aquamarineglow · 8 months
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Breaking News!!!!
Legendary Musicians, Janice Quatlane and Melina Whistler, spotted shopping for home furniture together.
Are the two divas moving in together? Could there be wedding bells in their future?
We'll keep you updated!!
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101flavoursofweird · 10 months
Title: Soulless
Description: “When I was alive, you said you wanted to save me, as you hadn’t been able to save your daughter. Was any of that true?” -Aboard the Detragon, Melina opposes Descole. (AU)
Spoilers: For Eternal Diva, and slight spoilers for Azran Legacy
Set: AU, set during Eternal Diva 
Warnings: Referenced character death… and Descole isn’t perceived in the best light here— at least, from Melina’s perspective. His actions might be more understandable with context from Azran Legacy
Note: Written for Day 3 of @layton-npc-appreciation-week for Eternal Diva… Descole’s not under-appreciated but Melina and Janice most definitely are.
“You must sing if you want to save them, Melina—“
“Was it true?” Melina interrupts him. 
She‘s not sure where this newfound courage comes from (maybe it’s from Janice), but she stares at Jean Descole as they’re lifted into the air with the stage and the Detragon.
“W-when I was alive,” Melina recalls, “you said you wanted to save me, as you hadn’t been able to save your own daughter. Was any of that true?”
Below her, she hears Luke yelping and the wolves growling. 
If Melina angers Descole, he could easily order the wolves to attack her father and her friends, but she can’t help it. 
She’s angry and she wants to know…
What could drive someone to such lengths— to value an ancient city over human life?
Descole doesn’t deign to answer her.
The stage stops moving. They’re so high up now— high enough for Melina to see the whole island, and inside the castle.
The wolves have her companions surrounded. One has poor Luke pinned to the floor…
Descole turns to the Detragon’s keyboard with a toss of his cape.
“I didn’t think so,” Melina huffs. 
She might as well be poking a dangerous bear right now, but still, she persists. (Maybe she can buy the others some time to escape from the wolves!)
“How could it be true? A loving father would never kidnap o-other people’s daughters— let alone steal their lives—“
“I haven’t stolen anyone’s life,” Descole spits, spinning around to face her again. He seems so incensed that Melina is startled for a moment. Is this sore spot for him?
(Luke had whispered to her, while they were being ‘escorted’ to the dungeon earlier, about the masked man’s deeds in Misthallery…)
“It was your ‘dear father’ who invited those girls to host your memories,” Descole sneers, as if Melina needs reminding. “I simply provided him with the means—“
“You’re right,” Melina agrees. 
The love and the gratitude she feels for her father clashes with the shame in her heart, but the latter conquers all else.
Amelia was lured here, with the hope of winning eternal life for her dying granddad.
Little Nina dreams about returning home to her family.
Janice’s parents don’t even know their daughter has been dormant for a year.
“M-my father must face punishment for what he has done,” Melina says firmly. She glares at Descole. “And so will you.”
Melina has gone too far, this time. 
Descole surges towards her. Terrified, Melina takes a small step back— only to remember how close to the edge she is.
Melina swallows. Surely a drop of this height would kill her. It would kill Janice. 
Descole realises this too.
He grabs her by the wrist. 
Before, when he was discussing the songs of Ambrosia, he had almost been gentle with her— as if he were handling a delicate ‘instrument’…
Now, he grips her arm as if he wants to shatter her bones. 
“Sing A Song of the Sea,” he breathes, “or I will throw your beloved’s body off this machine.”
Melina quivers— all of her courage crumbling away in an instant.
Janice… I’m so sorry… 
Melina doesn’t even care about the kingdom of Ambrosia. Descole can have it! Anything, as long as he lets Janice, Father, and the rest of them go…
“Don’t make me do it,” Descole says through gritted teeth.
“P-please…” Melina is ready to submit to his demands, but then, Janice rises to the surface of her mind and mutters, “You’re a soulless monster—“
Janice, stop! 
Melina clamps her free hand over her mouth. She hates having to stifle Janice, but she’s going to get them— herself— killed!
Descole stares at her, his mouth slightly open. Melina imagines his eyes widening as well. Would he be any less intimidating, if she could see his eyes? 
Much to Melina’s immense relief, Descole releases her and storms back to the Detragon’s keyboard.
He starts to play A Song of the Stars. 
“Sing,” he orders once more, “and I swear, on my daughter’s memory, that I will send your loved ones home, unharmed.”
“A-Alright,” Melina concedes. She has nothing to gain and everything to lose, unless she complies.
You’re doing the right thing, Janice assures her.
Melina nods, takes a deep breath, and begins to sing. 
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the-river-of-light · 1 year
Melina Whistler with 7B?
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no one requested the Janice I just felt like adding her
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asa-liz · 1 year
Janice/Melina mini comic
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I've had this idea for montsh and was finally able to do it. I wanted to try and experiment a little with panels.
And AU most likely.
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rattyexplores · 2 years
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Not too exciting, but still standing tall
Jalina ocularis
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memento-mori-twilight · 3 months
Somewhere, in another universe, there is a Ken-el being shown around Metropolis by a very helpful (and slightly smitten) Jalina Olsen
And I think that's beautiful
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dorothydalmati1 · 2 months
My Little Pony: Friendship is Forever Episode 4: Deep Tissue Memories
Storyboard by Desirae Salmark
Directed by Mike Myhre
Animation directed by Kenneth Chu
Technical direction by Jaeson Jalina
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beardedmrbean · 7 months
CAPE CORAL, Fla. - A couple accused of robbing a Florida hardware store at gunpoint while wearing matching Cookie Monster pajama bottoms has been arrested and is also facing animal cruelty charges.
According to the Cape Coral Police Department, Charlie Jorge Perez, 22, and Jalina Analise Sepulveda, 19, stole items from a Lowe’s Home Improvement store on February 11 while decked out in pants featuring the famed Sesame Street character's face.  
Police say when loss prevention officers questioned the couple as they left the store, Perez flashed a gun in his waistband and made threats while Sepulveda spit on the officers.
The pair was arrested the next day on robbery charges. That same morning, officers went to the couple’s home with a search warrant.
While inside, police say there was an overwhelming stench of animal feces and urine.
Officers say they found four mixed-breed French Bulldogs in cages in Perez and Sepulveda's bedroom.
READ: Florida man gifts ‘mortified’ ex-girlfriend stolen statues for Valentine’s Day: Sheriff Grady Judd
According to CCPD, the dogs in the bedroom appeared to have been in the cages for some time and were suffering from Dermodectic Mange, a severe skin condition, and had open sores.
Police say one of the dog's toes was stuck in the bottom of the cage and was swollen. There were feces in the water bowls and cages, creating unsanitary conditions for the dogs, according to CCPD.
A witness told officers they believed the dogs had not been out of their cages for four months.
Lee County Animal Control freed the dog’s foot and took all the animals out of the cages.  Police say the dogs needed assistance after being rescued and two of the animals had to be carried to the animal control van.
According to investigators, three dogs in the living room seemed to be healthier than the animals found in the bedroom. There were also three cats at the home that appeared to be healthy.
All ten animals were taken by Animal Control and brought in for treatment based on the condition of the French Bulldogs.
Police say Perez and Sepulveda neglected the dogs, causing them unnecessary pain and suffering. The couple later willingly relinquished ownership of their animals.
Perez has been charged with four counts of animal cruelty and one count of robbery with a firearm.
Sepulveda was charged with four counts of animal cruelty, one count of principle in the robbery with a firearm and one count of battery.
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plposting · 1 year
I've seen some people call Janice/Melina "Jalina" but I dislike the mouthfeel so I don't call it that
Mmm yea I’d agree with that
Maybe it’s one of those ships that needs like a combination of two words that can be related to both characters
Or maybe just [relevant word]-shipping?
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Reminder that the whole reason Pakistan is in the mess it is.
With Imran Khan being removed as prime minister.
And his subsequent imprisonment for 3 years after that.
And that whole mess.
... Is because of America.
Imran Khan was in support of a neutral policy in the Russia/Ukraine war.
The Russian invasion into Ukraine hadn't started and he expressed that "there was still hope for a peaceful solution to be reached."
And the US didn't like that.
In a secret diplomatic cable between the than Pakistani ambassador to America had with 2 state department officials from America.
One being Donald Lou who was not happy with Imran Khan.
'He said that "I think if the no- confidence vote against the prime minister succeeds, all will be forgiven in Washington because the Russia visit is being looked at as a decision by the Prime Minister. Otherwise, I think it will be tough going ahead."
So in other words, because Imran Khan had a different view point that he did, he was threathing Pakistan on the world's stage.
That if they didn't get rid of their leader, their leader who had been democratically elected by the Pakistani public.
Than they would suffer consequences.
... I'm sorry who the fuck put you in charge?!
And if you think oh it's just one guy.
"Don could not have conveyed such a thing without the express approval from the White House."
Aka the Biden Administration.
Which he expressed multiple times.
... I'm not suprised but my god does this piss me off.
Day after this, the no vote of confidence began in the Pakistani Parliament.
And Imran Khan was removed.
And imprisoned.
On some of the most flimsy ass charges I've ever heard.
However, shockingly... People who voted Imran Khan to be prime minister of Pakistan... Actually really liked the guy.
Imagine that.
And protests happened.
And the military, who was already corrupt got a power high from the situation and were arresting many of said supporters.
And Imran Khan might be free now but America has made sure that he can't run in the Pakistani elections.
No matter how popular and how much people want him in charge.
Don't get me wrong the military is definitely fucking shit up.
And their are others at fault.
Infact, Americas involvement was raised by Imran Khan in March 2022 (but this secret cable was only revealed today.)
He stated "a foreign power sent a message that he needs "to be removed" or Pakistan will face the consequences."
And incase you were wondering if it was America.
He the letter he received to be "a foreign conspiracy letter" and it's language was "threathing and arrogant."
But the damage was done.
And while no one else was helping this situation, it wouldn't have happened if not for the USA.
Because who the fuck gives you the right to threaten Pakistan because they wanted to stay neutral in a conflict that they weren't apart of.
Nor had even begun.
You destabilised their government, further corrupted the country and the military for your own gain with no remorse or regard for who it would affect.
You put the person who many feel is the one hope for Pakistan in jail and now he can't become leader.
If someone tried that with America, their government would lose their absolute shit.
We'd be called a dangerous foreign power.
But when you do it it's fine?
But your somehow allowed to dictate the way other countries are run? No offence but you can't run yourselves.
Nevermind Pakistan.
You have no right to do any of this.
You have shattered any peace in Pakistan.
Everyone who has died in the protests and riots is on your hands.
And because of that this news is probably being blocked in Pakistan.
Purposefully destabilise a south asian government and than fuck off like it never happened, who are you, the British?
And their denying it.
US State spokesperson Matthew Miller said "nothing in these purported comments show that the United States talking a position on who the leader of Pakistan should be."
Another spokesperson, Jalina Porter states "let me just say very bluntly, there is absolutely no truth to these allegations."
You fucking liars.
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metamatar · 1 year
The State Department has previously and on repeated occasions denied that Lu urged the Pakistani government to oust the prime minister. On April 8, 2022, after Khan alleged there was a cable proving his claim of U.S. interference, State Department spokesperson Jalina Porter was asked about its veracity. “Let me just say very bluntly there is absolutely no truth to these allegations,” Porter said.
In early June 2023, Khan sat for an interview with The Intercept and again repeated the allegation. The State Department at the time referred to previous denials in response to a request for comment.
Khan has not backed off, and the State Department again denied the charge throughout June and July, at least three times in press conferences and again in a speech by a deputy assistant secretary of state for Pakistan, who referred to the claims as “propaganda, misinformation, and disinformation.” On the latest occasion, Miller, the State Department spokesperson, ridiculed the question. “I feel like I need to bring just a sign that I can hold up in response to this question and say that that allegation is not true,” Miller said, laughing and drawing cackles from the press. “I don’t know how many times I can say it. … The United States does not have a position on one political candidate or party versus another in Pakistan or any other country.”
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northernscruffycat · 10 months
1, 4 and 5 for fandom ask meme!
Thank you! I'll do this for Professor Layton instead of my current fandom, so there can be more stuff you're familiar with :D 1. list 3 positive things about your current the layton fandom(s)
All the love for the NPCs! I never would've thought there'd be so many other people who'd like the Black Ravens, some minor characters from a mid-series game
The fem-slash and polyship ship love in this fandom - it makes me so happy to see that stuff like Ranhengela and Jalina is so popular
The fandom event days. I wish I could take part in more of them, but I like to see them
4. say something nice about a ship you don’t ship (it can be another ship in your fandom, a mutual’s OTP, etc)
While I'm not quite invested enough in either character to ship it myself, I do think that DesRan have a funny dynamic and all the fanwork I see for them really gets what makes them so funny
5. something you see in fics a lot and love Obvs this is mostly from your fics, but I love when people take characters who didn't get much spotlight in the games and really flesh them out
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101flavoursofweird · 4 months
Hi! For the angsty writing prompts, would you be willing to try "Tell me the truth" featuring Janice and Melina? No worries if not ^^ Thanks!
((I’m sorry this took a while and I’m sorry I made this fic a part of an already existing AU series — Infinity — but thank you for the prompt and for giving me the push I needed to write this. The fic is written in a way that can be read be standalone as Janice summarises the first part of said-AU in which Melina survives.))
Prompt: “Tell me the truth”
Title: How Wonderful Life is Now You’re in the World
Summary: Having survived her illness, Melina returns to London with her father and Janice.
Spoilers: For Eternal Diva
Set: About a month after Melina originally would have died… and a couple of months before PL4 takes place. I’m not sure if Descole would be quite so driven to find the Golden Garden if Melina had survived but… we’ll see. I wasn’t planning on rewriting PL4 with Janice and Melina in the picture, but it could be referenced in a future fic.
Warnings: Referenced character death, hospitals, terminal illness, recovery from illness, slight internalised homophobia, coming out to uncertain but accepting parents, the joys of the paparazzi… Uh that’s a lot for this Happily Ever After AU, sorry!
Inspiration: Your Song by Elton John
Mere weeks ago, Melina Whistler had been on the verge of death, and Janice Quatlane had almost lost the love of her life.
In that terrible moment, when Melina had seemingly breathed her last and closed her once-bright eyes, Janice would have traded her entire being for Melina.
Janice had crushed Melina’s limp hand— bawling, balking, begging Melina to stay, despite the excruciating pain she was in— because how could Janice live without her?
It wasn’t fair! Melina wasn’t meant to die young like her mother. Melina was meant to survive. Dr. Foster was meant to heal her. Melina was meant to sing and dance. She was meant to laugh and smile and sigh over everything she found romantic.
She was meant to study music and travel the world, with Janice. They were meant to be together—
Janice would have put all of her dreams aside if it meant Melina could take her place.
Behind Janice, Mr. Whistler had been waiting, ready to offer her that chance—
But then, Melina held on. To Janice and to life and to that future that belonged to her…
One day ago, Janice had confronted an enraged Dr. Foster and informed him that his findings for reviving the (formerly) lost city of Ambrosia were incorrect.
Fortunately, Janice’s gamble had been correct— a triumph she attributed to Professor Layton’s teachings— and after claiming Ambrosia for himself, Foster had finally let Janice, Melina and Mr. Whistler leave the island… on the condition that they kept their mouths shut.
Their journey home in the lifeboat had been fraught, until Melina had kissed Janice and set off fireworks inside Janice’s head.
Melina loved her too.
When the lifeboat had reached shore, Janice had awoken to Melina stroking her hair. 
Melina was still with her.
It hadn’t all been a dream. Melina was alive and she loved Janice and they were going to spend their lives together…
And Mr. Whistler was there too.
The three of them stumbled across a sandy beach, starving and smelling of the sea.
Melina caught her father’s arm when he tripped over a rock.
Janice spotted a bearded sailor, who rubbed his eyes as they barrelled towards him. He directed them (In an English accent— thankfully, Foster hadn’t sent them abroad!) to the closest coastal town.
There, they reported to the local police station and recounted how the Whistlers’ yacht had capsized, forcing them to abscond in a life boat.
The constable who took their statement seemed more inclined to believe they had escaped the Titanic… though, seeing the sorry state they were in, she didn’t pry. She called someone from Scotland Yard to come pick them up, along with their belongings from the lifeboat.
“I don’t know, Monica,” Janice heard the constable mutter into the phone. “A bunch of rich tourists from London… Your lot can deal with them!”
Previously, Mr. Whistler had sold off his family’s mansion to pay for Melina’s ‘treatment’ on the island. (Did it really cost that much to stay in a gothic castle, or had Foster charged him for something extra…?)
Ultimately, the price was worth it for Melina’s recovery— Janice couldn’t dispute that— but now, the Whistlers didn’t have a residence to return to.
Upon arriving in London, Mr. Whistler wanted to be dropped off at a bank— to check if he had enough savings for a hotel— but Melina insisted they should take Janice home first.
The last time Janice had seen her parents was over a month ago… before they had learned Melina’s health was ‘rapidly declining’ (Mr. Whistler’s words) and Janice had jetted off to the island.
Though Janice had written letters to her parents, she now wondered whether they had even been sent…
Maybe some of them had, because Janice’s parents hadn’t reported her missing to Scotland Yard— at least, the officer who chauffeured Janice and the Whistlers didn’t mention it.
Still, Janice was a jumble of nerves as they approached her parents’ two bedroom house in West London. (Melina would politely describe it as ‘humble’…)
Janice had maintained the Whistlers’ sunken yacht story when the police questioned her, but could she lie to her family?
Well… she had kept a few secrets from them already. What was one more to add to the pile?
Janice’s parents had been under the impression that Melina Whistler was at death’s door…
So to have Melina turn up on their doorstep with Janice must have been quite a shock.
Her mum’s green eyes widened. Her dad’s hairline seemed to recede even more.
“Hi—“ Janice barely managed a whisper, before the two of them embraced her and Melina.
“Sorry!” Mum gasped after a moment. She pulled back as if Melina was made of porcelain. (Even though Melina was a head taller than her…) Dad followed suit, but he kept a hand on Janice’s shoulder.
Smoothing down her short red hair, Mum stammered, “W-we just weren’t… expecting you— both of you— here!”
“I’m sorry it— it’s been a while,” Janice began, working around the bump in her throat.
“How… are you?” Dad asked, his brown eyes brimming with concern. The question was aimed at Janice and Melina, but the way he squeezed Janice’s shoulder was a comfort solely for her.
Janice’s lips trembled. Before she could burst into tears and blurt out everything, Melina breathed, “I’m getting better.”
“Th… that’s brilliant!” Mum cried, and she hugged Melina once more. “I’m so happy for you, darling…!”
A choked noise emerged from Melina as she held on. “M-me too!”
Dad smiled at the pair of them, and then at Janice.
“There’s something else,” Janice mumbled.
Melina and Mum stopped hugging as they turned to her. Dad’s bushy eyebrows furrowed.
Janice exhaled.
After everything she had been through lately, coming out to her parents should not have felt this daunting.
And yet, Janice quivered.
Melina offered her hand. Janice took it, intertwining their fingers.
Together, the couple (because that was what they were now) gazed at Janice’s parents.
For Janice, this was more terrifying than any performance or exam she had ever faced.
After an eternity of silence, Dad let out a loud sigh. “That’s a relief! I was worried you’d run off with a rock singer—!”
“Dad!” Janice yelped, at the same time Mum huffed, “Joel!”
“Like those… those Beatles!” Dad clicked his fingers, grinning. “Or the Rolling Stones!”
Melina laughed. Janice’s face warmed— more out of embarrassment than anxiety now. (Dad was way off— her favourite band was actually The Ronettes!)
“Really…” Hopelessly, Mum shook her head. “Don’t listen to him, Melina! Janice would never run off with anyone, because she… she has you now, I suppose…” Mum coughed. “I’m sorry— this is all just quite a shock!”
Did she mean Melina’s incredible recovery or her relationship with Janice?
“It’s okay, Mum,” Janice murmured.
Mum gave her a tentative smile.
Eager to move the attention away from her, Mum wondered, “W-What does your father think about this, Melina?”
“Oh, he’s fine with it,” Melina chimed, swinging her hand in Janice’s. “He knows I’m a true romantic at heart, hehe!”
Melina had told her father the news back in the lifeboat. Mr. Whistler had simply hummed, before changing the subject. 
Did that mean he was ‘fine’ with them? Had he suspected about their feelings all along…?
Turning her head, Janice peered back at the road, where Mr. Whistler was still waiting in the police car.
…Could he be indifferent? Or— surely he didn’t disapprove?
On their drive to London, he hadn’t spoken to Janice directly— unless Melina was involved in the discussion as well.
He had barely even looked at Janice… or, if he had, it was like he was looking past her. 
Like Janice was invisible when she wasn’t interacting with Melina.
Janice’s mind flashed back to the blueprints she had seen in Dr. Foster’s workshop below the castle.
Foster had planned to build some sort of machine that would preserve Melina’s memories in the event of her passing. 
At first, Janice had reasoned that maybe the device was like a film reel, or an electronic photo album, to remember the good times they had shared with Melina…
But when Janice had studied the blueprints more closely, she had felt sick. 
Because it appeared Foster had intended to transfer Melina’s memories into another person…
Who, exactly, would that person have been?
Janice swallowed. Wrenching her gaze away from the police car, she refocused on her parents and Melina.
Melina was chatting about all the things she planned to do now that she was back in London. (“—I’m going to catch up with everyone, finish my composition, join a choir and a ballet club, visit the market, volunteer at a dog rescue centre, maybe see if I can reapply for the Academy, find somewhere to live with Janice..”)
Janice smiled, even though she could sense Mr. Whistler’s stare behind them.
Back in high school, Melina had often rhapsodised about how she and Janice would be roommateswhen they were older.
Never mind that Janice might end up at a different university to Melina, studying a different course…
Never mind that Janice most likely wouldn’t be able to afford the same types of accommodation as Melina…
Never mind that the thought of living with Melina had sent Janice’s heart into overdrive, and escalated her fears that she would be found out.
If her parents had made the discovery, that would have been disastrous enough. 
But for Melina? It could spell the end of their friendship, because she had seen Melina as much more than just a friend.
So, Janice had gone to Gressenheller, while Melina had started attending the Royal Academy of Music and Drama— though, they had kept in close contact and regularly met up.
Melina’s visits had dwindled, however, after she had passed out during a rehearsal…
Then came the endless hospital appointments, the diagnosis, and the driven desperation of Mr. Whistler.
All of the doctors had Melina deemed a lost cause… except for one.
After a tearful farewell to Janice, Melina and her father had moved to the island. 
Melina had frequently written to Janice with updates on her treatments and her trips to the beach and her attempts to complete her composition, but Mr. Whistler had only written once.
‘Dear Miss Quatlane,
Despite our efforts, Melina’s health has rapidly declined. As always, Melina is determined to carry on, but the doctor has informed us there is nothing to be done. We’re devastated—
I understand how much pain and grief it must cause you to hear this…
Melina has been asking to see you. She isn’t strong enough to make the journey back to London, but please would you consider joining us on the island? I would be happy to cover the costs…
If you could fulfil my daughter’s request,  I would be in your debt, Janice.
With all my love,
Oswald Whistler’
Obviously, Janice had agreed— abandoning  her archaeology course and her family and everything in London— for Melina.
What else mattered, when Melina was dying…?
Except, Melina didn’t die, and now the two of them were back in London.
They had only been home a week, before Melina suggested they should get an apartment together.
Unsurprisingly, Mr. Whistler had squirrelled away some money— part of which he gifted to Melina.
If he was displeased with Melina’s decision to move in with Janice, he didn’t voice any complaints.
Janice’s mum did voice some… concerns, however. She fretted about whether they were taking things too fast, but Janice pointed out that she and Melina had lived together on the island (and shared a bed, though Janice left that part out) for several weeks, so why shouldn’t they now?
Janice was long past the point of waiting and worrying about what people might think. She had nearly lost Melina— why should she care about anyone else’s opinion?
Still… Janice experienced a small thrill the first time Melina grabbed her hand in public.
They were at the Chess Department Store, hunting for furniture on the third floor.
“Jan, look!” Melina dragged her over to a pair of pink tub chairs. “They’re perfect…”
Pleasantly surprised, Janice didn’t even check the price tag.
She smiled down at their joined hands— at the strength in Melina’s grip, at the healthy glow to her previously pallid skin, at how excitedly she clung to Janice.
“Do you like them?” Melina gasped, turning to Janice with a gleam in her dark eyes.
Janice nodded, though she did ask (for the third time), “You’re sure your father won’t mind…?”
They were currently depending on Mr. Whistler’s funding— just until Janice found a job!
“Of course he won’t!” Melina dismissed. She released Janice’s hand and relaxed into one of the chairs. “Father wants us to live comfortably… and these chairs are very comfy—“
“I told you to LEAVE ME ALONE!” a shrill voice shouted across the shop floor.
“What’s going on…?” Melina leapt to her feet, wobbling slightly. 
Janice caught her by the arm and they went to investigate the commotion… over by the store’s lift.
There was a woman wearing a slim black dress, her brown hair curled into the most complicated updo Janice had ever seen. She looked like the kind of celebrity Melina used to read about in her gossip magazines.  (And, secretly, the kind Janice would find attractive.)
The lady’s white gloves curled into fists as she faced a group of men— some wielding cameras, notepads and pens— who were blocking her path to the lift.
“Paparazzi?” Melina whispered. Janice frowned, but slowed their approach as Dr. Foster’s threats entered her mind.
The last thing she and Melina needed was to draw attention to themselves…
Weren’t celebrities used to dealing with the press? Wasn’t that part of their jobs— to give interviews and extend their fame?
“GET OUT OF MY WAY!” the woman snapped.
“Be reasonable, Mrs. Raidley,” one of the men drawled. He pointed a pencil in her direction. “We just need a few moments of your time—“
“How are you dealing with the death of your husband?” another man exclaimed.
The woman— Mrs. Raidley— shuddered with what Janice hoped was rage, rather than fear or grief.
Melina hissed, “We should help!” She took a step towards Mrs. Raidley, but Janice held her back.
“Hang on, Mel…” Janice glanced around. Was there a security guard or a shop assistant nearby…?
When she found neither, Janice looked back at Mrs. Raidley.
A cameraman snapped a photo of her. Gasping, Mrs. Raidley shielded her face from the flash.
Surely if she had suffered a loss, she should be allowed space and privacy to mourn, just like any other person.
“Alright,” Janice sighed. “What should we do?”
“Cause a distraction,” Melina said. “And give her time to escape…” She squeezed Janice’s arm before she detached herself.
Then, Melina took a deep breath and began to sing. The lyrics she chose, from a Rock and Roll legend, could be considered rather… scandalous for a public store.
However, the men didn’t take any notice, for they were still busy harassing Mrs. Raidley.
Maybe they couldn’t hear Melina? 
As much as she had improved, Melina’s voice still wasn’t as powerful as it had once been… 
So, Janice joined her, belting out the song like they were in a stage musical.
That got the paparazzi’s attention. The whole lot of them turned to leer at Janice and Melina. One man lifted what might have been a tape recorder.
Janice’s face grew hot, but she didn’t hesitate. Not even when Mrs. Raidley met her gaze and smiled in thanks. (She was quite beautiful…)
Mrs. Raidley blew them a kiss, before dashing out an exit and down some stairs.
The cameraman noticed and protested, “Hey! Forget those birds— Celia Raidley’s on the run!”
Howling in agreement, the paparazzi chased after Mrs. Raidley like a pack of wolves.
Janice stopped singing with a huff. “I hope she gets away…”
“She probably has a l-limousine waiting out in the s-street,” Melina chuckled, though she ended up coughing.
“Are you okay?” Janice asked as Melina covered her mouth with her hand.
Nodding, Melina waved off Janice’s concern. “Let’s go buy those chairs… and everything else…”
They took the lift down to the ground floor— which was, thankfully, free of paparazzi— and they went to the till.
Janice ordered all of the furniture they had selected to be delivered to Melina’s new apartment…
No— Janice reminded herself— it was their apartment. Janice’s and Melina’s! They were going to be living together— without Dr. Foster or Mr. Whistler or anyone else telling them what to do.
So elated was Janice that she didn’t realise how heavily Melina was leaning against her as they left the store.
They had barely made it ten steps outside before Melina fell.
Mr. Whistler burst into the hospital room, barged past several nurses and the doctor, until finally, he reached Melina’s bedside.
“Melina— thank heavens!”
Melina was conscious, stable and propped up in bed. She offered him a wan smile. “Father, I’m—“
“I was so scared that you… that you had…” Mr. Whistler enveloped her in a hug, clutching the back of her head.
When he let go, Mr. Whistler locked eyes with Janice— who was sat on a stool on the other side of Melina’s bed.
“What happened?” Mr. Whistler demanded. This time, he was definitely addressing Janice directly.
Janice gulped. (Maybe she did prefer being invisible after all…) She wet her lips to speak, but Melina suddenly launched into a description of their ‘exciting’ day at the department store.
Then Dr. Orta— who was, in fact, a real doctor with decades of experience at the hospital— intervened and explained that Melina had fainted due to over-exertion, but she should improve after a few days of rest and the medication he had prescribed.
“Frankly, we’re amazed Melina is doing so well,” Dr. Orta coughed, “considering her history—“
“Who told you that?” Mr. Whistler said sharply. His frown shifted to Janice.
Janice tensed her shoulders, resisting the urge to shrug. She’d had to give Melina’s name when the ambulance arrived…
With flinty grey eyes, Dr. Orta informed Mr. Whistler, “It’s vital that we access the medical history of all our patients…”
The doctor cleared their throat and the nurses flocked out of Melina’s room. Janice sent them all a sympathetic look.
Lowering their voice, Dr. Orta continued, “I won’t pry into Melina’s remarkable recovery, but you must seek medical aid if you feel unwell again, Melina.” Dr. Orta regarded her sternly. “You can contact me directly, if you wish… But for now, rest and keep taking your medicine.”
“Okay,” Melina sighed with resignation, as if she had heard this all before.
Mr. Whistler put his arm around Melina’s shoulder. Melina rested her head against him.
Janice remained seated with her hands folded in her lap.
Dr. Orta wanted to keep Melina in hospital for a few more days to monitor her health.
Only one visitor was permitted to stay with a patient overnight. Of course, this ended up being Mr. Whistler; he was Melina’s parent and, until recently, he had been her primary carer.
Janice had taken care of Melina too, but she had been summoned to the island for another reason… 
Now that they were back in London, Mr. Whistler seemed to think Janice’s presence was no longer required.
Or maybe Janice was just being paranoid. She hoped that was the case!
Melina tried to argue in Janice’s favour— to split the overnight visits between Janice and her father— but Janice convinced her not to worry.
Since they had returned from the island, Janice and Melina had shared nearly every moment together. Melina could spend some time catching up with her father, while Janice stayed with her own parents and pinned down a job.
Besides, Janice could still drop by to see Melina in the day!
During one visit, while Mr. Whistler had gone to see a house he was hoping to rent, the couple ventured down to the hospital’s garden. Even the sunshine couldn’t lift Melina’s dour mood.
“I thought… I was… getting better,” Melina grunted as they traversed the golden gravel path.
“You are,” Janice soothed her softly as they passed another patient. “This is just a… setback. You’re so much better compared to before—“
“Maybe, but right now, I feel breathless just from walking. Singing put me in the hospital...” Melina raised her arms above her head, stiff as a wooden ballerina, but dropped them with a huff. “Goodness knows what would happen if I tried to dance—!”
The other patient, who seemed to have overheard Melina, scoffed loudly. “Poor you!”
Both Janice and Melina stopped short next to a flower trough. Spinning around, they saw that the speaker was a man with unruly purple hair and a matching beard.
“Excuse me?” Melina said, in the same tone she had once used to challenge Janice’s school bullies.
“Excuse you’, indeed!” the man groused, grasping at his beard. “I could hear your whining a mile away!”
“I was not ‘whining’!”
“She’s not very well,” Janice informed the man flatly. (Not that it was any of his business!)
“But you’re ‘better’—“ He threw Melina’s words back in her face. “Better off than some... Is that correct?”
Melina bit her lip.
“With all due respect, Sir…” Stepping in front of Melina, Janice aimed a frown at the man. “That doesn’t give you the right to—“
“I’ve got less than a year left to live.”
Janice’s mouth went dry.
Melina, however, found her voice. “I… I’m very sorry to hear that…”
“Yes, well…” The man shrugged. He looked as though he had won his battle against Melina, but lost a long war. “It is what it is—“
“What if it isn’t?” Melina gasped. She gestured to him desperately. “What if your body recovers— or if the doctors find you a cure— or… or—“
“Perhaps someone will bring me a magical elixir!” the man sang, beaming sardonically. Then he scowled at Melina. “Just because luck shined in your favour, young lady, doesn’t mean it will for all of us.”
“That’s not…” Melina recoiled into the shade of a tree. “I didn’t mean…”
“Leave him,” Janice muttered. Melina blinked at her. The man flounced away with a “Hmph!”
“I… I know how lucky I am,” Melina stuttered as Janice joined her under the tree. “But I don’t… look down on people, do I?”
For a moment, Janice contemplated this. Janice would be lying if she said she hadn’t sometimes felt inferior to Melina in the past— whether it was due to Melina’s wealth, her family connections, her talents… 
Although Janice couldn’t read Melina’s mind, she was confident Melina had never intended to patronise her, stifle her, or make her feel small.
Melina would never…
Janice lifted Melina’s hands in her own.
“You are luckier than some,” Janice agreed (knowing this could apply to herself as well), “but that doesn’t lessen your suffering. Just be… mindful of who you’re… venting to.” (That was a better word than ‘complaining’!) Smiling, Janice assured her, “But I’ll always be here to listen to you.”
“I’ll do the same for you!” Melina wrapped her in a hug. “If anything’s wrong— if I do anything wrong— you will tell me, won’t you, Janice?”
“Of course!”
Janice hadn’t lied to Melina— she had told her about the blueprints for Foster’s machine back on the island— but Janice had omitted who she suspected the test subject would have been, along with her suspicions of Mr. Whistler’s involvement. 
Melina would be devastated if she found out— blaming both herself and her father. 
As much as Mr. Whistler had shunned Janice, she didn’t want Melina to cut him out of their lives. Janice wanted to smooth things over with him if she could.
Anyway, how could Janice point the finger at Mr. Whistler when she wasn’t 100% certain of his guilt?
If Janice could quietly clear up the issue with Mr. Whistler, then there would no longer be an issue… and Janice could uphold her promise to Melina.
Janice waited until Melina was discharged from hospital and they had moved in to their new apartment. 
They were expecting a few more furniture deliveries, so Melina would need to stay at home while Janice started her new job.
(This was a good reason to distract Melina while she was ‘resting’ indoors!)
Janice’s mum had worked at a history museum for many years, and she had managed to get Janice a job at the gift shop there.
It wasn’t quite the archaeologist role Mum had originally envisioned for Janice… but still, Mum had given her a big hug after Janice aced the interview.
“I’m so proud of you!” Mum had whispered. “Oh— that reminds me! Your dad mentioned this… ‘pride event’ coming up in the summer… Are you and Melina going? Can Dad and I go with you— o-or if not, is there anything we can do to help you prepare for the event?”
“Y-yeah…!” Janice had laughed and teared up a little.
Maybe Janice had been too quick to dismiss her mother’s input… 
If Mum could defy her pretentious family to be with a ‘poor, portly plumber’, then no doubt she could accept Janice and Melina as a couple.
Now, Janice just needed to get through to Melina’s father…
One evening after work, she went straight to Mr. Whistler’s new house.
It wasn’t too far from their apartment and it was just as, if not more, luxurious, with rose pink bricks, a sloping roof, three floors and a balcony adorned with wind chimes.
From somewhere inside, Janice could hear the soulful tune of a piano.
It heightened in volume as she approached the house— so much that Janice felt like the music was holding her back.
But she pushed through and pounded on the front door. “Mr. Whistler?”
The piano fell silent. So did the wind chimes.
Janice’s heart drummed in her chest. She reminded herself that she had stood up to a deranged scientist— she could handle her girlfriend’s father, no matter how distant or disapproving he might be…
Footsteps echoed through the front of the house. The door opened.
Mr. Whistler peered out at her.
“…Janice,” he eventually said, by way of greeting. “Is Melina alright?”
“She’s fine.” (Other than being ‘bored’!) “Right now, she’s at our apartment...”
Mr. Whistler sighed with relief and something else— impatience, maybe?
He stared at Janice. Janice stared right back.
“Um…” Adjusting her ponytail, Janice added, “I’ve got a job now, so—“
“That’s good news!” he said, his voice lacking the warmth and the praise Janice had received from her parents. “I take it you’ll be quite busy from now on?”
“Well, I—“
“You won’t have much time to worry over Melina anymore.”
This was so abrupt and so ludicrous, that Janice almost laughed. “Of course I’ll still worry about her! She’s my girlfriend—“
“Right,” Mr. Whistler murmured.
“I’ll still have plenty of time for Melina when I’m not working—“
“Surely you’ll want some time to yourself as well?” Mr. Whistler interrupted, with a pointed look. “You do have a life outside of my daughter…” 
Don’t you? He didn’t say this, but his snide, dismissive sentiment hung in the air.
It was true that Janice had prioritised Melina above all else— back when she thought Melina would pass away... 
But now, Janice was striving to re-chart her life, with Melina in it.
Janice took a deep breath.
“…So,” Mr. Whistler was saying, “it may be wise to arrange for someone else to look after Melina for when you’re not present—“
“Melina doesn’t need constant looking after,” Janice corrected him. “She just needs to remember to rest—“
“Yes—“ Mr. Whistler seemed shocked that Janice had interrupted him “—that is what the doctor said… Speaking of which, I’ve been meaning to call the doctor back! If you’ll excuse me…” 
Before Mr. Whistler could close the front door— and close the lid on their conversation— Janice stuck her foot over the threshold.
“Wait! There’s something else I want to discuss with you…” Janice dropped her voice. “Regarding something I saw on the island—“
“Does it involve him?” breathed Mr. Whistler, suddenly giving her the full breath of his attention.
Janice nodded. Mr. Whistler held the door open and ushered her in, as if Dr. Foster might be lurking right outside.
The hallway was still filled with moving boxes. Some contained items Janice recognised from the castle.
Perhaps Mr. Whistler hadn’t found time to unpack yet, or he felt there was no point…
Mr. Whistler led her into his lounge, where a piano was located in the corner.
Above the piano, Janice saw a single photo:
It was one of a younger Mr. Whistler, an infant Melina, and Melina’s mother. The three of them beamed back at Janice…
Mr. Whistler cleared his throat.
Looking at him, Janice explained, “I found these blueprints for a machine that Foster planned to construct… to save Melina’s memories… in case she died.”
“I see…” Mr. Whistler frowned and fiddled with his glasses. “Does Melina know?”
“Yes.” This was partly true… “Did you know?”
Janice watched Mr. Whistler for a reaction, though his eyes were hidden behind the gleam of his glasses.
In that moment, Janice felt like the two of them were trapped in a game of poker— each making a bluff and waiting for the other to fold.
Much to Janice’s surprise, Mr. Whistler admitted, “Yes… Dr. Foster showed me these plans…” He ran his hand along the lid of the piano.
“And?” Janice’s pulse was pumping.
“I told him it was utter madness…!”
Janice pressed, “But would you… would you have gone along with it, if Melina had died?” 
“Let’s not speak of this.” Shaking his head, Whistler smiled widely at Janice. “Melina is still with us—“
“But… but if she had died, would you have done it?” Janice choked out. “Would you have used me?!”
Whistler turned away from her. His fingers traced over the family photo. Then he murmured, “Would you have refused, if you truly love Melina?”
“…No,” Janice realised faintly. Her love for Melina had overshadowed any consideration for her own life.
Whistler had known this…
“You would have manipulated me,” Janice breathed, “while I was— grieving for Melina?”
“I would have given you the choice, to save the person you love,” Whistler amended in a wistful voice. He was so right that he wasn’t even trying to hide it anymore.
With shaking fingers, Janice reached for her pendant— the special one Melina had given her. As Janice lifted the purple jewel, she caught sight of her reflection— distorted, but still shining. A light that didn’t deserve to be locked away.
She gently let go of the pendant, before she glared at Mr. Whistler.
“I love Melina, more than anything,” Janice said. “And Melina loves me.”
Whistler’s eyes widened as she surged towards him.
“I know you don’t care about me,” she growled, her indignation rising like the tide. “To you, I’m nothing but a phase— a distraction— a means for Melina’s happiness…”
If Melina had died— if Mr. Whistler’s plan with Dr. Foster had succeeded— Janice would have become nothing more than a vessel for Melina’s memories. Janice would have become a memory herself.
Never in a million years would Melina have wanted that, but her father had been so determined to sustain her life— even if it meant erasing Janice from existence.
Mr. Whistler was starting to sweat. Still, he scowled at Janice. “That is just not true—“
“Why else would you invite me to the island, when you’ve never shown the slightest bit of interest in me before?” Janice shook her head furiously. “I don’t care what you think of me— I don’t need your money or your influence or your approval!— but if you do anything to come between me and Melina, I will tell her everything.”
“Please— don’t tell Melina!” Whistler deflated. He held on to the piano for support. “I can’t live w-without her…”
Janice’s face softened.
If he had made the tiniest effort to reach out to her— if he had just acknowledged her— she could have offered him sympathy and consolation in their shared grief.
Instead, he had conspired to steal her life.
Janice strode out of the house without a backwards glance.
Janice made it home two hours later than expected. On her way to the apartment, she considered a number of excuses she could offer Melina…
But ultimately, Janice didn’t want to lie to someone she loved— not even a little bit. Not like Mr. Whistler.
So, when Janice arrived and Melina revealed that her father had phoned ahead with some unsettling news, Janice gave her the whole truth…
Even the part about how Janice had felt so inadequate compared to Melina.
“Now that’s— that’s not true!” Melina whimpered, framing Janice’s face with her hands. “You’re kind, and noble, and— and selfless… I can’t believe my father nearly took advantage of that! I’m sorry… Sorry I didn’t realise…!”
“I’m sorry too,” Janice said tearfully, “for not telling you sooner!”
Melina thumbed away her tears, before leaning down to kiss Janice. When their lips parted, they rested their heads together.
“Okay?” Melina whispered. Janice nodded against her.
Smiling, Melina said, “While I’ve been stuck inside, I did manage to finish my new composition… Do you want to hear it?”
“I’d love to.”
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703-pm · 2 years
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“If I must die young, bury me in a music box. I’ll be the pale ballerina with dirt in her hair. Attach my painless feet to metal springs and open the lid when you visit. Watch me rise and pirouette, my arms overhead tickling the dark night’s belly until I’m dizzy, until the stars melt and spiral into a halo over my head and I’ve stirred my death into the sky” — Jalina Mhyana #blackandwhite #grainisgood #photowall_bw #bw_mania #bwsquare #edits_bnw #pocket_bnw #igersbnw #monoart #blackandwhitephotography #bnw #bnw_captures #bnwsouls #703pm #ballet #ballerina #dance https://www.instagram.com/p/CmPDpXZpVXK/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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asa-liz · 2 years
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Janice and Melina 💚💜
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lakelandg · 4 months
Auburndale Police Sergeant receives demotion and suspension for speeding in crash that 5-year-old girl
An Auburndale police sergeant will receive a demotion and 160 hours of unpaid suspension following an internal investigation of his role in the traffic crash that killed a 5-year-old girl in November. Auburndale Police Chief Terry Storie submitted a notice of discipline Friday to Sgt. Danny Swan, the officer who crashed his patrol truck at high speed into a vehicle carrying Jalina Anglin on Nov.…
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