#jamie is actually so petty it’s amazing
leo-and-me · 1 year
things i need to see when they release leo and me
1. a scene of Jamie Romano standing on his tiptoes to be taller
2. the full scene where Jamie roasts Leo’s entire soul and wellbeing
3. literally any scene with Jackson Davies
4. that scene where Jamie and Leo fight over a disco dance and Jamie runs away from home
5. the scene of Jamie panhandling as a “homeless orphan” after leaving the yacht and going like 50 feet away
6. the scene of Brent Carver fighting against the Italian mafia singlehandedly (his girl left him for the mafia boss)
7. the origin of the police coming to the yacht because of Leo’s delusions
8. Rocco and Jamie camping and Rocco convincing Jamie that Leo is an ancient evil or something
9. the origin of Brent Carver and his wig
10. the intro (there’s a terrible song playing i just know it)
i included the gif of Jamie destroying Leo’s entire existence
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kajillionaires · 2 years
hearing a lot of discussion around angela bassett’s reaction to jamie lee curtis’ best supporting actress win andthe unsubtle racism in the criticism she’s received is fucking insane. the way white women use the word “civil” is like, mind-boggling. like i’m sorry? were u guys on the wrong channel or something? did angela bassett start fucking biting or something? bc from the way they’re describing the split second reaction you would think she caused a riot. not only that but like?? it’s like such an unashamedly racist thing to say. literally all angela bassett did is not immediately start cheering or anything like that. you’d have to be brain dead not to know how profoundly fucked up and racist it is to call a poc uncivilized for any reason and especially for something so minor. like?? not only that but the other white woman nominated looked actually, visibly annoyed but white women don’t really care about that, don’t think she was ungracious or petty or anything. like just say you hate women of color. calling her entitled n shit when she literally didn’t react at all like the way white people will read every single fucking thing poc do as a act of aggression never fails to fucking amaze me. and beyond that, there’s a whole legion of people saying that jamie lee curtis would have clapped if angela bassett won… like okay? how the fuck do you know this? that woman is absolutely foul i will never get over what she said about ana de armas, even if she admitted she was wrong, it’s still insane that a white woman would ever feel so comfortable admitting that she thought ana de armas to be “unsophisticated” just because she had recently immigrated from cuba?? i’m not ana de armas biggest supporter by any means but it’s just not a “classy” thing to say or admit, since the people criticizing angela bassett are so concerned about having “class”. like i feel so stupid writing all of this but like it genuinely makes me so fucking angry.
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maroonghoul · 11 months
Terror Time 2023: Days 13 thru 19
Friday the 13th Part VII: The New Blood I'm now believing the hype with Kane Hodder's Jason. Full-on zombie look aside, even him just standing there is chilling.
Otherwise though; Okay I knew going in the kills were neutered, but I didn't expect it to be at the point where I literally can't tell how a few of these people even died. Hard to think the MPAA were ever the good guys on this based on how unreasonably petty the cut demands were. If they were actual moral guardians, they might've taken such measures before filming had started. At least, keep the filmmakers from being set up to fail. Instead we're left with a repeat of Part 4 for the first two acts, and not as good.
Though, apart from the mixed messages of the abuser Dad being summoned back to save the day, the third act was easily the best. Practically a long montage of Jason getting the crap kicked out of him by telekinesis. It's a shame they didn't follow up on Tina or introduce another copy of any other Horror icon. She could've been the Mothra to his Godzilla. (not the shipping part!).
I think for the next Friday the 13th, I want to go back a few entries. One where they actually allowed some blood. Before Tommy Jarvis...
Hellraiser(2022) I only've seen the first two Hellraiser movies before this, so my standards might be a little too high. Granted, yes, the cenobites here look amazing. Jamie Clayton is a great Pinhead (or should we call them the Priest from here on out?). And it again feels right to have all this happen because a selfish rich man ruins makes all of this everyone else's problem.
But I don't know if this a tad generic setup was needed for this with the rest of our characters. The first movie was a play on Faust and the second was about an escape from hell, at first figuratively then literally. This setup feels more akin to every teen supernatural horror movie made in the last 20 years.
Yeah I get the addiction metaphor, and the point here being if you're too careless with it, you can ruin your friends and family's lives too. But it still feels neutered with the sexual tension when compared to I and II. And I already pretty much got the addiction metaphor from Evil Dead 2013.
The ending felt right at least. After a certain point, the smart move is to stop using the monkey's paw. And there sometimes is no way to fix things. I'm not sure we need to see Riley again, but I would like a less generic set up for the next one.
Deep Rising Honestly, if it weren't for the nasty way it eats people, this is a movie where you can easily root for the monster. It's like if the bad guys from a Die Hard ripoff got ambushed by something from Lovecraft. Everyone's either a rich prick, a terrorist, a mercenary, or a thief. Which ironically keeps this pretty light and fast. Also points for having a comic relief (Benny from the Mummy!) be whiny WITHOUT being annoying! Also, did we ever really find out what creature they were supposed to find in the unmade sequel? King Kong? Wouldn't have made sense from a marketing perspective.
The Exorcist III: Legion With rewatching the original still fresh in my mind, I can compare these two a bit more easily then I have in the past. This movie feels strangely smaller, probably because there's just one main plot, rather then the two from the original. I get why, although it just makes the Father Morning character stick out like a sore thumb even more. I'm half convinced he never shot any of his scenes with the other actors. Even the demon and Gemini killer are more creepy then terrifying compared to Regan. But I did like there was a bit more of a plan here then the original. Sure in both of them, it's about causing despair to everyone around, but at least this one is more complex then setting up a rematch with Merrin.
I get why Blatty might've been pissed the studio interfered to make this more of a tie-in to the original. Every artist likes doing something different then before. But, in a rare instance, I understand them and think they actually make this movie stronger. This was set in the Exorcist universe, so that's the brand you have to use. And I do prefer they tried what did get sorta worked last time someone in this city claimed to be possessed. It goes about as well, but it still worked in the end. Better then a cop just shooting, for all anyone can prove, a mentally ill patient.
So with the original creator writing this story, plus executive meddling that actually makes sense; of course this is still one of the greatest horror sequels ever made, even if it strangely feels more like an epilogue of the first film. I have no interest in the second movie or the prequel. Maybe I'll get to Believer one day. (I'm just more of a fan of the Halloween franchise). I have heard good things about the television show, so that might be my next step.
The Town That Dreaded Sundown (2014) I saw the original film five years ago in this case, so my memory's bit fuzzy. Although I do remember that one wasn't really a story. This is a remake in a sense, everything from the original more or less happened in this movie too, but there's also an actual plot. It's pretty much Scream, especially with the meta angle, but still. In any other circumstance, I'd have a problem with a killer being inspired by a movie, but this is a movie depicting actual events that were sensationalized, in the same town, so we have a more sensible message then what we would've gotten otherwise. I even liked the killer reveal. They fooled me with the creeper love interest, only to reveal it was actually the cop AND the insecure first boyfriend. Sure, the finale was a pretty lame setup, but at least it wasn't too long. Sometimes, you just gotta leave a bad town.
Also, Hi Amos from the Expanse! Sorry you lost your head.
Dr. X (1932) This was kind of an interesting experiment compared to other horror movies at the time. Not just the coloring, but the plot structure. Told from the point of view from an outsider coming in looking for answers instead of the monster. Worked for the book version of Jekyll & Hyde. Also, it's a fun premise; one of many mad scientists is an actual murderer, so you send another mad scientist to catch him. Even the climax is like something out of a nightmare, in a good way.
But...yeah. Lee Tracy's reporter character is just annoying and pushy. Completely useless and obnoxious until conveniently at the end. Look, if you're going to call your movie Dr. X and he's not the villain, he should get a lot more screen time then this. I also don't feel they made the most of their mansion setting. I'm a sucker for old dark house movies, but I guess maybe my standards really are high. Well, now when I reaching for something when I'm alone, I might find myself randomly saying "Synthetic flesh!" for no reason. So I guess there's that.
The Strangers: Prey At Night The marketing for the originals scared me way too much to see it at the time. But I was a bit curious about hearing good things about this one. First act is very good at establishing dread, even a little bit before they reached the trailer park. But when it starts, it almost never stops until the night is over. The quest moments are few, but they make them count. Should've known Christina Hendricks, the only actor I recognized, was chosen to die first. Of course once she's gone, there goes your sense of security. One slight disadvantage about the setup is that this is no one's home turf. Sure, you never believe any place is safe, but it also feels like our villains act rather carelessly. I guess that's the point; this is when they got too cocky and so finally paid the price. Their demises were pretty cathartic, especially with the one homage to Christine near the end.
For this new trilogy they just announced, I wonder if it's going to be a whole new group of psychos or just a reimagining of the trio. I'm even curious to how it'll stack up to a certain other slasher trilogy we just gotten.
Mad Love (1935) I went in expecting what would basically be Eye from Body Bags 60 years earlier. Was pleasantly surprised to see that was a red herring and the real monster is something totally not relevant now; an incel! Though yeah, no wonder this was Peter Lorre's big break. You could not have picked a scarier character for him. Bonus points where the effects from the implant feel somewhat realistic, apart from their blood types conveniently matching apparently. Sure, the guy will never play piano as well ever again, but muscle memory gave him a new skill.
Well, my big takeaway from this; I need more Peter Lorre movies on my watchlist.
I'm a few days behind here, but I will catch up!
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sunaswife · 4 years
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Summary: It’s been five years since you’ve seen your ex, Rin. He’s still not over you and you’re not over him. When he finds out you have children he thought he didn’t have a chance. Then he finds out they’re his? All of a sudden you’re teaching Suna how to be a single dad.
A/N: I made some new friends who are fellow writers on discord and my heart I— 🥺 cookie if you’re reading this be the ryu to my saeko
Warnings: Fluff, angst I guess, drama, and cuteness twin overload
Previously Up Next Masterlist
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Chapter five
“And the champions are MSBY Black Jackals! Y/N, was that an amazing game or what?!” Your co-commentator said as he turned to you. “That was probably one of the best games I’ve seen all season. I find it crazy that I managed to see the first game Ninja Shoyo and Tobio had against eachother in middle school and Tobio’s team won by a landslide but now watching them both after all this time? Wow it’s just amazing. The Jackals deserve this win.” You said and he nodded.
When the game ended you saw your kids run up to Bokuto and Atsumu and you mentally groaned as the sound tech tried to remove the headset and the wireless mic from your pants. You then sighed in relief when Hinata hugged them both and took them away. Jamie took a picture of Hinata and your kids because he wanted to post a before and after of when they looked like little potatoes.
You didn’t have a chance to go back to your kids or even congratulate Hinata. You were swiftly taken away by Kuroo and the rest of the team for a quick meeting. Your face turned bright red when they all praised you for doing an amazing job and how intriguing you made the match sound. You knew a lot of the monster generation due to nationals and training camps and your cousin and the people loved how you talked a little more about how much their favorite players have grown since you’ve been there to see it all.
When the meeting ended you texted Jamie to meet you in the hallway near the locker rooms. Tobio wasn’t answering your texts and you wanted to see if he wanted to come over to your home so you could all eat and watch a movie to end the first day of your new job. Tobio is probably upset about his loss but he acknowledged how much stronger Hinata has gotten so he probably shouldn’t be too beaten up about it.
The hallway was empty occasionally a few workers passed by. Kuroo wanted to speak with you after but he was held back by other responsibilities and he asked to call you and you nodded with a soft smile. So now you waited alone for Tobio, Jamie and your kids to make their way.
You heard a few foot steps so you turned to see familiar faces and If seeing Atsumu today wasn’t good enough imagine seeing his twin and your ex boyfriend?
It’s too soon.
You quickly turned your head and started walked to where the locker rooms were and the footsteps moved faster. “Kageyama wait!” Suna said, his voice was deeper and he pleaded so desperately. You close your eyes and stop walking. Their footsteps slowed and you turned around. Even in heels you were facing his chest. He certainly looks ever more fit in person then in pictures you managed to see on the internet. His hair was slightly shorter but he was handsome as ever. You slowly looked up to meet his fox like eyes and it felt like forever.
“Um...hi..how’s everything?” You asked awkwardly, “Everything is fine I guess. I went pro.” He said quietly and you smiled. His eyes softened, you looked so beautiful and mature. You now wore your hair down, in beautiful curls. You’re wearing heels, high heels. You also are wearing a little more makeup then what you used to wear in highschool but you still looked breathtakingly beautiful. He saw you doing your thing up there in the commentator stand and he was beyond proud how how far you’ve come and he hopes you’re just as proud of him.
“That’s wonderful, Suna.” You said softly and his heart clenched.
Call me Rintarou, Rin, babe, anything but Suna.
“Hello, Kageyama. It’s been a long time.” Osamu spoke up and you turned to him. “It has, how’s everything?” You asked him. “Finally took the culinary path, I own a restaurant called Onigiri Miya.” He said. “That’s amazing. I’m so happy for both of you but I really need to go—“
“So soon? We were looking for you everywhere.” Suna said quickly, “Tsumu told us you were here.” Osamu said and you gritted your teeth. “Son of a bitch can’t keep his mouth shut.” You huffed. Their eyes widened, since when did you have a potty mouth?
“How long have you been a commentator?” Suna asked, “This was my first pro match. I used to be a ref for highschool, middle school and elementary teams.” You said and he nodded. You heard little footsteps at a fast pace and children’s laughter.
Holy shit.
This is not good.
Oh my god.
“I told you kids to stop running!” You heard Jamie and the two men turned to see Jamie chasing after those two brats from earlier. “Jamie?” Osamu said in disbelief. “Where’s mommy? She said she’ll be here. I wanna tell her that Rubens asked me to marry him.” Akira said and your eyes widened. Your daughter looked up and she screamed. “ITS MIYA ATSUMU!” She yelled, “I get to see you again!” She said as she ran. “Akira don’t run without me!” Rini yelled. Before your daughter could come tackle Osamu you quickly made your way between the two men and you scooped them both up in one swift motion. “How many times have I told you guys to not run in the halls?” You said with your back facing the two men.
The secret was out. You’re screwed. There is nothing you can do now. “A lot.” They said deafeated in unison. “And how many times have I told you to stop bulldozing people?” You asked. “A lot.” They replied robotically.
“Then why do you both keep misbehaving? When I’ve told you many times not to.” You said and set them down.
“Sorry, mommy.”
“Mommy?” Suna asked, your twins finally turned a bit to see who that mystery man was and they gasped.
“Yeah, I’m their mom.” You cleared your throat and you turned and straighten your posture.
“The cats out of the bag.” Atsumu said as he leaned against the wall. Since when has he been there?
“Oh—ok..” he said quietly. Now he knows he doesn’t have a chance anymore. Whoever you’re with is lucky to have you as a wife and the mother of their children. But he should have known, you’re a catch. Who wouldn’t want you as their wife?
“Mommy, is he our dad.” Rini spoke and you almost choked. Atsumu actually spit his water and Jamie and Osamu almost fainted.
Wait what?!
“The what?” Suna asked. “Rini no—“ you said quickly. “He’s not? But we look the same. And you have a photo of him in your box under your—“ “That’s enough.” You cut him off. You didn’t like using that tone with him or Akira but you don’t know how Suna is going to react.
“T-they’re mine?” Suna spoke up. “No—I mean yes—I mean. It’s complicated. Why don’t you give me your phone number and we can meet up privately and talk about it.” You said quickly. This was so embarrassing, and just awkward. Especially in front of everyone.
“It’s a simple question, Y/N. It’s either a yes or a no. Which is it so I can leave or I can get on the phone with my lawyer.” His whole demeanor changed and your kids hid behind your legs. His eyes narrowed at their actions. “Lawyer for what?” You asked. “Yes or no.” He ignored your question. Jamie took a step forward but Atsumu grabbed her shoulder to stop her and she quickly smacked it away.
“Yes, you’re their father.” You said and he sighed and rubbed his face. “Why didn’t you tell me?” He immediately asked. “I tried to.” You told him. “When?” He asked. “A week before I was due.” You replied. “Which was what..? In September? I got a new number. How could you act so stupid.” He said and you gasped. “Excuse me?” You immediately got defensive. “You’re calling me stupid?” You asked. “Yeah well you could have found other ways if you really tried!” He said, “The twins didn’t change their numbers, you knew my address. There was no excuse for you to not tell me.” He said and you scoffed. “Sorry for being depressed that my first boyfriend started dating me over a stupid bet and I was traumatized from dealing with a pregnancy all on my own. Sorry for caring more about you—“
“How were you caring about me? Huh? Tell me!” He said with a raised voice. In all honesty you raised your voice first. “Rintarou, were you willing to give up everything? Volleyball, college, happiness, to raise two children? Were you willing to sleep on the cold floor in a cramped studio apartment, wishing you had enough money to buy yourself a bed. But you needed to feed your kids and buy them clothes. Tell me rin, would you have done that?” You screamed. “Would you be willing to suffer and deal with strangers and family members telling you how stupid and how much of a whore you were for having children so young. I didn’t tell you so that I save you from that. So you could do this.” You motioned. “So you could go pro and live your dream. Believe me Suna I was going to tell you eventually. When I had a feeling you were ready.” You said.
“I did this for you.” Your voice cracked.
“Mommy we’re sorry. We don’t need a dad, let’s go home.” Rini spoke up and he pulled your pants leg. “When you cry it makes me cry mommy, please stop.” Akira’s voice shook. You reached down to rub their heads.
“Well, Rin. There you have it. There you all have it.” You said and glanced at the twins and at Tobio and Hinata who were peering over the wall. You pressed under your eyes to stop the tears. “If you want to be in their life, let me know. If not then don’t waste my time and ask me stupid questions. I did what I did for a reason, not because I was being petty.” You spoke up.
So what should he do?
He just stood there in complete shock. So you took that as your answer. “Well if you excuse me, it’s late and I need to get my kids in bed. They have school tomorrow.” You said and held their hands as you passed by Suna and Osamu, you didn’t dare look at Atsumu and Hinata and Kageyama’s heart broke when they saw the single tear fall down your face.
You didn’t look back, but your kids did. And they looked at their father with so much hurt and betrayal. They’re homeschooled, you as their mother and teacher get to decide what they learn. Normal kindergartners learn how to spell their names and read. But they’re already advanced, I mean you were the top student in your class. Made sense you’d turn your children into kid geniuses. They were already fluent in English as well, and they read a lot. Not because they have to but they genuinely like it. Akira can sit for hours and Rini did too but after a few pages he starts rambling and giving a book report about all the interesting things he read.
They’ve read books and seen shows and movies of a perfect family. A son, a daughter, a mother, a father, and a dog or cat.
That’s all they wanted.
They wanted a complete family. They want to see their father reach up to the highest shelf to help you grab some plates, and they wanted him to read them books, they even wanted to know if their father liked listening to old rock bands and watching anime like you and them.
They wanted to know if there was anything similar between their father and them other than appearance. But they would never know that. They finally saw Rin turn and he looked at those two kids, it’s honestly scary how similar they look to him. He took a step towards you, but before they could tell you, you turned the corner and they decided it was best to just drop it.
They didn’t need a dad anyways, right?
They’re doing just fine with a single mom.
They’re just feeling selfish, right?
But they don’t understand, they’re only five.
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A/N: childhood trauma at its finest smh I’m in tears why tf do u still read this shit 😫😭
🏷: @therealwalmartjesus @differentballooncollection @aaesuki @atsunflower @dope-squish @prettysetterboiss @june-phantom @tomo-uwu @austriasmariazelle @xrnia @katsulia @aprettyfruit @shut-your-eyes-kiss-me-goodbye @tvbiio @sun-daddy-yoriichi @kamenoyaki @ppangiiroo @loeyprivvv @kmskj92 @lovinnoya @sarahvvictoria @tris-does-stuff @mokkeguts @sunaluvr6969 @bara-rose-would @sempiternal-amour @volleybloop @leykyuu @bokutoichigo @stfucanunot @tpwkatsumu @ohshirabu @shoutosimp @mqrinqcele @bokutosdivineass @anngelllla @toworuu @hidden-otaku-stuff @seijohiselite @caxsthetic @aquariarose @hhwanggu @bakuhoetoedoroki @yoozuku @osamus-onigiri @akaashi-todorki @donica95 @kakaokenma @airheadpillar @sredamancy
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fantasy2739 · 3 years
Jamie Tartt prompt: Jamie finds out that it was Rebecca and not Ted who did the ManCity switch.
Hiya! So this is short and sweet but I may do a longer version some other time.
Jamie doesn’t hold grudges. Okay he does, but usually they’re well deserved. Like Sam and Dani getting a shit ton of praise after playing less than stellar (Sam was a fantastic player) or being injured (Dani was an amazing striker). Or like Roy for acting like he was the shit (still one of the best midfielders ever).
Alright so maybe he’s a little petty.
He does feel totally justified for holding a small grudge against Ted for letting him go. From how it had been explained to him, all Ted had to do was say he wasn’t going to bench Jamie for the rest of the season. He knows on some level that if Man City had really pushed, Ted wouldn’t have much of a choice. Still, he’s pretty sure that Ted hadn’t said anything at all. Jamie remembers the exact moment he got the call saying he’d been recalled. He’d run through so many thoughts and feelings, he was surprised he had any left. The first was definitely ‘what the fuck’, which had been followed by shit he was leaving Richmond. It wasn’t that he hadn’t wanted to leave…. He just didn’t want to. He’d actually been bonding. Fuck sake he’d given a whole talk on why he was a prick. He’d shared a bottle of alcohol with the lads. That was when he’d started getting angry. Because fuck that. He’d started to feel like he might have a place with the team and it had gone and gotten fucked. When things got fucked, Jamie blamed someone else. And all he could think was Ted fucking Lasso had done this. He probably wasn’t chipper enough for the yank.
So maybe, just maybe Jamie did something a little petty and spiteful. And maybe he called Ted a twat to one too many people.
Getting Richmond relegated hadn’t exactly felt like justice but Jamie would be lying if it hadn’t felt a little good. Not in a ‘fuck you I’m the best’ kind of way, more of a ‘fuck you how could you toss me’ way. His dad ruined it and Ted saw he’d ruined it. Jamie wondered, fleetingly, if Ted had actually fought for him to stay. The little soldier he gave him followed him everywhere. He’d even swallowed his grudge to ask Ted if he could go back to Richmond. He didn’t hold onto it, he’d actually been pretty good at hiding the minuscule resent he may still bare.
They’re drinking. They just won a match and they’re living it up at one of the many bars around. Or everyone else is. Jamie is maybe three sips into his first beer. He’s never been a big drinker, especially not when he’s in the on season. He’s not ruining his physique thank you. He doesn’t mind though, being one of the few that doesn’t really drink. Drunkenness lowers a lot of walls. He sees people behave in ways, not that they never would, but in ways that they normally wouldn’t. Isaac is very cuddly, Colin’s accent gets so Welsh he may just actually be speaking Welsh. Sam compliments everyone in his immediate radius. Dani dances and strips. Jamie likes that his team is so bubbly. He slides into a seat next to Ted briefly. He knows he should congratulate the man, or at least one is his coaches on the win. Even if he thinks Roy is fucking ancient.
“There he is!” Ted cheers. He pokes Jamie’s chest a few times. “Our star player.” Jamie feels warm and gooey about the compliment.
“Course I’m the star.” He says. “I’m amazing. But congrats Coach, couldn’t have done it without you yeah.” Ted smiles at him and it strikes Jamie as a little off. It’s too wide, bright with a gleam of something. He’s drunk Jamie realises with a start. Ted Lasso is wasted. Jamie doesn’t think he’s ever seen the man drunk. Maybe shy of tipsy but never outright drunk.
“Thanks Jamie.” Ted slurs slightly. He drapes an arm over Jamie. “I’m real proud of you.” Jamie’s body is taut from the unexpected touch but he melts into it eventually. “We’ll be back in the premier league lickety split.” Ted seems to find what he just said hilarious. Jamie smiles as Ted starts repeating lickety. The arm is still over his shoulder and Jamie feels like he and Ted are having some sort of in cahoots meeting. It’s like being secretive, hidden. He feels emboldened to ask.
“Why did you let Man City take me back?” He asks. Ted stares at him for a while, like the question didn’t fully go in. Jamie thinks maybe he crossed some sort of line.
“Honestly Jamie? I didn’t.” Ted says. He waves his other hand, Jamie watchful of the glass in it. “I wanted to keep you.”
“Oh.” Jamie says, glad that no one can see him blush slightly. “Then why’d I get sent back?” Ted looks like he’s mulling it over. Like he’s thinking if it’s something he should tell Jamie. “Was it me? Was I too… pricky?” His voice comes out small. He knows he wasn’t the best behaved but he didn’t think it was enough to have him sent away. Ted’s arm tightens around him, rubbing up and down. It’s probably meant to console him but Jamie just feels a bit claustrophobic.
“Hey now, it wasn’t you.” Ted slurs. “There was some hijinks. Rebecca had some things going on and that’s it. Wasn’t your fault.” He smiles at Jamie, who is processing that Rebecca sent him away. He never really spoke to their owner other than occasionally spotting her with Keeley. Maybe it was because she hadn’t wanted him and Keeley close by or something. Maybe she thought he was a prick. He’s not entirely sure and mulls it over. He wants to be mad at her because why would she boot him? He’s Jamie fucking Tartt. But he’s already wasted a lot of time and feelings on this. He can’t go through it again (he doesn’t think he wants to know).
Jamie thinks that’s enough discovery for one night and starts to slip out of Ted’s grip. He’s got drunk teammates to get home.
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sunset-bobby · 3 years
i won’t lie to you...i wasn’t actually that hyped for this other than seeing Jordan Fisher
mr.mazzara already got me laughing why does this sound so sincere yet so petty
nini hanging out shit to ensemble lowkey adorable 
just want to give Ash and Ricky painkillers because the two of them being petty together it’s hilarious
we don’t get to see North High?? Why even talk about them like tf
I don’t care about Rini
Yesss Howie and Kourt adorable...and Kourt’s mom
They’re date is opening night okay kool don’t rlly care but yay portwell ig
they keep rescheduling their date is it actually going to happen that is the question all of us want to know
one is using Date and the other is not....hmmm
Carlos my beloved you’ll be amazing
they’re giving Nini all her lines upfront because she plays the fucking fork and won’t be important for at least half the episode
I stan Miss Jenn 
 Big Red hun you’ll do amazing also yes Redlyn call back 
Awww EJ i’m sorry about this being your last show... I am choosing to believe that his dad being supportive is a lie because fuck cash caswell
Mr.Mazzara is his dad now i don’t care
 look Mike bowen everyone’s favorite dilf I’m sorry but the way Mr. Mazzara says Jennifer is hotter than the way you do no offense
Lily what the fuck go away
Ricky 😭😭😭 he did not just look around he has no interest in her and it’s hilarious
he rejected her so she decided that she was going to give him divorce and parents dating advice to show they have shit in common lol
Thank you Natalie
Yes Narrator Mr.M
Omg my queen Stephanie gets lines and a solo
Who put this else make up for him in this quick...like no wonder it looks bad you have to do it himself in that fog 😭😭
Supportive Howie yes
Yesss Be Our Guest
The Judge is so confused
Frankie is killing this song
Okay EJ is adorable
Howie staring at Kourt i love
where was this choreography during the dance off
that one man in the audience who stood
EJ please don’t make feather duster puns
Gina: my moms not coming Jamie: walking up from behind the shadows
NO, Ricky we don’t not redeem ppl who don’t worth it
Howie is so nervous and it’s so awkward and funny he’s starstruck
Awww Ash my love you don’t need to compete with Lily
clearly hotness runs in the Porter family and I am including their mom
Big Red watching Ashlyn
Portwell eyes
who called Mr.Mazzara
ooooo he knows who EJ is
It’s really can’t with him he did not just say I’m starstruck can you relate it to Gina... A simp the the most basic definition 
oh my life is complete this is the funniest shit I have ever heard oh my gosh he shut EJ down so hard....oh I don’t know why I’m so sad I don’t even like them but my poor baby oh that had to hurt...that had to hurt like to his core
Jamie I love you so much but please look at the pay on this boy‘s face and just stop talking all the rinas are going to have a time of your life with this i cannot wait to check twitter
Howie stole it Lily made Howie steal the harness i know that’s why he’s acting handy
miss Jenn an Miss Jenn it is not the time you cannot say that to children but that shit was funny the way they all shut up i-
yea that’s the face of a bitch who had a plan...
I’m sorry for blaming you Howie my love Lily you fucking bitch 😭😭
Sneak Peek
Yes Kourtney demand answers
do you know looks amazing second chances is not going to be about portwell after that brother comment that went in to EJ‘s self-confidence
oh my God I swear to god if they confess they’re still in love with each other I’m fighting ricky and Nini 
I did not go into this with expecting or wanting anything but I came out of this with the funniest shit I have ever seen in my life
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jicklet · 3 years
Ted Lasso 2.03 Thoughts
I watched it once last night, these are my idle thoughts after that first impression.
First off: I can see why they meant for this to be the end of a 3-parter!
WE FINALLY MEET NORA. ♥ Of course this is the child someone like Sassy would raise. And of course she's still horribly embarrassed by her mother,  despite how cool everyone else thinks Sassy is.
Fascinated by the duality of Sassy, we see her in her off hours, but professionally she's off giving brilliant child psychologist talks at conferences.
(What must it be like to grow up with a child psychologist as a mother? Pros and cons, I imagine.)
QUESTIONS: Rebecca knows Ted and Sassy slept together, everyone present seems to know that she knows. How did this go down.
My favorite scenario:  After Rebecca apologized to Ted for hiring him to fail, the next morning over biscuits he blurts it out, not wanting to hide anything from her after she was honest with him. And she cuts him off with "Ted, I already know, Sassy texted me pretty much immediately the morning after." "Oh! Cool. Coolcool." "Yeah she said she had a very nice breakfast." "Oh good!" [super awkward pause] [Ted jumps out of his chair like it's on fire] "ANYWAYS" "YEP GOOD TALK"
(Yes I like this both for Keeley/Roy parallels and because it sounds hilarious)
REBECCA AND ROY, YESSS. They just have such a a great similar vibe, glad we're getting more of them. Nice mutual respect there. Liked the distinction that No, she didn't break up with John just because Roy said she should, but because what he pointed out was right.
We spend so much time with them just being people that I forget that all our characters are technically celebrities, so Nora coming in was really fun in that respect. Her just 0__0 over Sam. Girl same.
Jamie coming in to talk to Keeley because she's the only one (besides Ted, who he's putting on a brave face for) who's ever listened to him...... and her just, dragging him silently across the entire club and depositing him on Dr. Sharon. 😂 Yeahhh Keeley set up boundaries! Similar to her pointing him towards Ted last ep.
She does care about him but she is Not going to be his personal therapist, especially when there is a perfectly fantastic one in the house. If they're going to be friends, be friends, but don't just seek her out when you want something. If anyone is still afraid they'd put these two back together, I'm pretty damn sure they're not. Jamie currently doesn't have anything to offer her.
Keeley has her own office now!! (even though she crashes Rebecca's sometimes.) Shoutout to the giant Roy decal on the wall across from her desk. Love it.
Brief but beautiful check in with Roy confirming he's continued with the pundit job. "Tell us how you really feel, Roy!" "Okay, you're a shit manager." "Not about me!" hahahahahaaaa suck it.
And Sam............ God, this was SUCH a knockout episode for Sam. You know what I appreciate? How they let him be annoyed at Jamie. Sam got a little petty on the pitch! That's not a side of him we've seen before. He's not just sweet Sam who doesn't push back, he's tired of that dude's shit.
Especially with the rest of the team having his back.
They've all bonded! Oof, the contrast between everyone lovingly razzing him over his photoshoot, and Jamie jumping in like Oh I know this game! But he doesn't. You haven't earned the right to play yet.
Oh man when Sam got so excited to share with his parents that he did something great for them... Only for him to run into his dad's disappointment instead! ouch. That hurt.
The insidiousness of how DubaiAir SPECIFICALLY REQUESTED SAM... They knew what they were doing. And when Sam brought up that he wanted to drop out.... I think Keeley and Rebecca were realizing that, they look so horrified. Both of them had just been so excited Sam was getting recognition...
Anyways. Sam with the press, how amazing was he? Immediately taking charge of the narrative. I hope how nice he's been to the press in the past (like at the gala) helps him out here.
And of course Jamie: It had to be something this big to actually get Sam on the road to being cool with him. Not only did he step up to take on the risk alongside Sam, it was him finally saying "I'm not better than you, we're on the same team."
Speaking of what they know they're risking... Rebecca and the rest were just talking about the finances of the club have dropped after relegation, and now they've essentially told their main sponsor to take a hike. I don't want to lose any of our boys, but we'll see what happens with that.
oh man i completely forgot about Led Tasso. I'm sorry I know a lot of you loved it but I was peeking out from behind my blanket with something in the neighborhood of stress and secondhand embarrassment. Just not my cup of tea! The dark glasses were a very nice touch though, as a change from Ted's regular orange ones.
Look I just rewatched You've Got Mail...... The setup for Ted and Rebecca to unknowingly meet on that dating app is so perfect, please. I wonder how they'd make it a curveball though... I'm thinkin.
I feel like that tumblr post where people are like "IT'S HALLOWEEN" "IT'S JULY"
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keeneschoices · 3 years
but yeah, this episode was way less... just less, than what I wanted.
don't get me wrong, it was still great and I loved it (except for the part where EJ cancelled the date and Gina cried bc that shit hurt so fucking much).
but I expected to see the transformation, the whole and maybe the gang finding out about Lily, more of Portwell... I just think 30 minutes is too short for the finale of the season.
I guess I'll just have to patiently (though not really cuz I'm not very patient lmao) wait until they confirm s3 so I can breathe again bc I need another season AT LEAST.
Looking forward to:
more of the background characters (and some of the main ones too cuz some had very little screentime)
the writers making Natalie a regular cuz that girl slaps.
Ricky going to therapy, for God's sake. That boy is already working on himself (as we could see when he talked to Miss Jenn this ep) but he still needs it, guys.
Gina calling Jamie to ask why the fuck did he tell EJ she didn't like him romantically (nope, still not saying what Jamie actually said. I'm petty and that hurt me, sue me)
MORE GINA AND NINI!! the conversation they had this episode was amazing and I need them to become closer friends (especially bc it's summer!)
MORE GINA AND ASHLYN! I know they're besties but we still haven't seen enough of them together and I need it!
ALSO, REDLYN AND PORTWELL DOUBLE DATE MAYBE?? OOHH OR SEBLOS AND PORTWELL DOUBLE DATE!! IDK I NEED A DOUBLE DATE GUYS, MAKE IT WORK (I ask, respectfully, because now I fully trust Tim and the rest of the writers)
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smartguyreviewed · 4 years
2x4 - Dateline
Original air date: Oct 1, 1997
Anyone who was holding their breath for me to get back to this, thank you. Been going through a lot like most people right now but I had to remember this blog is a good distraction because I get to write about one of my favorite shows growing up. Anyways, enjoy. :) 
Let’s talk about cock-blocking or to be more gender inclusive...actually, I can’t think of a term similar that utilizes both a male and female part. Anyhoo, let’s talk about it.
I’ve done it (unintentionally). You’ve done it. We’ve all had it done to us as well. Like the night you finally got a chance to be alone with your dipshit crush and your annoying friend tried to insert herself until she finally realized what was going on and left you two alone so you could have your first kiss ever at age 19.
TJ is an extreme cock blocker. He will break your shit up and then pout because he’s still just a kid. Normally, TJ only wants to punish Marcus by enacting this cruel tactic but in this episode, he shifts gears to the person who is both a mother and father to him: Daddy Flody.
We begin this episode at a supermarket. Tj is checking out cereals and Floyd is checking out dat ass.
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TJ catches Floyd staring and in his precocious little way, starts asking him questions about women. It kind of reminds me of Frank from Milk Money. which is a horrible movie that I adore and you should watch it because despite a little kid befriending a prostitute, it’s still a decent 90s coming-of-age tale. And Alex DeLarge is in it.
After TJ makes his dad sweat further by asking what body type gets his penis erect, TJ comes to the conclusion that Floyd is lonely and could probably benefit from some female companionship.
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Cut to TJ on an unrealistically chatty PC barking at TJ to fill in the boxes for Floyd. I don’t know about you, but if my computer kept talking to me, I’d throw it out of the fucking window. I am so glad websites that talk at you are obsolete. Apparently, this computer is also sentient because TJ pauses for just a moment too long when Marcus comes in and this impatient computer bitch asks for the rest of the info in a more demanding tone.
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But because TJ was distracted, he inputs his own height instead of his dad’s and the computer announces that she’s transferring him to their little people’s section. Hey, they gotta find love too!
Marcus is skeptical of why TJ is trying to set Floyd up. Just then, Yvette walks in and asks who is using her eyeliner to write down phone messages, which I totally expect a straight man to do. After fessing up, Marcus asks Yvette to dissuade TJ from setting up his dad. Yvette then uses her soon-to-be psychology degree on Marcus and reasons that he might be a little salty because he doesn’t want another woman to replace his mom. But no, Marcus is a teenage boy and completely lacking depth until certain episodes call for it. Instead, he says he just wants the car on weekend evenings so he can try to bang his latest girl of the week. Of course, he could just be deflecting to avoid a heavy conversation but I’m gonna go with the former because Marcus is the horniest boy on the show.
Yvette decides to help TJ since Floyd has few dating options. Her plan is to beef up his personal ad by making him younger and a fan of soul food and Maya Angelou. Marcus is still not with the shits and says that nobody wants to date an “old guy with three kids.” Completely forgetting about the fact that his dad is an attractive man, this happens instead:
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TJ and the gang are now making final cuts on the 130 prospects Floyd had. I mean, that’s great and all but I’m sure at least half of those women were catfishes. Then again, in the 90s, maybe there was more legitimacy since there wasn’t enough technology to hide behind? I dunno. But Floyd definitely has some options.
While deliberating who will receive the clock from Floyd, Marcus makes what would be considered a transphobic comment questing if some of them really are women and how he doesn’t want Floyd to end up like Eddie Murphy. Mo, on the other hand is questing if this is even legal. Mo is a teenage boy and is probably likening it to what Tinder now is: a place to meet horny individuals.
Yvette thinks the ladies are good picks but then begins nitpicking their flaws, among one of them being that one of the ladies has breast implants. Because women who get surgeries to help boost their self esteem apparently don’t deserve love? Yvette is such a hypocrite as we’ll see in the future. Mo then begins taking the rejected pics because he loves older women, especially ones with perceived low self esteem. Just then, Floyd comes in the room and the gang has to cover up their dirty work. Floyd makes a bad joke and then dips out.
They eventually settle on a light-skinned natural woman named Jamie. They agree to meet at the grocery store, sot hat’s where we end up. Marcus is acting like he’s never seen pretty girls outside of school and leaves to spit game at women who just wanna be left alone so they can buy their frozen pizza and wine in peace.
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Jamie sees who she thinks is her suitor and immediately is pissed because she, you know, thought she’d be meeting Floyd and not a little boy. Yvette comes over to smooth things over and convinces Jamie to meet Floyd. Well, TJ’s cute face convinced her after she was understandably freaked out. They go to meet Floyd. 
Jamie shows up and explains what happened and that she was pre-screened to make sure she wasn’t a guy. Floyd actually even gives her an up and down look before she says she passed! Pretty sure this also wouldn’t go over well today. Jamie and Floyd, however, hit it off and leave to go on a date. When they get back, Yvette and TJ are spying on the new couple to see how it went. Floyd was actually bigging up TJ and talking about how smart he is to Jamie when they got in. Aww. Floyd is proud of his son for hooking him up. Yvette is noticeably annoyed at how he gets all of the credit, but I mean, it was his idea. Yvette just helped him out. 
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Upon completion of this totally selfless act to get his father some love, TJ is happy at first. Yay TJ! You’re on the right track to becoming a thoughtful human be--
Sike! TJ immediately regrets this decision once he realizes that his father having a personal life means that he won’t see him as much. TJ has a basketball game coming up that Floyd won’t be able to attend now. Yvette offers to take him but it’s not the same because Yvette is a girl and girls aren’t fun. And just like that, TJ the petty, cock-blocking asshole comes back.
The next day, TJ and Floyd are playing basketball when Jamie comes home. Floyd invites her to play but TJ is all like “bitch, wait your turn” and then Floyd puts her on TJ’s team. She then bribes TJ with the food she’s about to cook for them. He agrees but then Jamie and Floyd start flirting because duh. TJ leaves in a jealous fit, upset that this woman he hooked his father up with has the gall to want to spend time with him. He simulates what he wants to do to her body on a bag of Funions.
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I have to say though, how long was the frame of this episode? Days? Weeks? Jamie has essentially become their stepmom. She’s even giving Marcus advice on how to treat a girl like a human being instead of a meat popsicle with titties. Yvette and Marcus then leave, allowing Jamie and Floyd their Blockbuster and Chill time with The Preacher’s Wife.
But TJ is a boner detector because as soon as Jamie and Floyd are about to mash faces, TJ whimpers for his pa because he doesn’t feel good. We think Floyd banished him to his room but then TJ comes over and pushes the two would-be lovers apart so he can ruin their night. Jamie eventually decides to leave, even though it’s clear she was holding out in case she could get a piece of Floyd but TJ completely squashed that possibility. Floyd actually whines when Jamie says she’s leaving. Aww. Floyd is lonely. Does TJ care? Of course not. 
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TJ sounds perfectly fine when he says he’s sorry he ruined the night. Father and son decide to just watch the movie together instead.
The next day at school, Marcus is spitting his game at the girl he went on a date with. Turns out, treating women like actual people has been working well for him! He’s even going on a second date. Yvette comes by to let TJ know that she’s picking him up again. TJ is, of course, pissed because Jamie had come over to the house the night before, albeit dick-less. Yvette has to explain to TJ that when you date someone, the goal is to see them frequently and that he’s the reason their last date sucked. She then shatters Marcus’s dreams by letting him know that Floyd is taking his car on his date. Guess Marcus is gonna have to make out on the bus.
TJ’s lips are all puckered because he’s losing his father to another woman. He’s so distressed that he actually picks a fight with a senior. Mo steps in and literally drags TJ home. No, seriously. He carried TJ like a bag of groceries all the way to the Henderson house during school. Then he transformed into a therapist to get to the root of TJ’s outburst. This is during school hours. Mo skipped school to bring TJ home and give Floyd advice. Mo is amazing.
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TJ is playing basketball with himself when Floyd comes in and then he spills that he’s sick of Jamie. Floyd reminds TJ that he’s the one who set them up and I guess TJ didn’t know things would actually change. Now would have been a good time to mention if he feels some way about another woman besides Yvette playing a maternal figure in the wake of his mother’s never explained death. But Floyd does a good job as usual and says this is temporary because when TJ is a teenager, he won’t want anything to do with Floyd. TJ finally stops being a prick and Floyd offers to be careful about how he schedules his time and then continues the basketball game he let Jamie interrupt previously. Aww Floyd. Too bad TJ is probably going to hold onto this for a while because he was giving his dad a lot of shit in the end credits. This isn’t even the last time he does this to Floyd and we never see Jamie again, so I guess it’s safe to assume that TJ killed Jamie. 
Things I noticed:
- Can we just take a moment to appreciate how hot Floyd is? How could Marcus ever think his dad wouldn’t be able to attract women?
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- This brilliant cover for the gang if Floyd came in during the date deliberation:
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- Marcus doesn’t want Floyd to go out on dates because he wants the car to himself on the weekends. He says if Floyd starts going out, he’s making out in the back of the bus. Yvette then says, “No, thanks to Rosa Parks, you can make out anywhere on the bus.” Brilliant retort. I really hand it to the writers of this show.
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thecostumevaultblog · 4 years
I was tagged by the amazingly sweet @petegoestotown to list my top 10 male characters:
Okay. This was hard. Because I tend to focus on female characters... and ignore male characters 🤦🏻‍♀️ to compensate for the innate inequality in representation that  there  is in this world. So, when I started thinking about  it, I couldn’t remember which male character I actually liked. So it took me a while... they eventually came to mind, but it was haaard.
In no particular order:
1. Lestat - Interview with the Vampire
I love book Lestat, and movie Lestat. I just love how bratty and extra he is. Also, I love the dynamic with all the character he interacts with.  He’s also so much fun, even if Louis doesn’t seem to get that it’s fun.
2. Sirius Black - Harry Potter 
I’m Exclusively talking about book Sirius Black. I was obsessed with the Black brothers, to be honest. Lately though... I’ve tried to distance myself from Harry Potter and my love for it. It feels bittersweet lately. You know why, I’m not going to give her extra publicity by actually detailing why.
Also, transwomen are women.
3. Kylo Ren - Star Wars Sequels 
I am perfectly aware that most of what makes this character interesting is 100% created by Adam Driver,  who is an amazing actor and is capable of bringing so much nuances to what otherwise would be a rather forgettable character.
The fact that he captures the pettiness of angry white men so well and yet brings such a vulnerability is almost unbelievable to me.
Also, he was done dirty in the last movie. You would have needed another three movies to justify a complete redemption arc, and the character always worked better for me as a commentary on the crisis of modern masculinity.
4- Laurie - Little Women
I fell in love with Christian Bale’s Laurie as a child, and it has followed me to adulthood because now I’m obsessed with Timothée Chalamet’s version of the character.
5- Stan Bowes - Pose (season 1)
He’s an arsehole. But such a believable asshole that I’m in awe. Believable in the sense that he feels real. He’s not the typical TV arsehole who does everything because he wants to be hated, but a complex arsehole who thinks he’s not doing anything wrong. Who’s arseholeness comes from wanting things that he knows he can’t have and still be accepted in society. It’s fascinating to watch
6- Adam Whitely/Felicia Jollygoodfellow - Priscilla, Queen of the Desert
If you haven’t watched this film, go do it. It’s an absolute joy of a movie and it’s just so needed right now. Adam was always my favorite character because I see myself in him. A young idiot who hides his pain behind being outrageously loud and obnoxious and pretending he’s absolutely fine with everything.
7- Tom Branson - Downton Abbey
Of course I would love the only communist, republican in Downton Abbey. That’s on brand for me. I also happen to think his storyline is the most complex and interesting, because it deals with class mobility and the conflicting feelings it brings with it. I would have loved to see him turn his back on the family and not on his principles... but its the BBC, what was I thinking?
8- Loki - MCU
Again, I feel that what I like is more the actor’s work than the character itself... but I find that he is such a joyful chaos that he elevates all the movies he’s in. Yes, even Thor: The Dark World. That movie is a drag except for the 20 minutes he’s in it. Those 20 minutes are gold.
9- Thomas Shelby - Peaky Blinders
Again, the actor’s work completely makes the character. Cillian Murphy is such an underrated character actor... It’s a shame. Also, I seem to have a thing for bad people... I’m not going there today.
10- Jamie Lannister - A Song of Ice and Fire
I’m talking  exclusively about the book. He’s such a great character. Again, sort  of  an A-hole, and that’s on brand for me. I love tortured, complex characters that hide their damage behind snark and sarcasm. What can I say?
I also love Robb Stark, but I wanted the list to be  on brand and, A-hole seems to be that brand.
I decided to add little musings to my list, because if I didn’t I felt like I would come across as crazy and having a thing with baddies... I now realize that adding an explanation has not made it seem less crazy. Oh dear!
I tag anyone who wants to do it! It’s fun! (If you do it, please tag me, I love to read your takes on it)
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ty-talks-comics · 5 years
Best of Marvel: Week of September 18th, 2019
Best of this Week: House of X #5 - Jonathan Hickman, Pepe Larraz, Marte Gracia and Clayton Cowles
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The X-Men have conquered their greatest enemy: Death.
After the events of the last issue, it was a wonder just how Hickman would write the X-Men out of the predicament that has stopped them so many times before. In the standard Hickman way, he made retcons that enhanced the usefulness of lesser characters and provided a way out that not only makes sense, but can be used for just about anything in regards to all of our favorite dead mutants.
Goldballs had one of the dumbest powers for the longest time; the ability to propel golden balls from his chest, but in this book we learn that these balls were actually non-viable eggs that, with the help of Proteus, could be made usable. After they’re injected with mutant DNA and given life by Elixir, Tempus ages the eggs to maturity and thanks to Hope’s powers, all of them operate at peak efficiency. This allows the mutants to effectively resurrect their dead friends as husks until Xavier implants mind engrams into the bodies with their past memories.
In House of X #1, one of the first things we see is Charles Xavier meeting the reborn forms of Scott Summers and Jean Grey as full adults after they emerge from egg sacs of some kind. Initially, I thought that this was just some sort of strange symbolic rebirth thing and while it still is, it has become far more literal and intriguing because of five mutants - Goldballs, Elixir, Hope Summers, Proteus and Tempus.
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Everything about this scene was immaculate and well done to a point where I almost want to cry. What coloring there was felt low and hushed, almost as if we were seeing something miraculous, the gift of light. Camera angles were mostly downwards, to capture the harmony of the group before they began their work. They stood silent and acted on instinct, indicating they'd done this before, showing us that they were absolutely sure of their process. 
Xavier leaning down, cradling his children and asking them to not die again as it kills a part of him every time that they do is heart wrenching, but joyous when he gives them their memories back. There's no hesitation, only love, only care. 
The gravity of the event as it happens and seeing someone like Goldballs become one of the most integral mutants in the revival of the mutant race brought me to an unknown level of joy. There was so much weight to their actions with the excellent narration by Magneto as to what exactly they were doing while talking to Polaris, making the point that when they are apart, they are still strong mutants, but together they are even more powerful than previously imagined. 
I’m almost certain they used the exact same pages from House of X #1 as we watch the resurrection of the dead team, but this time we have a whole new perspective of how we got there. In an absolutely beautiful celebration of life, we see the mutants of Krakoa praise the Five for bringing their mutant family back to life and a confirmation of those mutants by Storm. Under the purple leaves of a tree of Krakoa with a bit of sunlight shining through. Purple usually symbolizes nobility, passion and authenticity and with the use of dynamic angles and heroic posing, we can be absolutely sure that these are the same mutants.
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Angel, Husk, Mystique, Monet, Wolverine, Nightcrawler, Cyclops and Jean Grey all died to ensure that the Mother Mold didn’t come online and destroy the mutant race. In two nine panel grids, Storm greets hew newly reborn friends, questioning how she knows that it’s truly them. After they give their answers from the somber to the cocky to the… Monet, Storm asks what they are and the crowd answers with one word: Mutant. 
This message also acts as a bit of foreshadowing for the end of the book and as the theme for this issue as a whole; the idea of togetherness, something that the human race has denied mutants for all of their existence. 
The level of solidarity among the mutants is inspiring, the love and pride they have in themselves in infections and makes me want to see them do nothing but succeed. However, I do have something of a concern with the level of reverence they seem to be getting. As they walk naked down the stairs to interact with their fellow mutants, the other mutants reach their hands out at them as the sun shines brightly behind them. They seem as saviors, messiahs, people standing above their fellows and that’s a potentially dangerous path for them to go down, especially since Krakoa is performing so well and don’t need egos to ruin it.
On top of their resurrections, Xavier and Emma Frost are also trying to get the world's governments to accept Krakoa's pharmaceuticals and accept the Mutant Utopia as an independent nation. With a few notable exceptions from Russia, Latveria and Wakanda (among a few other countries that also would not accept Mutants or their cure alls) most of the world is very into the prospect of life giving drugs in exchange for giving mutants diplomatic immunity and recognition.
In many ways, this is the progress that they have always strived for. Some people aren't reticent to their acts of kindness out of ideological differences, but others see the benefit of siding with the new Nation as long as they can see the benefits. They may be alliances of necessity or fear, but the point still stands that their autonomy is being recognized. They're not being actively hunted, at least since Orchis was stopped from activating the Mother Mold and with their population in the cusp of becoming what it was in the past, they are flourishing and don't NEED human support, but they find it better that they receive it.
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With the world coming together for mutants, there's only one more group left to truly unite the houses: The Villains. In my opinion, most of House of X has been leading up to this, the day when even mutant villains will come in full support of Xavier's new mission to save the race and there are some nasty ones here: Mister Sinister, Lady Mastermind, Mesmero, Selene, Sebastian Shaw, Emplate, Exodus, Gorgon, Black Tom Cassidy and Azazel.
But these villains pale in comparison to the final arrival in Apocalypse. In more than one way, Apocalypse's dream has finally come to fruition as well. Mutants have risen above and finally become the dominant species that he always believed they could be. They have evolved past their petty and weak natures and embraced their strength in both numbers and power. With Krakoa welcoming him with some lovely birds, Apocalypse speaks on behalf of all of the evil mutants when he says that they will obey the laws of Krakoa as they are written and cements this new alliance with a handshake with Charles Xavier.
This blew my mind. Apocalypse's whole deal was that he would absolutely destroy the weakness in the mutant gene pool and was only able to do so with Charles Xavier dead in the Age of Apocalypse timeline. He tore the world asunder, but as we learned from one of Moira MacTaggert's past lives, even this would not have lasted. If Moira's been in contact with Apocalypse, then he too knows that following Xavier right now is the only true path to mutant evolution and supremacy.
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I have never been so elated, surprised and anticipating of a comic in so long. 
Pepe Larraz and Marte Gracia are a match made in heaven and this book has a cinematic quality through and through. Larraz allows the characters to appear overjoyed, happy and proud with beautiful facial expressions. With faraway shots and ever changing angles in the panels, there's such a grandeur in the story being told. The sun is always shining in this particular issue, much like it was in House of X #1, signaling a brand new day and bright future for mutantkind.
Gracia's colors are bright and vibrant, emanating with a hopeful glow. Their lighting effects are on JJ Abrams levels of shiny and somehow The Five characters stand out apart from the clothes that they used to wear. Tempus' blue pops out perfectly against Goldballs gold and black. The purple of the tree leaves in the Confirmation is absolutely beautiful and awe-inspiring and the darkness during Apocalypse's arrival set against the shining God rays is the perfect contrast.
I have never been more proud to be a fan of the X-Men. Knowing their history of death and rebirth, it's relieving to see that they now have the means to finally conquer their mortal enemy. There's so many that can be brought back to life (provided their deaths haven't already been retconned). John Proudstar, the original Thunderbird, Jamie Madrox, Negasonic Teenage Warhead, Sean Cassidy, Blindfold and many others that either died so long ago or died at the hands of Matthew Rosenberg's Uncanny X-Men.
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House of X has gone above and beyond and rejuvenated a portion of the Marvel Universe that has been a chaotic mess for the better part of almost 20 years by this point. There's finally unity amongst all of the mutants in the Universe, from 90s villains to even recent ones from Brian Michael Bendis' run. 
Jonathan Hickman is proving that almost anything he touches turns to gold as he's crafted an amazing tale in only nine issues, counting Powers of X as well. I find myself, for the first time in a long time, not just going through the motions. I feel as though I'm witnessing a revolution occurring, an actual brand new era for some of my favorite super people. 
The series is set to conclude in about three weeks for X-Men #1 and I am already so very excited. Highest of recommends.
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What are we? Mutants.
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jessepinkmvn · 5 years
Top 5 favourite moments from EE last week (and yesterday) and why?
ooooh boy anon coming in with the big questions!!! right so this is in no particular order but let’s go:
callum visiting ben in hospital: and i don’t even mean the date scene, i mean the one before where callum walks in and all the mitchell-beales are like “oh fuck” and nobody knows quite what to say or do (especially phil who looks like he’s stepped in something bad sksks) but ben??? gives no fucks. he completely locks onto callum and asks in the softest, quietest voice if he’s okay, and everyone in that room just knows. i love that so much. everyone in that room knows that there’s something going on and none of them bring it up or question it, they just accept that there’s clearly something special between the two of them and gOD i’m such a slut for the mitchells
whitney and callum’s convo in the bedroom: honestly the best written scene in the whole week. ee really could have gone the emmerdale route and had screaming and throwing shit and whitney making callous remarks (let’s like....forget what she did later kjfkjdsk) but instead she took it so! freaking! well! understanding that callum’s hurting just as much as she is???? knowing she can’t turn him or change him????? accepting that they both deserve more and standing up for herself????? a qUEEN! 
every mel and hunter scene: you can blame @josephgraham for making me so gay for this weird bates motel dynamic but god every scene with them was just *chef’s kiss* especially the “you’re not going to shoot me” bit??? she was so close to getting through to him and then the phone rang and ruined it smhhhh soap writing can u Not
the biro scene: both because i didn’t realise that’s a thing that actually works - legit thought it only worked in films sksk - but also because we got to see people giving a shit about ben for once (even phil!! tf!!!!) and it united characters who never interact??? look at sonia’s history with the mitchells, remember she dated jamie?? and the relief that flooded through the pub after ben started breathing again like we really got a flicker of happiness and union amongst all the chaos i loVE IT
ben and keanu in e20: okay that bit at the start about no particular order might be a lie because i fucking loved these scenes. listen, i am a Slut for the ben/keanu dynamic. i’m honestly amazed they never shagged, not even once, just so ben could hang it over phil’s head that keanu’s fucked both his kids and his wife sksksk but in all seriousness, those scenes were so well written???? even keanu is a decent character when his writing’s good (can’t say the same for the actor but oh well) and the juxtaposition of the two characters’ philosophies - ben’s pessimism and arrogance and keanu’s macho bravado - with the speech at the end where keanu pointed out that ben has all these walls up...... gOD i love them as a pair i love them so much. their pettiness and their rivalry and the fact that ben is definitely gonna expose him at christmas is just......,...........,.,. end my life ee why don’t u (but pls have them shag first just for the lols)
lmaoo this was longer than expected but there you go anon! can u tell i’ve had half a bottle of wine :)
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oh-ranpo · 5 years
Dallas Stars: A mini-rundown.
Because @ksqueenie & I are rubbing off on some of our Queen friends, @secretsweetscollectionblog asked for a rundown on the Dallas Stars before their game tomorrow... so here we go! I’m not doing every starting player but I’ll give you the general rundown of some of the boys I know the most about.
1.) Tyler Seguin
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One of our alternative captains, and one half of the Bennguin bromance. If you’ve heard of anyone on the Stars, it’s probably him. He’s beautiful, but notorious for his “bat signal” on road trips, and also for his three adorable labs. He’s amazingly talented and is signed with the Stars for at least 8 more years. He’s a little shit, but he’s our little shit and we love him!
2.) Jamie Benn
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Oh Captain, my captain. Love of my life. Captain Petty. Also, the other half of the Bennguin bromance. The worst at interviews, and yet you hope that he never gets better at them. Has the sweetest demeanor until you put him on the ice and then he will not hesitate to run you over just for fun. He also just signed a contract with the Stars for another 8 years, so we get to enjoy his petty antics for many years to come. He’s incredibly talented and beyond clutch. You either love him or you hate him, and this Stars fan would most likely die for him.
3.) Alexander Radulov
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This sweet Russian man gets more excited about other people’s goals than they do. Always comes through with the insane goals, and is usually the third in a line with Jamie and Tyler. Part of “The Big Three” that announcers often refer to when talking about the Stars. Insanely talented and incredibly underrated. His contract expires in 2022, but I hope that he remains a Star for as long as possible.
4.) John Klingberg
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KLINGER! My favorite defenseman. My favorite Swede. This man right here is the real deal and deserves all the love and praise. He is one of the top scoring defensemen, and is often coming in clutch for the team when we need him. He is also with us through 2022, but he’s another person I hope stays longer!
5.) Miro Heiskanen
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Number three draft pick in 2017 after Nico Hischier and Nolan Patrick. One of the best young players out there, in my opinion. This sweet Finnish boy is out here to play, and he plays hard, especially when it’s really needed. He is another majorly underrated player that people are sleeping on. Often gets big game making goals, and wants to stay in Dallas as long as possible, which so do I!
6.) Ben Bishop
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The Bish. Good ol’ Bish. My 6’7” saviour. This man has been killing himself keeping the Stars in the playoff run, and has the longest shut out records in Dallas Stars history. Even though he has been prone to injuries this season, when he has played, he has been an absolute monster. His teammates have referred to him as the cornerstone of the team, and one of the most valuable assets to the team’s success this year. Proud to have this guy as our goalie!
7.) Anton Khudobin
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Dobby! The other half of our outstanding goalie tandem. He is the reason that, even though Bish has been hurt, the Stars don’t have to worry about their goal tending. Khudobin is OUTSTANDING. He also has the coolest goalie helmet in the league (that may be another personal opinion), and he is the sweetest Kazakhstani man, and I cherish him 100%.
8.) Andrew Cogliano
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This poor guy spent several games in a row getting checked in the face with some hockey sticks, but he’s come out on top. Awesome center. We love Cogs!
10.) Jason Dickinson
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You hear this man’s name a lot during games. I feel like he is also pretty underrated, and deserves more of the love.
11.) Radek Faksa
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This is another name that you hear a lot during games. A large majority of the times it’s cause he’s fighting someone. Or at least, that’s what it seems like. I appreciate the passion! He has also scored some really amazing goals that have helped change the course of a game.
12.) Roope Hintz
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ROOPE. He’s another super young player that has just been outstanding this year. A sweet Finnish boy who can really get those goals when you need them. I believe he’s going to be a name that gets bigger over time with how good I believe him to be. His contract ends at the end of next season, but if he plays at all like he has so far, I hope the Stars hold on to him!
13. Esa Lindell
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I absolutely love Esa. Another one of my favorite defensemen. He is up there with Klinger on goals, and is one of the three defensemen that have 10 or more in the season. He knows how to check when he needs to, and can sometimes get in a little trouble, but we still adore him here.
14.) Jason Spezza
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I consider him the dad of the team. He’s super good, and used to be the captain of the Ottawa Senators. I’ve seen him make some really amazing plays.
15.) Mats Zuccarello
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The Stars get blamed for breaking him since he actually left his first game with the Stars and ended up having a broken arm. He used to play for the Rangers, and the whole fanbase there loved him. He did score his first goal as a Star before leaving the game, so I’m already impressed. Hopefully he is back in the next couple of games so we can really see his talent!
Fifteen should get you started! I can always add as time goes on. 
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borisbubbles · 5 years
Eurovision 2010s: 130 - 126
130. Triana Park - “Line” Latvia 2017
[2017 review here]
One of THE most tragic tales in this decade is that of Latvia. They completely reinvented themselves, turning themselves from an inept laughing stock into a precious indie sanctuary and aren’t getting rewarded for it. 
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Fortunately, we at BorisBubbles believe in recitfying criminal underratedness, because, man, “Line” is great. A supernova of technicolor trance, subdued EDM undertones and styling reminiscent of Japanese kei, “Line” is both current and familiar, accessible and mysterious, providing a wholesome experience that makes you crave for even more of the same. My only qualm would be that I would have loved for them to be even *more* extreme/intense with their staging (Darker stage, more close ups, more colour projection), but otherwise a great entry that DESERVED to make the Grand Final. Kasia Mos was RIGHT! 🤗
129. Il volo - “Grande amore” Italy 2015
HAAH THAT’S RIGHT, I DON’T EVEN- wait what am I saying I DO love Il Volo that much lmfao. However, I also love several other songs as much, so forgive me if let those underrated angels outrank “Grande Amore”, which doesn’t *need* any more attention. 🤗 That said, Grande Amore haters should take a hike because it plain owns. SO MUCH VOCAL POWER.  “Grande Amore” feels more like a Jalisse to me though: “Hey, Europe, see how superior our musical talent is, get rekt lol” and of course it is and we are. Braggart entries <3 
However, I am NOT someone who watches Eurovision for the music, or even the vocals, so let me just say one thing: THANK FUCKING HELL IL VOLO LOST. (if not only for their obnox fanbase). “Grande Amore” is great, mind, but this is not -my- Eurovision entry and I’m happy the true ESC traditions were preserved by having Måns and Polina as our top two. 🤗
128. Bilal Hassani - “Roi” France 2019
Told you Bilal would be good! It’s kind of quaint how everyone convinced themselves, as soon as rehearsals started that Bilal was ~suddenly~ Good when I Had No Fear, The Power Lies In Him. 🤴
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And I mean, the glow up was pretty amazing, not gonna lie. Growing from basic bop into an actually competent attempt at the gold <3 Naturally, Bilal himself is the best aspect of “Roi” for me. I have nothing but the utmost of respect how someone of his age, who had to suffer through so much abuse and dismissal still managed to keep a positive attitude, avoiding pettiness. 😭 WE ARE NOT WORTHY. 😭
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However, while I think the revamp and staging were good, there was ONE big problem. You see, I think coming right before Mahmood is what really hurt Bilal, in the end. As lovely as I think the concept of “Roi” is, it pushes the idea of inclusion a bit too aggressively. Inclusion is, sadly, still a not theme everyone can (or wants to) relate to. Mahmood on the other hand provided a similar emotional pull from a more inherent source (shit parenting), which has a more universal relatability. (Not to mention that “Soldi” is also a much better song than “Roi”) As such, once “Soldi” happened, I think a lot of people simply forgot about Bilal. 
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Overall, I am at peace with Bilal’s role in the canon. He proved his haters wrong, once more. 🤭 16th place is maybe a bit too low, but always tragic are the fates of those born on a battlefield. Bilal has already won LIFE at age nineteen, and that is what ultimately matters most.
127. Valentina Monetta - “Social Network Song” San Marino 2012
The first chapter of the ~Valentina Trilogy~ is perhaps the most obscure of the three, but it’s nevertheless a most curious rose-tinted delight. Who could’ve known that when San Marino selected some haggard ponytail named “Valentina Monetta” to perform a song called “Facebook Ooh Oh Oh” in Baku, that she would end up one of Modern Eurovision’s most iconic human beings? Of course once Valentina took the stage and proved herself unironically great, as both a person and a performer, we all realized that even the smallest country can cast a very tall shadow. <3
However, it wasn’t *just* Valentina who was at her best, because Siegel & Meinunger delivered a great trampoline for her rise to stardom: Quotable and actually funny, “The Social Network Song” is a effective tongue-in-cheek spoof of the social media monstruosity everyone loves to hate. It matter-of-factly points out all the things wrong with social media culture, but frames it as an ad 😍 This is then topped off with some brilliant, obscure meta humour: DID YOU KNOW that “IF YOU WANNA COME TO MY HOUSE JUST CLICK ME WITH YOUR MOUSE” is a shameless plug for Valentina, who owns a b&b irl? <3 WERK that fanboy clientele, Valentinangel!  In sum, 
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(That makes ”Crisalide” is the last San Marinese entry standing in this ranking)
126. Lena - “Satellite” Germany 2010
I have a confession to make: I was never *that* hot on “Satellite”. I’ve always liked it, but I was never ~enamoured~ with it. Fun, chartable bop. Sure, it’s good, but it’s not something I get excited by.
However, during my recent rewatch I realized that I might have spent all those years severely underappreciating Satellite.  You see, between my last 2010 rewatch and now, Germany has subjected us to: Ann Sophie, Jamie-Lee, Levina and S!sters, all bland, beige, mediocre women without a discernible personality (or in Carlotta’s case, a deliberately annoying one to mask how painfully uninteresting she truly is) and good lord revisiting Lena and her disarming dork charm just REVITALIZES me. 
Even in what I think is the lesser of her two entries, Lena still fires off entertainment gold: from this BRILLIANT Safura take-down 
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to wonderfully banal lyrics
“bought new underwear, light blue and I WORE ‘EM JUST THE OTHER DAY 😅"  + “I even painted my toenails for you. I DID IT JUST THE OTHER DAY!!! 😅”
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Reliving all of that made me realize that, you know, Lena 1.0 is quite great after all. I do prefer Lena 2.0 though, but that is a write up you won’t be reading any time soon. 😏
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stahlop · 5 years
For the Once Upon A Time Inspired Asks please : 3,5,16,22
3. Do you have a favorite season?
I loved season 5a (minus the Brave storyline). Dark Emma and Dark Hook were just amazing! I loved Emma’s struggle between her light magic and the darkness and Killian’s automatic descent into it.
5. Killian or David?
Is there even a choice here?
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16. What are some of your favorite scenes?
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And when Emma asks Hook out, but I couldn’t find a gif of that.
22. Who is your favorite villain?
This is tough.
Regina started the whole curse, but her reasoning was so petty. She was pissed over something a 10-year-old did that lead to tragic consequences, instead of being pissed at her mother who actually did the deed. Way to hold a grudge.
I’d say it’s really between Pan and the Black Fairy. Pan was only in it for himself. He was selfish and cruel and didn’t give two shits that he was going to have to kill his great-grandson to basically keep living forever. Plus it was a great twist on the Pan classic. And the Black Fairy arc wasn’t that great, but I love Jamie Murray who played her. She plays great villains and I was so excited when she came on OUAT, so even though they kind of half-assed her character, I was just happy to see the actress.
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betweensceneswriter · 6 years
Island Hopper-Chapter 25: Honeymoon Sweet
Previously on Island Hopper:  Chapter 24: Stag Night Seth wants to give Jamie a stag night, and Joe and John have a bachelorette night with Claire.
The Sheraton was amazing, the lobby high-ceilinged and grand, with a chandelier in the entrance and checkerboard black and white marble flooring.  Even in our fancy club wear I felt underdressed, and particularly foolish when the valet took the keys to my mom’s rusty Honda with a slight wrinkle to his nose and curl to his lip.
“John and Joe had my mom pack a bag for us,” I whispered to Jamie, cringing slightly as I brought the small backpack out of the car before the valet left us at the entrance.  “I’m kind of dreading looking in it to see what she thought we would want.”
He grinned and shook his head, turning to open the entrance door for me.
“They canna truly have paid for us to stay here, Ri-pālle,” he said then, gazing with wide eyes at the spacious lobby. I felt nearly as awestruck as he appeared.  I’d stayed in a few nice resorts through the years, but never anything as glamorous as this. Finally he shook off his awe and squared his shoulders, looking down at me with a sly smile.
“Come along, woman,” he said, taking me firmly by the hand and leading me to the check-in desk.
“Reservation for Fraser,” he said confidently to the suited concierge behind the desk, who, after tapping on his keyboard and asking twice how we spelled our last name, found the reservation.
“A gift, it seems,” the clerk said.  “With an open tab for room service if desired.”
Jamie narrowed his eyes and shook his head slightly—not so much that the suited gentleman noticed, but enough that I did.  I squeezed his hand.  This was quite decadent enough without taking undue advantage of John and Joe’s generosity.
The concierge signaled for a bellhop to come assist us, and after an awkward moment as the young man held out his hands before I surrendered the backpack, the two of us followed him from the lobby into a towering ten-story atrium. The hotel rooms opened out to balconies overlooking a geometric fountain surrounded by stately palm trees in pots.  I tried to minimize my astonishment, gripping Jamie’s hand and trying to direct his gaze toward the stunning surroundings as we entered the elevator and waited in awkward silence as it climbed to the seventh floor, until the bellhop had opened our door and Jamie had scrabbled through his wallet for a wrinkled five-dollar bill, after which we entered the room and closed the door.
“So, this is what you would have preferred for our actual honeymoon?” Jamie asked, taking in the smooth white bed linens, the glossy furniture, the gentle glow of bedside lamps.  He ran his fingers through his hair, then stepped hesitantly into the center of the room and looked back at me, eyebrows raised.
“It is pretty decadent,” I agreed.  “But our wedding night and honeymoon were much more memorable.  Anyone could have their wedding night in a hotel…”
“Aye,” Jamie agreed, moving over to the bed and untying his deck shoes, wiggling his toes gratefully once he had shoes and socks off. I kicked off my spangly heels, padding over to the sliding glass door that led out to a balcony.  I opened the door and went out, stunned for a moment by the lights of the island and the view of the infinity pool eight stories down, lit up for nighttime swimming.  It was surreal, to say the least.  Jamie didn’t follow me, so I went back into the room to find him still sitting on the bed.
He was looking at me wistfully.  “I do love your family, truly, Ri-pālle,” he said.  “And this room is amazing… But somehow I canna wait until it is just you and I in our little apartment.”
“With the geckos and mosquitos?” I asked teasingly, shutting the door behind me.
“Them I could do wi’out,” he smiled, winking at me.
“I know what you mean, though,” I said, walking up to him and stepping between his knees, resting my arms on his shoulders.  “Until now it's kind of been  just the two of us.”
“Wi’ a little Rupert and Angus thrown in,” Jamie added, linking his hands behind my back and smiling up at me as he pulled me toward him.
“But not too much,” I mused, imagining our friends noisily tromping into our apartment.  
Our apartment.  I felt a pang in my stomach and as I realized what I was feeling, pushed away from Jamie and exclaimed in surprise, “Babe… I think I’m homesick!”
His look of discomfort softened, and I leaned forward to kiss him gently.
“I am as well, mo chridhe,” he whispered, drawing me down onto his lap.  “Sit wi’ me for a bit, and I ken both of us will soon feel better.”
He drew my head to his shoulder, tucking it under his chin, wrapping his arms thoroughly around me.  I breathed deeply and melted into him, slipping my shoulder under his arm, curling my body against his.  I found myself humming contentedly and closed my eyes with a sigh.
“Dammit, Jamie,” I murmured. “I was yours from that very first day you held me in your arms.”
In response, he chuckled and tightened his arms around me.  I felt the soft pressure of a kiss on my forehead.
“You looked alluring tonight.” He spoke slowly, his deep voice rumbling under my ear.  “Dancing in your sparkly top and sandals,” he mused as his hand traced over the spaghetti straps of the tank and drifted down my back. “Wearing these jeans, tight as a second skin,” he added, the firm warmth of his palm moving lower until he stopped with it gripping the curve of my backside.
I’d wanted him earlier, but the extravagance of the hotel had stunned me out of it.  Now I felt the glow begin again, warmth creeping from my abdomen outwards.
“I’m taking these foolish wee things off you,” he said, nudging me off his knee and into a standing position in front of him again. He reached for the button of my jeans, his forehead wrinkling in concentration as he undid it, a slow smile creeping over his face as he looked up at me and gripped the zipper.
There was something disconcerting about being undressed.  My heart rate increased and I flushed as I watched him pull the zipper downwards and then slip his hands inside my jeans to spread the tight waistband and push it down over my hips.
He took his time drawing the jeans down to the floor, his hands tracing their way down my thighs.  “You did indeed shave today,” he said. “Your skin is as soft as... a cat’s fur.”
“A cat?” I asked.  “Did you have a cat growing up?”
“Aye, but we arna talking about Bòidheach right now,” Jamie said, returning to a sitting position after holding the jeans down as I stepped out of them.  He ran his hands back up my legs, and the gentle touch stirred me so thoroughly I closed my eyes in response.
“Now these are even more foolish,” he murmured, his hands tracing over the sides of my lacy panties. “But I’ll leave them on you a wee bit longer.”
“Will you?” I asked, feeling breathless.
“This, now,” he mused, and I could feel his hands at my waist, slipping slowly under the tank top.  “The way you moved in it! A Dhia, I felt as if every eye in the place was on ye.”
I backed away from him playfully, raising my arms up as if still at the club, dance moves somewhere between club Claire and dancing-with-the-Marshallese-kiddos Claire. I turned around, facing away from him, still swiveling my hips.
“Come here,” Jamie groaned.  “Before ye kill me… Itōk, Ri-pālle.”
He reached his hand out to me and once again swept me into his lap as I approached him.
“I’m curious, Claire.  Do ye like it here?” Jamie asked as I rested in his arms.  
“I love my family,” I said.  “But it’s so busy and chaotic.”
“I agree,” he responded.  “It is so loud.  So commercialized.  It seems as if it is all about money and what ye have and drive.  What you buy.  What you accomplish.”
“Arno is such a simple place,” I said.  “I’d forgotten the constant barrage of advertising and noise.  The distraction of my silly cell phone dinging all the time.”
I could feel him nodding his head as he spoke gravely, “I havena seen the stars since I got here.  Havena just sat alone in the silence.  Haven't quietly watched the sun rise on the beach.  I haven't read.  And other than lighting the candles at midnight mass,” he confessed soberly, ”I havena prayed.”
I sighed.  “I feel like we’ve lost something being here.  Because I have felt jealous, petty, bitter, possessive--about you, I mean.  I’ve seen all these gorgeous young girls, and unwittingly I've been calling myself ugly, old, frizzy...” At this, Jamie frowned and shook his head.  
“Ye shouldna speak so to yerself,” he scolded.  “I would never say such things.  To me, you are the most beautiful woman in the world.”  
“You’re sweet,” I said.  “But here there is just too much to compare myself to.  Magazine covers in the grocery store, billboards, petite Asians and tanned- skinned Chamorrans.  I feel like I'm clinging to you just to try to feel valuable.  This isn't working, and I’m so glad we will be going home soon.”
“Do you imagine we will ever be able to return to civilization?” Jamie asked earnestly. “I'm serious.  Will we ever be able to tolerate the noise and chaos? The commercialism?”
“Sadly,” I said, “I think we could.  I think if we move to the states or Scotland, we will easily forget simplicity.  But for now, babe, there are far better things for us to focus on.”
“Ayet,” Jamie responded, with such enthusiasm that I sat up and looked at his face. “Such as to finally remove this top!” His smile was blinding, and the crinkle of affection at the corner of his eyes endearing. His arms around me tightened.
I closed my eyes as his lips met mine. Warm, strong hands on my body claimed familiar territory, and I felt firm flesh under my own hands, his skin smooth over the gentle ripple of muscles and occasional jut of bone. I let out a little sigh.
I could feel his lips pull back in a smile against mine, and then his warm breath and insistent lips on my neck and collar bone.
“Will ye have me, then?” he asked, his hand hesitating just under the hem of my tank top.
I pulled away from him for a second, meeting his eyes. “Seriously, Jamie…?”
“I’m no’ confused,” he explained.  “I just want to hear it from your lips.”
“I love you, babe,” I said, punctuating the phrase with kisses. “And yes, of course I want you.  Badly!”
“Good,” he said with a satisfied smile. “I believe I'll be able to accommodate ye.”
Sometime later the two of us were tousle-haired and sweaty in our gorgeous suite overlooking the moon-lit ocean. Jamie was stretched out on the bed looking satisfied and I felt flushed and a little stunned as well.
I looked at Jamie, shaking my head. “That girl at the club wanted you.  And she wasn’t the only one.”
“What are you talking about?” Jamie asked skeptically.
“Seth’s friends were salivating all over you on Cocos Island. When I watch you walk around, you don’t know how many pairs of eyes are following you, how many girls stand up straighter, suck in their stomachs and stick out their chests when you walk by.”
Jamie shook his head sheepishly as if he didn’t believe me at all.
“When he visited, there was one thing that Frank said that did strike fear in my heart,” I said, taking a deep breath and continuing hesitantly.  “I don’t remember his exact words, but what he said was that if you were this young and this physical, that you would get bored of sex with me, or feel like I was too old for you.”
“Oh, lass,” said Jamie empathetically. He reached out for my hand, pulling me into the bed to rest in his arms.
“Was Frank right?” I asked quietly.  “How can I know you’ll always love me? That I’ll be enough for you?”
Jamie looked at me for a moment, brows furrowed. Finally he spoke.  “Claire, what you are to me is more than sex.  Which I do love, don’t mistake me.  I love it now, and I’ll love it if you ever get lukkuun pregnant and bloated.  I’ll love it if you get soft and round like a good Majel mama and even if you get skinny—though, ye shouldna ever get too skinny,” he commented, his hands straying down to my hips. I giggled and shook my head, but  kept looking at him, waiting for him to continue.
“I hope we make our kids groan and plug their ears with the noises we make when they’re teenagers,” Jamie grinned.  “And I hope I’m still taking you to bed when we’re old and gray in our flat in the retirement village.”
By then I was laughing through tears, and Jamie handed me tissues from the dispenser on the bedside table, then took me in his arms again. “And I’ll be creeping down the hall in the carehome even when I’m half senile, climbing into your bed because in your arms I can remember.”
“Are you serious?” I asked him.  “But that’s still just sex.”
“That’s not all,” Jamie continued.  “When I lost my ma and Willie, and then my da, when I left Scotland and Murtagh and Jenny and Ian, I lost my family.  My home.  My sense of belonging.  And ye ken Dougal.  He isna given to much affection.”
“You’re right,” I responded, nodding.  “He’s not much of a hugger.”
“I traveled through school, and the first taste of being loved again was John,” Jamie murmured.  “I couldna be what he wanted, but he still cared for me even after he knew that.”
I snuggled closer to him.
“And my students… they fill me.  Rupert and Angus, the numpties, they’ve been friends to me. But then you arrived.  And ye took care of me, Ri-pālle.  You healed me, looked after me, fed me, enjoyed my company, hugged me.”
I squeezed him and closed my eyes.
“Ye felt comfortable, Claire, like family, even though I was also lusting after ye.  You called me ‘mo chridhe’ by accident once, and my heart ached at the words.  I hadna been called that in a long time.”
“I remember that,” I whispered back.  “I remember the look on your face.”
“And then you wanted me too.  You wanted to save me from being sent back home.  But you wanted me.  My company, my friendship, my body, my love. And when I met your parents, when your da called me ‘son,’ my heart felt like it was going to explode. I… I didna just marry you for your body, Claire. I married you for your company. I married you for your soul. I married you so you could always be my family.”
I pulled him down to me for a kiss.
“It doesna matter where we live, who we become.” Jamie said seriously, looking into my eyes. “Because Claire, you are my family.”
He placed his hand on my breast, over my heart.   “And this right here?” He said. “This, Ri-pālle, this is home.”
Next Up: Chapter 26: Father, Forgive Me... Jamie’s got a lot of built up bitterness toward his father.
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