#jamie x erin devil in me
devilinlittlehope · 1 year
Y’all asked for more Jerin and I’m delivering on that promise🥰
Here’s a quick little piece I wrote! I imagined how cute it would be if Erin opened up to Jamie and told her she was her first kiss, and the two had an intimate, open conversation. I really adore their dynamic so I wanted to explore it further here:
“You’re cute when you’re flustered,” Jamie said, grinning wide.
Erin blushed, the blood rushing to her head as her heart practically beat out of her chest. Did Jamie just say what she thought she said? It was something she always wished for.
“You think I’m cute?” Erin asked.
“Yeah, you’re super cute. I can’t stop thinking about kissing you,” Jamie said, leaning a bit closer. It was her turn to blush, but she hid it under her confident demeanor. Her flirty smile, the brightness of her eyes, and the way she took control nearly concealed her flushed face.
“I want to kiss you too,” Erin admitted.
God, she had a crush on Jamie for as long as she could remember. Ever since she started working for Charlie, Jamie had instantly caught her eye. Even on that first day, when Jamie had poked fun at her, making jokes that made her anxious heart race, Erin knew she was intensely attracted to her. Somehow being made fun of felt really good when Jamie was the one doing it.
Jamie was so obviously and outwardly into women, so Erin tried to drop hints that she was too. When they’d talk about movies they liked, music they listened to, Erin tried to casually express that she was solely interested in women, and a part of the community. Things went even better as the two warmed up to each other, and became friends. Being Jamie’s friend was a precious thing. The other girl always saved a spot for Erin, always made time for her, and always volunteered to carry her mic. It was these little things that made Erin think that maybe Jamie liked her back. When their hands touched, Erin would think ‘is this when she’s going to kiss me?’
There were moments of great tension, but nothing had happened…until now. And she felt simultaneously the most excited she’d ever been yet dreadfully unprepared.
As Jamie leaned closer, her lips hovering an inch away from Erin’s, she couldn’t help herself. She pulled back and instantly regretted it. Jamie tilted her head.
“What’s wrong?” She asked. “Did I misread the situation?”
Oh shit. She blew it. Erin felt the sweat run down her back. Fuck, she wished she was less nervous.
“No! Not at all. I want to kiss you really bad. I’ve had a crush on you for a while, it’s just…” Erin began, cutting herself off. She sighed, took a deep breath, and decided to be brave.
“It’s just…I haven’t kissed anyone before.” As the words left her mouth, she looked down, not wanting to meet Jamie’s eyes.
Erin’s body was tense, her shoulders hunched, limbs drawn in tight. She was expecting a laugh, a scoff, some comment that would make her want to crawl back inside her skin. She’d had crushes before, but her inexperience had stopped her from acting on them. Erin couldn’t help but think that people would look down on her. People were always observing how nervous she was, how shy, how well-behaved. She felt this inexperience would be one more strike against her, another reason to date a more confident or outspoken or bolder girl instead of her.
She was surprised when Jamie gently took her hand in hers, running her fingers over her knuckles. The motion was soft, soothing. It calmed her heart and she felt herself relax. Erin finally looked into Jamie’s eyes and saw something that eased all her worries. Jamie looked as nervous as she felt.
“Hey, it’s okay. That’s nothing to be ashamed of, Erin. I’ve only ever kissed two people before,” Jamie said.
Erin was surprised. She didn’t expect that at all!
“Really?” She asked.
Jamie smiled. “Yeah. You probably thought I was some player, and I can’t blame you. My confidence and snarky attitude is my armor. I built it up to protect myself from all the assholes in the world. It’s saved me from a lot of bullshit, but it’s not all there is to me.”
“I wish I could stick up for myself like you do,” Erin admitted.
Jamie looked surprised. “Erin, you’re stronger than you know. I’ve seen you hold your ground and put people in their place. You have a lot more confidence than you’d think. You might’ve been anxious meeting me, but I was nervous meeting you, too. You seemed so smart, so sure of what you wanted. I might not seem like it, but deep down I’m a bundle of nerves. Especially when I like someone.”
It was Erin’s turn to smile. “I make you nervous?”
Jamie nodded. “Yeah. The more interested I am in someone, the more nervous I get. Feel my heart right now,” Jamie took hold of Erin’s hand and placed it over her chest.
Erin felt Jamie’s heart quicken against her skin, felt its quick, steady beat beneath her fingers.
“I really want to kiss you right now,” Erin whispered.
“I really want to kiss you too. Since I’m your first, I‘ll be sure to leave a good impression.” Jamie said, and crashed her lips onto Erin’s.
Erin felt a shock of pleasure spread from her head down to her toes. Jamie’s mouth was warm and soft against hers, and Erin opened her mouth so she could have more access. Erin had doubted herself in her mind, but her body knew what to do. Her lips moved against Jamie’s, deepening the kiss. They parted and kissed again, quick, ravenous kisses transforming into slow, passionate ones.
When they parted again, Jamie looked deeply into Erin’s eyes.
“You’re a natural,” Jamie said.
“Thanks,” Erin said, the compliment sending a newfound wave of confidence through her. She waited a moment before saying. “There’s a lot more I want to try out too…”
Jamie grinned excitedly. “I can’t wait. We’ll discover what you like together.”
Jamie leaned in to kiss her again, and Erin melted under her touch.
Erin had never felt like this before. She felt so loved, so desired. She never wanted this to end. She wanted this moment to last forever.
If you’ve read this far, I hope you enjoyed it❤️
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sigmamax69 · 5 months
yoooo ok so i’m sorry I basically died guys 😭😭 life has just got me super busy these days and generally been feeling unmotivated art-wise, but slowly getting out of it. Pls accept this Jerin sketch as an apology 🙏🙏
I’ll get back into the swing of art soon, I promise!!
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werewolfpirate · 1 year
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taylorshope · 1 year
Best TDIM ship yes or yes
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lesenfys · 8 months
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Soooo it’s been awhile.. but here’s Jerin if the TDIM fandom is still alive???
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redran6er · 1 year
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Happy pride month to the devil in me cast! 😊🏳️‍🌈✨
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classy-ad-lib · 2 years
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saved all the babies (including conny the dog) on my second playthrough!!
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i've got pretty kisses too!!! they were worth it
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qusok · 1 year
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They're on coffee date in park, but Erin's sleepy (she's me, confirmed)
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Thanks to @timethehobo for the idea! (I literally took everything from the comment lol)
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unhingedlesbear · 1 year
Ok I didn't want to make this post but it's been grinding my gears lately. Isn't it a little interesting how even though the game has 2 canon couples, both being interracial and one being wlw, and yet the most popular fandom ship is between the one white guy and the literal serial killer?
Everyone was going insane about the LGBT+ rep in the quarry between Dylan and Ryan and yet I'm seeing next to nothing about Jamie and Erin, who I'd argue have more chemistry and a more developed relationship than Dylan and Ryan had. Everything's about Du'met and Charlie for some reason. Bit odd innit?
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for3stbug · 5 months
this is literally my very first post on this god forsakken place and it's to complain
Because tell me why there are more fics of charlie and du'met THEN OF SILLY CANON LESBIANS ERIN AND JAMIE ??? absolutely devastated
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kindheartedgummybears · 6 months
hhhr.... hhmmm... errr... grrrg.... no.. no... HHR.R.. RAHHHRAHHHH NENNN EJHHHH EAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
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devilinlittlehope · 1 year
Can we get some more Jerin?
Yesss of course🥰 I really enjoyed writing about them and they’re one of my fave supermassive ships so I would love to write more!
Did you have a specific idea or concept in mind? If there’s any situations/scenarios you’d like me to write about or any tropes you’d like me to follow, let me know!
If not, no pressure, I was just curious. I’ll still write about them💗
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sigmamax69 · 10 months
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OK OK so I kept seeing @kindheartedgummybears's and @lazylesbianbear's werewolf AUs and I reallly like them and I got inspired to draw something like that !!
Tbh ig this is just as if Erin and Jamie were in The Quarry's setting, and Jamie got turned into a werewolf and captured Erin in the woods. What will happen to her? Who knows!!
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urtrickster · 9 months
actually kinda vile of me to make this anyways here she is nd i love her <3
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thebvbbletea · 2 years
from "only real in fans' head" chris - josh, conrad - brad, jason - salim and emma - abi to "one-sided love and never mentioned again after the other one interacting with the another opposite gender character" dylan - ryan to "real romance" jamie - erin.
I love growth 👏
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lesenfys · 1 year
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Happy Valentine’s Day! To celebrate here’s some Jerin 🫶
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