you should reply to starters just like everybody else has to do
Wow, passive aggressive much? I just got plots that I want to write alright? :V Plus Natasha still needs a roommate p:
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I just got back from hiatus and need some new threads :D So come get some because for a limited time only they’re 50% off! :O
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Roommate search :V
Both Jack Wynand/Ryan and Natasha Romanoff still need a roommate! Anyone interested?
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“Woah…” Archie was a little surprised when the piece of concrete as lifted off of him as if it was as light as a feather. Looking at the guy that was responsible for it, he frowned. “How did you do that?!” Taking his hand, he stood up, still feeling the stinging pain in his leg, looking down and noticing the blood trickling down. “I’m alright. Might need to stop the bleeding before I pass out from blood loss. But thanks for that.”
Jack smiled a little before he stretched out his arm again. With a simple movement of his hand, he made a small stone fly towards him. ‘’Science, I suppose. But if you want a more clear explanation I’m afraid you’re talking to the wrong person.’’ When he said he was alright Jack nodded. But sightly panicked when the other said he was still bleeding. ‘’Let me see,’’ Jack said as he fiddled through his pockets. Rapture was basically covered in first aid kits and it felt like he was the only one who used them. Which was perfect now since the other obviously needed.
When he found the tin can he opened it. Smiling when he found the bandages. ‘’This should do the trick.’’ Jack picked up the bundle to show it to the other.

#[Love Triangle Of The 40's|Archie]#//Thanks :V#//Sorry that this so late ;-;#//I thought I posted it but I didn't :''V
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“Thank you.” He breathed out, taking the offered hand and stood up, dusting himself off. “No, I’m not injured. At least not badly. I can fix it later if I need to do so.” Alec smiled slightly at him, given the circumstances. “Thank you, again. I guess I got too lost in thought and didn’t have time to move. That can really get to you, by the way.” Alec mumbled, closing his eyes.
He felt like he was going to be sick, but with everything going on he knew he’d have to stay awake until he could either get medical help or find someone of his kind that actually brought their damn stele with them. Opening his eyes again, Alec looked over at the male that saved him. “Any ideas on what we can do to help out?”
‘‘Good,’‘ Jack said relieved. He wouldn’t know what to do if the other was injured as he most likely couldn’t help him. When the other asked him what they could do he took a second to think. ‘’Well, I guess I could help people who got trapped.’’ His powers weren’t usually used for saving people and other than using his firepower he couldn’t think of anything that could help them survive.
‘‘Or I suppose we could walk around until we find someone who needs help.’‘ Teleporting was another option but Jack didn’t know if he could even teleport with someone else with him. He’d rather try that when the world isn’t falling apart around him.
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starter for @selfmadeorphan
slowly opening his eyes, archie was confused as to what had just happened. looking around, he could only see fallen debris and few fires here and there. luckily they weren’t near him as he didn’t feel like being burnt alive. as he tried to get up, he felt a stinging pain in his leg. glancing down, he noticed his leg was stuck underneath a large piece of concrete. “shit..” he murmered, trying to get out from underneath it but the more he moved it, the more it hurt. all he could think of was that this might be the end of his football career in high school. not the best thing to think about right now but it definitely distracted him from all the chaos happening around him. “HELP!” the redhead shouted, hoping someone would hear him. “SOMEONE?! ANYONE?!”
The air felt too thick to breathe in because of the screams that it carried. Jack tried to help as much as he could but some of them were just too far away. When he heard a scream nearby he hurried as fast as he could. When he got there he found a young man stuck under some concrete. Without thinking he raised his hand. Causing the concrete to fly towards him so he could drop it in front of himself. If he was back in Rapture would’ve thrown it at someone. But he wasn’t on a murder mission now. No, he was going to save as many people as he could.
Jack walked over where the young man was still sitting. ‘’Is everything alright?’’ He said as he offered the other a hand so he could stand up.
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On the Island Alec couldn’t feel Jace as easy as he had before and even now being back in New York, he knew something was off with not only still not being able to feel his parabatai but because New York was basically in ruins at this point. It of course had the eldest of the Lightwood kids on edge. What had happened? Was this the reason they were all on the Island in the first place and even so, why only some people and not others and why all at different times?
The wind had seemed to pick up, forcing the flames to spread and more debris to fly. He had started to turn around after hearing a creaking sound but ended up getting knocked over by something flying in to him and pining him down. He had tried moving it off of himself, but unfortunately was not strong enough. “C-Can you help me, please?” He panted out, to what he thought was someone running by but could have very much been more debris.
Jack has been aimlessly walking around the ruins of this unfamiliar city. It reminded him of his days in Rapture and a small part of him basked in the familiarity. Another was glad that he could help his powers for good instead of murder. After helping someone get out of the water and back to shore it didn’t take long for someone else to need his help. It was a man pinned down by debris. Luckily he had just the power that could help the poor man out.
With a stretched out hand, he concentrated on the debris. As it’s been a while since he picked something up this heavy with just his mind it took him a second before he felt comfortable enough to pick it up. But when it did the debris, and only the debris, came flying at him. Stopping just before him. Back in Rapture, he would’ve used it to kill people so he grew nervous and prayed he didn’t accidentally throw it back at the man. Luckily he was able to make the debris drop in front of him. Injuring nobody.
Jack walked around the debris to offer the man a hand to stand up. ‘’Is everything alright? Are you injured?’’ Hopefully, he was not as Jack didn’t have any power to help with that.
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Anyone interested in a thread for this event? My baby has powers that I want to show off :V
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albus felt just fine. in his experience, strange teleportations weren’t as odd as one would think, even if apparition wasn’t the cause of that. however, there was something, deep inside his heart – like RED lights, that warned him about this seemingly tranquil town. he would ignore it, of course, while this feeling was still small. “i believe the owls here are not very smart,” he starts, out of the blue, his gaze absent. “i tried sending a letter, informing my whereabouts, but the animal just looked confused and flew away.”
Jack raised an eyebrow at the stranger. Unfortunately, he didn’t have any knowledge about owls to offer the other some help. Perhaps if he asked about any aquatic animal he might’ve had some words of advice. ‘’There are few people left who send mail by bird. And those who do don’t use wild ones.’’ Jack said politely. ‘’But if you need to write a letter you could use the post office. Though I have to warn you, I doubt they’ll deliver mail to anywhere beyond this island.’’ Jack realized that he started to ramble without even introducing himself. ‘’Excuse me for my manners, but my name’s Jack Wynand.’’ Jack raised his hand for a handshake with a smile.
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“ i was THINKING about working at– or starting and ICE CREAM or FROYO shop… “ ( did people still like froyo ?? ) “ but the IRONY might just be too much, “ bobby chuckles, his hand turning into PURE ICE. that’s one way to get someone’s attention.
Jsck smiled before he turned his hand into ice too. But unlike the other, his hand wasn’t pure ice. It was only covered in a layer of ice but the difference was hard to tell. ‘’That wouldn’t be irony though.’’ He wasn’t a dictionary but he was fairly certain he knew what irony was. ‘’But perhaps selling ice cream,’’ Jack made the ice melt away as he snapped his finger to light his hand up ‘’like this might be. But it wouldn’t be as efficient I imagine.’’
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Jon didn’t know what a vita chamber was, but he knew a THREAT when he heard one. His fingers still resting on Longclaw’s hilt, he did his best to mask his s u r p r i s e at seeing flames erupt from the man’s closed hands. He could feel heat coming off the fire - but the stranger didn’t appear to be burning. As far as Jon knew, even the Lady Melisandre didn’t have magic powerful enough to light her very flesh aflame.
Jon was no COWARD, so if this man meant to fight him, he would stand his ground. But he had no desire to challenge him either, especially not now that he’d seen the magic he was capable of. Not because he was afraid - but because a talent like that could be just what he needed in the war he was returning home to, and that meant this man would make a better f r i e n d than an enemy.
“ You’ve nothing to apologize for, ” Jon told him. “ I can hardly blame you for doing the same thing I’m attempting myself… though I would still advise being more careful. I can’t be the only one here new to such magic, and the last thing any of us need is to get HURT. ” Finally Jon lifted his hand from the hilt of his sword, and offered it instead to the stranger. “ I’m Jon Snow. I come from Westeros, and like you I’m trying to get back there. What’s your name, friend? ”
For a second Jack thought that the other got used to seeing these kinds of strange things until he quite literally said he wasn’t. ‘’Well, you be surprised with how many people around here can do magic. But I have to tell you I’m not one of them.’’ For some reason, Jack couldn’t help but correct people when they described his powers as magic. ‘’As this.’’ Jack raised his hand only to light it on fire again but with a snap of his fingers this time. ‘’And this.’’ Jack snapped again to make the flames disappear only to make bees show up out of nowhere before they flew around his hand waiting for his command.
‘‘Isn’t magic, it’ science.’‘ Like always he didn’t have any idea how to explain the science behind his powers. After all, he was just a toddler. A ‘normal’ toddler raising five eight-year-olds.
When the other offered his hand for a handshake he shook it. ‘’Pleasure to meet you. My name’s Jack Wynand. I’m from.’’ Jack paused and realized that since he also didn’t know where Westeros was it wouldn’t hurt. ‘’Rapture, and I have to admit I have no idea where Westeros is located.’’ There was a change that that country, city or village just didn’t exist in his world. Just like Rapture wouldn’t exist in the others.

Look Before You Leap|Jon&Jack
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It might be for the best that we have to use human FC or I might’ve applied for a carebear :V
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Disappointing, really. She had been hoping that there was some semblance of normality. This place was nothing like Sherwood–and that was something she never thought she’d miss. Sighing, the teenager wrinkled her nose. “I don’t think they sell slushies, but I guess asking won’t kill me. I’ve just never seen a grocery store or a diner that does it right.” Pursing her lips, she reached a hand out, always taught to be polite. “Thank you, though. I’m Veronica.”
Jack smiled at her as he tried to think of something to cheer her up. Unfortunately, he didn’t know this town, nor was he planning to, enough to give her any dining advice. When she told him her name his smile turned into a sad one. Of course, her name had to be Veronica just when he thought she couldn’t remind him of his daughter even more. ‘’Jack Wynand, a pleasure to meet you.’’ He said as he shook her hand.
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She’d been here for at least a week, and while she’d managed to find a small cabin near the water, that was about as far as her exploration had gone. She had a little money in her purse, and a few dollars hidden away in her bra that she could eat with, but really all she wanted was a slushie. Something to remind her of home. “Isn’t there like, a 7-11 or something around here?”
Was 7-11 still a thing in 2017? That came as a welcome surprise to the four-year-old man from the 60′s. ‘’Sorry, can’t say that I’ve seen one around. But there’s a grocery store and a diner not far away from here. I’m sure they have what you’re looking for.’’ Jack offered. Perhaps it was her haircut, but she kind of reminded him of one of his daughters. Then again he had five daughters pretty much every girl around here had a trait that could remind him of his daughters.
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Escape from Alcatraz|Jughead&Jack
Jack took a look at the boat that brought him here before he focussed on the water in front of him again. Hopefully, he wouldn’t have to use this option as he’d rather have the first one to work. With caffeine practically running through his veins he thought about home. Perhaps his first attempts didn’t work because he didn’t have enough EVE in him. It’s been months since he had his last hit and maybe long distance teleporting only worked with EVE. A part of him knew that it was just wishful thinking but he couldn’t help but try. That’s why he basically bought all the coffee from the nearby cafe. While the chance was small that the coffee here would contain eve it was still worth a shot.
As he focussed on his home, on his daughters, he closed his eyes. For a couple of seconds, he disappeared. When he didn’t feel the wind he thought he succeeded but when it came back he frowned. With a sigh, he looked at the non-changed environment he sighed. Looks like it was time for plan two. Except that he didn’t really have a plan two.
In desperation, he froze his hand and without thinking he froze the water in front of him. That might’ve worked. Perhaps if it wasn’t for the fact that he was also in the wrong time he could’ve walked back home. Freeze the ocean, that didn’t seem too difficult right?
Or he could’ve flown back home. Unfortunately, he couldn’t fly, but he did have allies that could. With a snap of his fingers, he made the bees appear around his hands. Perhaps he could… In frustration he made the bees fly in a group in front of him. Almost expectantly the group of bees flew above the water. With another snap he made them disappear. Not because he wasn’t mad anymore, but because he noticed someone else.
Jack turned around to the stranger who he greeted with a wave. This town had seen stranger things right? Hopefully, this stranger was one of the few who was used to seeing things like this.
‘‘Good morning.’‘ Jack smiled. As he recalled the last time he pulled something like this the other didn’t notice. Then again the last time there wasn’t any evidence anymore, unlike now where the ice stood out like a sore thumb.
#[tunnel snakes rule|jughead]#[escape from alcatraz]#//you don't have to match it's unnecessary long
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with a tiny frown killian tilted his head, looking shrugging. “ i did indeed jump into the water. logic, the only ship i want to sail on is my own and i do not even know why, though it would make sense if i were to be a pirate, something people around here keep comparing me to, ” the male spoke, looking at him. it confused him, how some remembered their past perfectly but others, like he.. would have no idea of what was going on. “ i take your past was not that nice.. and how do you mean trying to get away from here can mess with your head ?? i am a mess already, why should i not try ?? ” he grinned.
Pirate? Well, vampires were real and at least pirates were actually a thing. It was safe to assume that the other was from a different time like he was. ‘’You’re lucky that you at least know something. I heard from someone else that their own mother forgot them.’’ He couldn’t imagine what that would be like. ‘’Teleporting out of here doesn’t seem to work. And if I remember correctly trying too many times can not only erase your memories but also give you new ones. Same with jumping in the water, so I would try to avoid that from now one if I were you.’’ While he doubted the other was capable he thought warning him about things he shouldn't do wouldn’t hurt.
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with a tiny smile killian nodded as he looked at jack, facing the mall after a while, taking a few steps towards it’s direction, looking back to check if the other male was still following him.. “ well you are indeed correct.. i am not from around here, that i know.. unfortunately it doesn’t mean that i know where i am from.. i do not even remember how i lost my hand and i take that that was quite an important thing in my life, ” he said, his small smile fading as he kept walking. nobody seemt to be from this place, but yet they were all here and it truly confused him, he would not know how all of them got here in the first place.
Jack nodded when the other explained his situation. ‘’You don’t happen to have jumped in the water, have you? I heard from some people that the waters around here mess with your mind.’’ Another reason to hate the ocean, it erases your memories. The fact that the other was missing his hand reminded him of his time in Rapture. Plenty of times he died while missing a hand, good thing he had the vita chamber to bring him back in full working order.
‘‘I can’t say that remembering my past is any better. I’ve tried to get away but if I have to believe everything I’m told even trying to get away from here can mess with your mind.’’
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