#jacob x masha
chiconisroc · 9 months
So, I kind of have good and bad news :c
The good news is I updated 'Was Not The Hero' after months of not doing so. Bad news is, it is a short chapter and... the story is either taking a long hiatus, or very short chapters from now on will be published, or possibly - which I hope it doesn't happen - i stop writing more chapters for it :c
I've been going through stuff in real life and my all time fixation for Transformers has been helping me cope with things and because of that I have a hard time putting focus on "Was Not The Hero'.
I love the story I've written, but I don't want to force myself to write if it's going to come out terribly written without emotion : c. I rather just write out details of the events the story was going to have so peeps could idk, at least know what was going to happen so I don't leave you guys with nothing
I do want to thank you all for all the support you all have given me for this story. You peeps have all been great and I love you all. Thank you for the kudos/likes/comments/reviews/fanart/fanvideos. I legit cherish all the kind words you have all given me
Hmm, I do sound like I'm leaving, hahaha, but I will do my best not to. I am just saying things in case I do just stop writing for the fic : c
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childlikegoblinqueen · 4 months
Possible SCOM Prequel Interim Project?
So I can't work on Time after Time until SCOM wraps. I have two collaborations in the works, one in unnamed and take place roughly three to four years after SCOM (and two to three years post Time after Time? I might work on those side by side at one point.)
Another is a human realm band AU that my friend @threegoblinarthas feeding me brain worms for, BUT...
I had a ton of fun with Thank you Consequence, and since writing Stranger Tides, I've sort of missed the whole "Kids on Bikes" Monster of the Week feel.
So I have a kernel for a SCOM prequel series that takes place after TYC and obviously before SCOM where the Hexsquad is still in HS.
It may be one of those things that doesn't 100% fit into later stories, much like spin offs that retcon themselves and you're like "Oh wait. What?" But not enough to be completely off. Mostly because unlike all the AMAZING writers I know, I have a REALLY hard time writing in more than one universe at a time (this the human AU will be tough for me, but I have enough of a mind for it that I think I can make it work with encouragement from three goblin.)
Anyway, consider this with some grains of salt ... it's a prequel that straddles Realms, it might not fit 100% . It's expansive like a Buffy type story where each multi chapter "episode" deals with something else.
Preview of the first one:
“They’re coming to get you, Hunter!”
Hunter wrinkled his nose and continued to wipe down the counters. He’d hoped Brenna was nearly done closing out the register in the back but she was pretty meticulous with these things. 
More meticulous than Josh who was the shift manager, but he’d taken off with Scotty and left that job to Brenna.
“We’re closed!” Hunter groaned loudly. He knew she could hear him. He knew she could READ so he gestured to the sign outside the door for Robin’s Roast. “It literally says, ‘Closed’   on the sign.”
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sergeantsporks · 6 months
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Witch Switch: All of Part 3
Part 1 Part 2
That's a wrap on Episode 1! Episode 2 should start coming out around May 1st; see you then!
Transcript underneath the cut
Cover: Portal Door
[Open on Phillip, waiting outside school with Jacob Hopkins]
Jacob: [completely unprompted] So I was watching this video—
Phillip: Oh, god, here we go.
J: —about underground witch rings that still exist throughout the world—
P: They’re called neopagans, and they aren’t underground. Also, witch “rings” aren’t a thing, they’re called “covens.” Which you’d know if you got your information from literally any reliable source.
J: Yeah, well, anyway I was thinking, what if there are some in Gravesfield? I mean, how would we know? I’m pretty sure the museum curator is a witch, so we should investigate the—
[Cut to Phillip, exasperated, holding his arms in an “x”]
P: There’s no “we” here, don’t rope me into this. Leave Masha alone. So what if they’re a neopagan? There’s no such thing as a “real” witch with “real” magic. They’re not hurting anything.
[Cut to Jacob, incensed]
J: You might not believe it, but I know what I saw! Witches and demons walk among us, and—
P: [disembodied] Oh, look, my ride is here, bye, Jacob.
[Car pulls away from the curb, leaving a fuming Jacob]
[Inside the car]
Caleb: Aw, was that one of your friends?
P: No. Just Jacob.
C: Seemed like you guys were having a nice conversation!
P: He was suggesting breaking and entering so that he could collect evidence that the museum curator is a witch and should be burned at the stake, because he’s an idiot who doesn’t even know that witches in America were hung, not burned.
[Cut to just Caleb, worried]
Caleb: Oh. Um. Don’t do that, please.
P: [disembodied] I’d drop dead before going along with him. He just hangs around the guys, he’s not really our friend.
C: Ah.
P: [perplexed] Hey, you missed the turn.
C: Yeah, you’re coming to work with me today. You can do your homework there.
P: Is this because of what happened on the field trip?
C: No, no, nothing to do with that. It’s just…
[Cut to tense, worried Phillip]
C: [disembodied] There’s something I wanted to talk to you about.
[Cut to inside of Robin Roast. Caleb sets a coffee in front of Phillip and sits down]
Caleb: So, Phillip… What do you think of Evelyn?
Phillip: Eh. She’s fine. I guess. If you like her.
C: You’re not just saying that?
P: Did she snitch about me not letting her in right away? I swear I couldn’t hear her. (lying).
C: It’s not about that, Phillip. Although you need to be more aware of your surroundings when I’m not home—especially if you know someone’s coming.
P: Yeah, okay.
C: I know you didn’t use to like Evelyn very much, so I just wanted to know what you thought of her now.
[Cut to Phillip drinking his coffee]
P: Mhm.
C: [disembodied] And… I wanted to know what you would think of inviting her to join our family
P: [spits out his coffee]
[Phillip wipes his mouth, incredulous]
Phillip: WHAT?! You can’t marry Evelyn!
Caleb: [disembodied] Why not? We’ve known her for 4 years now, and I’ve been dating her for 2.
P: Uh—no. She knows us. We don’t actually know anything about her!
[Cut to floating cartoon heads of Caleb and Phillip, Caleb going from confused to varying levels of defensive while Phillip grills him]
Caleb: What are you talking about? Sure we do.
P: We don’t know where she works—
C: She works in a pawn shop… or thrift store or something… I think.
P: —we know nothing about her family—
C: Oh, come on, you know better than anyone that family can be a touchy subject.
P: —She disappears for weeks at a time-!
C: She’s visiting family!
P: The family we’ve never met?
C: They live far away! And… I think they have bad reception out there? (I can never get in contact with her when she’s gone…)
P: You’ve never even seen where she lives! Probably because she keeps the ripped-out-hearts of the other guys who proposed to her under her floorboards!
C: Don’t be gross, Pip. I thought you were fine with her?
[Cut to regular style Phillip]
P: I’m fine with her as she is now, because you like her. I don’t want her to live with us. Ever. Besides, we don’t have the space for it
[Cut to Caleb, amused/apologetic/cunning]
C: Well… if we did get married, we’d probably move into a two bedroom. You’d get your own room! That would be pretty great, right?
P: [disembodied] Oh, so this is all for my benefit now? Not because it’s something you want?
C: No, it’s definitely something I want, I just figured… you might like to know some positives for you, to see how it’s good for both of us. Oh, hey, you wouldn’t be alone at home so often.
P: I don’t want company if it’s her. And I don’t need a babysitter—geeze, this is about the field trip, isn’t it?!
C: It’s not! Hey, look, I already talked to Manny about it, and he doesn’t think it’s a bad idea, in case an outside opinion helps. I know it’s a weird new thing to think about. But I’m not going to jump in right away, I promise. Let’s give the idea a couple of days to simmer, give you some time to get used to it, and—
[Cut to Phillip, who’s stood up abruptly]
P: It doesn’t need to simmer! I’m not okay with this! I will never be okay with you marrying her, even if everyone in the world thought you should!
[Cut to Caleb, who looks hurt and annoyed]
C: Oh, yeah? Even if your “friends” dared you to be okay with it? [his face immediately drops]
[Cut to upset Phillip whirling around]
[Cut to Phillip running out the door of the café while Caleb stands in the door, reaching towards him]
C: Phillip, wait!
[Phillip is gone from frame, and Caleb pinches his nose]
C: …Shit.
[Phillip runs through Gravesfield, upset]
Phillip: He can’t marry her, he can’t, he can’t, he can’t!
[He finally stops near the old, abandoned house, hiding behind a tree and clutching his head]
P: Ohhhhhh what was I thinking, storming out like that? Having a screaming match in public like a toddler? What if the guys find out? Stupid, stupid, stup—
[Phillip hears a rustling sound]
P: What…?
[he peers around the tree to see Evelyn with a big bag, looking around, very suspicious. Phillip gets a lightbulb moment]
P: Oh, I knew she was shady! I knew it!
[Buzz from his pocket]
Text from Caleb reads: Pip, please come home. We can talk about it later, just please stay safe until I can get to you.
[Phillip sneaks up to the house, peering inside holding his phone]
P: I just have to get proof she’s breaking the law, and then Caleb won’t even think about letting her in the house, let alone marrying her! Evidence, then home, then…
[Cut to the portal door]
P: [disembodied] What the…
[Manny and Camila are taking a walk through the neighborhood. Suddenly, Manny pricks up, taking a turn down to the old house, leaving Camilla behind]
Manny: Hey, Phillip what are you doing out—
[Cut to the inside of the house. Phillip glances behind him at Manny’s call, then pushes forward through the portal, which closes behind him just as Manny reaches the house]
M: …here…
[Camilla catches up]
Camilla: What’s going on?
M: [confused] I thought I saw…
[Cut to empty room]
M: [disembodied] …ah, never mind. I’m sure it’s nothing.
[Cut to Phillip, absolutely flabbergasted. Wide shot of the Isles, Phillip very small in it]
P: Where the HELL am I?
[End Part 3]
[End of Episode 1]
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redak-ted · 1 year
characters (sheet?) for TOH x ROTTMNT au
au with @clanofjones.
Leo - Luz (All)
Donnie - Willow (Construction Coven, Oracle Coven)
Mikey - Gus (Healing Coven, Beast Keeping Coven)
Raph - Hunter (Emperors Coven, Plant Coven, Beast Keeping Coven)
Splinter - Eda (All)
Shelldon - King/Hooty <- undecided
Draxum - Raine (Potions Coven)
Big Mama - Lilith (Emperors Coven, Beast Keeping Coven)
Shredder - Belos (Emperors Coven)
April and Sunita - Masha and Vee
Cassandra - Steve (Emperors Coven, Oracle Coven)
Baxter Stockboy - Jacob (Museum Curator)
Kendra - Mattolumule (Construction Coven)
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lampmanliveblogs · 1 year
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Pictured: Me, writing this liveblog late at night when I have work the next day.
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If you look down at the lower right corner, you’ll find the time and it’s nine past eleven? In the forenoon? Talk about a sleep-in!
Staying in the lower right corner, we also find what might be Luz’ handle on this universe’s equivalent of twitter or X or whatever it’s called. She’s called FriendofOwlsandTitans.
Moving over to the left part of the screen, we find a The Good Witch Azura fanfic. Pfft, only one? I’ve got like twenty unfinished fanfics lying around my computer, get on my level.
Luz is also a gamer, as she’s got the alternate universe version of Hollow Knight, something called Hades, which I’m sure is a reference to something, and Totally Original Farming Game Moonfarm Valley.
Say. who do you think is Luz’ favorite bachelor/bachelorette in Stardew Valley? Oh wait, silly question, it’s Abigail. Who’s her second favorite then? I’m thinking… maybe Sebastian?
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”Dear Diary. All I ever wanted was to be good at something. To be around people who also liked that something. And when I found the Demon Realm, I thought ’wow, I found it!’I can learn magic, I can be a witch! I won’t be the dummy in the principal’s office anymore.’ But I messed up too much a-and put everyone in danger.”
I-I’m sorry, I need a minute-
When I sat down, I was expecting to watch a sad cartoon child, not a reflection of myself. Did someone swap my computer screen for a mirror?
Shit… this hits a little too close to home for comfort, jeez Luise. ”All I ever wanted was to be good at something, to be around people who also liked that something.”  No, that’s not me, nu-uh. It ain’t me, it ain’t me.
And after I just got done plugging my fanfics too… bloody hell’s bells…
Insert that one ”I’m in this picture and I don’t like it” meme.
”So… I know what I have to do now.”
Wait, what are you talking about now Luz? Do what? Luz, what are you planning here? Tell me right this instance, young lady!
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And so does arrive the Spirit’s Eve. Check out the maze and see if you can find the Golden Pumpkin at the end!
Let’s see… I spy with my little eye… what looks like Jacob Hopkins (ugh) over by the round stage. Also by the round stage, but a wise distance away from the insane creep is what I think are the two guys Luz met in school. Next to them, sitting on the stairs of the big building are, um… decorations…? Either that or some of the shadow people from RWBY volume 1.
Next to one of the stands on the lower left side we find the principal from episode one, season one. It doesn't look like the snakebite had any lasting effects, that’s nice to see. Near the middle of the screen we find what looks like young Willy Wonka going trick-or-treating. By the hale bales next to the tractor we find someone who gives me Mickelina Räv vibes. Just throw on a yellow dress to complete the look.
Up on the tractor wagon itself we have what looks like Masha. And that could be the mom and daughter who got spooked by Philip earlier in the episode as well.
Finally, in the upper right corner of the street, we find Frybo talking to the steak from Don’t Hug Me I’m Scared 5. Now THERE is a cursed crossover idea.
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What kind monster truck car is Camila driving that the top of the wheels reach Luz’ waist?
And wait a minute! Go back a few seconds! Were all of the kids squeezed into the backseat? All five of them?
Amity exits first, followed by Willow, meaning Amity must’ve been sitting in Willow’s lap. Then comes Hunter, followed by Gus, meaning Hunter was sitting in Gus’ lap, which really should’ve been the other way around considering Hunter’s bigger than Gus. Either that, or Hunter got the middle seat to himself and Gus sat in Luz’ lap, since she exits last.
Why couldn’t one of the kids be sat in the front passenger seat? Couldn’t Hunter have used his Oldest Brother privilege to get the front seat?  That’s like on of the few nice privileges we have!
Also, I guess Vee didn’t come along. On one hand, staying at home instead of going to any form of activity involving a mass of people is super valid and cool. On the other, should the rotten mayonnaise of a man that is Philip rear his ugly head (or what constitutes a head in his current state), it might’ve been useful to have someone with the ability to drain magic.
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pitbull-luva · 7 years
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A father’s tears and fears are unseen, his love is unexpressed, but his care and protection remains as a pillar of strength throughout our lives.
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wrestlesideblog · 3 years
My Favorite Matches 2021
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Deonna Purrazzo vs Masha Slamovich - Knockouts Knockdown 2021 (This match fuckin’ ruled!)
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Kenny King vs Shane Taylor - Final Battle 2021 (Two men putting their bodies though hell to not only give a grand sendoff to their feud and possibly their company, but beating up their bodies as an audition for work elsewhere in the increasingly limited spots in major companies. Also promo game on these two is 20/10. Stunningly amazing)
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Bryan Danielson vs Minoru Suzuki - AEW Dynamite 10/15 Buy-In (This match FUCKIN’ RULED)
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Chris Sabin vs Josh Alexander - Victory Road 2021 (The first time they acknowledged Sabin as a final boss of the X-Division. Legitimized Alexander in a big way. The ending was immaculate and based in old lore and the mat wrestling yes please.)
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Mei Suruga vs Emi Sakura - ChocoproLive! Special Show (MEI TIME! :D but also an emotional goodbye to Emi Sakura since she signed to AEW. She put Mei over and left on her back the proper way even in this silly promotion.)
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Young Bucks vs Lucha Brothers - All Out 2021 (This match fucking ruled and I wasn’t surprised because the Bucks vs Lucha Bros never misses)
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Bianca Belair vs Sasha banks- Wrestlemania Night 1 (So special. The first WWE main event back with fans, Bianca’s emotions and coronation, Sasha gleefully ushering in a new star like the A+ heel she is, all of Bianca’s spots, the story telling, and two black women main eventing Wrestlemania)
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Rhea Ripley vs Raquel Gonzalez - NXT New Years Evil (This match fucking RULED and I nearly forgot it happened this year)
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Jacob Fatu vs Calvin Tankman - MLW Never Say Never (Big meaty men slapping meat! Tankman is a star in the making and Fatu was made to be a champion. This match introduced me to them both.)
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Sho vs Yoh - Wrestle Grand Slam (better than the BOTSJ match. Mostly because Yoh is more satisfying as a seller and he gets his shit kicked in during this match. One of the only stories I followed in NJPW this year because I’m all up in my feelings about it)
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Best Friends vs Kip/Penelope/Miro - AEW Arcade Anarchy (the match that sold me on AEW tbh. So much unflinching fun with a group of misfits that I like. The ending was perfect and stayed with me)
Honorable mention: all of Final Battle and the NXT Men’s War Games match which were nails in the coffin of an era of two well loved wrestling shows. Also Hangman vs Omega because the ending blew my mind and shout out to Matt Cardona winning the GCW championship because that made me laugh.
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Masterlist of Ships Subtropes
Dynamic tropes
Puppy love
Romance between children.
Examples: Gendry x Arya, Arnold x Helga, Mike x Eleven, Shaoran x Sakura
Childhood Acquaintance
They meet when they were children, regardless of the frequency or how close they were. They may have been raised together, may have saw each other every now and then, or even just once.
Used to be Friends
Examples: Petyr x Catelyn; Erik x Christine; Mina x Lucy
Used to be Lovers
Couples that were officially together (At least had sex) before everything went to hell. Ships that only flirted, such as Anna/David (The Guest) and Jackson/Lisa (Red Eye) are not included.
Examples: Athos x Milady; Tom x Elizabeth (The Blacklist); Dolores x William
Love Makes You Evil
A character who was originally good but did things for love that turn him to the dark side.
Examples: Anakin, Petyr Baelish and Claude Frollo
Love Makes You Crazy
A character driven to the brick of sanity because of love.
Example: Claude Frollo from Notre Dame de Paris and Ram from Princess Daisy
Not So Different After All
Opposites/rivals/enemies that actually have many hidden similarities. They are canonically each other’s shadow and are compared as two sides of the same coin.
Example: Anne x Vincent, Steerpike x Fuchsia, Kylo x Rey, Jackson x Lisa
Love Beyond Death
Meeting in the after-life, meeting reincarnation or person coming back from the dead.
Example: Catherine x Heathcliff, Petyr x Catelyn, Dracula x Mina, Naraku x Kikyo
Dragging You to the Gutter with Me
A villain turns a heroine into a brutal lonely broken thing only he can understand what it’s like to be, and still she won’t come to him. So what keeps them together is also what keeps them apart. Read more.
Example: Naraku and Kikyo; Alina and Darkling; Petyr and Catelyn; Dolores and William
In Love with the Mark
A man who works for some really big, bad guys. He may or not believe in their ideology; that is not the point. He is there for the money and he prides himself of his professionalism. For some reason, this organization working on the shadows have “business” to deal with this ordinary everyday woman. So he is hired to stalk, threaten, or even kill her. Turns out, Stalking is Love, and he develops feelings for his target. That doesn’t stop him from keeping up with the job, thought. He had to be undercover to get closer, so cases of Used to be Lovers/Friends are probably included. You will likely hear from a character In Love With the Mark the quote “It wasn’t personal.”
Example: Jack/Angela; Jackson/Lisa; Vincent/Anne; Tom/Lizzie (Jacob/Masha); Skye/Ward
The Queen and her Champion
Woman occupies traditionally feminine roles of power and the man is an example of masculinity for others. She uses clever words, social understanding and schemes. He is her sword and her armor, but nothing more. Because of their different stances, he is bound to be close to her he protects, but never with her.
Examples: Maly and Alina; Zelda and Link; Lancelot and Guinevere; Rhaenyra Targaryen and Criston Cole; Daenerys and Ser Jorah; Every Elizabeth Tudor romance, Queen Anne and Aramis; Lucrezia and Cesare; Cersei and Jaime.
Art Inspires Love
When character A realizes or falls (more) in love with character B after watching him dance, sing, or doing something artistic.
Examples: Frollo/Esmeralda, Christine/Erik, Hap/Prairie, Isaura/Leôncio, Anne/Vincent, Sandor/Sansa and Babydoll/Blue Jones.
Supernatural Connection
The characters have a psychic or physical connection. Maybe they can communicate through telepathy or can feel each other’s presence and emotions when they are nearby. There might be a spell connecting their hearts in a way one can only die when the other one does. Maybe they are twins. Whatever the reason, these characters are bonded in a way no one else could be.
Examples: Kylo x Rey, Nuada x Nuala, Darkling x Alina and Cersei x Jaime.
The Frollo Effect
A guy falls in love with a girl he is suppose to reject, repulse or dehumanize, and fights against it. By trying to suppress it, her converts love into hatred against her and himself, and probably punishes both hoping it will make the feeling go away. It does not work and the guy starts doing things he never thought he was capable of in order to deal with this unbearable need. He is usually proud, rational and very in control of himself until she comes along. Her initial dismissal as a suitor commonly starts out as social expectation - in which the characters are from divergent social segments and ideologically separated -, but it’s always a expectation the guy has over himself, regardless if anyone else imposes this on him.
Examples: Esmeralda x Frollo (Gypsy and priest), Amon x Helen (Jew and nazi), Isaura x Leôncio (Slave and master), Daisy x Ram (Sister and brother), William x Dolores (Host and guest) and Hap x Prairie (Subject and scientist)
Bonding undercover
When the bad guy pretends to be a normal person long enough to befriend the good girl and make her fall in love with him. This is usually how tragically two-sided vxh happens, because she gets to know his other side before the bad one gets in the way, but they can still have a happy ending because it also establishes they could have the base for a healthy relationship if only he could abandon his malicious quest. This only happens when the girl develops deeply romantic feelings for him; if it's only a crush or devilish attraction (Red Eye, The OA and Agents of SHIELD) than it doesn't count. She must be sobbing on the floor when this is done. May also involve an amnesia period in which the antagonist approaches the hero as an old friend or a lover.
Examples: Steerpike and Fuchsia, Christine and Erik, Kiara and Kovu, Elizabeth and Tom, Dracula and Vanessa
Generation Parallel
A love story doesn’t end up well. Years later another generation repeats the first one in a slightly different manner. Most of the time, the parallel between the two affairs means the characters from the first one have the chance to develop as we wished they would, and that their love might have grown roots under a different field. Sometimes it just means shit happens no matter the circumstances, and that people will make the same mistakes of their elderlies despite that they should have known better by now. If we are talking about the first generation’s offspring (Incest not necessarily included), it might mean their love is on their DNA and they would fall over and over again under different names and places. In any case, this trope is the romantic side of History Repeats Itself.
Very common theme in incest, because their birth requires a previous affair between their parents, but it only counts if it is a story on its own, full of ups and downs, and people talk about it. If it’s not mentioned or important to the plot, there is no point in calling it Generation Parallel.
Examples: Jaime and Cersei (Joana and Tywin), Arya and Gendry/Jon (Lyanna and Robert/Rhaegar), Catherine and Hareton (Cathy and Heathcliff), Abby and Henry (Wakefield and Sarah), Rey and Kylo (Padme and Anakin), Isaura and Leôncio (Almeida and Juliana), Leonardo e Marina (Pilar e Murilo).
Roaring Rampage of Romance
Love that starts a war and the main plot. Characters that destroy cities and galaxies because Love Made Them Evil, because they are trying to be with whom they love or to secure their safety and happiness. It might be on purpose, in which they have foreseen the consequences but choose to take them anyway as a means to an end, or it was accidental. There may be decades of conflict and the count of a hundred corpses, or maybe a famous massacre with a handful dead extras. Maybe a murderer is hunting down everyone on an Island so that he can be alone with his beloved. Anyway, innocent people that had nothing to do with them nor interfered with the couple’s happiness will suffer the collateral damage.
Common trope among royalty, since marrying or bearing the children of someone you were not supposed to could have disastrous consequences to the State, still people would do it for love.
If the character is causing the rampage in search for something else, like power, and to secure his beloved is an incidental bonus, it isn’t considered Roaring Rampage of Romance, unless he is doing it because Love Has Made Him Evil. Alina/Darkling and Nuada/Nuala, for instance, don’t fit this category.
Examples: Penny Dreadful, Inuyasha, ASoIaF (Rhaegar x Lyanna, Jaime x Cersei, Petyr x Catelyn), Harper’s Island, Westworld, Notre Dame de Paris, Wuthering Heights, The Phantom of the Opera, Bram Stroker’s Dracula, Apollo and Cassandra, Star Wars (Anakin and Padmé)
Taboo Tropes
Self-explanatory. Cousins will not be considered incest in here. I’m brazilian.
Subtrope: Decadent Aristocrats
Ho Yay
Homosexual couples
Age gap
Ships with age gap between then, 10 years at least. Supernatural/immortal beings won’t be taken into account unless the other part is a child or coming of age.
Wife Husbandry
A man adopts or temporarily takes care of a little girl. She may or not develop a precocious crush on him. Little girl grows up into a extraordinary and desirable woman. She had him on a pedestal all these years and has been saving herself for him. Man is distressed bc he can’t reconcile the image of the child he cherished as a father and the provoking woman she turned out to be. He mostly resists her advances, but they work that out by the end.
Example: Older!Mathilda/Leon AU, Nancy/Hartigan (Sin City), Veronica/William (Final Girl)
Development Tropes
End game ship
Is not everyday an OTP becomes end game
AU ship
A.k.a. “Canon? Who needs canon?” ships. OTPs that had a lot of potential but were ruined by canon. So either I ignore the end they were given, either some parts in the middle. Unlike Not Canon ships, these were meant to be romantically involved, but the way it was executed ruined it.
Secondary Interest ship
That One Scene ships are the ones with nothing shippable except for one or two scenes. Sometimes is not even canon and are more anti-recs than anything, but it’s still about villain x heroine, so it’s relevant to this blog.
Not canon
Word of God stayed silent and, according to my best judgment, the subtext was not enough. If something sexual or romantic happens between the characters but isn’t based on desire, such as the villain seducing the heroine for his advantage, it’s not canon.
Example: Scream (Billy/Sidney), Kim Possible (Kim/Shego), Mulan (Mulan x Shan Yu), World Without End (Carys x Edward), Sky High (Layla x Warren), Star Wars (Obi-Wan x Padmé), Richard III (Anne x Richard), Tesis (Angela x Bosco)
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pricingvincent · 8 years
I was tagged by the lovely @masha-russia 
I tag: @timeladv @severusnapers @gallifreyandoctors @misstinagoldstein  @meraudurs @queensweasley @jeremy-jordans @timelordinaustralia , with no obligation to participate. 
Relationship Status: married
Lipstick or Chapstick: depends on the occasion, but I rarely wear make-up
Last Song I Listened to: driving home on the radio: The Raconteurs - Steady As She Goes [x]
Last Movie I Watched: The Martian 
Top Three Characters: only 3?! Dr. Smith from Lost in Space (1960s), Maxwell Smart (Don Adams), and don’t make me choose between Snape and Lupin from the Harry Potter series, you evil woman! (although I will get to that mmc) 😈
Top Three Ships: Jacob x Queenie - FBAWTFT, Drapple (because it’s ridiculous and the idea of it makes me laugh) - HP, Doctor x TARDIS - DW
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chiconisroc · 1 year
Thanks to @ineedcoffee-sigyn, "Was Not The Hero"'s first chapter is translated into German : )!
Thank you so much ineedcoffee-sigyn for this <3, I really appreciate it : 3
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sergeantsporks · 8 months
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Witch Switch Part 3.1
Part 1, Part 2
It’s been so long since Phillip’s shown up in this comic that I forgot how to draw him.
Transcript under the cut
[Open on Phillip, waiting outside school with Jacob Hopkins] 
Jacob: [completely unprompted] So I was watching this video— 
Phillip: Oh, god, here we go. 
J: —about underground witch rings that still exist throughout the world— 
P: They’re called neopagans, and they aren’t underground. Also, witch “rings” aren’t a thing, they’re called “covens.” Which you’d know if you got your information from literally any reliable source. 
J: Yeah, well, anyway I was thinking, what if there are some in Gravesfield? I mean, how would we know? I’m pretty sure the museum curator is a witch, so we should investigate the— 
[Cut to Phillip, exasperated, holding his arms in an “x”] 
P: There’s no “we” here, don’t rope me into this. Leave Masha alone. So what if they’re a neopagan? There’s no such thing as a “real” witch with “real” magic. They’re not hurting anything. 
[Cut to Jacob, incensed] 
J: You might not believe it, but I know what I saw! Witches and demons walk among us, and— 
P: [disembodied] Oh, look, my ride is here, bye, Jacob. 
[Car pulls away from the curb, leaving a fuming Jacob] 
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pitbull-luva · 7 years
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The strength of a man isn't seen in the power of his arms. It's seen in the love with which he embraces you.
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pitbull-luva · 7 years
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I've made a lot of mistakes in my life, but if every single one had to happen to make sure I was right here, right now, to meet you, then I forgive myself for them all.
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pitbull-luva · 7 years
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When you're a Dad, there's no one above you. If I don't do something that has to be done, who is going to do it?
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