#jake la motta
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nickmikeoneshot · 2 years ago
If you want a boxer I will step into the ring for you
If you want a driver, climb inside Or if you want to take me for a ride You know you can
I'm your man
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ivovynckier · 2 years ago
The montage scene from "Raging Bull" (Martin Scorsese).
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panspanther · 8 months ago
Raging Bull
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letterboxd-loggd · 6 months ago
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Raging Bull (1980) Martin Scorsese
August 23rd 2024
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will80sbyers · 8 months ago
Holly Wheeler's room in season 5
We have a drawing of ballerinas (like if someone is getting Vecnad), one drawing of an owl (?) (owls in the background = bad omens theory) with a red balloon(?) like in IT and the one near the yellow I don't get exactly what it could be... She also has a blonde Barbie head that I feel like could be both because she's a kid that wants to play at being pretty and because for the symbolism it's an image of her mom I think
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Lots of colours and happy vibes, she seems to be a very artistic kid, she also plays something (I think it's most likely a violin)
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she loves rainbows, the plushie seems to be either a mouse or a bear but I'm leaning towards the mouse because she has the Fievel poster... I'm curious about that other smaller poster but I don't know what it could be about...
Then we also had this side of her room with the Alf poster
Alf is an alien that "likes to eat cats and comment on the stupidity of humanity" apparently... Demodog/Henry related imo
Plot of the show from Wikipedia:
Gordon Shumway is an alien from the planet Melmac who follows an amateur radio signal to Earth and crash-lands into the garage of the Tanners, a suburban middle-class family who live in the San Fernando Valley area of California. The family consists of social worker Willie (Max Wright), his wife Kate (Anne Schedeen), their teenage daughter Lynn (Andrea Elson), younger son Brian (Benji Gregory), and pet cat Lucky. ( Holly Wheeler as a cat... lol )
Willie gives Gordon the nickname ALF ("Alien Life Form"), and, unsure what to do, the Tanners take ALF into their home to hide him from the Alien Task Force, a part of the U.S. military that specializes in aliens, and their nosy neighbors Trevor and Raquel Ochmonek (John La Motta and Liz Sheridan), until he can repair his spacecraft. Though his culture shock, survivor's guilt, and loneliness often cause problems for the Tanners, as well as their fear of what could happen if others were to discover his existence, they grow to care for and love him as a part of the family.
It is later revealed that ALF's home planet, Melmac, exploded due to nuclear war, leaving him and other survivors of his species without a home, and that he survived its destruction because he was away as part of the Melmac Orbit Guard. In the season one episode "Pennsylvania 6-5000", ALF tries to convince the President of the United States to stop the nuclear program, as he fears that Earth could suffer a similar fate to Melmac, though a misunderstanding causes the President and national security to call the FBI to arrest Willie.
Episodes dealt with ALF learning about Earth and making new friends both within and outside the Tanner family, including Willie's brother Neal (Jim J. Bullock), Kate's widowed mother Dorothy (Anne Meara), with whom ALF has a love-hate relationship, her boyfriend and later husband Whizzer (Paul Dooley), the Ochmoneks' nephew Jake (Josh Blake), the psychologist Larry (Bill Daily) and the blind woman Jody (Andrea Covell), who never learns of ALF's true nature, but does know through touch that he is short and hairy.
Changes occur in the Tanner household over the course of the series, including the birth of a new child, Eric, who was added to the series because Anne Schedeen was pregnant at the time; ALF moving from the laundry room to the attic, which he and Willie convert into an "apartment", and the death of Lucky in the season four episode "Live and Let Die", which ALF accepts despite having previously attempted to catch and eat him due to having come to love and respect him. When ALF adopts a new cat with the intention of eating it, he grows fond of it and allows the Tanners to adopt it.
(Maybe Henry grows fond of Holly and doesn't kill her because of that???)
In the 1996 movie Project ALF, which follows ALF after his capture by the USAF, the Tanners do not appear due to moving to Iceland.
and some books of foreshadowing that we analyzed previously, Peter Pan, A royal Pain, Nancy Drew and the secret of the old clock... which tbh seems all related to Henry and seeing that he will take Holly at one point it makes sense
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These are the covers, it seems she's in the middle of reading the Nancy book because she has a bookmark there
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An important note is that one of these books, A Royal Pain, talks about someone thinking they've been switched at birth with someone else, and this switched at birth idea gets also associated with Nancy in season 3 when she talks to her mom...
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Then we have obviously the "Nancy" book with the clock being related to Vecna's clock and there's a mystery connected to this clock and then Peter Pan which Henry is sort of a dark version of that when he takes children away to a land where they stop growing........... 💀
people have already talked about this and also about Petergate (the name Peter gets repeated in the show SO many times) and the belief that there might be someone important to the story called Peter that we don't know about yet, or maybe that has been mentioned only once in season 4 aka Owens son that seems to be both dead and somehow, the military thinks he may be related to how Chrissy died so maybe he died in the same way as her?
Because they take his things and put this line in the show for some reason
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deniroarchives · 2 years ago
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“Robert De Niro's copy of Raging Bull, My Story by Jake La Motta with Joseph Carter and Peter Savage (Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1970) Robert De Niro Papers BV235”
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antennaweb · 9 months ago
Gilbert Sinquè - Le Storie d'Amore che hanno cambiato il Mondo - di Serenella Mariani
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Gilbert Sinquè - Le Storie d'Amore che hanno cambiato il Mondo Un libro davvero interessante che fa parlare d’amore è “ Le storie d’amore che hanno cambiato il mondo” di Gilbert Sinoué. In questo romanzo vengono raccontate dodici storie di coppie che si sono amate in modo totale e coinvolgente che hanno portato a degli epiloghi importanti, anche se non tutte hanno realmente cambiato il corso della storia,e anche tanto dolore. Quelle raccontate sono narrazioni piene di passione e problemi che hanno portato i protagonisti ad amarsi, ad allontanarsi e a riavvicinarsi. Ci sono storie più conosciute ed altre di cui se ne è parlato di meno ma tutte hanno contribuito, in un modo o in un altro, a muovere eventi importanti per la storia della nazione di appartenenza e non solo. Come ad esempio la passione di Don Pedro per Inès De Castro che ha portato spargimento di sangue, oppure la storia di Nehru e Lady Mountbatten che ha contribuito all’indipendenza dell’India. Oppure l’amore di Lady Hamilton per Nelson che ha fatto in modo che l’ammiraglio non soccombesse nella baia di Abukir, per poi passare alla storia più famosa tra Wallis Simpson ed Edoardo VIII con l’epilogo che tutti  conosciamo.E come non parlare di Édith Piaf che ha condizionato la vita di Jake la Motta? Oppure dell’amore maledetto tra Arthur Rimbaud e Paul Verlaine? L’autore con queste storie realmente accadute ci accompagna in un viaggio attraverso i secoli, in paesi distanti e diversi tra loro per morfologia e cultura, ricostruendo in maniera dettagliata le loro vite, arricchendo il tutto con documenti storici come lettere o memorie. Per ogni racconto viene usato uno stile di narrazione differente contribuendo a non rendere pesante il romanzo. La maggior parte di questi amori sono nati e maturati nella clandestinità e non tutti finiti bene, a dimostrazione che la vita delle persone famose non è fatta soltanto di copertine patinate. L’autore è bravo ad incuriosire il lettore e a spingerlo ad approfondire quanto letto in maniera avida. Una lettura piacevolissima che non annoia! Ascolta la recensione play_arrow LE STORIE D'AMORE CHE HANNO CAMBIATO IL MONDO SERENELLA MARIANI Read the full article
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montecrizto · 10 months ago
sometimes i have to stop and think. just about how fucking good raging bull (1980) is. you make a movie about a boxer where the ring is a sacred place ruled by noble and untouchable values and the fighting is permeated by the utmost respect for you adversary. and where violence lies, instead, in the small details of every day life, in the words exchanged between family and friends, in the looks and the gestures. the dialogues between brother and brother are suffocating, the pursue of a woman is anxiety ridden. every scene about love is about rage and fear and control and paranoia. a fight between husband and wife feels harrowing and final and a match between fighters makes you take a breath of relief. jake la motta fails everyone in his life but sobs and cries and regrets only when he fails his opponent and breaks the holy rules of the sport. he ruined the last part of his life that still held honour and peace and that ultimately seals his descent into nothing. we are unwilling, uncomfortable spectators of the nullification of a man who brought this destiny upon himself, and can only ask the wall “why did i do it?”. no one answers: silence is yet another of the many languages of violence, spoken at its loudest under the dim lights of a prison cell, where he is left really alone with himself for the first time. he tries to love his brother one last time but even the simplest affection, the one that a man has towards his family, has been corrupted irreversibly by violence. in the end he is left with only his reflection, his hands closed into fists, as he turns against himself, too.
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abraham2love · 1 year ago
martin scorsese : director
full movie
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graminhani · 1 year ago
Raging Bull (USA, 1980): 😀 [2012]
Cinebiografia do boxeador Jake La Motta, o “Touro Indomável” do Bronx. De Martin Scorsese com De Niro e Joe Pesci.
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a woman could/should be so fortunate to find ... a guy as physically fit... and as intelligent .. an overachiever.. that slaps instead of punches that yells instead of phoning up the cops ... right... and this is when he's unhappy or the woman has not listened really... she's cheating on him or going out socialising with friends and disappearing.. not being informative enough.. she's calling him fat/ugly.. when he's just fine looking (extra weight or not)..so.. how is jake la motta in raging bull ... a total villain? or overly abusive to his women/woman? the alternative is a guy that is not so hands on.. that probably is out of shape physically.. and is not a go getter.. is not that passionate or into you... the lady.. right... no man is perfect... i don't like overly "nice" guys or .. "mousey" types.. that give a woman freedoms .. and don't know what they are doing in life... maybe jake is imperfect.. but all or most are... there's good that outweighs the bad.. -kelley
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a-martian-chronicle · 2 years ago
So I just watched Raging Bull for the first time. I’m at a loss for why it’s such a renowned film. Like…Jake La Motta was an abusive, misogynistic, emotionally immature piece of shit. Why did Scorcese choose to glorify him? The movie itself wasn’t even that good. It was a boring and uncomfortable story about a bum who blew his chance to be a world champion boxer. So what? Am I supposed to be impressed that Bob De Niro got shredded then fat for this role? Just an insanely overrated “classic”
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ivovynckier · 2 years ago
The counterintuitive but brilliant use of operatic music in "Raging Bull" (Martin Scorsese): Pietro Mascagni's "Cavalleria Rusticana".
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rebeleden · 2 years ago
Watch "Robert De Niro gained 60 pounds to play Jake La Motta" on YouTube
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newyorkthegoldenage · 3 years ago
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June 18, 1949: It's all Jake in the Bronx. Jake LaMotta gets a hero's reception as he arrives home at 994 Neil Avenue in the Bronx, after winning the middle-weight title against Marcel Cerdan in Detroit.
Photo: Fred Morgan for the NY Daily News via Getty Images
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misterivy · 2 years ago
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