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botw/totk link is a masochist and it shows
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so for the 1.5k celebration, i was thinking jake peralta with any trope tbh. enemies to lovers, secret relationship, etc.
i’ve missed writing for my og jake named character. gn!reader
(1.5K celebration)
“so… how’d your date go last night?” looking up from your files you saw gina perched on the edge of your desk. her cheshire cat smile peering down as she waiting for details.
“uh… he was nice. just talked at the bar for a little before i started to feel sick. but i- i don’t think it’s gonna work out.” shrugging off disappointment.
“what?” gina’s brows furrowed, “eric is everything for you. did he not pay?” her mouth scrunching to the side.
you sighed, “ye- yeah. kinda old fashioned of me, but i like when they pay at least on the first date.” you taped your pen against your report papers.
gina whistled low, “wow. so your saying jake paid on your first date? broke boy peralta?” clear confusion in her words.
it made you smile at the quick memory flash, “shocking, yes. was very-“ you stopped short as you registered what gina said and your response. “i- i mean-“
“i know already. you don’t gotta lie.” that gigantic smile of hers with those throaty chuckles.
“then why’d you set me on a date?” fully turning your attention on her instead of your robbery case. you only said yes to that so she’d stop, the guy was really nice, but he didn’t seem interested in you anyway.
gina flung her hands about, “well one, eric is a friend of mine and he’s gay. two, it gave me an excuse to finally snoop. so jake invited me over for drinks and a mama mia movie and when he was a few too deep he started to say…”
“i just- i just love them so much. i- i’m gonna marry that sweet face.” jake was on his living room floor, waving his arms in the air. gina, with her phone out and recording, just watched as her childhood friend became a drunk babbling mess. “i love you babyyyyyy.”
“oh wow. your gonna have to send that to me.” pointing at the video gina showed you. you can’t wait to bug jake about this when you get home.
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fyuuura · 4 months
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UNDERCOVER | jake peralta
summary: jake peralta goes undercover to infiltrate a famous mob and he meets you, the niece of the boss who loves cops.
world count: 3.9k
notes: this is my first one shot and first writing since making this account. my obsession with jake peralta is crazy.
It was no secret that a recently fired police officer was just introduced to the Ianucci crime family. When your father announced it to you, you immediately got up from laying on the couch. It was hard to believe since your family had hated cops since the beginning of time. Although you were apart of the Ianucci family, you weren't involved in whatever business they were apart of due to your mother wanting an normal life. They were still family and as long as no one mentioned business, they could live in harmony.
You were indifferent in your opinion about cops. Many were snobs, but the few that cared for their community were the ones you could respect. Though, you did have to admit that you love a man in uniform and seeing your extended family being apart of the mob, only made the whole uniform more appealing. You weren't close to much of your extended family, only the girls who weren't much involved with the business either.
"Who let him in?" You curiously asked.
"Your uncle Leo. Apparently he got fired from the police force and bought everybody drinks. He made a big scene." He chuckled.
"Mmm. How old is he?" You excitedly inquired, leaning forward in anticipation for the answer. You were a single woman in her twenties, you needed answers.
"Yeah absolutely not." Your father said in his thick Brooklyn accent. "He's an ex-cop, and we all know how cops are. A bunch of playboys I tell you. They are no good."
"As if the Ianucci family is much better." You shook your head, and changed the television channel.
"We aren't. I'll admit that, but we do have loyalty. You never know what these cops will throw at you. If or when the Ianucci family falls, I guarantee it'll be because my brothers or cousins stupidity."
"You think they'll get arrested." You asked.
"Oh honey, they may be my family, but if they get caught, they know what they did. Plus, it'll serve them right for crashing my tenth birthday party and turning it into a mess." Your father shook his head, still holding a grudge over decades old fights.
You and your father arrived to the family party and he immediately went off to go dance with his cousins while you went to go find a waiter with some food. You didn't really know what to do in some parties, you often drifted through the crowds and mingled with the people, but you always found your way back to the bar.
You sat at the bar, wine glass in one hand and your hand bag in the other. It was peaceful until you notice a guy sitting down right next to you, ordering a drink. You've never seen him before, but you hoped he wasn't an extended family member. He had a rather nice face, a kind, unsuspecting smile, and a fit body. You smiled as he grabbed the drink from the bartender. 'Just my type.'
It was like he sensed you looking as he turned to face you. He smiled once he saw you were staring at him, but you didn't turn away. No, you needed to know who he was. "Hey."
"Why hello there. What's your name?" He replied back, his voice just as charming as him.
"[Name] Ianucci." It was like he was hooked onto the words that slipped out of your mouth. His eyes were mesmerizing. "I haven't seen you around before."
"It's my first party. Leo invited me. I'm Jake Peralta." He held out his hand for her to shake, but she froze. He watched as her eyes widened, her lips parted, and her eyebrows raised.
"The ex-cop!" She gasped then quickly put a hand over her mouth since she said that too loud. No wonder she was so attracted to him, she could spot a man in uniform even if he wasn't in it.
He laughed, "Yes, the ex-cop. Not my proudest moment, but I'm glad I'm no longer one. God, was it the worst possible profession I could've chosen."
"Really? Why do you say that?" She inquired.
"It's filled with a bunch of idiotic snobs and they fired me without good reason so good riddens to them." Jake said as if he didn't love his job and the people he works with. However, he had to play the role perfectly if he didn't want to get found out. Before he went undercover, he was informed about most members of the Ianucci family. Mostly the major characters involved with the mob, as well as their children and extended family. He remembered hearing about [Name] Ianucci, your father left the way of life long ago, but the family still kept in touch. Jake didn't have much information about you. You were the boss's niece but you didn't like to associate yourself with their beliefs. Due to this, you became a small outsider.
"I think being a cop is cool. I used to watch so many movies and if I didn't hate running as much as I do now, I think I would've became one."
"An Ianucci being a cop? I thought you guys hate my kind- wait that sounds off."
"We'll they do cause of you know what, but something about holding a gun and posing like a Charlie's angel seems so cool." You imitated the famous pose as you faked a gun with your hands and Jake shook his head chuckling.
"Hey, if you were on my team then I would've begged for my job back." He admitted and you raised a brow before taking a sip of your drink. Then he immediately paused, realizing what he said. Changing the topic was his best course of action, "So what do you do for work? Do you do the same as them?"
"Oh no. I dont associate myself with what they do, my side of the family decided to pursue other sorts of careers. I'm a first grade teacher."
"Sweet, so like you teach kids and get to play with them. Is it hard?" He tried to sound suave, leaning back in his chair. He was secretly happy to know that the pretty girl didn't do mob activities because that would've clashed with his morals and mission.
"I mean, being a teacher is always difficult, but it's a new experience everyday and I get to build bonds with the children of our future. I wouldn't have it any other way." She fondly smiled as she recalled her job. Jake noticed the ways were eyes softened and lit up. Her body language changed and got more relaxed as she shared her life. "But enough about me, I want to learn more about-"
Before she could finish, she heard the familar voice of an uncle interupt her. "Yo Peralta, come here and sing with us."
The two looked at the group of middle aged to old men, obviously wasted and drunk and having a jolly good time. Jake didn't want to end the conversation with you, but at the same time, he couldn't miss this opportunity to get close with the Ianucci family. You made eye contact once again and you nodded, ushering him to go hang out with your other family.
"We'll continue this conversation next time!" You said and he nodded, smiling and confirming that this won't be the last time you two meet as he shimmied towards the men. You shook your head as you watched him so effortlessly earn the affections of your uncles. He looked so carefree as he partied.
"Oh my was he hot." You whispered, smiling to yourself like an idiot after the interaction, and calling the bartender to serve you one more drink. So what if he was an ex-cop, it couldn't possibly be that bad.
You and Jake Peralta saw each other a few more times after that. Your aunt gave him a small part time job at their restaurant/cafe. He made the coffee, which you ordered every morning, and the sandwiches. You watched as he charmed you aunt and the customers and you fell into his trap as well as he used every morning he could with you there to talk to you. A joke a day keeps the doctor away, as Jake would say as you laughed at almost every one of his jokes
"Hey hey hey, [name]." Jake greeted as you sat right across from him. He started hanging out quite frequently at your distant uncle's restaurant which was right by your house. Jake was one step ahead of you and already had your favorite coffee order ready. "Another long day of entertaining the little devils."
"Once again, they are seven and most are little angels but thank you for the drink." You took a sip before your eyes landed on his hair. His entire appearance has changed a lot since you met him. His hair grew longer and he started to slick it back using gel. He wasn't wearing the button up shirts anymore, and instead switched to tracksuits even when you said it wasn't his best look. "Your hair looks a lot better now that you've grown it out."
"What can I say? Just call me the next Brad Pitt." He flipped his imaginary long hair and smiled as he watched your smile.
"Absolutely not, but I appluad your effort." You smiled as his face fell into a pout. It was the mornings like this that made you excited to wake up and get ready. Ever since Jake started to hang around, you've been waking up a tad bit earlier to spend extra time getting ready and sleeping a tad bit later due to the uncontrollable smile on your face.
"Why do you even like being a teacher? All I can imagine are those little children gluing crayons onto their fingernails and eating it." He started playing with his fingers to try and model what he thinks the kids would look like.
"First of all, never do that again because it is not cute."
"Hey! Everything I do is cute." Jake got offended while you just stared at him as if he was an alien. It didn't last long because you can never get over his pouty face that makes him look like a sad dog.
"Second of all, I just love being around kids. When I was a child, my parents were almost never around until I got older. When my dad left the family business and pursued another career, it took up most of his time and my mom lives overseas. Teachers were the ones that filled in that parental role and I wanted to be just like them." When you finished your little backstory, Jake was staring at you which made you look down in embarrassment, "Sorry for the rant, I-"
"No, dont apologize, I get it." His voice seemed softer, softer than the voice he uses to tease you with, softer than the voice he uses to flirt with you, softer than the manly voice he uses around your uncles; it felt real. "My parents weren't really there either so I spent my childhood alone watching 'Die Hard'."
"I love that movie. I used to watch that too since my dad has it on the DVDs" You shared a comforting look.
"God, you just get more perfect don't you." He quickly spoke as he melted, your hands were quickly grasped in his. That was new. Maybe you should mention 'Die Hard' again if this was going to be his reaction.
"Looks like we're more alike than we think." You smiled, looking at your intertwined hands. He either didn't let go because there was no going back or he liked the feeling.
"You can add both being late because I am never on time and you are about to be tardy young lady."
Panic filled your eyes and you hastly got up from your seat, taking your bag and coffee, and pushed in your chair, "Bye bye!"
"Bye" Jake said in a sing songy voice as he waved and watched you entire your car before driving off.
You both shared a sandwich that was cut in half as the streets filled with people walking to work or to get their morning drink or breakfast.
"So, are you going to the wedding tomorrow?" His tone seemed a bit different. You couldn't quite place your finger on it, but lately hes been a bit more fidgety. Maybe the wedding makes him feel lonely and he was about to ask you?
"Oh, I wish I could, but I don't really like those two getting married so I'd rather not waste my time." You shamelessly admitted and he looked almost relieved.
"How about your dad?"
"He doesn't like them either and he left on a business trip last night and wont return until next week." You told him, "Why do you ask?"
"Just wondering since it seems like a big event." His eyes widened as he emphasized the word big. "But there's no need for you to come anyways if you don't like them-"
"Did you want me to come?" You tilted your head as he stumbled for the right answer. You were honestly hoping that he would finally ask you out and you wouldn't have to be carefully searching through the restaurant windows to see if he was there.
"Oh no. Noooo. Not at all. You really shouldn't come." He was way too dismissive and offensive and it came out way harsher than he expected.
"Oh." You simply said and you could definitely feel your heart being cracked right open from embarrassment of ever thinking he was going to ask you out. It's not like you were daydreaming during work or right before bed of him asking you, but a simple no would be sufficed.
"I didn't mean it like that!" Jake saw the way the corners of her lips turned slightly down and wanted to punch himself for not choosing his words carefully. It's been two months since he started this undercover mission. The first four were spent learning the Ianucci family and how they operated. Now that he has successfully infiltrated the family, it was time for the hardest part. Breaking the connections he had formed. At first, he thought it would be a piece of pie. The only thing he shouldn't do is actually care about these people. That shouldn't have been hard since they were all criminals... Most were criminals at least. He was never supposed to keep talking to you, that wasn't the plan. He should have never asked why you wanted to be a cop, he should've never asked why kids made you so happy, and he should've never talked to you to begin with, but he did, and now he has to face the consequences of his actions.
Although you weren't involved with the business, they were still your blood-related family. They invited you and your dad to the parties and gave you discounts in the stores that they owned. Sure, you didn't like or associate yourself with most of them, but Jake knew you still cared for them because they were family and he didn't know how he could ever face you again for what he'll be doing at the wedding.
"I mean I'd love to have you as my partner to the wedding, but I wouldn't want to make you be somewhere you don't want to be. Especially since we all know that the groom is a dirty cheat and the bride is the definition of a mean girl." He rambled and you agreed with the last part since you watched him up with most of the drama. "But, that's not to say that I wouldn't want to go with you because you know- it's you, and-"
"Okay Peralta. Slow down. Down forget to breath." You used slow down movements with your hands, bringing it up and down slowly to make him stop rambling.
Jake stopped his rant and took a deep, deep breath.
"I get it, you don't need to defend yourself so much."
"Let me restate. [Name] Ianucci, I would be honored to be your partner or whatever gathering you want, except the wedding. That is if you'd still want me to after the wedding-"
"Of course I would!" She interrupted him, a gummy smile slapped across her face and Jake soon matched it with his own after she joyfully agrtowards. couldn't even act nonchalant like you'd imagined you would if he ever asked. You were so overwhelmed with joy that you totally missed the part where he said 'if you'd still want me after the wedding.' It was a simple sentence that you overlooked any double meaning towards. "Ehem, I mean cool.
"Cool. Cool, cool, cool, cool, cool." Jake leaned back in his chair, taking a sip of his iced drink as a goofy smile etched across his face. However, despite how happy he should've been in that moment, it was soon crushed by the overwhelming feeling of guilt as you excused yourself to go to work.
Shock wasn't enough to describe what you felt as you watched the news. Short videos and photos played across the screen as the news reporter reported on New York's latest arrests and there you found partially blurred photos of extended family and the wedding venue that you didn't attend. It didn't feel real as you saw the police arrest people you've seen at family gatherings. Someone must have snitched and you have a feeling that you know exactly who.
Jake Peralta. It started to make sense. He practically told you to not attend the wedding, but you were too caught up to understand why. Had you attended the wedding without his heads up, you would've been another person in those handcuffs.
You felt betrayed, but also protected. He had asked for you and your father's whereabouts before the entire thing happened. Was this his way of keeping you safe? Did he actually have feelings or did he just want to use you to learn more about the family and you gave it to him?
Scenes flashed throughout your mind as your reminded of all the times he asked odd questions and all the times you spilled to him the secrets. You began to form a headache as your reality came crashing down.
Your father had predicted the fall to happen somewhat like this. It was your Uncle's stupidity to let in an ex-cop and now look at where that landed them. You wouldn't say that you were sad, you anticipated the day where karma would take its place for all the victims of their business; you just never would have guessed that you fell in love with the person who caused that downfall.
Love, what a silly feeling to feel towards someone who you were sure abandoned you. Would he even fulfill his promise to take you on a date after this entire wedding? Should you be mad at him for doing his job and lying to you about his identity? What was real and what was fake?
Knock! Knock! Knock!
Who was it? Who could be knocking at your door at 10 in the night. Could it be the cops coming to arrest you for not outing your family? You quietly snuck to the door, scared to see the person who lurks behind it. It was a polite knock, not a police-y at all. Maybe it was a friend or cousin. You slowly opened the door, and peeked your head to see who it was.
"Jake Peralta?" You said his full name in suprise.
"[Name], please can we talk." He looked like desperate as he towered over you, his arm on the frame of the door, and the other on the door knob.
"I don't know if that's a good idea, Jake." You were wary and didn't know how to feel. Evergtbing was happening all at once and you felt lost, but you needed answers.
"Please, give me a chance to explain everything." He pleaded with desperate eyes. "I know you're probably confused and upset, but let me explain and you can ask questions."
"Come in." You stepped aside and let him into your home for the very first time. It wasn't the scenario you imagined but it was a something. You walked over to the living room but neither one of you felt like this was a conversation to be had sitting down.
"It was you wasn't it? The one who sold them out?"
"Yes. It was." He admitted, "I'm still a cop."
"So you were just undercover the whole time?"
"Yes, I approached your uncle at the bar and it went from there. I can't say much- actually I already am, but, you weren't supposed to be apart of it."
"Stop right there, Peralta. Just give me a moment." You took a deep breath and when you thought you were ready to speak, your mouth held you back. A few more sighs later and you were ready with your next quest, "When we were talking? Did you approach me to just get more information?"
"Well, no. I thought you were cute so I sat down next to you at the bar. That wasn't the higher ups telling me to do it, that was my free will." Jake cracked an awkward smile, but saw on her face that that was not the tone. "I was already informed that you and you father have no part in the business so you weren't really on my radar. When we started talking, sure you did give me the latest gossip, but I wanted to talk to you. Like for realsies."
"So when you told me that you grew up alone-"
"That was all true. Everything I told you about myself was true, except for the whole undercover cool secret spy thing. You have every right to be mad-"
"I'm not mad." You told him and Jake's eyebrows shot up.
"You're not?"
"You were just doing your job and I can respect you for protecting your city, like batman." You sighed, regretting references batman in this serious conversation. "Most of my family there don't like me and do terrible stuff anyways. We were only relates by blood, besides, you did tell me not to go."
"I didn't want you to see the aftermath of everything. You had no part in anything and-
"But wouldn't I still get in trouble for not reporting it? I mean, I knew what kind of people they were but I didnt say anything." Jake stayed silent and she continued, "Why protect me? There are others in there that had no part too. Why me?"
"Because..." he trailed off, feeling his heart start to race as you looked at him to continue, "Because, your special to me. I really really like you, [Name]. I like the way you talk, the way speak about your students, the way you smile, the way your eyes softened when you talk about things you love. The way you put up with my childish antics and act like you don't like it but smile just seconds later. You never judge when I'm talking and I like you so much that I feel like I'm about to burst. I would rather you hate me than me not be in your life at all. I know I lied but I am serious about you and when this is all over, I want to fulfill the promise I made to you. I am in love with you."
I am in love with you. That's all you needed to make your decision. Your hands found it's way to the sides of his face and your lips found it's way to his. He immediately wrapped his hands around your waist, one resting one the small of your back and the other resting on your hip, stabling the both of you admist your passion. You moved your right hand into his hair that was already ruffled and messed up as he was running and finding his way to your apartment. He kissed you as if he was been yearning for the touch of a woman for centuries. It was so gentle but so passionate that you could feel your face getting hotter and heart beating faster. You both pulled each other as close as possible and he leaned forward to try and deeply feel you even closer. When you finally did break the kiss, he stared down at you with half lidded eyes, drunken on love and the sight you.
You grabbed his chin and softly brought it closer, "I love you too. The way that you joke around, the way that you smile, the way you talk, the stupid smile on your face when you talk about 'Die Hard' or the stories you had when you were a cop. I love all of it. I love you." You whispered and he rested his head on your shoulder, overwhelming happy that he didn't ruin one of the best things in his life.
"So, it's after the wedding technically. How about that date-" He started as you just melted into his chest.
"Just shush and enjoy this moment. We'll figure out everything later. Let's go to my room." You grabbed his hand and led him to your room, "While I have your attention though, you need to drop these tracksuits because I love a man in uniform."
"Already on it." He smirked as you closed and locked the door. You, [Name] Ianucci, dating and being with a cop whose absolutely hated by your family. What's the worse that could happen?
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tomuraslut · 11 months
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Time again for this wonderful quote!
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wingamy24 · 4 months
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crow2222 · 8 months
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I mixed my two comfort media because I can !!!!!!!!
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Redraws of the cast as the gang :3!
I also have sketches of them but there's a pic limit so.
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stormy-butterfly · 10 months
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demiboydemon · 27 days
Jake @ Holt in Season One:
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Jake @ Holt in Season six:
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tabslime · 12 days
there is a jake peralta DROUGHT out here and i see u write for b99 and i just NEED to ride his face to feel his nose bumping into my clit ok woah who said that
i got u i got u🙏🙏
!!!mdni nsfw!!!
⋆˚ 𝜗𝜚˚⋆ jake peralta - angel ˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚
afab anatomy
one use of “girl”
oral sex
౨ৎ “so pretty f’me. my angel.” jake cooed as you squirmed against his grip. his arms were hooked under your knees, keeping you spread open as he flicked your clit with his tongue. his knees ached from kneeling on the carpet for so long, but it was worth it to see you like this. you’d come home from work late, tired and snappy, and with jake practically coaxing you into bed - which of course had ended with him propping you up with his arms, kissing and teasing gently at your swollen bud.
all you could really do at this point was let out little whines and whimpers, the weight of the day suddenly coming crashing down as you felt yourself getting closer to the edge. jake leaned his cheek flush against the flesh of your inner thigh, gazing up at you with those brown doe eyes that always made your knees buckle.
“jake.” you mumbled, arching your back as you stretched your worn muscles. he hummed in return, gently massaging your leg. “want more.”
he smirked against your skin, giving you a look. that look.
“y’wanna sit on my face?” he said, as if it was the most casual request in the world. you sat up a little, your hair messier than a bird’s nest.
“really?” you questioned, unsure if he was being fully serious. he nodded eagerly, giving you that shit eating grin he used when he was scheming something evil, like a super villain, or when he was just incredibly turned on. you guessed it was the second one.
and so, in classic jake peralta fashion, you ended up fully riding his face. feverishly letting out little noises of approval when his nose bumped into your clit just right, gasping when he flicked his tongue against your folds. and as the burning release crashed over you, you swore you saw stars. yelling out profanities as you pressed yourself further onto his tongue, reviling in the sheer bliss that clouded your senses, clutching the headboard for dear life.
of course, jake wouldn’t let it end after that. he didn’t stop until you were shaking, shivering as he lifted you onto his lap, sitting up.
“you okay?” he said attentively, gently patting your cheek as you gave him a dazed nod. “there’s my girl. feel better?” you hummed, on the verge of passing out as he kept you steady against his chest.
“good job, baby. did so good.” he murmured against your hair, setting you down on the mattress as you finally welcomed sleep.
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hellish-cruelty · 7 months
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Brooklyn Nine Nine (2003 - 2021)
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reinerist · 1 year
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nightcourtlady17 · 1 month
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Azriel is the best chaperone in my opinion 😂😂
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rusty25 · 1 year
this scene
Rosa: let's get this pregnancy test thing over with. Amy: I can't. I have no pee inside of me. I'm pee-free, Rosa! what do I do? what do I do?!?! Rosa: ... drink water Amy: oh yeah. you're so smart. you're a very good friend. I'm glad you're here
is the exact same as
Hermione: it likes the dark and the damp... Harry: so light a fire! Hermione: yes - of course - but there's no wood? Ron: HAVE YOU GONE MAD? ARE YOU A WITCH OR NOT? Hermione: oh, right!
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rellygc · 1 year
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Here’s the second batch of my Six Fanarts challenge. This time, featuring sapphic characters from TV. 🩵🏳️‍🌈
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wingamy24 · 7 months
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hey moots, reminder that i also love b99 and jake peralta (im probably going to make a sideblog)
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crow2222 · 11 months
Darry lets sodapop cook for the first time.
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