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bcnvivant · 4 months ago
nikhil dançava de olhos fechados, completamente engolido pelo ritmo da banda que tocava no oitavo pecado. a música era suave e combinava com seus movimentos despojados: ele se movia com certa graça, dignidade e elegância, como se estivesse há centenas de anos aprimorando seus passos. nikhil amava música, pois fazia com que ele se sentisse vivo..! ou quase isso. ano após ano, as memórias sensoriais de uma eventual humanidade se enfraqueciam e lentamente esvaíam da mente. memórias doces como o suave ardor da bebida alcoólica queimando a garganta, a textura suculenta da comida na boca, o tecido áspero raspando a ponta dos dedos, a pele suave, fina e frágil... ah, e o coração batendo mais rápido ao ver alguém que amava. tudo, absolutamente tudo tinha sido substituído por outras sensações muito mais fortes, (que tornavam as antigas obsoletas e puídas) em especial pelo desejo doído de beber daquele líquido carmesim viscoso e quente, que pulsava nas várias pessoas ao seu redor. se ao menos pudesse colher direto da fonte. tão cheiroso. tão inebriante... mas ah. o conselho e suas regras estúpidas lhe impediam de ser feliz, de fazer a coisa qual sua espécie era tão conhecida por fazer. de qualquer modo, ele se divertiria. completamente absorto no jam, notou tarde demais que alguém se aproximava sem cautela. a colisão era inevitável, mas nikhil era sagaz o suficiente para virar a situação ao seu favor. em um movimento fino segurou o antebraço alheio, apertando o suficiente para equilibrar quem quer que fosse sem nem mesmo derramar uma gota do próprio copo. "opa." um sorriso galante apareceu nos lábios enquanto ele observava o rosto sem qualquer desfaçatez. "essa foi quase. já que você está aqui, que tal uma dança?" arqueou uma das sobrancelhas em convite.
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wolfrcge · 3 months ago
starter aberto no salão principal do baile das sombras
"merda!" nathaniel esgueirou-se por entre duas máquinas de jogo, encobrindo a própria imagem enquanto obviamente se escondia de alguém. revirou os olhos, a face desacreditada--- como podia ser tão azarado? mal havia dado dois passos para dentro do sortilégio e quase colidido com um outro rapaz que recorrentemente fazia papel de seu adversário nas mais ridículas brigas de bar. "eu não acredito nisso... é um record. a celine com certeza me amaldiçoou pra valer." a destra foi ao supercílio, lembrando-o da ínfima cicatriz que marcava uma de suas últimas rusgas, e ele escorreu até se sentar no chão: o que o hawthorne menos queria agora era causar uma cena. por sorte (ou azar) alguém que ali passava constatou o desespero nada velado nos olhos claros e se aproximou para... ajudar, ele assim esperava.
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dcccivcr · 1 year ago
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A night off only means the bodyguard is less guarding and more skulking. Keeping a close eye on the imperial family only as a perfect excuse to keep an eye, also, on everyone else in the ballroom. Or so he tries. Right now, he has been intercepted by an individual who may or may have not indulged in more drinks than they could tolerate. He tries to escape with a courteous and modest smile, keeping a prudent distance. "Regrettably, I am unfamiliar with this form of dancing," or most forms of dancing, for that matter. He was a decent singer, had a neat calligraphy and could fly a kite beautifully, but dancing was far from his preferred form of artistic expression. Nor his preferred form of mourning. "I am certain you will find a more suited companion—"
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hycnbin · 5 months ago
starter type: o p e n. @palmviewstarters where: elevator in location of your choice. (i'll adapt to whatever location works for your muse) when: friday, time is up to you.
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''I-...'' Hyun looks around him before focusing on the other person briefly, his gaze going back to the buttons panel, confused about what to do next but choosing to remain calm. ''... I guess we're stuck.''
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caracarnn · 6 months ago
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@luckhissoul said: "you really think that you're going to save the whole bloody world, huh? they fed you that crap for a long time. but look around you, man, doesn't look like anyone's saving anyone around here. and if you were to try -- well, i doubt anyone would actually care."
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He would like to think that his purpose was a lot more important than that. That if he started on this road then people would notice and be grateful. His parents had told him that he would do great things as the savior of the world and there was little reason behind not believing them although he's not entirely certain that they would be taken alive by the eels and slimy things that exist in these waters that they're lounging beside right then.
Mat was a hard guy, pretty down on the world, and full of the kind of luck that should have proven to himself that this - none of it was coincidence. Everything was happening because they were lucky, they had found something. He even made a prayer under his breath. Being able to pray could prove it to him because otherwise what was the point in living when you did it with bitterness?
"I think that you just don't like the idea of the world getting better." He muttered, shaking his head. "But it will get better and we'll be at the center of it. Doesn't that interest you at all?" Mat still didn't seem to be convinced, especially not by the robots that he had brought with him. He didn't see them as the help they were but instead as an additive to this otherwise crazy story that Rand had been telling him since they had met one another on the road. It wasn't crazy, it was the Truth.
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xradiant · 10 months ago
@drkroots gave a like for a one liner !
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"You're looking at me like the cat that got the cream - except you're not a cat and I'm not cream. Going to explain yourself?"
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anoddbunch · 2 months ago
@malka-lisitsa liked for a starter
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"You're overdoing that, sweetheart, I hope you know that no one believes you."
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pollyprinceton · 7 months ago
In the picturesque town of Greywood, nestled among the rolling hills and lush greenery, Polly found solace in the anonymity surrounding her. Here, she reveled in being Polly, free from the expectations and responsibilities tied to her family's prominence in the community and her successful fashion empire. Greywood provided her with a haven to cast off the public image she carefully maintained and live a life unencumbered by societal labels.
Within Greywood's serene embrace, Polly sought refuge from the scandal that engulfed her following a highly publicized outing with another woman. Striding through the quaint town, Polly made her way to the local market to personally select her groceries, a task she rarely undertook. The prospect of handpicking fresh produce and discerning its quality left her contemplating out loud, considering whether the internet could offer guidance in this uncharted territory.
"I wonder how you know the veggies are still fresh." She muttered to herself as she entered the grocery store.
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magicalelsaarendelle · 10 months ago
After leaving her sister alone in the cinema, Elsa felt a pang of regret. She thought of ways to make it up to Anna and eventually decided to surprise her with a cute little dog. Determined to find the perfect pet, Elsa headed to the pet shop, where she spent a considerable amount of time choosing the right one. She finally settled on a small dog that she thought would be perfect for Anna. Determined to make the surprise even more special, Elsa decided to let Anna name the dog, as it would be her responsibility to take care of it. With the dog in hand, Elsa made her way back to the cinema to reunite with her sister and bring her a little joy. She decided to wait outside till the movie was over.
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magicaladamlegrand · 10 months ago
Adam was filled with joy and excitement as he stepped into the café again. He couldn't wait to see how much his assistance to James planning his wedding had helped him. To his surprise, James had sent him a basket filled with delicious goodies for him and his staff. Adam was overwhelmed with gratitude and couldn't help but smile. However, as he looked at the basket, he realized they didn't have enough space to store all of it. Just as he pondered what to do, a customer walked into the café. Adam quickly composed himself, "Sorry for the delay", and asked the customer how he could be of assistance.
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pearlprinceton · 8 months ago
YARN IT! - OPEN Starter
Pearl gingerly carried her boxes into her new apartment, her excitement palpable as she envisioned turning the space into a cozy retreat before her first day at BRO Corp. One of the heavier boxes burst open as she maneuvered it, and her carefully organized yarn collection spilled out in a tangle. Among the soft strands, a bright yellow ball of yarn caught her eye, a sentimental gift from her ex-girlfriend, Lacey. Focused on salvaging the precious yarn, Pearl was completely unaware of an oncoming car speeding toward her. In the nick of time, a stranger rushed forward and pulled her out of harm's way, averting a potential disaster.
"Goodness, gracious, yarn it!" Pearl exclaimed, catching herself before using a more colorful expression. Her grandmother's strict emphasis on propriety still had a strong influence on her. "Oh, um, thank you," she stammered, turning to face her rescuer. "Can I buy you a cup of coffee as a token of my gratitude?"
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ezra-ghoshal · 11 months ago
@modelingmerman || starter || location: new haven -> my cup runneth over
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Ezra had been walking throughout town in the dusk hours of the morning. Running a farm had always been a tough profession for the selkie. However, starting that job without a cup of coffee and a few fresh pastries seemed to make the mornings on the farm down right impossible. He had appreciated the view of a waking New Haven as the selkie looked around the empty streets and dark sky above him slowly teem with light and life. Ezra smiles to himself in awe at the pink and purple hues of the morning sky as dawn had began to rise. In his remote village of selkies, Ezra was no stranger to fascinating skies illuminating him overhead. But the captivation of New Haven's pink and purple morning skies still captivated him just the same as his village's northern lights.
He turns the corner ahead, bidding the sky a good morning before making his way into a little coffee shop. Ezra steps inside, his coming up to adjust his glasses as the adjust themselves to the coffee shop's lighting. The atmosphere was comfortable and homely. If the selkie wasn't needed at the farm, he would gladly stay the entire day. If not for the coffee, then for the barista behind the counter. Throughout the months of Ezra being in New Haven, he's been quite curious of the locals. He had always seen mermaids and other kinds of merfolk in his travels prior to New Haven. It would sometimes pain the selkie to go about his day without being able to sit down and spend a few hours on just talking to them. While Ezra is needed at the farm, he hopes the merman behind the counter indulges him for a least a minute.
"Howdy." Ezra begins to say softly. "It's a beautiful morning out there."
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ncrrctcr · 1 year ago
Closed starter @espionisms @flcralhaze @tclkrefined @tormxntum @royallyxmessy (your choice - not a group thread)
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Satoshi had wandered into the kitchens — already not a place for a guest to be — in order to find something warm to drink, a taste of local infusions, and happened to walk into an embarrassing situation. There is food on the floor, which seems to be the reason for the severe lecture one of the cooks is being subjected to. She doesn't understand the language, but she recognizes a scolding by sound alone. And while it is not her place to step in, the utter shame on the young man's face seems to indicate he has already learned his lesson. "Ma'am, I think he's had enough." It is as she intrudes the conversation that a second pair of steps make their way into the kitchen as well.
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kellyxuking · 1 year ago
Birthday girl, or something
It wasn't strange for Kelly to work on her birthday. What was strange was anyone actually remembered that it was her birthday, she knew her husband didn't care enough to make it special. So she didn't expect any gifts or well wishes.
"So, what is it you are coming here for?" The doctor said, turning towards what seemed to be a patient (or a fan, strangely enough, she got quite some fans who wanted to see her from time to time)
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hycnbin · 5 months ago
closed starter: @amadouers where: beach party - late at night.
''what?'' hyun smiled, his brows slightly furrowed at the stranger. somehow the girl kept looking at him as if they knew each other from somewhere, but he was positive he hadn't seen her before. ''you know, if you take a picture it might actually last longer.'' he spits out with a mischievous smile. ''is this lighting okay or would you prefer we moved somewhere else?''
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