killerofyourheart · 1 year
Starter for @jaimexbeau
After a long day outside the bubble, he decided not to spend his afternoon in his place and go out tonight. He entered the bar seeing all the people inside of all sorts of species but mainly vampires. he sat at the bar next to someone he hadn't seen before and ordered a drink. Something heavy for the night. He turned to the person beside him, a vampire, and omega. He smiled at him. "And another of whatever he's drinking," he said to the bartender who nodded at him. He turned to the man and smiled again.
"I'm Jonathan, and you?" He asks. He doesn't have more intentions than to make a friend, but if things led elsewhere he wasn't going to reject them either. "You come here often? I've been out of the city for a while myself, I'm a rider agent, see?" Jonathan wasn't a talker either but he was bored and there was nothing better to do. The bartender arrives with his drinks and he sips from his own making a pleased sound after.
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ursabear · 1 year
Starter for @jaimexbeau
He knew it was irrational, that he shouldn't be afraid of omegas. They were meant to be weaker than alphas and, yet, his ex had managed to instill in him a fear very few would have. People would call him a coward, a little man, a kid even. He hated it. Hated what his ex did to him, to his psyche. Memories of bottles breaking against his skin flashed through his mind as he entered the diner and saw one of the staff handling a couple of them.
Njord took a deep breath, a gulp, and sat down at a table where he saw a menu on. He browsed it already knowing what he would order but checking it out anyways. He tried to relax but he was tense, and licked his lips trying to focus on his breathing and the food. He jumped slightly as a waiter approached to take his order. "I'm not ready yet," he told the omega who simply walked away. He was in his handyman clothes, so he was a little dirty. He had done work for a few omegas so he was doing better.
Another omega approached and he was more relaxed then. His name tag called him Jaime while Njord's own tag had his name and handyman below it. "Ah, yes, I want a hamburger and fries with a soda. Thanks." He says trying not to make much chitchat, he didn't want the other to know he was going through a panic attack or trying to prevent one more like.
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willshift · 1 year
[ 𝐂𝐎𝐏𝐏𝐄𝐑 ] ― sender bites receiver hard enough to draw blood
@jaimexbeau || location: Will's apartment
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Will's eyes flutter themselves shut as the younger vampire sinks his teeth into his neck. A hand comes up from behind, keeping the younger vampire's head in place as Will felt his own blood getting drained from his neck. It was a unique feeling, considering Will had almost forgotten the first time he had let a fellow vampire feed from his own neck. His free hand comes to stroke along the other's chest as Will showered him with praise. "You're doing really good Jaime."
"Don't be afraid to sink your teeth in deeper." Will encourages, his fingers trailing across the younger vampire's nicely build chest. The older vampire didn't need to worry about getting drunk dry any time soon, having been indulgent in both blood and human food. Will's hand continues to rub itself across Jaime's chest as he fed from his neck, humming to himself. "There you go.. That's it."
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bearsurvived · 1 year
don's diner was a pretty cozy place to work at. it got busy during the after-shift evening hours, but all in all - work was pretty good. makhi came into this knowing nothing & had been taught everything he could possibly need to know for the past few months, so that he felt quite comfortable working there. the kitchen was his domain, but he tended to also do the counter work, given that they had only one waiter who had enough to do as was.
makhi worked the late & night shifts deliberately, so he had the daytime to pester his favorite councilman, but it was also for his own benefit. while the diner was frequented more during the later hours, the waiter working with him made up for that. they were a good team, if you asked makhi & the feeling of accomplishment after a busy shift... was quite satisfying to him. the quiet shifts, though... nerve-wrecking.
elbows on the counter, head resting upon them so he could still see the diner & yet ... wish there was anything to do, he eyed jaime - the waiter he enjoyed working with to find him equally bored. boredom was new to makhi, his life had been a constant fight for survival - no minute could be wasted & now.... he was just .. waiting, doing nothing, because he'd already done cleaning in the hopes of customers arriving while he did so, but no.. nothing.
"ever thought about working someplace else?"
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wolftracked · 1 year
elias was the one keeping an eye on the town, kind of. he never meant to, but when the travelers popped up out of nowhere & he had an idea how to find them all across the world, he somehow.. became new haven's ... well, overseer. just with a lot less power, because he didn't make any grand decisions, he just watched & informed the council. usually. but this time they had a big issue that couldn't really wait council approval.
in a town where a medium percentage population depended on blood to survive... with blood running out.. elias couldn't wait. he'd trekked down to the hospital to find out if what he saw in the system was true, only to find out it was. blood shortage, which sounded laughable, if it wasn't so damn terrible.
flyers were made, emails sent, messages sent through the radio - all for voluntary blood donations to keep the vampires of new haven happy & sated until they got proper shipments. although elias would nudge council to make blood donations something the people of new haven wanted to do more frequently. in the future.
there was, however, a section at the hospital designated for a different kind of blood donation. live one. it was quite beneficial, really. some enjoyed feeding, some enjoyed being fed on. it was not mandatory for either side. but it was a quick & somewhat enjoyable way to feed, especially for those who'd been running low for a little while before the issue was noticed.
elias was one of a handful sat & waiting, although work never stopped for him, so he had his laptop on his legs & typed away almost furiously until feet appeared before him. laptop was closed & teeth-y smile shot upwards. his white button up had a few buttons undone to allow easier access, but he pulled it off his shoulder a bit anyway. "sit." soft hum, "i'm elias."
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newhavenrp · 1 year
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killerofyourheart · 1 year
Starter for @jaimexbeau
It had been about a month since he met Jaime, had sex, exchanged numbers, and...started dating. As unlikely as that sounded. He was head over heels for the young vampire and did his best to help him where he could.
They met frequently, texted even more than that, and he was sure they were going in the right direction.
He had picked up a gift from the local gaming store and had picked up some fresh blood for Jaime which he placed in a cooler. It was early night when he arrived at the young man's house and he had planned to take him to picnic at the lake and maybe a swim. Which Jaime knew of since they had planned for this. Maybe not the blood, that had been extra, but...
Jonathan knocked on the door, a small shopping bag in his hands with the game he had picked at the store. The rest of the items they would need for the picnic were in his car: a big basket with a small cooler with blood inside of it, some food for Jonathan, towels, a blanket, and extra clothing.
When Jaime opened, he smiled and kissed him lightly. "I bought this for you, I hope you like it and that you don't have it yet." He says after the kiss offering the small shopping bag with a pokemon game inside.
"Ready to go to the lake?" He asked then. "I have extra clothes you can use if you want, but they will be big on you."
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killerofyourheart · 1 year
[ TAKE ]  for one muse to passionately kiss the other,  fueled by jealousy. 
Jonathan was finishing his meal with his lawyer, @rubenfuentes, as they were talking about the case and had decided to bring him to Jaime's little diner so he could see the vampire at the same time too. Not in a million years would he think he had fueled the other with jealousy. So, he got up to go to the restroom and as he comes back to the table he smiles at the waiter boy who just grabs his head and kisses him passionately.
Jonathan grabs him by the waist kissing him back and growls lowly when the kiss ends. He arches an eyebrow at him in the question of what was he doing then he looks at the lawyer and he realizes. "Did I make you jealous?" He asks with a grin and kisses him again.
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killerofyourheart · 1 year
🌩= Something my muse does on a stormy day
Something Jonathan likes to do on a stormy day. Sleep or read. He's a simple man and he works hard as a rider agent so when he's home he goes out to enjoy life a little, but during stormy days he's usually too lazy to do anything and, most of the time, he just sleeps. If he can't sleep, then he reads something in bed. He doesn't like getting wet or going out during rainy days, he finds it too much of a hassle. Unless he has something or someone important to see or do.
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willshift · 1 year
@jaimexbeau || location: don's diner
Will smiled mischievously to himself as he enters the diner. He had decided to leave the Dry Tap in his brother's hands. Temporarily. He couldn't stress that enough to the fae that was his brother… at least until he screws up enough for Will to be an only child again. The vampire looked around the dinner before kicking his prosthetic leg forward. Will enters the diner, sitting himself on a stool in the front of the diner. The vampire casually scans the diner before his eyes narrowed at his… prey?
No. That didn't seem accurate to the young man he was looking at. After all, Will was the one anticipating to have fangs in his neck for once. Of course, it was no surprise to Will that others found the alpha delectable. It had been years since he had a fledgling like Jaime, someone to teach what he knew about the way of vampires. Of course, it wasn't much, being raised by a single mother. Whatever guidance about vampires she could give Will had to be juggled with keeping a roof over their heads. Whatever else she had to spare was shared amongst him and his brother. However little it was, the alpha was more than willing to share with Jaime. Besides, the kid made great mozzarella sticks.
"Hey there!" Will waves the young man over, flashing his eyes red as he gave his the once over. "Hope you're ready for your lessons today."
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ursabear · 1 year
[TEXT] - me, you, a bad movie. you in? 
[TEXT] - I see why not.
[TEXT] - What movie are we watching?
[TEXT] - At what time do I pick you up?
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