#jafar x read
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hokak · 3 months ago
I really have no doods left so i guess I'm just going to fight my artblock bc someone told me my fugly drawings look cute ♡ ͜ ♡
(These are really old btw I just scrolled thru my gallery to find them)
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Luv yall and Merry Christmas <3
(Sorry for the quality...and remember anatomy is not real in my world)
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greattigerssimp · 5 months ago
Hi! I see you like my stupid Punch Out x Disney Princess idea. Maybe some headcanons if they went out for Halloween as the Disney princesses (I know Halloween is over but still 😭)
idk really stupid idea but I blame my brain lol
It's not stupid at all! Girl boss Disney princess boxers coming right up ^^
Little Mac 🟢🥊
- Went as Vanellope
- Doc Louis went as Ralph and Peter Punch went as Felix
- Highly protested against putting candies in his hair
- Kept the hoodie after Halloween, but otherwise didn't care for the costume
- Terrible at the voice
- Watched the movie for authenticity, later bullied Joe for being cut from the film
Glass Joe 🇫🇷 🥐
- Absolutely adorableeee. Bro got lots of candy for being so bonita
- He actually loooves Beauty and the Beast! It's classic French literature, after all, and he's a sucker for adorable literary works like that.
- Also relates to Belle a lot, mainly for her love of reading
- Gets giddy every time he watches the movie or the Broadway version
- Kinda snobby about it though, like he's all like "erm actually the Broadway version is the one I prefer" like sis no one cares, shush and continue being adorable
- If Gabby was alive in this AU, he'd dress up as Gaston. He admires him in a not-straight way lmao
- Obviously kept the dress
Von Kaiser 🇧🇪 🔩
- Wanted to go as Snow White or Rapunzel since he's familiar with them (his mom would read those fairy tales to him as a kid), but since he was the last boxer to choose who to go as, he got stuck with Anna
- Watched the film alongside Soda, and he didn't care for it (that was mainly bc of Soda singing along to each song)
- Sweating BUCKETS during trick or treating since Anna's outfit is quite warm
- Chaffed... a lot.
- Did not keep the costume, even after Joe's compliments.
Disco Kid 🇺🇲 🕺
- Was happy to go as Rapunzel, until he realized what a hassle the long hair would be
- Also hard to get groovy bc of the hair
- Has the entire films soundtrack on a playlist
- Made a remix of "I see the light" after he was done trick or treating
- Kept the dress, but gave it to April (his lil sister in my AU) after Halloween. She definitely dressed up as Flynn to match with Disco Kid that night
King Hippo 🏝 🦛
- Bonita af
- Watched the film, and got obsessed with it... the lush, tropical environments reminded him of home, which is rare since Hippo doesn't remember a lot about Hippo island
- Y'all should've seen him watching the film for the first time; he can't talk, but during the songs bro was low-key stimming- like, bouncing a bit in place, humming along, that sorta thing. Dude was in his element
- Joined Macho Man at the local beach for a Halloween swim
- Sadly lost his outfit in the ocean. Cried for 3 hours
Piston Hondo 🇯🇵🥊
- Dresses up as Mulan
- Thought the film was nice, but would much rather wear Mulan's armor than a dress she barely wore
- Heike dressed up as Li Shang, Dragon Chan later joined them during trick or treating, dressed as Shan Yu
- Even Yuki joined them, wearing a cute lil Mushu outfit
- Sadly didn't keep the outfit
Bear Hugger 🇨🇦🐻
- Went as Snow White (SO DID I OMGG?? - me)
- Most authentic portrayal of character; dude equipped himself with animals and stuff to make himself look real
- Wifey Lomasi (OC of mine) had to help him put on the dress. She would match him by dressing up as Prince Florian (would love to go as Pocahontas, but didn't want to chafe + wanted to be unique)
- Spruce (his squirrel) dressed up as an apple
- Singing the songs in a very jolly, very off-key manner.
- He's definitely keeping the costume for next year
Great Tiger 🇮🇳🐯
- Dressed up as Jasmine, but he'd really prefer to dress up as Jafar. He's more bonita (this hc was brought to you by ✨️an extremely biased Jafar fangirl✨️)
- His clones dresses up as the other characters, namely Aladdin, the Genie, and the very bonita Jafar
- Jafar Jafar jafar
- Holy frick I love Jafar smmmmm
- Okay back to Great Tiger
- He liked the movie a lot, and thought it was very funny
- Also very content with his outfit! He didn't chafe (hahaha Kaiser-) and it was nice and breezy
- Even fashioned his flying carpet to look like the one from the movie
- Keeping the outfit, but is definitely dressing up as Jafar next year (mmmm my fave boxer + fave Disney character uwu)
Don Flamenco 🇪🇸 🥀
- Dressed up as Sleeping Beauty, aka Aurora (ironic since in my Halloween hcs Carmen was Aurora and Don was Prince Philip lol)
- Carmen dressed up as Maleficent bc she doesn't want to "dress up as a dude" (oh the symbolism)
- Loves all romance stories, and Sleeping Beauty is no different. Dude 100% believes in true, unconditional love
- Joe also loves sleeping beauty, since it's another piece of classic French literature. He's going to see the play version with Joe in about a month lol
- Somehow didn't chafe; it must be his skincare routine
- Got sleepy halfway through the night and went home early
- Carmen stole the dress and isn't giving it back
Aran Ryan 🇮🇪 😈
- VERY against dressing up as Merida (a Scottish character) at first, but slowly grew to love it
- He watched the film, and related to Merida to a T (and so do I lmao)
- Brought a real bow and arrow and definitely shot random people with it (Before Sandy broke it)
- Took off the wig, burned it, and threw it at a random house
- Kept the dress and gifted it to his younger sister, Brooker (Another OC of mine) back in Ireland
Soda Popinski 🇷🇺🍾
- Watched the movie with Kaiser and really liked it! He's a sucker for winter aesthetics
- Researched more information on Elsa and went crazy learning about Elsagate
- Can and will sing "Let it go" if you either ask nicely, pay him, or if your name is Super Macho Man
- Chaffed terrible, ended up crab walking most of the night
- Spent 30% of the night w/Macho Man and king hippo, watching Macho Man do laps
- Also gifted the dress to his sister after Halloween
Bald Bull 🇹🇷 🐂
- Dressed up as Tiana, and doesn't care for it
- Very independent trick or treat night
- Was fine with the movie, but wasn't crazy about it
- A few candy givers complimented him though
- Accidentally ripped his dress late into the evening. Pray to the random group of trick or treaters that got mooned that evening
- Didn't keep the dress
Super Macho Man 🇺🇸🌊
- He's absolutely slaying the little mermaid outfit (he got first pick lol)
- Will not shut up about how he saw the movie in theaters as a kid, and will not shut up about how he knows Jodi Benson lmao
- That being said, it was very hard to move, which meant someone (Soda) had to pull him on a wagon everywhere. Dw, Soda wasn't complaining
- Decided to go to the beach to see if he could swim like a mermaid with the tail on. Yes, he could, and he did it beautifully.
- Soda also joined in his swimming. It wasn't straight at all
Mr. Sandman 💤🟢
- Very itchy dress- it did not accommodate his build at all
- He won't admit it, but he felt very bonita
- Joe started yapping about how lucky Sandman was to be dressing up as such a deep, meaningful character (bro straight up has a hyperfixation for French literature)... Sandy almost clocked him for yapping.
- Ironically had to go home to midnight, not because it was late, but because his glass shoes broke under his weight, and he had to go home and pick shards of glass from his feet
Bonus HC: All of them definitely recreated this scene:
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OG post from @flamingoprincess25 ://www.tumblr.com/flamingoprincess25/765906549064482816/to-the-punch-out-fansmy-halloween-special-is?source=share
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platinumrosetail · 1 year ago
Ok weighter block and request block is Killin me so I thought about this ask
Can you do any 5 ships from any fandom you do x female half spider baby reader
Like reader is in her egg and the egg falls into one of the ships hands and then they say the reader there's now please and thank you
Ooooh interesting. Also everyone who reads this If you don’t like any of the ships I ship then either skip that ship or move on from this post as I don’t care if you don’t like it that’s your opinion and I’m not going to just stop shipping them because you guys don’t like it as it’s my opinion and we all have different opinions and different ships so do take that into consideration before you go wild and comment something you shouldn’t as I’ll just delete it anyway, this is your first and last warning, thank you.
Warning: noob author, female child reader, platonic yandere characters, and others.
Characters: sinbad x jafar (magi), tighnari x cyno (genshin impact), muzan x yoriichi (demon slayer),
Magi!sinbad x jafar:
Drakon found an egg while out picnicking with his wife, he believes the egg was either abandoned or something happened terrible happened to the egg’s parents.
(Remember that she said half so the spouse could be female and the spider half could be male or we could go the male x male route as magic does exist and it could help make that happen and maybe even without magic.)
He decided to bring you to his king and his wife so that they could decide on what should happen next.
Sinbad was curious on why one of his oldest friend brought an egg to him and his wife until he heard the reason.
Jafar decided to take care of the egg as if the egg is in the wrong hands like kou empire then danger will soon come with whatever is inside the egg becoming a weapon of sorts and didn’t want that to happen again like it did with him.
(It’s been a long while since I last seen magi sinbad so I could be remembering it wrong or something but I think that kinda happened with jafar like he was turned into a weapon until he met sinbad and all I could be wrong.)
Sinbad was onboard as he was thinking of having a child with jafar, he wouldn’t mind if the first one wasn’t from both him and jafar as it would help them get started on how parents should act.
When you hatched you were nothing like sinbad, jafar, and the generals were thinking you’d be, it would seem you’re arachnes what with the spider features you have but there’s also some other creatures feature they can see but it’s less than your spider half of what they can see.
Your spider half allows you to climb on walls (unless the other half is also something that can climb on walls then ignore that lol) so you’re a troublemaker if you want to do something but your parents, uncles and aunts won’t allow you, though jafar seems to always be able to get you down whether it’s by coaxing you, getting you down with his strings or using his weapon on his strings to climb up there and get you himself. You mostly get this influence from watching sinbad and what with sinbad teaching you some things you shouldn’t know which gets him in trouble, the two wouldn’t have it any other way.
Genshin!tighnari x cyno:
Collei found an egg while scouting with some of the other rangers she described to bring it home as she could tell by the state of the nest that the parents are no more.
Tighnari was surprised to see collei carrying a fairly large egg after getting back from routine scouting to make sure the forest is in check.
Once she explained what she saw tighnari decided to raise the egg as there was no telling what could happen to it once it hatch especially with the fatui and their experiments that they do on people and creatures.
Cyno was surprised like tighnari first was at the egg being in his shared home with tighnari, though he soon understood when both tighnari and collei explained what she had seen and the possible outcome of the parents along with what might happen if the egg falls in the wrong hand seeing as how they don’t know what could be inside the egg until it hatch’s.
They took care of you until the day you hatched, making sure you were warm and such, there were a few scares but thankfully nothing bad has happened as far as they know.
The day you finally hatched was when it was thundering outside making tighnari, collei, and cyno plus the others in the small village stay inside so as to now get soaked and sick.
You were a hybrid, with your spider half being the most noticeable feature than you other half. Thankfully all his equipment to do a check up on you were inside the house so he can give you a check up after you hatched instead of going out in the rain which would most likely get him sick and that won’t be good especially with you just hatching the same day as the storm and you can get sick as well if he does, you were checked up and the results came out fine as you’re healthy like any other baby born.
Demon slayer!muzan x yoriichi:
Yoriichi had found an egg while scouting for any demons that would come that night but all he found was the egg.
Yoriich brought you to muzan and suggested that they adopt the egg and care for it.
Muzan out of fear of angering yoruichi and having his end by him agreed, not knowing that he will also get the same parental instinct to take care of you.
Muzan made sure that the upper and lower moons are to take care of the new demon heir and if harm should come to the egg then he would gladly make them wished they protected the egg better.
Muzan kept the egg away from Douma as he knew that the rainbow-eyed upper moon is unpredictable what with him having no emotion and to make sure that the egg is safe he leaves it with kokoshibo and akaza as he knows those two are more responsible than Douma.
Though sadly the two usual babysitter had to be unavailable as they were on a mission to find the blue spider lily and the rest of the upper and lower moon wasn’t really trustworthy to take care of you except maybe nakime but she is busy as well, so muzan sadly left the egg in Douma’s care not without giving Douma a warning that he should not bring danger to the egg and protect it at all cost or else consequences will happen.
You had hatched in douma’s care a little before muzan had arrived so while waiting for muzan douma began telling stories about muzan even though only he understood himself as your still just a baby and too young to understand him talking, all you knew is that this male with the rainbow eyes is not your mother who you heard through your egg all the time in the past. Muzan arrived a minute or so later expecting to see his child still in a egg but is shocked to see that there is a baby with spider like feature surrounded by egg shells, he immediately knew that you had hatched as he can see the slime that is usually in a egg on your small spider hybrid like form who is giving a bored look at Douma who still is telling stories about muzan. Muzan quickly left with you after rewarding Douma with more of his blood and went to his home to introduce you to yoriichi.
(A/n: hope y’all like it! I sadly couldn’t do 5 fandoms as it was hard to find two other fandoms that could go with this but I still hope y’all like it 😁 anyway I think that’s it so hope y’all have a wonderful day/evening/night!!)
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rise-my-angel · 1 year ago
Heart of the Great Wolf
The Lost Chapters of Jon Snow
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Pairings: Jon Snow x F!Baratheon!Reader (Slow Burn), Robb Stark x F!Baratheon!Reader
Length: 15.5k
Warnings: angst/hurt comfort, character deaths, graphic descriptions of blood and violence, rape, forced sex acts, abusive/forced relationship, sex under threat of death, male victim of female sexual violence, suicidal ideation, visions of smut & visions of p in v (between Reader and Robb)
Notes: Did you ever wonder what Jons story looked like during the chapters he was not a main character? These are snapshots into how the events of Heart of the Great Wolf effected Jon, that we did not previously get to see in this story. Series Masterlist Here
“Being me a horn of ale, Snow. And pour one for yourself.”
Jon should have known right away that something bad had happened, but in no way did he understand what the world looked like down South enough to guess. Night hadn't even properly hit and already one thing after another piled on top of each other, what was one more thing to add to it, he thought.
He and Sam had said their vows. Brothers of the Nights Watch they were, and yet to start off, from the woods beyond Ghost came trotting out with a human hand in his mouth. They had all went to seek where he found it and two rangers laid dead not far away from the Weirwood beyond the wall. Yarwick had quickly identified them, Othor and Jafar Flowers but with no hint of where his Uncle Benjen may have been, it felt less morose in Jons chest then it did unsettling. If his uncle was simply gone, then why were two of his company back here all alone?
There had to be more to it he thought, and maybe there was. Sam had mentioned that there was no smell to the bodies at all, and at this point there should have been. Lord Commander Mormont's attention had been called over a raven from Kings Landing, and so he made his way to his office, ordering the rest of them to help move the bodies so Maester Aemon could examine them. All Jon thought as he walked into his office, was of his uncle. He didn't at all realize, it was the wrong family member which was to be his newest fear.
Jon was hesitant as he poured, and he could sense the Old Bear was choosing his slow spoken words to him very carefully, sitting at his desk going over what news the raven had brought. “The King is dead.”
Pausing in his movements, far too much to choose one thought, passed through Jons mind. The air in the room felt thick, and he knew that the conversation was not about to end with that as the worst of it. Not quite turning to him, he had no idea if the words came off as calm as he was attempting to sound. “Is there any word of my father?”
Moving to place the ale on his desk, Jon was told to sit. Already he felt sick, he'd rather not sit he'd rather just be told what happened here and now with no lead up. Get it out of the way and maybe Jon could stop the nerve wracking pounding of his heart. Eyes wide, he did as he was told but what came out of the Old Bear's mouth was not at all what he was bracing himself for. “Lord Stark has been charged with treason.”
If that sentence did not make sense to Jon, the next one made even less.
“They say he conspired with Roberts niece- your brothers wife, to deny the throne from Prince Joffery. They both have been arrested as traitors to the realm.”
On instinct, Jon held his hand out. Needing to read the words himself but still it made no sense in his head every attempt. His father wasn't a man who did things like that, his father was the most honourable man Jon's ever known. If a mistake hadn't been made, then something else very wrong had led to this, he knew it.
The only so called treason his father ever committed was rebelling against injustice done to his own family over twenty years ago, but you? You were smart. A good girl. Someone who, insult or honour, always did what you were told. Not a conspirerer in a game of kings. He read the words again and again, and for some strange reason he recalled something the other day.
He thought of you often, he dreamt of you often, but only days ago Jon could recall having a strange image in his head of you somewhere he's never seen next to his father and he had done what he did any other time he imagined such a thing. Threw it away in his mind of simply a yearning to see again the girl he never would.
Not a clue where he was even moving towards, Jon stood up. Making his way to the door he could suddenly see all of them. Leaving on the Kingsroad and the realization that if his father and you were being charged as traitors, what about-
“I hope your not thinking of doing anything stupid. Your duty lies here now.” Stopping mid step, Jon didn't really look back at him. No, not stupid, necessary, but what was that? All Jon knew, was he had to get out of this room. He had to do something, he couldn't stand by and let this all just happen.
His voice was weak, and he knew it was a plea the Lord Commander would not accept but Jon had to say it anyways. Someone had to be thinking of them. “My sisters were in Kings Landing too.” And he was right, it wasn't anything the man accepted. He just told Jon, he was sure they'd be treated gently.
Jon couldn't stop that feeling of anger as he walked about Castle Black. His duty lay here, but if his father and you were rotting in a dungeon, who was now doing the duty of protecting his sisters? Arya and Sansa were just girls, young and naive in their own ways and the gentle they'd be treated with didn't feel like it was going to be the same definition Jon would have of it. It was Joffery and the Queen, who was there to stand in between them and his little sisters if there was no one left there to do it, or care?
What was the point of honour, if it meant Jon had to choose what honour was supposed to mean more over the other?
It didn't get better as time passed. People were awkward around him, people whispered and either looked at him strangely or avoided his eye entirely. He didn't want to think about what they were saying, Jon didn't have time for it. Or the patience.
Standing in the kitchens, he was distracted. Quieter then normal and looking nowhere but where the knife in front of him was cutting and the sights in his head he was being told to abandon the idea of protecting. Giving Arya a sword didn't mean Jon trusted her to be safe with it. She was young, short, small, and too quick and snarky for her own good and even if she knew how to use it, that wouldn't protect her against the power of a crown calling her father a traitor.
The last time he saw her, the way as they always had for years, she jumped high into his arms for a hug and nowhere in that city would a girl barley eleven years old find herself safe enough for long enough for- for what? For him to go get her?
For Jon to leave the Nights Watch and find his sisters? If Arya wasn't safe with a sword, Sansa was even less safe without one. She didn't understand violence, she wouldn't have anything or anyone to protect her without their father, but again, what was Jon supposed to do? Hope his little sisters assumed Jon just didn't know the danger they were now in? Did they believe the treason the crown claimed you and their father had done?
Would Arya and Sansa hate him more or less, if they realized Jon knew they weren't safe there, but had to stand here and choose not to do anything about it? His family weren't traitors, his father wasn't a traitor and neither were you. But Jon could only stand there, and feel that helplessness grow into anger at being told to do nothing for the people he loved.
At least, do nothing actually productive. But he sure did something with that anger, only it helped no one, including himself. The second Jon heard Ser Alliser's voice his muscles tensed, trying not to look or focus but he spoke right at him, walking right up beside him. “Now there's a rare sight. Not only a bastard, but a traitors bastard.”
The worst of it all, was that Jon knew it might have been less of an offence if he reacted right away.
Ten, twenty, maybe thirty seconds had passed. Sam, Pyp and Grenn all taking their turns glancing over to Jon as he stood there in complete silence. His eyes looked up to Ser Alliser, who condescendingly nodded for him to go back to work, to stand there and let the man insult his father.
Too bad for both, his father meant more to Jon then not reacting to that look in Ser Alliser's eyes. In a second, Jon flipped his grip on the knife and felt not a shred of regret going for him. Anger and red hot rage flowing through his blood, but he'd rather see it pour out of wherever he stabbed the man then let it fester silently inside his own mind. Instantly, his brothers reacted.
He could hear Sam and Grenn yelling, “Jon, stop put it down-” Right as he came close, Pyp moved to haul Jon away as Grenn tore the knife from his hand. Every part of him felt as if it was screaming to let him finish the job and damn the consequences, but the three of them knew Jon better then to let it happen.
Leaning angrily into his person, Ser Alliser all but hissed at him. “Blood will always tell. You'll hang for this, bastard.”
Jon couldn't do anything to help his father, couldn't do anything to help you, and couldn't do anything to help his sisters, and now he wasn't even allowed to be angry over it. The Old Bear didn't hang him, but it was clear to Jon as he was confined to quarters, that he had more coming his way. More then just that night, setting an already dead man on fire.
It was days later the next news of a raven came. Funny thing it was, how it was almost a skill the degree to which Jon could go from such an easy mood to something intense and far too angry raging deep in his bones. Sitting next to Sam, he was trying to pry out what it was he claimed he couldn't. “I'm really not supposed to say.”
Tilting his head in amusement, Jon prodded him a little more in jest. “And yet, you really want to say. You want to say that..” Leaving the air open for Sam to pluck up the courage and spit it out already, but just as days before, Jon almost wished he never heard it.
“There was a raven. I read the message to Maester Aemon.”
By the weary look in Sams eye, Jon expected it to be more of his father. But, it was somehow even more conflicting for Jons resolve. It was about Robb. Robb and you. “Someone helped her escape Kings Landing in the middle of the night, a Kingsgaurd. She's reunited with your brother, they're heading South together. To war.”
Every lack of luck in Jons life, the only thing he's heard of you in months, and twice now in days both things left him torn of too much. On paper, he should be happy you escaped. But it wasn't your freedom which left Jon's blood chilling inside him. It was his lack of freedom now. You had fled and joined Robb, going to war with him even beacuse if it wasn't duty you did, it was always trying to do what was right and now Jon had to sit there and do the opposite.
Robb was heading South declaring war on the Lannisters with you at his side, and Jon only had one breathless thought as his eyes drifted to nothing at the surmounting pile of useless he felt. “I should be there. I should be with them. Both of them.”
Jon had imagined you in his head more time then he could count since being at the wall, but it wasn't until he sat there in the hall with Sam, did he realize. Maybe he wasn't imagining you. Jon should be there, with Robb, but maybe, something was forcing Jon with you. It was too detailed, too unknown, an image he had not the creativity to pretend was his imaginations capability. He should be there with Robb, but it wasn't until that day did Jon finally come to understand, something in his mind, was keeping him with you.
Both in armour as you stood in an unknown land next to Robb. His silver and heavy, yours thinner and black almost something like scales as it sat lighter on your person. A shattering of nerves left just a distant heaviness in both your eyes as across was blood on yours and Robbs person, all he could see was Robb twisting his arm to hold at your wrist, and you returned the gesture right back, before the vision was gone. If you and his brother left for war, Jon started to wonder if he was watching it.
Guilt, anger, and confused shame all swirling in his mind, but maybe if he had one thing to hold onto, it was that just perhaps the gods had granted Jon one grace. If there was one hope he clung onto as everything told him to abandon this duty and go to his family, it was that you were not gone from his life entirely.
If Jon was seeing you standing beside Robb at war, he couldn't help but wonder, how much more of you would he finally be allowed to see again. He felt angry and useless here, but if he was seeing visions of you, it might be of some comfort.
Were anyone to hear Jon say what was happening in his head, they'd think him out of his mind no doubt. It was cold beyond the wall, and too easily someone could argue that the cold can mess with the head a little bit. Not even Sam would believe him if he said what was really happening.
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There was not a shred of doubt anymore to Jon however. He knew he was seeing you. For a solid fact, Jon knew he was seeing you. First it was dreams, then in waking days he thought he was making things up because he missed you but it was impossible to deny now. He saw things of you that came true, and he continued to see things of you that were happening along the same war path he was not following.
Robb was King in the North now, which meant you stood beside him as his Queen, and Jon desperately wished it was that which he was seeing. Show him his brother growing into a leader, or your rule together, but don't show him this. It wasn't battle and strategy Jon saw. No, Jon would see, hear, and sometimes, somehow, feel only the moments of quiet he never got to.
What Jon had with you, before you had Robb, was minimal in the grand scheme of things. He knew a bit of what being with you felt like. He knew in great detail what your kiss was like, he knew what a truly beautiful sight your bare body looked like, and he knew some bits of how you felt against him. It was supposed to be enough, he'd lay awake at night at the wall and those small parts of you were his only comfort.
Eyes shut in the dark of his quarters, and he could just barley feel your soft skin under his hands or hear your gentle, high pitched sigh in his ears and Jon would fall asleep just a little easier. He would never have you the way he wanted to, the way Robb had you now, but what Jon did have was supposed to be enough.
But then he'd see you, hear you. Not just you, not just alone or in memory.
As he sat close to the ground, back up against a tree, Jon almost dropped his sword as soon as he heard it, and he nearly cut himself by accident as soon as he felt it. Your high pitched sigh in his ear as your breathe trailed along his neck like a phantom. If he closed his eyes, maybe he could feel you actually pressing your lips there. But if he closed them, he may stop seeing it. And Jon couldn't tell if he wanted to stop seeing you like this quite yet. No matter how awful it made him feel.
It was in front of his eyes as much as the crowded yards of Crasters Keep was. He could see both, and hear both. But it was not himself in a memory of you he watched. It was Robb. Robb taking you, the way Jon dreamt of being able to do with you for years.
The room you were in, some war tent no doubt fitted just enough to be fair of a King and Queen, but without the pomp he imagined many others might have wanted. In terms of luxury, Robb was as humble as you were and it made Jon swallow harshly at how easily you matched his brother. Once, he thought it was himself you were made for, but now he wasn't so sure. Robb touched you easier then Jon ever did even after six years.
You were gorgeous this way, eyes barley keeping open and your mouth parting with breathless begs and pleads, but it burned Jon everytime it was “Robb” he would hear you sing. At the mercy of his brothers touch, you moved just the way he wanted and never protested how thrown around he'd toss you about.
Watching as if before him, Jon could see the way you were moulded perfectly to Robbs demand, and Jon, aggravatingly, almost could feel as if he was the one inside you. His brother had you on your hands and knees, your back arching into each thrust as you barley gasped for air before Robb took it away again. It was rough, the way his brother fucked you, but gods help him, Jon could tell you took Robbs cock as if you were born for it.
Barley a word you'd mutter out, just begs for more, begs for Robb to do whatever he wanted, and promises that you'd be good for him as you cried into the air. So perfect it sent shivers down Jons spine more then any winter winds out here. None knew, none could hear, not your cries nor Jons thoughts but you were so effortlessly loud without being obnoxious.
Just the sounds that couldn't be contained, but he would've. Forced to sit there, eyes dark and narrowed, Jon watched and knew he would've by now, flipped you onto your back. Covered you with his body, pressing you into the sheets and stolen every last breathe with his lips. Kiss you so only he could feel your cries and none would hear it.
Robb would mutter filth at you then groan and Jon somehow knew you were clenching around him so tightly, but he couldn't help the wonder on his own as he watched. Jon wouldn't talk to you that way, and clearly you couldn't get enough when Robb did, but Jon would make up for it. He'd slow down, take you so every inch dragged along your sensitive walls and pull your needy cries that way instead of seducing them with words.
You reached a hand back, and Robb pulled you up. Knelt upright on the bed, your back against his chest as he fucked up into you, and muttered low in your ear as you begged for him to finish inside you. And you were perfect for it, beautiful for it. Jon would never get the chance, but every insecurity left his head as he watched you in his own wide eyed silence.
You begged for his brother, begged for Robb to spill inside of you, but Jon wished it was him. He'd keep your lips pressed to his, you'd barley be able to beg, beacuse he'd spill inside of you before you could go too long without it.
So, imagine the true cruelty, as the image before Jon shattered out of nowhere. Left back in only the cold of Crasters Keep and you were gone. He was used to it by now, he supposed. Without much due, Jon picked Longclaw back up, and returned to properly taking care of it. He saw you enough that he could go about his business and none would know what he watched. But too often, Jon knew it was such an intimacy he never had that he was being forced to witness you have with Robb.
It didn't make it much better, when minutes later Sam came walking up to him with one of Crasters wives standing wide eyed next to him. “What are you doing?”
“This is Gilly. She's one of Crasters..daughters.” The fact that both terms were used interchangeably was vile, but it wasn't the girls faults for that. It was however, Sams fault that he spoke to one of them in the first place, when they definitely weren't supposed too.
With a bit of a shortness he glanced to her, “Hello Gilly.” Eyes flying back to Sam with the same quiet, even tone on his words to allow him to explain himself before Jon lost it. “What are you doing?”
The girl, Gilly, tried to implore to him first. Saying that Sam had told her Jon could help, and he couldn't fathom what in the world Sam had gotten himself into now. Trying to shoot it down, that they weren't even supposed to talk to any of Crasters daughters, Sam interjected. “She's pregnant.”
Oh, Jon was going to throw Sam head first into the snow. Slowly letting Longclaw fall into his lap, he turned his head up to look at him in disbeleif. Talking to one of these girls was one thing, but Sam managed to find one to talk to that just so happened to already- gods help him, Jon already didn't like the feeling he got around Craster and this was not making it any better.
Quietly, Sam managed to get to the point. A point Jon would've rather been anything else but what it was. “We have to take her with us when we leave.”
“What?” All but slamming Longclaw down onto the snow, Jon stood stepping towards Sam as he tried to keep his voice from all but yelling at him. Saying he knows the idea sounded mad, Jon felt as if he was losing his mind. “No, it doesn't sound mad. It's impossible.” The two of them arguing back and forth, as this was the last thing Jon wanted to deal with at that moment.
Gilly interrupting with a more gentle approach then either of the two men before her, “Please Ser, please. I can still run if I have too.”
That did not make Jon feel any better for arguing against it, knowing she seemed desperate for someone to help but she and Sam were asking for something that had no solution from him. His tone quieter, trying to be fair to the girl and staying calm as he looked to her. “It's just not possible.”
Jon couldn't change his mind, but she certainly implanted something there which he suspected she didn't actually mean to do. “I'm going to have a baby, if it's a boy-” Before cutting herself off, mouth agape as she realized how close to a mistake she got.
But Jon wouldn't let that one go. It was one of his first thoughts as they got here. Craster had countless daughters, but not a sign of a son anywhere. No boys were in Crasters Keep which were not men of the Nights Watch. His eyes darker as he looked to her, something less kind and sliding into more demanding as he asked, “If it's a boy, what?” But she wouldn't say. Opening and closing her mouth before choosing the answer of silence, Jon inhaled deeply. Turning to properly look her in the eye, he felt his patience wearing thin over this. “You want us to risk our lives for you, and you won't even tell us why.”
Either shock, or upset, or disbeleif, maybe even a bit of fear Gilly looked between them as she ran off without another word. Sam beside him now louder and much more indignant then he was trying to be in front of the girl, all but scolded him. “Why do you do that?”
Turning his head to look back at him, Jon was back to wanting to shove Sams head in a snow bank as the irritation rose once more. “Do what? Ask her a question?” Sam tried to argue that he was cruel, and that time Jon let his voice raise more to a shout. “Cruel? Sam are you in such a hurry to lose a hand?”
Shaking his head, Sam defending himself as if it really made a difference. “I didn't touch her,”
What he wanted was worse Jon knew, and he was blunt with him about it. The man had said anyone who touches one of his wives loses a hand, and Sam was coming to Jon with something about a hundred times worse. “No, you just want to steal her. What do you think Craster cuts off for that?”
If he wasn't so frustrated over far too much in his life, Jon might have felt bad for the unintentional comparison he put forth as Sam whispered, “I can't steal her. She's a person, not a goat.”
But once more, there was too much on his mind. His father was dead, he didn't know if Arya and Sansa were safe or even alive, he didn't know if Bran and Rickon were safe, and to top it all off he almost every day it felt like, had to watch his brother be King with the woman Jon loved. And if he had to have a vision of you and Robb fucking once more time, he might lose it.
But in fairness, he knew none of that was Sams fault. He came to Jon trying to help this girl, and Jon had to address that without taking his frustrations out on him with it. Collecting himself, Jon knew Sam didn't respond to arguing well, but he did with logic and reason. “We're heading deeper and deeper into wildling territory. We can't take a girl with us. Mormont wouldn't have it, and even if he would, what would we do with her? Whose going to deliver a baby? You?”
Quite literally any answer was the right one except for what Sam actually said. “I could try.” Turning his head away as Jons brows narrowed at him, Sam moreso he suspected was trying to just plead his reasons to himself, he already knew what Jon was saying. “What? I read about it..a bit..”
There was little Jon could do about anything in his own life, let alone this one girls own. It didn't make him feel good, but Jon was as honest as he could be. “I'm sorry, Sam. We can't help her.”
Though, Jon certainly thought to himself later, that he wished they could help. But he wouldn't tell Sam that, beacuse it would mean telling Sam what he saw that night, and every bit of it made Jon feel sick. Realizing Craster was taking his newborn sons into the woods, to seeing one of them walk up and take the child, to the stunningly unsettled revelation that the Old Bear knew about it already.
Jon could only say it to Lord Commander Mormont exactly as it found it in his mind, close to that of a yell in shocked anger, “He's murdering his own children, he's a monster.” But nothing could compare to the inhuman dread building inside of him as Jon gave his own honesty once more, but a strained mutter with something fearful behind it. “I saw it. I saw..something take that child.”
Both men wished it weren't true, but the Old Bear was right as he spoke just as quiet and feared of the unknown about it. “Whatever it was, I dare say you'll see it again.”
In his moment standing there on his own, Jon wondered if you were seeing things as Jon was. If you watched parts of his life now, as he was yours. He hoped not. He didn't want to have seen what he saw take that child, and away at war you had far more to be concerned with then things far north you couldn't possibly understand.
Besides, as twisted as it felt for Jon to watch you and Robb the way he was forced too, he didn't want you to have the same conflict. He could tell you loved Robb, and Robb loved you, that much was certain from the visions in Jons eyes. It tore his heart a bit to think it, but Jon was glad you and Robb had each other, he truly was. And as much as the selfish side of Jon wanted to know if he was still part of your life even as a figure in your mind, he didn't want to get in the way.
He told you that night before your wedding that he wanted you to be okay with the fact that you were going to be Robb's. And that still hadn't changed. His brother deserved to be loved, and so did you.
But these visions Jon kept having, it just made that feel all the more needlessly complicated.
As if things weren't bad enough, as if he wasn't already grappling with what Qhorin Halfhand was about to make him do, Jon was getting the increasing urge to turn around and fling this girl into the closest body of water. He was immensely fed up, but this was his punishment for hesitating too long.
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Taking a life like that, his first real one like that of an execution, that wasn't something Jon had done. He fought and killed a wight but taking a human life like that was new. It wasn't as easy as men pretended it would be. But, Jon decided instead of forcing himself to do it, he'd try mercy. So he took the wildling hostage and it all led to this.
They came back looking for him, and it got them captured and killed and now it was only Jon and the Halfhand left. The plan was the same, someone needed to get inside Mance's army and both of them knew they'd boil the Halfhand alive before ever letting him escape with his life. But the man argued that they might be able to trick the wildlings into trusting Jon, and the only way to do that was coming.
Jon still hadn't taken a life. But he was about to, and he was struggling to accept it.
Or, he'd be struggling to accept it more were it not for the bane of his existence making him miserable behind him. Acting as if she was so much better then him, when all she had done was make things worse for Jon. He ended up most nights having to have Ghost sleep in between he and her, beacuse she would try making advances on him in the middle of the night.
Whatever she thought this was, it wasn't. But she was loud, and rude, and hypocritical and wouldn't listen and so Ghost had to protect him at night. She was tied up, and still, Jon didn't really feel safe being asleep around her, so Ghost had to be there. Now that the positions were flipped?
Shockingly, none of the mercy Jon showed, was shown to him. He many times had to almost silently implore Ghost to stay out of it, he needed to do this, and so he needed to put up with this. Thankful, there was something about he and his direwolf that was almost beyond needing words. Ghost understood what was in his head right now, and let it happen, and kept his distance, but were Ghost any closer, Jon knew he'd be able to hear him growling at her.
If her non stop loud talking wasn't the thing giving Jon a headache, it was the way she quite literally, was smacking him with the flat edge of his sword. Smack after smack she would hit him with it and it was really testing him. Ned Stark did not raise his son to hit a girl, but gods Jon would've been about to turn around and hit this one if it wouldn't also immediately get him killed.
“We should be there by sundown. Won't be a fun night for you. Mance knows how to make crows sing. If you know what to say, you might just make it through the night.” Jon never once said anything about the things which would happen to her when he reached his brothers, but there she walked behind him, the glee in her voice about what Mance Rayder was going to do. What torture Jon was to endure come nightfall, as if it was going to be the best part of her day.
Besides hitting Jon in the back of the head for the hundredth time. When did he ever hit her? Right, never. He felt his temper rising, and for the rest of their sakes he hoped not all wildling girls were this obnoxious.
“Not talking's not the way to go.” He had been silent, not any interest in speaking to her, but once more she hit him again.
So Jons patience ran thin, and so did his ability to control the short temper in his words. “Careful with that, you might cut yourself.”
As soon as he said it, he knew it was only a matter of time. Qhorin Halfhand had the advantage of where he walked being able to see the right opportunity, and so Jon knew he was going to have to start attempting to create ones for the man. It had to happen, and just maybe, he'd get Ygritte to shut up for once while doing it. As if he hadn't been training with a sword since he was old enough to hold one, she acted as if it was this easy.
Only, Jon had used a sword that long. Ducking in an instant, he turned to move behind her. Eyes all found them, and Jon needed to keep them on him. As long as it wasn't happening, Jon could work up to what he was going to have to do without quite thinking about it. It wasn't real yet. So he kept the eyes off the Halfhand, and on him instead. “Never swung a sword before, have you? You look like a baby with a rattle.”
It was an easy target he knew, mocking Ygritte with how he knew in a fair fight she'd stand not a seconds chance against him. But she was easily riled up as if she could ever deny it, and so she turned to him in anger as he did her. A brief thought in Jons head that the girl hadn't done anything anywhere near enough to prove that the bravado she held, was earned.
Jon thought however, that it was you who did earn the right to hold that sort of superior attitude, but never would you come close to it. In a sword fight, Jon knew he'd be able to cut a smug, over confident Ygritte down with ease. But Jon knew one thing for certain, you were one who could take Jon on in a sword fight. He taught you not just how to fight, but how to hold your ground against Jon himself and you both always sparred with a playful fun in your eyes. Even this far away, gods help him beacuse Jon could still see bright as ever how beautiful you looked, in memory and in visions of now.
Ygritte just looked like an angry child who wasn't getting her way.
But the Halfhand took the opportunity, knocked down the one holding him captive, stealing back his sword and making his move. Knocking Jon down to the snow, Jon had to find the mindset right away. This was their only chance, Jon had to make this convincing no matter how much he didn't want to do this. But he had to, yelling for him to stop, the Halfhand goaded him into the right mindset like they both knew he would. “Why, traitor? So you can give Mance Rayder an invitation to Castle Black?”
Rattleshirt yelled at the wildlings holding both men back, yelling them to let them fight. Being allowed to grab his sword, Jon and the Halfhand fought. He was good, and he was convincing at seeming angry, but they still both knew, Jon had to be better, beacuse they would never trust the Halfhand. Back and forth they swung, trying to find the grounds to get this right.
But, the Halfhand was smart and knew exactly what needed to be done to force Jons hand into winning this fight, and played right into a weakness. Yelling at him, “Your traitor father teach you that?” Jon moving onto the attack only for the Halfhand to parry, and the final nail in the coffin was landed that had Jons blood boiling just the right amount of steaming red to find the strength, hearing the man yell at Jon, “Or was it your whore mother?”
That anger swam right through him, enough that he swiftly was able to knock the sword from his hand and then in a moment of silence, they both stood staring at each other knowing Jon had to do this. Running his sword right through him, Qhorin Halfhand looked right into Jons eyes with a conviction and trust that they were making the right decision, barley whispering to him almost as a reminder of why they made this sacrifice, “We are the watchers on the Wall.”
Falling dead to the ground, Jon heard nothing around him. No words, no conversation. The wildlings spoke, some maybe to him even, but Jon heard not a single bit of it. All he could do was stand there seeing and feeling how plunging his sword through Qhorin Halfhand felt, and a horrific ill crept up in his throat.
His first kill was a good man, a man who did nothing wrong, who died beacuse Jon failed to kill a single wildling. One of his own brothers of the Nights Watch. The first red staining Jon Snow's hands was a man he wished he never killed, just to convince these people to trust him.
Looking back to see them burning the Halfhands body, Jon wondered how long it was going to take until this sweeping guilt came up from the earth and swallowed him whole.
The guilt wasn't allowed to stay long, before he knew it, he was in their army camp. One hundred thousand wildlings and Jon was being led there to meet Mance Rayder, the King Beyond the Wall. It was now or never, it didn't matter how much Ygritte and Rattleshirt trusted him, Jon needed Mance Rayder to trust him or none of this would ever matter. Ghost slunk silently in the background, keeping his blood red eyes no where but ensuring he was always paying attention to where Jon was. His only protection left, the only tie to who he really was left, beacuse Jon was entering that tent as nothing but a lie.
To be honest, he wasn't what he expected at first. Large and imposing, yes. But there was something rumbling and unhinged in the mans demeanour. Hair a wild orange and a thick beard to match as he ate, not looking up to him yet. His voice was low, and Jon suspected were he to yell, it would rumble the earth like thunder. “I smell a crow.”
Rattleshirt spoke behind him, “We killed his friends.” Jon worked hard to stand there in stillness, keeping his breathing even. He had gotten them killed, it was no ones fault but his for not killing Ygritte when he should have. “Thought you might want to question this one.”
Still, he didn't look at him. “What do we want with a baby crow?”
Ygritte coming to a defence Jon didn't want, “This baby killed Qhorin Halfhand. He wants to be one of us.” Jon was at the very least glad someone bought it, beacuse Jon felt such drowning guilt it felt as if it was painted all across his very face.
The man felt even larger as he stood, Jon looking up at him, blue eyes staring him down harsh with not a hint of impress. “That half handed cunt killed friends of mine. Friends twice your size.”
But that didn't scare Jon, he even had seen a giant out in that camp but every one of them were men, they were all made of the same things. Looking with no more intimidation in his eyes, Jon spoke with a rough truth, “My father told me big men fall just as quick as little ones if you put a sword through their hearts.”
This was an imposing man, not a single ounce of care in his eyes as he rumbled deep in kind. “Plenty of little men tried to put their swords through my heart. And there's plenty of little skeletons buried in the woods. What's your name, boy?” Jon answered, but in a second did it clue in, who he was clearly speaking too.
It wasn't anything but everything he was taught and valued, but he kneeled, “Your Grace.” And everyone in the room laughed. The man before him, found it the most amusing.
Arms reaching out with a bright glint in his eyes as he jested to the others, “Your Grace? Did you hear that? From now on, you'd better kneel every time I fart.”
Then, he stood from the corner of the tent. Tall just like the man before him, but there was a serious air about him that was more then just the orange bearded ones intimidation. “Stand, boy. We don't kneel for anyone beyond the wall.”
Looking at the real Mance Rayder face to face, for a single second Jon thought to himself it was odd that in a way, the man looked as if he'd somehow seen him before. Even worse though, and even though it was impossible, Mance looked Jon in the eye with the confidence no stranger beyond the wall should've had. “So, your Ned Stark's bastard.”
No one here should have known that. Ned was his fathers nickname, bastards weren't even a concept for children here beyond the wall, he'd never met this man before. And suddenly Jon realized, there was something more dangerous about the King Beyond the Wall then he ever knew.
As the others left, Jon had no idea what she wanted at all, but the simple fact that Mance had caught Ygritte giving Jon a look as she left the tent was enough it seemed. “The girl likes you. You like her back, Snow? That why you want to join us?”
Even if he could even slightly tolerate her, Jon would consider himself an utter disgrace of any kind of man, either as man of the Nights Watch, or a man with Stark blood in his veins, if meeting one girl was enough to make him betray his brothers. The other man, found only amusement in the comment that Jon cared not for. “Don't panic, boy. This isn't the damned Night's Watch where we make you swear off girls.”
No, he thought. Jon only swore off one girl.
And right here, in that tent as the only girl these men spoke of was Ygritte, Jon wished you would appear to him here and now. He didn't care what he would have seen, he wanted to see you and only you. Don't lump Jon into the kind of men who jumped from girl to girl as they fancy, he thought.
Jon had a girl. He'd only ever have one. His first girl.
But, he managed to convince them to trust him. Mance knew right away, Jon didn't care about the girl outside, or being free, or anything of the sort. Jon convinced him with the truth. That he had seen one of those things, one of the Others take a baby boy away in the woods. That the Lord Commander already knew. “I want to fight for the side that fights for the living. Did I come to the right place?”
Simply telling him, they would need to get him a new cloak, but Jon did not miss the fact that Mance Rayder, had not actually answered his question.
Jon felt worse then he ever had before in his life. He was miserable, and lying, and everything felt wrong. Who in the seven hells was he anymore? Being with you never felt like this, it never made him feel uneasy, it never made him hate himself, it never made him hide from the truth beacuse it felt sickening.
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But he had to lie about it. Beacuse he knew the word. He knew what word was to describe what had happened, what was happening, but he couldn't accept it. Jon was a man. A strong, capable man. He shouldn't be allowed to say that happened to him. He should be a better man then that beacuse everyone would laugh and mock him if he said what he was thinking.
Everyone but you. You'd see through it right away if you saw the way Ygritte was with him, and you'd know the truth Jon was painfully hiding from. You, and Ghost. He had to send Ghost away. She demanded it. It was the only way, they all knew if Jon walked out of that cave without doing it, they'd know he was still loyal to the Nights Watch and they'd kill him faster then he could come up with an excuse.
Ghost wouldn't ever have let it happen, and he almost didn't. His direwolf let a lot happen at Jons order, but this was not one Ghost would stand back from. He would have torn her apart if Jon didn't send him away, and he hadn't seen his direwolf since. It made it all the worse. What he had to do, what she made him do, and how much he felt disgusting for it.
Jon never felt such a deep hatred in himself when he was with you. He'd have you on his bed, perched on his lap with your soft lips against his, part of your dress falling down your shoulders almost exposing your breasts were you not pressed tight against him. He'd guide your covered hips along his covered cock and it was a heaven which was found in your touch together.
So why did he feel dirty, filthy? Like his skin was so covered in a grime he'd have to tear it off just to get it all clean. But he couldn't. He did what he did, and whatever forced pleasure his body found, only made Jon want to scream.
He didn't care that you married Robb, he didn't care about any of that. Even if he'd die without it, Jon would have waited that entire lifetime to share it with you. That belonged to you, just like his heart but Jon let Ygritte take it and it was only a miracle which Jon didn't break down that day.
He had seen you in the middle of it. A vision like before, but this time, his vision was of you telling Robb you were pregnant. The glee shared between you both and the way his brother took you after as Jon was forced to watch as he himself was taken, but by force. But Jon was still here, and so were the wildlings and now he had to pretend he was part of this.
Jon had to pretend Ygritte was who he wanted, and he had to pretend he didn't feel fear now everytime she came close to him, not knowing when she'd just take and take what Jon didn't want to give all over again. He lied to himself, and said this was normal. This was how a relationship felt. In fear and avoidance.
So why, did Jon sit there terrified at the thought that you could see this? If this was real, why did you knowing about Ygritte scare Jon? Why did the idea that you thought Jon moved on, make him feel as if he was nothing but a low life who was betraying you? But now they all thought Ygritte and Jon were with one another, and Jon had no choice other then to pretend like it was all okay.
He couldn't think about how much he missed you, and how desperately he wished you were here instead of her. Being with you felt like Jon and you were born to find one other, being with Ygritte made him feel like a stranger in his own mind.
He knew too, his father would be horrendously disappointed in who Jon had become.
“But I'm your woman now, Jon Snow. You're going to be loyal to your woman. Don't ever betray me.” Sitting next to him she said it with such conviction. But if that was how it was, why did Jon dream of you every single night without failure, why did he still see you in visions day after day and wish he could reach through them and return to you?
But he couldn't say that. She'd kill him here and now. So he just said, “I won't.”
She kept talking, and threatened him as if it was cute and Jon sat in silence feeling ill. He had to love her, he had to. He couldn't do this otherwise, he couldn't think of you. It had to be her, beacuse Jon couldn't handle feeling like he was betraying your love.
You and Jon teased one another, so he had to tell himself, Ygrittes threats and insults were essentially the same thing. You were strong willed, and Ygritte smugly saw herself with a superior opinion, that was the same thing, right? Your touch was gentle, and selfless, and so unbelievably loving, and Ygrittes was selfish and forceful and mean.
Maybe, Jon thought, if he just didn't let her touch him anymore, he could lie about the rest until he believed it. He had nine hundred feet of the Wall to climb, so maybe he could spend that, telling himself his love for you didn't matter anymore, beacuse his survival was dependant on loving her.
But then they got to the top, and Jons world shifted. He could see here and elsewhere, but it wasn't a scenario he watched. Just you. Standing out in the woods, green all around you with red watering eyes and something devastated in them that made Jon want to pull you into his arms, but then you looked up. You looked at him.
Wherever you were, you could see Jon as he saw you. You were so upset, and Jon realized you had seen exactly what he didn't want. You had seen him too, and he wanted to lash out. You looked at Jon, shocked you both were seeing the same vision of the other at the same time, but you also had seen what looked like Jon moving on. It looked to you, like Jon didn't love you anymore.
As soon as you were gone though, Ygritte moved to kiss him. But he rejected it entirely, twisting from her and just walked away, damned the looks they all gave him for it. You had seen him, and now you thought Jon didn't love you anymore and he hated it. He hated this plan, he hated he had to kill Qhorin Halfhand for this plan, and he hated that he gave up the only thing he had left that belonged to you, to her.
Jon never felt more alone then ever.
He always remembered something his father told him. It was after the first time he had gone with him to witness his father carry out an execution. He had told Jon something that stuck so heavily with him every day since.
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“The man who passes the sentence should swing the sword. If you would take a man's life, you owe it to him to look into his eyes and hear his final words. And if you cannot bear to do that, then perhaps the man does not deserve to die.”
Jon since that day, even more so now as a man, tried to live by those words. And today, he had a growing feeling deep in his gut, that it was all coming to an end. The words of his father he lived by was about to clash with the free folk and what they demanded of him. All knelt behind a stone fence, waiting for Orell to return from scouting, and the news he came with only made that prediction of Jons that much stronger. “Only one old man, and eight good horses.”
Tormund turned to Jon, asking why one man would have eight horses, and he was honest about it. “He breeds them for the Watch.”
Discussing what to do, Jons eyes once trained on the grass intently, raised up in a deep protest as Orell whispered with the larger man, “He's got some gold in there, and proper steel. Let's carve him up.”
He knew what he was doing, Jon knew exactly what they were all about to think if he said it but not for a second was any of this right. Roughly he hissed out, “We just take the horses and go. The old man's no threat.”
Jon had gotten good at detecting when Ygritte was putting on a soft tone to manipulate him, and there was no patience left for it in Jons body. He too knew, mercy, was not something she cared about, not with the dangerous blood thirst that ran through her veins. “He’s an old man. A spear through the heart’s a better way to die than coughing up your last with no one but your horses to hear.”
A better way to die he thought, was when the gods fated it too. Not being slaughtered beacuse they wanted to plunder his own livelihood. Not even sparing her a glance, Jon kept his attention on Tormund instead. “The Watch might send a few men looking for a horse thief. They’ll send a lot more to hunt down murderers. “
The strange thing was, Jon at the very least, found it in him to respect Tormunds honesty. He didn't manipulate or lie, he was blunt and honest about his intentions and goals without care of what others thought. But regardless, as he leaned into Jons space and spoke, Jon knew he wasn't going to let these people do this to an innocent man. “I hope so. Killing crows in their castle is tough. Killing them out here in the open, that’s what we do.”
All jumping over the edge, the group made the run across the field and Jon came up with a plan in the seconds it took him to reach it. He knew horses well, and he knew how easy it was to spook them. Not a soul saw him do it but the gods, and that was the only eyes he cared about. Slamming his sword down onto a passing rock, the clink echoed enough to reach the horses ears as they neighed and shifted.
Enough together it would grab anyone's attention. Stepping outside to see what the ruckus was, the old man spotted the group running his way, and moved thankfully quick. Jumping onto one of the horses, the man begun to make his escape as Jon had one last thing to do.
Raising her bow up to shoot an arrow into him, Jon angrily called Ygritte's name. Just enough of a distraction to throw her aim off enough so the man could escape. Her head whipped around to glare at him, and Jon could only avoid her eyes and walk passed her in silence.
If this was love, why was a deep part of him, still scared of her?
By the time they caught up to the old man, it was pouring rain, and getting close to dark. Jon couldn't help the uncomfortable thought, that they had spent a lot of effort hunting down one innocent man.
Ygritte and another shot the man down by plugging his horse full of arrows, sending him flying to the soaking ground as the group all walked up on him. Tormund approached from the opposite side to face him, and the man still with a tough resolve, pulled a knife out and pointed it at him. Jon, turned his head slightly away.
This was who the free folk had hunted down, an old man with but a knife on him and nothing more, just defending his right to be alive. He felt sick.
The ironic thing to him once more, was that it was Tormund who showed the man respect. Man to man, he didn't lie or soften the blow, but was respectful and honest as strange as it seemed as he simply took the knife and tossed it away to the side. “Where were you riding?”
“Doesn't matter now, does it?”
Tormund agreed calmly, that it didn't matter. But, it was the angry yelling of Orell that made Jon feel even worse. “Cut his throat, or he'll tell the crows we're here.” His heart sunk more in his chest, how could he stand here and be part of this, the man didn't deserve this.
Pulling his own blade out, Tormund spoke with a raw honesty, “You understand.”
The old man holding a hand out, looking up to him with one last request. “Let me stand at least. Let me go with a bit of dignity.” Despite everything, Tormund held his hand out and helped pull the man up on two feet, himself.
But Orell, was the one there, who could sense what was going on. He knew what was going on in Jons head and he had poked and prodded at him about not being on their side and it seemed tonight he was going to press the issue just as Jon felt he was reaching his breaking point. “Make the crow kill him.” He moved to get right in his face, voice low and both men knew, that the other knew the truth. “You're one of us now. Prove it.”
But Orell didn't want Jon to kill him, he wanted to expose that Jon was lying once and for all.
Jon knew, if he didn't kill him, he was fighting his way out of here and it would be one against too many to be able to escape easy. Pulling Longclaw out, he let it rest gently at the mans neck. “She looks sharp.” Jon could only nod, maybe, if Jon could do it, it would give the man some solace knowing the blade was good enough to be clean and quick.
But then he'd have to do it. Jon stood there, keeping the sword there as the rain poured around them all and he couldn't stop looking at the man instead of his blade. He was an innocent man, and he stood there hearing his last words, watching him pray to the same gods Jon prayed too. A swirling devastation rose in his mind and in his eyes, why should they get to do this to an innocent man? Why was this who Jon was supposed to become?
Jon looked him in the eye, and heard his final words. So why hadn't he moved yet? They all goaded him. “Do it.” Ygritte was seething anger as she looked at him, and it felt horrible. This was who she thought Jon was, and this was what she thought was worthy of such anger, Jon hesitating to kill one, innocent man.
Jon shifted his grip, as if that was the problem. Tormund yelling at him, “Come on, boy. Go on,” So he raised his sword above him, and Jon knew, this wasn't who he was. Jon looked him in the eyes and heard his final words, but still, he thought, the man did not deserve to die.
His sword fell loose in his grip, as he accepted it was all over. The mask had slipped for good and putting it back was impossible. But just as he did it, Ygritte unceremoniously shot the man dead with an arrow and hell all broke loose.
The fight was chaotic, and just as Jon was almost overwhelmed, multiple men going for him as Orell yelled with an attacking swing, did a figure leap passed them both taking a man to the ground. Turning in shock, Jon saw a wolf, a direwolf and a darker one just as large attack another.
His brothers wolves?
But he had no time to think, Jon fought Orell off, and no hesitation that time, plunged his sword right through the mans chest. Rasping with the most confidence Jon had felt in years, “You were right the whole time.”
The mans eye's turned white in his final moments, and as quick as he fell, did Orells eagle screech. In the mind of his own bird, he attacked Jon, knocking him to the ground and tearing at the skin on his face, trying to go for his eyes before Jon gathered his bearing and knocked him harshly away.
In seconds, Jon climbed up onto a horse, and rode away from them all without a single regret. Only a day later, as he gathered his bearings to plot his path to Castle Black did Ygritte find him. He tried one last time to hopefully get away without issue, playing off what he knew she felt for him, and all it did, was get Jon shot full of arrows so much he felt faint even just riding away from her.
He hadn't had a vision or dream of you in days. Jon could only think in that agonizing ride to Castle Black, that he never wanted to see Ygritte again, and how much he desperately wanted to one day, find a way to see you instead. See you beyond just visions that told you lies. You loved Jon for who he was, and he was a fool for ever thinking he'd love someone who wasn't you.
Ygritte only loved someone who was never real, but you loved Jon Snow exactly as he was. That, was the woman he wanted to see again. And maybe if he were lucky, he'd find a chance. But, when Jon woke up in Castle Black, Sam came to him with news. News of Robb, and news of you, shattering his heart.
Jon knew, he would never get that chance ever again.
“Three dozen bodies with slit throats tossed off the top of the Wall. Seems like that would be a good lesson.” The men all shouted and slammed fists against tables, but none of it helped. None of their eagerness to right the wrong, changed what happened.
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As soon as the boy arrived, Jon knew right away, he'd never forget the day Olly came to Castle Black. A boy of twelve telling a horrifying story of losing everything to him. The massacre they had committed and likely he was the only survivor. A hand firm and as comforting as could be sat on Ollys shoulder, as Jon did not hide the way his eyes shined with something unshed. It wasn't the same way or how, but he knew. Jon knew what losing your entire family and home felt like.
He knew what being left alone in the world felt like, and Olly was too young. It wasn't fair.
The worst part though, was that they didn't just do it to do it. They did it beacuse they knew it would cause this reaction. They knew, it would lead to the men rallying for justice. For once as Jon stood there, hoping to be a pillar of any support to Olly, did it feel strange that for once, he agreed entirely with Ser Alliser.
Without Mormont there anymore, Ser Alliser was acting commander. Standing in the middle of the hall, speaking loud and clear the exact thoughts Jon was thinking on his own. “If we go after them, we'll be giving them what they want. They want to draw us out, pick us off a few at a time.”
Maester Aemon sat with the same wisdom as ever, with more then any of them combined it sometimes felt. He was quiet, and all fell even moreso to listen when he spoke. “We have just over two hundred men. And that's including stewards and builders. And me. We can't afford to lose a single man. We must remember our first responsibility. We are the watchers on the Wall.”
Jons head sunk, but not once did his disagree. Qhorin Halfhand did not sacrifice himself to Jons blade so they could sabotage themselves for the sake of justice. No justice could be found if they died before they could protect anyone else. He already had enough of failing to protect the people he loved.
He couldn't protect Robb, he couldn't protect you. So Jon would protect the only thing the gods graced him with left in this world. The Watch and the Brothers now remaining to him.
Admiring Pyps spirit, he insisted there had to be something they could do. But in the quiet, Ser Alliser turned to Jon, both for a serious answer, and he suspected, to test the loyalty remaining in him. “You're a champion of the common people, Lord Snow. What do you say to Brother Pyp's proposition?”
Loyalty however, was all Jon had left. Loyal to the things which truly mattered, and the Nights Watch was not going to be able to protect anyone if they let the free folk slaughter them all. “Mance Rayder is coming. If the wildlings breach the Wall, they'll roll over everything and everyone for a thousand miles before they reach an army that can stop them.”
Robb already lost his Kingdom to the Boltons when they took his life. Jon couldn't let the free folk come and ravage through what of his home, his brothers home, his families home, was left. Jon couldn't save Robb, but he could protect what was left of his Kingdom from this one thing if none else.
Just as Ser Alliser spoke of shoring up Castle Black, did the horn bow. One blast, rangers returning.
And suddenly they all scrambled to get to the tunnel. Only two figures came through barley standing on two feet as they dragged each other. Others helped, some grabbed Grenn and Jon grabbed Edd.
It might be, he suspected, the first time in years that Jon actually, genuinely laughed as Edd strained out in pain, “Thought you'd have blue eyes by now.” Leave it to Edd to be the one to get the first laugh from Jons miserable life, seconds upon his return.
Sitting them both down, freezing and in pain Grenn showed the red marks of the chains that kept them so long from coming back. Edd telling them that they were kept at Crasters by the mutineers, the brothers who killed Craster, and killed Lord Commander Mormont. But the terror hit Jon, leaning down to Edd he rasped out “Are the mutineers staying?”
The answer was what he expected, but also the worst case scenario. Grenn explaining “They're not going anywhere. They've got Craster's food and his wives.”
Edd muttering morosely of the fates that likely were finding them. “Poor girls. Never thought they'd miss their daddy.” Grenn explaining that it was Karl running things, and Jon instantly knew what kind of men that stayed there. Those girls had been through enough with Craster, he couldn't imagine what torture they were finding with men like Karl Tanner keeping them hostage.
Taking a step away from the group, Jon ran a hand over his face realizing what they were going to have to do. They couldn't stay there, they'd be met by Mance Rayders army and they'd sing faster then drunks in a tavern. Once more, Jon thought of the Halfhand. He died for this, the men he was with died for this, that innocent farmer died for this.
They couldn't fail now. Turning to Ser Alliser, Jon's tone was deep and urgent as he cut through the discussion around him. “We need to ride north and kill them all.” Ser Alliser trying to tell him that justice could wait, but Jon interrupted once more, raising his voice as his heart raced. Eyes wide and full of the same dread they all were beginning to sense. “It's not about justice. I told the wildlings we had over a thousand men at Castle Black alone. Karl and the others know the truth as well as we do. How long do you think they'll keep that information to themselves when the wildlings are peeling their fingernails off?”
Voice dropping as his face twisted and narrowed, they were risking too close to the line of loss as he looked up to Ser Alliser. “Mance has all he needs to crush us, he just doesn't know it yet. As soon as he gets his hands on them, he will. Then he'll throw his full strength at us.” Turning to the rest of the men, he let his voice raise, they needed to know how urgent this was has Jon felt. “And even if every one of us kills a hundred wildlings, there's still not a thing we can do to stop them.”
What was worse, was that in a horrible way, it didn't matter that Jon had led men to end the mutineers, beacuse still more death came. This time Jon felt the guilt just as someone else did. But Sam didn't deserve that guilt inside him, and Jon sat next to him that night feeling horrendous, feeling that dark rooted anger twisting inside of him that they couldn't do anything.
They had hit Mole's Town. The closest place North before the Wall, a little run down town where it was mostly known as a place the brothers would sneak out at night to and visit the brothel. It also, was the same brothel where Sam had taken Gilly. Not for that, not even a chance, in fact it was that sort of act which he was protecting her from.
Knowing the kind of men Karl was, or Rast, men who in their free lives outside the wall were killers and rapers, still were in the walls too. And Gilly was one, defenceless girl with a baby who despite the sometimes amusingly quick and sharp attitude she held, was nothing of a fighter. So Sam made a deal with the brothel owner, Gilly would live there and in return she'd cook, clean, and look after the other working girls babies as long as they gave her no other work.
But after Ollys village was attacked, Jon was the one who was the guilty party, not Sam. He had talked him out of going back for her, once Ser Alliser ordered none of them to leave the castle and now that the free folk had rolled through it, Jon knew no one was left. Including the brothers who still snuck out that night.
Jon tried weakly to tell him, “You couldn't have known.” But Sam was grief stricken, and it made Jon feel so much more guilty. Gilly and Little Sam didn't deserve that, none of those girls in Mole's town deserved that, no one did. Sam didn't hide the tears in his eyes, as Jon sat trying to keep down that gut wrenching anger brewing within, which Grenn was not able to hide.
He paced back and forth, shouting the rage that Jon felt inside. “We're just cowering here while they slaughter our brothers?” Edd more calmly behind tried to argue that they were supposed to have been in the Castle, but Grenn grew angrier. Edd and Grenn both had a point, but maybe it would help letting it out as opposed to Jons silence making him feel worse. Maybe not. “Oh, so it's alright then? Black Jack, Kegs, and Mully chopped to pieces 'cause they broke the rules?”
Edd stayed calm at least, “I didn't say it was alright. I'm saying they shouldn't have been there.”
It was a strange time to think it, but Jon could recall the morning after he tried leaving Castle Black to find Robb and you after his fathers death. How easily the Old Bear called him out for leaving, only to placate his fears. “Don't look so terrified. If we beheaded everyone that ran away for the night, only ghosts would guard the Wall. At least you weren't whoring in Mole's Town.”
Sam next to him cut the wound even deeper as he muttered “She's dead because of me.”
Grenn still enraged pacing back and forth, “We pledged to guard the realms of men. We can't even guard Mole's Town.”
Jon had to interupt, he knew Grenns rage, he truly did. But the truth no matter how hard, had to be accepted. The two men hated each other, but Jon knew Ser Alliser was entirely right in ordering all of them to stay within the Castle Black walls. “We can't go after them, you know that. It's what they want.”
Gods help him, he hated that he knew how Sam felt. “Little Sam..as if I cut their throats myself.”
Oh Jon knew too well what that pain was, and it made him feel heavy for not having any words to comfort him over it. Little Sam wasn't his baby and Gilly wasn't his wife, but really, for Sam they still might as well have been. Jon still dreamt every night, a vision of you dying in a pool of your own blood. And he could always see the wounds in your stomach, right where he saw you gently guide Robb's hand to, when telling him you were with child.
Not all of those free folk were bad people, many of them, men like Tormund were just acting as soldiers doing what they knew, what they were told, but it didn't make it any easier. In fact, it made it harder to accept. How on earth did Jon ever trick himself into thinking he could've been one of them.
The mask slipped beacuse Jon refused to kill one innocent man, but by now? How many innocent men, women, and children had been slaughtered since? Olly had described a woman with red hair who shot his father dead, an expressionless look on her face as she walked away. Jon thought to himself, how many have you killed since I left, Ygritte? Is that what she wanted him to become?
You always looked at Jon too highly, always saw him as a better man then he was, but you also always pushed him for more. You saw his potential and supported him no matter what beacuse you believed in him. You never pushed him to be someone he didn't want, never forced him into anything.
You always had a soft spot for children too, you helped raise all of his younger siblings on and off. This would have utterly horrified you. His gut twisted, knowing that you didn't just die that night, but you were slaughtered like an animal right in the stomach where your own child was growing.
Around him, Jon could hear the others trying to assure Sam she might have gotten out, might have escaped somehow but Jon couldn't convince himself to say anything. If Gilly was dead, Jon didn't want to give Sam the pain of false hope. That was equally as cruel as the bloody truth. But as he sat there, it clued in his mind.
Brows narrowing in thought as he connected the dots of the maps he knew like the back of his hand. “If they hit Mole's Town, then we're next.” Looking up with an unnerved distance in his eyes, Jon looked despite knowing he wouldn't see them. Not until they wanted to be seen. “Mance's army must be close.”
Finally, Pyp asked the most pressing question. “How do two hundred men kill a hundred thousand?”
The silence was his answer. Edd circled around to them, pouring ale into each of their mugs as he spoke grim. “Whoever dies last, be a good lad and burn the rest of us. Once I'm done with this world, I don't want to come back.”
All five of them drank together. Their days were finally numbered.
He was trying not to get angry, it wasn't Sams fault. He didn't know. No one knew. He explained it that day the only way someone like Ser Alliser would care about, and from they point on he just let them all say what they wanted about it. None of them would've believed him, and even if they did, they'd mock him for it. Everything Jon was capable of, and yet they'd torment him for not being able to defend himself against one wildling girl.
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As if it was that simple. Jon didn't need to be held down to be forced into it, it was far more complicated then that, but no one cared. The only person who would've cared was you, and you were dead, so why should Jon care anymore about people knowing the truth?
But Sam kept trying to ask. “I want you to tell me what it was like to have someone. To be with someone. To love someone and have them love you back. We're all gonna die a lot sooner than I'd planned. You're the closest I'll ever get to know it.”
His hands tensed and untensed, trying to keep himself calm. His men needed him to be calm and in control tonight of all nights. Jon loved you, and you loved him. That was it.
“You know right? Even if I don't say it?”
If Jon could go back and say damn it all, he would've just told you how much he loved you if he knew how this was all going to end. You died thinking he didn't love you anymore, and now Jon was facing death where everyone would wrongfully assume he loved someone who wasn't you.
He tried very hard to divert the question to anything else. “So you and Gilly never-”
They went back and forth about vows and what not but in truth Jon didn't really care. Not now. As they walked, it was only when Jon found themselves alone for half a moment when he finally got fed up enough and turned to Sam. “I didn't do it beacuse I wanted to Sam. I did it to keep myself alive. I don't know what being with someone you love in that way is like.” Your name came from his lips for the first time in months, and it stunned Sam silent. “She died before I could find out. Ygritte is nothing like her. Not even close.”
That ended the conversation. If they died tonight, or tomorrow as they all expected, he wouldn't do it with no one knowing it was you he wanted to be with. Just one person had to know what he had with you was the only real thing he's ever felt. Someone had to know Jon only ever loved you, beacuse you died, thinking that he didn't.
All beacuse of what Ygritte forced him to do.
The barrels all rolled into place, Jon found himself standing next to the man himself. “That's the last of the oil, Ser Alliser.”
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Both men stood there, looking out into the darkness as he asked what he already knew. “A hundred thousand you say?” Jon confirmed once more, feeling the same motivated dread he did. “You can say it if you like. We should've sealed the tunnel while we had the chance like you suggested.”
But Jon didn't want to say it. He didn't agree, but he understood why he refused. And pointing out who was right or wrong about what didn't matter now. They were here to do the same thing, defend the same place and people. Hating one another or not, tonight Jon and Ser Alliser stood on equal ground fighting for what they both knew and felt in their bones, was the right thing. “It was a difficult decision either way, Ser.”
“Do you know what leadership means, Lord Snow? It means that the person in charge gets second guessed by every clever little twat with a mouth. But if he starts second guessing himself, that's the end. For him. For the clever little twats. For everyone.” Mormont had tried to help Jon become a leader, and it was him who says he first needed to learn how to follow. “This is not the end. Not for us. Not if you lot do your duty for however long it takes to beat them back. And then you get to go on hating me and I get to go on wishing your Wildling whore had finished the job.”
In truth, Jon wished she did too. Then he wouldn't have to experience the painful reality of knowing what living without you in this world felt like.
When it mattered most, Lord Janos Slynt was exactly what Jon knew he was. A coward. They looked to the fire and the army of Mance Rayder as they stood high on the wall, and the man was the only one of them who panicked. “No discipline. No training. Gang of thieves, that's all this is. I commanded the city watch of King's Landing. Those men obeyed orders.”
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What in Seven Hells was this man even going on about? Jon turned to him, yelling without a care for holding back now. “We can't just let them attack the gate,” Janos babbled something about the steel as he lost more and more of his own command. Jon gesturing out, yelling in the cold wind to the sights coming for them. “Those are giants riding mammoths down there. Do you think your cold, rolled steel's gonna stop them?”
If they all made it through, Jon made a note in his mind to thank Grenn later. Coming to him, he leaned over to Slynt with an easy lie on his lips. “Brother Slynt, I've just got word that Ser Alliser needs you below. You're the most experienced man he's got, he said he needs you.”
So he left like a coward, and Jon knew the men up here still needed a commander. He had learned how to follow, and he felt the call to action as natural as it ever had come to him. It was time Jon lead.
Watching as the fight raged on, two giants came down from their mammoths and the worst begun, if they got through it was all over. They used their great strength to begun pulling the gate off and open with ropes, and Jon knew if they did one thing it was they needed to hold that gate closed. If Mance's army got in, it was over, for them, the watch, and everyone who the free folk would rampage over in what was left of Jons home.
Turning to Grenn, Jon couldn't have known how much he was going to regret choosing someone who meant that much to him. “The outer gate won't hold. Take five men, hold the inner gate.” Grabbing his arm before he left, Jon muttered roughly “Hold the gate. If they make it through...”
But Grenn was a fighter if Jon had ever seen one. Not a doubt in his mind as looked back at him. “They won't.”
The night raged onward, and it was a strange sight in the carnage to see Sam coming up behind him. “What are you doing up here?”
An urgency in his voice as Sam relayed the dire state below. “The Wildlings are over the walls. Ser Alliser has fallen. The castle walls can't stand much longer.” One leader high, and one leader low. But now? It all fell onto Jon, he needed to be the leader fighting for the only purpose that mattered. Giving Edd command of the Wall, Jon turned to make his way down the path.
Grabbing Longclaw, he it pulled free with a yell to his men, “Come brothers, now fight with me,”
For a split second, Jon feared it was all over. He stood there, knowing he couldn't kill her faster then she would kill him. Ygritte was angry, upset and kept Jon at bay with an arrow pointed right at him, but this wasn't who she thought he was.
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This was the man he always had been, the one he wanted to be. Ygritte forced him to love her as someone else, but he wasn't that falsehood. Jon Snow stood for better then the destruction and bloodshed she raged in favour of.
But perhaps, he used it for once, to manipulate her to his advantage. If he stood there, risking her shot, letting her think he wouldn't or couldn't kill her, then Ygritte wouldn't turn around. And she wouldn't see what was coming her way, just like how Ollys father never saw her arrow coming his way.
The boy stood with a bow in hand, and as she thought it was her Jon was looking at, Jon made eye contact with Olly. He was a good shot, and Jon trusted in that. The nod was to him, not to her, and when the arrows flew, Jon found himself uncaring, as the memories of what she forced him to do flashed before his mind.
Maybe it was cold or cruel, but Jon could feel the filth she made him cover himself in when she would force from him what he never wanted to give her, and he couldn't find it in himself to care when she fell to the ground dead. Jon Snow already lost the woman he loved, and your name sure as hell wasn't Ygritte.
He didn't want to think how many brothers he lost that night, but Jon forced himself too. Pyp was gone, an arrow through his neck and the gods were cruel enough that Jon knew she had done it. He should have killed her that day beyond the wall, he should've just killed her when Qhorin Halfhand was still alive. Beacuse then Pyp would still be alive. The brothers all around him would still be alive.
Tormund was the only one left, the men surrounded him but he was angry and a fighter with rage flowing through him and they all stood back in a degree of fear, instead of fighting him. But Jon, for once, finally didn't care about how Tormund saw him. Walking over with a crossbow in hand, Jon yelled to him. “Tormund. It's over. Let it end.”
Gruffly spitting at him, “This is how a man ends-” But Jon had no more patience for it. Raising it up, Jon shot Tormund in the leg, and just as he yelled out, Jon kicked his blade out his hand and to the ground. He had been the only one with the bravery to get anywhere near the wild man.
“Put him in chains. We'll question him later.”
Jon turned and walked away as his brothers dragged him off. Tormund yelling and spitting in rage, “I should've thrown you from the top of the wall, boy.”
Rasping quietly to no one, Jon didn't really care if he heard him or not. It didn't matter. The dead were all still dead and there was no changing the past. Most who Jon cared about, were still gone after all.
“Aye. You should've.”
It was a terrible idea, but every idea everyone had left was a terrible idea.
Qhorin Halfhand had said it the best all those years ago. “Sneak in, kill Mance, and scatter them to the wind.” And he was right. But no one here was willing to do it, beacuse it was a plan that ended in death for the brave soul who would end him.
Jon had lost his father, brothers, sisters, family, home and you. He had nothing left in the world outside, all he had left was the watch and the brothers who died, after turning to him to lead in the darkest part of the night. As he approached Sam, he knew it would be the last time he saw him too.
But no one here was going to make this sacrifice. Which means it was Jons responsibility, and truthfully, Jon felt as if it was the only path left for him that made sense. Do one last thing, beacuse Jon had nothing else left.
Sam called it a great victory, but he rasped roughly at him the hard truth. “Great victory? Mance was testing our defences. He almost made it through. He has a thousand times as many men. They'll hit us again tonight. Maybe we can hold them off for a day or two, but we can never beat them.”
Walking away Sam realized what Jon was thinking, trying to argue with him not to do it, but Jon kept walking anyways before being told it was a bad plan. In honest, Jon sort of smirked. They were all full of lots of those these days, weren't they? “You're right. It's a bad plan. What's your plan?”
Grenn lay dead, he held the gate just as Jon told him too. Add another person Jon cared about that this was going to be for. Jon was doing this for him now too. He deserved better.
Pulling off Longclaw, he handed it to Sam. “I promised Jeor I'd never lose it again.” Taking it gently, the two looked at each other. The only person Jon had left, and he was about to walk away from him too. “In case I don't come back.”
“Jon. Come back.”
He knew he wouldn't. But Jon walked through the gate anyways. He had one last stand to make that no one else would. Beacuse he was taught to be a leader, and sometimes, leaders had to be the ones to throw themselves on their sword to save the rest. And just maybe, Jon couldn't do any of this anymore anyways.
Walking into that camp, Jon felt little care left for the life he was about to give up.
Only as he stood in Mance Rayders tent, as the two men realized Jon was there to kill him? That's when it all changed. That's when it happened.
Moving outside, men on horseback charged into the camp. More numbers on horses then the free folk knew where they came from, and they had come north of the wall too. Taking down men left and right, Jon knew right away these were not men of the Nights Watch, and they weren't free folk either.
These were soldiers. Real soldiers.
Mance in minutes realized they stood no chance, and yelled a surrender to his people. “Stand down, I said my people have bled enough and I meant it.”
Standing next to him, Jon watched as two riders in the distance approached. The banners he realized, weren't just normal Westeros banners. It was inside a heart set ablaze, but Jon knew the sigil all the same. Beacuse inside that burning heart, was a Stag. A crowned Stag.
Climbing down from their horses, Jon knew it was no coincidence men had come to their aid. Sam and Maester Aemon sent pleas to whoever remained in the Seven Kingdoms to help them, and at the last minute, only one King answered that call.
Without seeing him before, without even hearing a name, Jon knew who came to their aid. Older, much more rough and serious in every way, but he could see it clear as day. He knew what was coming, yet still wasn't prepared for it. It was still too raw.
The man looked at both of them, and found Mance Rayder's gaze. “You're the King beyond the wall. Do you know who I am?”
Sensing nothing that Jon was about to spiral into a meltdown from, Mance simply jested, “Never had the pleasure.” But it was Jon who felt his heart sink in his chest at the truth of who came to help him in the end. It was a connection to the one thing Jon would never let of again. The second man spoke what Jon already knew, but he still felt stunned in his heart hearing it.
“This is Stannis Baratheon. The one true King of the Seven Kingdoms.”
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y11irfilm · 7 months ago
in fairy tales – chapter 1
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ben florian x f!reader
summary: his life was a question mark, living on the island like any son of a villain, but whose daughter?
one day receiving a letter and starting to live in the presence of royalty was a fairy tale story for innocent children of the island to imagine, but it was a reality for lily and the other four children of the greatest fairy tale villains. it was the opportunity she waited for all her miserable life until she stepped on her feet and knew that there were dark mysteries around that place that not even her dreams were preparing her to discover.
content: slow burn, reader has a temporary name, mysterious past, slight bullying, romantic tension | wc: 5,600+
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A letter was in your hands.
You ran your fingertips over it, trying to understand why they had chosen her. It seemed like something from a fairy tale that only existed in children's imaginations. A nobody being chosen for something big.
“You will have today to say goodbye to your family. Tomorrow, early in the morning, we will be here to pick you up.”
You tried to follow the sentence, but it sounded too fast. Your mind turned the words over to imagine the sentence that had come out of that man's mouth. Today, say goodbye to family, tomorrow, pick you up.
Yes, it seemed like he didn't know who she was, as usual. Who would she say goodbye to? The old acquaintances that you looked at every day just because you were together? It seemed like a big joke to think about it.
Looking up at the man, you bowed to the royal guard, returning to the old hut where you lived. Leaving the letter on the table, you paced back and forth. It was real, she would leave the island to start a new life by the king's choice. That still sounded like a big joke. Pausing for a moment, you picked up the letter in your hands, opening it. Reading each paragraph.
Mal, Carlos de Vil, Evie and Jay would go with you.
You thought about each name mentioned, the meaning seemed even less with your name in that letter. Children of great villains, and well, a nobody. While they were destined to follow their parents in a line of evil that followed for decades, you couldn't even remember your parents' faces. You didn't even know how you would face the familiar faces tomorrow, while a giant opportunity for a better-known son was taken away for her.
You felt lost.
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You walked to the entrance of the island with your head held high as you pulled the strap of your backpack to the right place. Numerous eyes surrounded you. You imagined how the news must have spread in that small space like the destruction of a bomb. You tried your best to keep a serious attitude as you walked, but it was like walking on broken glass. Your steps stopped when you saw the old acquaintances who would follow you on this journey. They seemed so confident.
You watched them talk a little with your parents and leave their luggage in the trunk of the car. You didn't know what to do at that moment. You were just waiting to be called to get in the car.
As you crossed your arms, you couldn't help but notice your name coming out of Jafar's son's mouth. Recalling an important memory, the day he stole your paintbrush from your backpack, laughing at you while you didn't know how to ask him to return something so important. He only returned it when Carlos intervened. "Wow, Lily, with us, this is a surprise." Jay let out a light laugh, pushing his friend's shoulder.
“Stop it, Jay. She has every right to be called like us. Maybe she'll find a prince to take her out of poverty.” Evie said, moving the strands of her hair back and putting her hands on her waist. With some kind of sympathy that could be seen more as sarcasm.
Your head lowered a little, letting your eyes observe the ground in front of you and ignoring the conversations of the four individuals that you wouldn't be able to understand anyway.
You only raised your head when you felt a presence in front of you, it being the driver. You moved your hands to remove the backpack from your back, walking and lowering your head to get into the car that, thinking about it, was huge. You had never seen a car in your entire life, so it was strange that it was so big.
You chose to sit with your back to the window, you couldn't imagine looking at the sea around you again, as you had always seen it in all the years you had been on this island. You saw everyone get in one by one, until Mal was the last to get in the car and close the door. Then you felt the vehicle start to move and you found yourself sighing without realizing it.
The four teenagers watched the vehicle with great curiosity. The treats were the main attraction for the boys who started fighting non-stop to get to eat each one. They were funny when they weren't trying to be mean to the others on the island. 
Some time passed inside the car, while you dedicated yourself to scribbling on a piece of paper in your small notebook. Countless trees in a forest and a house hidden among them. Your days on the island were summed up in painting countless walls of your house and working to not go hungry. The thoughts of finally moving on to a better place made you think that it was one of your pleasant dreams that you begged every day not to wake up from.
Your gaze left the notebook to look at the four villains and each one was doing something. Evie trying to fix her nails, Carlos still picking at some treats that were in a deplorable state, Jay with his hand on his belly and his expression of pain, he imagined that he must have eaten too much. And finally Mal who was staring at the landscape through the window, or was just inside her thoughts, reminded her of you at times. A few seconds later, the girl's gaze left the landscape and fixed on something else, you. You couldn't imagine what she was thinking looking at you, you imagined that it wasn't something good. You were never on the evil radar of the purple-haired girl on the island, but you always knew that your biggest flaw would always be the target of jokes and cruelty if given a little push.
You slid the sheet to the other side, placing it on a new sheet, holding the pencil firmly again and scribbling. "Hi, how are you?" You turned the sheet over for Mal to look at, who lowered her head a little and squinted her eyes to read the paper. She looked back at you and nodded to ask. Mal raised her hand and pointed to her ear, and you nodded at her, knowing exactly what the question was. Yes, you were deaf.
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Your eyes couldn't take in all the scenery of the place where they were, observing the giant sign that informed them that they had arrived where they would be staying. You started to put your items back into your backpack, putting them on your back. It was then that you realized that another fight was happening inside that small space between the boys, until the car stopped and they almost rolled out to continue what they started. Jay with countless items in his hand and wanting one more, with Carlos, who refused to give it to his friend. Scary how Jafar's son really loved to take anything he saw in front of him.
You closed your eyes and took a deep breath before being the last one to leave the car, greeted by that bright star in the sky. You couldn't remember the last time the sun lit up the island. The band that was playing stopped abruptly when they saw the chaos that the two boys were creating. You saw Mal saying something to the boys who stopped and got ready for the audience that surrounded them. Your gaze left the girl and returned to the front. Three people began to approach them with smiles that they knew were the most forced possible. The woman in the middle said a few words and Jay turned back, throwing the items he had picked up on the car seat.
Your eyes began to capture every image of that garden trail and your mind started to escape the words of those three people. Were you enchanted by every bit of green grass, the people excited by their presence, the castle in front of them, the statue of a man in front of them and fingers snapping in front of your eyes? You blinked a few times before returning to the reality around you. You felt chills all over your body and your air seemed to have been pulled inside you. Green eyes watched you with caution and curiosity, a smile adorned the boy's lips while his hand was raised in the air waiting for some kind of action. You only knew at that moment that now you needed a canvas to paint that person. Those seconds, each one staring at the other, were hours in your mind. You noticed out of the corner of your eye, barely saying a few words, then the boy in front of you turned to the girl and his expression showed a kind of shame for something.
Something clicked in your mind and you knew exactly why the expression was on. You moved, dropping your backpack on the floor, bending down and unzipping it. Your hand rummaged inside it, grabbing the small notebook and pencil from before. You stood up, noticing all the eyes on you, it was a little scary.
“You can write here.” Your finger was quick to write the words and turn the notebook so the boy could look. Those beautiful eyes read the four words carefully. Beautiful eyes?
You turned the notebook back to you and placed the pencil on top of it. You moved the hand with the items to the boy, who quickly took it with an expression of gratitude. You watched him write for a few seconds until he turned the notebook to you, raising his hand in the air again for you.
“Hello, it’s a pleasure to meet you. It’s an important occasion that will go down in history as the day we started to heal, right?”
Your mind thought about how ridiculous the words seemed written, and you imagined how he must have spoken those words to the four of you at his side. Barely realizing it, you smiled brightly and let out a strange laugh to everyone around you. Raising your hand and reaching for his in the air, you held your hands tightly in the air in a sincere handshake for a few seconds. You let go of his hand and picked up the notebook and pencil to write again. His eyes expressed curiosity. 
Still smiling, you handed the notebook to the boy to read. “Or the day I brought the daughter of the greatest villain on earth, a girl desperate for a prince, a brat who hates dogs, a boy who a few minutes ago tried to steal my pencil inside the car and a deaf girl to study with princes and princesses. I will remember that day.”
How you would give your soul just to have heard the sound of his laughter.
Your fingertips slide discreetly over the written words, while the silence of a laugh echoed in your mind. You didn't know your smile could grow any bigger. The boy took the pencil from your hands to write, taking a few seconds to come up with something new, handing it to you.
"I think I exaggerated a little, my first expression was already then. By the way, I'm Ben." He read the words quickly, scribbling only four letters in the center of the sheet and handing it to him for the last time.
Ben smiled gently, running down his lips towards you. He just thought of the word knight in its rawest form as he looked at him.
You took the notebook and pencil, putting it back inside your backpack, lifting the backpack and putting the straps back around your arms. Leaving the big world of your mind to try to pay attention to people, you noticed how the eyes of the girl next to Ben were piercing as she looked at the purple-haired girl. A few words were said to each of them, and you realized exactly what was happening. She was Princess Audrey, as you remembered seeing in the newspapers that had fallen on the streets of the island; she was the daughter of Sleeping Beauty.
You saw the boy say a few words to the four of them and turn back to you, but Mal intervened in any other movement he made, saying something that made him nod to her. Then, he and Audrey slowly moved away, starting to walk towards the castle and turning around, waiting for something. Mal stayed by your side, linking his arm with hers and starting to keep pace with the two in front.
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The classes were actually pretty cool as the days went by, but I couldn't lie that I missed the nights when I would just go out and walk around the island, thinking about absolutely nothing. During those three days studying at school, you rarely talked to the people on the island, as if they were avoiding you. Well, if that's how they wanted it, that's how it would be for you.
Your days were spent attending weird classes, spending hours and hours painting canvases that you managed to ask for from the fairy godmother. The fairy even suggested that you join art classes, but you didn't feel like showing your paintings to people. Just knowing them was already more than great.
The paintings ranged from scenes with trees in a dark green tone to him.
Your fingers were red with each precise brushstroke. They hurt like they were in a scalding fire, but you didn't stop. Your mind was lost in the memory of those green eyes watching you. You wondered why you had felt such feelings with him in just one look, but you began to simply ignore the question for an answer that would live in the silence that your surroundings reorganized. You preferred, therefore, to continue being a nobody to everyone. You dipped the brush in the water to clean it, turning it to choose the color that would wet the brush. You needed the right green, you would blame yourself to death if you chose the wrong green that emanated from his eyes. You needed to get him out of your head immediately. You put the brush down beside you, taking a deep breath to try to put your thoughts in order. You knew you had always been a dreamer, but you needed to return to reality, your surroundings, your problems. Then, you felt your hair stand on end, holding the item you saw in front of you and turning your body backwards, throwing the item forcefully at whoever was there. Your eyes widened when you saw the boy in front of you, pressing his right hand on his left arm in some kind of caress to relieve him. She had just hurt the next king of the entire kingdom.
You approached him, clasping your hands together and expressing your apologies as best you could. Feeling really guilty.
Then, the laughter again. That fucking silent laughter.
Ben looked up to look at you with an expression of pure amusement. He moved his hands, miming that he wanted something to write on. You then picked up the notebook on top of your bed and took big steps to the desk, picking up a pen that had been lost there among the study papers. You put the two items together and handed it to the boy who took it. Feeling, for a few seconds, the tips of his fingers touching your hand. That gave you some kind of shock, and you found yourself with the hairs on your body standing on end again.
“It was funny how scared you were.” Reading it, your expression changed to a monotone that only amused you even more.
“I was really scared. How would I tell people that I hurt the future king without them wanting to cut my head off?”
“There have certainly been kings who were in worse situations, I will survive.” He went back to writing again. “Sorry for coming in without knocking or calling, neither of those work. I ran out of ideas.” The strange laugh left his throat before it had a chance to stop the joy in the boy’s eyes.
“Okay, someone needed to take my mind off things at some point during the day.”
“Missing the island?” A slight smile graced his face. If only he knew how far his thoughts were from the island.
“You asked the wrong person. My four traveling companions must be going crazy here these past days.”
“So, no longing?” You read and looked up at him, which contained a dose of sarcasm and doubt at the same time.
“I’m deaf, I lived with people who saw me as nobody and I had no one to ask for help.” You thought for a few more seconds, then added more words. “Auradon is like being in every child’s dream on the island. I like it here, besides the Fairy Godmother’s classes.”
You extended the notebook and pen to him again, he expressed a kind of empathy for your words, and it was strange to see that from anyone.
“I’m sorry I made you say that.” You smiled at the words.
“I live in my thoughts, it’s good to share with someone one day in life what I want to say.”
“You can call me a friend.” His smile grew. Your first friend, did he really want to be your friend? It was a strange feeling, but it was so good. “Well, I really came here to see if you had any questions about the school and the place.”
You thought carefully about the question. You had countless questions about the place, but your mind only allowed you to think of one at the moment. Your eyes fixed on those magical green eyes.
“Can I paint you?” You turned the notebook to him, who in a few seconds widened his eyes to ask. “You don’t have to stand here as a model, I’m sure you have other matters to deal with today, I just wanted to have your permission.”
“I allow it on one condition.” You nodded to the sentence, then he went back to writing again. “When I’m finished, I want people to see the painting.”
You started shaking your head in denial of the condition, you didn’t even want to think about having people looking at your paintings.
“No, Ben. I’m not ready. Choose another condition.”
He thought and thought for several seconds. “Then let me watch her process.”
“You’re not busy, are you?” He slowly smiled as he read the question.
“Lily, I’m still a teenager, every now and then I have my escapades.” 
“Okay, then, rebellious teenager.”
You and he laughed a little. It was a moment you never thought you would be living. You now had a friend, it was too fantastical for your head.
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When you opened your eyes, you saw greenery all around you, trees and more trees in a dark green tone. You looked up and clouds filled with water were in the sky, so you started taking steps looking for a place to shelter from the rain. Voices sounded throughout the forest, your head quickly turned to the side, this intrigued you, making you start following the voices. You could hear the voices louder and louder. You started running to catch up, not knowing why, but you needed to get to those voices. Panting, you stopped for a few seconds, putting your hands on your knees and trying to take a deep breath to regain your strength. Then, drops of water started to appear, you looked around trying to hear the voices. Running again with all your strength to get there. You just knew you needed this. And that was when you found it.
A lake.
Half of your body stood up in fright, opening your eyes and looking everywhere. Sighing, you put your hands on your face, blaming yourself again. She thought the dreams had stopped after leaving the Isle of the Lost, but she was wrong. And each time she felt like she was slowly losing her mind trying to find a reason for them to be the same. She lost count of the times she woke up scared in the middle of the night on the island and had no one to ask for help. Well, there was no one where you were either, but being in a comfortable bed was enough to help you calm down. For a few seconds, you thought about him, taking your hands off your face, turning your head forward and looking at the green eyes painted on the big screen.
I'm pathetic, you thought.
Getting out of bed, you started getting ready for a new day. In a few minutes, you were running around the stands of the field. When you ran around the narrow streets of the island, always in the morning, when everyone was still waking up, you forgot a little about your problems, so you continued with the habit here. Running and running more. With your hands on your knees, you sighed once, twice, three times until you were well enough to get up again to continue. But you didn't continue, feeling a presence, you turned your whole body to the stands. There was a person watching you, but it wasn't just anyone. Ben, with his curious eyes, watched you run for who knows how long. He didn't understand your fascination with you, days when your eyes didn't miss a fragment of you running all over the field. He thought it was just curiosity because you on the island were new and needed help to adapt, but that idea fell apart when you thought that those days were saved to observe just one person, you. He really didn't understand.
Ben, realizing he had been discovered, started walking towards you. You sighed, opening a charming smile. You thought that nothing could make you more excited than seeing your friend running towards you. Until you saw Ben stopping a few meters away from you, putting his hand in his back pocket and taking out a small notepad. He opened the notepad to the first page and turned it over for you to look at. "Good morning."
Your smile widened even more, taking the notepad to write something for him. "Good morning, have you acquired the wisdom of always carrying something to write with you?" Ben let out a light laugh when he read the question.
“Well, I’ve never been the guy to write things down, I brought it just to talk to you.”
Ben… did he bring a notebook with him just to talk to me? You thought.
Your heart raced in a way you didn’t know was wrong. Benjamin would never be something you could reach, not even in your dreams. You automatically turned your thoughts back to the dream, without knowing what you were doing, you wrote to him again. “Do you know a lake nearby? With a pier made of stone columns? Like something straight out of a fairy tale book.” You tried to find logic in why you had written this to him, it was all just your imagination. But then his change made you start to get more confused. Ben frowned, turning his head a little to the side. Words came out of his lips, but unfortunately you didn’t know how to understand them.
The notebook was handed to you. “How do you know?” You licked your lips and let out a sigh that had been kept inside. You simply didn’t know how to answer him without being labeled as a crazy person.
“I.” I stopped writing for a few seconds, quickly returning to it so as not to raise suspicions. “I saw students talking about it, is it very well known?”
Ben let out a few words that again meant nothing to you. He looked in one direction for several seconds until they returned to your eyes. That gave you goosebumps.
“Sometimes I forget that people know it there, I’ve been going there since I was little.”
You watched him write a few more words, handing them to you to read, but you were already too far away in your thoughts to read them.
“Take me there.”
He let out a few laughs as he read, but you saw his features slowly change to surprise. Did he think I was joking? You thought.
“Please.” The sides of his lips lifted an expectant smile. Ben was fighting his thoughts as he tried to say an answer to you. A future king shouldn't shirk his duties on a Thursday, right? Ben thought. “Rebellious teenager, remember?”
“Okay, that’s what friends are for.” Your head nodded countless times, agreeing with the answer. “Do you like motorcycles?”
You couldn’t imagine that your dream would come true. You tried to put aside all doubts about the dreams and how they could be real, but with each step you took following your friend, you couldn't escape your thoughts. Why the dreams about the voices and the crystal clear water?
But wait, motorcycles?
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You held on tightly to his waist, your head buried in his back. You could hear the laughter he was letting out from his body movements. Some curves made you hold on tighter than you could and a feeling of nausea rose in your body. It was definitely something you didn't want to face again. It was too scary.
A coldness filled one of your hands. Your fingers were left on top of your hand, feeling your thumb move from side to side on the back of your hand. The cold you felt at first was replaced by a heat that left you breathless. The trip in that scary little vehicle seemed to slow down.
The vehicle slowed down until it stopped all at once. You sighed, before removing your hands and raising your head to look around. You were covered by trees and more trees. Your eyes shone as they traveled for several minutes, observing the size and the leaves moving from the light wind that appeared and then stopped. It was strange to think how you had never had the experience of something as simple as observing nature. You just wanted to sit and spend hours observing your surroundings. Your thoughts were flooded with pure melancholy. You brought one of your hands to your eyes, scratching a little to get rid of the accumulated water, trying to give the impression that you were just having an allergy. Lowering your hand, a long sigh left your lips, then you turned your body to the boy.
Green eyes were fixed on you, watching every movement you were making in those minutes in the silence of nature. The curve of his eyes envelops your heart. The air freezes around you while your eyes remain paralyzed. You lost yourself in the immensity of his green eyes like a great black void. Benjamin lifted the corners of his lips, placing one of his hands around yours, pulling you to start walking. He didn't need words to understand what he was doing, so you just followed him through the forest. Your eyes strayed from the boy to spend a few seconds looking at your clasped hands. You screamed in your thoughts at the word friends, because it was something impossible. Being a friend was enough for you, and you wished you would never lose that position in the boy's life. In a short time, he had become a special part of your life to ruin with silly thoughts. Benjamin could have chosen a son of known parents, but he saw something in you. The feeling you have that your home should always have been here hasn't disappeared since you left the island. Everything you felt since you left the island was strange. Forget it, you thought.
Dive deep into your thoughts, you didn't pay attention to your surroundings, only when you felt the warmth disappear from one of your hands did your eyes look up. Your body froze as if you had received a huge electric shock. Your eyes blinked countless times, trying to keep away the tears that wanted to appear. All you wanted to do now was cry, your dream wasn't something created from your imagination, it was real and you were right in front of it. The corners of your lips lifted in a smile that could brighten any cloudy day. You started walking towards the pier with a happiness that you thought you would never have in your seventeen years.
The teenagers sat in the middle of the pier, still in total silence. Benjamin tried to find words to write it, but something in his smile said he didn't need a single word. He felt so many feelings at that moment that he couldn't explain them to himself. As if they needed to be here at that moment. The boy's eyes darted to follow yours, who kept looking around him, a smile still lighting up his face. At that moment, Ben thought that if one day anyone made that smile disappear from his face, he would end up spending the rest of his life in prison.
“What's wrong? Is there something on my face?” The words appeared in his eyes. He didn't know when you had started writing.
“It's nothing. You're beautiful.”
Your eyes blinked countless times like little blinkers. “Thank you, I guess.”
“Let's play something.”
“What do you suggest, king?”
He looked up at the sky, thinking of something that could prolong the conversation. Ben could only imagine spending his day talking to you for hours and hours without letting you take your eyes off him.
“Let’s ask each other questions, and if one of us doesn’t want to answer, we’ll have to jump into the lake.”
“Okay, but I don’t have anything special that you want to know.”
“Me neither, you see, we’ve already discovered that we have something in common.” You laughed as you read, unable to help but roll your eyes sarcastically.
“Who goes first then?”
He thought for a few seconds then went back to writing. “Whoever’s the oldest. I’m 16, you?”
“17.” You sighed. “Well, from what I know.”
“Start then.”
You had so many questions in your head. “Why did you want to bring five people from the island? They’re all enemies there.”
“I would sometimes let myself look at the island, I felt like a future king that I was abandoning people who didn’t even know and should be there. You’re just young people who don’t deserve a miserable life.” Kindly, you could only think about how the kingdom would be in great hands.
“Your turn.”
“When did you start painting?”
“I think when I knew it would be for me, I imagined I could color my reality rather than live in that solitude.” He nodded in agreement.
“Have you always thought about being king?”
“Everyone around me always said it would be that, I just learned to like that title. It may seem like something that would only bring me pressure, but it brought me good things.”
“Did you know your parents?”
Should I answer that? You thought.
“I wanted to have memories of them even if it was them abandoning me. I would pay to have them.”
“Are you with Audrey for everyone?”
“Yes. We grew up together, they always put it in our heads that we should date and rule together. The love I should feel for her is nonexistent because I love her like a little sister.”
“Why did you want to draw me?”
“Your eyes. They remind me of someone I’ve never met, and every day I spent in this place, I couldn’t stop thinking about them.”
“Is this really known?”
“If it were truly known, we wouldn’t be here alone.”
“How do you really know this place?”
You looked deep into the green eyes that enchanted you every day. Would he understand you?
“I…” You looked up at him again, finding peace in his gaze. “I’ve had the same dream for as long as I can remember as a person. Always this forest, the distant voices, and then this lake.”
“Why did you choose me?”
You weren't prepared for what happened. Benjamin, at a frightening speed, got up from the ground, grabbing the fabric of his shirt and pulling it off his body. Your eyes doubled in size as you watched the scene, it seemed so bizarre coming from him. You tried to reach him so he wouldn't jump, you didn't care about this rule he invented. But in seconds he ran and jumped into the water. Splashes of water reached your clothes and skin, making you close your eyes for a few seconds.
Why didn't he want to answer? Your mind repeated this over and over. You began to imagine several scenarios of why. And each one was more painful than the last. You opened your eyes, feeling a bitter taste in the back of your throat. The joy you had felt upon seeing this place dissipated. Looking around, you sighed. I'm still a fool, you thought.
You looked at the water, waiting for the boy's head to resurface, but seconds passed and you saw nothing but still water. Where was he? Why did he take so long to return? Should I go after him? There were so many thoughts. The silence that was her calm now turned into a terror that needed to end.
Jumping into the water, you began to take steps towards the middle of the lake. You didn't care if you didn't know how to swim, you needed to go after him and carry him back to the surface. Swinging your arms, the water had risen until it reached the middle of your chest. You tried your best to swing your arms and not be the next one to drown. You felt your arms starting to hurt from exhaustion, but you didn't want to give up. If he was drowning, you would save him, no matter what. You took one, two, three breaths and sank underwater. Opening your eyes, you tried to look for him around that vast expanse of water. You ignored the fact that you could swim without any problems even though you had never learned how, it was something you wanted to ignore at the moment so as not to go crazy with the madness of your mind.
Arms surrounded your body, lifting you out of the water. Greenish eyes examined your entire body. You took a deep breath, starting to calm down when you saw him in front of you. He was there with you, without much injury and fine. You raised your hand, bringing it close to his face and placing it on one of his cheeks. He was fine. Your eyes prepared for a shower of tears. No scare could have been as great as imagining him drowning and you not being able to save him in time. It was something you would never forgive yourself for. Moving your fingertips over the boy's face, you kept every feature in your mind to remember in your dreams
Water. You heard the movements of the bodies in the water around you. Did you hear it?
"I chose you because I dream of you every night." Does he dream of me? "And with each dream, love grew in me."
The boy's voice filled your hearing in a beautiful song. He already loved you without even knowing you. How was that possible? How was it possible that you could hear everything around you?
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dolly-gutzz · 8 months ago
☆masterlist + about me ☆
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★ ⋆༺𓆩☠︎︎𓆪༻⋆★
~ 𝔞𝔟𝔬𝔲𝔱 𝔪𝔢! ~
⚝ ‧₊˚⚝
~ Sophie // 16 ~
~ 𝔭𝔯𝔬𝔫𝔬𝔲𝔫𝔰: (she/her) ~
𖦹 𖤐 🕸 𖤐 𖦹
~ 𝔭𝔯𝔬𝔭𝔢𝔯𝔱𝔶 𝔬𝔣 (davi<3!!) ~
 † ཐི❤︎ཋྀ †
~ 𝔭𝔯𝔬𝔟𝔷 𝔩𝔦𝔰𝔱𝔢𝔫𝔦𝔫𝔤 2 (Lolita-Lana Del Rey) ~
(//_-) 𝔤𝔬 𝔞𝔴𝔞𝔶!!!
☆masterlist ☆
☆Characters/Fandoms I write for ☆
Hazel Callahan
Juno macguff
☆Good Will Hunting
Morgan O’Mally
Will Hunting
Ruben!platonic only!
Stevie/sunburn!platonic only!
☆Metal lords
Hunter Sylvester
☆She Drives me Crazy
Scottie Zajac
☆Pretty in Pink
Philip “duckie” Dale
☆Breakfast club
Brian Johnsom
John Bender
☆The Last Of Us 
Ellie Williams
☆Diary of a Wimpy Kid 
Rodrick Heffley
☆Ferris Buellers Day Off
Ferris Bueller
☆The Umbrella Academy
Five Hargreaves
Klaus Hargreeves
Viktor Hargreaves
☆The Perks of Being a Wallflower
Rue Bennet
Nate Jacobs 
☆Ten Things I Hate About You
Patrick Verona
Cameron James
☆Gilmore Girls
Jess Mariano
Tristan Dugray
Dean Forester 
☆Miraculous Ladybug
Adrien Agreste 
☆Miss Peregrine's Home For Peculiar Children
Enoch O’Connor 
☆The Black Phone
Vance Hopper
Finny Blake
Carlos Devil
Jay Jafar
Harry Hook
☆Descendants~Rise of Red
James Hook
Zed Necrodopolous
Wyatt Lykansen
Jeff The Killer
Ticci Toby
Eyeless Jack
Hazel Callahan-
☆Dating hazel would be like 
☆nights w fuckshit
☆Nicknames- pt 1/pt 2
☆ray x platonic!sibling!reader- Pt 1/ Pt2
~one shots~
Hunter Sylvester-
☆ Hunter x goth!f!reader
☆Hunter x fem!reader 
☆ten things I hate about you 
Enoch O’Connor-
☆back to your arms
☆Breaking and Entering
☆Dilemma only a gf can fix 
!!Author's notes!!!
Hey my little freaky freaks!! Welcome to my little coven of writings! Feel free to request anything your little heart's desire, and i will try to make ur dreams come true :3 ; just know that with my junior year of highschool coming indubitably near, my schedule will be a little packed (curse my partaking in four college classes ) But I will try my damndest to write as much as i can!! Love yall and happy reading <3
DollyGutzz(aka elmokid)
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bananaactivity · 6 months ago
I’m not sure if you’ve been asked this before but are there any ships in ur au…Like ranging from already canon stuff to silly little pairings you like…
Yeah sure here’s a list with reasons if I have them:
(PS I’m not a strict shipper, if someone can write a good pairing I won’t be adverse to it at all)
Carlos X Jane: not in my AU but I’ve read some nice fics
Carlos X Jay: It has a vision
Carlos X Chad: Only as bestie roommates
Jay X Gil: The vision of this ship is so clear even the movies set it up
Jay X Harry: Sexy arch rivals
Jay X Ben: In my Au it happens when Mal and Ben break up and Ben is kinda desperate ngl. ( I can write a finished short fic if anyone want the details on this small excursion 🤭 lmk)
Ben X Mal: A temp thing, only because a otp has to happen
Mal X Evie: OTP! Never did as a child cause I didn’t get it. But it’s so obvious. That’s endgame.
Evie X Doug: A temp thing so Evie wouldn’t be lonely while Mal was with Ben
Doug X Chad: same thing as Ben and Jay
Maleficent X Jafar: a fling after the divorce
Uma X Harry: OTP!!!
Morgie X Hook: bro if you know my AU you already know….
Uliana Headcanon: Aro Ace, she’s not that into people fr
I’m still iffy on some other ships that I’m not fully convinced on yet. But these are my ships that. I find interesting.
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classic-disney-imagines · 1 year ago
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Welcome to @classic-disney-imagines!!! Feel free to request something!
I’m excited to be taking my first shot at this! Just some information you ought to know before sending anything in!
Aladdin (Live and animated)
• Aladdin
• Jafar
Beauty and the beast: (Live and animated)
• Beast/Adam
• Gaston
The Lion King: (Live and animated)
• Mufasa
• Simba
• Scar
Cinderella: (Live and animated)
• Prince Charming
Peter Pan: (Once Upon A Time & Animated)
• Peter Pan
• Felix
• Hook
Once Upon A Time:
• Peter Pan
• Felix
• Hook
• Charming
• Mr. Gold
• Baelfire
• Robin Hood
• Emma Swan
• Regina Mills
• Snow White
• Tinker Bell
• Ruby
• Dorothy
• Elsa
• Anna
Maleficent: (Live action only)
• Maleficent
• Diaval
• Aurora/Brier Rose
• Phillip
I write:
• Fluff
• Angst
• Happy endings
• Female character x female reader
• Female character x male reader
• Character x reader shipping
I don’t write:
• Smut
• Incest
• Pregnancy scenes
• Toxic relationships
• Past/present abuse
• Animal abuse/cruelty
• Male character x male reader
• Character x character shipping
Additional information:
I’m going to be updating regularly, so please send in a request for any of these movies/characters!
If there’s a character/movie you like that’s not listed, feel free to request it and I will add it onto my list!
Please don’t get offended or feel let down if I decline a request. If I decline it, it’s not to just be rude, it’s just because it’s probably something I’m not comfortable with writing. If I do decline, feel free to send in a different idea!
That’s all for now!
Happy reading!
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sorcerersxpirates · 1 year ago
What I Found Out About This Crack Ship: Jafar x Hook
Captain Hook and Jafar have similar traits. They both don't sleep much:
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They have similar noses:
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From the Fanfictions and RPs I read, their dynamic reminds me of Stolitz from Helluva Boss. One is from higher status and the other is from the lower, they're freaks in bed and their relationship is filled with angst. However, the big difference is in the Jafar x Hook ship, it's the one from the higher status who's the dominating one:
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What I also noticed is that both Hook and Jafar have the same first two letters in their names:
Should we start calling their ship JaJa?
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slashingdisneypasta · 2 years ago
Thinking about your virgin post, who would be most caring for a virgin s/o?
Second to that, how would they feel about an
s/o that's phenomenal in bed?
This was a while ago, I'm so sorry! I assume you mean the Disney Villains tho? If its the horror villains you meant then let me know and I'm happy to do the same thing for them! ^^
Most Caring Disney Villains towards a Virgin Reader:
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These would be the most actively caring of the bunch, if reader decided they wanted this villain to have sex with them- I have not included those who are perfectly content with keeping things this way (Hook and the Queen of Hearts fit in that category).
Dr Facilier, Horned King (He cant be scaring off or breaking his chosen mate, okay? No. Unacceptable), SILVER!!, I know I wasn't including Pixar villains last time but- Lotso, Shan Yu, Stupid, Ursula and Wheezy.
Yeah... slim pickings, I know. But they're villains, remember! 😅 Keep in mind though, that this doesn't mean that all the rest would be mean per say- no. Some of them find it cute that you're a virgin and will be gentle, but are more teasing then caring (Slim, Mal, Shere Khan, etc). Then there are villains that will be annoyed with having to go slow at all but will be, simply because you're there S/O and they love you (Not because you're a virgin. Because you're you. These are like, the Evil Queen, Jafar and Hades, etc). And then there are some who are just like... regular level nice to you during you First Time, because if they weren't then they would be scum. The ones listed above are the ones who's hearts are just a liiiittle bigger then the rest when it comes to this particular topic. Look, what can I say? People are complex XD Fictional villains considerably less so, sure... but still complicated, yep 😅
As for the second one... I have categories XD Of course-
Disney Villains x Reader || Reactions
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Topic: An S/O who is phenomenal at sex.
Warnings: Sex.
Hell yes. We gotta start immediately- : Greasy Weasel ("Smartass I'm taking a personal day, for a week. You cant ask me why... but- " "I don't wanna know."), Hades, and 'Sideburns' Stabbington.
Hell yessss- teach me: McLeach (He doesn't know what he's doing, but he knows this is a good thing, for sure XDD) and Oogie Boogie.
Good, that means I don't have to teach you anything: Cruella De Vil (She's the one this category was made to accommodate XD), Evil Queen, Lady Tremaine, Rourke, Queen Narrissa, Sykes ("How about we run a little test now, huh?"), and Yzma.
Oh cool ^^ : Alameda Slim, Captain Hook (Pretty indifferent towards the pursuit of sex but if you can make him feel awesome then that's a bonus XD), Dr Facilier, Long John Silver, Maleficent (Like, that will be handy. If she decides to try this), Scar (Same), 'Patchy' Stabbington, Stupid Weasel (He's like 'Oh same!!'), and Wheezy Weasel.
Oh you think you're good?? Ha... well we'll see, wont we?: Mother Gothel, Professor Ratigan (I don't remember if I put him as a virgin or not but either way- he reads, and he has great confidence in his comprehension abilities XD), Shan Yu (Its more of a tease, for him XD Really he's in the 'Oh cool ^^' category and also- a little of the first one too. Shan Yu is multifaceted!), and Shere Khan (He's king of the jungle, after all- ).
Intimidated Type A (Pleasantly surprised, but nervous): Horned King (He's mostly pleasantly surprised, but like... sex hasn't changed since the last time i did it, right?? He's concerned. Its been a while XD), Prince John, Smartass Weasel (Nervous in the sense, that... he doesn't know what he's doing 😅 Give him instructions or let him ask Greasy about this, and he'll be fine), and Turbo/King Candy.
Intimidated Type B (Concerned they are gonna be out-done): Clayton, Gov. Ratcliffe, Prince Hans, Turbo/King Candy, and Ursula (She's just... a lil nervous XD She'll wanna do it with you as soon as possible, so she'll just know who's better already- after that, she's happy XD She just doesn't like the uncertainty).
Uhhh, okay... but its still not happening: Judge Doom (He's just like, insisting he's soo... busy... but really he just hasn't got the *human* equipment XDD He didn't think it would be necessary!! Have you seen this disguise?? yes i have, sir, and you have made a miscalculation. just admit it), Psycho Weasel (Like, thats great!... but still no thanks), and the Queen of Hearts.
Iffy about it but changes their minds immediately after the first time because ooooh that was good: Gaston (He was almost with Frollo but like- if you can suck a dick then let me tell you, he is not about to complain- ) and Jafar (Wants to be the experienced one, but after the first time with you he's like... alright =_= you win this time).
Suspicious. Have you... done this before? 🤨😠: Frollo.
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vyssims-gameplay · 2 months ago
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Day 27 - A Ghostly Visit
prev. [x] next [x]
As the Evil Queen and Dr. Facilier try to overcome Jafar's sudden death, they both turn to physical exercise. The Evil Queen has discovered she is not a fan of running, while Dr. Facilier likes the intensity of boxing. He's really getting his anger and grief out.
That night, the house is visited by two ghosts. Mother Gothel keeps to herself, preferring to read through the new magical tomes Maleficent has collected since she's been gone. Captain Hook is all to happy to talk to anyone he can, but only through the Evil Queen was up that late. He enjoyed speaking to her, letting her know how being dead feels; although it seemed she was just humoring him.
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{I couldn’t draw another comic drawing for this scene}
*The Techno Limo arrives to the Underworld*
Hades: Welcome Captain Hook and Mr. Smee.
Captain Hook: Yes, well my crew have been devoured by the octopus, I lost my ship and I want revenge on Peter Pan even more! Me and my right hand man did manage to get our stuff from the broken ship and camp at Skull Rock.
Mr. Smee: Thanks to your ride and it managed to have enough room for our stuff.
*Pain and Panic came downstairs and taking the stuff to Hook and Smee’s rooms*
Cree Lincoln: Hey um, who’s that guy with the red coat?
Jafar: Why that’s Captain Hook.
The Spot, Cree Lincoln, Lex Luthor and Mr. Burns: *gasps*
The Spot: THE Captain Hook?
Mr. Burns: I thought that he was a legend!
Cree Lincoln: I read about him.
Jafar: Oh yes, he’s very real. The Multiverses have infinite possibilities like say that fairy tales are real for example.
Lex Luthor: You’re not wrong about that. And what about the other recruit that is coming?
Jafar: They are coming soon. Or rather, SHE is coming.
[Meanwhile, somewhere in Outer Space]
(After her defeat, Lord Dominator plots her revenge on Lord Hater and all of those “dorks”, she vowed that they’ll get what’s coming to them. She hid somewhere and buying her time to rebuild her armor, she already gotten some of the Volcanium X and the Frostonium back, and continued to plot her revenge)
Lord Dominator: Alright, let’s see, I think I’ll just conquer the galaxy which is Hater’s thing. Then kill them all as for my revenge and then perhaps destroy the galaxy later! After I killed them all! Hahahaha!
*Just then, a group of robot spiders appear and one was carrying a mask which is the final piece of the puzzle for her armor and heading towards her and a green hologram skull appears*
Lord Dominator: That’s not Hater’s logo, that’s for sure and that dumb bone head is not this smart to build these.
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Maleficent: Alright, which one of these 5 are coming?
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sagittariusmarz · 2 years ago
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(Top to bottom) what Disney villain are you?
Pile 1
I see that you’re not really a villain but if u had to be then you would be the pet of a villain like Lucifer the black and white cat from Cinderella or sir Hiss from Robin Hood, you are someone who’s honest and you aren’t afraid to be authentically you whether that’s good or bad. Sometimes your honesty cause problems but you do it because you like balance and you don’t like liars, you love hard and stick it out in tough times for the people u love, you’re fun to around and you’re generous. You take your time and you’re patient, you’re possessive over the things you love. Angel number 567/2244/234. Signs- libra,Aquarius, cancer. Initials- T, R, Z, V, H
Pile 2
I see that you’re like chernabog from fantasia or Scar from lion king or even cruella, I see that if you’re a villain that you would feel completely just for being evil. I see that when the time comes for you to give someone karma or act out u have no problem being a asshole to the max, you’re actually a very good friend, nurturing, generous and you love to laugh or have fun. You’re very strategical, smart and patient. You wait for your right time to strike like you kind of stalk ur prey, I see that you make people regret messing with u. Signs- Aquarius, Scorpio, sagittarius. Initials- B, W, I, U
Pile 3
I see that you would be Jafar from Aladdin, I see that you’re someone who’s very influential and you can make any situation go you’re way. I se that you’re good at manifesting, I also see that you love ur family or youre very defensive over your home and family. I see that you’re very stable and a great catch so people always regret fumbling u, I see that you’re great at arguing or fighting and you make people feel stuck when u tell them about themselves or when u leave their life. You’re detached and great at accepting change, angel number 111/123. Signs- Taurus, Scorpio, Sagittarius. Initials- X, J, K, Y
Pile 4
I see that you could be Jafar, the evil queen from Snow White or the evil mother from Cinderella. I see that of you were evil you would always have help because you have a good reason for not liking the people you do and usually multiple people don’t like the person either, you’re someone with a lot of passion and potential. I see that you work with karma or karma favors you a lot, I see that you’re usually karma for a lot of people. I see that you’re very attractive and alluring, you may be a good manipulator and you know how to use ur looks to ur advantage or you have pretty privilege, you have very strong feminine energy and a good intuition. Angel number 1111/231. Signs- libra/Pisces, Initials- K, U, W
Personal readings always available, please watch my 18+ pick a card reading
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overworkedblorbobattle · 2 years ago
Round 1 Is Officially Over!
Thank you to everyone who voted, liked, reblogged and spread propaganda!
The full list of characters progressing to round 2 are listed under the read-more!
Wave 1:
Ada Paige (Rhythm Doctor)
The Manager (The Hotel Podcast)
Adam Parrish (The Raven Cycle)
Steven Universe (Steven Universe)
Hera (Wolf 359)
Arthur Lester (Malevolent Podcast)
Anthy Himemiya (Revolutionary Girl Utena)
Commander Peepers (Wander Over Yonder)
Wave 2:
Percy Jackson (Percy Jackson)
Gregor Samsa (Metamorphosis)
Harrowhark Nonagesimus (Gideon The Ninth)
Ling Wen (Heaven's Official Blessing)
Pandemonica (Helltaker)
David Jacobs (Newsies)
Squidward Tentacles (SpongeBob SquarePants)
Ford Pines (Gravity Falls)
Wave 3:
Gilgamesh Wulfenbach (Girl Genius)
Angela (Lobotomy Corporation)
Kevin Kandy (Spooky Month)
Vera Oberlin (Monster Prom)
Ratchet (Transformers)
Ponder Stibbons (Discworld)
Isabelle (Animal Crossing)
Luisa Madrigal (Encanto)
Wave 4:
Aki Hayakawa (Chainsaw Man)
Jonathan Sims (The Magnus Archives)
Jotaro Kujo (Jojo's Bizarre Adventure)
Doppo Kannonzaka (Hypnosis Mic)
Jeremie Belpois (Code Lyoko)
Lisa Wilbourn (Worm)
Buffy Summers (Buffy The Vampire Slayer)
Shang Qinghua (Scum Villain's Self-Saving System)
Wave 5:
Wave 6:
Kurapika (Hunter X Hunter)
Lucifer (Obey Me!)
Lisa Cuddy (House MD)
Carol Hathaway (ER)
Larry Needlemeyer (The Amazing World Of Gumball)
Dick Gumshoe (Ace Attorney)
Riza Hawkeye (Fullmetal Alchemist)
Lucretia (The Adventure Zone)
Miles O'Brien (Star Trek)
Susan Taxpayer (Susan Taxpayer)
Kunikida Doppo (Bungo Stray Dogs)
Molly Blyndeff (Epithet Erased)
Jess Jordan (Succession)
Jafar (Twisted: The Story Of A Royal Vizier)
Nishida (Yakuza)
Alfred Pennyworth (Batman)
Wave 7:
Olruggio (Witch Hat Atelier)
Peppino Spaghetti (Pizza Tower)
Hawkeye Pierce (MASH)
Sara Chidouin (Your Turn To Die)
Lamplighter (Oneshot)
The Captain (BBC Ghosts)
Burgerpants (Undertale)
Kiyotaka Ishimaru (Danganronpa)
Wave 8:
Trafalgar Law (One Piece)
Loid Forger (Spy X Family)
Stanley (The Stanley Parable)
The Cabbage Merchant (Avatar The Last Airbender)
Link (The Legend Of Zelda)
Peregrine Mendicant (Homestuck)
Reagan Ridley (Inside Job)
Twilight Sparkle (My Little Pony)
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faceless-creature · 2 years ago
I'm so sorry for being gone for so long! My motivation fell down a well. Please forgive me...
Disney villains x AFO!Mreader
After the villains were defeated, they all moved into a huge castle in the dark forest. They learnt to make peace with... Some of the heroes and princesses.
The castle was pretty much the same for a few years. No new editions, no real drama, no action or surprises.
Imagine the shock they felt when a purple, swirling portal opened up in the middle of the living room.
"This place is so boring now... Nothing interesting happens!" Hades groaned loudly.
Hades was sat on the sofa with his head tipped all the way back. He looked very uncomfortable..
Sat in the living room with him was Horice and Jasper, Cruellas henchmen as they sat on the opposite side of the sofa from Hades watching a show on the TV.
Frollo sat on one of the chairs, reading a book and half listening to conversations.
Maleficent sat on the loveseat with Jafar and their birds as they listened and watched.
Scar and Shere Khan were laying on the floor not listening at all as they rested and had their own conversation.
"Stop your whining already Hades. If you're so bored go annoy someone else." Maleficent muttered.
"Perhaps... You should read a book." Frollo offered.
"Not gonna happen babe." Hades snapped a finger gun towards Frollo, still not lifting his head.
"Why don't you watch our show with us?" Jasper offered the god.
"Nah, I've already seen this episo-" Hades cut himself off.
Hades snapped his head up before twisting his body to look behind the sofa. The other villains noticed his sudden interest in something and looked as well.
Small purple wisps were spinning in a circle, before a large purple crack rips through the air and forms a beautiful swirling galactic portal opened up.
Then a tall man- around seven feet stepped out of the portal.
He wore a white button down shirt with a black tuxedo jacket, black suit pants and smart black dress shoes.
His look was completed with a huge mask on his head. It went down to his shoulders and looked incredibly intimidating.
The man was a large, clearly muscular man. He seemed very respectable and scary, clearly being someone who you don't want to mess with.
The portal closed behind him as he took a moment to assess where he was.
"Well, this is certainly not where I intended to be, how strange of me to be wrong.." The mystery man seemed to sneer at his mistake.
The masked man folded his arms behind his back as he stared down at the Villains... At least they assumed he was looking at them.
The villains felt a shiver crawl its way down their spines as the masked man continued to assumedly stare at them.
"Now THIS is interesting!" Hades practically leapt from his seat in celebration to the new form of entertainment.
Sorry that it's so short guys, I just wanted to post something for you and I'm setting the tone for the rest of the series.
I hope this was okay and that you'll enjoy this series. See ya!
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sl-newsie · 2 years ago
Spelled (Carlos de Vil x Sanderson Daughter) Ch. 18: Broken
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Carlos’ POV
Magica’s trying hard to understand, she really is. And I really like that. Most of the others around here couldn’t care less about us, yet she acts as if she’s a villain kid herself sometimes. After she leaves me to go talk to Ben I go find the others in Mal and Evie’s dorm, with everyone looking a bit uneasy and jumpy.
“Um, hey guys.” I wave awkwardly. No one says anything, and Dude answers by licking my nose. “Huh, you’re right, buddy. No one’s happy.”
“Nice family reunion, huh?” Jay chortles darkly. “Not exactly the warm, friendly greeting I was expecting.”
“It’s because we’ve been stuck in this candyland of niceness. They’re our parents, Jay. On the Isle? The one with all the wicked evil and all that? We- we can’t lose sight of what’s important.” Mal seems distant but tries to cover up what’s wrong by turning away to look at her spellbook.
“You want to break Ben’s love spell?” Evie asks when she reads the page Mal’s looking at.
“You’re gonna break the spell?” I panic and nearly drop Dude. “But that means… that means Magica won’t like me anymore!”
Mal shrugs and avoids my gaze. “I just thought keeping Ben under the spell would be a little… mean.”
“You’re the daughter of Maleficent. Since when do you care about being mean?” I rage.
“And you’re the son of Cruella de Vil, yet you’re still hanging around with that goody-goody!”
My hands are in fists, and I’m shaking in a silent rage that threatens to burst.
“Mal, you don’t understand. I’ve found a girl who makes me feel- happy! And she doesn’t care that I’m a VK! I’m not just going to let you ruin my only chance with her just because you suddenly feel guilty.”
“God, Carlos! She already knows about the love spell!” Mal drones in a whiney voice like it’s obvious. “She obviously did something to make it wear off and figured we originally had it planned for Ben.”
I do a double-take. Is she right? How does Mal know the spell wore off? She’s acted as though she loves me, how could she fake it? That would’ve been cruel for her standards, so… Has she really loved me all this time?
“Wait- so everything she’s done, everything she’s said up to this point has been the truth, no spell at all?” 
Evie’s sadness melts away and she comes over to take my hand. “Yes, Carlos. Before Ben came to get Mal for their date she warned us not to harm him, along with saying she knew about the love spell. We don’t know how she broke free, but until yesterday afternoon she’s been acting on her own accord. Magica really does love you.”
The hidden forest. Everything she showed me, everything she said… was all because she trusts me. She loves me.
I stagger back a bit and go to sit on the couch, ignoring Jay’s teasing smirk.
“This is a puzzle, huh guys?” I try to lighten the mood and hope someone offers some help, but only Dude tries to help by jumping up to sit on my lap.
“Yeah, and now Magica’s got an edge on us. For all we know she’s probably spilling her guts out to Ben right now!” Mal spurts as she waves her arms frantically.
I shake my head, still staring at the ground while I pet Dude. “I don't think she’ll tell. She would’ve said something earlier to Fairy Godmother, and as long as Magica thinks we won’t hurt Ben then she won’t say anything.”
Evie tries to stay calm and takes a deep breath. “Let’s just get through this stupid family day without the whole operation turning into an exploding powder keg. We can’t afford any more mistakes. Our parents are counting on us.”
“I’m not sure I like that,” Jay comments from across the room. “After seeing how different Auradon is from the Isle, are we still on board with this? This whole… betraying and stealing routine?”
Mal scoffs. “This coming from Jafar’s son? I thought backstabbing and stealing was your hobby.”
Jay gets up to argue but I block him with my arm, while Evie stands in the center of the room with a stern look.
“Everybody be quiet! Listen to us! We can all agree that being brought here has changed us, and we’ve all found something or someone that’s made our lives brighter. But Mal’s right. We can’t lose focus of what’s important.” She pauses and looks outside at the darkening sunset. “Right now we’ve got to get through tomorrow, so let’s all just go to bed and get a good night’s sleep. We’ll regroup in the morning.”
I wish it weren’t true, but I’m more scared of my mother than the authorities here. I just wish Magica didn’t have to come between the middle. But I will draw the line with Dude. No one’s going to make a coat out of him, no matter how much mom wants to.
Mal walks to the door and holds it open, indicating she wants us out with no further discussion.
Jay, still scowling, storms out without another word. I pick Dude up again and go to follow Jay, but stop to look at Mal when I get to the door.
“Mal, I know you’re upset, but I know you’re strong enough to move on. Just because the love spell’s broken doesn't mean your life will be too."
“I’m brewing the antidote tonight, Carlos. But it’s for Ben.” She starts to close the door, but then adds bitterly: “Be lucky you found someone who loves you as you are, not just because they’re under a spell.”
I try to apologize but she slams the door shut. Dude lets out a high-pitched whine and signals me to start back to my dorm. Thankfully no one’s around to see the big grin on my face.
“She loves me! Do you hear that, bud? She loves me!” 
I can’t believe it! Out of all the luck I’ve had, my life might actually be turning around. If only we didn’t have to take over the world.
I get back to the dorm to find Jay sulking by the window. I try to greet him, only to get a rough grunt in response.
“She could’ve at least tried to see my side,” Jay grumbles. “We all know she’s falling for Ben, yet she’s still gung-ho with impressing her mom.”
“We all know how Maleficent can get when she doesn’t get her way. This whole new world is new to us, Jay, and Mal’s trying to hold onto how we used to be.” I set Dude on my bed and go to look for his food bowl. “Just give her some time and maybe she’ll change her mind?”
Jay just grunts, unconvinced. “Yeah. Maybe. I just hope there's food at the party tomorrow”
I ignore him and busy myself by filling Dude’s bowl. At least you’re not mad. This is a happy day, the day I find out that there’s someone in my life who loves me.
But how do I let her know I feel the same?
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