beautyindiversity · 2 years
Let's get these guys in a movie together. Or a show. Whatever. Let's make up an oc on IWTV for Alfred. Whatever we need to do to get them on screen together.
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gratiae-mirabilia · 2 months
google who is jalfred prufrock
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jeffaintshityet · 5 years
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alfredarchives · 3 years
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found cute pictures of alfred in a jean jacket and i love jalfred (jean alfred) 👖
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444names · 2 years
the whole list of dwarves in norse mythology
Alackhern Alater Aldece Alfre Aliman Aling Alinn Alitri Altenati Alvífied Aming Anchan Anday Anding Arauring Artinn Attes Attestrer Attle Aufáinn Augspea Augstari Banenteeze Barks Barðr Beady Beamál' Beant Beari Bearlius Bearmál Bearr Beavegich Beill Bellinn Berinn Berlari Bildsogent Bilius Bitrinnr Bittered Bitti Blacke Blacks Blandáld Blent Blinder Bling Blinn Blowean Bláing Blôvur Boarr Bofull Bofuth Boilin Boill Boing Boldery Bolly Boneed Boriel Borpid Bowell Bowester Bowismál Broari Brootheand Browster Brúninemy Brúning Bured Burra Báfnam Báfnamid Báfni Búing Búingr Cauting Cauðr Chake Chane Colfr Comea Comer Comper Condálf Cougster Counsmál Craur Dacking Dagen Daringa Dariounir Darks Deang Deantifinn Defiela Deful Delfarr Denir Dinnr Disandáing Dolfr Dolociand Doloe Dorpse Dorteng Dortive Dramiddle Drastreks Draufár Drauð Dring Drinn Droper Ducked Dvill Dálfr Eadish Eadviðr Eaporsilly Eaves Eiled Eilested Eksmund Elazy Enellan Ength Eniri Enorlair Fafnishinn Fareargr Fared Fiandler Fildinsmál Fillfat Fince Finns Firing Fjaker Fjöðving Fjöðvithe Fjǫklitni Fjǫlsvinn Fjǫlsvir Flair Flazy Foreill Forinn Forsilleed Forted Fougss Frarr Frass Friefurri Friouger Froakr Frokkr Fráing Fulingviðr Fuljóðalfr Fullf Funsmálfr Fáfurvark Fáing Fásmitr Fíliked Gandsk Glinir Glius Glocke Glonelfr Glonelling Glowes Gnitni Golfkind Golgr Goone Goopeater Gremy Gylfr Haingr Hakes Handeri Handson Haufnable Haurviðr Haver Hearlapori Hepabaregi Heriked Hernbongr Herri Hield Hille Hleates Hleðjolgr Hoggstr Horegi Horpsed Horthew Hosteng Hostor Hredle Hárrinn Hávar Hávarld Imaliviðr Imast Impery Inderr Inemy Insapor Inskál Irung Irwindál Iveginn Jalfkild Jalfr Jalins Jaredgen Jolfki Joloundáli Jómind Jóðold Kafillf Kapandáind Killinn Laingr Lainsmál Laniorter Lannar Liceing Lindi Litreper Ljómiðr Ljóðoli Ljóðr Locitr Lortivir Lífing Lóing Lóingr Magfindea Magismálf Maskin Maskisminn Mastr Menori Metakild Millfuce Milly Mjöðvioung Mjǫklinn Mooddle Moopern Morteigr Mougss Moutive Mudardead Mundurri Muning Móinn Mótren Nabbifent Namit Namálfking Nanari Nefilla Nefinked Nelfr Nonew Nonskenark Normitni Norson Nortive Nubbowing Næfrægrea Nípike Níping Níðhǫgg Nýrár Oaraver Oldsk Ontenir Orn's Orsone Orteedi Ortion Oteilen Otene Pakill Pakistri Pandeful Pareaskine Parir Pater Pearear Pergr Perninni Ploves Plowl Preatter Predull Preggssmál Prekkr Prituther Priver Proared Proarikinn Prokery Pufáing Pututing Reatter Reginn Rippeard Rostaldi Rothing Rumblainn Rumbs Ráinging Ráðskinn Róingeng Sanginch Scroad Selcoll Sellead Shander Sharr Shaved Shied Shinn Sildead Sinir Skapoth Skery Skest Skestr Sking Skins Skjarmar Skálfrage Slack Slackher Slaminked Slandece Slandál Slant Slary Slater Slatern Slauti Slazy Slene Sleni Slumme Snoringrm Sognabbowl Sometalius Sonar Sparr Sperr Sping Spuff Sputinn Stard Starder Starli Starr Stene Stive Stiverly Stoopean Strikr String Striount Stubbitnir Svious Sviðring Svífile Svísson Swolfr Swoli Swoling Sworn Sworr Sörlaciant Sörlituð Tenelling Tengr Theater Threanter Thregistuð Thriar Tineptiver Tious Tonse Trice Twing Twinker Undece Undlike Undruli Unisapow Valfrine Veggston Velding Vergr Viling Vined Vinnr Vinselat Virfiar Virinn Virworn Válfrekkr Vísson Víssond Víurr Völul Völull Völumber Warinnant Waritni Weage Werna Wernbor Werrion Wholg Winnirful Wistri Wolgr Woreadenir Worpse Yeldi Yndinnr Yngsting Áldern Áning Ásmian Áttle Ívari Úrnione
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r0ttenapplec0re · 5 years
In the room the women come and go
Talking of Michelangelo
And indeed there will be time
To wonder ‘do I dare’ and do I dare’
Time to turn back and descend the stair
With a bald spot in the middle of my hair
They will say ‘how his hair is growing thin!’
My morning coat, my collar mounting firmly to the chin
My necktie rich and modest, but asserted by a simple
They will say how his arms and legs are thin’
Do I dare
Disturb the universe?
With a minute there will be time
For precision and revision which a minute will reverse
T.s Eliot a love song by jalfred Prufrock
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dodyrrp · 8 years
Operation Love Letters
Yolanda Mercado, mother of fallen Service member, Pfc. Jalfred D. Vaquerano, made an opening speech to kick off the 2nd Annual: Operation Love Letters Event, hosted at the Veterans Memorial Park and Museum. Operation Love Letters takes place at 16 locations throughout the United States. Yolanda is one of many mothers of fallen Service members who gather annually for this event to honor their…
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beautyindiversity · 2 years
'#put him and jacob in a show together please and thank you' exactly! can you imagine? jacob's smile and alfie's dimples… yeah no i won't survive but i need it
I'd pass clean out 🤣 with both of them and their real accents?! Or they're both doing different accents! Give it to me,nooooow!
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jeffaintshityet · 8 years
Inferno Bliss You should experience it An eternal eclipse Trying to grip With stages Of phases That pass Faster than Emptying Semi automatic weapon Clips I'm rambling But in my head It all makes sense Trying To Be free from Desire But I lay beside her Whispering sweet nothing's into her ear Reminding her How much I want her And How weak I am around her And How much life would be Much easier if I got rid of her Like a Buddhist But I'm hooked She's the heroin In my syringe needles The drugs in my pills capsule Desire is a hassle A fortress or an castle Distracting the peace I created to be free But She knocks on the doors Of my mind Triggering hungers I tried to fend Damn Why does she do this To me We Is it human nature? For non stop Desire To seep through Our souls Controlling Most of our actions
J.Alfred "In Bed With Desire"
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jeffaintshityet · 8 years
Bang Was the sound That rang in each of her Ear drums She was familiar with violence She had a front row seat Watching her mother Turn black and blue It's was the fists to the face That would darken her hue She would drink her Tears Covering her eyes In Fear As her father Put his hands on Her mother In every unloving Way Trying to salvage her heart From all this pain She grew to mistake Love as pain She saw Domestic violence As showing love In a twisted Demonic way Only to become the Same women her Mother was Even though she promise Her self She never would
J.Alfred " Rain Drops That Taste Like Blood"
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jeffaintshityet · 8 years
Sometimes I feel like a hippie I wanna go live in woods And be distant From civilization Growing my own food Building my own shelter Living like the natives I don't know Maybe the plants I'm inhaling got me hallucinating Thinking about a lifestyle That's so foreign to the likes Of myself Cause sometimes I want to Feel wanted Most of the times I could give a fuck It's hard being stuck In a mind Such as myself Feeling imprisoned To thoughts That scream so Loud I died in 2013 I miss the old me I was so hopeful Now I don't believe in a thing I'm a zombie Praying to feel again
J.Alfred "Zombie"
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jeffaintshityet · 8 years
Alright this must be extortion Something like an robbery So put your hands up And don't move All I want is your heart So call off your guards Put in your security codes And let me in To explore Come on don't be so hard Sweet heart I see the fragile sign So I'll handle with care And I'll be there Just call my name Yeah I'll knocked down every Obstacles you put before me Show you that I'm worthy I'm a King I came from glory But what's a King without a Queen? Seems unethical You hear So open the doors And let me in So I could bathe in Your essence Come to understand Your world So one day Our worlds could coexist Floating into bliss Engaging in risk Seeking for reward So I can embrace The beauty you Express Fascinating Ain't it I always say to myself When thoughts of you Bombard my mind Time and time again Just accept me for Who I am Cause I could be A tad bit off Sometimes I just wanna be great But it be better Together
J.Alfred "The Heist"
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jeffaintshityet · 8 years
Champ Ali! Bomaye! Champ Ali! Bomaye! Champ Ali! Bomaye! You were so outspoken Stinging like a bee in and out Of The ring Floating like a butterfly Doing it so beautifully Either with a jab Or the thoughts you expressed And fire That ignited In your soul When you fought for us In a world that wanted Nothing but the worse For us You utilize your fame To shed light On the issues That plagued us As a people Showcased our beauty In world that call us ugly Stared hatred straight in the Eyes And swung with love Saying what many had on their Minds But were too scared to express Stood for what you believed in No matter the cost Inspiration in the flesh The greatest of all time You fought your last long fight Now it was time to let go Thank you for all you’ve done Your legend will live forever With all our ancestors Muhammad Ali….. Ali Bomaye
J.Alfred “ Ali Bomaye.....The Greatest Of All Time (Rest In Power Champ)
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jeffaintshityet · 8 years
I speak to the universe About you Everyday Asking questions I want Answers to Could I ever have her? What am I not worthy? Is she for me? Or she just gonna keep passing me By When my actions speak loudly But if you was my Girl I'd do anything in my Power to give you the world My only priority is to make You smile Staring into your eyes I swear I see the heavens Paradise Suns Flowers And clouds There's so much beauty In your laughter It crazy how it Plays back in my mind As thoughts of you Invade As I crave to Be around your Vibe Reluctant Sometimes Cause it isn't Reciprocal Goofiness and That attitude Keep me around When at times I wanna drift away Cause I feel my Presence Is bothersome And unwanted But I just go with The flow And tell myself You never know Maybe one day She'll won't look pass me Only time could tell
J.Alfred "Passing Me By"
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jeffaintshityet · 8 years
Built up rage Living inside Me Pleading to Be free A savage With no remorse No cares Or worries But I keep him at bay Cause I don't Like that side of me Cause when I'm angry Don't call me Bruce Banner I swear I be green Seeing red No thought Just Rage
J.Alfred "Rage" National Poetry Month Day 29
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jeffaintshityet · 8 years
Mothers of civilization I worship the ground You walk on Cause without you There would be no us And I just love the Way the sun kisses your skin Filling it with color The rhythm in your hips The elegance you grace Planet earth with The envy you produce With your beauty Being emulated over and over I love y'all from The strength you Possess The love You Express The pain You Endured I know y'all don't Hear it a lot But We appreciate Y'all
J.Alfred "A Letter To Black Women" National Poetry Month Day 13
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