#jamie tartt the love of my life
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deardarlingthings · 2 years ago
this is some best friend behavior
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deardarlingthings · 2 years ago
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deardarlingthings · 2 years ago
i don't think i will recover from this
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deardarlingthings · 1 year ago
when people say that jamie tartt is anything but loosey goosy with his sexuality
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deardarlingthings · 2 years ago
Jamie "I got them to change the 'e' to a 'u' but Isaac's my best friend" Tartt
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and Roy "he's not my best friend- I love it" Kent
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Shut up I love them
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deardarlingthings · 1 year ago
AHHHH that's my type
so much love for characters who are desperately unsure whether they’re a good person, a redeemable person, a person worth saving, but are absolutely certain that they’re a grade a hottie
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deardarlingthings · 2 years ago
no man just gifts the original kit of someone from over a decade ago, 2014 world cup, gets the name changed from 'e' to 'u' and gifts it at an event to your coach's uncle day where they think your his best friend. did you have it?? did you search for it to give him? that is not straight regular friend behavior, jamie.
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jopzer · 8 months ago
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world's number one roykent fanboy <3
this was made as part of the royjamie fanzine let's get lost! i have a few more pieces to post so keep your eyes peeled ;) (as always, click for quality!)
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hawkfuller · 2 years ago
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we've got chemistry, we either gonna kiss each other or headbutt each other, and you never know what. phil is disgustingly talented, he can sing, he can dance, he can do frontflips, he can act, he can do comedy, he can do sound effects, he can play football very well... there's really nothing he can't do, other than believe in himself enough. (x)
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deardarlingthings · 2 years ago
Do you mean to tell me he either found the book somewhere, got it from Ted at a later date because he got it out of the trash, or did Jamie Tartt himself dig through the trash when no one was looking because someone who could be a father figure gave him something with him in mind????
I love this
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destielcowboy · 2 years ago
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phoebewallersbridge · 2 years ago
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faramirsonofgondor · 1 year ago
there’s no need for pinterest to call me out like this 😭
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but also they’re so real for this
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deardarlingthings · 2 years ago
I have so much I could say about this-
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jamiesfootball · 10 months ago
For word game Wednesday:
The sound of his alarm pestered him awake like an annoying old friend.
Roy smacked the alarm, rolled over, and gave himself five more minutes. Spent it staring through the gap in the curtains, watching the sky turn imperceptibly from indigo to a lighter blue. Then he levered himself up, his knee cracking in protest.
He scrubbed at his face. The scratch of his stubble sounded loud in the quiet morning air.
It was morning. It was the off-season. He was tired. His head pounded with the late night regret of red wine.
And yet he’d still set his alarm to go off early so he could get Jamie packed up and on the way to Manchester.
His knee shouted at him the entire way down the staircase. Walking stiffly into the living room, he considered doing the same to Jamie to wake him up.
Considered it. Disregarded it. Moved forward.
Whatever Higgins said.
The nuisance on his couch slept in the blissful contortions of youth, with no regards to back pain. Half spilling off the cushions, Jamie squeezed his favourite throw pillow to his chest like a fucking teddy bear. Phoebe’s blanket had been kicked off during the night, only to be retrieved and folded back over his arms until he looked like a sweatered jellyfish. Even his joggers were trying to escape his feet, riding up to his knees.
Again, it crossed Roy’s mind to shout him awake.
He took a deep inhale through the nose. Exhaled through the mouth.
An empty wineglass still sat on the coffee table. A cup of tea discarded on the side table. Nothing to indicate that there’d been an argument the night before. Nothing to point to why Jamie shouldn’t be there, asleep in his living room where Roy could confirm he was actually resting up. The tape around his ankle seemed as harmless as a sock.
After weighing the merits, he settled for chucking a pillow at him instead. “Oi. Time to wake up.”
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deardarlingthings · 2 years ago
I needed to make a post off of this one because... it just explains so much more. This hits so many new tones now- this show is known for their layers and callbacks and now going back to that moment even though it was wrong, he made Keeley practically bid for him as a trauma response. He had another lady he knew bid on him, almost guarantied as a safety net. This man has never known a lick of peace as a child. As a teen. Hell, his father took him to the redlight district to become a man at fourteen years old. A night that Jamie even now, comes to barely remember most likely because he blocked it out. Hell, if he was in the district, god knows if his father was making him do to forget or to be more of a man. a child being forced to lose his virginity to an adult because a parent said that was what you needed to be a man. From a man who abused him constantly. Verbally. Physically. Mentally. Every form imaginable up to present day. Topping that- his mother wasn't exactly in the picture- did she know how bad he was and left him with his father? His mother never fought for him. He has been alone. Building those walls to be like his dad because no one ever messed with him. Jamie Tartt as far as we know, up until AFC Richmond, has not known a father figure, a friend, no support system, no healthy relationships. The one person he found solace in as a kid, the man who he had a poster of on his wall, and someone who coached him one on one for several months while knowing he was being used as an emotional punching bag {and dealt with because in a sense, trauma response, used to it}, feels safe enough to tell him this. Feels free enough around him. Jamie found sanctuary in the one man who he idolized for years. and you bet your ass Roy Kent will protect his loved ones and family. Jamie has found a family in Richmond, and has found that and more in Roy fuckin' Kent.
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