#jan bytnar
lichozestudni · 2 years
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Zdzisława Bytnar ps. "Sławska", matka Jana Bytnara "Rudego". Zwana również "matulą polskich harcerzy".
"Chowałam go z wielką troskliwością, dbałam o jego bogactwo umysłowe, dbałam o to, żeby był godnym obywatelem Polski". Jak wspominali odwiedzający ją harcerze, w jej mieszkaniu stało ostatnie zdjęcie "Rudego" z dedykacją: "Mamusi, aby wiedziała, że syn jest i zawsze kocha - Janek".
Każdy Niemiec powinien znać ich twarze. Poznanie ich powinno być obowiązkowe w edukacji niemieckiej, tak jak jest w polskiej. Niemcy potrafią wymienić niemieckiego Schindlera, żydowską Annę Frank, a Polaka jakiego?
Naprawdę pozwolili, by Niemcy nie zmierzyli się z tym, co zrobili Polsce, by nie znali tych twarzy...
Z Ameryką jest ten sam problem. Dlatego Polaków są w stanie oskarżyć o wszystko, a przy żydach nie pisną, bo żydowską tragedię znają, a polskiej nie. Czy funkcjonuje w ogóle ang. tłumaczenie Kamieni na Szaniec? Czy Polska włożyła miliony w promocję tej książki na świecie? Ale na to był czas zaraz po wojnie. A po wojnie Polska znalazła się pod rosyjską okupacją, a w 89 r. już nikt nie chciał słyszeć "nowych" historii o wojnie, narracja już była ułożona. Wojna skończyła się dekady temu. Oto kolejna tragedia. Jak może was nie męczyć, że świat zna nazwiska niemieckich bohaterów wojennych, a polskich nie? Że oglądają wojnę z perspektywy niemieckiego Chłopca w pasiastej piżamie lub niemieckiego przedsiębiorcy Schindlera i przez to Niemcy są dla nich ludzcy, pokazani są tak, że publiczność im nawet współczuje (bo filmy odwołują się do emocji, a bohaterowie stają się widzom bliscy)? A my? Jesteśmy niemi. Ich emocje nas nie obejmują.
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calendarofanxiety · 6 years
March 30, 1943 RUDY Jan Roman Bytnar (nom de guerre – Rudy) was a Polish scoutmaster, a member of Polish scouting anti-Nazi resistance and lieutenant in Home Army during World War II. He was arrested by Nazis on 23 March 1943 and rescued 3 days later by combat group of Gray Ranks during Arsenal Action on 26 March. He died on 30 March at the age of 21 from injuries sustained during the interrogation carried out by Gestapo while in captivity.
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rudy-zoska · 7 years
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Lokitty (ig: @_lokitty) as a Zośka (Tadeusz Zawadzki) & Sumisu (ig: @sumisu_cosplay) as Rudy (Jan Bytnar)
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malteseboy · 7 years
If you want to keep up with polish side of memes here are "meme familia" of polish youtube: gargamel, generator frajdy and ahus. They often talk about current situation in polish media and country so you might be quite lost but don't worry. Pozdrawiam :)
oh thank you so much!!
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charovnisa · 4 years
polish politics are fucked, here’s some lgbtq polish historical and cultural figures 🌈
maria konopnicka jan lechoń miron białoszewski wacław niżyński władysław warneńczyk anna grodzka ewa hołuszko karol radziszewski jarosław iwaszkiewicz tadeusz zawadzki jan bytnar robert biedroń tamara łempicka michał waszyński krzysztof warlikowski krystian legierski irena klepfisz witold sadowy
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bohaterzy · 3 years
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30.03.1943 r. Zmarli Maciej Alek Dawidowski i Jan Rudy Bytnar
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dia-blica · 5 years
Twardzi jesteśmy nie pękamy [...] Jesteśmy jak kamienie... Rzucane przez Boga na szaniec
Jan Bytnar (Tomasz Ziętek) kamienie na szaniec
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curomi · 7 years
Hey im too from 2001 ! Are you going to high school now?
i’m currently in tenth grADE RN !!
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czartoryski-blog · 7 years
alright, let me tell y’all a story about two badass gay (allegedly, but who are we kidding) resistance fighters in nazi occupied poland.
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(rudy is on the left and zośka is right)
tadeusz zawadzki (aka “zośka”) and jan bytnar (aka “rudy”) met in 1937 at age 16, being classmates in high school in warsaw. they were also members of an underground polish scouting association called gray ranks (pol: szare szeregi) and they were both active in resistance actions and sabotages. some of the actions included ripping down nazi flags and putting up polish ones, painting “PW” on walls, symbolizing “polska walcząca” (”fighting poland”), blowing up train tracks or writing slogans over nazi propaganda.
rudy was arrested by gestapo (nazi police) on march 23rd and interrogated to get information out of him about gray ranks and the resistance. and by interrogated i mean beaten until he lost consciousness and then woken up to be beaten some more. but rudy was like “screw you i ain’t tellin you shit” and basically acted like he didn’t know anything. he was injured so severely that on the second day of his arrest he had to be taken to the prison hospital and transported back for interrogation on a hospital stretcher. so zośka decided “fuck this” and gathered a team of 28 people to rescue him from arrest. the action was succesful on march 26th when they rescued rudy and 20 other prisoners during their transportation to a different location. rudy died from his injuries on march 30th with zośka being right by his side. before his death, rudy managed to tell others the names of the two main officers who were interrogating him, one of which was herbert schulz who was shot a month later by zośka.
aleksander kamiński, also a resistance fighter, wrote a book called “stones for the rampart” which describes the history of zośka, rudy and other people from their scout team fighting in warsaw. the title, “stones for the rampart”, comes from a poem “my testament” by juliusz słowacki, which zośka has read to rudy on his deathbed and has insisted on calling the book that. (also because another book, rudy’s favorite, was called the same way)
“But I beg you – let the living not lose hope ever
And bear the torch of learning before their compatriots;
And when called, go to their death one after another,
Like the stones tossed by die Lord onto the ramparts...“
zośka died 5 months after rudy during a resistance action. they were both 22 when they died and both were awarded with the war order of virtuti militari (latin: "for military virtue") which is poland’s highest military decoration for heroism and courage at war.
alright, you might say, but why do some people think they were gay? well, elżbieta janicka from the institute of slavic studies said “because we're talking in a homophobic culture, where questioning someone's heterosexual orientation isn't an ascertainment but an accusation, i'd compare zośka and rudy to achilles and patroclus, a couple of legendary warriors.” in her opinion, a particularly telling part from “stones for the rampart” was where after rescuing rudy from arrest, zośka lies down next to rudy in bed and they talk about moving in together after the war and living in a countryside where they would spend unforgettable and happy days. zośka also says that during that time “when we were together, he enjoyed me holding his hand or petting his hair.” there were also rumours about the boys’ sexualities during the war, said zośka’s liaison officer. 
but whether they were gay or not, they were still bomb-ass resistance fighters and you should read “stones for the rampart” by aleksander kamiński (there’s also a movie from 2014)
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towarzystwo · 8 years
Ma ona wady, ma.  Ale dla mnie jest aniołem.
Jan Bytnar 
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egotrue-blog · 9 years
Nie martw się proszę, wszystko skończy się...
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bohaterzy · 3 years
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Jan Roman Bytnar ( ur. 6 maja 1921 r. a zm. 30 marca 1943 r. ) ps. ,, Rudy ‘’ , ,,Czarny ‘’ , ,, Janek ‘’ , ,, Krokodyl ‘’ , ,, Jan Rudy ‘’ podharcmistrz , członek Szarych Szeregów , dowódsa hufca ,, Południe ‘’ Grup Szturmowych. Przyjaciel Zośki i Alka , brat Danuty Dziekańskiej . Do jego wyczynów należą m.in. narysowanie kotwicy na Pomniku Lotnika , brał również udział w Akcji Sylwestrowej . Zginą na skutek katowań.
Cześć I Chwała Bohaterom
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nalle · 9 years
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A bullet would’ve made me a hero. As it is, I’m dying like a beaten dog.
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rude-bitches-die · 9 years
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the-bloody-unicorn · 9 years
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femmefatale-rps · 10 years
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A MOMENT IN HISTORY →  Operation Arsenal
28 scouts participated in “Operation Arsenal”. Only 8 survived the war.
Operation Arsenal, code name: "Meksyk II" (Polish: Akcja pod Arsenałem) was the first major operation by the Szare Szeregi (Gray Ranks), a boy scout resistance organization that fought with the Polish Underground during the Nazi occupation of Poland. It took place on March 26, 1943 in Warsaw.  The plan was to free troop leader Jan "Rudy" Bytnar, who had been arrested by the Gestapo and was being held for questioning. The operation was executed by 28 scouts, and led by Tadeusz "Zośka" Zawadzki, a close friend of Bytnar’s. 
By launching a guerrilla attack on the prison van that was transporting inmates to and from the Gestapo Headquarters, the Szare Szeregi were able to successfully rescue Bytnar and 24 other prisoners, including troop leader, Henryk "Henryk" Ostrowski, and 6 women. Bytnar himself died four days later on account of injuries sustained due to brutal German torture. In revenge, both of his "interrogators" were assassinated by Szare Szeregi scouts within two months.
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