#jacques cornu
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boanerges20 · 1 year ago
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Reinhold Roth Luca Cadalora Sito Pons Jacques Cornu Photo: Malcolm Bryan [From Motocourse 1989/90]
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patern29 · 2 years ago
Les plus grands architectes de l’histoire de la plaisance et du nautisme
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L'histoire de la plaisance est faite d'hommes et de femmes qui ont fait rĂȘver les autres par leurs voyages sur toutes les mers du globe, d'autres qui ont construit des bateaux de lĂ©gende. Mais rien ne serait possible sans des architectes qui dessinent des bateaux. La voile est devenue, en partie, un loisir avec le yachting, au 19Ăšme siĂšcle. Des yachts ont Ă©tĂ© mis Ă  l'eau qui ont marquĂ© le nautisme. La voile Ă©tait alors rĂ©servĂ©e aux plus fortunĂ©s. Mais c'est au 20Ăšme siĂšcle que la voile et la plaisances sont devenu une activitĂ© accessible Ă  plus de monde. Et petit Ă  petit, le nautisme s'est ouvert Ă  tous. Cette Ă©volution n'aurait jamais Ă©tĂ© possible sans des hommes de passion et novateurs. Ces architectes ont crĂ©Ă© l'histoire de la plaisance. sans eux, nous ne naviguerions sans doute pas et n'aurions pas les mĂȘmes rĂȘves. Alors ne les oublions pas. je vous propose de revenir sur ceux qui ont le plus marquĂ© l'histoire de la plaisance populaire.
Les architectes qui ont donné naissance à la plaisance
Les architectes ci-dessous ont laissé plus qu'une trace dans l'histoire de la plaisance. Ils ont lancer l'aventure du nautisme qui se démarquait du yachting pas son cÎté populaire. Jean Jacques Herbulot (1909-1997)
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Jean Jacques Herbulot est sans doute le pĂšre de la plaisance populaire en France. Tous les passionnĂ©s de petits voiliers connaissent cet architecte de renom. Et pourtant, nĂ© dans les Ardennes, il est difficile d’imaginer que ce Monsieur est Ă  l’origine de plus de 60 plans de voiliers dont des rĂ©fĂ©rences comme le Mousquetaire, le Corsaire ou le Vaurien. Il dĂ©couvre la voile en rĂ©gion parisienne et devient vite un des meilleurs rĂ©gatiers français et reprĂ©sentera son pays aux jeux Olympique de 1932 Ă  1952. Il construira le voilier Argonaute pour l’école des GlĂ©nan, aprĂšs la guerre. Les principaux voiliers de Jean Jacques Herbulot : - Corsaire - Mousquetaire - Caravelle - Vaurien - Beaufort - Cap Horn - Maraudeur EugĂšne Cornu (1903-1987) EugĂšne Cornu est moins connu que son compatriote du moment, Jean jacques Herbulot. Ce lorientais a pourtant, lui aussi, marquĂ© l’histoire de la plaisance. BaignĂ© dans la construction navale, Ă  Saint-Nazaire, il commence sa carriĂšre en dessinant des petits dĂ©riveurs de rĂ©gate, avant de travailler pour le chantier JouĂ«t, en rĂ©gion parisienne. Il travaillera aussi beaucoup pour les chantiers bretons Pichavant et Constantini. Il est surtout connu pour ĂȘtre le pĂšre du Belouga, un petit voilier de 6.50m. Mais il a construit de nombreux voiliers en bois construits Ă  l’unitĂ©. Des voiliers que des passionnĂ©s entretiennent avec passion. Il est aussi connu pour avoir Ă©tĂ© l’architecte du voilier de Jacques Brel. Les principaux voiliers d'EugĂšne Cornu : - Licorne - Belouga - 9m30 dont NaĂŻade, un dĂ©riveur lestĂ© - Danycan, classĂ© aux monuments historiques Benjamin BĂ©nĂ©teau (1859-1928) Benjamin BĂ©nĂ©teau n’a jamais construit de voilier de plaisance. Non seulement, il ne les a pas construit mais il n’a dessinĂ© que des bateaux de pĂȘche, dont le premier bateau de travail Ă  moteur, en France. Alors pourquoi est-il dans la sĂ©lection ? Tout simplement car il a donnĂ© naissance au chantier vendĂ©en BĂ©nĂ©teau que son fils, AndrĂ©, avec sa femme Georgina, vont transformer en leader mondial de la plaisance. Si c’est bien AndrĂ© qui a opĂ©rĂ© la transformation, le groupe BĂ©nĂ©teau n’existerait pas sans le pĂšre, Benjamin.
Les architectes qui ont démocratisé la plaisance
Les architectes ci-dessous ont Ă©tĂ© des acteurs du dĂ©veloppement de la plaisance, dĂšs la fin des annĂ©es 60 puis aprĂšs. Sans eux, la plaisance d'aujourd'hui ne serait sans doute pas la mĂȘme. Georges AuzĂ©py-Brenneur Cet architecte n'est pas le plus connu. Et pourtant Georges AuzĂ©py-Brenneur a Ă©tĂ© dĂ©cisif pour la plaisance, dans les annĂ©es 60. Il commence sa carriĂšre au chantier JouĂ«t. Il travaillera 3 ans avec EugĂšne Cornu, alors architecte du chantier. Il dessinera son premier voilier, Ă  Alger, l'Alerion, un petit voilier de 7 mĂštres. Par la suite, il dessinera plusieurs gros voilier classiques, entre autres chez Pouvreau. Il dessinera plusieurs voiliers pour des chantiers importants de l'Ă©poque. - Le Rorqual, construit par Nautic Saintonge - Le Midget, construit par la Prairie - L'Atlante, construit par le chantier Mallard - L'Agrion 6.50, par le chantier Soubise Michel Dufour (1930-2003) Michel Dufour est un ingĂ©nieur, avant d'ĂȘtre un architecte de la plaisance. Il est, incontestablement, un des pĂšres de la voile populaire et un des principaux artisans de son dĂ©veloppement. Son chantier naval, portant son nom, a Ă©tĂ© le plus gros constructeur europĂ©en, au dĂ©but des annĂ©es 70.  Il a popularisĂ© la voile comme les anglais l’ont fait Ă  une Ă©poque. A la fin des annĂ©es 60, ce fin rĂ©gatier dessine des bateaux qu’il mĂšnera lui-mĂȘme Ă  la victoire. C’est la naissance du Sylphe et de l’ArpĂšge. Ses bateaux sont rĂ©ellement novateurs pour l’époque, que cela soit au niveau architectural comme au niveau industriel. Par la suite, il donnera naissance au Dufour 35, un voilier de voyage trĂšs efficace. La suite sera plus classique, avec des voiliers plutĂŽt fades. Il quitte le milieu de la plaisance Ă  la fin des annĂ©es 70. Les principaux voiliers de Michel Dufour : - Sylphe - ArpĂšge - Dufour 35 - Dufour 1800, 2800, 3800, 29,  30,
 Maurice Edel (1925-2011)
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Maurice Edel est considĂ©rĂ© comme le grand maitre de la petite plaisance. Il crĂ©e l’usine du mĂȘme nom Ă  DĂ©cines, prĂšs de Lyon, en 1956. AprĂšs des dĂ©buts dans la construction de petits voiliers en bois, il se lance dans la production polyester. Le chantier proposera le tout premier voilier en plastique, en France. Le Grand large sera prĂ©sentĂ© au salon d Paris, en 1961. Il s’ensuit tout une sĂ©rie de petits voiliers transportables qui marqueront la plaisance par leur ingĂ©niositĂ©. En 1981, Maurice Edel s’associe Ă  Sylvestre Langevin pour proposer de gros catamarans, dont l’Edel cat 42 ; Ă©lu bateau de l’annĂ©e en 1991. La fin de l’histoire sera plus compliquĂ©e avec des ventes dĂ©cevantes  et des faillites. Les principaux voiliers de Maurice Edel : - Grand large - Edel 2,3,4 - Edel6/600/660 - Edel  730 - Edel 820 - Edelcat 26, 35, 42,
 Jacques Gaubert Jacques Gaubert a commencĂ© Ă  construire des bateaux dessinĂ© par AndrĂ© Mauric. Au fil des annĂ©es, il s’est intĂ©ressĂ© au dessin et a commencĂ© Ă  faire Ă©voluer les plans de ce dernier. Cela donnera naissance au Challenger Scout et au Super Cha. 300 unitĂ©s du premier seront construites de 1970 Ă  1979. Par la suite, il se dĂ©cide Ă  dessiner ses propres bateaux, construit au chantier Jullien. La gamme de Challenger qu’il propose est l’archĂ©type du voilier accessible et sĂ©curisant. Ils sont insubmersibles, agrĂ©ables Ă  naviguer, voire vif et rĂ©ussi au niveau design. Ces bateaux ont leurs adeptes. Le Challenger Micro, un des voiliers les plus populaires de la classe, est construit Ă  plus de 1000 exemplaires. Les principaux voiliers de jacques Gaubert: - Challenger Scout - Challenger Micro - Challenger Bravo - Challenger Horizon AndrĂ© Mauric (1909-2003) AndrĂ© mauric est plus un habituĂ© des dessins de vedettes pour l’administration que de voiliers de plaisance. Ce n’est qu’à la fin de sa carriĂšre qu’il s’est intĂ©ressĂ© Ă  la plaisance. Et pourtant
 La plaisance française ne serait pas ce qu’elle est sans lui, c’est une Ă©vidence. En 3-4 rĂ©alisations, il a lancĂ© l’histoire de l’industrie nautique en France. Pour commencer, AndrĂ© Mauric se fait un nom avec le Super Arlequin, pour le chantier QuĂ©rĂ© et le Delph 32, des voiliers qui connaissent la gloire entre 3 bouĂ©es. Au dĂ©but des annĂ©es 70, il dessine ni plus ni moins que Pen Duick VI. Mais c’est en 1977, il a alors 70 ans, qu’il crĂ©e l’histoire d’un chantier, avec le First 30, premier du nom. En fait, c’est AndrĂ© BĂ©nĂ©teau qui reprend les plans de son »Impenssable ». 40 ans aprĂšs, le bateau est toujours recherchĂ©. Par la suite, il donnera naissance au Melody. Les principaux voiliers d'AndrĂ© Mauric: - Delph 32 - Arlequin - Challenger - First 30 - First 27 - Melody Ricus Van De Stadt (1910-1999) Ricus Van De Stadt est un architecte nĂ©erlandais qui est tout autant homme d’affaires. Il sera le premier Ă  imaginer des bateaux qui pourront ĂȘtre construit en contre plaquĂ©, puis en polyester. Il sera un des grands architectes du dĂ©veloppement du polyester en Europe. Dans le mĂȘme temps, l’architecte nĂ©erlandais est connu pour avoir dessinĂ© de nombreux voiliers de sĂ©rie Ă  succĂšs, notamment pour le chantier belge Etap yachting et l’allemand Dehler. Les principaux voiliers de Ricus Van De Stadt : - Etap 20 - Etap 22 - Dehler 25 - Dehler 28 - Dehler 37 Philippe HarlĂ© (1931-1991) et Alain Mortain
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Philippe HarlĂ© est sans doute une des figures les plus connues de la plaisance. Cet architecte naval a signĂ© plus de 200 plans de bateaux dont des Ă©normes succĂšs populaires comme le Sangria ou le Muscadet. Sa rencontre avec la mer se fait lors des stages Ă  l’Ecole des GlĂ©nan, ou il devient chef de bord puis permanent. Il participera d’ailleurs Ă  la premiĂšre Ă©dition du cour des GlĂ©nan. Sa carriĂšre d’architecte commence en 1963, avec le Muscadet, pour le chantier Aubin. Cet extraordinaire succĂšs sera, trĂšs rapidement suivi de ceux de l’Armagnac et du Cognac. La lĂ©gende est en route. La plaisance française, et mondiale, ne serait pas la mĂȘme sans lui. AprĂšs les dessins de l’Edel 3, il dessine le Sangria pour le chantier Jeanneau, puis le fantasia. En 1982, il est rejoint par Alain Mortain. Les voiliers les plus populaires de Philippe HarlĂ©: - Muscadet - Armagnac - Coco - Feeling 920, - Feeling 1040 et 1090 - Gib sea 33 - Kelt 6.20 - Sangria - Fantasia et Tonic 23 - Tarentelle - RomanĂ©e Jean Marie Finot & Pascal Conq
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Jean marie Finot et Pascal Conq sont les autres grands architectes populaires, avec Philippe HarlĂ© et Alain Mortain. Jean Marie commence sa carriĂšre par un passage chez Philippe HarlĂ©, justement. Il se fait connaitre en proposant un voilier qui va devenir une des stars de la course-croisiĂšre : L’Ecume De Mers. En 1970, le chantier Mallard en assure la production. Le bateau connait un succĂšs immĂ©diat, remportant  la Quarter Ton Cup. Il sera ensuite choisi pour la premiĂšre Ă©dition du Tour De France Ă  la voile. DĂšs lors, l’aventure du Groupe Finot est lancĂ©e avec l’image d’un cabinet qui porte un grand soin aux dĂ©tails pour l’agrĂ©ment en navigation. Jean marie Finot sera appelĂ© par tous les chantiers. Il sera prĂ©sent pour dessiner les voiliers Comet, toute une gamme de voiliers pour le chantier Mallard. Il sera remarquĂ© pour le trĂšs novateur Aloa 29, et sa cabine arriĂšre. Le chantier BĂ©nĂ©teau fera appel Ă  lui pour le First 18, puis le 22. Jean Marie Finot sera le premier Ă  utiliser l’informatique pour ses dessins. Rejoins, en 1985, par Pascal Conq, le cabinet n’a jamais cessĂ© de lancer des voiliers Ă  succĂšs comme le First 210 ou le Pogo 40. Les voiliers les plus populaires du Groupe Finot : - Ecume de Mer - Aloa 29 - First 18 et 22 - First 25 - First 29 - First 210 - First 260 - First 31.7 Daniel Tortarolo Cet architecte français, que j'avais oubliĂ© ( merci GĂ©rard) a accompagnĂ© le dĂ©veloppement de la plaisance populaire, dans les annĂ©es 70 et 80. Il a travaillĂ© avec les chantiers Yachting France ou SMAP, entre autres. Certains de ces modĂšles sont vraiment novateurs. le Neptune 99, un dĂ©riveur intĂ©gral, surprend par son volume intĂ©rieur et son carrĂ© sous le cockpit. Le Jouet 920 est lui aussi un plan intĂ©ressant, arrivant Ă  intĂ©grer une belle cabine arriĂšre dans une coque de half-tonner. Il dessinera aussi le Trident 80 et le Jouet 24.
Les architectes qui ont créé un pont entre la course et la croisiÚre
Certains architectes ont surtout apportĂ© Ă  la course au large et Ă  la rĂ©gate. Mais approchĂ© par des chantiers de grande sĂ©rie, ils ont apportĂ© leur vision et leur compĂ©tences Ă  la plaisance. Ils ont fait Ă©voluer les carĂšnes des voiliers de croisiĂšre. Certaines de leurs crĂ©ation ont crĂ©Ă© l'histoire. Gilles Vaton Gilles Vaton est un architecte quimpĂ©rois qui vit maintenant Ă  Marseille. Son passage dans la plaisance n’est pas Ă©tĂ© assez long pour qu’il puisse se faire un nom et ĂȘtre connu de tous les plaisanciers. En effet, cet architecte est surtout connu dans le milieu de la course au large. Il a dessinĂ© Adrien, le bateau de Jean Luc Van Dan Heede., qui a battu le record du tour du monde Ă  l’envers, ou encore des foilers et des carĂšnes pour la coupe de l’America. Pourtant, un de ses bateaux est une rĂ©fĂ©rence. Il s’agit du kelt 850. Lors de sa sortie, en 1984, le bateau a fait sensation. TrĂšs en avance sur son temps, avec son Ă©trave plutĂŽt droite et arrondie a surpris. Le bateau a connu un Ă©norme succĂšs commercial et d’estime. Les voiliers les plus populaires de Gilles Vaton : - Kelt 850 et Feeling 306. - Feeling 346 - Feeling 286 Holman & Pye Cette signature est une des plus importantes en grande Bretagne, Ă  l’image de Nicholson. Mais le cabinet Holman & Pye est surtout connu en France pour sa participation au dĂ©veloppement du chantier Wauquiez. DĂ©s le dĂ©but, Henri Wauquiez fait appel au cabinet pour dessiner des deux premiers modĂšles, les Elizabethan 29 et 35. Ensuite viendront le Victorian puis le cĂ©lĂšbre centurion 32. Le cabinet se dĂ©marque par son style trĂšs british, rĂ©solument classique et Ă©lĂ©gant. Les voiliers les plus populaires du cabinet Holmine & Pye : - Elizabethan 29 et 35. - Centurion 32 - Amphitrite Tony Castro Tony Castro est un architecte portugais. Il a vĂ©cu trĂšs longtemps en Grande Bretagne, ou il a travaillĂ©. L'architecte s'est fait rapidement connaitre avec un premier mini, Ă  la fin des annĂ©es 70. Il travaillera quelques annĂ©es pour Ron Holland avant de dessiner ses propres voiliers. Et la rĂ©ussite est lĂ . En effet, son premier one-tonner gagne la One Ton Cup en 1981. Le bateau, nommĂ© Justine, va lui permettre de se faire un nom. En France, le chantier Jeanneau fait appel Ă  lui pour dessiner le Sun Shine et l'Arcadia. De trĂšs grands succĂšs du chantier. Il dessinera plusieurs modĂšles trĂšs populaires, outre manche. Ron Holland Ron Holland est un architecte nĂ©o-zĂ©landais. Sa carriĂšre dans la plaisance fut assez brĂšve. Il se fait remarquer, Ă  la fin des annĂ©es 70, grĂące Ă  ses half-tonners qui trustent les podiums. Il est vu comme le petit jeune qui bouscule les classiques dans de nombreuses classes IOR. En 1977, il prendra mĂȘme la place de Stephens pour la gamme de voiliers Swans. Les chantiers français et anglais le repĂšrent et font appel Ă  lui pour des bateaux de grandes sĂ©ries comme les Nicholson 32, le Rush, les Feeling 1100 et 1350. Par la suite, dĂšs le milieu des annĂ©es 80, il se concentrera sur le yachting. Les voiliers les plus populaires de Ron Holland : - Nicholson 32 - Rush - Feeling 1100 et 1350 Doug Peterson Parler de Ron Holland sans parler de Doug Peterson serait une erreur. Doug Peterson Ă©tait un peu le grand concurrent du premier. Cet amĂ©ricain bouleverse, lui aussi, l’establishment du monde de la rĂ©gate au dĂ©but des annĂ©es 70. En 1974, il remporte le championnat du monde de la One Ton Cup avec le Contessa 35. Il fera, lui aussi, un bref passage dans la plaisance avec les Contessa 35 et 28 ainsi que le Sun legend 41. Il sera ensuite appelĂ© par diffĂ©rents syndicats pour des projets sur l’America’s Cup. Mais, comme Ron Holland, son passage  a Ă©tĂ© important pour l’évolution de la plaisance. Les voiliers les plus populaires de Doug Peterson : - Contessa 35 - Contessa 28 - Sun legend 41 Jean Berret & Olivier Racoupeau
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Ces deux architectes ont créé un des cabinets les plus prolifiques. Jean Berret est un passionné de régate, encore un. Il commence sa carriÚre en dessinant des prototypes pour de nombreuses compétitions. Les résultats de ses bateaux lui ouvrent les portes des chantiers de grande série. Read the full article
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retroquarter · 6 years ago
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Lucky Strike Honda /ELF nsr 250  - 1990  Jacques Cornu
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anotherhumaninthisworld · 2 years ago
Tell me the story of robespierre's father from the beginning.
[what happened to robespierre's father after he left? Did he leave his country? Or settled in another province after that? Did he never made any contact with one of his family? did his children knew anything about him through their lives like for example the time when he died?]
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Maximilien BarthĂ©lĂ©my François de Robespierre was born in Arras on 17 February 1732 and baptised five days later. There exists some controversy in regards to what his real first name was, considering we have one document designating him as BarthĂ©lĂ©my-François, and another one as just BarthĂ©lĂ©my (although ironically, it has been more common among authors to call him François and not BarthĂ©lĂ©my). Historian HervĂ© Leuwers still insists that his real firstname seems to have been Maximilien, as it’s what his contemporary AbbĂ© Proyart calls him in his La Vie et les Crimes de Robespierre: surnommĂ© le tyran: depuis sa naissance jusqu’au sa mort (1795), as well as the only name indicating his inhumation in 1777.
Whatever the case, Maximilien was the oldest of five children (of which four reached adulthood). Their mother was Marie-Marguerite Françoise de Robespierre (born 1708, née Poiteau) and their father the lawyer Maximilien de Robespierre (born 1694).
On April 21, 1749, a seventeen year old Maximilien presented himself, along with his companion the Sieur Gorbu, to the monks of Dammartin to prepare his novitiate. But June 17 the same year, he declared to the abbot "that he was not made for the religious stall, and had only desired it in order to please his parents.” He therefore left and returned to his hometown. After classical studies at the Jesuit college in Arras, he studied law at the University of Douai, where he obtained his license, and on December 30, 1756, he was received as a lawyer at the Council of Artois and took the required oath. 
The reports we have regarding Maximilien’s persona are few, often contradictory, and perhaps colored more by what its authors thought about his son with the same name than by the actual facts. The two most used accounts are on one hand the memoirs (1834) of his oldest daughter Charlotte, who is bias in his favor, and on the other hand the aforementioned La Vie et les crimes de Robespierre, surnommĂ© Le Tyran
 (1795) by his contemporary LiĂ©vin-Bonaventure Proyart, who is holtile towards him. According to the latter, Maximilien was ”a lawyer with little occupation at the Superior Council of Artois. [He] had the reputation, in the town of Arras, to be somewhat scatterbrained, and above all, fond of his own opinions.” Charlotte on the other hand writes that her father ”had acquired great consideration by his probity and his virtues; he was honored and cherished by the whole town.” According to La jeunesse de Robespierre et la convocation des Etats gĂ©nĂ©raux en Artois (1870), Maximilien was charged with 34 cases in 1763 and 32 in 1764, which suggests he carried some prestige as a lawyer. A thermidorian pampleth it also titled La Jeunesse de Robespierre still claims that Maximilien ”had lights and probity, but his economy was not a virtuous one. Not knowing how to proportion the product of his labor to expenses, he sought resources in loans, contracted debts and died insolvent” and M. Devienne, former procureur at the Council of Artois, called him ”un avocat pauvre et un pauvre avocat.”
At some point, Maximilien met Jacqueline Marguerite Carraut (born 1735), daughter of an arragois brewer. On January 2 1758, when Jacqueline was already around four months pregnant, their marriage contract was signed before M. CrĂ©pieux and M. Botte, notaries, M. Corroyer, prosecutor, as well as Jacqueline’s mother Marie-Marguerite Carraut (born 1693, nĂ©e Cornu), father Jacques-François Carraut (born 1701) and younger brother Augustin-Isidore Carraut (born 1737). One day later the wedding ceremony was held, now in the presence of M. Monvoisin, practitioner, M. Corroyer, prosecutor, M. Botte, notary, Jacques-François Carraut and Augustin Carraut. Maximilien’s parents, as we can see, were present for neither of these two events, perhaps a sign they disapproved of the hasty marriage that was undoubtly related to Jacqueline’s pregnancy. We can however imagiene they made their peace, considering Maximilien’s father was made godfather of the expected child when it was born in May the same year. Maximilien’s mother was also made godmother of the couple’s third child, born three years later.
On April 17 1762 Maximilien’s father died, at the age of 67. Maximilien’s name featured on the death certificate when he was buried in the church of Saint-Aubert two days later. When his wife Jacqueline on July 16 two years later died in the aftermath of the birth of their fifth child (that died as well) his signature does however elude said certificate.
On August 6 1764, Maximilien retook his duties as lawyer after having spent a few weeks without doing any business, winning and losing a case that very same day. However, on November 16 his name disappeared from the court register again, and on January 7 he was received as a lawyer at the court of Oisy, about 20 kilometers from Arras, after having been called on by Eustache-Joseph d'Assignies, count of Oisy, to take a prestigious seat there, “on the express condition of taking up residence in said Oisy and not being able to demand from us any sums for fees in criminal cases” eight days earlier.
It’s hard to tell if he had lived alone with his four children up until that point, or if he had handed them off to relatives right after his wife’s death. Regardless, the second option must at least have happened now. According to the memoirs of Charlotte, she and the youngest daughter Henriette went to live with their father’s two surviving siblings, Eulalie and Henriette, while their two brothers were taken in by their maternal grandparents.
If we’re to believe AbbĂ© Proyart, this was not the first time Maximilien had abandoned his family, he had in fact already done so about a year before his wife’s death:
Either from oddity of character or inconvenience of profession, on the run from a lost lawsuit, he abruptly left his country, where he left his wife and the four children of whom we have just spoken. [
] Robespierre, a few years after the disappearance of his father, lost his mother, and found himself orphaned at the age of nine [sic].
However, I could find no historian noting any absences in the court register prior to November 1764, so it’s possible Proyart is mistaken here. 
Charlotte on the other hand, makes her father’s leave be all about a broken heart:
[Jacqueline] was no less of a good wife than a good mother. Her death was a lightning strike to the heart of our poor father. He was inconsolable. Nothing could divert him from his sorrow; he no longer pleaded, nor occupied himself with business; he was entirely consumed with chagrin. He was advised to travel for some time to distract himself; he followed this advice and left: but, alas! We never saw him again; the pitiless death took him as it had already taken our mother. I do not know what country he died in. He will have doubtless succumbed to a sorrow which became unsupportable.
While Charlotte’s version is harder to completely dismiss, it can at least be nuanced. Unlike what her account leads you to believe at first, this was far from the final time Maximilien sat foot in Arras, as will be seen below. It’s however hard to know if this means he was in contact with his children anymore after this. It can be observed that Charlotte, Maximilien and Henriette spent the majority of the year away at schools far from Arras since 1768, 1769 and 1771 respectively, so it’s unlikely they met their father during at least any of his later stays in the town.
On March 13 1765 Maximilien was back in Arras again, four months before the expiration of his position at Oisy. He started pleading a case that carried on all the way into December of the same year. From the same month we also have this rather ironic letter to his fellow lawyer Maximilien Baudelot, which confirms he was still active in Arras. In the letter, Maximilien tried to get the lawyers of the town to all come together and publicy plead for the betterment of the the ill dauphin (Louis XVI’s father) who passed away eleven days later:
Monsieur, All the hearts taking their flight towards the sky, are resounding the aors of their plaintive accents; they pray, they conjure, they demand again with loud cries the worthy object of their love which they believe they have already delighted, so much do they fear losing it: ours are the only ones whose voices we do not hear; would they indeed be as mute and as motionless as they appear? No, mine answers for all; all at this moment breathe through it. I don’t know what has kept their movements secret until now, and they have undoubtedly prevented, in spite of themselves, from showing outside the fires of love which consume them within. Several times, I have seen it, we have come together to deliberate on certain matters which do not deserve our attention: deciding nothing then, is what we could have done best: only once when it is a question of giving the King a pure, solemn, and indispensable pledge of our attachment to the royal family, shall we fear that it might be said that we have assembled? Lawyers, this title honors us; subjects of France, is a quality a thousand times more glorious for us; it is only by fulfilling it as the most glorious of our duties, in a noble and uncommon manner, that we will truly prove the nobility of our profession and that we will maintain under the asylum of the throne freedom and independence. I expect, Monsieur, from your feelings, the justice due to mine. I have the honor to be with the deepest respect Monsieur,  Your most humble and obedient servant Derobespierre (sic), Lawyer Arras December 9th 1765
We find Maximilien pleading yet another case in Arras on March 3 1766. A few weeks later, on March 22, he borrowed seven hundred livres from his sister Henriette, who supposedly asked that he in turn resign from any inheritance from their mother. Two years later, on October 30 1768, we therefore find the following note:
I, the undersigned, lawyer at the Provincial Council of Artois, renounce, for the benefit of my sisters, my rights and shares in the movable and immovable estates of my mother, acknowledging that I have received from said mother beyond the share that I could claim, both for me and for my children. Written at Arras, the thirtieth day of October, 1768 (Signed): DEROBESPIERRE
Sometime after this Maximilien left Arras again. His two sisters were however aware of his whereabouts, as they were able to inform him about their death of their mother on June 8, 1770. In return, Maximilien wrote the following note, confirming his resignation from the inheritance. As we can see from it, he was by then residing in the German town of Mannheim:
I, the undersigned, lawyer at the Provincial Council of Artois, hereby renounce for the benefit of my sisters all rights and shares in the movable and immovable estates of my late mother, acknowledging that I have received from said mother beyond the share that I could claim, both for me and for my children. Written at Mannheim, June 8, 1770
On October 3 1771 Maximilien was once again back in Arras and once again affirming his resignation from the inheritance:
Before the undersigned royal notaries of Artois appeared M. Maximilien-Barthélemy-François de Robespierre, lawyer at the Superior Council of Arras, residing in said Arras. Who recognized that, by an act made under his private signature, in the city of Mannheim, on the eighth day of June 1770, he declared that he renounced the movable and immovable successions of lady Marie-Marguerite-Françoise Poiteau, his mother, at the time of her death widow of M. Maximilien de Robespierre, lawyer at the Council of Artois. But, having since considered that this renunciation could not have its effect, considering that at that time, he did not have full and complete knowledge of the forces of said succession and that, since his return to this town, three months ago, he has taken perfect knowledge of said estates by inspecting the letters and papers abandoned by said mother, which Marie-Marguerite-Alexandrine-Eléonore-Eulalie and Amable-Aldegonde-Henriette de Robespierre, his sisters, represented and entrusted to him. This is why said sieur appearing has, hereby, declared to renounce said successions and to claim nothing hereunder, giving power to the bearer of the bulk hereof to reiterate where and to whom it will belong. And just now said ladies Marie-Marguerite-Alexandre-Eléonore-Eulalie and Aimable-Aldegonde-Henriette de Robespierre have appered; these have recognized that said sieur de Robespierre, their brother, has given them the titles and papers mentioned herein. Passed in Arras, the third of October, 1771. (Signed): de ROBESPIERRE; de ROBESPIERRE, the older; de ROBESPIERRE, the younger, (and as notaries): MERCHIER, HUSSON.
Maximilien now returned to plead in Arras again for a while — his name reappears on the court register of the Council of Artois from February 17 to June 4 1772. After this however, there’s no sign of any activities in the town. In 1795, Proyart claimed to know more details about his whereabouts:
We had ignored until now the route he had taken. We have just discovered that on leaving his homeland, he went to Belgium, from where his family originated. He passed from there to Germany, and lived for some time in the town of Cologne, where, to survive, he opened a French school for children. Unsatisfied with his new profession, he left Cologne, announcing the intention of going to London and then to the Isles, where it was possible that he still lives: well done, in that case, if, by the silence of the differetion, he hides what would reflect upon him the shameful celebrity of his son.
Regardless, on November 6 1777 Maximilien was buried not in London but in Munich, aged 45. All historians I’ve checked up on have concluded that it’s unlikely his relatives found out about his death (as suggested by a decree written around 1795 by Armand Joseph Guffroy (old lawyer colleage of Maximilien II and friend/ally? of Charlotte), stating that ”their father who had abandoned them died in a hospital at [blank]” and Charlotte’s own memoirs where she underlines ”I do not know in which country he died”). It would however appear they settled with the conviction that he would never return, because when Maximilien’s sister Henriette and her husband François-Gabriel Durut in 1780 wanted to get back the money he had borrowed fourteen years earlier and never returned, they turned to his oldest son to get him to pay what his father owed rather than trying to get into contact with said father again:
Hearing of April 4, 1780: M. Corne, for François-Gabriel Durut, doctor of medicine, and Amélie-Aldegonde-Henriette Derobespierre, his wife; Against François-Maximilien-Barthelemy de Robespierre; Gentlemen give default against François-Maximilien Robespierre and for the benefit, hold the signature affixed by the defaulting party at the bottom of a recognition of March 22 1766 which it is about for recognized; Consequently, we condemn said defaulting party to pay to the parties of the attorney Corne, for one part, the sum of seven hundred and eleven livres ten sols, centenary in said recognition, and for another part, the sum of one hundred livres paid in his acquittal to the notary Husson, for pension provided to him according to the receipt of March 14, 1772 and in question, in the interest of the sums quoted from the day of the judicial demand and at the costs, liquidated at fifteen livres eighteen sols eight denarii.
Sources: same as for this post
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frevandrest · 4 years ago
It said : Le six may mil sept cent cinquante huit a Ă©tĂ© baptisĂ© par moi soussignĂ© Maximilien Marie Isidore nĂ© le mĂȘme jour dans les deux heures du matin en lĂ©gitime mariage de Mr Maximilien Bartelemy François Derobespierre (...) et de Jacqueline Carraut, le parrain est Maximilien Derobespierre pĂšre grand (grandfather) du cĂŽtĂ© paternel avocat audit Conseil d'Artois, et la marraine Marie Marguerite Cornu femme de Jacques François Carraut mĂšre grand du cĂŽtĂ© maternelle lesquels ont signĂ©s.
Thank you!
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weloveaero · 5 years ago
Les vols pionniers de l’aĂ©ronautique en France
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L’aĂ©ronef Ă  hĂ©lices sustentatrices, ou hĂ©licoptĂšre, de Paul Cornu possĂšde une envergure de plus de 6 mĂštres. A chaque extrĂ©mitĂ© se situe un rotor ou hĂ©lice avec de grandes pales recouvertes de soie, les rotors Ă©tant entrainĂ©s par un moteur de 24 cv.
AprĂšs plusieurs essais, l’hĂ©licoptĂšre dĂ©colle le 13 Novembre 1907 avec Paul Cornu Ă  son bord et s'Ă©lĂšve Ă  1,50 mĂštre au-dessus du sol en vol vertical libre. Le frĂšre de l’inventeur, Jacques, chargĂ© de mettre en route le moteur, a dĂ» se cramponner au chĂąssis et monter avec l’appareil.
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Photo: http://www.sympatico.ca/actualites/decouvertes/histoire/attachez-vos-ceintures-pour-le-premier-vol-en-helicoptere-1.1482579 
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alfonslx2 · 7 years ago
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SwedishTT - Anderstorp 1989 Jacques Cornu
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whileiamdying · 8 years ago
Catherine Deneuve on ‘Umbrellas,’ Bjork and Aging
Dec 16, 2016
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Illustration: Michael Hoeweler; Photo reference: Erik Pendzich/REX/Shutterstock
A silver-screen icon who has embodied the charm, nonchalance, and refinement of French womanhood for more than five decades, Catherine Deneuve saw her acting career take off after Jacques Demy noticed her in Jacques-GĂ©rard Cornu’s 1960 film “L’homme Ă  femmes” (“Ladies Man”), reviewed by Variety on Dec. 7, 1960. Deneuve, then 17, was offered the leading role in Demy’s 1964 musical “The Umbrellas of Cherbourg,” which became a huge hit, winning the Cannes Film Festival’s Palme d’Or and earning five Oscar nominations.
Deneuve went on to work with other acclaimed directors, including Luis Buñuel, Roman Polanski, Lars von Trier, François Truffaut, AndrĂ© TĂ©chinĂ©, and Jean-Paul Rappeneau, and earn an Oscar nomination for her role in RĂ©gis Wargnier’s “Indochine.” In recent years, she has seen renewed popularity. Upcoming projects include Thierry Klifa’s “Tout nous sĂ©pare” with Diane Kruger and French rapper Nekfeu, Martin Provost’s “The Midwife,” and Florence Quentin’s “Bonne Pomme,” opposite GĂ©rard Depardieu.
What are your memories of “Ladies Man”?
“Ladies Man” is far from a forgettable film! I played the daughter of Danielle Darrieux and Mel Ferrer. And for some reason, Jacques Demy, who saw me in this film, sent me a handwritten note saying “there is a cocktail for ‘Lola'” and ‘I’d love to meet you there.”  So I went and he told me about “The Umbrellas of Cherbourg,” this project that seemed a bit crazy
 but very exciting, even if at the time I wasn’t sure I wanted to be an actress. I was very young.
Would you say “The Umbrellas of Cherbourg” launched your career?
Absolutely. It took a long time to get made because Jacques Demy wrote the music, and it was a tough film to finance. Jacques Demy had a pivotal role in my career. He was a true filmmaker, who was telling me about my character, who had an eye for mise-en-scùne. He did amazing shots, incredible traveling shots. And the way he looked at me
. He was both very kind and nurturing.
What about AndrĂ© TĂ©chinĂ©, with whom you’ve made seven films, and Luis Buñuel, who directed “Belle de Jour” and “Tristana”?
I like TĂ©chiné’s films, universe, and mise-en-scĂšne. He also demands a lot from actors. He shoots a lot. You really have to dig within yourself when you work with him. He’s not a director who’s going to ask you for three takes, and that’s it. And I like to be directed. Luis Buñuel was pleasant, but I don’t think directing actors was what he cared about the most; what really interested him was to shoot the story he had written and envisioned.
Your book “In the Shadow of Myself” has anecdotes from film shoots including Lars von Trier’s “Dancer in the Dark.” Was Björk really that out of control?
Yes, it’s true that Björk ate her blouse piece by piece because she hated it, and she wanted to make sure she wouldn’t have to wear it again for retakes. It was not an easy shoot!
Who have you admired throughout your career?
I bonded with some directors like Jacques Demy and François Truffaut, but I’ve never had someone who guided me through my entire career. Someone I’ve always admired is Marilyn Monroe. She died young but remains one of my favorite actresses. She did comedies, dramas; she was funny, moving, seductive. I found her incredible. She embodied beauty and cinema at the same time. I also love American actresses from the ’30s, ’40s and ’50s, like Judy Holliday.
You’ve been taking more chances on lighter roles that show your fun-loving and candid personality. Do you feel more freedom to take these parts now?
I did comedies before, like “Le Sauvage” (“Lovers Like Us”). But it’s true that I’ve done more lately. My roles have evolved with my age group. It’s not that I’ve changed suddenly; it’s just that not many people knew I had these personality traits, and the roles that I’m being offered today let these traits come through. I don’t like comedic films per se, but I like subtle comedies that use situations, dialogue. But it’s very difficult to find comedy projects that have good scripts and interesting roles.
You successfully campaigned for an Oscar nomination for “Indochine” in 1993. What was that like?
I traveled to Los Angeles twice and did a number of interviews. It was quite nice! Back then it wasn’t as much work as it is today with all the different shows and social media
 Marion Cotillard, for instance, seems to be working very hard. But in retrospect, I should have probably used that momentum to get a good agent there and pushed to get more opportunities. I’m not as shy today.
You’ve said aging is more difficult for American actresses than for French ones. Do you stand by this statement?
Yes, overall, I think there are more roles for women of a certain age in France than in the U.S. Our culture is not as youth-centric. But things are changing. The question is, for how long?
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draconemseptum · 7 years ago
Before I jump on the desktop and start banging out some headcanons, here is a short list of stuff invented between 1900 and 1920, courtesy of Wikipedia.
1900: The first Zeppelin is designed by Theodor Kober.
1901: The first motorized cleaner using suction, a powered "vacuum cleaner", is patented independently by British engineer Hubert Cecil Booth and American inventor David T. Kenney.[241]
1903: The first successful gas turbine is invented by Ægidius Elling.
1903: Édouard BĂ©nĂ©dictus invents laminated glass.
1903: First manually controlled, fixed wing, motorized aircraft flies at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina by Orville and Wilbur Wright. See Claims to the first powered flight.
1904: The Fleming valve, the first vacuum tube and diode, is invented by John Ambrose Fleming.
1907: The first free flight of a rotary-wing aircraft is carried out by Paul Cornu.
1907: Leo Baekeland invents bakelite.
1908: Cellophane is invented by Jacques E. Brandenberger.
1909: Fritz Haber invents the Haber process.
1909: The first instantaneous transmission of images, or television broadcast, is carried out by Georges Rignoux and A. Fournier.
1911: The cloud chamber, the first particle detector, is invented by Charles Thomson Rees Wilson.
1913: The Bergius process is developed by Friedrich Bergius.
1913: The Kaplan turbine is invented by Viktor Kaplan.
1915: The tank is invented by Ernest Swinton, although the British Royal Commission on Awards recognised a South Australian named Lance de Mole who had submitted a proposal to the British War Office, for a 'chain-rail vehicle which could be easily steered and carry heavy loads over rough ground and trenches' complete with extensive drawings in 1912. Additionally, an Austrian by the name of GĂŒnther Burstyn designed a tank in 1911 and a Captain Levavasseur of the French army proposed a design in 1903.
1916: The Czochralski process, widely used for the production of single crystal silicon, is invented by Jan Czochralski.
1917: The crystal oscillator is invented by Alexander M. Nicholson using a crystal of Rochelle Salt although his priority was disputed by Walter Guyton Cady
The 20s thing is cool
But I’m heasitant to jump on board.
A “1920s era level of technology” is neat and all but I don’t like to readily assign hallmarks of 20s America and Europe to Sornieth because it assumes that dragons would take on human solutions to their dragon problems.
For instance dragons probably wouldn’t develop automobiles and engines because there’d be very little demand for them. Short/Medium distance travel is already handled by flight and freight and shipping would likely be wrapped up in airships which are already canon and some form of rail which is easier to develop and would’ve come first. And it’s extremely likely all these things would encorporate magic into their designs rather than a physical fuel.
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boanerges20 · 11 months ago
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Jacques Cornu | Reinhold Roth | Sito Pons
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patern29 · 2 years ago
Le chantier Mallard, au coeur de l'histoire de la plaisance
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La chantier Mallard, Ă  La Rochelle, a Ă©tĂ© un des grands fabricants de bateaux de plaisance des annĂ©es 60 et 70. Retour sur des voiliers qui ont marquĂ© l’histoire de la plaisance autant que nombre de plaisanciers. Les annĂ©es 70 ont vu le dĂ©veloppement de nombres de chantiers proposant des voiliers de plaisance en France. Ce dĂ©veloppement a Ă©tĂ© permis grĂące Ă  la dĂ©mocratisation de la pratique de la voile et des innovations comme le polyester. Parmi ces chantiers, certains vont connaĂźtre un succĂšs populaire incontestable avant de disparaitre dans les annĂ©es 80. C’est le cas des chantiers QuĂ©rĂ©, Edel, JouĂ«t-Yachting France ou encore Mallard. Ces chantiers n’arriveront pas Ă  suivre la course Ă  la rĂ©duction des coĂ»ts de ces annĂ©es. Dans cet article, nous allons nous intĂ©resser au chantier rochelais Mallard.
L’histoire du chantier Mallard
Le chantier Mallard, est Ă  ses dĂ©buts, un chantier spĂ©cialisĂ© dans la charpente marine. SituĂ© Ă  La Rochelle, prĂšs de la Tour des lanternes, il travaille surtout pour les professionnels. Au dĂ©but des annĂ©es 50, Roger Mallard reprend la suite de son pĂšre. Roger est un grand pratiquant de voile et un fin rĂ©gatier. C’est donc assez logiquement que dans les annĂ©es 60, il s’intĂ©resse Ă  la plaisance. Il commence alors Ă  construire des bateaux pour des particuliers, souvent issus des dessins d’architectes reconnus comme Jean Jacques Herbulot ou EugĂšne Cornu. C’est le dĂ©but des premiers voiliers de plaisance, souvent en contre-plaquĂ©. Des techniques qui se dĂ©veloppent partout en Europe, grĂące Ă  l'architecte Ricus Van De Stadt. Les constructions les plus connues du chantier Mallard sont alors des bateaux comme : - L’As De Pique - La Corvette - Le Pacha Au cours des annĂ©es 60, le chantier monte en puissance. Roger Mallard dĂ©cide de dĂ©mĂ©nager en pĂ©riphĂ©rie de La Rochelle pour se dĂ©velopper. Il passe, dans le mĂȘme temps, Ă  des techniques modernes de construction, dont le stratifiĂ©. C’est dans cet environnement que sera lancĂ© l’Atlante, en 1966, un voilier de 8,50m. C’est le premier grand succĂšs du chantier. Ce plan de Georges AuzĂ©py-Brenneur sera construit Ă  250 exemplaires jusqu’en 1970. En 1969, le chantier passe un cap supplĂ©mentaire grĂące Ă  l’Ecume de Mer. Ce voilier de 8 mĂštres va connaĂźtre un immense succĂšs. 1350 exemplaires de ce plan Finot sortiront du chantier. C’est le dĂ©but d’une success story qui va durer pendant toutes les annĂ©es 70. Le chantier Mallard sortira de nombreux bateaux Ă  succĂšs comme : - Les Start 6 & 7 - Le Mallard 9m - Et surtout la sĂ©rie des voiliers « De Mer ». En 1973, Roger Mallard sera Ă  l’origine, avec d’autres patrons de chantiers, au salon nautique du Grand Pavois de La Rochelle. La fin des annĂ©es 70 et le tout dĂ©but des annĂ©es 80 voient arriver de nombreux nouveaux chantiers. La pression sur les coĂ»ts est de plus en plus importante, et l’innovation va trĂšs vite. Le chantier n’arrivera pas Ă  suivre ce rythme et disparaĂźtra en 1986, en ne proposant plus que le Start 7. Nous allons nous intĂ©resser aux grands succĂšs du chantier.
L’Ecume de Mer
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Images plaquette Mallard L’Ecume de Mer est un des voiliers stars des annĂ©es 70. Il est un des grands succĂšs de l’histoire de la plaisance. Ce voilier est Ă  l’image de ce qu’aime le propriĂ©taire du chantier. L’Ecume de Mer est un voilier de cours-croisiĂšre. A l’époque, Jean Marie Finot, qui sort d’un stage au cabinet de Philippe HarlĂ©, dessine son premier voilier et cherche un constructeur. Un chantier hollandais dĂ©cide de l’accompagner sur ce projet en construisant le premier prototype. Ensuite quelques modĂšles seront construits en Australie, en 1968. C’est en 1969 que Roger Mallard dĂ©cide de proposer le bateau avec une coque en forme et en stratifiĂ©.
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Images plaquette Mallard Le bateau connaĂźt tous les succĂšs sur l’eau. Il gagne de trĂšs nombreuses courses et rĂ©gates. Mais ce qui fait son succĂšs commercial, c’est la capacitĂ© du bateau Ă  offrir un rĂ©el confort Ă  l’intĂ©rieur tout en proposant des qualitĂ©s nautiques exceptionnelles. Dans le mĂȘme temps, la qualitĂ© de construction Ă©tait trĂšs sensiblement supĂ©rieur Ă  la moyenne. le bateau servira de support pour le Tour De France Ă  la Voile. En 1975, une nouvelle version sera proposĂ©e, avec un roof long en remplacement du roof court. Si les premiers modĂšles Ă©taient Ă©quipĂ©s d’un moteur hors-bord, la grande majoritĂ© des Ecumes De Mer sont motorisĂ©s avance un moteur In-Bord. CaractĂ©ristiques Écume de Mer - Longueur : 8m - Largeur : 2,70m - Tirant d’eau : 1,25m & 1,50m - Poids : 1800Kg - Surface de voiles : 34mÂČ
Le RĂȘve de Mer
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Photo Erwan QuĂ©mĂ©rĂ©, venant du site Finot.com Le succĂšs de l’Ecume de Mer va pousser le chantier Mallard Ă  proposer un nouveau modĂšle. Certains clients recherchant un bateau plus petit, Roger fait appel Ă  Jean marie Finot pour dessiner le petit frĂšre de sa star des Mer. C’est comme cela que naĂźt le RĂȘve de Mer. Ce petit voilier, plus abordable financiĂšrement, sort en 1972. Si le RĂȘve de Mer ne connaĂźt pas le mĂȘme succĂšs que l’Ecume de Mer ( 300 exemplaires quand mĂȘme), il est reconnu pour ses nombreuses innovations : du cale-pied en aluminium - Ferrures d’étrave et de tableau en aluminium - WC sous la couchette avant - Retour de toutes les drisses au cockpit, abritĂ© sous le contre capot coulissant - Capot avant intĂ©grĂ© dans la roof.
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Images plaquette Mallard Le bateau est trĂšs Ă©lĂ©gant, trĂšs bien construit et plutĂŽt luxueux pour l’époque. Comme son grand frĂšre, le RĂȘve de Mer est un voilier rapide et trĂšs marin. CaractĂ©ristiques RĂȘve de Mer - Longueur : 7,15m - Largeur : 2,50m - Tirant d’eau : 1,25m - Poids : 1100Kg - Surface de voiles : 29mÂČ
Le Fleur de Mer
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Photo Mallard Le Fleur de Mer est la continuitĂ© naturelle des deux voiliers prĂ©cĂ©dents. Il reprend les mĂȘmes principes que l’Ecume de Mer et le RĂȘve de Mer : QualitĂ©s de constructions et finitions au-dessus de la moyenne. Cependant, si les deux premiers sont d’excellents voiliers, le troisiĂšme, sans ĂȘtre un mauvais bateau, ne bĂ©nĂ©ficie pas de leurs qualitĂ©s marines. Dans le mĂȘme temps, en 1974, la concurrence commence Ă  monter en puissance. Le chantier Dufour connaĂźt un gros succĂšs avec des voiliers innovants et moins chers. Le chantier Aloa Marine innove lui aussi, avec un plan Finot. Il s’agit de l’Aloa 29, un excellent voilier, beaucoup plus volumineux, et plus « cheap ».Et dans quelques annĂ©es arrive le First 30 ou le Conati, par exemple. Une centaine d’exemplaire du Fleur de Mer seront produits. CaractĂ©ristiques Fleur de Mer - Longueur : 9,60m - Largeur : 3,33m - Tirant d’eau : 1,50m - Poids : 4500Kg - Surface de voiles : 56,9mÂČ
Le Mallard 9M
Le Mallard 9m prendra la suite du Fleur de Mer, en 1976. cet excellent voilier, signĂ© Philippe HarlĂ© connaĂźtra le mĂȘme sort que son prĂ©dĂ©cesseur. Une petite centaine d’unitĂ©s seront produites jusqu’en 1980. En effet, si le bateau a pour lui d’excellentes qualitĂ©s nautiques et une qualitĂ© de construction au-dessus de la moyenne mais sera vite dĂ©passĂ© par des voiliers plus modernes. CaractĂ©ristiques Mallard 9m - Longueur : 8,95m - Largeur : 3,10m - Tirant d’eau : 1,45m & 1,70m - Poids : 3200Kg - Surface de voiles : 49,5mÂČ
Les Start 6 et Start 7
La gamme Start sera la derniĂšre production du chantier Mallard. Ces deux petits voiliers sont de bons voiliers pour leur programme, malgrĂ© quelques soucis de fabrication. Ils Ă©taient l’espoir d’un renouveau pour le chantier, qui Ă©tait en perte de vitesse. Malheureusement, ils n’auront pas permis de sauver une marque emblĂ©matique de la plaisance française.
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castelneuviens · 8 years ago
Jacques Piquée : Le cornouiller mùle
Jacques Piquée : Le cornouiller mùle
Le cornouiller mĂąle (Cornus mas) de la famille des cornacĂ©es. Synonymes : cornouiller Ă  bois dur, cornouiller sauvage, cornier
 Le randonneur qui profite des premiĂšres belles journĂ©es ensoleillĂ©es pour arpenter les sentiers des rĂ©gions calcaires est souvent surpris d’observer dĂšs la mi-fĂ©vrier de petits arbres couverts de fleurs jaunes. Cette couleur est tellement prononcĂ©e que dans les causses

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coopapiloire · 8 years ago
Le cornouiller mùle (Cornus mas) de la famille des cornacées.
Synonymes : cornouiller Ă  bois dur, cornouiller sauvage, cornier
 Le randonneur qui profite des premiĂšres belles journĂ©es ensoleillĂ©es pour arpenter les sentiers des rĂ©gions calcaires est souvent surpris d’observer dĂšs la mi-fĂ©vrier de petits arbres couverts de fleurs jaunes. Cette couleur est tellement prononcĂ©e que dans les causses quercynoises, les gens du cru n’hĂ©sitent pas Ă  les dĂ©nommer « mimosas du Causse ». Il s’agit en rĂ©alitĂ© du cornouiller mĂąle, le premier ligneux autochtone producteur de pollen et de nectar, donc le premier ligneux indigĂšne mellifĂšre au sens strict du terme. C’est une essence Ă©cologiquement trĂšs importante car, outre ses fleurs qui rassasient les premiers pollinisateurs, ses feuilles sont estimĂ©es des cervidĂ©s et ses fruits trĂšs apprĂ©ciĂ©s par les oiseaux. Il devrait donc figurer en bonne place dans une haie bocagĂšre.
Etymologie Le nom du genre provient du latin cornus qui dĂ©signe la corne. C’est une rĂ©fĂ©rence Ă  la duretĂ© du bois de cette espĂšce. Il Ă©tait utilisĂ© pour confectionner des manches d’outils, des flĂšches, des javelots et diverses piĂšces en bois qui devaient rĂ©sister Ă  l’usure. Le nom spĂ©cifique provient Ă©galement du latin mais est plus ambigu car il semble prĂ©ciser clairement le sexe de la plante. Or les fleurs prĂ©coces du cornouiller Ă  bois dur sont nettement hermaphrodites. Dans ce cas le terme mĂąle doit ĂȘtre pris au sens figurĂ©. Il sert Ă  distinguer deux espĂšces voisines de cornouiller souvent associĂ©es dans le mĂȘme biotope. L’autre cornouiller indigĂšne, nettement plus arbustif et Ă  floraison blanche en juin, est le cornouiller sanguin appelĂ© cornouiller femelle. Lui aussi possĂšde gĂ©nĂ©ralement des fleurs bisexuĂ©es. Description Le cornouiller mĂąle est un grand arbuste ou un petit arbre d’une douzaine de mĂštres environ au port globuleux lorsqu’il est isolĂ©. Sa croissance relativement lente explique la qualitĂ© de son bois Ă  grain trĂšs fin. Les jeunes rameaux ont une Ă©corce verdĂątre. Les feuilles opposĂ©es elliptiques nettement acuminĂ©es possĂšdent des nervures qui, contrairement Ă  celles de la plupart des autres espĂšces, convergent vers leur pointe et non vers les bords. Elles prennent de belles teintes automnales. Les boutons floraux situĂ©s Ă  l’aisselle des feuilles sont visibles dĂšs la fin de l’étĂ© qui prĂ©cĂšdent leur floraison. En fonction des conditions mĂ©tĂ©orologiques, celle-ci se situe entre la mi-fĂ©vrier et la fin mars et trĂšs nettement avant l’apparition des feuilles. Les quatre bractĂ©es opposĂ©es dĂ©cussĂ©es brun verdĂątre qui constituent le bouton floral s’écartent pour libĂ©rer le bouquet de fleurs jaune citron disposĂ©es en sorte d’ombelle compacte. Leur odeur un peu fĂ©tide ne dĂ©courage pas les premiers insectes floricoles qui y trouvent du pollen et du nectar en abondance. Dans le courant de l’étĂ©, des fruits appelĂ©s cornouilles de la forme et de la taille d’une petite olive leur succĂšdent. Ils deviennent rouge cerise Ă  complĂšte maturitĂ© en aoĂ»t septembre. Leur saveur acidulĂ©e un peu astringente devient trĂšs agrĂ©able aprĂšs blettissement. Ils servent Ă  prĂ©parer des gelĂ©es, des confitures et mĂȘme, aprĂšs fermentation, une boisson alcoolisĂ©e connue sous l’appellation de « vin de cornouilles ». Il existe de nombreux cultivars fruitiers trĂšs estimĂ©s dans les pays de l’Est et notamment en ArmĂ©nie oĂč on attribue aux prĂ©parations Ă  base de cornouilles d’importantes propriĂ©tĂ©s thĂ©rapeutiques.
Le saviez-vous ? Le cornouiller femelle ou cornouiller sanguin (Cornus sanguinea) est Ă©galement un arbuste mellifĂšre. Cependant, comme il fleurit nettement plus tard, en mai-juin, son intĂ©rĂȘt pour les abeilles est plus anecdotique. Cette espĂšce est plus petite et ses fruits noirs Ă  complĂšte maturitĂ© sont non comestibles. Ils peuvent provoquer des gastro-entĂ©rites. L’intĂ©rĂȘt du cornouiller femelle est donc surtout dĂ©coratif par la couleur des jeunes rameaux et de ses feuilles en automne. Il a engendrĂ© plusieurs cultivars aux jeunes rameaux jaune-orangĂ© en hiver. On peut citer notamment ‘Midwinter Fire’ et ‘Winter Flame’ appelĂ© cornouiller fluo ! Originaire d’Asie, le cornouiller officinal (Cornus officinalis) ressemble beaucoup au cornouiller mĂąle. Il fleurit Ă  la mĂȘme Ă©poque mais est agrĂ©ablement parfumĂ©.
Cultiver des plantes mellifĂšres en ville et au jardin Paru en janvier 2016
Qui est Jacques Piquée
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      Jacques PiquĂ©e : Le cornouiller mĂąle Le cornouiller mĂąle (Cornus mas) de la famille des cornacĂ©es. Synonymes : cornouiller Ă  bois dur, cornouiller sauvage, cornier

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anotherhumaninthisworld · 2 years ago
Robespierre family timeline
Below is a timeline over the life of Robespierre’s closest relatives between the marriage of his parents up until their deaths because people seemed to drop like flies around him his entire childhood and I felt the need to put some things in order. Most of it is based on information found in La famille de Robespierre et ses origines. Documents inĂ©dits sur le sĂ©jour des Robespierre Ă  Vaudricourt, BĂ©thune, Harnes, HĂ©nin-LiĂ©tard, Carvin et Arras. (1452-1790) (1914) by A. Lavoine, La Jeunesse de Robespierre et la convocation des Etats gĂ©nĂ©taux en Artois (1870) by J.-A. Paris, Robespierre: a revolutionary life (2010) by Peter McPhee, Robespierre (2014) by HervĂ© Leuwers, as well as this family tree that I found. If I’m basing something below on anything that’s not in one of these sources, I will include a link to it.
January 2 1758 - The marriage contract between Maximilien BarthĂ©lĂ©my François de Robespierre (born 1732, from here on called Maximilien II) [1] and Jacqueline Marguerite Carraut (born 1735) is passed before M. CrĂ©pieux and M. Botte, notaries, M. Corroyer, prosecutor, as well as Jacqueline’s mother Marie-Marguerite Carraut (born 1693, nĂ©e Cornu), father Jacques-François Carraut (born 1701) and younger brother Augustin-Isidore Carraut (born 1737). Maximilien II’s parents Maximilien de Robespierre (born 1694, from now on called Maximilien I) and Marie-Marguerite Françoise de Robespierre (born 1708, nĂ©e Poiteau) are not present. [2]
January 3 1763 - wedding ceremony between Maximilien II and Jacqueline de Robespierre in the church of Saint-Jean-en-Ronville. Their witnesses are M. Monvoisin, practitioner, M. Corroyer, prosecutor, M. Botte, notary, Jacques-François Carraut and Augustin Carraut.
May 6 1758 - birth of Maximilien Marie Isidore de Robespierre (from here on called Maximilien III). He is baptised in the parish of Sainte-Marie-Madeleine in Arras the same day, with his paternal grandfather standing as godfather and maternal grandmother standing as godmother. [3]
February 5 1760 - birth of Marie Marguerite Charlotte de Robespierre. She is baptisted in the parish of Saint-Étienne in Arras three days later. Her godparents are Gouve Charles-Antoine, King's adviser and prosecutor of the town and city of Arras, subdelegate of the intendant of Flanders and Artois, and Marie-Dominique Poiteau, widow Isambart. [4]
13 January 1761 - marriage between maternal uncle Augustin Isodore Carraut and Catherine Sabine Desplanque (born 1740) in Magnicourt-sur-Canche, Pas-de-Calais. They have five children together, Augustin Louis Joseph (1762), Antoine Philippe (1763 or 1764-1837), Marié Célestine (born 1767 and dead on the same day), Jean-Baptiste Guislain (1768-1797) and Sabine Josephe (1771-1860). [5] The second oldest, Antoine Philippe, will come to play a role in the repression of Arras carried out under Joseph Lebon 1793-1794.
December 28 1761 - Birth of Henriette Eulalie Françoise de Robespierre. She is baptised in the parish of Saint-Étienne in Arras the same day. Her maternal grandfather and paternal grandmother stand as godparents. [6]
April 17 1762 - death of Maximilien I, at the age of 67. He’s buried in the church of Saint-Aubert two days later. The death certificate is signed by his son and Pierre-GrĂ©goire-Marie Enlart, squire, lord of Grandval, adviser to the Provincial Council and Superior of Artois. His widow then retires to the Convent of the Benedictines of the Peace of Arras.
January 21 1763 - birth of Augustin Bon Joseph de Robespierre. He is baptised in the parish of Saint-Étienne in Arras the day after his birth, with his godfather being his maternal uncle Augustin Carraut and godmother the paternal aunt Marie-Marguerite Alexandrine ElĂ©onore Eulalie de Robespierre (born 1736). [7]
July 4 1764 - Jacqueline de Robespierre gives birth to a boy who dies the same day. He is buried in the Saint-Nicaise cemetery, without having received a name. According to Charlotte’s memoirs, Augustin was still with a wetnurse when this happened.
July 16 1764 - death of Jacqueline de Robespierre, a few days before her twenty-ninth birthday. Her funeral is held in the parish of Saint-Aubert the following day. The mortuary act is signed by her brother and Antoine-Henri Galbaut, Knight of Saint-Louis, assistant major of the Citadel. Her husband doesn’t sign it, nor does he attend her funeral. [8]
August 6 1764 - Maximilien II retakes his duties as lawyer at Arras after having spent a few weeks without doing any business. He wins and loses a case that day.
November 16 1764 - the name of Maximilien II ceases to appear on the court register of the Council of Artois.
January 7 1765 - Maximilien II is received as a lawyer at the court of Oisy, about 20 kilometers from Arras, after having been called on by Eustache-Joseph d'Assignies, count of Oisy, to take a prestigious seat there, "on the express condition of taking up residence in said Oisy and not being able to demand from us any sums for fees in criminal cases” eight days earlier. By then, his four children have been dispersed among relatives, Charlotte and Henriette are taken care of by their unmarried paternal aunts Eulalie (born 1735) and Henriette (or are they? [9]), while Maximilien III and Augustin are sent to live with their maternal grandparents. [10] Maximilian II will not retain his functions at Oisy forever however, as the same manuscript which contains his commission also registrates the appointment of his replacement for July 15 1765.
March 13 1765 - Maximilien II is back in Arras (four months before his position at Oisy expires) pleading a case, which carries on all the way into December of the same year. [11]
March 22 1766 - Maximilian II borrows seven hundred livres from his sister Henriette. It would appear he never paid them back, which led to some tension between Henriette, her husband and Maximilien III in 1780. [12]
1766 - Maximilien III is enrolled at the CollĂšge of Arras as a day-student.
October 30 1768 - Maximilien II resigns from any inheritance whatsoever from his mother. [13]
December 30 1768 - Charlotte de Robespierre is enrolled at Maison des SƓurs Manarre, “a pious foundation for poor girls, who may be admitted from the age of nine to eighteen, to be fed, brought up under some good mistress of virtue and to improve oneself in lacing and sewing or in another thing which one will judge useful; to learn to read and write until they are able to serve and earn a living." It is situated just across the border in Tournai (modern-day Belgium). Charlotte is actually a few months too young to actually be enrolled, but an exception seems to be made in her case. According to La famille de Robespierre et ses origines
, it was Charlotte’s godfather Charles-Antoine de Gouve that had enough influence to obtain this favour for her.
September 13 1769 - Maximilien III obtains a scholarship from the abbot of Saint-Vaast to the college of Louis-le-Grand in Paris.
October 13 1769 - Maximilien III is enrolled at Louis-le-Grand.
May 17 1770 - death of Marie-Marguerite Françoise de Robespierre, aged 62. She is buried in the church of Saint-Aubert two days later in the presence of of M. Sébastien-Fidel de Douay, de Baisne, priest, law graduate, and Antoine de Gouve, bourgeois annuitant witnesses. The death certificate is signed by the two latter.
June 8, 1770 - Maximilien II confirms his resignation from the inheritance of his mother, after being informed about her death by his sisters. He is then in Mannheim, Germany. [14]
May 3 1771 - Henriette de Robespierre is sent to join her sister at Maison des SƓurs Manarre, where she stays as a boarder while waiting for a scholarship to become vacant.
October 3 1771 - Maximilien II, back in Arras, affirms he doesn’t want any of his mother’s inheritance yet again. [15]
February 17 1772 - the name of Maximilien II reappears on the court register of the Council of Artois.
June 4 1772 - the name of Maximilien II ceases to appear on the court register of the Council of Artois. There’s no sign of his activities in the town after this.
June 4 1773 - Henriette de Robespierre becomes a scholarship student at Maison des SƓurs Manarre. [16]
June 13 1775 - Death of Marie Marguerite Carraut, aged 83.
January 7 1776 - Marriage between Eulalie de Robespierre and Robert-François Deshorties, merchant and royal notary in Arras. [17]
February 11 1777 - Marrige between Amable Aldegonde Henriette de Robespierre and Gabriel-François Durut, student in Montpellier, doctor of medicine in Arras, doctor at the College d’Oratoire. Their marriage, as well as the one between Eulalie and Deshorties, appears to have been childless, making the Robespierre siblings cousin-less on their father’s side.
November 6 1777 - Maximilien II is buried in Munich, aged 45. His children most likely didn’t find out about his death.
March 14 1778 - death of Jacques François Carraut, aged 77. He’s buried two days later in the parish of Saint-Jean-en-Ronville in Arras. His brewery is sold to his son Augustin for a total of 8242 livres, of which only half goes to the four orphans.
March 5 1780 - Henriette de Robespierre is buried. Her uncle Augustin Carraut and the canon Poulain are the only ones present at her funeral.
May 15 1781 - Maximilien III graduates from Louis-le-Grand and returns to Arras to work as a lawyer. He and Charlotte move into a house on Rue du Saumon.
October 11 1781 - Augustin gains a scholarship to Louis-le-Grand. He begins his studies there on November 3 the same year. All sources I’ve found agree that Augustin was studying at the College of Duoai before getting sent to Paris, but unfortunately none of them mention when exactly he was enrolled there.
Late 1782 - Maximilien II and Charlotte are forced to leave Rue du Saumon when the latter realizes his lawyer salary can’t cover the rent. They instead move in with their aunt Henriette and her husband Durut on Rue Teinturiers, and evantually from there to Rue des JĂ©suites.
1787 - Maximilien II and Charlotte move to Rue des Rapporteurs 9.
September 30 1787 - Augustin graduates from Louis-le-Grand and moves in with his siblings.
April 17 1791 - death of Amable Aldegonde Henriette de Robespierre in Arras, aged 55.
September 3 1791 - death of Eulalie de Robespierre in Arras, aged 54.
December 6 1792 - death of Robert-François Deshorties in Arras.
November 17 1815 - death of Augustin Carraut in Arras, Pas-de-Calais, aged 78.
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Rue du Puits Saint-Josse, where Maximilien I lived at the time of his death in 1762     
Rue des JĂ©suites  (today Rue du CollĂ©ge) where the Robespierres lived by the time of Augustin’s birth in 1763. The family moved around a lot, in four years it changed residence four times and lived successively in the parishes of St-GĂ©ry, Ste-Marie Madeleine, St-Etienne and St-Aubert. Amable-Aldegonde-Henriette de Robespierre’s husband Durut also became tenant of a house on this road in 1783, for an annual rent of 300 livres.     
Rue Ronville, where Jacques-François Carraut had his brewery, and where Maximilien III and Augustin moved in 1764.     
Rue des Teinturiers, where Amable-Aldegonde-Henriette de Robespierre and her husband Durut lived before 1783. This is likely the place where Henriette de Robespierre passed away in 1780. Maximilien III and Charlotte took up lodgings there in late 1782, after the former realized he could not afford to pay their rent.     
Rue du Saumon, where Maximilien III and Charlotte rented a recidence before moving in with their aunt and uncle in 1782. When Maximilien’s income increased, they moved again, to Rue des JĂ©suites this time.        
Rue des Rapporteurs (today Rue Maximilien Robespierre), where Maximilien III and Charlotte moved in 1787. They were soon joined by Augustin.
[1] There is some controversy regarding Robespierre’s father’s actual firstname, since there exists one document describing him as BarthĂ©lĂ©my-François, and another one as just BarthĂ©lĂ©my (although ironically, it’s more common among authors to call him François and not BarthĂ©lĂ©my). Historian HervĂ© Leuwers still insists that his real firstname seems to be Maximilien, as it’s what his contemporary AbbĂ© Proyart calls him in his La Vie et les Crimes de Robespierre: surnommĂ© le tyran: depuis sa naissance jusqu’au sa mort (1795), as well as the only name indicating his inhumation in 1777.
[2] ”As for the the groom, M. Corroyer, in his capacity, has promised to give him the sum of two thousand livres, either in money or in constituted annuities, as soon as the marriage has been celebrated... As for the the bride, her father and mother have promised to give her a sum of five thousand livres payable, namely: two thousand livres immediately after the celebration of the marriage, one thousand livres one year after said celebration and thus continue on with one thousand livres per year until the final payment of the said sum of five thousand livres. The marriage was celebrated in the presence of Jacques Francois Carraut; Monvoisin, practitioner; Corroyer, attorney; Botte, notary, and Carraut the younger.” Wedding contract from January 2 1758, cited in La Jeunesse de Robespierre
, page 13
[3] ”The sixth of May, 1758 was baptized by me the undersigned Maximilien-Marie-Isidore, born the same day at two o'clock in the morning in the legitimate marriage of M. Maximilien-BarthĂ©lemy-François Derobespierre, lawyer at the Council of Artois , and demoiselle Jacqueline Carraut. The godfather was M. Maximilien Derobespierre, grandfather on the paternal side, lawyer at the Council of Artois, and the godmother, demoiselle Marie-Margueritte Cornu, wife of Jacques-François Carraut, grandmother on the maternal side. These have signed. Derobespierre. Marie-Marguerite Cornu. Derobespierre. Lenglade, priest.” Cited in Robespierre et les femmes, d’apres des documents inĂ©dits et des pieces inĂ©dits (1909) by A. Michel, page 20
[4] ”Today is the eighth day of the month of February, the year 1760. We priests of the parish of Saint-Étienne of towns and Diocese of Arras, have supplemented the ceremonies of the baptism for a girl born around half past two in the afternoon in said parish in the legitimite marriage of maĂźtre Maximilien-BarthĂ©lemy-François de Robespierre, lawyer at the Provincial Council of Artois, and of demoiselle Jacqueline-Margueritte Carraut, her father and mother; she was delivered by us parish priest the day after her birth, six of the same month and year as above, with the permission of the bishopric dated the same day signed by Le Roux, vicar general, and below, by ordinance PĂ©chena. The godfather was master Charles-Antoine de Gouve, adviser to the King and his attorney for the town and city of Arras, subdelegate of the intendant of Flanders and Artois, in the department of Arras, of the parish of Saint-Jean in Ronville, and the godmother demoiselle Marie-Dominique Poiteau, widow of Sieur François Isambart, procurator to the said provincial council of Artois, of the parish of Saint-Aubert, who gave her the name Marie-Marguerite-Charlotte, and who signed with us the parish priest, and the father here present, the same act on the day and year mentioned above. The child was born on the fifth. Marie Dominique Poiteau     De Gouve Derobespibrre     Willart, parish priest of Saint-Etienne.” Cited in Ibid, page 323-324
[5] I had a hard time finding any reliable info regarding dates of birth (and death) for Robespierre’s five cousins. I found one article from 1991 about them as well as one on WikiTree, however, the two give different dates of birth for some of the children.
[6] “Today, the twenty-eighth day of the month of December, 1761, we priests of the parish of Saint-Étienne, of the town and diocese of Arras, have baptized a girl born on the same day in this parish of Saint-Étienne around six o'clock in the morning in the legitimate marriage of MaĂźtre Maximilien-BarthĂ©lemy-François de Robespierre, lawyer at the Provincial Council of Artois, and demoiselle Jacqueline-Marguerite Carrant, her father and mother our parishioners. The godfather was sieur Jacques-François Carraut, wholesale merchant brewer of the parish of Saint-Jean en Ronville, maternal grandfather to the child and the godmother demoiselle Marie-Marguerite-Françoise Poiteau, wife of master Maximilien de Robespierre, lawyer at said Provincial and Superior Council of Artois, of the parish of Saint-Aubert, paternal grandfather to said child, who gave her the name Henriette-Eulalie-Françoise and who signed with us parish priest, the same act as well as the father here present at said Arras on the aforesaid day, month and year. Jacque (sic) François Carraut Poiteau de Robespierre Derobespierre Willart, curĂ© de Saint-Eteinne”    Cited in Robespierre et les femmes
 (1909), page 326-327
[7] ”Today, the twenty-second day of the month of January of the year 1763, we priest of the parish of Saint-Étienne des Villes and diocese of Arras have baptized a boy born the day before, about two o'clock in the afternoon, the twenty-first of the same month and year, on this said parish in the legitimate marriage of master Maximilien-BarthĂ©lemy-François de Robespierre, lawyer at the Provincial Council of Artois and demoiselle Jacqueline-Margueritte Carraut, his father and mother our parishioners. The godfather was Augustin-Isidore Carraut, merchant of the parish of Saint-Jean en Ronville, maternal uncle of the child, and the godmother demoiselle Margueritte-Alexandrine-Éleonore-Eulalie de Robespierre of the parish of Saint-Aubert, paternal aunt of said child, who gave him the name Augustin-Bon-Joseph and who signed the same act with us as priest as well as the father here present on the days, months and year mentioned above. Carraut Eulalie de Robespierre    Derobespierre Willart, curĂ© de Saint-Eteinne” Cited in Ibid, page 327-328
[8] ”Demoiselle Marguerite-Jacqueline Carraut, aged twenty-nine or thereabouts, wife of M. Maximilien-BarthĂ©lemy-François Derobespierre, lawyer at the Provincial and Superior Council of Artois, died on the sixteenth of July in the year 1764; the service was held on the seventeenth, followed by her burial in this church, those present were the sieurs Antoine-Henry-Galhaut, knight of the royal and military order of Saint-Louis, aide-major by patent of the citadel of Arras, and Auguste-Isidore Carraut, brother of the deceased, who signed with us as parish priest. Galhaut. De Lacroix, priest Carraut.” Cited in Ibid, page 323-324
[9] According to La famille de Robespierre et ses origines. Documents inĂ©dits sur le sĂ©jour des Robespierre Ă  Vaudricourt, BĂ©thune, Harnes, HĂ©nin-LiĂ©tard, Carvin et Arras. (1452-1790) the paternal aunts Eulalie and Henriette retired to Convent of the Benedictines of the Peace of Arras with their mother when the latter was widowed in 1762, where they would not have been able to provide for their nieces. The article instead implies all four children were taken in by their maternal grandparents, which it also uses to explain why Charlotte was enrolled at Maison des SƓurs Manarre despite being a few months too young to actually be admitted, and why Henriette was enrolled without having a scholarship — their grandparents simply had to quickly send them away since they couldn’t provide for all children. However, it doesn’t cite a source for the aunts’ alleged move, and both Leuwers and McPhee list the article as one of their sources while still writing Charlotte and Henriette went to live with their aunts, so I’m not sure about this.
[10] In his biography, Peter McPhee claims Maximilien III was also looked after by two maternal aunts. However, I’ve not managed to track down any information whatsoever on these, and the few Carraut family trees I’ve found only mention Jacqueline, Augustin and a third brother named Jean-Baptiste who probably died young since more or less no info exists regarding him. Worth noting is also that Mcphee says the maternal aunts were called Eulalie and Henriette, which were the names of the paternal aunts as well
 This confusion is most likely a result of poor choice of wording by AbbĂ© Proyart in his La Vie et les Crimes de Robespierre: surnommĂ© le tyran: depuis sa naissance jusqu’au sa mort (1795) — ”Not being heir to any patrimony, he (Robespierre) had no resources for his subsistence except those which could be procured for him by the honest brawler Carreau (sic), his grandfather, and the charity of good people, which were quite efficiently encouraged by two aunts of the same name, who lived in a great reputation for piety.” Proyart most likely means the aunts were of the same name as Robespierre and not his grandfather, which is supported by the fact that he then claims one of them married a doctor, just like Eulalie de Robespierre did.
[11] On December 9 the same year, Maximilien II wrote a a letter to his fellow lawyer Maximilien Baudelot, in which he identified himself as a lawyer of Arras while trying to get them to all come together and publicy plead for the betterment of the the dauphin, who died eleven days later. This confirms he was still active in Arras at this point.
[12] ”Hearing of April 4, 1780: M. Corne, for François-Gabriel Durut, doctor of medicine, and AmĂ©lie-Aldegonde-Henriette Derobespierre, his wife; Against François-Maximilien-Barthelemy de Robespierre; Gentlemen give default against François-Maximilien Robespierre and for the benefit, hold the signature affixed by the defaulting party at the bottom of a recognition of March 22 1766 which it is about for recognized; Consequently, we condemn said defaulting party to pay to the parties of the attorney Corne, for one part, the sum of seven hundred and eleven livres ten sols, centenary in said recognition, and for another part, the sum of one hundred livres paid in his acquittal to the notary Husson, for pension provided to him according to the receipt of March 14, 1772 and in question, in the interest of the sums quoted from the day of the judicial demand and at the costs, liquidated at fifteen livres eighteen sols eight denarii.” Cited in MĂ©moires de l’AcadĂ©mie des sciences, lettres et arts d’Arras, series 11, volume 3, page 56-57.
[13] ”I, the undersigned, lawyer at the Provincial Council of Artois, renounce, for the benefit of my sisters, my rights and shares in the movable and immovable estates of my mother, acknowledging that I have received from said mother beyond the share that I could claim, both for me and for my children. Written at Arras, the thirtieth day of October, 1768 (Signed): DEROBESPIERRE” Cited in La famille de Robespierre et ses origines. Documents inĂ©dits sur le sĂ©jour des Robespierre Ă  Vaudricourt, BĂ©thune, Harnes, HĂ©nin-LiĂ©tard, Carvin et Arras. (1452-1790)
[14] ”I, the undersigned, lawyer at the Provincial Council of Artois, hereby renounce for the benefit of my sisters all rights and shares in the movable and immovable estates of my late mother, acknowledging that I have received from said mother beyond the share that I could claim, both for me and for my children. Written at Mannheim, June 8, 1770” Cited in Ibid
[15] ”Before the undersigned royal notaries of Artois appeared M. Maximilien-BarthĂ©lemy-François de Robespierre, lawyer at the Superior Council of Arras, residing in said Arras. Who recognized that, by an act made under his private signature, in the city ​​of Mannheim, on the eighth day of June 1770, he declared that he renounced the movable and immovable successions of lady Marie-Marguerite-Françoise Poiteau, his mother, at the time of her death widow of M. Maximilien de Robespierre, lawyer at the Council of Artois. But, having since considered that this renunciation could not have its effect, considering that at that time, he did not have full and complete knowledge of the forces of said succession and that, since his return to this town, three months ago, he has taken perfect knowledge of said estates by inspecting the letters and papers abandoned by said mother, which Marie-Marguerite-Alexandrine-ElĂ©onore-Eulalie and Amable-Aldegonde-Henriette de Robespierre, his sisters, represented and entrusted to him. This is why said sieur appearing has, hereby, declared to renounce said successions and to claim nothing hereunder, giving power to the bearer of the bulk hereof to reiterate where and to whom it will belong. And just now said ladies Marie-Marguerite-Alexandre-ElĂ©onore-Eulalie and Aimable-Aldegonde-Henriette de Robespierre have appered; these have recognized that said sieur de Robespierre, their brother, has given them the titles and papers mentioned herein. Passed in Arras, the third of October, 1771. (Signed): de ROBESPIERRE; de ROBESPIERRE, the older; de ROBESPIERRE, the younger, (and as notaries): MERCHIER, HUSSON.  Cited in Ibid
[16] “To Messeigneurs, Messeigneurs the Treasurer-General, Councilors and Clerks of the Estates and Finances of H. M. the Dowager Empress and Apostolic Queen of Hungary, Bohemia, etc. Begs in very deep respect Henriette-Josephe de Robespierre, native of the town of Arras, ten years old, saying that, in the hope of being received in the foundation of the demoiselles Manarre, in the town of Tournay, like her sister was, she would have boarded there from the month of May 1771 and remained there until now, and done all the duties to which are held those provided with this foundation to the satisfaction of the superiors. However, although there is a place which must be vacant towards the month of July this year, the Administrators of it are having difficulty in receiving it, obsanting certain regulations by which it would be said that there would only be the subjects of your Sacred Majesty who would be admitted there; but, as it does not present itself up to now, and that that which must leave there is also a foreign subject who was received there; she takes the very respectful liberty of addressing Your illustrious Lordships, My Lords, for your pleasure, taking favorable account of the pension expenses which she has paid since said day, May 3, 1771, and of the useful and advantageous qualities which she possesses for the good of the house, permit the Administrators to there receive the supplicant with the ordinary charges. It's grace... , etc.”  Cited in La Jeunesse de Robespierre, page 19
[17] Deshorties was the widower of Marie-Jeanne Langlet, with who he had two sons and three daughers. According to Charlotte, Maximilien III had been courting one of these daughters, AnaĂŻs, for two to three years at the time of the Estates General, and there were marriage plans between the two.These were however broken up by the revolution and AnaĂŻs instead got engaged to another lawyer, LĂ©andre Leducq, who she married on August 7 1792. Another one of the children was RĂ©gis Deshorties, who kept up contacts with the Robespierres during the revolution. Here is a letter from him to Augustin written on July 18 1794.
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universallyladybear · 6 years ago
À la une cette semaine m pokora magazine disponible en lecture numĂ©rique chaque semaine recevez chez vous le plus de mourir dans game of thrones saison par

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TĂ©lĂ© 7 Jours 23 À la une cette semaine m pokora magazine disponible en lecture numĂ©rique chaque semaine recevez chez vous le plus de mourir dans game of thrones saison par...
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alfonslx2 · 7 years ago
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Grand Prix Belgium - Francorchamps 1988 Start 250 cc : #11 Juan Garriga, #4 Dominique Sarron, #9 Jacques Cornu, #2 Reinhold Roth and #3 Sito Pons on the first row. On the second row #6 Loris Reggiani, #1 Toni Mang and #10 Carlos Lavado.
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