#jake peralta x doug judy
currentlyonline · 2 years
— my brooklyn 99 ships. <3
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- jake, doug, and amy are in a polycule! jake and amy are married, while jake and doug are boyfriends!! <3
- gina and rosa are girlfriends! <3
– kevin and holt are married <3 ( which is canon but yk )
– jake used to have a huge crush on terry, to the point that he bawled his eyes out when he found out terry was engaged. ( not exactly a ship, but it was in a fic and i think it's hilarious lmao !! )
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iamnightfury · 11 months
Why is diet mountain dew 💚 a Jake Peralta 🐀🍕 × Doug Judy, a.k.a. The Pontiac Bandit 🚗🎤, song? 🐓💃
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twisted-dork · 9 months
Random Story/Drabble Idea Criminal Minds x Brooklyn Nine-Nine
Reader is Jake Peralta younger sister who got an offer working at the Bau. Jake incourages her to go and she ends up dating Spencer Reid (because who wouldn’t). And when Spencer goes to jail in Mexico guess who breaks him out DOUG JUDY. In his words, “Anything for the little Peralta.”
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aimmyarrowshigh · 2 months
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MLMay 2024: 100 Slash Drabbles
017. Scheme - Doug Judy/Jake Peralta (Brooklyn Nine-Nine)
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katrinahood · 4 months
1K - amy santiago/jake peralta/doug judy (specifically w jake in the centre)
And just in time for Leap Day!
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alphawolfice1989 · 11 months
Jake is proud of Judy that he got a copy cat in his life as a reformed criminal
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mrskillingjoke · 2 years
Here are some of my bodypositivity shippings:
Ineffable husbands
Gorlock (Gordon/Bullock)
Justus Jonas/ Victor Hugenay
Bart Simpson/ Sideshow Bob
Doug Judy/ Jake peralta
Do you have any other shippings in this kind? Let me know!
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frankenjoly · 1 year
Almost there
jake/judy + kiss to “pretend”
In theory, the task was simple; after all, it wasn’t none of them’s first rodeo when it came to being undercover. In practice… well. Also in theory, kisses to keep said cover for blowing up into a million pieces were also simple and all. In practice… well.
Jake should have seen that coming, when it wasn’t the first kiss under the same conditions that ended up… backfiring? No, that wasn’t the way he would describe it, since it seemed to be both working and feeling good. More like… it had ended up with an unexpected bonus aka: it feeling good. And the craziest part of it all? It was with no one other than Doug Judy.
“Man, you never told me you kissed that good.” Speak of the devil, he was… well, speaking right then. “Which is gonna be good, ‘cause there they come again.”
Honestly? There may not have any need to actually repeat, and for all both of them knew, whoever was passing by right then might not even be their objective. But damn if that mattered in that moment, because he played along and kissed him again.
When everything was actually done, they probably should actually talk about it (luckily and funnily Jake already had a similar conversation with Amy, or nothing like that would have happened--), but right then… focusing on the kiss and on the task at hand was more than enough.
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Do they ever meet Doug Judy
Seeing as it is that he skipped bail and ran out of the country, I'm going to say no. Doug makes sure that he sends Mac gifts for his birthday and sends him a song track for his Bar Mitzvah.
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randomshipperhere · 2 years
I have only finished watching 3 seasons of B99 and I am addicted to this shit and I am super depressed about the ending already despite being so many seasons away and this is a question to the long time fans…
Anyone got the hook up for like analysis posts, fan speculation and theories (before or during a [new]season) or even fan timelines like: x was when they started filming and x and x happened during the time the series was cancelled (idk I just vaguely read about it while scrolling in tumblr).
Or popular fan blogs for
A. gif sets (cause I love reading them reblog tags)
B. character fan blogs (that doubles as a page to also show appreciation for the actors)
I don’t only need to consume B99 and memorize every scene in my head, I also want to experience the excitement the fandom had while it was still running (like I’ll watch the comic con panels after I finish all 8 seasons).
For the record Captain Holt, Gina, and Rosa are my favorites (but I’ll be reblogging more Jake Peralta content ‘cause he’s “the guy” of the show and he is very loveable. Doug Judy the man the myth the legend himself said it. He’s scrappy and loveable!)
[Go Razzmatazz is THE comedy scene that lives rent free in my head]
[Among all the Peraltiago moments though, it was their dance when they went undercover with Holt that got me. I FUCKING LOVE DANCING SCENES. OH MY GOD you have no idea how much I just live for a teaches b to dance kind of scenes]
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There is not enough jake peralta x Doug Judy (platonic or romantic) fanfic out there!! WHY??? ITS SUCH A GOOD DUO COME ON YALL THEY HAVE GREAT CHEMISTRY!! TONS OF POTENTIAL FOR GREAT SITUATIONS (also “hi I’m Amy this is my boyfriend jake and his boyfriend judy”)
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lithiumseven · 4 years
What is the Jake Peralta/Doug Judy bromance ship name?
I need to know
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lionowlonao3 · 6 years
“Fly to Montréal, hit a classy hotel bar, bone a stranger, slump over.”
His slump is over, but Jake can’t get Rosa’s idea out of his head. So he goes anyway, and has a wonderful night. It’s the last thing he expects when months later, Rosa arrests the stranger in question.
Relationships: Doug Judy/Jake Peralta
Characters: Jake Peralta, Doug Judy, Rosa Diaz, Gina Linetti, Charles Boyle,  Amy Santiago
Additional tags: × Episode: s01e03 The Slump × Episode: s01e12 Pontiac Bandit × Canon Compliant × One Night Stands × Bisexual Jake Peralta × Bisexual Doug Judy × referenced future Jake/Amy × Season/Series 01 ×
my pillowfort // if you love it, please consider supporting me on ko-fi
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cherylblossom · 3 years
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#the development
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alphawolfice1989 · 1 year
Jake And Doug Judy’s Final Goodbye | Brooklyn 99 Season 8 Episode 5
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