#james rofle
hev-mark-iv · 6 months
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deadsprout · 3 months
I really enjoy the I Don't Know James Rofle video because the fact that it's the AVGN is almost secondary to the thesis of the video itself. I hold not less of an opinion of the Nerd or Rofle as I did before I saw the video. AVGN was just what caught Dan Olsen's eye, and I for one am fascinated by how he uses James Rofle as a vehicle for these incredible ideas about self actualization and filmmaking.
i would go so far as to say that for as much as Dan Olsen looks down at Rofle, he also humanizes him in a way that many of his long-time fans do not. Olsen's video seeks to understand Rofle as fully as possible, and through this lens he becomes haunted by the same thing chasing Rofle: his own (percieved) lost potential.
(full disclosure I have never been an AVGN but I am self obsessed and an artist so you'll understand why this whole thing has me by the throat)
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roguemonsterfucker · 8 months
don't mind me i'm just watching some monsterfucker movies for 'research' purposes
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rynnnthings · 1 year
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I stay focused on details It keeps me from feeling the big things But watch the microscope long enough Things that seem still are still changing
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ziracona · 2 years
People on tumblr will complain about games having heavy handed ethics and black and white narratives with practically unexecutable ideologies, then throw the biggest hissy fit of all time at any games where doing the good guy thing and saving attacked minorities or causes has casualties and makes you kill people in order to enact any large scale real lasting change.
#I will see users be like ‘superhero movies have the worst ethical takes since Kant. just kill him’ and then lose their mind the game about#what it’s like to be a minority oppressed by the govt didn’t have stand-in white allies in it or that to free slaves they have to kill the#slavers and some people not directly wielding the guns but benefiting from and living happily within the power structure will be casualties#like guys you’re not supposed to be happy about it but that’s how life fucking works. none of you could be Clementine every one of you is#James. ‘I would love not to have to fight and kill but that’s not how life fucking works! it takes more than words!’#thinking again about some of the most wildly bullshit complaints I’ve ever seen video games get rofl#y’all will bend over backward to excuse the most bigoted fucks and serial killers of all time but the second a minority shoots someone to#save their life or someone else’s they’re satan himself like girl it ain’t even bad they did it you’re just a wuss with horrible ethics &#also part of the problem. you can’t change things by hoping bad people decide to change or asking them.#and if you’re not willing to hurt someone horrific to protect the perosn they’re trying to kill because the slight chance someday they might#decide to improve is more valuable than the life of the person they’re killing or their right to happiness and survival? you fucking suck#and that’s literally just that. get priorities that aren’t evil
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the problem with things in my life settling down for a bit is that suddenly dysphoria is my main problem again and it sucks ass!!! what a load of dogshit;!!
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austinslounge · 15 days
Another Austin-centric question: What is your favorite character that he has played? You can make a list of why you like that character if you want, I'd love to read it!
Hey girl! 👋 Thank you! I love it 🥰❤️
Okay, good question.
This is another tough one because I've liked quite a few characters that he's played so far, for various different reasons! 😅
Elvis ("Elvis") - Of course lol. Austin just killed this role! I also really enjoyed watching him bring his singing, guitar playing, and musical talent to the big screen. 😊 I enjoyed watching him move also. Great role for him.
Feyd ("Dune: Part 1") - This role was iconic, and Austin was so good in it! I enjoyed it a lot. He literally transformed into someone I didn't even recognize onscreen. 😱 I got chills with his performance. This was the role that really solidified to me that Austin is only going to continue to shock people in his film career. 😃
Benny ("The Bikeriders") - I enjoyed Austin in this role. He played the strong, silent type really well! I just feel that Jeff didn't really give him much to do. But he did well with what he had to work with. I got major James Dean vibes with this role. I also loved how Austin expressed many of the emotions of Benny through his eyes, and less with his words.
Sebastian ("The Carrie Diaries") - Believe it or not, but I have such a soft spot for Sebastian! 🥰 I loved Austin on "The Carrie Diaries". 😊 I know it's more like fluff TV, but I enjoyed watching him on this show. He was still a pretty decent actor even back then! I also loved seeing Austin in "boyfriend" mode. We don't really get to see Austin in a lot of kiss scenes these days lol, so it is nice seeing him in his more romantic side, since I don't think we'll be getting "romantic" Austin onscreen anytime soon! rofl 😅
Sorry this was so long. You probably just wanted a quick list, and here I wrote a whole thesis on this lol. 😅
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demigodofhoolemere · 11 months
Things I can’t stop thinking about from Jamie and Zoe’s Tales of the TARDIS episode
- The very concept of them remembering and seeing each other again in general.
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- How pointed it is in calling their mindwipe unforgivable and insisting that they’ll definitely never forget again. I get the feeling RTD or someone else involved in the writing of it has been carrying a grudge against their ending for decades and used this as therapy lol. Relatable.
- The recorder and the reverence with which they both treat it. 🥺
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- “I missed him every day of my life. Didn’t even realize it.” 😭
- “I’d still be with him now if I could, trying to keep up with him.” This line hits so hard both because Jamie truly never would have left and because Frazer has said this same thing about himself and Pat, that they’d still be doing it if he were alive and if they hadn’t both been convinced that it was time to leave. My heart.
- This is true of these episodes generally but I love so much that they both had happy and fulfilling lives. Jamie got to have a wonderful big family and Zoe was still able to keep her growth from her travels and escape just being “all brain and no heart”.
- ^ Jamie’s reaction to the above. The way his face and voice go so soft, I can’t deal with it.
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- The fact that they were still influenced by their experiences even if they couldn’t remember them. Especially meaningful for Zoe because she needed those experiences so badly, so it’s a relief to see that she was able to use them and carve out a happy life for herself because of them even if she couldn’t remember. It brings such a happy bit of closure to the Doctor’s concerned question, “She’ll be alright, won’t she?”
- “I want to forget about the Cybermen!” with Jamie’s shifty eyes of disdain, lol. I bet he does considering he had to see them more times than any other companion!
- Lovely to hear names like the Krotons and the Quarks, along with a classic Jamie-ism in “wee little beasties”.
- I like the specific reference to Jamie’s face mishap lol. It was probably just to bring up a funny part of the story they just reviewed but it also serves as a nice shoutout to Hamish Wilson who passed a few years ago.
- “Well, who’d’a thought? President and a Highlander sharing stories.” That highlights something I love about the 60s era of the show, how you get people from so many times and places who never would have known each other but come to mean the world to each other. Jamie and Zoe couldn’t be farther from one another in time or background and they never should have met but here they are, both sharing so much love for the other and having had a bond so strong that Zoe subconsciously named her son for him.
- Jamie’s, “I could get used to this,” and happy wiggle in the chair, lol. That felt very Jamie and reminds me of his amusing character arc wherein he becomes more and more attached to future conveniences or technologies or comforts. I bet you could easily get used to it, Jamie!
- Jamie suddenly destroying the vibe by wondering if they could be in Heaven, rofl.
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- Hearing them talk about Victoria made me so emotional, partly for the characters and partly because Debbie’s passing is still in fairly recent memory and it very much felt just as much like a tribute to her as for the character. I lost it over Jamie’s emotional face and hoping that she had a nice life. It felt so painfully real, an old man looking back on a girl he once knew and loved in his youth and hoping she lived well.
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- These two, generally. I love them so much and this was so healing.
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cleoselene · 6 months
so the Eras Tour on Disey+ and right wing conspiracy misogynist propaganda has turned my mom from casually fond to a self-identified Swiftie, which I've mentioned before
her favorite songs are "Delicate" (though she does not appreciate the 1-2-3 LET'S GO BITCH! because it's 'like calling Taylor a bitch and that's sexist. Why do we put up with sexist talk?' lmao
and her other favorite song is "betty" because it sounds super gay to her. She has watched both Eras Tour and Long Pond, she knows the story that inspired betty as a song, but my mom is a "betty is a gay song truther."
She told me her theory of the song: Betty is a girl Taylor knew back in high school (I'm only 17) and Betty had a crush on Taylor (James is definitely Taylor according to Mom's Theory of the Song), and "the worst thing that I ever did, was what I did to you" was to not just reject Betty but to tell other people about it to humiliate her, leading to Betty dancing with some GUY at the far side of the gym. And James Taylor here realizes later in life that she only outed Betty because she was afraid of her own lesbian feelings in return and she wishes she could have just kissed her in front of all their stupid hater homophobic friends
like you have to understand lmao my mom is an "everyone is gay" truther lol this is not exclusive to Taylor, but I didnt have the heart to tell her that she had inadvertently written Gaylor fanfic. She's a truther about Dolly Parton and Whitney Houston and Oprah all being undercover lesbians. With Dolly she allegedly has a friend of a friend who briefly dated her, her husband is a total merkin according to my mom. She also knew about Lucy Liu being bi over a decade before it was common knowledge. I'm telling you, lmao, not all Boomer lesbians know each other, that's just an offensive stereotype. That being said, while not ALL Boomer lesbians know each other, my mother in particular seems to know most of them (if not date most of them rofl)
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lord-aldhelm · 9 months
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Caught this while capping... Aldhelm's stunt double lol! Look at the terrible wig!! ROFL!! The episode was so horribly dark and blurry they were hoping no one would notice I guess. Now that I have seen this I can't unsee it, and have seen this dude pop up other times in the show, especially in scenes when he is riding horseback. Ep 4.01
Although why James would need a stunt double to mount a horse is beyond me...
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destinyc1020 · 1 month
I am a fan of her and obviously don't wish any harassment on her, but I think finding excuses to defend her when it comes to this very VALID complain is not it. Like you said, being criticized and attacked is not good, I wished it wasn't the case, BUT it comes with the nature of her job. It's not an excuse to not do anything. You can't excuse her lack of work with black creatives simply because she may be attacked.
the reason why it's an "issue" is because not so long ago Z was so vocal about opening up doors and the lack of opportunities in Hollywood. in late 2021 she said it on the Mrs Tina show, in interviews etc. It's normal that people point out how her words don't match her actions
Exactly 💯
And I agree. I would NEVER tell an actor to turn down a role that's a great opportunity, and that they're perfectly qualified for, JUST because of the potential hate they might receive for it 🙄
What kind of nonsense is that?? 🥴
My thing is, people do what they WANT to do. If someone wants to do smthg hard enough, nothing is going to stop them lol 😆
Like you said, fans start to scratch their heads when the words aren't lining up with the actions. 🤷🏾‍♀️
I think Z will be fine. 😊👍🏾 She will eventually work with Black actors and directors on thebig screen. In the meantime......There are roles that she could probably create for herself, or ask her agent to find for her. Chiiiiilllle...James Franco used to just create all kinds of roles for himself like a madman rofl 🤣 Stuff he'd write, produce, film, and act in lol 😆
Where there's a will, there's a way! 😊
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edwinspaynes · 7 months
Okay so in regards to your texting AU, what would you say are each other characters go-to acronym (lol, lmao, rofl, etc)?
HA. Okay, laughing acronyms!
Lol -> Ari, Christopher, Grace
Lmao -> Matthew, Anna
Rofl -> James
Haha -> Alastair, Thomas
😂 -> Cordelia
But obviously it varies. They wouldn't only use a single one.
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ddaeng-angmoh · 2 years
Okay, okay, so I finally educated mysef on the James Corden X BTS conflict. I wanna say first, his joke of all fans being 15 y/o girls is so irritatingggggg. Not because it's rude but because it's such a normalised perception that boy bands are just for preteens and young teens. I've spent years being made fun of and judged for loving kpop, and boy bands. (High school was not fun fam lolololol) I still pretend I'm buying stuff for friends when I grab BTS merch at shops cause I'm 26 and know people gonna judge. (I'm working on it jrifooof hard to be nice to myself when I was a pariah for everything 🤣🤣🤣)
His joke wasn't inappropriate as a whole (societally) because that's the perception of boy bands. I think that's something that pisses me off the most. I'm glad BTS is helping normalise the love of boy bands in all age groups. Even if it's just in one area, we need to stop pinholing people's interests based on things like age, gender, experience, etc, etc.
Honestly, I'm more offended by how he nonchalantly said BTS didn't belong at the UN. He could have spun it to say the boys got there because they're not just a boy band, they're humanitarians. Instead he was like "ROFL boy band at UN, bubble heads with sparkles got brains???" (Not literally tho lmaoo, that's just the vibe I got 🤣).
I died watching his apology cause at one point he grabbed Jimin's hand and the boy just let his hand be floppy, and eventually Corden just let go. Jungkook kept doing his tongue in cheek thing and tilting his head (the way he does when things don'tmatch up), and Jhope's eyes were just coooooold. His smile was weak too, the boy sucks at hiding his emotions. Yoongi, oooof, he did NOT unfold those arms. Sope was really reacting like the whole apology was a joke in and of itself. Seokjin??? Wooow, I never thought I would see contempt on his face. But he, wooow. Certain moments I could see being used for yandere prompts cause boi was not pleased. RIP Taehyung cause he was obviously trying to be cool but kept slipping. I think he had really liked Corden before they got to see how he was off the show :/
They were pissed, and rightfully so. Sucks that I'm the internet explorer of cultural moments though 🤣🤣🤣 I am always late to the party. Would have been nice to be active when it was booming and see other people's opinions.
Maaaan, I just rarely see the boys angry or upset so this whole mix was crazy for me. I keep rewatching and (absently) wondering how people can accuse BTS of being personas because wooow, they are so open faced. Actively just wanting to see them pissed tho for quirks 🤧🤧🤧
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bruisedconscience · 2 years
patient: r u asking me if my wife is trying to kill me rofl?
Chase, with a srs face on: yes, I am.
James: -goes a little weak in the knees-
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paulinawoodpecker · 6 months
Everyone was in class,
Brock: Did you hear that Tiffany made some people play with dirt?
Ash: Yeah *watched that video that Tiffany, Andrea, Blair and ying recorded of Tad from one of the balconies, in slow motion before falling into the water*
Tiffany: Yay! I've got a new victim! First Tad, and now this man!
Andrea: what are you going to do?
Tiffany: *wrote a kick me note on his back*
Ash: What is she doing to him?
Brock: It looks like Tiffany taped some kick me note to his back
Tears filled his eyes as Tiffany cracked up even more.
The kid ran to the boys bathroom and into a stall sobbing his eyes out.
James: What a dork this kid is! I am glad Tiffany got him good with that kick me note!
Jessie: I know ROFL!
Ash: Go away you 2 rocket idiots! You two and Tiffany should be ashamed of yourselves!
Jessie: Whatever! It was just a joke! * walked away while James stuck up the middle finger (censored) to Ash*
meanwhile in the bathroom)
Orion: I can't believe she did this!
Ash: hey you feeling alright?
Orion: no. *sniffs* why is she so mean?
Orion: *hugs ash*
Ash: it’s alright Orion. I know.
Orion: thanks ash…
Ash: no problem.
Ash: hey maybe we should find tad, he might feel the same way too.
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bananaliveblogs · 11 months
I love how Marisha trying to be Vex is just James from Team Rocket ROFL
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