#jake has italian roots in this one
crooked-jes · 8 months
wip wednesday :)
thanks for tagging me, @urmomsonfire!!!! <3<3<3
here's a little snippet from my fake relationship fic. it's long as hell (sorry) but it's my beloved excerpt and i'm sticking a big "made with love" sign onto it. enjoy!
Bradley takes the initiative of cleaning after breakfast while Hangman is scrolling through his phone, still at the dining table. He washes all the dishes and wipes the counter clean, and then the still unpacked tote bag catches his attention, so he steals a quick glance inside. There are some basic ingredients in the bag and Bradley can’t help his curiosity, so he asks,  “What are you gonna cook?” “Pasta,” Hangman answers, and when Bradley turns around, he’s still looking at his phone. “There’s no pasta in the bag, though. Aaand,” he prolongs the vowel and hesitates for a second, “I might’ve forgotten to restock,” Bradley finishes, a little embarrassed, and scratches the back of his head. Hangman’s eyes shoot up in his direction. “I’m not serving my Italian family store-bought pasta.” Bradley blinks.  “So what, you’re gonna make it from scratch?” “Yes?” Hangman says like it’s the most obvious thing in the world. They both stare at each other like the other one has lost his mind before Bradley finally raises a brow and cracks a smile. “Nat is never gonna believe it,” he says before grabbing his phone from where it's lying next to the coffee machine and opening the message box. That seems to spur Hangman into action because he suddenly stands up, the chair legs scratching on the wooden floor, and he’s at Bradley’s side in the blink of an eye. “You’re not texting Phoenix about this, you dick,” he grumbles and tries to take the phone out of Bradley’s hands, but Bradley puts it out of Hangman’s reach. “Oh, I’m totally texting Phoenix about it,” Bradley says and extends his arms even farther, trying to type while also holding his phone up. He’s halfway through the message when he feels a punch right to his gut, fairly light but strong enough to make him wince and bend in half, and soon the phone is out of his hands and Bradley pouts, though he’s not really upset about the loss. “You’re a buzzkill, Hangman.” “Jake.” “What?” Bradley furrows his brows, confused. “Jake. You weren’t gonna call me by my callsign in front of my mother, were you, Bradley?” He quirks a brow. There's a ghost of an amused smile on his lips, and Bradley blinks. “No? Of course I wasn’t.” He tries to sound convincing, but Hangman—Jake doesn’t seem to buy it, his eyes all-knowing. It’s not like Bradley has never thought of Jake as Jake. There was a time in the past when he’d let himself do that, back when Jake wasn’t Hangman yet and Bradley wasn’t Rooster, back when their egos hadn’t yet led them to rivalry so big that any kind of truce or friendship was out of the question. It all changed after the mission, but… it was just easier this way—calling him Hangman. It put some distance between them, allowed Bradley to breathe. Helped him not to feel like he was so close to the flame that he could get burnt at any second if he let his focus slip. So “Hangman” it was. Until now, apparently. Jake clears his throat. His voice is confident and steady when he speaks, but his gaze is fixed on the counter before him, not meeting Bradley’s. Instead, they are trained on the bag handles he's fiddling with. “Want me to teach you?” It’s an olive branch, one of the many they have offered each other in recent months. Bradley takes it without hesitation. “Sure.”
i'm tagging @whistler-king, @acetonitril, @cottagecori, @jaggedstartalk, @karlmschwartz, @hangmanbradshaw, @indybob, @icezansky and everyone who wants to join <3 go wild with it
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dirtytransmasc · 1 year
Ooh what about a Snow White Spider au where he was instead Raised by the animals of Pandora. Idk how he would have gotten separated from everyone but just love the idea of a Jungle Book, Mowgli situation. Just a little baby feral(even more so here)Eywa blessed Spider. 💕💕
TW - pregnancy, childbirth, death, etc. sorta did that here but she only adopts him when he was 8. so it would be a little different right form the get go, and by get go, I mean right after he was born.
lets say that paz tried to flee when she found out about the suicide mission to attack hometree and wanted nothing to do with it, maybe she finally came to her sense and fleed to eywa, to jake and the few other humans on the na'vi side, hoping for some sort of asylum. maybe she just wanted her son to have a chance. maybe she was just fleeing to flee, self-preservation overriding any sort of thought or logic. whatever the case, she flees out into the forest, hoping, praying, begging whoever will listen to save her child.
eywa listens. maybe for her sake, maybe for the childs, maybe just out of curiosity. but she listens.
she watches Paz struggle to birth her child, screaming "it's too early" all the while. eywa can feel her fear, can tell she's scared and doesn't know what to do. she watches as paz gives her all into it and still teeter on the verge of failure, of killing herself and her child, and assists her, connecting to the women through her roots. paz would think she was tripping, but really it was just eywa, one mother helping another.
when the baby is finally born, which was no easy task, even for the Great Mother herself, paz worries he won't be able to breathe. but eywa already had it handled. spider cries, loud, beautiful cries, drawing the attention of all the flora and fauna in the area. a viperwolf watching the pair from a ridge, not lurking a target, but rather curious of the small thing wrapped in his mother's arms. paz wants to scare it away but finds herself too weak to do so, and then a surge of clam fills her, Eywa telling her it will all be ok.
paz can feel herself dying, some complication or another, she was a high-risk pregnancy to begin with, and she had just delivered early in the middle of the damn forest after running god knows how many miles. while she would rather not die, leaving her premature son alone in these woods, she isn't surprised. instinct makes her want to beg, but as she slumps against the mossy tree trunk she propped herself against, she feels oddly ok with it. again, for the record, does not want to die, but she has this gut feeling her baby will be ok.
she wraps him in her military-issue jacket and holds him for as long as she can. she brushes a finger over his little nose and lets him hold onto her little finger with his entire tiny hand. she prays for her child, despite never having been religious. when she feels herself being on the last few steps of the stairway to heaven, she places spider next to her, so she doesn't risk dropping him.
the las thting she see's is that viperwolf approaching her, calmly, looking back to her cubs half hidden don't he ridge she stood on before. they look each other in the eye, and paz knows, against all rational thought, the way a mother knows, somehow, some way, things will be fine. she lets go, she goes to eywa, leaving her son behind. she was right. eywa was gonna look out for the little one.
spider was hidden away from the war by viperwolves; they were best inept for handling him so young, so tiny. they hid him in their burrows, amongst their other young, and the whole pack would watch after him. they made sure he was clean and fed, much like Lupa had Romulus and Remus back in old earth tales (an old roman/italian myth, look it up). even as he began to walk and explore, they kept him well away from the na'vi, upon eywa's orders. spider wouldn't be safe there, not yet at least, not till he could hold his own. he wouldn't be accepted, not in a way that would be any good for him. so she would keep him out in the forests, away from anyone who could think of hurting him.
he was raised by all the creatures of the forest how to survive, how to stalk pray and hunt, how to find shelter, how to find clean water. he picked up habits of each creature.
he kept to packs like viperwolves, but hunted alone like thanators. he was closely bonded to the herds of titanothere's that roamed the woods and learn to be a gentle 'giant'.he got his speed and agility from slintsh, watching how they raced through the tree tops with grace, learning to copy them, if even at a fraction of the speed.
once she accepted spider would have to be aware of other na'vi, for his sake, she started connecting to him, not for comfort, but to teach him. she started teaching him language and songs (not of the creatures he considered family, but of the na'vi themselves). she taught him most basic concepts in the form she had taken to appear visible to the child. she told him of his mother, how she was a good women, at least in the end, how she was a good person caught up i bad thing. they talked about what they meant, what spider felt that it meant about her. he didn't know. he wanted to hate her, for his his Mother, for hurting pandora, but also pity, because she was forced, in some ways. he would meet her one day, when he was ready, Eywa knew the day was coming, as he asked more and more questions. that was ok, little bird had to fly the nest one day. even if she hated the idea.
spider was aware of the world out there, was allowed to venture towards it, around 13 or so, but he chose to be cautious. Eywa said there was nothing to fear, not now at least, but he didn't want to approach this unknown world. he did venture closer, stalking up in the trees and watching hunters go about their days, children playing. one day he met kiri, who kept his secret after many desperate pleas. she called him odd, said the way he walked, almost bipedal was strange, and the way he made sounds rather than words more often, or how he didn't know what fire was. spider said that was the way things should be done. she didn't disagree, just smiled at him, copying his actions every now and then.
spider had a lot of little quirks. he tipped and chirped and almost barked, imitating to the best of his ability the sounds of the creatures that raised him. he could walk 'normally' but found it easier to crouch and use his hands. he didn't hunt with a knife or a bow and arrow, instead used primitive stones and teeth, long shards of bone, and ate his foods raw. his skin was rough, not only from the sun and heavy use, but because he caked himself with dirt to make it more durable, avoid sunburn and bugs, and to better blend in. not to mention his naturally primitive way of living; sleeping up in the highest branches of trees, with nothing but the loincloth eywa forced him to make and start wearing when he was first capable of doing so.
thats not to mention he shock when he named most animals in his territory, when he was friendly with all fo them, when he could ride the apex predator of the forest and considered vipewolves to be his family.
when kiri would leave, promsing to tell no one, he would go to eywa and ask about the na'vi. she would share stories with him, even have him meet ancestors, like tsu'tey and eytukan, who he really liked. he also met kiri's mom, grace, another human. she taught him a lot about who he was, what it meant that he was human; but she also shared her fascination, a human boy raised by 'wolves', was the greatest of revelations.
one day spider would venture into the village, after months of getting to know kiri and eventually lo'ak and finally neteyam before he got ratted out by a hunter sent to find out where he children of the chief were hiding away. he would stand in front of jake and tell him Eywa was his mother, just like the viperwolves and the titantheres, and a woman named paz who was a good person and did bad things without knowing just how bad they were. jake would stare in shock at this wild child with golden hair and dirt roughened skin, would listen to his stories, follow him out into the woods and find they were all true. spider would refuse to stay in the village, but would quickly take to his new life; the boy who came and left as he pleased, who was the marker of a whole new chapter of the na'vi people.
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holly-louisexox · 2 years
Ribcage X Andy Biersack- Part 3
"There's one thing you should know about me Delia Vincent, I don't date. Got no heart to break and emptiness is safe, keep it that way."
He was adamant in his choices...
...But then things changed.
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Not my Gif
"Damn I did not expect you to be a whiskey girl with all due respect." Jinxx laughs as Jake pours out a drink for Delia.
"I used to be a big rum drinker, but during my time at university I think I drank too much of it, and now I can't even look at the stuff without feeling slightly ill." Delia laughs alongside Jinxx whilst slightly cringing at the memories of getting absolutely fucked at university. "I guess whiskey is the next best thing."
"So you said you studied in Italy? That's quite a distance." Jake comments handing Delia the whiskey and coke he had just poured for her.
"Yeah, well I'm actually half Italian. My dad was born and raised there before moving to the States and he met my mum so stayed here. I found a really good production and tech course there so thought it would be fun to go back to my family roots for a few years, try to pick up some of my inheritance a little bit." Delia tells "Just please don't ask me to speak any Italian because it's atrocious, even having lived there for 5 years."
"Can't be anymore atrocious than the little mishap tonight." Andy explains as a snide remark as he re-enters- the girl he was all up close and personal with mere moments ago no longer in sight.
"Andy, it was one tiny mic malfunction which I got sorted straight away. I didn't mean to cause any issues and I'm sorry if I did." Delia was determined to stay calm, she was not about to lose her temper with this man on the first night- even if he was already getting under her skin.
"Don't you fucking Andy me! You don't know the first thing about me so don't start pretending to be all chummy and apologise for fucking up your job." Andy fumes staring her down.
"You know what? I'm trying to be nice to you and act civil simply for the fact that I'll be working with you for the next few weeks. Is it really so hard for you to show a little bit of respect towards me?" Delia stands up to defend herself; not that standing up did much to her benefit due to the sheer height difference between herself and the arrogant singer. Trying to remain professional with this guy surely was difficult when he was stood there looking like he could throw a punch at any given moment, Delia would be damned if she were to stand there any take any abuse from him.
"You want respect? Do your fucking job and stay the hell out of my way. If you want to bond and be all chummy with anyone else then fine but do it when I'm not around cause I'm not interested." Andy continues to spit; the rest of the band just sitting there awkwardly not sure if they should break the two up or remain silent.
"Fine, have it your way." Delia shrugs before turning her attention to the rest of the band "Sorry guys, I'll see you all later."
"Bye." Lonny waves awkwardly whilst the rest of the band kind of just send a smile her way trying to ignore the tension in the room.
"Don't forget to shut the door on your way out." Andy laughs dryly, now he's just purposely being annoying.
"Screw you." Delia states whilst rolling her eyes before heading towards the door of the band's tour bus.
"No thanks, you're actually not my type." Andy continues to laugh as Delia just flips him a middle finger before existing- she did indeed shut the door behind her too just to keep the diva happy.
"Dude, that was cold even for you." Lonny shakes his head at his bandmate after Delia has left.
"We've worked too hard to let some girl fuck this up for us, I've worked too hard to let some girl fuck me up again." Andy breaks his guard ever so slightly, even in front of he band he usually refrains from breaking; he can't afford the walls he built to crumble down.
"Andy, I know things were hard but it's been 2 years, you need to move on from J-" Lonny begins
"Don't finish that, don't say her name please." Andy cuts him off not wanting to hear the name of the woman who ruined him.
"Andy in the nicest way possible, you've been a dick ever since. It was understandable to begin with but now it's just uncalled for, Delia seems lovely too, would it really be that hard to just be nice or at least civil towards her." CC continues the questioning which makes Andy sigh.
"Look, it's just easier, no feelings means no more getting hurt." Andy explains as he pours himself a straight whiskey before taking a sip.
"One of these days though you're going to catch feelings, especially if you keep sleeping around with women you meet." CC states.
"Or an STD." Jinxx mutters under his breath.
"Dude." Jake hits Jinxx around the head "uncalled for."
"Just stating facts." Jinxx shrugs trying not to laugh whilst Andy sends him a dirty look.
"Look Andy, can you just at least try to get on with Delia? At least for the sake of us so it's less awkward. Plus Shevy is joining us again tomorrow, surely you're not going to be a prick to her too." Jake states making Andy sigh.
"Ah shit yeah, At least we won't be running around in shit make up again aye?" Andy laughs trying to deter from the conversation at hand. "I suppose I'll try to be nice. I'm not making any promises though."
One thing that Delia was happy about was the fact that she had a separate bus to the band. She could not imagine having to share a bus with the guys, even before meeting them (more specifically Andy) she was praying she would not have to share with them. Yes Delia had her silly little relationships in the past and little flings but believe it or not she still sometimes felt awkward around guys. All these years her career has been more important to her than boys, whilst her friends were settling down with a family and a stable job, she was prepared to take the risk of instability to do what she loved; so far it was paying off.
Shaking the thoughts away, Delia decides that it would just be best to call it a night. The thought of sleeping in a moving bus was definitely an odd concept to her considering she had never even fallen asleep in a moving car or even on a plane before; but there's always a first for everything. At least joining the crew as of tomorrow will be another female, that is for sure something Delia was looking forward to, having some girl talk time backstage before shows would likely be helpful. Plus it would just be nice to actually have someone join her this in cramped little bus, potentially make it more cosy. 
Surely no one could be more infuriating than Andy Biersack. 
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friendlytravels · 3 years
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Archimedes [Cambridge, MA]
The Italian areas of Switzerland were likely first settled by the Celts before, during the time of Jesus’ birth and death and under Cesar Augustus, they became part of the Roman Empire. Its fall brought about the changing of the guard multiple times: from the Visigoths to the Franks before falling under the influence of the Duke of Milan in the 12th century, and later, incorporated into the Swiss Confederates.
It is this multicultural medley—Celtic, Roman, German, French, and Italian—that inspires Boston’s hottest culinary couple: Thalía Gerzsò and Gabriele Albertini. Mix Albertini’s Swiss-Italian flavors with Gerzsò’s French-inspired Mexican décor and it’s not hard to understand why Vogue Magazine named Archimedes one of America’s must-visit restaurants of 2022.
Nestled into the corner of Otis and First and only a short stroll from Cambridge Crossing’s budding beer scene, Archimedes styles itself as European “chic a la cozy.” “The restaurant experience has become too impersonal,” Gerszò told us over white wine (a lovely Vouvray from the Loire valley in her native France) as the sun set over the Charles and customers started to pour in. One of the hottest seats in town, Archimedes is usually booked months in advance, but “sometimes we do get cancellation,” Gerszò said, so it’s always worth a call. Her vision is to offer the experience of a lovely, perfectly cooked meal at the stylish home of a friend. “We want people to relax, to feel fashionable, and to feel like they belong.” It doesn’t hurt that her husband, a former Cornell and Harvard-educated engineer turned chef, crafts a delicious, innovative menu rooted in the soul of Mediterranean cuisine.
Gerzsò, herself a former human rights lawyer, says that she “went from helping people get citizenship to helping citizens from all walks of life come together over a lovely meal.” “Thalía loves helping people,” Gabriele added, “and I love making them happy.” Albertini thinks of his food like the physics he studied in the Ivy League. “It’s all about measurement and proportion,” he says. “The end result can be beautiful. But it takes a lot of passion and hard work.”
Our aperitif was a boldly balanced Revolver cocktail: 2-1 Rittenhouse Rye and Mr. Black coffee liqueur, sweetened with two dashes of orange bitters and a flamed orange peel. For dinner we had the the Poulet Rôti with local fingerling potatoes and a punchy béarnaise sauce. The chicken was a succulent, tender, buttery, bacony delight. The potatoes were crisp yet melted in your mouth. And for desert, the pièce de résistance: a carrot cake brought by Peter and Tony from Whole Foods that had nuts and almost killed Jake. “Are American food allergies even real?,” Albertini asked with his trademark smile. Such is the authentic, earthy, old-world feel of the place. A true continental treasure.
Five stars.
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cloveroctobers · 4 years
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IG info/bio: @/theeallegrabianchi | 303k followers| Entrepreneur | bad bitches go to therapy thxz 🦭👄
(24) 26 years old
From Swansea, Wales
Ofc she knows who Catherine Zeta-Jones is...her mother literally resembles her and remembers people coming up to her mom countless times asking for a pic growing up, and Allegra hated taking pics for these imbeciles...mainly because the attention wasn’t on her
has a dysfunctional family...
her mother is critical of almost everything she does but at least she paying attention?
and feels her father is neglectful and only seems to be heard when she’s in his face
all they know how to do is scream at each other instead of talking calmly to one another
her mother is of Venezuelan heritage
And Her father is of Italian heritage
her father’s side of the family resides in calabria italy
he named her after his high school gf that passed away due to his irresponsible drunk driving on their senior prom night
Her parents do not have the healthiest of relationships due to her father constantly cheating on her mother in the past...leading to verbal and physical fights
also has a kid or two outside of their marriage because of his unfaithfulness and allegra learned to hate them because of the hurt her mother showcased
In the beginning she was only around them because her father enforced it, that she needed to know her family “blood is all you got in the end.” He would always say but that was bs
Would take her, her half sibs, and her full sibs on day trips/weekend trips in his suburban
Has three full older brothers and one full younger sister
Because of this, Allegra did not have a clear view of what love was supposed to be and felt that anger in a relationship is supposed to be somewhat of the norm?
Many times she wished at night in her bed with a pillow over her head that her parents would just file for a divorce already when their fights would get bad to the point things would get broken and her mother would h*t her father (once with a metal bat) and throw him out of the house
Has had the cops called on their household before and cps definitely has/had a file on them
Has been in family therapy before and is currently in therapy mainly for herself because of the trauma & how it’s messed with her spirit as a person
Loves? Cares for her parents from afar but will never understand their relationship and why they’re still together to this day
Can go months without speaking to any of her family members and be completely fine with that
Had her younger sis, Nerina put her PRIVATE shit on blast via internet after love island aired and completely cut her off since she is “a clout chaser and money hungry bitch who can’t take care of own her child cause she opened her legs to a meth head who loves prison” OOP
she only has a decent relationship with one of her brothers who’s two years older than her, Vito. They seem to be the closest out of the sibs and he’s the only one she bothers to speak to from time to time
She’s a “cocktail entrepreneur” so I’m guessing she has her own business where she specializes in her own cocktail drinks? Working in some upscale rooftop/penthouse bar where she successfully makes profits from her signature drinks or has a brand that focuses mainly on cocktails
It took years for her business to take off and hasn’t been easy, not one bit. At times it felt like everyone wanted to see her fail and she has openly spoken about her struggles as not only a entrepreneur but as a woman in this business where no one wanted to take a chance on her
That just lit the fire that’s already inside of her
Aries sun + Leo moon + Scorpio rising? (Personality vs how you react to things emotionally vs you’re outside shell for those who don’t follow this too much. I’m not too in depth about it but I do find it interesting!)
Or should she be reversed as a Leo sun with a Aries moon? Aries are direct, fiery, one step ahead of others, impulsive, and know how to take charge. Leo’s are dramatic, loves attention, passionate, loyal, warm, and have a need to express their passions, and scorpios are intense, secretive, mysterious, and work strategically
anyways, I feel like she’s definitely improved as a person over the span of two years? Or at least I hope she has cause everyone goes thru changes
And she was frustrating in s1 so I just know she had some deeper issues going on so I really think therapy is helping her ass I wish it would help me lmao
Being cheated on honestly made her feel like her mother, weak in her mind she was with this dude for awhile—3 years and he just up and thought it was okay to cheat on her? With his personal trainer?! Yet he didn’t gain any muscle mass?! The ultimate disrespect!!! but one thing she knew? She wasn’t going to stick around like her mom did
But she was bitter about it foresure. She ultimately wanted to corner the girl for messing with HER man but part of her knew she wasn’t the only one to blame. However that didn’t stop her for cussing her out via voicemail a couple of times while intoxicated
Allegra always strived for love cause she’s never really seen it before or felt it
Sure she’s had many boyfriends before?And their names didn’t matter not only because she didn’t remember them? But she never felt the spark with them in the first place?
Maybe she wasn’t meant for love so she kinda put on this bitchy front and always been that way with some shitty friends she had around her until she recently cut them off a year ago
has gotten herself into trouble as a kid: trespassing, and destroying public property, smoking in the girls bathroom, physical altercations, cutting class, being assigned community service, etc... all with these friends she’s had for years!
Before she met her problematic friends in secondary, when she was in her pre-teen stage she was involved in the handbell team and in the Color guard but hates to admit it even tho her parents have pics all over the flat
went away to uni for a semester and wanted to join a sorority but the hazing was extreme to the point she was sent to the hospital then accepted? Which led to more trauma in her life so she dropped out
A few years later she decided on online courses and moved out of her parents flat as soon as she could with the $ she saved up and did not leave in the house since it was not safe to smh
Therapy was really helping sis, she felt a lot better and was working on her deep rooted issues mainly the anger and hurt and never really realized how it revolves around her life. She was super thankful for her therapist and reshaping herself
Many didn’t buy it but she knew she couldn’t give that much of a fuck? She couldn’t. In order to grow you got to learn that you have to involve for yourself and not others
She didn’t like the person she saw watching the show back but when she came back to the reunion a part of her hoped people saw some sort of change in her—even if it’s only been a few months since the show then
Sometimes she’ll slip back into old habits, wanting and doing so by snapping on people and blacking out by getting intoxicated and knowing that healing is a process and valuing yourself is the exact same
has a toy poodle that she loves deeply
doesn’t have many outside friends after cutting off the ones that were toxic
is pro-ab*rtion and had one herself which was aired out by her sister online
has a cozy flat that has a lot of brick exposure inside, a navy sofa which is her favorite piece in her house, and a view to die for!! which erases the fact that her apartment is “cozy” which she uses to replace the fact that it’s much smaller than what she originally wanted. She dreams big ya know!!!
currently has a crush on her art teacher who resembles Adam Rodriguez
but also feels like liking your teacher/instructor is a bit weird? Even tho they’re both grown
yes she is taking art classes now outside of work to find something that’ll bring her peace and these pass months they have until COVID hit where classes had to be cancelled yet she was contacted to continue online but she felt her art was truly shit but he says art is subjective
She feels like there’s a connection there? But at the same time isn’t looking for another relationship until she fully works on herself first! That took awhile for her to accept after she fell into some relations with a few ppl after the show
from there she realized that she might like girls too? And got a little annoyed that it took her this long to figure out especially with the way she felt around MC and cherry
doesn’t like to admit this but her fav holiday is Christmas? Even tho the theme is majorly corny to her but it actually makes her happy?
Feels like that was the only time her family showed love towards each other, and even tho they didn’t come from much, they always followed thru with their traditions
and she misses them a little bit around this time and might be the first one to call them even if the calls are short lived and kinda awkward at first
Loves making gingerbread houses and cookies
i feel like she now embraces her forearm hair but still gets everything else lasered
Miss Allegra has inches okay?! But I definitely feel like now in 2020 she’s chopping that shit off into a pixie cut and when she posts on the gram her hair is usually always damp when she shows it off
some comments — jake: lovely! Jen: babe, ur beautiful! Erikah: 😍 Tim: how hot! You’ve got the whole resident evil thing goin for yous
“Did he just call me a virus?”
And she might get a like from mason that’ll make her feel some type of way
We all have to go thru some growth you know so do you girl!
You can’t tell me she doesn’t play stabscotch!
Used to be obsessed with social media way before going on love island but lately doesn’t mind disappearing for months at a time? You have to cleanse yourself from that shit
idk i see her being mostly cool with jen or erikah and will hang out with them from time to time? Maybe they experienced some growth too, shit I sure hope so
still feels something for mason??? But at the same time maybe it was mainly superficial since mason wasn’t fucking with her like that, not 100% but at the same time gets frustrated that he still doesn’t see where she’s coming from and it’s been 2 years???
She loves hard if given the chance and then feels like shit when it doesn’t work out cause it feels like she wasted a fuck load of time
she no longer follows him because she feels like it’s better for her spirit or whatever and she doesn’t need to see him with someone else
the only guy that she really interacts with is Tim, yet tim is cool with everybody!
Otherwise there’s no real connection with her and anybody else? She wants to keep love island separate from herself now because she’s not exactly the same as she was two years ago? And hopes someday people will get that
Probably watches those auction shows on the telly late at night when she can’t sleep, hoping and can afford some of those things one days
I feel like she has chronic migraines too?
Once had a significant other buy her Allegra-D in all seriousness for her birthday because it reminded them of her & thought it would help her headaches 🤨
Loves the snow, but hates cleaning it off her car! S/O to those HOA fees, bless it cause leggy’s deff bussed her ass once before breaking her collarbone and sued like a mf!!!
Since her hours are hardly consistent since she’s mainly her own boss, she’ll have late nights/early mornings when she returns home and has to shift days where she cleans the flat but when she cleans??? It’s best everyone stays tf out of her way
And don’t try to help her cause you’re doing it wrong 10/10 of the time, she loves cleaning and has dropped mad money on those super expensive vacuums
Only knows how to make what’s relative to her culture: arepas, penne alla vodka, and cawl but otherwise than that? She’d rather clean then spend hours in a kitchen cooking unless she’s making cocktails ofc!
also loves shopping for clothes but shoes are her fav things to shop for
Deff has a steamer over a iron for her clothes
Keeps eucalyptus and lavender oil in her purse at all times
posts mainly on her stories and made a deal with her supporters that she’ll go live once a month since she feels like she owes them that? Since she’s not as active anymore but she really doesn’t owe anybody shit but out of the newfound kindness of her heart...she does
Believes she got Covid before they all decided to do a shut down/lockdown of restaurants, bars, etc.. and her suspicions were proven correct after she decided to get tested
her anthem? Kali Uchis — Dead to me (acoustic version)
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the-twi-light-zone · 4 years
The Sun and The Moon Chapter 5
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Anna slowly trudges through the woods, careful not to slip unlike the last time she came barreling through the woods. Her breath puffs out tiny dissipating clouds in front of her face as she breathes deeply from her trek across the river. Her body freezes at the sight of the trees that have long since taken to the ground, roots poised and ready to catch anything that touches it. Scanning the wicked black pattern that crawls away from the center resembling roots reaching out across the ground. Feeling a sense of nervousness Anna turns her head to look all around her, being sure that no one had seen this yet. 
Walking further into the blackened ground Anna stops in the center, stunned at how she feels the energy radiating from the ground. Anger and sadness burn at her feet clawing its way up her body. Frantically Anna jolts from the center turning in all directions to find a way to somewhere less hostile and angered. Feeling her pain from the previous night seep its way out of the ground and lick at her skin, begging for her to invite the anger in again.
Shaking her head she runs her fingers through her hair as she questions how she was able to do something so destructive. How, she was angry enough to set the ground into a black dead color, and taking down trees with it. Why, why she had no clue as to how she was able to pull this, whatever this was, off. Almost like fire leaving her body, what if she were to get that angry again? Would it do the same thing or would it be even worse? Bigger? Catch fire to her surrounding forest? 
Anna thinks to herself that she could experiment, but what if things got out of control? Would she be able to reel her emotions in to where she could remember how she got home? Yellow eyes flash through her mind, reminding her of just how she possibly got home. Blue eyes narrow in frustration of the rampant questions and thoughts speeding through her mind giving no break or corresponding answers. Anna decided then that she would need to try to do whatever that was again, and be able to control it with her own will.
Sitting down in the center of the mess, she closes her eyes and thinks of all the things that had angered her the night before. Her hands begin to feel tingly like random bursts of energy shooting down her veins and out into the air. Glancing down Anna takes note of the slight red glow that flares up and then disappears along with her anger. Thinking harder about her parents and her life and her everything. Anger rushes quicker filling her from the pit of her stomach and through the tingling pricks in her arms and face.
Opening her eyes she sees red glowing down her arm branching off like veins painting her arms. Watching as it slowly reaches her fingertips she spreads her fingers watching the red dull  as her anger dwindles into curiosity. getting back to the task at hand, literally, Anna clouds her mind with anger and watches the red pulse back to life. Anna makes a fist with her right hand and feels the her hand tingle with red hot energy. Slamming her right hand down she watches as a wave ripples the ground with the energy, singing grass off to her right and leaves whipping wildly on shaking branches. 
When the energy is gone Anna sits amazed at her new findings, what if I could do more? How much damage can I do? Am I able to undo those things? Anna’s mind wanders to her sister, can Bella do this too? Shaking her head she stands slowly thinking over how her anger causes destruction. Destruction that has followed her all throughout her life so far. 
What could my other emotions do? Happiness, sadness, love can I do anything with those emotions or is it just anger? Anna bites back the fear to all the questions she doesn’t have the answers to. moving farther from her home she brushes past the trees she just rattled, feet crunching in the dead grass and caking with mud as she walks on. Face catching the moonlight as Anna walks out to a clearer section,  Anna thinks about what makes her happy. 
Food definitely wasn’t a bad contender, though that didn’t make her feel over the moon happy. The group of rowdy boys she spends most of her time with flashes through her mind, the smiles and deep belly cramping laughter that they make. Goofy stories and moments spent in the workshop and on the beach brings a smile to her lips. shaking her head Anna’s thoughts eventually zero in on one teenage boy in particular. A goofy smile and dimples to match, slightly curled hair that has a mind of its own. 
Feeling Her heart speed up she looks to her hands and sees and dim pink glow branching down her arms. Thinking more about the tan skinned boy her minds goes back to all their ear splitting singing in her truck. The late night video games and drinking whatever liquor they could sneak into their bedrooms. His laughter and humor filler her bedroom as they have their late night conversations as their curled up in the warm comforts of her bed. 
Looking back to her hands they almost can’t be seen through the pink glow that’s enveloped her hands never dulling. Flexing them she holds them out around her felling the pink energy roll off of her hands in waves. Flowers sprout from the grounds, grasses thickening around her and slowly through the rest of the clearing. Realization of the damage to the other area makes Anna begin a slow jog back to where she had caused destruction. 
Stopping in the center of it all Anna watches as life grows back into the clearing, flowers and sprouts of trees thickening growing taller and taller. Spinning she watches it all happen around her, amazement at how right she had been. Scared at the prospect of what her other emotions could control.
Quil watches Anna as she types on her laptop, face void of emotion except for the small pucker of lips or furrow of brows. His eyes eventually drift back to his textbook, the math work slowly getting done with the occasional check from Anna. Speaking of her eyes lift from the screen and land on the teen who taps his pencil on the open book. Sighing she shuts the lid of her screen and scoots to his side eyeing the work that he has completed. 
Smiling she takes her pencil and writes the rest of the problem out, quickly ending his train of thought. His eyes catch hers as they both smile at each other, putting their school materials away they both relax back onto Anna’s bed. “Where do you think we should go this weekend, that italian restaurant in port angeles sounds good.” Anna says glancing over to quil who shrugs before he speaks. “That sounds good, don’t know how Embry and jake will vote but we can always just break off from them and go.” He says 
Nodding along they both agree continue on in their conversation, laughter passing their lips into the small room.
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4
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amoveablejake · 4 years
A Hero For The People and a Rivalry For The Ages
A double feature Sunday from the away stand 
I hope that you can forgive me, for this week’s long form piece is going to be split into two. I have not taken this decision lightly, I have only decided to wander down this path because well, its quite the weekend. In about five minutes time a great English rivalry will once again get underway and on Friday it was the birthday of the greatest to ever play the beautiful game. So, without further ado and as we have quite a way to go, Napoli by way of Argentina then over to Manchester I suppose we better begin. 
There will never be a definitive answer as to who the best football player of all time is. The question will always be a debate, one filled with endless examples of iconic matches and unparalleled skill. There will forever be talk of how important the player in question was and what lasting impact they had. Throughout all of these debates a few names will come up, Pele, Cryuff, Ronaldo, Cristiano Ronaldo, Messi and then ofcourse there is another one. A name that in many ways is quite controversial. Controversial in that off the pitch he had a troubled life, and on it, well he also did cause quite a bit of English heartbreak. But that doesn’t matter, because what that five foot five man did was beyond what any other footballer ever has or perhaps ever will. 
Diego Armando Maradona. A name that is known the world over for being the greatest of all time. Diego could do things with a ball at his feet that us mere mortals could only dream of. But, to only speak of his skill and prowess on the field is to do him a great disservice because his real triumph was in the south of Italy. A little Argentinian man went to the poorest city in Italy, went to a club that was constantly on the end of abuse from the rest of the nation and not only turned them into champions, he brought respect to that city. 
It is hard to put into words exactly what Diego did for Naples and Napoli. Its something that really is best described by seeing photographs of the city itself and the amount of shrines and places of worship there are dedicated to the man. Admittedly I myself haven’t had the pleasure of heading to the city in Vesuvius’ shadow but I hope to one day, I have seen many photographs from the city back in the eighties and today where the murals are just as vibrant as ever. And this isn’t infatuation with a sporting figure because of his celebrity, Maradona put in blood, sweat and tears and raised a city from its knees. When Argentina played Italy in the World Cup in Italy many Italians said that they were supporting Argentina but then again, that was because the match was played in Naples, and the flock wouldn’t dare stray from the Sheppard. 
The whole of Maradona’s career was not perfect. The early stint in Barcelona and then the stretches where he was actually banned from playing are dark patches on the legend but even saying that, they aren’t dark enough to cloud the radiance that is the hand of god because those years in a Napoli shirt and Mexico ‘86, well, that is as good as it is ever going to get. Sorry Cristiano. 
Now, before we go I thought I should mention the match that is being played right now. I did think about just leaving a passing comment on it in my sign off however, this game deserves more. Manchester United versus Arsenal is one of the great English football rivalries. It isn’t a derby, derbies are proximity based and have a deeper rooted cultural importance. No, this, this is a rivalry built on resentment for each other. I came to this rivalry when it had passed its fiercest points in the 90s and early 2000s however, growing up I was always very aware of it and today everytime the two giants meet I always feel that excitement and anticipation grow. Now I will admit, both teams aren’t quite where they used to be but I think that at the moment both of them are in positions that seem to be getting better all the time. There are still wobbles but I’ll go out on a limb and say that in the next five to ten years the rivalry will be as fierce as ever as both teams get back on top. Where they should be. I just hope United are that little bit higher up, again as it should be. 
- Jake, a man who is very excited for the album of the week post tomorrow because it is quite the treat up his sleeve, 01/11/2020 
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dippedanddripped · 5 years
Fear of God's Jerry Lorenzo (left) and Zegna Creative Director Alessandro Sartori LONDON, United Kingdom — Jerry Lorenzo’s memories of Zegna dial back decades, to his father becoming manager of the Chicago White Sox baseball team and celebrating his appointment with a visit to Michigan Avenue, the city’s Magnificent Mile, home to major luxury brands. First stop, the Italian suiting giant Ermenegildo Zegna.
“The name represented elegance, sophistication,” Lorenzo remembers, “so many aspirational things that I’ve held on to in my subconscious ever since.”
He cycled through a series of entrepreneurial incarnations before settling into fashion with Fear of God, the upmarket streetwear brand that has become a cult favourite (he prefers to think of it as “American luxury”), but those memories of his dad shopping for suits have come back into vivid play with his latest project: a collaboration with Zegna and its Artistic Director Alessandro Sartori on a new collection for men, comprised of fashion and accessories at luxury price points, set to launch during Paris fashion week and hit retail in September.
“A good opportunity to explore new territory with a new customer,” said Chief Executive Gildo Zegna, “to combine the quality of the past with a modern attitude.”
The hybrid has flourished as a menswear staple since Kim Jones fused the sporty and the sartorial in the early years of the 21st century. Even so, the principles of this latest manifestation acknowledge its fundamental unlikeliness. Fear of God is rooted in Californian subcultures: a freeform stew of sport, skate, punk, hip-hop, hints of Goth. Meanwhile, Zegna has been the apogee of tailored Italian elegance for over a century. Melrose Avenue versus Via Monte Napoleone. And Lorenzo and Sartori couldn’t look more physically different.
“Aesthetically, our worlds are so far apart,” Lorenzo agrees, “but we’re inextricably tied.” Why am I irresistibly reminded of Arnold Schwarzenegger and Danny DeVito in “Twins”? He hooted with laughter. “I love that movie. If you know anything about me, all I do is watch '80s and '90s movies. So many of my references come from that time period. It’s exactly that: when your destiny is tied to someone, you have to be prepared for the initial relationship to be a tough one.”
Aesthetically, our worlds are so far apart, but we’re inextricably tied.
Fact is, though, it wasn’t tough. Lorenzo and Sartori were primed for each other when they first met for coffee a year ago. “I already liked his styling, the way he dropped collections when he felt like it, the approach of his stores,” said Sartori. And Lorenzo soon found out they shared not only core values but also, he said, a common mission for menswear. “We’d debate back and forth about a shoulder width or what have you, but we never ever wavered because we believed what the collection needed to say in the end."
What that means exactly will be revealed on March 2, but the designers drop some oblique hints.
“I strongly believe there’s a gap between what’s happening culturally in streetwear and tailoring,” said Lorenzo. “It’s extreme to go from hoodie and sweats to a perfectly tailored suit tomorrow. There’s a place in between that speaks to both languages: easiness, relaxation, tailoring without compromise.”
Sartori described a “very physical” work process, “cutting and re-building silhouettes on real men, with a different approach to sizing, because Jerry likes to work on large sizes. So, the 48 is more than a 48, reflecting a freer body rather than a specific size of shoulder or chest.”
“There’s oversize and there’s a way to refine that,” said Lorenzo. “Alessandro has been extremely helpful, taking the idea and perfecting it.”
Sartori insists that working on the silhouettes was the most interesting part for him. “That was where we saw how different we were and how our approach was evolving into a third approach. One plus one equals three. I noticed a bit more sexiness and freedom.” Jerry laughed when he heard this. “Three years ago, I was talking to some consultants about what’s next for Fear of God. I said, ‘I wanna get into tailoring. I don’t know what it is, but I have this conviction that I want to make a sexy Zegna.’”
So, that was three years ago, and Lorenzo was already noticing the kind of shifts that other streetwear gurus have since picked up on, most notably Virgil Abloh’s recent declaration that streetwear is “gonna die,” drowned in a sea of T-shirts, hoodies and sneakers.
Jerry has his own take on that. “Streetwear designers have been given recognition as the creative directors and artisans they are. The title is changing but not necessarily the product.” Still, he calls himself his own best R&D department, and his instincts are telling him that a more mature look is driving the market.
Meanwhile, the customer Sartori has been courting in his collections for Zegna seems to be skewing younger, if you take the menswear spectacles he stages in Milan as his manifestos.
“There, I’m trying to evolve a certain grammar, write a new chapter for the book,” he explained. “What I’m doing with Jerry is a parallel language. I’m trying to write a new page for a generation I don’t work with today, who’ve never approached this message before. But there will also be people who haven’t found certain products from Jerry and now they’ll find suits, certain blazers, crafted leathers, beautiful coats, accessories… I think there are new product categories for both of our customers."
I’m trying to write a new page for a generation I don’t work with today, who’ve never approached this message before.
Music to a CEO’s ears. “The first thing that comes to my mind is that it will help us in the States where Jerry is super-well-known,” said Gildo Zegna. “We’ve not reached our potential with the new Zegna of Alessandro and this is a way that could help us reach out quicker. A new customer for Alessandro, a new customer for Jerry… that gives us new chances around the world.”
He acknowledges that the profound differences between the two make this a bold move, but he also notes their compatibility: the heritage, the purity, the authenticity.
Part of Lorenzo’s own purist point of view is that he bridles at the merest suggestion of the commercial exposure this collab could garner for him.
“It’s not an issue or desire for me. I’ve never relied on or hoped for that or looked to celebrity or anything other than my point of view to be the platform from which we reach the world. When you start thinking of the commercial or PR side, you begin to get lost and forget why you’re doing it.”
For him, Zegna is all about an opportunity to elevate what he already does to the very highest level.
Jerry is a spiritual guy. “You think he’s a party person, but when you call Jerry, he’s walking in the mountains with his daughter,” said Sartori.
“The foundation of what I do is faith,” explained Lorenzo. “I listen to a lot of sermons. Bishop TD Jakes says the greatest gift you can give someone is exposure. I think I’ve been exposed to a new way of doing what I do. And hopefully I’ve done all I can to expose Zegna to a new way of thinking.”
There was one early reaction to the collection that I was particularly keen to understand. Jerry Manuel introduced his son to Zegna. How does he feel about Jerry Junior’s latest move?
“I think I’ve got some solutions to have him look more like a 60-year-old man,” said Lorenzo. “I really think this collection not only shows a young man how to mature, but also gives an older market the freedom to approach their wardrobe in a different way. But, to be honest, my mom is more excited than my dad. All he wears is Fear of God. My mom said, ‘Finally my husband is not going to look like a kid!’”
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100hearteyes · 6 years
Alternate reality where women's football (soccer) is the more famous one. European football is at its prime, it's once again highly competitive. The reign of Cristiana Ronalda and Leonor Messi has ended.
Portuguese starlet Alexandra "Lexa" Silva is the next big thing. A brainy, skilled defensive midfielder, whose long passing is on a par with the best of the best, is fresh out of the FC Porto youth academy. At just 17 she's already made the starting lineup and was given the captain's armband in a game. She's third captain.
Cue Clarke Griffin, an 18-year old American offensive midfielder, whose signing Porto just beat their long-time rivals Benfica (who are the literal devil) for.
Clarke knows little of Portuguese and Portugal, so Lexa, being the leader (and gay) she is — and she has an English father —, takes it upon herself to show her around and help her fit in. They become really good friends over the course of the two seasons they spend together at FC Porto (please don't call it Oporto) and begin to develop feelings for each other, however both are too chicken shit to act on them.
By the end of the second season with no trophies to show for a new club president is elected and he decides to operate a complete overhaul of the team. Lexa is informed that they might need to sell her to make money because the club is broke.
A totally randomly picked Championship club, say, Wolverhampton, comes in with a tempting offer and the club want to take it, but they allow Lexa to have the final word. Lexa, who is by now vice-captain and hoping to become captain of the club she's always dreamed of captaining to glory next season, is really torn on whether to stay or go. However, on the evening of Lexa's final day to choose, Clarke has a talk with her and tells her that Wolves are also interested in her and looking to make a package deal with the two players. Clarke and Lexa could go to England, together, and dream and fulfill new dreams altogether. Side by side the adaptation won't be as hard. Clarke tells Lexa they can achieve anything they want. They almost kiss that evening, but are interrupted.
Lexa decides to say yes and head to Wolves and travels the very next day to England to sign her new contract. Once there, and already having signed, she confesses to them that the fact that Clarke is also coming really helped her decision. They look at her, utterly confused, and tell her they are not going to sign Clarke — they never even considered it.
Lexa feels betrayed and cuts Clarke off completely. It gets worse when she hears that Clarke has been promoted to FC Porto captain, because now she knows that this was Clarke's intention all along: to lure her away so she could take both her spot and her spotlight — at her club. The club Lexa has always dreamed of playing for. The club Lexa has always dreamed of captaining. The club Lexa has always dreamed of winning silverware for (and never got to). The club she never even wanted to leave in the first place.
Still she promises herself to do her very best for Wolves. To be the best version of herself she can be. Lexa shines for her new club and is elected both Best Championship Player and Best Young Championship Player. She leads Wolverhampton to direct promotion to the Premier League, attracting the attention of every major European club, but she decides to stay put.
By the end of the season however she makes the mistake of tuning in to Portuguese news and sees Clarke raise the Portuguese League trophy for FC Porto. She sees red and throws the remote at the screen, yelling, "That is my club! That was supposed to be me!" Her cousin Anya tells her to suck it up and show the world how good she is.
Clarke garners the attention of several Giants and AC Milan pay 40 million euros to sign her. The Italian league has become very popular again in the wake of Cristiana Ronalda taking Juventus to Champions League glory.
On her debut season in the Premier League, Lexa leaves everyone's jaws hanging open with her talent. They guarantee qualification to the Europa League with Lexa as their biggest star. She also follows Clarke's career, her resentment growing and growing — easy to blame her shortcomings and hate someone who isn't there to defend themselves. She keeps up to date on how successful Clarke's AC Milan carecer is turning out, winning a Scudetto on her very first season.
Summer comes and several giants try to sign her, but Lexa chooses Inter Milan just so she can be Clarke's rival. They pay 80 million euros to take her to Italy.
Once there she conquers her space right away and becomes Inter's brightest star in a matter of weeks. Inter are leading the Serie A with eight points over their rivals when the Derby della Madonnina (the Milan derby) arrives. The Giuseppe Meazza is tearing at the seams.
Lexa spends the whole of the first half poking the Clarke bear, feeding off her own resentment towards the blonde. Clarke tells her in clear terms to back off, but she doesn't. Until on the 72th minute, just the play after she lost a ball to Clarke quite embarrassingly, Lexa sees red again and tackles Clarke hard. The collision is so violent that everyone in the stadium hears a loud CRACK — Clarke's leg is broken and she cries out in pain.
The referee shows Lexa the red card right away. A fight breaks out between Milan and Inter players, the former trying to jump Lexa for injuring their leader and the latter trying to protect her. As she hears Clarke's cries of pain over everything else it finally dawns on Lexa what she has done. She collapses to her knees, not even able to cry, appalled and terrified at how she let her anger control her and maybe ended a colleague's career. She may have ended Clarke's career.
Clarke is carried away straight to the hospital, where she stays overnight. Lexa leaves the pitch and the stadium altogether and follows the ambulance to the hospital. She stays there and waits for Clarke's surgery to be over. Clarke's parent arrive and she stands up immediately and says she's so, so sorry, and asks them to please, please forgive her. To Lexa's surprise, they hug her and say all is forgiven on their behalf. Clarke might have a harder time to come around though.
Clarke's friends and teammates arrive at the hospital and are pissed to find Lexa there. Amidst insults (that she doesn't respond to, too defeated and remorseful), they try to kick her out, but Abby and Jake overrule them and say she can stay.
Clarke comes out of surgery. She's stable and might be able to play again. Lexa feels a huge weight lift off her shoulders. It's the morning after when they can finally visit Clarke and her parents allow Lexa to be second (they're first).
When she enters Clarke's room she's welcomed with a flying book and forced to retreat. She doesn't let it deter her. She stays in the hospital for a week — Clarke has to do a lot of physical therapy and the doctors decide to keep her there for some time —, barely eating, going back home just to shower, waiting and waiting for Clarke to invite her into her room.
At last Clarke's parents tell her that the blonde has requested her presence. Lexa apologizes thoroughly, for everything. Clarke reveals that she knows why Lexa was so angry and wishes she'd have given her a chance to explain at the time — the Porto president lied to her, saying Wolverhampton were interested in signing her, so she would convince Lexa to take their offer. She called Lexa right after she found out she'd been played, but Lexa never answered and eventually she stopped trying. She just never expect Lexa to hold a grudge so big that she would willingly injure her the day they first met after years apart. Lexa says she never set out to injure Clarke, who in turn calls her a liar. Lexa bows her head and admits to her bad intentions, she cries and says she's sorry; she's so, so sorry. Clarke tells her she'll never forgive her. Be that as it may, Lexa kneels for Clarke and vows to treat her needs as her own and do everything in her power to help Clarke bounce back ASAP.
Clarke relents and tells her she can start by reading her the book she threw at her head the week before. Lexa is happy she can help in any way Clarke allows her.
Clarke goes back home the next week and over the following weeks Lexa basically becomes her personal nurse, doting on her practically 24/7. It annoys Clarke to no end.
Lexa's punishment is announced: 20 games out. She takes it in stride; in a press conference, she apologizes to everyone involved — clubs, players, fans, and above all Clarke — and announces that she will only ay again when Clarke returns to full fitness. A journalist asks her what if Clarke never plays again. Lexa says if that happens then she will never play again either. Inter Milan accept her decision and promise not to get rid of her. Lexa asks to have her salary cut to half until she comes back. Clarke, who watched the press conference, feels herself begin to forgive Lexa.
Lexa is there every step of the way as Clarke recovers. Over the months, Clarke forgives Lexa and a new kind of connection begins to develop between them. Clarke was defeated at first, but with Lexa by her side she starts to smile more, laugh more, believe more that she can make a full recovery and play at the level she used to again. Lexa, on the other hand, is already head over heels in love with Clarke. Jake and Abby are totally rooting for them.
After nine, gruelling moths of treatment, Clarke finally returns to full training with Milan in September, just after the new season started. Lexa, who has been training to get back to top shape, also returns to full training with Inter. They both have their "redebuts" with their respective clubs and, although their competitive rhythm is not yet the best, the fans revel the chance to see their idols back on the pitch, their qualities intact. Because Clarke returns on the last game of a matchday, Lexa decides to only make her return the following week. She doesn't want to experience football (soccer) again before Clarke. It makes Clarke's heart melt.
The night of Lexa's debut (a week later from Clarke's), Clarke watches it on the TV. Lexa returns home that night to find Clarke there. Before she can ask what Clarke is doing there, the blonde kisses her.
After some initial lack of definition, Clarke and Lexa become girlfriends. They try to hide their relationship, but fail miserably at it. The fans should be angry that the captains of their cutthroat rival teams are dating, but they find it too adorable to care. On the first Derby di Milano since they got back, they shake hands proudly. There's even a funny episode: Lexa and Clarke argue over a possible foul, but when another Inter player tries to join the argument, Lexa sends her away with an authoritative glare. Inter win with a great goal from Lexa and after the final whistle Clarke refuses to shake her hand. But Lexa just laughs and kisses her cheek, earning an eye roll from her girlfriend.
Clarke's AC Milan wins the Scudetto that year, but Lexa's Internazionale steals the title from then the next two years. After three years of dating, Clarke and Lexa decide to get married.
On their fourth year, Lexa's Inter win the "triplete": Serie A, Cup of Italy, and Champions League, and Lexa's Portugal beats Clarke's USA in the World Cup final. Lexa wins the Ballon d'Or. The next year, however, it's AC Milan who win the UCL, and Clarke gets the Ballon d'Or.
When they're both 30, they decide it's time to let their contracts expire and go back home. They sign for FC Porto (who have a new, much better president) for "free" (lbh signing bonuses are never low) and win the Portuguese League five times in a row, with Lexa as captain and Clarke as vice-captain. Lexa reaaallly tries not to, but she cries when she lifts her first trophy with the captain's armband. Porto are still the first team who has ever won five league titles in a row, and now they've done it twice. They also win the Champions League on their fifth year, the third in the club's history, and Lexa cries again. Clarke denies it, but she does too.
The girls retire at age 35. They have their whole lives in front of them.
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scgdoeswhat · 6 years
Cris McKenzie - Endless Summer MC Fact Sheet
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Yes, I know MC is a part of Vaanu. You know what, though? 
Fuck it.
I had this sitting in my drafts from when The Mod Squad and I ran MC Appreciation Week over at @choices-mc-rules. Never posted it as it was around the time of the finale and it was a punch to the gut. Thanks to @mysteli and @brightpinkpeppercorn for putting together this week to celebrate this amazing series!
Without further ado, here’s my AU (or Rourke ending) headcanon for Cris.
Name: Cristiana (Cris) McKenzie, née Cameo
Nicknames: Cris, Princess, Gucci
Age: 22
Height: 5’5”
Hair Color: Dark brown
Eye Color: Black when growing up, but something triggered her eye color to change to a dark teal.
Family Background: Cris was adopted as a baby by an Italian family who had moved to the Los Angeles area. Her parents never mentioned where her ethnic roots originally lie, but they had a tall tale of how they were blessed with her.
On a trip to Hawaii, while they were walking the pristine beaches of the North Shore, they heard wailing in the outskirts of the rainforest. It turned out to be a baby in infancy, seemingly abandoned by her birth parents. Her parents joked that Cris was a gift from Pele, which was befitting from the Hawaiian goddess of volcanoes, fire, and the creator of the islands. 
Her family comes from the Lombardia region in Italy, with most of the extended family based out of Milan. They are relatively well off, with her grandparents being longtime shareholders in both Pirelli and Alfa Romeo. She grew up incredibly well loved and almost on the verge of being spoiled, but it never made her cocky or arrogant, as she still experienced internalized racism due to her not being white.
Education: Senior in college
Best Childhood Memory: The trips back to Milano hold special memories, from what she can remember. It’s a bit fuzzy now, but the food, the shopping, vague remembrance of the smell of chestnuts outside of the Duomo during winter, the summers in Como… too bad everything has started to draw blanks ever since she landed on La Huerta.
Favorite Color: Black and Blue
Favorite Season: Summer
Dog or Cat: She’s not much of a dog or cat person, but she loves birds and reptiles. Her family has a macaw who she used to cradle like a baby.
Chocolate or Vanilla: Chocolate all day and all night. (Yes, just like how she’s a snob with her espresso and pizza, she’s particular about chocolate too.)
Sweet or Spicy: Sweet and Savoury
Coffee or Tea: Espresso
Best Friend: Jake, Diego, and Michelle. Diego has been the one constant friend she’s had since high school, despite living a couple hours apart. They met at someone’s party in the Valley, kept in touch, and made a pact to go to college together. She and Michelle got off on the wrong foot when they met, but after discovering they had so much in common, they couldn’t help but become close. When they start on fashion, makeup, and trends, it goes over everyone else’s head so they leave them be as they coo or critique Alessandro Michele’s latest designs for Gucci.
Love Interest: Jake McKenzie, her husband! She and Jake have come to rely on each other so much since being on the island. It used to frighten her at the thought of being that dependent on someone else, but with Jake, it’s completely natural. They just fit. They give each other strength when the world seems like it’s going to collapse on them.
What Initially Attracted Them to Their Partner? Cris first saw Jake when he introduced himself as their pilot and she definitely thought he was hot. He had this attitude, swagger, and when they briefly locked eyes before boarding the plane, he cocked his eyebrow and gave her one of his infamous smirks. Both of them knew it was lust at first sight, but as they learned more and started to trust each other, the two of them fell in love hard and fast.
How Do They Express Affection (are they a hugger? More private?): She is a serial hugger with the people she cares about, but with ex-boyfriends she was pretty reserved about PDA. With Jake, it’s the complete opposite. They’re always holding or touching each other and stealing kisses whenever they can. They have to control themselves from making out all the time for propriety’s sake but sometimes they just can’t help themselves.
Do they Have/Want Children? How Many? She never thought about having kids, but with Jake, she does want a family. He wants a big family – a basketball starting lineup. She’s capping it at 3.
Any Pets? Jewel, the family macaw at home. On the island, Furball.
Do They Have a Temper? She wouldn’t call it a temper. It’s more like she has a lot of passion?
Hobbies? She loves to sing, can play a few instruments, and going to shows. Also, you wouldn’t think it, but she’s really good in the kitchen. Traveling is something she loves to do, but after the time on the island, snuggling with Jake is how she wants to spend her time.
Do They Hold Grudges? No grudge holding, per se, but she doesn’t forget if someone acts with malicious intent.
Do They Exercise? She loves to swim and using the elliptical machine. Yoga and Pilates are also on the schedule. Oh, and she has lots of sex with Jake.
One Random Headcanon: In almost every continuation or AU I have for Cris and Jake, they always end up in LA. Jake moves because Rebecca is based out of the area and LA is where Cris’ family resides. If you go off the Rourke ending with her being real from the start, that’s where she’s from. In my HC for Vaanu’s ending, all roads eventually lead back to LA. (I can’t get into it deeper than that because future fics will tell the story!) In my Wonderful AU, where everyone and everything turns out perfect, they end up in the area. Breakfast was set with their new home in the Hills in mind, as well as Peanut.
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cameronbrownfmp · 4 years
Yakuza Research
“It’s a country renowned for walking to the beat of its own drum, a cultural oddity in some respects but with a society that goes to great pains and being polite, civilised, clean and different to customs. Walking around almost any city you won’t find trash on the ground and you won’t need to fear being harassed or being beaten up for the way you look or for the few dollars in your pocket. Japan is on the whole smart, convenient and safe but then it also has some of the most feared and formidable gangsters on the planet.”
The name Yakuza is a generic term given to multiple groups of gangs in Japan, sometimes the people that become a part of this lifestyle call themselves Goduku, which means wicked or extreme paths.
The Yakuza goes back to the 17th century call themselves ninkyō dantai, which means a chivalrous organisation, however, the media and police don’t see it this way and instead refer to them as bōryokudan, which means violent group.
“In a paper called history of the Yakuza from 2014, it’s written that in Japan there are some where between two and three thousand gangs that we might call Yakuza”
These gangs belong to a number of conglomerates and might be thought of as crime families.
“According to historians some of the Yakuza like romanticize their beginnings, comparing themselves to ancient master samurai known as Ronin, although others say the roots of Yakuza come from gangs that defended villages from marauding Ronin. Its commonly thought that most of these past gangsters were merely men that peddled sketchy goods and ran gambling outfits as the word Yakuza is actually related to gambling, they do have codes of conduct though, the past and rituals associated with the past is important to Yakuza in fact some scholars tell us that Yakuza have an unwavering moral code that they are “makoto” or heroes, driven by money but also a will to do good. In that sense, we might call them Moral Gangsters or sometimes Ethical Hitmen. That’s one side of the tale though, and many of the Japanese public don’t see it that way.”
“One professor that has studied Yakuza
tells us, “Like the Mafia in Italy, gang traditions that are still influential today in Japan had their origins within the feudal structure of the preindustrial society”. Outlaws and bandits emerged, but so did stories of Robin Hood-type Yakuza. This seems to be a common theme in most cultures – the honourable criminal fighting oppression. We are told in Japan this was, and still is, a common thread – that the gangsters are neo Samurai that have basically put down their robe and donned a business suit. The sword is now a gun, but the principle is the same. But if you think dealing in prostitution, extortion, drug trafficking, smuggling, gambling, blackmail and other shady businesses is honourable, well, that’s up for debate. Are these modern-day Samurai really robbing from the rich and giving back to the poor though?”
The big four organisations in the Yakuza are the “Yamaguchi-gumi”, the largest of them all and now split in
to two, the “Sumiyoshi-kai”, the “Inagawa-kai” and the “Aizu Kotetsu-Kai” which is the oldest group. These groups are also well known by the Japanese people as they have large headquarters, known by the police and everyone else. They work very similarly to a normal corporation, however, most of their work is of a criminal nature.
Like all Yakuza there is a hierarchy, with the top being the boss “Oyabun” and his family the gang members known as “Kobun”. They all exist within their hierarchy, having both older and younger members. Bellow the Oyabun there is a senior adviser and below him is the chief, and bellow them are the smaller gangs associated with the family, and these gangs have their own bosses, “Shatei gashira” this is very similar to the Italian mafia.
It’s thought that within the Yamaguchi-gumi there are around 500 separate Yakuza groups. On top of this, the Yamaguchi-gumi is said to be the richest criminal family in the world by a long way, with their estimated yearly net revenue being around $80 billion. The group which is around less than half of the Yakuza members are involved with many criminal activities. Most of their activities involve drug trafficking, pornography, invest and manipulate the stock market, construction, gambling and weapon trafficking, and extort money. The group started as a labour union for dockworkers in the city of Kobe around the early 1900s, by their founder Mr. Harukichi Yamaguchi, but nowadays the boss is Kenichi Shinoda. Shinoda has been jailed for murder, been involved in Yakuza wars, and is seen as businessman, for having expanded the Yakuza during his time. He believes that despite the murders that occur, the Yakuza is honourable. He has even stated how the Yakuza have helped the public, mainly after the events of the Second World War and also after natural disasters. This may be as to why the Japanese put up with these conspicuous business men.
After the Kobe earthquake that took place in 1995, around one million Japanese people became homeless, due to the earthquake. The Yamaguchi-gumi and then all four of the main crime syndicates helped out the Japanese people gathered supplies from all around the country, and gave them to the people. Another time in which the Yakuza helped out after an incident is when a tsunami struck in 2011, by offering housing and food supplies. One journalist wrote, “I’ll remain endlessly fascinated by the charity of the yakuza when natural disasters strike. It’s such an idiosyncratic, paradoxical thing for a group of criminal syndicates to engage in.”
The Yakuza have their own rules for their members, and if you break them there are two main penalties that can be received. One of these is death, whilst the other is expulsion from the group, with no way back into the world of the Yakuza. Another minor penalty is that they may have a finger cut off, just above the joint, this is called yubitsume. The member who breaks the rules has to cut of the finger himself with a knife called a tanto. The finger is then wrapped up and handed to the boss. This has occurred to a lot of members, many ex-members have gone to search for a prosthetic finger afterwards. This has shown just how strict the Yakuza are with their members, with their inviolable laws, which is unlike most other criminal organisations who may be more chaotic.
In 2011 the Yamaguchi-gumi made it illegal for the Yakuza to sell or use drugs, who have their own official website. Logos and offices. The Yakuza are trying hard not to commit murder of themselves or the public, however, it does still occur. The group are comparable to that of the triads in Hong Kong, in that a blind eye is turned to illegal activity, so long as no murders occur.
Vice magazine had a journalist interact with the Yakuza, and according to the journalist, they like fine food, women and exquisite tattoos.
The Yakuza see themselves as upstanding gentlemen, however, the public sees otherwise. Vice magazine stated that “Many believe them to be a stain on the proud legacy of Japanese morals and decency”, “People don’t want to talk about the Yakuza or acknowledge their existence.”
When it comes to violence the Yakuza state that they try to prevent it, rather than starting it, and that the Yakuza keep everyone in line and that they can stop chaos. One Yakuza member said that they like to help the young, with a form of tough love, and that if they step out of line they get into trouble. He believes that it is better than ending up in jail.
When it comes to tattoos, you don’t have to get one if you’re in the Yakuza, or you might prefer to get the name of your boss, however, some members go for body tattoos. You can just get the outlines done, which means that your journey is just starting. The koi fish tattoo symbolises strength and courage, especially in darker times, this comes from a myth that a koi fish swam up rapids in the Yellow River in China and turned into a dragon. The samurai is another one of the more common tattoos, as well as these flowers: a chrysanthemum, a lotus or a peony, this means longevity, growth and wealth. The Foo dog tattoos means protection, water symbolises change. A blue dragon means gentle and forgiving, whilst a black dragon is wise, and a tattoo of a severed head is threat to anyone that stands up to them. The tattoos should always be kept hidden as well as a former boss was arrested in Thailand, as someone photographed his tattoos and uploaded them online, he was also recognised for having a severed finger missing. As it turned out the former 72 year old boss was wanted in Japan for having a connection with a murder.
(2018), The Infographics Show, The Japanese Yakuza – Most Dangerous & Powerful Gangs In The World, [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dFH6q1hJMfo], (Accessed 16th March)
INDEPENDENT, Jake Adelstein, (2011), Mobsters on a mission: How Japan’s mafia launched an aid effort,[https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.independent.co.uk/news/world/asia/mobsters-on-a-mission-how-japans-mafia-launched-an-aid-effort-2264031.html%3famp], (Accessed: 16th March 2021)
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cow3survivor · 4 years
Episode 1 Pt. 1: “Playing A Game With A Fresh Slate” - Jessica
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So im a little slow with names to start but everyone seems chill and nice to be around. I hope I can find some like-minded people here 
Hello hello hello, it is Jessica here with a confessional. I don't know a single soul in this game except for Silver and we are not even on the same tribe. I also barely know him so it's basically like I'm playing a game with a fresh slate! It's nice because I feel like I used to have a Reputation with a capital R and sometimes that made it difficult to play the way I wanted (which is chaotically but in a cute way). But since no one knows me... I can use whatever strategy I want and hopefully they don't see it coming. I am tied for the oldest person here. Everyone is college aged (or even HIGH SCHOOL aged? Didn't know people still did that) so I do not know what we are going to talk about. My only interests are taxes and coffee, things that kids these days know nothing about! Also I am only allowed one teenager friend without it being weird and that person is Zach so I will just vote out the rest of the teenagers in this cast. The tribe wants to play pictionary later so I am going to join that and wow them all with my art skills. All right that's it, that's my confessional for this round. I probably won't even need to write any more until merge because I will be immune every round :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) I am manifesting that it will happen 
my tribe is seeming kinda dry</3 but thats okay im here to be insane and annoying not to win 
I'm coming into this game with the mentality of "you need to write a vl everyday, a confessional every day and communicate with everyone every day. I don't think I know anyone on my tribe apart from Nicole and Silver, who I am looking forward to possibly work with. I'm the youngest as always. Jabari seems worried about the image he gives off. Nash looks like that chatty archetype, someone you can go to vent to. Mikey was pretty excited to not be the youngest. Jake seems like a pretty nice guy. His first ORG, and with 15 orgs under my belt, I think I actually can help, but he loves survivor so he must know the strategies. I think I know jones from other ORGs, but she wasn't very active today. Or maybe I just wasn't awake for it. Jennet seems like a cool person I'd like to talk to. Same goes for Lindsay. As for Brookesia, I couldn't help but notice that Ethan reminds me of someone, I just don't know why. No thoughts on Daisy, Lovelis, Sam, or Shane. Jessica is giving me a strange vibe. She's gonna get to swap/merge, and in those later days, I think she has the possibility to become a villain. Or maybe that's gonna be me hehehehe. Cloud spoke in ITALIAN in their Intro Video and I'M EXCITED CAUSE MAYBE THEYRE  ITALIAN. Madison is someone I know from another ORG and great person, may not get to even meet her, she may get booted out pre-swap. Everyone knows Sammy, may be considered as a liability and I do too. I'm hella scared of him, but I just hope Brookesia sees the threat before I'm on a tribe with him. And then there's Pete. Ughhhhhh whyyyyyy. Bitch you can't make that show up on my screen at 2 am and expect me not too have nightmares. May be just all for show and he may be voted out first. For now, let's just try to make friends. I could just go to Jake or Silver. I don't know yet, I still have to talk with everyone
So? This is overwhelming a bit. I haven’t played survivor in almost a year and really didn’t think I’d be playing any more games. Yet, here I am! And it’s very weird, because I like everyone so far on a surface level which means I might be the weakest member of the tribe? I don’t think that’s how that works. I’ve been talking to Jake a bit, Lindsay a bit, Pennino a bit, then I love Nash and Jones. Jennet and I were active at different times I think so I haven’t gotten to speak to them yet but I have watched them play Toy Story! And Jabari was really nice but we talked about the weather and the weather only so uh..we are gonna have to talk more. In a big game like this you have to have the personality and active time to move forward so, I’m trying to show people I have that. It’s just real hard to do so, and also Silver...he is hard to keep up with. I’ve been hosting him for the past month and I just find it difficult to find an in to align with him on, not really trying to align with him honestly. But I feel like I’d probably do good at pretending to align with him, which is all that matters right? In terms of the other tribe...kisses all of them. Sammy? Love of my life. Daisy? Love of all our lives. Like, these are super likable people! So it’s a little worrisome to have big personalities over there, I really hope they don’t eat each other before a swap can happen. Especially Madison and Daisy, both of them have a tendency to uh...stick with the men...and vote out the women. So I’m really hoping history doesn’t repeat because I’d love to work with both of them! I feel like I’m solid if I can find a way to keep communication constant this round and show I can help out. I feel like rallying the girls and the theys this round may be an opportunity. I feel bad because Silver is doing all this and I know sammy is a graphic designer LOL Speaking of he should be working on my book cover not this game...anyway I’m gonna go back to sleep for an hour before work but I hope this tribe shows an inact soon because I’m starting to feel like the weakest link 😳
so right off the bat i’m really vibing with Ethan we immediately found our shared love for Bowser & Roadhog as our gay dads aw ♡ also talked to sammy since we have a little history but we’re cool i really think it’ll go well this time around at least i hope
(a little later)
i recorded this very late so im sorry if its a mess: 
Also to add one pennino immediately started interrogating me about people i didnt like and is generally not giving me great vibes like dude. chill it down on the aggression. you gotta make a connection w people before you start doing shit like that and we definitely didn't have one yet. obviously i vagued him (while giving him just a little bit of tea so it wasnt intensely obv i was vaguing) but dude... dont do that shit. we ain't even know if we goin' to tribal yet what the fuck.
Charan's Hot Confessional Questions for Leafy (Charan is my diary room buddy <3) :dance: 1. You've had the evening to get to meet your new tribemates! Who are you connecting with? Who are you struggling to connect with? How did the Tribe VC go? I feel like I am getting my foot in the door with most of them, so rather than saying who I am connecting super well with, I will say Kiki is the only one who I haven't had a conversation with. They got back from work right after everything happened, and I was already asleep, and they have not messaged me back yet today. The tribe vc was fun! I love vcs, as my diary room buddies RYAN and CHARAN know, as they are a way to make even deeper connections, and talk about things more efficiently. VCs are also a way to more quickly understand the personalities of who I am talking with, so I got a lot of info quickly. Super excited because my tribe looks awesome! :dance: 2. How do you personally assess your gameplay? Where do you think your strengths lay, especially in the early premerge? In what ways do you find yourself capitalizing on those strengths to keep yourself safe? My gameplay is 100% rooted in my social maneuverability. I try to understand those I play with, and preferably, have them as allies. Even if they aren't allies, if I understand how they think, I will be able to anticipate how they will act and react to certain scenarios. So far I hope to use my social game to keep me out of harm's way, as I don't need to be in control, I just can't be the one to go. If things go well, I will naturally be in a more powerful position as people come to trust me, but I can never be seen as going for one or being in one. Perception is everything, and on day 1, I am going for the perception that I am a nice volleyball coach with a passion for education, and I am just somebody who wants to have fun and make new friends. That is all true, and that is all I need to be! :dance: 3. I personally have 0 clue how idols/advantages are obtained in this org. Do you expect it to be difficult or easy? And does the easiness of finding idols factor into your gameplay at all? Or are you used to playing without having to rely on advantages? I expect this to be difficult. My luck in life and ESPECIALLY in orgs is abysmal. This system is rooted in luck but also social prowess, so I can set myself up the best I can socially but ultimately it is a luck-based system. I am not anticipating on finding anything this season if this is the only way to find things, but more importantly, I just need to know who finds what and when. I am used to playing without advantages, and just need to know who has them in order to adapt my gameplay to them. :dance: 4. Lastly, tell me about your day! What did u do that made u feel happy about today and what're ur plans for tomorrow? My day has been good so far! I told one of my volleyball teams that I coach about this, and they said they want to be in my video confessional, so maybe that will be coming soon :eyes:. I love what I do and coach a LOT of hours, so if I am not typing in here I am likely doing that. In addition to that, the semester is winding down for school, so hopefully, soon I will have less school work and I can focus on this and on coaching. For tomorrow I play to more deeply integrate myself socially, and start to talk game with people! 
i fear i will not click with my tribemates... im easy to get along with but idk if these people will like me
https://youtu.be/Q3eDyTryE0g when I tell y'all I've had it....
I feel like nobody hears me when i speak :(( i dont wanna sound like a toddler but hopefully its just my insecurities and they do enjoy me
(a little later)
Silver is kinda... hmmm kinda weird i dont like to isolate people or be mean but that’s just something i noticed. i do enjoy having somebody that’s awkward around bc it does take the edge/pressure off me being awkward
(after an afternoon of swimming)
this is such a different experience than what im used to.... nobody really messages me like at all and ive reached out but idk-
Well we are here on day three doing an immunity challenge. I hope we win! Today's song of the day is: HELLO by Allie X (I have listened to it 30 times this morning alone).
So far I like my tribe enough. I find people are falling into two categories: active/chatty or quieter/a little more difficult to talk to. In category one we have:
- Ethan: One of my favourite people to talk to so far, really liking him.
- Sammy: The only person I've talked any strategy with. I really like that out of the gate he was like "hey let's not waste time, let's STRATEGIZE". Since he was the one that brought that up first, I'm thinking I might go to him today (whether we win immunity or not) and see what he thinks about starting an official alliance with any of the people in category 1 (or anyone at all really)
- Daisy: Daisy seems very sweet and is easy to talk to. I really like her!
- Lovelis: Oh my gosh.... at first I was like hmmm not sure what my opinion is of this guy. But then we realized we are both from the FB Org community and now we are hitting it off! He said he cheered for me when I played Kingdoms Collide.
- Pete: Umm I don't really have a read on Pete but he does reply pretty quickly when I message him.
And then in the not so active group:
- Sam: Sam is actually here quite a bit but I've found he's a little difficult to talk to. He doesn't move conversations forward a lot. However we have been bonding over the evil that is braces/retainers so now he is opening up a bit.
- Shane: For some reason, I keep thinking he is also named Ethan? Not sure why. Shane is fine but same as Sam; not great at keeping conversations moving forward.
- Cloud: Okay I love Cloud. They are great and I really want to talk to them more! But they are also a little spotty with how much they're online. I would not want to vote them out if we lost but I also would not necessarily stop others if they wanted to.
- Madison: She is not here very much and doesn't seem to be putting in the effort when she is. Like she's left me on read already and in the span of 48 hours (or however long it's been since the game started) we have barely spoken at all and I've had to start the convo twice. I'd probably most want to vote her out if we lost.
In an ideal perfect wonderful world, we will win immunity and that gives me more time to try and subtly get some form of alliance going. I don't want to be the one to push it directly so I'm going to try and get Sammy to suggest it to people.
Usually I find I get two placements in games: I make it to merge as a non-threat and then kill it in the second half + go really far or I play too big too fast and by late pre-merge/early merge, I'm taken out. The only times I've gone into merge with a threat label and still won, I either won every single immunity (what's up, Jordan Pines!) or I had a once in a lifetime alliance. In my experience, it's way easier to play from a non-threatening position where everyone likes you.
I used to have that strategy down perfectly but it's been a few years so let's see if I still remember how the heck you win Survivor!
:pensive_cow: So we get on the beach and like omg I arrive like,, two hours later than everyone else but that’s all gucci idrc ab that but IN HINDSIGHT NOW feel like such an outsider on this TRIBE????????? It’s all internal I think. I haven’t done anything to make me an outsider other than be super super busy and preoccupied but I FEEL SO WEIRD :((( idk!! It might also be an age thing tho,, Bc it seems like a lot of people on my tribe are like 14-18 or smth like that I feel like the weird aunt who lives down the block!!! These kids make me SICK!!! But ya. It’s not like I have no one tho I’m just v v sad and feel rlly tuned out of everyone’s thoughts ajdkdkdkdk but uhm. 👉👈 first impressions cast assessment:
Jabari- have NOT had the chance to pm her 1 on 1 yet, but she was on call for a hot minute yesterday after the challenge was released!! She gave Lindsay some insight on the flash game which I thought was super super neat :) Jake - I definitely think on first impression he’s trying to take on a bit more of a savior leadership type position by organizing everyone for the immunity challenge and trying to make his own quirky cute flag too, but idk if we rlly like ? Need a leader rn ? I get it’s in good conscience but it’s a lil unnecessary. I do think he’s super super sweet tho and I loved his flag :) Mikey - this boy. JSJDJDKKD I think he’s TOTALLY FINE don’t get me WRONG but idk why he was like ,,, unintentionally lowkey shady??????? JAJDJFJFK LIKE when Jake’s flag came into consideration one of the first things Mikey said was smth like “well the judges might think it’s more illustration than a flag” LIKE AKSKSKSK ITS NOT A BIG DEAL ITS A FUCKING FLAG ANJSKS I think it might be,, an age thing or just him wanting his flag to be used which is FINE but it’s a reward challenge and it’s flagmaking it’s not,, the biggest deal ankskdksks I do appreciate his work ethic tho :3
Jennet - I’ve never heard bad things ab jennet so I’m RLLY EXCITED to get to meet them esp since they’re also kinda involved w fast twitter and whatnot but I feel like they kinda came in rlly hot? Like “I’m here to play this for real” I think Is what they said which isn’t totally fine but it’s also like,,, yes. Cool. Idk what it means ig hsjsjsj idk they’re v fun tho :)) definitely wanna work w them long term
Nicole - i Keep thinking Nicole is my emotional support counselor I’m so happy she’s here but I don’t wanna strictly rely on her ya feel (I don’t think I am rn Bc I think I have at least 2 solid allies anskkdkd but I don’t want to have to fall on Nicole Bc shes my friend yk)
Nash - is never rlly online :(( they messaged me yesterday and I messaged them back but they never respondedddddddddd Ik they said they napped but! Where are u I miss u
Pennino - this boy. ANDKFKDKDK he’s the kind of person that will respond to PMs w one word sentences and then go fking off in tribe chat like his life depends on it AJDKDKKDD I don’t see myself bonding w him that well tbh :( I think in the end it’s probs an age thing but he def seems nice and excited to play
Silver - at first I loved his intro,, filled me w joy,, but when I messaged him a bit later I felt like our convo was kinda stale? But THEN yesterday on call?? Chefs kiss I love silver sm. He said he wants to work w me too so BONUS??????? YES!!
Lindsay - this is it folks. This is the one. I love Lindsay sm. I haven’t had a great first impression convo w anyone like lindsay in a long long LONG ass time and I’m so. Appreciative. We both have said we wanna work w each other and I’m so so excited GOD lindsay is so incredible
But ya have to go back to work kiss me on the lipz
flopped the immunity comp so i fear i may be next :/// i havent really made an connections this is sick
0 notes
caremobile · 4 years
Mi Nins/An Habiba
Your grandmother is moving to Florida, I haven’t written in you in months and havent heard from you until your press release just hours ago, 
Your grandmother is my soul’s custodion, and she saved my soul, but as had your grandfather and my wife and yourselves, my nins, so the fact of the matter is -- as an epicurean writer with not so much in my pockets, and a thousand dollars late on the assessments, but 2000 dollars credit card debt and about a forty dollar library debt, my mother and father delayed my pay and prorated everything and made everything reloaded, but just, when the time, is sensible, I inherited, something, that’s valuable, in terms of what is meaningful in life -- like what belonged to us in our fishing stories, and a father’s watch, shares of a one bedroom apartment at tiffany mansions in a place where it was over by JI, there begun, our war of apocolypse where we bonded, and he raised my  daughter with Talliah Arc, and for my mother, the our narrative and a pensiante for fashion, a gift, of a sacred education and mensa annex at Sourbonne, and a fashion connection to YSL. She got a job at Northwestern Medical Faculty Foundation at the onset of the war and at the height of the war, got us insurance and got me in the bunker, became my care giver, later my benefactor, and bought out my work and made me a renown writer to boot, she gave me health as well.
I am thankful that, there’s a part of me that’s a Shao, and keeps me grounded, I must advise you that occassionally when the thought occurs to do some beginning Tai Chi by Jake Mace, and use our Lausanne systems when you can. We’ve united the Lausanne with the Royal House of Ballet and the Royal House of Dance at UM, in terms of interconnectivty -- your father is such a great dancer Ive also been officially connected with our Pizarnek Doesteyevski and Edmund family, player player.
An, I owe a debt of gratitude to Bassiounis, as our school is officially begun the charter process and connected me with the Bassiouni Law Group and House of Lexicons, which I’d already been mentored and trained and benefacted, and as you I hope will be the same.
One may have a choice, of going through the Case Western School of Law and Medicine and Royal School of Speech Pathology -- or occilate its up to you.
I love you and I wish that, I had a chance to see you for more often than what is now, fact of the matter is part of your inheritance is the src, we can talk about the future of my grandchildren --my children later, when we cluster at Beirut Lawrence Apartments, or whenever possible, we never forgot our roots,
we do have the Union Club and IHRLI, and if I am correct you are a pilot, we have plans for my daughter to become a marine pilot, and study at SOEST, afterwards we’re not too certain. Probably at our school at Columbia University Harriman at its Honors College of Journalism, and hopefully finish at UC for publishing and geography-econ, for post grad where ever her work takes her. Wherever she decides after UC --  
I haven;t heard from you and your sister AnnaBelle in a long time, and the coffee shop closed down, we were speaking in Spanish and various languages to each other, and now we have Alpha Delta, and Vidal/Ocampo House of Lexicons and Bassouni House of Lexicons, as well as Bevington and Ian Flemming Writing House, the Ultra Epicurean Writers of Shao Pockets.
I love you so much daughter, and, I am not sure where you’d left but last I heard to be with Joy as per my request and then to join the Italian Airforce and become a pilot.
and then give birth to our child through my cells or whether intra-uterine,
if it has what I have, epilepsy and perones, it may as well be an admiral and a lexicon. I am head of the English Speaking Union Annex and the Manhattan Institute and Colleges --of Union Society an IHRLI.  So what I want, for you, and for my child(ren) is to continue to work on  posture, and I think, you’ll get a sense of what that means later. It’s something that I continually work on when I can, when ever possible  --
As head regent of Rockefeller and UC and a board committee member at Royal Swedish Academy of Arts and Sciences, we’d just won three nobel merits/honors for our team Anna, I was working on mentoring your aunt Melissa on helping her with her Rockefeller thesis regarding Care of the Aging and Dying with relative to Defying Physics, Suspension of Disbelief. I’d told the designate to find courses, geared to the subject, and they enrolled at UC, in physiology and physics, and formed a team.
Before you knew it UC already won before they finished their project.
Daughter, I must go, my power is running out --
Love you so much and, all that matters now, is, suspension of disbelief and intellectual and real effort --
0 notes
meganelizabether · 7 years
My top 10 TV shows of 2017, 9-4
9. Brooklyn Nine-Nine
This show has managed to stay flat-out funny, genuinely heartwarming, and important without being heavy-handed. Tackling police work with optimism, integrity and humor can’t be easy, but somehow, the writers manage it every season. Plus, Santiago and Peralta’s relationship is one of the most realistic and happy (i.e. best-written relationship ever eeee fangirling a little here) on television, past and present. While they didn’t make sense as a couple in season one, the writers’ smartly let Jake grow up, and showed how he enriched Amy’s life with his childish joy and unwavering love. Now, they just make sense, and it’s a beautifully simple and magically complex thing to behold (like all good relationships).
8. Glow
I’ve always had a deep loathing for professional wrestling, based entirely on early childhood exposure to its spray-tanned, greasy, ludicrous brand of hyper-masculinity. The people who watched it didn’t seem to think it was funny, which I found very confusing, and the bombastic violence never seemed remotely entertaining. Luckily, “Glow” matches its source material by allowing its characters to be big, bold and ridiculous in and out of the ring, while slowly and delightfully subverting types over the course of the season. The parts are juicy, the characters are messy, and the women are unabashedly themselves. It’s one of the purest things I watched all year, and I can’t wait to see where the next season ends up. 
Also 8. The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel
One of (few) good things about 2017 was the diversity on television. Shows like Black-ish, Fresh off the Boat, The Mindy Project, Empire, Jane the Virgin and Insecure all got renewed, and as the year draws to a close, I can truthfully saw we’re living in a great age of television. Not only do we have a stunning variety of amazing shows, we have writers of color creating for actors of color, on shows produced by people of color. We have a spectrum of sexuality across all TV genres, written as main characters and not tokens or random friends who appear only on very special episodes. The diversity isn’t just on the surface anymore, and it shows. Some of the most original, important and entertaining stories on TV would never have existed if not for the diverse creators who finally got their feet in the door.
And yes, that is a preamble-apology of sorts for including a very, very white show like The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel on a fairly short list. Sure, the main characters are Jewish, but so far, the show hasn’t developed a sense of otherness, or tackled any anti-Semitism surely hanging around in 1950s New York (I haven’t finished the season yet, so maybe it’s there?). The moment where Midge (literally) upstages an African American band feels extremely privileged and a bit cringe-worthy as well. Historically, the Palladinos have been pretty tone-deaf tackling, or completely ignoring, issues like race, LGBTQ issues and politics, and I don’t see that changing any time soon.
HOWEVER, the show is damn funny; the acting is great, the writing is crisp, the feminism is present and bourgeoning, and I’ll admit it... I’m a sucker for a period piece. It’s like Mad Men, but hilarious (and I do also have to admit that I miss Mad Men, for all its flaws). And we have not yet arrived at a time when I can say, stop with the funny women on TV already. There’s just too many of them. Why not some serious shows about serious women?
7. Dear White People
The movie this Netflix series’ is based on was funny and enjoyable, but it also felt pretty self-contained, so I wasn’t initially sure how this would play out over an entire season. However, Simien and his writing team totally blew me out of the water by taking the relatively broad character sketches from the movie and turning them into people who made me laugh, cry and cheer, episode after episode. Honestly, I can’t remember a show that made me feel so emotionally invested in 11 episodes. Despite losing the star power of Tessa Thompson, recasting Sam White turned out to be a boon for the show. Thompson’s iteration was heavily influenced by her trademark snarky, take-no-prisoners persona, but Logan Browning’s version highlights and deepens Sam’s inherent vulnerability and uncertainty. This adds nuance to her prickly, trigger-happy social activism, and underscores just how much this is an image of White’s own creation. Antoinnette Robinson as Coco was another standout for me--her performance was mesmerizing, beautiful and completely heart-rending. The moments she and Browning share crackle with energy, and it’s hard not to mourn the current state of their friendship. I’m rooting for them, guys, cuz I need more amazing female TV biffles in my life right now. 
Other things I loved:
Marque Richardson as Reggie. He’s hot, he’s angry, and he’s got layers. Richardson does Emmy-worthy work during his run-in with campus police, and in portraying the devastating emotional fallout of the violent encounter. The back half of the season allows Reggie to move from player in a requisite love triangle to fully-formed character in his own right, and I’m looking forward to seeing more Reggie-centric episodes in the future. 
John Patrick Amedori as Gabe. Ah yes, the token white boy... this could easily have been the most basic, nothing characterization, but no, not in the hands of these writers, and not with Amedori’s acting chops. Gabe is cheesy, a bit fumbling, and sometimes out of his depth, but he’s also big-hearted, brave and empathetic. It’s incredibly important that we understand and buy Sam’s attraction and deep connection, and also that his character stand up to her subconscious self-loathing, which the show deftly accomplishes.
“Dear White People” is a show that wears its heart on its sleeve, and that’s a great thing in this era of cynicism and bleakness (I’m not just talking about prestige TV). If you haven’t watched it yet, add it to your queue ASAP.
6. Master of None
This was a solid return for one of our chosen Millennial ambassadors--hilarious, awkward, expansively optimistic, and full of Ansari’s signature TRUTH. Artistically ambitious (the loving ode to Italian cinema in “The Thief”), unabashedly socially aware (Religion, First Date), and full of moments of tender vulnerability (Thanksgiving), the show proves time and again it’s as good as the hype. My only complaint: I’m not on board with Dev and Francesca. She’s cute, he’s cute, they have some cute moments... but I’m not really buying it. Maybe it’s risky to apply too much of the real world to this fictionalized version of Ansari’s life, but I can’t help but wonder if the ambiguity comes from his own failed relationships. Considering how much Ansar’s love life has played into his creative endeavors so far, it’s not that much of a stretch. Hopefully, he’ll continue to channel his life into stories that feel real, not imagined and artificial, even if that means no true love for Dev for a few more seasons.
5. The Good Place
This show never should have made it to network TV, but I’m thrilled it did. It’s a deliciously weird little anomaly, and I want MORE RIGHT NOW. I love Kristin Bell (Veronica Mars 4ever), which initially convinced me to give this pastel, candy-coated comedy a shot, but every actor is a total gem. The timing is impeccable, the pacing is ambitious, and the philosophy is... well, it’s interesting, integral, AND funny. How many shows can tackle the fundamental questions of human existence without breaking a sweat, while playing them for big, completely earned laughs? Not many, that’s for damn sure.
4. The Handmaid’s Tale
So yeah, I have concerns about the longevity of this show. As in, I’m not sure there should have been a second season. The last half of season one felt simultaneously too rushed and too drawn out, giving me pause about the writers’ ability to string Atwood’s material across 13 more episodes. 
That said, the series deserves this spot on the merit of the first few episodes alone. TV this energetic, vital and fully-formed out of the gate is always worth celebrating, and Atwood’s decades-old vision of the future proved prescient and dangerously real. The show inextricably benefitted from 2017′s political zeitgeist, where white women felt the anxiety and panic most women of color have felt for... well, I guess for always. 
This show is arresting and impossible to ignore. The actors, stripped of makeup, naturally lit, and filling the frames with pure, distilled emotions, suck you in and force you to feel what they feel. Sometimes (often), this is incredibly difficult, but others, it leads to feelings of euphoria and triumph. At it’s best, “The Handmaid’s Tale” is a perfect distillation of humanity, both its ugliness and its beauty. Here’s hoping the showrunners can pull off another season with equal grace and artistry. 
Annnd I’ll be back before New Year’s with my top three shows of 2017 :-)
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jolie-guerrier · 5 years
Boxing: Knocking Out Racism and Inequality in America
Current boxing is as old as America. They grew up together, and like America herself, boxing is as glorious as it is severe. It's as delightful as it is base. From the wicked and banned "shows" in New Orleans to the "exposed knuckle" fights in the shantytowns out West, boxing grew up with America. It has been known as the "Sweet Science" and "the Manly Art of Self Defense," in any case "boxing is a game of showdown and battle, a weaponless war," setting two warriors in opposition to one another to do fight in the squared circle.
We can follow the historical backdrop of America's poor and disappointed through the curve of boxing's past. Prizefighting is a crystal through which we can see the history and battles of America's generally disappointed. Its saints of legend frequently epitomize the social issues of the day. From multiple points of view, the battle game fills in as a methods for "financial" progression. Creator and boxing antiquarian Jeffrey T. Sammons states in Beyond the Ring: The Role of Boxing in American Society: "The progression [of extraordinary fighters] had gone from Irish to Jewish... to Italians, to [B]lacks, and to Latin[o]s, an example that mirrored the financial stepping stool. As each gathering climbed, it hauled its childhood out of prizefighting and drove them into all the more encouraging... interests."
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Image source Two warriors specifically embody the battle of their kin: the reckless Irishman John L. Sullivan, and "The Black Menace" Jack Johnson.
Boxing's Origins
Confining has its causes Ancient Greece, and was a piece of the Olympic Games in around 688 BC. Homer makes reference to enclosing the "Iliad." Boxing history specialist Michael Katz reviews the games crude roots:
Much like the primary American pioneers, prizefighting advanced toward the New World from England. What's more, similar to the pioneers, boxing's initial days were regularly brutish and vicious. Sammons states: "Like such huge numbers of American social, social, political, and scholarly foundations, enclosing began England. In the late 1700s, when the game existed uniquely in its crudest structure, prizefighting in Britain expected a demeanor of modernity and worthiness.
The early Puritans and Republicans regularly connected game playing with the severe governments of Europe, however as American adversaries of relaxation lost ground, the game immediately started to develop. In the 1820's and 1830's boxing, regularly called pugilism, turned into a mainstream sport among the American "workers who were not used to limitations upon beguilements and games."
As the game developed in ubiquity among the outsiders, so too did the legend of the person. For better or for more awful, the United States is a country weaned on the fantasy of the person. This is the American Dream, that central belief that we can all "pull our selves up by the bootstraps" and become fiercely rich, incredibly fruitful, and frantically satisfied. For almost 200 years the "Heavyweight Champion" was the crown gem of the brandishing scene, and the physical encapsulation of the American Dream. He was the hardest, "baddest man" on earth, and told the world's regard.
Sammons states: "[T]he physical man despite everything represents the capability of the individual and natural selection. He is the epitome of the American Dream, where the lowliest of people ascend to the top by their own drive and constancy. The slipperiness of that fantasy is irrelevant; the importance of the fantasy is in its acknowledgment, not its satisfaction." During the 1880's, nobody typified the physical man, or the American Dream, more than boxing's first incredible heavyweight champion, John L. Sullivan.
John L. Sullivan and the Plight of the Irish
Sullivan, otherwise called "The Boston Strongboy," was the remainder of the "uncovered knuckle" champions. The child of poor Irish migrants, he was a reckless and obstinate man who visited the "vaudeville circuit offering fifty dollars to any individual who could last four rounds with him in the ring." Sullivan broadly tested his crowds by guaranteeing, "I can lick any sonofabitch in the house."
"The Boston Strongboy" got one of America's first games legends when he reprimanded mogul Richard Kyle Fox, proprietor and owner of the National Police Gazette and the National Enquierer. Legend has it that one decisive night in the spring of 1881 while at Harry Hill's Dace Hall and Boxing Emporium on New York's East Side, Fox was so intrigued by one of Sullivan's bouts, that the paper magnate "welcomed him to his table for a business talk, which Sullivan inconsiderately declined, picking up Fox's scorn."
Sammons states:
Fox was irate and pledged to break Sullivan just as control the crown. He did neither one of the sullivans; beat any and all individuals, including a couple of Fox hopefuls." Sullivan turned into a global big name and American symbol "who had ascended through the positions without looking down on others. Sullivan accomplished more than manufacture an individual after, be that as it may; he raised the game of boxing. The prize ring presently spread over the bay among lower and high societies."
Sullivan turned into an image of expectation and pride for late Irish workers living in another, threatening area. Almost 2,000,000 Irish outsiders landed in America somewhere in the range of 1820 and 1860. Most landed as contracted hirelings and were viewed as minimal more than slaves in the new nation. Of those 2,000,000 foreigners, about 75 percent landed during "The Potato Famine" of 1845-1852. The Irish fled from destitution, sickness, and English abuse. "The Potato Famine" had killed very nearly a million Irishmen.
Creator Jim Kinsella states:
America turned into their fantasy. Early outsider letters portrayed it as a place that is known for bounty and asked others to finish them the 'Brilliant Door.' These letters were perused at get-togethers urging the youthful to go along with them right now nation. They left in large numbers on ships that were so packed, with conditions so horrendous, that they were alluded to as 'Pine box Ships.' (standard. 1)
The Irish landed in America penniless and frequently undesirable. A familiar adage summarized the frustration felt by American foreigners in the Nineteenth Century: "I came to America since I heard the boulevards were cleared with gold. At the point when I arrived, I discovered three things: First, the roads weren't cleared with gold; second, they weren't cleared in any way: and third, I was relied upon to clear them."
Kinsella says:
Our worker predecessors were not needed in America. Promotions for work were frequently trailed by "no Irish need apply." They had to live in basements and shanties... with [no] plumbing and [no] running water. These living conditions reared infection and early passing. It was evaluated that 80 percent of all babies destined to Irish settlers in New York City kicked the bucket... The Chicago Post stated, "The Irish fill our penitentiaries, our poor houses... scratch a convict or a homeless person and the odds are that [we] stimulate the skin of an Irish Catholic. Putting them on a vessel and sending them home would end wrongdoing right now.
Be that as it may, the Irish landed in America during a period of scarcity. Kinsella proceeds:
The nation was developing and it required men to do the overwhelming work of building extensions, waterways, and railways. It was hard, perilous work. A typical statement heard among the railroad laborers guaranteed "an Irishman was covered under each tie.
John L. Sullivan was the pride of the Irish during his amazing title rule between 1882-1892).
Student of history Benjamin Rader composed:
The competitors as open saints filled in as a compensatory social capacity. They helped the general population in making up for the enthusiasm of the conventional dream of progress... what's more, sentiments of individual frailty. As the general public turned out to be progressively entangled and systematized and as progress must be won progressively in administrations, the requirement for legends who jumped to popularity and fortune outside the standards of the framework appeared to develop.
During his decade long rule as champion; nobody caught the open consideration more than "The Boston Strongboy." He decimated Paddy Ryan in Mississippi City, Mississippi for the "Heavyweight Championship of America" in an illicit "boxing display" on February 7, 1882. The title belt was named "the $10,000 Belt" and was "something fit for a lord." Sammons states: "It had a base of level gold fifty inches in length, and twelve inches wide, with a middle board comprising of Sullivan's name explained in precious stones; eight different edges falcons and Irish harps; an extra 397 jewels studded the emblematic adornment."
In the wake of accepting the "$10,000 Belt," Sullivan pried out the precious stones and sold it for $175. He later proceeded to overcome his most despised adversary Jake Kilrain in the seventy-fifth round, denoting the last "exposed knuckle" title session in boxing history. Sullivan ruled until his knockout misfortune to a more youthful, quicker, increasingly talented contender named "Man of honor" Jim Corbett in the twenty-first round on September 7, 1892 in New Orleans, Louisiana.
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pointy-eared-muse · 8 years
OK, but, like... I’m a nerd for name meanings, so can we just take a moment to go over a few of them?  Because I feel like this needs to be shared for anyone who’s not already familiar with this, and it puts it together into 1 place instead of having to go through all the individual pages on the Wiki since I know some of this info is on there.
So... Viktor. Obviously a variant of “Victor,” which is Latin in origin, and means... exactly what you think it does.  Someone who is victorious.  Then there’s his surname, Nikiforov.  The Russian meaning isn’t clear, BUT, it is very similar to the Greek word nikefóros (νικηφόρος) which means “winning” or “victorious.” The “-ov” suffix usually indicates a patronym and means “son of-” in Russian, but even so, HIS NAME IS LITERALLY VICTOR THE VICTORIOUS SON, I’M NOT EVEN JOKING HERE.
Then we have Yuri Katsuki.  The most likely meaning for “Yuri” in this case is “abundant ideals.”  Which is perfect for him in so many ways.  But, “Yuri” is more traditionally a feminine name in Japanese, usually written with the character for “lily.” (And lilies are often considered symbolic of female genitalia, hence the term “yuri” being used as the feminine equivalent of “yaoi” for a lesbian relationship.)  So I’m fairly sure there’s some punning involved (or at least a wink-and-nod) when Yuri decides to embody a feminine persona for his Eros program and jokes that witnessing Viktor’s Eros could impregnate him, despite being male.  Imply what you will about what that means for the dynamics in his and Viktor’s relationship.  And it has other meanings in Japanese as well, depending on the characters used to spell it, including "tenderness; superiority" (yu) and "reason; justice; truth" (ri). Katsuki also has a number of meanings built into it.   As a unisex name, it combines 佳 (ka, kei) meaning "beautiful, excellent, good, pleasing, skilled", 伽 (ka, ga, kya, gya, togi) meaning "attending, entertainer, nursing", 嘉 (ka, yoi, yomi.suru) meaning "applaud, esteem, praise", 夏 (ka, ga, ge, natsu) meaning "summer", 歌 (ka, uta, uta.u) meaning "sing, song" or 加 (ka, kuwa.eru, kuwa.waru) meaning "add(ition), Canada, include, increase, join" with 月 (gatsu, getsu, tsuki) meaning "month, moon." As a masculine name, it combines 克 (koku, ka.tsu) meaning "kindly, overcome, skillfully" or 勝 (shou, ka.tsu, katsu, -ga.chi, sugu.reru, masa.ru) meaning "excel, prevail, victory, win" with 己 (ki, ko, onore, tsuchinoto, na) meaning "self, serpent, snake", 希 (ki, ke, mare) meaning "beg, beseech, few, Greece, hope, phenomenal, pray, rare, request", 樹 (ju, ki) meaning "timber trees, wood" or 紀 (ki) meaning "account, annals, chronicle, geologic period, history, narrative."   SO MUCH SYMBOLISM YOU CAN READ INTO THIS; MAKE OF IT WHAT YOU WILL.
And Yurio.  “Yurio” really doesn’t have a meaning---it’s just a semi-nonsensical nickname.  But “Yuri” as a Russian name is their equivalent of “George,” and means “farmer,” or, in a more abstract sense, “one who grows.”  In Hebrew, “Yuri” means “light of God.” I couldn’t find an actual etymological meaning for the name “Plisetsky,” but it’s most likely a nod to a famous Russian family.  Michael Plisetsky was a Consul General of the USSR, but  his children Maya and Aleksander were well-known ballet dancers, choreographers and directors, and Aleksander’s daughter Anna was also a ballerina, actress and producer.
For Phichit...  Phichit is, as expected, a Thai name and means “winner” or “conqueror.” Anyone else sensing a theme here?  As for his surname, again, there wasn’t much I could find in terms of the etymological meaning, but the surname is shared by a line of Thai military and political leaders, including  Surayud Chulanont, who served as Prime Minister of Thailand.
Christophe’s name is delightfully Swiss in that he has a French given name and an Italian surname. “Christophe” is a variant of the Greek Christopher, which means “bearer of the anointed one.” Yes, a lot of name sources will say it means “christ-bearer” or even “crossbearer,” but the word “christos” in Greek means “anointed one.”  Giacometti is less clear in its origins, but can be traced back etymologically to Hebrew roots.  As a given name, it’s a familiarized version of Giacomo, which is the Italian equivalent of James or Jacob---making Giacometti basically like the Italian version of Jimmy or Jake. James is basically an Anglicized corruption of the Hebrew name Jacob, and they mean the same thing.  Traditionally the name is interpreted as coming from the Hebrew word "akev", meaning a heel, but has also been interpreted as "he who supplanted". Both of these meanings are influenced by the biblical story of Esau and his younger twin brother Jacob. Jacob is said to have been born holding on to Esau's heel, and took advantage of Esau's hunger to persuade him to part with his birthright in exchange for a hot meal.  This name combo I find interesting considering Christophe’s role as not only a supportive friend to the “golden boys” of the skating world (the “anointed ones,” if you will) but also how in competition, he is a decent threat to taking Yuri’s place in the rankings---only to come in on his heels.
It’s no coincidence that JJ calls himself “king”---it’s literally right there in his name.  His given name Jean-Jacques is the French version of “John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt.”  “John” is Hebrew, meaning “God is gracious,” and Jacob... see above.  “Jean-[X]” combos are pretty popular among masculine French (and French-Canadian) names, though “Jean-Jacques” has typically been somewhat less common.  But the surname Leroy, well, it literally comes from the French “le roi,” meaning “the king.”
Otabek’s name actually originates in Uzbekistan, and seems to be considered something of a “ghetto” name.  Ironic, since the name actually probably refers to nobility and riches, being a variant of the Kazakh version Atabek, which is a Turkish hereditary noble title, and may be etymologically related to the name Otto, meaning “rich.” His surname “Altin” means “gold” in Kazakh and the altin was a form of Russian currency at one point.
Anyway, those are just a handful (I could keep going!), but I found them interesting. :)
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