#dawid podsiadło
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z-niewolenie · 7 months ago
Oddałem Ci serce, co jeszcze mam zrobić?
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dalekinapaintedparadise · 8 months ago
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szczurherbacany · 11 days ago
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dawid sąsiadło
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glassrunner · 1 year ago
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trying so hard to release you out of the misery hold on to your wishes, if you can't hold on to me
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poznajezycie · 3 months ago
rok 2024, auto, bieżące sprawy...
Ten rok 2024 miał być chyba moją pokorną lekcją życiową bym mógł nauczyć się większej cierpliwości, odpuszczania, odpuszczania toksycznych ludzi, zweryfikowania ludzi i przede wszystkim stawiania siebie na 1 miejscu… dopiero teraz pod koniec roku to sobie uświadomiłem i dotarło to do mnie ta smutna prawda.... a wy macie już wstępne przemyślenia odnośnie tego roku, jaki dla was on był? :)
Co do auta to… jestem załamany. Dostałem telefon od mechanika, że poprzedni mechanik co mi robił auto albo źle zamontował część albo ta część jest jakaś tanią podróbą, że po prostu nie wytrzymała. Po krótkiej rozmowie dał mi do zrozumienia, że nie opłaca mi się już go remontować i mam po prostu sprzedać jak uda mi się go sprzedać oczywiście… najgorsze, że zainwestowałem w blacharkę 3000zł plus na raty kupiłem opony zimowe do niego jeszcze nawet nie założone ;c nooo ból niesamowity. Nie wiem co mam czuć, co mam myśleć. Czasami mam wrażenie jak by ktoś mi na każdym kroku źle życzył i rzucał kłody pod nogi.
Gdybym wiedział wcześniej nie wydawał bym na remont progów i naprawdę auta ponad 3600zł. jestem zły na siebie, rozczarowany, wkurwiony i nie wiem co jeszcze czuje… ale przewidzieć tego nie mogłem, nikt by nie mógł przewidzieć.
nie wiem ile mam udźwignąć tego gówna, które spada na mnie. nie wiem ile czasu jeszcze tego zniosę. Najgorsze, że człowiek chodzi do tej pracy, żyje w długu i nie widzi tego światełka w tunelu, że może gdzieś wyskoczyć, coś lepszego zjeść, coś zrobić dla siebie tak po prostu mieć coś z życia. + w miarę na bieżąco staram się być z wami jak i blogiem. Potrzebuje czasu aby na pełnych obrotach powrócić ale jestem na dobrej tego drodze <3
"Pięknie żyję Choć kłody pod nogami mam To wszystko minie I miniesz jak ta kłoda też Znaczymy tyle Że siły tylko by się śmiać Przepięknie płynę A ciągle w miejscu tkwię"
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hiacynty · 3 months ago
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smimon · 5 months ago
Ciągle iść do przodu to nie postęp
Nie wiem, czemu dałem tobie dostęp
Panie Boże, daj mi nowy software
Panie Boże, daj mi nowy software!
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voguecovers · 8 months ago
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• Vogue Polska, July - August 2024
Polish singer Dawid Podsiadło, photographer Marcin Kempski, styling Kasia Mioduska
Sculptors, Laskowski & Sandecki
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szatankaaa · 10 months ago
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podraje · 2 months ago
Howdy! Here's some music asks for you!
5: A song that needs to be played loud
9: A song that makes you happy
11: A song you never get tired of
19: A song that makes you think about life
23: A song you think everybody should listen to
25: A Song by an artist no longer living
30: A song that reminds you of yourself
Hi, thank you, thank you, thank you ✨ I will happily answer 🤗
5. A song that needs to be played loud:
Uhh there are many, but I think I'll go with La Dispute - The most beautiful bitter fruit because I love this song so much it's never loud enough for me, I want to feel it in my core and have it in my veins.
9. A song that makes you happy:
Usually pop-rock or pop punk songs cheer me up, cause they tend to be silly. Also a lot of Red Hot Chili Peppers music. I'm gonna go with Blink 182 - First Date. It gives me those preteen feelings, crushes, teen fails and is just so silly. (Extra answer would be Red Hot Chili Peppers - Can't stop).
11: A song you never get tired of
That's a though one 🤔 so with this one I created a criterium: it has to be played often. If I don't listen to the song a lot, then obviously, it doesn't have the chance to bore me. Halsey - Easier than lying (& I'm linking the live vevo version, because she was heavily pregnant at that time and she did that! ✨the woman that she is 👑). Apparently, after some soul-searching in my playlists, it turned out that this is the only song, that I can't remember being like "ugh, skip" at any time. Which is crazy, because when IICHLIWP first came out, I didn't like it at all.
19: A song that makes you think about life (sorry I went OFF with those answers)
There is a few & I think I will link them all 😅 So songs in english, that evoke thoughts about life are:
Aerosmith - Dream on (for obvious reasons). I don't listen to it much tbh, but every time I do it's just... ugh. I think we all know and feel it.
Halsey - Darwinism - it's a new song, from 2024. Halsey wrote the album, which it is on, when she thought she will die, because of her illness. The whole album evokes the thoughts about mortality, that's the main there - what if I die? What will be left of me? She really thought she's gonna be dead soon, and that it's the last album she'll be able to make. But this song just gives me this feeling of being isolated, not really a human but something else, forced to live on earth. A lot of the things which I have been thinking about lately. "What if I'm just cosmic dust?".
And now time for the polish part of this answer, because there are some, very specific songs, that make me feel things about living how I do and where I do.
Dawid Podsiadło - Co mi Panie dasz (Męskie granie 2016). It's a cover, the original is a song by an old polish band Bajm. I choose this version just because I listen to it more often. It's a live recording from one of the biggest polish music festivals Męskie Granie. The singer is Dawid Podsiadło - the most popular male singer in Poland since idk how long, easily 10 years. I'm really sad, that there is not a version with the video avaiable anymore :( So why is it existential to me? Mostly because of the chours, which I will loosely translate as "Lord, what shall Thou give me in these uncertain times? Which words will cradle my soul [and] my future for the rest of these years? Some old rags, so that I could sit on my butt. And is it worth it or not; I pour strong vodka down my throat to ease my grief". It's about searching for meaning, it especially hits when you remember it was originally released in 1982, when Poland was still under communism.
Bitamina - Niech no tylko zakwitną jabłonie. Once again it's a cover of an old song (1964), modernized obviously. Originally it was a part of a musical spectacle written by a very famous polish poet (the spectacle, not the song). I can't really explain what it is about, just about life - good life, content life.
and now for the final punch - Sanah & Igor Herbut - Mamo tyś płakała. They wrote it as a duet right after Russian invasion on Ukraine. Needless to say anything more. Forever making me cry (especially Igor's voice) & reminds me of the feelings we (I) had at the time.
23: A song you think everybody should listen to
I think everyone on earth should know Arctic Monkeys - 505 because it's magical, emotive and has the best bridge (and bridge build up) ever.
25: A Song by an artist no longer living
While Linkin Park is still playing and putting music out, I just couldn't not put Chester Bennington in this part of the ask. Linkin Park - Somwhere I belong.
30: A song that reminds you of yourself
Halsey - Ashley. There is a reason for her being my favourite artist. She writes about everything I've ever felt.
Thank you and sorry for some very long answers.
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z-niewolenie · 7 months ago
I chociaż ostatecznie na związek nas nie będzie stać
I złamiemy sobie serce
Niech skradziony weekend trwa
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dalekinapaintedparadise · 8 months ago
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simpleisthehardest · 5 months ago
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odcinek 2, sezon 1 - Refreshing
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ravenpawraas · 3 months ago
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I can’t stop listen Dawid Podsiadło and other Polish artists today idk why..... 😮‍💨
Charlie opened me another music
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mortal-pain · 3 months ago
Na dno. Na dnie. Na pewno znajdziesz mnie.
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szostka · 3 months ago
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Polish music on TOP 🔥
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