#jamie benn fic
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yourfavewriteress · 1 day ago
about that work crush (part 12) | jamie benn
(do you hate me for how late this is? please forgive <3)
chapter 1 | chapter 2 | chapter 3 | chapter 4 | chapter 5 | chapter 6 | chapter 7 | chapter 8 | chapter 9 | chapter 10 | chapter 11
Teaser: "Your bedroom does have a lock, right?"
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Your subtle miscommunication with Jamie was a wake up call to him: he had to do better communicating with you. He also had to make sure he separated his life as captain and the life he was interested in building with you. They couldn't be the same, especially if your paths had to cross again like it did with the reporter fiasco.
"Did you guys figure it out?" Tyler asked Jamie the next day, who was in the middle of his morning workout.
"Yeah, we're good."
"That girl is in love with you, man," Tyler replied. "Don't fuck that up."
"I don't plan on it."
You were in back-to-back meetings all day, especially as you started the transition to a permanent position with the team. You were drowning in paperwork, which just seemed like busy work.
You still had to nurse the "interim" in your title, but the next few weeks would require facetime with board members, donors, and a lot more training staff. With the shift, your schedule drastically changed, and you were spending a lot less time at the arena and more time around Dallas and neighboring cities.
Jamie hated it. Granted, he knew it wouldn't be forever but it was annoying that he couldn't just show up at your office on a break. The upside? More uninterrupted time at your places, like tonight.
“Ugh, you’re amazing,” You cheered after opening your front door, hugging Jamie tightly. “I love these.”
“I know, that’s why I brought them,” You could feel his chest vibrate as he chuckled, his scent filling your nose. He was holding a family size bag of your favorite candy in his hand that was not wrapped around your back.
“Okay, so,” Standing back, to look up into his brown eyes, “I ordered food.”
“Did you?”
“Yes. Don't say anything but I haven't eaten since, like, noon?"
He looked down at his watch as you allowed him inside and closed the door behind him.
“You are nuts," He laughed. "How have you not passed out?"
You rolled your eyes at him, but led him into your kitchen where you had just started to separate the food you had ordered. Jamie was clearly comfortable in your apartment, moving straight to your fridge and pulling out a beer for himself and your favorite wine.
These were the moments you were enjoying the most with Jamie. When you were able to exist together, and share small moments.
You could convince Jamie to watch anything you wanted, he was just happy to be with you. Tonight, you had tricked him into The Bachelor which was definitely not a show he would watch on his own.
He wasn't as focused on the show like you were, and took breaks to clean up after you guys were done eating. You would never complain about a man who cleaned. And, Jamie was clearly a neat freak which would work in your favor.
“This show is stupid,” Jamie mumbled to you, as he returned to his spot next to you on the couch. You laughed, getting comfortable again against his chest. His hand found its way to your side, his pinky finger touching your bare skin. His other arm was bent behind his head, most likely to keep himself awake.
“Do you want to watch something else?”
“You’re clearly enjoying it,” He shrugged.
“I can watch it anytime,” You replied, looking up at him. "I like to please my guests."
He laughed, turning slightly red which made your stomach do flips.
“Who do you think is going to win?”
“On The Bachelor?” He nodded. “Honestly, it’s hard to tell. But, I’m trying to not see any spoilers online so that I can authentically watch it. Personally, I’m going to hope that Madison wins, just because I think her and Peter really connect well.”
“Which one is she?”
You waited until she appeared on the screen, “Her. She’s really nice and stays out of the drama which is always a plus on this show.”
Jamie hummed in response.
“Seriously, we can watch something else, if you want?” You asked, sitting up slightly so that you could get a good look at his face.
He looked back at you, studying your features. With the shift in position, you could now feel his fingertips lightly tracing shapes on your exposed waist. 
“What?” You blushed, when many seconds went by without a response. You were feeling the intensity of his stare as well as the calmness of his touch and you didn't know what to do next. 
“I’m really sorry about the other day,” He said. "I can't stop thinking about it to be honest."
“Jamie, I already told you, it’s resolved. We’re good,” You assured him, reaching over to put your hand on his face. “If it was still an issue, trust me, you would know. I wouldn't be explaining The Bachelor to you.”
He smiled at you, “I know.”
“Just wait. One day, I’m really going to be in a bad mood and you’re going to have to deal with it.”
“I’m looking forward to it.” You studied Jamie for a moment, his arm flexed behind his head. Hot. His hair, somehow the perfect mix of messy and styled. Hot. His current grip on your side. Hot. Everything about him. Hot. 
Once you noticed that he was watching you watch him, you finally turned your attention back to the TV. “Stop staring at me.”
“I should be saying the same thing to you, but it doesn't bother me,”
“I wish I didn’t blush so freaking much,” You groaned, making him laugh again.
“Why? I like it, it’s cute,” He shrugged.
“That’s because you feel accomplished when you make me blush.”
“No, that’s because I’m grateful that you even talk to me, let alone blush because of me,” He said.
“You, big-shot hockey captain of one of the top teams in the NHL, is grateful to be talking to me?” You raised your eyebrows. “You’re crazy.”
“I play hockey for a living. I shoot a puck, skate around, and knock guys over. You, on the other hand, do real shit and help people through actual problems. I think your job is a lot more important than mine,” He argued. “So, you’re crazy.”
“You do the same thing, Jamie,” You rolled your eyes. “Kids battling cancer look up to you in their darkest times. When you go visit them, do you even realize how special you make them feel?”
“Of course, I do. But, that’s still nothing compared to you and what you’re working for every day. I wish I could do that stuff full time.”
“Jamie,” You sat up. “Yes, you play hockey, but you’re also a role model to anyone who watches you. Hockey is hard as shit, take it from me who still doesn’t know how to skate on the ice. Why do you think they made you the captain? Why do you think you’re the face of the franchise?”
“You know,” He sat up as well. “You make me feel amazing, I hope you know that.”
“Same to you,” You smiled, kissing his cheek. He kissed your lips after, pulling you closer to him. You relaxed into him, allowing him to guide damn near every body part of yours against his.
The size difference between you two was intoxicating for you, especially in moments like this when you really just wanted him to take control. You've had your fun in the past, but there was something about Jamie that made you want to relinquish control.
Jamie's phone started to buzz on your coffee table, interrupting your moment. But, Jamie never pulled away from you. He continued to kiss you through one round of buzzes, then silence.
"You don't want to check that?" You smiled against his lips.
"Not at all." He reattached his lips to yours, his hands traveling lower on your body for a second, before trailing back up to your hair. You moaned into his mouth as he gently pulled your hair, giving himself more room to lean into you.
His phone started buzzing again, forcing him to freeze in his movements. He kissed you one more time, before pulling away from you to look at his phone, his hands still tangled in your hair. “It’s Miro.”
“Answer it. It’s 11, it could be an emergency.” You watched as Jamie picked up the phone with his hand closest to the table, holding it to his ear.
“Hey, what's up, man?” You could faintly hear Miro’s voice through the phone. Jamie’s hand moved from your hair to the back of your neck, gently massaging the area. 
“I’m busy, man, not gonna lie to you,” Jamie smiled at you. You turned your head, kissing the inside of his wrist.
“Alright, alright, calm down,” He rolled his eyes. “Yeah, just stay inside. I’m on my way.”
You waited as Jamie got off the phone with Miro. “What did he do now?”
“He’s hammered,” Jamie laughed. “And, needs me to pick him and Roope up, which also means make sure they get into their own beds in their own houses.”
“Captain’s duty, huh?”
“Always,” He said. 
“Well, I’ll take my candy now.”
He rolled his eyes again, this time at you. He reached behind him, handing you the bag of candy. 
“I’m sorry we can’t continue,” He said. “Watching the show, I mean.”
“Uh huh,” You laughed. “I know the team comes first.”
“Not a chance,” He shook his head. He leaned over, kissing you again. “I had fun tonight. Hopefully I can get a second date?”
“Hmm, I’ll think about it." He smiled, kissing you once more. “Text me when you get home?”
“Yeah, I will.”
The perks of dating a captain of a NHL team included many team parties with free food and alcohol. At first, you were worried about how some of the guys would feel having you around during down time, but it felt like a big family.
You were intentional about checking in with players in sessions around your presence, and it seemed like they loved to have you around. And, you really liked the approval you had gotten for your relationship with Jamie. You finally felt like you could relax into your relationship and not hide.
Today, Jamie was hosting a low-key BBQ with the players and their families. He took hosting duties seriously: decorations, caterers and homemade food, and endless drinks. It was actually shocking how much he cared to foster a good environment for his guys, and it was really attractive.
He forced you to be hands off, citing that you were a guest no matter how many times you tried to argue. He spent most of the party traveling around the group, making sure everyone was having a good time. Once he was certain he checked in with everyone face-to-face, he took his moment to pull you into the kitchen for a few minutes.
You and Jamie were both in agreement to keep PDA light at team outings, but that didn't mean Jamie was going to keep his distance from you for hours.
He brought you a piece of Pavelski's wife's pie which you were basically devouring as he recounted the football game he just refereed between some of the guys' kids. He sat on his kitchen counter while you stood between his legs, watching the videos he recorded. Listening to his voice in the videos, you thought He's such a dad.
More than a few minutes passed by after you finished the pie, but neither you or Jamie made any movements to rejoin the group.
With your back against him, his hands were around your body, which was fine, until he started rubbing his hands up and down your arms and shoulders as he spoke about random things. If it wasn’t for your long sleeve shirt, Jamie would be feeling the goosebumps that he was causing.
“Jamie,” You whispered, cutting him off. “Are you good?”
“Yeah, why?” He furrowed his eyebrows, looking down at you. 
“A little handsy there, aren't we?”
“Sorry,” He blushed. “I wasn’t thinking about it.”
“I didn’t say stop,” You mumbled. "I just can't focus on anything you're saying when you're touching me like that."
“I'm sorry, baby," He replied.
"So, should we talk about when we’re gonna reschedule our sleepover?” You asked, turning around in his arms.
“I think planning it kind of backfired last time,” He said. “How about now?”
“I’m sure no one will miss us. I mean, we’ve been in here for 10 minutes and no one has come in." He was watching your expression, his eyes gliding over every part of your face as you considered his offer. What the hell.
"Your bedroom does have a lock, right?” You surprised yourself with your agreement.
Jamie laughed, nodding before leaning down and pressing his lips to yours. "It does. And, I kind of already told the guys to host themselves."
“You’re insane,” You mumbled against him.
“If we’re not going upstairs, we have to stop now,” He breathed against your lips. “Seriously, I already need a cold shower.”
“Come on,” He gently pushed you back before stepping down from the counter. He grabbed your hand, pulling you upstairs.
“Slow down,” You laughed as he pulled you up the stairs.
He pulled you into his bedroom, pushing you against the door as soon as he closed it. He leaned over you as he locked the door to his room. “If someone knocks, it’s your fault.”
“No one told you to throw a barbeque today,” You smiled up at him.
“And, no one told you to show up looking this good,” He said, kissing you, using his bodyweight to hold you between him and the door.
His size is everything.
“The food wasn’t terrible today, man,” Tyler joked.
“Why are you still here?” Jamie looked at him. “Everyone already left.”
“This love-hate relationship that you guys have going on is very entertaining to watch,” You added.
“Yeah, yeah, I’ll see you guys later,” Tyler rolled his eyes. He gave you a hug before attempting to hug Jamie but he pushed him away. You shook your head as you hopped up to sit on the counter, exactly where Jamie was sitting before your moment upstairs.
As Tyler was the last guest out, he left you and Jamie finally alone at his place.
“Everything is mostly clean besides the grill, but I’ll clean that tomorrow. Everyone complimented your plates, by the way.”
“I told you,” You laughed. “You can get plastic plates and tupperware but it doesn’t have to be the plainest one.”
“Just take your compliment,” He teased as he finished washing his hands.
He walked over to you to stand in between your legs. “Did you have a good time today?”
“I had the best time,” You smiled, wrapping your arms around his neck. “Which is always the case when I’m with you.”
“I feel like I can finally breathe around you now,” He mumbled before meeting you in a kiss. His hands moved to your hips, “Thank you for coming today.”
“No pun intended?” 
He laughed, “Not originally but I guess it fits, huh?”
"Thank you for waiting," You whispered to him. "I know I probably made you wait longer than you're used to, but I'm happy we waited."
"I was about to explode for sure, but I would do anything for you," He replied, "You're worth it."
"So, you still actually like me?"
"Are you kidding me?" He laughed, stepping closer to you, if that was even possible. He raised his hand to the ponytail in your hair, tugging gently to lift your lips to his. "I'm obsessed with you."
"I can't tell if you're real," You replied, looking over his features.
"Really?" He kissed you again. "5 months in and you still doubt me?"
"I don't doubt you, per se," You smiled when his hair fell over his eyes. "I doubt everyone."
"What can I do to get special treatment?"
"I think you've had enough special treatment actually," You laughed. "I should head home."
"You can't stay?"
"I didn't pack a bag and I'm off tomorrow."
"More reason why you should stay here because so am I," He said. " I have an extra toothbrush, and all the basic necessities you might need."
"On one condition," You replied. "Tomorrow, you have to make me your mom's pizza recipe. I've been thinking about it for weeks."
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diorsluv · 1 year ago
die for you , part 1
“ swear i couldn’t sleep a wink last night ”
series m. list next chapter
( socialmedia!au )
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liked by jasonrob19, mush__27, trevorzegras, and 314,882 others
yourusername got new pink leg warmers 😈🎀
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username12 trevor has been liking and commenting for MONTHS there’s no way they’re not hooking up
→ username25 calm down she’s friends with turcs and cole 😭😭
logan.stankoven WE GET IT you got new skates or whatever
→ yourusername i will personally send you back to the ahl
→ logan.stankoven okay i was on fire on the texas stars 🥱
→ yourusername what if i light you on fire 🤗
→ logan.stankoven oh!
→ jpav8 let’s be nice guys
_alexturcotte is that the lululemon water bottle
→ _alexturcotte my spidey senses tingled
→ yourusername turcotte tingle is insane
→ _alexturcotte HEY MAN don’t slander the family name ❌❌
username36 my figure skater idol 🙇‍♀️
username4 trevor zegras eh??
colecaufield and new skates and new skate guards and a new bag
→ yourusername you sent me money what was i supposed to do with it????
→ colecaufield use it to pay off your student loans 😒😒
→ yourusername but you already paid them off for me 😶
wyattjohnston_ that’s so preppy and coquette
→ yourusername stop. just stop 😭
→ wyattjohnston_ I’M TRYING TO BE SUPPORTIVE
→ yourusername THEN STOP
→ wyattjohnston_ you don’t want me to be supportive of you? 😔
→ yourusername no
jasonrob19 i bought those skates for you
→ mush__27 we know you spoil her 🙄
→ t.harley48 fr you ain’t gotta flex
→ yourusername indeed you did 😈😈
username41 i’m patiently waiting for the day trevor accidentally posts that they’re dating
→ username88 is he not with dixie??
→ username12 LMAO as if
jackhughes niceee solid skates
→ yourusername jack hughes 😱
→ jackhughes yes that’s me
→ yourusername i feel like a successful fangirl
→ jake30oettinger i thought you liked the stars 😒 yourusername
trevorzegras 👍
liked by yourusername
→ _alexturcotte you’re such a pussy
→ trevorzegras you are what you eat
→ _alexturcotte stfu
→ colecaufield stop being so critical turcs
username53 it’s so preppy in here!
ilia_quadg0d_malinin oh please we all know i can do better
→ yourusername your ego is unbearably big
→ ilia_quadg0d_malinin say that to me when you land a quad
→ ilia_quadg0d_malinin that’s a lie and we both know it
lhughes_06 Ma’am, would you like to visit the Prudential Center in Newark, New Jersey to watch us practice prior to our game against the Anaheim Ducks?
→ jackhughes you’re supposed to dm her, not publicly comment…
→ lhughes_06 this is ur fault
→ yourusername YES I WOULD
→ lhughes_06 see it worked anyways jackhughes
t.harley48 you messed up the ice before practice 🤬🤬
→ yourusername stop whining start grinding 🥶
→ wyattjohnston_ stop whining start grinding 🥶
→ logan.stankoven stop whining start grinding 🥶
→ mush__27 stop whining start grinding 🥶
→ t.harley48 once i get on that zamboni it’s over for you all
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liked by miroheiskanen, trevorzegras, _alexturcotte, and 300,024 others
yourusername someone tell him i’m outside waiting rn 🙏
view all comments
ilia_quadg0d_malinin oh! when did you start posting about your crippling love life 😍
→ yourusername you’re like the only person i told and you proceed to make fun of me 😃😃
→ wyattjohnston_ no you told me
→ logan.stankoven and me
→ jpav8 and wyatt told me
→ hhinee you told me as well
→ miroheiskanen i also know
→ matt9duchene so do i
→ tseguin92 oh you told me too
→ t.harley48 don’t forget about me
→ jake30oettinger you literally told me too
→ mush__27 good lord how many people did you tell (i know about it too)
→ ilia_quadg0d_malinin you told an ENTIRE nhl team. yourusername
→ yourusername ……..i told you first…..?
→ jasonrob19 what are we talking about
nickrobertson01 that’s not one of your jackets…
→ yourusername how would you know if you haven’t been in my closet 🤨
→ nickrobertson01 you just gave me a closet tour on ft yesterday…..?
→ jasonrob19 then whose jacket is it?????
→ yourusername no one i swear it’s mine 😰😰
jamiebenn14 is that not a literal nightgown?
→ yourusername stop judging my stylistic choices 💔
→ yourusername you old men are NOT hip with the kids
→ jpav8 you’re breaking our hearts here 😔😔
username33 is that or is that not the outside of an ice rink???
username20 i swear to god she’s seeing trevor
username94 someone tell me i’m insane because i swear i’ve seen the ducks practice there before
→ username17 no no you’re not insane i think you’re right 😰
→ username11 lmfao maybe she just practices there too???
hhinee so to be clear, “him” is HIM right?
→ yourusername yes yes you’re right roop
→ jasonrob19 why do i not know what you’re talking about
username6 IF I’M RIGHT, i think i’ve seen that backpack in the background of one of trevor’s stories before…
logan.stankoven so what i’m hearing is if you hang out with him, you leave us alone?
→ yourusername what happened to the kid that BEGGED for my autograph when i showed up to one of the texas stars games
→ yourusername 🙄
→ wyattjohnston_ HE BEGGED?????
_quinnhughes cool fit i like it 👍
→ yourusername aw thank you ☺️
→ username37 OH MY GOD IS IT QUINN
colecaufield i see you’ve been gaining more attention..
→ yourusername are you saying i’m not successful enough to regularly get attention??
→ colecaufield oh my god YOU ALWAYS DO THIS
_alexturcotte i have never seen someone leave mid-convo as quickly as i just did
→ yourusername you were with him?
→ _alexturcotte no he just stopped typing all of a sudden
→ yourusername so you were.. texting him????
→ _alexturcotte yeah??
→ yourusername you know for someone so smart, sometimes you make no sense 😭
mush__27 you being 1,500 miles away should be a crime
→ yourusername oh stop complaining i was literally back home like 8 hours ago
username17 has trevor not commented yet??
→ username99 it’s not as if he comments frequently
jake30oettinger you’re so not slick
→ yourusername that’s great i’m so glad you noticed even though you literally didn’t know until i told you!
→ jasonrob19 PLEASE GOD JUST TELL ME 😔
next chapter notes ) your bitch is back with a trevor au and this time it’s gonna be irl + smau because i was fucking STRUGGLING with feather.. and also i’m thinking of the nickname being lacey because i think it’s just so cute and also i got a whole backstory and all… 😈 but regarding ilia malinin and all of my favorite dallas stars.. yall might have to know some stars and figure skating lore for this one but i don’t really think it’s gonna affect the plot of the story or the story itself (you just might not know who anyone is 😭😭) as always if you wanna be tagged, just comment or dm me!!
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toasttt11 · 1 month ago
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May 22, 2021
Wyatt shot up waking up immediately hearing little whimpers and he immediately pulled the covers off him and stepped over to his daughter’s bassinet seeing Carson whimpering and squirming, something that is very rare for her.
Wyatt delicately picked her up and started gently rocking her, “What’s wrong my little bear?” Wyatt cooed softly his eyes glanced to the clock knowing Carson doesn’t get hungry at this time and she doesn’t need to be changed.
Carson’s sad whimpers slowed down and she seemed to fall back asleep in his arms.
Wyatt kissed her for her softly and started to set her back down in her bassinet and immediately she started whimpering again making Wyatt immediately pick her back up and rock her again in his arms calming her down.
Wyatt furrowed his brows confused why she was getting upset and then to clicked, “Do you want to stay with me?” Wyatt asked softly realizing Carson was fussy when she was in her bassinet and not with him.
Wyatt fixed the pillows on his bed to keep Carson safe in the bed and he laid back in his bed and gently set Carson on the bed next to him keeping his arm over her and she didn’t stir once.
Wyatt hummed softly seeing how peaceful Carson looked laying next to him.
Wyatt rested his head next to hers just starring at her peacefully sleeping, he kissed the side of her little forehead gently, “Goodnight my little bear.”
Wyatt would come to realize that most nights Carson just wants to sleep next to him and wants cuddles.
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alchemistc · 7 months ago
goon | bucktommy | chapter five
check out the hockey glossary here (updated through chapter five)
Prologue | Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three | Chapter Four
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read Chapter Five on ao3
Eddie pulls into the parking lot still grinning at the recollection of the first time he’d met Evan Buckley, and Tommy can’t help but smile back, all the air in his lungs spent on the breathless laughter he’d expelled on the drive over.
“He actually thought I was there to replace him, or something,” Eddie says, fondly, amusement and affection seeping into his voice, and something clicks, just then. Tommy doesn’t have time to think about it, though, because half a second later Ravi is banging on the passenger window, looking harried.
Tommy rolls it down with one eyebrow raised.
“Closed practice,” Ravi says, with a kind of warning tilt to his expression, and Eddie’s smile evaporates in the drivers seat.
“Shit,” Eddie says, and Ravi nods emphatically.
Tommy’s been here going on three months, and this is the first time he’s even heard a whisper about closed practice. Sure, there are days where fans don’t fill the stands, and days when the media doesn’t seem inclined to make an appearance because there isn’t any story worth telling, but as far as he knows, Bobby Nash hasn’t held a closed practice in at least a few years. Back when he was brand new and fighting an uphill battle for a point or two a week, yeah, he’d definitely heard a few of those stories from guys like McKinley and even a few of the guys who’d been traded, in the following few years, to teams Tommy played for.
But Tommy can’t think of a reason why Nash would want to do that now.
Gerrard had held them for the opportunity to pick on whoever he felt like singling out on a given day, but that’s not Nash’s style.
“He called up four guys from Loveland,” Ravi continues, and next to Tommy, Eddie grimaces.
Ravi nods forebodingly.
“Shit,” Eddie repeats, and Tommy takes a deep breath, not quite sure if this is actually something to be worried about, or more melodramatics from a bunch of guys who’ve never had to play for the likes of Tortorella or Gerrard. “Does Buck know?”
“Buck’s the one who told me,” Ravi says, and Eddie whistles through his teeth.
“Is he already picking on the Eagles guys?”
“He’s got The List out,” Ravi informs them gravely, and Eddie actually leans forward and knocks his head against the steering wheel, startling Ravi when his forehead hits dead center on the horn.
“What’s the list?” Tommy queries, using the back of his hand to shove Ravi gently out of his way, opening the door before he rolls up the window to allow them to continue this conversation. He’s almost positive this is a late hazing, at this point, but never let it be said that Tommy won’t take any opportunity to let Buck’s team talk about him.
(Fucked, with a capital F.)
“You don’t wanna know about The List,” Ravi tells him ominously, dancing out of the way of the bag Tommy swings out from the back seat before shutting his door behind him.
“Tell me anyway.”
Ravi falls into stride beside him, detailing a nightmarish demon of a man who hazes the new kids and the old hats alike with pop quizzes on regulations and unspoken rules, right before drilling any random passersby with questions about the system they play until he was satisfied they fully understood The Process.
Tommy hasn’t seen a trace of this monstrous demon, but he’s actually kind of looking forward to finding out if this is a real thing Evan Buckley does. It sounds objectively hilarious, and also a little adorable.
It’s been two weeks and Tommy’s gotten a couple texts, a single call, and some heavy looks across a table at team dinner, or the locker room after practie, with no idea what, exactly, he’d said or done to draw Buckley’s ire. He actually thought I was there to replace him, Eddie had said, not five minutes ago, and Tommy takes the rest of the walk (Eddie and Ravi on either side of him looking like they’ve just gotten their marching orders) to reassess the last month or so.
Things had been great, after the All-Star game.
The new guys were still learning the system, which has an admittedly sharp learning curve, and they’d lost a few games, in amongst the grind, but Tommy was skating better, and Buck was pulling off some pretty spectacular shit every night, breaking ankles and running up enough points to throw him into the Norris conversation. McKinley had suggested some line mix-ups that had actually helped the new guys both pick up the pace and start to work within the system as it was designed to work.
Eddie had been making a point to pull Tommy in, inviting him out to places with the team, and sharing his sparse father-son time with Tommy, spending a few extra minutes out on the ice with him on practice days to try to give him some tips on his movement, his edgework, his stick handling skills.
For two and a half weeks Tommy had spent his nights stretching out sore muscles, icing aches and pains, and watching game film on mute, listening to Evan Buckley talk to him on speaker about the perils of simple carbohydrates while he shoveled two-day old shrimp fried rice into his mouth.
And then he’d been left on read for three minutes and barely spoken to him since.
In hindsight, it makes plenty of sense. Hell, he’d joked a million times to himself that Buckley and Diaz lived out of each others pockets; of course, of course Buckley would be upset by the perception that Eddie Diaz could in any way attempt to replace Evan Buckley.
Tommy will talk to him after practice. Maybe take him up on the beer he’d promised to buy Tommy in exchange for a few lessons on keeping his blades planted during a bout. (Nash and Hen don’t need to know he’s giving their star defenseman fighting tips.)
It’s as good a saying shutout with twenty minutes still left in a game.
Tommy isn’t actually paying attention, when it happens. He’s mostly trying to remember what he knows about their penalty kill, how it functions, which point of the diamond he’s supposed to maintain a five foot radius around while the power play unit hammers them with shots towards the net.
He is very firmly not thinking about how flustered he’d felt, walking into the lockers to find a half-dressed Evan Buckley wielding an actual clipboard, going through equipment checks with four Eagles players like Buck hadn’t previously played a game or two with all but one of them. Like the Eagles don’t closely follow the same system the Avs play. Like they’re not fucking professionals, themselves. Nothing about it should have done a single fucking thing for Tommy, and yet, while Buck made his way down the checklist and Wagner and Ivan elbowed each other in amusement as the fresh-faced kid who’d yet to be called up until today seemed to waffle between consternation and the need to prove himself.
Tommy doesn’t have a praise kink. Or a degradation kink, come to think of it.
But he’d suddenly realized he absolutely had a thing for Evan Buckley leaning into the obsessive perfectionism. (He’d had the irrational desire to see what his Google calendar looks like, and had to stuff that away immediately while Wagner waved at him from across the room and received an icy glare from Buck for daring to interrupt.)
He doesn’t see it, is the point he’s trying to make. From the left of his goalie, Tommy takes a puck to the bucket and watches Buckley circle back up to the top of the zone while he blinks away the dull gong-like ringing in his ears, watches Ivan shovel the puck back to Buck and Buck slide left, right, barely keeping it in the zone when he spins away from a poke check, and then Wagner skates right through Tommy’s line of vision, and by the time Tommy repositions himself, Buck is chasing after Eddie, who has the puck and a clean sheet of ice straight to Chim.
Tommy keeps up with Wagner down the ice, Buck chasing ahead of them, and with just the team and coaches in here, Tommy can hear a lot more than he usually can, even in a practice setting— the sound of the guys on the bench chattering away, taking notes on how a PK is actually supposed to function; the slice of eleven sets of blades gliding over the ice; the chirping from Eddie as he taunts Buck, five feet behind him, and Buck’s loud, loud guttural shout a moment before he catches a burst of speed and extends his knee just as Eddie winds back to shoot the puck.
Eddie goes down with a groan of pain, and they all slow, the momentum of the chase propelling them most of the way as Eddie curses, a loud mix of English and Spanish while Buck drops his stick to his knees and sucks in a few steady breaths.
Hen is out on the ice about fifteen seconds later, and things devolve from there.
Eddie flops into the seat next to Tommy, ten minutes into their flight, and Tommy raises a curious brow, eyes darting up from his book when Eddie just sighs. Six rows up, Buckley is making friends with the d-man they’d called up from Loveland, just in case Eddie’s knee acted up and he had to be scratched from the lineup.
It’s the first time in three months that Tommy has seen them sit in separate rows on a flight.
Eddie shrugs half-heartedly when Tommy tilts his head in question.
There’s enough chatter going on that Tommy doesn’t feel the need to pull out his phone and have this conversation through his fucking notes app, but he keeps his voice low, regardless.
“How’s your knee?” he starts, because despite how close they’ve become, he’s under no illusion that he can just dive straight into the “we made your best friend mad, how do we fix it” conversation without some small-talk to ease them into it.
Or maybe they can. “Recovering from Buck’s possessive streak pretty well, actually,” Eddie says with a breathy snort. “Wish his ego would get on the same page as my knee.”
Tommy bites down on the urge to defend him, of all things, but a moment later Eddie sighs.
“That wasn’t fair. Buck is — he gets a little weird, sometimes, about the people that are important to him.” He pauses, fingers tapping against his thigh as he shoots a careful look at Tommy. “I feel kinda bad. All he ever wants is to feel like he’s being included.”
“You’re allowed to have more than one friend,” Tommy intones, and then feels for a moment like walking it back at the lofty tilt of Eddie’s head, his pursed lips, his deadpan expression.
“Buck has about five million attachment issues and three people he trusts implicitly, and one of them has been inadvertently icing him out since he left for the All Star game. He’s second guessing six years of friendship because he didn’t realize dating wasn’t the only thing that could take my attention away from him for more than five minutes at a time.”
Tommy thinks that’s probably an oversimplification, but he gets the gist. “Have you talked to him?”
“Not successfully,” Eddie intones, with a nod towards the back of Buck’s head.
“I’ll talk to him.” Eddie gives him a grateful tap, two knuckles to Tommy’s knee, and shifts back into his seat, stretching his leg out into the aisle. “Maybe wait until after the game. Dallas is only six points behind us and I’d much rather he take a run at Duchene than you, if he doesn’t like what you have to say.”
The chuckle that escapes containment is a little self-deprecating, but Tommy tilts his head back, closes his eyes, and pretends to get some shuteye while he ponders what the hell he’s actually going to say to Buck. After the game.
Letting Buck stay mad is either gonna make or break this game. Tommy hasn’t decided yet, but it’s a running concern, as they go up one, then Dallas ties, then Dallas captures the lead in the closing minutes of the first. Buck is agitated down the tunnel, agitated through intermission, agitated as he lines up for the opening puck drop of the second period, agitated as Dallas mucks things up in the neutral zone, agitated as the refs miss an interference call that he’s been penalized for at least three times in the calendar year, so far.
He’s agitated as he gets smashed into the boards behind Dallas’ net, and agitated as Diaz misses his pass and the puck trickles out of Dallas’ zone, and agitated when Dallas takes advantage and nearly goes up another goal, the puck clanging off the iron before Chimney can scramble from one side of his crease to the other.
Dallas plays a shitty, boring game of keep away, jamming up every play they try to make in the neutral zone, and with two minutes left in the second, Buck takes another nasty hit against the glass, sandwiched between Benn and Hintz with the puck no where close to him. The no call is probably his last straw, when he comes away bleeding with Hintz’s stick still stuck in the padding of his helmet.
Back on the bench, Buck washes out his mouth with water, grimaces as Hen dabs at the cut just to the side of his eyebrow, an uncanny match to the birthmark on the other side of his face, and proceeds to argue with Nash for thirty seconds as the clock ticks down and Nash keeps him on the bench.
Nash has a rule, in these scenarios. They play for the next five minutes, every time, no game too far out of reach because they’re just setting up for the next five, but the important piece is handing off the last five. Whatever happened, whatever will happen, once the previous five are up, they’re done. There’s no changing them, only learning from them.
And Buck is clearly not ready to hand it the fuck off.
With twenty-seven seconds left and the puck once again stuck in the middle of the ice, Buckley and Diaz replace Manson and Girard, and Buck takes about half a second to assess the run Duchene is making towards their zone before he seems to make a decision.
It’s a legal hit, technically speaking. He catches Duchene with his head down, but Buck has both speed and a build up of negative emotion just leaking from his pores, at this point, so when they meet in the middle and Buck locks his elbow, the crash ends up looking more like an explosion of momentum, from Buck’s extended mitt, through Duchene’s chest. Buck stays standing and Duchene goes ass over tea-kettle, legs going out from under him and the puck trickling off his stick right into the space behind Buckley, where Diaz skates over to scoop it up and send it careening through a free patch of ice towards McKinley.
Duchene doesn’t snap back to his skates, right away, and Tommy can’t hear it over the noise of the crowd, but in the moment before Buck follows the puck on it’s way towards Oettinger, he bends to say something that has Duchene seeing fucking red.
Tommy supposes he can add another player to the list of people who are gonna throw a fucking target on the number 18.
McKinley ties it up with seven seconds left in the period, but on the skate back to the benches Duchene decides to get chirpy. Buck gets through the glove taps just in time to have his stick snaked out from it’s loose hold by a smirking Duchene, and the shoving match the commences almost gets their entire first line thrown in the box for the start of the third, but it’s Buck that puts them all on notice as they skate back to their own benches.
“You’re a fucking joke, man!” Buck yells, still half-hanging off the sideboards, skate firmly tucked beneath the bench to give him leverage to lean back out and make direct eye contact with Duchene. “Your career is a joke, and you’re an embarrassment to the league. How’s that ring chasing going, Matty? I fucking lit you up, asshole, and I’ll do it again!”
Tommy makes the mistake of staring through the glass towards the Stars bench, where Dumba is staring directly at him. So. There’s that.
Whatever Duchene shouts back is lost to the final whistle and a battle for the puck that Stankoven ends up shoveling into his own zone just to kill off the last few seconds on the clock.
The ire hasn’t left Buck, once they’re in the room. They can all feel it, attitude fucking rolling off of him as they listen to Bobby walk them through his strategy to get rid of this congested mess of a game and get through to the net.
Tommy spends his twenty minutes trying to remember his last fight with Dumba.
It’s a tie game. There’s an edge to be had to winning a territorial fight like this — momentum can swing based entirely on whether or not Tommy’s fist makes contact enough times to fire up his team. The problem is the one player who’s been fired up the entire game isn’t doing shit to generate the kind of momentum they need to break out of this slog of a game and build some fucking offense.
There’s another option. They’re all pissed at the refs, and have been all game, and Tommy’s the locker room guy, the one they look to when their stars have said their piece and the coach has left them to their own devices. If the refs toss him, they’re gonna be amped the fuck up.
Nash would be pissed he’s even thinking about it. Buck might actually pick a fight he can’t win, if Tommy doesn’t play it right. Fighting Dumba won’t work, for this, so he’s gonna have to suck it up and play the villain, ignore the heavyweight fight and go for something gritty and fucking rude.
Benn, then.
It’s been a while since Tommy’s laid out Jamie Benn.
Both benches get warnings from the refs before the start of the third, and Buck blatantly ignores them the moment he’s on the ice, chirping every single black-and-neon green sweater that has a chance of hearing him, missing setups because he’s too busy laying reverse hits and generally being a pest.
Tommy absolutely shouldn’t find anything about this remotely amusing, because if he keeps it up, Dumba is absolutely gonna find a way to challenge Tommy, and everyone else is too frustrated with this new and unimproved Buckley. The problem is, Evan Buckley the pest is fucking hilarious, and the few insults Tommy has managed to catch are not only fantastically amusing, they’re also bitingly specific. Buck’s putting his stats and lore knowledge to good (evil) use.
He’s pretty sure he even catches a slyly worded allusion to cunnilingus that Benn very clearly does not like one bit, but Benn doesn’t have time for retaliation because Buck takes his momentary lapse to pick his pocket and spin into the Stars zone with three Avs on his heels.
The puck pings off the crossbar five different times before the Stars get possession again, and with fifteen minutes left in the game, Dadanov snipes one past Chim into the net.
Tommy can feel the bench deflate.
Dallas shaves another three and a half off the clock by clogging up the neutral zone before Tommy gets an opportunity on the ice with Benn’s line, and he doesn’t waste any time — down a goal with eleven and change left in the game, he doesn’t see a whole lot of other options, and he doesn’t really give Benn the opportunity to not engage.
It takes a bit of maneuvering.
Stripes haven’t called shit all game, from either side, so it’s a risk, either way, and Tommy’s goal isn’t to actually injure Benn, just make the hit look bad enough and blatant enough that they’ve got no choice but to call it. He waits until the puck has been off Benn’s stick for a hot second before he slams him into the boards, and the crowd gets loud.
The whistle blows, and just for the hell of it, Tommy wraps both hands around his stick and shoves it into the middle of Benn’s back when he tries to get back to his feet.
Johnston gets an arm around his neck half a second later, and both linesmen come careening in to break it up.
He’s assessed with five minutes, which isn’t ideal, when that shaves off half their time left in the game, but a minute and a half into the penalty kill Heiskanen takes a chop at Ravi when he manages to get the puck down past the red line, and suddenly they’re four-on-four for at least the middle portion of Tommy’s gamble.
Dallas’ special teams aren’t as good as theirs — not when they’re evenly matched — and when McKinley finds Panikkar with a stretch pass there’s no one in the lane to intercept.
Tie game, with a minute and a half left in Tommy’s major, back to being shorthanded, but there’s signs of life on the bench, and Buck seems to have finally fucking cooled his jets (Tommy spends forty seconds wondering which one of them convinced Bobby to force a Honey Stinger into his hands).
In typical fashion, the moment Tommy’s out of the box, Dallas returns to slowing the game right down, well aware that it’s the easiest way to neutralize the Avs offense, and the minutes chip away while Tommy watches the clock.
On a flyby, Duchene chirps at Buck and Diaz both on the bench, which is ultimately the Stars fucking downfall, even if they don’t know it.
With forty-seven seconds left on the clock, Diaz skates through traffic and gets a saucer pass down the ice to O’Connor, and Lundkvist blows a tire in his attempt to defend him.
The puck sails in right under Oettinger’s blocker.
In the locker room, ten minutes later, Tommy catches Nash’s eye and does his best not to look guilty, but Tommy has studied Nash’s career, and they both know exactly where he’d gotten his ham handed idea from. The expression on Nash’s face tells him everything he needs to know about how quickly he’ll end up a healthy scratch if he tries it again.
Tommy’s still working through his wording, five hours later, when he settles into his room in Boston. Tomorrow’s a rest day, nothing but a coaches meeting on the books, so regardless of how things go with Buck, he’s at least got the advantage of a full day where they’re not required to speak to each other, once Tommy’s said his piece. He’ll give Buck the night, let him sleep off whatever agitation had had him so hot all day, knock on his door in the morning and apologize, maybe convince him to grab another coffee, if the apology goes decently.
And if not, he’ll have the day to lick his wounds and remind himself that he’d absolutely known he was setting himself up to hurt his own feelings.
He’s eternally grateful his trade had happened so early, because he’d heard rumblings on the plane ride over that the Altitude team was planning a half-day of get-to-know-the-new-guys coverage, and he’s already done his thirty-minute sit down with Keefe.
The knock on his door startles him out of his reverie, and when he swings the door open, he doesn’t know exactly what he’s expecting, but it sure as hell isn’t the chagrined, lopsided smile of Evan Buckley, leaning against the door frame and looking contrite.
“Buck. Hi.”
Buck’s chest rises with the deep breath he takes.
“Hi,” he says, and in the dim hallway light, with his shoulders turned in on themselves, he looks suddenly vulnerable and tired. “Can we talk?”
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tradetobest · 8 months ago
bennguin fic rec list (pt 1?)
in honour of the steers and queers anniversary im making a bennguin fic rec list!! it has 14 fics cuz jamie number :))
i wrangled the fuck out of my bookmarks for this, so enjoy :))
Kelowna: Become Human by LadyJanelly
rating: T words: 8.9k summary: What better way is there for a professional hockey team to make sure their prospects can focus on getting NHL ready, than buying them their very own android?
if you know me, you know i am a GIANTTT fan of detroit become human, so this fic is a dream come true for me. it is literally great too like i love it. tyler prioritizing jamie's orders over his programming... oughh....
Custom, Discreet by inlovewithnight
rating: E words: 12k summary: Tyler accidentally discovers Jamie's kink. He is so very on-board.
LINGERIE FIC!! we love.... we love that its JAMIE in the lingerie.... oughhhh
Must Love Dogs by SpiritsFlame
rating: G words: 12k summary: It doesn't occur to Jamie until he's standing on Tyler's front porch at 3am, barefoot, that maybe he should have called first In which Jamie Benn steals a dog, gets his best friend back, and combats toxic masculinity. In more or less that order.
i love this fic so much. cute ass fucking dog. PHENOMENAL use of the premise.
Featuring Marshall by wutheringjane
rating: G words: 4.1k summary: Tyler's latest video was called "GUESS WHO'S GOING TO DALLAS"
YOUTUBER AUUUUUU!!!!!! oh my god i am OBSESSED w youtube aus. and this ones so fucking cute too. theyre fans of each other your honour
the old brag of my heart (I am, I am, I am) by Mayhem10
rating: G words: 9.9k summary: Sometimes people forget that Jamie Benn exists.
this is part of the condition of existence series, and it's the second one in the series, but the whole series is phenomenal. i replay tyler's discovery moment in my brain over and over (OH YEAH, READ THE FIRST ONE DIRECTLY FROM THIS LINK)
Pitches Love Velocity by bohnem990
rating: T words: 12k summary: There’s no use in talking about money to Tyler, Brownie knows. It’s the reason that Brownie was the one to major in business in college, while Tyler majored in drinking with a minor in marketing. “If you want to drop a grand on one night at a sports event can’t you at least spend it on a real sport?” Several people, Tyler included, gape at him. “Like hockey,” Brownie barrels on, “We could totally go to a hockey game. We’re Canadian, Segs! We’re supposed to eat, sleep, and breathe hockey!” -- Alternately : “Dude,” Brownie laughs, “I think Jamie Benn’s agent just asked you to fuck him.”
THIS FIC. tyler at the restaurant lives rent free. FRAT BOY ASS. i love them so much.
Something Wild by Linsky
pairing: tyler seguin/jamie benn
rating: E words: 3k summary: The girl on Tinder is typing again. why don’t you show me how good you are with a cock Tyler coughs and drops his phone. That’s—wow. He did not expect her to go there.
oh my god. oh my god. tyler is such a dumbass here and i love it. im OBSESSED. 10/10 misunderstanding fic.
something over nothing any day by clawsandsympathy
rating: G words: 1.5k summary: “About this time on Hawkeye in the Morning, we run a little segment called Second Date Update. When someone has a great first date but never make it to the second date, they call us and we try to help them out. Tyler, can you tell us how you met Jamie?”
i think this fic is adorable. the concept is so fuckin cute and i think its executed well w some tropes i really like :))
I Know a Little Chapel by Linsky
rating: M words: 4.5k summary: Tyler Seguin is a very good wedding planner. Which is why he’s not freaking out that Jamie Benn of the Dallas fucking Stars is sitting in his office.
wedding plannerrrrrr auuu!!!!!!!!! tyler planning jordies wedding isnt something i knew i needed but by god did i
sneeze by Anonymous
rating: T words: 5.3k summary: Tyler had never actually heard Jamie purr. It was the strangest goddamn thing.
THIS FIC IS ADORABLE i love the story around why jamie's purrs are Like That. and tyler misunderstanding. ough ITS PERF
let's give them something to talk about by Anonymous
rating: T words: 2.6k summary: ashlee @/messysegsy - Sep 15 why does it feel like everyone got #OneTImerTour tickets except for me??????? @/tylerseguin please explain (5 replies 3 retweets 20 likes)
first part of the rheotaxis series!! i am a big sucker for social media aus, and aus in general, and musician/hockey is a trope i LOVE (shout out to that mceichel fic) so this is the perfect fic for me. unironically perfect.
scar tissue by eternalvariegation
rating: T words: 12k summary: Jamie still remembers when they were practically living out of each other’s pockets, the memory twinging like a muscle he hasn’t used in a long time but that his body hasn’t forgotten. It was probably inevitable that they’d see less of each other once Jamie formally requested that they no longer go into the field together but it still hits him sometimes. The tangible feeling of loss despite it having been his own decision in the end. Tyler didn’t speak to him for a month after he found out. 
SPY AU oh my gosh. "partner doing what he thinks is best for other partner. it is not best" is such an insane trope and i love it so much in this fic. done incredibly well. please read this.
Arms of the Sea by LadyJanelly
rating: T words: 3.7k summary: Jamie gives her back to the sea when she dies, three years into their marriage, their baby still inside her. He sews her up in sailcloth with the porridge pot she brought from her mother’s house, a stone from their shared hearth, scaling knife, thimble and needle. He sails out to the deep water and lowers her into the water, weeps as she sinks into the ocean’s embrace. He sails back to land and gives his boat to his brother. He will not return to the ocean. It is a graveyard to him now. He finds a job in a logging camp, and for a year his feet are dry, his lips do not taste of salt.
incredibly emotional and beautiful fic. op wonders whether their execution of the concept is dull and pretentious in the opening notes and i think that is the worst part of this fic, only because it does such a disservice to it. RAHH i love it
wandering bee seeks the rose by clachnaben
rating: E words: 8.7k summary: Jamie Benn coaches a youth hockey team and Tyler is a determined Hockey Mom. Meet cutes and queer women and youth hockey
yk i had to shout out the lesbians to round it out. sexy hockey mom tyler lives in my head rent free and i dont even like women.
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putalabelonit · 2 years ago
Men's Hockey (RPF) fanfiction recs:
Jamie Benn/Tyler Seguin
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"A Fool for Lesser Things" (E) by Linsky | 11,553 | Still, though—no way. People don’t just forget four years of their lives. “You’re gonna need to give me way more than that if you want me to believe you,” Jamie says. “Did he wake up yet?” someone asks, and Tyler fucking Seguin walks into the room.
"I Feel Like I’ve Been Locked Up Tight" (E) by Linsky | 33,976 | Jamie’s not sure where he missed the boat on the whole sex thing.
"Something Like a Crush" (E) by purplecatsweater | 3,807 | It isn’t that Jamie isn’t incredibly aware of how close Tyler is – his fingers curled over Jamie’s arm, his leg thrown over Jamie’s, his breath coming in short bursts against Jamie’s collarbone once he shuts up and actually pays attention to the movie. Really, it’s just that Jamie is used to it. Tyler wouldn’t know what personal space was if it smacked him in the face, and Jamie’s never really complained.
"gonna have to ask about" (E) by ferrassie | 6,783 | This is not Tyler’s apartment. He has no idea how he got here or who he’s sleeping beside, face hidden in the pillow. He’s been sitting up long enough to wake him, though. “Tyler,” he says, voice muffled and rough with sleep. “You awake?” He looks up with half-lidded eyes, dark hair a mess.
"Door to Door" 🔒 (E) by Ferritin4 | 10,148 | "I work two jobs. I’m Tyler," Tyler says, extending his hand. "Do you want to come in?" Well, he’s not doing anything illegal, Jamie thinks, shaking it, because no criminal in the history of crime has ever willingly invited a cop into their house, and there is no one in the city of Dallas who hasn’t pegged Jamie as a cop within six seconds of meeting him.
"Whatever You Want" (E) by LouLa | 2,449 | Jamie's possessive streak is something Tyler’s seen more and more of over the past few weeks.
"you haven't moved an inch" (M) by blinkiesays | 7,301 | To be honest, Jamie's gotten drunk and woken up in relationships before. He's not proud, but, you know. It is what it is. He just didn't think it would ever happen with somebody like Tyler.
"God, You Two Are So Married" (E) by popfly | 3,900 | 75% of what people say when they're joking is true. When it comes to Jamie and Tyler's fake wedding it's more like 99.9%.
"definitely, maybe" 🔒 (T) by carissima | 7,935 | He’s never met anyone and thought that they could be The One. But he looks at Jamie and he thinks, maybe.
"Captivated by You, Baby" (E) by Linsky | 9,049 | Tyler said to watch, but—Jamie’s pretty sure this isn’t what he meant.
"it's not a slow dance (this modern romance)" 🔒 (M) by fadeastride | 3,989 | He knows he's a little stupid when it comes to Jamie, a little too easy, a little blind to the rules of platonic friendship. Still, there's no reason for the next thing out of his mouth to be, “Hell, I could do it.”
"Sex Bomb" (E) by my99centdreams | 7,175 | He's got to say something. He's got to. They've been together for almost a year now and his - his need for this god damn word has been here for the entire fucking time. He can't escape it. He wants it so bad.
"Look at the wonderful mess that we made" (E) by sherlockelly | 89,563 | A name-on-wrist soulmate AU where being outed by a same-sex name is still newsworthy if you're in professional sports and is a very real concern for some NHL players. Despite the shifting attitudes, no one in the sport has ever come out publicly. Tyler has always felt relieved that 'Jamie' could be a male or female name, it makes hiding his sexuality a lot easier. Jamie's not been so lucky.
"baby, i want to touch you" 🔒 (E) by teamfreeawesome | 1,376 | So, maybe Tyler has a thing about Jamie's thighs.
"Taste Me" 🔒 (E) by teamfreeawesome | 2,005 | So, maybe Tyler has thing for a post-fight Jamie.
"swear it won't take you long" 🔒 (E) by ladyalysv | 9,823 | Tyler's pretty good at not thinking about stuff. Like, professionally.
"Next Level Bromanship" (E) by disarm_d | 7,974 | The thing that Jamie didn't realize was that even if he wasn't a guy, he still wouldn't be Tyler's type.
"but here's my number" (G) by ifonlynotnever | 1,711 | Tyler is drunk, and Jamie's number is just there.
"rearrange the alphabet" (T) by Aurum | 2,834 | Apparently Jamie's soulmate likes awful pick-up lines. It both is and isn't as bad as it sounds.
"off-ice situation" 🔒 (M) & "carving space" 🔒 (M) by anonymous | 18,767 | He waggles his eyebrows, grins and looks over at Jamie like do you want to tell them or should I? Jamie elbows him and everyone laughs, and neither one of them can stop smiling. Crisis averted.
"Once More With Feeling" 🔒 (E) by SpiritsFlame | 55,431 | Tyler is a romantic. He thinks that anyone who gets to the NHL has to be, to pin everything on an almost impossible dream. He won't admit it, but he'd been looking forward to his Loop, to meeting the person he's going to spend his life with, over and over. Looking forward to the endless days of getting to know them, the two of them trapped in a moment together. He didn't think he was going to be in it alone, on the tail end of a bad trade, with no soulmate in sight. He didn't think it would be like this.
"too fragile just to guess" (M) by SpiritsFlame | 14,672 | Jamie has done stupider things than agree to go be Tyler's date to the wedding. So what if they'd been sleeping together for two years. So what if they stopped a few months ago. So what if Jamie isn't over it, and probably never will be. He's done stupider things. Just not by much.
"caused a scene" 🔒 (E) by notthequiettype | 1,047 | There are two Halloween parties every year: the one where PR gets nice, family-friendly photos of cute kids and couples costumes and usually some dogs, and the one at Tyler's.
"my mouth is filled with honey" 🔒 (E) by notthequiettype | 2,345 | Tyler likes Jamie's body so much. Tyler likes Jamie, so much, too.
"I'm Awfully Fond Of You" (E) by SomebodyOwens | 3,993 | Step 1: Publish Nudes in ESPN. Step 2: ????? Step 3: PROFIT!
"Holding Patterns" (M) by suburbanmotel | 5,342 | “Being between one thing and another,” Tyler says again, the phone close against his ear and mouth now. “Well, that’s us, isn’t it. That’s us.”
This is an ongoing list.
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naanima · 1 year ago
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Men's Hockey RPF Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Jamie Benn/Tyler Seguin, Jamie Benn & Tyler Seguin Characters: Jamie Benn, Tyler Seguin Additional Tags: 2023 Stanley Cup Playoffs, Jamie Benn cross checking Mark Stone because Benn is an idiot, Exes, Platonic Soulmates, Being Friends With Your Ex, Made For Each Other, But only in the platonic sense Summary:
"But Jamie, you can't do this again. I'm the fuck-up, you are the responsible one. That's how the divorce settlement went. Do your part of the deal, Benn."
[Tyler and Jamie, after Benn crosschecked Mark Stone during game three of the 2023 Conference Final. Tyler & Benn, having each other's backs despite the stupid.]
- Thanks to @mikathemad for editing. I fucking hate tenses. Lols
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hookhausenschips · 23 days ago
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🌸- Fluff 🔥-Smut/Sensual 💔-Angst 📸-SMAU
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
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remedy7411 · 2 years ago
He’s sooo bad at interviews. Like dang, as captain you think he would be better but nope he just seems really uncomfortable.
0 notes
heartmix · 5 months ago
Beard Burn - John Price
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Pairing: John Price x wife!reader
Word Count: 1.1k+
Warning: allude to s*x, going commando, beard burn (as you can tell by the title)
A/N: originally a jamie benn fic but captain john price 🥰
Masterlist / cod masterlist
Your favorite physical features of John's was hands down his beard. He took a lot of pride into keeping it looking good, often taking hours to line it up and trim it. Often you reminded the captain of how much you loved it and how handsome it made him look. His beard was one of the things you first noticed about him. To say it was an obsession on how much you loved it wouldn't be that far fetched. 
It was a blessing and a curse. As much as you admired it, his beard tended not to be so nice on your skin. During make out sessions or another intimate activity your skin would hate you and get all read and itchy. John noticed the redness afterwards but didn't bother too much since there wasn't much complaining on your end. No way were you going to complain about it.
"Why are you walking like that?" Brandy, your best friend asked as you made your way to the backyard.
You and price decided to hold a little barbecue to celebrate the boys coming back from a four month long mission. He always took care of his team and made sure that they took the time off of work to actually relax. This was one of the ways he could make sure they are doing just that.
"Um, beard burn." a quick mumble was let out as you straighten your pose seeing as she noticed something was up. It wasn't the first time you had to deal with it, but it was the first time you had to play host with it still fresh. 
"You nasty people, someone was excited to be coming home." She teased to which you rolled your eyes at. It was honestly no secret that John couldn't keep his hands off of you especially when he came back from deployment. Your best friend being the only person who knew the dirty details, courtesy of her barging into your house one morning.
"It's fresh from this morning and burns like hell."
"Then why are you wearing jeans? You ain't letting any airflow." She was saying what you already knew. Normally in a situation like this you would go commando and wear the silkiest shorts you own but it didn't feel appropriate for the occasion. 
"This was the first thing i found. The only laundry ive been able to wash is John's and thats not an easy task."
"Come on lets go find something more comfortable, we have time before the rest of your guest come." 
"You going to change lovie?" John asked seemingly hearing what Brandy said as he started up the grill. 
"Yeah, want to change into something more comfortable." You smiled up at him to which he returned. If only he knew the real reason why you were going to change. 
"Don't be long." He said leaning down to place a kiss on your lips.
"Let go of her you leach. Don't burn my steak." Brandy's voice broke your kiss making you both laugh before she was pulling you back in the house. 
Navigating through the mess that was your closest you managed to find a clean dress that was tossed all the way in the back. A simple blue sundress that looked modest enough for the night. Thankfully there was no wind and you were able to go commando without the risk of a Marilyn Monroe moment. 
By the time you and Brandy reached downstairs everyone seemed to be here already. A few of your friends were in the house while Price and his boys were out by the grill in the backyard. Looks like you took longer to change then you would have liked. 
"Go play host while i get us some drinks." Brandy said nudging you to your living room as she headed off to the kitchen. 
As you made your way throughout the house greeting people you couldn't help, but be glad at the suggestion to change. Relieve came immediately when you stepped outside to the crisp fall air. The pain wasn't fully gone but it wasn't as irritating as it was when wearing jeans. A smile graced your face while you made your way up to the boys.
"Theres the Missus!" Exclaimed Gaz making everyone look up at you.
"Looking beautiful as always." Soap smiled making you giggle at the compliments. 
"Thank you, you boys enjoying yourselves?"
"Making sure your husband doesn't burn the food." Ghost spoke up earning an eye roll from John. 
"You look beautiful lovie." John said as he pulled you beside him placing a kiss on your lips.
The rest of the night went on great. Much to Ghost and Brandy's doubt John didn't burn the food. Everyone enjoyed themselves which was all worth the last minute planning. As you both settled into bed John was wondering what made you decide to wear a dress. Sure maybe Brandy somehow convinced you, but it was unlikely you would stop your hosting duties just to go and change. 
"You looked comfortable tonight." John hummed as he came out of the shower seeing you in a night gown all ready to go to bed.
"Yeah I was. Cold air felt nice tonight." 
"No other reason?" He asked settling in bed next to you. 
"I kind of got uncomfortable from the activities this morning." Shyly you admitted making a smirk appear on your husbands face. 
"Was I too rough?"
"No not that, um your beard." John was now confused. What did his beard have anything to do with your comfortableness? "Beard burn." You clarified seeing his confused expression. Might as well rip off the bandage while were here.
"You have beard burn from me eating you out?"
"Yeah, Was burning at bit earlier, but got better when i was wearing just the dress."
"So you're telling me you weren't wearing anything under that little thing all night?" The smirk was back up on his face as his big hands slowly moved up and down your bare leg. 
"Just because i said it's better now doesn't mean that i want a repeat of this morning." You playfully slapped his hand away but it had no affect, his hand was back on you. 
"I'll shave." He said with all seriousness in his tone. John was going to do anything to make you happy and feel good. If the beard had to go so be it. 
"Don't you dare John Price." You scolded seeing how serious he was being. As much pain as the hair on his face caused you there was no way in hell you were parting with it just for a night of sex. 
"It's cock blocking me!" With all seriousness in his tone which you couldn't help but laugh at. 
"Well your cock blocker is what turns me on so it stays. You can go one night without sex old man."
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diorsluv · 1 year ago
die for you masterlist
( diorsluv 2024 )
— social media, irl faceclaim ; lola tung
nhl + ntdp!2018 x platonic!figureskater!reader,
robertson brothers x fem!cousin!reader,
trevor zegras x fem!fwb!reader
other tags will be revealed once the complete series is done!
part 1: ( swear i couldn’t sleep a wink last night )
act i
part 2: ( no point in turning off the lights )
part 3: ( not the same without your head on my shoulders )
part 4: ( growing pains but i don’t wanna get older )
part 5: ( almost like we left it all on read )
part 6: ( couple feelings never laid to rest )
part 7: ( didn’t know that the party was over )
part 8: ( and it’s true that i need you here closer )
acts ii, iii, iv, and epilogue coming soon!
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toasttt11 · 2 months ago
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May 17, 2021
Logan walked through the Johnston house leaving his bag in the guest room and heading to Wyatt’s room that he has been in many times but now Wyatt has a daughter.
The door was wide open and Logan peeked into the room and paused seeing Wyatt just holding his daughter Carson in a rocking chair and smiling down at her.
Logan softly knocked on the door making Wyatt look up he continued to smile seeing his best friend, “Hey Stanks.” Wyatt’s voice was soft.
Logan saw how much Wyatt just seemed to be glowing and he looked incredibly happy, Logan has never seen his best friend this happy.
“Hi.” Logan spoke quietly walking in and sitting on the side of the bed closest to the chair where Wyatt was sitting with Carson.
Logan’s breath got caught in his throat seeing Carson in person for the first time, he’s gotten many videos and photos the past few days from Wyatt already but she was even more beautiful in person. Carson looks so much like Wyatt already, “She’s so pretty.” Logan mumbled in awe making Wyatt’s smile widen even more.
“She’s perfect.” Wyatt agreed pressing a gentle kiss to her forehead, “Want to hold her?” Wyatt offered making Logan look nervous but slowly nod.
Wyatt stood up and sat on the bed next to Logan and gently set Carson into Logan’s arms and helped Logan fix his arms correctly, “See not to hard.” Wyatt complimented.
Logan just smiled at the sleeping baby in her arms.
“You’ll be a good godfather for her.” Wyatt nonchalantly told Logan with a mischievous smile as Logan’s head snapped to him.
“What?” Logan’s voice cracked.
“You’re her godfather, Quinn is her godmother.” Wyatt told Logan knowing his sister and his best friend is who he trusts if something ever happened to him.
“Are you sure?” Logan stuttered out looking shocked but touched.
“There’s no one else i would rather it be.” Wyatt just answered honestly.
“Thank you.” Logan’s voice trembled with emotion, “I’ll be the best godfather i promise.” Logan promised to Carson and Wyatt.
“I know.” Wyatt fondly agreed he trusts Logan and knows he will be a good godfather.
Logan continued holding his sleeping goddaughter until his arms were numb and he told Wyatt that making Wyatt laugh.
Wyatt helped Logan set Carson into her bassinet and Carson rested her little head on the teddy bear in her bassinet that was bigger than her.
Wyatt picked out the teddy bear for Carson when he went shopping with his mom and loved it and Carson seems to already love it.
Wyatt pressed a kiss to Carson’s forehead and made sure the blinds in the room were fully closed so Carson could sleep. He turned the baby monitor on and grabbed the other piece and gestured for Logan to follow him.
“Come on let’s hit some pucks.” Wyatt nudged Logan playfully after he shut the door quietly letting his daughter sleep peaceful.
Logan laughed and nudged him back.
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linskywords · 2 months ago
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From this post!
How many fics have you worked on since January? 12, not counting snippets I've started and not finished. (I posted 299,668 words, which is so painfully close to 300K. Should've been less concise somewhere...)
What’s something new that you tried in a fic this year? I had never written a wandering heart story before, and I'd never posted two stories with overlapping timelines in conjunction with each other. I'd never written an ace romance. I'd never written a four-person polycule. I'd also never turned anyone into a worm.
What piece of media inspired you the most? (This can be the fandom you wrote the most for, the one that spawned the most ideas, the one you thought about the most, etc.) I would have to say anonymous tumblr asks.
How many fandoms did you write for this year? Just the one!
What ships captured your heart? I wrote a lot of Jack/Nico this year and a lot of McDrai, and a lot of assorted others. I'm really enjoying the overlapping recent eras of USNTDP players and siblings.
What characters captured your heart? I just want Connor McDavid to be happy 😭
Did you write for any new fandoms or ships this year? So many new ships! Roope/Wyatt, Jamie Benn/Joe Pavelski, Jack/Quinn, the Edmonton polycule, Macklin Celebrini/Will Smith.
What fic meant the most to you to write? Oh man, tough call. Maybe the one where Connor turns into a worm.
What fic made you feel the happiest to work on? Probably the Where You Lead 'verse fics. Writing sub perspective is just the best.
What fic was the most satisfying to finish writing? Probably Help Me Hold Onto You, the Trevor/Jamie WYL story. I had had so much of it in my head for months by the time I started writing it, and the fic itself was such a long journey.
What fic was the most difficult to write? Like a Handprint on My Heart, the Jamie Benn wandering heart story. I made Jamie waaaay too depressed in the first draft and had to tear it all out and start again.
What fic was the easiest to write? The Great Leon Draisaitl Lookalike competition. Practically that entire story came to me in the shower, and then I wrote it in a single morning.
What were your shortest and longest fics posted this year? The Great Leon Draisaitl Lookalike Competition was the shortest at 2,092 words. Help Me Hold Onto You was the longest at 75,926 (though the Quinn wolfverse story will almost definitely be longer than that when it's all posted).
What were your go-to writing songs? I don't usually listen to music while writing, but I did get into Gracie Abrams and Maisie Peters and Olivia Rodrigo this year.
What was the hardest fic to title? Titling is the WORST. I either have a great title from the start, or it's a nigh-on impossible quest. The Hughescest story and the 1988 wolfverse timestamp were both posted around the same time and I had titles for neither of them, and then the titles I found were annoyingly similar to each other (What a Fire Feels Like and And His Heart Is Burning). Kinda Wanna Kiss Your Boyfriend (If You Don't Mind) was hard to find and required a lot of discord brainstorming. And I spent a while agonizing over various possibilities for the Jack wolfverse story, Like Juliet or Guinevere or Eloise, because I wanted to use a Marianne quote from the Sense and Sensibility movie but I also didn't want people to think Jack was going to die. 😅
What's your favorite title of the year? I'm really fond of But the Punchline Goes, from the Roope/Wyatt soulmate story, because I think it fits the story on its own and it also has the delightful (to me) easter egg of being the lyric from All Too Well right before Taylor snaps back at her ex about their age difference ("I'll get older but your lovers stay my age"), which was very relevant to the fic. I also really like Proof Enough of a Broken Heart, because Quinn is SUCH an Elinor Dashwood.
Share your favorite opening line: I tend to use opening lines as sort of...preliminary thesis statements? Things to be disproven? Something like that. So most of them contain a big chunk of the story premise but aren't necessarily all that punchy on their own. My favorite is probably from the Will/Mack story: "Mack finds out he’s pregnant in the usual way: from a blue stripe at the bottom of the toilet bowl." Totally confusing and a piece of worldbuilding I continue to be delighted with.
Share your favorite ending line: How dare you make me look at the last lines from all my stories. Last lines are the worst.
Share your favorite piece of dialogue: Don't know if it's my favorite, but what's coming to mind is Mitch and Dylan at the end of The Great Leon Draisaitl Lookalike competition, after Dylan has successfully set Connor up with this guy who is totally not just actual Leon Draisaitl, nope. Dylan is congratulating himself on finding such a good lookalike, and Mitch is like, “You used to play in the pacific division, right?” “Yeah, why?” says Dylan. “No reason,” says Mitch.
Share your funniest line: Woof. No, that's way too hard.
What's something that surprised you while you were working on a fic? Did it change the story? I was super surprised by how intensely piney the ace!Quinn/Brady fic got. I thought my ability to write pining was powered to a large extent by sexual tension, and it turns out that was not true.
What writing programs did you use? Did you write by hand? Scrivener, baby! Hahaha I would not be able to write this much by hand.
If you had to choose one, what was THE most satisfying writing moment of your year? Moment? Sheesh. I don't know, writing is a pretty satisfying activity in general.
Did you do anything special to celebrate finishing a fic? Posting feels like enough of a celebration for me.
How did you recharge between fics? I don't, really. By the time I finish posting a long thing, I've spent so much time editing that getting to start drafting again is refreshing in itself, and short things don't really require a recharge.
Did you create fanworks other than fic? Not unless you count responding to tumblr asks.
How many events did you take part in? (bangs, exchanges, ship weeks, zines, prompt memes, they all count!) Lol, I think just the HRPF CestFest. Though a lot of my stories were prompted, directly or not, by people on tumblr.
If this were an awards show, who would you thank? My wee hrpf discord. makeit-takeit. My irl bff who gets to hear all my story ideas in great detail despite not being into hrpf. My husband who thinks it's great and not ridiculous that I spend all this time writing.
What's left on your to-do list for 2024? Not much, fortunately, since it's over.
What would you like to write next year? Ah, the most important question! I of course want to finish the Quinn and Jack wolfverse stories, which is more about editing at this point. I have 2-10K written on no fewer than four different Where You Lead 'verse stories, and I'd really like to finish at least some of them (::cough:: Connor ::cough::). I'd also maybe like to start wolfverse stories for Trevor and Cole; I have somewhat specific plans for Trevor, and some vague notions for Cole. Aside from that, who knows? Maybe more WillMack, maybe some Nate/someone (Jo???). There are a lot of other couples I've been meaning to add to the wolfverse (gotta add TK/Patty to at least ONE of my 'verses). I've had a psychic wolf companions McDrai story bouncing around in my head for a while. Would still love to write a Persuasion AU (maybe that's the Nate/Jo). A Cyrano de Bergerac AU would also be fun, maybe via tindr. So many possibilities!!
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joe-pavelski · 2 months ago
Title: when your love and you are parted
Author: @hocksburn ❤️
Pair: Jamie Benn/Joe Pavelski, implied Matt Duchene/Mason Marchment/Tyler Seguin
Additional Tags: Established Relationship, Fluff, Domestic Fluff, Surprises (for jamie not for you dear reader), background seguinettes, vaguely haunted by the spectre of the current university of wisconsin mens hockey team, Long-Distance Relationship
Rating: teen for language
Summary: After months of retirement responsibilities - seriously, who knew that not working involved so much work and PR appearances - Joe's coming home for New Year's Eve. Jamie's just counting the days, and there's only a few left.
It'd be really nice if his team could focus up, though. Johnny's been checking his phone in the middle of practice, and the rookie squad are constantly whispering to each other, and the Finnish Mafia keep looking at Jamie weird. What's up with all that?
Oh well. Three more days until Jamie can gripe about it face-to-face to his partner instead of over several hours of FaceTime.
I want to print this fic out onto fabric, turn it into a pillow and snuggle it for bedtime.
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puckingeccedentesiast · 1 year ago
Ho, Ho, Hockey.
It's Christmas month! In effort to help spread some X-mas spirt you can participate in Ho, Ho, Hockey! It's a combined celebration of Christmas season and 40 followers!
You can send in asks with any of the prompts, songs or just asks in general! It's Christmas time, let spread some Christmas Cheer!!
Christmas Song Fic List.
All I want for Christmas is You. Last Christmas Aussie Jingle Bells Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer. Santa Claus is Coming to town.
Christmas Prompt List.
"Stop trying to get me to walk under the mistletoe!" "You spent how much on Christmas Decorations!" "It's 5am, go back to sleep." "That wrapping is terrible" "Are you going to help, or just stand there dancing like a fool" "I hate Christmas shopping." "I love Christmas shopping!" "If you throw that snowball you're declaring war." "My house, my rules. The Christmas music stays on."
People that can be requested
Jack Hughes Luke Hughes Nico Hischier Quinn Hughes Trevor Zegras Jamie Drysdale Mason McTavish Cole Caufeild Sidney Crosby Tyler Seguin Jamie Benn
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tradetobest · 1 year ago
dee's january 2024 fic recs
ok so. i thought i'd do a fic rec list every month this year of just my favourite fics that got bookmarked in the month (not necessarily written in the past month) that had just passed... i was a bit busy for the past few days but FINALLY i got the chance to sit down so!!
(if you want to play fic roulette here's some blind links otherwise!! enjoy under the cut
1 2 3 4 5 6)
3:30 by sevenfists
pairing: sidney crosby/evgeni malkin rating: E words: 11k summary: Napping with Sid would be inconvenient, embarrassing, and more than a little gay, and maybe Zhenya was a little gay, but he didn’t need to advertise it.
i LOVE "oh this thing we do together has become a routine now we Have to do it before games" fics and you should too!! this one is So cute i love it....
waiting for confessions of love by catchingpapermoons
pairing: jamie drysdale/trevor zegras/mason mctavish rating: M words: 41k summary: “I’ll be so real with you, man,” Trevor says, pulling back. “I had no fucking idea you liked dudes.”
one thing about me is that i am an absolute sucker for miscommunication and will love it at all costs and this fic DELIVERS!!!! and so well!!
high into the blue by idday
pairing: jack eichel/connor mcdavid rating: T words: 10k summary: Lieutenant John Eichel of the United States Navy – Boston to his squadron and Jack to the people who matter – is reckless and cocky and too smug for his own damn good. But even Connor has to admit that the boy can goddamn fly. (Captain Connor McDavid, Royal Canadian Air Force, is by the book in the worst way, conservative and careful and liable to get himself killed out there. Jack shouldn’t be impressed by him. He really shouldn’t.)
when i tell you i SCREAMED when i got the notif for this fic and then immediately went and watched top gun.,.... if you know me you know anything idday puts out i literally eat up like mceichel is the only thing that will ever sustain me ever again and this was NO exception,,,, always a pleasure to be able to experience an idday fic is what i say
play your heart out by ribena
pairing: leon draisaitl/connor mcdavid rating: M words: 4k summary: Connor loses his heart. Leon finds it for the both of them.
oughh./.. ouhhh.... what even to say.... clutches my heart (lol)...... beautiful..... i literally screamed cried went through it..... please read like literally begs you
nobody wins afraid of losing by adelphenium
pairing: tyler bertuzzi/dylan larkin rating: E words: 12k summary: It’s been almost a year since the first trade. It’s been just a few weeks since they last saw each other, facing off on the ice here in Toronto. In all the months since the Boston run, Tyler’s done nothing but read Dylan’s texts from the notifications bar like a sad and filthy sack of shit, too weak not to feel a thrill whenever a Saw that goal, what a beauty berts or a Hope you’re sleeping ok came through. Or: Tyler and Dylan during the 2024 bye week.
"hey you bookmarked this one on december 31st" IM PUTTING IT IN JANUARY!!!!! PLEASE READ THIS FIC!!!!! not only did jamie adelphenium write it but its just. it has shaped the way i view tyler bertuzzi and sparked a love for mr hockey butt himself..... what a good fic yall please read
reserve your ardors by wrightsworth
pairing: jamie benn/tyler seguin rating: E words: 9k summary: Jamie was in over his head. He had been out of his depth for months if he was being honest, ever since he picked Seggy up from the airport that first time in the humid Dallas air and his Omega genes decided to make themselves known, and loudly.
it wouldnt be me without some good old bennguin and RAHH pining and omegaverse and unrequited-requited and miscommunication like what else could you want in a fic its so good
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