. He needed it like he needed air. He needed to see your cunt red and puffy, leaking his cum.
EJ managed to leave the comfort of your neck, watching the outline of his cock slide in and out of you as he abused your cervix. “You’re gonna be such a good mother, gonna take you back to the mansion,” Jack groaned, his words slipping out mindlessly. He grabbed your legs, forcing them to spread wider. You whined as he grabbed your tender flesh, pounding into you. He grabbed your chin, forcing you to look at him.
“You’re mine, my mate to breed, you’re gonna carry my kids, over and over and over,” EJ growled. You could feel yourself getting close, your eyes practically seeing stars. “J-Jack, i’m getting close-” You warned. Jack grinned, his thrust not letting up for a second. “Go on mate, cum for me so I can mark you as mine,” EJ ordered, his words almost muffled by his animalistic growls. Your eyes rolled into the back of your head as you came, your orgasm only making Jack fuck you harder.
He grabbed your limp body, pounding into you through your orgasm until he found his own high. Loud moans exited his throat as he came inside of you, your cunt now full of the demons sperm. He panted as his heart rate began to settle, his stomach beginning to growl. His eye sockets widened as he realized he could still hear your heartbeat, the sound coming back into focus. He swallowed, your smell making his desire shift to raw hunger.
Jack pulled out of you quickly, relieved to see that you were relatively dazed. Your eyes were closed, your focus on slowing your body back down to normal. As calmly as he could he slid off of the bed, redressing himself. He knew if he alerted you he would owe you an explanation. It would put him at a dangerous crossroad. He would either have to tell the brutal truth, or a painful lie that would no doubt put your relationship in jeopardy.
EJ grabbed his mask, sliding back onto his face as he pulled down the sleeves of his hoodie. He watched his cum ooze out of your cunt and onto the sheets, the sight almost enough to overrule his painful hunger.
Jack slipped out of your window quickly, running to the next heartbeat he could hear.
An odd satisfaction washed over him as he ran into the night, knowing you were now his.
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an-interview-with-j1janedoe · 5 months ago
Penny… with the greenest eyes…
" .. I don't know who that is. If my eyes were real, I suppose that would be a similar factor. "
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oldwritingm · 1 year ago
Thinking thoughts about these guys again
Creepypasta/MH - Things That Make Them Think of You
Characters: Jeff the Killer, Jane the Killer, Clockwork, Nina the Killer, Tim/Masky, "Ticci" Toby
Jeff the Killer
Violence. Specifically, committing it
I know that sounds bad, but he gets so high off of that stuff
The adrenaline rushing through his veins, the wild smile that comes to his face, the noise, the sights... it's euphoria for him
And when he reaches his peak, endorphins at maximum saturation, that's when he thinks of you
It's almost like he subconsciously asks himself if there's anything in the world that could make him happy like this, and his subconscious responds by conjuring an image of you
As if he couldn't get any happier, thinking of you just pushes him higher
This happens a lot...
He'll be killing someone, already over the moon, then he'll blast to Mars when he thinks of you
And he starts associating you with violence; even if you're the gentlest person in the world
It's the happiness it brings him that links it to you
Though if you're a psycho (affectionate) like him, there might be another reason he associates it with you lol
It just gets worse over time; eventually he can't even see other people committing violent acts without thinking of you
He'll be watching a horror movie, and blood will splatter the screen and he'll be like: Nice. Y/n's nice too. Y/n... <3
Jane the Killer
Quite the opposite of Jeff; it's the quiet moments that get her thinking of you
(my reasoning is confusing but I'll try my best to explain T-T)
And there are two reasons for this
One, because whenever she gets a moment to think to herself, her brain always wants to think of you first
Maybe it's just hunting that hit of dopamine it gets when she imagines your smile, or the way your hands feel in hers...
Or maybe it's just that it's become a habit for her to think of you so often, so it's second-nature that she does so when she gets the chance
But the second reason is that she loves peace, and you are her peace :)
She's a vengeful person with a lot of turmoil inside, so when her environment is peaceful, she tries to follow suit
She's just taking what she can get before she has to go back to hate and obsession
So she imagines the peaceful things in her life
Namely, you
Even if you're not a very peaceful person, she feels at ease when she's with you
So, when it's quiet, she thinks of you to quiet herself
Memories of forehead touches and holding hands are more than enough to fill the silence :)
Literally everything.
I’ve mentioned this in a previous post, but Clockwork will find the most random things that remind her of you
She’s got a very creative mind; she can find the subtlest of things that make her think of you
Oftentimes they’ll be disturbing things…. Like a dead animal or smth
But she gets a little smile when she thinks of you anyway :)
She’ll probably send you a picture of whatever it was that reminded her of you
So you’ll just get a text out of nowhere like:
[picture of a dead wasp] “thought of you <3”
After a while you’ll learn to just not ask
Because you’ll definitely get one of these texts AT LEAST every other day, if not every day
Sometimes they’re actually nice things though! Like a song or a pretty sunset :)
Or something she saw while shopping that made her think of you; she always makes sure to steal …obtain those things
And ofc she gifts them to you 😌
Nina the Killer
I think it depends on your aesthetic
To me, Nina is someone who’s very in tune with aesthetics
Even if yours is super niche, or it doesn’t fit under a specific category like “emo” or “butch” or even “clowncore,” she’s got it DOWN
And so it’s always things that fit your aesthetic that make her think of you
Maybe it’s a view: a dark forest, a bright sunset in your favorite color, a sunny park, an eerily empty sidewalk…
Maybe it’s clothing: pants, shirts, dresses, jackets… always the exact kind of thing you’d wear :)
Maybe it’s music: she listens to music like. All the time. So she’s definitely at least dipped her toes into a genre that’s so totally you
Or maybe it’s something miscellaneous: a pop tart flavor, a blanket, a picture, the color on a soda dispenser…
No matter what it is, you’re guaranteed to love it
She always manages to surprise you with yet another random thing perfectly suited to your aesthetic
And she’s always on the hunt for more >;)
If it’s something she can physically bring to you, you best believe she will though
And if you decide you hate it (you won’t, but maybe later when your aesthetic changes), you guys light a bonfire and burn it together :)
It’s a Polaroid picture of you
He’s not in the picture; it’s just you
The flash is on, illuminating you and leaving the background in dark obscurity
He took it himself one night when he was just enamored with the way you looked
He did it casually, just telling you to look at the camera
The rest was all you; maybe you smiled, maybe you threw up a peace sign…
Whatever you did, he felt it captured your essence perfectly
He stared at the photo for a long time after it came out, and he still stares at it frequently
He carries it deep in his wallet where no one can find it
He’ll pull it out when he needs to think of you, usually when he’s especially down
Which is pretty often, my boy is troubled :(
He’ll trace his fingers around the edges, remembering that night
Your voice fills his ears, your scent fills his nose, and suddenly he’s aching to see you in person again
And he will; he’ll probably call or text you soon :)
“Ticci” Toby
Honestly? Probably something super obscure related to some kind of inside joke between you two
I’ll paint an example
Maybe you two were in the kitchen together, and you wanted him to get out the milk for you
But you ended up calling it a “mug of jilk” instead of a “jug of milk”
Toby, of course, bursts into laughter
He teases you for ages afterwards, calling milk “jilk” and always pointing out jugs of milk with a knowing grin
You’re in on it too though
You always snicker whenever he does those things
Maybe that’s why it becomes so special to him; it amuses the both of you
He gets to laugh and hear you laugh :D
So (in this case) he’ll think of you whenever he sees a mug of j (oh gosh oh no you guys got me too) jug of milk
And he probably takes pictures to send you too
You’ll just get a text that says “jilk mugs spotted ‼️” and a picture of the milk aisle at the grocery store
He likes to imagine your laugh when he sends texts like those :)
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Thank you so much for reading!! Take care my lovey doves <33
(divider by saradika)
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fizzy-blood · 5 months ago
Okay but how would the creeps react to a like feral s/o (biting scratching growling barking meowing) the whole nine yards?
(sfw and nsfw plz)
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Creeps with a Feral!S/O🦷🥩
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Hi! I didn't really know which creeps you wanted me to write so I just wrote for all the characters I've written for before (not Ben though because I don't write smut for him and not Tim/Masky bc MH and Creepypasta are different) I also wrote for Jane bc I love her and I just want to start writing things for her ^_^ (also Fem!S/O for Jane but the rest are Gn!S/O)
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WARNING:18+/NSFW content ahead!! If you are a minor and want to read the SFW content then go ahead but please do not read through the NSFW headcanons. I know I can't stop you but please-
[Biting, scratching, bondage, I think that's all?]
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Ticci Toby🪓🌲
But seriously, he really won't mind how you act...
Actually least likely to get upset with you over it!
He can't feel pain so biting and scratching is fine with him (he thinks it's cute when you bite him and will probably bite you back)
And with any weird sounds like hissing or barking or meowing.. Whatever you do... He's fine with it.. (Unless he's overstimulated, he won't be able to handle it so... 😞)
He might end up with those sounds as some form of tic... (That's actually kinda cute wait-)
Overall I'd give it an 8/10.
He likes it when you leave marks on his body..
Actually... Likes is an understatement...
It's actually kinda cute how pathetic it is
I also feel like he'd be more submissive with someone more feral... Have fun!!
Eyeless Jack🫘🩻
Finds it a bit odd at first but gets used to it after a while..
But please give him a heads up before you bite him, he doesn't like it when you do it out of nowhere..
But he does find it cute when you make weird sounds (just please don't be too loud)
Probably won't bite you back if you're human.. But if you're some sort of creature? Probably will...
Like... 7/10? It has its ups and downs but it's still nice 🥰
But if you being feral makes you bratty with him? He'll get you to shut up soon...
He'll also probably cover your mouth (if you try to bite his hand he'll just ignore it)
But if he doesn't ignore it he'll probably just briefly mention it.
Laughing Jack🍬🎪
I think he'd actually be good at dealing with any bullshit-
Like... He does get bothered sometimes but he does know how to entertain you so you stop what you're doing..
Also if you bark at him he'll just bark back.
It's just normal to him??
I dunno man, the way he acts is just odd in general so 🤷‍♂️
Anyways... 8/10. Actually knows how to deal with everything pretty effectively and is fine with you biting or scratching him up (it really doesn't do anything to him, not even leaving a mark)
My LJ doesn't really feel sexual attraction and I doubt he feels any sexual desires (he doesn't even have a dick so...)
I dunno what to write about this.. Like.. He's fine with sex if you want it but it wouldn't be much different from my normal NSFW headcanons for him..
Jeff the Killer🔪🩸
You know how middle school boys bark at people? He does that to you.
Is it meant to be affectionate? Who knows... But he does it if you meow or bark at him.
He just thinks it's weird tbh.
He also pushes you off of him or away from him if you try to bite him.
You hiss every time and he just makes fun of you for it (that part is sorta meant to be lovingly but it can come across as just plain mean).
6/10 in my opinion!
He actually likes it when you bite or scratch him during sex?
I think he might have that masochistic sadist mix in him (HE GOT THAT DAWG IN HIM‼️🗣️💥💥/j)
But go crazy! He's fine with it during this time so feel free to do whatever.
Nina the Killer🔪💖
She thinks it's really funny, also kinda cute!
She isn't a huge fan of the scratching though...
Biting is fine but please give her a heads up (like with EJ)
She does really like the meowing and barking, also finds the hissing to be funny most of the time!
But the hissing can also tell her if she's aggravating you (she sucks with boundaries, please be patient with her😣)
Mmmmm.... 8.5/10
I actually don't have a lot of NSFW related headcanons for her in general so... Oops?
I'll probably come back and post some general headcanons when I'm done but... Idk🤷‍♂️
But.... I think she'd be really sweet and loving, like?
The thing with the petting, she'd do that to keep you calm during sex (AGAIN, WHY IS THAT ACTUALLY ADORABLE TO ME??)
I'll get back to you when I figure out more stuff.
Jane the Killer🔪🖤
She found it so annoying when you first met, but she's just used to it now... She actually kinda finds it endearing now!
Specific things like more soft meowing or just generally softer and quieter sounds-
(It makes her experience cuteness aggression)
She doesn't really like scratching or biting in any context so...
But she'd probably find something for you to chew on or maybe make you some sort of scratching post.
Sometimes she feels like you're just a big fucking cat... (She's a cat person so it doesn't bother her that much)
9/10 (I want to be held by her)
She puts a gag in your mouth and will probably tie you up... This is probably so you won't scratch or bite her-
(But let's be real here... You both kinda got a bit too into it)
Like Nina, she's normally pretty sweet and is also normally very gentle...
But other days?... I'll just say that she gets kinda... Intense? I'll probably go more in depth in a separate post but you get the general idea (I think)
She's good at making sure you don't slip out of your restraints... very good.
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DONE! YAY! YIPPEE! I hope you enjoyed this and I hope this is what you asked for? If you want more of this feel free to send another ask with some different characters or even just ask for more stuff with a character I already wrote for. My ask box is open so feel free to send some requests if you want! Again, I hope you enjoyed it!
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(Cryptidcore dividers are by @sister-lucifer)
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reiderwriter · 2 years ago
✍️Introduction and Masterlist✍️
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About me: Hi! I'm Kacie, I'm 21, and I use she/her/any pronouns. I'm from the UK but I'm currently an English Teacher in South Korea (if you want to know more I'm totally open to conversations about it!) and this is my side blog, so I follow and respond to comments from @studykac
Writing: At this point in time. I only write for Spencer Reid. I will pass on any requests that focus on other characters because I don't currently write for them. A lot of my work is also NSFW. If you are under the age of 18, do NOT interact with any of my posts that are tagged #maturereiding - please block this tag!! When my requests are open you can request through the Ask box, or through DMs, but please keep in mind I do have a full time job, so I will do my best to get things out quickly. You can find my recommendations in the tag #reiderrecommends!
Other interests: kpop, especially Seventeen, SHINee, NCT and BTS, Criminal Minds (obv), NCIS, reading any genre of books (here's a link for my GoodReads page), Percy Jackson, languages (learning Korean currently!), English Literature, Jane Austen etc.
Requests are: CLOSED - find my request guidelines here!
Spencer Reid x Reader NSFW
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Everyone Looks Better in a Sundress // 3.8k
Summary: The AC at the BAU decides to take a holiday during a summer heatwave, and when you decide the FBI’s dress code is merely a suggestion, you unwittingly catch Spencer’s eye.
Warnings: Dom!Spencer, sub!reader, semi-public sex, fingering, car sex, degradation, name-calling, edging, praise-kink, dumbification
Everyone Looks Better in a Sundress pt. 2 // 2.4K
Summary: After a hot encounter in your car, Spencer pulls you inside your apartment hoping to give you some more relief from the heat.
Warnings: Dom!Spencer, sub!Reader, soft Dom, oral (M receiving), pet names, degradation, face fucking, messy sex, creampie, breeding kink
Margaritas and Mistakes // Part 1 // Part 2
Summary: On a group night out, you get a little more drunk than you want to, and when Spencer shows up looking like the love of your life and not just your coworker, you realise that the margarita’s are having more of an effect than they should be.
Warnings: Suggestive language, dirty talk, heavy petting, hickeys, making out, mentions of arousal etc. (part one)
Show You What Devotion Is ❤️‍🔥
Summary: After a lustful encounter on the jet, you and Spencer decide to try out a friends-with-benefits relationship. What you didn't expect was for his sex drive to be so high, and your need for him to overpower your ability to function properly.
Warnings: So many, check the post for details.
More Than Words 🫶 // 8k
Summary: After telling a white lie to your family about your relationship status, you're forced to ask your coworker Spencer to pretend to be your boyfriend for a weekend wedding.
Warnings: Mostly fluff, penetrative sex, creampie, mentions of Spencer's childhood.
The Us That Could've Been 💔 // 5.7k
Summary: They say to get over a man, you have to get under another. Spencer isn't sure why the idea of you doing just that makes him feel so bad.
Warnings: angst, unprotected sex, creampie, spoilers for season 8, mentions of Maeve, Spencer is emotionally illiterate etc.
Unhappy Holidays 👻🦃🎄🎆// 5k
Summary: You're unlucky enough to run into Spencer Reid at holiday celebrations four years in a row. In the New Year, you're resolving to rid him from your mind forever, but you never were one to stick to resolutions 👻🦃🎄🎆
Warnings: Enemies to lovers, low-key work rivals, semi-public sex, car sex, hate sex, fingering, thigh riding, creampie, unprotected sex (no condoms but contraceptive mentioned), slight spoilers for s4 of Criminal Minds (but not really).
Flirting with the FBI // 7.1k
Summary: To catch a killer, you have to first out him on the FBI's radar. By hacking their systems and flirting with Spencer Reid, of course.
Warnings: Rough sex, Dom Spencer, bimbofication, dacryphilia, unprotected sex, creampie, fingering, use of slut and good girl, more in the fic warnings.
Spencer Reid x Reader SFW
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The Lightbulb Moment // 4.8k
Summary: You want Spencer all to yourself for the first few months of your relationship and he's only too happy to comply. Unfortunately, you're two dumbasses who can't keep their hands off one another.
Just Hanging Out // 3k
Summary: To kick off your vacation, you find yourself at Rossi's mansion with your team for a big summer barbeque. A hammock in the garden catches your eye, and you enlist Reid to help you have some fun in the sun.
(Not smut but highly suggestive, read at your own discretion).
Isn't She Pretty, Daddy? // 2k
Summary: You're a teacher, and you have to call in one of your students' parents to talk about their recent troubling behaviour. It's more embarrassing than you thought when Spencer Reid shows up.
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That's What You Get // complete 💕
Summary: After three weeks on a case in Vegas and a particularly draining phone call from your mother, you decide to take Reid up on his offer to show you the sights of Las Vegas. When you wake up the next morning, you realise that one of the sights was a 24hour Wedding Parlor, and that you're now Mrs Reid.
Genres: Fluff, smut in later chapters, angst in later chapters, happy ending.
Playlist: Me and You in 2024
Summary: One song fic a week throughout 2024!
Genres: Various, check individual chapters for specific warnings!♡
Answered Requests
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(NSFW) Request inspired by Taylor Swift's False God 🙏// 2.2k
(NSFW) Request for a soft!Dom Spencer with cockwarming and breeding kink 💕 // 2k words
(NSFW) Request for Reader introducing vanilla!Spencer to a BDSM lifestyle ✨// 0.7k words
(SFW) Request for Reader kidnapped by unsub and saved by Spencer 💕 // 2.2k
(SFW) Request for pregnant Reader and Spencer who is an absolute fool for her 🌸 // 1.2k
(SFW) Request for shamelessly flirting with an oblivious Spencer 😊// 2k
(NSFW) Request for post-Maeve Spencer who uses sex as a coping mechanism 🫡//4.6k
(NSFW) Request for alt!sub!Reader meeting the team for the first time (and they totally think she's the Dom) 🤭// 1.5k
(NSFW) Request for CNC office sex with Spencer 🚫// 1k
(SFW) Request for Spencer finding out you knew Emily was alive 😿// 0.7k
(SFW) Request for training session with Spencer 🤼‍♀️// 1.8k
(SFW) Request for I Can See You inspired angst 🥺// 1.7k
(NSFW) Request for Spencer making the reader beg for it ❤️‍🔥// 1.6k
(NSFW) Request for CNC with soft!Dom Spencer - shower sex 💦// 1.3k
(NSFW) PROMPT REQUEST - Professor Reid doesn't know he's distracting the class 👓// 3k
(NSFW) Request for Sub!Spencer begging reader to dominate him 🫣// 1.7k
(NSFW) Request for Genophobic virgin!Reader ❤️‍🩹// 5k
(NSFW) Request for Professor Spencer with a jealous gf 🐺//2k
(SFW) Request for reader helping Spencer through recovery 🤕// 1k
(NSFW) Request for possessive Spencer reacting to your little black dress 💃// 2.5k
(NSFW) PROMPT REQUEST - Undercover with an "excited" Spencer 🕵‍♂️// 3.6k
(SFW) Request for playing video games with Spencer 🎮// 1k
(NSFW) PROMPT REQUEST - munch! Spencer is obsessed with you 👅// 2k
(SFW) Request for Spencer babying an oblivious reader 👶// 2k
(NSFW) PROMPT REQUEST - sharing a cold bed with Frenemy Spencer 🛌// 3.5k
(NSFW) Request for reader being distracted while Spencer is reading 📚// 1k
(NSFW) Request for Pillow fort sex with Spencer ⛺️// 2k
(NSFW) Request for car confession and oral with Spencer 🚗// 1.7k
(NSFW) Request for dancing the night away with Spencer 💃// 2.5k
(NSFW) Request for the morning after Spencer loses his V-Card 😶// 0.7k
(NSFW) Request for reader confessing to Spencer when he's in his anthrax shower 🚿// 0.7k
(NSFW) Request for Spencer finding readers unusual sensitive area 🤝// 3.5k
(NSFW) Request for Spencer and Hotch!Reader secret relationship 🤐// 6k
(SFW) Request for reader being jealous of Spencer and Lila 🤽‍♀️// 2.1k
(NSFW) Request for gun kink 🔫//3k
(SFW) Request for Shy! Spencer and Flirty!Reader 🫣 // 2.3k
4K notes · View notes