#jacob seed preference
lulu2992 · 2 years
In concerns to tattoos and etched skin, what about Jacob? Do we know if he let his brother mark him up?
Unfortunately, we don’t know… Since people who join the Project have to Atone first, maybe Jacob received a tattoo and got it removed as well, but it’s possible that only their followers have to go through that. I like to imagine the Seeds did it too, but we don’t know for sure.
I’ve included Jacob’s skin textures for his face and body (extracted by HeliosAl on DeviantArt) under the cut below and, as you can see, the only scars he has are the ones we already see in the game. Maybe his clothes protected him from whatever damaged his skin so only his face and forearms were affected, or maybe there was simply no need for the devs to add things to his 3D model that players would never see. In any case, I don’t know if Jacob has (or had) any scar or tattoo…
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thewanderer-000 · 2 years
Some random FC5 ideas
Jacob isn't allowed to pick music at night when driving John and Joseph anywhere, Deputies, Faith, and handful of others are unphased. Last time Jacob had Clint Eastwood by Gorillaz on, it was unnerving to John and Joseph, especially driving through the Whitetail mountains on the back roads. John swears he seen a smoke wolf, Jacob doesn't acknowledge that, but Joseph just says he didn't. That's a reason why John doesn't have judges around him, it was too familiar with what he thought he seen.
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fkapommel · 10 months
Etymology of TLT Character Names
Wanted to provide a fandom resource for analysis and theorizing. Since House names are explained in GTN, this list will just focus on first names. DM me for sources. Enjoy <3
Biblical prophet, military leader, and judge, meaning "feeler," "hewer," or "one who cuts down." According to narrative, the Israelites had forgotten their god for 40 years and were punished by assaults from enemy tribes. After Israel turned back to God for aid, Gideon, an unnoteworthy Israelite, was delivered the message by an angel that he should lead Israel against its enemies. Gideon requested three miracles be done by God to prove his and God's ability to do this task, which God then performed. Gideon then completes God's tasks, including destroying an idol of Baal in the Israelite camp and displacing a much larger enemy encampment. Gideon delivered 40 years of peace for Israel during his lifetime and refused kinghood and dynasty when offered by his people. However, upon his death, the Israelites returned to worshipping Baal. A "Gideonic victory" can mean winning a battle against the odds.
Harrowing - to use a piece of farming equipment to level soil, break rocks, and kill weeds to ready the dirt for seed growth. Also refers to the Harrowing of Hell, a non-Biblical, early to middle English traditional episode in which Jesus, upon death by crucifixtion, enters the Underworld to preach salvation to souls interned there before his birth, thus allowing them to enter Heaven. This tradition has been canonized by Catholic theology.
Hark - the first word of many ancient texts or announcements, meaning "listen." Biblical angelic speeches often begin with "hark."
The feminine of Judah, a Biblical Hebrew name meaning "praised," "woman of Judea/Jewess." The name Judith appears twice in the deuterocanonical Bible: once as one of Esau's wives and seperately as the titular character in the Book of Judith (a book not part of the canonized Bible). In the Book of Judith, Judith is described as a widow who uses her wit, charm, and skills of seduction to be invited to the private tent of Holofernes, the general of the enemy Assyrian army who had laid siege to her city. Judith is able to get Holofernes drunk and overpowers him, decapitates him, and steals his head to show to her city. She is of the few illustrations of the "ideal Jewish woman."
Derived from Aramaic, meaning "the daughter," "the lady," and "dedicated to Mars"
Meaning "he laughs," referring to the father of the Biblical character's laugh of disbelief when God told him, Abraham, that his nonogenarian wife would conceive his child. Isaac is one of the three patriarchs of Israel, grandfather to the 12 tribes. When Isaac was a child, God commanded Abraham to take him up a mountain and sacrifice his child in His name. When Abraham proved his obedience, God provided a ram to sacrifice instead of Isaac. Isaac went on to marry Rebekah; though they eventually believed her to be barren, after Isaac prayed to God, Rebekah concieved twin boys, Esau and Jacob, at an old age, just as his mother did. Rebekah grew to prefer Jacob. Later, due to Sarah and Jacob's scheming, Isaac gave Esau's birthright to his second-born son, Jacob. Jacob would live on to father the twelve tribes of Israel.
This specific spelling seems to be an invention of Tazmuir, but the duel components of the name are significant. Firstly, "Jean-Marie" is a French masculine name. Jeanne is the feminine form of the English "John." "Jeanne"  can be traced to a Biblical Hebrew name, meaning "God is gracious." The most notable historical character of the same name is Jeanne d'Arc, a young female military leader who acted under divine guidance. Upon instruction of archangels and saints, Jeanne fought in pursuit of the coronation of Charless VII during the 100 Years War. Her leadership led to multiple military victories but was punctuated by multiple failures. The unsuccessful relief of a besieged city led to her capture and deliverance to the English, who tried her for blasphemy by wearing men's clothes and refusing submission to Church authority. Found guilty, Jeanne was burned at the stake at 19.
Mary is the most notable feminine name of the Christian Bible, referring predominately to Mary, mother of Jesus Christ, Mary Bethany, and Mary Magdalene, a female disciple of Jesus. Mary was born immaculately - without sin - so that she would be a pure vessel to carry Jesus, who she concieved as a virgin. Mary Bethany was a friend of Jesus and sister to Lazarus. She was deeply emotional about her brother's passing, which persuaded Jesus to resurrect her brother from the grave. Mary Magdalene was a probably wealthy Jewish woman who aided Jesus' teachings. As a loyal apostle, she was a witness at both His crucifixtion and resurrection.
"Coronabeth," like "Jeannemary," is an obvious Tazmuir invention. "Corona" refers to both the part of the body that resembles a crown and to a colored circular frame around a stellar body, usually caused by its atmosphere.
"Beth" is derived from both "Elizabeth" ("God is my oath") and "Bethany" ("House of Figs"). The suffix -beth comes from Hebrew origins, meaning "house."
From the Ancient Greek, meaning "violet flower" or "she who delights." She was one of the 3,000 water-nymphs called Oceanides, daughters of the Titans. Ianthe and her sisters served as a companion to Persephone when she was in Hades. She is also a character in Ovid's Metamorphosis as the beautiful fiancé to Iphis, a character who has her/his gender changed by the goddess Isis.
Note on the Tridentarii: Coronabeth was almost called "Cainabeth" and Ianthe "Abella" after the two Biblical brother characters, Cain and Abel. In the narrative, God preferred Abel's divine sacrifices and loved him more than his brother. In a jealous rage, Cain killed Abel and hid from his crime, his family, and his God. When God asked him, "Where is your brother?" Cain returned, "I am not my brother's keeper." Angered, He cursed Cain with the Mark of Cain. Separately, the first fratricide cursed the Earth to never turn over its vegetation to Cain, the first murderer. His Mark symbolizes him as a wanderer, a person who belongs nowhere; however, it also protects him from the curses and abuse of others, returning scorned words and abuses back to the harasser seven-fold. Though Coronabeth and Ianthe received their names elsewhere, the lusty, jealous, murderous themes of Cain and Abel's narrative were present at the time of their creation and thus should not be dismissed.
Though I can't find the meaning of the name, "Naberius" is rooted in Latin. It first appears in Johann Weyer's 1583 manuscript, "The Deceptions of Demons." Naberius, or "Cerberus" - relation to the same named three-headed dog of Ancient Greek theology unknown - is a Marquess of Hell, directing 19 legions of demons. He provides cunningness of the arts, sciences, and rhetoric in man through vocal instruction and can restore lost honors and dignities. His semblance is of a man with three dog heads or a raven.
Biblical Hebrew name meaning "my father's joy," "my father is exalted." Abigail is a Biblical figure, being the third wife of King David and mother to one of his sons. She is a strong believer in the prophecy of David's ascension and his great dynasty. Abigail is considered to be one of the seven Jewish woman prophets and, in the Talmud, of the four women "surpassing beauty in this world." The word "Abigail" can refer nonspecifically to a waiting woman or handmaiden.
There are two notable historical fiction characters that share the name "Palamedes." Palamades was an ancient Grecian prince who joined the battle of Troy, according to the Aenid. After Paris had taken Helen to Troy, Palamedes was sent as envoy from Agamemnon to Odysseus because the latter man had previously vowed to defend Helen's marriage. Odysseus, however, did not want to attend the war, but Palamedes was successful in proving his fitness for war and ultimately delivering Odysseus to Troy. According to some traditions, Odysseus never forgave Palamedes for this and eventually killed him. In the Apology, Plato characterizes Socrates as looking forward to death in order to speak with Palamedes.
Secondly, Sir Palamedes is a knight of the round-table, a Saracen pagan (or probable Muslim) who converted to Christiantiy later in life. He is introduced dueling another knight, Sir Tristan, for a lady's hand, which he loses; these two fight several more times but with unclear victories, leading to a hate-love relationship deepened by their love for the same woman (the woman of their first duel). Many stories have Palamedes as the hunter of the Questing Beast, a fearsome animal the target of many a fruitless hunt. After years of pursuit, it is ultimately his freedom from wordly material granted by his Christian conversion that allows him to slaughter the beast. He remains loyal to Sir Lancelot after his affair with Queen Guinevere is revealed and follows Lancelot to France. Sir Palamedes is later killed by Sir Gawain. Except in matters concerning his love and Sir Tristan, where he often lost control of his anger, he was one of the most chivalrous and honorable knights.
Note: The story of Sir Palamedes, as a product of Arthurian legend, is nearly impossible to summarize properly due to its expansiveness and document fragmentation. If interested in the topic (such as the wink wink homo-erotic love-hate relationship he has with Sir Tristan,) i encourage futher research.
"Camilla" is the feminine of "Camillus," a Latin term meaning acolyte, a helper of the Priest during religious processionals and ceremonies. In the Aeneid, Camilla is a queen gifted to the goddess Diana as a handmaiden who became a virginal Amazon warrior.
"Dulcinea" is a name created by Don Quixote for his character, derivative of the Spanish word "dulce" meaning "sweetness." Princess Dulcinea was invented in the titular character's mind to be the most perfect, beautiful, and regal woman since he believes chivalry requires such a lady of him. To refer to a loved one as like Dulcinea is to express your idealistic devotion and love to her.
"Protesilaus" may come from the Ancient Greek "protus" for "first." Protesilaus was a hero in the Iliad. According to an oracle, the first Greek to set foot on land after sailing to fight the Trojan War would die. Protesilaus was the first to dare step off ship; he sealed his fate then, later dying in combat. His widow was so devoted to his memory that she built a bronze statue with his likeness. She later self-emulated when the statue was burned and destroyed.
Latin in origin, "Silas" means "of the forest." Notable figures named "Silas" include first century St. Silas, who accompanied St. Paul on his second mission. He is credited as co-author of the two letters to Thessalonians and the Book of Hebrews; however, authoriship is disputed. St. Silas is sometimes depicted with broken chains due to an episode in which an earthquake freed him and St. Paul from imprisonment.
From the Gaelic word for "dove"
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15 Lines Tag Game
tagged by: @carlosoliveiraa @clicheantagonist @inafieldofdaisies @adelaidedrubman @la-grosse-patate @g0dspeeed @direwombat @aceghosts @sofrosine @nightbloodbix @kyber-infinitygems @corvosattano @voidika @roofgeese @thesingularityseries (thank you all so much!!)
Rules: Share 15 or fewer lines of dialogue from an OC, ideally lines that capture their character/personality/vibe. Bonus points for just using the dialogue without other details about the scene, but you’re free to include those as well.
(i failed to follow the rules and did 17 each, i'm indecisive)
tagging: @dickytwister @amalkavian @transcaster @shellibisshe @unholymilf @thedeadthree @confidentandgood @strafethesesinners @harmonyowl @florbelles @josephseedismyfather @josephslittledeputy @cassietrn @marivenah @finding-comfort-in-rain @strangefable @efingart (no pressure of course, I'm late to this, sorry for any double tags)
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“When you've seen the things I've seen, a little pig sticker cutting through a few layers of flesh doesn't mean much.”
“Blood on my hands or not, I don’t need to be saved. Not by you or anyone else.”
“I’ll bite you if you try and feed me.”
"Then let me do what I do best. I don't need the help, all they'll do is slow me down, make me take my eyes off the ball. You gotta let me win this fight the only way I know how."
"I'm not so delicate."
“Because I prefer to look into the eyes of the person I'm meaning to kill. Makes it more personal. I want them to remember the face of the person sending them to their maker.”
“I put my fucking neck out there every day for all of you – I have been from the start. Who else is having these crazy motherfuckers digging around in their head? Do you have Joseph Seed telling you you’re some fucking sign of the Apocalypse? No.”
"If I don't keep my promise it will be just another regret in a long line of them. My life started with regret – should've been a boy, never should've been born at all – my life will likely end with regrets too."
“Just a weapon. A square peg jammed into a round hole for so many years that my edges finally ground down, and now I fit only one thing."
"I might not have the scars on the outside of what my father did to me, but I think the ones I do have are the big scarlet letter about the kind of monster he turned me into."
“It’s a sad state of affairs when I'm someone people are happy to see after any absence.”
“Well shit, if you’re damaged goods then I must be fucking ruined.”
“I did what I had to do. Just following orders.”
“Some people just aren’t meant to be saved,” Kit muttered.
She smiled, an empty grin that creeped across her face but left her eyes cold and dead. “Trust me, Jacob should be the least of your worries.”
 “You know that old saying that God never gives you more than you can handle?" She scoffed, hands held at her hips, posed like a superhero. The demigod she had become. "He must have had quite the plan for me.”
 “I’ve made my mistakes. I hurt people. Innocent people . I can’t have you on my conscience too.”
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1) “I don’t give up on anything, but I refuse to be a distraction."
2) “If I told you, I’d have to kill you.”
3) “Oh, don't worry, sir. I only save the bleeding heart act for the innocent.”
4) “He’s a charming fellow.” The venom in Rory’s voice wasn’t lost on anyone. 
5)“Just have to use my feminine wiles and sweet talk the prick, yeah?"
6) “I’m not particularly fond of having to be like that. I do what I have to. Intimidation, fear – they’re good weapons. But I’m not some sadist, I don’t enjoy it.”
7) “That's just life though, isn't it? It's the fucking pits, and then we die, and that's that. No point letting it ruin what bit of good there is.”
8) “I know. It was him or me.”
9) Laughing, she picked up her cigarette from the sand and took a drag. “I certainly wouldn’t lie about something like that, Captain.”
10) “Two on however many. I’ll take those odds.”
11) “What? You want my life story?” Her eyes narrowed, challenging him just enough. “Is this our first date?” she asked, lifting the MRE packet. “Really splurged on dinner.”
12) “Whatever it takes.”
(and some lines from the COD MW fic i'm working on)
13) “I know, I know. Bureaucratic bullshit, not my fault, can’t let it bury me. Got enough going on inside this head already, yeah?”
14) “Tell me I can help at least. Tell me I can do something. Don’t just let me sit here in this empty house, alone, not when I can be out there making things right. Tell me you’re going to need me on this one, John.”
15) “Love you too, prat.”
16) “Oh, please, no.” She shook her head. “None of the formality. I might sound like I have a stick shoved up my arse, but I assure you, that’s not me.” She held out her hand to shake, and was met by a firm squeeze by Garrick’s hand. “The pleasure’s all mine.”
17) “I’m not sure the simple act of trying to keep you alive is being ‘too good’.”
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valenli · 1 year
Headcanons for some of my favourite men in franchises (Games)
As I said I made more, and i need more ideas from games. However here are a few
Jacob Frye (ACS)
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Jacob loves being sarcastic. He often teases his S/O lady with his funny remarks, though he does his best to time them right
Jacob goes drinking with his S/O in order to have fun, and fight off any templar crooks who may try harming her
Even when he's older, his charismatic nature doesn't hide from his S/O. He let's her know by telling her jokes quietly or with letters filled with jokes
He boasts about his S/O to Evie though he used to tease her about 'Greenie'. However he does seem very compassionate about his S/O
Jin Sakai (GOT)
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Jin is pretty protective of his S/O. He let's her know this by holding her wrist in dangerous places or by holding his blade handle
Jin enjoys visiting hot springs with his S/O. Often to recover after his many battles with the Mongols and to get through his worries
Jin brings S/O with him to shrines they visit. Petting foxes is a must on their travels when passing through nature
Jin limits himself when drinking to make sure he's always sharp, but he let's S/O drink comfortably, even joking with her
Ignis Scientia (FFXV)
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Ignis often makes S/O her favourite dishes in order to avoid having to go to expensive places, also because S/O prefers his cooking
Ignis takes S/O around Altissia when possible, showing her the nicest areas and buys her small gifts with significant gifts
Health is important to Ignis. He makes sure his S/O is maintaining her health and staying clean
Even after losing his vision, he often let's his S/O know that it doesn't stop him from his old hobbies and he still does his best
Joseph Seed (FC5)
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Joseph often does bible studies with his S/O. They share their favourite verses together or discuss meanings
Joseph talks about his S/O to the followers, but mainly to his siblings. It's clear he loves her as he describes her in great measures
After the collapse, he'd probably live with his S/O. Enjoying the beauty of the Eden tree or the water from the waterfall
Joseph and his S/O would help the village against the highwayman as they'd have experience through the years against the foes
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loops-n-boops · 6 months
Seed Dump!!
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after a little unexpected turn to a DC hyperfixation that lasted roughly two weeks I'm back to my farcry shit (the usual) so imma give y'all a three for one, John doodles, Seed playlists and hcs in one post,, take your juice
Jacob Seed:
listens to cheesy love songs and some rock and metal
Most think John swears the most but that's a lie, it's him. Whenever Joseph isn't around he'll throw a "fuck this" every now and then
likes adult coloring books and crossword puzzles
if Joseph asks a favor that doesn't involve strength he always goes "I volunteer Johnny"
He opens doors for John and goes "ladies first"
can and will tackle John to the ground and yell "say uncle". He does all the annoying older brother shit idc
Tends to fight with Joseph. They always fought back and forth. As kids it was about how Joseph wouldn't 'man up'. Now it's about how he treats John, not knowing Joseph's been manipulating him to stay this whole time too
So in the past I hc that he's gay, I feel he struggles to come to terms with that. To this day he still is under the impression that it's wrong and makes him look soft, so he still tries to act like he doesn't
Rants to the judges. He is waits until he knows he's alone with the alpha of the pack and just dumps everything he has in his mind. That dog knows things no one else knows
His friendship with Eli in the past was a good one. It reminded him too much of his friendship with Miller (minus the possible secret romance part). They had similar inside jokes, Eli playfully punched him the same way Miller did. He hated it. He still hates it
Jacob is much more of a listener than a talker but prefers surrounding himself with people who talk a lot
Joseph Seed
Joseph doesn't hate John. He's hard on John so he learns. Johns become their father in Joseph's eyes and is making sure to shape him up. However he doesn't realize how terrible he's being to him as he does so.
His biggest fear is being alone. To combat that he almost subconsciously manipulates people to stay with him. He doesn't want to hurt them, but if he doesn't they'll leave. He'll be alone again
As a child Joseph wanted to be an author. He had notebooks filled with vibrant stories he made up in his head. Once a teenager though he found an interest in baking. Him and his wife's date nights consisted of them playing music as they tried a random recipe they found. It was a piece of happiness he never had as a child. They wanted to save money and open a bakery together. Still, to this day, Joseph gathers ingredients on Friday nights and bakes.
Has a heavy preference for Jacob. The man was with him the longest, helped him the most. It isn't that he doesn't love John, but he's detached. John wasn't there as long as Jacob was. John was raised by different people.
He hates winter. Winter was when Faith taken from him. He won't enter any vehicle. He won't go outside much. He hates it.
Puts everyone before himself. He could have not eaten at all that day but he will still be sure to make sure everyone else has. He will forget to eat unless someone else tells him to
His favorite song is Little Lies by Fleetwood Mac and whenever he hears it he gets a boost of happiness. He knows every word.
I don't care what anyone says, I think he's shockingly the worst with kids. He can't handle the tantrums, they stress him out. He doesn't yell or hit but he completely shuts down and won't really react
Doesn't put his hair down often. He sleeps with it down but beyond that? It's always up. Usually in a bun, but sometimes he'll go ponytail.
When angry he tends to quietly glare. He tells from time to time yeah, but he more often will glare at whoever upset him. A look that basically says 'you know what you did'
Hes actually much more of an introvert than people may think. He doesn't like being alone but that doesn't make him an extrovert. His idea on a relaxing day is sitting in a room with his brothers where they all do their own thing but they don't speak much. Comfortable silence. The idea that they're there makes him happy, and the fact that they can indulge in their own hobbies without judgment makes him even happier
John Seed
Much more of a talker than a listener. This makes him and Jacob a good pairing since he would talk a lot and Jacob would smile and listen.
He despises fast food. He tried it once and declared it as the grossest thing to every touch his mouth. He's also definitely the pickiest eater in general. He hates most seafood, broccoli, brussel sprouts, fast food, pizza if it's too greasy, chicken if there's too much tendon, the flavor of mashed potatoes and steak together but he'll eat it on separate occasions. He was picky as a kid and he's still picky as an adult
Actually needs glasses but will not wear them. Luckily he has contacts. However one time he lost one and had to wear his glasses and his chosen were staring at him confused. He needed them since he was little but he never got the appointment when he was with his brothers. Jacob did notice him squinting a lot. Joseph only had glasses because he got his prescription years ago (but they should've been renewed)
He went to religious schools from second grade onward. I'm talking the ones with uniforms and all your teachers are nuns. There's so many pictures of little John with one of those school uniforms and dorky glasses and a big smile.
Speaking of which I believe he was the cutest kid out of all of them. He had big ol doe eyes and got excited over everything. Joseph and Jacob used to call him sunshine when he was young because no matter how miserable and dark the world was around him he always was a happy little boy. He was bright, loving, innocent. An absolute sweetheart in his youth. He was the kid that waved to strangers on the street, his go to form of affection was hugs, and he comforted his brothers when they were upset despite not understanding why they were even upset.
The Duncan's viewed Johns innocent nature as why he was a tainted soul. He didn't understand accountability and the idea that not everyone was good confused him. They had to teach him. Besides, the Duncan's weren't too good themselves.
His adoptive parents were Henry and Amelia Duncan. They adopted John due to Amelia's infertility. John was the youngest there and was promising so they chose him not knowing they were taking a broken boy and breaking him beyond recognition. Johns obvious mental illness also made them feel he needed to be shaped. They were the type of people that thought praying could solve everything. John barely saw doctors, he never got therapy, and when they found out their son was bisexual they threatened to send him away.
However, Henry's mother: Evelyn loved John for who he is was. Accepted her little grandson. Henry's family was large, the man having four brothers and a sister. John was the baby, all of his newly adopted cousins being older than him. Not a lot of them were good, John wasn't even that good, but Evelyn had a clear preference for John, always calling him her angel. (I have too many Duncan hcs I'll stop there)
Johns behavior first began to plumiit near his sophomore year of high-school. He got a stick and poke tattoo when he was too young to have one from a friend. It did get infected but that was fine for him. It was a taste of freedom. A taste of freedom he never had in the past. He wanted a taste of the freedom of adulthood and was willing to rush his adolescence to get that. By the time he was a senior the little angel people knew and loved died, and in his place was a cold hearted snake that lacked any form of remorse for what he did. All he cared for was his own amusement.
As a boy he drew a lot, he quickly discovered art was something he enjoyed. He drew pictures of him and his brothers, but when he lived in Atlanta their faces started to become blurry. Were Joseph's eyes blue or were they green? Who was taller, Joseph or Jacob? What didn't help was the Duncan's wanted every aspect of Johns life before them to not exist. They tried convincing him that they weren't his family and that they hated him. They made him go into speech therapy to force his rural accent to go away. They didn't adopt a son, they adopted a pet.
I'll do a little softer one for the end: Johns secretly a bit of a hopeless romantic. He's always been fond of the idea of romance. He loves cheesy rom-coms, he reads romance books. All of it. Hes well aware that a romantic relationship is something he'll never have, but it doesn't hurt to wish for one. He falls too quickly, but then gets scared when he has to be vulnerable. He has issues, he's not a good person. His issues will scare everyone away. He has no chance. A part of him envies his brothers: Joseph for having a marriage and Jacob for clearly not being interested in romance at all. But some nights, he doesn't care. He'll grab a DVD player and watch his silly little romantic comedy movies (or say yes to the dress if he's feeling something dramatic) and will eat half a bag of gummy bears
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seedofjoseph · 2 years
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Fandom: Far Cry 5
Relationship: Jacob Seed x F!Deputy
Rating: M (mature)
Words: 700
Author's Note: I've already confessed my preference for a possessive male love interest (link), so that's the romance trope I'm guilty of in this one.
Jacob Seed pulled back your leash the night you stepped foot out of his sight.
It turned out that his collar was tighter than you thought, as he tracked your scent down in spite of you splashing through every stream on your way down the Whitetail Mountains.
Under the full moon, surrounded by snarling Judges and challenged by his Chosen, you shivered. Then, bitting down on your thrumming heart with clattering teeth, you braced yourself for their Bliss bullets. Yet, none ever got to graze your gooseflesh that night.
"Hold your fire," you heard him howl before he manifested in the moonlight. "At ease," he lowered his hand, and the others lowered their guns with it. "C'mere," he called to you as if you were one of his Judges.
You disobeyed him, standing up as straight and as tall as your shivering spine allowed.
"C'mere," he waved you over as if you were one of his bitches. "Let's get you back home."
"I'm not going back into that kennel," you barked, voice breaking and chest heaving.
Under the moon, in the spotlight, your wet shirt clung to your skin, to the swell of your breasts and their perked-up peaks. And you only saw yourself exposed through his eyes, through the glare he gave his men as he grazed past them.
"At attention."
Because he could stand both straight and tall, he did, and all the others around him averted their gaze as he advanced toward you. With one last glower, he shot down the stares of the soldiers further undressing your form.
"I warned you, angel," Jacob Seed said softly, like a lullaby. "I warned you 'bout strayin' from the path. You must be fuckin' freezin'." He undressed, stripping the jacket off of his shoulders, and suspending it in the air, up at around your height. "C'mere," he called to you, like a song refrain you already knew.
Stepping into the open jacket, you sighed when its warmth was wrapped around your freezing shoulders.
"That's it."
And you gasped when you were gathered into his arms and your feet stopped touching the ground.
"That's a good girl."
With his arm around your sore shoulders, his hand squeezed your bruised bicep. With his other arm under both of your knobby knees, he turned around
"There a problem, soldier?" He raised his voice once more, directing it at the man who didn't divert his eyes from you, from his angel.
"N-no, sir."
"We're moving out," he began his trek back to the truck. Back home.
"Yes, sir."
You were halfway up the mountain and all the way up in Jacob Seed's lap when realization set in, seeping into your bones like the icy streams you crossed to wash off his scent: your collar was never coming off.
He words seeped into the base of your skull, his nose buried into the knotted hair at the back of your neck. "Did you think you were free?" He breathed you in, the ravenous rumbling in his chest vibrating through the back it was set against. "You've forgotten your purpose." And his words now seeped into your spine, into the pit of your stomach and bottom of your belly. "You've forgotten who you belong to."
When his tongue lapped up the salty sweat and fresh water running down the side of your neck, you tasted your own hunger on yours. And when you swallowed the scent that surrounded you, the scent that clung to his jacket, you also distinguished the dampness in your already wet jeans. And the musk marinating in his own.
Your seat was hot because Jacob Seed was hot. And the bulge he sat you down on was burning, not nursed by the friction forming between it and your bottom.
When his lips latched onto that strip of skin covering your jugular vein, you tilted your head to make room for his teeth.
His canines pressed against your pulse, and his hand came around to tighten around your throat. "Mine." As his fangs forced themselves into your flesh, you felt the pull of his leash and the squeeze of his collar. "You're mine."
You swallowed a scream and wound up your spine like a bow against his chest, your cushiony ass arching back against his hard cock. And he licked at your wound, winding the invisible collar even tighter and visibly marking you.
"You belong to me."
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yanderemommabean · 1 year
🫣Been looking at your blog for a minute, can I request a Jacob Seed X GN!Dep reader.
Maybe they managed to escape his grasp injured and they’re desperately trying to escape? (One-shot.)
You can sway it whichever way you’d like
thank you <3
“Honestly, this is just another sign that you’re one of the strongest” Jacobs voice rings, your head pounding as you collide with the ground and feel your already broken arm throb and pulse in pain. Shit. You should’ve known escape would be impossible, especially considering that his followers have captured you countless times before with ease when you tore down their monuments and food trucks. 
“Injured yet still fighting. It’s admirable, if it wasn’t an attempt to get away from me. Wish you’d’ve at least given me a kiss goodbye” he mocks, standing over you as you cough and wince, grimacing in pain as dirt digs into your skin and the grass makes you itch, your broken arm swelling more and making you nauseated. Shit, You were right in the beast's maw at this point, about to be devoured in whatever wicked metaphor the author of this story decides to use. 
His large frame covers yours as he sits on your waist, examining you with a smug expression, knowing he’s won yet another escape chase. Why do you keep trying at this point? He’s highly skilled at tracking and hunting, why do you think you can outdo him at all? Clearly this isn’t working. 
“Yep, that’s broken” he states dryly, tugging you up by your shirt, tossing you over his shoulder once he got a good grasp on your body. “That wouldn’t have happened if you’d have just listened and let me take care of you. But it’s alright, in a way, you being injured like this is a great way to show how good I can treat you. Unless, you want to be put through training again? I can always break out the music box…” he trails off, a few men walking behind him with guns to make sure you stay in line. 
“That’s not a bad idea actually. Maybe I can condition you differently, just a different song with a different purpose. We’ll see once I get you back to base, better tied up than last time” he says with a chuckle, slapping your ass as he carries you down a hill, nodding to the peggies behind him to keep watch and only aim if necessary. 
You stay silent during all of this, not able to focus enough to make a comment let alone try and escape again. Blood was pouring out of a few cuts too, and your arm felt like one molten bag of pain with each breath you took. What’s worse, is Jacob seemed to look at this as a reason to keep you, and you almost preferred death. 
God only knows what will happen once you get back to his base. 
(I hope you enjoyed! Sorry it was a bit short! -Mommabean)
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derelictlovefool · 6 months
Misc nsfw hc's (trans man!reader)
Small hc's I wrote a while ago bc I had brain worms
Characters: Sharky Boshaw, Jacob Seed, Eli Palmer, John Seed, Jerome Jefferies, Joseph Seed
Contains NSFW content, minors do not read!
Sharky is a submissive bottom, he loves being under you and feeling your full weight on him when you fuck him. He's down to take anything you give him, whether you're using your fingers, strap or a butt plug or your tongue he doesn't care he is gonna take it like a champ and say thank you after.
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He loves doggy style, having your strap buried inside him, your chest pressed up against his back while you stroke his cock with one hand and hold his hip with the other. He loves the sensation of you thrusting into him while you jerk him off, it's overstimulation heaven especially after you've made him come a couple of times.
He gets shy if you do missionary but he loves how you kiss him while you fuck him and the way you hold his wrists beside his head. He whines about it but he's super into when you make him come all over his stomach and then lick it up, it's super hot.
The closet he gets to topping is whenever you suck him off, especially if you make him brace himself on the wall and let him fuck your face when he gets close. And even then after he comes he wants you to press him up against the wall and take him from behind.
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Jacob couldn't bottom if his life depended on it, he is always the one giving and using your body like his personal cocksleeve. He could be swayed to taking your strap if it was your birthday but the chances are very slim, He's a top and he likes making you get off and seeing how undone he can make you.
He is a big fan of edging so he'll have you on your back, get you close and then just stop, making you beg for him to move while he presses lazy kisses to your collar bone. If you beg good enough he'll go to the next extreme and fuck you until you're crying from the overstimulation.
He'd love taking you in his truck or somewhere public, he enjoys seeing you try to keep quiet while he's hitting all the right spots inside you and whispering the nastiest things in your ear. He's also a fan of doggy style and will just fuck you on the ground whenever he feels like it.
His typical style is rough, hard and dirty, making you his little plaything for a few hours and turning you into a mindless mess but he can do gentle and sweet sex. It's a more vulnerable thing though and usually saved for anniversaries and other important dates.
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Eli doesn't discriminate and he's happy to be taking or giving in bed, he loves the way you feel inside him and he loves the feeling of being buried inside you. He's not really rough but he can man-handle you like the best of them and he really enjoys having you on his lap while you ride him.
If he's taking he prefers missionary so he can see you as you thrust into him, just the sight of you sweaty and panting above him drives him nuts. And getting to kiss you while you also jerk him off is always a bonus.
He likes taking it slow when you go at it, lots of touching and kissing before one of you gets too excited and flips the other over and takes charge. He gets really horny when you're the one to take charge, something about you pushing him into the mattress and ripping his boxers down really gets him going.
He's a weak man for you so when you tease him it's very effective, he will rut against you until you shimmy your pants down and let him slip his cock inside you. If you squeeze in between him and his desk and grind your ass on his crotch it's only a matter of time before you're bent over it and getting fucked.
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John is a service bottom with a twist and that twist is that when you frustrate him enough he'll tie you down and fuck you like an animal. He loves watching you ride him, he loves burying his face between your thighs and making you come undone with his touch.
He also loves restraining your hands and making you confess your flifthiest sins while he fucks you, going from long slow thrusts to quick deep ones that rock your entire body. He doesn't care what position you're in as long as he can watch your face twist into blissful pleasure and pain.
He'll lose himself when you take charge, becoming a babbling mess chanting your name like a prayer while you thrust into him. He'll beg you to do your worst to him, cling to any part of your body, bite your neck when he comes and rut against you uselessly in between sessions.
John can switch from cruel sadomasochist to subby brat in two seconds and he will give you whiplash if you're not ready for it. If you indulge both sides you'll be his personal god and he'll worship you any chance he gets, his main goal is to make you come as much as humanly possible.
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Jerome is a sweet man and he just wants to make you feel good and take care of you, body worship is off the charts with this man and he'll make every sexual encounter feel like a religious experience. He loves running his hands over your body and kissing every inch of you before fucking you nice and slow.
He may unintentionally cockwarm as he gets carried away kissing you and singing you praises but it just makes it better. His thrusts are always deep and hit all the right spots every time and the drag out is slow and sensual, he really works it up and makes you want it.
He's not opposed to letting you take him, he'll happily suck off your strap and get himself ready to take you. He only asks that you be gentle and if you can do that he's happy to lose himself to the feeling of you inside him, he might enjoy it so much he can't keep his hands from jerking himself off while you thrust into him.
He will happily engage in some sinful activities in the church, as long as it's empty. Either one of you bent over the podium while the other fucks them is always an experience. He may start reciting certain bible verses and likening you to angels while you fuck, he can't help it when his mind gets all foggy.
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Joseph does whatever his heart tells him to in the moment so it's a toss up on whether he'll be taking or giving in the bedroom. Sometimes you can tell from the look in his eye or the way he grabs you but mostly he takes you by surprise every time.
If he's feeling like taking he'll start by kissing you all over your body and sucking you off/eating you out, rutting his hard on against you and whimpering your name when you touch him. He'll go into any position you put him in but he does like being able to hold the back of your neck and look into your eyes while you fuck him.
He'll prattle on about how god brought you both together and how his body and soul is yours to take and he'll choke on your name like it's a prayer to hard to swallow. He gets embarrassed if you make him come on himself but can't complain when you clean him up with your mouth.
If he's giving he likes to press his body flush against yours and really enjoy the feeling of being inside you, he'll unintentionally edge you and himself because he wants it to last. And then when you both come undone he thrusts into you like a wild animal until he can't hold himself up any longer.
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teecupangel · 6 months
What if the assassins ended up in Far Cry 5?
It would be so chaotic if this was the whole ‘canon Assassins gets booted into Far Cry 5’. Those poor ‘kids’ wouldn’t have the time to actually get used to present day tech because Project at Eden’s Gate would be all over them so for this one, we’ll go for modern day versions of the Assassins getting thrown into Far Cry 5.
Now, the next problem would be how this would work considering the Brotherhood would prefer to send in a small group for missions (if it isn’t a solo mission) so if we consider the Assassins of the main game alone (not counting Chronicles, movie and other forms of media), we’re still left with 9 Assassins.
And, because it’s me, we’re adding Desmond into this so that would be 10 Assassins traveling into Hope County during the whole… cult thing.
So we’ll make this a bit… easier for us.
It’s meant to be a simple search and retrieve operation. William Miles got a tip that his runaway son was in Hope County. That was the official mission brief.
The unofficial mission brief is that the tip said Desmond Miles is part of the cult ‘Project at Eden’s Gate’ which complicated things.
It was meant to be a secret mission under Edward Kenway with Altaïr, Ezio and Ratonhnhaké:ton being his ‘field agents’ but someone tattled (it was Basim, Basim definitely tattled) and Bayek heard about the mission, taking his apprentices, Arno, Jacob and Evie with them because Bayek believed they’re too close to Desmond Miles to look at this objectively.
If Desmond Miles is part of the cult then the cult would be dangerous even for Master Assassins such as them.
Not to mention, Desmond Miles was their childhood friend and Edward Kenway’s godchild so they were pretty much compromised from the start.
Altaïr, Ezio and Ratonhnhaké:ton are ordered to secure their escape route while Bayek’s team find Desmond Miles. Edward and Basim stay in their ‘mission control’ van.
They’d picked the time the cops are taking Joseph Seed in custody so that people were focused on another thing and Bayek and his team are deep into the compound looking for Desmond Miles when Ezio contacts them.
“We found Desmond!”
“Ezio, I told you three to stay put and secure our exit.”
“He’s with the cops! Desmond’s- shit! Desmond!”
By the time Bayek and his team return to the van, they find Edward Kenway knocked out. When he comes to, he tells them Basim knocked him out for some reason and Basim has gone MIA.
The three Assassins are not responding to their comms and they fear the worst.
But Edward did know what Ezio was trying to tell them before everything went to shit.
Desmond wasn’t part of Joseph Seed’s cult.
He was the junior deputy that had cuffed Joseph Seed.
Altaïr, Ezio and Ratonhnhaké:ton recognized him when he went inside the chopper with Joseph Seed. By that point, it was too late and they watched in horror as the cultists sacrificed themselves to bring down the helicopter.
The last thing Edward heard is that they’re on their way to find Desmond.
Unorganized Notes:
Sooooo… there’s three (four if you count Basim) main POVs in this one. Desmond taking over the role of the Junior Deputy main character of Far Cry 5, Altaïr-Ezio-Ratonhnhaké:ton team’s POV of trying to find Desmond, always a step behind him, and Bayek-Arno-Evie-Jacob-Edward trying to find Desmond and the other three.
The cult being named Project at Eden’s Gate is too much to pass so the cult is related to the Isus in some way. To be more exact: the plant Bliss which the drug is derived from is actually an Isu experimental plant that is meant to ‘copy’ the powers of the Apple. It was developed during the Human-Isu war as a way to control the remaining human slaves and make them into cannon fodders who would do everything for the Isus. It was never finished but the cult managed to harvest and use it for their benefit.
This means that Bliss barely works on Desmond. Altaïr, Ezio and Ratonhnhaké:ton also has higher than normal resistance to it. The rest though? Yeah, good luck.
Joseph Seed is very much interested in Desmond. He does not say why though. He does call Desmond ‘angel’ more than once, pinging Desmond’s ‘uncle bad touch’ radar. Faith though calls him ‘an angel shackled in a mortal body’ which… might hint on what Joseph actually meant.
Basim didn’t necessarily betray them. He is, unfortunately, Loki’s Sage and he knows more than he’s letting on. To be more exact, his objective is the complete eradication of the Bliss plant. Or, as he called it, “a grieving wife’s final punishment”. It’s later revealed that Bliss was engineered to have ‘Isu’ DNA. To be more exact, the Isu DNAs of Nari and Váli. Basim is actually heavily affected by Bliss and it’s hinted that he actually got hit by it (airborne?) at some point and his actions are done while under the influence of Bliss (which is… a nightmare to him)
(I got sidetracked into making the Isu related plot. Anyway, the main point in this one is the Assassins have their work cut out for them just trying to find Desmond who doesn’t even know they’re looking for him. Oh, and each of them have a specific Fangs for Hire. Desmond gets Boomer, The Altaïr Ezio Ratonhnhaké:ton team gets Cheeseburger. The Bayek Arno Jacob Evie Edward team gets Peaches)
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astarab1aze · 7 months
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so, i shall share with you my magnum opus of a headcanon:
furie has a fleshy if somewhat perpetually half-hard dick laden with angular ridges and ribs, thick around but otherwise average in length, framed by trim white hair. its a bit strange at first glance, but it's colored to match his scales, eyes, and hair, sporting a flesh-white-lilac-violet gradient. his balls are also of average size, and the seed contained within glows faintly once exposed to air, viscous, thick, and much. not only this, but when aroused, the glow within spreads to his ass, stomach, and chest - a dim but ethereal sort of purple. not circumcised.
loux's is literally whatever size, shape, length, width, color your muse wants it to be (and he can absolutely do the same with his ass). in standard form, it's a smidge darker than his usual skin tone, long and thick, and decorated with the beginnings of a jacob's ladder. two black bars through his frenum toward the base. it's meaty, but he's a grower not a shower so you wouldn't really know right off the bat. his balls are heavy, but about average size as well. neither of which are particularly sensitive, so it may take him a good long while to get off at times, and he was - unfortunately for everyone - blessed with an unreasonably high stamina. he keeps the whole area clean and trim, period full stop. circumcised.
vayn's is nestled into manicured tufts of dark pinkish silver, average in length and girth, a pale, cool pink slightly darker than his usual skin tone, and soft and smooth in texture. his balls are also on the smaller side. nothing to write home about, but proportional to his body. it is incredibly sensitive, however, as it doesn't see much use - trained to be so. even the slightest bit of attention will have him a shivering, drooling mess. his cum is thin, but boy is there sure a lot of it. circumcised.
kaede's is a little darker than his natural skin tone as well, a tannish pink, and deceptively large for how small he is. thick around, roughly about 7 or so inches long, with a slight upward curve, settled into trim midnight hair. it's soft to the touch, but tends to be very hot in terms of temp, darkening in color for this reason. it's not as sensitive as, say, his mouth or ass, where even a lick or a little touch would have him shaking - touch his dick and he'll shiver and sigh, but not nearly to the same degree. his balls are of average size and his cum is relatively thin - he's also a squirter.
asuka uses a strap, but they're a little freaky in their utter lack of experience, so everything they use they get from sites like b-d. they're always big, bigger than they can personally handle without effort, and firm but not so firm they're hard. their favorite has ridges and ribs along the shaft, a rounded point at the tip, and is marbled in brown and gold to match their feathers - make it feel like its theirs, if you follow me.
mharra's is about 6.5-7" in length, settled into a nest of thick, black hair. meaty, weighty, and uncircumcised. it's slightly darker and tanner than his skin tone, and the vein is a smidge more pronounced than usual. it curves ever so slightly to the left. his balls are pretty average, nothing to write home about there, and his cum is perhaps the least potent, least quantitative. he's also not terribly sensitive, and has a stamina comparable to that of loux's.
hydre's can be anything he wants it to be, as he is a shifter god, but he prefers long, girthy, and intimidating nestled into bluish-white hair with a thick knot at the base. his cock has layered ridges and is textured for optimal stimulation for his partners. similarly to furie, it is colored to match his dragonhide, fading from pale pinkish white at the tip to sapphire blue at the base. big and very full balls, he cums a lot, and it is a bluish-white as well. do not count on a quickie with him ever.
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imgnnafurgf · 8 months
So. I see all Seeds siblings as bisexual, but here's what I think about their preferences:
Faith prefers women
Jacob prefers men
John doesn't have any preferences. It's good enough if it's moving
Joseph prefers being a piece of shit
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what are your favorite horror movies/movies that you'd rec?
Yayyyyy okay this is a preddy long list all off the top of my head so I might reblog later with more lol. Some of these aren't exactly horror but everything on here is at least a thriller which for my money counts
Screenlife, faux broadcast, & found footage
Host (There's a couple pictures with this title, look for the COVID era film it's about an hour long. I believe it's on Shudder)
The Collingswood Story
The Blair Witch Project
The Last Broadcast
Creep & its sequel
Milk & Serial (recent microbudget horror, full film is on youtube)
This House Has People In It (technically not a Movie but look for the full version on youtube and you can watch it like one)
Lake Mungo (!)
The Bay
Give Me Pity!
We're All Going to the World's Fair
Sorry everything else is gonna be by decade instead of genre 😔
Look up anything produced by Roger Corman
What Ever Happened to Baby Jane?
Village of the Damned
Rosemary's Baby although I really prefer the novel and recommend that with a little more enthusiasm
Night of the Hunter
The Bad Seed
Really anything with Vincent Price is going to be a good time
Obviously Night of the Living Dead is a classic for a reason but Dawn of the Dead is one of my favorite movies of all time. Watch this movie.
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
Invasion of the Body Snatchers
The Brood
Don't Look Now
PLEASE double feature Let's Scare Jessica to Death and Robert Altman's Images
Sole Survivor
Pick a Cronenberg. Any Cronenberg. My favorites are Scanners, the Dead Zone (good option if you're not into body horror), and Dead Ringers!
The Changeling
Possession (!)
The Vanishing/Spoorloos (!!!!!!!)
Please double feature Blue Velvet and River's Edge in any order for an upsetting night in with Dennis Hopper
The Child's Play franchise gets worse with every installment but is always really, really fun
The Shining
The Thing
Blow Out
The Seventh Continent
Benny's Video
Funny Games
IT (the miniseries)
Jacob's Ladder
In the Mouth of Madness
Wes Craven's New Nightmare (great even if you don't like Nightmare on Elm Street)
Lost Highway
The Silence of the Lambs
Night Breed
Ring (original Japanese version)
The Sixth Sense
Fire in the Sky
Stir of Echoes
Mulholland Drive
Inland Empire
A Tale of Two Sisters (remade in America as the Uninvited, also pretty good!)
Ginger Snaps
The Descent
Dead End
The War of the Worlds
The Others
One Hour Photo
Get Out
The Witch
The Lighthouse
Beyond the Black Rainbow
The Wailing
The Night House
The Beast
Talk to Me
The First Omen
I Saw the TV Glow
I'm Thinking of Ending Things
Crimes of the Future
Nightmare Alley (the original is also very good!)
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simplegenius042 · 9 months
A very late WIP Wednesday
Tagged by @g0dspeeed @adelaidedrubman @socially-awkward-skeleton @direwombat and @cassietrn
Tagging @strangefable @carlosoliveiraa @shallow-gravy @minilev @wrathfulrook @josephslittledeputy @nightbloodbix @derelictheretic @deputyash @deputy-morgan-malone @inafieldofdaisies @ec-10 @ladyoriza @vampireninjabunnies-blog @voidika @onehornedbeast @thewanderer-000 @softtidesworld @snake-in-the-garden @corvosattano @henbased @neverthesameneveranother @chazz-anova and @strafethesesinners
Here are three WIPs, each from Far Cry The Silver Chronicles, A Radioactive Calamity of Love, Bombs & Gore and Life, Despair & Monsters. Read below the cut.
TW: Harsh and heavy cursing, mentioned/implied character and general death of NPCs (either it be a time loop or a cybernetic homicidal monster around nine or ten feet tall and very pissed off). Implied mentioned sexual content, mentions of abuse and fantastical racism (against ghouls, Jericho leave Gob alone!). Mentioned prostitution and fantasies of murder (illegal but understandable).
First WIP is for the time loop/"Groundhog Day" FC5 AU fic called You're Almost Like Family where the Seeds are stuck in a, well, time loop. And whenever Silva (or the Seeds themselves) die, well, the days are reset. Funniest part is, none of the Seeds know that they are all in a loop, just their individual selves. Snippet below:
[John] slammed the entrance to his chalet shut, causing the blonde figure sorting his papers in his lounge to jump. The documents slipped out of her hands as she stood up with a hand to a holster, only to calm down when she realized it was him.
Noticing that the reports laid scattered on the floor, Nadi gave him a stink eye, gesturing to the papers.
John would have been apologetic if he simply didn't have time for this. Ironic given the predicament he was stuck in.
Sooner or later, the Deputy is going to end up dead, and he'll be back at square one... again.
The thought reignited his frustration, but he reigned in enough to examine his number two.
Nadi was a loyal member of the project, more faithful than Jacob's hound, and while they did butt heads sometimes, he was grateful for her presence and for her strategic input. Admittedly, John knew that without her, the Deputy would have gotten to him sooner rather than later.
I would have preferred not to have to had died to appreciate it.
"Once you finish with those, come meet me upstairs in my bedroom. There's something I need to discuss with you," John ordered smoothly, making his way to the stairs.
He didn't notice the confusion etched on the blonde's face, for John was already making his way up the stairs to his room.
It's times like these I wish I could have a shot of tequila, he thought to himself, walking over to the open bedroom window and closing it shut, pulling the lock down.
Next, he grabbed a torch light and shined it at the closet. Hearing nothing, he walked towards it and opened the doors. Empty.
Finally, John turned off his torch, knelt down, and swiftly rolled it harshly under the bed. Hearing no grunts, he looked under.
She's not under there... good.
John exhaled a huff of air, and sat on the edge of his bed as he put his hands over his face.
It was exhausting. Though John knew by the end of today, or the next two if he was lucky, the Deputy would be killed by something or another and he would be back at square one, he really needed to figure out how to reach out to her, without being shot.
Going to her too early leaves her shooting first and questioning the morality of it never, and trying to go to her late only ends up with her being killed by whoever it is she seems to have evoked the wrath of. Not that he thinks she doesn't entirely deserve it.
He needed guidance, and from his last conversation with Joseph, his brother seemed content with sitting by and letting God do his work.
And he tried. To wait it out. To let God do His work. But if the sign that John seemed to be getting was that leaving the Deputy to her own accord only leads to her death, and back to the morning of Joseph's arrest.
And it wasn't like Jacob, or worse, Faith, were going to be helpful.
John had figured out quickly that his intervention was needed for the Deputy to even get through another day. And while the Father may not have understood what he told him, John deduced that this was a test from God.
A test against his sloth. A test towards his patience. A test meant to prove that John was worthy of entering Eden. And what better way than to save the life and soul of another? Especially one as sinful and wrathful as the Deputy?
Which is why he waits for the only other faithful member of the project, his trustworthy second-in-command.
A knock on the door shifted his thoughts to the matter at hand, and he made his way to the door.
Opening it, Nadi stood there, the blond looking at him with expecting brown eyes.
John pulled her inside, earning a yelp from the young woman, and closed the door behind her.
Here's a WIP for a collection of short fics from different character perspectives throughout my Fallout fic series A Radioactive Calamity of Love, Bombs & Gore. It is still under heavy editing, but I've got a good grasp on where to take it. Snippet below:
In the five of the twenty four hours she's been awake, Nova had expected more-or-less the same day as before.
Walking around and offering her body to anyone who came into the saloon had not been a life she pictured for herself as a little girl, but it was one that paid well.
Well, it would have been if Moriarty didn't continue to take a cut of her and Gob's pay any time a customer gave them a generous donation.
That and the amount of times Moriarty had utilized her services with no intention of paying her, but she supposed it was a better alternative to being kicked out of Megaton. Given Moriarty still had that power.
She drew in the smoke from her cigarette, and surveyed from her post as Gob gave another orange bottle of whiskey to Jericho, the ex-raider sneering at the ghoul, his disgust evident all over his face.
Thankfully he didn't make a scene, slamming the small bag of caps on the counter as he left through the door.
Gob stared at the bag, string noose tied tightly around the bag, not immediately grabbing it. Nova could take a guess that Gob was lamenting over the debts that he owed Moriarty. Debts both the prostitute and the ghoul bartender wordlessly knew their boss was unlikely to pay.
Gob snapped out of it though, giving a miserable sigh, and dragging the bag away from the counter for Moriarty to pocket later, turning his attention to the damn radio that never seemed to play at the right time.
It pained Nova to see Gob like this. He was a real sweetheart with shitty luck, and she knew that the only upsides in his life were the hope of one day paying off his debts, however unlikely that was, and the Gravity News Radio host screaming out "fighting the good fight", whatever that entailed.
She was also painfully well aware of his crush on her.
Though she never had minded his appearance to the point she'd hang out with him in public, given how much she knows the ghoul is actually a decent guy, she had her limits, which was rare given her current standing under Moriarty.
She hoped he could find some semblance of happiness, whether that be with a person or a life long after Moriarty was rotting in the ground. But it wouldn't be with her.
If things were different though...
Nova looked away from Gob, shaking the thought away. It didn't matter on the what ifs, right now she had a job to perform.
She could ponder a different time.
Just as Gob began to smack the radio, a risky action given Moriarty's repeated threats on treating his property harshly, the saloon door creaked open, and Nova spotted two teens enter. One male, the other female. Both wearing what appeared to be blue jumpsuits with the numbers "101" imprinted in yellow on their backs.
Nova eyed them both. The young man was of average build, short auburn hair cut neatly with a few strands springing out from the harshness of the wasteland most likely, and light brown eyes on the lookout for anyone and anything.
The young woman on the other hand had dark hair tied in a pony tail, was a little chubbier than her counterpart, and her hazel eyes were more focused, trying to narrow down a specific person.
They glanced back to the door, whispering amongst themselves, though not too quiet that she couldn't catch their words.
Amongst the harsh gravel Gob spat out at the poor radio, and the chatter amongst the patrons, Nova could decipher the words "here" "back outside" and "think she'll stay?" in hushed voices.
And finally Jennifer putting murder on her mind to the back burner as she remembers to drop, duck and cover my WIP of Sonya's Push. Snippet below:
Breathing heavily as she pushed her way through the audience as they gazed upon the newest arena fight between beasties, the bruises formed from her fight with Malvolio's bitch protesting against her movements.
The blonde looked back to the closed elevator door on the other side, paranoid that Malvolio's Beastie would burst through at any moment.
The speed of it had been abnormal, disappearing in a blink and being nothing more than a flicker of movement when it had slid down to the hall. The movement of its tail daggers swift and deadly, like her own claws. The red in its one eye, more robotic than flesh.
Why had Dicko approved such a thing? It barely counted as a beastie with the mass of metal it was made of! Jennifer huffed, and around the arena, looking pass the patrons in search of Dicko.
Her blue eyes spotted the Englishman on a lower circle, himself seated down on his VIP sofa that she once shared with him, disheveled but celebrating his escape with a glass of disgusting champagne, like the pig hadn't just left her to die to that one-eyed mech of a beast. As if the reason it was free in the first place wasn't because he allowed his creep of a "buddy" onto his premises, or the fact Sir Enigma might be a fucking alien in addition to a Darwinist with no care for the fact "handing control" did not mean "releasing the Beastie from its brainwashing bullshit".
She felt the razor claws pushing through her fingertips as she glared at the man from across the arena, anger and betrayal clouding her mind.
Those fantasies of killing him while in his bed resurfaced, and she oh so wanted to enact them now, with the sofa as an acceptable exception.
She wanted to get her claws through his throat before the Beastie could make its way down to the arena. She tried to move pass the cheering audience, making her way around to the other side to get to the stairs.
However much she tried though, a block of people just refused to move aside, and she was tempted to slice her way through if it weren't for the guards.
...Or the faint noise of the elevator door that echoed throughout the arena, deaf to everyone but her.
Frozen in place as she looked back, trying to get a glimpse of the beast that would no doubt tear them apart.
She pushed people aside to get a solid look. Enough people disbanded to show the doors opening to reveal the empty box of the elevator.
Jennifer's face scrunched in confusion, mouth gaping open and shut, lips stinging as the cut on her upper lip made contact with her bottom one. She desperately searched for any sign of the beast, the monster made of steel, the relentless creature that stalked and hunted her not moments ago.
Upon still seeing nothing, she let out a mirthless laugh as she turned her back to the elevator, shaking her head as she focused her attention on Dicko once more, the man a ring below talking with one of his guards.
It was with this focus that she noticed a... shift on the stone barriers that kept the audience at bay.
Large spots on the stone cracked, small dusts of powder dropping down as an unseen pressure was placed on the stone. She saw more of this dust from the next ring up, and then the next, and the next.
Up and up and further up until it stopped at the final ring. Then dust slowly dropped down from the roof, unbeknownst to the audience too invested on the violence happening between the two wild beasties below them. Not that the fight between those Beasties were anything special unlike what she saw from her hunter mere hours ago.
Jennifer felt some familiarity with this, words exchanged to her by the madman who released the Apex from its prison, a far too fond explanation on how the creature could "rush so fast it would be merely a flicker to the human eye!"
"...Or match its environment to disappear right before you," Malvolio explained, grinning at her with all his teeth.
Jennifer's eyes widened as she barely registered the outline of the beast that had adjusted its steel to uncloak itself while hanging from dark and dank ceiling. Red optic looking down to the cheers in the rings and the Beasties fighting under it.
She saw the tail split in three, and immediately followed her gut by making distance from the open space of the barriers.
She had just dropped flat onto the floor to curl up and cover her head when the she heard the wind and patron's necks crack in one simultaneous whoosh.
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lulu2992 · 2 years
I've been wanting to begin writing fanfiction for John Seed and you're such an expert on Far Cry 5 that I wanted to ask what do you think are some important characteristics to include when writing John's character?
I don’t know if I’d dare to call myself “an expert on Far Cry 5”, but thank you for the compliment :D
Before I give you my interpretation and understanding of our beloved Baptist, let’s start with facts and canonical information!
I assume you’ve already played the game, but some things can be missed and are not always included in cutscene complications, such as some of his radio calls (available here) and sermons (here and here). His combat/Arcade lines are here, Hudson’s Confession is here, and there’s also this. As for Joseph’s message at Seed Ranch, it’s here.
Below are three notes written by John:
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If you want to know what other characters say about him in Far Cry 5, I wrote a summary here (and the masterpost is here). Or, if you prefer listening to the NPCs’ comments yourself, you can find them here and here. Not everything they say is objective, of course, but it’s still interesting!
And they were probably cut for good reasons, but if you’re interested, his deleted lines are here.
Then, you may know about it already, but there’s The Book of Joseph, an official book about the Seeds and Eden’s Gate’s backstory. You can read it online.
There’s also a video about John on the IGN YouTube channel in which two of Far Cry 5’s main writers, Dan Hay and Jean-Sébastien Décant, talk about him. And in an interview, the third main writer, Drew Holmes, said the following:
John Seed, who is the youngest, sort of wants to be recognized by his older brothers as having value. But he continually screws up, so Joseph chides him saying he’s not doing the things he’s supposed to do.
I think that the fact he wants to impress his brothers (mostly Joseph) is a crucial thing to keep in mind when it comes to John, who he is, what he does, and why he does it.
Now, here’s how I view him, understand his role in the cult, and what I’ve decided to accept as true regarding his personality, backstory, and methods (because the lore is somewhat inconsistent):
John appears confident, almost arrogant, and likes to act tough, but his ego is actually pretty fragile. His opinion of himself greatly depends on what Joseph thinks of him. If he believes the Father is unhappy with him, he will work harder, even if it means sacrificing his own well-being, because he’s relentless and probably a workaholic. It seems to me that he’s a bit jealous of Faith because she’s Joseph’s favorite “child”. Not much is known about his relationship with Jacob, but the oldest Seed sibling is apparently protective of his two brothers.
John is very emotional but also emotionally immature, and this is probably due to his traumatic and abusive upbringing. He was a kind and happy little boy, but his father’s violence and his adoptive parents’ torture changed him… As a young adult, he suffered from various addictions and, even though he was a very social and successful man, hated everyone and everything, including himself. He apparently still has trouble identifying love and understanding how it works because he’s never really experienced it when he was a child (except with his brothers). The void in his heart isn’t as big as it used to be, but I still don’t think it’s filled.
He doesn’t react well to frustration at all and can easily lose his temper if things don’t go his way. I would describe him as a perfectionist. When the Deputy arrives, ruins his hard work, and indirectly humiliates him, he becomes determined to make them Atone so they can be saved and Joseph can be proud of him. I would even say he becomes obsessed with them.
He’s a lawyer, but in the Project, he’s known as the Baptist (or “The Inquisitor” before the release of the game). He Marks people he thinks are worthy of joining the cult and sends them a personalized video. Then, they are Cleansed (basically baptized) before being taken to his bunker, John’s Gate, to Confess their sins. He tattoos what he thinks their main sin is on their chest and, after a while, cuts it out to make them Atone. Only then are they considered pure enough to join the Project. Some people don’t survive this process, either because they don’t want to, are too stubborn, not strong enough, or irredeemable, I suppose. A fan theory says that he doesn’t mutilate people who don’t resist, but there’s no proof of that; it seems the tattoos he gives are always destined to be cut out.
John is a very, very skilled interrogator and can usually get anything out of anyone, not hesitating to hurt people in the process. In fact, he wants them to experience a lot of pain (and this is what Joseph is worried about). This looks like basic sadism, but I think it’s more complicated. Because of the trauma he experienced, and especially what he explains happened to him in his parents’ kitchen one night, John is obsessed with pain and thinks it can free people. He also believes in “The Power of Yes” for the same reasons. Say “yes” to pain, to Atonement, and be free, delivered from the burden of your sins. What the Seeds put people through is usually brutal (and similar to their personal trauma), but they all believe it works, serves the Project, and has to be done.
I don’t think John is hypocritical, and I can’t see him breaking the cult’s rules (no alcohol, no drugs, no fornication) because the idea of disappointing Joseph is unbearable for him. On the contrary, I believe he wants to rigorously follow them and hates it when people don’t. If he were to transgress, in a moment of weakness or passion, I think he would feel terribly ashamed and guilty (just look at his reaction when Joseph interrupts the Deputy’s Cleansing)... I’d say he believes in God, but he mostly believes in Joseph. Even if the Heralds are not certain the prophecy is true or the Father can really hear God’s voice, they have faith in him.
So that’s what I would say about John Seed! You probably already knew most of this, but I hope it helps anyway (and that I didn’t forget anything important).
Finally, if you want accurate information, I recommend staying away from the Collapse DLC and never fully trusting the Far Cry Wiki. The novel, Far Cry Absolution, the comics, Far Cry: Rite of Passage, and the short film, Inside Eden’s Gate, aren’t bad but they aren’t very reliable sources, either. Also, John’s exact age, height, and weight are unknown.
Good luck with your fanfiction! :)
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loops-n-boops · 1 year
While I'm on my bullshit I've decided to bless y'all with more Seed boy headcanons!
Jacob Seed
He can fall asleep anywhere. Will he stay asleep? No. But will he take a good thirty minute nap the moment he sits down in one of the piews? Yes.
Secretly doesn't hate Wheatys radio. He will never admit it but one of the chosen caught him humming Safari Song one time and no one will ever let it down
He fucking loves peanut butter. If he needs a snack and any of the options have peanut butter in it he will down that shit in twenty seconds
He has gotten high with John a few times. The first time it happened was a few months after they got to hope county. The two walked into a convenience store, high at about ten pm and knocked over a whole display. (Someone ask me to write a stoned John and Jacob fic please I'll have a blast)
Jacob and John came out to each other while stoned and the conversation went like this:
"Jacob would you still love me if I liked men?"
"No way me too"
To he more specific about my Jacob Seed sexuality HC I think he's Asexual Homoromantic.
He first started questioning his sexuality when he was about thirteen, finding himself attracted to one of their neighbors.
He calls Joseph Joey and John Johnny, he just doesn't do it in front of others.
When he's bored he radios John and starts screaming the DuckTales theme song (I don't care that it's kinda out of character, he's the annoying older brother dammit
Joseph Seed
When he first started talking to John again he asked him how high he was and John said "No, it's hi how are you" and to this day he views this as the funniest conversation he's ever had
He has a snort laugh
His favorite spider men are Peter B. Parker, Spider Punk and Spider Noir
He sleeps on his back and often people need to put their finger under his nose to make sure he's alive
He can't drive
He knows how to knit
He is afraid of Hurk Jr. and Sharkey. It is purely because they are extremely unpredictable
Would give homophobic target workers speeches on why they're wrong during pride month
When Jacob and John get too childish he pulls them by the ears
John Seed
When mad at Jacob he calls him dumbo
Do you need a hickey covered? Call him, he'll get it done quickly and accurately
He has shitty doctors handwriting
He doesn't spend much on himself but when he does end up spoiling himself you bet your ass yes coming home with a lot of candy and a four pack of beer.
He hates beer by the way. He prefers red wine and vodka.
He paints his nails when he gets bored
He loves Gordon Ramsey shows and will binge them at three am
He tends to bite his nails when nervous
Is the only Seed family member that understands social medias. However he isn't the social media freak most think he would be. He is so glad Joseph hasn't had the idea of having an official because he knows he'll get into so many comment section fights
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