vyorei · 8 months
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I seriously want to know why they took her body. I also want to know (and pardon how ghoulish this is) if she still has all her organs, given the reports of bodies being desecrated and harvested.
There is no justice in this world, my days, she was just a little girl.
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silicacid · 7 months
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Israeli forces have withheld the bodies of at least 31 Palestinian children since June 2016, according to documentation collected by Defense for Children International - Palestine (DCIP). Four of the children’s bodies have since been released to their families, while 27 Palestinian children’s bodies remain withheld by Israeli authorities. The rest remain in Israeli authorities’ custody, some for years, so their families are unable to lay their children to rest. That’s because depraved indifference to Palestinian life, even in death, is Israeli state policy.
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thedailyplatypics · 7 months
Happy Platypus Day! And Happy Platypus Day Weekend!
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Now that I have your attention PnF fans, it’s also a #GlobalStrikeDay / #ShutItDown4Palestine Day, DO NOT post anything unrelated to that. Check out this year’s annual Platypus Day Appeal for Palestine⬇️
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This year’s Platypus Day just so happened to be at the same time as a global strike day for Palestine, but that’s okay! I think we know what’s more important. Helping out our fellow humans live with basic human rights and safety!
Use this Platypus Day to do what’s important, standing up against genocide, standing up against an apartheid occupier, standing up for justice for Palestinians, and making our governments more aware that we want this ASAP.
Arab.Org (Free Click⬇️)
eSims For Gaza
Pious Projects (Menstrual product funds)
Direct Aid for Gaza
Care For Gaza
Palestinian Children’s Relief Fund
Save The Children
UN Child Relief
Decolonize Palestine
The Palestinian Museum
Take Action/Protest:
USA Email Your Reps!
Oxfam Ceasefire Petition
Jahalin ICC Petition
Amnesty.org Ceasefire Petition
List of protests March 2nd
Boycott Resources:
-No Thanks App (on whatever App Store you use)
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hassanatforusmk · 8 months
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The body of Ruqaya Ahmad Odeh Jahalin was taken by #Israeli forces after they shot and killed her at Beit lksa checkpoint northwest of occupied East #Jerusalem, the #Palestinian Ministry of Foreign Affairs says.
We reported on January 7 that Israeli forces had shot and killed the four-year-old Palestinian girl who was sitting in the backseat of a car in the central West Bank.
She was shot in the back by Israeli forces while sitting in a shared taxi van, according to documentation collected by Defense for Children International — #Palestine.
"What did they do with the body?" the ministry asks in a statement posted on X. "Why did they keep it? Do they have the right to do so? And will they apologise to the child's family?"
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tieflingkisser · 9 months
Sky News condemned for report on killed Palestinian child
SKY News has come in for heavy criticism after a report on a Palestinian child’s death called her a “three or four-year-old young lady” who was killed after a bullet “found its way into the van” in which she was sitting. Outrage has greeted a clip of the report, which has been widely shared on social media. LibDem peer Meral Hussein-Ece was among those to condemn the footage, saying the reporter’s use of passive language suggested “journalism is finished”. The video shows Sky News reporting on the death of Ruqaya Ahmad Odeh Jahalin, who was killed by Israeli forces in a shooting near the Palestinian village of Beit Iksa, in the central occupied West Bank, on January 7, according to the Defense for Children International Palestine (DCIP).
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libertariantaoist · 6 years
Israel finally built an access road to the West Bank village of Khan Al Ahmar last week, after half a century of delays. But Israel only allows vehicles like the bulldozers scheduled to sweep away its 200 inhabitants’ homes.
If one community has come to symbolize the demise of the two-state solution, it is Khan Al Ahmar.
It was for that reason that a posse of European diplomats left their air-conditioned offices late last week to trudge through the hot, dusty hills outside Jerusalem and witness the preparations for the village’s destruction. That included the Israeli police beating residents and supporters as they tried to block the advance of heavy machinery.
Britain, France, Germany, Italy and Spain submitted a formal protest. Their denunciations echoed those of more than 70 Democratic lawmakers in Washington in May – a rare example of US politicians showing solidarity with Palestinians.
It would be gratifying to believe that Western governments care about the inhabitants of Khan Al Ahmar – or the thousands of other Palestinians who are being incrementally cleansed by Israel from nearby lands but whose plight has drawn far less attention.
After all, the razing of Khan Al Ahmar and the forcible transfer of its population are war crimes.
But in truth, Western politicians are more concerned about propping up the illusion of a peace process that expired many years ago, than the long-running abuse of Palestinians under Israeli occupation. 
Western capitals understand what is at stake. Israel wants Khan Al Ahmar gone so that Jewish settlements can be built in its place, on land it has designated as “E1”.
That would put the final piece in place for Israel to build a substantial bloc of new settler homes to sever the West Bank in two. Those same settlements would also seal off West Bank Palestinians from East Jerusalem, the expected capital of a future Palestinian state, making a mockery of any peace agreement.
The erasure of Khan Al Ahmar has not arrived out of nowhere. Israel has trampled on international law for decades, conducting a form of creeping annexation that has provoked little more than uncomfortable shifting in chairs from Western politicians.
Khan Al Ahmar’s Bedouin inhabitants, from the Jahalin tribe, have been ethnically cleansed twice before by Israel, but these war crimes went unnoticed.
The first time was in the 1950s, a few years after Israel’s creation, when 80 per cent of Palestinians had been driven from their homes to make way for a Jewish state.
Although they should have enjoyed the protection of Israeli citizenship, the Jahalin were forced out of the Negev and into the West Bank, then controlled by Jordan, to make way for new Jewish immigrants.
A generation later in 1967, when they had barely re-established themselves, the Jahalin were again under attack from Israeli soldiers occupying the West Bank. The grazing lands the Jahalin had relocated to with their goats and sheep were seized to build a settlement for Jews only, Kfar Adumim, in violation of the laws of war.
Ever since, the Jahalin have dwelt in a twilight zone of Israeli-defined “illegality”. Like other Palestinians in the 60 per cent of the West Bank under Israeli control, they have been denied building permits, forcing three generations to live in tin shacks and tents.
[Read More] (https://consortiumnews.com/2018/07/09/israel-bulldozes-khan-al-ahmar-and-buries-the-two-state-solution/)
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adrianguerin · 7 years
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Fida, a girl from the Hamadeen family at Sateh al-Bahr (“Sea Level”), a Bedouin encampment located on a descending hill between Jerusalem and Jericho. There are 16 families of the Jahalin tribe living here, all at risk of demolition and forcible transfer from the Israeli military. The Jahalin is the largest refugee tribe in the West Bank today. #palestine #westbank #occupation #humanrights #documentaryphotography #btselem #middleeast #bedouin #photojournalism #reportage #reportagephoto #bedouinlife #shepherd #palestinians #jahalin #refugees #unrwa #palestinefree #instagram #instadaily #photoofday #leica #travels #travelphoto #travelphotography #portrait #portraitphotography #instatravel (at Palestine)
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thecandywrites · 3 years
Burn Without You Chapter 33 Finalle
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Ok, so top Row to the right, Queen Audravienne and to her right Clan Chieftess Benyana who are BFF’s. 
The row under then, blue guy- our guy- Crown Prince Ahi-Shumai Azurah and the lovely lady next to him is Benyana’s eldest daughter Brillanni and the two are one hell of a power couple and will be really fun to work with in the future. To the right of Brillanni is Crown Princess Jahaline and Jahoel might as well be Ahi’s twin because they look so much alike except Jahoel is slightly more purple and pink where as Ahi is much more blue. 
Third row is Princess Monrhi- Queen Audravienne’s eldest daughter and next to her is Brive! Benyana and Brock’s eldest son. So handsome and they are so in love. And then next to them is the jewelry that Ahi gave to Brillanni and then all the way to the right is Dastrin’s daughter Ararila, who is in love with Jahoel. Then bottom row, that pearl jewelry is what Brive made for Monrhi and then the girl all the way to the right is Monrhi’s younger sister Assahnnah. 
Just so you guys know. I suck at drawing so I manipulated THE HELL out of a bunch of pictures from Pintrist and now I know why digital artist’s very rightfully charge as much as they do because their art is worth ALL THE MONEY because I just about lost my sanity trying to get these pictures right because what is in my head- all my stories are like movies and miniseries that play out in my head and I can see all of it so clearly in my head and I try to describe what I see to add rich details and I probably end up choking the hell out of the pacing of my stories- and trying to find anything even remotely similar to what is in my head? Practically impossible so like any fanfic writer who is unhappy with a media that whole ‘fine I’ll write it/do it myself’ kind of attitude and that’s what I did to these pics. I did my best. I’m not great but I tried and I was/am too broke and impatient to actually commission any artists to draw my characters. 
Look most of my “fun money” goes to Momolady on her Patreon which is an investment that has been worth every penny and if I could give her more, I would in a heartbeat. And she and Monstersandmaw are the reasons I’m in the EXO community to begin with. First it was the Rakshasa, then the Werewolves then the Orcs and Orcs have stuck with me the longest and strongest because my inspiration just goes haywire whenever I just think about them. And WHAT COULD BE thier wonderful, rich, intricate, varied, and steeped in tradition cultures. I mean I have an entire section on Pintrist just dedicated to orcs and bead culture. And I have SO MANY HEADCANNONS about the beads especially. To me, there is SO MUCH MORE to them than just furs and skulls and weapons and being fighting warring machines. You can blame my childhood and my facination with Klingons. Because to me? Orcs more or less are like Klingons in a lot of ways, at least to me. 
Anyway, enjoy the last and final chapter and epilogue of Burn Without You. Enjoy. 
Burn Without You 
Chapter 33 
It was only two month’s later when Noe’s wife Hasbi gave birth to their son- Dursin. 
Then it was only a couple months after that when Harashu was born then a month later when you and Lukher welcomed Ahi-Shumai into the world and then only a couple months later when Maisarra gave birth to Jahaline and Jahoel, Jahaline coming out first only several moments before Jahoel did and only a couple months after that, you helped Seyda give birth to her son- Emrah and her sister Hayati gave birth to Senol only a couple of weeks later. 
However, you barely had time to show Ahi-Shumai to Avalise because there was something serious going on in Suchi and Suchi’s Council of Elders were all embroiled in the most horrendous scandal and she was flying in to serve as a judge on the most distressing case since she was seen and needed as a neutral and objective judge in the case.
There was an entire clan on the West Coast of the continent that had interbred with orcs, creating “Auric Orcs” or gold orcs, because many male councilors in the west coast colonies had been infertile in the heavenly realm and even in the colonies and for the last hundred years, had taken advantage of a few clans of orcs, being reborn in the ashes and despite their “infertility” apparently there was only kind of womb where their seed could take root- in an orc woman’s womb. And the male councilors had done everything they could to cover it up and coneal it because of their own hypocritical prejudice and they had talked a Fae Prince into stealing the orc’s moura collars that were the orc’s proof of mourakind. 
It was absolutely sickening that such lofty elders would be guilty of such heinous crimes as Avalize assured and reassured you that nothing of the kind had ever happened on the east coast and all the colonies that were in alliance with Yekmeni had never engaged in such horrific behavior but there was an issue, a seperate court case that was in a way, tied to this about another orc enslaving a moura with a silver cuff. Like the way Rasime and Haydar had done with your sister Maisarra and Daon. 
For you it was hard to believe, because you had met that moura. She did not view it was an enslavement at all and you had befriended her even! Her name was Benyana Auksa at that summer solstice, and her mate Brock- while you were still pregnant with Ahi since you had gone to that summer solstice celebration at Suchi and had seen the cities made in the clouds by the mouras and the angels trying to court her.  
She had readily befriended you too. Especially since seeing another moura woman with a male orc husband, she was drawn to you- and you to her- and she had been interested in your story as you had been interested in hers. And when she explained what had happened and why Brock had done what he did and how she felt about it- it was rather easy for you to accept him and Lukher and Brock had gotten along really well and had become friends rather easily and you gave them a wedding present of a messengerari so that you could keep in touch in the future.  
But to hear that Brock was now on trial for enslaving Benyana in the beginning of their relationship, had you feeling very conflicted about it. Avalise advised you and Lukher to stay out of it and simply see how it would play out. But that for now- that all these matters needed to be attended to by other elders and other councilors from other colonies but thanks to the messengerari in Benyana’s house, the two of you kept in touch and while legally you couldn’t help her, you tried to offer her comfort and support while she went through this trial of having her own husband being prosecuted. 
And when Avalise came back a few months later and gave you the official update- that Brock had been found guilty and been put to death by dragonfire. Only to be reborn in the ashes and when he awoke, his memories had brought him back to the Lunar New Year and thus- way before his attempts to get in touch with Benyana and he had no memory of Benyana, or their relationship or how he impregnated her. Avalise was absolutely sure that something was wrong but she couldn’t put her finger on it when Brock rejected Benyana over it. It saddened you immensely to continue to talk to Benyana as she tried her best to deal with this new “Brock” that was nothing like the man she fell in love with and he didn’t even remember you or Lukher and was in fact- quite rude to both of you. Which upset Lukher that the Brock that came back from the ashes was not the Brock he had befriended either. 
Lukher and yourself tried to offer Benyana any support you could but she insisted that your friendship and your proof that such a relationship could work and be successful was helpful support enough and when Brock officially rejected Benyana to the point that she had no choice but to move her house to Suchi- it was a deep blow to everyone as you officially left things with the skyport build in the hands of your foreman and Irelu as Lukher, Ahi and yourself flew your griffins to her in Suchi where Matae was with her as was the rest of Brock’s family. Lukher, Ahi and yourself were not there as King, Queen and Crown Prince of Yekmeni but simply as Benyana’s friends and Mr. and Mrs. Azurah yet again as Benyana put you and your family in a guest bedroom in her house for your stay. 
“I don’t get it. I thought when moura’s are reborn, they usually don’t have this much of a personality shift. This doesn’t make any sense. Brock loved Yana so much he risked his life just trying to be with her and while I agree, his methods were wrong and a bit extreme. Doesn’t honor, even among any and all clans push males to take responsibility for their actions? Like if someone got black out drunk and did some damage, they should still pay for the damages right?” You murmured to Lukher as you stayed in one of Benyana’s guest bedrooms as you nursed Ahi who was only three months old as Lukher curled himself around both of you protectively.  
“I agree, his honor as a warrior and a clan member, especially a Clan Chief’s son- should have pushed him to accept her and her son, his rejection of her doesn’t make any sense at all. Do you mind if I leave you tomorrow to fly to him and try to talk to him?” Lukher asked. 
“Go for it, I doubt you’d get very far with him if he’s as awful as his family makes him out to be, but I know I would feel better about it if you tried. You two connected like long lost brothers when we met them at the Summer Solstice festival, maybe if you go alone, you’ll do better. I’ll stay with Benyana.” You urged him. 
The next day Lukher flew and found Brock in the woods. 
“What do you want?” Brock asked Lukher when Lukher landed his griffin nearby and began to approach him, with his griffin Atlas, who was Panacea’s mate- walking behind him as Lukher walked with his bridal in his hand. 
“I just wanted to talk.” Lukher said as it was clear that Brock was in a very bad mood. 
“I recognize you, you’re one of that bitch’s friends. The ones from the east coast, aren’t you like a king or something? Where’s your crown? Don’t you have a kingdom to attend to?” Brock sneered as Lukher had to take in a deep, steadying breath to not easily take offense because getting angry and arguing would not get them anywhere. 
“I left my crown at home, I’m not here as the King of Yekmeni, I’m just here as Lukher Azurah. No titles, no honorifics. Just another orc, another eldest son of a Clan Chief. I’ve heard you lost your memories from the last few months.  Which is a shame because at the summer solstice, we met and we became friends, so I’m not here as a king, I’m just here as someone who used to be friends with you. Besides, Yekmeni is perfectly fine in the hands of my half brother Irelu while I’m gone, do you remember meeting him? Do you remember meeting me? Being friends with me?” Lukher asked, still in his dragon scale armor and weapons just in case Brock got violent as Lukher stopped just out of weapon’s range. 
“No I don’t. Like I keep telling everyone. One day I woke up and it was the Lunar New Year and then I remember waking up the next day and it was like three, four months later, I don’t remember anything in between, I don’t remember that bitch, I don’t remember a colony and I certainly don’t remember being burned to death by a dragon. And if we met at a moura festival, that means you’re friends with them and no one who is friends with mouras is any friend of mine now.” Brock insisted. 
“Wow, ok then, sorry you feel that way. But could I just talk to you orc to orc for minute?” Lukher asked. 
“Sure, why not.” Brock grumbled. 
“As an orc, who didn’t grow up with mouras either, and only heard whispers of legends about them. It is hard to believe anything you hear. Especially when you meet them in person and they don’t seem any different than anyone else.” Lukher sympathized. 
“Does your clan treat your wife like she’s a goddess and actually build a shrine to worship her?” Brock questioned. 
“No, I take it that’s what’s happened in Stormbreaker.” Lukher answered. 
“Yeah, she’s no goddess, she’s just a person and it’s like everyone is so convinced that she’s this…goddess that needs to be worshiped and adored and they treated me like I was the crazy one for not believing in her and worshiping her when I didn’t see any signs that she was worthy of such treatment.” Brock grumbled. 
“Well, having met her, I would agree, she is really just a person. Just like my wife, Audrey, she’s just a person too. Granted they are both extraordinary people, and while my wife is adored by my people, my family, and myself. She’s earned that adoration by earning not just their respect but my own as well.” Lukher nodded in agreement. 
“How’d she do that?” Brock asked. 
“Well Audrey did it by being honest and forthcoming about everything. She showed me all the ways she was imperfect, all her shortcomings, all her flaws, limitations and vulnerabilities. Granted, I had to earn her trust and respect to the point that she felt comfortable showing me all of that in the first place. But she showed it to me all the same. But that also helped me do the same with her and what helped was that we were both willing to accept the other as perfectly imperfect as we were. Willingness in attitude to adjust to each other and humility to admit our own and each other’s imperfections and did our best to work together did go a long way too.” Lukher confessed. 
“Well at least your Audrey was willing to do that much.” Brock realized and felt bad because Benyana had tried to do the same but he had not accepted her and her efforts. 
“Yup, it meant a lot to me. You know, only a year and a half ago, I too was only the son of a Clan Chief, trying do dodge advances from other women who only wanted my status but weren’t genuinely interested in me, while also fighting off enemies and trying to protect my home from invadors. So in that respect, you and I were equals then.” Lukher began, trying to find some common ground with Brock to at least try to reason with him. 
“Then you know how frustrating it can be, to always be looked at for what you have and not what you are.” Brock nodded in agreement. 
“Yeah, I do. Having to grow up so guarded about every woman around you, wondering if the only reason they’re being nice to you is because they think they have a chance to use you to get power.” Lukher sympathized. 
“Thank you! Exactly my point, now wouldn’t you be weary if you were me and you woke up one morning and all of a sudden, everything is different? Everything changed and everyone around you changed and yet everyone looks at you and thinks you’re the crazy one for not remembering any of it because of something crazy and completely out of yoru control? Like waking up from a coma? And a woman who you have no memory of, is not only not an orc, not even from a clan, not even from a culture that has anything in common with your own. But she something completely different and yet everyone acts like she’s this perfect angelic being and you’re the asshole for seeing the fact that she’s not perfect? At least not as “perfect” as everyone claims she is?” Brock questioned. 
“I would.” Lukher had to admit. 
“So wouldn’t you call bullshit when that same woman claims that you’re the father of her child when everything about her- you find repulsive?” Brock pressed as Lukher tried not to laugh because he knew for a fact that Brock couldn’t really be repulsed by Benyana, Yana was universally gorgeous. 
“You know, honestly, I would be suspicious, considering that viewpoint. But at the same time, if my own father, who was the Clan Chief before he appointed me into my current position, insisted that he knew for a fact that I was the father of the child, even if I found the woman repulsive, I would trust my father and his word about it. Now the woman who birthed me? The woman who was technically my mother, when she was alive? I wouldn’t trust her word so much.” Lukher admitted as they both decided to sit down on some rocks near the little creek that was running nearby. 
“Why would you trust your father and not your mother?” Brock asked. 
“Because my mother and your mother are two very different people. Because my mother was that woman that did everything she could to woo my father because he was the eldest son of the Clan Chief and therefore next in line to be Clan Chief and did everything in her power to become Clan Chieftess and gain and then hold as much power as she possibly could.” Lukher admitted. 
“What happened?” Brock asked curiously. 
“She was a two faced bitch. Anyone who challenged her and her power- she pugged them. She used every bit of cunning and two faced, lying trick she could. She was the very kind of woman- both of our fathers have always tried to warn us about. The woman who birthed me who was technically my mother- when I met my wife and got to know her, in the process of revealing her own imperfections- she in turn exposed my mother for being the treacherous woman she was. And in response- the woman who birthed me tried to kill my wife for it.” Lukher admitted. 
“But she failed right?” Brock asked. 
“She did, only because my wife was smarter and more cunning than she ever could have been and saw the trap my mother tried to lay for me and for her and exposed the trap. Like a snare you set on an animal’s path.” Lukher confessed, still ashamed for what Auralu had tried to do to him and his family. 
“And she didn’t stop there, she tried to kill me and my half brother and his wife, even though my wife and my half brother’s wife were both pregnant at the time. The four of us had to go into hiding to get away from her. Because the woman who birthed me- loved her own power more than she ever loved me or my dad or anyone or anything else and could not accept the fact that she had been exposed for being anything less than perfect in front of anyone, especially the clan. She was a monster and I’m so happy that she’s dead now and can’t hurt me or my wife or our son ever again. He is now only a month old and the very idea of having him being interested in that kind of woman has me shuddering at the thought and I too will be warning about the kind of woman who was technically his grandmother. So I’ve seen what it’s like when power hungry bitches actually win and take control. Do you honestly feel that Benyana is that kind of woman?” Lukher explained. 
“Yes.” Brock insisted. 
“Well, personally, I’ve met Benyana, I’ve known her for a while now and she doesn’t strike me as the kind of person who is that way. But how I or anyone else feels about her, doesn’t really matter. It’s how you feel about her. And if that’s the way you feel then that’s all there is to it I guess.” Lukher shrugged.
“So you didn’t come to coerce me into accepting her?” Brock asked. 
“Nope, like I said, I just came to talk as a friend, orc to orc.” Lukher maintained. 
“Well then you’re the only friend I have, everyone else has forsaken me and cast me out, my own dad pugged me for refusing that woman, even though he knew I hated her and was repulsed by her.” Brock complained. 
“Yeah, I heard. But you didn’t have to choke her, you have to admit that was a line too far.” Lukher insisted. 
“Yeah, it was, I regret that part. In the moment it was like my temper got the better of me and I acted without thinking or caring about anyone or anything and just let my temper consume me.” Brock admitted. 
“Well at least you haven’t lost all sense.” Lukher nodded in agreement. 
“Well everyone acts like I have. Especially when I feel like it’s the other way around, I feel like I’m the only one left with any sense that hasn’t been put under that bitch’s spell that makes everyone around act like she’s this perfect goddess.” Brock insisted. 
“Then getting distance from her and everyone who feels that way will be best for you.” Lukher mused. 
“It is.” Brock adamantly insisted. 
“Well, personally, I can say with absolute certainty that I’m grateful that my wife is nothing like the woman who birthed me. She’s not a power hungry bitch who feels she needs to have everyone else’s stamp of approval to be happy or have all the control of everyone else to be happy.  She’s the opposite actually.” Lukher smiled proudly as he thought of you. 
“How is the opposite? Isn’t she a queen?” Brock questioned, rather disbelievingly. 
“Because all she cares about is how I feel about her and what I think about her and that’s all I care about too. What I care about most is what she feels and thinks about me. And because we are happy and content with each other, makes everything else, no matter how complicated or mundane- seem enjoyable because we work together. It’s why I’m happy and grateful that my wife and I actually, really, truly love each other. And what I love and appreciate the most is my wife couldn’t care less if I was a King or a Warchief or the son of Clan Chief. She would be just as happy with me, if I was a single orc, alone in the woods- as she is with me in a palace.” Lukher insisted. 
“And how I know that is because when we had to go into hiding as commoners from the woman who birthed me when our lives were in danger- we got to spend three whole months, just being man and wife and in those three months, my wife was actually happier and more content with us being on our own than she ever was being in a palace and all it’s trappings. We got to live like normal people, no servants, no cooks or maids or anything like that. We just had a humble house with a garden that we harvested food from and had barely just enough to get by to get the necessities but nothing lavish. We didn’t have everything we wanted but we had everything we needed. Humble food, humble clothing, humble shelter and each other. We got to cook all of our meals together, we got to wash our clothes together and do just about everything else together. All the menial tasks the common man does. It was actually really nice and both of us were rather reluctant to return to our previous lives because we had gotten so used to the simplicity and just being man and wife for a while because being in hiding meant we depended on each other completely and if we had a really close relationship before, it got to grow even stronger and closer than ever before during that time and we’ve only gotten closer ever since.” Lukher revealed. 
“I’m sorry the woman who birthed you did that to you.” Brock offered. 
“Me too. But when I said my wedding vows, my wife and I became one, so every attack against her, was like an attack against me. So when my mother turned on my wife, she turned on me too and it was easy for me to not feel any kind of sadness when she was put to death for treason and attempted murder of me, my wife, our son, my half brother, his wife and their son. If anything, all I felt was relief, relief that she was dead and couldn’t keep trying to trick me or anyone else or try to hurt me or my wife or my son or anyone else in my family.” Lukher confessed. 
“Well, in that case, I can understand why you wouldn’t trust your technical mother.” Brock realized. 
“Well that’s why I adopted my father’s other wife, the mother of my half brother, she adopted me and I adopted her because for her- she never cared about whether my dad was the Clan Chief or not, she was just always genuinely liked him for who he was as a person. Which is why she and the woman who birthed me never got along. Because she too could see that my mother was a monster. But she couldn’t say anything for fear of her own children and what my mother would do to them. My former mother ruled through fear. And my current adopted mother and my wife don’t, they lead by example.” Lukher admitted proudly. 
“So are you just here to rub my nose in the fact that you have everything while I have nothing?” Brock asked, irritated to see and hear how happy Lukher was.  
“No, my point was, that if I was in your place and what happened to you- happened to me- even if I didn’t remember my wife, and felt differently about her and felt the way about her the way you feel about Benyana, I probably would have swallowed down my disgust for her and my honor and my own respect for my father and the rest of the clan would have pushed me to accept her and her claim anyway because it would have been the right thing for me to do and I would have tried to get over it and try to make it work anyway. But I’m not you and you’re not me. Obviously you felt so strongly about it that you rejected her and you hate her so much that you can’t even bring yourself to say her name.” Lukher realized. 
“I would rather be an orc without a clan that be married to that bitch.” Brock insisted. 
“And that’s exactly what you are, Brock. You didn’t want her, and you separated yourself from her, even at the cost of losing your family and your clan in the process. And so now- that’s how you’ll live. I hope you find peace with your decisions and their consequences. Because that’s what I’ve had to do too.” Lukher offered before he got up and dusted himself off. 
“Goodbye Brock. Thanks for the talk. I wish things could have been different for both of us. But I hope you will find the happiness you seek in your decisions that I have found in mine. Because they were your decisions to make and yours alone.” Lukher offered before he got into his saddle and clicked his teeth so his griffin would stand up before Lukher flew away as Brock could only sit there and contemplate his conversation with his former friend. 
“And?” You and Benyana asked when he landed back in Suchi at Yana’s house a short time later. 
“He is very stubborn and I tried to reason with him but he refuses to listen even to me. I’m sorry Yana, I tried my best. Even I couldn't get through to him.” Lukher apologized. 
“I’m sorry Yana.” You offered to her as you hugged her from the side with Ahi tucked into the mother’s sling on your chest.  
“It’s ok, I knew it was probably a lost cause but thanks for trying Luke.” Yana thanked him. 
“You’re welcome, if there’s anything else we can do or any way we can help you, don’t hesitate to let us know.” Lukher offered. 
“Will do.” She nodded in agreement. 
You stayed as long as you could before Yekmeni needed for you and Lukher to return to attend to things with the skyport and Wakanear.  
But by the time things calmed down in Yekmeni and Wakanear, and Wakanear especially had been built up and the traditional ports and the skyports were built and were getting put to use after the invitation for the sky shipping companies to start using them, you flew back to Stormbreaker to find that Brock had reunited with Benyana and were there when Brock officially proposed and then immediately married Benyana as he had welcomed you and Brock and thanked Lukher for trying to be his friend and talk some sense into him even when he was senseless for a while. 
Brock explained to everyone present what the full story had been about what had happened to him after he was executed and came back in the ashes and the remarkable journey the two had been through as you got to hold their one month old son Brive who was just so handsome. 
Meanwhile Benyana got to hold your 7 month old Ahi and you were so happy and relieved when Brock seemed to have returned to “normal” so to speak as he was the first to come out of the house and hug Lukher tight when you had first arrived as you were both happy to invite Brock, Yana and Brive to Yekmeni if they ever wanted a break from being Clan Chief and Clan Chieftess of Stormbreaker for a while because you enjoyed having breaks, visiting the colonies where you were looked at like a friend, instead of a Queen as it was the beginning of a life long friendship, your kids and thiers growing up together. 
Then when Ahi turned three, the most remarkable change happened, slowly but surely, his dark olive green skin turned a royal kashmir blue and the brown splotches turned a royal purple color and a dark peacock teal was between the blue and the purple and when Ahi’s younger sister Monrhi did the same thing at the same age, as did your sister Maisarra’s children, it was as if Maisarra and yourself were the mothers to a new subspecies of orcs.
Meanwhile Benyana and others from her colony who married into the Stormbreaker clan, their children were the most beautiful light aquamarine color as your family and hers got to see each other not just at the solstices but a lot more often than that through the years, each time your family and hers got together, you both seemed to have more kids, and the kids you already had were growing bigger every time you blinked and because Benyana was so fair and had almost white, platinum blonde hair, that got passed down to all of her children, who had just the prettiest bright gold blonde hair and that beautiful aquamarine skin and were of course quite beautiful themselves, as you could see bits of both parents in each one. 
And for all of your children and Maisarra’s children, all had the same phenomenon, when they were newborns up until they were toddlers, they all had their father’s coloring, but then just as they were three, between three and four, all of them had the same transformation from dark and drab olive green turning kashmir blue, the brown turning purple with hints of pink and dark peacock teal between the blue and the purple while Ashurah’s kids kept the rich dark brown the but the olive green turned a beautiful kashmir blue as well. And and when your kids, Maisarra’s kids and Benyana’s kids and the other kids from the other moura and orc pairings were grouped together it was like new subspecies of hybrids had been created as you were grateful that they all got along, and could all speak the common tongue and marinai with each other as even Brillanni and Brive learned nadasi so they could speak with your kids and Maisarra’s kids better and it made it easier for them to visit Yekmeni. 
Then when they all became late teens, only six months before the mouras would take their first flight around the supersphere as part of their entrance into adulthood. You noticed that summer solstice as Ahi and Monrhi were talking with Brive and Brilanni there seemed to be something that aired on the romantic side between them now. Which as they were growing up you had a sneaking suspicion that there were at least crushes on either side. 
But this was beyond a crush, this looked much more serious. So you waived and got Lukher’s attention and signed to him to look at his eldest kids and see how the four of them were sitting at a table, eating a large platter of food piled so high they could barely see each other over it as you were happy that there were more and more moura orc hybrids every year and it seemed that with every subspecies of moura and orc that interbred, suddenly there was an explosion of color and the children themselves had the best of each parent’s genetics in addition to being universally beautiful, handsome, charming and appealing. Almost all of them were all very healthy, very robustly so and you were relieved and grateful that they weren’t alone, or the only ones of their kind, but were not only accepted but surprisingly popular among their peers. 
You continued to watch them and their friends as they all crammed into the space as Ahi had Brillanni sitting in his lap, to “help make room” around the table for themselves but one of his arms was wrapped rather possessively by the looks of it- around her waist. You also couldn’t help but notice she was now sporting a new necklace in a very Yekmenian style. You were certain that Ahi had commissioned to be made just for her.  You knew he had spent months since the last solstice at the jewelers helping design and make this particular set of jewelry out of the airstones that matched her skin and matching earrings and a bracelet that really made her stand out and complimented her gorgeously. 
So she was currently leaned back against his big, broad and very well muscled chest that had filled out in just the last year or so because Ahi had worked so hard to attain it. She looked happy but not smug, content and quite comfortable there as Ahi was now big enough that his head practically rested on her shoulder as he used his other hand to eat and drink in between taking bites from Brillanni’s hand as the two were grinning like the love drunk teenagers they were at each other as Ahi was wearing a matching, but masculine version of a bracelet that matched hers. 
You and Lukher had known that Ahi had practically been in love with Brillanni the moment she was born and when his coloring had changed he had been so embarrassed because he felt like he was wearing “girl colors on his skin” according to Harashu, but Jahoel hadn’t seemed to mind the change one bit but little Bri seemed to even more drawn to him when he did change and Brillanni had always made a point to say how handsome and striking his coloring was ever since. 
Of course at the time- your advice to him had been the same advice you had recieved from your grandmother and your mother and was the same advice The Great Vienne had given her children, especially her daughters, her daughters in law and her grand daughters- ‘to be as deadly as you were beautiful’ so that he would never be underestimated. Of course Lukher had told him that if anyone ever made fun of him- he could always work to be strong enough and quick enough and smart enough to either insult them in turn or beat them into the dirt for making fun of him. Which worked to a degree.   
But what seemed to make all the difference was that Brillanni didn’t think he looked silly, but that while he was around, she didn’t want or care to look at any other than him. That no one deserved her gaze other than him because not only was he stunning and handsome, but that she could see his heart of gold no matter his skin color and his personality was better than any others. And that she was his friend and he was hers and that’s all that mattered, at least to her and then that seemed to be that all that mattered to him.  
And that really boosted his confidence, especially as an awkward younger teen when his confidence seemed to hinge solely on what Brillianni thought of him. He was always calling her “Brilliant Brillanni” which she quite liked and she was the only one who could use “My Shumai” with him and he practically came running every time she said it. But this time, when he had put that jewelry on her and she practically purred ‘Oh my Shumai’ you saw him practically melt and you knew you’d have to protect the key to the treasury and your jewelry room, because he’d try to poach what he could just for her. But he got that part honestly from Lukher, since a jewelry box had never been large enough to contain all of your jewelry. Hell there were jewelry sets from your wedding you had yet to wear, even 18 years later because every year, every anniversary, every birth, you got more and more jewelry. You wondered if half of everything that ever came out of the mines found thier way into the hands of your own personal Royal Jewelers. 
But you also knew that Brillanni didn’t like him just because he was The Crown Prince, but because she could also, use that same ‘My Shumai’ on him and tell him exactly when and how he ever tried to act entitled or better or more superior to his peers and kept him humble which Lukher and yourself appreciated the most. Plus Brillanni was very beautiful in her own right. That light aquamarine skin and that gorgeous bright gold blonde hair and equally bright aquamarine eyes and she was a spitfire as far as personality went, a lot like her mother.  Which you really liked too because that kept Ahi on his toes and in line and really threw him into his studies to be just as sharp verbally and mentally as she was. 
Although most of the time, she was actually really sweet too and you and her got along and because of Ahi’s attraction to her that had never strayed once, you knew it was a strong possibility of the two becoming romantically involved as adults. Although you knew if you ever tried to push, prod or encourage it, it might not happen, so you kept out of it and just sat back and watched how it would play out. 
Especially since Brillanni had grown up feeling like he was just her big brother’s best friend and with Brive and Ahi only being six months apart in age- they grew up together and had always been the best of friends. And while technically Ahi was a Crown Prince, Ahi didn’t presume on that, anywhere but at home in Yekmeni, which he was proud to be- when she wasn’t there. And a little embarrassed to be when she was an everyone called him Prince Ahi. He was always happy and grateful to leave Yekmeni and just be Ahi when he was visiting Stormbreaker and even especially Drauch where you took up temporary residence when in Suchi because when you stayed in Stormbreaker, you stayed with Yana and Brock and when Yana and Brock would visit you in Yekmeni, they got to stay in Auralu’s former suite which had been redone and improved so that it was your rooms that you always put your guests of honor in. 
But Ahi wasn’t the only one to feel that way apparently. Brive too had something similar to happen to him when Monrhi was born at about the same time as Brillanni. Brive had actually really liked Monrhi’s coloring when she was a toddler because she could play hide and seek in the gardens and always be the last to be found. And then when Monrhi’s coloring changed into a peacock’s colors, Brive thought Monrhi was the single most beautiful girl in the world as Brive did all he could to imitate Ahi, to be the Prince he felt he needed to be- to be worthy of a girl like Monrhi.
Brive had thrown himself into learning nadasi so he could speak all the languages Monrhi did but like Ahi, Monrhi, also liked to leave her title at home and just be Monrhi here, just another moura orc hybrid girl like her peers as she and Ahi both dressed down when they weren’t at home and besides their coloring, no one looking on would have ever thought that they were royalty. It helped them feel more ‘normal’. 
However to see that Monrhi too was sporting some new jewelry that was very distinctly Stormbreaker because it was really pretty pearl jewelry that Brive had made just for her. He had dived and shucked who knew how many oysters, clams and mussels just to get the right pearls in the right colors to suit Monrhi. And because Brive had not just designed but made this jewelry all by himself, she was wearing it with more pride than any other piece of jewelry she owned because of who had made this and you could tell that Brive had really poured his heart, mind and soul into it and it showed. The craftsmanship was really good and seeing Monrhi wear it and smile so brightly and proudly gave you a smile in return. 
With so many traditionally educated Dorierran brides in Yekmeni, it wasn’t hard for Yekmeni to have an advanced school system, many of the taunstons who had come- becoming professors of one subject or another. Ahi and Monrhi learned right along side every other child in Yekmeni in their age group. Also while you, Maisarra and Ashurah also gave all of your children and their siblings more private lessons on how to successfully run a kingdom, how to engage in business and politics and rule over citizens successfully. So that they could be beloved rulers and in turn, it was Ahi and Monrhi’s secret joy to pass on those lessons to Brive and Brillanni because they too had a clan that was growing into a nation- that they needed to have the confidence to lead as Ahi helped Brive especially with this. 
Especially since both of them were moura orc hybrids, they could fly together and do stunts in the air and all kinds of cool things together. And especially when both boys were with Jahoel and Harashu, the four of them together could wreak all kinds of crazy ridiculous havoc together and especially when all four of them were with the moura orc hybrids of Stormbreaker, while Ahi and Monrhi still stood out since they had eye catching colorations, they felt included and to be among peers who actually liked them for their personalities rather than their titles, wealth or privileges.  
But to see that Brive had been bold enough to invite Monrhi to do the same, inviting her to sit on his lap was a good sign. While Ahi had possessively wrapped his arm around Brillanni’s lap it was Brive who blushed like crazy when Monrhi practically took Brive’s arm and wrapped it around her and slowly began to lean back into him and the shy but happy and bashful smiles they gave each other were just darling. 
Even Jahaline had taken a similar seat in Dastrin and Kallimisia’s son Dahar’s lap while their daughter Ararlia was in Jahoel’s lap too as just about all the boys had different girls in their laps. You could clearly see it wasn’t siblings, like brother’s allowing their sisters to sit in their laps- far from it, most of the siblings were sitting across the table from each other while their crush’s sat in their laps, it was a very clear indicator that they were coupling themselves off. 
“Looks like we might have some weddings on our hands.” You murmured to Yana with a knowing grin as the two of you sat side by side with your toddlers in your laps, eating bits of food off of your plates. 
“It does.” Yana grinned back as she watched her own older children closely while she was helping to feed her younger children as you were doing the same as Brock and Lukher and the other guys were already laughing and making their own assumptions as to how that was going to go and play out. 
“To love, for conquering all.” You toasted to Yana. 
“To love, for conquering all.” Yana repeated as you clinked glasses and drank down your drinks with scheming smiles and twinkles in your eyes. 
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Israel refrained from voting for the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, and the indigenous peoples living in Palestine are still living with demolitions and confiscations of their property as well as restricted rights to movement.
Over the years, Israel has dispossessed Palestinians of roughly 200,000 hectares of land, including farmland and pastureland, which it then generously allocated to settlements. Some 630,000 Israeli settlers currently live throughout the West Bank (including East Jerusalem) in over 200 settlements, enjoying nearly all the rights and privileges accorded to Israeli citizens living in Israel proper, inside the Green Line.
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nataliesnews · 3 years
Modi. Rivlin 6.4.2021
I have not written much lately. One of my friends is very ill and it sent me back all those years to the time with Oscar.  In this case she was attacked by a germ which they have not been able to identify and antibiotics are having no effect. I was learning Spanish with her for the fun of it but over the years we also became friends. It is so sad as she has just been through a few bad years and a divorce and had moved into a new flat with no furniture and everything seemed to be going for her. She is under sedation and oxygen and one can only wait.
 But the last night I heard at last some wonderful news. My girl, Esther who did reflexology on me got married at the age of 40 and yesterday had a son. I was so thrilled for her. I just hope that her mother will be able to come as she is from Hungary. Esther also had Corona so this is such a relief.
 So much has happened also in the last few days so let me do it chronologically.
 I have often written of Chan el Achmar and a group called Friends of the Jahalin did a trip on Thursday. While we are at the school I thought maybe I had wasted my time as there was nothing new nor encouraging to hear. I only hope that International organizations manage to keep the school going and also the little miserable village from being destroyed. I look around at the shacks they live in, the tents, their conditions and find it unbelievable that we want to take even that away from them. Anyhow a young man, Modi, did a trip there and then went on to Nabi Musa and Mar Saba which are places which I have not seen for years though we have often hiked there.
 Nabi Musa was built in 1269 and the Moslems believe that Moses was buried there. Just lately some idiots, Jews and Muslims held a rave party there. It is like holding a rave party at the Wall. It has caused a great furor and has put a stop of the time to the idea of building a sort of a Chan ( hotel in the desert)  there. I don’t much hold with holy places. I am always reminded of the story of the two travellers in the desert whose dog died while they were on a trip and buried in under many stones so as to remember the place and every time they passed there they would add a stone and often saw that the heap was getting bigger. Then for many years they did not go back and when in old age, decided to make a trip of memory. As they drew near the spot they saw that there was a big celebration there and were told that it was in honour of the great prophet, Caleb (Dog). But you really have to have no respect to do anything like that. As you can see  you really have to  cover yourself to go in and this was how they dressed me.
  Then we went on to Mar Saba. My memory of it is arriving there on a hot day and only the men were allowed in. According to what I remember I think no woman ever has been allowed in. But we sat there for over an hour and a half in that baking sun  while the men had the grand tour. We were furious. But this time a road is being made to a lookout point on the other side.  It was really hard going up but two men who had a four by four came back and took myself and another woman up ….but it was a wild ride and once or twice I was sure that the jeep was going to topple over. I thoroughly enjoyed it and the view was great.
 Our demonstrations do not seem to have done much good. The shouts of Bibi is the king…if they would listen I would shout to them Shaul was also king, he also was engaged with a witch and his sons came to no good end. Last night there was a demonstration at the house of the president. One does not know what to dread more…that Netanyahu will again from the government with some of the most fascist elements Israel has ever known…. Or that he will become the president in the place of Rivlin. Then the right will make him dictator. And give Yigal Amir a pardon and a life pension. Little about our protests appear on the news to be read or seen. I was yust thinking that Netanyahu would probably make a law to make him president for life when I read this about Putin
 Putin approves bill allowing him to remain president until 2036
Russian leader gives himself option of two more terms after this one ends in 2024‎; was first elected in 2000‎, has been the de-facto head of government since
 So on the light side:
So last night we were there and I met Lulu, this great dog whom I had noticed before with three legs.
  My friend, Dalia, lives in the same street as the home of the President. I hope for her said Netanyahu does not become President……then their street will be turned into a Bastille prison as Balfour has. When we went back to her house, the Bibiastiem, were standing on the other side. Of course they were given the closest area next to the presidential residence and as we came past the one with the microphone started jeering at me saying that I would have to go on walking for the next four years……I was surprised that we were not phatically attacked because the police would certainly have turned a blind eye. All the police presence seemed to be on the side of the left…..we traitors.
 Today we will go the Knesset for the grand opening….of what. Of a government which is being founded on the same day as the leader has been in court on charges of bribery and heaven alone knows what. I noticed his wife did not come along to do hold his hand. And I suggest to read this to see how the crime family controls the media,
 Ex-CEO of top news site: Skewed coverage of Netanyahu was part of quid pro quo
Ilan Yeshua details orders to fire top editor, bury negative stories, smear rivals, all coming from PM's aides; says Walla owners made clear their business interests were at stake
 Don't Say We Didn't Know 741
In their efforts to make Palestinians of the South Hebron Hills leave, the Israeli army and  settler-colonists block ways that serve Palestinian traffic in the area.
On March 11, 2021, the Israeli army used boulders to block a track connecting Sha'ab Al Batam, Qawawis and Al Fakhit to Al Carmil and Yatta.
On Monday, March 22, 2021, settler-colonists blocked the track connecting Bir Al Eid, Jinba, Al Fakhit, Halawa and Al Markaz to Yatta, Susya and Al Carmil. 
On Saturday, March 27, Israeli human rights activists cleared this barrier.
   Modi. Rivlin 6.4.2021
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icymirss · 6 years
Israeli forces have assaulted dozens of Palestinians protesting the demolition of a Bedouin village near occupied East Jerusalem and the forcible transfer of the entire community. According to the Palestinian Red Crescent, at least 35 Palestinians were wounded, including four who were hospitalised, during the events which took place on Wednesday at the Khan al-Ahmar village. Videos taken by witnesses and circulated online showed Israeli forces beating and attempting to arrest men, women and children.... The Jahalin Bedouin community that lives in Khan al-Ahmar set up camp in the area as early as 1953, long before two Jewish-only settlements were built around it. The community believes they are being forcibly removed to allow Israel to expand its settlements on their land.
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paoloxl · 6 years
Israele, lo Stato che occupa la Palestina per una superficie che va ben oltre quella stabilita nella partizione proposta dall’ONU nel lontano 1948. Israele, lo Stato che per sistematica inosservanza di decine e decine di Risoluzioni Onu è un Paese fuorilegge sebbene non venga (per fortuna) bombardato come successo, con benedizione mediatica e popolare, per altri Paesi. Paesi che magari di Risoluzioni Onu ne avevano ignorata soltanto una.
Israele, che non subisce sanzione per le sue continue violazioni del Diritto universale umanitario e delle Convenzioni di Ginevra riesce, con un sortilegio basato su complicità e interessi internazionali, a mantenere il suo appellativo di Stato democratico. Aggettivazione che non perderà neanche dopo aver distrutto la ormai famosa “scuola di gomme” costruita dalla ong italiana Vento di Terra nove anni fa. Scuola che è stata oggetto da subito di minacce di demolizione, di confische di strutture ricreative quali altalene e altri giochi asportati addirittura con l’impiego di elicotteri per impedire a 170 bambini l’uso di quanto offerto dalla generosità internazionale.
Israele non perderà neanche questa volta la sua definizione di Stato democratico, per quanto assurdo sia rispetto alla realtà, grazie ad un fantastico gioco di prestigio giuridico-lessicale capace di ipnotizzare i democratici onesti e di fornire materiale narrativo ai suoi valletti mediatici.
Vediamo di cosa si tratta. Prima di tutto va ricordato che Israele – nel più totale silenzio mediatico – demolisce abitualmente strutture scolastiche oltre che abitative nell’Area C. Non solo, ma in particolare nell’Area C, cioè in quella parte di Palestina che la trappola degli accordi di Oslo del 1993 pose “provvisoriamente” sotto giurisdizione israeliana.
La scuola di gomme è riuscita, giustamente, ad attrarre l’attenzione internazionale sia per la tenacia dell’organizzazione che l’ha costruita, sia per l’originalità del progetto basato sul riciclo di vecchi copertoni e senza le fondamenta che, nella crudele e arbitraria prassi israeliana, ne avrebbero decretato l’abbattimento immediato per violazione delle norme ambientali. Non sembri pleonastico precisare che laddove vengono impedite anche minime costruzioni palestinesi lo Stato ebraico costruisce o lascia costruire a coloni (anch’essi fuorilegge ai sensi della legalità internazionale) enormi insediamenti su territorio comunque palestinese.
Ma cerchiamo di capire cosa consente a questo Stato di non perdere il grande scudo protettivo, e finora inossidabile, chiamato democrazia. Israele fa precedere le sue azioni più o meno violente contro il popolo palestinese, la sua terra, i suoi diritti e finanche la vita tout court, sia quando abbattuta in forma di stillicidio sia quando abbattuta per grandi numeri, dalla magica formula democratica della “legge” emanata dalle sue istituzioni.
La demolizione di case, ultimissime quelle del villaggio di Al Walaja vicino Betlemme, come tutte le altre demolizioni e confische di beni palestinesi e come tutte le altre costruzioni illegittime regalate ad ebrei in quanto ebrei su terreno palestinese, sono precedute da decreti, sentenze, o leggi emanate dalla Knesset che, grazie allo scudo giuridico-lessicale  costituito dal temine “legale” – normalmente a braccetto con la definizione “sicurezza per Israele” – anestetizza i tanti sinceri democratici rendendoli incapaci di confronti semplici. Uno di questi confronti, solo per parlare dell’Italia, si può avere dando un’occhiata alla “legalità” di un tristissimo periodo storico del secolo scorso.
Se la legalità si fa semplicemente domestica e cozza contro un ben più universale corpo di leggi  internazionale, la legge nazionale mantiene la forma di legge pur violando la legittimità del suo contenuto.  Anche il Parlamento italiano approvò le leggi razziali del 1937 in violazione dell’eguaglianza con le popolazioni colonizzate, definendole “razze inferiori” e quelle del 1938 contro i cittadini italiani di religione ebraica definendo anch’essi “razza”. Erano “leggi” e pertanto rispettavano quel simulacro detto legalità. Bene, Israele fa regolarmente altrettanto e, come allora le leggi razziali ebbero l’autorevolezza di essere leggi, così ora le discriminanti norme giuridiche di Israele, peraltro all’interno del suo essere Stato fuorilegge in quanto occupante e assediante, hanno l’autorevolezza della forma e tanto basta perché il mondo le accolga e, tutt’al più, tolleri l’organizzazione di petizioni e preghiere affinché il governo israeliano mostri magnanimità nell’applicazione di norme e sentenze che di per sé dovrebbero essere condannate dalla comunità internazionale in quanto illegittime già alla fonte.
Quanto sta succedendo con la demolizione della scuola di gomme del villaggio beduino di Khan Al Akhmar in Cisgiordania e la successiva deportazione della comunità Jahalin che lo abita, è solo l’ultimo esempio di tutto ciò. Demolizione e deportazione sono state decise da molti anni, da quando le istituzioni israeliane hanno stabilito di allargare la colonia (ovviamente illegale) di Ma’ale Addumin unendola ad una colonia più piccola  tagliando definitivamente in due la Cisgiordania e impedendo anche solo l’idea della nascita, seppure in forma ridotta, di quello Stato palestinese che la Risoluzione 181 proponeva accanto a quello israeliano.
La decisione – rimandata più volte in seguito a petizioni, richieste di organizzazioni palestinesi ed anche israeliane, la tenacia di Vento di Terra e l’attenzione di parlamentari italiani e di varie nazioni, e i ricorsi alla Corte suprema israeliana – infine è arrivata, e in forma di sentenza definitiva. Sentenza emessa da quella Corte suprema che, assurdamente, è considerata super partes nonostante sia istituzione giuridica dello Stato occupante e quindi, per logica, rappresentante semplicemente quella figura che la saggezza popolare italiana ha affidato a un vecchio adagio, quello che recita “oste com’è il vino? Ottimo direi”.  Quindi la Suprema corte israeliana, dopo una farsa pluriennale, ha sentenziato che il villaggio verrà demolito e la scuola di gomme con esso. I 170 bambini che la frequentano, insieme con le loro famiglie verranno deportati, ma il verbo usato è “trasferiti” e le parole hanno un loro perché, verranno deportati in una località generosamente offerta dallo Stato di Israele, ovviamente in territorio palestinese e, addirittura, verranno offerte loro delle tende in modo che con calma possano ricostruirsi le case che Israele demolirà. La zona offerta, con possibile alternativa, è nei pressi di una grande discarica, l’alternativa è invece nei pressi di un impluvio di acque reflue.
Come ricordano i rappresentanti di VdT, la comunità Jahalin è qui da settant’anni, cioè da quando l’esercito israeliano l’ha cacciata dal Neghev dopo la Nakba. Insomma, vessazioni su vessazioni praticate dal democratico Stato di Israele fin dal suo nascere e di cui questa è solo l’ultima in ordine di tempo.
Ricordiamo che Vento di Terra ha fatto e sta facendo ottime cose anche nella Striscia di Gaza e che proprio lì, quattro anni fa, l’IDF distrusse completamente la città dei bambini, un meraviglioso asilo all’avanguardia come sistema educativo nel villaggio beduino di Um al Nasser al nord della Striscia.  Fu allora che, nell’operazione dal magico nome “margine protettivo”, in soli 51 giorni Israele uccise qualche migliaio di persone compresi 570 bambini.  Però Vento di Terra, con la tenacia che evidentemente ha in comune col popolo palestinese, a Um al Nasser sta portando avanti altri ottimi progetti per le donne e i bambini scampati alla strage del 2014. Le nuove strutture resisteranno solo se Israele, nel suo arbitrio impunito, non avrà “bisogno” di distruggerle e, in quel caso, sappiamo che il mondo assisterà ancora impotente, o ignaro, o consenziente a seconda della narrativa che riuscirà ad essere veicolata dal suo vallettismo mediatico.
Intanto si seguitano a organizzare petizioni, manifestazioni di solidarietà con la popolazione del villaggio a cui partecipano anche sinceri democratici israeliani. La società civile si muove chiedendo che Israele non commetta quest’ennesimo crimine e Vento di Terra sta facendo il possibile perché il crimine non accada. Ma accadrà. Le proteste e le richieste affinché la Corte suprema israeliana modifichi la sua sentenza finale cadranno nel vuoto. Del resto, sarà gioco facile dire che se ci si affida a un tribunale si devono accettare le sue sentenze, e così si darà a Israele la possibilità di definirsi ancora una volta paese democratico il quale, prima di compiere un’azione, si affida al diritto. Che poi sia un diritto domestico e “Cicero pro domo sua” passerà in secondo piano.
Ma forse succederà di peggio. Siccome i luoghi in cui si è stabilito di deportare gli abitanti di Khan al Akhmar sono orrendi e insalubri, probabilmente il governo israeliano ha già pronto un piano B: cambierà luogo offrendo come nuova residenza un ambiente non inquinato e, con l’aiuto di qualche bravo opinion maker, forse si finirà per chiedere che gli abitanti di Khan al Akhmar ringrazino Israele per la sua umana comprensione. Altra operazione che trasformerà un ennesimo crimine israeliano in una prestigiosa medaglia alla generosità.
Nessuno fermerà Israele finché questo Stato sarà utile ai suoi protettori e ai suoi protetti. Pochi diranno la verità, e pochissimi l’hanno già detta. La verità si chiama sviluppo del progetto di annessione di tutta la Palestina storica a danno – tra gli altri – degli abitanti di Khan Al Akhmar, confiscando altra terra palestinese, implementando Ma’ale Addumin e creando un muro invalicabile che spezzi in due la Cisgiordania, portando dentro la Palestina ebrei venuti dalla Russia e dal mondo in genere i quali, cacciando i palestinesi diventeranno israeliani, cittadini della “Grande Israele” o Eretz Israel come vuole il sogno sionista sempre più vicino alla sua realizzazione grazie alle complicità o all’impotenza dei governi e delle istituzioni internazionali.
La petizione di Vento di Terra, che fa appello al Governo italiano alla UE e all’ONU, verrà presentata all’Alto rappresentante per gli Affari Esteri della UE Federica Mogherini.  Forse assisteremo a un’ennesima beffa del Diritto internazionale, tuttavia, i cittadini che ancora credono nell’importanza delle istituzioni democratiche sono invitati a firmarla.
La petizione si trova QUI
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zzqwe-blog1 · 4 years
(250) The destroyer (Muhammad Jahalin) - YouTube
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newstfionline · 7 years
Bedouins in the West Bank hold fast to their land—as pressure builds for them to leave
Joshua Mitnick, Los Angeles Times, July 3, 2017
The predawn sky exposes the outlines of the slopes of the Judaean desert. A strip of lamps on a new highway bathes the rocky earth in a ruddy glow, as motorists zip through the lonely expanse toward Jerusalem.
Here amid a chorus of crowing roosters, a cluster of dilapidated shacks on the desert hillside marks a tiny Bedouin encampment known as Khan al Ahmar.
The 160-person outpost, like dozens of other Bedouin hamlets clustered around the roadway, populates a region that descends from the Jerusalem mountains toward the West Bank city of Jericho and the border with Jordan.
It is a rugged, sparse landscape--but one that is at the center of a political tug of war. The region is coveted by Israelis who want to expand Jewish settlements and to solidify control over Jerusalem, as well as Palestinians who see it as part of their own state someday.
The Bedouins, caught in the middle, may soon be forced from this land.
In one home open to the chilly morning air, members of the Abu Dahouk family were wrapped in blankets as they began to stir shortly after 6, rising from mattresses set on large rugs covering the desert floor of rock and dirt.
In a shack that serves as the family kitchen and dining room, 12-year-old Nasrin and 14-year-old Iman, the two youngest in the family of nine, knelt over a fire tended by their mother, Sara. Their father, Eid Abu Dahouk, offered the young girls some spare change before they left for school.
The family’s flock of sheep and goats needed grazing, but for the father, known to most by his nickname, Abu Khamis, the next order of business was meeting with European diplomats.
An affable envoy representing an insular community, Abu Khamis served the diplomats sweet tea and pita bread prepared by his wife. He briefed them on an upsurge in home demolitions by Israeli military authorities.
Foreigners, diplomats and human rights workers are frequent guests here because the encampment--illegal under Israel’s military occupation--sits on such a strategic fault line of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
Displaced to the West Bank from ancestral lands after Israel gained independence in 1948, the Jahalin tribes settled in the open area outside Jerusalem with their flocks of sheep and goats. Some families live less than a mile from one another while others live two or three miles from the nearest neighbor.
The Bedouin here are registered with the United Nations as Palestinian refugees. But they live apart from Palestinian society, and Abu Khamis complains that the Palestinian government in nearby Ramallah hasn’t made good on promises to provide school transportation for the children.
The Abu Dahouk family lives in a row of partially open shacks made of wood beams, corrugated metal and canvas. One day recently, a wisp of smoke rose from the entry to a soot-blackened kitchen where the family prepared lentil porridge over an open fire. At the end of the row, a lone acacia tree overlooked the cottages of a tiny Israeli settlement, Kfar Adumim, sitting on a ridge about a half mile in the distance.
Foreign-funded solar panels helped power a medium-sized flat-screen television mounted alongside couches in a shack that doubled as sleeping quarters and a common area to host visitors.
Abu Khamis, 50, said the family prefers to stay at Khan al Ahmar despite the pressure to relocate.
“What I really want is to remain where we are now,” he said. “Why not build for us a community or village right here? Why take us somewhere else?”
As the rising morning sun colors the desert a burnt orange, outlines of uniformed school children appear on a nearby hilltop above Abu Khamis’ home. One by one and in pairs, they come skipping down toward a fenced off enclave of single-floor rooms constructed of mud and tires, the Khan al Ahmar elementary school.
Nicknamed “the tire school,” it is a hive of activity and noise in an otherwise sleepy encampment. At recess, shouting students raced in between classrooms and kicked a soccer ball on a playground of artificial grass. Many of the 160 pupils make daily treks through the desert hills of up to two miles from homes in nearby encampments.
Children learn English, math, Arabic and geography in tiny classrooms whose facades are decorated with murals of doves and Palestinian flags.
Before the school was built in 2009, the Bedouin children would have to cross the highway to catch rides to schools in Jerusalem or Jericho. Some of the children died in highway accidents.
“They really love to come here. They really want to study and keep the school clean. They suffered from not having a school,” said Halaime Zahaikah, a science teacher from Jerusalem. “It’s a place where they can play and have fun.”
The school, built with the help of foreign and Israeli human rights activists, has become a symbol of the Bedouin struggle to remain in the hills. So far, it has survived several court petitions sponsored by residents from the Kfar Adumim settlement calling for its demolition.
“An elementary school is different from a home,” said Yehiel Grenimann, an activist from the Israeli group, Rabbis for Human Rights, which helped build the school. “A school represents life and hope” for the community.
The Israeli military’s Civil Administration said it is offering the Bedouin properties in West Bank neighborhoods outside of Jerusalem and Jericho where, the Israeli officials say, they will be able to preserve their customs, own a home, and get hooked up to water and electricity. Most have refused the offer.
At the entrance of Khan al Ahmar, barefoot toddlers with unwashed faces and tattered clothes greeted visitors. Women, many dressed in long dresses and head scarves, shielded their faces from strangers. Not far away from the children, men from Khan al Ahmar and nearby encampments sat on a carpet outside a public meeting shack in a cloud of tobacco smoke, discussing recent demolitions.
They were awaiting the arrival of a shipment from the World Food Program. Soon, two trucks roared up the unpaved road to the encampment loaded with giant sacks of wheat flour, bottles of cooking oil and lentils to supplement the residents’ food supply.
The Bedouin encampments can appear as if discarded amid the wilderness of the Judean desert. Strewn about the hamlets are junked cars, shipping pallets, canvas and sheets of corrugated metal. Sheep and goat pens are built from wood planks and chain-link fencing.
There is, however, a logic behind the location, said Abu Khamis. The Bedouin can persist if they have access to a highway to bring their livestock, milk and yogurt to cities, a nearby water source, and room for their goats to graze, he said.
But over time, the grazing areas have shrunk substantially amid the expansion of nearby settlements, the construction of Israel’s separation barrier in the West Bank, and the closing off of land for military training zones.
Abu Khamis said the head count of livestock dropped about 75% in the last 20 years, while the East Jerusalem-based International Peace and Cooperation Center estimated it dropped about 33% during that time. To make up for the lost income, most of the men work outside of the encampments in nearby Jewish settlements or in agriculture plantations in the valley around Jericho. For many years, Abu Khamis drove a bulldozer that helped build Kfar Adumim.
In an encampment about two miles from Khan al Ahmar, Khalil Mohammed Jahalin kneeled over a pot of tea and recalled how he and his family awoke two days before to bulldozers and an Israeli official with a demolition order.
“It hurts that, in a place that’s yours, the place where you live is being destroyed, and they’re making a mess out of it. They don’t want the Bedouin here. And in another 10 or 20 years, you’ll see [settlement] buildings. What kind of a country is this? What kind of a life is this?”
Back at Khan al Ahmar, a gentle winter rain fell on the roof of Abu Khamis’ shacks as the afternoon sun grew weak and the winds picked up. After returning from school, the girls played games, and stared at cartoons on the family TV until they were shooed away by an older brother.
With the help of the children, Abu Khamis’ wife, Sara, prepared a pot of lentils and fresh pita bread for an early dinner. As the family warmed itself by the fire, Abu Khamis said that he hoped his young daughters will continue their education at a university when they get older. Whether the encampment will still be in the same place for the children to return to, he can’t say. Representatives of the Israeli military visit regularly to remind him eventually Israel will force the Jahalin to leave Khan al Ahmar.
He recalled a conversation with an Israeli official, who told him: “Sooner or later you will be evacuated.”
“All Bedouin communities from Jerusalem to the Dead Sea are under a demolition order,” Abu Khamis told the visitors.
Many Palestinians and rights activists worry that evicting the Bedouins to make way for settlement growth would create an Israeli wedge between the northern and southern West Bank, making the creation of a contiguous Palestinian state physically impossible.
Meanwhile, there has been growing pressure within Israel’s coalition government to annex Maale Adumim, a settlement east of Jerusalem with a population of about 38,000, whose enormous boundaries nearly ensconce all of the Jahalin Bedouin.
“There is no way to have a Palestinian state with Israel controlling this area,” Abu Khamis said. “If Israel evacuates the Bedouin community from this area, the boundary of Jerusalem will be extended to the Dead Sea. It will be the end of the last hope for peace.”
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rickilanders · 6 years
A Palestinian Bedouin Village Braces for Forcible Transfer as Israel Seeks to Split the West Bank in Half
A Palestinian Bedouin Village Braces for Forcible Transfer as Israel Seeks to Split the West Bank in Half
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A Palestinian Bedouin Village Braces for Forcible Transfer as Israel Seeks to Split the West Bank in Half Source: The Intercept Rayyah has lived in Khan al-Ahmar all of her 47 years. She raised nine children there, and 24 grandchildren; one more is on the way. Her family and neighbors, members of a Bedouin community known as the Jahalin, found refuge on this scorched patch of rocks and dust in the…
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psychologypsp · 8 years
My Friend is a Palestinian Bedouin: XI The Bedouins
My Friend is a Palestinian Bedouin: XI The Bedouins
Daniel Weishut, Psy.D. We may expect readers of these lines to be relatively acquainted with Euro-American cultures, but much less with Bedouin life and culture. Bedouin culture provides part of the context of this friendship and Bashar’s cultural background. Therefore, I will supply the reader with some insights in central aspects of Bedouin life and culture. This essay will start with…
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