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maybeanartist02 · 3 months ago
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replaying kf, drawing anne moments as i go... yes, her and deja got matching navel piercings.
some fun facts below the cut: (LONG)
Anne (& her twin) are morroccan, but were adopted by a hawaiian & her american wife, and were raised accordingly
Anne's family is jewish through her Mom. They aren't super religious but Anne does celebrate channukah and passover as well as christmas (im projecting)
She has a twin and an older sister, whom she refers to as "Liz. Like Lizard"
Anne's birthday is April 10th, she's 5'8
Anne is biromantic asexual. She doesn't mind casually dating, but she IS demiromantic too--winning her romantic affection is not easy.
She calls herself queer and leaves it at that.
Anne loves funky jewelry, though she keeps it pretty lowkey.
Anne loves wearing pencil skirts, high heels, bracelets and rings. Her closet is very eclectic
Anne speaks a little hawaiian, is more confident listening than speaking.
Since graduating HS, she's made an effort to connect with morroccan culture
She has mixed feelings about her twin--she doesn't like being identical, but Quinn (he/they) loves it. Quinn was popular and disliked it, while Anne was unpopular and envied Quinn.
Anne was going to pursue music before the Monochrome Menace Situationship ruined everything for her. She grew to associate performing with him, along with many other things, and so packed her bags and moved across the country.
In her first year, she arrived a few weeks early. In those weeks she rebounded from the situationship with a rockstar type guy called Hunter. They broke up cuz he cheated on her and she found out
She rebounded off Hunter with a girl called Kennedy who viewed Anne as a medal to win. The relationship ended after 2 months
Following this, Deja and Cam helped her HEALTHILY get over the heartbreak of all 3 relationships. Anne took a break from dating for a while
A short while before KF starts, Anne started going on dates again, but no one's been interesting enough to get a follow-up date.
Anne keeps her romantic & platonic lives separate. She would rather not date friends casually, due to how breakups complicate things. She'd rather not risk the loss <- she's a very lonely person
Anne goes on a lot of story time tangents, but rarely talks about herself. She often omits that Quinn is her twin, usually just calling them her sibling.
Anne is perceived as: cunning, flirty, promiscuous, optimistic, sarcastic, sly, playful
Anne is also: somber, thoughtful, melancholy, cynical, sincere, gently honest, secretly competitive and spiteful
Anne won't rise to most competitive taunts, but if you dare her to do something... she'll usually rise to the challenge
Anne feels like Quinn is the better child, student and partner. Anne feels like she has to prove something.
Anne is secretly very lonely. It's isolating to be any kind of celebrity, after all.
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cubemanmileys · 1 year ago
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nijjhar · 2 years ago
Punjabi:- Latton kae Bhoot Lalae Batton sae nahi maanttae. Pathans and J... Punjabi:- Latton kae Bhoot Lalae Batton sae nahi maanttae. Pathans and Jatts need to use sword power https://youtu.be/lKCSYAUK5IE Sons of Satan by their powers. In the Middle East, the people of the Juda tribe are Baby Princes of Darkness and for them, just a rebuke by Christ Jesus was enough and the money thief Juda Iscariot killed himself as the 30 Shackles had become blood money. He tried to return to the Treasury of Temple but they refused to take it back. So, he threw the money into the Temple of Yahweh, Brahma, Khuda, etc., the Potter of male and female; thus, the Temple Priests bought a field and called it Potter’s Field. There, the use of the sword power was not needed. In the East were the people of the Khatri tribe who became the administrators, Diwans, administrators of the invaders. They were happily fleecing the local people to please the invaders. The Khatris surpassed the people of tribes assigned the duty to lead the worship called Brahmin = Cohen. As the people of the Judah tribe controlled the people of the Levi tribe performing the job of Brahmin = Cohen, the people of the Khatri tribe dominated over the tribes that were doing the job of Brahmin and this is well represented in the Saying:- “PUTT JAMANN KHATRIANIAN; KOI KOI BAHMANIA” That is the sons of Khatris surpassed in the religious knowledge to those tribes who were assigned the job of Brahmin = Cohen”. Thus, when the Mohammedan rulers attacked India, the Khatris became Mohammedans and called themselves “Sheikh, " meaningSheikhs they know the Quran very well. The Khatri Sheikhs also understood the Gurbani; Gur = logical reasoning and Bani means Testament that was not understood by many. A typical example is the Saying:- MITTI MUSSALLMAN DI; PAEE PAERRAE GHUMIAR (Brahma = Yahweh = Khuda) and the Mohammedans do not like to cremate the body but bury it as the Jews advised them.                                                                                                                                                                                                       Gospel is by His grace only if you long for the Gospel Treasures and not of Mammon in greed. Logo = His Word = God. Greatest Blasphemers and Killers Blair and Bush being considered by Anti-Christ Bishops for Nobel Peace Prize. Nobel Peace Prize should rather go to Assange and the Iraqi journalist Muntadhar al-Zaidi who threw both his shoes at the hypocrite Bush in Iraq. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9qHdTpTXHvE&list=PL0C8AFaJhsWz7HtQEhV91eAKugUw73PW1 Blair and Bush’s blasphemies against Holy Spirit are bearing Fruit in economic chaos created by Virus https://youtu.be/0WBYOmpDuCs Shoe throwing at Bush by the Soldier of God Elohim, Allah, Parbrahm, etc., a HERO. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bush_shoeing_incident#:~:text=%22Arab%20moment%E2%80%9D.-,Event,Bush. This is America - Israel in Disguise:- Grim American Jewish Reaper waving sickle to kill more in Venezuela as they did in Iraq, Libya, Syria, Ukraine, etc. www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/GrimReaper.htm   Beware of these robed people as everyone has to give his account to God. This is the Dark Age of Christs, the Innerman, in people. Satguru = Christ Nanak was the second coming of Jesus and this Holiest of Holy Complex in Amritsar has become the epicentre of the crooks. Harmandir Sahib is of the same size as the one that was in Jerusalem and destroyed forever in 70 A.D. But what gold has to do with God? Matt.13.v24-30 is getting fulfilled and the Tares, unfaithful to Abraham Jews outwardly, are getting bundled up in Israel for the Final Burning expected to be on 14/11/2023, the seventh Month of Elohim after Israel is 75 years old on 14/05/2023 when the real war would start. Before the Atomic War, USA or Israel will attack a country making Atomic Bombs, which is Iran. THERE WILL BE NO PEACE IN THE M.EAST OR THE PARTS OF THE WORLD WHERE PEOPLE HAVE FORGOTTEN THEIR TRIBAL IDENTITIES IN ADAM. People like President Morsi exploiting people in the name of religion are Sons of Satan Al-Djmar Al-Aksa, the most powerful sons of Satan that would create sectarian riots. Very few countries would be safe. For detailed information and expositions of the Parables, please watch my Youtube Videos Channel One God One Faith. A T-Shirt design if interested:- www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/EndT.pdf  Any help to improve the two Photos? Proofs of the Virgin Birth of Jesus: - www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/bojes.htm Here is a related Youtube Video on the Family of God:- https://youtu.be/bzWFWMyKNjE My ebook by Kindle. ASIN: B01AVLC9WO Full description:- www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/Rest.htm Any helper to finish my Books:- ONE GOD ONE FAITH:- www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/bookfin.pdf and in Punjabi KAKHH OHLAE LAKHH:-  www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/pdbook.pdf John's baptism:- www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/johnsig.pdf Trinity:- www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/trinity.pdf
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444names · 1 year ago
mortal kombat characters + french forenames
Aberook Alendette Alestan Amayana Ancifer Andrenks Andro Anikaël Anmatheel Annik Annya Anowene Anoît Arick Arione Arkand Arlogisa Arraphi Ashraak Astorged Audrah Auren Bacquent Batar Beant Bearloïc Beathi Beine Benelex Bennikaël Bette Betth Bilor Bisabilli Blazefang Bosenk Boyant Bring Béanire Caegadeng Cagad Caletrine Camek Camon Canne Caribby Carie Cassan Chacque Chame Charomire Charro Chartavin Chaël Cheles Cheuter Chille Cholok Chranpai Chrenée Chricte Chrill Chrion Chris Clake Clanues Clatands Clathel Clauline Clérie Colavine Colivet Collists Color Colorbrus Coloïc Coman Comorge Crette Cyric Cyristons Dabrichan Dacklen Dacque Daessim Daine Dakevai Dameath Davane Deackanne Deand Demilyn Dennede Dermang Derrada Derrie Dette Drémi Eatryu Edider Elleepte Emara Emien Emikath Emman Emmancer Emmohaël Emplaule Encetter Enorgeng Erojachi Erree Etice Evamil Excla Excléan Execian Fabrianad Fabriu Fahao Famas Faument Fessivic Filegin Fille Filyne Firahre Firenor Firtion Firèneuni Flavikkon Flayn Flogers Flogilex Flood Foryptant Frale Gadecrek Gadionn Gadow Gaétine Geatwoods Gerichrai Geste Ghtine Giletter Gille Gillexans Gilyn Gilyne Gitarle Gohst Golad Gonie Gonietine Gorbrum Gormegis Gorris Gotanna Grandrée Grant Greans Gribby Grile Gronne Guestreen Gélian Haege Halie Haline Hamel Hamurnon Hanno Havalle Heennew Hembus Hence Henkhani Hskands Hskang Hstsunge Hugodion Hujimana Hérèse Icklette Iessate Imbelle Irette Jadaviers Jaden Jadraymon Jamanne Jamath Jamel Janneshop Jatmale Jeadon Jeale Jeand Jeane Jearnbuck Jeatal Jeath Jeatonka Jenne Jenranne Jentilien Jertin Jimeide Johaynd Johne Josetz Jossia Jostert Josébal Jériustes Kabraine Kahaya Kahri Kanloge Kenfro Kerbran Kiren Kirolor Kobeng Kochine Komarce Komart Komeine Krean Krette Krorge Kryourogy Kuaire Kuliang Kulicie Kurey Kurie Laink Laire Lanonque Larisek Laude Laumon Laurant Leorber Lexan Liandmas Lianne Libose Lizan Lochri Locéa Looke Lorce Lorcept Loéminks Luchrine Lucieu Lydraymon Léande Mactor Madanny Madelle Madoc Madon Madonnya Magalegon Magesa Magnèse Maine Mainkons Mannic Mannique Mantahn Maraces Maran Marand Marka Marre Marrieth Marth Marthre Marus Mashanck Mashring Masiant Mastian Mastrin Mator Matuutung Maude Mayndell Meatilene Micell Michano Micien Milibby Mille Milor Mineu Mobric Modial Moling Monifené Morier Mormege Morpette Myric Mélisass Méliseing Mélène Nadier Namanient Natarine Nedeliven Nette Nichanne Nimadow Nimbactim Nimbaro Nitia Nivikath Nivin Noéming Ocess Omomon Ondro Onnonadow Ontorcero Orearoods Paine Paril Passine Paste Pastéph Pathille Paurale Peanstric Peasimen Petth Pirebiet Plakans Prianmi Ptice Qalaing Quanciets Rallene Raphao Rarons Reane Reidet Reilad Reylvien Rinet Rolen Ronces Rooker Rusti Ruuther Ryptarcer Rédraymor Rémything Samel Samuris Sarge Sarienme Saronk Sartine Sasing Schamavie Schne Schral Scolok Shart Shasga Shaëlle Shertan Shien Shies Shine Shrie Sinkhanck Sivain Skerogis Snons Sonier Speange Spert Stark Stivie Stéph Stéphaël Sudricer Suill Surna Suzager Sylace Sylas Sylaul Sylval Talémy Tanfor Teferafan Tegod Termeide Teste Thaet Thargueni Thimon Thotal Thuguy Tomilora Tomor Tonne Torafant Toratine Torgan Torgils Tound Trienrion Trons Tsundre Usine Vamel Vethéro Vickgre Vonis Véricel Warna Winges Winèse Wolfiliet Womeid Wookk Yvenang Zebri Zefeen Élibacu Élibby Éline Éloïc Étanste Étiame
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uminurchayatii · 2 years ago
Antara Kota dan Desa
Selama ini harusnya kita sadar bahwa yang menghidup kota adalah desa. Tapi dalam perjalanan sejarah manusia, pembanggunan dilakukan dari kota lalu ke arah desa. Sejak zaman dulu orang-orang membangun pusat peradaban dekat laut, tempat orang dari mana-mana saling bertemu dan mengenal. Disitulah terbangun sebuah kota yang ramai, pusat perdagangan, pendidikan, dan kesehatan mulai maju.
Berbagai barang daganggan didatangkan dari desa-desa ke kota. Orang desa memproduksinya dalam waktu yang lama dengan paling sedikit mendapatka keuntungan dibanding orang yang menjual. Pembangunan di desa berjalan lambat karena pertumbuhan ekonomi yang lambat. Keuntungan dari berjualan hasil tani desa memang hanya cukup untuk makan.
Mungkin kita berkata bahwa pembangunan bisa dinyalakan dari sunyi perdesaan. Hal itu memang benar adanya bagi masyarakat desa yang beradab. Selama ini yang kita tahu dari desa adalah nilai-nilai luhurnya. Warga masyarakatnya yang gemar saling tolong menolong, saling bermusyawarah, dan kekeluargaan yang erat di antara warganya.
Berbeda dengan di kota, kita menyebut masyarakat kota individualis, egoistik, konsumtif, dan banyak hal lain disematkannya. Kota-kota yang diiringi gemerlap lampu di malam hari yang membiarkan penduduknya berhadapan dalam arus putaran pasar yang keras. Kedamaian hidup di kota seperti nihilis.
Hal serupa berbanding terbalik dari pelukisan orang tentang desa. Suara gemericik air, pepohonan yang hijau, hamparan padi yang mmulai menguning dan kicau burung adalah pemandangan desa yang diimpikan masyarakt kota. Tapi bagi orang di desa hal sepeerti itu bukanlah yang perlu dinikmati setiap harinya karena sejak bangun sampai tidur lagi lingkungan tempat tinggalnya sudah seperti itu. Pemandangan yang indah seperti itu takk begitu memikat para penduduk desa. Buktinya banyak generasi muda yang ogah tinggal di desa.
Pemandangan alami yang indah di desa tak cukup berarti bagi penduduknya yang terhimpit kemiskinan dan terjerat hutang rentenir. Padi yang menguning, panen yang bagus tak cukup membeli kebahagiaan, juga tak cukup membuat anak-anak para petanni meneruskan pekerjaan orangtuanya, para pemuda anak petani desa dengan modal panen yang harganya murah pergi ke kota mencari pekerjaan baru.
Penduduk desa hari ini memanglah sudah tidak bisa disamakann dengan orang desa jamann dulu. Disentuh roda peradaban modern, orang desa hari ini juga mempunyai standar hidup yang sama dengan orang kota. Hidup petani yang dulunya cukup makan keluarga, bisa bayar iuran rt, gelar hajatan kampung. Kebutuhan warga desa sudah bertambaah lebih banyak. Mereka mulai membangun rumah yaang bagus, menyekolahhkan anak-anak di kota, atau mengirim anak bekerja di kota. Arus mdernitas merubahhh cra hidup desa. Nilai luhur desa kini jugaa berjalan beriingan dengann efek dari roda modernitas.
Masyarakat desa menikmati hidupnya kalau ia punya tanah. Tapi punya tanah saja tidak cukup jika mau bersanding dengan kebutuhan kehidupan moder. Harus didampingi dengan pekerjaan laiin, misalnya menjadi pejabat, menjadi pegawai, atau berdagang.
Capaian itu hanya bisa diraih para tuan tanah. Penduduk desa yang biasa buruh tani. Mencoba mengakhiri kemiskinan dengan meranntau di kota. Jika tidak hilanglah sumber penghasiilan. Mengandalkan buruh di tuan tanah seperti moyangnya dalu sudah tidak bisa lagi. Bayaran buruh tani sangat kecil. Lebih baik jadi buruh pabrik.
Di kota lah para orang desa bertemu dengan penduduk desa lain yang hampir serupa juga kasussnya. Pergi dari desa adalah keterpaksaan zaman. Lalu di kota berjumpa dengan konflik baru. Orang kota juga ada yg kaya dan miskin. Rumah reyot di pinggir-pinggir kalli yang kumuh menjadikan orang desa bersyukur. Semiskin moskinnya di desa lingkungannnyaa masih lebih bagus.
Orang desa bukannya tidak ingin membangun desanya. Tapi kenyataannya berkata, selama ini pembangunan itu dari kota baru ke desa. Pekerjaan yang beragam di kota menyediakan akses bertumbuh kaum muda. Di desa bukannya tidak bisa, tapi peluang tidaklah sebanyak di kota. Pun di desa kita berhadapan dengan lebih banyak keterbelakangan budi. Pemilihan kepala desa masih dimenangkan oleh calon yang menabur paling banyak uang meski minim gagasan.
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mediosdigitalesdelsur · 1 year ago
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wordchanter · 1 year ago
4 Random Mega-corporations
Jamann and Callian Automation Primary industries: electronic supplies and bio-medical goods and services Tax avoidance strategy: law enforcement manipulation Competition management approach: sabotage
6 Ticks Intelligence Primary industry: defense products Tax avoidance strategy: law enforcement manipulation program Competition management approach: public relations destruction
Multi-national Tri-assembly Appliances Corporation Primary industry: storage services Tax avoidance strategy: cryptocurrency Competition management approach: marketing destruction
12 Brass Poodles Hegemony Primary industry: insurance services Tax avoidance strategy: loss carry-over coordination Competition management approach: entrapment
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janstr95 · 5 years ago
🎵 . . . . . @raf_camora @bonez187erz @teamplatin #music #musik #bmw #jamann #dankbarkeit #drive #car #auto #zitate #morgen #insta #instaboy #instacar #fahren #autofahren #e46 #bmwsyndikat #rafcamora #bonezmc #187 #hashtag (hier: Pattensen, Germany) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0NMkgooJOp/?igshid=rvqu8orpgvwj
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barefoot-munich · 6 years ago
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Road to Hawaii 🌺 Woche 6 Tag 4☀️🚴🏻‍♂️🏔 
Tempodauerlauf 50min - 1h 10min
Nach dem gestrigen Erholungstag wäre heute eigentlich ein Tempodauerlauf auf dem Plan gestanden 🏃🏻‍♂️💨 
Allerdings hatte ich gestern spontan beschlossen das schöne Wetter der nächsten Tage für eine Fixietour in Richtung Alpen zu nutzen ☀️🚴🏻‍♂️ 
Also habe ich mir Heute und Morgen frei genommen, meine sieben Sachen gepackt und mich aufs Fixie geschwungen und bin 85 Kilometer bis zum Kochelsee gefahren 😎 
Wie angekündigt war das Wetter absolut traumhaft ☀️☀️☀️ und auch wenn ich noch nie so eine lange Tour mit diesem Rad gemacht habe, kann ich es nur jedem empfehlen nachzumachen 😃 
Absolut perfekt um mal den Kopf freizubekommen und den Alltag hinter sich zu lassen 👌🏻 
Wenn ihr euch fragt, wie man auf die Idee kommt ausgerechnet mit einem Fixie so eine Tour zu unternehmen, dann schaut mal bei @maexchen_24 vorbei. Er hat mich mit seinen YouTube Videos dazu inspiriert 👍🏻😃 #jamann 
📹 YouTube Inspiration
🚴‍♂️ Einzig Fixie
🏃🏻‍♂️ http://www.barefoot-munich.de
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compneuropapers · 7 years ago
Interesting Reviews for Week 17, 2018
Activity-Dependent Axonal Plasticity in Sensory Systems. Jamann, N., Jordan, M., & Engelhardt, M. (2018). Neuroscience, 368, 268–282.
Neuronal Activity Patterns in the Developing Barrel Cortex. Luhmann, H. J., & Khazipov, R. (2018). Neuroscience, 368, 256–267.
Impact of Thalamocortical Input on Barrel Cortex Development. Martini, F. J., Moreno-Juan, V., Filipchuk, A., Valdeolmillos, M., & López-Bendito, G. (2018). Neuroscience, 368, 246–255.
The Posterior Parietal Cortex as Integrative Hub for Whisker Sensorimotor Information. Mohan, H., de Haan, R., Mansvelder, H. D., & de Kock, C. P. J. (2018). Neuroscience, 368, 240–245.
Circuit Changes in Motor Cortex During Motor Skill Learning. Papale, A. E., & Hooks, B. M. (2018). Neuroscience, 368, 283–297.
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sabilanandas · 4 years ago
WA:0813-3753-5350 jual kaos polos hitam Semarang
WA:0813-3753-5350 jual kaos polos hitam Semarang
Kaos juga mempunyai beberapa model yang biasa ada dipasaran yang akan dipasarkan, tapi di ud.mukarom jaya ini masih menyediakan kaos o-neck saja , kaos o-neck salah dari satu jenis kaos standart yang ada sejak jaman dulu jaman old kaos o-neck atau biasanya disebut dengan sebutan kaos yang biasa , dinamai o-neck karna mempunyai leher yang berbentuk bulat seperti o maka nya dinanamakan kaos o-neck , dengan orang orang untuk memperindah dan juga memperbagus biasanya kaos o-neck ini di tambahkan berbagai jenis aksesoris seperti halnya rib atau juga bisa sesuai selera anda masing masing dan kereativ anda masing masing , masih berpikir panjang untuk Membeli kaos ?? Yuk buruan gercep yaa agar tidak ketinggalan jamann.
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lionessleesha · 7 years ago
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I got Jamann!
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soelis41 · 5 years ago
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Prinsip ituuuuuuuuu #haruskuat...sekali bilang Yo,yo kudu yo... Jamanne jaman akeh godaan,akeh rayuan... bar kui paling mung di jegal.. Jika kamu suka dirayu.....brarti mudah ditipu, mudah terjerumus. wes itu saja pesan saya,yang selalu berkata apa adanya.. (di Gudang Knalpot Nophp) https://www.instagram.com/p/B1WZVBTB0z6/?igshid=1dcce1dg0ijf6
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nijjhar · 5 months ago
40 years of rule was of Chaudhry Ranjit Sainsu Jatt and not a Sikh rule ... 40 years of rule was of Chaudhry Ranjit Sainsu Jatt and not a Sikh rule of the most clever Khatris. https://youtu.be/ZxAUsg1EyK0 Holy Gospel of our SUPERNATURAL FATHER of our supernatural “souls” Elohim, Allah, ParBrahm, etc., delivered by the first Anointed Christ, which in my native language Punjabi, we call Satguru Jesus of the highest living God Elohim, Allah, Parbrahm, etc. that dwells within His most beautiful living Temple of God created by the greatest artist demiurge Potter, the lord of the visible Nature Yahweh, Brahma, Khudah, etc. and it is called Harmandir or “Emmanuel” if you are not “greedy” according to Saint Holy Gospel of Jesus Christ according to Christ = Satguru Rajinder:- SATT PURAKH JINN JANAEYA; SATGURU TISS KAA NAO. One who knows the very Source of His Word, He is a Christ = Satguru. JATT RULE OF 40 YEARS BY CHAUDHRY RANJIT SAINSI JATT AND NOT A SIKH RULE OF THE CLEVER KHATRIS. It was a Jatt Raj and not Sikh of the Satanic Khatris against the 40 Mukttae. His real name was Chaudhry Ranjit Sainsi Jatt, Maharajah of the Punjab. Our forefathers had no Singh in their names but the Khatris added Singh in our names and then collected Tithe on a large scale. About Khatris, a Saying is very popular. "PUTT JAMANN KHATRIANIAN KOEE KOEE BAHMNIYA". They are so clever and greedy called “KRARR” that 22 imposter Satgurus opened their Shops in Baba Bakallae where the Last of the Six Satgurus Satguru Tegh Bahadur Ji was to appear. For detailed knowledge, visit my YouTube Channel One God One Faith. My email is [email protected], and I am here to exchange views on Skype. There are a few Honest Khatris, but they can't raise their voices. CHITTVITT REHEO THAGORE; NANAK PHAANSI GALL PARRI. SINGH IS THE SURNAME OF THE KHALSAS. The 5 were beheaded on the stage. Then, the head of one was sown with the Torso of the other. They were revived with Bani Nector. They had no house to go to but lived in the Jungles and fought for righteousness. Lala Madho Dass was a Sodhi Khatri, a Munnmukh of the order of Prithvi Chand Sodhi Khatri. He created a mountain of stupid people whilst the TATT Khalsa left his company. He became a married person and sought secular rule on earth that belongs to the tribal people instead of the spiritual rule of Philanthropy, PAR UPKAAR that wins the hearts of the people, purely spiritual. He was a very clever person and managed to get Sachae Patshah Gobind Singh Ji attacked by two stupid Pathans. A Munnmukh person never harms anyone himself but arranges someone ELSE to do the job; DOOSRAE DAE MODHHAE TAE BANDHOOK CHALANA. Punjabi - Unless you are a Hindu, you cannot be a Sikh, Khalsa or Nirmalla Sant but Malaish Khalsas led by Thhagoo Sant. https://youtu.be/eL-JbUSjHhI LATTON KAE BHOOTT BATTON SAE NAHI MANTTAE. SEND THIS POSTER TO YOUR FRIENDS/RELATIVES. PAGRRI SANBHAAL JATTA https://youtu.be/gSwPvK3B4rg CHAUDHRY CHHOTU RAM OHLYAN JATT KO YAAD KRO AGGAR AAP NAE SIYASATT MAE KAMYAAB HONA HAE. http://www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/Pagrri.htm Punjabi - Taliban - Al-Djmar Al-Aksa is best defeated by the tribal sons of Man and not by the guns. https://youtu.be/1dDW3SapKWE Youtube video in Punjabi:- https://youtu.be/QJLnbgoMMkM     http://www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/Chhotu.pdf Playlist for our Jatt Unity:-  https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0C8AFaJhsWwfWhnrV1UKKbBJNCbYjqI3 AWALL ALLAH NOOR OPAYIA; KUDRATT DAE SABHH BANDAE. NOOR ALLAH DAA KUDRATT KHUDAE DI. Get a musician who could sing the Slok of Bhagat Kabir Ji and explain it as he sings. Let the Film studios produce films of this singer. Be sons of your tribal father "Jatt" and not the super bastard Hindu, Sikh or Muslim Qom as these Lalas did form soon after the death of our Jatt Qom Pillar Ch Chhotu Ram Ohlyan; the three Lalas; Lala Gandhi, a Bania, Lala Tara Singh Malhotra Khatri and Lala Mohd. Ali Jinnah, a Babla Bhatia and we killed each other fanatically.   DON’T KILL EACH OTHER IN THE INDO-PAK WARS. THREE LALAS; LALA GANDHI, A BANIA, LALA TARA SINGH MALHOTRA KHATRI AND LALA MOHD. ALI JINNAH, A BABLA BHATIA IN COLLUSION WITH THE DIRTY-HEARTED BRITISH TRADERS DIVIDED OUR COUNTRY. WE JATTS ARE WELL KNOWN FOR STUPIDITY - MOORAKHHTAEE:- http://www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/Riots.htm JATT HAMAARI QOM HAE AUR KIRSAANI HAMAARAH AAM PAISHA HAE. MAE BRAHMIN VARN KAA KAAM KR RAHA HON. BRAHMIN VARN HAE; KOM NAHI – BAHMN KEH KEH JAAT MATT KHOYE. KIRSAAN KOEE BHI BANN SKTA HAE PAR JATT JATT BAAP KAE TUKHUM, BIND, BEEJ, ETC., SAE PAIDAH HOTA HAE. JATT DI SATT NAAL JATT QOM DA ADMI PAEDAH HONDA HAE. MAA KISSI BHI QOM KI HO PAR BAETA DAEH SHIVA VAR MOHAE – SONS OF MAN, AADMI DAE PUTTRO, LET US FIGHT AGAINST THE SONS OF VERY POWERFUL MAZZHBI “JANOONI” SATAN AL-DJMAR AL-AKSA – QOM HINDU, SIKH AND ..... https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0C8AFaJhsWwYKeFSCQNc6dOGm92fk4A4 We need a singer to sing this song in honour of our Pillar Ch. Chhotu Ram Ohlyan Jatt www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/ikchor.pdf Our Ch. Navjot Sidhu Qom Jatt by replacing his Jatt Qom with Sikh Qom
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444names · 3 years ago
the list of every x-men ever from comicvine
Actan Actarbes Affes Affining Aptimis Aptinet Aubitch Avilkett Backe Baing Barded Bardt Barned Barry Barser Barza Becon Becot Becotter Behilan Behitt Bernto Blibs Bline Blonso Blower Blowle Bolashan Boodanc Booder Boodged Booratims Boorm Boors Bowns Braunded Braynet Briers Bries Briors Briott Broratons Broshilly Bucens Buchmas Buckeror Buckining Buckwer Burch Bureassal Bureques Burgester Burna Burry Cable Cadis Caing Caletchno Camers Camone Candez Caned Carle Carmed Carrever Carrielps Carve Cased Caspenn Casper Casso Caste Cater Caterter Challion Chalt Chamed Chater Chatina Chation Chayne Chewiste Chnetch Ciner Cland Clanfient Clastiong Clawlan Cle's Cloperann Clugher Clured Cocks Comenry Coment Comerner Comerrior Cookes Coort Cosed Coshaman Costia Cought Coylon Cruilke Crusense Crushamed Cruturn Curgesis Cyced Cycon Cyconsh Cycott Dalled Danch Darko Darrining Dencon Dennetch Derreganc Disalton Disolo Donobb Dunkesell Dunks Eadmic Eldesing Elson Evelash Everte Exilarer Exill Exillorn Fackley Fadons Fajarlo Fantought Firber Firly Fised Fisone Forge Forned Frader Fratts Friffray Frine Fught Gairlds Garby Garcall Garion Garly Gilkessus Gilknolis Ginest Ginine Goranne Graters Grinly Griolive Grionson Guell Guild Guitions Haark Handax Hantrobb Hapmayne Harez Harmance Harto Heralen Herecomem Heroes Herry Hicashook Hogarse Hoginamb Hostentop Hullichne Hunce Hundefley Indeash Ininley Jamann Jamed Jardt Jillibs Johne Joider Joirly Kautorto Kersonord Kniffes Kniguyed Knine Laccale's Lains Lated Laten Leally Leance Leaned Leark Leatfice Leaucks Leautly Legass Legates Letch Letchip Lettevy Letudle Levarre Llann Lomen Lomey Lomider Loppoine Lopted Lossus Lostes Maccasend Mackwerse Madistard Manets Manton Marko Marld Marmagne Marts Mashirde Mccarson Mccrus Mclono Mclonsons Mcloodax Mclugshew Mcmidd Mcmidy Mcminn Mcmins Merry Merts Mesin Messanton Mindy Mojohen Molowns Mooden Moodged Morged Moriffe's Morress Mortese Mostin Moston Muirby Muird Muirdy Muitaine Munks Munkso Mutory N'gabect Nallever Nally Niguarver Nigues Niguirle Niguyed Niguyes Niono Oblis Orairly Orawley Orawyed Orayed Orged Pareans Paric Parko Parton Parvans Patfich Pating Pation Patlyne Patts Penter Phries Phriffega Phring Phrion Poine Poinly Posalanne Posminsee Posson Postainn Poster Posters Powmanes Prides Printor Proacks Probb Proes Prord Prorparm Prosmin Pullshays Raing Rainges Randere Retchamon Retevest Retudley Ricarrez Rions Rodgenn Rodulds Rolackint Rosan Rosanday Rossalent Rossaver Rostions Rought Rournet Routhcre Rovestan Ruirks Ryoudlest Ryoundes Sacke Sackmate Sagned Sally Santom Saves Savider Scile Sellon Shaylowle Sheraing Sherse Shewiller Shirks Shitanfic Shiverr Skrutlee Smalis Sonobs Spitt Stanker Stann Stardisol Starrett Starry Sterega Stilch Stild Stomey Stonce Stralds Surankes Surch Sureanson Surerry Surmagare Syleal Tanced Tanton Tesens Testsoner Theevy Thraut Torne Torternt Tortorry Trobster Tromem Tromer Trosboon Trostes Trostordt Turez Turging Turreeve Tuser Twister Undayed Unded Under Unobstion Unolon Updax Updayed Updays Valvany Vandleyos Vansfoll Virdt Vires Virle's Virly Virobb Vouggenn Wadent Wading Wadmis Walle Wallop Warchway Wartilker Wellic Welps Wersons Whent Whews Whewson Whewsonts Whiley Whitar Willons Winamer Wittes Woliancip Wolon Wooden Worguabre Worman Xavarby Xaveallso Xavok Xavourna Xi'an Xi'aning Xi'anson Yalan Yalinn Yalleray
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mediosdigitalesdelsur · 3 years ago
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