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brennerrama · 2 years ago
“Yes, I killed him. I killed him for money —and a woman— and I didn't get the money and I didn't get the woman. Pretty, isn't it?”
Fred MacMurray in Double Indemnity
#DoubleIndemnity #BillyWilder #RaymondChandler #JamesMCain #FredMacMurray #moviequotes #moviequoteoftheday
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theofficialbibliodotcom · 5 years ago
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This amazingly lurid dust jacket puts a bright face on a very bleak noir by James M. Cain. This is a rare copy from 1937 as it includes the publisher's prospectus advertising the release of Cain's second novel, containing the title-page, first chapter, and a specifications leaf. It comes from the collection of Otto Penzler, an author, editor of mystery fiction in the United States, and proprietor of The Mysterious Bookshop in New York City.⁠ ⁠ This copy is listed by @royalbks ⁠ ⁠ https://www.biblio.com/book/serenade-publishers-prospectus-first-edition-cain/d/1248108936
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vivianvintage8 · 5 years ago
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I spent last night finishing up the 2011 HBO version of Mildred Pierce, based on the 1941 novel by James M. Cain. It was my second time watching it.... Kate Winslet is one of my favorite actresses. The fashion in this period mini series drama is incredible! #mildredpierce #1940sfashion #vintagefashion #vintagestyle #ilovevintageclothing #ilovevintagefashion #periodmovies #1945movies #mildredpierce1945 #jamesmcain #americannovel (at Vivian Vintage 8) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3m4iDXA9It/?igshid=oofu1vvxted9
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poetponyofmidgard · 6 years ago
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Tonight our favorite bit of noir: Double Indemnity 🚬🖊⚰️🚂 #FredMacmurray #BarbaraStanwyck #doubleindemnity #billywilder #jamesmcain #1944 #noir #filmnoir #tonightsfeature #raymondchandler #blackandwhite #classic @starz @turnerclassicmovies @isitallgood @talesfromthevideostore @rottentomatoes @tonialoria https://www.instagram.com/p/BzO__x0pc-B/?igshid=1xy71d5ribodq
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loslibrosdefede · 2 years ago
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James M. Cain - El cartero llama dos veces #jamesmcain #elcarterollamadosveces #elseptimocirculo #elséptimocírculo #septimocirculo #séptimocírculo #policial #novelapolicial #novelaspoliciales #novelaspoliciacas #literaturapolicial #librosusados #librosantiguos #loslibrosdefede https://www.instagram.com/p/CpnqPbsO-Uq/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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furcafe · 3 years ago
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Getting noir (& blanc) w/a 1953 Pocket Books copy of James M. Cain’s “The Postman Always Rings Twice” (©1934) & an era-appropriate Eastman Kodak Ektra (c.1940-1941) + late Kodak 50/1.9 Ektar (c.1945) #jamesmcain #thepostmanalwaysringstwice #dccamerastyle #cameraporn #lensporn #kodakporn #ektarporn #americamera #kodaklife #eastmankodakektra #kodakektra #ektarlife #ektralife #notleica #rangefinderlife #acreativedc #igdc #dctography #dcfocused #mydcist #202creates #walkwithlocals #streetmeetdc #popville #dcisreal #adamsmorgan #lajetté2022 #spring2022 #pandemicspring2022 #omicronspring (at Zenebech) https://www.instagram.com/p/CdMZhO1OOjr/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ericdiesel · 5 years ago
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Weekend indoors. #filmnoir #billywilder #jamesmcain #oldhollywood #tcmparty #iwonderifyouwonder (at Pacific All Risk) https://www.instagram.com/p/CFCvh9rjGF7/?igshid=1qpgfoaz7cz6z
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royalbks · 7 years ago
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JAMES M. CAIN "Serenade" (1937). First Edition in the purple and red jacket variant. One of Cain's least-appreciated novels, a hard-boiled story about a dethroned opera singer who meets the love of his life while wasting away in rural Mexico, then attempts a return to fame. Basis for the 1956 film directed by Anthony Mann and starring Mario Lanza and Joan Fontaine. Ask@royalbooks.com #serenade #jamesmcain #anthonymann #joanfontaine
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bonnettsbooks · 5 years ago
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In our 80 year history, #BonnettsBooks has been described as "a magical place", "cluttered", "a cave of wonders", "dusty", "an intellectual playground", "porn and comics", "cramped", and "a cornucopia of knowledge". Here's a small sample of the latest clutter cramping our shelves. I hope you won't let them get too dusty, while we continue to work on the others. • #Wizardology – The Book of the Secrets of #Merlin. This time of year, I'm always reminded of the movie "Excalibur", based on T.H. White's "The Once and Future King" for it's opening sequence of knights riding horses through fallen leaves. It's the story of Merlin the wizard's hand in the life of King Arthur and the fate of England. "Wizardology" may not turn you into a King-maker, but it's a lot of fun! • #TheMuppetMovie Songbook. Re-issued in '84, ours is the rare 1979 #1stEdition, 40 years old, available here, now, as, #KermitTheFrog, #MissPiggy, and the rest of us celebrate the 50th Anniversary of #SesameStreet! • #HollywoodHiFi specifically looks at vinyl record oddities released by celebs not necessarily known for their musicality. A great guide for collectors of unusual LPs! • #TheCocktailWaitress by #JamesMCain is part of the modern #HardCaseCrime retro series, some old, some new - like #Joyland by #StephenKing, which helped bootstrap the series. This one is a hardcover, the King book is here, too, in a trade paperback edition, along with another I can't recall at the moment. • #RUSH - Wandering the Face of the Earth: The Official Touring History, 1969-2015. If you've loved the band, Rush, this book is for you! Also available, the DVD, #NeilPeart's #AnatomyOfADrumSolo! Side note: I'm convinced their '80s sci-fi song, "Red Barchetta", inspired the Corvette Stingray chase scene in the "Star Trek" reboot where young Kirk ("Tom Sawyer"?) drives the car to it's doom, chased by a robotic cop on a hover-bike. Also, there are plenty of fresh adds in the children's books, history, cooking, and movies; plus, I've added numerous #graphicnovels, and restocked the reading-comics with some fresh old #funnies, #MarvelComics, #DCComics, a run of #KISSPsychoCircus, and more to come! https://www.instagram.com/p/B4nNaHCjbH-/?igshid=1tkiqbv5t7glm
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author-robert · 6 years ago
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A very good, engrossing read by Cain #doubleindemnity #jamesmcain A good movie too... https://www.instagram.com/p/BxoU5dmFWak/?igshid=16ifb8y7e8qob
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eating-their-words · 6 years ago
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My #marchwrapup: ~ 1) 🇺🇸 #rainbowsend #jamesmcain 4/5 2) 🇯🇲 #blackleopardredwolf #marlonjames 5/5 3) 🇬🇧 #comerainorcomeshine #kazuoishiguro 4.5/5 4) 🇺🇸 #theireyeswerewatchinggod #zoranealehurston 5/5 5) 🇨🇱 #lasteveningsonearth #robertbolaño 3.5/5 6) 🇺🇸 #jeantoomer #cane 3/5 7) 🇮🇷🇦🇫🇹🇷 #thematsnavi #rumi 3.5/5 ~ #eatingtheirwordswrapups #bookstagram #bookstack https://www.instagram.com/p/BvwA6-LHpt7/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=w0wgjx10jc43
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scarecrow-is-my-boyfriend · 8 years ago
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"You're not smarter, Walter. You're just a little taller."
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shitshowpulps · 8 years ago
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Pulp classic turned Film Noir classic. The Postman Always Rings Twice #shitshow #JamesMCain
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Esquire Cook-Book, by the Editors of Esquire, Crown Publishers, Inc., 1955 With an article by James M. Cain on Crepes Suzette. #Esquire #jamesmcain (at Peekskill)
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tamarabeck · 5 years ago
Lady Macbeth, the star-designate of the play that should not be named, loved her husband. She egged him on to deeds most foul so they could profit together,
The ladies of The Postman Rings Always Twice and the new Postman-inspired Obsession(2019) would prefer to thrive without their men. They goad romantic fools to act on…
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ms-perlman-blog · 6 years ago
El Cartero Siempre Llama Dos Veces
¿Quién no conoce este libro? Creo que es bastante famoso a pesar de haber pasado desapercibido en mi biblioteca durante años. Desconocía por completo que lo tenía, no lo compré yo y encontrarlo fue una sorpresa. Obviamente lo leí en un abrir y cerrar de ojos.
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En mi caso, es inevitable comparar este libro con Pacto de Sangre, el anterior libro que leí de este autor. Debo decir que Pacto de Sangre me gustó mucho pero este me ha gustado aún más, me parece redondo. La relación entre los personajes, Cora y Frank, me la he creído por completo (no fue el caso de Walter Huff y la señora Nirdlinger), y he disfrutado mucho con la evolución de los personajes y con los hechos que ocurren. Este autor crea un ambiente de tensión perfecto que nos sumerge por completo dentro de la trama. Me ha atrapado por completo a pesar de que considero que algunos hechos son tan asombrosos como increíbles. Pero en general, me ha encantado. Estoy deseando ver la película. 
“Creímos estar en la cima de una montaña, pero no era así. La montaña está encima de nosotros, y así ha estado desde aquella noche.” 
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