#OTP: keen2
pitbull-luva · 7 years
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The strength of a man isn't seen in the power of his arms. It's seen in the love with which he embraces you.
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moonstruckswans · 4 years
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i don't have a home without you
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girlscrushes · 7 years
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I love how relaxed and homey Tom and Liz look in these promo stills for 5x02.
P.S. Can we please see more of Agnes? She’s so cute! 
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trishvaylar · 3 years
OK, right after I have watched 08.19, this is what I must say
There are two things I am going to say, one is about Rederina, the other...well, we'll get to that anyway later on.
So, about Rederina: it has been sealed a long time ago in my mind that Rederina is actually canon endgame; this is what the writing crew leads us to, this is what James is acting out, this has been a logical ziggsaw puzzle all along and it works, it is possoble to complete it only as long as the Mother theory is the truth, which I believe wholeheartedly is true! So, 08.19 just put another puzzle piece into our hands - we are lead with Elizabeth right to the reveal, which could be only to her, or both to her and to us. But right now is the moment when Red and Liz could only fight back TOGETHER or fall together, and that is just not going to happen with season 9 in tow and the possible plans to keep the show running. I see it clear enough that it is perfectly possible to do season 9 right after the grand Rederina reveal - because I believe that Jon has no reason to be afraid of loosing audience when he has the support of the chennel! And I do see it that way - Jon will see Rederina through as endgame because all the clues, 08.19 included, are no coincidence at all. They are preparing end of the season reveal, and outing The Witch as an imposter and killing Townsend is not enough of a reveal for a season with a slogan "no more secrets". How they will keep going after that? We shall see to find out. But the moment Red came to save Liz yet again was such a Mother-Daughter moment, Red's voice breaking with emotion, not trying to down talk Liz, but taking all the blame with so much love...Liz will get her answers, she sure will get them soon. And we shall too. And we shall too!
Now, to the second thing, which is actually a shipping war! God, I hate shipping wars, but we are onto one right now. And the shipping war is between keen2 camp and keenler camp, united by the first part of both shipps, Elizabeth Keen.
Well, first things first: Keen is her husband's alias, in fact per her husband she is Elizabeth Hargrave! As for the second thing - I am a keen2 shipper, they are my OTP, I love them so much I can barely accept the probobal fact of Liz finding her female happiness with anyone else...BUT that is not the point. The point actually is that Liz is a widow, and for quite some time right now. She has a Daughter, Agnes, who is a little angel, and angels need protection; a little girl and a lonely widow her Mother, don't they deserve better even despite my shipping feelings? YES THEY DO!!! Liz will never feel the same way about anyone else, but she could feel differently, couldn't she???
What I mean is that friendship is sometimes a more solide base on which to build a family, then passion, lust, or even love...because friendship requires taking care of one another, and that is love enough. That is true love, without the sex element, or even with it. Friendly sex is a known social phenomena, way better then just by blow which means nothing to either of the participants of the process.
There is one thing the writers need not prove to me time and time again, because they already did, they were proving it for 8 seasons, in every other episode: LIZ AND DONALD CARE FOR EACH OTHER SO MUCH, THAT HARM OR DEATH OF ONE WOULD EMOTIONALLY DESTROY THE OTHER!
Does that mean I support keenler as a shipper? No. Does that mean I would be OK with Donald and Liz together in the end? As a couple, maybe with another baby? YES, I WOULD BE!
If it was not Donald we are talking about, I might have found myself less pliant as a keen2 shipper, because what I wish Liz to have is so much more then just someone to fuck! And Donald Ressler is NOT just someone to fuck for Elizabeth. He is a friend, a partner, a shoulder to cry on, an honest voice, someone who is always true to his friendship with her, someone who cares so much that he would die for her or lie for her, because he cares! Does he love her? Well, that is NOT the question, because how would we care without loving? Love requires care, care springs from love! One does not walk without the other.
Same with Liz! She cares about Donald, she needs him in her life in any capacity whatsoever, so wishing her to not be with Donald romantically would mean I do not wish Liz to be happy, to be with someone she cares about, and that would mean I do not love Liz, but in fact I do love her. And Tom loved her! And her being happy still even after Tom's death just means that Tom's wish is fullfilled, for he wanted her to ve happy, not lonely and miserable for the rest of her life!
Shipping war is one thing, but why don't we use our brain and realize that this is much more then just about a shipping war - it is about wanting the unifying part of both shipps to be happy. And that means another thing - we shippers of the two shipps have absolutely nothing to war over!
It is just the past and the present. And the present can not happen without the past. So, my friends keen2 and my friends keenler, and my friends resslingtons, all of us, let's stop the shipping war because it takes so much joy out of being just who we are! There is fanfiction for every shipp, an answer to all of our hopes, because canon could not sattisfy us all, that would be impossible.
So why fight over something we have no influence on?!? Why not just enjoy the ride while it lasts? We know that nothing lasts forever!
Good day to you all, my friends in TBL fandom: rederinas, keen2s, keenlers, resslingtons and all the rest of the gang! Good day to all of you! And to each one! ❤
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orfartinadiary · 3 years
Well…after the s8 finale I feel so bad. I cried and I'm crying. I have never experienced anything like that. It was so cruel
Lizzington was my favorite ship. It’s my literall OTP. And now I’m shocked, I’m disappointed, I’m grieving. All those cute moments from the last episode feeling so FORCED. I have a feeling, that TBL tried to please everyone (rederina, keenler, keen2), but in the end it’s a tragedy.
Does it meen that we meen nothing? Our feelings? For what? Does writers like seeing our anger? Something wrong with this show.
I was ready for everything. Even for the worst. But that
That’s something even worse than the worst
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takadasaiko · 4 years
Tom Keen, Max Goodwin, and Jake Riley (also known as all the Ryan characters 😂)
Oh fun! Even if Jake isn’t a Ryan character, I’d be thrilled to have him. He’d fit Jake’s character so well.
Tom Keen
OTP: Keen2
This could be my all-time OTP if we’re honest. If you asked me about the type of couples I love to write about, it’s them: complicated past, hitting rockbottom and before one of them starts clawing their way up in a redemption arc, eventual support and devotion.... All earned, not just freely handed over. 
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BrOTP: Tessler
Honestly, the BrOTP that I feel like they missed out on. They set it up so well over S2-4 and then just dropped it.
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OT3: (in a non romantic way) Tom, Ressler, and Aram... because Tom needs guy friends that aren’t going to shoot him. 
Sorry... I can’t recall a scene where they were all in the same shot or there’d definitely be a gif involved. I still would have loved for them to have gone out and gotten a beer together.
NoTP: Honestly, Tom with anyone but Liz? With the limited exception of Gina. Pre-Liz is fine, all the drama that comes from their prior relationship also cool, but not in a post-Liz kinda world.
Max Goodwin
OTP: The Goodwins
I’m a sucker for married couples working through issues and finding a healthier path. I love the support that they give each other and I will forever be bitter over the way they handled Georgia’s story.
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BrOTP: Max and Floyd
I’ve apparently chosen poorly in New Amsterdam. Floyd was amazing, and I really loved what Jocko brought to the show. I still don’t know why he left. They just dropped his love-interest story with Bloom and it was like it was Jocko’s ticket out? Not sure....
Regardless, we’re here to talk about these two nerds. I love their dynamic, I love their respect. Again, I feel like it could have gone deeper and then slowed down, but it broke my heart the way it broke Max’s that Floyd left.
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but I’m also a big fan of Max and Helen BFFs
I adore Helen. Their relationship often skews too far, but at least that’s acknowledged and they correct for it. It happens, especially in situations like this, and it feels so real.
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OT3: (also in a non romantic sense, though I do think that Helen’s probably a little sweet on Max... a very complicated situation there) Helen, Georgia, and Max. 
There’s something very deep about what the three of them shared. 
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NoTP: Let’s go with Max and Alice.
I heard through the grapevine that one of the reasons that folded into the decision to kill Georgia off was that it was difficult to find stories with her since she was outside of the hospital. While I think, personally, that that’s what made her necessary for Max, the fact that they brought Alice in after made me both roll my eyes so far I was afraid they’d get stuck and also know there was zero reason to get attached. I get it, I guess, but I’ve never liked introducing a love interest just as a plot device. It’s not a good habit to get into and they’ve now done it twice with Max. I have opinions. 
Jake Riley
So, I can’t give you gifs because Jake is mine. He’s from a pilot that I’ve written and a series that I would love to get on air someday, but @theythinkimabitch a bitch knows how much I love him, so let’s give this a shot <3
OTP: Jake and Cas
He’s a federal agent and she works for a private organization that employs covert operatives. What could possibly go wrong?
The answer is everything. They’re a wild pair that are partners in work long before they might broach romantic entanglements, but I’m hopeful.
BrOTP: Jake and Quinn
Jonathan ‘Quinn’ Quinton is a part of Jake’s team and they’ve been close since Quantico. He’s one of the few people that really knows Jake past what Jake wants people to know. Quinn knows Jake’s family, Jake is buddies with Quinn’s fiance, the two of them hang out outside of work... Definitely buds. Jake would kill for Quinn. Hands down. 
OT3: (non romantically) Jake, Quinn, and Tamara. 
So, that’s their team on the FBI side of things. Jake and Quinn are in the field, Tamara is their analyst. While Tamara hasn’t known them since Quantico, she managed to slip into their bizarre bromance without a hitch. The three of them have each other’s backs even if the whole world is against them... which sometimes it feels that way.
NoTP: So, I don’t know how to answer this one. Considering it’s my show and it’s still in  the writing stages, it’s not like there’s a fanbase to come up with alternative ships. Even if there were, I wouldn’t want to discourage anyone’s shipping as the creator, so let’s just leave this as ‘ship as you ship’
Give me a character and I will give you my OTP, BrOTP, OT3, and NoTP for them
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agxntkeen · 6 years
Hey there :) 4 & 10
4. Do you have a NoTP in your fandom? Are they a popular OTP? 
yes. Keen2. are they popular? not much, so like. I don’t dislike them bc I keep seeing them on my dash, I dislike them because Liz deserves better
10. Most disliked arc? Why?
uhhhhh the Alexander Kirk arc? boring. the Kaplan arc? unnecessary. the fake Liz death thing? cruel and useless. the entirety of season 4? hard pass
salty asks
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melacka · 6 years
N, O, S ✨
N - Your favorite fanfiction or fanauthor 
Okay, but why you gotta start with such a tough one, huh? Now, I’m not so good at choosing favourites and I read a LOT of fanfiction, so I’ve always got some good ones to go back to. In terms of authors, I would say that my favourites are Lady_of_the_Refrigerator, Sera_Clay, TravelingSong, anextrapart, LakeyLou and imyourplusone for TBL. I‘ve got nice long lists of favourites for my other fandoms as well, but I’m going to assume that TBL is the one you’re interested in. If I absolutely had to choose a favourite story for TBL, it would probably be Still Too Young To Know by anextrapart.
(And yes, I know that I should link all of those. I’m sorry, you’ve caught me in a lazy moment…)
O - Choose a song at random, which OTP does it remind you of
So I put my itunes library on shuffle and got You’re my woman by Van Morrison. And it gave me some pretty strong Lizzington vibes, I’m not gonna lie. I mean, look at these lyrics:
I love youI really love youMy heart is for youMy heart is for youI long to feel youI long to feel youAnd every time I doAnd every time I doAnd every time I doBaby, it’s you, you are my sunshineI am your guiding lightJust like a ship out in the nightReturning for a light, oh yeah
I mean, come on.
Interestingly, while I was writing this out, Gonna Get Over You by Sara Bareilles came on and I got some very strong Keen2 vibes, which is my ultimate NOTP.
GoodbyeShould be sayin’ that to you by now, shouldn’t I?Layin’ down the law that I live byWell maybe next timeI’ve got a thick tongueBrimming with the words that go unsungI simmer then I burn for a someoneThe wrong one
Say it’s coming soonSomeday without youAll I can doIs get me past the ghost of youWave goodbye to meI won’t say I’m sorryI’ll be alrightOnce I find the other side of somedayOoh, how’m I gonna get over you?I’ll be alright, just not tonightSomeday, oh I wish you’d want me to stayI’ll be alright, just not tonightSomeday
Anyway. Moving on.
S - Show us an example of your personal headcanon 
My favourite headcanon revolves around friendship, rather than my romantic ships, tbh. I love the idea of Liz and Dembe being really good friends and enjoying each other’s company. They buy each other little presents, Agnes calls him Uncle Dembe and he loves to babysit for her, Liz and Dembe teasing the hell out of Red, going to each other advice, Dembe teaching Liz how to cook something that Red loves, Liz trying to set him up with someone because any woman would be lucky to have him. You know, the good stuff.
Another favourite headcanon is where Red and Liz actually talk to each other about all the trauma they have both been through since they came together. Working through it as adults, moving past it as stronger people. I know. Pretty wild, right?
Thanks for the ask! Sorry it got a little long but I was having too much fun with it.
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ventingblacklist · 6 years
10 shipping questions
I was tagged by @fangirl-by-night
Rules: Answer 10 questions and tag 10 people.
1.    Ultimate OTP: April/Andy
2.    Ship you’ll always love: Jackie/Hyde   Adama/Roslin
3.    Current obsession: Nada. How about first obsession? - Buffy/Angel
4.    Ship you never thought you’d like: keen2. I wouldn’t say I like it, but it’s stopped annoying me to death, which I never thought would happen.
5.    Ship you liked but don’t anymore: Samar/Aram. I went from liking it, to really disliking it, to, eh. 
6.    Ship you think should be canon: Jack/Elizabeth Swan. lol
7.    Canon ship you hate: I guess also keen2. in the past anyway.
8.    Ship you’ve been shipping for years: Buffy/Faith. Post-chosen.
9.    Ship everyone loves but you don’t care about: Almost every ship in existence. But Spuffy springs to mind.
10.  Favorite rarepair: hm. Jacob/Gina. 
I tag @niteshade925  
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piketrickfeet · 7 years
Liz & Tom 🌝
elizabeth keen: 
do I like them: uuuuummmmmmmmmmmm yah
5 good qualities: she’s smart and kind and loyal to a fault and great with kids and beautiful
3 bad qualities: she’s too loyal, doesn’t think things through, and has terrible taste in husbands
favourite episode/etc: t earl king
otp: lizzington, lizvabi, keenler
brotp: liz x aram, liz x dembe
ot3: keenlerton
notp: keen2
best quote: raymond, i do love….
head canon: liz is clingy when she sleeps lol.  like a giant octopus.  
tom keen:
do I like them: i like the idea of him before they tried to make him a good guy
5 good qualities: he’s handsome af, good at being a spy, i think he genuinely wants to be a good guy but he’s terrible at it, is maybe a good cook, could be a good dad if he like chilled for half a second
3 bad qualities: he’s a liar, and a cheat, and doesn’t know when to quit
favourite episode/etc: the one where he turned himself in to the court
otp: footagenotfound.jpg
brotp: rofl does he have any friends?????
ot3: alkdjflkdlf none of the above???? idk
notp: keen2
best quote: you never really know people, do you?
head canon: he wears socks to bed
(give me a character)
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pitbull-luva · 7 years
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I've made a lot of mistakes in my life, but if every single one had to happen to make sure I was right here, right now, to meet you, then I forgive myself for them all.
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moonstruckswans · 4 years
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meetmeatthecoda · 7 years
c, d, n, x, y
Ship Questions
Hi there anon! :D Thank you for the ask! :)
C - A ship you have never liked and probably never will.
Aw man, I’m sure there’s quite a few of these. First thing that pops to mind is Wolfstar (at least I think that’s what it’s called) which is Remus and Sirius from Harry Potter. Remus and Tonks were my first OTP and I will die protecting that ship. I also just loved Remus and Sirius being best friends despite Sirius’ imprisonment and their checkered past in regards to that. Also, obviously, Keen2. Can’t support someone going back to their abuser.
D - A pairing you wish you liked but just can’t.
Again, probably an endless amount of these. Chief among them would be SnapexHermione from Harry Potter. I feel like I should like it cause it’s right up my alley (older, troubled male and younger, untroubled female) but it’s always felt icky to me, for some reason. Also, probably Red and literally anyone else on The Blacklist. I know he deserves better than Liz (as she’s being written right now) but I’ve believed in Lizzington since the promos and if I can’t have that, I’d rather have nothing. 
N - Name three things you wish you saw more or in your main fandom (or a fandom of choice).
Idk, I think The Blacklist fandom is pretty awesome :) However, if I was to pick three things, I think the first would be more Lizzington peeps that had stuck around. Of course, I completely understand why so many bailed (I did myself for a time and I think I’m still halfway out there) but it is sad to have lost so many great people just because TPTB don’t know what they’re doing. :( Second would be no drama between the three main groups of conflict: Daddygaters, Keen2, and Lizzington. We all have VERY different views and a lot of ethics are involved with these particular things so I get that tensions can run high but it is also just a show. There is absolutely no need for the anon hate and nasty messages that sometimes circle around. A third thing would be probably just a more positive atmosphere, I guess. I’m no great contributor to this myself but it also helps to be positive whenever you can. 
X - A trope which you are almost certain to love in any fandom.
Ho boy, you’ve hit the motherload. I’ll just make a list, shall I? Hurt/comfort, angst, fake marriage, one person getting injured for the other, soul mates, an endless variety of well written AUs (professor/student, boss/employee, co-workers, competing business owners, neighbors, strangers on a train, I could literally probably go on for an hour), pretending to be in a relationship, JEALOUSY, ugh, just fanfic man. 
Y - What are your secondhand fandoms (i.e., fandoms you aren’t in personally but are tangentially familiar with because your friends/people on your dash are in them)?
Oh, I have several of these, thanks to tumblr. First ones I can think of (and I think I answered this in another ask but I’ll try to add more) are Doctor Who, The Walking Dead, Game of Thrones, Longmire, and the whole damn Marvel universe. 
Thank you again anon, I like these! :D
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trishvaylar · 4 years
There is something I need to get off my system, because I shall be in trouble if I am not.
Right now, after the Blacklist started again with season 8, lots of twists, and keenler high hopes, what with the kiss, and all, I need to say all this in order to be able to go on watching, hoping for the upcoming Rederina reveal (whenever that happens, I know it will), or I shall be stumbling on stones which could be taken away. They still could be taken away if I do it now.
Look, here is the thing - I am not pro-keenler for a reason I have already stated more times then I could count, but this is not about that. I love Liz and I love Donald, I always have, and if the writers make keenler romantic endgame, I am not going to flip over and get angry about it. The real trouble for me is that it seems to me (and I am yet to be proven wrong on that account) that a lot of keenler fans are still so incensed about Keen2, my OTP in the Blacklist Verse, that it is impossible to ignore. And that suprises me: Keen2 is the romantic past of the Blacklist, keenler could be its' present. So why not let the past rest, respect the feelings of those who are already had been heartbrocken for three years exactly today, and simply enjoy your otp's present and future? Look, I know it is a moot question, I know there is probably no definitive answer, for the answer would be different for each keenler fan.
So, this is not my attempt to hurt any of the keenler fans' feelings, but I need to defend my own, so here it goes, a tribute to Keen2, and to all the fans out here who are also Keen2.
So, I shall begin from the beginning (without what ifs, just about what actually was), and I shall not mention any theories that exist out there, just what we were shown and what I think about it. Hope my keenler friends would not think it is an attack on them, on their theories or their otp, this is a tribute to Keen2 only.
The Tribute.
Season 1
There is a couple who came to live in Washington DC because she got a new job for the FBI. They have been married two years, they have a dog, they plan an adoption. What disruptes those plans is that the girl meets a notorious criminal, who wants to work only with her. On the first day it results in an attack on the girl's husband, also the criminal implies to the girl that her husband is not trustworthy. She even finds some proof of it, accidentally finding a box with a strange mark on it, with passports, money, and a gun in it. The girl loves her husband, she does not outright believe he is not what he seems. She investigates him, the gun, eventually leading to his interrogation. She wants the truth, but she never stops loving him. He manages to persuade her and her team he is innocent, but eventually we find out that he is not. He is a watcher, trained, skilled, resourceful, ruthless when the need arises. But there is a catch - he cares for his subject when in fact that is a liability to his mission. His job leads to a death and an attack on the Task Force members; the girl takes her revenge, wounds him and seemingly kills him. And her heart is brocken, for she loved him.
Now, lets look closely at one important point in this season. At a moment when Liz is convinced her husband was framed and we did not learn otherwise, they have a conflict over the baby, who should stay at home, who is being selfish, whose carrier is more important, and we see them slowly drifting apart. Liz suffers, Tom seemingly suffers. It is a very common family situation - what should come first, work or family, who should stay home, whose responsability is it to uphold the family values. It is all as real as it could be. And, yes, it happens sometimes to the most loving families. Because marriage is something two people are fighting for every day to uphold, it is rarely a joyride. This marriage may have happened because one person seduced the other, but in everything else it is as real as any marriage really could be, with the usual ups and downs, where only the wish of both to uphold it really matters at all.
Season 2
The girl did not kill her spy of a husband, she saved him, kept him prisoner for 4 months, interrogated him, pumped him for info, but, what never went away was the fact they still loved each other. He murdered a man to protect the girl from her own actions, also she tried to stop him. She releases him finally, he gives her what she wants, and dissappears. She admits to her father figure that she never stopped loving her ex-husband. He tells her that love makes us powerless, we have no control when we love. Eventually the ex comes back to take all responsability for the murder, and begs to let the woman he loves off the hook. Well, everything is settled because of National Security interests. The ex askes the girl for help, as he is being hunted. At that moment another topic comes up, which throws the couple together more and more often. Love is not so easily wanquished. At the end of the season the girl finds herself on the run with her father figure, right after being very close with the man she still deeply loves.
Now, here we must speak about one very important thing: what true love may or may not be based on. People say that true love could only be based on truth and trust, on mutual getting to know each other, on mutual interests, worldviews etc. That, I ought to tell you, is a romantic myth. In real life and in fiction love is always based first and foremost on mutual attraction (stage one) and the desire to care for each other, overcoming all obstacles together (stage two). For example, the most classic fictional love story has this trope: they meet, do not like each other at all, then one of them looses his/her memory, the other takes advantage of that, but during their time together they get to know each other, get attracted to each other, care for each other and finally, when the memory comes back to the other, they realize they are already deeply in love. Such basis for a relationship could be called a lie. But that's not the point. The point is what comes after, not what was before. Many anti keen2s say that Liz fell in love with a lie and was forced into that fictisious relationship again. Well, as a social worker with training in psycology, let me tell you this: true love is not based on what we know about the other person, especially if we remember, how often it happens that we dont even know the truth about ourselves. Yes, talking about unhealthy attractions is a ligimate talk, but what is comes to is this - there is no logic in love, no control, no power, only the wish to fight another day and stay together. That is what Tom and Liz do. That "she fell in love with a fiction" is immaterial, what is important is that they decided to be together in spite of it. That is what she said to him, "I want you". Name, past, occupation, history - they are important BUT not primary. What is primary is LOVE itself.
Season 3
While the girl is on the run, while her father figure does all to clear her name, the man who loves her, also is ready to do anything for that, even if he will have to go undercover with no backup, kill those who stand in his way, to get to the man who set up the woman, who is that man's life. They manage it, each of them. After that is achieved, she runs to him, again saying "I want you". She finds out she is pregnant, doubts if she shouldnt give the baby up for adoption but reconsideres eventually. She and her man decide to marry, now with no secrets in tow. That is desrupted by someone thinking she is his daughter. That forces drustic measures, which could have led to the girl, the man and their child to be save, but only put them all under attack.
Season 4
The girl and her man both fight to get their baby back, the girl caught in between two men she does not know she could trust, but always trusting the man she loves. Finally it is all resolved, the choice is made, the family is together. But then they are caught again in between two people - her father figure and her ex nanny, who is on avenging spree, with no thought or care for the casualties she leaves in her wake. The girl and the man continue to build up their relationship and care for their daughter. Eventually the conflict is seemingly resolved with the death of the girl's ex nanny, while she comes to believe her father figure is her actual Father. At the same time her man is being forced into something by the ex-nanny (her contingency plan), to let the girl know the truth...
I shall only say one thing here: Family takes time to build, but a lifetime to preserve. Any Family.
Season 5
And here we come to a point when the girl and the man officially marry, finally. Only their happiness is not to last because of that unfortunate secret, delegated into their lives by one who ment well, but what resulted eventually in a tragedy. The girl's husband is killed for that secret, she is in a coma for 10 months, her baby is being taken care of by her Father.
And here our beautiful love story with such a tragic outcome, a widow with a little child trying to get revenge, comes to its finale. After getting her revange, the girl learns a secret, because of which she lost her man. And everything further is infuenced by her pain.
She may be healed eventually by another relationship, romantic; she may be healed by the truth, which will lay her past to rest. Or the outcome for her may be less good. But the fact remains - she has a daughter, the embodiment of love! And that is what the girl needs to never forget, never, even for a moment, because from the minute she got pregnant, it was immidiately not just about her.
Life is cruel, and two people made for each other will not age together. But their love lives, breathes, and, I hope so, eventually thrives!!!
That is my tribute to my the Blacklist OTP!
Now I could go back and just enjoy the roller coaster ride which is season 8 as best I could!
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#Keen2 #Tribute to my favourite OTP #Tom Keen #Liz Keen #Love is too diverse and complex as it is #Love is always what we shoud be fighting for #For all those who are Keen2 still and always will be #With love and respect
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skarletterambles · 7 years
skarletterambles tag index
This is nowhere near as organized or exhaustive as the one on my main blog, but it was time to attempt to organize this one, too.
Last updated 15 June 2020
Game of Thrones / A Song of Ice and Fire (I usually only tag the latter if it’s something that applies specifically to the books and not the TV show.)  Also note that I tag #game of thrones spoilers for the current/most recent season.  Jaime/Brienne = OTP!
Pirates of the Caribbean -- Sparrabeth = OTP and I will keelhaul anyone who says otherwise
Star Wars - Mainly general stuff, and just from the movies, not the extended universe.  Beware of porgs. 
Star Trek -- Mainly the original series and Next Generation.
The Mummy -- I adore the movies with Arnold Vosloo and Brendan Fraser.  Imhotep/Anck-su-numun = OTP
The Blacklist - I stopped watching the NBC drama in 2017, but it was originally the reason I made this side blog. I shipped Keen2.
Harry Potter --  I’m pretty sure I’m a Hufflepuff.
Lord of the Rings and other Tolkeinness
Disney --  individual movies should be tagged with their titles, too
Note that I have another side blog specifically for Disney ducks.
The Sims - I go through phrases of Sims addiction a few times a year
Avatar: The Last Airbender
Sailor Moon
Other Topics
U.S. Politics -- I’m liberal and think the Cheeto-in-Chief is horrible.
religion -- I’m a Christian in the sense that I actually try to follow Jesus’ teachings about loving my neighbors and treating others as I would like to be treated, because God made and loves every one of us, regardless of what we look like, where we came from, or whom we love.
asexuality -- I identify as gray ace
mental health / depression / anxiety (Yep, I’ve got those.  Unfortunately.)
science in general  / astronomy /  geography & maps
weather  / hurricanes /  tornadoes  /  volcanoes / natural disasters
aliens (includes those clever/funny “humans are weird and/or badass compared to aliens” posts)
cryptozoology  /   dinosaurs   
I try to tag all animal photos as “animals” in addition to whatever kind of critter it is (e.g.  llamas).  See also cuteness overload.
history   / U.S. history  /  world history  /   current events
ancient Egypt  /  old newspapers
Shakespeare / Jane Austen  /  literature humor  /  fairy tales
daydream  -  My daydreaming and positive visualization usually involves tropical beaches.
funny stuff - because apparently I had a brain fart and forgot the word “humor” exists...
graphic design fails / sign fails / grammar fails
This is a classic -- a tag for those posts that are especially memorable and probably spawned memes, but are next to impossible to find back later
fandoms / shipping / nonshipping / villains
Tumblr tutorials
books  /  writing  /  writing reference  /  original fiction  (See also my sideblog @kavrillia where I post about my original universe, although it really just exists for my own reference/amusement/brainstorming and probably won’t make much sense to anyone else)
I work in a library --  I usually post about that at my main blog under this tag, but sometimes it spills over here, too.
personal vent posts & personal anecdotes -  This blog is mostly for fandom stuff and reblogging other people’s posts, but once in a while I’ll get the urge to ramble about something personal.
This list is by no means exhaustive.  I tag the names of books, movies, television shows, celebrities, animals, locations and other random stuff, too.  There’s a reason this blog is called a “grab bag of geekiness.”  It’s meant as a place for me to save and collect content that I don’t want cluttering up my main blog, which is focused on Warcraft and dragons.  The 1600+ people who follow that one don’t want or need to see all the miscellaneous stuff I run across.  ;)
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takadasaiko · 8 years
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There are so many facets of Liz’s character that I love, but her protectiveness is one of my favourites. Especially when it comes to Tom.
Saram version here.
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